❧ By the King. ❧ A proclamation for the new making, altering, amending, dressing, repairing, proving, and stamping of Armours, guns, Pikes, and Bandaliers, both of the common arms, and arms of the I rained Band throughout England and Wales. WHereas Wee foreseing in Our Princely Iudgement how necessary it is for the preservation of ourself, and the Subiects of Our kingdom in general, That the armours, guns, Pikes, and Bandaliers within this realm, be from time to time repaired, amended, dressed, and stamped: And that those arms according to the just and full number charged by the Muster-Rolles in every several County, bee fully furnished, and completely maintained, which now as wee are credibly informed are in many parts of this kingdom much decayed and neglected, and that expert and skilful workmen may bee trained up, employed, and maintained, as well in times of Peace, as of war: To the end we may not bee enforced in times of war to seek for arms, Armours, guns, Pikes, and Bandaliers in foreign parts, and so bee eigher unprovided of them, or supplied at dear and uncertain Rates, at the pleasure of foreign Princes or States, when any unexpected occasion of employment, or sudden service for the safety and honour of Our Person and State shall require. And wee well weighing in Our Princely consideration the dangerous consequence thereof, did for Our better Information, refer the further consideration thereof to Our council at war and other special Committees, who vpon mature deliberation haue certified us, That the Company of workmen Armourers, Gunne-makers, Pike makers, and Bandalier-makers of Our city of London( being the skilfullest and prime workmen of this Land) are most fit to bee empployed and encouraged in this service; That so they having convenient employment in time of Peace, Wee may be assured of their true and effectual service in the times of war, and yet they to perform the said service at such Rates and Prices, as shall not bee left to their own discretion, but shal be particularly agreed vpon and ordered; And thereupon We haue by and with the advice of Our said council of War, and by and with the advice of the Lords and others of Our privy council, granted a Commission under Our great seal of England, unto John franklin, William Crouch, John Ashton, Thomas Steeuens, Rowland Foster, Nicholas Marshall, William cox, Edward Anesley, workmen Armourers, Henry Rowland, Richard Berrowe, Thomas Addis, John Norcot, William Dawstin, William Watson, John Watson, and William Graues Gun-makers; John Edwards, Robert Tacker, and Bartholomew Ray Pike makers, and John Gace, and William Beauchamp, Bandalier-makers, Freemen of Our city of London, Workmen of those Trades or Mysteries, who are accordingly willing to undertake this service, and haue according to the said Certificate, given caution in Our Office of Ordinance, to be ready when we shall haue occasion to set them on work moneys, fifteen hundred Armours, every month: And the Gun-makers as many Muskets, and bastard Muskets, and small shot vpon the same warning; As also the Pike-makers and Bandalier-makers a proportionable number vpon like warning, for Our service: And that they the said Armourers, Gunne-makers, Pike makers, and Bandalier-makers will bring up Apprentices from time to time, to be expert and skilful in these several Occupations, which are so necessary for the defence of this kingdom, so as they may bee employed in making, mending, dressing, stamping, and repairing of Armonrs, guns, Pike and Bandaliers in the city and country; And haue agreed and entred Bond as aforesaid, that they will not exceed the Rates and Prices in a Schedule to the said Commission annexed, & mentioned, expressing the several Rates and Prices, which shall bee allowed them respectively for the said work, which are very reasonable, and not onely without grievance, but very much for the ease and benefit of Our Subiects, who are or shall bee concerned, in respect of their former trouble and charges in that kind, and likewise will perform such other directions, as wee shall from time to time prescribe unto them for the better advancing of so public and necessary a service, as need shall require. And that Wee and Our kingdom may thus bee supplied with so necessary and useful a service, Wee did by Our said Commission give unto them, their Deputies, Assistants and assigns, and every of them, by them or the greater part of them lawfully authorized, free liberty, licence, power and authority to travell, or go into any County, place or places within this Our realm of England, and the Dominion of Wales, as well within Liberties as without, as there with the approbation and assistance of the Lord Lieutenant and deputy Lieutenants, where they should happen to come, or of any other to bee by them deputed and appointed, to make a diligent survey of all arms, Armours, guns, Pikes, and Bandaliers whatsoever, appointed to be found and maintained at the common Charge of any city, town or Village, and of the Trained bands, in every county, as well horse as Foot throughout Our said realm of England, and Dominion of Wales; And vpon, and after the said survey to new make, alter, amend, dress, repair, prove, and stamp( as need shall require) all or any the said Armours, Guns, Pikes, and Bandaliers, and make them complete and fit for service, as by the said Lord Lieutenant and deputy Lieutenants, or any other by them deputed or appointed as aforesaid, should be be approved and directed. And that by the direction of the said Lord Lieutenants, or their Deputy Leutenants of the several Counties, and divisions respectively, the said Armours, guns, Pikes, and Bandaliers once or twice a year, or oftener( if need should bee) bee brought to such convenient place, and places vpon the Muster dayes, or at such other convenient time, and times as they should think fit, to the end the same might be then and there viewed and suruayed, and as occasion should require, bee altered, amended, or renewed, as aforesaid, and that they might the better perform this Our service, and inform us by the Lord Lieutenants, and Deputy Lieutenants, as aforesaid, as occasion should require of all such defects, and negligences, as might happen from time to time, wee haue by the said Commission given unto them, their Deputies, and assigns, full power and authority, by the direction of the said Lords Lieutenants, or Deputy Lieutenants, as aforesaid( if they shall so think of it fit, and behoveful for Our service) to require all Ministers of Musters, who haue the Records, or keeping of the Muster-rolles of the said Armours, forthwith to deliver unto our said Commissioners true Copies of the said Muster rolls, to the end they might bee truly informed who ought to be charged with the said Armours, guns, Pikes, and Bandaliers according to the just number and natures of them. And vpon the same survey to observe what numbers of arms, Armours, guns, Pikes, and Bandaliers were wholly wanting, as aforesaid, that are appointed and ought to bee charged vpon any person, or persons, in any place, and to distinguish the utterly unserviceable from such as by mending, and repaying, might bee made serviceable, and to set down the numbers and natures of the defects, and to make up the said survey in a book, under the hands of Our said Commissioners, or any one, two, three or more of them, to bee signed, and approved of by the Lord Lieutenant, or Deputy Lieutenants, or such as they in every place shall deputy for that purpose, to assist in the said survey: And likewise vpon such their survey to approve of all such arms, of the Common arms and trained Band as should bee found fit for service, and to prove and try all sorts of guns, Pikes, and Bandaliers of the said Common arms, and trained Band before they bee used, or exercised, and to approve of such as should bee serviceable for warres, at the Owners charge, and being proved, should allow as fit for service, and allowing should stamp the same with the A. and the crown, being the Hall mark of the Company of workmen Armourers of London, which mark or stamp shall( with the consent of the Lord Lieutenant or his Deputy Lieutenants) remain in their custody who shall haue the charge to bee entrusted with the execution of this service: wherein, and in Our said whole Commission, they are further to follow such Iustructions as are, or shall bee given forth from us, or the Lords of Our privy council, or council of war in that behalf. And to the end no abuse, or deceit might bee in the number of arms, Armours, guns, Pikes, or Bandaliers borrowed one of another, wee did by the said Commission, give Our said Commissioners, or the Maior part of them, their Deputies, or assigns, power and authority, to cause to bee framed, and made, and to use, two other marks or stamps, to be first allowed by the Lords Lieutenants, or Deputy Lieutenants, or such as they should deputy for that purpose, the one to distinguish the County, the other the place or division, where the said arms, Armours, guns, Pikes or Bandaliers are charged and bee; which marks or Stamps shall remain in the custody of Our said Commissioners, or some of them their Deputies or assigns, and shall be entred into the said book of survey, to be Signed as abovesaid, for using and putting to of which marks and Stamps of the place or division aforesaid, wee did by Our said Commission hold it fit that Our Lord Lieutenants, or Our Deputy Lieutenants in every place and division should appoint and set down some competent allowance unto Our said Commissioners, their Deputies or assigns for their labour and attemdance vpon Our service herein. And that vpon the entreaty of Our said Commissioners, their Deputies or assigns( according as the wants and defects of the said Armours, guns, Pikes, and Bandiliers, should appear vpon the said book of survey signed as aforesaid, Our said Lords Lieutenants and their Deputy Lieutenants of the several Counties respectively in Our name should command and give order to the several places and persons chargeable therewith, within a reasonable time, and at some convenient place, to be prescribed to supply such defects, either by providing new Armours guns, Pikes and Bandiliers, or by mending and repairing the old, as there should be cause. And to the end no excess of Prices may either through necessity or ignorance bee put vpon the country for new Armours, guns, Pikes, or Bandiliers; or for the dressing, repairing, proving and stamping the old and serviceable, wee did by Our Commission require and command, That no armorer, Gun-maker, Pike-maker, or Bandalier-maker, who should bee employed in this service, should demand, take or receive for any new Armours, guns, Pikes or Bandaliers, for dressing, repairing, proving or stamping the old, or any part of them above the rates and prices in the aforesaid Schedule expressed. And wee did also by Our said Commission, will, require and command, all persons charged with arms, Armours, guns, Pikes or Bandaliers of the common arms, or the trained Band, that should then after haue of Our said Commissioners, their Deputies or assigns any new Armours, Guns, Pikes or Bandaliers, or should haue any Armours Guns, Pikes or Bandaliers, dressed, amended, repaired, proved or stamped by them or any of them, That they vpon such having or receiving from them any such new Armours, guns, Pikes, or Bandaliers; or vpon their having of their Armours, guns, Pikes, or Bandaliers, or any of them dressed, amended, altered, repaired, proved, or stamped, as aforesaid; should satisfy, content and pay Our said Commissioners, their Deputies or assigns, or any of them for the same, according to the Rates & Prices in the foresaid Schedule expressed and set down: And if any difference at any time should arise touching the natures or numbers of defects, between the Armourers, Gun-makers, Pike-makers and Bandalier-makers employed for the said new making, mending, dressing, repairing, proving and stamping of any of the Armours, guns, Pikes, or Bandaliers, of the common arms or trained Band aforesaid, and those in whole custody the said Armours, guns, Pikes or Bandaliers should be or remain, That the same should be ordered by the Lords Lieutenants, or deputy Lieutenants, or any of them, or such as should be by them or any one of them deputed for the time being, who should take the survey about mentioned, as by Our said Commission amongst diuers prohibitions, and other things therein contained, more at large it doth and may appear. Now to the end all Our loving Subiects may take knowledge what wee command ro forbid to be done in this so important and necessary service for the general good of this Our kingdom, and that Our people may not pled ignorance, wee do hereby will, require and command all and singular Our Lieutenants, deputy Lieutenants, Iustices of Peace, Maiors, Sheriffes, Muster-masters, Captaines of Bands, and their Lieutenants, high Constables, Constables, Headboroughes, and other Our Officers, Ministers, and loving Subiects, That they and every of them be from time to time aiding, helping, and assisting unto Our said Commissioners, their Deputies, Assistants, and assigns, and to such others, as shall bee by them, or any of them employed in the execution of the same Our Commission or the service thereby required and intended in all things, as shall be most meet, and to perform what to them or any of them respectively shal appertain according to Our pleasure herein, and by Our said Commission declared. And because wee are credibly given to understand, that the often and continual altering and changing of the fashion of arms and Armours( some Countreys and parts of this kingdom having Armours of one fashion, some of another) do put many of Our loving Subiects to a great and unnecessary charge and more then need requireth: For the auoding whereof, Our will and pleasure is, And we do hereby appoint and command, That hereafter there shal be but one uniform fashion of Armours of the said common and Trained Bands throughout Our said kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales, when as any of the said Armours shall be supplied and new made, And that, that form and fashion of armor shall be agreeable to the last and modern fashion lately set down and appointed to be used by the Lords and others of Our council at war. The patterns whereof are now and shall remain in the Office of Our Ordinance from time to time; which is Our pleasure likewise concerning guns, Pikes, and Bandaliers: whereof patterns are and shall remain from time to time in Our said Office. And Our will and pleasure also is, That( for the better completing of every of the musketeers of Our said trained Band, and that they may be better fitted and appointed for service( if need require) every Musketier of the common and Trained Band, shall haue, and bee from time to time furnished and provided of an head piece, agreeable to the modern fashion of the head-pieces of the Footmans armor, whereof the pattern remaineth also in Our foresaid Office of Ordinance. And whereas we are likewise credibly informed, That diuers Linkers, Cutlers and Smiths, and other butchers of arms, by their unskilfulness haue utterly spoiled many arms, Armours and guns( which by a skilful workman might haue been altered, dressed, amended, and made serviceable) and yet haue required great rates of the country for doing thereof, and diuers tradesman of other Trades and Mysteries, do buy, barter and sell arms, Armous, guns, Pikes and Bandaliers, which are bad and insufficient, to the great prejudice of Our loving Subiects, the same also not being agreeable to the laws and Statutes of this realm. Wee do therefore hereby straightly charge and command, prohibit and absolutely forbid, That no person or persons whatsoever( not having served seven yeeres, or been brought up as an Appreutice or Apprentices in the Trade or Mystery of an armorer, Gunn-maker, Pikemakers, and Bandalier-maker, and thereat served their time of seven yeeres( other then the said Commisioners, their assigns, Deputies, Factors, or seruants, or such as they shall allow of, and employ, and shall bee bound to do us such service, when they shall bee thereunto required, and haue his Name and dwelling place entered by Our said Commissioners, or some of them by their recommendation, in the Office of Our Ordinance, as aforesaid) do make, mend, alter, change, dress, repair, prove, or stamp any arms, Armours, guns, Pikes, or Bandaliers of the Common arms, or trained Band whatsoever, or any others, or any of them, or any part of them, or intermeddle therein. nevertheless, it is Our will and Pleasure, And we do hereby straightly charge, Command, and declare, That Our said Commissioners give encouragement, and respect, unto all such skilful and well-deseruing workmen, of all sorts of arms as they shall find in every place, or part, within this Our kingdom, and Dominion aforesaid, to haue them employed, and set on work. And it is Our will and Pleasure, That if Our said Commissioners shall not bee present, either by themselves, their seruants, deputies, or assigns in every County and place, when, and where any defects in arms, guns, Pikes, and Bandaliers at Musters or other such public meetings in each County shall bee found: Or if Our said Commissioners, or any from, or under them, being so present in any County, and Place, shall bee unwilling, and negligent to make, amend, dress, repair, and stamp the said arms, guns, Pikes, and Bandaliers according to the intent to Our said Commission, and these presents. Then it shall be lawful in such their negligence, and default, at such time, or times, and in such cases onely for the said Owners of arms to carry their Armours, guns, Pikes, and Bandeliers unto such country workman being skilful in their Trade, as heretofore haue made, or amended any of them, to amend, and repair them as heretofore they haue done, without any trouble, or interruption of Our said Commissioners, or any for, or under them, Any thing in these presents, or in Our said Commission to the contrary, notwithstanding. And wee do hereby also absolutely forbid, That no Ironmonger, Cutler, chandler or other persou whatsoever, do from henceforth Went, or Sell any arms, Armours, guns, Pikes, or Bandaliers, or any part of them, but such as shall bee proved, and stamped with the said Hall mark of the Company of workmen Armourers aforesaid, being the proof mark, and also warranted by Our said Commisioners, or some of them, or such as they shall appoint thereunto, and be allowed by them to be sufficient, vpon pain and penalty of Our high indignation, and displeasure, and such other penalties, and imprisionments, as by the laws of this realm, or by Our prerogative royal may be inflicted vpon them, for such their Offences and contempts. given at Our Court at Greenwich, The thirtieth day of june, in the seventh year of Our reign. God save the King. ¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent majesty: and by the assigns of John Bill, M.DC.XXXI.