royal blazon or coat of arms C R HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE DIEV ET MON DROIT ❧ By the King. THE King's most Excellent MAJESTY by the Advice of his privy Counsel, for diverse important Considerations, doth publish and declare to all His loving Subjects, That all Coins of Gold and Silver within this His Realm of England, shall be, and shall be taken and received, to be Currant in all Receipts and Payments, in such Species, and at such Weight, Fineness, and Value, as the same were Currant the first day of August last passed, and not otherwise. And that all Moneys of Gold and Silver coined since the said first day of August, in any other manner, then according to the Proclamations in force the said first day of August, shall be esteemed but as Bullion, and not be Currant. Given at Our Palace of Westminster, the fourth day of September, in the second year of Our Reign of England, Scotland, France and Ireland. God save the King. ¶ Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton and john Bill, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. M.DC.XXVI.