The Statutes Prohemium johannis Rastell. BEcause that the laws of this real● of eglond as well the statutes as other iug●mētis & decreys be made & written most commynly in the french tongue, diverse men thereof muse & have oft times communication & argument considering that in reason every law whereto any people should be bo●●dyn ought & should be written in such manner and so opynly publyssed & decl●●yd that the people might soon without great di●ficulte have the knowledge of the same laws. But the very cause whithe said laws of england were writin in the french tongue should seem to be this first it is not unknown that when wyllyam duke of normandy came into this land & slew king herald & conquered the hole realm/ there was a great number of people as well gentlemen as other that came with him which understood not the vulgar tongue that was that time used in this realm but only the french tongue/ and also by cause the said king & other great wise men of his counsel ꝑseivid & supposed that the vulgar tongue w●ich was than used in this realm was in a manner but homely & rude nor had not so great copy and ●aboundaūce of words as the french tongue than 〈◊〉 ●or that vullgare tongue was not of it sel● sufficient to expound & to declare the matter of such lawis & ordenauncꝭ as they had determine● to be made for the good governance of the people so effectually and so substantially as they cowd endite them in the french tongue/ therefore they ordered wrote & indicted the said law is that they made in the french tongue. And furthermore long after the coming of king wylyan conqueror because that the use of the french tongue in this real me began to mynyssh & because that divers people than inhabited within this realm which could neither speak the vulgar tongue of this realm neither the french tongue. Therefore the wise men of this realm caused to be ordered that the matters of law & actions between ꝑtes should be pleaded showed and defended/ answered debated ●●uggyd in the english vulgar tongue & more over the wryttyn & entered of record in the rolls in the latin tongue by cause that every man generally ● indifferently might have the knowledge thereof as appeareth by a statute made. in the xxxvi year of Ed. iii. ca ultimo. wherefore as I suppose for these causꝭ before rehearsed the law is of this realm were indytid & wryttin in the french tongue which was intended for a right good purpose. But yet beside this now of late days, the most noble prince our late sovereign lord king henry the vii worthy to be called the second salomon (which excelled in politic wisdom all other princes that reyngned in this realm before his time) concydering and well perseyving that our vulgar english tongue was marvelously amended & augmented by reason that diverse famous clerks & learned men had translate and made many noble works into our english tongue whereby there was much more plenty & abundance of english used than there was in times past. & by reason there of our vulgar tongue so amplified & sufficient of itself to expound any laws or ordinauncis which was needful to be made for the order of this realm/ and also the same wise price considering that the universal people of this realm had great pleasure and gave themself greatly to the reading of the vulgar english tongue. ordained and caused that all the statutes and ordinauncis which were made for the common wealth of this realm in his days should be indicted & wryttyn in the vulgar english tongue & to be published declared and imprintid so that than universally the people of the realm might soon have the knowledge of the said statutis & ordynauncies which they were bound to observe/ & so by reason of that knowledge to avoid the danger an● penaltes of the same statutes/ & also the better to life in tranquillity & pease. which dyscreyt chartable & reasonable order our most dread sovereign lord that now is king Henry the viii hath continued & followed & caused all the statutes that have be made in his days to be also indicted and written in our english tongue to the intent that all his league people might have the knowledge there of All which goodly purposes & intenties in my mind often times revoluyde hath caused me to ●ake this little pain to translate out of french in to english the abbreviation of the statutes ma●● before the first year of the rein of our late s●uereyn lord king Hen. the vii & also though that the statu●ꝭ made as well in the time of the se●d king Hen. the vii as in the time of our sovereign lord that now is be sufficiently indicted & written in our english tongue. yet to them that be desirous shortly to know the effect of them they be now more tedious to read than though the matter & effect of them were compendyously abbreviated wherefore now as far as my simple wit & small learning will extend I have here take upon me to abbregge the effect of them more shortly in this little book/ beseeching all them to whom the sight there of shall come to accept it in gre● & though they shall fortune to find any thing my●●eportyd or omitted! by my neglygens or else by neclygens of the printers that it would like them to pardon me & to consider my good will which have intended it for a coming wealth for the causꝭ & considerations before rehearsed/ and also if that it shall fortune them to be in doubt in any point thereof yet if it please them they may resort to the hole statute where of this book is but a bred gement & in manner but a kalendre● And further more I will advertise every man that shall fortune to have any matter in ure to resort to some man that is learned in the laws of this realm to have his council in such points which he thinketh doubtful concerning the said statutes by the knowledge whereof and by the diligent observing of the same he may the better do his doughty to his prince & soverayngne and also live in tranquillity and pease with his neighbour according to the pleasure and commandment of almighty god to whom be eternal laud & glory. Amen. Tabula ¶ abjuration fo pri account fo. primo action popular fo. two. accusation fo. two. a●dycyon fo two admiral fo. two administrators fo. iiii age fo. v aid of the king fo. v alyen● fo. vi ambidexter fo● seven amendment fo. seven amerciament fo. seven am●su●ement fo viii apparel fo. viii apprentyce fo. viii apꝓp●i●ciō fo. ●iiii apr●●mentes fo. ●iiii. app●ll. fo. xv. ●re●●es fo ●vi artificer● fo. xvi. armour fo. xvi archery. fo. ●vii. a●●yse fo. xi●. adjournment fo. ●●i. association. fo ●vii attaint foe x●ii attainder fo. xxiiii attorney. fo. xxv averment. fo. ●xvi advowry fo. xxvii auwoson. fo. xxvii awnage fo x●viii B ¶ baylyfis. foe xxviii bastardy/ fo. xxix beggars fo. nineteen. benevolence. fo. thirty bedding. fo. thirty. berwyk. fo. nineteen. bygamy fo. thirty bysshopis. fo ●xxi● bow●s & bowstrauꝭ xxxi befeler of the king ●x●i boatmen fo. xxxii. bochers. fo. xx●i● broker's fo●●x●iii● brod●rers fo. x●xiii braugwyne fo. xxxiii butter & cheese fo. ●xxiii. C ¶ Cal●ce fo. xxxiii captains and messenger's foe x●●iiii c●rtyficacion fo. xxxiiii cessavyt fo. xxxiiii challenge fo. xxxv Challenge for the king fo xxxv. champerty fo. xxxv chaplains fo. xxxvi chartor of pardon fo. ●od. chestershyre fo. xx●viii cirografer fo. eod. clerks fo. eodem ●lerkys of the market fo. xxxix clerks of the eschekyr fo. xl clerk of the statute in̄chaūt modem clerks of the shyryf fo. eodem clerk of the chancery fo. eodem. colys fo. eodem colectours fo. eod● collusion fo xli. comen pleas fo. xlii. compleynt fo. eodem commin bench fo. ●lii. commissions & commyssyours fo modem conspiracy fo. xliii. constable marshal xliiii consultation fo. xliiii. contra formam colusyonis fo. xlv convocation fo. xlv conusance fo. eod cordynars and coryers fo. xlv. corn fo. xlvii coron. fo. xlviii coroners fo. eodem corpus cum causa fo. li. cosyn●ge fo. lii counterplede voucher fo. lii crossies fo. liii crykkes fo. liii cui in vita fo. liii cunage fo. liii custom fo. liii customers and controllers fo. liv. D damage fo. lvi day fo. lvii darem pnsentment fo● lviii declaration fo. lviii. demmark fo. lviii det fo. lviii. det of the king fo. lix Disseysyn with robbe●ye fo. lix disseit fo. lix. dimes fo fo. lix. distress. fo. lix dower fo. lxi dorchestre fo. l●i drapry. fo. lxii drawlatch fo. lxvii. dry exchange fo. lxvii E ¶ Elections' fo. lxvii. encombent fo. lxvii endytement fo lxviii englyssyre fo. lxix. england fo. lxix. englyshmen fo. lxix ●nfans fo. lix. entre fo. lxx. error fo. eodem escape fo. lxxi exchange fo lxxi escheat fo. lxxii. eschetour fo. lxxii escheky● fo. lxxv. esson fo. lxxvii. estreties fo. lxxix. estrypament fo. lxxx everwik & york fo. lxxx exception fo. lxx●i excommengement fo. l●●xi. execution fo eodem executors fo. lxxxii. exemption fo l●xxiii exemplification. fo. lxxxiiii exigent fo. ●odem expens of kny●htꝭ. eod exposition of words fo. l●xxv extortion fo. lxxxvii F faukon fo lxxxvii● falls iugementꝭ fo ●ode● fealte fo. ●odem fayris fo. ●odem feffementies and gifts fo lxxxix ●e●auntes and partrychis fo. xci. velonye. fo. xci. ●ermis fo. xcii fees forfeytꝭ fo xciii fees of court. fo. xciii fines fo. xciii. fynys forfeit to the king fo. xciii f●nours fo. xcv fish. fo. xcv forcyble entre fo. xcv forfeiter fo. xcvii forest. fo. xcviii forging of false dedis c formedon. fo. ci for stallers. fo. c.i ●reris. fo. c.ii ●ustyan. fo. cii G ¶ Gaylys fo. c.iii jail deliver fo. c.iii ●aging of winꝭ. foe c.iiii gyldies of frat. fo. c.iiii gold & silver. fo. cv goldsmythis fo. H Hattꝭ & cappꝭ. fo. c.vii havis & ryverse c.vii haukꝭ fo. c.viii herons. fo. c. i● high ways. foe c.ix horners. fo. c.ix horse & marsh. fo. c.x hostelers. fo. c.x. housis of religion fo. c.x homa●●. fo. c.xi hospytallꝭ foe c xii. hundredis fo. c.xii hunters. fo. c.xii husbandry. fo. c.xiii I ¶ Idemptitate nominis fo. c.xiiii issues. fo. c.xiiii jointenance. fo c xv jointure. fo. c.xv ireland fo. c xv iron. foe c.xvi judgement fo c. ●vii juris utrum fo c.xvii iurour fo. c.xvii. justice of pease fo. c.xix justice of assize fo. c.xxv justice of both benches fo. c.xxvii justice of jail deliver. foe c.xxvii K Knights fo. c.xxviii L ¶ labourers c.xxviii lancaster fo. c xx●i legacies fo. c.xxxi. letters patentꝭ fo. c.xxxi. letters of mnk. fo. c xxxi. libel fo. c.xxxi licence fo. c.xxxii. limitation fo. c.xxxii. liver of landꝭ fo. c.xxxii liver of company fo. c.xxxiii Lollards fo. c.xxxvi london fo. c●xxxvii. lords fo. c.xxxviii. M Mainprize fo. c. xx●viii maintenance fo. c xxxix marshal fo. c.xl marshalsye fo. c.xii merchants. fo. c.xliii marches fo. c.l. merck fo. c.l. masons fo. c.l mesue fo. messonges fo. mesures fo mysprysyon fo. money. fo. c.lii mordauncestour fo. mortmayn fo. c.lvi multiplication fo. c.lvii murage fo. c lvii. murdur fo c.lvii. N Ne iniuste vexes c lvii Nisi prius fo. c.lvii. northumberlond fo. c lix. norwyche fo. eodem nonsuite fo. c.lix nontenure fo. eodem nusaunce. fo. eod. O obligation fo. c.lx officers fo. eodem oath of the king fo. c.lxi oath of the justice. c.lxi ordinaries fo c. l●ii ordinance by bodye● incorporate fo. c.lxii. oil fo. c.lxii. oyer & tminn. fo. c.lxiii. P panel fo. c.lxiii. parliament fo. c. l●iiii pain hard and straight fo. c.lxi.. ●ardon fo. eod. passage fo. eodem ●atenmakers. fo. c.lxx ●atentys fo eodem petition. fo. c.lxxi. ●erꝭ of the reaml. c.lxxii ●epoudars. fo. eod. pewterer's fo. eodem ●he●●●iōs fo. c.lxxiii. ●lays & gamꝭ c.lxxiiii ●lees fo. c.lxxv ●ore men fo. c.lxxv ●ope fo. c.lxxvi ●rechours fo. eod. ●rogatif of the king. eod ●sentmentꝭ fo● c. lx●●●. ●rioryte fo. eodem process fo. eodem ●cedendo fo. c.lxxxi proclamation. fo. eodem ꝓcurementꝭ fo. c.lxxxii prohibition fo● eodem protection fo. c. lxxx●ii provision fo. c.lxxxv puruyours fo. c.xc. purgation fo c.xciiii. pultre fo c.xcv Q quare impedit. fo. c.xcv. quarentyn fo. c.xcvi quod ei deforciat. eod quod ꝑmittat fo. eodem quo waranto fo. c.xcvi. R Rape fo. c xcvii. records foe c xcviii redyssesyn fo. cc. relief fo. cc. reasonable aid fo. cc. ●. repel fo. cc.i replevyn fo. cc two. r●scyt fo. cc.iii. return of sheryffies fo. cc.iiii. ryottꝭ & rowtꝭ fo. cc v. rivers fo. cc.viii. right ●o. cc.ix robberies and felonies fo. cc.x S save conduytꝭ fo. cc.x searchers fo. cc.xi seriauntꝭ of armꝭ f. cc..xi Seal of the marches fo. cc.xii severn fo. ●odem sewers' fo. eodem sheep fo. cc.xiii sentwaryes fo. eodem ships fo eodem sheryffys fo. cc. ●v savage fo. cc.xix. silk fo. eodem souldyars fo. cc.xx southwark fo. cc.xxi. staple fo cc xxi statute merchant fo. cc.xxviii. stelyard fo. stocks. fo. sub pena fo eodem. swannies fo. cc.xxxi surgeons fo. eodem surety fo. cc.xxxi T ¶ Tanner's foe cc.xxxi taxes fo. eodem takers of ꝓfetꝭ cc.xxxii tellers of new tythyngꝭ fo. cc.xxxiii. temporalites fo. cc.xxxiii templars fo. cc.xxxiiii tenure. foe cc.xxxiiii thrommies. fo eodem tyndall fo eodem tiles fo. eodem tin. fo. eodem toll. fo. eodem torn of shyriffꝭ. fo. cc.xxxv travers fo. cc xxxvi. tonnage & pondage fo eod treason. fo. eodem trespass fo. cc.xxxviii truces fo cc xxxi● trial. fo eodem w watermen fo cc. xl● vacabundies fo cc x● wager of law fo. cc. ●l●. war fo cc.xlii wa●des. fo. cc.xlii waries fo. cc.xlvi warranty fo. cc.xlvii. wast. fo● cc xlviii. wa●chaundeler fo. cc l. weirs fo. cc.l weights & mysuris fo. cc.l ●enery fo. cc.lvi witness fo. cc.luj. view of fraunkplege fo. cc.lvii wines fo. cc. l●ii. victual & vitellers. cc.lviii worsted fo. cc lix wools. fo. cc.lx voucher fo. cc. i●●. wreak fo cc lxii. wryttes fo. cc lxii usury. fo. cc.lxiii outlawry fo. cc. l●iii Finis Tabule Abjuration HE that abiurith the land while he is in the opyn street shallbe in the kings peace nor aught in no wise to be tro●elyd/ and while he is in the church his keepers ●ught not to dwell in the church yard except necessite or iuperdye of escape reqire/ nor he shall ●ot be compelled to deꝑt while he is in the church ●ut that he may have his necessary living & freely to go out to ea●e himself of the burdom of nature The statute called. articuli cleri capit. viii. ¶ A Clerk fleeing to th● church for felony for ●o have the puylege of the church affirming him ●elff to be a clerk shall not be compelled to abjure ●he ream/ but yielding himself to the laws of the ream shall enjoy the liberties of the church according to the laudable custom of ●he ream hydirto used. Articuli cleri. cap̄. xii. Account ¶ If the lord assign auditors to the bailiff or reseyver which be found in arrearages the ●●●itours shall commit them to the next geall of ●he king till they have paid the arrearages. And ●uch a bailiff or reseivour may find maim per●ours & have a wryt of ex part talis to ●ryng him before the barons of the exchequer & the sheriff shall deliver him unto them And the sheriff in whose prison he is shall warn the lord to be before the barons at a certain day with rolls & tails &c and in the presence of the barons or auditors which they will assyne the account shallbe rehearsed and if he be found in arrearages he shallbe commyttyh to the fleet and if he depart and willingly will not account he shallbe distrained & if he come auditors shallbe assigned unto him and if he be in areragys' he shallbe committed to ward ut supra: this statute gyffith ꝓces of utlary if the sheriff return nichyl And these persons so committed to prison be not replevisable etc. And if the gealour let them go at large/ a action of det shall lie against him but if he be insufficient than the action shall lie against his superior that commited the geall unto him. Westmester two ca xii ¶ The tenure of accomt gyffyn in the eschekyr by costomns countrollers shiryffꝭ & other shallbe send into the country where etc. for to be examined by comyssioners thereto assigned & if they be convict of fraud or ꝯceylmnt they shall yield to the king three times as much & be in prison till they have made fine and ransom to the king The vi year of henry the iiii Ca iii Auncyen farms and rents shall not be rated in account in the eschequyr xxviii E iii Ca iiii ¶ Every costommer upon his account shallbe sworn to answer the king of all ꝓfetis & commodities for the payment of any assignment be it by tail or in any other manner iiij. H iiij Ca xx Action popular If the defendant in action popular plead a recovery in bar had again himself by an other person or else that the same defendant before that time barred any such plaintiff in the action popular The plaintiff may aver that such recovery was by covin or that such ● plaintiff was barred by covin or colution that is to say agreement between the plaintiff and defendant and if such covin or colution be found the plaintiff shall have judgement and the defendant shall have imprisonment of ij years Also a release made by any estrange person before such an action or indytemnt or after be not allowed provided that no plaintiff b● received to aver such covin in case where the point of the same action or where such covin or colusion hath been before tried or lawfully found against the plaintyffꝭ or elliss with them by the tryell of xii. men and not other wise The four year of king henry the seven. cap̄. xx ¶ That all sewtis from the xx. day of november in the seven year of king henry the viii. by acctions' bills innditementꝭ or informations upon an● penal statute whereby the king is only entituled to any det movable goods or cattellꝭ so for●etyd shall be commensid & sewed within iiij. years next aft the offence or forfeiture/ And that all such seutis upon any action penal where by the forfeiture is given as well to the king as to the ꝑti● that will sewit/ than if the king sewit only that than that sewt by the king be commenced & sewed within the space of two year next after the offence and forfeit so made/ And if any other person sew therefore as well for himself as for the king that than that sewt be commenced within the space of one year next after the offence or forfeit so made/ And if any action or sewte be had or made other wise than with in the times limited they to be void & of non effect/ the seven. year of king H. viii. cap̄. iii. Accusation. ¶ No man shallbe take or imprisoned or any wise destroyed nor we shall not go nor sit upon him but by lawful judgement of his peeries or by the law of the land. magna carta cap̄. xxix. ¶ Non shallbe actachid by his body/ nor his landis nor godis seized contrary to magna carta .v. E iij capitu. ix. ¶ Non shallbe take by petition or suggestion made to the king or his counsel if it be not by indictment or dew original nor put out of his ●raunches or frehold without judgement xxv E. iij. Capitu. iiij. ¶ The accuser shallbe send with the suggestion before the chancellor & the treasurer & there shall find surety to pursue etc. & if he can not ꝓue his saying he shall have that same pain that the other should have xxxvii E iij Ca x●iij but that pain of pena talionis is put ow● by the statut the year xxxviii. E iij. ca ix but he shall be send to pson there to remain till he hath made greement with the part of his damages for the slander etc. & furthermore shall fine & ransom to the king Non shallbe put to answer with out p̄se●t●ment before the justice or by due ꝓces & writ original & if any be/ it is void in the law & holdyn for error xlij E: iii: Cap: xii ¶ The deffendantꝭ vexid by such accusementis before the kyugs counsel or in the chancery shall recover their damages xvij R two Ca uj Addition ¶ In wryttis originallis of personell accōn● appellis and indi●ementis where an exigent shallbe awardid the names of the deffendauntiss shallbe made with additions of their estate degree or craft & of the towns hamlettis placi● and counts where of they be or have be conversant or else they shallbe abated And if any utlary be pronounced in such case it shallbe voy● And though they vary from the record o●efpecyalte for such surplysage they shall not abate j Hucav. admiral ¶ ●●●●●ors a●● that they be retained to se●● the king upon the see and received their wages and after departed without licence of the admiral or his lieutenant be bound to restore the double of that they received & to have imprisoement of ij years without bail or maymprise & the king ꝯmaundyth all shiryffs mayre● and bailiffs that at the certifycat of the admiral or his levetevaunt witnyssinge the same to arrest them and to put them in preson there to remain till they have a special commandment of the king for their deliverance/ like punyshmnt be done of the seriauntiss of arms masters of shyppis & ●ll other that shall be a tayntyd by inquire before the admiral or his lieutenant that have take ought of the said mariners to suffer them to go at large after that they have them so therefore ●restid/ the/ ij. year of R. ij. c. iiij ¶ All manner contractis pleas quarrellies and other things done or growing within the bodies of the conntes as well by land as by water & also wrekys of the see shallbe determined by the law of the land and not by the admiral/ nevertheless of the death or maim of a man done in the great shyppis being harboured in the mids of the high stremis of the great rivers only beneath the bryggys' of the 〈◊〉 rivers next to the see/ the admiral shall have jurisdiction & in no nother manner And also to arrest the ships in the great streams for the great vyagiss of the king & the realm/ saving to the king all manner forfeytis thereof coming And also he shall have jurisdiction in the said streams during the said viagiss only saving all weigh to cities and borrows and lords their liberties and franchises/ The/ xv/ R: ij: c: iij: ¶ The admiral shall medyl with nothing done within the realm/ the xiii R ij c v & he that is grieved agains this statute shall have a writ upon his cas against him that sewed him in the admiral court & shall recover double damages/ & if the defendant be attaint he shall pay xli. to the king/ the ij H iiij c xi Look mor● for admiral in the title truces administrators. ¶ if a man die intestate the ordinary shall dep●●te the next lawful frendꝭ of the deed man which shall have action & make answer/ and be accountable to the ordinaries as executours● xxxj E iij Ca xi Age ¶ In a wryt of entry by the heir of the disseysi against the heir of the disseisour the wryt shall not be abated by the nonage of the one nor of the other nor the plentyff delayed etc. and if a man bring assize & the disseysour die before the assize pass the plaintiff shall have his wryt agains the heir of the disseysour of what age so ever he be/ & the plea shall not ab●d but it shall be pursued with quick su●t astyr the disseysyn And in the same manner this point shallbe in the right of the prelates of religion & other to whom lands & tenements may come after an others death whedyr they be disseysyes or disseysours. Westm prim Cxlvi ¶ if an infant with in age be kept from his inheritance after the death of his cousin grant father or great grant father by which he ought to have a wryt/ & his adversary allege a fefement or say any other thing whereby the justice award the inquest where it was delayed till the age of the infant/ here the inquest shall now pass as though he were of full age/ Gloucester● Capitulo secundo ¶ ● writ of cui in vita or ●ur cui in vita shall not be di●●erryd after the death of the husband for the nonage of the heir which ought to warrant it but the bier shall ●ary until the full age of the heir. westm two Ca xl Aid of the king ¶ where the king maketh a fefement and the deed there of made be so/ that any person by like deed or like feoffment be bound to warranty/ the justice may precede no further In other casts as where the king hath confirmed or ratyfyed an other man's deed in to an other man's right or granted any thing to an other as much as in him is. Or where a deed is shew●yd that the king hath gyffyn any tenement not no clause therein contained wherby● he ought to warrant it and for the occasion there of in all such like cas●s it shall not be surceased but that as soon as it is showed to the king they shall precede Of wymennys dowers where any ha●e the keeping off the heyris of their husband●s of the king is grant whethyr the keepers hold the land or the heyris of the land be vouchid or called to warranty if they lay exception that they can not answer with out the 〈◊〉/ they shall not surcease therefore but they ●●all proceed in the action according to right ●tatut de bigamis. Capitulo primo ¶ A man shall have but iiij wryttis of●erch were he hath aid of the king whereof every ●●albe delivered xl days before the return of the ●●me xiiij E. iii. Cap. xiii. Alyens ¶ priors aliens conventual institute & induct may have their beneficis in england so ●hat they find surety that they shall not discover the secretis of the ream/ The furst year o●●enry the .v. Capitulo vij ¶ Non of the king's lege people nor none other ●e farmer nor procurator to any alien whitche hath any benefice within this ream/ The three year of R etc. two. capitulo three ¶ Alyens shall take no possession in no benefice in england without the kings licence/ The 〈◊〉 of Richard two capitulo xi ¶ The king shall have the possessions of parlours aliens in fee if they be not conventu ●lls ●●●●stitute & induct/ The iiij year of henry the 〈◊〉 the last chapped ¶ It is law full for no alien to shoot in a lo●●● bow with out the kings licence upon pay●●● of forfeiture of the same bow & arrows & every of the king subiectis may seize the bow & arrows uj h viii Cap ij ¶ All aliens having any manuel occupacio● in the suberbis of any city or town with in th●● ream or with in ij mile thereof except oxford 〈◊〉 brydg & saint merteyns the grant in london 〈◊〉 be under the search of the wardens of the obstipation with an alion householder of the same ●●cupaciō to them chosin/ And they shall dely●●● to the same alions being a black smith coop pouchmaker or joiner a sign or a mark why● they shall put upon their work or they pu● to sale upon pain of forfeiter of double 〈◊〉 leto of the same wares Also if such wardenry find any resceyt in their works the workers 〈◊〉 owners shall forfeit the same wares the 〈◊〉 hal●f to the king the other to him that wyll●●● by action of detynew wherein no wager of 〈◊〉 ●●ecciōnor essoign shallbe allowed/ provided that e●●ry lord of ꝑliamnt & other that may dispend Cli●●● year may retain alions ●oynours & glasi●urs in their ●uice to exercise their art/ This 〈◊〉 to endure unto the end of the next parliament ● h viii Ca ij Ambydexter ¶ Ambydexter that is he that taketh money 〈◊〉 both parts shall be put in no jurre/ And ●uery on before whom that he passeth hath po●●er to inquire of his default & to determine it/ ●he v year of E. iij Ca x Amendment ●oke for amendment in the title of record Amercyment ¶ The townshippis shall not be amerced befo●● the justice of in eyre because that they of the twne of xii year of age do not appear before 〈◊〉 shiryffꝭ and coroners at the inqui●icions of ●●ery & other belonging to the coron while 〈◊〉 come sufficient of the townysmen except ●●ly in inquisitions of the death of man Mar●e Capitulo xxv No man shallbe amerced but according to his trespass saving his frehold/ A man of the church shall not be amerced but according to his lay fee/ Amercyament shall not be assessi● but by probable men of the same vesnew. etc. And yerlies & barons shall not be amerced but o●ly by their peeries etc. magna carta Ca xiv. ¶ Because that common fyn & amercyment of all the shires in the air of the justice is assessed by the sheriff & barrectours of the shire it is ordained that from hens forth in the air of the justice before their departing such sums shallbe assessid by the oath of knights & probable men & the justice shall cause the ꝑcellis to be put in their estreytis which they shall deliver in to the exchequer and not only the hole some. Westmester primer Ca xviij They use to do thus before the justice of assize of the amercyamēti● in the king's court and I suppose it is by the eqite of this statute & by the statute of magna carta before rehersi● And they shall set them by the oath of ij or iij ꝓbable men of the shire by their discretions ¶ No man shallbe amerced where he ought to have corporal pain xiij R ij ca viii ¶ The sheriff shallbe amerced for default of his return at the parlyment And they that cō●●o the parlyment aft●r the summons shallbe am●●●●yd & punished as they have been of old time v R. ij ca iiij ¶ if any man be murdered by the day and be that doth it escape/ the township where such murder was shallbe amerced & the corron upon the sight of the body and also the justice of the pease have power to inquire of such esc●pis iij H seven ca primo Admysurement ¶ Awryt of mysuremnt of dower shallbe buntyn to the warden nor the heir/ shall not be excluded when he cometh to his age to measure the dower by the sewt of the warden if he pnsue it ●eyntly or by colusion/ And as well in this writ 〈◊〉 in admysurement of pasture the ꝓces shallbe that at the grand distress days shallbe gyffin between the which two counts shallbe holdyn at the which there shallbe made opyn ꝓclamacon that the deffendaunt shall come at the day conteyny● in the wryt to answer the plaintiff at which day if he come not &c. they shall precede by default to the mysurement● W. two. Ca seven ¶ if the pasture be measured before the justice/ The plaintiff shall have A wryt of judgement that the sheriff in the pnsens of the ꝑtees warny● if they willbe there shall inquere of the second s●peroneraciō that if it be ●ound it shallbe send to the justice under the shiryffis seal and the sealis of the iurrous/ And the justice shall jug to the plaintyff his damage & shall put in the estretis the value of the bestis which he that overcharged after the mesurement made did put in to the pasture more than he ought to do & shall deliver the estretis to the barons of the esthekyr that they may thereof answer the king If the mesurement be done in the count than at the instans of the plaintiff a wryt shall go out of the chancery to the sheriff to inquire of the same over charging & of the best is put in the p●sturis above the due number and he shall answer to the king at the estheky● of the price of them/ And all these wryttis of second suꝑoneraconn that go out of the chancery shallbe enrolled/ and at the yeris end the transcriptis shal●e s●nd to the esthekyr under the chancellors sealle that the treasurer & barons may see how the sheriff shall answer of the issues/ W two C viii/ like wise wryttis of re●isseisyn shallbe enrolled & sand to the estheky● Apparel ¶ Non except the kings grace the queen the kings mother the kings children the kings brethren and sisters were any cl●th of gold of purpur colour or silk of purpur collar or fur of black genet●s upon his body or horse under the pain of forfeiter for every time and the same apple ¶ And no man other than the kings children or under the state of a duke or marks were an● cloth of gold of tissue on the pain of twenty marks and forfeiter of the same apparel. ¶ And none other than the kings children or under the degree of a dukis son & he●re apparent marqns or earl were any fur of sables under the pain of twenty mark & forfeiter of the same. ¶ And that none under the degree of a son of a duke marquis or ●rle & their sons & heyris apparent and under the degree of a baron were any cloth of gold or cloth of silver under the pain of x markis and forfeiter of the same ¶ And that none under the degree of the son of a duke earl baron or knight of the garter were any wollyn cloth made out of this realm of ●nglond yrelonde wales calies or marchis of the same or berwyk except in bonettꝭ upon pain of x marks & forfeiter of the same. ¶ And that none under the degree of a knight of the garter were any crymsyn velvet or blue upon p●yn of xl s. and forfeiter of the same. ¶ And that none under the de●re of the son & heir apparent of a baron knights sqnyers o● the kings body his cup bearers carue●s ●nd sewers to the king queen or prince having f●e ● the treasurer of the kings chamber and all other squires for the king's body cup bearers carvers and sewers and other having landis to the yearly valeu of. CC. marks/ justyces of both benchis the master of the rolls barons of the eschekyr and all other of the kings and queens counsel an● their physicians/ and may res o● the city of london for the time being w●re any velvet in their gowns/ jakettꝭ or cotis or fur of martens under the pain of xl s. and f●r●●ture of the same except such persons after here expressed & theson & heir apparent of all barons and eu●ry knight may were tynsel and cryms●n velvet in their dubletis ¶ Also non under the degrees above named except the son and heirs of knights and other having land or f●e to the yearly value of. CC. mark were any cheyn of gold under the pain of forfeiture thereof except such as be in this act expressed. ¶ Also the sons and heyris appar●nti● of all persons above named may were bla●●●luet in their dublettis and black damask roset & tawny/ and chamlet in their gownys jakettis and coats. ¶ Also non but the persons above named ma● were ●atten or damask in gown's jakkettis or cotis except he have lands for term of l●fe or revenum to the reyely value of. C. mark except such here after except upon pain of xl. s. and forfeiture of the same. ¶ And that none except he have lands or revenum for term' of life to the yearly value of. or else he be soon and heir apparent to him that hath possessions to the yearly value of. Cli. were satin damask or silk chamlet in their dublettis upon pain of xl s. and forfeiture of the same. ¶ An● that none under the degree of a gentleman except graduatis and yemen gromys & pagis of the kings qnnis & princes chamber & such as have p●ssessions to the yearly valeu of. for term' of l●fe or Cli. in goodis were any furris whereof there is no like kind growing in england or else where vnd the kings obeisance on pain of xl s. and forfeiture of the same fur provided that the fur be not of martns. ¶ Also the cofferer of tge kings housold● the two cl●rkys of the gr●ne cloth the clerk countroler the chief clerk of the kitchen the ch●ffe clerk of the spicery gentlemen ushers of the kyuges queens & princes chamber being daily waiters & sewers for the kings queens & princess' board endis/ the sergeauntꝭ o● th● s●ller pantry and sergeant porter gromys & pagis of the kings pr●uey chamber may were in their doubletes jakkettis & coats ●eluet satteyn and damask black tawny & russet and in their gowns damask and chamlet and about their necks chains of gold and the cofferer to ●●●re in his goun satin of the said colours & f●rr● of m●rtens and sergeauntiss of all other office and sergeauntiss of arms may were in th●●r dublettis bl●k velvet damask or chamlet in jakkettes ●nd cotꝭ damask & chamlet/ and gowns of chamlet. ¶ Also the marchall of the kings hall queen and pr●ncis gentlemen of every office & gentlemen of the chapel ● the master Cook's/ the iiij seconnde clerks of the kings household may we●e dubletꝭ of black velvet damask or chamlet & jakketꝭ & cotꝭ of damask or chālet● chanlet in their gownis & Also yeomen of the guard and yeomen of the queens chamber daily waiters and yeomen of the crown having the fee may were du●letis of black velvet satin or damask and chamlet in gowns And yeomen and grdmies for the kings the queens and princes mouth and the three porters and all other gentlemen fellows in the iiij Inn●s of court may were dublettis of satin damask or chamlet and jakkettis of chamlet. ¶ Also that none under the degree of a son of a duke ●arqu●s or earl or the degree of a lord or knight of the garter were any apꝑel broidered broached or guarded with gold silver or goldsmiths' work nor non other were any apperel br●deryn broached or guarded with any other thing than he is lymyte● to were by this stat●t on pain of xl. s & forfetoure of the same appell. ¶ Also that none under the degree of a knight and other before named except spiritual m●n & seriauntꝭ at the law & graduatis of the unyversites were above iiij yards of broad cloth in a long goun and in a cote or riding gown iij yerkes uppe pain of forfeiture thereof ● nor no seru●ng man under the degree of a gentleman above three yer●ꝭ in his gown cote or garm●t nor that he were therein no chamlet nor other fur but lamb growing in england wales or yreldnde on pain of forfeiture of it or else the value thereof. ¶ Also that no serving man under the degree of a gentleman were cloth in his hose above. xx.d. a yard except it be his masters levyuge upon pain of three s. iiij. dꝭ and of forfeiture of the same. ¶ Also that none under the degree of a gentleman were any manner of silk or chamlet or any points in any apparel upon his body with agletis of gold or silver or gilded/ or buttons or brochis of gold or silver gilt or any goldsmith work except it be his lords bag upon pain ten s. and forfeiture the same. ¶ And that none under the degree of a knight other than be except to were gowns of velvet were any pynchid shirt or pinchid ꝑtlet of lynnyn cloth or plain shirt garnished or made with silk or gold or silver upon pain of x s. & forfeiture of the same. ¶ And that no servant of husbandry shepperde conyn labourer nor servant to any artificer out of cities and boroughs nor husbandman having no goods above the value of x li. were any cloth above two s. iiij. d. a broad yard/ nor non of the said servants of husbandry sheperdis nor labourers were any hose above xii. d. a yard upon pain of three days prisonment in the stokkis. ¶ provided that this act be not preiudycial to any wearing the ornamentis of the church/ nor to no merchant stranger nor to non ymbassatours/ The master of horsis/ The master of hensmen to the king queen and prince/ the master of the kings armery/ nor hensemen/ footmen ● haroldis of arms myns●rellys players in enterludies/ nor to any for the time being in the king's garnyson/ nor in wagis in the king's war●e/ nor to any wearing apperel of the gift of the king queen or prince nor to no doctors nor graduatis of the vnyuer●y●es but that they may were velvet in their typpettis/ nor to mayors recorders aldermen sheriffs wardens of feleshyps' swerdeberer of london/ bailiffs and ●uratis of the ●ynk portis as well of all cities to wnies and borrows corporate as the meyr of the staple of Calais and the governor of the english vacyon but that they may were as their predecessors used in time of occupation their said offyces/ nor ●o non whom the king shall gy●e licence by placard. ¶ Also that the gentlemen ushers of the kings chamber have the forfe●ure of the apperel worn in the kings chamber the ushers in the qnnys chamber the forfeiter there/ the ushers in the princes chamber the forfeiture there the marchallies in the kings' hall in other placies in the kings house The marchallis of the queens hall in other placis of the queens house The m●rchallys in the princes hall in other placis in the princes house by mean of ●●isour or by action of detinew and the officers that furst seasith it or sewith the action of detinew to have the apparel & to have an action of det for the said penaltes so that the action be cōmensi● within xu days next after the beginning of the next term after the seasour the one half of the penalty to his use the other half to the king Also any of the kings house whom the king shall name and appoint may have the said forf●tours there as is before said if he furst seize it And if any of the said persons commense not his action within xv. days next after the beginning of the said term next after the said forfeit than any of the kings subiectis that will furst sue therefore to have it Also the warden of the ●l●te the marshal of the kings bench or their deputes to ha●e the forfeytꝭ of apperel worn in westminster hall a●d in the kings palace there/ And that all mayor's sheriffs and bailiffs in cities towns & borrows and bailiffs of franchises and sheriffs under sheriffs escheators in every count and constables in every hundred in like manner ●o have that forfeiter of apparel worn within their jurysdictions as is before said within the time limited or else any of the kings subiectis that will furst sew. ¶ Also if any person wery●ge such apparel make any resistance than he to lose as much more as he shall forfeit by this statu●e to be recovered in like manner as is before said/ and in all the said actions neither wager of law esson nor protection to lie nor the part to be delayed by no plea in disablement of his person nor to be barred by the king's pardon. ¶ And that the lord steward of the kings hous● being within the verge and justice of assize and justice of pease stywardis of letis or law days and every of them have power to hold plea of the premyssis as well by examination as by course of the common law and ●o determine the same as well at the kings sew it as at the pertes/ And that all other ac●●s of apparel any time before made be utterly void and repelled/ The vij H. viii. ca seven. Apprentice. ¶ If any infant use husbandry till he be twelve year old and after be made apprentyse his covenant is void/ The two year of. Richard ii Capitulo quarto. ¶ Apprentyse where his ●ad and mother may ●ot exspend twenty s. by year his covenant is void and he that reteynith him shall pay. C. s. to the king if it be not furst testified under the scale of two justices of peace of his co●●rey/ 〈◊〉 ●e that will ●ew for the king shall have the one half/ and in every let they that be out o●●seruyee shall be sworn to serve or else put in stokkis until they will serve And this sew it shall be take as well before the justice of pease as other justice/ the vij year of. H. the four capitulo vij The city of london is except till it shall please the king The eight year of henry uj ca vj. And the. city of norwich is except from the said statute/ The xj year of henry the vij capitulo xj ¶ If any artificer alien strau●ger after this day retain any aprentyse to work with him but only of the kings s●biecteꝭ except his own some or daughter s●all forfeit. xxli. for every time the on half thereof to the king the other half to him that will sew it/ the furst year of richard ●he three ca ix. in fine. ¶ No Alien denysed or not denysen dwelling in this ream shall take any prentice after the ●est of all ●●yntꝭ next coming except he be born under the kings obeysauns nor no borneman ●or covenant s●ruant alien born above the number of two upon pain of forfeiter of x. li. th● one ha●f to the king the other to him that will ●ew where wager of law esson licence & protection shalb● put out xu H. viii. ca ij. Apropriation. ¶ In every licence from henforthe to be made in ●he chancery of ꝓpriation of any ꝑy●h● churce ●e it expressly contained that the ordinary of the place shall assyne certain money to be distributed yearly of the fruy●ꝭ coming of the same church among the poor peryshens and that the vy●●●age be ●●ffycyently in dow●d/ The xu year of Ryc. ij. c. vj. ¶ Uicaragiss appropried after the xu year of king Richard be disapropryed and secular persons shall be from henceforth ordained vyc●r● perpetual upon the apꝓpriations to teach th● people and to keep hospitality and no religious person the four year of henry the iiij. Capi. xii. ¶ Churches ●ppropryed against the form o● the said statute. The xu year of Richard until now be void. And that no religious man b● made vicar in any churches so apꝓpried in time to come. Approwinentis ¶ The lord may apꝓw himself in his wasty● if he leave sufficient cumin to his freeholders an● if they bring assize against the lord the sufficient shallbe tried by the assize merton. ca iiij. ¶ The statute of merton shall hold place between the lord of the wastes wod●s and pasturis ● their neighbours/ So that the lord of the w●●astꝭ wod●s and pastures saving sufficient pasture to their men & neyghburꝭ may approw th● self of the residue/ and that shallbe obseruy● of them that claim pasture pertaining to they● free hold & cetera/ but look well ●he statute. ●. ij. Capitulo xluj Appell ¶ Non shallbe take or imprisoned by the appell of any woman for the death of any other ●●an of her husband. Magna carta. Ca xxxiiij. ¶ An exigend shall not be awarded against ●he accessary in appell till the principal be attaint by vtlary● or in other manner westm̄. j c. xiv ¶ No appell shallbe abatid so hasteli as it hath ●ont to be ● but if he declare the year & the day the town the appell shall stand & that he may ●ake the apple with in the year & the day after ●●e deed. Glouc capitu. ix. it saith not after th●●eth ideo quere. ¶ if in appell of murder or other felony the effendaunt be quit in due manner at the suit ●f the party or at the kings suit the appelour ●●all have in prisomment of a year & shall yield d●●age to the deffendant having regard to the im●●isonment & sclannder that he hath had/ And ●all make fine to the king/ And if he be not ●●fficient it shallbe inquired by whose abetment ●nd if it be found etc. the abbettors shall be di●reyuyd at the sewt of the appellant to com●●efore the justice. And if they be convict ●hey ●●all have imprisoment & yield damage etc./ Nor ●●er shall lie no esson in apple of murder in no ●urt/w●stm̄. ij. Cap. xiv. ¶ Appelys of things done with in the realm shallbe determined by the laws of the ream before used/ And appellies of things done out o● the realm shallbe determined by the constable & marchall/ And no apple fro hens forth shallbe sewed in the parliament j h. iiij. capitulo xiiij In appeal where felony or treason is supposed for to be done in a place/ if there be no such place with in the count where the indictment is laid the appell or the indytemnt is void & the indyt●tours conspirators or ꝓcurat●urs halbe ponysshid by imprisonment fine and raunso● by the discretion of the justice/ And that the appellees or the indytees shall have a wryt of conspiracy agains the indytours compiratours or procurators and recover their damage. xviij. h. vj. Ca xii. ¶ It is agreed for the grettyr punishment of murders that they & their accessoryes shallbe ara●nyd mayntenent after the deed at the suet of the king if they be indicted & not to ●ary the year & day for the suit of the part. And if it hap the same murderers & accessoryes so arraigned o● any of them to be acquyt or the principal of the same felony or any of them to be attaint/ the part may take his appell with in the year after the murder done against the accessoryes of ●he same princypal●ꝭ or any of them so attaint or against the same princypallꝭ or any of them so attaint if they be alive & the benefice off their clergy not take. And the appellant shall have the same advantage as though the acquittal or attynder had never be & he that of right aught to have the appell may begin it before the sheriff & coron in the count where the m●rder was done or before the king in his bench or before the justice of the gayole answer. and if battle by course of the comen law lie not in such appell the appellant may make an attorney iij. h. viii. Capitulo primo Look for appell in rape Arrest. ¶ All men must be ready at the commandment of the shiryffe to sew & to arrest felons when neds is as well within the franchises as without/ ● if any default be in the lord of the franchises ●he king shall take the franchises to himself/ ●nd if default be in the bailiff of the frau●ch●s he shall have a hole years imprisonment and make fine and if default be in any othe●●hey shall make fine: And if the sheriff corone● or other bailiff within franchises or without conseyll s●che folony●● 〈◊〉 feyn to arrest them & ●herof be attaint they shall have a hole years prisonment & after make fine if they have where withal/ & if they have nought they shall have two yeris prisonment westm i capitulo xiij ¶ Minesters of holy church at the d●uyne service shall not be arrested so that no covin be found in th●m l. E. iij Cap. v. ¶ if any arrest them as is before s●yd he shall make fine at the kings will & grement with the part i R. ij. Cap. ultimo artificers ¶ Artificers shall use but one craft save only women xxxvij E. iij. ca vj. Look more for artificers in the tytyls coryers labourers/ & tanner's. Armour ¶ In all parliament is treytes & assembles that shallbe in this ream/ That every man there shall ●●me without force of arms well & peaceably And that the king shall punish th●m and all oder force d●n again the peace at all times/ Statut de defensis armorum/ ¶ Non shall bear armour in disturbance of th● peace upon pain of for●etour thereof & his body to prison at the kings pleasure And the kings justice in their presence the sheriff and other ministers & their bailiffs lords of fraunchessis wardens of cities & boroughs constables and wardens of the peace within their wards have power to make excecution of their record two E. iij C iij Also justice of assize at thayr coming have power to inquire how such mynesters have done & to punish them No man shall ride within the realm with spear nor armour upon pain of forfeiter vij R. ij. C xiii ¶ Non shall ride nor by night nor day with no spear nor were no salet nor skull of yryn upon pain of forfeiter xx. R. ij. C. pmo ¶ Armour carried in to skotlond and the vesselt ●nd horse that carrieth it shallbe forfeit vij R ij● ca xv ¶ No servant of hosbandry or labourer or ser●ant artificer use non armour but in the time of war or going in his master service ¶ Non shallbe compelled to harness himself other wise than was used of old time .j E. ii● ca v. ¶ writing made that men shall come to the king in harness as oft as they shallbe send for is dampened ●. E iij. C xv. ¶ That every man under the age of ten yeris being not lame or other impedyment except sperytuall men justice of both benches & of assize & barons of the esch●ker have a bow & arrows in his house & use the s●me & that every man rulers of children ꝓuyde continually for every child in his house that is vij years of age till he con to xvij years a bow and two arrows and cause them to use the same and if any of them take wagis to abate the money on his wagis & when they shall come to xii. years than every such young man to ꝓvyde for himself a bow & four arrows continually and for every of the said defautis to forfeit. xij.d and that the justice of assize and jail delyuer̄ & of the peace and stywardies of franchises may thereof examine inquire & determine & the lord of every franchises to have there the forfeiture and the king in all other placis. And the said justyces and all other head offyce●s to punish such as use other unlawful games according to the statutes and to commit them to ward without bail or maymprise till they be bound to the kings use by obligation in sum some by the justice discretion frō● thence forth to use such games no more And that every bowea● for every bow of ewe that he maketh to make ●j. of elm or other would of low price and if the bowears therein be defectyfe and so found by xii men be fore the justice or head officers or by examination be fore the justyces of pease mayrs or baylyffyꝭ them they to be committed to ward by the space of viij days or more without bail or maympryse by their discretion And that butts be made in every town continued and used according to the ancient law and custom And that two of the said justice of peace may assyne and compel the bowears to inhabit in two or three or more placis of the shear as of●e as shall like them and there to make bows of elm or other wooed of easy price and that no strangers convey to any ꝑtes out of the kings obeisance any long bows or arrows or shafts without the kings lycens on pain of forfeiture and imprisonment without bail or maympryse till they have made fine therefore before two justice of pease in the sessions in the country where he was committed to ward or find surety for payment of the same fine & that no stranger being no devysyn use shooting with long bows without the kings lycenson pain of forfeiture of both bow arous & shaftꝭ & b● that can seize them to have them to his own use. And that all bostaves of Ewe brought in to this realm be sold opyn and not in bondellies/ The iii year of Henry the viii c. iij. to endure till the next parliament/ and after confirmed the vi year of Henry the eight c. ij. ¶ That non shoot in any crossbow nor hand gone except he have possessions to the yearly/ value of CCC. mark or else licence from henforth by the kings placard under pain of xli the one half to the king and the other half to him that will show for it/ and the forfeiter of the same crossbow or handgonne to him that will seize hi● by action of det/ and that non keep any crossbow nor hand gone in his house/ on pain of inprisonment and of forfeiter to the king. x.l. And that the action of the king be begun with in a year after the offence & with in half year for other persons or else the part to be discharged and also that these defautis be as well ponyshable be fore the kings counsel as before the justice of pease/ provided all way that this act extend not to crossbow makers/ nor to dwellers in walled towns within/ seven. mile of the see/ and other holdꝭ on the see/ costis or matchis for against scotland/ keeping cross chowes for their defence/ nor to no marchuntꝭ having crosebowes and handgonnies to sell only nor to non host logging any man bringing them in to his house but the fo●etour to be only upon the bringer. The vi. year of henry viii. c. xiii. All other acts of shooting in crosbo●wes made before this time here by this act/ are repelled. ¶ arrow hedes must be well steeled brazed & her denied at the point upon pain of forfeiture and prisonment and to make fine at the kings pleasure/ And that every head be marked with the sign of him that maketh them and/ the justice of pease mayors and bailiffs in cities and boroughs have power to inquere thereof and to punish them the vii year of henry the four capitulo vii ¶ he that may dispend. Cli. by year may shoot in a crossbow or gone and keep them in his house And he that doth contrary shall lose xls. for every time & his crossbow & gone & every lord having let that mayntenyth any within his iurysdiction doing contrary shall forfeit xls. the one half to the king the other to him that will sew where no their wager of law esson nor protection shall lie xv. H. viii. ca seven. Look more herefore in the title of bows and bow stavys. Assize ¶ Especial assize shallbe granted by the chancellor & a ꝓcedendo with out suing to the king where any landꝭ & tenements be granted by the king's patent with out title found by inquest or else where the entry of the king is not giffin by the law & the plaintiff shall recover triple dam against him so having the kings patent i h. iiij● C. seven. ¶ Especial assize shallbe granted by the discretion of the chancellor where a man is disse●i● with force & the pl. shall recover double dam & damn for the goods takin a way & that one of the justice of the one bench or other or the cheff baron if he be learned in the law be one of the justice & that from hens forth no suꝑsidias be granted to the contrary of such asiyse four h. iiij. C. viii. ¶ especial assize shall be arraigned & the panel thereof deliver uj days before the sessions and the bailiff of the franchises shall make their return eight days before etc. and that upon pain of every of them xl. li.vj h. uj ca ij. some books the panel shallbe delivered by indenture ¶ A man that is disseised with robbery shall recover damage as well of goods as of land & the deffendaunt shallbe committed to pson and like wise shallbe of dysseysyn done with force and armis though he do no robbery. w j ca xxxuj ¶ No eschet or sheriff or other bailiff by collar of his office with out warrant or other commaundmnt of the king or authority that longyth to his office disseise no man of his frehold & if he do the part shall have assize & recover double dam: which i c. twenty-three ¶ Tenant by elegit that is put out shall have assize. w. ij. ca xviij. ¶ If the tenant by statute merchant or his assiyne be put out he shall have assize Stai de marcatoribm. ¶ Tenant by statute staple shall have assize if he put out xxvij E. iij. cap. ix. The king guntyth that a wryt of assize of novel disseys● shall lie in many casis. s. of estoverꝭ of wood s. of ꝓfet to be takin in wood of nutties akornies/ & other fruits to be gathered of a corody delivering of corn & other victual necessary in a certain place yearly to be takin: of toll: tronage: passage pontage: & such other in a certain place to be takin of the keeping of a ꝑk: wood: forest: chase: warren gatis & other balywikies & a officꝭ in ff●e: & a wryt of free hold shall lie & have place as it had before in coming of pasture: comen of turbary: of fysshing & other like casis that any man hath belonging to his frehold or also with out his free hold by special deed at the lest for tme of life: & if the tenant for tme of yeris or the garden aleyn in f●e he shallbe had for a dysseysor and the fyffe also. So that living the one of them the said wryt shall lie/ and if by the death of any person this wryt can not give remedy/ them there shall be remedy by a wryt of entry/ and he that pasturyth another man's severill there shallbe remedi by this said wryt of assize and if in assize the dissesor/ ꝑsonally pled a record and at the day gyffyn him he fail of his record he shallbe had as a disseisor without recognition of the assize and furst/ shall restore damage found and so after found to be doubled & shall have a yeris prisonment W. ii C. xxv. ¶ recogniconis of assize shall not be take but in their counts magna carta. C. xii ¶ Two justice shallbe assigned before whom and non other the assize of novel disseisyn of mort anuiest or and attayntꝭ shallbe take/ and they shall assocyat unto them one or two of the most discrete knights of the shire into the which shire they shall come and take the asyses & attaynts etc. and in every shire or they depart they shall assygn a day of their coming thydyr again that all men may know and by this same statute the jurors in assize shall give their udet at large and the justice shall put none in the assize or juries but they that be furst summoned. w. two. C. thirty. ¶ There shallbe viii. justyces assigned to the assisis iurryes and certifications to be take thorough out all england but in middylsex they shall be taking before the justice of the common bench Statut. de justices assiss ¶ Other that be not justice of the placies if/ they may be found sufficient shallbe iustyc●s of assizes of jurrys and certifications thorough out the land to deliver the gealys three times of the year & more oft if need reqire four E. iii. c.ii. ¶ Assizes shall be holdyn in the tounis where the counts be/ vi. R. two. C. v. ¶ The chaunchelour by the advise of the justis may charge the tounis of assisies/ xi. R. two. c. vlt ¶ Assizes of the count comland shallbe holdyn in the time of pease at cardoil and in no nother place. Anno xiiij H. vi. c.iii ¶ Assizes of rent going out of tenementis in two. counts shallbe holdyn in the border of the counts as it hath be wont of comen of pasture in one conute appendent to tenements & a other count seven. R. two. cx: ¶ Assize brought agains the lord of the auncy on demesne or bailiff of franchises that be not disseysours nor tenntꝭ therein named for to take a way their franchises furst it shallbe inquired thereof by the assize & if it be found the wryt shall Abate in the hole ix H. iiij. Ca v. ¶ Where in assize the sheriff is named a disseyssour to the intent that he shall not serve the wryt the tenant shall pled it and shall say he is no disseyssour and if it be fond the wryt shall abate xj H. vj. cap. ij. ¶ if in assize or action personell the deffend make default by collusion between the/ pl. & him to take a way the conusaunce & that found by assize where such exception is aleyd or by inquest in action personal that than the wryt shall abate and the pl. the lord or bailiff of franchises shall have their challenge eight h. vi. Ca xxuj. ¶ A recover in assize shall not be prejudicial in the reversion to them that were beyond the see in the king's service/ to endure to a certain time ix. h. v. ca iij. iiij. h. vj. ca ij. viii. h. vj. ca xiii. Assize of the nisi prius were pror●gyd by proclamation be cause of the plyam●nt with out discontynuaunce ix. h. iij ca primo. ¶ Look for assize in the titles panel/ & in iurrour in justice of assize & in takers of ꝓfettis Adiournem●nt ¶ The justice of assize shall adjourn the assize in their journey & also in the bank for difficult. Magna carta cap. xii. ¶ The justice of assize from term to term shall adiorn the assizes if that by calling to warantye essoign or be default of the recognitours at one day the taking of them be deferred and if it be seen profitable for any cause that the assize of inordauncetour: by essoign: calling of warranty respited should be adjourned in to the bench: it shallbe lawful for them so to do/ and then they shall sand the record to the justice of the bench with the wryt original/ and when the plea cometh to the taking of the assize the plea shallbe sand with the wryt original by the justice of the bench to the furst justice before whom the assize shallbe take/ But the justice of the bench in these assissis shall give four days be the year before the justice assigned. W. ij. C. thirty. Assosiation in assize. Look therefore before in the title of assize. W. ij. capit●lo xxx Attaint ¶ The king by his office shall grant attaint upon an inquest in plea of land or of thyngiss which long to frehold when he shall see it necessary. W. prim̄. ca xxxvij. ¶ if the furst jurors that be alive come not in the attaint at the furst grand distress upon them returned or if the return be that they have nothing whereof they may be distrained that then the jury of xxiii. shallbe take by their default saving always other ꝓces in syche iurryes used &c. stat de attinctꝭ xiiii. E. iii ¶ Attaint shallbe granted as well upon the principal as upon the dam in a wryt of tres/ pas without speaking to the king and the justices in such case shall not let to take the attainties i E. iii. C. vi. ¶ Esson de services le roy nor ꝓteccon shall not be allowed in attaint & v days in the year shallbe gyffing in attaint .v. E iii C seven ¶ Attaynct shallbe granted in a bill of trespass before the justice of record if the damages pass not xl s. v. E. iij. C. seven. ¶ Attaint shallbe granted as well upon a bill of trespass as upon a wryt not having regard to the damag xxviij E. iij. Stat. ultimo. ca viii. ¶ Attainct shallbe granted ad well in plereall as ꝑsonnell & it shallbe gyffin to poor men with out fine and to all other for easy fine xxxiiij E. iij. Chapitulo septimo. ¶ if the tenant for term of life tenant in dower tenant by the courtesy or tenant in the tail af● possibylite of the issue extynct be impleaded an● lose by default or in other. manner/ that he to whom the reversion is or his heyris or successors shall have attaint or a wryt of error as well in the life of the said tenantis that so lost as after their d●th. And if such judgement erroneons be reversed or such falls verdict than the tenant that lost by the furst judgement. if he be alive shallbe restored to possession of the landis so lost with the issues in the mean time/ and the part pursuant shall recover the arrearages of the same rent if any to him be dew And if such tenant at the time of such judgement be ded that the restitution of such tenement be made to the part pursuant with the issues after the death of the tenant before said ●oyntly with the arrearages of the rent if any be dew to him in the life of s●ch tenant It is purveyed nor for that be ●ouyth not that the tenant that so lost by the ●urst judgement be alive/ and the part pursuamt will ●lege that the same tenant was of coven and assent with the demandaunt that recovyd that ●uch tenementis ought to be lost that than resti●ucon of the same tenementis be made to the sa●e party pursuamt with the issues & areragꝭ as ●s before said/ saving to the said tenant his ac●ōn by wryt of scire fac. out of the same iuge●ent so reversed or yielded in the writ of attaint if he will travers the coven & assent before said & ellis not/ & that this statut hold place in judgement to be gyffyn in time to come ix R. ij. cap. iij. ¶ A man shall ha●e an attaint of a verdict that passed before the mayre & bailiffs of lincoln which shallbe arrayed of the foreigns of the count & not of the men of the franchises xiij R. ij. c. xviij ¶ Also the record shallbe brought in to the bench & there the attaint sued & tried as it was before three h. v. capitulo .v. ¶ if in attaint the deffend or one of the petyt iurry pled a false plea or a foreign plea triable by another inqnst than by the grand jury And it be tried agains him he shall yield dam to the part & shall have the same pain as if the grand jury had passed against him xi h. vi. cap. iiij. ¶ The jurors in attain shall have of land to the value of. xls. by year ● And of an action of acts concerning lands and tenementis of like value or more/ And of plea personell whero● the judgement extendyth to the same of. they shall dispend .xx li. by year out of auncy on demesne .v. portis and gavelkind Et no person of lass sufficyente be sworn upon no issue in the same attaint also the jurors in such attaint shall lose at the furst default in the furst time of the distress. xls. at the second tyme. C. s. and from thence forth double: Also if a foreign plea of any deffendant in attaint be found agains him he shall have the same pain as if the attaint had passed against him but it shall not hurt his companions which be not ꝑtes to such plea/ Also shyryffis & other ministers found in default in serving the said wryttis shall loss. to the king &. to the part provided that if there be not sufficient within the hundred under the estate of a baron having lands to the value of. in the same count that than they shall put in the panel other of more sufficientcy provided also that this statute extend not to cities & borows within the realm nor the inheritance within the same xu h. vj. capitulo .v. ¶ He that may dispend. or above to his use in gavel kind shallbe sworn in attaint xviii h. vj. capitulo vj. ¶ Attaint is giffin upon a false serement gyffyn in the city of london by bill in the hustyngis & every of the petit jury if they be attaint shall lose. or more by the discretion of the meyre and aldermen to such use as other issues in the same city be/ And they shall have imprisom●nt of uj weeks or lass by discretion/ and this attaint lieth if two of the petyt iurry be a live and the nonsute or the death o● one of the pleyntyfꝭ or deffendauntꝭ shall not Abate the wryt and the grand jury after thesommons returned shallbe take not with standding that the deffendaunt or the petyt jury m●ke default and if the plaintiff prove not his bill or be nonsuyt he shall make fine and have inprisonment by discretion etc./ And if the petit jury be affirmed & be found by the grand jury that they or any of them took any money or other thing of him that is named deffendaunt in the attaint or of any other by his commandment he that so took and the defendant that gaff it shall lose ten tymys the value of the thing so take and the forfeit of the jurors shall go to the plaintiff & the forfeit of the deffendant to the use as is abovesaid & the part shall have impsonment by vi. monithis or less the jurors .v. monyths or less by disscression &c. And if the furst inquest were of the halff tongue the grant jury shallbe in the same manner whereof ever one shall have goodis to the value of. Cli. xi. H. seven. Capitulo vigesimo prymo Atteynder ¶ No man attending upon the king in hi● war within the ream or without or by hi● commanndment shallbe attaint by parliament in or by other ꝑces of the law and if he be/ such at teynder shallbe utterly void and he shall forfeit no thing xi h seven ca j Attorney. ¶ Every free man that owe suit to the court of hundred or od●r court his lord may make his attornay to do the suit. merton. ca ix ¶ It is granted that deffendauntꝭ may make their attorneys in such pleas where no apeil is so that if they be attaint of trespass in their absens it shallbe commanded to the sheriff that they be take: and they shall have pain that they should have had if they had be present. Glo●c. capitulo eight ¶ No baron of the ●scheker nor judge shall receive attorney but of pleas in their placies &c. nevertheless: but the authority of our chancellor that shallbe for the time to whon by his dicression he shall see necessary to be committed & also of our chief justices in reseyning of attorneys shallbe observed/ Statut de finibm & attornatis. ¶ The tenant may make his attorney in ass. of novel disseysyn Statut. Eborum. he that by the kings licence passeth over the see may make his general attorney by patent in the chancery as well in a pmunir fac as in other pleas if he b● of good fame & vij Ryc. ij. capitulo xiiij Theridamas shallbe but a certain of attorneys in the bench and in the exchequer by discretion of the juggys and barons. etc. and they shallbe sworn that they sue no foreign suytꝭ upon pain of for iugging the court four h. iiij. ca xviij. ¶ steward nor bailiff of franchises nor minister of lord which hath return. etc. shall not be attorneys in pleas within the same franchises. iii●. h. iiij. ca nineteen. ¶ A seek man owtlawd shall make his attorney in a wryt of error by dyscressio● of the justice vij h. iiij. C. xiii. ¶ The ●nder sheriff shytyfꝭ clerk re●●ynor no● bailie of sheriff shall not be attorneys in any of the kings courtis for the time that he is with the sheriff pmo. h. v. ca iiij. ¶ Every abbot por and other religious and their successors & other seculars what soever within the ream may make their attorneys general in every hundred and wapyn take within the ream that is to say every religius under their cumin seal and ever secular vn●er his own seal and the steward and bailiff shall receive them upon pain of. & eu●ry on that will sew shall have the one half thereof by wryt of det and the king the other half xu h. vi. ca seven. ¶ In all sutꝭ where the exigent lieth if the attorney have not his warrant of record the same term that ●he exigent is judged he shall lose xl s. to the king if he be attaint thereof by examination of the justices xviij h. vj. ca ix. ¶ There shallbe but xiiij attorneys in the cite of norwch norfolk & suffolk but that is referred to th● discretion of the justice xxxj. h. vj. ca ultio. ¶ He that will sew appell of murder may make attorney after that it be begun in proper person if that wagging of battle lie not in that appel three h. seven. ca pmo. look more of attorney in the tytyl fines and tytyle recordꝭ. Averment. ¶ where the record cometh in court by wryt of faux judgement the ꝑ●e shall have averment that the record is other wise and it shallbe ●ryed by them that were present or by other i E. iij. ca iiij. ¶ A man shall have Averment in a wryt of error that the man outlawed was at large at the tyme. etc. notwithstanding that the sheriff or other that have not the record certify the contrary but furst the part shallbe warned and if it be at the kings suet the kings sergeant or the kings attornay shallbe received to the averment .v. E. iij. C. iij. ¶ In An accton against the person of holy church that justifieth for dimes the plaintiff shall not have a general averment that it was a lay chattel without showing why j R. jj.. C. xiv. ¶ If the bailiffs of franches which have return of wrytts return small issues a man shall have averment against th●m as well as agaynꝭ the shyryfis if the baylyfis have not sufficient they shallbe ponysshid by their bodies i E. iij. ●a. v. ¶ Especial averment of bygamy is put out xviij E iij. ꝓ clero. ca ij. but he shall have a general averment which shallbe tried by the ordinary and he in whom bygamy is aleggid shall abid in pson till it be certified if he be not ma●mpernable. ¶ A man shall have avermnt agains a record of the merchalsye that the ꝑtes to the plea were not of the kings. house xu H. vj. C. j ¶ Nota of Averment for the knights of the plyament against the office found by the justis of assize. v●. H. vi. C. iiij. Auowere ¶ They that recover their heyris and assyne● may d●strayn for rend service and customs behind and make avowre of justyfication & also to have such remedy for the recovering of the said rend ser●yce and customys as those persons against whom the recover was made might if it had been to them denied seven. h. viii C. iiij. look in the title of damage if the avowant may recover damage in A replevin vij h. eight C. iiij. Avouson ¶ if usurpation or psentment by one that hath no right be suffered in the time that t●e heir is within Age by fraud and negligence of his gardens or in the time of the tenant by the courtesy tenant in dower or for term of life or veris or tenant in the tail by fraud and necligence of them of what age that the heir be/ that in these casis the heir or he to whom the reversion is after the death of such tenant at the next voydaunce after the death of the said tenants they shall have the same action and exception by a wryt of advowson as the last possessor should have had. & cetera. The same law shallbe hold of usurpation made during the coverture/ The same law shallbe of usurpation made in the time of vacation to churchis pertaining to housis of religion archebysshopis o● personagis but this statute shall help in case where such parsonis feynyngly defend plea by th●m self or by them moved but the iugementis shallbe in their force till they be defeated by error or attaint/ and if they be recovered by verdict of assize of daren presentment or quare impedit they in the reversion shall have attaint or certificate or a wryt of error/ And yet it is a doubt if such remedy begynyn to them in the reversion or to them that lost. & cetera. And if the part deaf take exception of the fullness of the church of his own presentation/ the plea shall not tarry by that fullness while t●at the wryt is purchased within time semest. s. vi. monythꝭ though that he may not recover the presentation within the time semester/ And when pease is made between ꝑt●●●ers of an advowson & enrolled that one shall present furst and the other at the next voydaunce. etc. if he to whom the advowson belongeth be disturbed by any man that was ꝑt● to the convention or in his place/ he shall come to the fine or rollis & shall have a wryt of s●ire fac to the sheriff to warn him to appear within xl days or thre● wekys as need is. etc. & if he come not or come & say no thing why &c. by reason of any deed aft the ꝯuention rolled he shall recover the presentation with damagis & if tenant in dower or by the cortesy present & the heir aft their death at the next avoidance be disturbed it shallbe in his election whethyr he will have a wryt of qrcimpe dit or assize of deraign pnsentmnt/ The same shallbe observed of advousons let for term of life or for yeries or in fee tail & damages shallbe adiuggid that is to say if the time of vi wekis overpass by impedmit of any man so that the bishop put in one: & that the very patron lose his presentation for that whyse: dam shallbe iuggid to the value of the church for two yeris & if the disturber have not wherewith to restore dam in case when the bishop doth put in one. by laps of time: he shall have ii yeries psonmnt: & if the advouson be disꝓuid with in the time of uj wekis the plaintiff shall recover damage for half a year & if he have not wherewith &c. than he shall have half yeries prisonment/ & from hens forth wryttis' shallbe granted of chappellis prebend●s vicaragis hospitallis abbeys priories & other housis which be of the advowson of any which were not wont to be graū●d/ and because by a wryt of indicavit the person of any church is let to ask his dysmies in his next ꝑyssh/ the patron of the same person shall have a wryt to ask the advowson of the dismis & when he hath disproved it/ the plea afterward shall precede in the spiritual court as it was despoiled in the king's court/ when advouson descendith to ꝑtiners though one present twice and usurp upon the coheyre/ for that the other shall not be excluded holy which was negligent but another time he shall have his torn of presentment when it shall fall. w. ij. Cap. v. Look for avowson in quare impedit. Awnage ¶ Look for Awnage in the title drapry bailiffs and shyryffis Baylyffis shall have lands in their bailie wykꝭ ij. E. iij. capitulo four ¶ Non shallbe sheriff bailiff of hundred wapentat or franchises nor under escheator if he● have not lands suffic in the place wehere he is minister four E. iij. C. ix. ¶ There shallbe but one bailiff errant in one count and out riders shall be put out and that the sheriff and they that be baylyfis and hunger dear in fee and let them to ancient firm/ the justice of the one bench and of the other the barons of the eschekyr and justice assignid shall have power at all times when they come in to the country to punish such defautis and if the sheriffs or their farmers be found in default the hundyrdis and the wapyntakis shallbe take in to the king's handis and let to other by the said iustices● and they shall command them to prison till they have made fine & ransom to the king & not wythstonding to answer the king of the hole firm and if lords baylyffis be found in default or not sufficient they shall b● put out and other put in their romys by the same lords and they shall be ponysshid as the common law asketh xiiij E. iij. cap. viii. ¶ He that hath be bailiff to a sheriff a year ●hall not be the sheriffs bailiff by iii years after but only the bailiff of the fee i h. v. C. iiij. ¶ If the sheriff arrest a man he shall have. xx● for his fee and the bailiff that did the ar●. four d. and the gealour if the prisoner be cō●●tyd to his ward four d. And that the sheriff ●●●der sheriff the clerk of theshyryf stywarde● bailiff of franchises servant bailiff or coroner 〈◊〉 iii d. for the copy of a panel and for a wara●● or precept or making of an obligation for 〈◊〉 keep his day four d. and he that doth the con●●●ry shall forfeit triple damage and. to th● king every time and he that will sue sha● have the half and the justice of pease to ●●●qui●r thereof The xxiij H. vi. ca x. ¶ bailiffs of hundreddꝭ shall make due exe●●siō of the preceptis to them made by the shyryft to warn the defautis in every plaint upon 〈◊〉 of forfeiter of xl s. to the king and that every justice of the pease hath power to examine such defautis by which examynation th●i shallbe cōuy●t if they be fond guilty the xi year of hē●y vij ca v. ●astardye. All the bishops in the parliament prayed that they that were born before matrimony might ●…e legitimate as they that be born before ma●…ymony for the church hath them for legittyma●…e and the earls and the barons answered that ●hey would not nor cowd not change the laws ●f england which were used hither to. mer●…on. ca. viii. ¶ where the justices of assize and other justices ●…e before whom the wryt goth forth to the ●…rdynarye for to certify basterdy that is aleg●…yd in any that is part to the plea they shall make remembrance under the seals of them or of one of them the manner of the issue and shall cer●yfye to the chancellor of england: so that three ●…ymys and by iij monythies proclamation shall be made in the chancery that every one that hath interest shallbe before the ordinary that ought to certify for to give evidences and than the chancellor shall certify to the justice & the same statut will that the justice shall make proclamation in the same court once before they write to the chancellor & another time when the chancellor hath certified unto them and then they shall write to the bishop to certify and if any wryt be awarded to the bishop to certify before that all the proclamation be made as is before said that the ●erteficat gyffyn thereupon be void and of non e●●ect ix h. vj. ca ultimo Beggars ¶ Look for beggars in the title vacabo undꝭ Benivolence ¶ Benyvolens that hath be demanded of the kings lege people shallbe annulled for ever more i R. iij. C. ij. Bedding ¶ No featherbed bolster or pilowe made to be sold be made but of feathers dry pulled or of down only upon pain of forfeiter xj h. seven. ●ca. nineteen. ¶ No matter as quylt or quisshy on aught to be made but of one manner of stuf that is to say with clean will or flokks upon pain of forfeiture xi h. seven. ca nineteen. Berwykk. ¶ A man may carry vitaylies and merchandise to berwyk though it be in skotlond & without ●ayng custom thereof. xv● R. ij. ca seven. bigamy. ¶ if cle●kꝭ made were bigamyes before the constitution of lugdon or after they shall not be delivered to their prelates but justice shallbe doen upon them as upon lay men Statut de bigamis. c. v. ¶ Bygamy shallbe tried by the spiritual court though especial matter be laid etc. xviij. E. iij. ꝓ clero. Cap. ij. Biss●oppis ¶ No arch bishop nor bishop shallbe impeached of any crime before the kings iuggis with out especial commandment of the king xviij E. iij. ꝓ clero. cap. j Bowes. & Bowstaves. ¶ Non sell any bow above the price of iii s. iiij. d under the pain of twenty s for every ●ow and he that will sew therefore to have an action by wryt or pla●nt & the ꝓte shall not wage his law The xxii E. iiij. ca iiij. and the three year. h. seven. ca xii. it is ordained that he that doth ●trary shall forfeit xl s. ¶ Every car●kshyp o●galey that cometh frō●en●se or other countries where bowstaves be whether it ●e englyshman or stranger shall bring in every sh●p xl. bow staves upon pain of forfeiter for every bow staff vi s. viii d. and th● search to be by the mayrys shryf●xs and governors of towns which may assyne two other more expert and shallbe sworn to make search. the xii E. iiij. cap. ij. ¶ Look for bowstaves in the tytyll of archery The xix of henry vij ca ij. ¶ Every merchant that bringeth maluesyn or tire must bring with every but ten bowstaves upon pain of forfeiture for every but xiij s. iiij. d. the one half to the king and the other half to him that will sew for it and that none of the bowstaves be sold but to the king's lege people. the i year. R. iij. capitulo. xi● ¶ That no custom be paid for bowstavys brought in to this ream containing the length of vi. foot and half xix H. seven. ca two. ¶ Look more for bows in the title archery. Bottiler of the king ¶ The steward of the kings house or tersorer of the wardrobe shall send to all the .v. portis where wines be to be take for the kings use the certain number that the boteler shall take: & if the boteler or his lieutenant take more than the number the mayor and bailiffs of the .v. portis shall certify under their scalis to the said treasurer or stiwarde the number by indenture made between them & the takers/ and if it be found that he hath arrested & take more than th● number he shall restore double damage to the party and be put out of his office and put in prison and make fine at the kings pleasure/ and the king shall assign justices when it shall please him to inquire these defautis: & the boteler shall answer for his deputis as well as for himself/ The xxv year of. E. iii. cap. xxi. ¶ The kings boteler shall take his wynꝭ for the kings houlsolde within ten days and aft that: the merchant to do his pleasure not with standing the botelers arrest or his lieutenant And if he take more than needeth he shall be imprisoned & make fine and ransom to the king/ The xliii year of E. iii. ca iii. ¶ The boteler shall pay to the Gascoynm● hand for their wines/ The. xxuji. E. iii. ca v. ¶ The botelers' lieutenant m●st be resident upon his office upon the pain of. C. li. The four year of Henry the four capitulo twenty Botmen ¶ That boatmen & watermen & owners of bo●●● barges take no more for their wages than hath been of old time used & they that refuse so to do to forfete for every time the triple value of their fare the one half to the king the other half to him that will sue for it by action of det information or presentment and that the baylyffis constables and other officers upon complaint ●rrest the offenders and commit them to ward and to make fine for the same And the justice of pease mayors shiryf●is of london and stywardes of lets inquire as well for the defaults of the said officers as of the defaults of the said owner's water men or bargemen. The vi henry viii. ca seven. Bochers. ¶ No bocher within the city of london borough or wallid town or in the town of cambryge/ except the towns of Berewyk or Karlyle flee any best within the city or town under the pain of twelve d. for every ox/ & for every cow or other be'st eight d/ and he that will sue by action of det to have the one half and the king the other half and no protection nor esson to lie/ The four year of. Henry the vij capitulo four ¶ Brokers making unlawful bargainꝭ & chevisances with vsure/ that shall be void and if he be found defectife by the mayre or other officer where the bargayns be used shall forfeit. every time and have half a years imprisonment and be put on the pillory and he that will sue it by action of det shall have the one half and the king the other half where neither protection nor esson shall lie The three year of. H. seven. ca vi. Broderees ¶ Broderers shall work no gold nor silver me dlyd with latin of spain oppon pain of forfeiture. The two year of henry vi ca xi. Brangwyns. he that demaundyth aught of the king of his coron other ward marriage or other pension he shall not have the ihing demaundid but he shallbe ponys●hyd by the advise of the kings counsel four h. iiij. ca iiij. Butter & chess. butter & cheese shallbe carried out of the ream to every place by the licence of the chancellor by his discretion under the kings seal four h. vj. cap. iiij. ¶ Butter and chess be not merchandise of staple but every of the king's lege people may carry them to what place they will of the kings amity paying therefore the custom/ it is ꝓuidid that the king may restrein them at his pleasure xviij. h. vj. cap. iij. Calece ¶ The inabytaunce of calyce shall not buy of the mayor no merchandise of the staple upon pain of forfeiter The viij h. vi. cap. xxv●. ¶ All manner ships accustomed to come from yngland to calyce except fisher boats shall bring with them their lastage of good stones for the reparation of the becons and of the place called paradise. The ten henry vi cap. v. ¶ The treasurer and viteler of calyce shall account every second year for the year before upon pain of .v. C. li. whereof he that will sew therefore shall have the one half the xxx h. vj. at ● parliament of reading. ¶ if a man be seized of any lands in cales for the which he should do any service for the salvation of the same town and if he cease of his service by a year and a day the land shallbe seized in the king's hands by the treasurer of calyce and he shall do the service and if the king commit the land to an other the other shall do it and if he cease thereof the land shallbe seized again. & cetera. from time to tyme. And if the treasurer do not the service when he hath the land in his hands he shall forfete the double value of the service to the king. The xi henry vij cap. xuj. captains & messengers ¶ A man retained to serve the king in his war his message or other manner: his covenants shall be put in writing and brought to the eschekyr and they and their executors shall have there alowaunce/ and if any repel or commandment he made of such retinew● the same repel shallbe put in the eschekyr and they shall have allowance upon such covenants without other warrant. & cetera. And that that is dew to them shall be paid to them by the treasurer and chaumberleyn by certefycat of the same eschekyr .v. R. ij. Capitulo ten Certification. ¶ if in assize the bailiff of the tenant pled a record: for that the taking of the assize shall not be deferred/ but if his master afterward show the mat to the justice he shall have a wryt to make the record to come & when the justice see it and that the record should have marveled before judgement and the plaintyf should have be excluded from his action/ anon they shall cause the part to be warned to apere at a day at which day the deffendant shall have again his seisyn & damagis double that he paid & the other shallbe ponysshid by psomment after the discretion of the justice like wise shallbe if the defend against whom the recover was had be default show a quittance or a deed whereupon the jury were not examined. w. ij. ca xxv. look w●ll th● statute at length Cessavit. ¶ If a man let landis to farm to findest overs in victual or in vesture which amonntyth to the great part of the value of the land & he suffer the land to lie fresh with out manuring so that a man can find no distress by two year with out yielding of the farm or with out doing that that is contained in the deed or writing it is ordained that after the two year the less or shall have a wryt of cessavit and if the tenavit come before judgment gyffyn and tend the arrearages & the damagis and find surte as the court shall see to give that that is contained in the writing of the lees he shall retain the land and if he abide till it be recovered by judgment he shallbe excluded of the remnant gloc. ca iiij. ¶ It is agreed that if any wythhold from the lord his service dew and accustomed by ii yeris the lord shall have a wryt of cessavit and the wryt is expressed in the statute. etc. & that in that case and in a cessavit of fee firm there shallbe a wryt of entry for the heir of the demandant upon the heir of the tenant & upon them to whom the same tenemnt was aliened. w. ij. c. xxi ¶ And peradventure if a tenement be gyffyn for a chauntery of a light or finding of poor folk or other alms to be sustained and it be not aliened but the same alms with drawn by two year the donor or his heir shall have an action to ask the same tenement so gyffyn as it is said in the statute of gloucest of lands let to fee firm to do and to yield the four part of the value of the land or the more part. w. ij. Capitulo twelve ¶ if any that hath dwelled at the stews be returned in any panel by the sheriff or bailiff of the count of surrey or by any mynyst●r before the steward of the kings house that as well for the king as for the part he shallbe chal●ngid and the challenge is peremptory xi H. vj. capitulo uj ¶ A challenge to a iurrour for that that he was the i●ditour is good xxv E. iij. C. iij. de ꝓdic. ¶ A challenge to a iurrour for that that he may not desp●nd xl s. is good two h. v. ca iij. and note well that this challenge is good in plea of death of man and in every action real and also in personal if the det or damage amount to xl mark. Challenge for the king ¶ if a man challenge a iurrour for the king he s●all show cause by and by. which shallbe tried maintenaunt by the discretion of the instyce/ and if he show no such cause or that the cause be tried against him the inqnest shallbe take mayntenaunt Statut de inquisic ꝓrege xxxiij Edwardi primi. Chamꝑtye ¶ Non of the kings ministers maintain plea in the king's court to have ꝑt of the thing etc. or other perfect by covenant between them made. w. j Cap. xxv. Chancellor nor non of any of the court of the king nor of the kings house nor lay man receive church nor advowson of church nor landis and tenementis in fee by gyfft nor by buying nor by farm nor chanꝑte nor in other manner as long as the thing is in plea before us or any of our ministers nor no wages be takin by him nor by no nother or any bargain made and he that so doth shallbe ponysshid at the kings pleasure & also as well as he that purchased. w ij. ca ultimo. ¶ No minister nor other may have any part of the thing that is in plea or take the business of the plea or sewt nor non upon that covenant let his right to another & if he do and thereof be attaint the taker shall forfeit to the king of his goods and landis as much as such taking did amount/ and he that will sew shallbe reseinyd te sew before the justice before whom the plea was. etc. articuli super cartas. cap. xii. chaplains ¶ No secular pay more than .v. mark to no annual chaplain in money or other things to the value & if such a chaplain be retained to be at his table he shal● pay him but two mark for his gown and other necessaries his table to be accounted at xl. s. and if he do the contrary he shall pay to the king full as much as he paid to the chaplain: & that no chaplain going from on diocese to another be received there to sing divine service if he show not to the dioc●sane of the place the lets ꝯmaundatyf of the bysshod in whose diocese he dwelled next before xxxuj E. iij. C. viii. ¶ Annuell chappeleyns shall not take for their hole annuel sa●erye above vij markis & they that shallbe retained to serve Cures eight markis if it be not by the licence of the ordinary so that the hole some with the licence pass not ix mark two h. v Statut. ij. C. ij. Charter of pardon ¶ Charters of pardon shall not be grant but where a man slayeth another but where a man sleith another in his defence or by mis fortune ij. E. iij. C. ij. ¶ No charter of pardon shall be grant where a man is outlawed for the king's fyn/ if the chancellor be not assured that gre is made to the plaintiff of damagis/ And where a man is outlawed at the suit of the part by process/ no charter shallbe grant before that he yield him sef to prison before the justice where the record is. And that the justice shall award a scire fac to the part plaintiff and if he come he shall plead upon the original as though no outlawry were And if he be warned and come not the charter shallbe allowed .v. E. iij. ca xii. & xiii. ¶ He that hath a charter of pardon of felony shall find surety of his good abering before the sheriff and coroners where the felony was done within three months after the making of the charter by uj men with shallbe insealed and returned in the chaunceri within three weeks after the three monithiss or else the charter shallbe void. And if he be not of good aberingh afterward the chart shallbe void ten E. iij. C. ultimo. ¶ A charter of pardon shall not be grant of any felony. agains the kings oath and if. etc. it is void xiiij E. iij. C. ultimo. ¶ A charter of pardon of felony shall contain the suggestion and the name of him that made the charter and the justice before whom sich charters be allowed. etc. shall inquire of the suggestion and if it be found falls the charter shallbe disallowed xxvij E. iij. Cap. ij. ¶ if a man slay another by misadventure the king shall give him grace if it please him. Gloucest. cap. xii. ¶ A Charter of pardon shall not be allowed for murder of a man slain by lying await or malece before though if it be not specified in the same and if a charter of the death of a man be alleged before what so ever iuggys' making no mention of the premissis/ the same justice by a good inquest of the vesnew whe● the ded man was slain shall inquire of the pr●mi●sis & if they find that he was murdered by await ●t ●upra the chart shallbe disallowed xiij R. ij. ca j ¶ The name of him that sueth for an apꝓuo●● shallbe put in the same and he shall pay. C. li● to the king if he become a theff after ward .v. H. iiij. cap. two. ¶ The king perdonyth all th● clergy for one s●bsydye granted to him for all the felonies & rapis done by them/ and thereupon every of thē●hall have a wryt for their discharge without any chater xxv h. vi. cap. vj. ¶ Note well the pardon of king E the four in his voyage beyond the see. etc. xiv. E. iiii. C. j &. C. ij. ¶ Note well the pardon of king henry the vij ●s to them that took his quarrel when he came in to england to take the corone i h. seven. ca vj. ¶ Note well that the pardon of king henry the viii. shallbe allowed in all the king's cour●is without suing of a wryt of allowance .v. h. viii. capitulo viii ¶ Note well the pardon of the same king vii H. viii. Cap. viii. Chestershyre ¶ Men of chestershyre outlawed of murder & ●elony done in other shyries shall lose their landꝭ in chestershyre to the king & their landis ellis where to other lords/ And the utlary or the exigent shallbe certified to the minister's of chestershyre that they may make seyser. etc. & that in the same manner if they be outlawed of trespass in other shyrys their goods shallbe forfeit as is befor● said of landis/ & a capias utlagat awardid to the same ministers of chester. etc. j h. vj. capitulo xvii Cirogrofer The cirograser shall take but four s. for the writing of a fine/ and if he do the contrary he shall lose his office and be forejudged the court and have an yeris prisonement & shall pay to the party grieved triple damage/ & the sewte shall be before the justice of the common place The two year. of H. the four capitulo eight Clerkis ¶ It is provided that when a clerk is takin for felony and be asked by the ordinaries/ that he shallbe delivered unto them according as it hath been used before this. w. prim̄. ca two. ¶ All clerkis as well religious as secular shall have their clergy but in case of treason touching the king himself or his majesty xxv E. iij. Statut. de clero. C. iiii. And that none acquit before the justice be by and by delivered without sending again to prison Eod. Statut. ca v. ¶ The benefit of the libert● of the church shall not be denied to an appellour in d●w for me as to a clerk asked by the ordinary Statut vocat articuli cleri. ¶ The words insidiatores viarum & depopulatores agrorum in inditementis appelles or aretementis shallbe void: and if a man be indicted by words of the same effect he shall have his clergy iiii. H. iiii. Cap. two. ¶ The arch bishop of cauntbury. & other bisshoppꝭ in their province do grant to the king that a clerk convict of petyt treason or they that be common thefys shallbe surely kept according to a constitution ordinary by simon late arch bishop of caunterbury the ii kalend of march the year of grace. M.CCCv. and that no such cherke in the same manner covyct after that that he be diliverd to the ordinary shall make his purgation four h. iiii● capitulo. ii●. ¶ Clerkis of the universities beggars shall have their letters under the seal of their chancellor or they shallbe arrested and put in prison xii. R. two. C. seven. ¶ Clerkys which be not within orders that have had their clergi before if they be araini● afterwards they shall not have their clergy/ And clerkis arraigned and convicted upon murder shall be marked upon the left hand upon the brawn of the thumb with the sygn of an M. and for any other felony with a. T● and these shall be marked by the geallour in the presence of the justice before he be delivered to the ordinary/ provided that if any person 〈◊〉 the second time that he is arraigned demand his clergy because he is within orders and hath not his letters ready nor the ordynaries certyfycat/ than the justices shall give a day by their discretion to him to bring in his letters or certyfycat/ & he fail thereof at the day to be put from his chergie/ The four H. seven. cap. xiii. Clerk of the market ¶ The clerk of the market of the king is house shall take no common fine. And that all false mesuris and weyghtis be burned after the form of the statute & that he shall not ride with above vi horses nor he shall not dwell in no town nor other place more longer than need shall require/ and if he do contrary to this estatute he shall pay to the king at the furst time C. s. at the second time. and at the third time. The xiii. R. two. ca iiii. The clerk of the market shall have his mis●ris and weyghtis signed with the sign of the exchequer therefore ordeinid to all parts where he shall go in ynglond/ The xvi R. two. cap. iii. Clerk of the excheker ¶ The clerk of exchequer that maketh process after the tail alowid shall lose his office. The i. year of. Ric. two. cap. v. Clerk of the statute merchant ¶ Clerk of the statute merchant shall dwell upon his office and be sufficient in the same me count or else he shall lose his office/ The xliii E. iii. capitulo xi Clerk of the sheriff ¶ The sheriffs clerk shall not dwell in his office above a year xlii E. iii. ca ix. Clerkis of the chancery. ¶ Clerkys of the chaunceri may from henceforth be wedded to wiffꝭ after the law of holy church & that not with staunding to enjoy their office in as large manner as they did before: ꝓuidid that this act be not prejudicial to the master of the rollis in disposing any of those offices as hath be used/ the forfeiture of those office by reason of marriage only except/ An. xv. h. viii. cap. viii. coals ¶ Uessellys called keels which bring coals from new castle shallbe measured how many chaudrens' they contain upon pain of forfeiture to the intent that the king shall not be deceived of his custom that is to say every chaudrens ii d. The ix h. v. cap. x. Collectors ¶ Non that is dwelling in city or borrow frō● whence the people come to the parliament shallbe assyned collector in any county if he may not dyspend. C. s. by year within the same count out of the city or borrow The xviii h. vi. ca v. Collectors of dismem shall not be charged to answer to any bill against them in the eschekyr The i R. iii. cap. xiiii. ¶ The kings letters patentis made to any to be dyschargid of the dismem and of the collection of them be clery void. The four h. seven. ca● v collusion. ¶ In the city of london if a man let landis for term of yeries & he to whom the free hold is/ make himself to be impleaded by colusion & make default aft default or come into the court and will yield forto make the termor to lose his term and the tenant have a cause so that the termor may have recover by wryt of covenant the mayre and bailiffs shall inquire by a good inquest before the termor and the demandant. etc. And if it be found/ the judgement shallbe suspendid till after the term and the same manner it shallbe doen before the justice if the termor challenge before judgement. Glouc. Capitulo ten ¶ Where men endited give their landis and goodis to their fryndis by colusion to have thereof the profettis at their will/ & after i'll to placis privilegid it is provided that if it may be proved that such gyfftiss be made by colusion: that the creditors shall have execution of them as though no such gyfft had be made. & cetera i E. iij. Capitulo vi. ¶ Because that many make gyfftiss and feoffments of land that be in debate and of their other goodis and cattellis to lords and other great men of the realm to b● mayn●●nyd and upholdyn in their wrong/ it is ordained that no gift or fefement of landis tenementis or goodis be made● by such disc●yt or mayntenauns and if any such be made they shallbe hold for enough and of no value i R. ij. Cap. ix. ¶ where debtors make gyfftiss and ●effemētis of their landis and goodis and they themself take the profit and i'll to s●yntwaries ● it is ordained that if their creditors bring their wryttis of det/ after the furst capias returned there shallbe a wryt send to the sheriff that he m●ke proclamation at the gate of the place privilegid by .v. wekis continually every week onis that the defendant shall come at the day. etc. and if the come not in proper person nor by attorney judgement shallbe gyffyn upon his default and execution awardid of the same lands & goods as though no such gift or fefem●nt had be made two R. ij. Cap. ultimo. ¶ if assize be brought & the tenant make de●faut and the bailiff of the franchises demand counsans that the colusion shallbe īnqu●ryd and if it be found the wryt shall abate/ the same law in other actions personelliss vii Henri uj Capitulo xxv ¶ if in an action popular the deffend pled are covery in another action popular that ● was brought against him by another stranger or acquittance made to him by on estrange/ the pleintyf in this latter action may aver this recovery or acquittance to be/ made by colusion/ and also note that no acquit by way of indictment or reles by a stranger shallbe a bar in this action four H. h. seven. Ca xx. ¶ Note well in the title of attaint how he in the reversion shall have an attaint or error & shall aver the colusion ix R. ij. Ca iii. ¶ Look more in the title action popular & title assize eight h. vi. C. xxuj. common pleas ¶ cumin pleas shallbe holden in a place certain magna cart. C. xi. complaint ¶ Every man grieved against the law in the country may complain to the justice of peace and they shall do him remedy four h. seven. cap. xi. & xiii Comyn bench ¶ justice of the common bench before whom the bench shall be removed shallbe warned by time so that process be not lost ii E. iij. C. xj. Commissions & commissioners ¶ Commissions to inquire of process made by iuggis of holy church shall cease. etc. xiiii. E. iii. pro clerd. Cap. vi. Commissions shallbe made to the justice of pease to here ●nd to termine defautis of labourers and forto award damage xlii E. iii. Cap● vi. ¶ Comyssioners of oyer and terminer to inquire & to certify shallbe chargid in the eschekyr by their othiss and in like manner their heyris and executors/ and the same barons & the justice of the one bench and of the other shall take the same oath by wryt of dedimus potestatem in the country vii h. seven. cap. xi. conspiracy ¶ justice of the one bench and of the other & of assize shall inquire of false conspirators and procurators without delay of every plaint without wryt. Articuli super cartas. cap. xi. ¶ A wryt of conspiracy shallbe granted by the chief justice & brought against conspirators inventors of false quarrels and their abbettors and upholders and the wryt is expressed in the statute. s. responsurus tali in plinto conspiracionis: and so it is general and determynyth not in what casis it shall lie and who so be thereof convict shallbe prisoned till he have made satisfaction to the part grieved and also shall make fine to the king. Statut. Ordinacio de conspiratoribm puniendis ¶ Conspirators be they that meddle by covenant or by other alliance that every one shall hel●p & hold up others purpose falsy & maliciously to indite or cause to endite or falsely to move pl●es or maintain them/ and also they that cause infans within age to appell men of felony whereby they be imprisonid and greatly grieved and they that retain men in the country with their clothing and fees for to maintain their malicious purposes & to hide the truth as well the taker as the gyffers and stiwardis and baylyffis of great lords which by their lord ship office and power take on them to maintain and uphold pleas and barettis by other ꝑtes than those that touch the state of their lo●●is or themself This ordinance & final di●tynycion of conspirators was made and finally agreed by the king and his counsel in his parliament xxxiii E. primi/ And it is ordained that the justice assigned to diverse felonies and terspassis to be hard and determined shall have the transcript of the statute indiffynytion of conspirators ¶ An indyt●ment where there is no such place within the same count shallbe holdyn for non and the indytee shall recover his damages in awryt of conspiracy against the inditours procurators and conspirators the same law shallbe in apple but the statute speaketh not but of treason and felony to dure till the next parliament ix. h. v. Cap. primo. and the same statute is made perpetual xviii h. vi. Cap. xii. ¶ A man indicted in appell of treason trespass or felony in a foreign count shall recover tr●abl● damagis agains his consparatours, after that he is duly acquit by verdict. viii. hen. vi. Capitulo ten ¶ justice of assize and of insi prius have power to determine conspiracy confederacy and champerty at the fuyte of the king and of the ꝑt● four E. iij. Capitulo xj ¶ jugges & pursuantis in the spiritual court endited for these causis shall recover upon their acquitell agains the procurators though thy be inditours and the procurators shall have the same pain that is contained in the statute of. w. two. as agains them that procure false appellies i R. two. Cap. xiii. Constable and marchall ¶ it belongeth to the constable merchall to have conusans of contractis touching featis of arms and of war out of the realm and also of thyngiss touching armis or war within the realm which may not be determinid nor discussed by the common la/ and if any plebe commen●yd before them that may be determined by the common law of the land the party shall have a letter of privy seal of the king direct to the same constable and marchall to surcease till it be discussed by the kings consell whither it parteyn to them or no xiii R. two. Cap. two. ¶ Constable marchall shall hold no plea terminable by the comye law viii R. two. cap. ultimo. ¶ Constable and marchall● shall have power to determine apple of a thing done out of the realm but not within i h. iiij. Cap. xiv. Cousultation ¶ After prohibition direct to the iuggis spiritual the chancellor or the chief justice shall see the b●llet of the cause at the instance of the pla●ntyffis if he see that it pertain to the spiritual court he shall make the consultation. S. a wryt to porsew. Statut. de con●sult● xxxiiii. E. i. ¶ Also it is ordenid that where a consultation is onis duly granted upon a prohibition made to a judge of the holy church that the same judge may proceed in the cause by virtue or the same consultation not with standing any other prohybition upon that to him delivered provided alway that the matt in the said libel of the said cause be not ingrosid nor enlarged nor in no manner changed l E. iii. Capitulo four Contrifers of new talis ¶ Look therefore in title tellers of new ●ythigꝭ. Contra formam colucionis ¶ If abbattꝭ prior's keepers of hospitallis and of other religious housis founded of the king or his progenitors. Alien from henceforth the ●and of his housis of him or his progenitors ●yffyn ● those tenementis shallbe take in to the ●yngis hands & holdyn at his will/ if that hou●e be founded of another/ he of whom or of who ●e ancestors the tenemet so alienate was gyffin ●hall have a wryt to recover the same tenement & the wryt is expressed in the statute and it lieth ●gains the abbot/ The same manner of tenements gyffyn for a chauntery or light in any church ●r chapel or almis to be susteynid if the tenement so gyffyn be alynid. w. two. C. xlj. see the residue of this statute in cessavit. Convocations ¶ They that come to convocations shall have privilege for them and their servants as they that come to the parliament eight h. vi. Capitu. j Conusauns ¶ if the defendant make default or the plaintiff by colution in any action to take a way the conusauns and that found the wryt shall abate eight h. vj. C. xxuj Cordyners and Coryers ¶ Non using the craft of cordyner use the craft of tanner/ nor tanner the craft of cordyner and he that doth the contrary to forfeit to the king all his tanned leader and boats & shoys and to make fine at the kings pleasure no●withstondyngt any charter of patent made to the contrary. The xiii R. two. cap. xii. ¶ Non while he useth the craf of cordiner vs● the craft of tanner upon pain of forfeiture for every hide by him or any to his use tanned vi s. viii. d. And if the cordyners find default in the leader tanned by the tanner's then the tamners to forfeit for every hid so defectyfe vi s. viii. d. The ij. h. vj. cap. viii. and confirmid. The i year of. h. seven. Capitulo .v. No tanner nor other to his use occupy the craft of coryer nor black no ledder on pain of forfeiter for every hide uj s. viii. d. & that no corier corie any hide if it be not sufficiently tanned upon pain for every hide so coried iii s. iiij. d. ¶ And that no tanner put no ledder to sale but red as it cometh from the tan upon pain of forfeiter of the same and that no corier use craft of tanner upon the pain of forfeiture for every hide uj s. iiij. d. and that no tanner tan no shepeskinnys upon pain to forfeit for every skin so tamnyd. xx.d/ The i year of. Hen. seven. Capitulo .v. ¶ That no cordener nor non to his use/ use the craft of coriars upon pain of forfeiture of vi. s● viii. d. for every hide so coryed where of the one half to be to the king and the other half to him that furst fyndyth it and showeth it/ ● no coriour use the craft of cordener upon like pain/ And that no tanner nor barker put no leader to sale before it be sufficiently dried upon pain of forfeiture for every hide vi s. viii. d. whereof the one half shall be to the king and the other half to him that furst fyndyth it and showeth the same: The xix year of. Hen. seven. Capitulo xix ¶ That no stranger alien borne dwelling in the city of London: in the franchises of seint Kateryns: saint Marteyns and the subberbis of the same city/ or in westminster or the borrow of South work buy any leader or waris insecrete placis but only in opin merket where it may be seen assayed sealed and abled good sufficiently tamnyd & coryed under pain of. v● viii. d. for every hide: the one half thereof to 〈◊〉 king the other half to the furst finder & shewe●● thereof: ● that the wardens of the coryers in the city of London & their sufficient deputis may search as well within the fellowship of tamners as the fellowship of strangers alyens being cordeners as in their own proper craft of coriers within the fraunchessis for leddyr insufficiently tanned and so found the owner to be committed toward without bail or maympryse by the space of .v. days and to forfeit twenty s. the one half thereof to the king the other to him that will sew therefore. And they that disturb the said ●erches to be brought to geale without bail or maimprise by ten days and to forfeit xl s. the one half thereof to the king the other half to ●he said fellowship of coriers and to the chamber ●f london to the use of the commonalty/ & the ●ordis of all franchises afore said to have to his ●se all such ledder there so forfeited/ and the ●ewit to be by action of det where neither protection nor esson shall lie nor no plain disablement of his parson nor the kings pardon to be ●o bar: The three H. viii. Cap. x. ¶ Every person stranger being of the compa●●● the trinity and all parson is born under the 〈◊〉 of the emperor and prince of castle all by all manner of red ledyr or other coried or ●t coryed in opyn merket and feyris lawfully ●ade & sealed in all placis franchised or ●ot ●aunchesid not with staunding the said statute of the iii d. year provided that the bier rumseller in london be a free man of the city ex●cept in bartolomew feyre/ and that the auctor●●te of the wardens of coriers be not minished to make search/ and that no person bo●● out of the kings legiance by this act may commense no new fair within saint mertyn● the grant .v. h. viii. C. seven. ¶ Every cordyner in the city of london & wyt● in three mylies of the same may sell shoys boty●galegis upon the sunday. &. all other festis pr●●cipallis not with standing the statute made the time of king. Edward. the iiij/ xv. h. viii. C. ix. Corn ¶ Every man may ship corn to what place tha● he will out of the realm but to the kings enemies except that restraint be thereof made by the counsel xvii R. ij. Capitulo septimo four Hen● vi. Capitulo .v. ¶ Every man may ship corn to what plac● that he will out of the realm without licence save only to the kings enemies if the quarter of wheat exceed not vi s. vii●. d. and barli iii s. in the port where it was shipped this to endure ten year The twenty year. henry uj ca vi. And after this act was made perpetual The xxiii year of henry vi ca vi. ¶ No person convey in any port of this realm any whe●e rye or barley that is not of the growing of england yrelond wales or other isle thereto be longing if the quarter of wheat exceed not the price of vi s. viii. d. the quarter rye iiii. s. and the quarter barley iii s. and that upon the pain of forfeiture the one half to the king and the other half to him that seasyth it. Thy ii year of. E. iiii. ca v. ¶ wedows may bequeath they corn as well growing upon their dowries as upon their other lands/ Merton Ca two. Coron ●No sheriff constable coroner nor other bailiff of the king hold any plea of the coron. magna carta. Capitulo xu Coroner ¶ Coroners chalbe chosen of the most sagist knights. etc. And the which shall lawfully attach and present the pleas of the corone: and the sheriff. shall have countrolers with the coroners as well of appellis as of inquestis attachementis and other thyngiss which to the office ꝑteynyth & that no Coroner take any thing to do his office upon agrevous forfeiture to the king. w. j C. x. ¶ Coroners shallbe chosen in opyn count by the commins of the same count xxviii E iii. ca vj. ¶ Coroner shall have land sufficient in the same count. etc. xiv. E. iij. C. seven. ¶ These be to be inquerid of the coroners of our lord the king: furst when the coroners have commandment from the king's bayllyff or from the men of the country that they shall go to them that be slain or sodeuly ded or wounded or brekers of howsis or the place where trees our is found anon they shall command four towns next joining that they be before them in such a place and when they come by an oath shall make inquisition in this form. S. of the man slain if there were any/ ffurst it is to be inquerid where he was slain whether in the filled other in the house or at tavern or at any congregation/ and who were there/ Also it is to be inquired who be guilty of deed or of force and who were there men or women and what age so ever they be so they can speak and have discretion. etc. And all that by inquisition shall be found guilty shall be take and delivered to the schyryff & put in the geale/ And they that be found though they be not guilty shallbe attached until the coming of the justice and the names of them all shallbe written in the coroners roll/ if any such be slain in the field or wood and be found/ furst it is to see where he were slain there or no if peradventure he be brought thedyr let the trace be followed if it may be who brought the body thydir by horse or by cart/ it shallbe inquired also if the man slain be known or unknown and where he lay the night before/ if any such be slain & any be found guilty anon the coroner shall go to his bows and inquire what cattles he hath and what corn in the grange or filled & if he be a free man what lands he hath and what they be worth by the year and cause them all to be pysyd landis corn & cattles and anon they shallbe seen and delyveri to the hole to wnship to answer before the iustyc thereof/ And also the lands delivered what they be worth by the year saving the servis to the lords of the fee and the landis shall be holden in the king's handis till the lords of the fee have made fine for them These thyngiss so inquired the body shallbe bedyed also it is to be inquired of such bodies whether they were drowned or slain or stranglid be tokin of any cord about the nek or by any member or by any hurt in the body found/ it is to proceed in the foresaid form and then coroners shall attach the finders and all other in their companies ¶ Of treasure found the coroner ought to inquire who be the finders and also who that is thereof suspect and that may be known be cause h●lyffyd dylycately and used the tavern and so long continued for suspicious he ought to be attached by four six or more pleggis if they may be found/ if any be appellid of rape/ he shallbe attached if it be newli done and they see a token of truth. s. a tokin of bleeding and cry made he shallbe be attached by four or .v. pleggꝭ ●f it be appellid without cry or tokin manifest than two plegꝭ be sufficient/ of an appell of a wound if the same wound be a dethis wound/ an●● they that be appealed shallbe take and holden till it ●e known whether he may life/ and if he die they shallbe hold gylti/ and if he life by four or by uj pleggis after as the wound is great or less/ But of maim by more than by four/ Off a small wound two be sufficient ¶ Also of all wounds it is to be seen the length breed and deepness and with what weapon the hurt man was wounded and in what place of the body/ and if any be guilty who made the wound and so all thing must be put in the coroners roll/ if any be appealed of the deed and some of the force They that be appealed of the deed shallbe take and they that be appealed of the force shallbe atachid till that they that be appellid of the deed be convict/ ¶ Of horsys bottis cartis by the which any man is slain which be properly called bannies they shallbe praised and after ward delivered as is above said/ off wrekkis of the see where soever it be found if any putto his hands. s. to take them he shallbe attached by good pleggꝭ and sure and the wrek shallbe praised and delivered to the townis men if any man be suspect of the death of any man ꝑishid he shallbe takin & imprisoned also of all manslaughters burglaryes of men ꝑishid or slain/ hue and cry shallbe levied as it was wont in england & all shall follow the cry and the trace if it may be and they that do not thereon shallbe convict and attached that they be before the justice. etc. Tractate de officiis coronatorum. ¶ certain men shallbe assigned to inquire of the defautis of the coroners and they shall make inquisition by men of every hundred and wapentak if the coroners have take any thing for the doing of their office and for not doing of their office in every point. & cetera. Stat. Exon. it seemeth by the statute that the coroner shall take the goods of the felons suspect & deliver them to the townis to be kept/ and that he shall take as well appellis of rape as other appellis. & cetera. ¶ Here you this sir coron that. I. M. B. am. ●. thief of ii beoffis or some other best or a murderer of one man or many and a fellow of our lord king henry king of england and because. I. have done many yvellꝭ & thefftiss in this his land. I. Abjure the land of our lord king henry of england/ and that. I. own to hyeme toward the port of such a place which thou hast gyffin me and that. I. own not to go out of the high weigh. & if. I. do. I. will that. I. shallbe takin as a thief and fellow of our lord the king and that at such a place. I. shall seek my passage diligently and 1 shall not bide there but one flood & an Ebb if. I. may have passage/ and if. I. can not have such speed. I. shall go every day in to the see to the kneys willing to pass and if. I. may not within xl days continually. I. shall bring myself again in to the church as a thief and a fellow to our lord the king as so help me god & holy judgement. etc. Tractatu de abiuracione latronum. ¶ Coroners ought to certify their inquisitions to the justice of the jail deliver next being in the count after the inqisicions takin upon pain. C. s. also the coroner shall have for his ●abour xiij s. iiij. d. which shallbe levied of the goods of him that did the murder if he have any and if he have not/ and escape than it shall be levied of the mercyamntꝭ of the town where any such murder happyth to escape iii henry vij Capitulo primo ¶ Coroners shall inquire upon the sight of the body/ if the m●rder where done by day and if they find it so & the murderer be not take than it is an escape for the which the town where the murder was done shallbe amercid four h. seven. Capitulo primo. ¶ The coroner shall do his office upon the body slain drowned or other ways ded by misadventure upon a request to him made with out any thing taking for his labour or if hedo not or elliss take any thing that he shall forfeit for every time xl s. j h. viii. Cap. vj. Corpus cum causa ¶ He that sueth to defeat an execution by a statute of the staple and thereupon cometh in the chancery by corpus cum causa. and there hath a scir fac agains the party upon the defeysaunce or such like he shall find surety as well to the part as to the king severally xi hen. vi. Capitulo ten Look if he shall do so in an audita querela by the equity. & cetera. Cozenage In a wryt of cousinage ail. &. besayl the tenant shall say that the demandant is not next heir of the same ancestor. & cetera. w. ij. Cap. xx. as it is in mordauncetour at the coming law. Countreple de voucher ¶ In a wryt of mordauncestour cousinage ail nuper obiit intrusion and other wryttis like if the tenant vouch to warranty and the demandant say that the tenant or his ancestor whose heir he is was the furst that entered after the death of him of whose seysyn he demanudyth/ the auerment shallbe received if the tenant will abide thereon and if not he shallbe put to another answer if he have not his warrant in presence that will warrant him and incontinent enter in answer saving to the demandant his exceptions against him if he will vouch further as he should have before against the furst tenant. & cetera. yet again in all manner wryttis of entry that make mention of the degrees that non from hens forth vouch out of the live/ and in other wryttis of entre where no mention is made of the degrees and in the uryt of right/ it is provided that if the tenant vonch to warranty and the demandant say that he that is vouchid or his ancestors had never seisin of the land or the tenement in demand in fee nor in service by the hand of the tenant or his ancestors after the time of him of whose seseisin the demandant declaryth unto the time that the writ was purchased and the plea moved by the which he may aver the tenant or his ancestors feffours/ the averment shallbe reseyvid if the tenant will abid thereby ut supra/ saving to the demaundant etc. And the same exception shall have place in a wryt of mordauncestour and other wryttis before n●myd as well as in wryttiss that touch the right and ●f the tenant have a deed of warr' of another man other wise his recovery shallbe saved unto him by a wryt of warrant of charters when he will porchass it but that the playntef shall not be therbi delayed. w. j Ca xxxix. ¶ when so ever the tenant calleth any man to warrant and the demand conterpledith by the statute that he that is vouched nor none of his ancestors. etc. he shall have the conterple by the statut whether the vouch be absent or present for by the words of the statut of. w. j he should not have had the conterplee if the vouch had be present at the time of the voucher & therefore this statute was made. & cetera. Stat de vocat ad warr'. The demandant shall have the auerment that the vouch is ded or that there is non such. etc. xiv. E. iii. C. xvij. Crosses ¶ if a tenant put a cross on his house to be defended by hospitallis against their lords it is enacted that it shall rene to the lord like wise as of tenementis aliened to mortmayn. w. ij. Capitulo xxxiii Crykkis ¶ Merchaundise shall not be charged and discharged in crykkis upon pain of forfeiture but by coercion of Tempest four h. iiii. Cap. ix. ¶ merchandise of the staple shippid in crykkis shallbe forfeit xiiij h. vj. Capitulo .v. Cui in vita ¶ if a man lose by deffaut the tenemnt that was his wyffis right the wife shall have a wryt of cui in vita/ and if the tenant pled the recover he ought aver his right by the recoveri which if he can not show the woma● shall recover etc. w. two. Cap. iij. Cunage ¶ Cunage shall be at Calece as please the king The ix year of. H. vi. capitulo vi ¶ Cunours shall receive by weight and deliver by weight and not by number/ The xxv E. iii. Cap. nineteen. ¶ Cunours shallbe sworn that the third part of the bullion be mad● in halpens and farthyngis/ The four y●re of H. iiii. capitulo ten Look more of cunage in the tytyls of change and money. Custom ¶ Custom shall not be paid for canvas nor for cornettis of sakkis of will xxxiiij Ed. iii● Capitulo xix ¶ He that carrieth merchandises not customed to any where out of the realm but to calyce shall forfeit the value and shall be imprisonid till he have made fine/ and he that espieth & giffith knowledge to the treasurer shall have the four part: the ii H. vi. capitulo .v. ¶ The custom of all woollen clothes that shall be carried out of this ●ealme shall be paid to the customers of the port where they shallbe shipped and not to the collector of the custom notwithstanding the statute made the xii E. iiii. The xi H. seven. Capitulo vi ¶ Marchauntis strangers made denizyn● shall pay like custom as they should have done before they were denyzins/ The i H. seven. cap. two. &. the xi H. seven. cap. xiiii. ¶ Cloth made by merchants strangers in robes and in little pieces shall pay custom after the rate/ and commissioners to be made to inquire thereof and to certify in to the chancery/ The xi year of. H. the vii capitulo vii ¶ Non under the obediens of the king of england sell any merchandise in to scotland nor buy none of them of scotlandꝭ if it be not customed at berwyk or carelyle/ and that no march●undyse shall be shipped between timmouth & berwyk but only at berwyk/ and non sell no salmons of tweed but the burgeys and fremen of berwyk upon pain of forfeiture of the merchandise/ and he that will sue shall have an action of dett wher● esson nor protection shall not lie and shall have the one half/ The xxii E. iiij. Capitulo. ultimo ¶ Item that uj s. viii. d. be paid custom for every mare above the price of vi. s. viii. d. before she be shipped to go over the see to besolde upon pain of forfeiture of the same mare/ and for mares of south tyndall such custom as hath be before used/ The xj H. seven. Cap. xiiii. ¶ Look more for custom in the tytyll of Tonnage and poundage Customers & Countrolers ¶ Customers and countroll●rs shall have no ships of their own nor meddle with the freight of shyppis The xiiii R. two. cap. ix ¶ Customers searchers and countrollers shall be resident and dwell upon their office their own persons without any depute upon pain of imprisonment and upon pain of. C● li. and also the levetenawt of the boteler and the sercheours shallbe resident after the same manner upon the same pain to pay the one half to the king and the other half to him that will sew and the customer must be sworn to account in the exchequer of all profits that he received for payment of tails and of all merchandise charged and discharged. The iiii h. iiii ca nineteen. ¶ Non that holdeth any common hostry be customer controller fyndour or searcher. The xi h. iiij. cap. two. ¶ Customers and countrolers searchers & gaugeours of wynis be not absent in time of charge and discharge nor iii weeks after upon pain of forfeiter of their office. The xiii h. iiii. cap. v. ¶ Customers and countrolers atainted of conseilment of their customs and subsedyes shall ●ose to the king iii times the valu of the thing concealed. The iii h. vi. cap. iii. ¶ Customers shall deliver a warrant to the merchant of the goodis by them customed upon pain of. to the king and C. s. to the party grieved the xi h. vi. cap. xv. ¶ Customers searchers and controllers nor their clerks nor servants use no merchandise nor medyll with no shyppis nor have no wharues nor keep no hostries nor taverns upon pain of. as oft. etc. whereof he that will sew for the king shall have the one half. The twenty henry vi cap. v. ¶ That every englyssheman or merchant stranger having the conveyance of other men's goodis may custom them in his own name so that the king be not dysseyved in his custom not withstanding the statute to the contrary made/ the iii year of. h. seven. ca seven. but if he counseyl the kings custom than the goods therefore to be forfeit to the king and he to forfeit to the part grieved as much money as the goodis forfeited amounted unto and that non being free of prisage or buttelerage custom any wines of any other person not free upon pain of forfeiter to the king the double value of the ꝑrisage. And that the owner so grieved to have an action of det against him that so customed it of the valu of the merchandise so forfeited wherein neither esson nor protection shall lie nor wager of law the i h. viii. ca v. ¶ The collector of subside and countrolers & their clerks shallbe all times ready to seal any cloth of gold or silver bawdeking and every other cloth of silk and every corpse of gold and silk of the making of beyond the see without any thing taking therefore and if they take any thing therefore to forfeit. and as oft as they unreasonably delay or tarry the merchant to forfeit for every time xl s The one half of the penaltes to be to the king and the other half to the merchant so grieved that will sew for it by information in the eschekyr or by action of det in the coming law. The four year. Henry viii Capitulo uj Customs ¶ They that be born within this realm and sworn to foreign princes as long as they dwell under their subjection shall pay here all manner customs subsidem tollem and other inpositions as other strangers and such personis shallbe certified to the chancery by the governor of merchauntiss ventures & their assistance or by the kings imbassetours there at that time being under their seals/ xv. hen. viii. Capitulo quarto. Customers serchours countrollers nor auneg●ours shall have no patentis of their office for term of life or years bu● shall have a bill of the treasurer xxxi h. vi. cap. v. Damage ¶ A woman shall recover damage in a wryt o● dower unde nichil habet of lands whereof her husband died seized. s. from the time of the death of her husband until the day of judgement Merton. Capitulo i ¶ if dissessours alien the lands and have not whereof damage may he levied that they in whose hands the landis shall come shallbe charged of damages so that every one shall answer for his time/ it is provided also that the disseise shall recover his damage in a wryt o● entre sur disseison against him that is 〈◊〉 tenant after the deseisyn/ it is ꝓuyd●d also that from hens forth in all casis damage shallbe awarded where a man recoverith by assiss. 〈◊〉 mordauncestour as is before said in assiss. novel disseysyn/ And in the same manner a man shall recoveryt damage in a wryt of colsynage ail or baysayll/ And also from hens forth they shall recover the costis of his wryt and of his purchase jointly with the damage of value of the issues of the land/ And this shallbe hold in all points where a man recoveryth agains another of his intrusion and of his own wrong. Gloucest Capitulo primo. ¶ Doble damage shallbe recovered in assize where a fefement is made by a dyseissour by maintenawaunce i R. two. capitulo ix ¶ Triple damage shallbe recovered in assisse whe●e a man is deceased with ●orce viii h. vi. ca ix. ¶ They that pur●heys a ꝓhibytion & attachemnt against the ordinaries of a thing that belongeth not to the lay court shall y●ld dam to the ordinaries by the award of the justice. etc. In ●ouis ordinacoī●m .v. E. iii. and it is repelled xv E. three it seemeth that the justice b●fore whom the attachment is s●ed shall award damage in the ●ame suit to the ordinary that is deff etc. q̄●e if it be a statute. ¶ He that sueth a wryt of error for to extort execution if the judgement be affirmed he shall lose damage and costis for the delai that he did to him that had judgement three h. seven. ca x. The same law shallbe if the wryt of error be discontinued or if he be non suit he shall yield damage but inquire what shall be if error be sued after execution/ This statute is confirmed xix h seven. Capitulo twenty ¶ The tenant shall recover damage against ●he demandant in a wryt of right as appeareth in the title of guard four h. seven. capi. xvij. ¶ Every avouant and other person that maketh avowry conusance or justification 〈◊〉 bailiff to another person in any replenin second deliverance for rend custom or service if it be found for him or that the pleyntif be other wise barred that the avowaunt shall recover his damage and costis as the plaintiff shul● have done if he had recovered in the said replenyn vij h. viii. Cap. iiii. Day ¶ The day of the leap year & the day folow●● shall behold for o●e day The statute of the l●pe y●re deraign presentemnt ¶ Assize of deraign presentment shallbe alway takin and determinid in the bench magna carta. Capitulo xiij Decies tantum ¶ A wryt called decies tantum shallbe brought against the iurrour that hath take money to say his verdict and as it is said the xxxiiii E. iii ca viii. he that will sue shall have the one half and the king the other and the same law shallbe against embrasours. etc. and if they have no thin & whereof they may make satisfaction they shall have a yeries prisonment xxxviii E. iij. Capitulo xii Look more of this in the title iurro●r. Declaration ¶ A declaration shall not abate for default of form if it have substance xxxvi E. iii. ca ulii. Denmark ¶ The kepar of the privyseale may make lets of request to the king of denmark for reformation of all things doen by his people: & if he wont not make reformation our sovereign lord the king by the advise of his counsel shall provide remedy ten h. vi. cap. iij. debt ¶ if the warden of the fleet let a man condemned to go by bail or mamprise or baston if he have no commandment by wryt he shall loss his office/ and for theremore if such a warden be attaint by due process that he hath let ut supra the pleyntyffis shall have their recovery against the garden by a wryt of det i Ric. ij. Capitulo twelve ¶ The mayre of the staple of calece shall have an action of debt against him that shippyth wools. etc. to another place than to calece wherein esson protection nor law shall lie and shall have such process as is in an other action of debt at the common law and the mayre shall recover the the one halff to the king and the other halff to himself/ and if any issue be take upon the certificate of the customer of calece that shallbe tried in the shire where the eschekyr is iii. E iiij. Capitulo ii ¶ See in the title of sheriff how an action of de● is maintained against the sheriff that sufferyth an escape of one that is in excecution ¶ The treasurer and barons of the escheky may termyn and: ordain every det dew to the king to the some of saving the continuances of the debtors and that they charge not the sheriff. nor bailiff of the franchises nor other accomptaunce in the eschekyr of no thing to believed of any/ if he be charged of as much as he may levy by his oath without abating the countenance of the debtor i E iii. c. v. Stat. scdom. ¶ recognisance to the dodle shall not be take in the eschekyr for the kings debt as it hath be wont notwithstanding theridamas shallbe takin sufficient surety xiii R. ij. Capitulo xiiij ¶ we or our balyffis shall not seyfe any lands for any det as long as the cattle and the debtors presence suffice and the pricipal debt therefore be ready to answer. Magna carta. cap. viii Disseyson with robbery ¶ if a man be attaint of disseisin done in the time of the king that now is with robbery. of any manner of cattles or movables by reconisaunce of assize of novel diss. the judgement shallbe that the playtyf shall recover seysyn and his damages as well of the chattel as of the movable & as of land the disseysor shallbe fined. etc. and if he be present he shallbe awarded to prison. and the same manner shallbe done if the dysseysin be doen with force and arms though the man do no robbery. w. i Cap. xxxix. Disteyt ¶ A man shall have a wryt of disseyt where he loseth by stir fa● as well as in a praecipe quod reddat two E. iii. Cap. ultimo. dimes ¶ Seyre fac shall not be made to prelatis and men of holy chrurch to answer of dismis in the chancery xviii E. iij. ꝓ clero capitulo ultimo. ¶ Fermours and possessioners of aliens being in the king's handis shall pay dimes .v. h. three Capitulo xi Distress ¶ No constable distrain any man to give money for keeping of a castle if he will do it him self or by an other if he may not/ for a reasonable cause ●nd see the statut. m●gna carta Cap. xx. ¶ if the lord distreyn for his service though no rent be behind therefore the lord shall not be punished by fine. etc. if he suffer the distressi● to be delivered etc. And the tenant shall recover his damage against him/ and the distressis shall be reasonable and not to great. merlebr. Cap. iii. ¶ Non shall cause any distress to be brought out of the count wherein. etc. and if one neghbor do that to another by his will he shallbe ponissid by fine as of a thing against the pease/ and if the lord do so to his tenant he shallbe ponysshid by grievous amercement. merlebr. cap. iiij. ¶ A man shall not distr●yn in a nother's fee & if h● do he shallbe ponysshid after the statut of merlebr and more grievous if the trespass so require. w. i Cap. xvi. ¶ A man shallbe amercid for excessive distress merlebr. Capitulo .v. ¶ Non shall distr●yn in the king's high weigh or common street but the king and his ministers merlebr. Capitulo xu ¶ No distress shallbe made but by bailiffs known and there to sworn and if they do other wysse & thereof be convyet they shall yield damage to them that be grieved by an action of trespass & shallbe make fyn●. w. two. Cap. xxxvii. ¶ if the sheriff distrain for the kings det the part to whom the best is be may give them mete. etc. and that such distress be not sold within xu days and if he bring a tail of one of the sheriffs of payment made to him and find suretes to be at the next account at the escheikr the distress shall seize and that non be distrained by his sheep nor by his bestis that till his land for the king's det nor for other cause if another distress be sufficient except that a man find them doing hurt and that in such casys the distress be not excessive Statut de distr̄ skaccarii ¶ Distressis shall not be in the church fee in the which the churchiss be endowed Statut. vocat Articuli cleri. ¶ Non shallbe compelled nor distrained to come before any lord or lady to auswer of his frehold nor other thing real nor personal that touchyth the common law and if any be grieved he shall sue to the chancellor and he shall give him remedy xuj R. ij. ca xii. & if any do the contrary he shall forfeit to the king. Look for distress in the title avowry. seven. h. viii. Capitulo iiij. Dower ¶ The third part shallbe assigned to the woman for her dowry of all the land that was to her husband in his life/ except that she were redowed of less at the church door. M. carta capitulo. septimo. ¶ In a wryt of dowerunde nichil habet there shallbe given four v. or vi days by the y●re merlebr. Capitulo xvii In dower whereof she hath nought the write shall not be abated by the exception of the tenant for that that she hath received her dowry of another man before the write purcheysed. if he can not prove that she hath received part of her dower of himself in the same town before the wryt purchesed. w. i capitulo xlviij ¶ The statute rehearseth that if the husband grant plainly the justice shall jug dower to this woman but if the man lose by default it was a doubt. it is ordained therefore that in both cases that the woman that demandeth dower shall be herd and if the tenant plead a recover by default he owe to aver his right but it speaketh not how he shall plead if the recover be by confession. etc. but it is adjudged xvii E. iii. that he shall recover by and by for so was the common law. w. two. capitulo. quarto ¶ if a wife willingly refuse her husband and go her way and dwell with her aduout●rer she shall lose her dower except the husband wyllyn●ly and without compulsion of the church will receive her again and suffer her to abide with him in which case she shallbe received to her action w. two. capitulo xxxiii ¶ Look in the title off●fement how a woman tenaunte in dower may forfeit. her estate. Dorcestre. ¶ The borrow of Dorcestre shall use their weights xii mile about the said borrow as they were wont notwithstanding the statute of weights made at the last parlyment ix h. vi. ca vi. ¶ None bring no Clothes in to this Realm made in any other place upon pain of forfeiture. The xi E. iii. capitulo iii And also cloth makers of other lands be in the kings protection & may dwell & work here at they● pleasure the same statute: ¶ Clothes that lack ayarde of measure be forfeit and the ●ulnegeo●r found in default before the mayre or bailiffs where they be sold/ shall have a years pnsonement and lose his office The xxv statute de pannis. and he that will sew in such case shall have the one half of the thing forfeited or else the price ¶ Also the bier when it is agreid of the price may work the cloth notwithstanding it be sealed with the aulnegeours seal and if it lack● of measure it shallbe forfeit and, the mayre● and bailiffs. etc. shall certify to the chancellor such defaults and he shall write to them to deliver the one half of the forfeit to him that seweth and the other halfa to the kings use. The same year. capitulo ii ¶ The aulnegeour shall take for every cloth of assize of the seller a half penny/ and of half a cloth a ferthing for his office and if it be less than half a cloth nothing and that he medyll with no clothes but such as be to sell and that he inseale every cloth what measure so ever it be And that Clothes put to sale vnsea●●d ● be forfeit xxvii year. E. iii. capitulo .v. ¶ Cloth not fulled shall not be carried out of the realm and that no subside be paid therefore till it be fulled. The l E. iii. ca v. ¶ Cloth sowed to gider of pieces insealed be forfeit & the aulnegeour shall lose his office therefore. And also if the aulnegeour s●ale any cloth that is not of assize he shall lose his office & the valu of the cloth and shall make fine at the kings' pleasure. The iii year. R. two. ca two. ¶ Cloth shall contain the assize upon pain of forfeiture and he that spyeth the default against the statutes of clothes shall have the third part●. The vii year. R two. ca ix. ¶ Cogware and kendal cloth shallbe iii quarters of a yard broad as they were wont to be so that they be not made of better will than they were wont to be. The xiii R. two. ca x. ¶ No plain cloth tacchyd nor rolled be put to sale in the shears of somersault or dorset o● gloucester but opened upon pain of forfetour● and that the maker's weavers & fullers put their marks to every cloth that they work upon pain to that limyted by the justice of peace. The xiij R two. ca xi. Cloth shallbe measured by a cord and they that hold not the assize so limited be forfeit the ii E. iii. ca xiii. ¶ No fuller nor other person buy in the county of surrey sussex and south. ani cloth before that the same cloth be fulled and sealed with the seal thereto ordained upon pain of forfeiter of the same xu R. two. ca x. A man may sell cloth as well Karseys as other what length or breedeth so ever it be and that non sell it till it be meet by the aulneg●our and sealed with the seal thereto ordained upon pain contained in other statutes and that none make fraud in clothes of Karseyes under the pain of forfeiture of the ●a●ame. The xvii year. R. two. ca two. ¶ Clothes made wovyn and fulled at london ●r in the ●ubberbys of the same be insealed with 〈◊〉 or with the seal to that ordained & if they 〈◊〉 sold unsealed as is before said they be forfeit to the king The four year of Henry four capitulo vi Drapery. ¶ Clothes of collar shall contain in length by the back xxviii yards and in breed vi quarters and half/ and the ray cloth as much in length and vi quarters in breed upon pain of forfeytor and the aulnegeour shall seize them for the warderope. The eight H. iiii. cap. x. But that i● repelled as touching the king. The ix h. iiii. capitulo vi And after it is confirmed in the hole. The xiii H. iiii. capitulo four ¶ Kendal whereof the dosyn is not worth above vi s. viii. d. shall not be sealed the ix H. iiii. Capitulo ii ¶ Clothes called dosyns of the west part an● other clothes plyted & tacked before the sight of the aulnegeour that putteth his seal therefore ordained to clothes that be not of assize shall lose for the first default. at the second default. at the third default his goods. &. c ¶ And it seemeth by the words of the statute that such cloth called dosyns shall contain xiiii. yards. etc. & he that will sew for the kyn● against the aulnegeour in such case shall have thee. iiji. part● The xi year of henry the four capitulo vi ¶ In this book many other statutis of cloth be lafte out because they be repelled and other statutes made to the contrary. etc. ¶ This word cloth hath relation and extendeth to hole clothes called broad cloth or broad dosyns and to none other and every narrow cloth put to sale shall contain in length xiiii yards and in breed a yard or else the aulnegeour shall cut the list of them upon pain of vi s. viii. d. for every cloth that is put to sale before that the aulnegeour hath put to his se●le thereto ordained. The xi henry vi capi. ix. ¶ None shall carry wollyn yarn or clothes not fulled out of the realm upon pain of forfeiture of the value/ and he that espieth it shall have the one half and the king the other half. The seven. E. iiii. capitulo iii ¶ Cloth makeres of Norfolk Suffolk and Essex shall make broad clothes in length xxviii. yards and xxviii ynche● and in breed with in the list vii quarters and shall way xxxviii. li. and narrow clothes which be calle● the straight set Clothes shall contain in length xiiii yards and in breed within the list iii quarte●es & dim. quarter & shall weigh. & dim. & that all the said clothes shall be insealed by the aulnegeour or sealer with the s●ale of the subsidy with wax/ and if the said clothes be put to sale and not measured weighed and s●aled that he shall forfeit the one half to the king/ and the other half to him that espieth it and seyseth it/ and that non carry the clothes out of the said counts before they be sealed under the foresaid pain. And if any aulnege●ur s●ale the clothes not being of the said measure and weight he shall forfeit for every broad cloth. vi●●. viii. d. and every narrow cloth twenty d. the one half thereof to the king and the other half to him that will sew by action of det write or bill o● in any of the kyngeg courts and shall recover his cost and dam above the principal duyte. The viii ye●e of E. iiii. ca i. quer' how mich is ● li. ¶ Clothes shall● not be carried over the see before they be berbyd rowen and shorn upon pain limited in the statute of vii H. iiii. c. iii. as is before The three H. seven. ca xi but this act ertendyth not to vesses rays/ sailing clothes nor to no● other cloth that is sold under xl s. This act i● confirmed the three H. viii. ca seven provided that this act extend not to any cloth sold for four mark or under. ¶ Cloth in greyn the yard shall not be sold above xvi s. and out of greyn above xi s. upon pain of forfeiture for every yard sold above the price aforesaid xl s. and he that will sew by action of det shall recover the one half to the king & the other half to himself in which neither esson protection nor wager of law shall lie. The four H. seven. capitulo viii ¶ See divers good ordinances of cloth and of makers of cloth in the four year of E. the four ¶ For the true making of cloth furst that the will delivered to be broken carded or spoon shall be by weight of haburdy boys sealed and so delivered again to the clothier/ and in xii pound seemed wool to allow but one quarter of a pound for the waste without any other thing putting thereto dyseyvably by the breaker carder or spinner upon pain to forfeit to the lord of the let for every default xii d. upon proof before the mayre or other heed office calling to them convenient persons for the proof thereof & that the weiver put thereto ●is used mark/ nor put nothing dysseyvably thereto upon pain of iii s. iiii. d. for every default And that none buy no coloured wool nor yarn of any carder or spinner or wever but in open market upon pain of forfeiture of such will and yarn. And that the walker and fuller shall put no flocks nor do other dyssayte thereto nor shall not row nor work no cloth with Cards on neither side upon pain for every defa●te vi s. viii ●. And that none put no cloth to sale that shall shrink in length when it is wet above a ●arde and in breed a quarter and narrow clothes after the same rate upon pain of vi s. viii. d And that no denysyn nor alien after he hath bought the cloth draw it out in length or b●●de upon tentours or other wise upon pain for every cloth. c. s. except he do it to try it and than to draw it out but a yard more than it was when it was wete nor that no flocks nor other dysseyte be put in pain of: xx s. And that the cloth be sold by no measure but by yard x inch upon pain of● c. s. The one half of all these said forfeit to the king and the other half to him that will sew therefore by write bill or action where neither wager of law esson nor protection shall lie. provided that this act extend not to woollen clo●hes called Kendalles nor carpenall whytes made for hose lining nor to no tostokes of Devonshire nor to any woollen cloth made in corwall nor to any cotons or plain lining or fryse made in wales lancasshyre. or cheshire. the vi Hen. viii. Capitulo ix ¶ That none make no clothes called white straits to sell without it be when it is raw ready to be tucked xu yards long/ a yard and a half broad and that every maker put his own mark thereto and non other mark used before by none other man upon pain of forfeiter of the same clothes the one half thereof to the king/ the other half to him that seizeth it and this act to endure to the next parliament. The .v. Henry viii Capitulo. secundo And this act is confirmed perpetual. The vi Henry viii Capitulo viii And also added to the same act that every of the said clothes so raw shall way. at the lest upon pain of the said forfaytoure and russet straits be put in the same. Every white woollen Cloth sold at. v● mark/ or under may be carried beyond the see unbarbid unshorn and unrowed any act before not withstanding and he that conveyth any such white cloth thither above the price of .v. mark to forfeit the value of the said cloth the one half thereof to the king/ the other to him that seweth therefore by action formation or other wise where neither wager of law protection nor esson shall lie. The .v. year of H the viii capitulo iii ¶ Other statutes there be that be repelled or e●pyred therefore I put them not in this book. Mark well all these statutes of clothes for some of them repel other in divers points. ¶ No subject of the king sell no clothes called broad white wollyn clothes made in this realm to no merchant stranger or to any other to his use upon pain of xl s● the one half thereof to the king and the other to the party that will sew where wager of law protection esson and lycens shall be put/ out provided that of the said clothes brought to blackwell hall in london/ if they have remaned there viii days to be sold and than not sold to no english merchant/ than every marchannt stranger having liberty in the city may buy them so that they pay for them with in a month after/ provided also that whites of Coggy sale booking/ blank tree. Eleynfurthers'/ & bastardꝭ that have crumpyll lists of the length of. xxv●i. yards at the water/ and all broad whites that come to every fair in this realm shallbe sold to merchant strangers this act notwithstange so that they pay for them as is above said xv. henry viii Capitulo. primo. ¶ The clothes made in Suthfolke called vesses or set clothes not above the value of xl s. shall not be forfeit/ because they lack in length or breed/ notwithstanding the statute made the vi year of this king xu H. viii. ca xi. Drawlache. ¶ Constable's of twones shall a rest wasters and draw laches for suspicious of felony and put them in the geale till they be inquired of The .v. year of E. iii. Capitulo ultimo Dry exchange. ¶ Look therefore in the title of usury. Elienation ¶ Elienations shallbe free. w. primo. Capi. v. Encumbent. ¶ The encumbent of a patronage of a spyrytu all man grieved by provision or by the kings licence shall recover triple damages in a p̄munir● & furthermore they that disturb them shallbe p●nysshed as provisors iii H. vi. statu. two. capitulo four ¶ The encumbent of the king shall not be received by the ordinary to the church that is full till the king hath recovered his presentment by the course of the law. And every encumbent put outte by such presentment shall have his suit within the year xiii R. two. c●pitulo primo ¶ An encumbent so put out may begin his suit when please him iiii h. iiii. capit●lo xxi ¶ In all cases where the ordinary hath gyfyn a benefyse by laps. &, cetera. and the king take his suit against the patron/ which percase will not defend/ by fraud. etc. And in as other like cases where the kings right is not tried the ordinaries and the possessors shall have answer to the kings title how beit that the ordinary claim no thing in the patronage xxv E iii. pro clero. Capitulo vii Enditiment. ¶ The jurors shall put their seals to the endytementes in the sheriffs turn. And if the the sheriff impryson any other but than which they shall find endited by the same inquysycon/ they shall have an action of false imprisonment. et ce●era. the same shallbe observed of every bailiff of franchises. w. two. capitulo xiij ¶ All indictments before in the sheriff in his turn shallbe annulled ii E. iii. ¶ Endytementes before the sheriff and bailiff of the franchises and all other that take endytementes at their turns or else where/ where indictments should be had shall take their indictments/ by deed indented whereof one part shall abide with the enditours i E. iii. statut. two. capitulo xvii ¶ No endytours be put in inquest upon the deliverance of him that is endted of trespass or felony if he be challenged for that cause by him that is endited xxv E. iii. statut de prodi● capitulo ultimo. ¶ Endytementes of extortions of ordinaries shall make mention of whom and in what manner the extortion was done xxv E. iiii. ca vltimo. ¶ These words insidiatores viarum & depopulatores agrorum in enditementestes be void four H. iiii. capitnlo ii ¶ No endytementes from hens forth be made but by inquest of lawful men as it was in old time and by the sheriffs and bailiffs of the franchises duly retornid without denomination of any manner and the indictment made to the con●trary shall be void & adnullio xi h. iiii. c. vltimo. ¶ Enditemnt where is no such place within the same count be hold for nought and he that is indicted shall recover his damages agains the conspirators in a wryt of conspiracy and also they shall have imprisomment and shall make fyn and ransom by discretion of the justice. etc. To endure to the next parliament & after it was made perpetull xviii h. vi. Cap. xii. ¶ A man of lancaster indicted in any other counteyf the indytours may not dispend c s. or other to their use within the same count where ● etc. the inditment shallbe void xxxiii h. vi. C. two. ¶ An indictment in the torn take by them that may not dispend twenty s● by year of frehold or xxvi s. viii. d. of copy hold shallbe void i R. iii. Capitulo four And the bailiff that retornyth them and the sheriff that putteth them in shall lose xl s. ¶ A wryt upon the case and triple damage is gyffyn for him that is indicted in a foreign count against the procurators viii h. vi. Ca ix. And see more thereof in the title of process. ¶ No wryt shall go out to the sheriff to take indictment xxviii E. iii. Capitulo ix Look for indytemnt in the title justice of the one bench and the other vi h. viii. Capitulo vi Englyshyre ¶ Englisshyre & presentment of the same is put out xiiij E. iii. Capitulo. iii●. Englond ¶ Englond shall never be subject nor obedient to the ream of france nor to no king of england as king of france xiiii E. iii. Stat. ꝑse. Engliss●emen ¶ The kings children born in england or out of england shallbe inheritable. etc. And all children which for hens forth shallbe born out of the legiance of the king of whom the father and mother at the time of the birth be of the faith and legiance of the king of england shall have and enjoy the same benefitis and advantage to have inheritance within this same legeaunce as other heirs before said in time to come so that the moders of the same infantm go o over the see by the assent and will of their husbandis. And if it be alleged against any such born beyond the see that he is bastard en cas where the bishop should have knowledge of the basterdie it shallbe commanded to the bishop to certify to the kingꝭ court as it hath be of old time used in case of basterdye again them which be born in england xxv E. iii. Stat. ꝑse. Enfans ¶ if enfans within age ●e a way so they can not well sew/ their next fryndis shallbe admitted to sew for them. w. two. Capitulo xu Entre ¶ if so many alienations be made that a man can not have his wryt of entry with in the degrees he shall have a wryt of entry in the post. merlebr. Capitulo xxx ¶ if the tenant in dower alien in fee of for term of another's life he in the reversion shall have incontinent a wryt of entry. s. A wryt called in casu provyso. ¶ if tenant in dower tenant by the cortesye or for tyme of life lose by default or make ꝯfession he in the reversion shall have a wryt of enter after the death of the said tenants in which wryt the tenant shall have his right. etc. w. two. C. iij. s. a wryt of entry ad communem legen/ Also if the tenant by the courtesy tenant for term of lyffaleyn in fee or for term of nother's life he in the reversion living the tenant by the cortesye or the tenant for term of life shall have a wryt of entre in casu consili. etc. but after the death of the tenant by the courtesy tenant in dower or tenant for term of life by this alienation made in their lifis he in the reversion shall have a wryt of entry ad comuen legem. distent of any landis and tenementis shall not be prejudicial to any person being in the war of the king no more than the person had been with in age three h. viii. Capitulo four Error ¶ if erour ●e in the exchequer the chancellor and treasurer shall make the record to come before them in some chamber nigh the eschekir take to the justice & other sage men. etc. & they shall cause the barons to be called to here the cause of their judgement and if default befound they shall cause the rollis to be correct & amen did and to be send again to the eschekyr to do thereof execution as it is convenient xxxi E. iii. C. xii. it seemeth that this statute taketh no pl●ce if execution be awarded quer'. ¶ Error before the steward and mershal shall be reversed in the king's bench .v. E. iii. Ca two A man being seek aught to sue a wryt of error by attorney in a especial form of record if the justice see the person vii h iiij. Cap. xiii. ¶ See in the title of attaint that he in the r●●euercion shall have an attaint or error and so his heir shall have upon a judgement gyffyn ●gayns his tenant for term of life ix Ri. two. Capitulo three ¶ See the title damage how the deffend shall recover damage. iii●. h. seven. Cap. x. ¶ Look more for error in the title averment ●nd the title london. Escape. ● If any thing be levied for the Escape ● any thief or fellow/ before that it be judged before the justice in eyre/ he shall restore it to the part/ or to him that paid it as much as he took/ and to the king asmuch. westm. j cap. seven. ¶ The escapies of Felons and Clerks convici from henceforth juggid before any justice/ believed from time to time by the view of the s●me justice. The xxi E. iij. cap. xiv. ¶ If the warden of the Flete let a man condemned go by bail or maymprise or baston if he have no commandment by wryt/ he shall lose his office/ and if h● be attaint thereof by due process the part shall have his recovery against him by action of debt. The i R. two. ca xii. Look in the title of Sheryffis an action of de● mayntenable against the Sheryf that suffered ●n escape of one that was in execution. The xxiii h. vi capitulo ten Look more for escape in the title of coroners. exchange. ¶ the estreytꝭ changed shallbe put in the eschek● by the chancellor of england from xu days to xu & the barons have power to examen the customers in this case & to punish them that do contrary to this statute xi h. iiij. Cap. viii. ¶ None take any thing for to change gold for silver or contrary wise upon pain of forfeiter of the money so changed but only the kings eschaungeours● The xxv E. iij. stat de ꝓdic. Capitulo xii ¶ None shall make exchange for payment beyond the see without the kings licence/ upon pain of forfeiter. The .v. R. two. cap. two. ¶ The change our shallbe sworn and bound● in the chancery for to buy merchandise of the land to the velue the sum within three months/ upon pain of forfeiter. The xiiij R. ij. Capitulo two ¶ Non shall make exchange without the kings licence/ and he that doth the contrary shall forfeit the value thereof/ and he that will sue by action of de● shall have the one half and the king the other half/ wherein neither esson protection nor wager of law shall lie. The iii H viii. capitulo vi ¶ None of this land pay or give to any merchant stranger by way of exchange or otherwise any coin of this land of gold or bullion or other manner plate of gold for his merchandise upon pain of forfeiture of double value of that coin or plate● And he that will sue by action of debt shall have the one half and the king the other half. And he may have it by write bill plaint or information. The. i●ii. H seven. capitulo xxiii ¶ Look more of this in the title of gold and money. Eschete ¶ The king shall not hold the lands of them that be convict of felony but a year and a day and then ●hey shall return to the lords of the fee Mag. carta. ca xxii. look for eshete in the title wines. Eschetour. ¶ escheators shallbe chosen as the sheryf●● and that there be as many of them as there were when the king took the governance of the realm/ and that no escheator tarry in his office past one year The xiiii E. iii. capitulo vii Before this statute there were but ii escheators in England. ¶ escheators shall take the inquests of their office between them and the jurry of the same county openly in good towns or else it is void. The xxxiiii E. iii. capitulo xi ¶ escheators must have. land or fee or more or to be put out of their office. The xlii E. iii● Capitulo v● ¶ escheators or commissioners which take inquests of folks not returned by the sheriff shall lose. whereof he that will sew shall have the one half also they shall return those inquests so taken before them in to the chancery or escheker within a month after the taking upon pain of. to be paid as is aforesaid the viii H. vj. capitulo xvi They shall pay to the king as much as he is endamaged for the not returning of them. Look more of escheators in the title of tauerner● ¶ Every escheator shall take his inquests of office by virtue of writeth of diem clausit extremum/ and of all other writeth within a month after the deliver of them/ and that they shall take them in good towns and open places/ and that he shall not take for his labour and cost in one county above twenty s. And if he do contrary to the premyssis he shall forfe●te. whereof he that will sew it for the king shall have the one half. The xxiii Henry vi ca xvii. ¶ None shall be escheator except he or other to his use at the time that he is chosen may dysspende by year in the same county .xx li: And also he may not let his office to farm or make any depute if it be not to such one for whom he will answer and he must give knowledge of the deputation to the treasurer within twenty days after And if the ●schetoure do otherwise than is lymitted here/ he and his depute/ that so will occupy under him shall forfeit. The one half to the king and the other half to him that will sew it by action of debt/ wherein neither esson protection nor wager of law shall lie. And also the justice of peace ought to inquire thereof and make process as upon an indictment of trespass/ but escheators in cities and towns be except. The xii E. iii Capitulo .v. ¶ If any escheator or commissioner put in any office concerning lands and inheritance in to any of the kings courts which is not presented by xii men indented and by them sealed ● he shall forfeit. to the part thereby grieved/ nor that no escheator nor other Commyssyoner sit to inquire of any lands or inheritance except he or other to his use may dispend xl. mark by year upon pain of. And if he may not dispend xl mark he may refuse to sit in any such commission/ and shallbe discharged in the Esch●ker thereof by his own oath without fine or fee/ and that every escheator and commissioner shall sit in open places according to the statutes before made/ and that they suffer every person to give euydene● openly in such inquests upon pain of xl pound. And the sheriff and other having return of writeth shall return before such escheators or commissioners no person to inquire of lands except such as have lands to the yearly value of xl s. within the same shire upon pain of every person so returned. c. s. And that the jurry that shall be sworn shall receive the counterpane o● the office indented and sealed by the said exchetour or commissioners and that to rest in the hands of the first person sworn in the same jurry upon pain of every one of the jurry twenty s. and that the said escheator or commissioners shall receive the verdet when the jurry is ready to give it without delay and to deliver the counterpane of the said verdet indented to the jurry upon pain of. C. li. And the clerk of the pete bag of the chancery or other officer there having authority or other office of the excheker having authority to receive such offices shall receive the said office & inquisition to them offered within iii days after it is offered upon pain of. And t●●n the said escheators or commyssoner to be discharged of his penalty. for none returning of the same office within the month a●ter it is taken so that the said escheator or commissioners at any time after the said month/ within an other month than next in sewing return the said office in to the Chancery or excheker as the case shall require. And the clerk of the petye bag to certify the transcrypte of the said office the next term following the receit thereof upon pain of. C. s. for every default. And that vo exchetour be compelled to occupy his office continually above one year And the he that is senator one year shall not be again in iii years after the first hole year ended/ and if he do his patent thereof to be void. And the part grieved shall have their recoveres of the said forfeit of. C. li. by action of debt/ wherein no wager of law protection nor esson shall lie. And of the other forfeytours the king shall have the one half and the part that will sew it the other half by action of debt where neither esson/ protection nor wager of law shall lie. ¶ provided that this clause of the escheators excersysing their office over one year extend not to escheators in any city or town corporate or in the duche of Lancaster/ corn wall and the Counties palentynes of Lancastre/ Chestre/ Durham/ or Ely/ or in any other county palentyne in England wales or the marches of the same/ or to any escheator made by any person having authority by franchises privilege/ or by prescription to make them. ¶ provided that this clause of the insuffycyency of the escheators and jurrours extend not to any eschet our in cite or town corporat ne to any escheator made by any person having authority to make them ● for inquisitions of lands ne to any sheriff or bailyf for returning in any panel any persons before the said escheators of less value than is contained in this act. The escheators of the Counties palentyne of lancastre & chester in this proviso only except. ¶ provided that this act extend not to any justice of peace for doing any thing concerning the commission of the peace. The i H. viii ca viii. to endure to the next parliament. But this act is confirmed perpetual. The iii Henry viii Capitulo ii Escheker ¶ Clerk of the Escheker making process after a toil allowed shall lose his office and yield damages to the part grieved ● and that by the discretion of the treasurer and barons. The i R● two. Capitulo .v. ¶ Look an old statut called statut slaccarii th●● tr●tith of all the form of the Escheker & of the accounts in the exchequer & of their ꝓfettes at my helmas & ester after the ancient form and that accomptans be not tarried by pleas between ptye & party except it be for the kings debt. And it speaketh how the chamberlain of chester shall account to the escheker and how that divers sheriffs shallbe executors of divers counts/ And no offyc of the escheker shall put no clerk under him but such for whom he will make answer and all such shallbe sworn to be true/ And if any occupy otherwise he shall be removed from his office/ and no nother shall be put in his office without the kings licence/ and many matters be contained in the same stat. ¶ No common plea shallbe held in the exchequer against magna carta articlīsuꝑ cartas. ¶ The bodies of the shires shall not be written in the yearly rolls but in a certain roll and they shallbe read every year upon the account of the sheriffs & it shallbe known what may follow thereof of every cause the remanentes of the very farms of the same counts after the land gyffyn shallbe written in the yearly rolls & the sheriff shallbe thereof charged & of the fermis of ●he shery●es ꝓfettꝭ of the count the fermis of ●iātie & farms assessed of the counts borrows & other fermis which must be answered yearly to the eschekyr also men shallbe assigned to inquire in divers counts of th● king's dettis when they deny the sheriff. etc. and also of those of whom the sheriff retornyth nichill. etc. Also we will and ordain that no plea from henceforth be hold in the eschekyr but that that touchyth specially us or our ministers before said and note well that it spekythe before of no ministers but of the treasurer chamberlain sheriff and baily●fis but that is no statute as ●t seemeth but an ordinance made for the king. E● the furst at the rollis the xxvij year of his reign and it is called the new statute of the exchequer. ¶ A clerk shallbe made in the eschekyr to countroll the pipe xxxvij E. iii. Capi. iiij. The barons of the exchequer shall have power to here every answer reasonable of them that be accused there for any cause by him or by another & thereof to make discharge without wryt or prive seal .v. R. two. C● ix. ¶ The accomptans of nichill shallbe discharged by their othis without other account of such ●●chils .v. R. ij. Capitulo xiii ¶ The two reme●brancers shallbe sworn to make every term a cedule of the names of every one that is discharged before them by judgement or other wise containing their discharge and shall deliver it to the clerk of the pipe that thereof shall make discharged to the parts and the clerk of the pipe shallbe sworn for to ask term by term the cedulies and there upon discharge the parties & in the same manner the clerk of the pipe shall certify in writing to the said remembrancers the dyschargys' made in his office to the intent that a man discharged in one place shallbe discharged in all places of the said eschekyr .v. R. two. C. xiv. ¶ where a man hath liver of landis and tenementis out of the king's handis in the king's bench or ell●s where and the tenure of the same put in the eschekyr by a wryt of mittimus for to discharge them of the accomptis of them demanded for the same that the remembrancers in whose office such accomptis shallbe demanded by and by shall cease the suit by words entered upon the back of the wryt without new judgement or process thereof made .v. Ric. ij. Capitulo xu ¶ A man shall not pay in the eschekyr for the fee of the clerk making the commission above ii s. and for the record of the nisi prius in the eschekyr with the wryt but ii s. v. R. ij. cap. vltimo ¶ Two clerks shallbe assigned to make the ꝑcellis of the accomptt in he eschekyr at the costis of the countant and they shall be sworn that they shall not do falsely in their office .v. R. two. Ca xii ¶ He that is retained with the king in his war and hath received a certain some of money i● the reseyt his conu●nauntis shallbe put in the eschekyr in w●ytyng and if the barons demand account of him he shall account and bring in his writing and shall hau● alowaunce without any other warranty and if he be in surplisage they shall make him remedy and if any repel be made after his covenants put in the eschekyr that repel shallbe send in to the eschekyr and it shallbe ratyt of his retinue according .v. R. i●. Capi. x. Look more her of in the title estretis. Esson ¶ In a wryt where attachmen and distress lieth after issue a man shall have but one esson or one default so that he come not at the day gyffen him by the esson or make default the second day than the inquest shallbe take by his default and if the deffend make default at the nisi prius than at the day in bank there shall go out a veni● fac ad audiend judicium retornable at a certain day at which day if he make default judgement. etc. like wise shallbe done if he come not at the day gyffyn him by the esson merlebr. Cap. iij. ¶ Affter that that the tenants in a wryt off ass. atteit or juris utrum have appeared in court they shall not be essonyd but shall make attorneys. w. j Capitulo xlj ¶ Parceners and jointenauntiss shall not be essomd but at one day so that they may not fourch but only one esson as a sole tena●ut shall have w. j Capitulo xlij ¶ Because that people make themself to be essonyd over the see where they be in england at the day of essoign and three weeks after. that it shall be tried by the country and if it befound for the demand the esson shallbe turned into a default and that was to be understand only before the justice in eyre. w. j Cappitulo xliij ¶ if a man make himself to be essonyd in the king's feruyce and at the day he bringeth not in his warrant he shall lose. for the iornei or more by the discretion of the justice/ and this to understand in such actions where attachemnt and distress lieth Gloucest. ¶ The husband and wife shall not fourch by esson where they be tenants no more than perceners' Gloucest. Cap. x. ¶ if in the journey of the justice the tenant be essonyd of sickness in the bed/ the demaundaunt shall have averment that he was not so seek but that he might have common and if it be found by the inquisytion it shallbe turned in to a default. etc. look if it b● intended before other justice by the equity of the statute. etc. nor an esson of sickness in the bed shall not lie between two claimers by one disteut w. ij. Capitulo xvij ¶ After that any man hath put himself in any inquiry at that next day one esson shallbe alowid unto him but at the next days following the taking of the inqici● shall not be deferred whether he hath had essoign furst or no nor essoign shall not be so mitred aft a day gyffyn by the prayer of the parts in which case they grant to come with out esson. w. ij. C. xxvij. ¶ where by the statute of. w. j it is ordained that after the tenant hath onis appeared no essoign shallbe allowed to him in uryttis of assize The same manner shallbe observed of the demaundantꝭ . w. ij. Capitulo xxviij ¶ An Esson shall not lie when the land is takin in to the kings hand nor esson shall not lie when any is distressid by his goods and cattles/ it lieth not for it is granted here thereof judgement if the jury come lytlyeth not be cause he is seen in the court/ it lieth not be yond the see be cause he essonyd himself of evil coming There lieth no esson because he was essonyd such a day/ There lieth no essoign because it was commaned to the shirif that he should cause him to come There lieth not esson because his attornei was ●ssonyd/ it lieth not because he hath an attorney in the plea/ There lieth no esson of the king's service because the essonour testifieth that he is not in the kingꝭ service/ There lieth/ no esson because he was esson●d before of the kingꝭ service & now he sendith not in his warrant: there lieth non 〈◊〉 a writ of dower because it seemeth to be a disce●t & progation of the law: it lieth not because the pleintyf found no pleggis de proc/ it lieth not because no summons or attachment doth wyt●es for that that the sheriff returned that he ●as not found/ it lieth not because he was re●ommonyd in a wryt of deraign presentment or nor dauncestour/ it lieth not be cause it was cō●anndyd to such a bishop that he should make him to come/ it lieth not because yet the day is not come/ it lieth not because the day is passed/ it lieth not because the essoner did abid his day. ¶ And it is to be knowin that esson lieth not a●ter the land takin in to the lord is hand. s. after grant cape and petty cape. Tractat de esson calumniand. ¶ Esson of the king is seruyceis put out in attaint .v. E. iii. Cap. vi. ¶ it is purveyed that in cosite hundred court ba●on and ●llis where non shallbe necessarily sworn to warr' his esson. Merlebr̄ Cap. nineteen. ¶ Look for esson in the title view & extortion. Estretes ¶ All justice inquyrours and other shall deliver to the eschekyr at the fest of saint my chell from year to year the estretis fynis & avercyamentis tarid before them and they of the exchequer shall make the estreytis of a some by all counts sauyn● that the estreytis of the justice in eyr● shallbe delivered to the sheriff, after the year d●̄ Statut de districtionibus skaccarij. ¶ if any man or town be charged in the eschekyr by an estreit of the slaying of a fellow and will alegge that another is charged in dyschargyng of him he shall be herd and justice doen to him xxxj E. iii. Capi. iij. ¶ The sheriff and the ministers shall show the estretis under the seal of the eschekyr & if he levey an estreit that is not dew he shall yield to the partetreble damage and that he shall have his suit as well before the justice of pease as before other justice & that no copy be made of such estret but to the bailyff of the franchises and that under the seal of the sheriff and that the bailiff of the franchises shall account by his copy in the eschekyr xlij E. iij. Cap. ix. ¶ The estretis shall make mention of the nature of the action the names of the parts the term the cause of forfeiture vii h. iiij. C. iij. ¶ Estretis of eschaungiss shall esend from the chancery into the eschekyr from xu days to xv days xi H. iiij. Cap. viii. ¶ None estrete shall go out of the Count before that it be seen by ii justice of pease/ whereof one to be of the Quorum. And the estretis shallbe indented one part sealed with the seal of the justice of pease ● and the other with the seal of the Sheryf & if the sheriff or other officer levy any amercyment by estrete not examined against this ordinance and thereof be attaint by examination of a justice of the pease that shall be thereto astygned yearly by the custos rotulorum or the eldest justice of the quorum in his absence shall forfeit to the king xl s. The xi Henry four capitulo xu Estripament ¶ Of a plea moved in london by writ the t●●naunt shall make no waist nor destruction ha●gyng the plea but the mayre and the bailyffis 〈◊〉 the suit of the demand shall cause it to be ke●● and the same ordinance shallbe kept in all other cities and borows thorough out all the real●● Glouc. Cap. xiii. Euerwyk or york ¶ if a man of the cite of everwik otherwise called york purcheys letters patenrꝭ of the king or his successors to be exempt from the office of mayralte sheriff chamberlain collector of dysmies & xu or to be citizen of the same city to come to the parliament that such letters shall be void & he shall lose xl. li. where of the one half shall go to the king & the other half to the mayre of the city for the time being and that the mayre shall have an action of debt of the fame xl. li● and the defendant shall be put from his law xxxix H. vi. Capitulo iii exception. ¶ when that any man is inpleded before any i●●styce & puttyth forth an exception and the justice will not allow it he shall write the exception and one of the justice shall put to his seal/ and if the king cause the record to come before him and the same exception be not found in the rolls/ and the plaintiff show the same exception written. etc. it shallbe commanded to the justice that if at a certain day. etc. and if he can not a gain say it they shall proceed to judgement after that exception as it had been allowed or disallowed. w. two. ca xxx●. search if the justice deny his scale how that shall be tried. etc. Excōmengement● ¶ writeth were ordained to the bishops to a curse all and every of them perturbers of the peace of holy church & of the king/ felons maintenours of felons and conspirators of felony false jurrours takers and maynte●ers of false quarrels/ every sunday & double feasts. etc. in the cathedral church & in every colage & parish church & to proceed against them according to the canon laws ix E. iii. ordinacio per se. Execution ¶ if a man recover debt or damage it shallbe in his election to have a fieri fac of his lands and cattles or that the sheriff shall deliver to him all the cattles of the debtor except oxen and the beasts of his teme until his debt be levied by a reasonable pce/ and extent and if he be put out he shall have ass. &. rediss. w. two. Capi. xviii. ¶ Of those things that be record before the chancellor & justice which have a record in their rolls. etc. there shallbe no process made by somons attachment esson view of the land or other solempnytes of the court. etc. but if the knowledge be newly done or if a fine be levied within a ●ere by write anon he shall have a write of execution. etc. and if the recognition or fine have be made of a l●nger time/ he shall have a stir fac/ & if he be warned & come not he shall have execution/ in the same manner it shall ●e commanded to the ordinary in his case observed notwithstanding that is a 'bove spoken of the mean which by recognisance or judgement is bound to acquit. w. two. Capitulo xlv ¶ The statute of acton bornell of merchants shall not be holden but be between merchant and merchant & for merchandise between them made and that by the witness of four lawful men of their names entered in the recognisance/ and that no land be put in execution but burgages and that they shall take such recognisance at new castle/ york/ chestre/ nothyngham brystow suffolk/ lincoln norfolk/ saint botulphus/ in london cauntorbury/ salisbury/ & norwiche/ and no where else. In novis ordinac. v● E. iii. & a●ter it is repelled the xv. year of the same king ¶ if a man condemned at an others suit & in an other prison than in the fleet will knowledge by faint cause himself to be debtor to the king and therefore is adjudged to the prison of the fleet to have greater surety the recognisauns shall not be received but he shallbe send to the pson where he was till the part be satisfied/ and after he shallbe send to the prison of the fleet for that recognisance i R. two: ca xii. ¶ A man shall have execution of lands and goods aliened by colution by him that fleeth to westm or to another place privileged i E. iii. Capitulo vi ¶ A man shall have execution i● England of all recongnysaunces of debts made at cales ten Henry vi Capitulo i Look for execution in statute merchant. ¶ Execution shallbe made upon any condemnation of statute merchant statute staple or recognysauns and delivered to the part of all such lands and tenements that any parson or persons be sesid so it be to the use of him against whom execution is sued as if the part himself had be soleseised to his own use at the time of the recover sued/ and that every such person against whom any such execution is sued shall have like advantage in the law against him that suid execution as if he himself had be seized xix H. seven. Capitulo xu executors ¶ executors from hens forth shall have a w●yt of account & the same action & process as the deed man should have had if he had lived. w. two. Capitulo xxiii ¶ executors shall have an action of trespass of goods taken away in the life of their testator four E. two. Capitulo four ¶ In a write of debt against executors they shall not fourch by esson before appearance nor afterward so that they shall have but one esson after/ as the testator should have had & he that cometh furst by distress shall answer. etc. And the judgement shall be of the goods of the deed ●s if all had appeared ix E. iii● ca three ¶ executors of executors shall have an action of account of debt and of goods taken away of the furst testator and execution of the statute merchant and reconisaunce made to the furst testator as the furst testator should have had And that the same executors of executors shall answer as much as they have received of the furst testator as the furst testator should if he had been alive xxv Ed. iii. de prodic. Capitulo .v. ¶ executors shall have a wryt out of the chancery with ii proclamations retournable in the common place against the household servants of the testator that have spoiled or eloyned the goods after the death of the testator and if the writ be returned served and the defendauntꝭ make default they shallbe attaint of felony & if they appear they shallbe commit to prison there to tarry at the discretion of the justice till they have answered to the executors by bill or write of the furst taking so that such actions by sewed with effect. And they shall not go out of prison without finding surety to the executors by way of recognifa●ce to keep their days in the court & if the gealour let them go without surety. etc. he shall lose. to the executors. And no protection lieth in any action taken upon this statute. The xxxiii H. vi. Capitulo i Exemption. ¶ A charter of exemption shall not be allowed in that that there be not I now sufficient beside him that hath the charter as in the great assize attaint and write of per ambulation/ or if th●● be witness in the d●de. etc. saving to him alway his liberty. etc. merlebre. ca xx● Exemplification. ¶ Exemplification of domysday by the which villains & tenants in vylynage with say their service were declared for void in this parliament/ and that lords have commyssyones to inquire of them that purcheyse such & of their ●ydours & to ponisshe & imprison them without bail or maymprise till they be acquyt i R. two. ca vi. ¶ Exemplification of a deed in rolled brent in the time of insurrection sha●be of the same effect as the deed was vi R. two. ca iiii. Exigent. ¶ They that have or be receivers of wols of the king which they took of the people and do aloyn them away/ so that the king can not be thereof served/ of them that bring wols beyond the see without cokkettes or paying of custom or subsidy/ And of the customers & the finders that suffer it to the kings hurt/ of the kings ministers that receive his money and withhold it/ of conspyratours/ confederatour● and maintainers of false quarrels ● of them that r●yse rowtꝭ in the presence of the justice or other the kings ministers or in the Countess in disturbance of the people/ so that the law/ may not be done. And also as well they that come in their company. And of them that bring false money to deceive the people/ against all these in case that they can not be found or brought to answer by attachment or distress/ an exigent shallbe gyffyn and s●wyd & against none other. ¶ Exigent shall not be awarded where a man is endited of trespass except tha● it be against the peace xviij E. iii. statut. two. ca v. expenses of knights ¶ Lands purcheysed by lords of the parliament shallbe contributory to the expenses o● knights as they were before the purcheys xii R. two. Capitulo xii ¶ The sheriff at the next count holden after the delyu●raunce of the wryt to him for the election of the knights shall make proclamation that the coroners & constables and bailiffs of every hundred be at the n●xt count to assess the wagis of the knights and that the sheriff undersheriff coroner/ or bailiffs for the time being be there upon pain of xl s. At which ●yme the sheriff in the presence of them and the ●ew tours of the count shall assess every hundred to a certain sum. and than they must cease every town within the hundred/ so that the sum in every town amount in all to the hole sum of the hundred and n●t above. And if the sheriff leave more he shall forfeit to the king every time. and x li. to the part that will sue by Scire facias/ and if he make default or be con●uyct the part shall recover. for the king and. for himself and triple damage. The xxiii H. vi. ca xi. Exposition of old words ¶ Sok ● that is suyt of men in your court after the custom of the realm Sak that is plea and amendis of trespass of men in your court ¶ Toll that is that you and your men of your homage shallbe quit of all manner toll in all mercettis of thyngiss to be bought or sold. ¶ Thom that is that he shall have the hole generation of your villeyns with their suytꝭ and catellis wherso ever they be found in england except that if any bondman have dwelled in ● privileged town by a year and a day quietly so that he be found as one of them in their commonalty or gyld therein he is delivered of his v●●ly●age. ¶ Infang thief that is that theffꝭ take in your lordship or ●ee of thefft convict in your court shallbe judged. ¶ Hanghwyte that is to be quit of the hanging of a theff without judgement or of skap●g out of ward. ¶ ●wt fang thief that is that theffies of your land or of your see take without your land or without your fee with theft shallbe returned a gain and there judged. ¶ Home sokyn that is to be quit of amerc●mē●s of violent enter in to houses without licence and against the king's peace and that ye shall hold pleas of the same trespassis done in your court and in your land. ¶ Grythbreche that is the kings peace brokin ¶ Blodwyte that is to be quite of amercementis of blood shed and that pleas shallbe hold in ●our court and that ye shall have the mercementis thereof coming for wite english is mercement in lat●n. ¶ Flytwyte that is to be quite of coventions and dispytes/ and that he have the pl●e thereof in your court and the amercymentis. ¶ Fledwyte that is to be quid of amerciamentis when any man utlawid fleyth and cometh to the kings peace freely or by licence. ¶ Flemyne swyte that is that ye shall have the cattles and amercyamentis of your men that flee. ¶ Letherwyte that is that ye shall take amendis of him that coruptith your nature without your licence. ¶ Chydwit that is that ye shall take amendꝭ of your nature corrupt & got with child without your licence. ¶ Forstall ●hat is to be quit of amercymentis ● cattellies a rested within your land and amercyamentis thereof coming. ¶ Scot that is to be quit of a certain custom as of common tallage made to the use of the sheriff or his bailiffs. ¶ belt that is to be quit of bound custom which sometime where wont to be giffin as hornegeld and such other ¶ Hidage that is to be quit if the king tax all his land by hidies. Caruage that is to be quit if the king tax his land by acres. ¶ Dangelt that is to be quit of a certain custom that runneth some time which the danies did leuty in england. ¶ Hornegelt that is to be quit of a certain custom exact by tallage by the hole land as of every best that is horned. ¶ Lastage that is to be quit of a certain custom exact in feyrꝭ and merkettis for thyngiss to tobe carried whether a man will. ¶ Stalage that is to be quit of a certain co●●ome exact for a place take or assigned in feyrꝭ & mercettis. ¶ Showing that is to be quid of attachment i● 〈◊〉 court or before who soever of quarrellꝭ she●wd & not avowed/ ¶ Mish●rsyng that is to be quit of amercymē●is provid in the transompt before who so ever ¶ Burghbrech to be quyd of trespassis do● i●●yte or borough agains the pe●ce. ¶ wardwyt● that is to be quit of gyffing of mo●ey for wardis to be made. ¶ Hundred that is to be quit of gyffing of mo●ey or customis to be done to provosts and hun●redars ¶ Brode halpeni that is to be quit of a certain oftome exact for tabuls leu●yd. ¶ Burghbote that is to be quit of gyffyn aid ● making a borogh castle city or throing own of wallis. ●Auerpeny that is to be quit of divers mo●y for the average of the king ●ractaf de exoposition bus vocabulorum. Extortion ¶ No sheriff coroner nor other of the kings ministers take no allowance to do his office but they shallbe paid of that that they take of the king. w. i C. xxvi. ¶ Because that people compleyn that seriauntis criours of fee and mershallies wrougfulli take money of them that recover their quarrels or recover seisyn of land and of fine levied of other attachementis in the pleas of the coron that they ought not to do: and that there be more great number of them than ought to be/ the king defendeth that these thyngiss from hens forth be no more done & if the sergeant of the fee do it his office shallbe take in to the king's handis and if the merchall of the justice do it he shallbe ponyshid at the king's pleasure and the one and the other shall yield damage triple to them that be grieved. w. i Ca xxxii. ¶ Extortions' of ordinayres and his ministers shallbe specially declared in their indictments xxv. E. iii. pro clero. Capitulo ultimo. ¶ Look for extortion in the title maintenance & purveyors. Falcon ¶ who so ever find any Falcon/ tarcelet/ laner or laneret/ or other falcon that is lost that incontinent he bring it to the sheriff of the shire/ and that the sheriff make proclamation in all the good towns that he hath such a falcon/ And if he that oweth it or any of his challenge it and prove it reasonably he shall pay for the costis and have the falcon again/ and if none come withī●iii. monithes to challenge/ the sheriff shall have the falcon making grewith him that took it if he be a poor man/ and if he that took it be a gentleman and of estate to have a falcon than the sheriff to deliver him the falcon taking reasonable cost of him for the while that he kept it And if he that so hath taken any falcon and conseyl it and keep it secret and after be thereof attaint he shall have ii years prisonment and yield to the lord that owed it ●he price of the falcon if he be able/ and if not than to tarry the longer in prison. The xxiii Ed. iij. Capitulo xxij ¶ He that taketh a way a falcon not doing after the ordinance before said it shallbe done of him as of a thief. The xxxvij Ed. Capitulo xix Look more for faucons in the title of hawkꝭ. Falsiugement ¶ Non but only the king hold ●le of false judgement gyffin in the court of his tenant. merlebr. Cap. xx. Fealte ¶ when a free man shall do fealte he shall hold his right hand upon the book and shall say here you my lord that. I. A. B shall be to you faithful and law full and shall bear you faith of the ten●mentts that. I. claim to hold of you and that. I. shall lawfully do you the service and customs that. I. ought to do at terms assigns as so help me god and all saints/ and a villain shall hold his handis. ut supra. and shall say/ here you. & cetera. that. I. shallbe to you faithful and shall bear you faith of tenementis that. I. hold of you in villeinage and 1 shallbe justifiable to you of body and goodis as so help me. & cet●ra. Feyeres ¶ A cry shallbe made at the beginning of every feyre how long it shall endure/ and that none shall sell after upon pain to be grievously punished against the king/ And the lords shall hold no longer there authority upon pain of taking the fairs in to the kings handis till fine be made. The ii E. iii. Capi. xiii. ¶ merchants that s●ll merchandise after the feyre ended shall lose to the king double value thereof. And he that will sew for the king shall be received and shall have the four part thereof. The v. E. three ca seven. ¶ All feyres and markets in the feestes of the assention/ Corpus crystis/ whitsuntide/ die paraceves and all sundays shall utterly cese from the showing of any ware except necessary victual upon pain of forfeiter of the same goods to the lords of the liberty/ except only four sondays in the heruyst. And they that have no power to keep feyre or market but such days. They may keep it with in iii days before or after any of the said feasts after proclamation furst made/ and without any fine to be forfeit to the king. And they that have by their grant sufficient days before the said feestes or after shall keep the number of their days in like manner to hold them except in the said f●●stes. And this provision shall dure unto the next parliament and so from thence forth except some reasonable cause be then alegged why this statute should not be expedient. The xxviii Hen. vi. Capitulo .v. ¶ They of london may go to every Feyre or market and if any interrupt them he shall forfeit x. li. and he that w●ll sew can action of det shall recover the one half to the king ● & the other half to himself wherein no wager of law shall lie. The iii Hen. vi. Capitulo ix ¶ Look for fair cour courtis in the title of pipouders feoffments & gyftis of trust● ¶ it is ordained that every estate gift feoffment ●●les grant less and confirmation made or to be made by any person of full age of hole mind at large & not in duresse of any landis & tenemetꝭ rentis service & inherititamentꝭ wheof other be seized to their use/ & that all recovers & execucyous agains such persons made & had be from henceforth good & effectual against them & their heyris claiming the same only as heir or heirs to the same cellar's feffours or grauntours and against all other claiming any title or interest only to the use of the same seller feffours giffer or grant & their heyris/ saving to every person such right by reason of any gift in the tail made as they should have had if this gift had not been to them made primo. R. iii. Capitulo primo. ¶ if any man make fef●ement or gift of goods or any dysseysour make feoffment by fraud or maintenance to great men/ such feoffment or gift shallbe void. & the part shall recover double damages i R. two. Capi. ix. ¶ it wasinacted in the first year of richard iii that if the same king were infeoffed to another's use/ that the possession should be in the other cofeffese and if he were sole seized to a nother's use than the possession should be in him to whose use he was infeoffed or in his heirs. ¶ if any woman discontynue aleyne release or confirm with warrant any lands & tenements which she hath in dower or for term of life or in tail of the gift of her furst husband or of any of his ancestors or of any other seized to the use of her furst husband or his ancestors or such lands whereof any other is seized to his use by the will of her first husband or any of his auncesttours o● suffer any recovery by coven against her or against other seized to her use that such dyscontinuaunces alley nations and recovers be void and that it be leeful to him that should have the land after the death of the woman to enter and to hold himself as in his elder right for ever/ and if such a woman take another husband and he make such alienation or dyscontynnuaunce with warranty of such lands or suffer any faint recover as is above said that he that should have the land after the death of the woman may enter and hold the land to him during the life of the husband but after the death of the husband the woman shall have again the land according to her elder right/ provided that this act extend not but to alienations made after the furst day of december next coming nor where he that ought to have the land after the death of the woman is agreeable to such alienation or recover so that the greement be of record xi. Hen. vi. capitulo twenty ¶ Dedis of gift of goods or catellꝭ made to any man to the use of the grantor be void iii h. seven. ca iiii. ¶ Look in the title of vyllynage that if a feff●mēt be made to the use of a vylayn that his lord may enter xix H. seven. ca xv. ¶ Every person to whose use Empson & dubley were seized of lands or tenements may enter & make estate to otherꝭ in fee to his use as well upon the possyssyon of the king as upon the possession of any other & also of such lands whereof any of them were seized jointly with other/ that the other & their heirs shallbe seized to such intent as they were with Empson & dudley notwithstanding their atteinder pmo. h. seven. ca xiiii. ¶ it is a greyd that no man shall take fesauntes nor ꝑtriches with nets or other engines in any others land upon pain of. the one half there of to the possessor of the land ● where. etc. and the other half to him that wylsew xi h. seven. ca xvii ¶ Noman take in an others land by craft or in gyne any herons but with hawking or long bow upon pain of vi s. viii. d. & that none take in a nother's land young her on out of the nest without licence of the lord upon pain of x s. for every heron & he that will sew shall have an action of debt And that the process shallbe as in an other action of debt where neither esson protection nor wa●er of law shall lie xix Hen. seven. Capitulo xi Felony. ¶ None from hens forth that breaketh any prison shal● have judgement to die for that only breaking except the cause wherefore he was imprisoned require the same judgement though in times past it hath be otherwise vsed● statut de psonan frangent Multiplication of money is made felony .v. h. iiii. c. iiii ¶ cutting of ●onges & puttynge● out of eyes of malice pmpensed is made felony .v. h. iiii. ca v. ¶ where before this divers women having substans in movable goods or in landis or that be heyris apparantes to their ancestors be oftymꝭ taken away by misdoers against their wyllꝭ and after be married to such misdoers or to other by their assent or else defouled to the great displeasure to god & dysꝑgement of the women. etc. it is ordained therefore that such taking be felony and that such misdoers takers ꝓcuratours & receivers knowing the same offence. etc. be iugged as principals felones: provided that this act extend not to them that only claim the woman as ward or villain. etc. iii Hen. seven. Capitulo ii ¶ Look for felony in staple puru●yours. falcon rape records money hunters and in justice of the one bench & other vi h. viii. ca vi. Fermes. ¶ Hundredis & wapentakꝭ shall not be let above ●he old farm & that is to eschew bribery. etc. & justices of peace have power to inquire and to punish sheriffs doing the contrary four Ed two. Capitulo v●timo. ¶ The next of the kin to whom the heritage may not descend shallbe prefered to the fermꝭ of tenauntis in the kings ward without fraud fyndinge surety to yield to the king. etc. xiiii E. iii. ca xii. ¶ The chapters shallbe perferred to the fermꝭ of bysshoprykꝭ & abbaiss & other possessions of holy church & the chancellor & the treasurer have power to let such fermꝭ for ever yielding the value by the year or by the month xiiii Ed. iii. pro cler●. capi. iii. ¶ No landis nor tenements seized in the kings handis upon inquest taken before escheators or commissioners be let to farm but shall abide in the k●gis hands till the same questꝭ be returned in the chancery or in the exchequer by one month after the same return except they that be grieved put out by ●uil inquestes of their lands & tenementis come in to the chancery and proffer themself to travers the same inquest/ And to take the same lands and tenements of f●rme/ then they shall be committed to them if they show by good evidence proving their travers to be true aft the form of the statut made xxxvi E. iii ca xiii. to hold till the issue of the same travers be dyscused & to find surety to set the same travers with the effect & to yield the king the value if it be found for the king and if any patent or less be made to the contrary within the said month it is void. etc. viii. H. vi ca xvi. And the chancellor & treasurer shall let such fermes xviii H. vi. ca seven. in fine. but now if he come in to the chancery within three monythes next aft the same office put in to the chancery or exchequer/ that then by the same chancellor he shallbe admitted/ & that all other patens & grauntꝭ hereafter to be made thereof with in the iii months ended be void notwithstanding the said statut of anno. viii. H. vi. or any other statute made contrary. etc. i H. viii. capitulo ix ¶ None shall hold any fermis within the isle of wight but that they all extend not to the value of ten mark by the year iiii Hen. vi● capitulo xvi And he that taketh any such above the the said value shall forfeit to the king. &. they that have many fermes at this tyme. etc. shall choose which of the fermis plesyth him to the same value and the less of the remnant to be void in the year of our lord. M. CCCC.lxxxx. And they that have paid fines for their furst lessis to be allowed and this alowau●ce to be judged by the captain of the same isle or his lieutenant for the time being. & cetera. Look for fermes in travers. Fees forfeit ¶ Look in the title fumiter. Fees of court ¶ Ushars' and seriauntiss of the court shall take for their fees as it is ordeinid by the statute but it speaketh but of the justice in eyre. & catena. ideo vide. w. two. cap. xliiij. fines ¶ At the cumin law the parts to the fine and their heirs were reseyvid to avoid the fines by such averment/ that before the fine levied & in the time of the leueyng thereof and after/ the plaintyffꝭ demandauntiss & their ancestors of the tenements contained in the fine or any part of them were alway seized. etc. it is ordained that the said excepci●s or ansuers no wise against the said recognisance & fines from hens forth shallbe amyt●yd/ ad this statute shall have place to fines levied & to be leveid. etc. Add that the fines be opinly red in the kings court & that all pleas shall sesse the mean while. Statut de finibus. ¶ The parts to the fines upon knowledge of right or r●nder shall come personalli before the justice that their agis staturis and other defautis by them may be judged pro vydyd that if a●y old man feeble o● decrepited may not come Than two justice or one justice and an abbot or other discrete man shall have pow●r to go to him & to take his knowledge & to reseyne an attorney for him & they shall sertefye it in to the kings bench. Statut. de finibus & attorn̄ ¶ fines sold & gyvin of landis & recognisaunces of debts af●er the exile made of hugh the spencer & other made by dures to the said sugh and the other shallbe def●ytyd/ upon certain form here limited i E. iij. Cap. iij. ¶ A wryt of covenant and dedimus potestatem & the recognisance & notes of the sins shallbe ī●ollid by the chief clerk for the old fee of xxii s without any more ●o be paid to the intent that if the fines be inbesellid that a man may have execution of the record .v. H. iiij. Cap. xiv. ¶ Note well that a fine aft the engrossing shall be four times at four several days in that term & other three times next following proclaimed & a transcript sand to the justice of assize in the count where the hands & they must ꝓclain them at all assizes with in the year & another transcript to the justice of peace where the land is to ꝓclayme in four sessions within the year & then it shallbe certified in to the bench the next tme after proclamation & it shallbe a final ꝯclution to all save to women covert if she be not puey to the fine or to any within age in pson out of the realm or out of his mind: & it shall be no conclusion to all estraungers which have right to enter or action if they come within .v. yeries aft the proclamation certified & if cause of action fall aft the ingrossemnt by descent or remainder that they behove to sew against the takers of the perfect within .v. year next after the cause of action fallin but if they be within age in pson covert over these or out of their myndis than their title or entry shall be saved to them till that they be of full age out of pson discovert within the ream & within the .v. yeris afft. etc. their action or entry ought to be brought & sued with effect i R. iij. cap. seven. ¶ fines shallbe solemnly red and proclaimed the same term and three terms next following thengrossement at which times all the pleas shall seize and such fines shall conclude all strangers except they take their suit within .v. yeries after the proclamation made: except such personis except in the said statute of. R. the iii d. And furthermore this statute rehearseth all the points as in the statut before said joined there to that all estraungers may say that they that where parties to such fine nor other to their use had no thing in the tenementis at the tyme. etc. And it shallbe in the election of every man to levy a fine upon this statute or as it hath been used before. etc. iiij. H. seven. cap. xxiv. fines forfeit to the king ¶ fines that shallbe taken before any justice shallbe made in the presence of the pleggis & that the pleggis know the some of their fines before their departure xxxviij Ed. iij. Cap. iij. ¶ fines for trespass shallbe made having regard to the occasion of the trespass xxxiij E. iij. cap. j ¶ Reasonable fine shallbe take for alienation of the kings tenant without licence i E. iij. Stat. ij. cap. xii. ¶ Non shallbe grieved for purchesing of tenementis holden of the king as of his honours The same Statut. Cap. xii. ¶ Every man being with the king in wagis & service of war upon the see or beyond may make alienation feoffment transmutation & of possession by deed fine or recover for the parformaunce of his will without making an● f●ne therefore and that they and their heyr be discharged of such fines without wryt patent or pardon provydid that this act extend not to the captains nor soudears of calece hams g●snes rosebank be●wyk wales and the marches of the same iii h. viii. Cap. iiii. Fynours ¶ No fynour nor departer of gold and silver ●●ay no gold nor silver nor sell no● but to the of●ycers of the myntꝭ changes or gold smyt his ●ppon pain of fo●fetour thereof/ one half to the king and the other to him that can espy it and will sue in the eschekyr/ and that their silver be so fine that it may bear xii d. veight of allay in every li and that such fynour put his sign upon such fine silver four h. seven. Cap. two. ¶ Look more therefore in the title goldsmythis eod auno fish ¶ He that disturbeth any foreign or alien to sell fysseh in london or else where in gross or by retail shall lose xl pound whereof he that seweth shall have the one half thereof and shall have his sewt for such offence in London/ or shall sew in which count that he will of Mydd Herford/ Kent/ Surrey/ or Essex. The xiiij h. vi. cap. vi. ¶ Look more of fish in the title of forstallers● in the xxxiiij E. iii. and xxxv E. iij. Forcible entre ¶ The justice of peace or some of them sh●l take with him the power of the count & sha● go to the place where entry is made with forc● and if they find any that hold it by force they shall put them to the next geale there to abide convict by their record till that they have made fine & ransom to the king and the sheriff and all men of the count shallbe attendant to them and helping them to arrest them upon pain of imprisonment and to make fine to the king and in the same manner it shallbe done of them that make forcyble entry in beneficis or offices of holy church xu R. two. cap two. ¶ if a man entre or hold with force landꝭ or tenements theiustic of pease shall execute the statute Enno. xv. R. two. And forthemore if such personis be present or void before their coming nevertheless the justices or one of them in convenient place by their discretion shall inquire of such entry and with holding with force and if it be found they shall put the part in possession: and if any person after such entry make feoffment or discontynuaunce for maintenance for to defraud the possessor of his recover & so be found in assize or other action than such feoffment shal●e holden for non and every on that shallbe so impanelid before justice of peace shall have lands and tenementis to the value of xl s. by the year/ And that the sheriff shall return issues upon every of them. s. at the furst day twenty s. at the second xl s. and at the three d. day. C. s. and at every day after ward double and if the sheriff or bailiff of franchises be laches he shall lose for every default. and make fine to the king and as well justice of peace as justice of ass. shall determine such defautis as well by bill at the suit of the part as by enditemāt and he that will sue shall have the one half with his costis. & cetera. And such process shallbe against them as in an action of trespass with force & if any person be put out or disseised with force or put out peasally & after holdyn out with force or after such enter any feoffment or discontinuance made ut supra/ that the part grieved shall have ass. of novel disseysi● or a wryt of trespass against such disseysour & recover his damages triple and the other shall make fine and ransom/ And that mayris justice of ass and justice of peace sheriffs and bailyffis of cities townis and boroughs having franchises shall have such power of such entries puttyngiss out and articles before said as the justice of peac● and sheriffs of counts have & cetera. provydid alwei that they that keep by force their possessions whereof they or their ancestors or they whose statute they have/ have continued their possessions in the same by three years or more shall not be in damaged by this statute viii h. vi ca ix. ¶ None fro henceforth make any enter in to any landꝭ or tenements nor enter in lands but where his entry is given by the law and in such case not with strong hands nor multitude of people but only in peaceable & easy manner & if any do the contrary & thereof be duly convict he shallbe punished by his body & over that fined at the kings will .v. R. two. capitulo vii forfeiture. ¶ it is provided in our court before us that no man take for the death of man or other felony shallbe dysseysed of his landis or goods till he be convict/ And as soon as he is taken his goods shallbe viewed and written and delivered to them that shall find surety/ saving always to them that be so taken their reasonable living so that if he be convict before the jugs than the residue of his goods above his living after the custom of the realm shall remain to us/ And that we shall have the profit of his land by a year and a day/ And if he be acquit than his goods shall peaceably remain unto him statut de catallis f●lonū. ¶ it is lawful to no man to seize or to take the goods of any that is a rested or in prison for felony till that he be thereof convyet or attaint or until that he have other ways forfeited the same goods. And if any do the contrary/ he shall forfeit the double value to him that is grieved for the which he shall have an action of debt in the which neither esson protection nor wager of law shall lie. The i R. iii. ca iii. ¶ They that be not with the king in his warr● sh●ll less all fees & offycis that they have had of his grant except they be seek or have other exc●se unfeigned ● but all officers of the chancery justice servants attorney & solycyter of the king officers of berwyk & karlyl/ & the clerk of the kings counsel the barons and all officers of the excheker be except from this statute. the xi h. seven. ca xviii. There is an other statute of like matter the nineteen. h. seven. ca i Ducre ¶ All officers of the king ought to certify the king within xl days of his tenants which be retained with other and if they do not their office shallbe forfeit. And also if they come not to the king by his commandment when he hath battle or war. Their office shall be forfeit & the kings tenauntis that be retained wit● other shall forfeit/ their term. The iii Hen seven. capitulo xii ¶ Look more for this in the title of letters and patents Forest ¶ Men that dwell without the forest shall not come before our justice of the forest by comen sommones except they be impleaded or pledges of some other men that have been attached for the forest Cart de foresta. Cap. two. ¶ No man from henceforth shallbe put to death for our hunting but if any be taken and convict for taking of veneyson he shallbe grievously pained if he have whereof he may be redeemed & if he have not he shall lie in prison by a year and a day & if he can find pledges with in a year and a day he shall go out of prison or e●les he shall ob●ure the realm of England Carta de foresta. ca x. ¶ what so ever archedysshop/ bishop earl or baron coming to us by our commandment if he go by our forest it shallbe law full to him to take a be'st or two by the sight of the forest if he be present or else he shall blow for him lest it should seem that to be done by stelt ● Also he may do the same going from us Cart de forest catulo xi ¶ Every free man may have in his woods they ear of ●oshaukis sꝑhaukes faucous eagles and he rons and also shall have the hon● that shallbe found in his woods Cart de forest. ca xiii ¶ Noman shall pay chymynage for carrying in the forest but they that come out as merchants for to by & sell & that but ii d. for a cart by the half year & they that bring trees upon their backs to sell shall pay no thing Cart de forest Capitulo xiiii ¶ No constable of cas●el or baylyffe hold plea of our forest of convert or of veneyson but every forest of the fee shall attach the pleas as well of vert as of veneyson & shall present them to the virider of the puynce & when they shallbe enrolled & closed with the seal of the viridar ● they shallbe pnsented to our chief justices when they come in to those ꝑtes to hold the pleas of the forest & shall be determined before them Cart de fores●a capitulo ultimo. ¶ The perambulations of the forest made in the time of king. E. the first shallbe confirmed & it is granted that the ꝑambulations that be not made shallbe made i E. iii. statut. two. ca i. ¶ we will & ordain that of trespasses done in our forest of vert & veneyson from henceforth to be made. The foresters within whose baylywyke those same trespasses happen to be done shall present the same at the next swanymote before the foresters viriders vewers and other ministers of the same forest and upon the same presentments there by the oaths as well of the knights as other discrete of the next parties where the trespass presented was done the troth shallbe inquired/ And the truth so found the same presentments by assent of all the said ministers shallbe solemnly affirmed & sealed with their seals and if the indictment be made in any other manner it shallbe had for void/ & if any of the said foresters or ministers hap to die or to be seek so that they can not be at the swanymote/ than the justice of the forest shall put another in their places so that the indictment be made by all of the forest/ and if the charging of the forest be found by any other that take upon them the ministration of the forest they shallbe amoved and impsoned after the discretion of the justice of the forest or his leu●tenaunte/ And they by whom they were put in shallbe punished at our will and at every swanymote it shall be inquered of the over chargeres of the forest and other ministers and of oppressions done to the people and amends thereof shall be made etc. and we revoke the grants and disaduowynges of the forest for certain causes and we pardon the trespasses done in the time of such disaduowing/ except that the dyches and he●ges in the same time made shallbe cast down/ saving our revenues which according to the assysse of the forest we would should remain/ we will also that our justice of the forest or their l●ue tenants in the presence of our treasurer shall have power to take fines of them indicted of trespass done in the forest & not abiding the coming of our justice ● we will also that they that had common of the pasture in the forest before the perambulation mad● and after put out shall have as free & large common in the forest as they ought to have had before the ꝑambulacyon made saving our revenues in the said forests In cuiusrei etc. statuta de foresta ¶ if any forester warrenner or ꝑker in his bay●wyk find any misdoers & arrest them & in resistance the same misdoer is slain/ for that he shall not have pain of death nor other pain but shall have free p●ase. statut de malefactor in ꝑcis. ¶ Trespass of vert and veneyson in the forest shallbe presented by the foresters at the next swanymore before the vewers/ which presentemetes shallbe confirmed by the oaths of the knights & discrete men there next/ under their s●ales & other indictments shallbe void/ & none shallbe endited for vert or veneyson except he be so indicted or found with the manner/ and than he shall be let to maimpryse by the sovereign warden of the forest tynt the ●yre of the forest without any thing taking & if the warden will not the other s●all have a replenyn & upon that an attachment & thereupon the sheriff shall deliver him by ma●n price & he shall recover triple damagis agais the warden & the warden shallbe fined at the kings will i E. iii. capitulo ix ¶ Every man that hath wood within the forest may take in his own demesnies husbote & haybote by the sight of the foresters i E. iii. statuta ii Capitulo ii ¶ No man be take nor imprisoned by the ministers of the forest without due indictment or found doing the trespass in the forest nor constrainid to make obligation or redemption to any minister of the forest against his will and who that doth contrari to this ordinance & thereof be attaint shall pay to the ꝑtes double dam & fyn & ransom to the king vij R. ij. Cap. iiij. ¶ if a man have wooed growing in his own demea●ne within the king's forest & cut th●m by the king's licence he may than without other licence copy them and enclose them by vij year ● & if the wooed be within another lords forest than he may cut them and enclose them with out licence by the said space xxii Ed. iiii. Capitulo seven. ¶ A man shall not be constreinid to go to another place to say his verdict for the forest but in the place where he was charged vii R. two. ca iij. Forging of false dediss ¶ a writ of forging of dediss is gyuē● agains him that maketh the deed & publisshith it● to trouble the rightful possession of any man and the part grieved shall recover damages and the deffend shall make fine and ransom i h. v. C. iij. ¶ Process of utlary is gyffyn in a wryt of forging of dedis vii h. v. Capitulo ultimo in fine. Formedone ¶ By the common law when the tenant in the tail had issue he had fee simple condicionell and his alienation should be effectual as the statute rehearseth wherefore the king ordained that the will of the donor after the form of the gift expressed from hens forth many festely should be observed So that they to whom the tenements were so gyffyn upon condition should not have ● power to aleyn but that nevertheless it should remain to their issue after the death of them/ and should revert to the gyffer if that the issue fautyd/ and if it be an especial tail the second husband of the woman shall not have the land by the courtesy/ And the statute expressyth the wryttis of formedon/ and that alienations made before this statute should be in their force ● and if any fine thereof were levied by that right it shall be void/ w. two. Cap. i. Forstalers ¶ No forstaller shall be suffered to dwell in any town the which for his lucre will make haste to meet any corn fish/ hearing and other thyngiss to be sold the which so taking it doth ●magyn to sell it the more de●er. Also they that come to merchants strangers offering them to the sale of their ware and exhorting them to sell their ware more de●er than they did purpose to sell it and so by craft and ingyhe beguileth both the towns and country. The first time that he is there of conuic●yd ● he shall be grievously amerced. The second time he shallbe put upon the pillory. The third time he shall be put in prison and make fine. The fourth time he shallbe abjured and banished the town. And that shallbe observed of all manner for stallers and of them that give to them counsel and cyde. The statute of Assize of breed and ale. ¶ Forstallers of wines & all other warꝭ shall forfeit the forstalle or the pse/ if it be not paid to the seller. & if he have n●u●ht whereof he shall have ii years prisonment without maymprise and he that will sew in such case shall have the one half. The xxv Ed. iii. statut de pannis ¶ None shall go bilande nor water to forstall wines or other merchandise before that they come to the staple or port wh●re they shall be discharged nor enter in to no ships for such causes till that the merchandises be put a land to sale upon pain of death and of forfeiter their lands to the lord. The xxvii E. iii. statut stapule ca ix. but the pain of death and forfeiter of lands is repelled. The xxxvii E. iii. Capitulo xvi ¶ It is forbodyn to all hostis upon the see cost upon pain that shall fall they meddle not themself to embrace fish or other victuals under colour of privilege of charter or ordinance made to the contrary or privily or openly procure/ or give any impediment to any vitayller●s english or alyons of the kings amity to let them to sell their victual to whom and when so ever it pleaseth them and also that they meddyll not to sell or to buy any fish to the use of anifyssh monger or other cytesin of London. It is for bodyn also to the fysshemongers and citizens of the said city under the same pain that none of them nigh the said city nor far from it shall by any see fish or fresh fish in the fresh river to sell it again in the said city except fresh eels lucꝭ and pikes Nevertheless they shall not let the foreigns to sell such fish within the city as oft as they bring it thither. The vi R. two. Capitulo xi Look more for these in the title of wines. freres ¶ freres shall receive no children in to their order till they be xiiij year old nor they shall not remove such children in to one other place by the space of a year after without licence of their faders moders or tutors. The four H. iiij. cap. xuj. Fustians ¶ No fustyan shallbe shorn but with a bredeshere/; he that doth the contrary shall lose for every d fault twenty s. the one half to the king & the other to him that will sew. The xi h. viii. c. xxvij gail ¶ S●eryffis/ bailiffs a●d gealours shall certify the names of the prisoners at the next jail deliver upon pain of c s. for every default iii. h. seven. Cap. iij. ¶ If the garden or south garden of any geale compel any man by curesse to be come a prover the justice before whom the case shall come have power to inquire thereof maintenaunt and if he be arraigned and that so found/ he shall have judgement to die. The xiiii E. iii. cap. ix. Look more for geale in to the title of escape and in the title of maympryse. ¶ sheriffs bailiffs/ and gealours shall certify the names of the prisoners at the next jail deliverance upon pain of. C. s. for every default. The iii H. seven. ca iii. ¶ Bealys shall be joined to the counts where they where wont to be & the sheriffs shallbe keeps of them & shall make under keepers and if the keeper or under keeper constreyn any man by dures to be come an appellour The justice before whom such case shall hap to come shall have power by and by to inquire thereof and if it be fonud thereof he shallbe arraigned and have judgement of death xiiii Ed. iij. Capitulo ix ¶ Castellis and gealis of the king which were wont to be joined to the bodies of the counts and be now diss●ueryd shallbe joined again to the same counts xiij R. two. C. xv. jail delivere ¶ The justice of assize after the assisis shall deliver the gealis as well within liberties as with out of all man of persons and if one of the justice be a clerk there shallbe a discrete knight sociat to the other that is a lay man and they shall inquire if the sheriff or any other have let any prisoner to maymprys● against the statute of. w j and shal● ponyssh them that ●e found guilty according to the said statute Statut de finibus Capitulo iii Look more thereof in the title justice of jail delivery Gawging of wines ¶ Alwynys/ oil/ honey vinegar/ & all liquors shal●e gauged upon pain of forfeiter. The iiii. Richard ii Cap. i. ¶ All manner tons: pipes/ tercyans/ & hoggyshedies of wine oil honey be gawg●d before they be sold and if they lack of their measure the bier shall be satisfied after the rate upon pain of forfeiter of all/ & he that doth espy it and showeth it to the treasurer or to the barons of the Escheker shall have the half thereof for his labour and that the gaugeour shall take for his labour gauging of oil and honi of eu●ry tone/ pipe hoggished and tercian after the rate as he taketh for gauging of wine. The xviii H. vi. Cap. xvii. ¶ The gawgeour shall not have his gawgep●ny till that he have gauged the wines/ and he shall take but that penny. And that he or his depute be redito do his office/ upon pain comprisid in the statute of the xxvii Ed. iii. The xxiii H. vi. cap. xvi. ¶ The gawgeour in defa●te of doing his office shall vaelde triple damages/ & he that will not suffer his wines to be gauged shall lose them. The xxvii E. iii. capitulo vii ¶ None shall be in damaged for the none gauging of wines of gean. The xiiii Richar. two. Capitulo viii ¶ The gawgeour shall not be absent at the time of charge & discharge nor three wekis after upon pain of losing his office. The. xiii● henry four capitulo .v. ¶ The wages of gawgers/ packers and sercheours of barellies of salmon ● hearing and elys is put in certain xi H. seven. ca xxiii. ¶ None sell ton nor pipe of wine not gauged upon pain of forfeiter of the value thereof to the kings. The xxxi E. iii. cap. v. Gyldes and fraternytes ¶ Gyldes and Fraternytes and companies in corporate shall not make nor use no ordinance that shall be to the dyminution of the kings franchises or of any other or against the common profit of the people/ if it be not first discussed by the justice of peace/ or the chief governors of the town and before them entered of record upon pain of. for every ordinance/ and to lose the auctoryre thereof in their charter. The xu Hen. vi. capitulo vi ¶ Look more for guilts in ordinance by bodies incorporate. Gold & silver. ¶ No golsmith work no worse gold but of the touch of paris upon pain of forfeiter/ Nor silver worse than the starling. And that the plate of silver pass not out of his hands till it be assayed by the wardens of the craft and that it be marked with the liberties heed. yet it seemeth by words of the statute that rings and other evils may be made of worse gold. Articuli super cartas. Capitulo ultimo. ¶ No religious nor other carry no sterling nor silver nor gold in plate out of the realm without the kings licence/ upon pain of forfeiture. The ix Ed. iii. Capitulo i ¶ None shall carry no gold nor silver in plate nor in money out of the realm but vytellers of fish which meddle with no other merchandise and that by the discretion of the chancellor. The. xxxviii● E. iii. capitulo ii ¶ None shall carry gold nor silver out of the realm but for the wages of calyce and other the kings fortresses/ nor make no exchange for payment beyond the see without the kings licens upon pain of forfeiter. The .v. R. two. Ca two. ¶ goldsmiths nor none other shall gyld any rings nor such other like things of copper nor latin except ornaments of the Church/ whereof the metal shall appear in the foot or in some other place upon pain of. C. s. to the king for every time and to yield damage to the part the .v. Henry the four capitulo xiii ¶ Look more of this in the title of/ eschaunge in the title of money/ the title of fynours. ¶ Other statutes there be of carrying of gold and silver out of the realm to be felony made for certain years but the years be expired. Goldsmiths. ¶ goldsmiths shall work no worse allay than sterling and thereto put to their mark nor shall not take for the working of a li of paris of vessel white and plain above xviii s. And that no goldsmythe making white vessel shall meddyll with gilding nor they that gyld shall make no white vessel/ upon pain of forfeiture of the value. The xxxvii E. iii. capitulo vii ¶ goldsmiths shall gyld no silver that is of worse allay than the sterling and of reasonable weight nor to take for the li above xlvi s. viii. d upon pain of forfeiter. The ii Henry. the .v. Capitulo four et statut. two. ¶ None shall guilt no shetem nor metal but silver and the ornaments of the church and spurs for knights/ and all the apparel that longeth to a baron and a 'bove the estate/ upon pain of ●orfeytour to the king ten times asmuch as the thing that is gyld is in value. And shall have the imprisonment of a year/ and the justice of peas have power to inquire thereof and to determine it And he that will ●ewe for the king shall have the third part. The viii Henry the v. Capitulo ultimo. ¶ goldsmiths shall not work no worse allay than the sterling and the touch of the lybertꝭ heed/ & the mark of the goldsmiths to be put thereon upon pain of the double value. And that the mark of every goldsmith be known to every warden of the craft/ and if the warden put the touch of liberties heed to any worse a lay than the sterling he shall forfeit the double value. etc. whereof he that will sue shall have the one half. Also ●t is ordained that in york/ lincoln/ new castle norwitche brystow salisbury & coventre every one shall have divers touches after the ordinances of mayors/ bailiffs/ and governors there & that they shall do there as it is beforesaid upon the same pain before they put it to sale and the justice of peace maires and baylaffes may here and determine the premyssꝭ at the sewte of the part or otherwise. The ii Henry uj capitulo xiiii ¶ No goldsmythmelte nor allay any fine silver to no intent but for amelles or for a mending o● plate/ nor sell no fine nor a laid silver that is molten in mass to none upon pain of forfeiture/ the one half to the king/ and the other half to him that can prove it and will sew in the the exchequer. The four H. seven. ca two. ¶ Look more for goldesmythes in the title of Fynours. Hats and caps. ¶ That no caps nor hats made beyond the see be bought of none of the kings subjects except lord or knights upon pain for every hat or cap so by them bought xl s. The one half thereof to the king and the other half to him that will sew by action of debt or otherwise wherein neither esson nor wager of law shall lie/ & that no capper nor hatter or other parson put to sale any cap or hat but if it be sufficiently wrought and of a sufficient colour after the fines of the wool upon pain of forfeiture vi s. viii. d. for every cap or hat. and that the capper nor non other to his use take for any cap of the finest lemster will above iii s iiii. d. and that cap to be marked in the lining thereof with the let of L. nor for any of the second sort of lemster will above ii s. vi. d. and that cap to be marked in the lining thereof with These letters L. R. nor for any of the third sort above. xx.d nor for any of the four sort above. xii.d. nor that non take for any cap of the fynyst cottyswold above ii s. and that cap to be marked in the lining there of with this letter. C. nor for any of the second sort above. xvid. and that cap to be marked in the lining thereof with these letters. C. R. And that all caps and hats of other will to be sold as the buyers and selers can agree/ And that none take for any hat of the best making not ingreynid more than ii s. And if any person take more for any cap or hat than is here rehearsed by this act to forfeit for every hat and cap. xl. s. The one half thereof to the king/ and the other half to him that will sew by wryt bill or plaint wherein neither protection esson nor wager of law shall lie. And this act repellyth all other actis here before made. The iii Henry. the viii Capitulo xu havens & rivers ¶ Gores mills and stakes set up in the time of. Ed. i. and after for the disturbance of the passage of the ships shall be beton down. And a wryt shall be send to the sheriff to do execution thereof/ And justice shall be assyned as oft as need shall require. The xxv E. iii. ca iiii stat de pamnis ¶ He that maketh any Gore set up of new or repayryth again any that is broken down in dystourbaunce of the passage of the ships shall lose. C. mark. The xlv Ed. iii. capitulo i ¶ Commissioners shallbe made to break down Gorys as well by their discretion as other wise And they that have the freehold shall break them down by their judgement upon pain of. C. mark. The i H. iiij. ca xii. ¶ The statute of magna carta of weirs is confirmed. and ferther more that the commissioners shall be assigned to inquire of such weirs gories fyssogarthes' mills/ myldammes/ stops of mills/ lokkes/ hobbing wears/ stakys/ kydelles hekkꝭ/ or flodyates/ set or/ enhanced and to break them down/ and if the offender will not pull them down he shall lose and forfeit. C. mark. The one half to the king and the other half to him that will sew by action of debt wherein neither esson nor wager of law shall lie. The xii E. iiii Capitulo ix commissioners of the gores shall take four s. the day for their being. The four Henry the four Capitulo xi ¶ For the salvation of the haven of southamton it shallbe levefull to every man to break down all the weirs made between Callehorde and redebruge and he that seweth the brekars shall lose xl li. and he that maketh any were between the said places after this said statute made shall lose. C. li. the one half of the the said some to the king & the other to him that will sew/ where neither esson protection nor wager of law shall lie xu Hen. viii. Capitulo xiii ¶ Look more for this in the title of rivers. hawks. ¶ Non take the eggs of any falcon/ goshawk laner or swan out of the nyst upon pain of ayerꝭ prisonment and a day and to make fine at the kings pleasure/ And that none bear any hawk of the broad of england called an nyesse goshawk laner or laneret upon his hand upon pain of forfeiter of his hawk to the king. And that none chase any hawk out of his covert where he bredyth nor slethen. upon pain of xli the one half to the king/ and the other half to the part that will sew by action of debt examination before the justice of peace information or otherwise. The xi Henry vij cap. xvii. Herons Look for that in the title fesauntiss high ways ¶ Every man having landis within the wield of kent having any high weigh within the wield noious for the passage of the kings people. And will find and lay out a more commodious high weigh in his own landis thereto night adjoining by the over sight of ii justice of peace and xii other discrete men there shallbe holdyn and occupied as the old weigh before hath been/ and that he may in recompense thereof hold the soil & ground of the old high weigh in severalty to him and to his heyris and that the said justice and xii discrete men shall make certeficat thereof into the chancery under their seals of the length and breed of the same new high weigh/ provided that this act be not prejudicial to them that claim any weigh or by path over the old high weigh to the church or to elliss were xu h. viii. Cap. vj. ¶ Look for high ways in the title of robberies and felonies. Horners ¶ Horners of london ought to have all the horns within london and xxiiii mile next adjoining. and that none shallbe sold to any estrange alyons till the horners of london have choose enough for themselves & the horners of london shall have search of the hornꝭ wrought within london & in the feyres of sty●bryge and ely. and if they be not well wrought they may seize them. And the one half shall be to the king/ & the other half To the mayre of london or to the bailiffs of The feyre. The four E. iiii. ca viii. horse and mares. ¶ None shall carry any horse over the see to sell Him without the kings licence upon pain Of forfeyto●r of the same/ nor no mare before she be three years of age/ and that she be not above the prise of vi s. viii. d. upon pain of forfeiter of all except vi s. viii. d. And the one half of the over plus shall be to the king/ and the other half to him that seasyth it. The xi H. seven. capitulo xiii ¶ Look more of mares in the title of custom. hostelers. ¶ The hostelers shall yield iii times as much as he hath taken above a half penny of every ●usshell of oties above the common prise of the merket as well at the suet of the king as of ●he part. Also the iii part of the value of the ●rede made by him in his house. The four Hē●iii. Capitulo xxiiii And he shall make no horse breed in his own house nor shall take no thing for litter eod anno ¶ Hostellers shall be no customers countrolers finders nor sercheours. The xi H. iiij. cap. i. & twenty h vi. cap. v. Howsis of religion ¶ if any disseysons or ravine be done to abbattis or other spiritual men And if they sew an action and die before they can recover their right the successors of them shall have an action to recover the●r goodis of the church agains the said transgressors'/ And like action the successors shall have of those thyngiss that were take from their house lately by violence before the death of their predecessors. though they sewed no action in their lives/ And if any intrude and enter in to their landis in time of vacation whereof they died seysid then their suc●cessours shall hau● an action and recover damage as well as in assize. Merlebre. Cap. xxix ¶ Non shallbe lodged with men of religion again their wyllis except that he be patron o● founder. w. i Cap. primo. ¶ The shiryff may lodge in a house of religion so that he have not past .v. or vi horsis. & so that they be not grieved by their oft coming. westm. i. Capitulo .v. ¶ No religoins man bear or send over out of the realm under the name of any rend tallage or imposition/ or by weigh of exchange sale or priest/ any money or by any means cari out of the ream the goodis of the monestary. & cete. and if he do to be grevonslyd ponisshed nor no house of religion make such tallage or imposition. with oath howsys under them upon pain of forfeiture of all that they have under their power and of all that they may forfeit. Statut de car●iolis de asport religios. ¶ The abbatis of cisternens and premonstrace●…es and religious men of whom the sealis hath been wont to be in the keeping of the abbot and ●ot off the conent fromhens forth shall have a common scale and it shall be put in the keeping of the pour of the house and four of the most worthiest and discretyst of the same covent vn●er the puy seal of the abbot of the same place so that the abbot or the prior of the house shall make no wise no contract nor obligation as they were wont to do/ And if any writing oblygatory of gift bargain sale or alienation or of any other contract be sealed with any other s●ale than the common seal/ it shall be void statut de carliolis. ¶ The statute of Carliolis that relygyousmen shall bring nothing over the see shallbe kept in all points four E iii. Capitulo vi Homage. ¶ The marchall of every Earl baron holding ● hole barony shallbe content with a palfrey o● of the price as it was wont to be/ so tha● if he take a palfrey for his homage/ than at his knighthood he shall take none/ of abbots an● prior's for their homage or fealte he shall take ● palfrey or the price & the same of archebysshop● & bysshopis & of them that hold part of a barony● they shall take after the rate/ of religious folk that hold in free alms he shall take nothing nevertheless the mnshal shall not be excluded of a king more fee/ if he may show he have right the● to. The kings chamberleyns shall have of arch●bysshopes bysshopis abbottis & prior's & other spiritual men holding a hole barony a reasonable fine when they do homage or fealte/ & of part of a barony after the portion/ other abbots prior's & seculars not holding by a barony or part of a barony shall not be dystreyned to make fine/ but the chamberlayens shall be content with the utter garment or with the price thereof. w. two. Capitulo xlii ¶ Of them that make homage in the bench they shallbe content with the utter garment & that is understand the ushers and officers of the place w. two. Capitulo xlvi ¶ if the heritage descend to sisters that is hold of the king in chief all shall do homage to the king ● and if it be hold of another lord the elder shall do homage for all & the other sisters shall do service to the lord by the handis of the elder as it is rehearsed in the statute of hybern of coheyrꝭ but it is no statute. ¶ The tenant shall hold his hands between the handis of the lord & shall say/ I become your man from this day forward & shall bear you faith and worldly honour of the land that I claim to hold of you/ saving the faith that I own to our sovereign lord the king/ & a woman sole shall say/ I. make you homage and shall bear you faith from hens. etc. and if he hold of another lord by priority he shall say as before except the faith that. I. own to the king and to my other lords more ancient. hospitallis ¶ The master and brethren of the hospital of saint leonard in york shall have an action of det and detinew of their thravys that is to say of every plough land within certain counts a thr●re ii h. vi. Cap. two. hundredis ¶ Hunderydis and wapentakkis let to firm by the king taxid of old to the farms of the counts shallbe joined again to the counts and not severed here after ii E. iii. Cap. xii. hunters. ¶ No lay man that hath no lands or tenemetis to the value of xl ●. by year nor no priest no● other clerk except he be advanced and may dispend. by year shall have nor keep no greyhounds nor other hounds to hunt nor keep no syrrettes hays nets harepypes cords nor no other enginings to take or to destroy dear hares nor conies nor other game upon pain of inprysonement of a year. And the justice of peace shall have power to inquire of them/ and ponysshe them by the said pain. The xiii R. ij. ca xiii. ¶ justice of peace or the kings counsel have power upon information to them made to award their warrant to the sheriff or other office against hunters by night or with vysers or faces painted or otherwyse● disguised to the intent that they would not be known and to cause them to come before them and they to examine them/ and if they counseyl the said hunting/ of any other person that was with them● defectyfe that this councelyment shallbe felony and if the said hunters confess the troth/ than it shallbe but trespass against the king and fynable by the justice of peace to be assessed at their next sessions. And if any rescous be made by them in execution of the precept to any person that will execute the warrant so that execution may not be done because of such rescous/ than that rescous be felony inquirable and determina as is aforesaid/ and that persons so convicted of hunting as is aforesaid shall have such punishment as they should have had if they were convicted of felony. The i h. seven. ca seven. ¶ Look more for hunters in the title of venery Husbandry. ¶ Every owner of any mese which within iii years past hath been or here after shallbe let to firm with twenty acres of land at the lest lying in tillage & husbandry shallbe bound to keep and sustain the housing and building of the same● conveniently for the maintenance of the husbandry & tillage and if the owner occupy the mese & land in his own hands he is bound to sustain it as is before said ● and if any do the contrary it shallbe lawful to the king or for the lords of whom the land is holden immediately to take yearly the one half of the issues and profits of such tenements until the housing be builded again. And that no person shall ha●e any ●re hold in the land by taking of the said profits but only the king but than it shallbe lawful for them to dystreine fo● the issues and profits. The four Hen. seven. capitulo xix ¶ In all such towns/ villages/ broughes and hamlets tithing houses or other inhabitations whereof the moonst part the first day of this present parliament was used in tyl●age if the owner after the said first day suffer them to decay & to be turned in to pasture/ he shall again with in one year after reedyfye the same meet for people to dwell in as they were the said first day and if any do it not within one year space/ than it shallbe leeful to the king or to the lords of the fee to do as is before rehearsed in the statute of four H. seven. capitulo xix ¶ And if the lords immediate execute not the pmmysses than the lords next above immediate within half year after to take the advantage thereof viii Hen. viii. capitulo. primo. ¶ provided that this act extend not to parkꝭ to be made for dear/ or for the enclosing of any marsche ground. Idemptitate noins ¶ He that sueth a wryt of idemptitate nominis where his lands & goods be seized by the escheator or other minister for cause of utlary of another person by such a surname shall find surety that the king shall have the same goods in case that he can not discharge himself/ And he shall have his goods henging the suit/ and if the escheator. etc. refuse such surety he shall yield double damage to the part and also shallbe punished grievously against the king/ search if he be outlawed of felony xxxvii E. iii. ca two ¶ executors of men outlawed shall have a w●yt of idemptitate nominis where their testator h●d the same name as he that was outlawed ix Henry vi Capitulo four issues ¶ Rentꝭ corn in the granges ● & all goods movable except riding gear & household stuff be contained under the name of issues. w. two. ca xxix. ¶ After the attachment witnessed the distress shallbe a warded and if the sheriff return that he hath made execution & that he hath taken the issues to the maympnnours & he that is attached cometh not/ the king shall have the issues & it shallbe commanded to the sheriff that he shall make the issuis to be brought before the justice/ and the kings justice shall deliver them to the ward ●op/ & the justice of the bench at westm to the exchequer & the justice of eyre to the sheriff. w. primo. Capitulo xliiii joyntenaunce. ¶ if in assize the tenaunte lay jointenauncy by deed with his wife or other ertraunger not named &c. the pl● shall aver him to be sole tenant the day of the wryt purcheysed. etc. & the justice shall keep the deed & ward a sciri fac to the part absent that he at a certain day. etc. & if both they that were called tenaū●ꝭ come & maintain the exception/ the assize shallbe taken & if it be found agains the tenaunte though he be acquit of the disseise yet he shallbe punished for that excepcon by a yeris psonmnt & shall not be delivered without a great fine/ & if the bailiff plead jointnauncy that shall not tarry the assize & if the tenant make default & the joint feoff appear & deny the ioynt●naūcy the assize shallbe awarded by default of the tenant & if it be found that thexception be made falsely then the plaintiff shall recover his damagis double & they that put the exception shall have the foresaid pain/ the same law if both make default & if it be found with the tenant the wryt shallbe abated the same shallbe in ass. of mord auncestry & iurꝭ utrum & in other wrytꝭ where landꝭ be demanded if the ꝑtes appear the first day & put the said exception & the demaundaunt aver his wryt the same ꝑtis shall precede between the partis/ till the jury shall pass between them/ & if it be found with the tenant the write shall abate/ & if for the demaundaunt he shall eecover seysyn & the tenant shallbe ponyss●d by the s●id pain as to the prisonmnt by the discr●ci● of the justice. stat de coniuncti feoffatꝭ. jointure. Look for this in the title feffementꝭ xi h. vi. c. xx. Irlande. ¶ Look many good ordinances for the land of yreland xvii E. iii. in oimbm capitulis/ & anno xxvi statut hybern but they be no statutis but ordynannces made by the counsel therefore they be not written in all books of statutis ¶ Merchandise of the staple accustomed in yreland & wales shall not be customed again and that they may come with their merchandise & bring their cokkettꝭ with them/ And the treasurer & the barons of the escheker of england shall certify twice in the year that is to say at ester and myghelmas how much of the said merchandise goth out of the said lands and of the customs thereof paid. etc. xxvii. E. iii. statut. staple. ca xviii. ¶ All marchauntiss shall come freely in to yrelande xxxiiij. E. iii. ca xvii. ¶ englishmen that have possessions & inheritance in yreland may bring thither and from thes their goods. Thesame statute. Cap. xviii ¶ yrysshe rebels shall not come to the parliament with the bishops there/ benefices in yreland shall not be given to yrysshemen. etc. and in the said cases the kynse shall seize their temꝑaltes for a fine four H. v. Cap. vi. ¶ yrysshemen shall bring to the chancellor of england letters of the lieutenant or justice witnessing that they be no rebellꝭ/ also they shall not be principallies in universities also yrisshmen shall be voided out of the realm if they find not surety of their good abering i h. vi. cap. iii ¶ They shall find suretes in the uninersites before the chancellor and he shall certify it in to the kings chancery and justice of pease of the counts and mayries and bailiffs of the cities and borows and fraunchessies shall take surety of their good abering and shall do execution thereof ii H. vi. Cap. viii. ¶ yrysshmen and yryssh clerks beggar's called chamberdekyns shallbe voided out of the realm except graduatis in skolis and seriauntis and apprentyse in the law and they which be inheritors in england and religious men professed and merchants of good fame and their apprentices i h. v. C. viii. Iron Iron made in england shall not be brought out upon pain of forfeiture of the double xxviii Ed. iii. Capitulo .v. judgement ¶ judgement whereof the iuggis can not accord shallbe given by the advise of the lords commissioners assigned in parliament xiiii E. iij. ca v. iugementis gyffyn in the king's court shall not be examinid in the chancery parliament nor else where four H. iiii. C. xxii. juris utrum. ¶ As there is a wryt gyffin whether such a tenement be fire almis of such a church or elliss lay fee so there shallbe a wryt whether it be free almis of such a church or of such a church. w. two. C. xxiiii. ¶ juris utrum is gyffin to vicaris personis provosts wardens of chappellis wardens & chaplains of chaunteries perpetuallm and recover b● other wryttis in their casis as persons of churchiss and prebendaryes xiiii Ed. iii. ca xvi. and the process is as in ass. of mordauncestour. jurrour ¶ No man shall make his freeholders to swear agains their wyllis. Merlebre. C. xx. ¶ There shallbe no more summoned in assis. but xxiiii nor old men above the age of lxx yeris nor they that be seek at the time of the summons nor they that dwell out of the country shall not be put in assize nor juries nor they that have lass lands than twenty s. by year if they be take in their shire and if they be take out of the shire but they have. xls. by year except them that be witness in dediss/ nor this statute ●hal not extend to great assussis where for lak of knights there must be put knights dwelling out of the shire so that they have tenements in the same/ & if the sheriff under balyffis or bayliffis of franchises do contrary to this statute & thereof be convict they shall yield damagis to the parts grieved and the justice of assize shall have power to here the complaintiss of all that complain upon the primissis & to do justice in the same manner. w. two. C. xxxviii. ¶ The iurrous in assize shall give their verdet at large/ and the justice shall not put in the assize or iurry any but them that were thereto furst summoned. w. two. Cap. xxxiii. iv fine. ¶ No sheriff nor bailiff of liberty shall put any in the iurris of assize inquisitions or attayntiss without their own counts but if they have landis and tenementis to the value of. C. s. by year at the lest So that within the count before the justice of assize or other ministour of the king for iurry●s inquisicions or recognisance to be take there shall none be put except he have lands and tenementis to the value of xl. s. by year at the lest saving that before justice of in eyre and in eytes' borows and other merchant townis in the which the recognisitions of assize iurrie or inquitions shall hap to be made upon all cities boroughs or townis touching them it shallbe done as it hath be used in times past. Stat. w. iii. Alias dict de ponendis in assisis ¶ Every man may sue agains a iurrour that hath take money for to give his verdict before the same justice where it passed by bill by and by/ and if they be at issue the inquest shallbe take and if he be attaint he shall make fine & he that sueth for the king shall have the one half of the fine and if the part ●ue he shall recover ●is damagis xxiiii E. iii. Cap. viii. ¶ No iurrour shall pass. many inquest upon trial of death of man nor plea real nor personal whereof the det or the damages declared doth amount to xl Mark if they have not lands and tenementis of yearly value of xl s. above all charges secundo. h v. stat. two. Capitulo iii ¶ In all actions in myddilsex at the four day after the retor of the venir fac or henas corpora the jurors shallbe called not withstanding that the playntif or deaf be essonyd or make default and the appearance of them or any of them shallbe recordid and entered for the saving of their issues viii E. iiij. C. iii. ¶ Non shall pass. upon any inquest in london except that he have lands or goodis to the value of xl mark and if it be in plea of land or other action in which the damage do pass xl s. but if he have lands or goodis to the value of. C. Mark. & that the part shall have his challenge and every iourrour in the same city at the furst default shall lose xii d. in issues at the second two. s. and after at every default it shallbe do blye xi. h. seven ca xxi: And that the issues lost in the may●ꝭ court and in the shyryffis courtis the mayre may dy●trayn for them to his own use and the commynyalte And that the shyryffis may return them that have goods to the value of. C. markis which shallbe sworn and do in like wise as other persons shall do having landis to the yearly value of xl. s. and that the sheriff shall return upon every jurror upon the furst distress. xx.d. & upon the second. xl.d. and upon every dystrese after double upon pain of sorfeture for every return made contrary. the one half thereof to the king and the other to him that will sew. wherein esson proteccyo● nor wager of law shall lie iiii. Henry viii capitulo iii ¶ And this estatut is to be understand at the di●tresses of nifi prius at saint martins before the justice of nisi prius and that upon all other writeth and process that they may make return according to the law as they were wont to do before this statute without any forfeytoure● v. Henry the viii Capitulo .v. Look more for this in the title panel iii h. viii. ca two. & in the title riot xix h. seven. ca xiii. justice of peace's ¶ Good men and true which be no maintainers in the country shallbe assigned to keep the peace i E. iii. Stat. two. Cap. xvi. ¶ justice of peace shall punish them doing agains the statute of wynchest ii E. iii. Ca vi. ¶ Two or three most worthy in every count shallbe chosen to be justice of peace and they with other learned in the law shall determine felonies and trespass done against the peace xviii E. iii. Stat. two. Cap. two. ¶ justice of peace shall hold their sessions four times in the year. S. at the festis of the annunciation of our lady/ saint margaret/ saint michel & saint nicholas and more oft if need reqire by their discretion xxv E iij. Capitu. x. And shall direct preceptis to take servants labourers that have fled into other counts retornable before them and shall ponissh sheriffs and otheyr officers that take playntis agains the form of the statute of xi h. seven. Cap. xv. by examination and shall certify their examination in to the exchequer within a quarter of ay●re upon pain of xl s. Eod. statuto. ¶ justice of peace shall inquire of them that sell iron at to high prize and shall punish them after the quantity of their trespass xxviii E. iij. Capitulo .v. ¶ justice of peace shall inquire of barretours and wrongdoers and shall punish them by their discretion and also of all vacaboundꝭ & shall imprison them that be suspect & not good name & take surety for their good abering before they go out of prison/ & that they may here & determine all trespass & felonies done within the count & shall inquire of mesuris and weghtꝭ after the statutis thereof made xxxiiii E. iii. Ca i. ¶ The commyssions of the justice of peace shall make express mention that they shall hold their sessions four timis in the year. S. within the utas of thepiphany/ the second week of lent/ between w●tsontyde & saint john baptist/ & within the utas of saint michel xxxvi E. three Cap. xii. ¶ justice of peace shall determine the defautis' agains the statute of labourers and shall award damage at the suit of the part xlii E. iij. cvi. And they shall inquire of vacabondis vii R. i● Capitulo vi ¶ justice of peace shall hold their cessions every quart of a year three days if need require upon pain to be ponyssid by the kings counsel at the suytte of every man and shall inquire of mayris byliffis constables stiwardis and gealours in the punishment of labourers xii E. iii. Capitulo ten ¶ justice of peace shall take four s. and their clerk ii s. every day of the sessions by the handis of the sheriff of the fines and amerciamentis of their sessions and the lords of franchises shallbe contributours to their wages after the rate of their part of the fines and merciamentis xii R. Capitulo ix ¶ justice of peace shallbe sworn to execute all the statutis touching their office xiii Ric. two. Capitulo septimo. ¶ justice of peace shall punish hunters that keep dogs or fyrrettis xiii R. Cap. xiii. And shall punish clothmakers that put not their marks o● their clothes xiii R. Capitulo xi And shall ponisshe hostelers that make horse breed in their houses/ or win above. ob. in a bushel of oaths or that take aught for litter xiii. R. two. ca viii. & shall punish hunters with vysers by night i Hen. seven. ca seven. ¶ justice of peace at their sessions at ester and Michaelmas shall make proclamation after their discretion according to the pse of victual how much artificers & labourers as well in august as other times of the year shall take by the day/ with meet & drink & that every man shall obey the proclamation as a thing made by the statute & that they shall put the statute of vytellers & ostler's in execution xiii R. two ca viii. & vii h. vi. c. iii. and eight Henry. the vi Capitulo: viii. Lordis & banerettꝭ shall take no wages for their sessions xiiii R. two. ca xi. ¶ In every commission of the peace there shallbe assigned viii justice of peace and their e●●●eittes shallbe double and the one ꝑt delivered by them to the sheriff for to levy the money coming thereof and he shall pay the justice her wages by endenture & the sheriff upon that endenture shall have allowance in the exchequer upon his account and the names of the justice shallbe put in the estretis with the number of the days of their sessions xiiii. R. two. Capitulo xi ¶ justice of peace shall record forcible entries xv. R. Capitulo viii & viii h. vi. ca ix ¶ Two learned men of the law shallbe in every commission of peas which shall del●uer the felons & precede to the deliverance of them at all times when they shall think best xvii R. two. ca ultimo. ¶ justice of peace & every of them shallbe conseruators of the waters & shall make under conservators. xvii. R. two. capitulo ix ¶ justice of peace shall punish them that offend agains the statute of levere of company/ as well by witness in their presence as by inquire. two. h. iiii. c. xxi. ¶ justice of peace shall punish them that keep not due watch upon the see cost as they were wont to do .v. Hen. iiii. Capitulo iii ¶ justice of peace shall imprison none but in the common geale .v. Henry. iiii● Capitulo ten ¶ justice of peace shall punish them that make arowhedꝭ & quarrel hedes that be dysfectyve vii h. iiii. c. seven. & shall execute the statute of apprentice where the father & mother may not dyspende twenty s, by year vii h. iiii. ca xvij. ¶ And also shall punish ryotꝭ & rowtꝭ in divers manners xiii h. iiii. c ultimo. & ii h. v. ca viii. & they shall witness upon a bill of riot that the fame is such ii h. v. ca ix. & viii. h. vi. ca xiiii. ¶ justice of peace shall hold their sessions the first week after saint michel/ Epyphany/ Ester/ & saint Thomas/ except lord justice of assyce the chief baron/ the kings seriauntꝭ and attorney occupied in the kingꝭ courtis or in his service ii hen. v. cap. iiii. ¶ justice of peace shall make ꝓces again labours to every sheriff of england & such ꝓces as the statute doth require as well at the kings suit as of the part/ also labourer's shallbe attaint by examination of the justice of peace. Also the statute of labourers shallbe exemplified in the keeping of the justice of peace ii hen. v. Capit●lo iii ¶ justice of peace shall make ꝓces in wales for a man outlawed of felony or treason two. Hen. v. Statut. two. Capitulo ultimo. ¶ justice of peas have power by commission to inquire of counterfeytours/ clippers wassheres or other pairers of money and they shall make ꝓc by capias only against them/ which before them be indicted thereof iii hen. v. capitulo. vii● ¶ justice of peas have power to inquire & try the deff. of them that gyld or over silver shethes or other metal than silver except ornaments of the church spurs for knights/ & apparel that belongeth to a baron eight h. v. ca ultimo. ¶ justice of peas have power by commission to make ponysshmnt of false masures and weights after their discretion & to inquire here & determine as oft as they shall think need & to put them in execution ii Hen. v. stat. two. capitulo. ultimo viii h. vi. ca v. xi/ h vi. ca viii/ seven. h. vi. ca iii. ¶ justice of peace shallbe made dwelling in the same count & of the most sufficient parsons except lords justice of assize & the stewards of the duchy of lancastre & they shallbe chosen by the chancellor and by the kings counseyl two. h. v. statuto ii Capitulo primo. ¶ justice of peace shall execute the statute of assess of mysures of vessels of wines elys/ salmon and hearing ii hen. vi. ca xv. ¶ justice of peas have power to determine the defaults of cordyners & tanner's & tornars ii hem seven. ca vi/ & primo. h. seven. ca v. ¶ justice of peas have power to determine the defautis of goldsmith that work silver of w●●rse allay than sterling or sell harness not touched two. henry vi capitulo xviii ¶ justice of peace shall make ꝓces agains gyfers and receivers of liveries of cloth agains the statute and them examine & ponysshe without indictment viii hen. vi. Capitulo iiii. ¶ justice of peace and every of them have power to inquire and to punish waxchaundelers as well by examination as by search/ which win above three d. in the li of wax/ except it be for hersies xi Henry vi Capitulo xii ¶ Pleas before justice of peace shall not be dysc●tynued by a new cōmys●yon of peace but the new justice shall have authority when they have their record to precede thereupon/ xi. h: vi. ca vi ¶ justice of peace of mydd shall not hold sessions above ii times in the year the kingꝭ bench being within the same count except it be for riot or forsyble entry/ ¶ justice of peace shall have landꝭ to the value of. xx.lj. by year & if ●ny be made in any other manner/ if he sit in the sessions or make any precept/ or if he certify not the chancellor thereof with in a month aft that he have no tie of the commission he shall lose. whereof he that will su● shall have the one half & shall have thereof a wryt of det/ provided that this extend not to cities and broughes which have justice of peace of the inhabitauns/ and also they that be learned in the law shallbe made justice of peace by the dyscressyon of the chancellor though he have not landꝭ to such value xviii h. vi. ca xi ¶ justice of peas have power to enqire & determine as well at the suete of the king as of him that will sue for the defaults of puru●iours and officers which will not at the request of the part make resistens to the puru●your which will make pnsis against the form of the statute .xx hem vi. capitul: viii ¶ justice of peace shall inquire if any be murdered by the day and if the murderer be not taken by the town it is an escape to the town/ & they shall certify that in to the kings bench iii H seven Capitulo primo ¶ Two justice of peace whereof one is of the quorun may let felones suspect to maimprise until the next cessions or jail delivere/ And they shall certify the same bail or maymprice at the next sessions or jail deliver upon pain of forfeit to the king for every default xliiii Hen seven Ca iii/ and this statute repelleth the statute made the i year of Ric the third ca iii ¶ justice of peace by their discretion shall take enquestꝭ whereof every one shall have lands & tenementis to the value of xl s at lest to enqire of conseylmentꝭ of other enquestꝭ taken before them whereof complaint is made by bill as well within franchises as without/ and if any conseylment be found/ than every person of the inquest sh●lbe a mersed/ which shallbe sessid in the open sessions by the descression of the justice of peace iii Henry seven ca primo ¶ justice of peace shall inquire of soldiers which depart without licence of their captain & shall punish them as felon●s viii h. seven ca i ¶ justice of peace shall punish them that maintain labourers contrary to the statutis in their presence or in their absence after their discretion xxv E iii c x ¶ justice of peace shall punish them that suffer any to play within their houses at any play against the statute of xi h. seven. ca two/ & then examine & no offender shallbe cessed at any l●ss fine them vi s. viii. d. ¶ Two justice of peace whereof one is of the quorun have power to avoid common alehowsis & shall take suerte of the masters of the al●housꝭ by their dscretion xi h. seven. c. two/ & xix h. seven. c. xii ¶ Two justice of p●as in their countꝭ and every mayre sheriff and bailiff in their cities have power four times in the year to make privy search. s. one's a quarter for vacaboundes and if they find any to punish him/ nineteen. h. seven. ca xii ¶ justice of peas have power to call before them any person suspect for keeping of dear hays and bukstallꝭ/ and then that stalk with bushes or beasts and of them that kill herons with engines and which take young herons out of their nestꝭ and then to examine of the pmmysses and if they be found defectyffe to commit them to prison till they find surety for payment of the forfeiture to the king and the justice shall have the x● part of the forfeiture ● see the penalty thereof in the titles hunters fesauntꝭ/ and ꝑtryches ●xix h. seven. cap. xi justice of peace & justice of assize shall inquire if the coroners sit upon the viwe of the body slain or other wise deed by mysaduenture upon request to him made and what he taketh for his wages i H. viii. Cap. vi. ¶ That justice of gaol deliver or of the pease ● whereof one is of the Quorum may inquire for the king in panelliss made by the sheriff before them and may reform them by putting to & taking out of names of persons and every minister that will not return the same panel so reformed shall forfeit .xx li. the one half thereof to the king the other half to him that will sew therefore/ and that no esson wager of law nor protection in such action to lie nor the kings pardon to be no bar. The iii h. viii. C. xii. ¶ justice of peas have power to inquire by examination or presentment of them that shoot in crossebows or gonnis & punish them vi h. viii. capitulo ●xiii a●d they shall make process to levy the forfeiture of the statute made the xu of. H. viii. Cap. seven. ¶ justice of peace mayris and bayliffis shyryffis constables and other chief officers shall commit them to prison that use unlawful games without bail or maimprise till he be bound to the kings use that he shall from thence forth use no such gamis and they may assign ii or iii or more bowears to dwell in every count cite or borrow to make long bows of elm who or other wood vi h. viii. Cap. two. ¶ justice of peace within every count at their cessions shall assign ii personis to search for unlawful pewter as well within franchises as with out except in cities and borows four Henry viii Capitulo vii ¶ justice of peace in every count where passage is over thamies & the stywardis of lets have power to inquire in every sessions and let as well of defautis of owners and occupiers of the bargys' bottis weirs and watermen as of defautis of officers for non ponysshment of such offenders vi h. viii. Cap. seven. justice of assize ¶ justice of assize may hold plea of quo waranto by wryt but they may not give judgement thereof as appeareth by the statute of quo waranto ¶ justice of assize shall have commissions to inquire of maintainers and of shiryffis escheators and their ministers which take reward xx. E. iii. Capitulo ultimo. ¶ No man of law shallbe justice of assize in his country and the chief justice of the cumin place shallbe assigned among other to take the assizes and gail deliver viii R. two. Cap. two. ¶ No lord nor other shall sit with the justice of assize at the taking of the assize upon a great forfeiter to the king twenty R. two. cap. iii. ¶ The chief justice of the kings bench shall not be justice of assize but in lancaster saving the kings prerogatif xiii h. iiij. cap. iij. ¶ Also they shall have commissions to here and determine treason of money iii h. v. Stat. ●i. Capitulo vii ¶ And look for the power of justice of assize in the statutis made i E. iii. Cap. viii. & the ii year Cap. vi. & vii and the four year. Ca seven & xxi & ultimo. And in the i. year of. R. C. ix. and in the seven. year. Ca iiii and in the ii year of. h. iiii. c.xxi. and in the xi ca primo & iii And in the ii year of. h. v. ca● seven. and in the ii year. h. vi. ca viii. and in the. viii● year cap. iiii. & ix ¶ The chancellor treasurer two chief justice the chief baron of the exchequer and the justice/ of assize within their circuit shall examine all officers that have power to execute the statute of beggars and vacabu●dis and they that be found defective to have such ponysshment as they were convict by the course of the law xix Henry vii Capi. xii. ¶ The justice of assize shall not compel the jurors to say precisely whether it be a disseison or non if they will say the truth of the deed and ask help of the justice but if they will precisely say it is a disseisyn or non/ their verde● shallbe admitted upon their apparel. w. two. c.xxxi. ¶ justice of assize shall inquire if the coroners do sit upon view of the bodies slain & if they take aught for their wages i hen. viii. Ca v. look for their power in the title Jews. justice of both the benchies ¶ The justice shall not surcease to do right in no point by the commandment of the great seal nor privy seal ii E. iii. Cap. viii. ¶ The justice seriauntiss and the attorney of the king shall be paid in hand their wages by the treasurer of england for the time being at ester and mychelmas by even portions without any other suit ten h. vi. Stat per se. ¶ if felons and murderers and their indictments be removed in to the kings bench the justice of the same bench have power to send again the same felons and murderers and their enditementis in to the count where the felony was done and to command the justice of the gayole delivery and the justice of peace and ●ll other justice and commissioners to proceed and determine upon the same personis in the same form as though they had never been removed vi Henry viii Capitulo viii justice of jail delivery. ¶ The justice of the benchis assignid justice of assize and jail deliver have power to punish them which ꝓcure the psoners to be come appellours to appell men that be not gilti to the intent to have fines & raunsonnis of the appellees/ & shall punish such defautis as well by bill at the suit of the part as at the king is suit i E. iii. Capitulo vii ¶ justyces of the jail deliver shall not be made agains the statute of quia fines ii E. iii. Capitulo ii Look for the statute of quia fines in the title of gaiole delivery ¶ justice of jail delivery shall deliver the gaols of them that be indicted before the justice of peace and the justice of peaa shall send to them the inditementis/ and they shall punish the sheriff and the gealour which have let to mayimprise them that be not maymꝑnable and they that have not received them that were indited appelled or found with the manure brought to them by the constables of the town four E iii Capitulo ten ¶ No man shallbe justice of common dely●eraun●em his country viii R. two. C. two. ¶ The mayris bailiffs of cities and borows which have coroners of their own may deliver the gealis of their franchises without commission but if a fellow be indited in a foreign co●te and take without the franchises they may not have conusans thereof with out the kings justice which shallbe assignid by a writ of jail delivery of the same count/ but with them they may do it and for this look the register: ¶ The justice of jail delivery shall proceed upon the inquisicions delivered by the coroners agains the murderer if he be in the jail or else the justice shall sand the inquisicions in to the kings bench iii h. seven. cap. i. ¶ justice of jail delivery may reform the panel as the justice of peace may do look before in the title justice of assize iii h. seven. cap. xii. Knyghtis ¶ none shallbe distrained to be knight if he have not landis to the yearly value of. in fee or for term of life but he that is within age or his land in suit or in det to the king in theschekyr or his landis be in auntion demesne or within orders or hath landis in burgage or that is come lately to his landis or he that is very old or hath default in his membris or anysekenes uncurable. etc. or such like it shallbe in the discretion of the kings counsel. Stat demilitibus● etc. labourers ¶ That no baylif of husbandry shall take for his years wagis above xxvi s. viii. d. and for his clothes .v. s. with meet and drink nor chief hind as carter or chief shepherd above twenty s. and for his cloth .v. s. with meet and drink nor common servant of husbandry above xvi s. viii. d. and for his cloth four s. with meet and drink/ no woman servant above ten s. and for her cloth four s. with meet and drink/ no child within xiiii. years above vi s viii. d. and for his clothes. iiii. s. with meet and drink. Also a free mason master carpenter/ rough mason/ bryck leyer/ master tiler/ plumber/ glaysyer/ carver & joinet shall take but. iiii.d. a day meet & drink fro ester to michelmas/ & fro mychelma to ester. iii.d. meet & drink Alfo a master shypwryght from Candelmas to mychelmas shall take. but. u.d. with meet & drink an hewer. iiii.d. an able clyncher. iii.d. an holder two d. a master calker. iiii.d. and other mean calkes iii a calker lobouring by the tide four pens But every one of these said artificers may take. ii.d. more by the day if they find themself meet and drink. Also from mychelmas to candelmas the master shipwright may take but. iiii.d the hewer. iii.d: the clyncher ii ob. the holde●. i.d ob. the master calker. iii.d. and other mean calkers. ii.d. ob. Also the master mason/ or master carpenter taking charge of the work having vi men under him may take v. pens meet and drink/ and. vii.d without it. Also in such countries as is used to give less wages the said artificers shall be compelled to take as it is there used/ this act not withstanding. And that every artificer not retained shallbe compelled to serve every man/ and that none such retained depart from his master till his work be finished as long as he will give him his wages upon pain of a months imprisonmnt & to make fyn of twenty s. except he go to the kingꝭ works. And that all other labourers to take from ester to mychelmas except harvest. ii.d. a day with meet & drink/ &. iiii.d. without: & fro my chelmas to ester. i.d ob. with meet and drink/ and. iii.d. without meet and drink. And in harvest every mower to take. iiii.d. with meet and drink a repar & carter. iii.d. a woman labourer and other labourer's ii.d. ob. & the said mower repar carter and woman labourer may take. ii.d. a day more if they find themself meet and drink. and that every artificer and labourer working but half a day take but half a day/ & nothing for the holy day and if any bailiff of husbandry hind carter shepherd comen servant woman servant or child servant beforesaid not retained in work refuse to serve than he to be committed to ward by the constable or other heed office till he have found surety to serve according to this act/ and if any artificer or labourer refuse to serve after the rate of his estate or take more wages than is here limited or take wages for the hole day where he serveth but the half day/ he to forfeit for every such default twenty s● and they to be convicted before the justice of peace in the cessions or other place of the shire by examination or otherwise and the said twenty s. to be left of their goods or lands. Also the said artificers and labourers to be at work between the mids of the month of March and the mids of Septembre before .v. of the clock in the morning and to have but half an hour● for his break fast ● and an hour for his dinner/ and half an hour for his sleep or nonemete ● and not to depart from his works from the mids of March and Septembre till between vii and viii of the cloak in the evening/ and if they keep not their hours to be abated of their wages after the rate. And from the mids of Septembre to march to be at their work in the spring of the day/ and depart not till night/ and that they sleep not by day/ but from the mids of May to the mids of August. Also if any artificer or labourer make any assault or assymble to hurt any men that will countroll them here in to have a years prisonment without bail or maimpnse/ and to fine at the kings will. This act to be proclaimed in every good town and borough. ¶ provided that this act extend not to minors & dyggers foresee coal or making of glass/ nor for fynours & workers & labourers for tin/ lead iron/ or silver. The vi H. viii. ca iii. ¶ Also all artificers & labourers in london may take as they were wont to do except they work in the kings works or out of the liberties of the city and that the penalty comprised in the said form acts in the vi of h. viii. & seven of. h. viii. extend but to the taker only. The seven. h. viii. ca vi. ¶ Other old acts were made concerning labourers and artificers/ some in the t●me of king Edward the third/ and in other kings days after/ when. xx.d. made an ounce of troy weight and at those days/ the master carpenteres thakkers and plasterers took but. iij.d. a days found themself/ for than they had as much victual for a penny/ as now for two. d and yet all is one in effect for a penny at those days weighed two pens of the money that now is/ for now three shillings and four pens goth to the o●●ce And yet they gafe as much silver at that time for a days work as they do now at this day. Therefore all the said old statutes stand in little effect because the coin is minished & changed Lancastre. ¶ A man outlawed or put in exigent in lancaster shall forfeit no lands nor tenememtes in other counts xviii Hen. vi. capitulo xiii ¶ No foreign shallbe married within the count of lancaster except the inditours may disped. C. s. within the same count xxxiii h. vi. Ca vi. Legacies. ¶ widows may beqnth their cor●e as well growing on their dowres as on their other lands merton● Capitulo ii Letters patens. ¶ If any man make any suit to the king for any land/ office or other thing grau●ted by the king to any other during the kings pleasure & the person to whom it was granted be alive at the time of the suet made/ that than he do express in his bill of petition or patent the tenor of the said former patent/ & that the king hath determined his pleasure against the first patent or else the second letters patents of the premisses to be void. The vi Henry viii cap. xv. ¶ Look more for this in the title of forfeytours and patents. Letters of marke● ¶ Letters of mark is grounded upon the statute of magna carta. Capitulo xxx ¶ Look more for them in the title mark. Libel. ¶ The copy of the libel shallbe delivered to the deff. in the spiritual court with out difficulty to the intent he may sue a prohibition if ●●de require ii Hen v. ca iii. ¶ No licence shallbe granted which shall be piudycyall to the realm● & the staple/ saving to the king authority to modefy the statute by the advise of his counsel/ and saving to the marchauntꝭ of geane/ venies/ tuskayn ● lomberdye/ florence/ and catelyn/ & to the burgeys of berwyk/ their liberties xiiii Hen. vi. Cap. two ¶ All placardes made by the king to shoot in crossbows or hand gones be void. The xu Henry viii ca seven. Limitation. ¶ In the declaration of a dystent in a write of right none shall demand of the se●syn of his ancestors of longer time than of king. R. the i and that writeth of novel diss●●syn & of purꝑtye called nuper ob●t shall have the time after the passage of king henry the third in to gascoyne & that the writeth of mordauncestre/ cousinage/ ail/ bashyle and writeth of nieff shall have the term of coronement of the same Henry and not before. w. i ca xxxviii See the statute of merton/ that speaketh of the same matter● ca seven. Liverey of landꝭ● ¶ if the escheator seize landꝭ in to the kings hands & after by inqisicion found before him it is found not holden of the king/ that than a wrytsh all go to the escheator to take it out of his handꝭ & to deliver it to him/ to whom it should come with the issues and ꝓfettꝭ that he hath received. etc. And if it be after found for the king of record in any court/ than the sheriff shall not yet seize the land again till the tenant of the land be warned by scire fac. & if he come not/ or come & can not destroy the kings title/ the king shall then seize it again & he shallbe answered of the ꝓfettes the mean while not withstanding. etc. statu●. lincoln xxix Ed. primi ¶ if landis be seized in to the kings hands/ and after of the kings handis put out because he had no cause to seize them/ the issues shallbe holy rendered to him that had the damage articli super Cart. Capitulo .xx: ¶ Every escheator & minister which seizeth to the kings use any cities manners borrows townis hundred or fraunchesles whereof ꝓfettꝭ come as from time to time all the year long as mills her bag toll proffettes of courts and other such shall answer to the king after the rate according to the old course of the exchequer. xxviii. E. iii. Capitulo four ¶ All women being of the age of xiiii year at the death of their auncestour which held of the king shall have livery of their landis out of the kings hands mayntenant xxxix henry vi Capitulo ultimo. livery de company ¶ Non shall have livery of a suit for maintenance/ and the justice of assize shall inquire thereof and of fraternites by such liveries for maintenance or confederecye i R. two. Cap. seven. ¶ Non less than a esquire shall use livery of company of any lord except he be continually famy liar in office with the same lord/ & justice of peace shall punish them twenty R. two. Cap. two. ¶ No lord shall give liver of company to no knight esquire nor yeoman save only that the king shall give his honourable liver to his lords temporal which shall please him & to his knights and esquires mannell and to his knights & esquires taking f●e of him for term of life. and that such knightis & esquires were not their liver in the country/ but in the the king's p●esens. And he that doth contrary shall make fine to the king. And ransom And the knights and esquires shall lose their liver and their f●e/ or ever. and that none take liver of the king nor other upon pain of a fine as is before said. ¶ It is provided that the constable & marchall of england for their retynew of knights esquires may give the said knights lyvere in the marches in the time of war. Also no lord spiritual nor temporal shall give any liver of cloth to none but to his manuel servants and officers/ & them of his counsel learned of the spiritual law or temporal upon the same pain. The i h. iiii. cap. viii. ¶ And also justice of the one bench or other justice of assize & of pease have power to inqire here & determine aswell by record in their presence as other wise of givers & takers of liuere● it seemeth that they may do so out of their courtis ¶ Duke's/ earls/ barons/ & banerettis may were the kings livery in their countries/ but no knights nor esquires except they be going or coming from the king. And the prince may give his liver in like manner as the king. The ii H. iiii. capitulo xxi ¶ Knights & other of lower estate that give livery of cloth shall lose at everey tyme. C. s. & the receiver xl s. & he that will sew for the king shall have the one half/ & the king shall not pardon the pain. & everey one of any company which at their costis make such lyu●rey shall lose xl s. except gyldes & crafts. provided that in time of war they may well give such liveries. & justice of assize have power to inquire thereof in their cessions & to certify it in to the kings bench. the vii H. iiii. ca xiiii. ¶ justice of assize & of the pease shall award attachment against givers and receivers of liveries upon suggestion without indictment And upon that a Capias and exigent/ and if they appear they shall attaint them by examination as well of the liveries of lords and ladies as other And they shall take. C. s. of the giver/ and xl s. of the taker as oft as they offend. And they shall have a years prisonment The viii h. vi. capitulo four ¶ And that the justice of Lancastre and Chestre shall have the same power. etc. The statutes be under stand of liveries given to them that be not manual servants and officers. ¶ None may give liver or other sign but to his manual servant or to his man of law spiritual or temporal or other of his counsel. and if he do the contrary the giver shall lose. C. s. for every month that there is any with him so retained/ and the receiver. C. s. & he that will sew shall have an action by bill of information against as many of offenders as he will in every of the kings courtis or counter palentyne. & upon that process as in trespass except that in country palentine no exigende shall be awarded. and if any of the deffenders be present in court The justice may command him to be brought to answer and first the informer shallbe examined upon a book that his complaint is true. & after they may examine that defendant and judge him convyet b● their discretion/ aswell as by trial. And the informer shall recover the o●e half. and the king the other half if it be not in city or town that hath like forfeitour by the kings grant. And that no esson nor protection be allowed. And that the sheriff or coroner may return no less issues at the first day than twenty s. At the second day xxx s. And so at every day ten s. of increase. and if the sheriff or coroner do the contrary he shall forfeit for every time twenty s. And the mayre and governors of cities and boroughs have power to examine and to determine it as is before said aswell by examination as by trial. And upon that the king shall have the one half and the maires & governors the other half to be employed to the use of the city or town. The viii E. iiii. ca two. But livers given at the kings coronation of creation of a bishop or marriage of any great lord or lady of estate or at the creation of the sergeants at the law and at other such festis. and livers given b● the mayors and sheryffis of towns and liveries given in the defence of the king be except fro this statute ¶ The chancellor. treasurer. & the pryveseale or ii of them or a bishop. and a temporal lord of the kings counsel and with the ii chief justice. or ii other justice in their absence upon bill or information put to the chancellor for the king or any other against any person for mysbehavinge in giving of liveries or signs have authority to make to come before them by wryt or privy seal the said misdoers and to examine them and to punish them if they find them defecty● according to the estatutis thereof made in like manner as they should be punished if they had be convict after the dew order of the law. The iii H. seven. ca i. ¶ If any steward auditor receiver or bailiff of any of the kingꝭ lands & tenements constable keeper of castle warden master or game ꝑke keeper or other office of his forestis chases ꝑkes or warens be law fully retained with any person or retain any men that is dwelling within the said lands tenements or lordshyppꝭ contrary to any ordinance before made or suffer any of them to be so retained with any other person & show it not to the king within xl days that he hath knowledge thereof/ or if any of the said officers convey any of the said tenants inhabitance fermours of the king to any filled or assemble other wise than by the king's commandment to do such service as the king shall command him. And that always in the kings liver and sign Or if such officer come not to the king in time of war or trouble when he is commanded having no reasonable excuse to the contrary that than all grauntiss by the king or his progenitors or predecessors to them made be void. And also if any of the said tenants or fermours b● retained with any other contrary to the statutis by liver to kin o'th' indenture or promise or go in any field or assemble with any other person in any other liver sign not the kings/ & to serve the king only that than all grants & loesses of any parcel of the said lands lordships and possessions for term of years or at will be utterly void. The iii h. seven. ca i. another act there is xix H. seven. ca xiiii. but it was during the kings life. Lollardis ¶ Ordinaries may arrest men defamed or suspect for heresy & keep them in their pryso●s till they be purged thereof or abjured after the law of holy church/ so they make full determination thereof within iii months after such arestis except there be a lawful impediment/ And if they be convict they shall keep them in their prisons as they shall think best/ and if it the cas require that they put them to fine than the ordinaries shall send that in to the eschekyr under their sealis to be levied to the kings use/ And if such heretykkis convict refuse to abjure or after abjuration fall in to relapse so that they should be delivered unto the secular court Then the sheriff mayr or bailiffs next shallbe attendant at the request of the ordinary to take them and to burn them in convenient place before the people in example of other ii h. iiii. Cap. xv ¶ The chancellor ● treasurer and all the justice mayris baylyffis & all officers at the entering in to their office shall swear to do their pain to destroy heretykkis and to help to arrest them at the costis of the ordinary and if they be qict ●f heresy after they be ded they shall lose the●● landis and goodis as in felony but the lands holden of the ordinaries or their commissioners shallbe forfeit to the king & justice of the kings bench/ justice of assize & of the peace shall inquire of them and make process by capias/ and deliver them to the ordinary by indenture/ and they shallbe ready to take them within x days/ but the mean time the sheriff may let them to maimpryse/ and if such heretic escape out of prison the king shall have his land the while/ but if he die his heir may enter ii Hen. v. ca seven. commissioners shallbe made to arrest preachers of heresy upon the certyficat of the ordinary .v. R. two. stat. two. Capitulo ultimo. London. ¶ if one in london vouch a foreign he shall have a some ad war return in the kings bench and a wryt to the mayre & bailiffs of london to surcease/ & when it is determined in the kings bench it shallbe commanded to the warranter that he go in to london to answer the first plea/ & a write shall go from the justice to the mayre etc. to proceed/ and if the demaundaunt recover/ the tenant shall have a wryt to the mayre to extend the land retournable before the justice/ and after that a write to the sheryff● of the country where. etc. to deliver the tenant as much land of his that died warrant it in value. Glouc ● ca xii. & statut de forincecis vocat ad warrant. ¶ merchants of london shallbe as free to pak their clothes as other merchants & other strangers within the city or else were not withstanding letters patents made before i h. iiii Capitu. xvi ¶ The mayre & aldermen of london. s. every alderman in his ward & the mayre thorough the hole city may call before them such that have power to execute the statute of vacabundꝭ & beggars & to punish them that be defective as well as though they were convict by the order of the law xix Hen. seven. ca xii. ¶ Also there is an other statute that the governors of the city of london shall correct & redress all open offences there committed upon pain of. M. mark for the first default & ii M. mark for the second as appeareth at large i h. iiii. ca xv./ and xviii. E. iii. capitulo ten ¶ Look more for london in the title jurors. Lords. ¶ lords and other that compel the people to answer before their counseyl of any freehold or other thing determynable at the common law shall lose. to the king The xvi R. two. ca two. ¶ If lords stewards procure any person to move false quarrels in their courts against any that is attached by his goods the part grieved shall have a replevin against them wherein he shall recover triple damagis. westm. two. ca xliii. Maymprise. ¶ Prisoners which be outlawed & they that have abjured the realm ꝓuours. they that be take with the manure/ they that have broken the kings pson thieves openly cried & known/ they that be appelled of ꝓuours wihle the ꝓuer is a live if they be not of god fame they that be taken for brinninge of houses felonously done/ or for false money or forging of the kings seal/ or excommunicate taken by the prayer of the bishop/ or treason that touch the king himself be in no manner of wise replevysable be cumin writ nor without wryt. but they that be indicted of felony by the sheriffs or bailiffs inquestꝭ/ taken by their office or for light suspicions/ or for petyt larcyn that a mounteth not above the sum of. xii.d. if he be not rette of other felony before or rette of reseving of felones or commanding to strength or eyed felony done/ or other trespass wherefore a man shall not lose his life or men appelled of provers after the death of the ●rouour if they be not open thieves proclaimed/ they shallbe from henceforth let to maimprise by suffycy●nt pledgis whereof the sheriff will answer without any thing taking of them. And if the sheriff or any other let to maimprise any that is not replenysable and thereof be attaint/ he shall lose his fee & offyc● for ever/ & if the undersheriff constable or other bailiff than he that hath the fee for keeping of the prisoners do it without the will of his master or other bailiff having no fee/ he shall have prisonment of iii yeris and make fy● at the kings pleasure/ & if any keep such prisoners replevisable aft that they have offered sufficient surety he shallbe mercyed/ and if they take any thing for their deliverance/ he shall yield to the part the double value and be grievously a mercyed. westm prim̄. Capitulo xu ¶ if any princypal or accessary be acquit of murder at the kingꝭ suet before the year & the day/ yet the same justice shall remit him again to prison or let him to bail by their discretion till the year & day be passed/ & if they be so other acquit or attainted yet the wife or next heir may have their appelles against the within the year & day aft the same murder done or against their accessaries. The iii H. seven. ca i. Look the statute. etc. ¶ Every justice of peace hath power to let prisoners arrested for suspicious of felony to maymprise as they may if they were indicted before them of record. The i R. iii. ca iii. ¶ Two justice of peace whereof one is of the Quorum may let felons suspect or other persons maimpernable to maimprise till the next general sessions or gayl● deliver at which day the same justice must certify it upon pain of forfeitour to the king for every default upon that record. The iii h. seven. ca iii. And the statute of Richard that giveth power to one justice of peace to take such maimprise is repelled by the same statute. ¶ If a man be condemned in any court & his body in execution & after removed be a corpus cum causa/ or cerciorare in to the chancery & upon the same writ condemned he shall be no more let to bail nor maimprise/ but remaunded to the prison there to abide after the law till that he hath satisfied the plaintiff. The ii hen. v. ca two. Look more for maimprise in jail. Maintenance. ¶ No clerk of the justice nor of the sheriff maintain parts in quarrels nor in business that is in the court of the king/ nor do deceit to dela●e or to disturb the common right/ and if any do so he shall yield three times as much as he hath taken therefore/ and shall lose his service for a hole year/ nor that no sergeant at the law nor pleader make no manner deceit nor colution in the kings courts or consent to be made to beguile the court or the part/ and if they be th●r of attaint they shall have a yers' prisonment and a day/ and they shall not be suffered after that to plead for non. And if the trespass ask greater pain he shall be at the kings pleasure. westm. i. Capitulo xxviii xxix. ¶ None maintain pleas in counts nor in other c●urt westm. i ca xxxii. & the statute of berwyk will that if any be attaint of such maintenance or champarty that he shall have iii years imprisonment & to make fine at the kings pleasure ¶ Nother great nor small by commandment of letters or otherwise maintain no quarrels ī●he countries in disturbance of the common law i E. iii Capitulo xiiii ¶ The justice of both benches/ justice of assize and nisi prius shall here & determine as well at the kings suyt as of the part/ maintenance champarty confederacy and conspiracy as well as justice in eyre & that that can not be determined before the justice of nisi prius shallbe adjourned in to their places twenty E. iii. Capitulo vi ¶ He that maintaineth any quarrel shallbe at the kingꝭ will body & landꝭ . E. iii. capi. iii. ¶ Every man is bound to maintain plea of provision xxxviii E. iii. de provis. ca v. ¶ No councillor of the king maintain quarrel in the country nor else where upon pain to be grievously punished by the king nor no nother mean offyc upon pain of losing his officer to be fined at the kings pleasure nor no nother person upon pain of enprisonment & to be fined at the kings pleasure i: R. two. ca iiii Martial. ¶ The marshal of the kings bench shall keep them that be indicted of felony/ and them that have yielded themselves at the exigent in appeal of felony/ and if they let them go at large by bail or by baston they shall have half years prisonment and make fine at the kings pleasure. And the justice shall inquire thereof when these time and yet they shallbe punished therefore of escape according to the order of the common law. The .v. E. iii. capitulo ten ¶ Look what fines and fees the marchall shall take. The ii H. iiii. ca xxiii. Marshallsye ¶ The steward & marchall shall hold no plea of frehold nor of trespass but only of trespass within the king's house or other trespass done within the virge and of contract and convenauntiss that any of the kings house hath made to another of the same house & in the same house & not ellis where/ & pleas of trespass shallbe pledid but it be attached by them before that the king go out of the virge where the trespass shallbe done/ & they shall precede hastily from day to day so that it may be endid before that the king go out of the bondꝭ of the virge where the trespass was/ and if they can not be ended the plea shall seize and shallbe at the common la/ and the steward shall have knowledge of no dettis nor other thyngiss but of them of the kyn●is house nor shall hold no nother pl● by obligation made by the distress. of the steward or the marchall/ and if the steward or marchall do contrary to this ordinance it shall be void articuli super cartas. ca iii. ¶ Of manslaughter done within the verge/ the coroner of the country with the coroner of the kings house shall do the office belonging to to the coroner & that that can not be before the steward determined as by cause the felons can not be attached or for o●her cause it shall go to the cumin law. so that exigent vilary & present mentis shallbe thereof made at the ●yre by the coroner of the country as well as of other felonies done out of the vyrge but yet it shall not let but that attachem●ntis shall be made upon the felonies done. Articuli super cartas. Capitulo quarto. ¶ Men of the kings house shall not be sworn in the marchalsie but between men of the same house of b●th parties but the inquest shallbe takin of men dwelling about .v. E. iii. cap. two. ¶ Error before the steward and marchall of the kings house shallbe reversed in the king's bench .v. E. iii. Cap. two. ¶ Prestis and other men of holy church imprisoned in the marchalsye shall pay like fees as lay men ix R. Cap. ultimo. ¶ The court of the marchallsye nor the iurysdition thereof shall not extend xii mile to be accomplished from the king's loging xiii Richard ii capitulo iii ¶ Also for as much as the marchall of the marshalsea of the kingꝭ house in the time of king Edward grant father to the king that now is and before have be wont to take these fees that follow. s. of every one that cometh to the same court by capias four d. & if he be let to maympryse to a certain day ii d. more/ & of every one that is impledid & fyndith ii maympournours to keep his days till the end of the plea to take of the deffend. i.d. Of eu●ry one committed to prison by judgement of the steward four d. & of every one delivered of felony four d. of every fellow let to maympryse by the court four d. which fees shallbe taken in opyn court ● Therefore the king hath ordained that if the marshal or his ministers take any other fees than be here above declared that they shall lose their offices and shall pay triple damage to the part grieved and that the part shall sew before the steward for that time being/ also it is ordeinid that no servitor of billies that heareth any staff of the same court shall not take for every mile unto the place where he shall do his office more than i d. and also for xii mile xii d/ and for serving of a venire fac. of xii men or a distress from the same court the double and if any of the servitors of the billis do the contrary they shallbe ponishid by emprisomment & shall make fine and ransom to the king by the discretion of the steward and shallbe for iuggid the court ● and the steward shall have power to make proclamacio● at every court of all these articles/ two. h. iiii. cap. xxiii. ¶ He that hath dwelled at the stywes shall not be sworn in the merchallsie/ and if he bear ●oruyd he may be challengid as well for the king as for the party xi h. vi. Ca i. ¶ A man may have an averment agains the record of the merschallsie that the party was not of the kings house at the tyme. & cetera. xv. h. vi. Cap. i. ¶ The steward and treasurer of the kings house have power to call before them all manner of officers within the virge/ which have power to execute the statute of beggars and vacabundis and they that befound defective to have like ponysshment as they where convict by course of the common la/ nineteen. h. seven. cap. xii. Marchauntis ¶ All marchauntꝭ except they be b●fore ꝓhibite shall have save conduct to come and to go into ynglonde to by and to sell except it be in time of war and if they be of any land that is agains us in war than if that our merchants be safe in that country they shallbe safe in this land magna carta. capitulo xxviii ¶ All merchants strangers and d●nymyns may by & sell corn wine merchandise & a things vendable in every place without disturbance & if they he troubled he that hath the governance of the town shall gift them remedy upon complaints or else the franchises shallbe seized in to the king's hands & he aswell as the dysturbor shall gyfe double damages to the party & if he be absent his depute shall give them remedy as is before said or else yield double damagis etc. not withstanding any charters of franchises to them granted to the contrary saving that merchants strangers shall carry no wine out of the realm and that the chancellor treasurer and justice assigned to hold bless shall choose where they will inquire of such disturbance and shall make ponyshiment as it is before ordained The ix E. iii● cap. i & ii ¶ All merchants shall come in to england as is ordained in magna carta. the xiiii E. iii. c.i. ¶ Every merchant as well stranger as denyzyn may sell vitellies & other ware in london & else where in gross or by retail & he that disturbeth them shallbe attached by his body by writ out of the chancery & shall yield double damages The xxv E. iii. cap. iiii. ¶ All merchants except the kings enemies may come freely into england & if our pourue ours or any other by colour take their goods or any thing against there will they shallbe incontinent ar●●●id by the mayors or bailiffs & there shall be process made f●om day to day and from hour to hour after the law of the staple and not by the common law and shall yield double to the party and as much to the king the xxviii E. iii. cap. two. stat. staple. ¶ All merchants strangers may by merchandise of the staple within england wales yrelande witthout covin to abate the prize so that they bring them to the staple and that no merchant englyss Irish nor welsh nor merchant stranger by their covimbring no will fell leather nor led out of the said lo●d upon pain of forfeiter of the same merchandise and of their goodis to the king and their lands to the chief lord which shall have a wryt of escheat in the cas●. and that every merchant english yrishe and welsch shall make their payment in the place where the contract was made and not out of it upon the foresaid pain and every merchant that shall sell the wols to the stapelers before said be bound to warrant the packing of the same wols the same y●re. cap. iii. ¶ But the pain of death is put out of all statutes of the staple by another statute. The xxxviii E. iii ca vi. and the warrant of packing is put out a xxviii E. iii. capitulo xiii ¶ Non shall bring out of this realm will fell nor ledder to berwyk upon tweed nor scotland to sell them to no man of scoteland upon pain of forfeiter his lands to the lord/ the same year. Capitulo xii ¶ merchants denisins or strangers robbed if the goodis come in to this land they shall have them again by proves of merchants and by signs & cokettes that they shall show without other proses of law/ and in like manner if the ship be broken coming to land i● it be no wreck The same year. Capitulo xiii ¶ No merchant stranger be impleaded or inpeched for another's det whereof he is not surety saving only the letter of mark and the taking to be in his force. etc. & in case that debate grow between us and lords of strange lands yet for that we will not that merchants of those lands being here be suddenly grieved but they shall have xl days space by proclamation to remove their goods and longer if need require the same Capitulo xvii ¶ merchants shall not lose their goods for trespass of their servants except they miss use their office wherein their master hath put them or in other manner where the master is bound to answer for his servant after the law merchant The same year Capitulo xix ¶ Also for asmuch as we have taken in to ou● ꝓ●eccion all merchants strangers it is ordained that if any grievance be made to them out of the staple that the justice where the grievance is made shall do hasty remedy after the law merchant from day to day and hour to hour without sewing to the common law and he that is convict shall yield double damage to the merchant and as much to us. The same year. ca xxi. ¶ if a ship that is freight toward england or else where come in to any part of england by tempest or other fortune they may sell part of their merchandise the xxviii E. iii. the iii ca xiii. ¶ where it was ordained at the last ꝑliamnt that no merchant english should use but one mchaundise. etc. ¶ It is a greed that all people be as free as they were in the time of the grauntfader of our sovereign lord that now is & of his good ꝓgenitours The xxxviii E. three ca two. it seemeth that this statute repelleth many therefore they be not here written for the letter is very general. ¶ Marchauntis as well strangers as denizy● may carry all merchandise out of the realm but that denyzyns may carry no will nor sheep fell/ nor gold nor silver out. The xxviii Ed. iii. Capitulo ii ¶ All merchants aliens of the kings amity may come in to england without safecondit & abide as well within franchises as withuot and they shall sell all manner of wines in gross by the hole vessel & not by retail and all marchauntꝭ as well strangers as denyzyns shall sell in gross in every place of england upon pain of forfeitour & not by retail except cetemyns & bourgesis in their own towns & merchants strangers & denysyns shall by & ●el wares. etc. notwithstanding the franchises to the contrary & that as well strangers as denizyns may by will will fell and other things in fairs and markets as they were wont to do & if they be disturbed to sel. etc. that the mayre and bailiffs and other having keeping of the said franches at the request of the mchauntes or other in their name shall gift than remedy/ and if they do not and thereof be attaint the franchises to be seized in the kings hands and the disturber shall yield double damagis/ and if the lord or constable be thereto required and give them not remedy they shall yield double damage● and the dysturbours in both casis shall have a years prisonment and make fine at the kings will. The ii R. two. Capitulo i ¶ Almarchauntis of geane/ venis/ cateloyn aragon and other lands toward the west of the kings amity may bring to hampton or else where in englaud ● carik/ ships and freely sell their merchandise to whom they please/ and charge their vessel again with merchandise of the staple and them bring to their countries toward the west paing the customis as though they brought them to the staple of caleis & to find sewerte that they shall bring them toward the west and not to east except to the staple of caleis upon pain of forfeitour. The ii R. two. ca two. ca iii. ¶ The statute of the ix year of. E. iii. be kept in all points notwithstanding any statute made to the contrary/ and that all merchants strangers and denyzyns may sell all merchandise & victual in gross or by retail in london & ellis where without disturbance of any minister xi R. two. c.ix ¶ The staple be removed from cales in to england holden in places thereto limited. The xxvii E. three and that the same statute be kept in all thing & over that that every alien that bringeth merchandise in to England shall find surety to the customers of the port where the merchandise shallbe brought to by other merchandise therefore as wols/ fell/ leader led/ tin/ butter/ cheese/ cloth and other commodities of the land. The xiiii R. two. Capitulo i ¶ Also for every exchange that shall be made at the court of rome or ellis where that the said marchauntꝭ shallbe sworn & be sureli bound in the chancery to by within three months after the said exchange of the said merchandise here to the some so eschaunged upon pain of forfetou● of the same. The. same year. Capitulo iiii ¶ All merchants and other of the realm shall freight their merchandise in the kings ships & not in strange shypꝭ so that owners take reasonably for the freight. Thesame year cap. vi ¶ merchants strangers shall by no merchandise within the realm for to sell it there again nor they shall not sell by retail but victual/ but they shall sell wines and spices. etc. by vessels and bales hole/ & that no spice that is brought in to the realm be after that conveyed out of the realm neither by alien nor denyzyn upon pain of forfaytour. The xvi R. two. Capitulo. primo. ¶ merchants strangers shall demean them here as denyzyns do beyond these upon pain of forfeiter of their goods and imprisonment The. v● Henry four Capitulo vii ¶ All merchants & all other coming to the city of london shall sell there freely their cloth win oil honey war and other merchandise & things in gross or by retail as well to every one of the kings lege people as to the citizens of london. The vii Hen. iiii. Cap. ix. ¶ But inquire what privilege is granted sith that time to the city of london confirmed by parliament. ¶ Every merchant stranger may by wols & carry them to any other place beside the staple so that he bring to the master of the mint of the tower of london for every sak of will an ounce of bullion of gold & in the same man of three pieces of tin an ounce of bullion of gold or the val●e in silver upon pain of forfeiter of the same or the value viii Hen. vi. ca two. ¶ merchants aliens shall not refuse their payment in silver notwithstanding any covenant to be paid in gold vi Hen. vi. ca xxxi. ¶ Also that no english merchant sell within this realm to no merchant alyon no manner merchandise but only for ready payment in money or ellis in merchandise to be content in hand upon pain of forfeiter of the same/ the same year/ the same chapter. ¶ merchants english may sell their cloth to mchauntes' alyons for ready payment to be made in money or mchaundise within vi weeks after the same bargain without more longer day gyffing upon pain of forfaytour of the same. And this ordinance to endure as long as it pleaseth the king. The ix hen. vi. ca two ¶ A good ordinance was made that merchants strangers shall not sell their marchaundices to other merchants strangers and that they shallbe lodged with hostis which shallbe prive to all their merchandises. etc. to in●ure for vi year The xviii Henry vi ca iiii. ¶ marchaundis of the amity of alyons found in vessels of the kings e●●myes not having safe coundeth within the board nor in rolled in the chancery shall not be restored. The xviii Hen vi ca iiii. ¶ merchants of gascoyn guyon yreland gernesay ierse/ going & coming by the ports of fowey plymouth d●r●moth and pole or ellis where be not grieved by the officers of the said place with such charges as they were wont to be that is to say taking for every pese of cres cloth. iiii.d. and so of other/ and every one that grieveth them contrary to this statute shall forfeit xl pound/ whereof the merchants grieved so all have their recover by write of trespass if they take their suit within two months. et cetera. or ●lles it shallbe lawful to every one to sue that will/ & shall recover the one half to himself and the other half to the king the xxviii h. vi. cap. v. ¶ Every company of marchauntis strangers shall find surety in the chancery that they shall convey no gold nor silver out of the realm. The ii henry vii Cap. seven. ¶ Marchauntis strangers which be of the amity of the king and be rob upon the see the chancellor hath power to redress it the xxxi h. vi. Capitulo four ¶ Marchauntis strangers may not retail their merchandise nor be hosted with none but of their own nation The i R. iii. ca ix. upon pain of forfeiter. and that stranger that taketh any estraunger to host and not of his nation shall lo●e. but the statute is repellid the ●. h. seven. cap. x. save only that the king shall have all the advantage thereof. ideo vide statut. ¶ Marchaunntes' strangers may not bring in to this realm certain manners of wares limited in the same statute upon pain of forfeiter the one half to the king and the other half to him that will sew by action of det wherein neither wager of law esson nor protection lieth. The i R. iii. cap. x. & xii look the statute of the same effect the ii Ed. iiii. Capitulo vi ¶ merchants strangers which bring goodis within this ream to be sold ought to employ their moni in merchandise of england. & the same l●we of merchants of yreland gernesey and ●ersey upon pain of forfeiter of all their goodis within this realm and theyir bodis to preson for a year also the customer and countroller shall take surety of every merchant aforesaid that he employ his money upon the goodis of this land upon pain aforesaid the iii h. seven. cap. viii. ¶ The marchauntiss of s●eleyard shall have their auntion liberties privileges uses and customy● of old time to them granted and confirmed by the king ● & that no statute agains their liberty extend not to their libertes provided that this act be not prejudicial to the mayr shyriffis cy●● mens and commonalty of london or their successors xix h. seven. cap. xxiii. Marches ¶ No officer of the est marches or west marches from hens fourth attach any person by his body in the counts of northomber. cumbef westmoreland or in the town of new castle by colour of any presentment in their courts. etc. and if they do it shallbe lawful to such person to make resistance and if he be grieved by such attachment he shall have a writ of trespass wherein he shall recover triple damagis and over that the defendant shall have ii years presonment and shall pay to the king c s. the justice of peace of the said countiss shyrif and lorders of lets have power to inquire of such attachementꝭ. The xxix Hen. vi. capitulo iii Mark ¶ Letters of mark shallbe where the king's emmyes have done any contempt against any truce made before this day. where no mention is made that marks and taking again shall scase and that they shall have letters of request under the privy seal and after letterts of mark under the great seal/ Also commissioners shallbe made to the wardens of the estmarches and westmarchis to here compleintiss of breaking of truce of them of scotland and the marches adjoining and thereupon they shall make etrters of request or else they shall make proclamation in oppin placies upon the marches that he that hath done contrary to the truce shall make restitution within time convenient or else to make letters of mark under their seal four h. v. Cap. seven. Look more for mark in the title letters of mark. Masons ¶ The makers of chaptirs and congregations of masons shallbe ponysshid as felons/ and other that come thereto shallbe imprisonid and fined at the kings will iii h. vi. C. i. Mesne ¶ In a wryt of mean at the distress days shallbe gyffyd within the which ii counts shallbe holdyn with proclamation that the mean lord may come at the day in bank and if he come not/ that mean shall lose the service of his tenant and living the mean the tenant shall answer to the chief lord the same service that the mean was wont to do/ and if the tenant offer the service for the mean the lord shall take it without taking any distress. and if the chief lord ask more than the meame was wont to do the tenant shall have the same exception that the meame should have. etc. That is intented after the foriugement/ and if the sheriff return nichill at the somons he shall have a wryt of attachment and a grand distress. and if the mean have no landis in the same count to be distrey nid but in another count there shall an original writ go out in to that count with a distress. with proclamations ut supra/ and yet process shall go in to the furst count until the distress. with proclamation and so after proclamation in every count the mean shallbe foriuggid and if the mean come and knolege the acquittance or be adiuggid that he shall acquit the tenant and if he do not acquit him/ the tenant shall have a writ judicial to distrain the mean to answer him ● if it be found that he did not acquit him he shall yield damage to the plaintiff and shallbe foriuggid and yet the tenant shall have his warranty agains the mean. & cetera. w. two. C. ix. stude bene statutum. Messengers ¶ No messengers of the king nor other for any business of the king take any horse or other best agains the will of the owner except he show a sufficient authority of the king and if he do he shallbe imprisoned till he hath greyd with the part twenty R. two. cap. v. Mesures ¶ Look for mesures in the title weyghth & mesuris Misprision ¶ Look for my prisions in the title recordi● Money ¶ Money counterfeit brought in to this realm shallbe forfeit. The ix E. iii. cap. two. ¶ The sterling halfpenny nor ferthing shall not be molten for to make vessel nor other thing upon pain of forfetorand he that will sew for the king shall have the four part. The ten E. iii. Capitulo iii ¶ No groat nor peni of. ii.d. shallbe molte to ma●e vessel nor other thing upon pain of forfeiter and the meltor shallbe impreson till he have paid the king the half of that that is molte & that no money of gold nor silver of scotland nor of other lands be yond the see shall run in any payment within this realm but it shallbe brought in bullion to the mint to be turned in to english coin on pain of forfeiter thereof and impresonment and to make fine and ransom and that none bring english money into scotland to eschaunge for scottish money upon the same pain. The xvii R. two. capitulo i ¶ Non bring money of flandres of scotland● nor other realms within this realm upon pain of forfeiter The ii h. iii ca seven. ¶ Galley halpens shall not be currant from hens for upon pain of forfeiter xi h. iiii. cap. v. ¶ No money of gold shallbe takin but by weight ix. h. v. Cap. xi. ¶ if gold or silver in coin or in mass be found by the search or in any ship or vessel to go out of any port haven or kryk of the realm without the king is licence it is all forfeit except reasonable expencis abpro; vyded that merchants strangers that sell their merchandise with in the ream and the half of the half thereof received employed upon merchandise within the realm that they may carry the other half by the king's licence. The ii h. iiii. cap. v. ¶ For the incresing of charity of alms it i● ordained that the third part of all the money of silver that shall be brought to the bullion shallbe made in halfpens & ferthynges that is to say the one half thereof in halfpens & the other half in ferthynges and no gold smith melt no halfp nigh nor farthing of silver upon pain of forfeiter xi Hen. iiii. Cap. v. ¶ He that buyeth or bringeth in to the realm the halfpens called foskins and dodkyns shallbe punished as a felon and he that taketh or payeth such money shall lose. C. s. whereof the king shall have the one half & he that will sew the other half & that the justice of peace mayor bailiff & stewardꝭ of letis shall inquyre. etc. & the said maires bailiffs stewards shall send their presentment before the justice of peace and they shall make proses of utlary and the said matters here & determine. The four Henry .v. sta ꝑse. ¶ Money shallbe made at york or else where and thes change also by the discretion of the kings counselours for the time being i h. vi. ca i. ¶ None carry money out of the realm without the kings licence to no where but to caleis upon pain of forfeiter except wagis for soldiers & yet they shall have licence of the king & mchauntiss strangers shall find surety for their fellowship in the chancery that they carry none out ut supra upon the same pain. The ii h. vi. ca vi ¶ Elankes be voided out of the realm nor they shall not be take in payment upon the same pain that is rehearsed of galy halfpens ii h. v. ca ix. ¶ The master of the mint shall receive of every one that bringeth silver to the mint after the value upon pain of double damage to the part/ & that the countroller and the assaier of the mint be present which be connig in the craft ii h. vi. ca xii. ¶ That none buy nor sell no silver in plate nor pese nor mass being of as good allay as the sterling above xxx s. the li of troy above the fashion upon pain of forfeifour the double value of as much so bought or sold against this ordinance & that the one half be forfeit to the king is use & the other half to his use that will sew therefore & ꝓue the forfeitor ꝓuided always that they that go to the coinage may have & take of the masters of the same coin after that as is lawfully contained in the indentures between the king and the master thereof made/ and also the master o● the said mint for the time being may take and deliver as it is contained in the said indenturis without more taking for the case and profit of the common people. The ii Henry vi. Capitulo xiii ¶ The wardens and ministers of the mint shall receive plate of gold and silver by weight and in the same manner deliver it and not by number. The xxv. Ed. iii. statuto de prodic. Ca●pitulo twenty ¶ All manner of gold of the coin of a sovereign half sovereign ryal half ryal the iiii part of a ryal the angel half angel being hole & of weight shallbe currant in this realm for the sum they were coined for/ and also all grotis coined in this realm or in other landꝭ now currant for. iiii.d. and all half groats coined in this realm or in other landis now currant for. ii.d. not clipped minysshed nor other wise impaired and all pens of the kings coin being silver shallbe currant in this realm except pens having divers sports or the mullet betwixt the bars of the cross the which shall be currant/ but for halpens only/ & that the mayre or chief officers of every town or place to inprison or to punish such by their discretion that refuse any such money in any payment and they to be compelled to take it and that all such groats half groats and pens of. ii.d. clipped minished or other wise impeyred except reasonable wearing shall not be currant but to be forsaken in payment but they may bring them to the mint and to be changed after the custom of the mint. & for avoiding of clipping here aft the king hath ordained new coins that every groat & penny shall have a circle about the utt border & that all manner of gold hereafter coined shall have the hole scripture about every piece thereof & that the warden & countrollers of the kings mint shall search & see it be so made perfect before it pass from the mint upon pain of forfeitour of their office & to make fine at the kings pleasure & that no person carry any bully on plate or coin of gold or silver in to yrlond above the some of vi. s. viii. d nor convey it into any ship or boat nor bring any coin of gold or silver of the coin of yrlond in to this land above the some of iii s iii. d. upon pain of forfeitour thereof & to have imprisonment & to make fine at the kings pleasure and that every man that can seize any such irish money abou● the some of iii s. iiii. d. and bring it to the kings mint shall have the va●e of the one half thereof delivered to him a● the said time by the master of the said mint. The xix Hen. seven. ca v. ¶ Look more for money in the title of eschaung of fynours of gold & silver & or goldsmiths. ¶ They that coin at any mint within this realm shall make of every. C. li. of gold as many half angels as a mount to the value of. xx.ii. and of every. C. li. of silver plate or bullion groats to the value. of. and half groats to the value of. pens to the value of. halfpens to the value of ten mark and farthyns to the value of .v. mark/ which farthings shall have upon the one side the print of the porcolyce/ & upon the other side a rose with a cross and if any do the contrary/ the master of the mint shall forfeit. the half thereof to the king the other to him that will sew/ wher● wager of law esson and protection shall be put out. ¶ They that resort to the mint with bullion or plate under the value aforesaid shall receive the ten part thereof in halfepens/ provided that this act be not prejudicial to the mint masters of york/ Caunterbury and durram xu H. viii. Capitulo xii Mordauncestre. ¶ The recognisans of assize of mordauncestre shallbe always taken in their counts magna carta Capitulo xii ¶ if the garden hold the land above the full age of the heir/ the heir shall have assize of mordauncestre against him and recover his damages from the time he was of full age: merlebre. Capitulo xvi ¶ if a man die and have many heirs whereof one is a son or daughter/ brother or sister/ nephew or niece/ and the other be of a more longer d●gre than these foresaid heirs they shall have a write of mordauncestre Glouc. ca vi. ¶ if a woman recover her dower against the garden and he confessithe the action or losyth by default or pleadeth a faint plea by the which he recovereth/ the heir when he cometh to full age shall have an action against the woman of the dysseysyn of his ancestor and the woman shall have here right. westm. two. capitulo iiii Mortemayn ¶ it shallbe lawful to none to sell nor to give land to any house of religion and if any such gift or sale be made it is void and the land is forfeit to the ch●fe lord: magna carta. ca xxxvi. ¶ No regilious presume to receive or to appropre to him by craft or engine or buy by the colour of gift term or other title any lands or tenements which by any means should be mortemayn and if they do it shall be lawful to the lord immedyate within a year after to enter and to hold the same land in fee/ and if the lord enter not within the year than it shall be lawful to the next lord above within half a year after to enter. et cetera. And so every lord shall have his half year/ & if all the lord be negligent and be of full age and within the realm and out of prison. Then the king shall seize the lands in to his hands and shall infesse other thereof yielding to him certain service for the defence of the realm saving to the lords wardis r●leues eschetꝭ & other service. sta. de religiosis ¶ if any religious or spiritual persons impled any that maketh default whereby the land should be lost/ yet it shallbe inquired by the country if the demaundant have right or no & if he have/ them judgement shallbe given for him and if he have no right than the land shallbe forfeit to the next lord of the fee/ if he ask it within the year & if not then the next lord above if he ask it within half a year and so every lord to have his half year till it come to the king & every one of the chief lord or any other for the king may challenge the i●rry and the land shall remain after the judgement be clear in the kings hands till the tenement by the demandant or some chief lord be despoiled ● and the sheriffs shallbe charged to answer to the escheker of the issues. westm two. Capitulo xxxiii ¶ if religious purchase lands with licence of the king and have his ad ꝙ dampnum though he enter by due process yet he shallbe put to his reasonable fine. The xxvii E. iii. capitu. iii. ¶ In all casis where any be in feffyd or in possession other wise of any lands tenementis auousons fees or other possessions to the use of men of religion or other spiritual persons to the intent to mortise them whereof such persons take the profettis it shallbe done of them as of landis alyenid against the statute of religiosis/ and the same law shall be of such possession purchased to the use of gyldis or broderhodies mayors bailiffs and commyns of any town which have commonalty perpetual or of other that have office perpetual/ and they that make chyrcheyardis or sepultur perycholl without the kings licence though they have licence of the pope yet they shall fall in to the same pain/ The xu R. two. capitu. v. Multiplication ¶ Non shall use to multiply gold or silver nor use the craft of multiplication and if he be attaint thereof to run in to the pain of felony/ v. h. v. Capitulo four Murage ¶ citizens and burgeys to whom the king o● his father hath granted murage for the enclosing of their to wyns & for that murage take other wise than is to them granted that they shall lose that grace for ever and shallbe in the king's mercy. w. i cap. xxxiiii. Murder Murder shall not be iuggid where there is only b●t misfortune mar●ebre. Capitulo. xxv. And the king thereof shall give hi● pardon. Ne imustue vexes ¶ Non shallbe distreinid to do more service of a knigh●is ●ee nor no other fr●e hold than is dew thereof. Magna carta. capitulo ten Nisi prius ¶ A nisi prius is gyffin in assize adiornid upon a foreign pl●e and also in pleas of trespass and in a plea of l●nd ●ft●r the discretion of the justice of the one bench or of the other and before one justice and a knight if both parts ask it. & cetera and the judgement shallbe giffyn in the bench. & cetera and the wryt is expressed in the statute/ and the day of the nisi prius is put in certain in the wryt. w. two. Cap. thirty. ¶ Inquisitions and recognisans shallbe take before one justice of eythyr bench ●n the time of vacation with a knight of the same count where. & cetera. Stat de finibus ¶ Nisi prius of land which needeth no great examination shallbe takin in the country before ii justice or one justices and a sade man so there be a c●rteyn day gyffyn in the bench and a certain day in the country/ and the iuggement shallbe gyffyn in the bench and if the justice come not in to the country the parts and they off the inquest shall keep their days in in the bench Stat. Eborum ¶ Nisi prius shallbe granted in plea of land as well at the prayer of the tenanut as of the demandant ii E. iii. Cap. xvi. ¶ Nisi prius shallbe in attaint. v. E. three ca seven. ¶ Upon an issue tried in the king's bench if none of that bench may come ● the nisi prius shall be than granted before the justice of the cumin place and econuerso. etc. and if none of them may come than before the chief baron if he be learned in the law or before the justice of assize/ so that alway one of them shallbe a justice or sergeant at the law sworn/ and that they may record nonsuetis and defautis according to the statute of york. etc. and that the tenure of the record shallbe del●ueryd to either part if it be asked so that there be no fraud to them nor to the iurrye xiiii E. iii. cap. xv. ¶ No inquest but assize and deliverance of gealies be take by nisi prius nor in other manner at the sewt of non before that the names of all them that shall pass in the enqnest be returned xlij. E. iii cap xi. ¶ A man shall pay for the commissions of nisi prius in the eschekyr ii s. & for the writ of record ii s. v. R. two. Cap. xvi. ¶ Nisi prius shallbe granted at the prayer of the jurors of any of them at the graundistress● returned and that as well at the eschekyr as elliss where vii R. two. Cap. seven. ¶ justice of nisi prius in all casis of felony & treason have power to give judgement incontinent/ as well wh●re they be acquit as attaint and to ward execution by and by xiiii hen. vi. Capitulo primo. Northumberland ¶ No sheriff of northumberland make collection of hedepens upon pain of. C. li. whereof he that will sew shall have the one half xxiii h. vi. Capitulo vii Norwich ¶ Non within the city of norwich keep any worsted shearers in his house under the pain of xl. s. the one half thereof to the king & the other half to the mayor and masters of the occupation and the masters of the occupation shall not make non ordinance between themself but such as the mayors and aldermen of the said cite shall think necessary for the king's subiectis xix h. seven. Capitulo xvii Look more of norwich in the title apprentyce and in the title worsted. Nonsuyte ¶ The plaintiff shall notbe nonsuyte in no process after verdet passed against him ii h. iiii Capitulo septimo. Nontenure ¶ Non tenure of parcel shall not abate the wryt but for the portion whereof he pledyth xxv Ed. iii Statut de prodic. Cap. xvi. Nusauns ¶ Sicut prius fit breve questus est nobis a. et cetera quod. B. levauit domum mercatum et alia que sunt ad nocumentum. et cetera. Et si transferat de una persona in aliam tuncfiet breve sic. quod. B. et. C. levauerunt. et cetera. w. two. Capitulo xxiiii ¶ All wryttis of nusauns called vicountyllies shallbe made from hens forth at the election of the playntif in the nature before used or in the nature of assize determinable before the justice vi R. two. Capitulo four ¶ He that d●th lay or cast dung dirt or filth in the dychies rivers waters or other placies about the city of london shallbe called by writ before the chancellor at the sewte of him that will complein and shallbe ponisshid by the discretion of the chawcellour xii Rychar. two. Capitulo xiii Obligation ¶ If aman intyse a woman sole to make an obligation or recognisance promising her faith love or affiance or other like/ if after the woman will not be governed by him and if he do sew the scyd bond/ them the woman shall have a uryt out of the chaunceri direct to the shiriff where et cetera retornable before the chancellor/ And than if the part appear not before them that the chancellor assynyth to examine it/ or if he appear and if it befonud before them than the obligation and all the process thereof shallbe void/ and if the sheriff return not the wryt he shall lose. C. li. xxxi. h. vi. Cap. ix. officers ¶ No sheriff or other minister of the king take wages to do his office and if he do he shall yield double damage. w. i Cap. xxvi. ¶ The chancellor treasurer the prive seal steward and chamberlain of the kings house. the clerk of the rollis the justice of both benchis the barons of the eschekyr and other that shall be called and ordeinid to name the justice of peace sheriffs escheators enstromers countrolers and other officers shallbe sworn that they shall name them without any affection or bribery xii R. two. Cap. two. ¶ No escheator: gaugcor of wines: aulnege out searcher or weyer of wollis or other merchandise collector of customs & subsidies whatsoever they be or countrollers shall have no es●●●● in their office for term of life or for years/ & ani patet made to the contrary shallbe as void. xvii● R. two. ca v. & look the statute of xxix h. v. ca v. ¶ officers by patent in every one of the kings courts shall make their clerks under them for whom they will answer. The ii h. vi. ca xiiii. ¶ Look how officers of the kings grant shall forfeit their office divers ways in the title of forfeiter. Oath of the king ¶ This is the oath that the king shall swear at his coronation/ That he shall keep & maintain the right & the liberties of the holy church of old time granted by the righteous christen kingꝭ of england & that he shall keep all the landis honours & dignities righteous & free of the crown of england in all manner hole without any manner of mynysshement/ & the ryghtis of the crown/ hur● decayed/ or lost to his power shall call again ●n to the ●uncyon estate/ and that he shall keep the peace of the holy church & of the clergy & of the people with good accord. And that he shall do in all his Iu●ementꝭ equity and right/ justice with digression and mercy. And that he shall grant to ●old the laws and customs of the realm/ & to his power keep them and affirm them which the folk & people have made and chosen/ & the evil laws and customs holy to put out/ and steadfast and stable peace to the people of his realm/ keep and cause to be kept to his power. Oath of the justice. ¶ The kings justice shallbe sworn that they s●all all take fee nor livery of no man but of the king And they shall take gift/ or reward of no man that hath to do before them except it be meet & drink of small value/ and that they shall give counsel to none in the ma●ter that may touch the king upon pain to be at the kings will both body and goods/ and that they shall do right to every man. etc. And the same manner the barons of the escheker shall be sworn/ and also justice of oyer determine and of assize and of gayole delyu●re and justice of peace shallbe sworn before that they have their commissions in certain form as it shall like the chancellor twenty Ed. iii. Capitulo. primo. Ordinaries ¶ when the goods of any deed man dying in testate being in det to any other & bound therefore come to the hands of the ordinary to dispose the ordinaries be bound to answer the det as far as the goods of the deed man will suffice in the same manner as the executors be bound if he had made a testament. w. two. ca nineteen ¶ The king shall cause the extortions of ordinaries to be hard & to be determinid for the taking of ꝓues of testamentis xxxi E. iii. ca iiii. ¶ Also it shallbe lawful for all ordidaries having episcopal jurisdiction to ponissh all manner priests and clerks & other religious persons within their jurisdiction that shallbe convict before them by examination and lawful process according to the law of holy church of adultery/ fornication/ incest or other fleshly incontinency by such prisonment as shall seem them convenient after the quality & quantity of their trespass of which imprisonment ●hey shallbe discharged in an action of false imprisonment. The i h. seven. ca iiii. Ordinances of bodies incorporate. ¶ That no master warden or felaship of craft● or masters of any of them nor any rulers of gyldes or fraternites make no act nor ordinance nor execute non before made in disinheritaunce or diminution of the kings prerogative nor other against the common profit of the people except those ordinances be examined and apꝓbate by the chancellor treasurer or chief justice of either benches or three of them or before the justice of assize in the circute where they be upon pain of forfeitor of x. li. for every time and that non of the same bodies corporate make any such ordinance to restrain any person to sew to the kings highness or to his courts for remedy in their causes nor execute any penalty or ponisshement upon any person or any such sewte to be made upon pain of. for every tyme. The xix Hen. seven. Capitulo vii ¶ Look more for this in gilds and fraternites. Oil. ¶ That the mayre of london the master & wardens of the craft of tallow chaundelers of these me city have authority to search all manner oils thither brought and truly to search & over see the same oils that they be not mixed nor altered from their kinds but good & lawful & that they may damn and cast away all ●uche oils defectyf and to commit all persons defectyfe and using such deseite to prison to be punished by their discretion aft the laws & customis of the cite & that the mayor governors & rulers in every city borrow & corporate town in england have like power and authority within their jurisdiction as is aforesaid. The xiiii h. viii. cap. xiiii. Oyer̄ & termyner. ¶ A write of oyer & termyner shall not be granted but before the justice of the one bench or other/ or the justice in eyre but for great trespass where hasty remedy is reqnyred. westm ii Capitulo xxix ¶ justice of the oyer & determine shall make writes into foreign counts to take them that be indicted appelled or outlawed of felony .v. Ed. iii Capitulo xi ¶ justice of oyer and termyn shallbe named by the court & not by the party xxxiiii E. iii. ca i. ¶ justice of oyer & determyner shallbe sworn in the chancery before that the commyssy on be to them delivered twenty E. iii. Capitulo iii panel. ¶ The sheriff shall put in the panel the most sufficient next & least suspect & if he do otherwise he shall yield to the part grieved his double damages. Articulo super cartas cap. x: ¶ The sheriffs and other ministers shall array their panelles in every inquest of them that be next nor suspect nor laboured & if the sheryffe coroners or other do to the contrary they shallbe punished before the justice where such inquest shallbe taken as well against the king as the part and shall yield damages after the trespass the xxxiiii. E. iii. Capitulo four ¶ sheriffs shall array the panellꝭ in assizes at the least four days before the sessions upon pain of. so that the part may have the sight of the panel if he ask it/ and the bailiffs of the franchises shall make their return to the sheryl at the least vi days before the cessions upon the same pain & yet in all panellꝭ they shallbe put that be next and most sufficient and not suspect. The xlii Ed: iii. Capitulo xi ¶ Baylyff●s officers nor their servants shall not be empaneled upon pain of forfeitour to the part grieved his triple damages and over that x li. whereof the one half shallbe to the king and the other half to him that will sew therefore. The xxiii Henry vi capitulo ten ¶ enquests take before the escheator or commission shallbe returned bithe sheriff or ellis the escheter or commissioner shall lose. as well by examination as by inquire viii hen. vi. ca xvi. ¶ especial assize shallbe arrayed & the panel in dentid delivered to the ꝑtes● vi. days before the cessions if the ꝑtis ask it/ & bailiffs of the franchises shall make their return to the sheriffs vi days before the cessions: and that upon pain of forfaytor of every of them xl. li. to the king. The vi hen. vi. Capitulo ii ¶ No sheriff nor other person shall return any person before the escheator or commissyoner but if he or some other to his use have landis and tenements to the value of. xl● s. by year in the count where the inquest shall be taken above all charges upon pain of. C● s. for every that shall be returned/ vylagꝭ. cities and contrepalentynes be except/ for the which look in the title of escheator. Anno iii. h. viii. cap. two. Look in the tithe of justice of peace. Anno iii h. viii. ca xii parliament ¶ it is a greed that parliament shallbe holden every year once if need reqire iiii Ed. three Capitulo xiiii ¶ A ꝑliamnt summoned by the lieutenant when the king is over the see shall not be dyscontynued/ though the king come a gain during the parliament viii h. v. c. i. The knights & the sheriffꝭ may travers the enquests where by it is found before the justice of assize that the knights were evil returned to the parliament vi h. vi. ca iiii. ¶ At the next court aft the delivery of the write proclamation shallbe made in the hole count of the day & place of the parliament/ and the names of them chosen written in an indenture and annexed to the wryt under the seals of the chosers & this clause shallbe in the wryt/ Et eleccionem tuam in pleno come tuo factam distinct & aꝑte sub sigillo tuo & sigillis eorum qui elecconi illi inter fuerint nobis in cancellar. etc. The vii h. iiii. ca xv. ¶ The justice have power to inquire of the assizes if the sheriff make return contrary to the said election/ and if it be so found by inquest or by dew examination. The sheriff shall run in the ●ayne of C. li. to be paid to the king and the knights shall lose their wages. The xi henry four capitulo. primo. ¶ Non● shallbe chosen knights in the parliament except they be dwelling in the same counts the day of the date of the wryt of somonis of the parliament. and that in the cities and borrows there be citizens and burgesses chosen that be dwelling and free in the same cities and borrows. The i henry .v. capitulo primo. ¶ The chosers of the knightis of the shire of the parliament shallbe of the same shire that may dispend xl s. by year and the sheriff shall return him hat hath most voices by indenture sealed between him and the chosers upon pain of. C. li. and a years imprisonment. and the justice of assize shall inquire thereof and it seemeth that the justice of the assize shall gift judgement thereon and that mention be made of this ordinance in the wryt for the choosing of them. The. vii●● henry vi capitulo vii ¶ If any assault or affray be made upon the lords knights of the count cytyzens● or burgesses coming to the parliament or to the council or there b●yng attendant/ that there shallbe proclamation made by iii several days on the most opyn placis of the town where the assault or affray is made that he come and render him sellf before the king in his bench within a quarter of a year after the proclamation if it be in the term time ensuing the said quarter/ and if he come not he shallbe attaint & shall give double damages & shall make fine at the kings pleasure/ And if he come and befound culpable by examination or other wise he shall give damagis ●t s. Anno. xi. H. vi. ca xi ¶ The sheriffs of every count for the time being at the next count after that the wryt cometh unto them for the levey ●xp●sis of the knights shall make opin proclamation that the coroners & every chief constable of the country of the said cofites & the bailiffs of every hundred or wapentake & all other that will be at the ●essing of their w●gis that he be at the next county to assess their said wages. And that the sheriff under sheriff coroners or bailiffs for the time being shallbe there at the same time upon the pain of xl s. and that then the sheriff or under sheriff in the presence of them & of the su●ers of the count shall sesse every hundred that is to be assessed by himself so that the hole sum that shallbe ceased shall not exceed the some which shallbe paid unto the knights/ and after that they shall sesse every town in the s●me hundred so that all the said towns with in the said huudred exceed not the some. &ce. and if they sesse any hundred or town other wise or do levey any money contrary to this they shall forfeit for every default. to the king and to every one that will sew in that case. ¶ And that the sheriff well and duly leue● the said sommis as hastily as he well may and deliver them unto the knights according unto the wryttis for that made upon the same pain And that he that will sew in that case shall have for his action scire facias against him that offendyth and if the defendant duly warned make default or appear and is convict that the plaintiff shall recover. to his use besidis the with triple damages for the costis of the suit and that the justices of the one bench & of the other justice of assize gayll deliver and iusticis of peace may inquire here and determine the premisses aswell at the suit of the king as of the party/ and that in every write to levy the wages of the knights this act shallbe expressed. anno. xxiii. h. vi. cap. xi. Every sheriff after the deliver of any such wryt to him made shall make and deliver with out any fraud a sufficient precept under his seal to every mayre and bailiff or to the bailiff where no mayre is of cities and boroughy● in his count reciting the said wryt commanding them by the said precept if it be a city to choose by the citizens o● the said city citizens and in like manner if it be a borugh by the burgesses to choose burgeysis to come to the parlyamnt and that the said mayris and baylyffis or baylif where no mayre is/ shall return truly the said precept to the said sheriff by endenture between the said shiriff and them and the names of the said citizens and burgesis by them chosen and upon that that every sheriff make good & r●ghtfull return of sich wryt and of every return made to him By the mayre bailyffis or bailiff where no mayre is and that every sheriff at every time that he doth the contrary of this statute or of any other statute for the election of the knights citizens or burgesis coming to the parliament before this day made shall ro●n● in the pain in the statute made the. vi●● year of the k●ng that nowies. And besides that shall pay to every person that after this shallbe choose knight citizen or bourges in his count● to come to any parliament & is not duly returned or to any other person that in the default of any such knight cytimen or burges will sew. C. li. and the executors or administrators shall have their action against the said sheriff to demand and to have the said/ C. li. with their costis in that case sustained & that insuch action taken the deffendant shall not wage his law of the foresaid debt in no man●r/ & that no deffendaunt in such action shall have any essoin/ and like wise at every time ●hat the mayre and bailiff or bailiff where no mayre is to return other than them which be chosen by the cyteyzens and burgess of the cities and borows where such elections be they shall ●onne in the pain an forfeit to the king of. and further they shall forfeit and pay to every one which is chosen by citizens and burgesis to come to the parliament and not by the may●ys and bailiffs returned or by other person which in the default of such cytezein or burgess so chosen will few. whereof every of ●he citizens and burgesis so grieved severally or any other person which in their defau● will ●ew shall have his action of det agains every of the said mayries and bailiffs or bailyf whe●● no mayre is & agains their executors and admynystratours to ask and to have of every of then. with his costis in that case sustained and that in such action of det taken by for●ce of the said statute no defendant shall wage his law of the said debt nor shall have no manner of essoin/ And that every sheriff which maketh not due election of the knights to come to the parliament in time convenient. ●● every sheriff in plain count between the hou●re of viii and the hour of ix before no●ne without colusion in this party/ & every sheriff which maketh not good and true return of such elections of knights to come to the parlia●ment in time to come/ as to them perteynyth i● manner and form be foresaid shall forfeit to the king. C. li. and shall run in the pain of. C. li● to pay to him that will sew against him his exe●cutours or administrators or for that cause by way of action of det with his costis in that ●●ti dispendid without waging of his law of the sa●yd det or to have any essoin as before is said It is purveyed always that every knight cytyzen or burgess to come to the parliament in time to come to be holden in due form choose & not retornid as before is said and beginneth his action of det afore aid within iii monithiss after the said parliament begun to proceed in the said suit effectually without fraud and if he do not so than an other which will sew the said action of det as is before said to have it & to recover the same some with his costis in that party sustained in manner and form before said so that no deffendaunte in such action shall not wage his law nor there shallbe no essoin in no manner as is before rehearsed and if any knight citizen or burgess in time to come returned by the shiriff to come to the parliament in manner before said aft such return made be put out by any person and a nother put in his place which doth take upon him to be knight citizen or burgese at any parliament in time to come he shall forfeit to the king. C. li. &. C. li to the knight citizen or burgess that is so returned by the shiryff and after put out as is before said/ and he so put out shall have an action of det of the said. C. li. against such persons so put in his place or against his executors or admynystratours provided always that he shall begin his suit within iii monithiss after the parliament begun and if he do not he that will sew shall have the action of det of the said. C. li. And that no defendant in such case shall wage his law nor shall have no esson/ and that such. process shall be in thos● actions aforesaid as in a writ or trespass done against the pease of the comen law/ so that those kny●htis of the shiries for the parliament to be chosen shallbe notable knight is or elliss notable esquires or gentlemen of the said countries as be able to be knights and no man to be such knights which is under the degree of a yeoman. Anno. xxiii. h. vi. cap. xv. ¶ None shallbe put to answer in the parlyamnt nor elliss where of matters determined by judgement but their judgements shallbe in force until they be reversed by error or attaint. Anno four h. iiii. Cap. xxiii. ¶ Look for the expenses of knyghttes of th● shire and how they shall be leu●yd in the title of expenses for knights of the shire. ¶ Look more of parliament and how the she●yf ●nd other shall do in the said elections. the xxi Hen. vi. ca xv. other statutes their be concerning the parliament/ but because they be but seldom in ure therefore I make no menciou of them here at this tyme. ¶ That no knights of the shire cytezin nor bu●●ys nor barous of the sink ports depart from the parliament nor absent themselves from it till it be ended or prorogid without licence of the speaker and commons in the parliament which licence be entered of record in the book of the clerk of the common house upon pain to lose their wages/ and the shires cities and borrows there of to be discharged for ever. The vi Hen. viii. Capitulo xvi Payn hard and straight ¶ if felons of ill fame will not put themself under thenquest before the justices at the suit of the king that they shallbe put in prison straight & hard as they which refuse the law of the land/ but this is not understand of them which be ●aken for light suspection. w. i ca xii. Pardon. ¶ Look for the kings pardon the .v. h. viii. cap. viii & vii h. viii. ca viii. & xu h. viii. passage. ¶ Thershal no more be paid for passage at the ports than was wont/ and the justice of assize shall punish them that do the contrary as well at the sewt of the king as at the part & the constables and bailiffs may redress such defaults at every man's sewt that complaineth the iiii. Ed. iii. Capitulo ix ¶ Passage shall not be but at Dover on pain of imprisonment of a year ●x. E. iii. ca ix. ¶ Licence shallbe grant for passage out of the realm at the ports of london/ sandwich such. plymmouth/ dartmouth/ dover brystvyt yermo●●th/ saint botulff kingston upon hull new castle upon tyne & other portis & passagꝭ toward yreland and the isles pertaining to the realm only an● he that passeth without licence shall forfeit all 〈◊〉 goods and the ship to be forfeit where in 〈◊〉 passeth but lords known/ marchauntꝭ and th● kings so●dears be except by this statute. The .v. R. two. Capitulo ii ¶ Passage of pylgryms and other save only inchauntiss soudears and men of arms shall be at plymmouth and ●ouer only but a man may pass in to yrelande where him list. The xiii R. two. Capitulo ultimo. ¶ No pilgrim merchant be'st nor horse may pass in kent but only at dover and he that d●th the contrary shall forfeit .v. mark/ and that ●uery ●re man of the same town or castle shall have ●n action of debt against the offender upon this act and process of utlary and also he may have an action of debt against the master of the ship & ꝓces of utlary. The. iiii● E. iiii. ca x. Patenmakers. ¶ Patenmakers shall ma●e no patens nor clogs of asp upon pain of. C s. for every time ●nd he that will sew for the king shall have the one half. The four henry vi cap. iii ¶ Patenmakers' notwithstanding the statute of the four h. vi. may make patens of that part of ●he asp whereof no shaf●ꝭ can be ma●e but if they do the contrary they shall lose xl s. the one half to the king and the other half to him that will sew therefore. The iiii E. three ca ix. patenties. ¶ Patentis by the king of lands and tenements rents offices annuites and other profits what so ever/ where there is no express mention made in their petition of the value of the thing. et cetera. And also of that/ that they have of the kings gift or of his progenytors be void. The i Henry iiii Capitulo vi ¶ They shall make no mention but of that that they have of the gift of the king or of. E. his grant father or of. R. or. E. late prince of waly● or of. I. late duke of lancastre/ and as to the profits of goods and catellis they shall make n●●● mention except it amount to the some of. C. 〈◊〉 except wards. etc. and as to confirmations to be made of any grant of the kings progenito●rs that now is ● it is need to make such me●●tion as it seemeth by the statute. The ii Henry iiii. Capitulo ii ¶ The king and the kings children be except in the said statutis. The vi Hen. iiii. ca two. ¶ Patentis of the elder date shall be first paid but the proferres shall be preferred. The vii Henry four Capitulo two. ¶ Patentꝭ shall bear date the day that the warrant is delivered to the chancellor & not before and that day shall be entered in the chancery of record/ and if it bear date otherwise it is void. The xviii Henry vi Capitulo i ¶ Patentis of lands or tenements before the kings title be found by inquisition in the chancery or exchequer returned of record/ and patents made within a month after the same return if it be not to him or them that tendeth the travers and offeryth to take it to farm after the statute of the viii h. vi. be void. the xviii h. vi. c. vi. The statute of. anno. viii. speaketh not but of pa●entis of fermis/ and therefore this statute speaketh of all manner patentis generally. etc. ¶ Patentis made to collectors gaugeours of wines customers countrollers sercheours aulne●eours finders and wayers for term of life be void. The xiiii R. two. ca x. like law is if it before term● of years. The xvii R. two. ca v. ¶ patentis made by the king or his prodecessours to any person to be discharged of collector of dimes or payment of dimes been void The four h. seven. Capitulo .v. ¶ patentis made to fosters of ynglewod be void except them that be made to the lord dacres ● this statute shall not be prejudicial to henry the Earl of northumber. The four h. seven. ca vi. ¶ Patentis made to grooms and yeomen of the kings chamber which attends not upon the king shallbe void. The four h. seven. ca seven. ¶ Letters patentis made by the king to any person together custom/ or toll upon sta●es bridge sha●l be void. The i Henry viii Capi●tulo eight ¶ Look more for patentꝭ in the title lettters p●●tentis and forfeiter. petition. ¶ it behoveth that a man in his petition to the king show the value of the thing that he demanndyth. The ii Henry four Capitulo ii Piers of the realm. ¶ No free man shallbe taken imprisoned or disseysed of his freehold/ nor we shall not go upon him but by the lawful judgement of his piers● magn cat. c x●vii. ¶ women of estate whether they be wedded or syngle shallbe adiugid as piers of the real me in like manner. Anno. xx. Henry vi Capitulo ix Pepouders. ¶ No action shallbe brought in court of pepoudeiss but only of actis that begin within the fay●e and at the time of the fair/ and also within the iurisdicciō●/ & upon that the defendant in the action shall put the plaintiff to swear upon a book whether the thing began within. etc. ut sup̄. & aft the defendant may pled in a batement of the plaint and to tend the issue that the same contract trespass or other act contained in such declaration was not begun nor done within the time of the fair and within the jurisdiction but without the time or at other placis out of the iurysdiction and if it be so found or if the plaintiff refuse to make such oath than the defendant shallbe discharged & the plaintiff shall take his sewt at the common law if he list & if any steward or governor of courtis do the contrary he shall lose. C. s. the on● half to the king and the other half to him that will sew by action of det provided that this act be not prejudicial to the bishop of durham and his successors. The xvii E. four ca two. to endure to the next parliament. This statu●e is made perpetual. The i R. iii. ca vi. pewterers ¶ That no person using the craft of pewterer's & brasyers' from hens forth shall sell or change any pewter or brass in any place but in open markets or in their dwelling housꝭ except they be desired by the buyers upon pain of every default. x●li. and that none cast nor work any pewter or brass except it be as fine metal as that that is wrought in london after the statutis of the same city nor none such put to sale upon pay● of forfeiter thereof and that none make no hollow ware of pewter called ley metal except it be after the true assize of lay metal wrought in the city of london And the makers shall put their own several marks thereon upon pain to the said makers of the forfeiter of the same ware or else the value thereof the one half of the said forfeiter to be to the king and the other to him that findeth it/ and that non using byeng and selling of pewter or brass occupy false weights or beams upon pain of twenty s. and forfeiting his beams to him that will seize it. ●xx. s. the one half thereof to the king & the other half to him that will sew by action of debt wherein neither protection nor esson shall lie/ and if the offenders be not able to pay the said some than the mayre baylyffis or other officers where he is so found to put him in the stocks till the next market day and than and there to be put on the pylory all the market time and also that masters and wardens of pewterers or head of dicers in every city and borrow to assyne a certain person expert in knowledge to make search ●herfore/ and also the justice of peasse in every hire at the general sessions at my chelmas to as●yne ii persons to make search else where thorough the hole shire for such unlawful pewter or brass the one half thereof so found forfeit to be to the king the other half to the said searcher and th●t in defaute or negligence of such masters and wardens that then every other person having cunnyg therein by over sight o● the said mayris bailiffs or officers to make search and to put this act in execution the xix henry vii ca vi. to endu●e to the next parliament. But this act was confirmed the four h. viii. ca seven. And over that then enacted that if any dyssayvable metal or work manshyp of tin or pewter be found in dishes or in any vessel sponies candle styckies or other such ware that the mayre ballyffys and head officers of cities and towns and barrows shall assign certain p●rsons having knowledge therein to make search of such new wares and so found d●●●ctif in the possession of the seller to be forfeit the one half to the king the other half to the searcher or finders provided that this act concerning the forfeiter be not prejudicial to any person having grant of th● king by patent of such forfeiter but that he may enjoy the same grant the four h. viii. ca seven Phesitions ¶ The letters patentis of the corporation of phesitions made to johan chamber Thomas linacre Fernand de victoria Nicolas halsewell johan frauncoys and Robert yaxley. The ten year of the king that now is be confirmid/ and the s●id vi personis as principalies choosing to them ii other of their commonalty from heus forward be called electis and that they yearly shall choose one of them to be precedent of the said commonalty/ and the suruiours of the electis within xl days after the death of any of them shall choose another able person expert in the faculty to supply the room and number of viii personis so that he be by the said supervisors examined and approved xvi h. viii. ca v. & Non be suffered to exercise or practise physic in england except he be examined at london by the said precedent and iii of the said electꝭ ● to have letters testimoniallis thereof except he be a graduate of oxford or cambryge which hath accomplysshid his form without grace. Eod. anno. Cap. x. ¶ That no person within the city of london nor seven miles of the same occupi as phesition or surgyon except he be apꝓbath by the bishop of lō●on or dean of pole's calling to him four doctors of phesyk and for surgery other expert persons in that faculty upon pain of forfeiter for every month. the one half thereof to the king the other half to him that will sew by action of det wherein neither wager of law nor protection shall be allowed and that no person in any other place occupy as physician or surgeon except he be approbate by the bishop of the dyosyce or by his vicar general calling to him such expert persons therein as he shall think convenient and geffinge letters testimonyall to him that they shall so approve upon like pain to be levied as is before said provided that this act be not prejudicial to oxford or camebryge or to any privileges granted to them. The iii h. viii. cap. xi. Plays and gamys ¶ labourers and servants that use dice and other such gamis shall have imprisonment of vi days/ and the sheriff mayrys bailyffies and constables have power to execute it from time to time. and if they do not the sheryffmayre or balyffis shall forfeit to the king for every defaut● xx. s. and the constable. vi● s. viii. d and the justice of assize have power to inquire of their defautis and to certify it in to the chancery. The. xi● h. iiii. cap. iiii. ¶ No governor of house tenement or garden suffer willingly any person to occupy to play at the classh keyles half bowl handyn hand out or quekbourd upon pain of imprisonment by iii years or to forfeit to the king or to the lord of the fee that hath cattle. felon'. & fugit x. li. the one half thereof to the king or to the lord before said and the other half to him that will sew by action of det where process of utlary shall lie and the part that playeth shall have imprisonment of ii years and shall forfeit. the one half to the king or lord and the other to him that will sew therefore by action of det etc. The xvii E. iiii. cap. iii. ¶ No apprentyce nor servant of husbandry labourer nor servant artificer play at the tablis tennyse dice/ cardis/ bowlies nor at none other unlawful game out of the time of christmas but for meet and drink and in cristmas to play only in the dwelling house of his master or in the presence of his master. and he that doth other wise shallbe put in the stockys openly by a hole day and that the howsold where such unlawful gamis be used be presented before the justice of p●ase and the mayre or sheriff in his time or stywardis or let and no less fine be set than vi s. viii. d and like process shallbe made agains him as is in an indictment of trespass and the justice of pease whereof one shall be of the quorum to reject and put a way all unlawful al● houses by their dyscression. The xi h. seven. ca two. and the xix h. seven. cap. xii. Pleas ¶ All pleas in every court of england shallbe pledid showed defended ansew●●d debatid and judged in the englys tongue. and that they shallbe en●erid and in rolled in latin. The xxxvi Ed. two. cap. ultimo. Poor men. ¶ It is agreed that poor men that have cause to sew by the digression of the chancellor shall have writs original & sub pena out of the chancery with out any thing paying and a clerk assyned by the chancellor to writ such writties and also he shall assign counsel and attorneys to them. & cetera. And when such a wryt is returned before the king in his bench the justice there shall assign them counsel attorneys and other officers necessaries that shall do all things for them requisite without any thing taking et cetera. And the same law shall be holden in all courts of record. The xi h. seven. capitulo xii poop. ¶ He that payeth to the pope for the first fruits more than is wont to be paid shall forfeit to the king all that ever he may forfeit. The vi h. iiij. Capitulo i preachers ¶ No preachers shall preach without licence of the ordinary of the place/ except personis privylegid and curatis within their ꝑissh ii hem. iiii. Capitulo xu prerogative of the king ¶ we shall not have the custody of any land which is holden of an other by reason of any land which is holden of us in socage or petyt seriauntye or fee farm but that fee firm which maketh knights servis/ Magna carta. Capitulo vigesimo quarto. ¶ if the kings tenant hold any land of him in chief by knightis service he shall have the ward of that and of all the lands holden of him and of other for what so ever service. etc. if he die seized except the fee of the bishop of canterbury and the bishop of durham the king's prerogat regis. Capitulo i ¶ Also he shall have the marriage of the heir if he hold of eschet in the kings hands/ or he shall have the marriage by reason of the keeping having no respect to the furst fefement though he hold of an other. cap. two. ¶ Also he shall have the furst seysyn after the death of them which hold of him in chy●f of all the lands of which they died seized of whom so ever they held. ca iii. It seemeth that he shall have the furst seys● though they hold of him but in socage ¶ Also he shall have the furst of all the lands which be holden of him in chief and that is understand of lands and fees which by reason of knights fee of serinantꝭ f● or by the law were wont to be in the kings handis mlebrige. ca xx●. ¶ Also he shall assinge to widows of such tennantes their dowres though their heirs be of full age/ and if such widows marry themself without licence. etc. he shall seize all their land till they make fine at his will ¶ Also women that hold of the king in chief. of what age so ever she be shall swear that they shall not marry themself without licence. etc. & if they do the lands shallbe taken into the kings hands until they have made satisfaction at his pleasure. ca iiii. look how this is put in ure ¶ Also if inheritance which is holden of the king in chief do descend to ꝑtenns then all shall make homage/ and the inheritance shallbe ꝑted among them so that every for their part shall hold of the king ca vj. ¶ Also i● a woman before the death of her ancestors which held of the king in chief before yeris marriable be married them the king shall have the custody of the body of that woman until the age that she may consent and then that she shall choose whether she will have that man that she furst married or an other that the king shall appoint for her ca seven. ¶ Also none holding of the king in chief by knights service may alien part of his landis except of the residue may be made service etc. without the kings licence. etc. ca viii It is said that he cannot alien any ꝑty without licence etc. the same law is though the land be hold in chief by socage as it is said ¶ Also of chirchiss which be void of whom the advowsons long to the king and other have presented so that there is a contention between the king and other if the king by consideration of the court hath recounid his presentation though/ that the six monythis be past no time ● shall room while that never thelas the king di● present within the said time of six monythis/ ca ix ¶ Also the king shall have the custodi of all natral fools taking the ꝓfettes of their landis with out waste of whose fee so ever it be/ and after the death of them shall yield it to the next heirs so that by the same fools the landis no wise shall be aliened. ca x. ¶ Also he shall provided of the landis of them that be lunatyk. etc. that they may be kept without waist so that he and his household may be conpetently sustained and the residue shallbe kept to their uses when they come to good memory and within the said time it shall not be sold & if they die in such estate than the residue thereof shallbe distributed for the souls of them by the counsel of the ordinary. ca xi ¶ Also he shall have wrek of the ●ee thorough out all the ream and whallies and sturgeons/ take in the see or in else where within eng●lond except in placies privileged by the king capitulo xii ¶ Also he shall have escheties of lands of normans of what fe so ever they be saving the servis that ꝑteiinth to the lord of the fee cxiii this word escheat is intended as well of lands for faite by porchase as of the landis of any of them ¶ if the kings tenant dy● & his heir enter without sewing lyven etc. there is no fire hold growyn unto him and if he dyeseysyd by the same time/ his wife shall have no dover of the free hold. etc. but that is not understand of socage and of small tenuris. c.xiiii. ¶ also he shall have eschetꝭ of the landꝭ of freeholders of archebysshopis & byssoppis when their tenanntꝭ be condemned for felony done in the time of vacacon while their tenꝑaltes were in the kings hands to give it to whom that he will for eum saving the service which to the said plates thereof belongyth & hath be wont be done c. xu if the king grant a manner or land with the pu●tenūces the knights fees the advousones of/ churchis with their gifts shall not pass except that express mention of them be made c.xvi ¶ Also he shall have the goods of felonꝭ condemned and fugitive where so ever they be found and if they have lands holdyn of other men the king shall have the year d●y & the waist ●. c. ● than they shall be deluned to the lord etc. ca v●timo ¶ if any man hold of any escheat as of the ho/ +nour of wallingford etc. his heirs shall giff no nother relieve nor other service than he should do/ to a baron if it were in a baron his hands magna carta cxxxi. pnsenteinent ¶ The king shall take no tytlen of presentation to no benefyꝭ in an other his right of no time of his ꝓgenitours nor non that the plarꝭ no● iuggis shall do execution thereof saving to the king and his ꝓgenitors pnsentmentꝭ in others right in his own time xxv E. iii. statnto d● clero c.i. ¶ Before that the king make collac or presenment in a nothyr his right The title shallbe well examined/ & if it be found nor true the said collation or pnsentment shallbe repelled/ and the patron or the clerk shall have possession and as many writs of the chancery as he will xxv E three Statut de clero ¶ The persente of the king shall not be admitted to the church that is full of an encombent till the king hath recounyd his presentation by ꝓces of the law ten R. two. C. primo The encombent so put out shall commence his suit when he will four h. iiii. ca xx. porite. Look for priority in the title wardis w ii C xvii ꝓces. ¶ Somonvis and attachmentꝭ in plea of land shall coteyn the space of xv days at the lest after the common law if he be not attached in assize in the presence of the king or in ꝑle before the iusty●● In eyre etc. articuli super cartas ca xv. and for that cause in the kings bench they makcattachementes in viii. days or more or less & that is by this statut ¶ They that be appellid by ꝓuours before the justice of geale de●yūe shallbe put in the geale within the same count where they dwell and if they put them on the country they shall send to the sheriff where the felony was to make the jurre to appear statut. de appellatis xxviii E. primi. ¶ justice of peace or other determyner shall send capias for them that be endited of felony and an alias and in that shall be expressed that the shiriff shall seize all his goods saue●● to keep & if he than return a nichill/ than an exigent xxv. E. iii. de ꝓuic C. xiiii. ¶ if the bailiffs that should account have no thing to be distrained the part shall have attachment for his body mlebryg C. xxxiii. and ꝓces of utlary is gyvin in the same action w. two C xi ¶ ꝓces of utlary is gyf●yn in dett detinue and taking of bestis as well as in account xxv E. iii de ꝓuic. C. xvii. Utlary of felony and treasondon by men of tyndall and examshyre shallbe made at the common law and executed in the same franchises by the ministers of the same franchises ii h. u.c.vii. And like remedy is giffin for men of ryddesda e for felony and treason ix h. u.c.vii. ¶ upon an endytement of treason or felony in the kings bench wryttes of capias shallbe direct as well to the sheriff where they were indicted as to the sheriff where they be named containing the space of vi weeks or more by the discretion of the iuggys' or else the exigent & utlary thy●ruppon is void to endure at the kings will vi h. vi. ca primo. look for a like ordinance made for inditemens' & appellies take in the connte of chester vii h● vi. C. x. And also a like order for inditmentꝭ and appelles removed in to the kings bench ten h. vi. c●vi. look in the title labourers that a capias shallbe awarded against the servant that departeth an● thereupon an exigent ¶ The same ꝓces shallbe made i● an action upon the case sewed in the one bench or in the other as is in det or trespase nineteen. h. seven ca ix/ look for ꝓces in the title proclamation vi. h. viii ca iiii. and in the title gamys & plays xix h. seven. ca xii Procedendo In a special assize brought against the ky●gꝭ patente/ a ꝓcedendo shallbe granted by the chancellor with out sewing to the king I h. iiii C. viii. proclamation Every sheriff shall make proclamation of the statute of wynchester four times in the year in every market town to the intent that wrong doers shall not be excused by igorance vii R. two. C. vi. ¶ where one exigent shallbe awarded at the sewt of the king or part against any person called of ●●y shire or city or late of Any shire or city other than in to such where the exigent shall be awarded and also in every exigent in personell actions where the exigent shall go in to london or midelsex & the defendant be therein named late of london or midel & then doth not dwell there the justice before whom such exigent shall be awarded to award ●. writ of proclamation to the sheriff of the same count where the defendant is at the time of the exigent or lately was dwelling if the kings writ be there currauntor else in to the next shire therein to a dioy●yng & the effect of the action shall be c●teinid in the wryt and the shiry● shall make iii proclamations at three several days that is to say in the opin count & the third at the general sessions if the kings wryt do renew there or else in the ꝑtes of the count thereto next adjoinant so that the shirif there may have his body to answer the part and that this wryt of proclamation shall have the same day of return as the exigent hath & that every such writ of proclamation to be delivered of record and if any vtla●i be had agains any person in any forayn count & no writ of proclamation as is before said awardid & returned that such utlarie be void/ by averment without sewing any wryt of erro● v●. h. viii. ca iiii. Procurementꝭ ¶ If any lord in any courtis or ●hiryffꝭ in their countꝭ or hulders or stiwardes procure any man to move ple● in their court●s by wryt or else otherwise & for such causes they be attached the defendants shall sew repl●uyn of thayr goods so attached or distrained and a pone to remove it before the justice. etc. and if the shirif baylle or lord than ad●owe the taking of the des●res by reason of such complaint before him made & i● it be fou●d that it was done by his malicious ꝓcurement the plaintiff shall recover triple damage against him etc. and yet he shall make fine to the king. w. two. ca xxxvi. ¶ Shiryffꝭ or keepers of pnsons which ꝓcure o● constrain psoners to appell men that be not g●●t● shallbe ponyshid at the ●ute of the part or of the king before the justice of the one bench or other the justice of assize or gay●e deliver by wryt or by bill which shallbe determined by & by i ●. three ca seven. Iuggy● in espiritual courtis ● pnsueauntꝭ there For dys●e●and causis pertaining to that court shall recover their damages upon their acqu●tayll against them that procured such endytemen●ꝭ & to be the same enditors & the same ꝓcurators & endytors shall rene into the same pain which is contained in the statute of. w. two. against them that ꝓcure false appellies. j R two. ca● xiii prohibition ¶ For fornicacione adulterio et huiusmodi procemitorio non clauso ecclecia discooperta vel inde center ornata sirector petat decimas versus ꝑochianos vel contra rectorem dummodo non petar. quartapars alicuius ecclecie si rector petat mortuarium vell pensionem oiens huiusmodi faciend. sint in foro eccliastico de violent. in manuum inieccō● in clericum vel in conversum vel in causa de famacoins alias concessum fuit qd. plitum inde tencatur in curia cristianitatꝭ dum modo non petatur pecunia si ad correconnem peccati agat./ in omnibus predictis casibus et consinlibus habet i●dex eccinlasticus congnoscere non obstante regia prohibicione si porrigat. Tractat. de circumspect agatis ¶ we ꝓhibit that no persons of churchiss pnsume to cut doune any trees groweng in the church yard But when there needeth necessary building or reparation of the channcell nor that they be converted to non other use/ statut. edyt. xiiii E. two. ¶ Item super oblacionibus obuenconnibus non habet locum regia ꝓhibicon et si clericus vel religiosus decimas suas congregatis vendiderit propecunia alicui si precium petatur coram judice ecclesiastico locum habetregio prohibicon/ si prelati imponant alicui penam corporalem si huiusmodi pena pro pe●nnia redimatur locum non habet regia prohibicio si coram prelatis vel episcopis pecunia exigatur. ¶ Si quis manus violenter iniecerit in clericum vel in connersum pro violencia pacis debent fieri emend coram rege et pro excōicacoē coram epo velceteris prelatis imponatur p●na corporalis quam si sponte reus velir redimere dando prelato vel leso pecunias potest/ nec in talibus locus est regie ꝓhibiconi. Tractatu sub qua forma. ¶ In decimis oblacionnibus obuencionibus mortuariis qn̄ sub istis noimbus proponuntur ꝓhibiconi regie non est locus/ statut. apud lincoln̄ anno ix E. two. voc articlī cleri. Item si sit contencio de iure decemarum origin ●m habens de iure potronatus & earund. decimarum Quamtitas excedat ad quartam partem bonorum ceclesie locum habeat regia prohibicio. ¶ Item si prelatus imponant penam pecuniariam alicui pro peccato et repetat illam locum habeat regia prohibicio sed si imponat penas corporales et si pu●iti volunt huiusmodi penas propecuniis sponte redimere non habet locum regia prohibicio si coram ●is pecunia exigat. eodem statuto. ¶ Item si causa vel negocia cuius recognicon spectad forum ecclesiasticum & coram ecclesiastico judice fuerit sentencialit. terminata et post modum coram judice seculari super cadenre inter easdem ꝑson asquestico moneatur r●̄detur sic Quando eadem causa diversis racionibus coram judicibus ecclesiasticis et secularibus ventulatur ut supra patet de inieccione in clericum/ dicunt qd. non obstante ecclesiastico iudicon curia regis ipmntractat judicium ut sibi videret expedire eodem staruto. ¶ Edwardus. etc. prelatis archidiaconis. etc. c●̄ cognicōnes plintorum de transgressionibus et catallis et debitis que non sunt de testamento aut matrimonio ad coronam et dingnitatem nostram pertineant. etc. vobis ꝓhibimus. etc. c● Nos super his et aliis quorum cognicon ad nos pertinet parati sumus plenam justiciam exibere incuria nostra mandanus autem vicnostris. quod premissa vobis alias nhibiant ex part nostra et quod non ꝑmittant quod aliqui laici in balliva sua i● aliquibus locis comoveant ad aliquas r●congniciōnes per sacramenta sua facienda nisi in causis matrimonialis et testament ariis et super huiusmodi feodis debitis et catallis coram vobis et aliis judicibus ecclesiasticis in premissis iurisdicconis nostre regie ad coronam et dignitatem nostram spectantibus subire presumat et quicquid vos in hac part de his feceritis reddant nos ad plenum cerconres In prohibicione formatta super articlis cleri. ¶ A proibition is given upon an indictment where he is impechid in the spiritual court of periuri The i E. iii. statut. two. capitulo xii ¶ A proibition is given where a man is impleaded for dismis of wood of twenty year old or more by the name of silva sedua the xlv E. iii. ca two. ¶ The judge may proceed in the spiritual court after a consultation though a prohibition be delivered unto him. l. E. iii. ca iiii. protection. ¶ if the tenunt cast in a protection & the demand a●t will aver mayntenaunt that he was in a certain place within the four sees and out of the kings service so that he might come/ the challenge shall be entered but the protection shallbe allowed and when the part shall be resummonid & the part ●esōmonid will aver and if it be found against him by inquest it shall torn into his default. Statut de protece. ¶ Protection shall not be allowed in attaint the v. E. three capitulo. seven. ¶ Protection shall not be allowed in the court before the mayor or leve tenawt constable & fellowship of the merchants of the staple at caleyes nor in no court within the town of caleyes or the marches of the same in any action sewed by any of the said merchants their servants factors or attorneys The i h. seven. ca iii. ¶ where protections have been made by the king to the kings debtors so that they shall not be impledid till that gre be made to the king it is agreid that not withstanding such ꝓtecciō● the parts shall be answered and shall have judgement but execution shall be respited till the gre●e made with the king & if such credytors will answer for the kings det they shall have execution maintenaunt. & also they shall recover to them as much as they shall pay to the king. The xxv E. iii. de provi. capitulo nineteen ¶ protection shall not be allowed for vitellies bought or taken for the voyage whereof the protection maketh mention nor in pleas of trespass or of contracties made after the date of the same protection The i R. two. capitulo. viii. ¶ protection quia ꝓfuturus shall not be allowed ● any plea commenced before the date of the protection if it be not in the voyage where the king himself passeth or in viagys' royal or in the kings bes●●nes for the need of the realm the xiii R. two. c. xv● ¶ Protection shall not be allowed for the keepers of prisoners that let men condemned go at large or by bail The vii h. iiii. capitulo four ¶ protection shall not be allowed in a scire fac. upon the travers of Turrian ofyce taken before the escheator or commissioners against any patent. The xxiii h. vi. capitulo xviii ¶ That everyone now being or here aft be in the kingꝭ wagis of ware beyond the see or upon the see have at his pleasure the protection of ꝓfecture or morature cunclan volumus and in the exception of the said protection be made comyssyon of assisies and so to be allowed in all the kings courts except in accious of det take by the king or any other to his use or to the use of the executors of king henry the vii & in appelꝭ of murder & felony & if this ordeynaunce be not sufficient to ease them them the king and his council for the time being may grant protections to every of them during the time they continue in the said wars. provided that this act extend not to any captains or sowdears in calayes hammys/ guynis rise bank berwyk walis or any marches of thesam The iii Henry viii ca iiii. Look the statute. provision. ¶ All prelates & other folks of holy church that have advowson of any benfice of the kings gift or of his progenitors or other lord shall hau● their election collation and presentment freely according to the gift & c. ● in case that of any archebysshoprych bysshopis dignity or other bnfice there be reservation provision or collation made from the court of rome in the dysturbance of the elections collations or presentmentꝭ beforesaid that at the time of the same avoidance that such reservations etc. should take effect our sovereign lord the king & his heirs shall have & enjoy at season the said collacions to the archebysshopryches bishoprics and other dygnytes' electyfꝭ which be of his a vowre like wise as his progenitors have had before and free election granted thereof as the election were first granted by the kings progenitors up on certain form and condition as to demand of the king licence of the election/ and after the election to have his rial assent and not in no other manner/ the which conditions not kept the thing ought to resort to his first nature/ the same law shall be of houses of religion of his advoure the same law shall be of churches provenders or other benefice which be not of the advoure of holy church whereof the king hath the voureperamounte immediate as oft as such dysturbancis shall be & c● saving to them their right an other time when no provision is made & in the same manner every other lord shall have etc. his presentmenties or collations to howsis of religion & other beneficꝭ of their a voure. etc. & if such lord pnsent not within half a year after such voidaunce nor the bishop of the place within a month after the half year provision ¶ That than the king shall have the pnsentment. etc. and if he that is presented or any other patron be disturbed by such provision than the provisors ꝓcurators & executors & notares shall be out of the kings protection. and tachyd by their bodis & put in prison and if they be convict they shall abide in prison without bail or maimpryse till they have made fyn & ransom at the king's will and agreed with the ꝑty grieved and find surety that they shall attempt no such thing afterward. and ●f such ꝓuisors their ꝓcurators exectors & notaries can not be found than the exigent shall be awarded by due ꝓces as well at the kings will as at the parts. & in the mean while the king shall have the profitꝭ of the beneficis so occupied by such provysors except abbeys priories & other houses that have college or covent shall have the profit etc. the xxv E. three sta de provis. ¶ A man may do of provysors as of the kings enmys without any impeachment that is to say ꝓuysors that execute prouysyons of abbeys or prioris. The same statute and chapter. ¶ They that draw any person in plea out of the realm whereof the knowledge apꝑtaineth to the kings court or of such things whereof judgement be given in the kings court or seweth in any other court to deffete judgements given in the kingꝭ court shall have a day by garnyshement or warning containing the space of ii months to be before the king in his council or in the chancery or before the justice of the one bench or other. And if they come not at the day & in proper parson than they their procurators' attorneis executors notaries & maintainers shallbe out of the kings protection. and their lands goodis & cattellis forfeit and their bodies shall be taken by capias and upon that an exigent. etc. provided alway that if they come before outlari they shall answer And yet not withstanding the forfeitor● of their lands/ goods and cattles shall abide in his force if they come not within ii months. The xxvii E. iii. Capitulo i The statute of provysor made the xxv & xxvii E. iii shall be kept save only that by force of those statutis the bodies of the lords & prelatis shall not be take. and added thereto that where any seweth to the court of ●ome personal citations upon faint suggestions against persons of this realm where knowledge belongeth to the kings court and also of impetrations and prouysyons made in the same court of rome of beneficꝭ chappellꝭ and offices of the church what so ever belonging to the presentation or gift of the king or other lay patrons & of benefices appropried to churchis cathedral collegꝭ abbeys & c● they their maintainers & favourers shall be arrested by the sheriff of the place & justice in their cessyons and let to bayll by sufficient mainprize and brought before the king and his council shortly/ and if they be convict they shall have the pai● comprisy● in the statute made at westm the xxv year of E. iii. and if they be not found they shallbe ponysshid by force of the statute made the. xxv●● year of the same king which beginneth/ nr̄s●ygne or le ●oy etc. and that the king shall give the no pardon without assent of the part/ and they shall be out of the kings protection The xxviii E. three statute de provis capitulo i ¶ None shall take nor receive ꝓcuracie letter o●●●turney firm ●or other administration by ●●denture nor in other manner of any bnfyce with in this realm but only of the kings leegꝭ with out the kings licence or advise of his council & that none carry any gold silver or other treasure out of the realm by letter of exchange nor in other manner to the profit of any alyons without licence upon pain contained in the statute of provisors made the xxvii y●re of E. iii. the kings grant father that now is/ and that no bishop nor other parson of the church medyl by way of sequestrac●on nor in other manner of fruits of such benefices to the profyties of the same alyons upon pain that belongeth. there to the iii R. two. c.iiii but the spiritual lords assented to this estatue. ¶ Alyons that take possession of benefices within the realm without the kingys' licence shall have the pain as ꝓuisours The xxv E. iii. and the seven. R. two. ca xi. but the spiritual lords assented not. ¶ He that passeth over th● see with out the king's licence and taketh any benefice by provision shall be in continent in so doing out of the kings protection and the benefice void the xii R. two. ca xiiii. ¶ who so ever take any bnfyce by ꝓuinsion shall b● exciled & banished whether they be within the realm or without and his lands & goods shall be forfeit to the king & if he be within the realm he shall take his way so that he be without the realm within vi weeks after such taking. etc. And no man shall receive him that is so banished after the vi. weeks upon pain of the same forfeitor And that the procurators notaries excutors & sumner's shall have the pain beforesaid and he that exhorteth the king to write or to send to the court of rome contrary to his statute or if any sand or pray to the pope to the contrary if he be a prelate he shall pay to the king the value of the temporaltes for a year & if he be a lord ●ꝑoral the value of his landis & tenements for a year and if he be a parson of lower degree the value of the sa● benefice for a year and he shall have prisonment of a year The xiii R. two. Ca ultimo. ¶ He that bringeth into this realm or within the power of the king any sommonis sentence or excommengement against any person of what condition that he be/ because of the motion making assent or execution of the said statute of provysors shall forfeit all his lands goodis & cat●llis & his life And if any prelate so do he shall forfeit his temꝑaltes till due correxion be thereof made & a mean parson shall make fyn & ransom/ these words mean person shall be intended parsons spiritual as it seemeth The xiii R. two. ca ultimo ¶ if any purches or pursue in the court of rome or else where to translate any prelates or bishops within this realm without the kings assent & knowledge & without the assent of those prelates that shall be so translate/ any process sentence of excommunication Bullys/ instruments/ or other things whatso ever that toucheth the king his crown and regally in his Realm or they that bring them in to this realm or them receive or make notice of them or execution within this Realm or without/ they their notaries proctors & maintainers shall be out of the kings protection and their lands goods & cattellꝭ forfeit/ And be attached by they●●odyes and brought before the king and his counsel/ and process shall be made against th●m by preminire fac. as there is in other casis of provisors ordained. The xvi R. two. ca v. ¶ Provision made to any person of religion or other by the. Pope to be exempt from regular obedience or ordinary or to have office perpetual within any house of religion & c. ●hal ●en in the pain composed in the statute of provisors. The xiij R. two. and the ii H. iiij. ca iij. ¶ Cisterciens and other religious men that purches bulls to be discharged of dysmies of thei● lands and possessions set to farm or otherwise occupied or put such bulls before purchased in execution/ process shall be made against them by priminire fac by garnysshment or warning of ii months/ & if they make default or be attaint they shall run in to the pain & forfeiter contained in the statute o● ꝓuisours made the xiii R. ij. and ii H. iiij. ca iiii. ¶ He that purchasyth or putteth in execution any bull purchased after the first year of Richard the second to be quite of dysmies shall be punished in like manner. The vii H. iiij. ca iiij ¶ Licence of pardon made by the king of provision to a benefice full with an incombent is void. The vij H. iiii. ca vi. ¶ All the statutes of provisors made in the time of king E. iij. and R. ij. shall be kept in al● poyntis not withstanding any moderation made by the king. The ix H. iiij. ca ultimo. purveyors. ¶ None shall take horsis or cart of any man for carriage to be made but if he give after t●e ol● ordinance that is to say for a cart with two horses ten pennies by the day and for a cart with iii horses xiiij pennies by a day/ no lords cart of any spiritual person/ or of a knight or of any other lord shall be take by the kings bailiffs magna carta. C. xxi. No constable or his bailiff shall take corn or other cattles of any man that is not of the same town where the castle is except he pay ready money/ And if he be of the same town he shall pay it within xl days after Magna carta c.xix ¶ None take victual nor charet against the will of the owner/ and if they do they shall yield double damages. wemynster i ca two. And if the part sew not/ the king shall have the sweet/ & they that shall be endited there of shall be be attached & dystreinid by grand distress that containeth the space of ii months in the kingꝭ court or where him list and if he come not by the day than he shall be again distreyned by the space of vi. weeks. And if they come not than they shall be attaint & shall yield double damages to the parts grieved/ and make fine to the king ¶ Of them that take victuals or other things to the kings use to the making or keeping of a castle or other. And when they have received the payment at the Escheker or at the wardero● or else where and with hold the payment of the creditors to the great damage of them/ and to the s●lander of the king it is provided that of them that have lands and tenements it shall be levied of their lands and goods and paid to the creditors with their damages & they shall make fine to the trespass/ and if they have no lands and tenements they shall be imprisoned at the kings will. Of them that take reward of the kings creditors to make the kings payment they shall yield double and be punished at the kings pleasure. vestm. i ca xxxii. ¶ Of them that take horse or cartis for the kings carriage more than need is & take reward to relieve them if he be of the court he shallbe punished by the marchall and if he be out of the court he ●hall yield triple domagis and be imprisoned xl days. vestm. i ca xxxvi. ¶ That no purvey our take any thing of any/ ●or make there of no price without his agreement and that he take corn by common measure nor ta●e no thing but to the very value set by the cō●tabels or other good men. And that payment be ●ade thereof before the king pass out of the ver●e. & that none have no purveyors except the ●inge the queen or their children/ nor that they ●ake no more than need is. And that the kings ●uruey our take no thing till he show his war●ēt under the kings seal. & he that otherwise takes any prise of any man without his agreement ●t shall be done to him as to a thief if the quanty ●e of the goods require it. The ●iiij. Edwardis. ●ii. capitulo iii ¶ where the kings horsys lie at lyven in the con●ey there shall be for every horse a page/ And the ●eper shall have a hakney a●d there shall be no ●o/ nor their wives nor hounds at the charge ●f the country And that pa●ment shall be made ●efore that they go out of the verge. and if there ●e more found there/ they shall be sent to prison th●r to bide at the kings will/ And in the same manner it shall be commanded to the sheriff that he make purveyance for the kings houndꝭ of the issues of his bailies where they dwell so that the country be not charged with them And he that is gr●uyd in this case shall have his recover against the sheriff xiiij E. iij. C. xviij The fees and goods of holy church be except in the commissions of purveyors xiiij E. iij. pro clero. C. i. xxviij. E. iij. pro clero Ca iiij. ¶ The purveyors of the king queen & their children shall make their prise by the constable and four honest men of the towns with out menace or compulsion to the preysers to set any pse contrary to their oaths. And tails to be made incontinent and insealed of the agreement etc. i● their psence And if the purveyor do otherwise he shallbe incontinent arrested there & brought to the next geale/ and it shallbe done to him as to ● these. And this pain shallbe expressed in their commissions under the kings seal. The .v. E. iii. ca two. and this same clause is enacted. The twenty ● iii. statut de ꝓuis. capitulo i ¶ The fees and goods of the church shallbe ●●●cept in the commyssions of the purveyors The xiiii E. iii. ꝓclero ca i. & xviii E. iii. ca iiii. ¶ No purveyor of wood or timber to the kingꝭ use cut any trees growing in or about any man's house. And if he do he shall yield to the part triple damages and have a years prisonment & be forejudged his office. The xxv E. iii. statut. de provis capitulo vi ¶ purveyors that take sheep after ester before the shering more than shallbe for the. time expēdy● for the king it is felony/ and if they take after ward more than shall come to the kings use it is also felony Thesame statut. ca xv. ¶ Purueours that take puruyawce for the king the queen or prince with in the some of twenty s. shall make payment incontinent and if it be to the sum of twenty s. or above payment shall be made within a quarter of a year. The xxviii statut ultimo capitulo. xi●. ¶ Of purueyours of poultry and small things payment shall be made in hand/ and of great purveyance within vi weeks. The xxxiiii E. iii. capitulo iii ¶ None shall have purveyors but the king/ the queen/ or payment shall be made in hand after the price of the market. and the buyers shall be sufficient men/ nor shall have no deputes. And payment for carriage shall be made in hand. The xxxvi E. iii. ca two. ¶ That no bier shall take no gift of no person to be spared upon pain to yield the triple there of ● & to be at the kings will. And he that will sew therefore shall have the third penny. The same statute. c. iii. And there shall be commissioners made to here and to determine their defaults & if it be found that they have not made payment they shall have judgement to die and this statute is intended as well of purneiors for the kings and queens great horses as of other buyers/ the same statute. etc. ¶ That the huntꝭ/ falconers/ seriauntꝭ of arms & all other shall be at the wagis or belonging to the household shall have the same pain if they do against the statute. The same statute. c. iiij. Prelatis & clerkis grieved by purveyors against the form of the statutis before made shall recou● their triple damage. The i R. two. c●. iii. ¶ No purveyor make any pu●ueaunce or buy any thing for the kings how should to the value of. xl.d. or within if he pay not incontinent upon pain of losing his office/ & to pay as much to the partegrevyd. The ii H. iiij. ca xiv ¶ The statute of purveyors shall be exemplified & livered to the sheriff/ & every sheriff shall ꝓclayme it four times by the year upon pain of C. s for every default. And that the shyryffis shall deliver them to their successors which shall make proclamation after the same manner upon the same pain. The i H. vi. ca ij. ¶ purveyors shall pay in hand for pryses of the value of xl s. & under or elliss they may ma●e ●esystēce/ And every constable tythin● man or chief pledge shall be aiding to that resistance/ or else they shall yield to the par●e so grieved the value of the thing taken with their double domagis And the purveyor which for his cause vexith any in the merchalsye shall lose. whereof he that will sew shall have the one half/ And the justice of pease in every count shall have power to inquire and to determine it as well at the kings sewte as at the ●ewte of the part and to ●warde damages to the partis And the defendant shall answer without aid of the king and the process shall be as in action of trepasse with force and arms. The xxi H. vi. ca viii. ¶ Every purveyor and buyer before that he h●ue any commission shall make another in the chancery that he take nothing of the people contrary to the statutis thereof made/ & that all the towns adjoining shall do their devour to resist such buyers that do contrary to the statutes/ and he that is grieved by them against the said statutis shall choose to have an action of det against them of the towns that do not their devoir in resistance of the said buyers or purveyors in the form beforsayde when they be thereto required or else against the said purveyor and buyers/ and every of them to recover the triple value o● the goods so taken and over that their costagꝭ and triple damages. And if any purueyoure o● other office of the kings trouble in the march●lsye or else where any of the kings subjects by any malice suggestion cause feigned Imagination or colour because of the execution of these said ordinances shall run in to the pain of to pay to the part grieved over his coste● & damages in that part●e sustained. And he shall have thereof an action of det/ & every issue triable in that action shallbe tried in the count where the taking of the said goods was. And that the defendants in all such cases be not received to wage their law and shall answer without ●ourcher. And that esson eyed of the king nor protection be allowed And that the sergeant of the chaterye shall pay all the dets damages and executions/ which shall be recovered against every purueyoure under him in all the cases be foresaid in case that the purveyor or bier be not sufficient/ and the part playntyffe shall have a S●ire facias to have execution against the said sergeant in this case And that these statutes and ordynauncꝭ be put to the justice of pease in every count to proclaim them every year/ and to inform the people. The xxiii Henry vi capitulo secundo. ¶ No purveyor except the kings and the que●●s take any thing of any of the kings league against their wills/ and if they do they shall be ●restyd by the sheriff bailiff or constable officers or other ministers/ & put to the next pson of the king/ there to remain without bail or maynpryse/ till they have redelyvered all the victual and things etc. or the value of them. And if the said sheriffs/ bailiffs etc. after that that they be required make default of the execution thereof they shall forfeit. whereof the part that will sew by write of debt shall have the one half/ and the defendant shall not do his law nor have protection/ and if he be convict he ●hall yield iii times the value of the thing taken and double damages for the costages/ and shall make ransom. The xxiii H. vi. ca● xiii All patents made to any holding hostreys or housing of retail of victual to be purveyors for term of their lives shallbe void & that none take any horse or chariot without grement of the owner/ and by deliverance of the mayre ●heryf bailiff/ or constable where such prise shall be/ etc. The xxviii H. vi. ca two. And the part that is grieved contrary to this statutes shall have an action of trespass at the common law/ and shall recover triple damages. Look more for purveyors in the title of S●●●ple. Purgation ¶ The king doth waren all prelatis that they in no manner deliver them that be endited for felony without dew purgation so that th● king have no need to put other remedy. w i. E. two ¶ The archbishop of canterbury for himself & all his province hath promised the king that if any be convict of treason that toucheth not the king himself nor his majesty or if he be a common thief openly known & for such cause delivered to any ordinary as clerk convict the ordinary shall keep him sure after the effect of a constitution provincial to be made by the said archbysshoppies and bishops after the effect of the letters of Simon late archbishop of canterbury bearing date the xii kalends of March the year of grace. M.CCC. l. And that no such fellow or traitor make his purgation contrary to the same constitution which constitution shallbe delivered to the king before the next parliament/ that if the said constitution be not sufficient remedy that he may then purvey remedy that shall thereto parteyn four H. iiii. C. iii. Pultrey ¶ The prise of a young capon shall not pass iii pennies and of an old capon iiii pennies & of a gosling ii pennies and of a goose four pens and the justice of peace shall put in it execution xxxvii. E. iij. C. iii Quareimpedit ¶ In assize of da●●eyn pnsentment or in a quare impedit days shall be given from xu days to xv. or from iii weeks to iii weeks/ and in a qu●re impedit if he come not at the first day nor be essonyd/ he shall be than attached at an other day/ and if he come not than nor be essonyd/ he shall be than distrained by the great distress/ and if he come not than by his default it shall be written to the bishop that the claim of the dysturber shall not let the plaintiff/ saving all way to that dysturber his right when he will call for it/ Marlbryg C. xi. ¶ where the vi weeks be passed so that the title be fallen to the ordinary/ and divers persons saying that/ will make the king to present/ ●nd if he be disturbed by the ordinary or by the enconbent to bring a quare impedit again 〈◊〉 the patron and other/ and bycawse the pa●ron will not answer but suffer the king to recover in dyceyt of the ordinary. etc. In all such cases where the kings title is not found/ they shall be received to conterpled the title of the king/ and to show their right though they claim nought in the patronage xxv E. iii. pro clero. C. seven. ¶ They that recover their heirs and assynes shall have a quare impedit if they be disturbed seven. H. viii. C. two Quarentyn ¶ The women shall dwell in the chief house of her husband after his death xl days within the which time her dower shall be assigned her/ and if it be a castle than an other house competent shall be purucyed for her/ and she shall have her reasonable fuel etc. magna carta. C. seven ¶ If tenant in dower tenant for term of ly●● or tenant in frank marriage or in the tail lose by default they shall have a wryt of quod ei deforci at which write is expressed in the statute and the tenants shall aver their right or else the demaundaunt shall recover/ And for that that the demaundauntꝭ can not answer without them in the reversion/ they shall call them to warranty as they were tenants/ And if the acover of the tenant were moved by a write of right though the great assize or joining of battle may not be joined by words accustomed/ yet they may be by words apt westm. ii E. iiii● Quod permittat ¶ Likewise as a spiritual man may recover a common of pasture by a wryt of novel disseisyn so the successor shall recover against the disseysour or his heir by a write of quod permittat w. ij. C. xxv. Quo waranto ¶ All they which reasonably have used any liberties shall enjoy them unto our next coming ●●to thesam count or into the coming of our justice in cry o● till we send contrary commandment saving always our right when we will speak thereof and in the same manner wryttis shall be directed to the sheriff & to other bayliffꝭ for every man that will ask/ the form shall be changed after the diversity of the liberties/ the form of the write is expressed in the statute/ Statute de quo warrant no in anno. vi. E primi ¶ All they that claimed possession of franchises before the time of king Richard the first with out interruption and might show it by good in quest shall enjoy their possession and if they have not abused their liberties the king shall confirm them by title/ and they that have old charters of franchises/ those charters shall be adjudged after the tenure and form of them/ and they that have lost their frannches sith ester last passed by the wryt of quo waranto shall have restitution of their franchises lost/ Statut de quo waranto secundum anno xviii E. primi. Rape ¶ No man ravish nor take with force damosel within age by her grement nor with out her grement nor lady nor damosel of full age nor other woman against her will/ and if any so do at the suit of them that will sew with in xl days the king shall do them right/ and if none will sew within xl days the king shall sew and they that he findeth culpable shall have in prisonment of two years and after shall be fined at the kings pleasure and if he have nought whereof to be fined he shall then be punished by longer imprisonment according as the trespass requireth westm. i ca xiii ¶ If a man Ravesshe a wedded woman damosel or other woman where they assent not afore nor after he shall have judgement to die an● though it so be that she assent after he shall have judgement as is afore said at the sewte of the king and the king shall have the sewt. etc. w. two ca xxxiiii ¶ For Ravyshours' of women it is ordeyny● that who so ever ravyssh such women and they that be ravished after such manner Rape consent to the ravyshours that as well the Ravysshours as they which be ravished and every of them here after be unabled and disabled to have or claim any heritage or dowe● 〈◊〉 joint sco●●ement after the death of their husbands or ancestors and then in this case the sexte of the blood of the ravyshours or of them ravished to whom the heritage dower or joint ●coffemente ought to dyssende or Return Remain or fall after the death of the Ravyshour or of her ravished/ shall have the title immediately after the Rape to enter upon the ravyshour or her ravished and their assyngnies and the lands and tenements in the same heritage dower or joint feoffment to hold. ¶ And that the husbands of such woman if they have husbands/ or if they have no husbands ●●ft alive that than the fathers or other sexte of their kin from thence have the sewte ● and may sew against such Ravishours and malefactors in this be half and them th●r fore convict of death all though the same women after such rape consent to such Ravysshours'/ And further it is agreed that the defendant in this case shall not be received to w●●e battle butt the truth of the matter there of ●hall be tried by inquisition of the country Re●eruyd ever to the king & other lords of this Realm the escheties/ of the said Rauishour●●f they hap thereof to be convicts A. vi. R. two. ca v● Records. ¶ wrytties desecunda suphonoratione pasture● and ofredissin shallbe enroled and the transcri●●tes ●end to the escheker at the years end. w. ii● ca ix. Records tmynyd before justices of assize oye● & dyterminer & jail dely●● shall be delivered to the escheker to the treasurer & chamberlein under their se●lys but first the justices shall take fort●● the estreties to send to the sheriff. A. ix. E. iii. ca ultimo. No process shall be annulled or dyscontynewed for myspryson of the clerk in writing a lette● or syllable to much or to little/ but as soon as the● thing is perceived it shall be hastily amended without giving any advantage to the party A. xiiii. E. iii. ca vi. ¶ If any judge or clerk be convict before th● king & his council of false entering of pleas r●●synge of Rolys or changing of the true say●enges so that by that default the dishēheritaun●● of any thereof follow so that the sewt (if the ꝑty●● g●●uyd be of full age) be with in two yeris a●●ter the default done and if he be within age wi●● in two years after he come to full age/ he sha●● be punished by fine and redemption at the ki●●●es pleasure & shall satisfy the party and as to ●●e restitution of his heritage/ the part gre●yd shall sew by write of error or otherwise ●fter the law if he think it expedient a. viii. R two. Ca iiii ¶ Records shall not be amended nor appaired after the judgement gyvyn & enroled anno xi. H ●●ii. ca iii● ¶ Records that shall come before any justice by error or adiourneyment may be amended for ●ysprysyon of the clerk As well after the ●●gem●nt as afore to endure the next parliament 〈◊〉 ix h v ca iiii And the same statute is made ꝑ●●tuall except records of wales and outlaryes ●t the suit of the party A iiii h vi ca iii. ¶ It is accorded that for error assigned in a●● record process warrant of atourney orygy●all writ panel or return in places scraped/ ●●cyd or interlyned or diminution which Ra●ure or interlyning appeareth to the justice sus●ectyd byfor that such record shall come by error ●r otherwise there shall be judgement reversed but ●●e justice before when &c. shall have power to thamyn such records and them reform in ●●fyrmynge of the first judgement And also to ●●mend all such as they in their discretion ●h● think to mysprisyon of the clerk/ In such ●●●ner records process words pleas warrant o● attorney wryttes pannellꝭ and retornes except apples indytamentes and the utlaryes of the ●●●me and the substance of proper man's sur●●mys and additions enterlesse. In writties ori●●●nall and wryttis of exigenties according to th● statute Anno. two. H. v. And in other writies whic● contain proclamation/ so that no judgement before such mysprysyon reversed nor adnully● in affyrmen of such judgements the party sh● allege that the record which is certified do●●vary from the other record from whens● cometh And if it be certified and the varying from the jugs shall reform that record t● the first record Also records exemplyfyed 〈◊〉 not razed shall not be reversed bylerrour contrarry to the exemplyficacyon also he that imbecyly●● any record wherefore the judgement is reuersy● shall be punyssed as a felon. etc. by the justices o● the same court so that the half inquest be 〈◊〉 the same court and the other half of the other Records being before any of the kings iust●●cys by error or otherwise and returns of t●● shyrys●ꝭ/ baylyffys/ and other ministers in my●●●ysyon of their clerks in writing of a let 〈◊〉 moche or to little shall be amended by the dys●esyon of the justices A. viii. H. vi. ca xv. ¶ He that entryth plea by these wo●dꝭ in propria persona sua & the. pl. nor none other sufficient of ●is cou●sell Is not sworn before the i●styc●s ●●at he is the same parson shall lose xl s. If he 〈◊〉 thereof attaint by examination of the iusty●ys etc. anno xviii H. vi. ca ix. ¶ It seemeth by these words that this is not in berdyd to be in such sutꝭ where process of utlary lieth. Redisseysin ¶ If a man reco●ere by assize of novel dyssey●yn and is put in possession by the sheriff and ●●●er is put by him against whom he recoue●yd he shall have a wryt of redysseyson direct to ●●e sheriff and to the coroners that they by the fyrble jurors and other make t●erofe Inquysy●yon. Likewise it is ordained of them that have ●●couered their land by assi●e mo●●●●unceto●r o● all their lands and tenemente● reco●eryd by assize or iurre in the kings court if they be after diseased and redyssinn found he shall be committed to prison marten ca iii ¶ He that is put in pson for redyssinn shall not be delivered without special commandment of the king And also make fine with the kyn●● therefore and if the sheriff do otherwise he sh●● be amercyed marl ca viii. In wryttis of reddissinn there shallbe judged do●ble damages & the dysseysours shall be Irrep●●gyable by the common wryt and as in the statu●● of marten It was proved the wryt for them that were disseised after that they had recovered by assize of novel disseysyn mort dauncestour or by other jury/ furthermore from hens forth that writ shall have place for them that have recovered by default reddition or other wise without recognition of assize or jury westm two. E xxvi relief The heir of an earl for the hole yerldom sh●●● 〈◊〉 for relief after the ve●●● of hi● ancestors C. li. The 〈◊〉 of a ●arto● for the hole barony ●. ●erkes the hey●e of a knight for the hole knights' ●ee C. ●. ●nd he that holdeth less shall ●ay after the rate. magna cart● ca two. ¶ If a man make 〈◊〉 by deed or by fine of lands holden b● 〈…〉 or suffer any recovery against him to his use for trust ●nd after die his heir shall pay belief if he be 〈◊〉 full age A. iiii. h. seven ca xvii if the ●enaunt in socage make ● feo●●emēt to hi●●●n use/ the lord of whom i● is hol●yn●●ft the 〈◊〉 of his tenant where no 〈…〉 ●●claryd 〈◊〉 have the relief and 〈◊〉 & ●ll other ●ewtes as if his ●enaunt had died seized xix h. seven. Reasonable ●yd ¶ For reasonable ●yd to make a 〈◊〉 ●night 〈◊〉 to mar● hi● dowgh● It is ordeyny●●hat for tho●e knights fee shall be given twenty ● and of. xx.l. land holden in soccage twenty s. and of more/ ●ore and of le●●e le●●e/ 〈◊〉 the rate a●d it sh●ll ●ot be levied fo●●he son●●●yl the ●ge of. xv● year ●or for the daughter till the 〈◊〉 of. v●●. year and of that shall be mention m●de in the kings wr●● formed there upon when he will demand it & if the father when ●he hath levied such aid die before he have married his dought his executour● be bound to the daughter of moche as he hath res. for that aid And the goods of the father suffice not thereto his heir is bound to pay it to the daughter westm ii ca xxxv ¶ Also reasonable ●yd to make the kings son knight or to marry his daughter shall be levied after the rate of the statute here made And not other wise. s. of every fee holden of the king without mesue twenty s. & no more/ & of every. xx.ll. land holden in socage twenty s. and no more A. xxv E. three ca xi. Repel ¶ The pain of deties is put out in all statu●ꝭ of the staple and all other forfeytours be in the●● force xxxviii E. iii ca vi. All statutes made in the ꝑplyament holden xi year of. R. two. be repelled by the statute of xxi yer● of the same king ca xii. ¶ And all statutes made in the parliament held in the readeption. H. vi. repelled by the statute the xvii E. iiii. ca vi. replevin ¶ If the beasts of any man be taken the shiryff after complaint to him made shall make delyverauns and if the beasts be take with in a franchises and the bailiff of the franchises will not make delyverauns Than the sheriff in default of the bailiff shall make delyverauns marlbryg Ca xxvi. Quere if it be in anncyon demean & if the bailiff may make delyueraun● without precept of the sheriff. ¶ If a man take another man's beasts & them drive to any castle or fortress & there keep them withonte gagys' or pleggis that then the sheriff or the kings bailyffe after reasonable warning to the lord of the castle if he will not let them be delivered shall take with him the strength of the count and shall make reple●yn And for the despite done to the kings shall beat down th● castle and the plaintiff shall recover double damages again the with holder and if he have where withal than he shall recover it against the lord of the castle. etc. and if it ●e in ● francher and if the bayly●fe will not make replevyn 〈◊〉 the sheriff shall do as before is said. ●. ●● capit. xvii. ¶ If the lord distrain his tenant for his service and he sew a repl●uyn in count or in hundred and the lord a●owith it for his service and the tenant dysclayme the lord shall have no remedy as the statute rehearseth and therefore the statute will that the lord shall have a writ to remove the plea in to the kings bench and this cla●se shall be in the writ Quia talis distinx●● feo● do suo ꝓseruicio. etc. and the same statute giveth the same limitation in avoure as in assize of novel dysseysin and the same statute will that the plaintiff ●hall find pledges to make retornes● etc. as well as to pursue and if any by any other ways take any pledges he shall answer for the price of the beasts and the lord that dystrayneth shall have a writ to delyue● him so many beasts or so much cattaylles and if the bailiff have not where with to content him than his superior shall answer for him and if the lord have judgement to return ¶ It shall be commanded to the sheriff by wryt of judgement to make return and that he shall not ma●e delyueraū●e otherwise with out writ making m●nsyon of the judgement and if at that wryt the lord have return for any cause that distress shall remain Irreplegyable westm ii 〈◊〉. two. Look more for repl●uyn In mainprize. Reseyt If a wryt be brought again a man & his wife ●nd he make defa●te or will make reddition if ●he woman come before judgement gyvyn to de●end her right she shall be received and if the tenance in dower or tenant by the courtesy or tenant for term of life make default or would make reddition If he in the reversion come before judgement he shall be received. w. two. ca iii ¶ If any man pray to be received to defend his right after the statute of westm. ii/ before he be admitted he shall find sufficient surety as ●he court shall devise to answer to the demaundaunt for the valour of the tenement etc. from the day that he is received to answer until the day that final judgement shall be on the petition of the demandant/ if the demandant recover hi● demand he shall then be grievously a mercyed if he he have where with all and y● he have not than he shall be committed to prison 〈◊〉 the kings pleasure statut de defencione juris. ¶ If the tenau●te for term of life tenant endower it b● the courtesy in the tail after possibility pleed faintly ¶ And he in the reversion come in to the court and pray to be received at the day that the tenant pleed to the actions with out delay by voucher and protection esson of the kings service or other wise and that days of grace be given by discretion of the justyces and not comen days if the demandant will not assent to the same to the intent that the demaundaunt shall not be delayed because that he pledyth with two adversaries/ It is provided that they that pray shall find surety of thyssues A. xiii R. ii● ca xvii. ¶ The statute rehearseth the● that will by common pleed false pleas/ And therefore he that so prayeth etc. shall say that such plea is faint. ¶ Look for reseit of the tenant for term of yeries in the title of collusion Glouc. ca xv. Look in the title of attaint how he in the reversion shall have an attaint or writ of error Anno ix R. two. ca iii. ¶ Clerks having offices in the exchequer or other cowrtes of the king shall be compelled by the ordinary to be resident in their bnfycies in so much as they be occupied about the common wealth statuto vocato articuli cleri. Return of shyryffis ¶ If a man deliver his wryt to the sheriff he shall make a bill containing the names of the parties and the day of the deliver of the wryt and the sheriff or the under sheriff shall set his seal there unto and if they will not than some knights or other credible persons than psent shall set to their scalies & if they do not return their writ of judgement to justices of assize that they inquire of them that were present & if it be found that the wryt was delivered they shall judge the plaintiff his damages that he hath sustained. The same law is when the sheriff retornyth tarde westm two. ca xxxix. ¶ Look further in the same statute and ye sha●● see the sheriffs and bayly●●ꝭ of franches be bound to make their retornes and that rend corn i● graynges and all movable goods except riding gear raiment & utensyllꝭ of household shall be called issues ¶ Iten the shyriffies and the under shiryffies shall receive wrytties in every place of the county in the manner aforesaid and the justices of assize have power to inquire thereof at every plaint and to adiuge damages to the parties Anno ii E. iii. ca v. ¶ The bailiff of the faraunches shall put his ꝓꝑ name upon his return and the shyrif change the return that is delivered ●ym by an endenture and thereof be attaint at the suit of the lord of the franchises he shall render double damages as well to the party as to the lord and by some books shiryffies and other bailiffs shall set their proper names in their retornes● or else they shall be amercyed Statut Eborum. If the sheriff or his clerk make a false return. ¶ if the default be in the sheriff he shall render damages to the party grieved and if the default be in the clerk he shall than render damages and not the sheriff with on't the clerk be insuffycye●te. etc. And also they shallbe punished upon their account in the exchekr etc. statuto de male return bro●●. A. xxvi. E. i. ¶ A man shall have avarment against a false return of the bailiff of the franchises and shall recover as well as against the shiryffes as well of small issues as in other cases and that all the punishment of the bailiffs shall be upon their bodies if they have no goods wherewith. ●. i E. three ca v. Ryottys & Rowtys ¶ The sheriff & every of the kings ministers with the strength of the count may arrest them that make assembles and rowtes. The xvii R. two capitulo viii ¶ It is ordained that if any riot/ assemble/ or ●owte of people against the law be in any part of the Realm that the justice of pease iii or ii ●t the leeste/ & the sheriff & under sheriff of the shire where such riot/ assemble/ or rout is m●de her after shall come with the power of the shire if need be tor to arrest them. And the same justice/ sheriff/ & undersheryfe/ have power to record that that these there done in their presence against the law. And by the record of the same justices every such trepassours and evil do●r shall be convict in manner and form as is contained in the statute of foreyble entry. And if it h●apon that such trespassers or evil doers be departed before the coming of such justice sheriff or undersheriff/ that the same justice ii or four of them shall inquire diligently within a month after/ and shall here and better mine the same. And if such riot assemble or rout so made may not be found in manner as is before said/ than within a month next following the said justice iii or ii of them/ and the sheriff and undersheriff shall certify before the king & his council all the act and the cyrcu●staunce thereof which certification shallbe of such force as the presentment of xii men/ where upon the said trespassers and evil doers sh●l be put to answer. And they that shall be fou●● guilty shall be punished after the discretion 〈◊〉 the king and his council. And if such trep●●●sours and evil doers travers the matter so cer●●●●yed / than the certyficate so certified shallbe sent in to the kings bench to be tried & tmyned as the law will. & if they come before the king & his connsel in the kings bench at the first commandment/ than there shall be another commandment dyrectid to the sheriff to bryug up their be dies. And if they can not be found/ than the Sheryf or under sheriff shall make proclamation in plain count next in sewing the liver of the second commandment that they shall come before the king & his council in the kings bench or in the chancery in the vacation time within iii wekis than next following. And in case that the same trespassers and evil doers come not as is before said and the proclamation made and returned/ they shall be convict and attaint of the said ryo● assemble or rowtes/ not withstandyn ●e any statute made to the contrary And over that/ that the justice of pease there dwelling next in every count where such assamble or rout is shall make an assemble with the sheriff or under sheriff of the same counts And also the justice of assize for the time that they shall be there in their sessions in case that any such assemble or rout be made in their presence/ shall make execution of this statute every year/ upon pain of a hundred pound to be paid to the kyn●● as oft as they shall be found in default in the executing the same statute. The xiii Henr. iiii● capitulo ultimo. ¶ commissions shall be awarded by the aduy●e of the Chancellor of England to inquire of defaults of justice of pease/ and assize/ shyryffes● and under sheriffs in executing of the said statute of ryotties/ & the coroner shall make the panel and return none therein except he have lands to the value of. x●li. by year and shall return issues at the first day twenty s. at the second day. xl. s. at the third day. C. s. & at every day after the double/ upon pain of. And every of the said justice sheriff etc. shall have their coste● in execution of the said statute by the sheriff/ and that the same sheriff shall have allowance thereof in the exchequer/ and that no bailiff of the frau●●ches in panel none but as is before said/ under pain of. And that like ordinance & pain hold place in cities/ boroughs/ & towne● which have justice of pease/ The ii He●●. 〈◊〉 capitulo. viii. ¶ If any robbery/ murder/ manslaughter 〈…〉 rye/ assemble of people rebellions or rowtes 〈◊〉 m●de/ that than upon a bill put to the Chauncalle● containing the matter there shallbe a Capias a wardyd to the sheriff where the royt is supposed retornable in the Chancery he shall be put inward or let to maynpryse or bail by dyscressyon of the Chancellor/ And over that to be inquired of such malefactors/ and ther● upon to be done as the common law requireth And if the sheriff return that he is not found/ than there shall be awarded a wryt with proclamations in ii counts/ that they come at a certain day/ at which day if they come not to be aquaynt. It is provided that it be testified by two. justices of pease of the count where such riot is that the common voice is so/ before that any capias go out. And if such case happen in counter palentyne or franchises/ where there is a chancellor that hath a seal/ that than that Chancellor do thereas the Chancellor of englands. The viii. H. vi. ca xiii. ¶ That the justice of assize and of pease upon 〈◊〉 information to them made by the king that ●ny man hath offended against any statute before this made against riots and Row●●●/●ssembles/ reteynours'/ extortions/ imbras●r●/ And offenders against the statute of labourers shall have full power to here and determine such offences/ and to make such process against them as against him that is endited of treshasse and to punish them according to other statutis thereof made. provided that such information extend not to treason/ murder/ or felony/ nor that he against whom any such information is made shall lose no lands nor tenements to him that made the information/ nor that such information extend not to any dwelling in any other count. And if any make any falls information that than he shall yield damages to the ꝑi●greuyd. The xi H. seven. ca iii. ¶ The shirif in every precept direct to him for any riot rout/ or other assemble shall return xxiiii within the same Shire whereof every o●● shall dispend of charter hold and freholde b● year twenty s. and of Copy hold ●or both xxvi 〈◊〉 viii. d. & to return upon every person in issues for the first default. xx. s. for the second xl s. upon pain of. And if it can not be found be means of imbraydry or maintenance of a●● parson/ than the justice and the sheriff & vnd●● sheriff to certify the names of the maīteinou● & imbrasers according to the statute madet the xiii. H. iiii. upon pain of. if the said justice sheriff and undersheriff have no reasonable excuse & that certificate to be of as good force as a verdet thereof duly found by xii men/ & every person duly provis to be a maynteynour or inbrasour to forfeit. and to be cōmit●yd toward by the discretion of the justice. The xix H. seven. ca xiii Rivers ¶ The salmon fry shall not be destroyed by nets nor other enginings. And they that do/ for the first default to have their nets and enginings brent. and for the second default to have half ● yerers prisonment/ and as they increase in of● trespassing so to have their pain increased. westm. two. capytulo xlix ¶ The wateer of humbre ouse an Trent.. &c. ● 〈◊〉 other waters where samons be takin in this re●amle shallbe put in defence as to the taking of the salmon from the nativity of our lady until saint ●●rtins day & the salmon fry shall not be destroyed by netꝭ or other enginings at the mill pondꝭ from the 〈◊〉 is of march to the fest of saint iohn bab. & they 〈◊〉 do for the first default to have their nettꝭ br●̄● And for the second default to have a yeries ●●sonmente and as they increase in oft trespassing so to have their pain increased And there shall be conseruatours assigned and sworn t● enquer thereof. w. two. ca xlviii ¶ The statute of westm/ second of samons ● Rivers shall be kept in all points & further that in the same time the salmon fry shall not be taken in mill ponds nor other places/ And th●t stallers and all engines whereby the fry offyssh may be destroyed shallbe put down vpo● the same pain/ & that the ryvets of lancastre shire shall be in defence for samons from saint Mychelꝭ day until the feast of the purification of our lady & in non other time of the year/ xiii. R. two. ca nineteen. ¶ justyces of peace shall be conseruatours of rivers & shall make under comeruatours which sh●l have half the fines/ & they shall survey the weirs that they be of reasonable bygnes and not to strait so that the fry offyssh be not destroyed/ and the said i●stice shall inquire of this in they● sessions and punish them/ and the mayre of ●●don shall have the oversight of thamies and misery according to his old right xvii R. two ca ●●. commissions shall be made to sufficient persons to be justice in every count of england where need shall be to survey and to keep the rivers & the great waters and to execute the statutes of them made as well by their surueyeng as by eng●nes●ꝭ to be takin within franchises and without and if any mills ponds weyries or other nusaunces be judged by them/ to be pulled down and he that hath the free hold thereof shall do it upon his own costs within a half year after notice to him gyvyn upon pain of. C. merke/ And he that maketh them again inlargyth them or streyteth them contrary to that ingement shall pay c mark i H. iiii. ca xii. ¶ commissions shall be assigned for to inquire of weirs and other nusaunces for destruction of fry of fishes/ and they shall deliver their estretis to the sheriff to levy it and to account in the exchequer/ and they shall take four s. a day of the same sheriff of the same estreties four H. iiii. c.xi ¶ They that fasten nets called stallers for continual store in thamies and other waters whereby the fry offysshe is destroyed shall lose for every default. C. s● The ii Hen. vi. capitulo ultimo. ¶ The chancellor may make commissyons for to reform def●ut of the river called lay which cometh from the town of ware unto thamis iii● H. vi. ca vi. ¶ The mayre of london & his successor shall have authority in all issues & creaks as far as the water ●f thamys ebbyth & flowyth from stanes bridge unto the water of yendale and midway to punish fishers for unlawful engines and nets except in the king's lands and other fra●ucheses iiii. H. seven. ca xv● right ¶ we shall sell to no man nor deny to no ma● nor defer no man right nor justice. magna. car. ca nineteen ¶ A wryt that is called praecipe in capite shallbe made to no man of any free hold where of a free m●̄ should lose his court/ magna cart. ca/ xxiiii ¶ The champion of the demandant sh●● not be constrained to swear that he saw the seysyn of his lord or his ancestor but the oth● shall be kept in all other poyntis. w. i ca xl. Roberies and felonies ¶ After a robbery or felony done/ fresh sewte shall be made from town to town. etc. and if need be inquestꝭ shall be made in towns/ hundredis ●raunches/ and counts/ so that the felons may be attaint & suffer execution. And if they be not taken than the people where such robberi was done as in hundred and franchises shall answer therefore. And if it be done between ii shires than both the shires. etc. within xl days if the misdoers be not taken Also none shall lodge any man but such as he will answer for/ & the bailiffs of towns shall inquire of such every week. Also watch shallbe made & kept from ascension tide till michaelmas in towns & borrows/ after the number of the inhabytauntꝭ continually all the night from son set to son rising/ And if any suspect stranger come by them/ he shallbe arrested and brought to the sheriff till he be delivered by dew order/ and every town adjoining shallbe aiding to other. Also the high ways of merket towns shall be enlarged/ where there is any woddis/ heggis/ ditches/ or bushes nigh the high way. CC. foot on the one side and CC. foot on the ohter side/ but this statute extendy●h ●at to okies nor great fustes and if the lord will ●at do thus & if any robberies or murder be do●e/ he shall answer therefore and make fine at the kings will. ¶ Also that in the high ways in the kings wood or park nigh the high ways it shall be done after the same manner/ or else that the lord shall make such wall ditch or hedge that the evil doers can not escape/ statut wynton ¶ For divers robberies done if any be suspect thereof weather it be by night or day he shall be arrested by the constables & delivered to the bailyf of the franchises or sheriff/ & there kept in prison till the coming of the justices of gayol deliver where the shyryffis shall return their inquestꝭ & upon that the justice shall proceed to the deliverance of them. The .v. E. iii. ca xiiii. Safeconduytis ¶ The clause of vidimus shall be put out in safe conduits and the names of the vessels owners and masters and the number of the mariners and of the burthon of the vessels shall be especyfyed in the save conduits xu H vi ca three ¶ Safeconduites shall be enrollid in the chancery else they be void twenty H. vi. ca i. Searchers ¶ Searches shall not have their office for term of life xvii. R. two. ca v. ¶ Searchers shall have the four penny of the goldꝭ and silver and money that is forfeit by cause of carrying out of the realm. And hostelers shall besworne to search their gests/ and shall have the four part that they find in their hosteryes to be carried out of the realm. And yet the serc●ours shall search the hostries and make informations of the defaults of the hostylers in that case. The ix E. iii. ca ix.x.x. ¶ Serchours that suffer goldꝭ or silver or other things to pass out of the realm without licence shall lose their office and their goods/ and shall have a yeries prysoment/ and he that espieth it shall have the one half. The .v. R. two. ca two. ¶ Searchers shall not let their office to farm nor take nothing for doing their office but that that shall be ordained by the king/ nor they shall ●●t be lodged with no merchant nor mariner upon pain to lose their office/ and to make fy●e and ransom. The four H. iiii. ca xxi. ¶ Searchers nor controllers of searchers shall take no brybies of merchants for weight nor other things/ but as they were wont of old time upon pain of. to the part grieved. And if he sew not within ii months/ he shall sew that will and recover. whereof the king shall have the one half. The xviii H. vi. ca v. ¶ The mayre of the staple shall be serchoure of merchandise of the staple carried to other places than to calais. And if he find any defecty● and thereof inform the kings counsel than he shall have the third part. The viii H. vi. ca nineteen. And in this case every man shall be a serchoure/ and shall have the one half. etc. The x. H. v●● ca seven. ¶ Look more for searches in the title customers and countrellers. sergeants of arms ¶ There shall be but xxx seriauntꝭ of armis with in the realm and that they shall do no extortion nor oppression to the people upon pain of losing their office and to make fine at the kings will and full grement with the part xiii R. two. capi. vi. Seal of the marches ¶ Every grant made by the king of any thing touching the yerldom of marchꝭ shall be insealed with the great seal of the chawceri & not with the seal of the marches four H. seven. ca xiiii. Severne ¶ especial remedy is given for trespass done by men of dene in severne to the comynalty of ●ewkysbery in the county of gloucest. viii. H. vi. ca xvii ¶ All the kings lege people shall have their passage upon Severn with boats trowes & other vessels to bristol gloucester & worcester and other placies as they have used & if they be disturbed they shall have a wryt of trespass ix H. vi. ca v. ¶ who so ever take any imposition for any boat trow or other vessel for any goods or merchaundyces carried in or upon the water of Severn shall forfeyt●. the third part thereof to the part ● will sew therefore by action of dettte/ and the other ii parties to the king in which action not wager of law protection nor esson nor other dylatorye bless to lie/ and if issue be joined in any such action tryable by the common law in the city of worcester or i● the liberties there of or in the shire of the town of gloucester/ than that to b● tried in the count of worcester or gloucester by xii men having no dwelling nor lands in the said city nor the subberbies thereof/ nor in the shire of the town of gloucester provided that this act be not prejudicial to any having lands nigh the said stream or water/ but they may t●ke reasonable recompense for such hurtis as they shall have by haling and drawing such bottꝭ and vessels over their lands. provided also that if any person before the f●est of the ascension that shall be in the year of our lord. M. v. c. v. can prove any title for him in the star chamber before the kings council and th●re admitted before the same day to have any such imposytion that that same title admitted and imposition/ and deutes there dec●●yd to stand in force from henceforth. The xix H. viii. ca xviii. ¶ Therefore look the act of counsel made in the star chamber for the town of Glowcester Sewers ¶ Commissyons of sewers shall be made by the Chancellor of England for the time being in all England after the order of the statute made the vi year of. H. vi. and that the commissioners have authority to make and excecute statutes and ordinances according to their commission vi H. viii. ca x. Sheep ¶ Sheep carried out of the realm but for vitelling of calece or marches of the same be forfeit/ iii. H. vi. ca two Seyntwaryes ¶ If a man alien his land and goods by collusion/ to the intent that he will leave there of and fleyth in to a place privileged if such collusion may be found/ his creditor shall have execution of his lands and goods i E. iii. ca vi In case that the debtors make gifts feoffementꝭ or deeds of their landis or goods & i'll in to placies privileged and take the profytties there of by long tyme. After anaccyon brought against them and capyas awarded if the sheriff return nihil for that cause/ a writ shall be granted with proclamation openly made by the sheriff at the gate of theseyntwary/ by .v. wekis continually ● every week ones/ that the same debtor come before the justice at the day and there to answer at which day if he come not judgement shall be given/ & execution as well of his lands and tenemeutes so given by collusion as of other/ but by this statute none shall be stopped to take his sewte as it was at the coming law ii R. two. st●● two. ca iii. ships and shipping ¶ He that shyppyth merchandise of the staple and bryngyth them not to the staple shall forfeit the value etc. & he that espieth it shall have the half/ & he that bringeth such merchandise in suspicious placis adjoining to the water & no indenture between them & the mat●r & constables of the town they be forfeit/ where of the lord of the town shall have the one half etc. & every one shall be serchour in this case. The xiiii H. vi. capitulo .v. ¶ Marchaundises of the staple shall not be shipped but at the keys stays and ports where the kings be●e & weyghtis be assigned/ And that every master of the ship shall find sufficient ●urty there to the customers to carry the same mar●haundyse to the staple of Calyce & bring a certificate from thence that he hath so done saving to the merchants of geane and venies/ their liberties. etc. The xv H. vi. ca ultimo. ¶ Every man that shyppeth will fell morling and shortlinge shall find surety to the customer of the port that heshal carry them to the staple of Calais. And when they come there the customer there shall at the request of the part within a xii month make to him a certificate wytnessing that the merchandise came to calyce/ so that the certyficat may be entered in the exchequer of record within the said xii months. and he that bringeth ●at in such a cercyfycat shall forfeit all the said wollis. etc. or ellis the prise. The one half to the king/ and the other half to the mayre of the staple the which mayre for his discharge shall have an action of det at his pleasure of the goods or the value. & if the customer within. viii● days after the request to him made by the part will not deliver such a certificate he shall forfeit to the part Provided that no person robbed upon the see & that provided by due proof shallbe grieved by this statute/ all though that he bring not in his certificate. And that provided also that the wools will fell morlyngys' or shorlyngꝭ growing between the waters of Lese and twede/ nurthumberland/ comberlaude/ westmer land/ durham/ rychmound shire/ and northalderton shire may be shyppid in the port of new castle upon tyne to pass at their pleasure/ this act not withstanding. The four E. iiii. ca two. ¶ If any ship any wollis at new castle that be not of the growing between tese & twed or of the counts of northumberlonde/ comberlonde/ westmer land/ durham rychmonde & northalderton shires/ he shall forfeit the double value/ & he that will sew by action of det shall recover that one half & the king the other half/ wherein neither protection nor wager of law shall lie. And every issue thereon taken shallbe try●d in the county of york The four E. iiii. ca iii. ¶ If any ship will or fell morling or shorling to any other place than to chalice if he be convict thereof he shallbe attaint as a fellow but they of westmerlande comberlaud/ nurthumberland/ durhan/ rychmounde/ allerton may ship at new castle & at none other place/ & carry them to berwik or to some other place named by the king/ & if they do to the contrary they shall be convict of felony The xiiii E. iiii. ca iii. ¶ ships shall not be forfeit for small things put in them not customid without licence of the owners of the ships. The xxxvii E. iii. ca viii ¶ He that shippeth merchandise in any other ship than of the kings legiaunce shall forfeit the merchandise so shipped/ and he that espieth it shall have the one half The .v. R. two. ca iii. ¶ For default of shippꝭ of the kings legiance men may ship in shyppis of alyons the vi R. two. ca viii ¶ None shall carry nor bring any win of gascoyne or gean or to lose wood in any ship/ but onli in english ships or ships of wales yreland berwyk or calyce & marches of the same/ & that the masters & mariners of the ship for the most part be of the same countries upon pain of forfeytor of the same wynꝭ & would the one half to the king/ their other half to him that seasyth it And that no english man freight in any staungers' ship if he may have a sufficient ship of england upon pain of forfeiter of the same goods The one half to the king and the other half to him that seasyth it. The iiii H. seven. ca ix. Look more for shepping and ships in titles of marchaundꝭ and of staple. Shyrffies and baylyffys ¶ sheriffs shall acquit lawfully the kings debtors for the det that they receive of them at the next account after. And that than the det shallbe allowed at the escheker. And if he do not he shall yield three times as much as he hath received & make fine at the kings will. w. i ca xxiiii. ¶ The sheriff shallbe chosen on all soulday in the exchequer by the chancellor treasurer & chief b●ron of the cheker calling to them the chief iugys' of both benches if they be present & that no sheriff shall abide in his office above one year. the xiiii E. c.viii ¶ No under sheriff nor clerk of sheriff shall abide in his office above a year. the xlii E. iii. ca ix. ¶ He that hath be sheriff one year shall not be i● the office within iii years next aft if there be an● other sufficient within the same count. the i R. two. ca xi. ¶ These said statutis of sheriff made the xiiii the xlii. E. iii. and the i R. two. shall be observed except the undersheryffes of London that now be and other sheriff & their clerks which have esta●● of frehold therein at this day And he that occu●eth against the said statutis except them befor● except shall forfeit. CC. li. yearly as long as 〈◊〉 occupieth. A●d that all patents & pardons from henceforth made to the contrary shall be void not withstanding any clause of non obstante. And he that will sew shall have the one half by wryt of det. & the king the other half. The xxiii Henr vi. cap●tulo viii ¶ No sheriff shall let to ●er●e his county nor any of his bayliwikꝭ/ nor weepen takes/ nor that the sheriffs baylyfis of franchises/ nor other bailiff return upon any wryt or precept to them direct to return any inquest in any panel there upon to be made any bailiff office servant or other of their office beforesaid in any panel by them so to be made. nor that none of the said officers or minister or ministers by action under colour of their office take any other thing by them or by any other to their use profit or avail of any person by them or by any of them to be arrested or attached/ nor o● non other by them for the letting of any arrest or attachement to be made by ●heir bodies/ or of any person by them by force or colour of their office ●o arrest/ or to attach by ●yne fee sewte of prison maympryse letting to ●ayle showing any case or favour to any such person so arrested or to be arrested for their re●arde or profit/ save only such as followeth/ ¶ That is to say for the shirif. xx.d. The bailif that made the arrest or attachment. iiii.d. And the gealour if the pnsoner be committed to his ward. iiii.d. And the sheriff undersheriff the sheriffs clerk/ steward or bailiff of franchises/ seriaunt bailif nor coroner shall not take by the colour of their office by themself/ nor by none other person to his use/ of any person for the making of any return or panel any thing and for the copy of the panel but. iiii.d. And that the said sheriff & all other officers & ministers beforsaid shall let out of person all manner of persons by them or any o● them arrested or to be arrested or being in their ward by force of any wryt bill or warrant of any action personell or by cause of indictment of trespass/ upon reasonable surety of sufficient parsons having sufficient within the same count where such parsons be so let to bail or main prise to keep their days in such places where the say● wryttes/ bills/ or warrants require/ snche persons that be or shall be in their ward by condemnation execution capias utlagac. or excommunication surety of peace and all such persons that shall be committed to ward by eshecy●● commandment of any justice/ & vacabounde● refusing to serve aft the form of the statute labourers onyly except. And that no sheriff nor 〈◊〉 minister nor office be foresaid take or do to be taken or made any obligation for any cause be foresaid or colour of their office only to the same persons nor by any person that be in their ward by the course of the law/ but in the name of their office/ and upon condition written that the said prisoner appear at the day and place contained in the said writs or warantꝭ/ and they that take any obligation in any other form by colour of their office/ than that to be void and he shall take no more for the making of such an obligation warrant or precept by him to be made but four pens. And also that every sheriff shall make yearly a depute in the kings courts of his Chancery Benches and eschekyr of record/ to receive of record all manner of writs and warantes to them to be delivered And that the shyryffs/ undershyriffꝭ clerk/ bailiff/ geal●r/ coroner/ steward/ bailiff of franchises or any other officers or ministers that do the contrary of this ordinance or any point thereof shall lose to the part grieved his triple damage & shall forfeit the sum of. for every time that they or any of them do the contrary hereof in any point whereof the king shall have the one half to be inployed to the use of his howsold & in no neither manner. And the ꝑty that will sew shall have the other half. and the justice of assize in their ce●siōs the justice of the one bench & of the other and the justice of pease in their countries shall have power to inquire here & detmyne by their office without especial commission upon all them that do the contrary of this ordinance or any article or point thereof. And if the said sheriffs return upon any person that he hath takin the body or that he hath yield him than they shall be chargeable to have the bodies of the said persons at the days of the return of the said writtis byllꝭ or warantꝭ or in such form as they were before the making of this statute. provided always that by this p●ēt ordinance the warden of the Flete and of the palace of westm. for the time being shall not be in dom●gy● in taking the duty of their office. the xxiii H. vi. c. x. ¶ The old sheriff ought to return all the writtis till that he have a write of discharge not with standing that a new sheriff be chosen. The xii E. iiii. ca i. ¶ It is agreed that every old sheriff have authority and power to execute/ and to return every writ precept or warrant to the kings court etc. and every thing to do that belongeth to a sheriff at all times during the terms of saint Mychel and saint hylary/ if he be not before that tym● lawfully discharged of the shirifwik. The xvii. E. two. capitulo vii ¶ The sheriff aught to receive wryttis in plain count or in other place within the count. And that he shall make a bill thereof. The ii E. iii. ca v ¶ No plaint shallbe entered i● the county/ but if the plaintiff be in court in proper person or by attorney well known & of good fame. Look more for shyriffꝭ in the title of turn of sherifꝭ/ that the playntif shall find pledges me well known in the country/ & that the plaintiff shall take but one plaint for a trespass or contract. & that the sheriff shall not enter any plaint but such as the plaintiff doth suppose that he hath cause of action. & if the sheriff undersheryff or shire clerk enter any plaint a 'gainst the ordynauns he shall lose xl s. the one half to him that will sew for the king by action of det or information in the exchequer. And the justice of pease/ & every of them upon complaint to them made by the part grieved have power to inquire of such defautis/ & if they find the sheriff or his officers guilty they shall lose xl s. to the king. The xi H. seven. ca xv. ¶ The bailiff of the frau●ches shall put his proper name upon his return/ and if the sheriff change the retor●e so delivered to him by an indenture/ and thereof ●e attaint at the sewt of the lord of the franchises he shall yield double damages as well to the part as to the lord statut eborum. ¶ Sheryff from henceforth shall not be charged of any issues ●o be levied before they go out of the escheker of estr●tys. etc. and that singular men shall be charged of those issues forfeit as of amercy●ent●/ And if the sheriff answer of the issues of any recogniso●●●leg or mainpuruiour by him 〈…〉 which at the time of the return 〈◊〉 not sufficient/ the sheriff shallbe thereof charged himself and if he return the names of any maynp●r●ey our burrous or any other but according to the tenor of the wryttis he shallbe punished no● he shall return the names of no pleggys' except the same pleggys' consent thereto. Statut de 〈◊〉 ca two. ¶ sheriffs that receive the kings dettis shall acquit the debtors at the next account so that they shall not come into no summons afterward. Statut de distruccyone skaccarij. ¶ No●e that is steward and or bailiff to a great ma● shall not be made Shyryf or executor of write●ꝭ which come to the sheriff but they shallbe made by the bailiffs and hundreders known and sworn in opyn county & not by none other but if there be a great default. etc. Statu. lincol. i●. E● two ¶ A sheriff shall not be in his office above a year xxviii E. iii. Ca seven. ¶ Commysyons shall not be made to shyryfis to take endytmentꝭ Eodem statut. ¶ Shyryfis shall have allowance in the exchequer upon their oaths of the issues of their count ● that shall account to the exchequer i H. iii. ca xi. ¶ sheriffs shallbe sworn to dwell upon their baylywykꝭ & that they shall not let their baylywykꝭ to farm four H. iiii. ca i. ¶ Shyryfis shall have no allowance upon their oaths of casualtes but of an●cion fens and demands as it hath be used before four H. v. ca two. ¶ The count of sussex shallbe holdyn at chycester one time and at jews another time always nineteen H. seven. ca xxiiii. savage ¶ If any mayre sheriff or other officer levy any custom of any of the kings subjects called savage or sewage of english merchant or denizins for any merchandises ●before trewli customid or distreyn them therefore or disturb them therefore he shall lose for every time so offending .xx li. the one half thereof to the king/ and the other half to the part that will sew therefore by action of det wherein neither wager of law protection nor esson shall lie. provided that this act extend not to the city of London/ but that they may take for savage such sommies as by the king and his counsel shall be determynid to be their right and title xix H. seven. ca viii. Silk ¶ That none bring in to this realm to be sold any silk wrought out of this realm by itself or with other stuf in rybandies lacies gyrdyls corces calls corces of tissue or points upon pain of for●eytor thereof or the value of the same in whose handis so ever they be found the one half thereof to the king the other half to him that s●asith it And that all parsons as well strangers as other may bring in all other manner silk as well wrought as raw or uwnrought to fell at their pleasure this act not withstanding The nineteen. H. seven. ca xxi Look for sealing of cloth of gold & of silver and of silk The xii E. iiii. capitulo iii Soldiers ¶ Sowldyars and shipmen shall have letters of their captain or of the towns where their aryue and that they shall be commanded to hold the high way toward their countries and if they do contrary that they shall be take & punished as vagabonds and he that receiveth them above a night in his house shall lose for every time. xii.d. nineteen. H. seven. ca xii. ¶ If any captain be retained in the kings service upon the see or beyond the see not having his number of soldiers as he shallbe retained & give not them their wagis as he shall receive of the king for them he shall for every such default forfeit all his goods & cattellꝭ to the king & his body to be imprisoned And that every captain ● petty captain pay to every soldier his wages within vi days after that he hath receivydit for him and if any souldy our being not captain retained immediately with the king take any priest to s●rue the king upon these or upon land or beyond the see depart out of service without l●cence of the kings lieutenant there that than such deꝑtyn● be felony & to have execution like a felon & to lose the bnfite of his clergy except he be with in orders And that the Instyce of pease have power to here and determine the premisses & that such departing and retaynou if it be traversed be tried in the same shire where they be for such causes arrested and arraigned. ¶ Provided that no captain be charges here by for his soldiers being deed or departing with out his default so that he show it to the kings lieutenant if he be at land wagis within ten days aft the departing or to the admiral of the navy at his next meeting if he be at the see wages. provided that this act extend not to captains and soldiers of Calyce hammys/ gynies rise bank/ berwik/ Wales/ or any other marches of the same. provided also that this act extend not to any captain for non payment of the kings wagis to any of his household servants or other to whom he shall daily find meat & drink during the said service of war● The iii H. viii. capitulo .v. ¶ Captains shall pay their soldiers their hole wagis without any thing abating but for their restures ten s. for a rob of a gentleman and vi s viii. d. for a ●oman upon pain. of. for a spear and. for a bow. The xviii H. vi. ca xviii. ¶ Soldiers that deꝑtyn before the end of their time shall be punished as felons/ & bailiffs & constables where they aryue shall put them under ●rest except they show letters of licence of their captains/ And justice of pease shall inquire & defmyne the premisses. The xviii H. vi. capit. ultimo. The vii H. seven. ca i. Southwerke ¶ He that hath dwelled at the stews shall be no comen hosteler nor taverner in sonth work// and justice of pease of the same county may inquire th●re of and punish them by fine a●d ransom xi h. vi. ca i. Staple ¶ The staple of wools/ ledyr/ will fell/ and lead shallbe holdyn/ that is to say for england at new castle upon tyne/ york ● lincoln/ norwich/ westmester/ caunterbur●/ cycester/ winchester/ and brystuyt and for wales/ at carmerdyn/ and for yrelande/ at develyn/ waterforde/ cork/ and drodaugh/ & that all the wools/ ledyr. etc. that shall be brought out of the said Realm and lands shallbe first brought to the said staples and the rew●yed by the kings standard And that every sack and sarpler of will so weighed be in sealyd with the mayors seal of the staple/ & testified by bill insealed with the seal of the said mayre etc. and they shallbe brought to the porties of yolk hul lincoln/ boston/ norwich/ greatiermouth westm. london cauntebury/ sand witch/ wy●●chester/ southampton/ and the said wools an●lede shall be weighed again by the kings custo●mers. And all the will & lead that shallbe brought to the ports of new castle/ cycester/ excest/ bri●●●uyt/ kermerdyn/ devylyn/ waterford drodaugh & cork shallbe but one's Weighed. and there shalb● an indenture made between the mayre of the st●●ple and the customers of the same will leader. & c● and customs and cornets & the customs thereof dew shallbe paid to the customers that is to say half a mark of a sake of will/ half a mar●● of. CCC. wolꝭ fellys/ and a mark of a last of ledyr etc. & the said merchandises/ shallbe brought beyond th● see by marchanntꝭ strangers that buy them/ and not by english men/ welsh/ noryrysshe. & that the said mayors & customers delay no man nor take no thing to do their office upon pain of impsonment/ & to pay the double that he hath taken of the part with the damages etc. And that they take an oath of the buyers that they shall keep no staple beyond the see of the same merchandise. The xxvii Edward ●iii. statut stapule capitulo ii ¶ No purveyor take goods nor cattellies nor carriage nor be'st of any merchant of the staple nor carriage coming nor going to the staple/ upon pain of death/ & such pryses that be within the bounds of the staple the ●aier shall have cognisance and make process after the law of the staple/ the same statute. ca iiii● & No justice shall have conysannce in the places where the courtis of the staple be of nothing belonging to ●he mayre and ministers of the staple/ eod statut capitulo .v. No herbenger of owrs dysloge any minister or remove any merchandise or other thing/ where the staple is upon pain to yield four times as moche● the same statut ca vi ¶ No licence shallbe granted to carry marcha●̄dyse of the staple out of the realm/ the same statute capitulo vii ¶ The mayre and constable shall have jurisdiccyon and conusance within the towns where the staples be & the suberbies of the same of the folk and all manner things touching the said staple after the law merchant/ and not after the common law● and that they be impleaded before the justice in plea of det covenant or trepasse touching the staple. And that they plead all persons as well them that be not of the staple that be there foun●e. And of contracts made between merchant and merchant or other whereof one part is of the staple whether the contract were within the staple or without and also of trespass made within the staple to ministers of the staple by any of them/ or by any strange person the plaintiff may choose whether he will sew in the staple or else where at the coming law so that in pleas touching the kings housolde that than the steward or his lieutenant/ and the marshal shall be with the said mayre and ministers of the stapl● to see the right there done if they list/ but pleas of land and freehold shall be at the common la/ but of felonies or maims made to the ministers of the staple or by them the mayor of the staple and other covenable folk shall be justice assygnid to here and to determine the felonies and maims within the said staple without delay. And if such misdoers be take within any franchises there shall be a wryt direct to make them to come before them/ and if he that hath them inward will not deliver he shall forfeit. C. li. to the king. And if any of the staple be inditid of felony or trespass done to any minister of the staple the indytement shall be sand before the said mayre and justice assigned to do right. And if the plea be moved before the mayre of the staple/ & if the one part and the other be strangers it shall be tried by strangers. And if they be both denyzins it shall be tried by denyzyns. And if the one ꝑty be denyzyn and the other alien the one half of the inquest or of the proves shallbe denyzyn● and the other half strangers. Thesame statute ca viii. but to that point is added that if there be not sufficient strangers than to take denizens. The xxviii E. ca xiii. ¶ Also that in every of the said estaples there shallbe a seal ordained abiding in the ward of the said mayre under the constables seal. & all the obligations that shall be made upon such reconusaunce shall be insealed with the said seal paying for every obligation of. C. li. & within of every li a half penny. And of every obligation above. C. li. of every li. a farthing. And that the mayre of the staple by utue of such letters so sealed may take and hold the bodies of the same debtors in prison after the day expired/ if he be found within the staple ● till they have made grewith the creditors for the same det and damages. And also to arrest the goods of the debtor found within the said staple and to deliver them to the creditor by true estimation or to sell them for as much as can be made & to deliver to the creditor the money thereof unto the same dew. & in case that the debtor be not found within staple nor their goods to the value of the det/ than it shallbe certified in the chauncere under the said seal/ upon which certificate there shall be a wryt send to take the body of the debtors without putting them to mainprize and to seize their lands and tenements goods and cattles/ and the wryt shall be returned in the chancery with the certificate of the value of the said landꝭ tenements goods and cattellies/ And theerupon shall ●e due execution made from day to day as is contained in the statute merchant/ so that he to whom the det is dew shall have an estate of free hold in the lands so delivered to him/ & shall recover in a writ of assize in case that he be put out/ & that the debtor shall not have the advantage of a quarter of a year as is conteinid in the statut merchant. thesam sta. c.ix ¶ if any mayor take any conisauns contrary to the form beforsaid he shall forfeit to the king the one half of the sum so received. The xu R. two. capitulo ix ¶ He that will carry will ledyr will feland lead that is between the see & te staple by bracies of the see in fresh waters shall make indenture with the bailifꝭ there etc. containing the quantity etc. whereof the one ꝑt shallbe put to the mayre of the staple. etc. and that such bailifꝭ shall take surety that they shall go to the staple etc. The xxvii E. iii. statut stapule ca xv. ¶ How ●ꝭ where the staple shall be shall not be let at to high a prise but by the mayor of the staple & by the oath of the neighbours they shall be let at a reasonable prise. the same statute ca xvi. ¶ In e●ery town where the staple is there shall be a mayre that knoweth the law merchant & ii constables at the beginning of the staple ordenid by the king. And when they be dee● there shall be other chosin by the commonalty of the marchantꝭ as well strangers as denizyns so that he be not mayre above one year but if he be newly chosin And there shallbe ordained a prison for the misdoers/ and the mayors bailiffs sheriffs of the town where the staple is or adjoining thereto shallbe attendant to the mair & ministers of the staple to execute their commandment under pain of a grievous forfeiter. And they shall hold their pleas of trespass and contractis after the law merchant ● And there shallbe a lord or another most sufficient of the country where the staple is assigned to eyed them & to assist them when he shall be required by the master and ministers. And if any merchant or other complain on the mayor or constables that they do not right it shallbe shortly redressid by the cauncellour & other of the kings counsel. And that the mayre nor constables make no imterptation of this act other wise than the words be/ & if any doubt fall it shall be shewy● to the kings council and there declared by good advise. The same statut. ca xxi. ¶ Also there shall be a certain number of correctors in the staple aswell of strangers as denyzyns to record bargains between merchant & merchant. Thesame sta. ca xxii. ¶ Also ports/ packs/ wynders/ and all ministers of the staple shallbe sworn before the mayor and constables that they shall be dyr●ctyd by the law of the staple. And the mayor and constables shallbe sworn in the chancery to do rightfully their office. The same sta. ca xxiii ¶ Also that two merchant strangers one toward the north/ another toward the so●th shall be assigned to sit with the mayor and constables to h●re the complayntꝭ of marchawtꝭ alyon●/ to see that right be done/ so that thayr coming l●● not the mayre and constables to proceed. And if they come and discord happen to come between them and the mayor and constables in any quarrel the tenor of the quarrel shallbe send before the chancellor and other of the kings counsel and there determined. And also there shallbe vi. merchants/ that is to say ii Almains ii lombards/ and ii english men to see reasonable pakking and other things after their bargains/ & by their oath to report to the mayor & ministers. etc. and credence shallbe given thereto without contradiccion. Thesame statut. ca xxiv. ¶ If any make conspiracy or other engine that may torn to the disturbance or hurt of the said estaples or any thing belonging to them and thereof be attaint before the mayre & ministers of ●he staple or other thereto assigned upon pain contained in the said statute ca iii. which is expr●ssyd before in the title of merchants/ but the pain of death is put out by another statute. The xxxvi E three ca v ¶ Also such a staple as is before rehearsed shallbe at kyngston upon hull. The xxviii E. stat. ꝑ se. ¶ The fees of the mayre & constables of the staple be limited as followeth/ that is to say the mayre of the staple of westm shall take. C. li. and every constable there. the mayre of Lincoln xx. mark/ and every constable there ten mark. The mayre of york/ kyngstone upon hul●e norwich and winchester/ every one of them twenty powde and every constable there. C. s. ¶ The mayre of new castle upon tyne/ cyceft & excester every one of them. and every constable there .v. mark. And if any of mayor or constables beforesaid after they be choose by the m●●chaūtꝭ refuse to occupy/ they shall pay to the company as much as their fees amonnt unto/ ●y th● year. And that iii d. of every sack be levied to pay such fees. the xxviii E. three sta. ꝑ● se. ¶ No show nor coming of wools shallbe with in three mile of the staple save that every man may show & sell that that is of his own growing The xxviii E. iii. sta. iii. ¶ The staple of westminster shall begin his bounds at the temple bar/ and shall extend to tu● hill/ and in all other cities & towns the boū●ꝭ shallbe within the wallys if it be a walled town or else thorough out all the town/ the xxviii. E. iii. sta. three ca ultimo. Also no will brought to besolde shall lie within three mile of the staple. the xxxi E. ca viii. ¶ Mayer and constables of the staple shall have conusance only of debts covenauntꝭ & contractis and of all other pleas touching merchandise and surety of merchants between merchant and merchant and process of felonies & all other pl●es as well within the staple as without shallbe at the common law save that merchants strangers may sew their playnties & quarrels as well trespass as other within the staple/ or at the common law. etc. save that the mayre of the staple hath power to take knowledge of every parson●. The xxxvi. E. iii. capitulo vi ¶ english merchants shall carry no merchandise of the staple out of the realm upon pain of forfeiter of the ships. The xliii E. iii. ca i. ¶ The staple was removed from myddilborow to calyce. The xii R. two. ca ultimo ¶ Every office and minister of the staple shall be s●o●ne in every p●ace where the staple is first to the king & after to the staple. The xiiii R. two captiulum ii & No merchandise of the staple shallbe brought beyond the see until it be first brought to the staple upon pain of for feytour of the marchan̄d●●e/ if it be not by the kings licence but by them th●t be except the ii R. two. ca iii. in merchants a●● in the ii of. H. v. statut. two. in wools/ as it is there rehearsed. And that every one that carrieth such merchandises out of the realm shall find surety to the customers to bryuge them to she staple. The xiiii R. two. ca v. ¶ The hole repair of merchandise of the staple and shotentyngoing out of England/ yrelande and walys shallbe at Calyce upon pain of forfeiter of the value &c. except they have licence/ except to the west ꝑt that is before except. the two. R. two. ca iii. And that no licence be granted to the contrary except for wools/ will fell/ & ledyr of northumberlonde/ westmerlande/ cumberland and the bisshoprich of Durham/ saving the kings prerogatyff. and if they ship any other wools under colour thereof they shallbe forfeit And he that espieth it shall have the four part after notyce made to the treasurer of England. The ii H. vi. ca iiii. ¶ The town of melcombe in the county of dorset shallbe a port to ship merchandise of the staple. the vi H. vi. ca vi. ¶ He that bringeth merchandise of the staple to any other place than to calyce shall forfeit the double value thereof/ and shall be in prison by ii year. And he that informyth the treasurer there of shall have the third penny when he is convict & he shall be convict by examination save that merchants of Gean/ venies tuskeyne/ lombardy/ florence/ and cateloyne may ship wollis/ will fell/ ledyr lead/ and tin in their ships/ carrekkys/ galeys and other vesselies/ and then bring to their countries toward the west/ and saving to the burgeys oh Berwyck their pryvylegys'. The viii H vi. ca xviii. ¶ The ship that bringeth merchandise of the staple to any other where than to Calais and the goods of the master in the same ship found be forfeit. And the mayre of the staple shall be sercheour in such case and shall have the third ꝑt●. The same statute. ca xxiiii. ¶ Licence made to men of New castle and berwyk to carry merchandise of the staple to other place than to the staple is repelled. The same statute ca xxvi ¶ He that careth merchandises of the staple into Scotland hall lose the double value there of. And shall have the prysoment of a year. the same statute ca xvi. ¶ Reconusaunce made before the mayor & constables of the staple of calies shall be excecute in england. The ten H. vi. ca i ¶ Every one shall beserchour of the merchandise of the staple carried to other placies than to the staple/ and such merchandises shall be forfeit/ and he that espieth it shall have the o●e half by the discretion of the treasurer and barons of the chekyr. the ten of Henry the vi statutum ꝑse. ¶ He that bringeth merchandise of the staple to any other place than to calyce with out licence shallbe punished as a felon except wollis that pass the streytꝭ of merrok. The xviii h. vi. capi. xv. ¶ The partition that is ordained in the staple of Calyce was out for vii yeris/ Und that the third part of the prize of the wollis shallbe brought to the mint in bully on the xx. h. vi. ca ultimo ¶ It is agreed that the pain of death be put out in all statutes of the staple. And that all the forfeytours of lands and ●enemetes goods and cattles shallbe in his force. the xxxviii E. iii. c●pi vi. a●d the warrant of packing is put out the xxviii E. three ca viii. ¶ Look more for the staple in the title of marc●aūdyses and in the title of wollis and in the ●ytle of shiping ¶ Note well all these foresaid statutes for sum of the last repel some of the first in divers points. Staute merchant ¶ The merchant shall make his debtor to come before the mayre of London or other keeper of the town and before the clerk thereto ordained by the king and to make recongnysaunce of the debt which shall be enrolled in two rolls whereof one shall abide with the mayre or garden and the other with the clerk And the clerk shall writ the obligation with his hand to the which the debt shall put to his seal and the king seal shall be thereto which shallbe in two pieces whereof the bigger part shall remain with the mayre or warden & the other with the clerk. & at the day assigned passed the mayre or warden shall take the body of the debtor if he be a ley man and found in his ward and shall deliver him to the prison of the town if there be any there & to abide upon his own proper costis till he hath paid the det. And if the warden of the prison will not rece●ue him he shall answer the det if he have where with. & if he have not wherewith than he that committed the keeping of the prison to him. & if the debtor be not found in his baylywyke than the mayre or bailiff shall send under the foresaid ●eale the said recongn●saūce in to the chancery And the chancellor shall send a wryt to the sheriff where the debt is to take his body if he be a lay man & to put him in pson ut sup̄. And within a quarter of a year after that he is taken his landis and goodis shall be delivered unto him so that he may leue● the det/ and the sale made of the landis and goods shallbe good. And if he agree not with in a quart of a year all his landis and goodis shall ●e deliver ● to the merchant by reasonable extent ●o hold till the det be paid. and not with standing ●he body of the debtor shall abide in prison and ●he merchant shall find him bred and water. And if the merchant be put out of the landies he ●hal have assize of novel dysseysyn as of his foretold & redysseysin if he be deceased again And the wryt of execution shallbe returnable in the coming place. etc. And if it be returned that he is not found & if he be no clerk the merchant shall have wryttis to all the shyryffis where he hath any landꝭ to deliver all his hands goods & cattles by reasonable extent as is beforesaid. and not withstanding he shall have a wryt to take his body. etc. & the merchant shall have his reasonable in prowmentes etc. And if the debtor find pleggꝭ which know legyth them to be principal debtor it shallbe done of them as of the pryncypal. etc. And the merchant shall have all the landies that were in the debtors hands the day of the recongnisaunce made in whose hands so ever they come by feoffment or other manner. & if the debtor or his pledges die the merchant shall have the land of the heir if he be of age. etc. & there shall be purveyed another s●ale that shallbe send to everifayre by a clerk sworue & by the wardens of the feyre by the commynaltꝭ of the merchants there shallbe ii merchants chosin of london or of york & one part of the seal shall by delivered to the said merchants or to one of them & the recongnysaunce shallbe made as is beforesaid. and for to sustain the costs of the said clerk the king shall take of every pound. i.d. except in fairs & marketties where he shall take of pound. i.d. ob. and this statute shall be holdyn in all england wales and yreland among all people except jews The staute de marcatoribus And by the statut of action bornel if the preisours of the movable goods praise them to high a prize in favour of the debtor the movables shall be delivered to the praysours by the same prize & they shall answer maintenaunt the det to the creditor etc. Also the statute of action bornel will that the merchant shall find him bred and water ut supra And furthermore that the detor shall pay his costs before he go out of prison And the merchant stranger shall find him nothing &c. and so the execution is given by this statute of action etc. The statute of action bornel was made the xi E. i. and the statute of marchnunte was made the xiii. E. i. ¶ The clerk of the statute merchant shall tarry improper person to do his office and shall have land ●uffycyente in the city or borrow to answer to every one if he do amiss the xiiii E/ iii ca x ¶ when a statute merchant cometh in to the chancery and thereupon a writ to the shirif that is ●etornid in the coming place and the statute there ●ns showed how be it that execution be discō●ynuyd after the justice shall award execution without having any more sight of the statute of the obligation the v hen. iiii. ca xii. Stelyarde ¶ That every act here to for made not concerning marchannties or merchandise or other waris ●e not prejudicial to the mar●hauutys of the steel yard contrary to their ancient privileges libertes free usagys' and customis of old time to them granted and confirmed by the kings grace provided that this act be not prejudicial to the mayre sheriff cytyzyns or commonalty of london for any privylegys' or other thing to them granted by the kings progenitors or predecessors. kings or by authority of parliament the xix h. seven. ca xxiii stocks ¶ Stockis shallbe in every town xxv. E. iii. ca two. Stockis shallbe made in every town upon pain of. C. s. seven. h. iiii. ca xvii Sub pena ¶ The defendant wrongfully vexed by false suggestion before the kings council in the chauncerye shall recover his damages The xvii R. two. ca vi. ¶ No wryt of sub pena shallbe granted till the surety be found to satisfy the part grieved for his damages if the matter in the bill be not proved. The xu H. vi. ca iiii. Swannys ¶ No man may have swannies and signettꝭ nor no nother to his use if he have not lands & tenymenties of free hold to the yearly value of umnke. And if any do the contrary it shallbe lawful for every of the kings legys' to lease them. And he shall have the one half & the king the other half The xxii E. iiii. ca vi. Surgeons ¶ That all that be of the felisshyp and mystry of ●urgeons in london shallbe discharged of watch and all manner offices of bearing armour & of inqnesties and iurris in londou and also that this ●ct extend to ●arbours surgeons admitted so 〈◊〉 they exceed ne be at one time above the number of xii persons The .v. h. viii. ca vi. surety ¶ Men suspect shall find surety to be of good abering xxxiiii E. iii. ca i. ¶ Uacabondes and beggars hole of body shall find surety of good abering vii R. two. ca v. ¶ Surety of double shall not be for the kings det xiii R. two. ca xiiii. Tanners ¶ Look for tanner's in the title coriers. Taxes. ¶ we have granted for us and our heirs/ archbysshoppies bishops abbottis priors yerlys barons and all the commonalty of the realm/ that for no maver of business we shall take no manner of eyed gathering nor taxes of our realm/ but by the common assent of all the ream/ save only old eyed dew and acustomed/ And where tha● eydies have be granted to us/ by the common a●●sent of the relame before this time of their good wills/ that we shall not draw that in t● a custom from hens forward/ Also who have released the male torte. s. the evil wrong of wools saving to us the customys of the wools fellys and ledyr of old time granted by the commonalty of the same ream/ Statut d● confirmacione cartarum alias dict. super additio car●tarum. And the king hath granted to all bishops that twice in a year they may curse all men doing against these articles. ¶ No tallage nor aid shallbe put by us or leveid without common a assent of archebisshopꝭ bishops & other prelates yerles baronꝭ knights burgesses and other free men of the ream nor none of ●ure ministers shall take corn will leader or other goods without assent of him that owe them nor no thing be take in the name or by the occasion of m●●etolte of the sake of wool/ we will also 〈◊〉 all clerks and lay men of our ream have thayr lawful liberties and free customys as f●●●y as they have been before used And if any sta●utꝭ made by us or our ancestors or be brought 〈◊〉 by customys against any article in this pr●●ent charter we will an● grant that those cus●omys and statutis be void for ever and of none effect. Statut. de tallagio. ¶ A foreign shallbe taxid at the xv. in the town where his goods were at the time of the grant of the tax so that he be not charged ii times ix H. iiii. ca seven. Takers of profettis ¶ The dysseyses shall have their recover against the dysseysours which make alienation to persons unknown by fraunde● so that they begin their suit within the year after the dysseysyn & shall recover their double damagis and thi● statute holdeth place in every other action in plea of land where such feffementꝭ be made by fraud &c. to have their recovery against the first feoffor and his statute ought to be understand where such feffours take these profetties A. i. R● two. ca ix ¶ Such dysseysees shall have an action against the first dysseysour during the life of the dysseysour where such dysseysour taketh the profytꝭ at the time of the suit begun ● and in other pl●e of land the demandant shall begin his sewte within a year after the action to him grown three. H. iiii. ca seven. ¶ And all these writs founded upon thassyse of no diss. the dysseysem have their recover against the dysseysours or against their feffeem as well as in action of no dyss. so that the same disse●sours or their feff●em aginnst whom the writ is brought take the ꝓfettꝭ at the time of the purchasing of the writ not withstanding the fefment made or given for to delay the demaundauntes. A. xi. H. vi. ca iii. ¶ If the tenaunte for term of life or yeries let their estatue to parsons unknown and they themself take the profities the lessour shall have ●n action of waist against them so taking the profyttꝭ/ if they were before the grant ponysshable of waist xi H. vi. ca v. ¶ A form done shall be mayntynable against the takers of the profettis where parsonꝭ unknown be insessyd to their use and the takers shall have their voucher view eyed prayer and age as well as they were tenants in deed and the recovers against them and their heirs as strong as they had be tenants of the free hold at any time of the said action used i H. seven.. ca i. Tellers of new tythyngꝭ ¶ A teller of new tidings whereof discords or slanders may grow between the king and his people or the great men of the realm shall be take and put in prison till he hath found and brought into the kings court him that showed him the tale. w. i ca xxxiii. ¶ Tellers of false news and falls messagys' of prelatties of lords of justices and other great officers of the realm whereby debate or discord may 〈◊〉 shall be inprysoned till he have found him of whom the tale was showed. The ii R. two. ca v. ¶ If a teller of new dydynges can not bring forth his author he shall be punished by the advise of the kings council. The xii R. two. capitulo xi Temporaltes ¶ Temporaltyes of the bishop shall not be seisid without cause & judgement given there upon xliii. E iii. ꝓ clero. ¶ where temporaltes shallbe seisid for a contempt doen to the king the iugis before whom &c. shall put reasonable fine for such contempt xxv. E. iii. ꝓ. cle ca vji ¶ The temporaltes shallbe kept by the chapters & covent without waist xiiii E. iii. ca ultimo. Templars ¶ All the knights of the temple were destroyed for heresy & afterward. s. xvii. E. iii. all their landis were given by authority of the parliament to the order of the hospital of seit Iohn for to maintain the christen faith as they were given to the templars at the beginning not withstanding that it was a good intent in the same parliament that the same landis should escheat to the lords. sta. templar Tenure ¶ It is lawful to every free man to sell his land or part thereof at his will so that he that is infeffid holdeth it of the chief lord by the same service that the feoffor first held it/ & if he alien part the feoff shall be charged according to his part/ this statute holdeth place of lands in fee simple only/ and that this statute be not prevydycial to the statute fo mort mainsta. quia. emptores tarrarum. Chrommys ¶ none shall carry thrommies nor woollen yaren under the colour of thrommies out of the realm upon pain of forfeiter the double value The viii h. vi. ca xxiii. Tyndalle ¶ All the lands in south● & northtyndale shallbe gyldable & annexid to the count of northumber landis & the kings wryt and all warantes and precepts of justice of peasse and other officers of northumberiond shallbe there obeyed xi H. seven. c.ix Tiles ¶ Look for tiles in the title weightis & misures. Tyn ¶ A man may charge tin where it pleaseth him but the discharge shallbe at chalice oily the xv R two c.viii ¶ Passage of tin out of the realm shall be at the porten of derthmouth & no other where. the xiiii R. two. ca seven ¶ Look more fortin in the title of merchauntꝭ and staple. Toll ¶ if owtragyous toll be take in a town merchant if it be the kings town let to fee firm/ the king shall take franchises of the market into his hand/ and if it be done by a lord of a town the king shall do in like manner. w. i Ca thirty. ¶ Toll shall be take after the strength of the course of the wat as of the xx. corn & the measure whereby it shallbe take shall agree with the kings m●sure by strykell and not by heap. The statute of the assize of breed and ale. Turn of shyryffis ¶ sheriffs or bailiffs may take presentmentꝭ or indytmenties before them in their turn but they may make no sign nor award no ꝓces thereon upon pain of. C. li. the one half thereof to the king and the other half to the part grieved but they must certify that presentment to the justice of pease at the next cessyons upon pain of. And they shall award thereon ꝓces as the law will but this act shall not be piudicial to the city of london nor to lord of any franchises which hath the kings patent thereof or else hath it by title of prescription The i E. iiii. capitulo primo ¶ No bailiff nor other office shall return in an●●urne non but such as be of good fame & that have lands of free hold within the same count to the yearly value of twenty s. or copy hold to xxvi s viii. d. at the least. & he that returneth any contrary to this ordinance shall lose for every person not being so su●fycyent xl s. as oft as h● so off●ndyth. And the sheriff other xl s. And who that will shall sew there fore by action of debt as well against the said sheriff as bailiff/ the one half so recovered to the king & the other half to himself wherein neither e●su nor protection shall lie. and every indictment in any turn other wise take to be void. The i R. iii. ca iiii. ¶ No sheriff nor constable shall hold their torn but twis in a year & in a place acustomid. S. one's aft ester and another time aft mychelmas. etc. & the view of frankpleg shallbe than at the torn of myghelmas. etc. & no count shall be holdin but from month to month & in the country where more longer time hath be used it shall be so continued magna carta. ca xxxv. ¶ Archbysshopꝭ bysshoppis abbotꝭ prior's counts barons nor men of religion nor women shall not con to the shiryffꝭ torn also men shall not come to the shyryffis torn which have lands in divers hondredys' marlbryg. ca x. ¶ The sheriff shall hold his torn whitises a monyth after Easter & the other within a month aft mychelmas or else he shall lose his torn for the time xxxi E. iii. ca xiv Travers ¶ The part shall have his travers to the office whereby it is found that the kings tenant did alien without licence or that he held of the king by knygtes service & died his heir being within age/ the record shallbe send in to the kings bench and there tried xxxiiii E. iii. ca xiiii. ¶ if the escheator seize any landies in the kings hands by inquest of office if any man put claim thereto. The escheator shall send the same inquisition in to the chancery within a month aft that land s●sayd. And that a wryt shallbe delivered him to certify the cause of the seasour in the chancery And there without delay to travers the ofice or else to show his right. And in case that any come before the chancellor & show his right by good evidences that the chawcellor shall let the land unto him yielding the value to the king finding surety that he shall do no was● till that it be judged the. xxxvi● E. iii. ca xiii. This statute is enlarged the i h. viii. ca x. And iii months respite given to any man that will make claim ¶ Look more for this in the title of escheator. Tonnage & poundage ¶ if any merchandise be shipped to be carried beyond the see or brought from thence in to this realm and there put to land at any port the subcidye and tonnage and poundage dew to the king not paid nor agreed with the colectour therefore than the said merchandises to be forfeited to the king the xii E. iiii. to endure the kings life This act is confirmed the vi h. viii. ca xiiii. To endure during the kings life. Look more for this in the title of custom & look for subsyde & poundage. The xii E. iiii. ca iii. Treason ¶ when a man compasseth or imagineth the death of the king or of the queen his wife or of his eldest son and heir or if any defoil the queen or the kings eldest daughter not married or the wife of the kings eldest son and heir and if a man levy war against the king in his realm or be adherent to the kings enemies in the realm or h●lpe them or comfort them in the realm or else where And thereof provabli be attaint of open deed by people of his degree and condition. A●d if a man counterfeit the kings great seal or his money or if a man b●ynge any false money in to this realm counterfeit to the money of yngland knowing the money to be falls for any marchaū●y●e or payment made in deceit of the king & his people/ And if any man slay the chancellor treasurer or the kings justice of the one bench or other justice meyre or assize and all justices assyned of other and determyner being in their placies in doing their office. And it is to understand that these cases before said aught to be judged treason for they extend to our sovereign lord the king and to his royal majesty and of such manner treason the forfeiter of the escheties be long to the king as well of landis & tenementis holden of other lord as of the king himself. And with this there is another manner of treason that is to say when the servant slayeth his master the wife that slayeth her husband a secular or a religious man that slayeth his prelate to whom he oweth faith and obeisance and such manner of treason giveth the forfeit of the eschetꝭ to every lord of the fee. And because that many other causes of like treason may fall in time to come whereof men can not think nor declare at this tyme. It is agreed that if any other cause supposed to be treason that be not specified happen to fall of new before any justice The justice shall tarry without going to judgement of the treason till the case be showed and declared before the king and his parliament whether it be treason or other felony. The xxv E. iii statut. de prodic. ca two. ¶ This statute was confirmed i H. iiii. ca x. ¶ Clipping washing filing of money is declared for treason the iii H. v. statut. two. ca u.i. & it seemeth to be grand treason for the statute saith that he is a traitor to the king and his realm. ¶ Brenning of howsyn but if he would give them a certain some of money/ is made treason saving to the lords the escheties. The viii H. vi. ca vi. ¶ Breaking of truce is made treason and safe condyties also. The/ two. H. v. ca vi. ¶ See the statute for divers causes. ¶ Forging and counterfeiting of coin of another land is made treason as well as counterfeiting the coin of this land. The four henry seven. ca xviii. ¶ who so ever that doth compass or purpose the death of the king or to depose him or to yield up his league homage/ And he that leaveth people and rideth against the king to make war within his realm and there of is attaint in parliament shallbe adiudgid a trajtour of high treason and shall forfeit to the king all his landis that he hath or any other to his use as well fee simple as fee tail ¶ But this statute extendith not to landis whereof any that doth scuh forfeit is scasid to an other use. The xxi R. two. ca iii. ¶ Breaking of truces and save conduits is adjudged haut treasō●he ii H. v. ca vi. Trespass ¶ No man shall do no remengement nor take distress without order of the kings court though he have had hurt & injury upon pain to make fine aft the quantity of the trespass. mlebr. ca i. ¶ Mysdoers in parks and waren shall make great amends and have inprysonment of iii verys and shallbe fined at the kings will if they have whereof and shall find good surety to do no more hurt and if they have not whereof/ after iii year they shall find the same surety/ and if they can not they shall abjure the realm/ and if the part sew not within a year the king shall have the sewte and process of outlarye/ and if such misdoers take any tame beasts or other things in ꝑke it is felony. w. i ca xx ¶ Of a woman take away with her husbandꝭ goods the king shall have the sewte/ he that taketh a nun from her house though she consent shall have three yeries prisonment & shall make satisfaction to the house and make fine at the kings will. w two. ca xxxiiii. ¶ A man shall not have an action of trespass before the justice except that he depose by his faith that the goods take away be worth. xl shylynges at the lest/ and if he complain of battery to depose by his faith that his complaint is true/ Glouc. ca viii. truces ¶ The brekers of truces and save condyties been ●●iuggyd haut treason and in every port there shallbe a conserua●our that hath. of land by year to inquire of such brekers upon the see by authority of the kings letters and the admyralꝭ commission to here and to determine as the admirals have used saving to the admiral the determination of the death of man to inquire by the people of the shire/ And that ii men learned in the law shallbe associate to him to make delyue●aunce of them that be endited for felonies done in the counts out of the see saving the franchises of the .v. ports ● where there shall be like conservators ii H. v. ca vi. ¶ The chancellor of england shall call to him one of the iuggys' and shall determine breaking of trewsies and saufcondutes upon a certain form xxix H. vi. ca iiii. ¶ All actis and statutes made before the four day of march the first year of king. E. the four and ●ot repelled against brekers of truce or save cō●uytꝭ been confirmed xiiii E. iiii. ca iiii. but the statute of ii H. v. made against such offenders is except from this statute. Trial ¶ Of the equality of name of a pa●son presented to a benefice/ the examination ꝑteynyth to the spiritual iugestat vocatu rarti●clo cler. if a relen or deed be pledid in bar in assize or other pleas of land or in actions upon a grant covenant or trespass being date within any franchises where the kings wryt runneth not it shall be tried in the count where the action is brought/ and if witness be in the deed ꝓces shallbe made in the same count & also if they come not at the grand distress the inquest shall be take ix E. iii. ca iiii ¶ Bastardye alleged in him that is borne beyond the see shallbe tried by the ordinary of the place where the action is brought xxv E. iii. ca ultimo/ Stat de partibus transmarinis. ¶ The issue whether a prior by datiffe & removable or perpetual shallbe tried by the byssop ix R i● capitulo iiii. ¶ Trial where an alyon is ꝑty shallbe of the hal● of his tongue & if both ꝑtes be alyens all the trial shallbe by alyens xxviii E. three ca xiii. not withsta●●dyng that they that pass in the inquest have no land● viii. H. vi. ca vl. ¶ The mayre of the staple shall have an action o●●det against him that shippyth wollis to any other place than to calyce & every issue iyonyd in this ac●ciō shallbe tried in the count where the wools were shipped but if the issue be taken upon the certificate of the customer of calyce/ than that shall be tried in the county where the eschekyr is four E. iiij ca two. ¶ Look in the title of shipping of wools how the issue shallbe tried in the count of york four E. iiii. ca iii. watermen ¶ Look for that in the title boatmen. Uacabundys & beggars ¶ No man shall give alms to beggars that be strong and able to work upon pain of imprisonment The xxiij E. iii. ca ultimo. ¶ Beggars that be strong and hold of body shall be compelled to work and beggars that depart out of their hundred cite or borrow without letters testimony all it shallbe done to them as of labourers that pass out of the hundred etc. Also heremyties and religious beggars shall have letters of their ordinaries and cierkies letters of the university The twelve R. two. ca vi. ¶ Beggars that have be in prison beiond the see shall have letters of their captains or of the towns where they arrived and shall be sworn to go the next way to their countries. The xii R. two. ca seven. ¶ justice of pease and assyseꝭ shall inquire of vacabundys' loiterers and faitors and them to punish and as well the same justice as mayrys bailiffs & constablꝭ & other governors of towns and placies where such come may examine them and compel them to find surety of there good abering and other wise commit them to the next geale till the coming of the justice of deliverance and they have power to do of them as they shall think convenient The vii R. two. ca v. ¶ Mayres shrevys bailiffs and other officers and rulers of cities and towns shall take vacabundies idle and suspect parsons and them to pute in stocks there to abide iii nights with breed and water/ and after iii nights they shall be commanded to a void the town And if they offend again they shall abide in stocks by iii days with the foresaid diet. and he that giveth them any other sustenauns shall forfeit for every time. xii.d. And that every beggar that may not labour shall go in to the hundred where he dwelled last or where he is most known or where he was borne within vi weeks after proclamation of this statute made there to abide. And ●f any beg in any other place after that he shall be punished as it is before said. And that none be excused for that/ that he his a clerk of the university or shipman except that he show the letter of the chancellor of the university of his captain or of the town where he came to land. & if he have such letters he shall be commanded to go to his country. And if any such vacabundies tari in any cite or town by the space of a day not punished And such office hath notyce of him than that office shall forseyt for every time. xx.d. ¶ And that lords in their lets and sheriffs in their turnies shall inquire thereof and take the amarcyament for every default. xx.d. And if it be in a city that hath mayre and aldermen that than the alderman of the place where such default is shall take the advantage to his own use. And that every one that is entitled to have such pe●alte may dystrayn. etc. & further more by this statute the imprysoment that is given by the statu●● Ryc. is put out. The xi h. seven. ca two. This ac●e ●s confirmed. The xix h. seven. ca x. And thereto ●●largyd and added than if any keep any such beggars in his house over one night to forfeit xii. d. And also if the office examine not such beggars but suffer them go unpunished as is beforsayde to forfeit therefore iii s. iiii. d. And the lord of the let or sheriff in his turn or alderman as is beforfayde to take the mercyament therefore iii. s. iiii. d. And to distran therefore. And that the chancellor the treasurer the two chief iuggꝭ the chyf baron of the eschekyr the justice of assize in their cyrcuities to examine the said officers defectyfe and to put them to such punishment as though they were convict by due ꝓces of the law & the steward treasurer & controller of the kings house have like authority within the p̄cic● of the verge and the mayre and every alderman in the city of london within his ward/ ꝓuydid that the dyminicyon of punishment of vacabundies shallbe for women with child and men & women in great sickness and impotent above the age o● lx. years by the discretion of them that have au●●toryte. And the iustycis of the pease within thei● shire and the mayre sheriffs and bailiffs in thei● jurisdiction to make search of these four timer in the year that is to say every quat once & to see dew● execution done as is beforesaid. The xix h seven. c● xii. ¶ And that the justice of pease mayors baylyffies & stywardies of franchises have power to search and examine it by the country and by thyer dyscressyons. The xi h. vi. ca xii Look for warden of the fleet in the title of escape. wager of law ¶ No bailiff shall put any man to wage his law opynly without witness. magna carta. ca xxviii ¶ A man shall have his law against papirs of london xxxviii E. iii. ca v. In det upon the arreragys' of account the plaintiff or the deffendaunt shallbe examinid by some judge before whom &c. & upon that by their discretion the defendants shall do thyer law .v. ●h. viii ca seven. Attorney ¶ All abbotꝭ & prior's in every hundred wapentak or court baron by their attorne is made by their co●ent seal shall pled all pleas for them. & the stuward ● every such court shall receive such atorneis vpō●ain of. xl.i in. & the abot of founteins shall do his ●aw by one of his monkꝭ or by atturnei with fernandes but the attorney must have his warrant ●nder the covent seal. and the stuwarde that refustth to take his law in such manner shall lose for every time/ and he that sewyth shall have the half. x●xiii. H. vi. ca vi war ¶ No man shall be charged to arm himself otherwise than hath be used in times past/ & that none shallbe distrained to go out of their counts/ but because of necessity of sudden coming of strangers enemies to the king/ and than it shallbe done as it hath be done before this time in defence of the realm i Ed. iii. capitulo .v. statuto ii ¶ Non shallbe compelled to find men harnysed bylmen nor archer except that they hold of such service/ but if it be by a common assent & grant of parliament xxv. E. iii. statuto de prodicione ca viii. this statute is confirmed four h. iiii. ca xiii. But that no lord thereby shall lose his service nor amountes nor grants thereby changed. Look more for war in the title souldyars. ward ¶ The lord shall not have the ward of the heir nor of the land till that he hath taken his homage And when he cometh to full age of xxi year he shall have his heritage without relef and without fine/ magna carta ca iii. ¶ The king shall not have the ward of the heir of lands holdyn of any other by knight service by occasion of any tenur of us by petyt sergeanty. magna carta. ca xxvii. ¶ Every lay man that is convict of the taking away of a ward by strength or married & with holdyn shall yield the value of the marriage and be imprisoned if the child be married/ And that is of the heir within xiiii years/ and if the heir dasse xiiii year and mary himself before his full age without the lords assent and the lord tend him marriage/ than the lord shall hold his land after the term of his age until he have received the double value of the marriage/ And if the heir will not marry he shall not be compelled thereto but when he cometh to full age he shall satisfy the lord as much as he might have had for the marriage before that he receive his lands marton tapi. vi. ¶ Theyrys shall be married without dyspergement/ magna carta ca v. in fine. ¶ if the lord mary the heir where he is dysꝑgid within xiiii year the lord shall lose the ward/ at the sewte of the child's friends and all the perfect thereof shall go to the use of the heir. but if he pass xiiii year so that he may consent to marriage than there shall follow no pain. Morton ca vi. ¶ if the tenant enfeoff his son & heir within age/ that shall not put the lord from his ward etc. & if the tenant enfeoff other by colucy on that shall not put the lord from his ward/ but the statute will that he shall not put out such feffes with out judgement/ & shall have a wryt of ward/ & the colucyon shall betrayed saving always to the feffes their action when the heir cometh to his age mlebryg. ca vi. ¶ In a wryt if ward of the def. come not at the grand distress a wryt shall go forth divers times opynly red in the shire & if he come not or the sheriff can not have his body before the justice than he shall lose the poss●ssyon of the ward/ saving to him an other time his sction/ & if the wryt be brought against the garden ꝑ cause de guard the common law shall run. Merlebryg ca seven The warden shall recover the double value of the marriage of the heyrys married without consent of their garden after the age of xiiii year after the statute of morton/ and furthermore they shall have sustained the marriage shall yield the value of the marriage to the garden for the trespass. Of the heyrys femalys aft that they come to xiiii year and will not be married by the lord/ The lord shall not hold the land but ii yeries after the said xiiii year. And if they will not than be married by their lords where there is no disꝑgement/ than he shall hold the land till their age of xxi year and above till that he hath received the value of the marriage. westm. i ca xxii. ¶ if the warden or chyeflord infeff any man of lands that is of the heritage of the child in his ward/ the heir shall have his recovery by assize of novel dysseysyn against the warden & the tenant and if he recover/ the seysyn shallbe delivered to the next friend to whom the heritage can not dissend to be answerable to the child at his full age & the garden shall lose during his life the ward of the child and all the remenawnte of the heritage and the warden that is ●ot the lord/ shall lose the ward for that rhyme & shall make fine to the king/ and if the enfaut b● take away his next friend that will shall sew for him. w. i ca xlvii ¶ when any heritage decendyth to an enfante by the father side holdyn of one lord/ & of the mother side holdyn of an other lord/ That lord shall have the ward of whom the ancestor was first infeoffed. w. two. ca xvi ¶ Of chylderen malices or femalys ravished though the ravysshour deliver the child again unmarried or satisfy for the marriage yet he shall have ii yeries prisonment/ & if he do not so deliver him nor be not able to satisfy he shall abjure the realm or have parpetual prisonment/ And if the heir in the mean while die/ yet the defendant shall have the said punishment/ And if the plaintiff die hanging the plea/ it shall be resummoned at the sewt of the heir/ if it be the title of gift or sale than at the sewt of the excecutours/ and if the defendant die/ it shallbe resummoned between the pleyntyf and his heir or excecutours or the excetours of the defendant. or his heirs if the excectours suffice not for the value of the marriage/ likewise if the plea b● of the ward of the land or the heir or of both/ the resommons shallbe between the heir & the excecutours of the plaintiff and also the heirs & excecutours of the defendant if the death of either of them happyn/ And at the great distress a day shallbe given within the which iii counts may be holdyn with proclamation/ And if the defendant come not judgement shall be given/ Saving to the defendant his right an other time Thesame wise it shallbe in a wryt of ejectment of ward. w. two. ca xxxv. women beyug of the age of xiiii yeries at the time of the death of their ancestors shall have leevery of their lands without any question or difficult for the law of this land will so .xxxix.. H. v. ca two ¶ If any person take any maid widow or wife though they be married after to him or to other by his assent or defouled being heirs apparent to any auncesteurs or having avi goods or lands that such taking be felony and that the misdoers takers procurators and receiters knowing that same offence be judged as principal felons pronyded that this act extend not to any man taking any woman claiming her as his ward the four h. seven. ca iii. ¶ if any parson be lord of any land in fe holden of another lord by knight service to the use of any other parson/ and heto whose use he is seized die no will by him made/ his heir being within age the lord of whom the land is holdyn shall recover the ward of the body and land by a wryt of ward/ as though the same ancestor had be impossession etc. And if such heir be than of full age/ he shall pay stuff/ and if the lord do waste the heir shall have an action of waste And if the lord be barred in his wryt of ward/ the defendant shall recover his damage iii H. seven. ca xvii. ¶ if any man being with the king in wages in war upon the see or beyond the see holding of the king or of any other by knights service die there or if any feoffment be supposed to be made by collusion/ his heir being within age that the feffes or executors of such parson so deceased shall have the ward and marriage o● the heir and of the lands during the no nag to the ꝑformaunce of the will of him so desces●syd without any account yielding paying th● rend to the cheflorde of the feesaving to every o●ther person such right & use as they had before th● feoffment alienation or recover/ provided that this a●●te extend not to the soldiers of Cales hammy● gysnes Rise bank berwyk wales & the marches of the same four h. viii. c. iiii Thesame stat & ꝓmis. is made for all them that were retained in the kings wagis in his warris the xu year of king h. the viii ¶ Look more of wardis in the title felony iiii h. seven. ca two Wales ¶ The lord of the marches of wales shall be perpetually intending & amnexid to the crown of england & not to the princypalyte of walꝭ xxviii E. iii ca● two. ¶ if any men of the march of wales be arrested in walꝭ or their goods take & brought thither they shall have letters testimonialꝭ of the governors of the town where they dwell to the governors town where such wrong is done for to deliver them within viii days. And if they be not delivered than they shall arrest and withhold as many of them and of their goods/ till grement be made ii H. iiii. ca xvi. ¶ The lords of wales and their ministers shall do excecution of men attaint of felony in england which dwell in wales upon a certification of the kings justice upon a grievous pain ii H. iiij. c.xvii ¶ englishmen shall not be convict by welshmen in any action in wales but by englishmen of the next vesnew and men of good fame/ wasters and rymours and minstrels in wales shall have no commortha in wales nor that the english burgeys that weed welsshe women shall not have freedom with english burgeys four H. iiii. ca xxv ¶ welsshmen shall bear no armour in merchant townis upon pain of forfeiter four h. iiii. c.xxviii. ¶ Uytels and armour shall not be brought in to wales upon pain of forfeiter/ And the constable that espieth it shall have the vi part four H iiii. ca xxix. ¶ welshmen shall purches no lands in the towns adjoining to the marchis of wales upon pain of forfeiter to the lords of the fee nor they shall not be burgeys nor citizens nor bear no office nor of the common counsel of any city or borrow ii h. iiii. ca xii. ¶ welshmen shall not purchas no lands in england nor in boroughs nor townis of the marchis of wales upon pain of forfeiter to the lord of the fee such estate as they have purchased nor shall not be accept to be burgeys nor to no liberty within the ream nor in the said boroughs and towns ii h. iiii. ca xx. ¶ welshmen shall have no castellꝭ nor forfelettꝭ except lords and bysshopis for their proper bodies iiij. h. iiii. ca thirty. ¶ An englishman which doth weed a welsh woman shall not be put in office in wales nor in the marches of the same four h. iiii. ca xxxiii ¶ Felons in walꝭ shall not delivered by dysclaymer nor letters of march ix h. iiii. ca/ iiii ¶ Where rebellem were slain in wales and their heyris and friends take englishmen & welshmen of the kings legaunce and put them in pson till they have made fine or be acquyt by assache aft the custom of wales that is by inquest of/ CCC/ men it is ordained that the part so grieved shall recover his triple damage and the defendant shall have prysomment of two yeries and shall make fine and ransom/ i. h. v/ ca/ vi ¶ justice of pease shall determine treasonꝭ and felonies done by men of wales in england And if they be outlawed shall certify that to the officers and lord of wales where they dwell to do execution upon them there ii h. v. statute two. ca v. ¶ The sheriffs bayliffꝭ or constables & all other of the count of hereford may arrest men of wales and of the marches that be outlawed or endited of felony or treason or to levy hue and cry and every man shall help them upon pain. s. of every knight. C. s. esquire xl s. and all other twenty s. and justice of pease shall inquire thereof xxiii H. vi. ca v. ¶ All grauntꝭ of markettꝭ feyrys and liberties within the towns of no●thwalys made to any welshman is void/ And that all villaynꝭ in north walys shallbe compelled to do their auntion service not withstanding any grant made to the contrary xxvi h. vi. ca i. waranty ¶ if a man alien have landis or tenements that he hath by the law of England/ his son shall not be barred by the deed of his father with a warranty by to recover of the seysin of his mother by a writ of mordauncester but if heritage descend to him by his father than he shall be barred for so much value/ And in the same manner the heir shall have recovery by a wryt of cousinage ail or be sail/ and in like manner the heir shall not be barred by his faders deed to demand the heritage of his mother by writ of entry which his father aliened whereof no fine is levied in the kings court Gloucester ca iii. ¶ where the tenant and the vouch be at issue upon the warranty as the tenant should lose the lands demanudyde if the waranter may adnul the warauntye/ so the waranter shall lose if he deny the warranty/ and be convict/ And if they two be at issue the plaintiff may sew out the venire fac. w. two. ca vi ¶ when a man alienith his wyffꝭ right/ the sewt of the woman or of her heir shall not be defered after the death of her husband by the nonage of the heir which should warrant it/ but the bier shall abide to have his warranty until the age of the waranter. w. two. ca xl ¶ In deeds where these words dadi & concessi be contained to hold of the dolour & his heirs by certain service/ dolour & his heirs be bound to warranty/ and where it is/ to hold of the chief lords etc. the feoffor himself is bound to warranty by reason of his own gift & not his heir/ sta. de bigamis. ¶ Look more for warranty in the title london waste ¶ The warden in chyvalry shall take but reasonable issues & service of him that is in his ward saving destruction/ and if the commit of the king make destruction the king shall take of him amends and the lands shall be committed to other/ And if the donee of the king or the vendee make waste he shall lose the ward & it shall be committed to another magna carta ca/ ii●i ¶ The warden in chyvallry shall sustain the houses ꝑkes warens pondies myllies & other things pertaining to the land of the ysseus of the same land & shall yield it to the heir at his full age stored with cartis and other things as he received it/ an● all this shallbe observed of the keepers of archbysshoprykies/ byshoprykys abbeys pryoris/ churches/ & dyngnites/ being void/ which belong to the king/ Saving that such wards may not be sold/ magna carta. ca v. and this statute is confirmed. w. i ca xxi. ¶ The warden in socage shall do no waste in the lands & if he do he shall yield account to the heir at his full age merlbryg. ca xvii. ¶ farmers shall do no waste/ & if they do they shall yield damage. and be amercyed merlebryg ca xxiii. ¶ A man shall have an action of waste against the tenant by the law of england/ tenant for term of life or yeries or a Woman that holdeth in dower. & he that is attaint of waste shall lose the thing wasted. & shall give triple damages/ and of waste made in wards/ it shallbe done as it is contained in magna carta/ & also he shall lose to the heir the damages of the waste. if the loss of the ward be not sufficient Glouc ca v. ¶ Of waste done to any manner noisance from henceforth there shallbe no prohibition but a sō●ons/ & if he come not than he shallbe attached. and after that a distress. and if he come not tha● a commandment to the sheriff to go to the place to inquire of the waist/ and upon that return to proceed to judgement according to the statute of Glouc. w. two. ca xiiii. ¶ Of tenauntꝭ that hold with out division if one do waste the other shall have remedi by a writ of waist. w. two. ca xxii ¶ The heir shall have a wryt of waist as well of waist done in the time of his ancestor as in his own time of what age so ever he be/ or within ward or out of ward. statutum de vasto twenty E. i tamen dicit quod non est statutum ¶ Of waist done by the escheator in housis parks and all other things which he hath in the kings handys'/ he that findeth himself grieved shall have a wryt of waist against the escheator or under escheator and shall recover such damages as it was late ordained of w●st done inwa●●dys/ articuli cleri. ca nineteen ¶ escheators shall do no waist in parkis warē● nor other extorcions to the damage of the heir 〈◊〉 the landis being in the kings handꝭ xiiii. E. iii. c.xi● ¶ escheators nor other warden in time of vacation of the temparaltes shall do no waste no● destruction to the hurt of the houses/ xiiii. E iii. pro clero ca iii. ¶ escheators shall keep the landꝭ seized in their hands by cause of ward without waste And that they shall have no fee of wood venison fyssh nor other thing/ and the heir shall have his action of waste as well within age as of full age/ and shall recover his triple damages/ and the defendant shall have iii yeries prysōment/ Also of other lands seized in the kings hands by inquest of office this same ordinance shall hold place against theschetours/ xxxvi. E. iii● capitulum xiii ¶ A wryt of waist is mayntenable against the first less for term of life or yeries which have let over their estate if they themself received the profettis at the time of the waist/ xi. h. vi. ca v ¶ if a man make a feoffment by deed or by fine of lands holdyn by knights service or suffer ●ny recover against him by trust and die/ ●is heir shall be inward/ etc. And if the warden make waste the heir shall have an action of waist against him four h. seven. ca xvii. wax chaundelers ¶ Every parson that worketh any wax shall take for the working of a li of wax candles images & such like b●t. iii.d. except hersies upon pain of forfeiter of that/ that is put to sale or the value thereof And that the justice of pease mayrys bailiffs & stywardies of franchises have power to search & examine it by the country & by their dyscressyons The xi H. vi. ca xii. weirs ¶ Look for weirs in the titles havins & rivers weyghties & measures ¶ One measure of wine shall be thorough out all england/ and one measure of ale/ And one misure of corn that is to say the quater of londo● magna carta ca xxiiii. ¶ it is ordained that iii barley cornis dry an● round make an inch and ●xii. ynchies make a foot and iii feet make a yard and five yerdies and a half make a perch and xl perch in length & four in breed maketh an acre of land/ The ordinance of making yerdies and perchies. ¶ The standardies of the bussellꝭ galons & yerdꝭ shallbe signed with the kings seal in yryn diligently/ and safely kept under the pain of. C. li and no measure shall be made in the town but it agree with the kings measure and signed with the common seal of the town/ and examined by the mayre & bailiffs And he that buyeth or sellyth by measure not sygny● shallbe grievously amerced And all the Measures in every twone shall be ii a year serchid and seen/ & he that is found to buy by a great measure and to sell with the less/ shall be imprisoned and grievously punished. These standardies of the bushel galon and yard shallbe in the keeping of the mayre or bailiffs & vi men of the town sworn before whom they shall be signed Statut deulnis & buss●llhys. ¶ The english penny which is called the sterling round and without clipping shall weigh. xxxii. graynies of wheat dry and in the my●dys of the ere/ and twenty pens maketh an ounce and xii ounces do make a posid &. make a galon of wine & viii galons of wheat make a bushel of london/ which is the viii part of a quarter. The ordynawce of making of money & measure. ¶ The treasurer of england shall make the standard of bushels galons & weyghtis & shall sand them in to every count. and there shall be ii assigned to punish them that sell by other Measures which shall have the fourth part of the fines for their expense/ and none shall sell by bushel but if it be marked with the kings seal xiiii E. iii. capitulo xi ¶ The commission to asses Measures & weyghtis is repelled xviii E. iii. sta● two. ca iiii. ¶ The we●ghtes of wools shall be according to the standard of the eschekyr xxv E. iii sta. de prodic ca ix. ¶ None sell by false weights nor Measures upon pa●ne of forfeiter to the king the value of the thing sold/ and triple damage to the part● and the justice assigned have power to inquire thereof as well at the kings sewt as at the sewt of the party/ & thereof to do execution xxvii E. three sta. staple. ca x ¶ Certain balances & weights of the sack & half sack of the pound and half pound and quarter/ according unto the standard of the eschekyr shallbe send to all shyryfis of england and that every man may prove his weight with out any thing giving/ & that no man buy by other weight upon pain to be at the kings will xxxi. E. iii. ca two. ¶ The weight called auncel weight shallbe annulled xxxiii E. three ca v. ¶ The mayries & baylyfis shall see that the Measures be according to the standard xxxiiii E. iil. capitulo vi ¶ He that useth false Measures or weyghtis shall have half yeries prisonment. & shall make greement with the perty the double of his loss/ The count of lancaster is exempt for they have Measures by themself xiii R. two. ca ix. ¶ He that byeth more for the quarter than viii bushels strykyn in london or else where shall forfeit the corn xu R. two ca ix ¶ None shall buy corn but by misure stricken. s. viii bushels for the. q̄. upon pain of forfeiter to the king and C. s. to the party and nothing shall be take for the mysuryug/ And the party shall have his action found upon the case xxxiiii E. iii ca vi● and i h. v. ca ultimo. ¶ The ton of wine shall contain. CC. xlvi. gallons The pipe tertian & hoggysshed of wine of gascoyn after the rate upon pain of forfeiter of the same win to the king The barrel of hearing and eels shall contain xxx galons The butt of salmon lxxxiiii galons. And the kylderkyns tercyans and fyrkyns after the same rate upon pain of forfeiter thereof to the lords of the towns And he that will sew shall have the four part/ and the justice of peace shall determine the premissies ii h. vi. ca xi ¶ Every city on pain of. Every borough upon pain of. C. s. and every town where any constable is upon pain of xl s. shall have a common balans with weyghtis according to the standard/ & all the inhabitanties within the same towns may freely way without any thing giving/ And foreigns shall pay for every draft of the weight of. q̄. and for every draught between. &. C. li. ob. And for every draught between. C. li. &. m. li.i.d. And upon the officers shallbe rewarded/ by the discretion of the chief of the town/ And that the justice of peace mayrs & baylyfis & stuwardꝭ have power to examine the pmmyssies/ & to punish the trespassers viii h. vi. ca v. ¶ The weight of a way of cheese may hold xxxii. clovys. s. every clove. ix Henry vi ca viii. ¶ The mayor of london shallbe sworn in the exchequer to execute the statute of mesurꝭ & weights/ and all other mayrys & bailiffs shallbe sworn when they take their charge/ And every city or town shall have a common balance and a common bushel insealed according to the standard upon pain of every city. every borrow. C. s. every town where a constable is xl s./ & every mayor & bailiff shall make account in the eschekyr of all that ever they may receive by force of these same statutes/ xi. Henry vi capitulo viii/ and viii H. vi. ca v. ¶ The instyces of peace bailiffs & stuwardꝭ of franchises shall punish the defautis of Measures & weights as well by examination as other wise/ viii. h. vi. ca v. & xxxiiii E. iii. ca v. & vi. and he that will sew for the defautis shall recover C. s. and his costs and the king an other. C. ●. ¶ Tons pipes tercyans and hoggyshedꝭ of oil and honey shall contain as wine doth xviii H vi capitulo xvii ¶ Tiles shall be well whited and annealed/ and that the earth whereof the tile shallbe made shallbe digged and cast up before the first day of november next before that they shall be made and that the same earth be stirred and turned before the first day of februarij than next following and not opened before the first day of march than next following and that the earth before the making be tried from stonies and also that the veins called Malme merle or calk be severed from the earth And that every tile shall contain in length x. inches and a half and in breed vi inches and a quart●r and that every roof tile shall contain xiii. inches and in thickness half an inch & a quarter and every gutter tile and cover tile shall contain in length ten inches and a half/ & if any sell any other tile not made according to this ordinance he shall forfeit to the bier the double value And shall make fine and ransom to the king and he that will sew for the det shall have ꝓces of outlawry where neither protection esson nor wager of law shall lie/ and the justice of pease may inquire thereof/ and sesse the sign for every M. playntyle/ v. s/ And every C rose tile vi. s. viii. d. and every. C. gutter tile or covert tile ii s. And that. ii● serchours may present the defautis before the justice of peace and that to be as strong as a presentment of ii men xvii E. iiii capiulo/ iiii● ¶ No hearing salmon elys or other fish barreled shall not be packed before that the vessels be seen. s. that every butt shall contain lxxxiiii gallons the barrel/ xlii. galons/ the half barrel/ xxi. galons pain of forfeiture of every butt barrel and half barrel/ vi. s. viii. d. And that all the great samons shallbe packed by themself and the small samons by themself upon pain of forfeiter for every but barrel and half barrel/ vi. s. viii. And no merchant sell no hearing nor eels by the barrel except it contain/ xlii. galons and the half barrel and firkin after the rate and that they be well packed upon pain of forfeiter for every on such vessel of the hearing/ iii. s. iiii. d. And for every one such vessel of the eels/ x. s. xxii. E. iiii. ca two ¶ None shall sell malvesey except that the butt contain C: xxvi. galons/ and of other wine every ton shall contain. CC. lii. galons every pipe C. xxvi. galons/ Every tercyan lxxxiiii galons/ every hogs head. lxili. galons/ And every barrel xxxi. galons and a half/ and every rondelet xviii galons & a half/ And that no vessel be put to sale till it be gaged upon pain of forfeiter/ and if the vessel fault of his measure/ the buyer shall abate to the seller & allow as much money as cometh to the rate upon paayn of forfeiter to the king all the value of the wine honey or oil so sold/ i. R. three ca xiii. ¶ One measure and one weight shallbe thorough out all the land and they shall be markid with the letter. h. crowned and who soever occupieth any other measure shall forfeit for the first time vi s. for the second time xiii s. iiii. d. and for the third time/ xx. s. and to be set on the pylory/ and these forfeytes to go to the mayre & governors of the town/ water measure weights and mysurꝭ in cornwall and weights for cunage of tin in devonshyr alway except xi/ h seven/ ca iiii. ¶ The bushel shall contain viii galons of wheat/ and the galon. of troy/ & the. li. xii. ouncies. & every ounce twenty sterlynges/ and every sterling xxxii grains of whe●e in the mids of the care/ and that all Measures ordained the xi year of this king shallbe send again in to there feit by the governors of the towns before the fest of pentecost/ next to come upon pain of. & shall be broky● before the fest of christmas next coming upon pain of. to be leveid upon every city & town. etc. and that new bushels shallbe conveyed to them before the feast of saint Andrew next coming/ and that all the other bushels shall be made according to the new busshhel xii H. seven ca iii. Assize of bred and ale ¶ when a quarter of wheat is sold for xii d than the farthing wastel lose shall weigh. s and the farthing cocket loaf of the same corn & bultel shall weigh more than the wastel by two s. and the farthing cocket loaf of less price shall weigh more than the wastel by .v. s. The farthing symnel shall weigh ii s. less than the wastel the farthing loffe of the hole wheat shall weigh the cocket and the half that is to say the coket that weigheth .v. s. more than the wastel The farthing lose of treyt shall weigh ii wastels/ and the farthing loaf of common sort of corn shall weigh ii great cocketꝭ ¶ when the quarter of wheat is sold for. xviii.d. the farthing wastel shall weigh.● s. viii. d. when it is sold for ii s. than the farthing wastel shall weigh lxviii s when for ii s. vi. d. them it shall weigh/ liv. s iiii. d. ob q when for iii. s. them it shall weigh xlviii s when for three s. vi. d then it shall weigh xlviii s when for iiii. s than xxxvi. s when for iiii. s. vi. d then thirty. s. when for v. s than xxviii. s. ii.d. ob when for v. s. vi. d than xxiiii. s. viiii. d. q when for vi. s than xxii. s. viii. d when for vi. s. vi. d than nineteen. s. xi. d when for seven. s than nineteen. s. i. d when for seven. s. vi. d than xviii. s. i.d. ob. q̄. when for viii s than xviii. s when for viii. s. vi. d than xvi. s when for ix. s than xv. s. q when for ix. s● vi. d than xiiii. s. iiii. d. ob. q when for x. s than xiii. s. seven. ob when for x. s. vi. d. than xii. s. xi. d. q when for xi. s than xii s. iiii. d. q when for xi. s. vi. than xi. s. x. d when for xii. s than xi. s. iiii. ● ¶ But yet not well the statute of the assize of breed and ale for that tryel goth by the weight of money and at the time of making of that statute in the time of the reyngne of king henry the. iii.xx.d. died make an ounce of troy/ & now at this day in the xu year of king henry. the. viii.iii. s. iiii. d. goth to the ounce. therefore in every good city town and borrow there be standards thereof substantially kept to the which men may resort for the true knowledge thereof. ¶ Also the weyghtis of wolwax alame & divers other wares go by the pound which pound by the old statutes is tried by the weight of money but as I said before because the money is changed & minished it were to doubtful to translate those statutes in to englyssh/ Therefore in the kings eschekyr & in every good city and town there be standards substanncyally kept whereto men may resort venery ¶ no person having no ꝑk of his own shall keep nor cause to be kept any dear hais or bukstallies upon pain of forfeitour for every month. And no parson stalk or cause any other to stalk with any bussh or be●te to any dear without licence o● the owner master of the game● or keeper except it be in his own ground upon pain of. a●d no person without his own ground slay or cause to be take with any craft or engines any heron with out it be with hawking or long bow upon pa●n● of forfeiter for every heron vi s. viii. d. and that none out of his own gro●nd take any young herons out of the nest without licence of the owner upon pain for every heron ten s. and that every man may sew for the said forfeitour by action of det. wherein neither wager of law essoign nor protection shall lie/ and the justice of peas have power to examine the pmmyssꝭ & the parts found in defante to be committed to pson till he have found surety to pay the said forfeits to the king & those justice to have the ●x. part of the forfeytꝭ for their labour The xix h. seven. ca xi. ¶ justice of peace in their cessyons & stewardꝭ in letis have power to asses a fine of vi s. viii. d upon them that trace & kill harꝭ in the snow xu h viii cx Look more for this in the title hunter's witness ¶ when a deed or other writing is denied where in there be witness/ and if the● 〈◊〉 ●ot at the grand distress reto●nyd and it is r●tornyd that they have nought or else that they can not be ●o●●de the taking of the inquest shall not be defered by their absens/ And if they come & the ●nquest remain for any cause the same day shall ●e given to them and they come not their issues shallbe forfeit And the inquest shall be take and for the absens of witness that be within the fra●●hes where the kings write rennyth not the ta●yng of the inquest shall not be defered/ statut●borum. View of fraunckplege ¶ The view of fraunkplege shall be done so that our peas may be kept & our tithing holdyn holy as it was wont. magna carta. ca xxxiii. ¶ first ye shall say by the oath that ye have made if all the suitors be come Also if all the che● pleggys' be in the kings assize/ also if the vylleyns of the lord be any where else & where they dwell/ also of them that be in the lords demeanies ●nd have not dwelled there by a year an● a d●ye/●l●o of c●●tomy● and service with holdyn and by whom and by what b●ylyffes time/ also of purpresturies in lands waters and old weyies/ Also of wallis housys hedgys' dychies levied or bettyn down to noysannce/ Also of boundys' take away/ also of ways stopped or made strait also of waters mystornid or stopped/ also burglaryes of houses and their receivers/ also pety●larcrynye as of pullet sheaves and such other/ also of hues cries levied and not pursued/ also of affrays and of blood shed/ also of escape of thiefs and felons/ also of ravyssing of women that is not presented before the coroners/ also of out laws resorting without the kings warrant/ also of clippers & false makers of money/ Also of treasure found also of the assize of breed and ale broken also of false Measures and weights/ also of them that hanth in taverns and of them that slep● in the day and watch in the night/ also of them that take doves by engines/ Statut de visu franci pleggis. wines ¶ wynꝭ shallbe assayed ii tymꝭ in the year in tavarnies & vesse●lꝭ defectyf shallbe brokin by the lord of the town mayre & baylyffies. etc. & reasonable prise set. etc. & justice of assize shall inquire of the default of such mayrꝭ & bailyfꝭ four E. iii. c. xiii ¶ Marchauntis strangers shall bring no wines out of the realm. The ix E● iii. ca xiiii. ¶ All merchants repairing to gascoyn & gy● may freely buy wines there of the high country in such liberties as they were wont twenty or xxx years passed without imposition or charge and if any office or other in those parts dystorbe them he shall forfeit for every time. and triple damages to pay to the king & to him that will sew therefore/ The xxiii H. vi. ca ultimo Uytell & vytellers ¶ No minister in city or borrow which by reason of his office ought to keep the assize of wine & victual be merchant of wine & of vytel engross nor by retail upon pain of forfeiter of the merchandise to the king & the third part shallbe given by the king to him that wyllsew for it. etc. And the chancellor treasurer baronꝭ of the eschekyr justice of the one bench or other and Iusty●f assize shall r●ceyue such pleynties by writ & without writ & determine them/ statuto eborum but that is reformed the/ iii. of. H. viii. c.viii. that if any vyteller be chosen to bear any office in any city borowgh or town which should there have ●he assessing & correction of victual/ that than ii discrete persons not being vitillers be chosin there by the comonalte & sworn which ii or one of them with the said office shall sesse & set the price of victual and that after that assessing done it shallbe lawful to the said office to sell victual not withsto●dyng the foresaid act made/ statuto eborum or any other act/ provided that this act extend not to discharge the ministers of the cities of london york or coventry/ The iii H. viii. ca viii. ¶ Also vuchers' fishers hostelers brewer's bakers & 〈◊〉 other sellers of vytel/ shall sell for a reasonable price a fithe distance of the placies from whence they come upon pain of forfeiter of the double v●lew of the thing old to him that is grieved & if he wyl● not sew therefore/ than he that will may sew ther●ore/● the mayries & baylyffies of cities & b●rges●esse of towns & porties have power to inquire of the pmmyssies & the justice of pease have power to inquire of the defautis of such mayris & b●ylyffys. etc. at the sewt of the part or him that will sew it/ and if they be convict they shall yield 〈◊〉 damages and make fine to the king/ The ●xxv. E. iii. ca v ¶ justice of pease shall inquere of the defautis o● 〈◊〉 ● vytellers & shall punish them as well at the sewt of the party as at the kings ●ewt xv E. three ca v. ¶ Every one that bringeth victual to london by land or water may freely sell them without disturbance by the fysshmongers' dochers or pul●ers or other & that the mayor & aldermen shall redress the fautis of fyshmongers' bochers pulters as they do of them that sell bred wine or ale & the mayor or aldermen shall put it in execution upon the pain provided touching the city of london. The xxxi E. ca x ¶ Uytellers shall not be choose to the office of a judge in city and towns but for default of other and than they shall not s●● victual upon pain of forf●ytour of the same victual/ the vi R two. ca ix Uytell shallbe fold for reasonable ga●nys by the limitation of the justice of pease the xiii R two ca viii ¶ Uitel carried in to scotlond & the vessel or horse that carrieth it shallbe forfeit The seven R two ca xv but berwik is except from this statute xv R two c seven The chancellor & treasurer & other of the kings council may make ordinance for the prise of wines & fyssh the xxxi E iii statu de allecis All foreigns & aliens may sell fish & victual by re●ayl in london & else where. The vi R two ca x He that dysturbyth any foreign or alien to sell sisshe in london or else where in gross or by retail shall lose xl li. & he that sewith therefore shall have the one half/ The xiii H vi ca vi worsted ¶ Boltys' of single worsted may be carried o●t of the realm to what place that any man will except to emmyes paying there of the custom without paying money to calais notwithstanding any libe●te granted to burges of calyce or marchanntis of the staple or other use the contrary vii R two ca iii ¶ worsted shall be good & not defectif & shall be ● sealed. And if any sell any piece not being of the measure limited & not insealed he shall forfeit the value of the piece & the mayor of norwiche the stiward of the duchis of lancaster or one of them with xii artificers may make search/ seven E iiii ca i ¶ worsted wevers of the town of yermouthe shall choose yearly on the monday in wytson week a householder of the same town that may dispend xx. s. by the year or hath goods to the value of xli be warden of the same occupation which shall be sworn before the mayor of norwich the monday next after corpus xpi day/ as the wardens of norwich be acordyug to the act made the. vi● year of E iiii/ & if the mayor be than absent or refuse to take the oath/ than within iiii days after the baylyfis of yermouth shall take it/ & that the same warden shall ordain a seal with this let. y. & to have power to search and seal all clothes of worsted & stamyn & say there made/ & the same act shall extend to the town of lyn as long as there be x householders there of the same occupation/ & their seal shallbe with this letter l and when there is not x ●uch householders there/ than one of the wardens of the city or norwich or county shall come thither every xxviii days or within vi days after to search & in seal all the said worstedꝭ says & stamyns & to have for their costs of them of lyn for every time between mychelmas & the amnunciation of our lady two. s. & for every time between the amnunciation & mychelmas ii s. & for fau● of payment to forfeit unto them xl s & if the said wardens of norwich come not than they to forfeit to the inhabytaunce of lyn for every default. ●l. s. for the which they may have an action of debt where neither protection essoign nor wager of law shall lie/ ideo vide sta xu h. viii ca iii wools ¶ The sak of will shall contain xxvi stone & every ●tone. and every parson that passeth out of the realm with wools shall find good surety to the customers before his passage to bring at his first coming again for every sake plate of silver to the value of ii markis & the same plate he shall bring to the kings eschaung/ & there shall receive his money/ & that none coket any will but he that oweth the will upon pain of forfeiter/ The xiiii. E. iii. ca ulti. also the customers shall certify the wardens of the exchange at the tower of london three times by the year that is to say at the fest of the nativity of saint Iohn baptist all seyntes & candelmas/ and if the wardens receive not the money/ They shall certify to the barons of the eschekyr which shall make ꝓces as well against the customers as against the suertes to levy it. etc. the same year ca ultimo. ¶ The price o● the sortm of wollis in every country shallbe abated & defeated/ And that every man as well stranger as privy may buy wolis as they may accord with the seller. the xviii E. iii. statut. secundo capitulo iii ¶ No wools to be ●old shall lie within iii mile of the staple/ The xxx E. iii. ca viii. ¶ ●o imposytion or charge be put upon wollis fell lead or ledyr otherwise than the subsidy or custom gra●●id to the king except it be by parliament xlv E. iij. ca iii ¶ No denysin or foreign make any refuse of wools but code card & villeyn/ & that none buy his wools by these words good packing nor other words like upon pain of double damages to the part grieved/ & the brokour shall have half yeries prysomment/ The xiii R. two. ca ix. ¶ no denysin shall by wools but of the owner of the sheep and tithe will/ but in the staple/ & that no denysyn regrate wools nor merchandise of the staple upon pain of forfeiture of the value of the thing regrated/ And the justice of pease in the sessions shall inquire thereof and shall punish them buy the foresaid pain no englyse man buy wollis but to his own use as to sell it at the staple or to make cloth/ the xiiii R two ca iiii ¶ no denizin bring wolies will fell leader nor led out of the realm upon pain of forfeiter/ xiiii. R. two. ca v. ¶ Inhabytasitys at berwyk upon twed may by wools will fell leader as well of the growing of tyndal & other placies ●skotland as growing in england that is to s●y between the waters of tweed and coket/ & them to put to sale in berwycke two. H. v. capitulo vi. ¶ No stranger shall force clack nor beard no manner of wools upon pain of forfeiter of the double value and imprisonment of his body/ and that no packer in wind the teson of the will nor put in the same lokkys poll will earth nor dirt and the part shall have against them an action of dysseyte at the common law viii H. vi. ca xxii. ¶ Look/ two. E. iiii. c.i.ii.iii and look for wollis i● the title of merchants. voucher ¶ if a man vouch a foreign to warrant in london the mayre and the baylyffies shall adjourn the ꝑtes before the justice of the bench and shall send thydyr the record/ And the justice shall summon the warrant to plead before them and they shall cease in london till the warrant be determinid before the justice/ and when it is determined it shallbe said to the warrant that he go in to london to answer the chief plea/ & the demaunt shall have a write of the justice to the mayre & bailiffꝭ to go forth in the plea/ & if the demasidaunt recover The tenawt shall have a writ to the mayre and bailiffs to extend the lands lost & to return the extent in to the bench/ and after it shall be commanded to the sheriff where the warrant was summoned to make him to have as much land of his in value/ and if the tenant make default at the day gyvyn him in the bench/ a writ of instyces shall go from thence to the mayre and bailiffs to take the land in to the kings hands by petit cape and to summon the tenant that he be at the● hustinges before the justices which shallbe advised to give judgement of that default etc. Statut. de for incecis vocat ad warrant/ Sed vide statutum qr non concordat in omnibus cum statut Gloucester. ¶ Lokemore for voucher in the title london and warranty. wreck ¶ where a man a dog or a cat escapyth alive out of the ship or bot it shallbe judged no wrek so that the party to whom the goods belong come within a year & a day he shall have his goods and if not it shall remain to the king or to the lord etc. w. primer. ca iiii. ¶ Look more for wrek in title mchauntꝭ xxvii E iii. ca xiii. wryttis ¶ If a writ come in octabis scti michaelis/ A day shallbe given in octabis sancti hillarij/ if inquindecina scti micha. in xv hillarij/ if in tres septimanas sancti michaelꝭ/ in crastino purificacoins be marry/ if in mense mich. in octabis purifica. if in crastino ainarum in xv pasche/ if in crastino scti martini in tres septimanas pasche/ if in octabis scti martini/ in mense pasche/ if in xv sancti martini/ in quinque sep. pasche/ & there is a certain day given sp●cyally/ in crastino ascensionis dni & it vaylyth as much as quinque septinas pasche/ if in octabis scanti hillarii in octabis ●cti trinitatꝭ if in quindena sancti hillarii/ in xv scti trinitatis and sometime in crastino sancti johannis baptist if in crastino puri/ in octabis sancti johannis/ if in octabis pur. in xv/ sancti johannis/ if in xv/ pasche in octabis sancti micha/ if in tres septinas pasche in xv sancti micha. if in mense pasche in tres septimas micha/ if in quinque septimas pasche or crastino ascencionis donini in mense scti mich/ if in octab/ scti mar/ in cristino ainarum/ if in xv sanctitrinj. or in crastino scti johannis/ in crastino scti martini 〈◊〉 in octab. scti johannis/ in octau. sancti marti. if in xv. scti johannis/ in xu sancti marti. Tractat vocat dies comunis in banco/ & the days of a wryt of dower be abreggid by the statute of merle brig which saith there shallbe days given iiii days in the year at the least ten more if need require/ therefore look the statute. ¶ There shall no wryt go forth under the small seal that towchyth the common la/ Articuli super cartas. ca seven. ¶ No wryt shall go to the sheriff to take endytementꝭ xxviii E. iii. ca ix ¶ All wyrttes of det account & such other accyo●s shallbe directed to the sheriffs of that shire where the contractis were/ And if in the pleas of those wrytres it be declared the contract to be done in another count than is conteynid in the original than the wryt shallbe abated/ vi. R. two. ca iii usury ¶ Usury shall not run upon the heir within age so nevertheless that for that the payment of the pryncypal with the usury before the death of the ancestor shall not remain/ marton. ca v. ¶ if a man take any money or other th●g for the lone of the money saving lawful penaltes for non payment of the same or if a man sell goods to any man being in necessity & the same goody● afterward buy again within iii months for a lass some knowing them to be the same goods by him sold or if a man for the lone of his money have lands or tenements in perfit surety of his money without condition or adventure & further covenauntyth that he shall have the perfect of the lands & tenementis till a certain tyme. etc. this is usury/ And he that is convict thereof shall forfeit the one half of the money or goods so sold or lant. And he that will sue by an action of det bill or information in court of record shall have the one half/ and if none wylsew the king shall have all/ the ten H. seven. c.viii. & this statute repellyth that stattue of usury made the iii year H seven. ca v. reserved alway to spiritual jurysdytion their lawful ponishmentꝭ in every cause of usury ¶ Loce more for usury in the title of broker's utlary ¶ The feffes of trust which bring actions to the use of their feffours shall not be disabled nor barred by any utlary in those feffes alleged iii H seven. ca xiiii. ¶ if any will defeat any utlary by witness he shall yield himself to prison/ and than the part shall be warned to come & to maintain that the witness is not true which shallbe tried and like wise the kings servant and attorney shallbe received if it be at the kings sewt. v● E. iii. c.xiii. ¶ Look more for utlary in the titles exigent charter de pardon chestyrshyre and lancaster. FINIS. ¶ imprinted in the cheap side at the sign of the mere maid next to poulies gate the xxii day of December in the xix year of the reyngne of our sovereign lord king Henry the viii ¶ Per me Johannem Rastell A. D.MDXXVII. Cum Privilegio. Regali. johannes Rastell