¶ BY THE KING. A Proclamation commanding Captains and Commanders of Soldiers to attend their Charge. Our Sovereign Lord the King being informed, That diverse Commanders, Captains, Lieutenants, and other Officers of the Armies, Garrisons, and Forces now in His Majesty's pay aswell in Ireland, as in the Low-countrieses, have too frequently resorted, and are at this present within this Realm, and do absent themselves from their several Charges and Commands, and considering that thereupon not only much dissoluteness, and neglect of warlike discipline in their Troops and Companies must necessarily ensue, but also great danger to the service and employment wherein they are placed, is manifestly threatened thereby. His Majesty willing to reform an abuse of so perilous consequence by the advice of His Privy Council doth signify and declare His Royal pleasure, and doth straight charge & command, that all the said Commanders, Captains, Lieutenants, and other Officers (except only those that are already designed, & appointed to serve in the Fleet, or Army now at, or near Plymmouth, for the time that they shall attend that service) do forthwith return and repair to their several charges, and there attend and perform the duties and services incident to their places. And that they, nor any of them do hereafter absent themselves from their several Commands, but only upon just leave obtained for some pressing and urgent occasion, upon pain to lose their said Offices and places, and to be further punished according to their demerits. Given at the Court at Tichfeld the fourth day of September, in the first year of his Majesty's Reign of Great Britain, France and Ireland. God save the King. ¶ Printed at Oxford by I.L. and W.T. for BONHAM NORTON, and JOHN BILL, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. M.DC.XXV.