C R DIEV ET MON DROIT HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE royal blazon or coat of arms ❧ By the King. ❧ A Proclamation for the calling in, and suppressing of two Sermons, Preached and Printed by Roger Manwaring, Doctor in Divinity, entitled, Religion and Allegiance. WHereas Roger Manwaring, Doctor in Divinity, hath lately preached two Sermons, the one upon the fourth, the other on the nine and twentieth of july last, and after caused them to be printed, and bound up into one Volume, & entitled by him, Religion and Allegiance, in which Sermons, although the grounds thereof were rightly laid, to persuade obedience from the Subjects to their Sovereign, and that for conscience sake; Yet in diverse passages, inferences, & applications thereof, trenching upon the Laws of this Land, & proceed of Parliaments, whereof he was ignorant, he so fare erred, that he hath drawn upon himself the just Censure and Sentence of the high Court of Parliament, by whose judgement also that Book stands condemned: We, taking this into Our serious consideration, and being desirous to take away all occasions of scandal or offence, have thought fit, that those Sermons, in respect of those inferences and applications which he made thereon, be totally suppressed. And, to that purpose, We do hereby straight charge and command all and every person and persons whatsoever, in whose hands any of those Books now are, or hereafter shall be, that they forthwith deliver, or cause the same to be delivered, to the Bishop, or other Ordinary of that Diocese or place where he or they at any time are, if it be not within either of Our Universities; and if it be in either of the Universities, that then he or they deliver the same to the Vicechancellor of that University, to whom We do hereby give special charge and command to cause them all to be utterly suppressed. And We do further charge and command, that no man hereafter presume to print the said Sermons, or either of them again, upon pain of Our high displeasure, and of such further punishment, as for their presumption, in that behalf, may any way be inflicted upon them. Given at Our Court at Whitehall, the four and twentieth day of june, in the fourth year of Our Reign of Great Britain, France, and Ireland. God save the King. ❧ Imprinted at London by BONHAM NORTON and JOHN BILL, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, M.DC.XXVIII.