❧ By the King. ¶ The effect of certain Letters Patents granted to Adam Newton, john Southcot, and john Wood esquires, for the use of a new Invention of Steeping all kind of Grain, that is to be sown, for the benefit of Husband●y. Whereas the said Adam Newton, Io. Southcot and Io. Wood, have through their great charge, industry, and experience devised and invented a new Invention of Steeping all kind of grain (that is to be sown) in a certain liquor compounded of sundry materials of very small value, which every Husbandman hath, or with little charge may procure: the which Art or Invention hath been found by many that have made trial of the same, to be very beneficial for the increase of Corn and Graine, aswell in sparing of Soil, as also in preserving the Seed from birds, fowl and vermin, as by Certificate exhibited unto his majesties Commissioners hath very clearly been testified: Whereupon the Kings most Excellent Majesty hath been pleased by his highness letters Patents, sealed with his great Seal of England, to grant unto the said Adam Newton, john Southcot. and john Wood, and their Deputies and Assigns, the sole use, exercise and benefit of the said Invention. And h●s Majesty hath also thereby straightly prohibited all persons, that none of them do attempt directly or indirectly, the using, or practising of the said Invention of Steeping of Seed corn and Grain, as is aforesaid, without the special Licence of the said Patentees, upon pain of forfeiture thereof, with other penalties expressed in the said Letters Patents. Given at Westminster the fift day of june 1613. in the xj. year of Our Reign of Great Britain, France and Ireland. God save the King. ALso these are to give notice and knowledge to all and every person and persons, that are or shallbe desirous to have the use and commodity of the said Invention, That if they please to resort to the house of there the said Patentees, or some of their Deputies, shall be ready to confer and agree with any such person or persons, for the licensing, using, and instructing them in the said Invention. ❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty.