AN ACCOUNT Of the late Barbarous Proceed of the Earl of Tyrconnel And his Soldiers, against the poor PROTESTANTS in Ireland: With their Killing and Driving some Thousands out of Cork and Lymmerick Stark Naked in the Cold: Their Besieging Bandon, Taking the Honourable Capt. boil, and their Bloody Association to destroy all the Protestants of that Kingdom. THE Lord Tyrconnel, the late King James' Deputy of the Kingdom of Ireland, since the said King's Departure, and Abdication of the Kingdom of England, being as it seems resolved to keep the Kingdom is a reserve and refuge for his Master upon occasion, or by a Vigorous seeming Preparation for War, to lay a seasonable and sure foundation for Tolerable and Advantageous Conditions for himself, behaved himself with some sort of pretended Conscience and Mercy towards the p●●●… 〈…〉 down that Kingdom, until the News of the Prince of O●●●ge 〈…〉 King, which so enraged him, that he publicly Swore, that he would ●●●●●…ged on all the Protestants in that Kingdom. And about the same time receiving both Arms and Ammunition from France, as also full assurance of the late King with a good supply of Men and Arms, would arrive there to his and the papists Assistance in that Kingdom, and then immediately threw of the Disguise of Justice, pretended in his late Proclamation, and, give public Liberty and encouragement to hls Soldiers and Officers, to plunder and destroy the Protestants, as they should think fit. Whereupon the Papists in's most of the great Towns in Munster assemble, and first striping Men, Women, and Children, they Drive them out of the Towns, and leave them to the Mercy of the rest about the Roads. In Cork, they gathered Three Thousand protestants, Men, Women, and Children, and Robbing them of all their Effects in their Habitations, they without regard to Modesty, Charity, or Sex, strip them stark naked, and drive them out of the Town; the Soldiers Slapping and Beating them with Cudgels, and using most Barbarous and Undecent Actions to the Women. In Lymrick they have done the same, driving out, and abusing some Hundreds in the Cold, without one Rag about them. The Honouroble Captain boil, by Treachery of some abot him, they have Teken, and are in close pursuit after the Earl of Inchiqueen the greatest protestant Champion in Munster: The strong Town of Bandon they have sent Eight Thousand Men to Besiege: and threaten most horribly to destroy, Man, Woman and Child, unless they yield upon Summons; and it is remarkable, that one Cartie, an Officer in Bandon, desiring leave to go out of the Town, the protestants having Disarmed his Company before, for fear of their Villainy, they freely gave him leave, and the Villain had scarce got half a mile from the Town, when he meets with Two protestant English Children, a Boy and a Girl, and alighting, he Barbarously Murdered, cutting their Throats, and ripping them up. These are the first so Bloody Attempts, which so nearly resemble their Beginnings in their last so horrid Rebellion in Forty One, that unless speedy Succour be sent, (whibh God Almighty grant) we may quickly hear of the utter and Barbarous Extirpation of all the protestants, besides the hazard of not being able to recover that Kingdom, without the Expense and Trouble of a long and tedious war. London, Printed for W. Downing in Bartholomew-Close. 1689.