¶ The abregement of the statutes of Anno xxxj Henrici eight ¶ Abylyte. ALl persons professed in any religious houses now comen or which hereafter shall come to the Kings hands in any wise which parsons are now set or hereafter shall happen to be set at their liberties out of the danger of their profession be & shallbe able to purchase all manner of hereditaments & things whatsoever they be. And may use take & enjoy all lawful things to be given to them after the time of their departing out of religion. And also be and shall be able to pursue and be said in all manner of suits for any matter grown after their said departing out of religion in as large and ample manner as if they had never been professed. provided always that no such persons shall to any intent or construction be deemed heir to any person. Nor to be able to demand or receive any heredy tamentes, or things by reason of any former title, right, or cause growing before their departing out of religion. Nor such of them as be Preestes or have vowed religion at xxi years of age, and then consented continuing there any while after not proving such vow to be made by any unlawful cohertion shall able to mary or take ●ny wise. Anno xxxi. Henrici octavi. cap. s●xto. ☞ Augmentations. ALl the religious and Ecclesiastical houses with all the lande● and tenements profits and commodities to the same belonging which are comen to the Kings hands sins the parliament holden the xxvii. year of his reign or which hereafter shall come to his grace's hands and possession shall be to his grace and his heirs for ever. And all such houses and other the premisses except only such as shall come to his grace's hands by atteyndre of treason/ shall be under the surety and governance of the Court of Augmentations and the ministers of the same court. Saving to all persons and bodies politic and their heirs and successors other than the governors of the said houses, and such as pretend to be founders, patrons, or donors of such houses or tenemetes & profits pertaining to the same all such right, title, interest, rents, charges, annuities leases, fermes, offices, fees, lyverees, & livings, portions, pensions, corrodies, commons, synods proxies any other profits as they shalde have had if this▪ Act had not been made. Rents service, Rent seek and all of her services and suits only except. provided olwaye that all manner of grants & seals for life or years heretofore made by the governor or governess of any such house of any lands or tevemetes or other profitꝭ late pertaining to such house & within one hole year next before the coming of such house to the Kings hands which were not commonly wont to be let to farm but kept in thoccupation of such governor or governess for the maintenance of hospitality/ or of which any particular interest for term of life year or years, at the time of the making of such grannt or lease had any continuance & not expired/ or else upon which grants or leasses the old rents & fermes accustomed by the space of twenty years next before the first day of this parliament, is not thereupon reserved, or if any such gonernour or governese within the space of one year (as is aforesaid) hath made any wodsale which woods be yet standing, All such grants leases & sales shallbe utterly void. ¶ Item all feffementes fines & recoveres suffered by any such governor or governess within one year (as is aforesaid) of any hereditaments which they held of the kings grant or confirmation or of any of his progenitor or of the which houses the king was founder or patron, or which hereditaments were of th'old foundation or possession of such houses without the kings licence under his great seal shallbe void. ¶ Note that what grants sales and wodsales by this Act be made void and what excepted (as afore is said) by the governors or governesses of such houses as be all ready comen to the kings hands, even so it is further enacted I every point quality and degree of all leases and granntes for life or years and wodsales which hath been made within one year next before the begining of this parliament, or which heteafter shall be made by any governor or governess of any house yet standing ❧ Item all feoffments fines & recoveries which within one year next before the beginning of this parliament hath been or which hereafter shallbe made and suffered by the governors or governesses of the houses yet standing without the kings licence under his great seal shallbe void. So that the hereditaments be of the kyngte grant or confirmation or his progenytoures, or else where the king is founder or patron of the house, or where the same hereditaments were of th'old foundation or possession. ¶ Item touching the avoiding of grants or leases for years (such as before be spoke of) where any interreste & term at the time of the making thereof remaineth in the grantee or lessee it is provided that the same grauntee or lessee shall have xxi years of the said new grant or lease in 〈◊〉 there be so many years. And if there be not than for so many years as be in his new grant or lease, so that th'old rent be thereupon reserved and so that the same lease or grant exceed not xxi. years. ❧ Item a like proviso is ordained for grants or leases made by any late governor or governess within a year next before the dissolution of his house for term of life where such grant or lessee at the same time held the same for life or years than not expired, so that th'old rent be there upon reserved. ❧ Item all leases & grants for life of any hereditaments customari made by copy of the court to use, be saved, so that th'old rend be thereupon reserved. ☞ Iten all leases made by th'authority of the court of Augmentations. And all leases feoffments and wodsales made by the said governors or governesses under their comen seal within a year before the dissolution. etc. which have been affirmed in the said court. And the same degree put in writing sealed with the seal of the same court shallbe good and effectual. ☞ Item the Chancellor of the said court with two more of them shall restore recompense (as they shall think convenient all such sums of money as any governor or governess hath taken for any wodsale without fraud or covin, in case the party that paid the same may not lawfully enjoy his bargain. ☞ Item all purchases by any persons by indenture fine feoffment recovery or otherwise of any governor or governs sins the four day of February the xxvii year aforesaid of any their hereditaments by the kings licence pardon confirmation relese or consent under his great seal, had or hereafter to be had be good according to the purport of the same assurances. An xxxi h. viii. cap. xiii. ¶ Bishops. The king may fro time to time name by his letters patents or other writings under his great seal such number of bishops cities fees for Bishops, cathedrull Church & dyoses by meets & boddes as shall appertain & endue the 〈◊〉 such possessions as his grace shall think convenient Also he may make & devise translations, rules & statutes concerning every of them. An xxxi H. viii. cap. ix. ¶ Look more of bishops in the title of visitation. ❧ continuance of the statutes of west▪ heretofore made. U●on acts made for punishment of vacaboundes, for restraint of conveying of horses & mare● out of this realm, for assaults & affrays of welsshemen upon th inhabitauntes of berforde shire, Gloucester shire, & Salop. for punishment of the vice of buggory, for refireynt of connueing of brass, latin, & copper, out of this realm For the true making of ropes & cables, for winding of wols, for killing we●lynges, bullocks & steres under ii years. For attaint. For pewterers, for sown of flax and hemp. And of making of ●ayles shall stand in force till the last day of the next parliament. An. ●1. H. 8 cap. 7 ¶ Excestre. FOr the amendment of the river of Exe it is enacted that shallbe lawful at all times after the feast of Easter next coming for the Mayor bailiff and commonalty of the city of Exestre to pluck down, dig moyne, break, bank and cast up all manner of lets and nuisance in the said river, and in other places necessary for the same where soever they be, lying between the said cite and the high see. And further to do and make all things necessary whereby all manner of vessels may have sure course and recourse in the said river to and fro the said city and there to charge and discharge goods and merchandises without disturbance of any person paying and making to the owners of the soil where they shall so dig & moyne due satisfaction for the land so digged & moyned after the rate of twenty years purchase, or else as the justices of assize in devonshire for the time being shall ●ing▪ the election thereof to be at the pleasure of the same owners of the soil, without any let or trouble of such owners by suit in the law or otherwise upon pain of forfeiture of twenty li. for every such let or trouble, the one half to the king's highness and the other to him that will pursue for the same b●●accyon of Debt bill plaint or information in any of the kings courts. In which suit no wager of law essoin protection nor licence shall in no wise be admitted nor allowed. Also if any farmers be of any of the said lands where. etc. then they to take such recompense as by the said justices or their deputies in that behalf shall be assessed. All the said recompenses and satisfactions to be made and paid within vi weeks after the rating or assessing thereof, whiles they can otherwise agree, for which satisfaction or recompense the parties shall have an action of Det by the course of the common law against the said Mayor bailiffs & commynalty in any shire of this realm wherein no wager of law essoin licence or protection to be allowed. ¶ fishing. ALl manner fishing with nets hooks or baits in any several pond stew or more with an intent to steal fish out of the same after the feast of the nativity of saint johan Baptist the xxxi year of the reign of king Henry the viii between vi of the clock in the eneninge and vi in the morning against the wills of the owners of such pond stew or moat. And also the unlawful breaking up of the head of any several pond stew or moat by day or by night after the said feast without colour of title so to do whereby any of y● fish there being is taken or destroyed against the owners will be to every intent felony. Moreover they that fish in y● day time after y● manner & form aforesaid in any several pond stew or moat at any other time than afore is rehearsed & there of be lawfully convicted at the kings suit or the parties grieved shall suffer iii months imprisonment. And afterward to find sufficiete sureties for their good abearing or else to remain in prison without bail or mainprize until they fyude such sureties. Fawkon. ☞ Look therefore in the title of Felony. 31. H. 8. felony. unlawful taking of thegge or eggs of any fawkon goshawk or lanet or of any of their brides or the brides of a Laneret out of the nest in any of the kings grounds is made felony, but this statute extendeth not for any such taking out of other men's grounds. ❧ Item whosover findeth and taketh up any fawken gerfawkon jerken sacre or sacred goshawk lenet or laneret of the kings and having the mark of the kings arms and varvel and causeth not the same hawk within xii days next, after the taking up to be brought to the master of the kings hawks, or to some of his grace's fawkeners, or else within the said time do not give knowledge thereof to the said master or to the sheriff where such hawk shallbe taken up, or to one of the kings faukeners near there abiding. Than such taking up and not bringing or gyning knowledge shallbe felony. Except it so happen that the taker●● of such hawk by chance negligently against his will lose the same hawk, or if it shall happen such hawk to die against his will before he may deliver the same. An xxxi H. viii. Capi. xii ❧ Item if any person wrongfully entereth into any forest, park, or chase of the kings the queens the princes, or of any of the kings children lawfully begotten or any other enclosed ground of their used for keeping of dear between the son rising and the son going down with his face hid or covered with hood or vizor or with face painted or himself otherwise disguised to th'intent he would not be known and in the same ground intendeth to steal any of the dear And by hunting or other wise by stealteth slay or take any of the same dear, or else drive them out of such ground with an intent to steel the same, or else if any person in a like manner and time and with a like intent as afore is said, take or kill any conies or rabettes with hay or other net, or with fyrret or pursnet within the free warren of the king or any of the people above named or in the form aforesaid kill any such conies or rabettes being within any of the said parks except it be such parson as shallbe farmer of the same conies rabettes or else shall be licensed by writing of the king or other persons aforesaid so to do. Or if any person between the son going down, and the rising of the same into any of the said grounds to the intent there to steal any dear or by any mean in the time next aforesaid slay or take any dear there or out of the same ground do chase any dear to the intent to steal it or in any such time do take or kill any conies or rabettes (after the form as before is expressed of killing them in the day time except it be the farmer of them or else licensed as afore is said) every such offence is ordained and made to be felony provided alwayee that no person shallbe deemed accessary to such offenders except such as do procure the same offence to be done Nor that this act extend to any offender in any of the kings, the queens, princes or any of his graces lawfully begotten children, forests, chases, or warrens in wales or the borders against Scotland, the forest of Snowden in wales only except. Also th'offenders contrary to this statute must be indicted within one year next after the offence committed or else he standeth as he did at the common law. An. 31. H. 8. C. 12 Gavelkind. ALl manner of hereditaments being in the county of kynte whereof the lord Crumwell of wimbyldon lord privy seal and of divers other persons specified in this act be seized to there own uses in Fe simple or Fe tail now being of the nature of Gavelkind be changed fro the same nature, and made descendable after the form of the common law. Hampton court. The kings manner of hampton Court is made an honour. And of the lands dying within the lordships towns & villages of Estmalsey, westmulsy, walton, Esher, weybridge & part of Cobham in the county Surrey is made a new Chase having all liberties to a chase pertaining. And is called hampton court chase. Hunting. ☞ Look therefore in the title of felony. 31. h. 8. Partition. IOyntenauntes & tenants in common that be or shallbe seized of any estate of inheritance in their own right or in the right of their wives of any hereditaments shallbe compelled thereof to make partition between them by write of Participatione facienda at the common law in like manner and form as parceners have used. And after such partition made they and their heirs to have aid of other and their heirs to deteygne their warranty paramount and to recover ꝓrata as is used between coparceners. ¶ Placing of lords and other high officers. NO manner person except only the kings children shall presume to sit or have place at any side of the cloth of estate in the parliament chamber, whether the king be present or absent. Also the vicegerent for the time being in all parliaments shall sit on the right side of the parliament chamber next above the archbishop of Caunterbury and to have voice there as other lords of the parliament. next unto him shall sit on the same side the said archbishop upon the same form, next unto him the archbishop of York, next unto him the bishop of London, next unto him the Bishop of Duresme, next unto him the Bishop of wynchester. And than all other by shops as they have heretofore accustomed. ☞ Item on the lest side of the parlyement chamber the lord Chancellor, lord Treasurer lord president of the kings Counsel and the lord prive seal being of the degree of barons of the parliament or above shall sit above all dukes except such as shall happen to be the kings son his brother, his uncle, his nephew or his brother or sister sons. Item the great Chamberlain, the Constable, the Marshal, the lord admiral, the great master or lord Steward, and the kings Chamberlain shall sit in order as they be here tokened next after the lord prive seal above all other parsons being of their degrees. Item the chief Secretary being a Baron shall sit above all Baron's not having any of the offices aforemencioned. And if he be a bishop than he to sit above all other Bishops not having any of the offices above remembered, Item off Duke's not afore rehearsed, Marquis' Earls, viscounts, and Barons not having any of the offices aforementioneded shall sit according to their auncyentyes'. Item if the lord chancellor, lord Treasurer, lord president of the counsel, lord privy seal or chief Secretary happen to be under the degree of a Baron of the parliament than they to be placed in order at the uppermost part of the Sakkes in the mids of the parliament Chambre either upon one form or else upon the uppermost Sack. Item peers of the realm that shallbe called for the trial of treasons and having any of the said offices shallbe placed according to their offices above the other peers that be called to such trial. And also this order of placing touching the lord Chancellor, lord Treasurer and other temporal officers afore rehearsed shallbe kept and observed aswell in the Star chamber and all other assembles and conferences of counsel as before is declared to be in the Parliament. An. 31. H. 8 Ca x. ¶ proclamations. The king by the advise of y● Metropolitan the lord chancellor, lord Treasurer/ the president of the kings most honourable Counsel, lord privy seal, and of other high officers named in this statute or the most part of them may at all times set forth his proclamations under such penalties and pains and after such sort as to his highness and the most part of them shall seem necessary to be obeyed as if they were made by parliament whiles the king do dispense with them under his great senle. So that such proclamations extend not to take away the inheritannces lawful possessions offices lybertyte privileges nor goods or cattles of any persons or bodies politic, nor to cause any parson to suffer death other than hereafter ensueth. Nor to infringe or break any Acts common laws, now in force nor laudable custom. And that every officers to whom such proclamation shall be directed by writ under the great seal shall cause the same to be proclaimed within xiiii days next after the receipt thereof in four market tewnes if there be so many. And if not in vi other villages within there authority. And they to cause the same proclamation to be set up in open places upon the pain to be contained in the same. Item they that before the Metropolytane, lord Chancellor, lord Treasores the president of the kings most honourable counsel, Lord privy seal and other officers reheresed in the said statute or the most part of them (where of the lord Chancellor, lord Treasurer, the said precedent, Lord privy seal, the great Chamberlain of England, the lord admiral, the two chief judges or ii of them shallbe ii) within one half year next after his offence committed shall happen to be accused. And thereof within xviii months next after his said offence committed convicted by confession or lawful witness and proves of & for breaking or obstinately not observing any article contained in the said proclamation shall lose & pay all such forfeitures or sums of money and suffer such imprisonment as shallbe expressed in such proclamation, which such offenders shall break, So that the same proclamation be made in the shire where th'offenders is or was conversant within a year before, Item either of the lord chancellor, & lord privy seal with th'assent of vi of the afore named counsellors shall have power upon every information to either of them given to cause process under the great or privy seal to be made against such offenders that is to say, first by proclamation under 〈◊〉 pain. And if he appear not upon the same not having a lawful excuse than they to award another proclamation upon alligeans. And if it be within the liberty of the duchy of Lancaster than the same process to pass by the chancellor there under the seal of the duchy with the assent of vi of the said counsellors. And if any such offenders do departed out of the realm obstinately willingly or contemptuously to the intent he will not answer to his offence than such departing to be judged high treason. And if any such offender do absent or secretly hide himself within any of the kings dominions by the space of ii months next after any proclamation awarded and proclaimed where he may by any reasonable mean have knowledge so that by occasion thereof his offence can not be tried and judged within the said time of xviii months than such offenders to stand convict of the offence with losing such forfeiture and suffering such imprisonment as shall appertain. Iten the justices of peace to whom any such proclamation shall be directed, within xiiij days after the receipt thereof may by their discretions divide themselves into sundry places within their jurisdiction for the due execution of such proclamation. Item the said counsellors appointed to the determination of every such offence (knowing the kings pleasure) have authority to mitigate the penalties comprised in any such proclamation. Anno xxxi h viii cap. viii ¶ Tithes. The king & every other parson which hereafter shall have any monastery or other religious or ecclesiastical house or place, lands tenements or any parsonage appropriate tithes pensions or portions or other hereditaments late pertaining to such house shall enjoy aswell the said parsonage tithes, pensions, & portions as other the premises according to their littes in the same discharged of payment of tithes in as ample manner as the late governors or governesses of the same did enjoy the same at the days of their dissolution. Saving to the king, all manner of rents services & other duties. An. xxxi. h. viii. cap. xiii. ¶ visitations. ALl such of the late religious or ecclesiastical houses dissolved with all the churches & chapels to any of them belonging which before the said dissolution were exempted from the visitation & all other jurisdictions or ordinary within whose diocese they were set, shall fronshensforth be within the visitation & jurisdiction of the same ordinary within whose diocese they be set or of such ꝑsons' 〈◊〉 by the k●nges highness shall be appointed. Anno. xxxi. h viii. cap. xiii. ¶ Wales. The kings highness hath from the first day of this parliament during the term of iii years than next following authority by writing under his great seal to limit to every of the shires in wales late made by authority of the parliament holden the xxvii year of his reign so many lordship's towns parishes hamelettes hundreds commotꝭ and cantreds as he shall think convenynt, and also to limit the shire towns in eu●ry such shire. FINIS. ¶ Here beginneth the Abregement of the statutes of made in the xxxii year of the reign of king Henry the eight. aliens. ALl aliens Denysens or which shallbe made Denysyns shall be bound and obedient to all laws and statutes made not being repelled. And a special proviso there of to be expresed in their letters patents. And that no Alien using any handycrafte shall repair and keep in their service any apprentyce journeyman or servant being Alyene above two at one time, with divers other good provisions in the said statute, xxxii. Henrici. viii. Cap. xvi. ¶ Auowrye. ¶ See in the Title of Det in the xxxii year of Henry the eight Ca xxxvii ¶ buying of Titles. ¶ See in the title of Embracery in the xxxii year of henry the eight Cap ix. ¶ barber's and surgeons. The two. several companies of barber's and surgeons of London shall be fromhenceforth one company and a body corporate perpetual called by the name of masters or governors