A Sound out of Zion, From the Holy MOUNTAIN Which the Lord is establishng above all the Mountains. Declaring the salvation of God which is near to be revealed to the captivated Seed that waits for Redemption. And the Deceit of sinners laid open and witnessed against, who make a profession of God, and yet cannot believe that they can be saved from sin while they live. By one who doth rejoice in the Lord his Saviour, William Ames. Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart, Psal. 73.2. The Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: The Testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple, Psal. 19 7. But to the wicked God saith, What hast thou to do to declare my Statutes, or that thou shouldest take my Covenant in thy mouth? seeing thou hatest instruction, and castest my words behind thee, Psal. 50. 16. 17 LONDON, Printed, and are to be sold by William Warwick, 1663. A sound out of Zion, from the holy Mountain which the Lord is establishing above all the Mountains, etc. ALL you that make a profession of God, and of Christ, try yourselves with the Light that showeth you sin in your Consciences, and see whether you have fellowship with the Father and the Son, 1 john 1. 3. for all they who have not felship with the Father and the Son, are not of the Church of Christ, for his Church is his body, Col. 1. 18. and he is the Head, and the body hath fellowship with the Head; and he that hath fellowship with the Son, hath fellowship with the Father also; for the Father and the Son is one eternal Power by whom all things were made, john 1. 1, 2, 3. and he is pure and holy, and they that have unity with him, must be holy as he is holy, 1 Pet. 1. 15. else there is no unity, 2 Cor. 6. 14. nor fellowship; for this holy God, (Mal. 3. 6.) is an unchangeable being, who cannot be reconciled to any thing which is not of himself, because he is holy, pure and immortal; and all other beings that are not one with this pure being, hath an end, 1 Cor. 15. 28. Now by the Power of this pure God was all things made that is made, and he made man according to his own Image, (Gen. 1. 7. and 2. 7) and breathed into him the breath of Life, and he became a living soul: but man went out from that Life in which he was created, and so died to that holy Life in him, and so death came to have dominion, and man became alive in sin and unrighteousness; and the Life that God had placed in man, became vailed, and so man came tobe estranged from the Life of God, Eph. 4. 18. And thus being estranged from the Life of Righteousness, Gen. 6. 5. was filled with unrighteousness, and the Life and Power in which he was created, became his Adversary, and man became an Enemy to God, and a habitation of uncleanness. And from the pure and holy God went forth a Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the World, john 1. 9 and this Light beareth witness in the Consciences of all mankind, against unrighteousness, by which every man knoweth sin; and this Light is set against man, to keep him out from the Tree of Life, so long as he is in the enmity, left he should eat and live, Gen. 3. 24. And this Light is one with God, for it is the true Light of the Son of God that lighteth every man that cometh into the World, which is the condemnation of the World, and proceedeth from the same power by which all things were created; and this is manifested in the Conscience of every man, to lead him out of unrighteousness, which by it is condemned, and to lead into peace with God all those who follow it, john 1. 12. And so all they who follow this Light, they follow the Son of God, who is made a quickening Spirit, 1 Cor. 15. 45. and by him comes the Life of Righteousness to be quickened in them, and the unrighteous being to be destroyed and cast out; For this Light condemns all unrighteousness, and they who follow it, walk in the cross to the unrighteous lusts and desires vvhi●h moveth in the flesh, and is obedient to the Light by which they are condemned; and so the unrighteous Power comes to be crucified, and the power in which man was created, comes to be quickened, and so the second Adam comes to be known who is made a quickening spirit, and doth reconcile to God through the death of the cross, Col. 1. 21. every one that believeth in him, & keepeth his commandments, and in them cometh the pure life of God to be raised; by which Life purification is wrought, and man is brought into unity with God, the enmity being slain in man through the obedience of the Cross, Eph. 2. 16. Here comes the pure Life to have dominion in man, and man becomes the Temple of the Holy God, Eph. 2. 21. and this is redemption. For man being obedient to the lusts and motions of the flesh, he became the servant of sin, and so was free from righteousness, Rom. 6. 20. for righteousness is in bondage in him, and unrighteousness bears rule, and this is the captivity of jacob; for the life of righteousness being lost, there is nothing brought forth but unrighteousness, and the pure Seed of God that beareth witness in the Conscience against unrighteousness, is kept in prison; and although it cries, there is none that answers nor obeyeth it, but the lusts and desires which lead to lying, swearing, drunkenness, covetousness, idolatry, and all wickedness, hate, malice, envy, murder witchcraft, and such like, is obeyed and followed; and here are all men in the enmity, which is against God, Eph. 2. 3. and are the heirs of wrath and condemnation: And this is the unhappy state, for there is no other unhappiness, then to have the pure God to an Enemy, and so to be an heir of his wrath; and he is an Enemy to all impurity; and they that act impurity, are in the enmity against him, Col. 1. 21. Therefore hath he given his Son a Light in the World, and hath lighted every man that cometh into the World, to seek and to save that which was lost, Luke 19 10. Purity is lost, Holiness is lost, Righteousness is lost, the knowledge of God is lost, peace with God is lost: Now they that turn to the Light, they turn to the Son in whom the Father is well-pleased, Matt. 3. 17. who hath long sought man who is lost from it, and hath convinced of sin in the Conscience, and hath sought to lead out of sin into righteousness, that it which was lost might be found and saved. Now every one that turneth to the Son, the Light which seeketh in the Conscience, they come to find that which was lost, and to be found of it, who have been lost from it, and come to know hol●nesse, and righteousness, and peace, and knowledge of God brought forth in them; and here comes the Life of God which was lost, and from which they were lost, they being without it, to be redeemed in them; and so that which was lost, comes to be found and saved, and the Life of unrighteousness which was exalted in man above all that is of God, comes to be destroyed, and here comes the lofty to be cast down, and him of low degree to be exalted, Luke 1. 52. and here comes man to be brought into happiness; for as there is no other unhappiness but in the loss of that pure life in which man was created, and so the loss of the friendship, unity, knowledge and peace of God; even so there is no other happiness than the finding and the enjoying of that which was lost; for as by the losing of that pure Life, all men are out of Covenant with God, so no man is brought in Covenant with God, until that be found which was lost. So that being found which was lost, here comes the glorious Church to be redeemed, that is without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, Eph. 5. 27. of which Christ is the Head, with whom God is one; and in that pure Life have they fellowship with God, and he with them, and so they are one in Christ who lighteth every man that cometh into the World, as he is one with the Father; and this is the unity and fellowship of the Church of Christ. Now all you that profess God and Christ, and say you do hope to be saved by Christ, and yet are condemned by his Light in your Consciences; tell me, What is the ground of your hope, seeing the measure of God in your Consciences condemns you, with whom God is one? By whom then do you think to be justified, seeing Christ condemns you? for he is the true Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the World; and by him is all unrighteousness in the World condemned, john 3. 19 and he cannot be reconciled to any unrighteous being, because he is one with the Father; therefore hath the Fathercommitted all Judgement unto him john 5. 22. because he judgeth righteously, & he is unchangeable; & therefore if he condemn you now for sin, do not think that he will justify you hereafter, except you forsake your sin, that so the purity of his Life may be brought forth in you, and so you come to be transformed into his Image, Heb. 1. 3. who is the glory of the incorruptible God; for holiness hath no union with unholiness, 2 Cor. 6. 14, nor purity with impurity, nor light with darkness; and therefore the holy eternal God being unchangeable, the change must be wrought in you who are unholy, by the saving Grace of God which hath appeared unto you all, Tit. 2. 11. which is the Light that condemneth sin in the Conscience, if ever you come to have unity with him. And all they who obey the Light with which they are enlightened, they come to find Christ to be the Minister of righteousness, Isa. 32. 1. administering the righteous Judgements of God upon the unrighteous nature, and so comes all that in man that would not have him to reign, to be slain by him, and so he cometh (who is the Life and Power in the which man was created) to have dominion in man over all, who is God blessed for ever. Now all you that say, Though you are sinners, yet you hope to be saved, because God is merciful and ready to forgive sin, and with this hope do comfort yourselves, and do not seek to depart from sin, neither do you believe that you can be freed from sin. I tell you, your hope shall perish at the appearing of the God of jacob; for how can you be saved by the mercy of God, when you refuse to receive it? For this is the mercy of God, That he hath given his Son a Light in the World, that all they who receive him, might receive power to become the sons of God, joh. 1. 12. by which Power they are redeemed from sin, and made heirs of Eternal Life; and no sinner is heir of Eternal Life, but he that sinneth, is condemned in his Conscience by the Light of Christ which God in mercy hath given to save from sin all that receive him. Now this Light lets you see that you should not lie, swear, steal, defraud, or speak evilly, etc. but you for sake the motions of the Light, and do follow the motions of Satan, which moves you to act unrighteousness, and so you refuse the mercy and saving-Grace of God, and you choose to obey the motions of Satan, which lead to act unrighteousness, and yet you lean upon the Lord, and say you hope he will be merciful to forgive you your sins, although you hate to obey his mercy in whom forgiveness of sins is received * And therefore the mercy of God condemns you, because you will not receive it, nor obey it. : And thus your hope is the hope of the hypocrite, and shall perish, for he that hath the true hope, purifies himself as God is pure, 1 john 3. 3 but you believe you cannot be made pure, and so you are reprobate to that Faith which purifies the heart, and gives victory over the World, 1 john 5. 4. And therefore all you who do hope to be saved by your Faith, and yet do live in sin and unrighteousness, and have not so much Faith as to believe that you shall ever be freed from unrighteousness while you live (because the way of Truth you know not) what Faith is that which you trust in, seeing it is the just that liveth by Faith, Heb. 10. 28. and you are unjust? Is not your Faith without works, james 2. 20. and so dead, seeing that you believe that your Faith hath not so much power to work that in you which was wrought in the Saints of old by the●r Faith; which works were these, Acts 159 By Faith were the●r hearts purified, Rom. 5. 1. By Faith were they justified, and had peace with God; and their Faith gave them victory over the World; and this you believe you cannot attain unto while you live; and have you now not good reason to question your Faith, seeing it worketh not the same effects which was wrought in them who had the true Faith? Doth it not appear that your Faith is not the same Faith which they had, by which they were justified, 2 Cor. 1. 12. and did receive in the testimony of their Conscience, that they had walked before God uprightly and holily, seeing that the same Light condemneth you in your consciences, which justified them, and you do believe you shall not be justified before God in your Consciences while you live. Now if you have Faith without Works, do you think that Faith will save you, except the Works of Faith be brought forth in you? jam. 2. 19 And is not the Devil's Faith so good as yours, who doth believe and tremble before the just Judgements of God * Because of his disobedience. ? But you having not so much feeling, do harden yourselves against judgement, and doth comfort yourselves in your disobedience. And yet will you say you serve the Lord, although you have given yourselves over to serve Satan? For sin is a Work of the Devil, and where the Works are brought forth, there is the Worker; and you do believe you cannot be freed from sin, and have you not then given yourselves over to obey Satan, Rom. 6. 17. and his servants you are to whom you obey; and therefore when Satan moves you to commit sin, you obey him, because you believe you cannot do otherwise; and so your Faith is so far from purifying your hearts, that it leads you into impurity: And although you are convinced by the Light of God in your Consciences, that you should not sin, yet you believe not in the Light (which if you did, it would purify your hearts) but you do believe and follow him who leads you to commit sin, and you do not believe that that of God which convinceth you that you should not sin, is able to deliver you from sin * And therefore you follow it not, but reject it, and so you despise the Grace of God. ; and so you are the unbelievers who make God a liar, in not believing the testimony which he hath given of his Son, 1 john 5. 10. And so to the righteousness of God are you disobedient, you being the servants of sin; for you cannot serve two Masters, if you are servants of sin, you are free from righteousness, Rom. 6. 20. and are not the servants of Christ; for he is not the Minister of sin, Gal. 2. 17. but you serve Satan who is the Author of sin, and your Faith leads you no further than to serve him; and therefore that cannot be the Faith which gives peace with God; for there is no peace from God to the wicked, Isa. 48. 22. much less to those who believe they shall never be made righteous; and so hath made a Covenant with death and Hell, to commit sin so long as you live; you are not those who do wait for the Saviour to save you from sin, but do comfort yourselves with your vain imaginations, and being ignorant of the righteousness of God which is made manifest in all those who believe in the Light, to take away sin. You think to be saved by your own righteousness, in making a profession from the words of the holy men of God, although you are unholy; and you do believe you shall never be made holy while you live; and so you make likenesses, and bow down to them, although the Scripture which you profess, saith, Thou shalt not make the likeness of any thing that is in Heaven above, or in the Earth beneath, nor in the waters under the Earth; Exod. 20.4. but you being ignorant of the substance, have nothing but the likeness, which you bow unto, and say Christ hath commanded you so to do, when you have neither heard his voice, nor seen his shape; but that which you have, you have gathered into your imaginations by reading the Scripture, and do endeavour to get into a form of godliness, but the Power you never look for while you live; for they that have the power of godliness, by it are they redeemed from sin; but you believe that cannot be in this life: And thus are you strangers to the life of Saints. And yet you will own the Name of Christians, and say you are baptised in his Name, although you believe you shall never be partakers of his Life while you live. And so it appears that your Baptism is not the Baptism of Christ; for as many as are baptised into Christ, are baptised into his death, and are made partakers of the resurrection of his Life, and are made free from sin, Rom. 6. 3, 7. but your Baptism cannot free from sin; for we see drunkards, swearers, liars, thiefs, murderers, and such like who are baptised with your baptism, and yet remain so; and therefore it is an abomination to God, and it is a likeness which the Lord forbids, who saith, Thou shalt not make any likeness; and this you have, but the substance you never look for while you live; and so your hearts being not circumcised by the circumcision of Christ, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh; you cannot understand the things of God, because you are not buried with him in baptism. And yet will you boast of the Lord's Table, although you believe you shall never be freed from the Table of Devils while you live; for you believe you cannot be freed from sin, and he that committeth sin, is partaker with Satan; and he that takes part with Satan, is God's Enemy, and is shut out from the Lord's Table. And then you take Bread and Wine, and eat and drink it, and call that the Lord's Supper, and say he did so with his Apostles the same night that he was betrayed; and this is false; for that Bread which he gave his Disciples, was his Body, (john 6. 51. Matth. 26. 26, 27, 28. Mark. 14. 22, 23, 24 Luke 22. 19 20. 1 Cor. 11. 23, 24.) which you are ignorant of, who call outward Bread and Wine the Lord's supper, for that is not his Body: And Christ said, The Bread that I will give you, is my flesh. And when the time drew near that he should go to the Father, he broke that bread, and gave it them, and said, Take, eat, this is my body; and after they had eaten, he took the Cup, and gave it them, and said, Drink ye all of it, this is my Blood which is shed for many for the remission of sins: And this was the same that Paul did administer to the Corinthians; and the Cup of blessing was the communion of the blood of Christ; and the bread which they did break, was the communion of the body of Christ, and this did God ordain; but yours is a likeness which God is against, and it must be destroyed. And because you read in Scripture, that the holy men of God did sing because the Lord had redeemed them; therefore you who are unholy, have made songs of their words, and you sing, who never know what Redemption was. Moses and the children of Israel did sing because the Lord had redeemed them out of the hands of Pharaoh, Exod. 15. and that which they spoke in their song, in them was truth; but if you sing their words, and are not partakers of their deliverance, are you not liars. Deborah and Barack sung, judg. 5. because the Lord had delivered them, and had destroyed the Enemies of Israel: But what rule is this for you to sing, who cannot believe that sin (which is Israel's Enemy) can be destroyed in you while you live; and they that were redeemed unto God out of Kindred's, Tongues and Nations, (Rev. 14. 3. & 15. 3.) sung a new song, the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, because they were redeemed by him; but what caufe have you to sing, who are strangers to this redemption? and the Apostle said, Be not overcome with Wine, but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to yourselves in Psalms and Hymns, and spiritual songs, making melody in your hearts unto God, Eph. 5. 18, 19 But what melody is there in your hearts unto God, who are strangers to his Spirit, and are filled with excess of the Wine of the Fornication of the Whore, with which all Nations are become drunk, and do believe you cannot be cleansed from it while you live. David when he was delivered, and did keep the ways of the Lord, and had not wickedly departed from his God, 2 Sam. 22. 22 23. he declared the wonderful Works of God, and did sing to the glory of his Name; and you have made songs of his words, who depart from God daily, and do believe you cannot keep the ways of the Lord; and is not this hypocrisy, to profess the words of them who were holy, seeing you are unholy, and strangers to their Life? And thus all your singing, and all your prayers, and all your Ordinances are an abomination to God, because they are wrought by that nature which is not subject to the Law of God, neither indeed can be, and your hearts are polluted with uncleanness, and you are not obedient to the righteousness of God, Christ Jesus the Light of the World, that lighteth every man that cometh into the World, which convinceth you of sin in your consciences, and beareth witness for God against your unrighteousness: This is he who God hath given to be his salvation to the ends of the Earth, Isa. 49. 6. And because you do not obey this Teacher near you, therefore you are not saved, but you wander up and down (many of you) from Mountain to Hill to seek a covering, but nothing can cover you from his presence; for he is near that condemns you, and then how can you be justified? For they who are not in him, and he in them, cannot be justified before God. And you follow the teachings of men whose minds are corrupt, who withstand the Truth as jannes' and jambres withstood Moses, 2 Tim. 3. who creep into Houses, and lead silly women captive, who are laden with sin, and led away with divers lusts, always learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth. Now all you who are led captive under their traditions and ordinances which they teach, some for filthy lucre, others out of pride being puffed up with knowledge in the Letter, are you not those whom the Apostle speaks of, who are laden with sin? and are you not led away with divers lusts? and after you have learned twenty, thirty, forty or fifty years, do you know any more of God than when you first began? but still you remain serving your lusts, until you are taken away from the Earth. And if any come to witness redemption through Jesus Christ, and do declare against your evil deeds, then are you those who are enraged, and cries out, These are the seducers, when you yourselves are sinners, and so are seduced; for there is no other seducing them to commit sin, and all sinners are seduced; and yet you say of those who witness Christ in them redeeming from sin, these are the false Prophets that should come in sheep's clothing, for we do not believe (say you) that any can be freed from sin while he lives; and herein you manifest yourselves to be the false Prophets you speak of; for you cover yourselves with the Lambs words, and with a profession thereof; but you are so far from being partaker of his Life, that you believe you cannot attain unto it; for where the Lamb of God is made manifest, he taketh away sin; but where sin hath dominion, there is the Lamb of God slain; and you do believe sin must have dominion in you while you live, and then are you not the Wolves who devoureth the Lambs, and yet cloth yourselves with the Wool, making a profession of Christ, and yet are Enemies to his Life; for there is no other enmity against God, but sin; and there is nothing that condemns sin but Christ, who lighteth every man that cometh into the World; for the Father hath committed all Judgement unto him, for he judgeth righteously, he will not condemn the righteous, neither will he justify the sinner in his sin, but every one who departeth from sin, and taketh up his Cross and followeth him through death, he will in no wise cast off. But all you who think to be justified because of your outward profession, outward Baptism, outward Supper, outward singing, outward praying, and yet your inward parts polluted with sin; you stink in the nostrils of God because of your hypocrisy, to profess the words of those who were holy, while you are unholy; for God desireth truth in the inward parts, Psal. 51. 6. and without holiness none can see God; Heb. 12. 14. but you are so far from having truth and holiness in the inward parts, that you believe it cannot be attained to; and so all your profession is no more than that which the jews had, who crucified the Lord of Life; for they professed the words of the holy men of God, and so do you; but truth and holiness in the inward parts had they not, neither have you; and he who was the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the World, did they crucify, and so do you; for with your sins you cross the true Light which convinceth you of sin, and so did they; and this is the reason that truth and holiness is not brought forth in your inward parts. And thus all the Works by which you think to be justified in your profession, are dead Works, they being wrought by that nature which crucifies that Life in whose Works God is well-pleased, and to repentance from dead Works are you not come, but in your dead Works do think to be just fied, and therefore are you so ignorant of the Works of Eternal Life which are wrought in all that are justified by Christ Jesus, who is the Life eternal, and worketh in all that receive him to will and to do, Phil. 2. 13. in whose Works the Father is well-pleased; and by the power of his working in us, are we redeemed from the power of Satan, and are made to rejoice in the Lord our Saviour. And therefore cease from all false Teachers, who cry peace peace, where there is no peace, jer. 6. 14. and tell you, you shall be justified, although in your Consciences you are condemned; these are the false Teachers who are against Christ, and they preach peace to such whom Christ Jesus condemns by his Light with which he hath lighted every man; but against such who are redeemed by Christ, and do witness them to be liars, they prepare war: And they persuade you that you cannot be saved from sin while you live. And thus they deny the Power of God to save from sin, and would persuade you that the Lord's hand is shortened that it cannot save: And thus they delude you until the measure of your iniquity is full, and then you must receive a reward according to your works, Wrath, Tribulation and Anguish upon every soul of man that doth evil. But if you turn to the Light with which you are lighted, you turn to the true Teacher which will always be present with you to lead you into the paths of righteousness, where is peace eternal, and rejoicing in the Testimony of your consciences, 2 Cor. 1. 12. and the Law of God will be written in your hearts, Heb. 10. 16. by which sin will be condemned in your flesh, 1 Pet. 4. 6. and there will the power of God be manifest to destroy sin; and thus you will receive the pure water, (Heb. 10. 22.) which purifieth from sin; and this is obtained in obeying the Light with which you are lighted; for that is truth, and is no lie, and it manifesteth the thoughts and intents of the heart; and therefore they who receive it, need not that any man teach them, for they are taught by the anointing, 1 john 2. 27. and they need not to teach one another, saying, Know the Lord, (jereremiah 31: 34.) for they following the Light, do come to find the Law in their hearts and the Spirit of God in their inward parts, by which they know God from the least to the greatest; and he that knoweth not this condition, but remains learning of men, such a one is a stranger to the New Covenant. Given forth for the Seeds sake, who groan for redemption, by one who desires that righteousness may be established, William Ames, THE END.