❧ By the King. ❧ A Proclamation concerning Felts. WHereas We are credibly informed, That the workers and makers of Felts within this Our Realm of England, Have heretofore daily employed and set on work many Thousands of Our poor Subjects, both men, women and children, in Carding, Basening, Felting, Dressing, Pouncing, Blocking and Dying, with certain other feats, concerning the working and making of Felts, made and wrought within and near Our City of London, and in divers and many other Cities, boroughs and towns within this Our Realm of England, and Principality of Wales, whereby Our said poor subjects have gotten their living time out of mind, until of late years past, that very great abundance of Felts ready wrought and made in the parts beyond the Seas, have been, and now daily are brought from foreign parts into this Our Realm, and here have been and daily are uttered and sold, to the utter undoing of great multitudes of Our loving Subjects, who for want of employment as heretofore in making of Felts, are now destitute of means how to live, and thereby fall to idleness, begging, and other inconveniences; We therefore tendering the welfare of Our loving Subjects, do hereby straightly prohibit and forbid all and every person and persons whatsoever, aswell Our natural borne Subjects, as Denizens or Strangers, either directly or indirectly, from henceforth to unship, discharge or lay on land, any Felts, Hats or Caps, wrought or half wrought, in any parts beyond the Seas, at or in any Port, Haven, creak, or other place within this Our Realm of England, or Principality of Wales, upon pain of Our high displeasure, and such penalties as by the Laws of this Our Realm of England, may be inflicted upon persons so offending. And for the better execution hereof, We do hereby further charge and command all Customers, Controllers, and other officers of Our Ports, to whom it shall appertain, and all farmers of Our Customs and Imposts now, and for the time being, their Clerks and substitutes, that they and every of them do forbear to take any Entries of any Felts, Hats or Caps, made beyond the Seas, that shallbe brought into this Realm by any person or persons whatsoever, as they and every of them will answer the contrary at their perils. Given at Roystone the second day of December, in the xj. year of Our Reign of England, France and Ireland, and of Scotland the 37. God save the King. ❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. Anno Dom. 1613.