Advice to the City or the wigs Loyalty explained Remember the wiggs what was formerly done, remember your mischiefs in forty and one, when friend oppossed friend, & father the son, than then the old cause, went rarely on the cap sat aloft and low was the crown the Rabble got up, and the nobles went down, Lay elders in tubbs. ruled Bishops in robes. who mourned the sad fate and dreadful disaster, of their royal master. by rebels betra'ed. Then London be wise & baffle their power and let them play the old game no more, hang hang up the Shr, those baboons in power, those popular theives. those rats of the Tower, whose canting tale the rabble believes in a hurry, and never sorry merrily they still go on, fie for shame we're to tame, since they claim the combat, Tan ta ra ra ra tan, ta ra ra ra, Dub, a dub, a let the Drum beat the strong militia guard the throne. When faction posseses the popular voice The cause is supplied still with nonsense & noise And Tony their speaker the rabble leads on He knows if we prosper that he must run Carolina must be his next station of ease And London be rid of her worst disease From plots and from spies From treason and lies We, shall ever be free And the law shall be able To punish a Rebel as cunning as he: then London etc. Rebellion never wanted a loyal pretence These Villains swear all's for the good of their Prince Oppose our elections to show what they dare And losing their Charter arrest the Mayor Fool Ji ●. was the first o'th' aickouldly crew With EllJ. and Jeaka. and Hub ●. the Jew Famed sparks of the town For wealth and renown Give the Devil his due And such as we fear Had their Sovereign been there had arrested him too: then London etc. Printed for C. Tebroc Price 2●.