ACCOMMODATION Discommended: AS incommodious TO THE commonwealth. Plainly showing by five undeniable Arguments, That none but Papists, or Popishly affected, can stand for Accommodation in these Perilous times. For the Satisfaction of all such, as are led away by the Specious Name of PEACE. Printed in the year, LONDON, Of Peace, would not hear. Accommodation Discommended, AS incommodious TO THE commonwealth. ALthough in these unhapy Distractions of the State, an accommodation hath been desired by some, who have been thought * As the Earl of Bristol. Earl of Dorset. Sir Benjamin Rudiard. & M. Waller. true Protestants, and worthy Patriots upon many plausible pretences, and thereby have weakened the hands of many well affected to the Cause. Notwithstanding I will plainly demonstrate by these ensuing Arguments, that an accommodation at this time is a peace of Popery, as bad as the Bishop's Cannons charged with et cet. and now discharged by an Ordnance of both Houses. Argument 1 1. First Accommodation is not the language of Canaan, and therefore cannot conduce to the Peace of Jerusalem. 1. It is no * See Conon● Concordance▪ Scripture word. Now to strive to vilify the Ordinances, which are in Scripture; And to set up an Accommodation, which is not in Scripture, no, not so much as in the Apocrypha, is to relinquish the word, and follow the inventions of man, which is plain Popery. Argument 2 2. Secondly, Accommodation is a Latin word, the Language of the Beast, for it is derived from Commodum. which signifieth * See Thomas Thomasius, Cooper, who was a Bishop, And Rider; enlarged by Doctor Gray; a known Malignant. profit, and you know all, the Pope's Religion is for profit, or else from Commodus, who was a Roman Emperor, and a persecutor of the Church. Argument 3 3. Thirdly, Accommodation is a Merchant word, as is well known to all those who have told twelve on the Exchange. Now the Pope and his priests, are known to make merchandise, even of the souls of men, as factors for Beelzebub, and brokers for the devil. Argument 4 4. My fourth Argument shall be drawn from the persons which most desire it, which are popishly affected as we shall show by degrees: such are the Archbishops, Bishops, Prebendaries, double beneficed▪ and Common-prayer-booke-reading Ministers, Doctors of Law, Commissaries, Registers▪ Nobility, and Gentry, and able Citizens: First▪ the two Archbishops, though they could never agree with one another, till they were accommodated together in the Tower yet rather than Doctor Layton shall piss in the high-Commission Court at Lambeth house and young Hotham drink healths to Mr. Pym, in his lordship's sack, at Cawood-Castle, they desire an accommodation. Next the Bishops, being most of them have been imprisoned (as all honest men ought to be) and so from loose livers became fast friends do now desire an Accommodation amongst others, as well as themselves; which is without all question as much high-Treason, as that Petition, which they preferred to his Majesty, with a Protestation. Then the Deans, and Prebendaries, foreseeing that their Lands and Revenues, which were misplaced by the ungodly charity of our ancestors, will be in danger to be employed in discharging the godly public faith, (which faith is contrary to hope, and which public, is contrary to all private interest) most unreasonably desire to see an end of these Rents, and a final Conclusion by an Accommodation. Besides your double beneficed men, fearing that the troubles of the times will breed a distraction of their liveings, and seeing Lecturers, daily creep into their pulpits to pick their pokets, and plunder the well affected women in their parishes, respectively * Dr. Burges. desire to save their tithes, and parishioners wives for themselves by an Accommodation. The common prayer book Readers perceiving the people's talking of porridge, has left them scarce any meat to put in their mouths, as being only paid by the fi●ts of the women who have so torn the surplices, as they have scarce left them a shirt to their backs, desire to conclude with the peace of God, which passes their understanding, except there be an Accomm., the Civilians with their hands in their pockets like butchers in a Lent out of Parliament, finding no gilders there, as in former times; when fornication and adultery were worth money, (which now are committed gratis) and perceiveing no end of * Sir John Lamb. refunding such moneys as they had unjustly scraped together, and of * Dr. Eden. lending considerable sums to some worthy members, desire to go to their graves in peace, and not to leave their estates, lands, and leases to be spent by their sons upon whores, and a civil war, the Nobility having more to lose then five hundred of them and having served this King and hjs father before, notwithstanding finding themselves now often abused by scurvy fellows, and almost every week sent about sleeveless errands, perceiving they were gulled when they looked for Gunpowder, in his majesty's Sack and claret, now at last desire if it be possible to return into his majesty's favour, by the back stairs of Accommodation The Gentry having lost their Race & hunting horses, their chief delight, and only subject of their discourse, and seriously considering that this war would produce a parity in the Laity as well as the Clergy, and their worships will be called base fellows without any reparation in the Court of Honour, are pricked on by their wives toward Oxford for a Knighthood; from whence they return, and stickle in their Countries for Subscriptions for Peace, and Accommodation. Lastly, all the Rich and honest Citizens finding their shops Plundered, for the maintenance of their Property; their bodies imprisoned, for preservation of their Liberty; the Service of God abolished, for the upholding of Religion: their Arms taken from them, for the safety of their Persons: their wives and Children instigated against them, for better Order in their Families▪ their prentices sent to the Army, for the better looking to their Shops, most carnally desire to enjoy their former happiness by an Accommodation. Argument 5 5. My fifth Argument is drawn from the Persons which d● most strongly oppose it, all which are truly Religious and were affected, as we shall show by degrees. Such are the Right Reverend Lecturers, the Reverend T●●bers, the Holy Sisters, the devil and his Angels, the Captain● and Officers. First the Right Reverend Lecturers inspired from above▪ Booker's almanac, and having * Mr. Arrowsmith. found the Red-Horse, in the Revelation, at keinton-field, where they were very indust●●ous, even to the spoiling of their * Mr. Martial Bevers; and sweat 〈◊〉 of pure zeal, & ☉ M. Sedgwick who lost not a Thumb in the business. running away after so many godly exhortations, for bringing in Money, Plate, Horses. and Wedding Rings (which they hope by this coining, will be ab●●lished) after so many thanksgiving for being gloriously 〈◊〉 after so many miraculous Deliverances from unheard of, 〈◊〉 even unthought of Treasons. After such pregnant hopes of a through Reformation from all Religion, after so many soul-saving, heart-breaking, faith-confirming▪ sin destroying, State-disturbing, King-reviling, Church-Confounding-sermons, are resolved not to betray their lives to the Law, and their good names to perpetual infamy by a beggarly Accommodation. next the reverend Tubbers, who lke so many Dioginese, bid Allexander himself stand out of their light, men of ordinary vocations but extraordinary callings, those spiritual coachmen who whip up men's souls with uses of reproof, * At Ashford in Kent, the last Fast-Day. piss the pulpit with Holy water, and drive on so furiously that they cannot stop for accommodation, next under the Tubbers lie close the holy sisters, women of extraordinary humility and lowliness, not fearing what man can do unto them having heretofore petitioned the ablest members, Mistress Stagg. that they would be pleased to stand unto them, showing a great readiness at all times to lay down themselves at their use and service, with all their profits and commodities against an accommodation, the devil having profited very much by the aforesaid persons in accusing and slandering, and finding himself made more an ass by these, then by those in B. johnson's play, (for as for lying he is so far from being their father▪ that he is but a child to them, as for malice, so far from being their teacher, as he desires to be their scholar, for envy he is fat in respect of them, for the every, he has not so much permission, nor ever went so far in plundering of men's consciences) desirous these happy days may continue, which promise to make him a glorious and flourishing King, is resolved by all his Angels in Hell, and agents on earth, to fix his cloven foot of dissension against an accommodation. Next to the devil, The confiding captains and Commanders having no estates of their own to trust too, desiring to see their btethrens shopsshut up as well as their own, till they shall be enabled to repair their broken estates with breaking into houses, and leading silly womens' goods Captives, leaving their general's ensign on their husbands, and not willing to give over the landable custom of clubbing a thimble or a bodkin for a morning's draught, and taking beard. up horses by warrant to sell them again for double their price with tickets, 〈…〉. whereby they may drink healths at supper, smoking such Noses as they have, and cursing the Parliament in meeter, and lastly, knowing well that if it must needs come to fighting, and there be no other remedy, a good horse or a saw-pit will secure them, swear and stare that they hate the Cavalier accommodation, and the next time they see him, they will be the death of him. And now my brethren, having by these 5. arguments, as by a triple cord, fastened this abominable idol of Accommodation to the Pope's chair. from whence, through the hole by which he is searched, it came, what remains but that all which are well affected to the true protestant Religion, newly Printed & newly set forth, should oppose this accommodation as much as government or the Common Prayer. FJNJS.