ABDELAZER, OR THE Moor's Revenge. A TRAGEDY. As it is Acted at his Royal Highness the DUKE'S THEATRE. Written by M rs. A. Behn. LONDON, Printed for I. Magnes and R. Bentley, in Russel-street in Covent-Garden, near the Piazza's, 1677. The Actors Names. Mr. Harris, Ferdinand A young King of Spain, in Love with Florella. Mr. Smith, Philip His Brother. Mr. Betterton, Abdelazer The Moor. Mr. Medburne, Mendozo Prince Cardinal, in Love with the Queen. Mr. Crosby, Alonzo A young Nobleman of Spain, contracted to Leonora. Mr. Norris, Roderigo A Creature to the Moor. Mr. john Lee, Antonio Sebastian Two Officers of Philip's. Mr. Persivall, Mr. Richards, Osmin Zarrack Moors, and Officers to Abdelazer. Officers, Pages, and Attendants. Mrs. Lee, Isabel Queen of Spain, Mother to Ferdinand and Philip, in Love with Abdelazer. Mrs. Barrer, Leonora Her Daughter, Sister to Ferdinand and Philip. Mrs. Betterton, Florella Wife of Abdelazer, and Sister to Alonzo. Mrs. Osborne, Elvira Woman to the Queen. Other Women, Attendants. SCENE Spain, and in the Camp. Some Books Printed (and in the Press) for J. Magnes and R. Bentley, that will be Published this Michaelmas Term 1676. French Novels. L'heureux Esclave. Printed. La Princesse de Monferrat. Printed. Le faux Comte de Brion. Printed. Plays. Abdelazer, or the Moor's Revenge. Printed. The Town Fop, or Sir Timothy Taudry. in the Press. No Fool like the Old Fool. in the Press. The Happy Slave; a Novel of Monsieur Scaron. Made English. in the Press. Essays Moral, in three Tomes: Translated from the French of the Messieurs of the Port-Royal. in the Press. A Sermon, Preached at the Funeral of Richard Herbert Esq by I. S. M. A. and Vicar of Bromfield. Printed. ABDELAZER, OR THE Moor's Revenge. ACT. I. SCENE I. A Rich Chamber. A Table with Lights, Abdelazer sullenly leaning his head on his hands;— after a little while, still Music plays. SONG. LOve in Fantastic Triumph sat, Whilst Bleeding hearts about him flowed, For whom fresh pays he did create, And strange Tyrannic power he showed; From thy bright Eyes he took his fires, Which round about in sport he hurled; But 'twas from mine he took desires, Enough t' undo the Amorous world. From me he took his sighs and tears, From thee his pride and cruelty; From me his languishments and fears, And every killing Dart from thee: Thus thou, and I, the God have armed, And set him up a Deity, But my poor heart alone is harmed, Whilst thine the Victor is, and free. After which he rouzes, and gazes. Abd. ON me this Music lost?— this sound on me That hates all softness?— What ho, my Slaves! Enter Osmin, Zarrack. Osm. My gracious Lord— Enter Queen, Elvira. Qu. My dearest Abdelazer— Abd. Oh, are you there?— Ye Dogs, how came she in? Did I not charge you on your lives to watch, That none disturb my privacy? Qu. My gentle Abdelazer, 'tis thy Queen, Who 'as laid aside the business of her State, To wanton in the hinder joys of Love.— Play all your sweetest Notes, such as inspire To the Music; they play softly▪ The active Soul with new and soft desire, Whilst we from Eyes— thus— dying, fan the fire. [she sits down by him: Abd. Cease that ungrateful noise— [Music ceases. Qu. Can aught that I command displease my Moor? Abd. Away, fond woman— Qu. Nay, prithee be more kind.— Abd. Nay, prithee good Queen, leave me,— I am dull, Unfit for dalliance now.— Qu. Why dost thou frown?— to whom was that Curse sent? Abd. To thee.— Qu. To me!— it cannot be;— to me, sweet Moor!— No, no, it cannot;— prithee smile upon me;— Smile whilst a thousand Cupids shall descend And call thee jove, and wait upon thy smiles, Deck thy smooth brow with flowers; Whilst in my Eyes, needing no other Glass, Thou shalt behold and wonder at thy beauty. Abd. Away, away, be gone.— Qu. Where hast thou learned this language, that can say But those rude words,— Away, away, be gone? Am I grown ugly now? Abd. Ugly as Hell.— Qu. Didst thou not love me once, and swore that Heaven Dwelled in my face and eyes? Abd. Thy face and eye!— Bawd, fetch me here a Glass, [to Elvira. And thou shalt see the balls of both those eyes Burning with fire of Lust.— That blood that dances in thy Cheeks so hot, That have not I to cool it Made an extraction even of my Soul, Decayed my Youth, only to feed thy Lust! And wouldst thou still pursue me to my Grave? Qu. All this to me, my Abdelazer! Abd. I cannot ride through the Castilian Streets, But thousand eyes Throw killing looks at me;— And cry,— That's he that does abuse our King;— There goes the Minion of the Spanish Queen, Who, on the lazy pleasures of his Love, Spends the Revenues of the King of Spain:— This many-headed-beast your Lust has armed,.— Qu. How dare you, Sir, upbraid me with my Love? Abd. I will not answer thee, nor hear thee speak. Qu. Not hear me speak!— Yes, and in thunder too; Since all my passion, all my soft entreaties Can do no good upon thee, I'll see (since thou hast banished all thy Love, That Love, to which I've sacrificed my Honour) If thou hast any sense of Gratitude, For all the mighty graces I have done thee. Abd. Do;— and in thy story too, do not leave out How dear those mighty graces I have purchased! My blooming Youth, my healthful vigorous Youth, Which Nature gave me for more Noble Actions Then to lie fawning at a woman's feet, And pass my hours in idleness and Love.— If I could blush, I should through all this Cloud Send forth my sense of shame into my Cheeks. Qu. Ingrate! Have I for this abused the best of men? My noble Husband! Depriving him of all the joys of Love, To bring them all entirely to thy bed; Neglected all my vows, and sworn 'em here anew, Here, on thy lips;— Exhausted Treasures that would purchase Crowns, To buy thy smiles,— to buy a gentle look;— And when thou didst repay me,— blessed the Giver!— Oh Abdelazer, more than this I've done.— This very hour, the last the King can live, Urged by thy witchcraft I his life betrayed: And is it thus— my bounties are repaid? What e'er a crime so great deserves from Heaven, By Abdelazer might have been forgiven.— (weeps. But I will be revenged by penitence, And e'er the King dies, own my black offence.— And yet that's not enough— Elvira— (pawses. Cry murder, murder, help, help.— She and her woman cry aloud, he is surprised, the Queen falls, he draws a Dagger at Elvira. Elu. Help, murder, murder.— Abd. Hell, what's this!— peace Bawd,— 'sdeath, They'll raise the Court upon me, and then I'm lost.— My Queen,— my Goddess,— Oh raise your lovely eyes, I have dissembled coldness all this while; And that deceit was but to try thy Faith.— takes her up, sets her in a Chair, then kneels. Look up,— by Heaven 'twas Jealousy,— Pardon your Slave,— pardon your poor Adorer. Qu. Thou didst upbraid me with my shameful passion. Abd. I'll tear my tongue out for its profanation. Qu. And when I wooed thee, but to smile upon me, Thou crydst,— Away, I'm dull, unfit for dalliance. Abd. Call back the frighted blood into thy Cheeks, And I'll obey the dictates of my Love, And smile, and kiss, and dwell for ever here.— Enter Osmin hastily. How now!— why starest thou so?— Osm. My Lord,— the King is dead. Abd. The King dead! 'twas time then to dissemble. (aside. What means this rudeness?— (one knocks. Enter Zarrack. Zar. My Lord,— the Cardinal enquiring for the Queen, The Court is in an uproar, none can find her. Abd. Not find the Queen! and would they search her here! Qu. What shall I do? I must not here be found. Abd. Oh, do not fear,— no Cardinal enters here; No King,— no God, that means to be secure.— Slaves, guard the doors, and suffer none to enter, Whilst I, my charming Queen, provide for your security:— You know there is a Vault deep under ground, Into the which the busy Sun ne'er entered, Bue all is dark, as are the shades of Hell; Through which in dead of night I oft have passed, Guided by Love, to your Apartment, Madam.— They knock again;— thither, my lovely Mistress, (knock. Suffer yourself to be conducted.— Osmin, attend the Queen,— descend in haste, Qu. Osm. and Elu. descend the Vault. My Lodgings are beset. Zar. I cannot guard the Lodgings longer, Don Ordonio, Sir, to seek the Queen. Abd. How dare they seek her here? Zar. My Lord, the King has swooned twice, And being recovered, calls for her Majesty. Abd. The King not dead!— go Zarrack, and aloud Tell Don Ordonio and the Cardinal, He that dares enter here to seek the Queen, Puts his hand to his sword. Had better snatch the She from the fierce side Of a young Amorous Lion, and 'twere safer.— Again, more knocking!— [knocking. Zar. My gracious Lord, it is your Brother, Don Alonzo. Abd. I will not have him enteer,— I am disordered.— Zar. My Lord, 'tis now too late. Enter Alonzo. Alon. Saw you not the Queen, my Lord? Abd. My Lord? Alon. Was not the Queen here with you? Abd. The Queen with me! Because, Sir, I am married to your Sister, You, like your Sister, must be jealous too: The Queen with me! with me! a Moor! a Devil! A Slave of Barbary! for so Your gay young Courtiers christian me:— but Don, Although my skin be black, within my veins Runs blood as red, and Royal as the best.— Mr Father, Great Abdela, with his Life Lost too his Crown: both most unjustly ravished By Tyrant Philip; your old King I mean. How many wounds his valiant breast received, Ere he would yield to part with Life and Empire: Methinks I see him covered o'er with blood, Fainting amidst those numbers he had conquered; I was but young, yet old enough to grieve, Though not revenge, or to defy my Fetters; For than began my Slavery: and e'er since Have seen that Diadem by this Tyrant worn, Which Crowned the Sacred Temples of my Father. And should adorn mine now;— should! nay and must;— Go tell him what I say, 'twill be but death:— Go Sir,— the Queen's not here.— Alon. Do not mistake me, Sir;— or if I would, I've no old King to tell,— the King is dead;— And I am answered, Sir, to what I came for, And so good night.— Exit. Abd. Now all that's brave and Villain seize my soul, Reform each faculty that is not Ill, And make it fit for Vengeance; noble Vengeance! Oh glorious word! fit only for the Gods, For which they formed their Thunder, Till man usurped their Power, and by Revenge Swayed Destiny as well as they, And took their trade of killing.— And thou, almighty Love! Dance in a thousand forms about my Person, That this same Queen, this easy Spanish Dame May be bewitched and dote upon me still: Whilst I make use of the Insatiate flame To set all Spain on fire.— Mischief, erect thy Throne, And sit on high; here, here upon my head; Let Fools fear Fate, thus I my Stars defy, points to his Sword. The influence of this— must raise my glory high. Exit. SCENE II. Enter Fernando weeping, Ordonio bearing the Crown, followed by Alonzo leading Leonora weeping; Florella, Roderigo, Mendozo, met by the Queen weeping; Elvira, and women. Qu. What doleful cry was that, which like the voice Of angry Heaven struck through my trembling soul! Nothing but horrid shrieks, nothing but death; Whilst I, bowing my knees to the cold Earth, Drowning my Cheeks in Rivulets of tears, Sending up prayers in sighs t' implore from Heaven Health for the Royal Majesty of Spain,— All, cried the Majesty of Spain, is dead. Whilst the sad sound flew through the echoing Air, And reached my frighted soul— Inform my fears, Oh my Fernando, oh my gentle Son.— (weeps. King. Madam, read here the truth, if looks can show That which I cannot speak, and you would know: The common Fate, in every face appears; A Kings great loss, the public grief declares, But 'tis a Father's death that claims my tears. Card. leads in the Qu. attended. Leon. Ah Sir! If you thus grieve, who ascend by what you've lost To all the greatness that a King can boast; What tributes from my eyes and heart are due, Who've lost at once a King and Father too? King. My Leonora, cannot think my grief Can from those empty Glories find relief; Nature within my soul has equal share, And that and Love surmount my glory there. Had Heaven continued Royal Philip's life, And given me bright Florella for a wife, (bows to Flor. To Crowns and Sceptres I had made no claim, But owed my blessings only to my flame. But Heaven well knew in giving thee away, (to Flor. I had no business for another joy.— (weeps. The King, Alonzo, with his dying breath, turns to Alon. and Leon. To you my beauteous Sister did bequeath; And I his generotsiy approve, And think you worthy Leonora's love. (Enter Card. and Qu. weeping. Alon. Too gloriously my services are paid, In the possession of this Royal Maid, To whom my guilty heart durst ne'er aspire, But rather chose to languish in its fire. Enter Philip in a Rage, Antonio and Sebastian. Phil. I know he is not dead; what envious powers Durst snatch him hence? he was all great and good, As fit to be adored as they above. Where is the body of my Royal Father? That body which inspired by's sacred soul, Awed all the Universe with every frown, And taugh 'em all obedience with his smiles. Why stand you thus distracted?— Mother— Brother— My Lords— Prince Cardinal— Has sorrow struck you dumb? Is this my welcome from the toils of War? When in his bosom I should find repose, To meet it cold and pale!— Oh guide me to him, And with my sighs I'll breathe new life into't. (Phil. goes out. King. There's all that's left of Royal Philip now, Pay all thy sorrow there;— whilst mine alone Are swollen too high t' admit of lookers on. (Exit King weeping. Philip returns weeping. Phil. His soul is flew to all Eternity: And yet methought it did inform his body That I, his darling Philip was arrived With Conquest on my Sword; and even in death Sent me his Joy in smiles. Qu. If souls can after death have any sense Of humane things, his will be proud to know That Philip is a Conqueror.— (Enter Abdelazer. But do not drown thy Laurels thus in tears, Such tributes leave to us, thou art a Soldier. Phil. Gods! this should be my Mother.— Men. It is, Great Sir, the Queen. Phil. Oh she's too foul for one or t'other title. Qu. How Sir, do you not know me? Phil. When you were just, I did,— And with a reverence such as we pay Heaven, I paid my awful duty;— But as you have abused my Royal Father, For such a sin the basest of your Slaves Would blush to call you Mother. Qu. What means my Son? Phil. Son! by Heaven I scorn the title. Qu. Oh insolence!— out of my sight, rude Boy. Phil. We must not part so, Madam; I first must let you know your sin and shame:— Nay, hear me calmly,— for by Heaven you shall.— My Father whilst he lived, tired his strong Arm With numerous Battles 'gainst the Enemy, Wasting his brains in Warlike stratagems, To bring confusion on the faithless Moors, Whilst you, lulled in soft peace at home,— betrayed His name to everlasting Infamy; Suffered his Bed to be defiled with Lust, Gave up yourself, your honour, and your vows, To wanton in yond Sooty Leacher's arms. (points to Abd. Abd. Me dost thou mean! Phil. Yes, Villain, thee, thou Hell-begotten Fiend, 'Tis thee I mean. Qu. Oh most unnatural to dishonour me! Phil. That Dog you mean, that has dishonoured you, Dishonoured me, these Lords, nay and all Spain; This Devil's he, that— Abd. That— what?— Oh pardon me if I throw off All ties of Duty:— wert thou ten King's Sons, And I as many souls as I have sins, Thus— I would hazard all— draws, they all run between. Phil. Stand off,— or I'll make way upon thy Bosom.— Abd. How got you, Sir, this daring?— Phil. From injured Philip's death, Who, whilst he lived, unjustly cherished thee, And set thee up beyond the reach of Fate; Blind with thy brutal valour, deaf with thy flatteries, Discovered not the Treasons thou didst act, Nor none durst let him know 'em:— but did he live, I would aloud proclaim them in his ears. Abd. You durst as well been damned.— Phil. Hell seize me if I want revenge for this,— Not dare! Arise thou injured Ghost of my dead King, And through thy dreadful paleness dart a horror, May fright this pair of Vipers from their sins. Abd. Oh insupportable! dost hear me Boy! Qu. Are ye all mute, and hear me thus upbraided? (to the Lords. Phil. Dare ye detain me, whilst the Traitor braves me? Men. Forbear, my Prince, keep in that noble heat, That should be better used then on a Slave. Abd. You politic Cheat— Men. Abdelazer,— By the Authority of my Government, Which yet I hold over the King of Spain, By warrant from a Council of the Peers, And (as an Unbeliever) from the Church, I utterly deprive thee of that Greatness, Those Offices and Trusts you hold in Spain. Abd. Cardinal,— who lent thee this Commission? Grandees of Spain, do you consent to this? All. We do.— Alon. What reason for it? let his Faith be tried. Men. It needs no trial, the proofs are evident, And his Religion was his veil for Treason. Alon. Why should you question his Religion, Sir? He does profess Christianity. Men. Yes, witness his habit, which he still retains In scorn to ours.— His Principles too are as unalterable. Abd. Is that the only Argument you bring?— I tell thee, Cardinal, not thy Holy Gown Covers a soul more sanctified Than this Moorish Robe. Phil. Damn his Religion,— he has a thousand crimes That will yet better justify your sentence. Men. Come not within the Court, for if you do, Worse mischief shall ensue:— you have your sentence. (Ex. Phil. & Men. Alon. My Brother banished! 'tis very sudden; For thy sake, Sister, this must be recalled. (to Flor. Qu. Alonzo, join with me, I'll to the King, And check the pride of this insulting Cardinal. (Exeunt all, except Manent Abdelazer, Florella. Abd. Banished! if I digest this gall, May Cowards pluck the wreath from off my brow, Which I have purchased with so many wounds, And all for Spain; for Spain! ingrateful Spain!— Oh my Florella, all my Glory's vanished, The Cardinal (Oh damn him!) would have me banished. Flor. But Sir, I hope you will not tamely go. Abd. Tamely!— ha, ha, ha,— yes by all means; A very honest and Religious Cardinal! Flor. I would not for the world you should be banished. Abd. Not Spain you mean;— for then she leaves the King. (aside. What if I be?— Fools! not to know— All parts o'th' world Allow enough for Villainy,— for I'll be brave no more. It is a crime,— and then I can live any where.— But say I go from hence;— I leave behind me A Cardinal that will laugh;— I leave behind me A Philip that will clap his hands in sport:— But the worst wound is this,— I leave my wrongs, Dishonours, and my Discontents, all unrevenged.— Leave me, Florella,— prithee do not weep; I love thee,— love thee wondrously;— go, leave me,— I am not now at leisure to be fond;— Go to your Chamber,— go.— Flor. No, to the King I'll fly, And beg him to revenge thy Infamy. (Exit Flor. To him Alonzo. Alon. The Cardinal's made to have thee banished Spain; I've left the Queen in angry contradiction, But yet I fear the Cardinal's reasoning. Abd. This Prince's hate proceeds from Love, He's jealous of the Queen, and fears my power. (aside. Alon. Come, rouse thy wonted spirits, awake thy soul, And arm thy Justice with a brave Revenge. (Sullenly. Abd. I'll arm no Justice with a brave Revenge. Alon. Shall they then triumph o'er thee, who were once Proud to attend thy Conquering Chariot wheels? Abd. I care not;— I am a Dog, and can bear wrongs. Alon. But Sir, my Honour is concerned with yours, Since my loved Sister did become your Wife; And if yours suffer, mine too is unsafe. Abd. I cannot help it.— Alon. What Ice has chilled thy blood? This patience was not wont to dwell with thee. Abd. 'Tis true, but now the world is changed you see; Thou art too brave to know what I resolve:— (aside. No more,— here comes the King with my Florella. He loves her, and she swears to me she's chaste; 'Tis well, if true;— well too, if it be false: I care not, 'tis Revenge— That I must sacrifice my love and pleasure to. (aside. Alon. and Abd. stand aside. Enter King, Lords, Guard passing over the Stage, Florella in a suppliant posture weeping. King. Thou wooest me to reverse thy Husband's doom, And I woo thee, for mercy on myself; Why shouldst thou sue to him for life and liberty For any other, who himself lies dying, Imploring from thy eyes a little pity. Flor. Oh mighty King! in whose sole power, like Heaven, The lives and safeties of your Slaves remain, Hear and redress my Abdelazer's wrongs. King. All lives and safeties in my power remain! Mistaken charming creature, if my power Be such, who kneel and bow to thee, What must thine be, Who hast the Sovereign command o'er me and it. Wouldst thou give life? turn but thy lovely eyes Upon the wretched thing that wants it, And he will surely live, and live for ever. Canst thou do this, and com'st to beg of me? Flor. Alas Sir, what I beg's what you alone can give, My Abdelazer's pardon King. Pardon! can any thing allied to thee offend? Thou art so sacred and so innocent, That but to know thee, and to look on thee, Must change even vice to virtue. Oh my Florella! So perfectly thou dost possess my soul, That every wish of thine shall be obeyed: Say, wouldst thou have thy Husband share my Crown? Do but submit to love me, and I yield it. Flor. Such love as humble Subjects owe their King, kneels, he takes her up. And such as I dare pay, I offer here. King. I must confess it is a price too glorious: But my Florella— Abd. I'll interrupt your amorous discourse. (aside. Abd. comes up to them. Flor. Sir,— Abdelazer's hear— King. His presence never was less welcome to me;— (aside. But Madam, durst the Cardinal use this insolence? Where is your Noble Husband? Abd. He sees me, yet inquires for me. (aside. Flor. Sir, my Lord is here— King. Abdelazer, I have heard with much surprise Oth' injuries you've received, and mean to right you: My Father loved you well, made you his General, I think you worthy of that Honour still. Abd. True,— for my Wife's sake— (aside. King. When my Coronation is solemnised, Be present there, and reassume your wonted State and place; And see how I will check the Insolent Cardinal. Abd. I humbly thank my Sovereign— kneels and kisses the King's hand That he loves my Wife so well.— (aside. Exeunt. Manent Abdelazer, Florella. Flor. Wilt thou not pay my service with one smile? Have I not acted well the Suppliants part? Abd. Oh wonderfully! you've learned the art to move; Go, leave me.— Flor. Still out of humour, thoughtful, and displeased! And why at me, my Abdelazer, what have I done? Abd. Rarely! you cannot do amiss you are so beautiful, So very fair!— Go, get you in, I say.— (turns her in ruffly. She has the art of dallying with my soul, Teaching it lazy softness from her looks.— But now a nobler passion's entered there, And blows it thus,— to Air.— Idol Ambition, Florella must to thee a Victim fall: Revenge,— to thee— a Cardinal and Prince: And to my Love and Jealousy, a King.— More yet, my mighty Deities, I'll do, None that you e'er inspired like me shall act; That fawning servile crew shall follow next, Who with the Cardinal cried banish Abdelazer: Like Eastern Monarchs I'll adorn thy Fate, And to the shades thou shalt descend in state. Exit. ACT. II. SCENE I. Enter the King Crowned, Philip, Mendozo, Queen, Leonora, Florella, Elvira, Alonzo, Roderigo, Ordonio, Sebastian, Antonio, Officers and Guards; met by Abdelazer, followed by Osmin, Zarrack, and Moors attending. He comes in with Pride, staring on Philip and Mendozo, and takes his stand next the King. Phil. WHy stares the Devil thus, as if he meant From his infectious eyes to scatter Plagues, And poison all the world; was he not banished?— How dares the Traitor venture into th' Presence?— Guards, spurn the Villain forth. Abd. Who spurns the Moor Were better set his foot upon the Devil!— Do, spurn me; and this hand thus justly armed, Shall like a Thunderbolt, breaking the Clouds, Divide his body from his soul;— stand back!— (to the Guards. Spurn Abdelazer!— Phil. Death, shall we bear this Insolence! Alon. Great Sir, I think his Sentence was unjust. (to the King. Men. Sir, you're too partial to be Judge in this, And shall not give your Voice. Abd. Proud Cardinal,— but he shall,— and give it loud, And who shall hinder him?— Phil. This,— and cut his Windpipe too, (offers to draw. To spoil his whispering. Abd. offers to draw, his Attend, do the same. King. What means this violence? Forbear to draw your Swords, 'tis we command. Abd. Sir, do me Justice, I demand no more, kneels, and offers his Sword. And at your feet we lay our weapons down. Men. Sir, Abdelazer has had Justice done, And stands by me banished the Court of Spain. King. How, Prince Cardinal! From whence do you derive Authority To banish him the Court without our leave? Men. Sir, from my care unto your Royal Person, As I'm your Governor;— then, for the Kingdom's safety. King. Because I was a Boy, must I be still so? Time, Sir, has given me in that formal Ceremony, And I am of an age to Rule alone; And from henceforth, discharge you— of your care. We know your near relation to this Crown, And wanting Heirs, that you must fill the Throne, Till when, Sir, I am absolute Monarch here,— And you must learn obedience. Men. Pardon my zealous duty, which I hope You will approve, and not recall his Banishment. King. Sir, but I will; and who dares contradict it, is a Traitor. Phil. I dare the first, yet do defy the last. King. My hot-brained Sir, I'll talk to you anon. Men. Sir, I am wronged, and will Appeal to Rome. Phil. By Heaven I'll to the Camp;— Brother, farewell, When next I meet thee, it shall be in Arms; If thou canst get loose from thy Mistress Chains, Where thou liest drowned in idle wanton Love. Abd. Ha!— his Mistress!— who is't Prince Philip means? Phil. Thy wife! thy wife! proud Moor, whom thou'rt content To sell (for Honour) to eternal Infamy.— Does't make thee snarl!— bite on, whilst thou shalt see, I go for Vengeance, and 'twill come with me. (going out, turns and draws. Abd. Stay! for 'tis here already;— turn, proud Boy. (Abd. draws. King. What mean you, Philip?— (talks to him aside. Qu. Cease! cease your most impolitic Rage!— (to Abd. Is this a time to show't?— Dear Son, you are a King, And may allay this Tempest. King. How dare you disobey my will and pleasure? (to Abd. Abd. Shall I be calm, and hear my wife called Whore? Were he great jove, and armed with all his Lightning, By Heaven I could not hold my just Resentment. King talking to Phil. aside. Qu. 'Twas in his passion, noble Abdelazer:— Imprudently thou dost disarm thy Rage, And giv'st the Foe a warning, ere thou strik'st; When with thy smiles thou might'st securely kill,— You know the Passion that the Cardinal bears me, His power too o'er Philip, which well managed Will serve to ruin both;— put up your Sword,— When next you draw it, teach it how to act. Abd. You shame me, and command me. Qu. Why all this Rage?— does it become you, Sir? to Men. aside. What is't you mean to do? Men. You need not care, whilst Abdelazer's safe. Qu. Jealousy upon my life;— how gay it looks. Men. Madam, you want that pitying regard To value what I do, or what I am; I'll therefore lay my Cardinal's Hat aside, And in bright Arms, demand my Honour back. Qu. Is't thus, my Lord, you give me proofs of Love? Have then my eyes lost all their wonted power? And can you quit the hope of gaining me, To follow your Revenge?— go,— go to fight, Bear Arms against your Country, and your King, All for a little worthless Honour lost. Men. What is it, Madam, you would have me do? Qu. Not side with Philip, as you hope my Grace.— Now Sir, you know my pleasure, think on't well. Men. Madam, you know your Power o'er your Slave, And use it too tyrannically;— but dispose The Fate of him, whose Honour, and whose Life, Lies at your mercy;— I'll stay and die, since 'tis your gracious pleasure. King. Philip, upon your life, Upon your strict Allegiance, I conjure you To remain at Court, till I have reconciled you. Phil. Never Sir,— Nor can you bend my temper to that tameness. King. 'Tis in my power to charge you as a Prisoner; But you're my Brother:— yet remember too I am your King.— No more.— Phil. I will obey. King. Abdelazer, I beg you will forget your cause of hate Against my Brother Philip, and the Cardinal; He's young, and rash, but will be better tempered. Abd. Sir, I have done, and beg your Royal pardon, King. Come Philip, give him your hand. Phil. I can forgive without a Ceremony. King. And to confirm ye Friends, I invite you all to Night to Banquet with me, Pray see you give Attendance:— Come Brother, You must along with us. (Exeunt all but Abd. Queen, and Women. Qu. Leave me.— (To the Women, who Ex. Now my dear Moor— Abd. Madam.— Qu. Why dost thou answer with that cold Reserve?— Is that a look,— an action for a Lover? Abd. Ah Madam.— Qu. Have I not taken off thy Banishment? Restored thee to thy former state and honours? Nay, and heaped new ones too, too mighty for thy hopes; And still to raise thee equal to this heart, Where thou must ever Reign. Abd. 'Tis true, my bounteous Mistress, all this you've done,— But— Qu. But what, my Abdelazer. Abd. I will not call it to your memory. Qu. What canst thou mean? Abd. Why was the King removed? Qu. To make thy way more easy to my arms. Abd. Was that all? Qu. All!— Abd. Not but it is a blessing, Gods would languish for;— But as you've made it free, so make it just. Qu. Thou meanest, and marry thee. Abd. No, by the Gods!— (aside. Not marry me, unless I were a King. Qu. What signifies the Name, to him that Rules one? Abd. What use has he of life, that cannot live without a Ruler? Qu. Thou wouldst not have me kill him. Abd. Oh by no means, not for my wretched life! What, kill a King!— forbid it Heaven! Angels stand like his Guards, about his Person. The King! Not for so many Worlds as there be Stars Twinkling upon the embroidered Firmament! The King! He loves my wife Florella, should he die— I know none else durst love her. Qu. And that's the reason you would send him hence. Abd. I must confess, I would not bear a wrong, But do not take me for a Villain, Madam; He is my King, and may do what he pleases. Qu. 'Tis well, Sir. Abd. Again that frown, it renders thee more charming, Than any other Dress thou couldst put on. Qu. Away, you do not love me. Abd. Now mayst thou hate me, if this be not pretty. Qu. Oh you can flatter finely— Abd. Not I, by Heaven! Oh that this head were circled in a Crown, And I were King, by Fortune, as by Birth! And that I was, till by thy Husband's power I was divested in my Infancy.— Then you should see, I do not flatter ye. But I, instead of that, must see my Crown Bandied from head to head, and tamely see it; And in this wretched state I live, 'tis true, But with what joy, you, if you loved, might guests. Qu. We need no Crowns; Love best contented is In shady Groves, and humble Cottages, Where when 'twould sport, it safely may Retreat, Free from the noise, and danger of the Great; Where Victors are ambitious of no Bays, But what their Nymphs bestow on holidays; Nor Envy, can the amorous Shepherd move, Unless against a Rival in his love. Abd. Love and Ambition, are the same to me, In either, I'll no Rivals brook. Qu. Nor I; And when the King you urge me to remove, It may be from Ambition, not from Love. Abd. Those scruples did not in your bosom dwell, When you a King, did in a Husband kill. Qu. How Sir! dare you upbraid me with that sin, To which your Perjuries first drew me in? Abd. You interrupt my sense, I only meant A sacrifice, to Love, so well begun, Should not Devotion want to finish it; And if that stop to all our joys were gone, The envying world would to our Power submit: But Kings are Sacred, and the Gods alone Their Crimes must judge, and punish too, or none.— Yet he alone destroys our happiness. Qu. There's yet one more— Abd. One more! give me his name, And I will turn it to a Magic Spell, To bind him ever fast. Qu. Florella. Abád. Florella! Oh I could gnaw my Chains, That humble me so low as to adore her: But the fond blaze must out,— whilst I erect aside. A nobler fire more fit for my Ambition. — Florella, dies,— a Victim to your will. I will not let you lose one single wish, For a poor life, or two; Though I must see my Glories made a prey, And not demand 'em from the Ravisher, Nor yet complain,— because he is my King! But Philip's brow, no Sacred Ointment Deifies, If he do wrong, stands fair for the Revenger. Qu. Philip! instruct me how t' undo that Boy I hate; The public Infamy I have received, I will Revenge, with nothing less than death. Abd. 'Tis well we can agree in our Resentments, For I have vowed he shall not live a day, He has an art to pry into our secrets: To all besides, our love is either hid, Or else they dare not see;— but this Prince Has a most dangerous spirit must be calmed. Qu. I have resolved his death, And now have waiting in my Cabinet Engines to carry on this mighty work of my Revenge. Abd. Leave that to me, who equally am injured; You, like the Gods! need only but command, And I will execute your sacred will.— That done, there's none dare whisper what we do. Qu. Nature be gone, I chase thee from my soul, Who Love's Almighty Empire does control; And she that will to thy dull Laws submit, In spite of thee, betrays the Hypocrite. No rigid Virtue shall my soul possess, Let Gownsmen preach against the wickedness; Pleasures were made by Gods! and meant for us, And not t' enjoy 'em, were ridiculous. Abd. Oh perfect, great and glorious of thy Sex! Like thy great self 'twas spoke, resolved and brave!— I must attend the King;— where I will watch All Philip's motions— Qu. And— after that— if you will beg admittance, I'll give you leave to visit me to night. Abd. Madam, that blessing now must be deferred; My wrongs and I will be retired to Night, And bring forth Vengeance, with the Morning's light. leads her to the door. Enter Osmin, Zarrack. Osm. My gracious Lord— Abd. Come near— and take a secret from my lips; And he who keeps not silence, hears his death.— This night the Prince, and Cardinal— do you mark me— Are murdered! Osm. Where Sir!— Abd. Here in the Court. Osm. By whom, Great Sir! Abd. By thee!— I know thou dar'st.— Osm. Whatever you command. Abd. Good!— then see it be performed. — Osmin, how goes the Night? Osm. About the hour of Eight, And you're expected at the Banquet, Sir: Prince Philip storms, and swears you're with the Queen. Abd. Let him storm on! the Tempest will be laid;— Where's my Wife?— Osm. In the Presence, Sir, with the Princess and other Ladies. Abd. She's wondrous forward!— what— the King— (I am not jealous tho')— but he makes Court to her; — hah, Osmin! He throws out love from Eyes all languishing;— Come tell me,— he does sigh to her;— no matter if he do:— And fawns upon her hand,— and— kneels;— tell me, Slave! Osm. Sir, I saw nothing like to Love; he only treats her Equal to her Quality. Abd. Oh damn her Quality! Zar. I came just now, From waiting on his Person to the Banquet, And heard him ask, if he might visit her to night, Having something to impart to her, that concerned his life. Abd. And so it shall, by Heaven! (aside. Zar. But she denied, and he the more entreated,— But all in vain, Sir. Abd. Go Osmin, (you the Captain of my Guard of Moors) Choose out the best affected Officers, To keep the Watch to night:— Let every Guard be doubled;— you may be liberal too,— And when I give the word, be ready all.— Osm. What shall the word be? Ex. Zarrack. Abd. Why— Treason:— mean time make it your business, To watch the Prince's coming from the Banquet; Heated with Wine, and fearless of his Person, You'll find him easily to be attaqued. Osm. Sir, do not doubt my management nor success. Ex. Osmin. Abd. So, I thank thee Nature, that in making me Thou didst design me Villain! Fitting each faculty for Active mischief:— Thou skilful Artist, thank thee for my face, It will discover nought that's hid within.— Thus armed for ills, Darkness! and Horror! I invoke your aid; And thou, dread Night! shade all your busy Stars In blackest Clouds, And let my Dagger's brightness only serve To guide me to the mark,— and guide it so, It may undo a Kingdom at one blow. Exit. SCENE II. A Banquet; under a Canopy the King, Leonora, Florella, Ladies waiting; Philip, Mendozo, Alonzo, Ordonio, Antonio, Sebastian, Lords and Attendants: as soon as the Scene draws off, they all rise, and come forward. King. My Lords you're sad to night; give us loud Music,— I have a double cause to mourn; And grief has taken up its dwelling here,— Beyond the art of Love, or Wine to conquer.— 'Tis true, my Father's dead,— and possibly 'Tis not so decent to appear thus gay; But life, and death, are equal to the wretched,— And whilst Florella frowns, 'tis in that number (to Flor. I must account her Slave.— Alonzo, How came thy Father so bewitched to Valour, (For Abdelazer has no other Virtue) To recompense it with so fair a Creature? Was this— a Treasure t' enrich the Devil with? Alon. Sir, he has many Virtues, more than Courage, Royally born, served well this King, and Country; My Father brought him up to Martial toils, And taught him to be Brave; I hope, and Good;— Beside, he was your Royal Father's Favourite. King. No, Alonzo, 'twas not his love to Virtue, But nice obedience to his King, and Master, Who seeing my increase of Passion for her, To kill my hopes, he gave her to this Moor. Alon. She's now a virtuous woman, Sir. King. Politic Sir, who would have made her other?— Against her will, he forced her to his arms, Whilst all the world was wondering at his madness. Alon. He did it with her Approbation, Sir. King. With thine, Florella! couldst thou be so criminal! Flor. Sir, I was ever taught Obedience; My humble thoughts durst ne'er aspire to you, And next to that— death, or the Moor, or any thing. King. Oh God had I then told my tale So feebly, it could not gain belief! Oh my Florella! this little faith of thine Has quite undone thy King!— Alonzo, Why didst not thou forbid this fatal Marriage, She being thy only Sister? Alon. Great Sir, I did oppose it, with what violence My duty would permit; and would have died In a just quarrel, of her dear defence: And Sir, though I submitted to my Father, The Moor, and I, stand on unequal terms. Phil. Come, who dares drink Confusion to this Moor? Ant. That, Sir, will I. Sebast. And I. Phil. Page, fill my Glass, I will begin the Round; Ye all shall pledge it;— Alonzo, first to thee. (drinks. Alon. To me, Sir! Phil. Why yes; thou lovest him,— therefore— Nay you shall drink it, though 'twere o'th' Stygian Lake:— Take it,— by Heaven thou'dst Pimp for him to my Mother,— Nay and after that, give him another Sister. Alon. 'Tis well you are my Prince. Phil. I'd rather be a Prince of Curs;— come, pledge me— Alon. Well Sir, I'll give you way— (drinks. Phil. So wouldst thou any,— though they trod on thee. So— nay Prince Cardinal, though it be not decent For one so sanctified to drink a Health; Yet 'tis your Office, both to damn and bless:— Come, drink and damn the Moor. Men. Sir, I'm for no carousing. Phil. I'm in an humour now to be obeyed, And must not be denied:— but see, the Moor (Enter Abdelazer, gazes on them. Just come to pledge at last,— Page, fill again— Abd. I'll do you reason, Prince, whate'er it be. (gives him the Glass. Phil. 'Twas kindly said;— Confusion to the Moor. Abd. Confusion to the Moor— if this vain Boy, See the next rising Sun. Phil. Well done my Lad.— King. Abdelazer, you have been missing long, The Public good takes up your whole concern, But we shall shortly ease you of that load.— Come, let's have some Music;— Ordonio, did I not call for Music? Ord. You did, Sir. Abd. Roderigo.— Rod. My gracious lord— (Roderigo whispers to Abd. Abd. No more,— the Prince observes us. Phil. There's no good towards when you are whispering. Ord. The Music you commanded, Sir, is ready. SONG. Nymph. MAke haste Amintas, come away, The Sun is up and will not stay, And oh how very short's a Lover's day. Make haste Amintas, to this Grove, Beneath whose shade so oft I've sat, And heard my dear loved Swain repeat, How much he Galatea loved; Whilst all the listening Birds around, Sung to the Music of the blessed sound. Make haste Amintas, come away, The Sun is up and will not stay, And oh how very short's a Lover's day. Swain enters, with Shepherds and Shepherdesses, and Pipes. I hear thy charming voice, my Fair, And see bright Nymph, thy Swain is here; Who his devotions had much earlier paid, But that a Lamb of thine was strayed: And I the little wanderer have brought, That with one angry look from thy fair eyes, Thou mayst the little Fugitive chastise; Too great a punishment for any fault. Come Galatea, haste away, The Sun is up and will not stay, And oh how very short's a Lover's day. Dance. King. How likes Florella this? Flor. Sir, all delight's so banished from my soul, I've lost the taste of every single joy. Abd. Gods! this is fine! give me your Art of flattery, Or something more of this, will ruin me.— Though I've resolved her death, yet whilst she's mine, I would not have her blown by Summer Flies. Phil. Mark how he snarls upon the King! The Cur will bite anon. Abd. Come my Florella, is't not Bedtime, Love? Flor. I'll wait upon you, Sir. (going out. Phil. The Moor has ta'en away, we may depart. Abd. What has he ta'en away? (turns about. Phil. The fine gay play-thing, that made us all so merry. Abd. Was this your sport? (to his Wife. King. Abdelazer, keep your way:— Good night, fair Oreature! Abd. I will obey, for once. (Exit Abd. and Flor. King. Why this Resentment, Brother, and in public? Phil. Because he gives me cause, and that in public. And Sir, I was not born to bear with Insolence; I saw him dart Revenge, from both his Eyes, And bite his angry Lip between his teeth, To keep his Jealousy from breaking forth; Which when it does,— stand fast my King. King. But Philip, we will find a way to check him; Till when we must dissemble;— take my counsel,— Good night. Phil. I cannot, nor I will not;— yet Good night. Exit King, and all but Phil. Party Well Friends, I see the King will sleep away his anger, And tamely see us murdered by this Moor; But I'll be Active, Boys.— Therefore Antonio, you Command the Horse; Get what more numbers to our Cause you can: 'Tis a good Cause, and will advance our credit. We will awake this King, out of his Lethargy of Love, And make him absolute:— Go to your Charge, And early in the morning I'll be with you.— (Ex. all but Phil. If all fail, Portugal shall be my Refuge, Those whom so late I Conquered, shall Protect me.— But this Alonzo, I should make an Interest in; Could I but flatter, 'tis a Youth that's Brave. Enter Cardinal in haste. Men. Fly, fly, my Prince, we are betrayed and lost else. Phil. Betrayed and lost! Dreams, idle Coward dreams. Men. Sir, by my Holy Order, I'm in earnest, And you must either quickly fly, or die; 'Tis so ordained:— nor have I time to tell By what strange miracle I learned our Fate. Phil. Nor care I, I will stay, and Brave it. Men. That Sir you shall not, there's no safety here, And 'tis the Army only can secure us. Phil. Where had you this Intelligence? Men. I'll tell you as we go to my Apartment; Where we must put ourselves in Holy dress, For so the Guards are set in every place, (And those all Moors, the Slaves of Abdelazer) That 'tis impossible in any other Habit to escape. Come, haste with me, and let us put 'em on. Phil. I'd rather stay and kill, till I am weary;— Let's to the Queen's Apartment, and seize this Moor; I am sure there the Mongrels Kenneled. Men. Sir, we lose time in talking,— come with me. Phil. Where be these Lousy Gaberdines? Men. I will conduct you to 'em. Phil. Mother,— and Moor— Farewell,— I'll visit you again, and if I do, My black Infernal, I will Conjure you. Exeunt. ACT. III. SCENE I. Enter Abdelazer, and Zarrack. Zar. OSmin (my Lord) by this has done his task, And Philip is no more among the living.— Will you not rest to Night? Abd. Is this a time for sleep and idleness?— dull Slaves— Zar. The business we have order, Sir, to do, We can without your aid. Enter Osmin. Abd. Osmin! Thy ominous looks presage an ill success; Thy Eyes no joyful news of Murders tell: I thought I should have seen thee dressed in blood;— Speak! Speak thy News!— Say that he lives, and let it be thy last.— Osm. Yes Sir, he lives— Abd. Lives! thou liest, base Coward,— lives!— renounce thy Gods! It were a sin less dangerous!— speak again. Osm. Sir, Philip lives. Abd. Oh treacherous Slave! Osm. Not by my fault, by Heaven! Abd. By what cursed chance, If not from thee, could he evade his Fate? Osm. By some intelligence from his good Angel. Abd. From his good Devil! Gods! must the Earth another day at once Bear him and me alive! Osm. Another day!— an Age for aught I know; For Sir, the Prince is fled, the Cardinal too. Abd. Fled! Fled!— sayst thou? Oh I could curse the Stars, that rule this Night: 'Tis to the Camp they're fled; the only refuge That Gods, or men could give 'em.— Where got you this intelligence? Osm. My Lord, enquiring for the Prince At the Apartment of the Cardinal, (whither he went) His Pages answered me, he was at his Devotions: A lucky time (I thought) to do the deed; And breaking in, found only their empty Habits, And a poor sleeping Groom, who with much threatening, Confessed that they were fled, in Holy Robes. Abd. That case of Sanctity was first ordained, To cheat the honest world: 'Twas an unlucky chance;— but we are idle.— Let's see, how from this ill, we may advance a good:— (pawses: 'Tis now dead time of Night, when Rapes, and Murders, Are hid beneath the horrid Veil of darkness;— I'll ring through all the Court, with doleful sound, The sad alarms of Murder,— Murder.— Zarrack, Take up thy standing yonder;— Osmin, thou At the Queen's Apartment;— cry out, Murder! Whilst I, like his ill Genius, do awake the King. Perhaps in this disorder I may kill him. (aside. — Treason— Murder— Murder— Treason. Enter Alonzo, and Courtiers. Alon. What dismal cries are these?— Abd. Where is the King?— Treason!— Murder!— Where is the sleeping Queen?— arise!— arise! Osm. The Devil taught him all his arts of falsehood. (aside. Enter King in a Nightgown, with Lights. King. Who frights our quiet slumbers with this noise? Enter Queen and Women, with Lights. Qu. Was it a dream, or did I hear the sound Of Treason, call me from my silent griefs? King. Who raised this rumour, Abdelazer, you? Abd. I did, Great Sir. King. Your Reasons. Abd. Oh Sir, your Brother Philip, and the Cardinal, Both animated by a sense of wrongs, (And envying, Sir, the fortune of your Slave) Had laid a Plot, this Night, to murder you; And 'cause they knew it was my waiting Night, They would have laid the Treason, Sir, on me. King. The Cardinal, and my Brother! bring them forth, Their lives shall answer it. Abd. Sir, 'tis impossible; For when they found their Villainy discovered, They in two Friar's Habits made escape. King. That Cardinal is subtle, as Ambitious, And from him Philip learned his dangerous Principles. Qu. The Ambition of the one, infects the other, And they are both too dangerous to live.— But might a Mother's counsel be obeyed, I would advise you, send the valiant Moor To fetch 'em back, ere they can reach the Camp: For thither they are fled,— where they will find A welcome fatal to us all. King. Madam, you counsel well; and Abdelazer, Make it your care to fetch these Traitor's back, Not only for my safety, and the Kingdoms, But for they are your Enemies; and th' envious world Will say, you made this story to undo 'em. Abd. Sir, I'll obey; nor will I know repose, Till I have justified this fatal truth. (Abd. goes to the Queen, and talks to her. King. Mean time I will to my Florella's Lodging, aside. Silence, and Night, are the best Advocates To plead a Lover's cause.— Abdelazer,— haste. Madam, I'll wait on you to your Chamber. Abd. Sir, that's my duty. King. Madam, good night;— Alonzo, to your rest. (Ex. all but Qu. and Abd. Qu. Philip escaped! Oh that I were upon some Desert shore, Where I might only to the waves and winds Breath out my sense of Rage for this defeat. Abd. Oh 'tis no time for Rage, but Action, Madam. Qu. Give me but any hopes of blessed Revenge, And I will be as calm, as happy Lovers. Abdella: There is a way! and is but— that alone; But such a way, as never must be named. Qu. How! not be named! Oh swear thou hat'st me rather, It were a torment equal to thy silence. Abd. I'll show my passion rather in that silence. Qu. Kind Torturer, what mean'st thou? Abd. To show you, Madam, I had rather live Wronged and contemned by Philip, Than have your dearer Name made Infamous. Qu. heavens'! dost thou mock my Rage! can any sin I could commit, undo my Honour more Than his late Insolence! Oh name me something may revenge that shame! I would encounter killing Plagues, or fire To meet it.— Come, oh quickly give me ease. Abd. I dare no more reveal the guilty secret, Then you dare execute it when 'tis told. Qu. How little I am understood by thee:— Come, tell me instantly, for I grow impatient; You shall obey me,— nay I do command you. Abd. Durst you proclaim— Philip a Bastard, Madam. Qu. Ha! proclaim myself— what he would have me thought! What mean'st thou?— Abd. Instruct you in the way to your Revenge. Qu. Upon myself, thou mean'st.— Abd. No;— He's now fled to th' Camp, where he'll be fortified Beyond our power to hurt, but by this means; Which takes away his hopes of being a King, (For he'd no other aim in taking Arms) And leaves him open to the People's scorn; Whom owned as King, numbers would assist him, And then our lives he may dispose, As he has done our Honours. Qu. There's reason in thy words but oh my Fame Abd. Which I, by Heaven, am much more tender on, Then my own life or Honour; and I've a way To save that too, which I'll at leisure tell you. In the mean time, send for your Confessor, And with a borrowed penitence confess, Their Idol Philip is a Bastard; And zealously pretend you're urged by Conscience: A cheap pretence to cozen fools withal. Qu. Revenge, although I court thee with my fatal ruin, I must enjoy thee! there's no other way, And I'm resolved upon the mighty pleasure; He has profaned my purer flame for thee, And merits to partake the Infamy.— (he leads her out. Abd. Now have at my young King:— I know he means to Cuckold me to night, Whilst he believes, I'll tamely step aside,— No, let Philip and the Cardinal gain the Camp, I will not hinder 'em:— I have a nobler Sacrifice to make To my declining Honour; shall redeem it, And pay it back with Interest:— well, then in order to't, I'll watch about the Lodgings of Florella, And if I see this hot young Lover enter, I'll save my Wife the trouble of allaying The Amorous heat:— this— will more nimbly do't, Snatches out his Dagger. And do it once for all.— Enter Florella in her Night-cloaths. Flor. My Abdelazer,— why in that fierce posture, As if thy thoughts were always bent on Death:— Why is that Dagger out?— against whom drawn? Abd. Or stay,— suppose I let him see Florella, And when he's high with the expected bliss, Then take him thus,— Oh 'tbe a fine surprise! Flor. My Lord,— dear Abdelazer— Abd. Or say— I made her kill him,— that were yet An action much more worthy of my vengeance. Flor. Will you not speak to me? what have I done? Abd. By Heaven it shall be so.— Flor. What shall be so?— Abd. Ha!— Flor. Why dost thou dress thy Eyes in such unusual wonder? There's nothing here that is a stranger to thee; Or what is not entirely thine own. Abd. Mine! Flor. Thou canst not doubt it. Abd. No,— and for a proof thou art so,— take this Dagger. Flor. Alas, Sir!— what to do? Abd. To stab a heart, Florella, a heart that loves thee.— Flor. Heaven forbid! Abd. No matter what Heaven will, I say it must— Flor. What must— Abd. That Dagger must enter the heart of him That loves thee best, Florella;— guess the man. Flor. What means my Moor?— Wouldst thou have me kill thyself? Abd. Yes,— when I love thee better than the King. Flor. Ah Sir! what mean you? Abd. To have you kill this King, When next he does pursue thee with his love;— What do you weep?— By Heaven they shall be bloody tears then.— Flor. I shall deserve them,— when I suffer love That is not fit to hear;— but for the King, That which he pays me, is so innocent— Abd. So innocent!— damn thy dissembling tongue; Did I not see, with what fierce wishing Eyes He gazed upon thy face, whilst yours as wantonly Returned, and understood the Amorous language. Flor. Admit it true, that such his Passions were, As (Haven's my witness) I've no cause to fear; Have not I Virtue to resist his flame, Without a pointed Steel? Abd. Your Virtue!— Curse on the weak defence; Your Virtue's equal to his Innocence.— Here,— take this Dagger, and if this Night he visit thee, When he lest thinks on't,— send it to his heart. Flor. If you suspect me, do not leave me, Sir. Abd. Oh— I'm dispatched away,— to leave you free,— About a wonderful affair:— mean time, I know you will be visited;— but as you wish to live, At my Return, let me behold him dead.— Be sure you do't. 'tis for thy Honour's safety.— I love thee so, that I can take no rest, Till thou hast killed thy Image in his breast. — Adieu, my dear Florella— Exit. Flor. Murder my King!— the man that loves me too!— What Fiend, what Fury such an act would do? My trembling hand, would not the weapon bear, And I should sooner strike it here,— than there.— (pointing to her breast. No! though of all I am, this hand alone Is what thou canst command, as being thy own; Yet this has plighted no such cruel vow: No Duty binds me to obey thee now. To save my King's, my life I will expose, No Martyr dies in a more Glorious Cause. Exit. SCENE II. Enter the Queen in an undress alone, with a Light. Qu. Thou grateful Night, to whom all happy Lovers Make their devout and humble Invocations; Thou Court of Silence, where the God of Love, Lays by the awful terror of a Deity, And every harmful Dart, and deals around His kind desires; whilst thou, blessed Friend to joys, Drawest all thy Curtains made of gloomy shades, To veil the blushes of soft yielding Maids; Beneath the covert grant the Love-sick King, May find admittance to Florella's arms; And being there, keep back the busy day; Maintain thy Empire till my Moor returns Where in her Lodgings he shall find his Wife, Amidst her Amorous dalliance with my Son.— My watchful Spies are waiting for the knowledge; Which when to me imparted, I'll improve, Till my Revenge be equal to my Love. Enter Elvira. — Elvira, in thy looks I read success;— What hast thou learned? Elu. Madam, the King is gone as you imagined, To fair Florella's Lodgings. Qu. But art thou sure he gained Admittance? Elu. Yes, Madam; But what welcome he has found, to me's unknown, But I believe it must be great, and kind. Qu. I am of thy opinion.— But now, Elvira, for a well-laid Plot, To ruin this Florella;— though she be innocent, Yet she must die; so hard a Destiny My passion for her Husband does decree: But 'tis the way, I stop at.— His Jealousy already I have raised; That's not enough, his Honour must be touched: This meeting 'twixt the King, and fair Florella, Must then be rendered Public; 'Tis the disgrace, not Action, must incense him:— Go you to Don Alonzo's Lodging straight, Exit Elvira. Whilst I prepare my story for his Ear.— Assist me all that's ill in Womankind, And furnish me with sighs, and feigned tears, That may express a grief, for this discovery.— My Son, be like thy Mother, hot and bold; And like the Noble Ravisher of Rome, Court her with Daggers, when thy Tongue grows faint, Till thou hast made a Conquest o'er her Virtue. Exit Elvira. Enter Alonzo, Elvira. — Oh Alonzo, I have strange News to tell thee! Alon. It must be strange indeed, that makes my Queen Dress her fair eyes in sorrow. Qu. It is a Dress that thou wilt be in love with, When thou shalt hear my story.— You had a Sister once. Alon. Had! Qu. Yes, had— whilst she was like thyself, all Virtue; Till her bewitching Eyes kindled such flames, As will undo us all. Alon. My Sister, Madam! sure it cannot be:— What eyes? what flames?— inform me straight. Qu. Alonzo, thou art honest, just, and brave, And should I tell thee more— (Knowing thy Loyalty's above all Nature) It would oblige thee to commit an outrage, Which baser Spirits will call cruelty. Alon. Gods, Madam! do not praise my Virtue thus, Which is so poor, it scarce affords me patience To attend the end of what you would deliver.— Come Madam, say my Sister— is a Whore; I know 'tis so you mean: and being so, Where shall I kneel for Justice? Since he that should afford it me, Has made her Criminal.— Pardon me, Madam, 'tis the King I mean. Qu. I grieve to own, all thy Prophetic fears Are true, Alonzo, 'tis indeed the King. Alon. Then I'm disarmed, For Heaven can only punish him. Qu. But Alonzo, Whilst that Religious patience dwells about thee, All Spain must suffer; nay Ages that shall ensue, Shall curse thy Name, and Family; From whom a Race of Bastards shall proceed, To wear that Crown. Alon. No, Madam, not from mine, My Sister's in my power, her Honour's mine; I can command her life, though not my Kings. Her Mother is a Saint, and should she now Look down from Heaven upon a deed so foul, I think even there, she would invent a Curse, To thunder on her head.— But Madam, whence was this intelligence? Qu. Elvira saw the King enter her Lodgings, With Lover's haste, and joy. Alon. Her Lodgings!— when? Qu. Now, not an hour ago,— Now, since the Moor departed. Alon. Damnation on her! can she be thus false?— Come, lead me to the Lodgings of this Strumpet, And make me see this truth, Or I will leave thee dead, for thus abusing me. to Elvira. Qu. Nay dear Alonzo, do not go enraged, Stay till your temper wears a calmer look; That if, by chance, you should behold the Wantons, In little harmless Dalliance, such as Lover▪ (Aided with silence, and the shades of Night) May possibly commit, You may not do, that which you may repent of. Alon. Gods! should I play the Pander! And with my patience, aid the Amorous sin?— No, I shall scarce have so much tameness left, To mind me of my Duty to my King. Ye Gods! behold the Sacrifice I make To my lost Honour: behold, and aid my justice. Exit Alonzo. Qu. It will concern me too, to see this wonder, For yet I scarce can credit it. Exeunt. SCENE III. Florella's Lodgings. Enter the King, leading in Florella all in fear. Flor. Ah Sir, the Gods and you would be more merciful, If by a death less cruel than my fears, You would preserve my Honour; begin it quickly, And after that I will retain my Duty, And at your feet breathe thanks in dying sighs. King. Where learned you, Fairest, so much cruelty, To charge me with the Power of injuring thee? Not from my Eyes, where Love and languishment Too sensibly inform thee of my heart. Flor. Call it not injury, Sir, to free my soul From fears which such a Visit must create, In dead of Night, when nought but frightful Ghosts. Of restless souls departed walk the Round. King. That fleeting thing am I; whom all repose, All joys, and every good of life abandoned, That fatal hour thou gavest thyself away; And I was doomed to endless desperation: Yet whilst I lived, all glorious with my hopes, Some sacred Treasures in thy breast I hid, And near thee still my greedy soul will hover. Flor. Ah rather like a Ravisher you come, With love and fierceness in your dangerous Eyes; And both will equally be fatal to me. King. Ah do not fear me, as the fair Lucretia Did the fierce Roman Youth; I mean no Rapes, Thou canst not think that I would force those joys, Which cease to be so, when compelled, Florella:— No, I would sooner pierce this faithful heart, Whose flame appears too Criminal for your mercy. Flor. Why do you fright me▪ Sir? methinks your looks All pale; your eyes thus fixed, and trembling hands, The awful horror of the dark and silent night, Strikes a cold terror round my fainting heart, That does presage some fatal Accident. King. 'Tis in your cruel Eyes the danger lies:— Would you receive me with that usual tenderness Which did express itself in everysmile, I should dismiss this horror from my face, And place again its Native calmness there; And all my Veins shall reassume their heat, And with a new, and grateful Ardour beat. Flor. Sir, all my soul is taken up with fear, And you advance your Fate, by staying here:— Fly, fly, this place of death;— if Abdelazer Should find you here,— all the Divinity About your Sacred Person, could not Guard you. King. Ah my Florella, cease thy needless fear, And in thy soul let nothing reign but Love! Love! that with soft desires may fill thy Eyes, And save thy Tongue the pain t'instruct my heart, In the most grateful knowledge Heaven can give me. Flor. That knowledge, Sir, would make us both more wretched, Since you, I know, would still be wishing on, And I should grant, till we were both undone. And Sir, how little she were worth your care, Could part with all her honourable fame, For an inglorious life,— short and despised.— King. Canst thou believe a flame thy Eyes have kindled, Can urge me to an infamous pursuit?— No, my Florella, I adore thy Virtue, And none profane those Shrines, to whom they offer; — Say but thou lov'st,— and I thus low will bow,— (kneels. And sue to thee, to be my Sovereign Queen; I'll circled thy bright Forehead with the Crowns Of Castille, Portugal, and Arragon; And all those petty Kingdoms, which do bow Their Tributary knees to thy Adorer. Flor. Ah Sir! have you forgot by Sacred vow All that I am, is Abdelazers now. King. By Heaven it was a Sacrilegious theft! But I the Treasure from his breast will tear, And reach his heart, though thou art seated there. Flor. A deed like that, my Virtue would undo, And leave a stain upon your Glories too; A sin, that would my hate, not passion move; I owe a Duty, where I cannot love. King. Thou think'st it then no sin to kill thy King; For I must die, without thy love, Florella. Flor. How tamely, Sir, you with the Serpent play, Whose fatal Poison must your life betray; And though a King, cannot Divine your Fate; Kings only differ from the Gods in that.— See, Sir, with this— I am your Murderer made; (holds up a Dagger. By those we love, we soon are betrayed. King. How! can that fair hand acquaint itself with death? — What wilt thou do, Florella? Flor. Your Destiny divert, And give my heart those wounds designed for yours. — If you advance, I'll give the deadly blow. King. Hold!— I command thee hold thy impious hand, My heart dwells there, and if your strike— I die. Enter Queen, Alonzo, and Elvira. Qu. Florella! armed against the King!— Snatches the Dagger and stabs her; the King rises. Of Traitress!— King. Hold!— hold, inhuman Murderess; What hast thou done, most barbarous of thy Sex! (takes Flor. in his arms. Qu. Destroyed thy Murderess,— and my too fair Rival. (aside. King. My Murderess!— what Devil did inspire thee With thoughts so black and sinful? could this fair Saint Be guilty of a Murder!— No, no, too cruel Mother, With her Eyes, her charming lovely Eyes, She might have killed; and her too virtuous cruelty. — Oh my Florella! Sacred lovely Creature! Flor. My death was kind, since it prevented yours! And by that hand, which saved mine from a guilt: (points to the Queen. — That Dagger, I received of Abdelazer, To stab that heart— he said, that loved me best; But I designed to overcome your Passion, And then to have vanquished Abdelazer's Jealousy: But finding you too faithful to be happy, I did resolve to die,— and have my wish. — Farewell— my King,— my soul begins its flight, — And now— is hover— in eternal— Night. (dies. King. She's gone,— she's gone,— her sacred soul is fled To that Divinity, of which it is a part; Too excellent to inhabit Earthly bodies. Alon. Oh Sir, you grieve too much, for one so foul King. What profane breath was that pronounced her foul! Thy Mother's soul, though turned into a Cherubin, Was black to hers:— Oh she was all Divine. — Alonzo,— was it thou?— her Brother! Alon. When she was good, I owned that title, Sir. King. Good!— by all the Gods she was as chaste as Vestals! As Saints translated to Divine abodes. — I offered her to be my Queen, Alonzo! To share the growing Glories of my Youth; But uncorrupted she my Crown contemned, And on her Virtue's Guard stood thus defended. (Alon. weeps. — Oh my Florella! let me here lie fixed, (kneels. And never rise, till I am cold and pale, As thou fair Saint art now:— but sure She could not die;— that noble generous heart, That armed with love and honour, did rebate All the fierce sieges of my Amorous flame, Might sure defend itself against those wounds Given by a Woman's hand,— or rather 'twas a Devils. (riseth. — What dost thou merit for this Treachery? Thou vilest of thy Sex— But thou'rt a thing I have miscalled a Mother, And therefore will not touch thee,— live to suffer By a more shameful way;— but here the lies, Whom I, though dead, must still adore as living. Alon. Sir, pray retire, there's danger in your stay; When I reflect upon this Night's disorder, And the Queen's Art to raise my Jealousy; And after that my Sisters being murdered, I must believe there is some deeper Plot, Something designed against your Sacred Person. King. Alonzo! raise the Court, I'll find it (Exit Alonzo. Though 'twere hid within my Mothers soul. Qu. My gentle Son, pardon my kind mistake, I did believe her armed against thy life. King. Peace Fury! Not ill-boding Raven shrieks, Nor Midnight cries of murdered Ghosts, are more Ungrateful, than thy faint and dull excuses. — Be gone! and trouble not the silent griefs, Which will insensibly decay my life, Till like a Marble Statue I am fixed, kneels, and weeps at Flor.'s feet. Dropping continual tears upon her Tomb. Abd. within. Guard all the Chamber doors!— fire and confusion Consume these Spanish Dogs!— was I for this Sent to fetch back a Philip, and a Cardinal, To have my Wife abused? Enter Abdelazer. Qu. Patience! dear Abdelazer! Abd. Patience and I am Foes! where's my Florella?— The King! and in Florella's Bedchamber! — Florella! dead too!— Rise! thou Eternal Author of my shame; Gay thing!— to you I speak! (King riseth. And thus throw off Allegiance. Qu. Oh stay your fury, generous Abdelazer! Abd. Away! fond woman. (throws her from him. King. Villain! to me this language! Abd. To thee, young Amorous King! How at this dead and silent time of Night, Durst you approach the Lodgings of my Wife? King. I scorn to answer thee. Abd. I'll search it in thy heart then. They fight, Qu. and Elu. run out crying Treason. King. The Devil's not yet ready for his soul, And will not claim his due:— Oh I am wounded! (falls. Abd. No doubt on't, Sir, these are no wounds of Love. King. whate'er they be, you might have spared 'em now, Since those Florella gave me were sufficient: — And yet a little longer— fixing thus— thou'dst seen me turn to Earth, without thy aid. — Florella!— Florella!— is thy soul fled so far It cannot answer me, and call me on?— And yet like dying Echoes in my Ears, I hear thee cry, my Love!— I come— I come, fair Soul! — Thus at thy feet— my heart shall— bleeding— lie, Who since it lived for thee,— for thee— will— die. (dies. Abd. So— thou art gone;— there was a King but now, And now a senseless, dull, and breathless nothing. [A noise of fighting without. Enter Queen running. Qu. Oh heavens'! my Son— the King! the King is killed!— Yet I must save his Murderer:— Fly, my Moor; Alonzo, Sir, assisted by some Friends, Has set upon your Guards, And with resistless fury is making hither. Abd. Let him come on. Enter Alonzo and others, led in by Osmin, Zarrack, and Moors. — Oh are you fast?— (takes away their Swords. Alon. What mean'st thou, Villain! Abd. To put your Swords to better uses, Sir, Then to defend the cause of Ravishers. Alon. Oh Heavens! the King is murdered! Abd. Look on that Object,— Thy Sister! and my Wife! who's doubly murdered, First in her spotless Honour, than her life. Alon. Heaven is more guilty than the King in this! Qu. My Lords, be calm; and since your King is murdered, Think of your own dear safeties; choose a new King That may defend you from the Tyrant's Rage. Alon. Who should we choose? Prince Philip is our King. Abd. By Heaven but Philip shall not be my King! Philip's a Bastard, and Traitor to his Country: He braves us with an Army at our-Walls, Threatening the Kingdom with a fatal ruin. And who shall lead you forth to Conquest now, But Abdelazer, whose Sword reaped Victory, As oft as 'twas unsheathed;— and all for Spain! — How many Laurels has this Head adorned? Witness the many Battles I have won; In which I've emptied all my Youthful Veins, And all for Spain!— ungrateful of my favours! — I do not boast my Birth, Nor will not urge to you my Kingdom's ruin; But loss of blood, and numerous wounds received, And still for Spain!— And can you think, that after all my Toy's I would be still a Slave!— to Bastard Philip too! That dangerous Foe! who with the Cardinal Threatens with Fire and Sword.— I'll quench those flames, Such an esteem I still preserve for Spain.— Alon. What means this long Harangue! what does it aim at? Abd. To be Protector of the Crown of Spain, Till we agree about a lawful Successor. Alon. Oh Devil!— Qu. We are betrayed, and round beset with horrors; If we deny him this,— the Power being his, We're all undone, and Slaves unto his mercy.— Besides,— Oh give me leave to blush when I declare, That Philip is— as he has rendered him.— But I in love to you, love to my Spain, Chose rather to proclaim my Infamy, Than an Ambitious Bastard should be Crowned. Alon. Here's a fine Plot,— What Devil reigns in Woman, when she dotes! (aside. Rod. My Lords, I see no remedy but he must be Protector. Alon. Oh treachery!— have you so soon forgot The noble Philip, and his glorious Heir The murdered Ferdinand!— — And Madam, you so soon forgot a Mother's name, That you would give him Power that killed your Son! Abd. The modesty wherewith I'll use that Power, Shall let you see, I have no other Interest But what's entirely Spain's.— Restore their Swords, And he amongst you all who is dissatisfied,— I set him free this minute. Alon. I take thee at thy word,— And instantly to Philip's Camp will fly. Exit. Abd. By all the Gods my Ancestors adored, But that I scorn the envying World thoved think I took delight in blood,— I would not part so with you. — But you, my Lords, who value Spain's Repose, Must for it instantly with me take Arms:— Prince Philip, and the Cardinal, now ride Like jove in Thunder; we in Storms must meet them: To Arms! to Arms! and then to Victory, Resolved to Conquer, or resolved to die. Exeunt. ACT. IU. Enter Abdelazer, Osmin bearing his Helmet of Feathers, Zarrack with his Sword and Truncheon. Abd. COme Osmin, Arm me quickly, for the day Comes on apace; and the fierce Enemy Will take advantages, by our delay. Enter Queen and Elvira. Qu. Oh my dear Moor! The rude, exclaiming, ill-affected Multitude. (Tempestuous as the Sea) run up and down, Some crying, kill the Bastard,— some the Moor; These for King Philip,— those for Abdelazer. Abd. Your fears are idle,— blow 'em into air. I rushed amongst the thickest of their Crowds, And with the awful splendour of my Eyes, Like the Imperious Sun, dispersed the Clouds. But I must Combat now a fiercer Foe, The hot-brained Philip, and a jealous Cardinal. Qu. And must you go, before I make you mine? Abd. That's my misfortune;— when I return with Victory, And lay my wreaths of Laurel at your feet, You shall exchange them, for your glorious Fetters. Qu. How canst thou hope for Victory, when their numbers So far exceed thy Powers? Abd. What's wanting there, we must supply with Conduct. I know you will not stop at any thing That may advance our Interest, and enjoyment. Qu. Look back on what I have already done, And after that, look forward with Assurance. Abd. You then (with only Women in your Train) Must to the Camp, and to the Cardinal's Tent;— Tell him, your Love to him hath drawn you thither: Then undermine his Soul,— you know the way on't. And soothe him into a belief, that the best way to gain your heart, is to leave Philip's Interest; urge 'tis the Kingdom's safety, and your own; and use your fiercest threats, to draw him to a Peace with me: not that you Love me, but for the Kingdoms good: then in a Tent which I will pitch on purpose, get him to meet me: he being drawn off, thousands of Begots (who think to cheat the world into an opinion, that fighting for the Cardinal is a pious work) will (when he leaves the Camp) desert it too. Qu. I understand you, and more than I have time to be Instructed in, I will perform, and possibly Before you can begin, I'll end my Conquests. Abd. 'Twill be a Victory worthy of your Beauty. — I must to Horse, farewell my generous Mistress. Qu. Farewell! and may thy Arms as happy prove, As shall my Art, when it dissembles Love. Exeunt. SCENE, Philip's Tent. Enter Philip, Alonzo, and Guards. Phil. 'Tis a sad story thou hast told, Alonzo; Yet 'twill not make me shed one single tear: They must be all of blood, that I will offer, To my dear Brother's Ghost!— But gallant Friend, this good his ills have done, To turn thee over to our juster Interest, For thou didst love him once. Alm. Whilst I believed him honest, and for my Sister's sake; But 〈◊〉 his Crimes have made a Convert of me. Phil. Gods! is it possible the Queen should countenance His horrid Villainies? Alon. Nay worse than so, 'tis thought she'll marry him! Phil. Marry him! then here upon my knees I vow, To shake all Duty from my soul, And all that reverence Children owe a Parent, Shall henceforth be converted into hate. — Damnation! marry him! Oh I could curse my Birth!— This will confirm the world in their opinion, That she's the worst of women; That I am basely born too, (as she gives it out) That thought alone, does a just Rage inspire, And kindles round my heart an active fire. (kneels. (riseth▪ Alon. A disobedience, Sir, to such a Parent, Heaven must forgive the sin, if this be one: — Yet do not, Sir, in words abate that fire, Which will assist you a more effectual way. Phil. Death! I could talk of it an Age; And like a Woman, fret my anger high, Till like my Rage, I have advanced a Courage Able to sight the World against my Mother! Alon. Our wrongs without a Rage, will make us fight, Wrongs that would make a Coward resolute. Phil. Come, Noble Youth, Let us join both our several wrongs in one, And from them make a solemn resolution, Never to part our Interest, till this Moor, This worse than Devil Moor be sent to Hell. Alon. I do. Phil. Hark,— hark,— the Charge is sounded, let's to Horse, St. jaques for the right of Spain and me. Exeunt. SCENE, a Grove. Drums and Trumpets a far off, with noise of fighting at a distance: after a little while, enter Philip in Rage. Phil. Oh unjust powers! why d'ye protect this Monster;— And this damned Cardinal, that comes not up With the Castilian Troops; curse on his formal Politics;— (Enter Alonzo. — Alonzo, where's the Moor? Alon. The Moor!— a Devil!— never did Fiend of Hell, Compelled by some Magician's Charms, Break through the Prison of the folded Earth With more swift horror, than this Prince of Fate Breaks through our Troops, in spite of opposition. Phil. Death! 'tis not his single arm that works these wonders, But our Cowardice;— Oh this Dog Cardinal!— Enter Antonio. Anton. Sound a Retreat, or else the day is lost. Phil. ‛ I'll beat that Cur to death that sounds Retreat. Enter Sebastian. Sebast. Sound a Retreat. Phil. Who is't that tempts my Sword?— continue the Alarm, Fight on Pell mell,— fight— kill— be damned— do any thing But sound Retreat:— Oh this damned Coward Cardinal!— Exeunt. The noise of fighting near, after a little while Enter Philip again. Phil. Not yet, ye Gods! Oh this eternal Coward— Enter Alonzo. Alon. Sir, bring up your Reserves, or all is lost; Ambition plumes the Moor, and makes him act Deeds of such wonder, that even you would envy them. Phil. 'Tis well;— I'll raise my Glories to that dazzling height Shall darken his, or set in endless Night. Exeunt. SCENE, a Grove. Enter Cardinal and Queen; the noise of a Battle continuing a far off all the Scene. Qu. By all thy Love, by all thy languishments, By all those sighs and tears paid to my Cruelty, By all thy vows, thy passionate Letters sent, I do conjure thee, go not forth to fight: Command your Troops not to engage with Philip, Who aims at nothing but the Kingdom's ruin, — Fernando's killed,— the Moor has gained the power, A power that you nor Philip can withstand; And is't not better he were lost, than Spain? Since one must be a Sacrifice.— Besides,— if I durst tell it, There's something I could whisper to thy soul, Would make thee blush at every single good Thou'st done that insolent Boy:— but 'tis not now. A time for stories of so strange a nature,— Which when you know, you will conclude with me, That every man that Arms for Philip's Cause, Merits the name of Traitor.— Be wise in time, and leave his shameful Interest, An Interest thou wilt curse thyself for taking; Be wise, and make Alliance with the Moor. Card. And Madam, should I lay aside my wrongs, Those public injuries I have received, And make a mean and humble Peace with him? — No, let Spain be ruined by our Civil Swords, Ere for its safety I forgo mine Honour.— Enter an Officer. Offic. Advance Sir, with your Troops, or we are lost. Card. Give order— Qu. That they stir not on their lives; Is this the Duty that you owe your Country? Is this your Sanctity,— and Love to me? Is't thus you treat the Glory I have offered To raise you to my Bed? To rule a Kingdom, be a Nations safety, To advance in Hostile manner to their Walls, Walls that confine your Countrymen, and Friends, And Queen, to whom you've vowed eternal Peace, Eternal Love; and will you Court in Arms? Such rude Addresses would but ill become you. No,— from this hour renounce all claims to me, Or Philip's Interest;— for let me tell you,— Cardinal, This Love— and that Revenge— are inconsistent. Card. But Madam— Qu. No more;— disband your Rebel Troops, And straight with me to Abdelazer's Tent, Where all his Claims he shall resign to you Both in myself, the Kingdom, and the Crown: You being departed, thousands more will leave him, And you're alone the Prop to his Rebellion. Enter Sebastian. Sebast. Advance, advance, my Lord, with all your Force, Or else the Prince and Victory is lost, Which now depends upon his single Valour; Who like some Ancient Hero, or some God, Thunders amongst the thickest of his Enemies, Destroying all before him in such numbers, That Piles of dead obstruct his passage to the living.— Relieve him straight, my Lord, with our last Cavalry and hopes. Card. I'll follow instantly— Ex. Seb. Qu. Sir, but you shall not, unless it be to death:— Shall you preserve the only man I hate, And hate with so much reason?— let him fall A Victim to an injured Mother's Honour. — Come, I will be obeyed,— indeed I must.— (sawns on him, Card. When you're thus soft, can I retain my anger?— Oh look but ever thus— in spite of injuries— I shall become as tame and peaceable, As are your charming Eyes, when dressed in Love, Which melting down my Rage, leave me defenceless. — Ah Madam, have a generous care of me, For I have now resigned my power to you. (shout within. Qu. What shouts are these? Enter Sebastian. Sebast. My Lord, the Enemy is giving ground, And Philip's arm alone sustains the day; Advance Sir, and complete the Victory.— Exit. Qu. Give order straight that a Retreat be sounded; And whilst they do so, by me conducted We'll instantly to Abdelazer's Tent:— Hast,— haste, my Lord, whilst I attend you here. Exeunt severally. Cardinal going cut, is met by Philip. Phil. Oh damn your lazy Order, where have you been, Sir? — But 'tis no time for questions, Move forward with your Reserves. Card. I will not, Sir. Phil. How, will not! Card. Now to advance would be impolitic; Already by your desperate attempts, You've lost the best part of our hopes. Phil. Death! you lie. Card. Lie, Sir! Phil. Yes, lie Sir:— therefore come on, Follow the desperate Rearguard, which is mine, And where I'll die or Conquer;— follow my Sword The bloody way it leads, or else by Heaven I'll give the Moor the Victory in spite, And turn my force on thee;— Plague of your Cowardice,— Come, follow me. Ex. Card. SCENE, the Grove. As Philip is going off, he is overtook by Alonzo, Antonio, Sebastian, and other Officers: At the other side some Moor, and others of Abdelazer's Party, enter and fall on Philip and the rest;— the Moors are beaten off;— one left dead on the Stage.— Enter Abdelazer, with Roderigo and some others. Abd. Oh for more work,— more souls to send to Hell! — Ha ha ha, here's one going thither,— Sirrah— Slave— Moor— who killed thee?— how he grins:— this breast, Had it been tempered and made proof like mine, It never would have been a mark for Fools. Abd. going out: Enter Philip, Alonzo, Sebastian, Antonio, and Officers, as passing over the Stage. Phil. I'll wear my Sword to th'hilt, but I will find The subject of my Vengeance.— Moor, 'tis for thee I seek, where art thou Slave?— Abd. Here, Philip— (Abd. turns. Phil. Fate and Revenge, I thank thee!— Abd. Why— thou art brave, whoever begot thee. Phil. Villain, a King begot me. Abd. I know not that, But I'll be sworn thy Mother was a Queen; And I will kill thee handsomely for her sake. offer to fight, their Parties hinder them. Alon. Hold— hoed, my Prince. Osm. Great Sir, what mean you (to Abd. The Victory being yours, to give your life away On one so mad and desperate. (their Parties draw. Phil. Alonzo, hold, We two will be the Fate of this great day. Abd. And I'll forgo all I've already won, And claim no Conquest; though whole heaps of Bodies, Which this right hand has slain, declare me Victor. Phil. No matter who's the Victor; I have thee in my view, And will not leave thee, Till thou hast Crowned those heaps, and made 'em all The glorious Trophies of my Victory.— Come on Sir— Alon. You shall not fight thus single; If you begin, by Heaven we'll all fall on▪ Phil. Dost thou suspect my power! Oh I am armed with more than complete Steel, The justice of my Quarrel; when I look Upon my Father's wrongs, my Brother's wounds, My Mother's infamy, Spain's misery, I am all fire; and yet I am too cold To let out blood enough for my Revenge: — Therefore stir not a Sword on my side. Abd. Nor on mine. They fight; both their Parties engage on either side; the Scene draws off and discover both the Armies, which all fall on and make the main Battle: Philip prevails, the Moors give ground: then the Scene closes to the Grove. Enter some Moors flying in disorder. SCENE changes to a Tent. Enter Abdelazer, Roderigo, Osmin, Zarrack, and some others of his Party. Rod. Oh fly, my Lord, fly, for the day is lost. Abd. There are three hundred and odd days i'th' year, And cannot we lose one?— dismiss thy fears, They'll make a Coward of thee. Osm. Sir, all the Noble Spaniards have forsook you; Your Soldiers faint are round beset with Enemies, Nor can you shun your Fate, but by your flight. Abd. I can,— and must,— in spite of Fate: The wheel of War shall turn about again, And dash the Current of his Victories.— This is the Tent I've pitched, at distance from the Armies, To meet the Queen and Cardinal; Charmed with the Magic of Dissimulation, I know by this h'as furled his Ensigns up, And is become a tame and coward Ass. a Retreat is sounded. — Hark— hark 'tis done; Oh my enchanting Engine! — Dost thou not hear Retreat sounded? Rod. Sure 'tis impossible! Abd. She has prevailed:— a woman's tongue and eyes, Are Forces stronger than Artilleries. Enter Queen, Cardinal, womans, and Soldiers. — We are betrayed— Qu. What means this jealousy? lay by your weapons And embrace;— the sight of these begets suspicion: — Abdelazer, by my Birth he comes in Peace, Lord Cardinal, on my Honour so comes he. Abd. Let him withdraw his Troops then. Qu. They're Guards for all our safeties: Give me your hand, Prince Cardinal;— thine, Abdelazer;— (she brings them together, they embrace. This blessed Accord I do behold with joy. Card. Abdelazer, I at the Queen's command have met you here, To know what 'tis you will propose to us. Abd. Peace and eternal Friendship 'twixt us two▪ How much against my will I took up Arms, Be witness Heaven; nor was it in Revenge to you, But to let out th' infected blood of Philip, Whose sole aim Is to be King,— which Spain will never suffer; Spain gave me Education, though not Birth, Which has entitled it my Native home, To which such reverence and esteem I bear, I will preserve it from the Tyrant's rage.— The People who once loved him, now abhor him, And 'tis your power alone that buoys him up; And when you've lifted him into a Throne, 'Tis time to shake you off. Card. Whilst I behold him as my Native Prince, My Honour and Religion bids me serve him; Yet not when I'm convinced that whilst I do so, I injure Spain. Abd. If he were so, the Pours above forbid We should not serve, adore, and fight for him; But Philip is a Bastard:— nay 'twill surprise ye, But that 'tis truth, the Queen will satisfy you. Qu. With one bold word he has undone my Honour: (weeps. Too bluntly, Abdelazer, you repeat, That which by flow degrees you should have uttered. Abd. Pardon my roughness, Madam, I meant well. Card. Philip a Bastard! If by such Arts you would divide me from him, I shall suspect you would betray us both. Qu. Sir, he informs you truth; and I blush less To own him so, then that he is a Traitor. Card. Philip a Bastard! Oh it cannot be:— Madam, take heed you do not for Revenge, Barter your dearer Honour, and lose both. Qu. I know what's due to Honour, and Revenge, But better what I owe to Spain, and you.— You are a Prince o'th' Blood, and may put off The Cardinal when you please, and be a Monarch. Card. Though my Ambition's equal to my Passion, Neither shall make me act against those Principles My Honour ever taught me to obey. — And Madam— 'Tis a less sin, not to believe you here, Then 'tis to doubt your Virtue. Qu. I wish it were untold, if it must forfeit The least of your Esteem;— but that 'tis truth, Be witness Heaven, my shame, my sighs, and tears. (weeps. Card. Why Madam was't so long concealed from me? Qu. The Circumstances I shall at leisure tell you: And for the present, Let it suffice, he cannot rule in Spain, Nor can you side with him, without being made As much incapable to reign as he. Card. Though Love and Honour I have always made The business of my life; My soul retains too, so much of Ambition, As puts me still in mind of what I am, A Prince! and Heir to Spain! Nor shall my blinded zeal to Loyalty, Make me that glorious Interest resign, Since Philip's claims are not so great as mine. — Madam, though I'm convinced I've done amiss In taking Arms for Philip, Yet 'twill be difficult to disengage myself. Abd. Most easily;— Proclaim it in the head of all your Troops, The justice of your Cause for leaving him; And tell 'em, 'tis a work of Piety To follow your example: The giddy Rout are guided by Religion, More than by Justice, Reason, or Allegiance. — The Crown which I as a good Husband keep, I will lay down upon the empty Throne; Marry you the Queen, and fill it;— and for me, I'll ever pay you duty as a Subject. (bows low. Card. On these Conditions all I am is yours; Philip we cannot fear, all he can do Is to retire for refuge into Portugal. Abd. That would be dangerous;— Is there no arts to get him in our power? Card. Perhaps by Policy, and seeming Friendship, For we have reason yet to fear his Force; And since I'm satisfied he's not my lawful Prince, I cannot think it an impiety To sacrifice him to the Peace of Spain, And every Spirit that loves Liberty; First we'll our Forces join, and make 'em yours, Then give me your Authority to Arrest him; If so we can surprise him, we'll spare the hazard Of a second Battle. Abd. My Lord, retire into my inner Tent, And all things shall be instantly performed. Exeunt all. SCENE, the Grove. Enter some of Philip's Party running over the Stage, pursued by Philip: Alonzo, Sebastian, Antonio, and some few Officers more. Alon. Do not pursue 'em, Sir, such Coward Slaves Deserve not death from that illustriate hand. Phil. Eternal Plagues consume 'em in their flight: Oh this damned Coward Cardinal has betrayed us! When all our Swords were nobly died in blood, When with red sweat that trickled from our wounds We'ad dearly earned the long-disputed Victory, Then to lose all! then to sound base Retreat! It swells my anger up to perfect madness. Alon. Indeed 'twas wondrous strange. Sebast. I'm glad Sir— Phil. Art glad of it? art glad we are abandoned? That I, and thou have lost the hopefullest day— Sebast. Great Sir, I'm glad that you came off alive. Phil. Thou hast a lean face— and a carrion heart— A Plague upon the Moor and thee;— Oh Alonzo, To run away!— followed by all the Army! Oh I could tear my hair, and curse my soul to Air! — Cardinal— thou Traitor judas, that wouldst sell Thy God again, as thou hast done thy Prince. — But come— we're yet a few, And we will fight till there be left but one;— If I prove him, I'll die a glorious death. Ant. Yes, but the Cardinal has took pious care It shall be in our beds. Sebast. We are as bad as one already, Sir, for all our Fellows are crauled home, some with ne'er a Leg, others with ne'er an Arm, some with their Brains beat out, and glad they escaped so. Phil. But my dear Countrymen, you'll stick to me. 1 Sould. Ay, would I were well off.— (aside. Phil. Speak stout Seeva, wilt thou not? 1 Sould. Sceva Sir, who's that? Phil. A gallant Roman, that fought by Caesar's side, Till all his Body covered o'er with Arrows, Showed like a monstrous Porcupine. 1 Sould. And did he die, Sir? Phil. He would not but have died for Caesar's Empire. 1 Sould. Ha,— why Sir I'm none of Sceva, but honest Diego, yet would as willingly die as he, but that I have a Wife and Children; and if I die, they beg. Phil. For every drop of blood which thou shalt lose, I'll give thy Wife— a Diadem. 1 Sould. Stark mad, as I'm valiant.— Enter Cardinal, Officers and Soldiers: Philip offers to run on him, is held by Alonzo. Phil. Oh Heaven! is not that the Cardinal? Traitor, how dar'st thou tempt my rage and justice? Card. Your Pardon, Sir, I come in humble love To offer happy Peace. Phil. Was that thy aim when base Retreat was sounded? Oh thou false Cardinal!— let me go, Alonzo,— Death! offer happy Peace!— no offer War, Bring Fire and Sword;— Hell and damnation— Peace! Oh damn your musty Peace:— No, will you fight, and cry, Down with the Moor! and then I'll die in peace. I have a heart, two arms, a soul, a head, I'll hazard these,— I can but hazard all.— Come— I will kneel to thee,— and be thy Slave,— (kneels. I'll let thee tread on me, do any thing, So this damned Moor may fall. Card. Yes Sir, he shall— Phil. Gods! shall he!— thy Noble hand upon't, And for this promise, take my grateful heart. (embraces him. — Shall Abdelazer fall! Card. Yes, upon thee— Like the tall ruins of a falling Tower, As they embrace, the Guards seize him and the rest. To crush thee into dust:— Traitor, and Bastard, I arrest thee of High Treason. Phil. Hoh!— Traitor!— and Bastard!— and from thee! they hold Philip's hands. Card. Guards, to your hands the Prisoner is committed, There's your warrant:— Alonzo, you are free. Ex. Card. Phil. Prithee lend me one hand— to wipe my eyes, And see who 'tis dares Authorise this Warrant: — The Devil and his Dam! the Moor!— and Queen! Their Warrant!— Gods! Alonzo, must we obey it? Villains, you cannot be my Jailers; there's no Prison, No Dungeon deep enough; no Gate so strong, To keep a man confined— so mad with wrong. — Oh dost thou weep, Alonzo! Alon. I would fain shed a tear, But from my eyes so many showers are gone, They are too poor to pay your sorrows Tribute; There's now no remedy, we must to Prison▪ Phil. Yes, and from thence to death:— I thought I should have had a Tomb hung round With tattered Ensigns, broken Spears and Javelins; And that my body with a thousand wounds, Should have been borne on some Triumphant Chariot, With solemn Mourning Drums and Trumpets sounding; Whilst all the wondering World with grief and envy, Had wished my Glorious Destiny their own: But now, Alonzo,— like a Beast I fall, And hardly Pity waits my Funeral. Exeunt. ACT. V. SCENE I. A Presence Chamber, with a Throne and Canopy. Enter Abdelazer, Cardinal, Alonzo, Ordonio, Roderigo, and other Lords, one bearing the Crown, which is laid on the Table on a Cushion; the Queen, Leonora, and Ladies. They all seat themselves, leaving the Throne and Chair of State empty. Abdelazer rises and bows, Roderigo kneeling presents him with the Crown. Abd. GRandees of Spain, if in this Royal Presence There breathes a man, who having laid his hold So fast on such a Jewel, and dares wear it In the contempt of Envy, as I dare; Yet uncompelled (as freely as the Gods Bestow their blessings) would give such Wealth away, Let such a man stand forth:— Are ye all fixed? No wonder, since a King's a Deity! And who'd not be a God— This glorious Prospect when I first saw the Light, Met with my Infant hopes; nor have those Fetters (Which e'er I grew towards man, Spain taught me how to wear) Made me forget what's due to that Illustrious Birth: — Yet thus— I cast aside the Rays of Majesty,— kneels, and lays the Crown on the Table. And on my knee, do humbly offer up This splendid Powerful thing, and ease your fears Of Usurpation and of Tyranny. Alon. What new device is this? (aside. Card. This is an Action generous and just;— Let us proceed to new Election. Abd. Stay, Peers of Spain,— If young Prince Philip be King Philip's Son, Then is he Heir to Philip, and his Crown; But if a Bastard, than he is a Rebel, And as a Traitor to the Crown should bleed: That dangerous Populas Spirit must be laid, Or Spain must languish under Civil Swords; And Portugal taking advantages in these disorders, (Assisted by the Malcontents within, If Philip live) will bring Confusion home. — Our remedy for this, is first to prove, And then proclaim him Bastard. (aside. Alon. That project would be worth your Politics. — How should we prove him Bastard? Abd. Her Majesty being lately urged Conscience, And much above her Honour prizing Spain, Declared this Secret, but has not named the Man; If he be Noble, and a Spaniard born, He shall repair her same, by marrying her. Card. No; Spaniard▪ or Moor, the daring Slave shall die. Qu. Would I were covered with a Veil of Night, (weeps. That I might hide the blushes on my Cheeks; But when your safety comes into dispute, My Honour, nor my Life, must come in competition. — I'll therefore hide my eyes, and blushing own, That Philip's Father is i'th' Presence now. Alon. Ith' Presence! name him. Qu. The Cardinal— (All rise in amazement. Card. How's this, Madam! Abd. How! the Cardinal! Card. I Philip's Father, Madam! Qu. Lover— is not all this done for thee! Dost thou not see a Kingdom and myself, By this Confession, thrown into thy arms? Card. On terms so infamous I must despise it. Qu. Have I thrown by all sense of modesty, To render you the Master of my Bed, To be refused?— was there another way?— Card. I cannot yield; this cruelty transcends All you have ever done me:— Heavens! what a contest Of Love, and Honour, swells my rising heart. Qu. By all my Love, if you refuse me now, Now when I have removed all difficulties, I'll be Revenged a thousand killing ways. Card. Madam, I cannot own so false a thing, My Conscience, and Religion will not suffer me. Qu. Away with all this canting; Conscience, and Religion! No, take advice from nothing but from Love. Card 'Tis certain I'm bewitched;— she has a Spell Hid in those charming Lips. Alon. Prince Cardinal, what say you to this? Card. I cannot bring it forth— Qu. Do't, or thou'rt lost for ever. Card. Death! what's a woman's power! And yet I can resist it. Qu. And dare you disobey me? Card. Is't not enough I've given you up my power, Nay and resigned my life into your hands, But you would damn me too?— I will not yield.— Oh now I find a very Hell within me: How am I misguided by my passion! Alon. Sir, we attend your Answer. Qu. 'Tis now near twenty years, when newly married, (And 'tis the Custom here to marry young) King Philip made a War in Barbary, Won Tunis, Conquered Fez, and hand to hand Slew great Abdela, King of Fez, and Father To this Barbarian Prince. Abd. I was but young, and yet I well remember My Father's wounds,— poor Barbary;— but no more. Qu. In absence of my King, I lived retired, Shut up in my Apartment with my Women, Suffering no Visits, but the Cardinals, To whom the King had left me as his Charge; But he unworthy of that Trust reposed, Soon turned his business into Love. Card. Heavens! how will this story end? (aside. Qu. A tale, alas! unpleasant to my Ear, And for the which I banished him my Presence▪ But oh the power of Gold! he bribe's my Women, That they should tell me (as a secret too) The King (whose Wars were finished) would return Without acquainting any with the time; He being as Jealous, as I was fair and young, Meant to surprise me in the dead of Night: This passed upon my Youth, which ne'er knew Art. Card. Gods! is there any Hell but Woman's falsehood! (aside. Qu. The following Night, I hasted to my Bed, To wait my expected Bliss;— nor was it long Before his gentle steps approached my Ears: Undressed he came, and with a Vigorous haste Flew to my yielding Arms; I called him King! My dear loved Lord! and in return he breathed Into my bosom in soft gentle whispers— My Queen! my Angel! my loved Isabel! And at that word— I need not tell the rest. Alon. What's all this, Madam, to the Cardinal? Qu. Ah Sir, the night too short for his Caresses, Made room for day, day that betrayed my shame, For in my guilty Arms, I found the Cardinal! Alon. Madam, why did not you complain of this? Qu. Alas, I was but young, and full of fears; Bashful, and doubtful of a just belief, Knowing King Philip's rash and jealous temper; But from your Justice I expect Revenge. Rod. His crime, my Lords, is death, by all our Laws. Card. Have you betrayed me by my too much Faith? Oh shameless Creature, am I disarmed for this? Had I but so much ease to be enraged, Sure I should kill thee for this Treachery; But I'm all shame, and grief.— By all that's Holy, My Lords, I never did commit this Crime. Abd. 'Tis but in vain, Prince Cardinal, to deny it. Qu. Do not believe him, Lords;— Revenge— let Sentence pass upon the Traitor. Card. I own that name with horror, which you drew me to, When I betrayed the best of Men, and Princes; And 'tis but just you fit me for despairs, That may instruct me how to follow him in death: Yet as I'm Prince o'th' Blood, and Cardinal too, You cannot be my Judges. Abd. You shall be tried, Sir, as becomes your Quality. Osmin, we commit the Cardinal to your Charge. Card. Heaven! should I live to that! no, I have within me a Private shame, That shall secure me from the Public one. Alon. A pretty turn of State,— we shall all follow, Sir. Card. The Powers above are just,— Thus I my Prince a Sacrifice first made, And now myself am on the Altar laid. Ex. Card. Guarded. Abd. Madam, retire, you've acted so Divinely, You've filled my soul with new admiring Passion;— I'll wait on you in your Apartment instantly, And at your feet pay all my thanks, and Love. Qu. Make haste, my dearest Moor, whilst I retire, And fit my soul, to meet thy kind desire. Ex. Queen and her Train, Leonora advancing to follow is stayed by Abd. Abd. Stay, beauteous Maid, stay and receive that Crown, leads her back. Which as your due Heaven and all Spain present you with. Alon. But granting Philip is— that thing you call him, If we must grant him so, who then shall Reign? Not that we do not know who ought to Reign, But ask who 'tis you will permit to do so. (to Abd. Abd. Who but bright Leonora! the Royal Offspring Of Noble Philip, whose Innocence and Beauty, Without th'advantage of her Glorious Birth, Merits all Adoration. All. With joy we do salute her Queen. Abd. Live Leonora! beauteous Queen of Spain! (shout. Alon. From Abdelazer this! it cannot be, At least not real. (aside. Abd. My Lords, Be it now your care magnificently to provide Both for the Coronation, and the Marriage Of the fair Queen; Let nothing be omitted that may show, How we can pay, where we so vastly owe. (bows. Alon. I am much bound to Spain, and you, my Lords▪ For this great Condescension. Leon. My Lords, I thank ye all, And most the gallant Moor▪— I am not well— (turns to Alon. Something surrounds my heart so full of death, I must retire to give my sorrow breath. Ex. Leon. followed by all but Abd. and Roderigo, who looks on Abd. Rod. Sir,— what have you done? Abd. What every man that loves like me should do; Undone myself forever, to beget One moments thought in her, that I adore her; That she may know, none ever loved like me, I've thrown away the Diadem of Spain:— — 'Tis gone! and there's no more to set but this— (My heart) at all, and at this one last cast Sweep up my former losses, or be undone. Rod. You Court at a vast rate, Sir. Abd. Oh she's a Goddess! a Creature made by Heaven! To make my prosperous Toils, all sweet and charming! She must be Queen, I, and the Gods decree it. Rod. Sir, is she not designed Alonzo's Bride? Abd. Yes, so herself, and he have ill agreed; But Heaven and I, am of another mind, And must be first obeyed. Rod. Alonzo will not yield his Interest easily. Abd. Would that were all my stop to happiness;— But Roderigo, this fond Amorous Queen Sits heavy on my heart. Rod. She's but a woman, nor has more lives than one Abd. True, Roderigo, and thou hast dealt in Murders, And know'st the safest way to— Rod. How Sir!— Abd. Thou dar'st not sure pretend to any Virtue; Had Hell inspired thee with less Excellency Than Arts of killing Kings! thou'dst ne'er been raised To that exalted height t' have known my secrets. Rod. But Sir— Abd. Slave, look back upon the wretchedness I took thee from, What merits hadst thou to deserve my bounty? But Vice, brave prosperous Vice! Thou'rt neither Wise, nor Valiant. Rod. I own myself that Creature raised by you, And live but to repay you, name the way. Abd. My business is— to have the Queen removed; She does expect my coming this very hour, And when she does so, 'tis her custom to be retired, Dismissing all Attendance, but Elvira. Rod. The rest, I need not be instructed in. Exit Rod. Enter Osmin. Osm. The Cardinal, Sir, is close confined with Philip. Abd. 'Tis well. Osm. And do you think it fit, Sir, they should live? Abd. No, this day they both must die, some sort of death That may be thought was given them by themselves: I'm sure I give them cause.— Osmin, view well this Ring, Whoever brings this Token to your hands, Without considering Sex, or Quality, Let 'em be killed. Osm. Your will shall be obeyed in every thing. Exeunt severally. SCENE, a fine Chamber. A Table and Chair. Enter Queen and Elvira. Qu. Elvira, hast thou dressed my Lodgings up Fit to receive my Moor? Are they all gay, as Altars, when some Monarch Is there to offer up rich Sacrifices? Hast thou strewed all the Floor his feet must press, With the soft newborn Beauties of the Spring? Elu. Madam, I've done as you commanded me. Qu. Let all the Chambers too be filled with Lights; There's a Solemnity methinks in Night, That does insinuate Love into the soul! And makes the bashful Lover more assured. Elu. Madam, You speak as if this were your first Enjoyment. Qu. My first! Oh Elvira, his Power, like his Charms, His Wit, or Bravery! every hour renews: Love gathers sweets like Flowers, which grow more fragrant The nearer they approach maturity. (knock. — Hark! 'tis my Moor,— give him Admittance straight. The thought comes o'er me like a gentle Gale, Raising my blood into a thousand Curls. Elu. Madam, it is a Priest— Qu. A Priest! oh send him quickly hence; I would not have so cold, and dull an Object, Meet with my Nobler sense, 'tis mortifying. Elu. Perhaps 'tis some Petition from the Cardinal. Qu. Why what have I to do with Priest or Cardinal? Let him not enter.— Elu. goes out, and returns with Roderigo, dressed like a Friar. Elu. From Abdelazer, Madam. Qu. H'as named a word will make all places free. Rod. Madam, be pleased to send your Woman hence, I've something to deliver from the Moor, Which you alone must be acquainted with. Qu. Well, your Formality shall be allowed;— retire— (to Elu. What have you to deliver to me now? Rod. This— shows a Dagger, and takes her roughly by the hands. Qu. Ha— Rod. You must not call for help, unless to Heaven. Qu. What daring thing art thou? Rod. One that has now no time to answer thee. stabs her, she struggles, her arm bleeds. Qu. Oh hoed thy killing hand! I am thy Queen. Rod. Thou mayst be Devil too, for aught I know; I'll try thy substance thus— (stabs again. Qu. Oh Abdelazar— Thou hast well revenged me— on my sins of Love;— he seats her in the Chair. But shall I die thus tamely unrevenged?— — Help— murder— help— (he offers to stab again. Enter Elvira, and other Women. Elu. Oh Heavens! the Queen is murdered!— help the Queen! Rod. offers to stab Elu. Enter Abdelazer. Abd. Ha! the Queen! what Sacrilegious hand, Or heart so Brutal— Durst thus profane the Shrine adored by me! Guard well the Passages.— Qu. Thou art that Sacrilegious— Brutal thing,— And false as are the Deities thou worshippest. Abd. Gods! let me not understand that killing language! — Inform me quickly, how you came thus wounded, Lest looking on that Sacred stream of blood, I die e'er I've revenged you, on your Murderer. Qu. Haste then, and kill thyself; thou art my Murderer: Nor had his hand, if not by thee instructed, Aimed at a sin so dangerous.— Abd. — Surely she'll live.— (aside)— This!— Can mischief dwell beneath this Reverend shape? Confess who taught thee so much cruelty! Confess! or I will kill thee.— Rod. The Cardinal. Qu. The Cardinal! Abd. The Cardinal!— Oh impious Traitor!— How came I mentioned then? Rod. To get Admittance. Abd. But why do I delay thy punishment! die,— and be damned together.— (aside.) (stabs him. — But oh my Queen!— Elvira,— call for help! Have I removed all that opposed our flame, (kneels. To have it thus blown out? thus in a minute! When I, all full of Youthful fire! all Love! Had raised my soul with hopes of near delights, — To meet thee cold,— and pale;— to find those Eyes, Those Charming Eyes thus dying;— Oh ye Powers!— Take all the prospect of my future joys, And turn it to despair,— since thou art gone.— Qu. Cease— cease— your kind complaints,— my struggling soul, 'Twixt Death— and Love— holds an uneasy contest; This will not let it stay,— nor that depart;— And whilst I hear thy voice— thus breathing Love, It hovers still— about— the grateful— sound. — My Eyes— have took— an everlasting leave— Of all that blessed their sight, and now a gloomy darkness Benights the wishing sense,— that vainly strives— To take another view;— but 'tis too late,— And life— and Love— must yield— to death— and— Fate. (dies. Abd. Farewell my greatest Plague— (he rises with joy. Thou wert a most impolitic loving thing, And having done my business which thou wert born for, 'Twas time thou shouldst retire, And leave me free to Love, and Reign alone. Enter Leonora, Alonzo, Ordonio, and other men and women. — Come all the world, and pay your sorrows here, Since all the world has Interest in this loss. Alon. The Moor in tears! nay then the sin was his. Leon. The Queen my Mother dead! How many sorrows will my heart let in, Ere it will break in pieces! (weeps over her. Alon. I know the source of all this Villainy, And need not ask you how the Queen came murdered. Elu. My Lord, that Friar, from the Cardinal did it. Alon. The Cardinal!— 'Tis possible,— for the injuries she did him aside. Could be repaid with nothing less than death. — My Fair, your griefs have been so just of late, I dare not beg that you would weep no more; Though every tear those lovely Eyes let fall, Give me a killing wound:— remove the Body, Guards remove the body. Ex. all but Alo. & Leo. Such objects suit not souls so soft as thine. Leon. With horrors I am grown of late familiar; I saw my Father die, and lived the while, I saw my beauteous Friend, and thy loved Sister, Florella, whilst her breast was bleeding fresh; Nay and my Brothers too, all full of wounds! The best and kindest Brother, that ever Maid was blessed with, Poor Philip bound, and led like Victims for a Sacrifice: All this I saw, and lived— And canst thou hope for pity from that heart, Whose hardened sense is proof 'gainst all these miseries? — This Moor, Alonzo, is a subtle Villain, Yet of such Power, we scarce dare think him such. Alon. 'Tis true, my charming Fair, he is that Villain, As ill, and powerful too; yet he has a heart That may be reached with this,— but 'tis, not time, (points to his Sword. We must dissemble yet which is an Art Too foul for souls so Innocent as thine. Enter Abdelazer. — The Moor! Hell! will he not allow us sorrowing time. Abd. Madam, I come to pay my humblest duty, And know what service you command your Slave. Leon. Alas, I've no Commands, or if I had, I am too wretched now to be obeyed. Abd. Can one so fair, and great, ask any thing Of Men, or Heaven, they would not grant with joy? Leon. heavens' will I'm not permitted to dispute, And may implore in vain; but 'tis in you To grant me what may yet preserve my life. Abd. In me! in me! the humblest of your Creatures! By yond bright Sun, or your more splendid Eyes, I would divest my soul of every hope, To gratify one single wish of yours; — Name but the way.— Leon. I'm so unhappy, that the only thing I have to ask, is what you must deny; — The liberty of Philip.— Abd. How! Philip's liberty!— and must I grant it! I (in whose hands Fortune had put the Crown) Had I not loved the good and Peace of Spain, Might have disposed it to my own advantage; And shall that Peace, Which I've preferred above my proper Glories, Be lost again in him, in him a Bastard! Alon. That he's a Bastard, is not Sir believed; And she that could love you, might after that Do any other sin, and 'twas the least Of all the number to declare him Bastard. Abd. How Sir! that could love me! what is there here— Or in my soul, or Person, may not be beloved? Alon. I spoke without reflection on your Person, But of dishonest love, which was too plain, From whence came all the Ills we have endured; And now being warm in mischiefs, Thou dost pursue the Game, till all be thine. Abd. Mine! Alon. Yes, thine;— The little humble Mask which you put on Upon the face of Falsehood, and Ambition, Is easily seen through; you gave a Crown! But you'll command the Kingly power still, Arm, and disband, destroy or save at pleasure. Abd. Vain Boy, (whose highest fame, Is that thou art the great Alvare's Son) Where learned you so much daring, to upbraid My generous Power thus falsely?— do you know me? Alon. Yes, Prince, and 'tis that knowledge makes me dare; I know thy fame in Arms; I know in Battles Thou hast performed deeds much above thy years: My Infant courage too, (By the same Master taught) grew up to thine, When thou in Age out-didst me, not in Bravery. — I know thou'st greater Power too,— thank thy Treachery! Abd. Dost thou not fear that Power? Alon. By Heaven not I, Whilst I can this— command. (lays his hand on his Sword. Abd. I too command a Sword, (Abd. lays his hand on his, and comes close up to him▪ But not to draw on thee, Alonzo; Since I can prove thy Accusations false By ways more grateful:— take this Ring, Alonzo, The sight of it will break down Prison Gates, And set all free, as was the first born man. Alon. What means this turn? Abd. To enlarge Philip; but on such Conditions, As you think fit to make for my security: And as thou'rt Brave, deal with me as I merit. Alon. Art thou in earnest?— Abd. I am, by all that's Sacred. Leon. Oh let me fall before you, and ne'er rise. Till I have made you know what Gratitude Is fit for such a Bounty!— Haste, my Alonzo,— haste— and treat with Philip; Nor do I wish his freedom, but on such terms As may be advantageous to the Moor. Alon. Nor I, by Heaven! I know the Prince's soul, Though it be fierce, 't has Gratitude and Honour! And for a deed like this, will make returns, Such as are worthy of the brave Obliger. Exit Alon. Abd. Yes, if he be not gone to Heaven before you come. (aside. — What will become of Abdelazer now? Who with his Power, has thrown away his Liberty. Leon. Your Liberty! Oh Heaven forbid that you, Who can so generously give Liberty, Should be deprived of it! It must not be whilst Leonora lives. Abd. 'Tis she that takes it from me. Leon. ay! Alas, I would not for the world Give you one minutes pain. Abd. You cannot help it, 'tis against your will! Your Eyes insensibly do wound and kill! Leon. What can you mean? and yet I fear to know. Abd. Most charming of your Sex! had Nature made This clouded face, like to my heart, all Love, It might have spared that language which you dread; Whose rough harsh found, unfit for tender Ears, Will ill express the business of my life. Leon. Forbear it, if that business, Sir, be Love. Abd. Gods! Because I want the Art to tell my story In that soft way, which those can do whose business Is to be still so idly employed, I must be silent, and endure my pain; Which Heaven ne'er gave me so much tameness for. Love in my soul! is not that gentle thing It is in other breasts; instead of Calms, It ruffles mine into uneasy Storms. — I would not Love, if I could help it, Madam; But since 'tis not to be resisted here— You must permit it to approach your Ear. Leon. Not when I cannot hear it, Sir, with Honour. Abd. With Honour! Nay I can talk in the defence of that: By all that's Sacred, 'tis a flame as virtuous, As every thought inhabits your fair soul, And it shall learn to be as gentle too; — For I must merit you— Leon I will not hear this language! merit me! Abd. Yes.— why not? You're but the Daughter of the King of Spain, And I am Heir to Great Abdela, Madam. I can command this Kingdom you possess, (Of which my Passion only made you Queen) And reassume that which your Father took From mine,— a Crown as bright as that of Spain. Leon. You said you would be gentle— Abd. I will! this sullen heart shall learn to bow, And keep itself within the bounds of Love; Its language I'll deliver out in fighs, Soft as the whispers of a yielding Virgin. I could transform my soul to any shape; Nay I could even teach my Eyes the Art To change their natural fierceness into smiles. — What is't I would not do to gain that heart! Leon. Which never can be yours! that and my vows, Are to Alonzo given; which he lays claim to By the most Sacred ties, Love and Obedience; All Spain esteems him worthy of that Love. Abd. More worthy it than I! it was a Woman, A nice, vain, peevish Creature that pronounced it; Had it been Man, 't had been his last transgression! — His Birth! his glorious Actions! are they like mine? Leon. Perhaps his Birth wants those advantages, Which Nature has laid out in Beauty on his Person. Abd. Ay! there's your cause of hate! Cursed be my Birth, And cursed be Nature, that has died my skin With this ungrateful colour! could not the Gods Have given me equal Beauty with Alonzo! — Yet as I am, I've been in vain Adored, And Beauties great as thine have languished for me. The Lights put out! thou in my naked arms Wilt find me soft and smooth as polished Ebony; And all my kisses on thy balmy lips as sweet, As are the Breezes, breathed amidst the Groves▪ Or ripening Spices in the height of day: As vigorous too, As it each Night were the first happy moment I laid thy panting body to my bosom. On that transporting thought!— See,— I can bend as low, and sigh as often, (kneels. And sue for blessings only you can grant, As any fair and soft Alonzo can;— If you could pity me as well.— (rises with anger. But you are deaf, and in your Eyes I read A scorn which animates my Love and Anger; Nor know I which I should dismiss or cherish. Leon. The last is much more welcome than the first; Your Anger can but kill, but Sir your Love— Will make me ever wretched, since 'tis impossible I ever can return it. Abd. Why kill me then! you must do one or tother, (kneels. For thus— I cannot live:— why dost thou weep? Thy every tear's enough to drown my soul!— How tame Love renders every seeble sense! (riseth. — Gods! I shall turn Woman, and my Eyes inform me The Transformation's near▪— death! I'll not endure it, I'll fly before sh'as quite undone my soul.— (offers to go. But 'tis not in my power,— she holds it fast,— And I can now command no single part.— (returns. Tell me, bright Maid,— if I were amiable, And you were uningaged, could you then love me? Leon. No! I could die first. Abd. Ha!— awake my soul from out this drowsy fit, And with thy wonted Bravery, scorn thy Fetters. — By Heaven 'tis gone! and I am now myself:— Be gone, my dull submission! my lazy flame Grows sensible! and knows for what 'twas kindled. — Coy Mistress, you must yield, and quickly too: Were you devout as Vestals, pure as their Fire, Yet I would wanton in the rifled spoils Of all that sacred Innocence and Beauty. — Oh my desires grow high! Raging as Midnight flames let loose in Cities, And like that too, will ruin where it lights. — Come,— this Apartment was designed for pleasure, And made thus silent, and thus gay for me; There I'll convince that error, that vainly made thee think I was not meant for Love.— Leon. Am I betrayed! are all my Women gone! And have I nought but Heaven for my defence! Abd. None else, and that's too distant to befriend you. Leon. Oh take my life, and spare my dearer Honour! — Help! help!— ye Powers that favour innocence. Enter womans. Just as the Moor is going to force in Leonora, Enters to him Osmin in haste. Osm. My Lord, Alonzo— Abd. What of him, you Slave,— is he not secured? Speak, dull Intruder, that know'st not times and seasons, Or get thee hence. Osm. Not till I've done the business which I came for. Abd. Slave!— that— thou cam'st for. (stabs him in the arm. Osm. No, 'twas to tell you, that Alonzo, Finding himself betrayed, made brave resistance; Some of your Slaves h'as killed, and some he's wounded. Abd. 'Tis time he were secured; I must assist my Guards, or all is lost. Exit. Leon. Sure Osmin from the Gods thou cam'st, To hinder my undoing; and if thou diest, Heaven will almost forgive thy other sins, For this one pious deed!— But yet I hope thy wound's not mortal. Osm. 'Tis only in my arm;— and Madam for this pity, I'll live to do you service. Leon. What service can the Favourite of the Moor, Trained up in blood and mischiefs, render me? Osm. Why Madam, I command the Guard of Moors, Who will all die, when e'er I give the word. — Madam, 'twas I caused Philip and the Cardinal To fly to th' Camp, And gave 'em warning of approaching death. Leon. Heaven bless thee for thy goodness. Osm. And I am weary now of being a Tyrant's Slave, And bearing blows too; the rest I could have suffered. — Madam, I'll free the Prince! But see, the Moor returns.— Leon. That Monster's presence I must fly, as from a killing Plague. Ex. with her Women Enter Abdelazer, with Zarrack and a Train of Moors. Abd. It is Prodigious, that a single man Should with such Bravery defend his life, Amongst so many Swords;— but he is safe. Osmin, I am not used to sue for Pardon, And when I do, you ought to grant it me. Osm. I did not merit, Sir, so harsh a usage. Abd. No more, I am ashamed to be upbraided, And will repair the injury I did thee. Osm. Acknowledgement from you is pay sufficient. Abd. Yet Osmin, I should chide your negligence, Since by it Philip lives still, and the Cardinal. Osm. I had designed it, Sir, this Evenings Sacrifice. Abd. Zarrack shall now perform it,— and instantly: Alonzo too must bear 'em company. Zar. I'll show my Duty in my haste, my Lord. Exit Zar. Osm. Death! I'm undone;— I'll after him, and kill him. (offers to go. Abd. Osmin, I've business with you— (Osm. comes back bowing. As they are going off, Enter Leonora, Ordonio, other Lords, and Women. Leon. Oh Prince! for pity hear and grant my suit. (kneels. Abd. When so much Beauty's prostrate at my feet, What is't I can deny?— rise, thou brightest Virgin That ever Nature made; Rise, and command my life, my soul, my honour! Leon. No, let me hang for ever on your knees, Unless you'll grant Alonzo liberty. Abd. Rise, I will grant it, though Alonzo, Madam, Betrayed that Trust I had reposed in him. Leon. I know there's some mistake; let me negotiate Between my Brother, and the gallant Moor. I cannot force your Guards, There is no danger in a Woman's arm. Abd. In your bright Eyes there is, that may corrupt 'em more, Than all the Treasures of the Eastern Kings. Yet Madam, here I do resign my Power, Act as you please, dismiss Alonzo's Chains. And since you are so generous, to despise This Crown, which I have given you, Philip shall owe his Greatness to your Bounty, And whilst he makes me safe, shall Rule in Spain. (whispers. — Osmin— Ord. And will you trust him, Madam! Leon. If he deceive me, 'tis more happy far To die with them, than live where he inhabits. Osm. It shall be done.— Abdella Go Osmin, wait upon the Queen:— And when she is confined, I'll visit her, Where if she yield, she reigns; if not, she dies. aside. Ex. Abd. one way, Leon. Osm. and the rest another. SCENE, a Prison. Discovers Philip chained to a Post, and over against him the Cardinal and Alonzo in Chains. Phil. Oh all ye cruel Powers! is't not enough I am deprived of Empire, and of Honour! Have my bright Name stolen from me, with my Crown! Divested of all Power! all Liberty! And here am Chained, like the sad Andromede, To wait destruction from the dreadful Monster! Is not all this enough without being damned, To have thee, Cardinal, in my full view! If I could reach my Eyes, I'd be revenged On the officious and accursed Lights, For guiding so much torment to my soul. Card. My much wronged Prince! you need not wish to kill By ways more certain, than by upbraiding me With my too credulous, shameful past misdeeds. Phil. If that would kill, I'd weary out my tongue With an eternal repetition of thy Treachery;— Nay, and it should forget all other language, But Traitor! Cardinal! which I would repeat, Till I had made myself as raging mad, As the wild Sea, when all the Winds are up! And in that Storm, I might forget my grief. Card. Would I could take the killing Object from your Eyes. Phil. Oh Alonzo, to add to my distraction Must I find thee a sharer in my Fate! Alon. It is my duty, Sir, to die with you.— But Sir, my Princess Has here— a more than equal claim to grief; And fear for her dear safety, will deprive me Of this poor life, that should have been your Sacrifice. Enter Zarrack with a Dagger; gazes on Philip. Phil. Kind Murderer, welcome! quickly free my soul! And I will kiss the Sooty hand that wounds me. Zar. Oh, I see you can be humble. Phil. Humble! I'll be as gentle as a Love-sick Youth, When his dear Conqu'ress sighs a hope into him, If thou wilt kill me!— Pity me, and kill me. Zar. I hope to see your own hand do that office. Phil. Oh thou wert brave indeed, If thou wouldst lend me but the use of one! Zar. You'll want a Dagger then. Phil. By Heaven no, I'd run it down my throat, Or strike my pointed fingers through my breast. Zar. Ha, ha, ha, what pity 'tis you want a hand. Enter Osmin. Phil. Osmin! sure thou wilt be so kind to kill me! Thou hadst a soul was humane. Osm. Indeed I will not, Sir, you are my King! (unbinds him. Phil. What mean'st thou? Osm. To set you free, my Prince! Phil. Thou art some Angel sure, in that dark Cloud. Zar. What mean'st thou, Traitor! Osm. Wait till your eyes inform you. Card. Good Gods! what mean'st thou! Osm. Sir, arm your hand with this. Gives Phil. a Sword, goes to undo Alonzo. Zar. Thou art half damned for this! I'll to my Prince!— Phil. I'll stop you on your way,— lie there;— your tongue (kills him. Shall tell no tales to day:— Now Cardinal— but hold, I scorn to strike thee whilst thou art unarmed, Yet so thou didst to me; For which I have not leisure now to kill thee. — Here, take thy liberty;— nay do not thank me, By Heaven! do not mean it as a grace. Osm. My Lord, take this;— to Alon. and the Card. And this— to arm your Highness. Alon. Thou dost amaze me! Osm. Keep in your wonder with your doubts, my Lord. Phil. We cannot doubt, whilst we're thus fortified— looking on his Sword. Come Osmin, let us fall upon the Guards. Osm. There are no Guards, Great Sir, but what are yours; And see— your Friend i've brought to serve ye too. (opens a back door. Enter Leonora and Women, Ordonio, Sebastian Antonio, etc. Phil. My dearest Sister safe! Leon. Whilst in your presence, Sir, and you thus Armed. Osm. The Moor approaches,— now be ready all. Phil. That name I never heard with joy till now; Let him come on, and armed with all his Powers, Thus singly I defy him. (draws. Enter Abdelazer. Osmin secures the door. Abd. Ha! betrayed! and by my Slaves! by Osmin too! Phil. Now thou damned Villain! true born Son of Hell! Not one of thy Infernal Kin shall save thee. Abd. Base Coward Prince! Whom the admiring world mistakes for brave; When all thy boasted Valour, fierce and hot As was thy Mother in her height of Lust, Can with the aid of all these— treacherous Swords Take but a single life!— but such a life, As amongst all their store the envying Gods Has not another such to breath in man. Phil. Vaunt on, thou monstrous Instrument of Hell! For I'm so pleased to have thee in my power, That I can hear thee number up thy sins, And yet be calm, whilst thou art near damnation: Abd. Thou liest, thou canst not keep thy temper in; For hadst thou so much bravery of mind, Thou'dst fight me singly; which thou dar'st not do. Phil. Not dare! By Heaven if thou wert twenty villains more, And I had all thy weight of sins about me, I durst thus venture on:— forbear, Alonzo. Alon. I will not, Sir. Phil. I was indeed too rash; 'tis such a Villain, As should receive his death from nought but Slaves. Abd. Thou'st reason, Prince! nor can they wound my body, More than I've done thy Fame; for my first step To my Revenge, I whored the Queen thy Mother. Phil. Death! though this I knew before, yet the hard word Runs harshly through my heart;— If thou hadst murdered fifty Royal Ferdinand's, And with inglorious Chains as many years Had loaded all my limbs, 't had been more pardonable Than this Eternal stain upon my name: — Oh thou hast breathed thy worst of venom now. Abd. My next advance, was poisoning of thy Father. Phil. My Father poisoned! and by thee! thou Dog, Oh that thou hadst a thousand lives to lose, Or that the world depended on thy single one, That I might make a Victim Worthy to offer up to his wronged Ghost.— But stay,— there's something in thy count of sins untold, That I must know; not that I doubt, by Heaven, That I am Philip's Son.— Abd. Not for thy ease, but to declare my malice, Know Prince, I made thy amorous Mother Proclaim thee Bastard, when I missed of killing thee. Phil. Gods! let me contain my rage! Abd. I made her too, betray the credulous Cardinal, And having then no farther use of her, Satiated with her Lust, I set Roderigo on to murder her: Thy death had next succeeded; and thy Crown I would have laid at Leonora's feet. Alon. How! durst you love the Princess! Abd. Fool, durst! had I been born a Slave, I durst with this same Soul do any thing: Yes! and the last sense that will remain about me, Will be my Passion for that charming Maid, Whom I'd enjoy e'er now, but for thy Treachery. (to Osmin. Phil. Dflowred my Sister! Heaven punish me Eternally If thou out-liv'st the minute thou'st declared it. Abd. I will, in spite of all that thou canst do: — Stand off, Foolhardy Youth, if thou'dst be safe, And do not draw thy certain ruin on, Or think that e'er this hand was armed in vain. Phil. Poor angry Slave, how I contemn thee now. Abd. As humble Huntsmen do the generous Lion; Now thou dar'st see me lash my sides, and roar, And bite my snare in vain; who with one look, (Had I been free) hadst shrunk into the Earth For shelter from my Rage: And like that noble Beast, though thus betrayed, I've yet an awful fierceness in my looks, Which makes thee fear t' approach; and 'tis at distance That thou dar'st kill me: for come but in my reach, And with one grasp, I would confound thy hopes. Phil. I'll let thee see how vain thy boastings are, And unassisted by one single rage, Thus— make an easy passage to thy heart. Runs on him, all the rest do the like in the same minute: Abd. aims at the Prince, and kills Osmin: and falls dead himself. — die with thy sins unpardoned, and forgotten.— (shout within. Alon. Great Sir, your Throne and Kingdom want you now; Your People rude with joy do fill each Street, And long to see their King,— whom Heaven preserve. (kneels. All. Long live Philip King of Spain:— Phillip I thank ye all;— and now my dear Alonzo, Receive the recompense of all thy sufferings, Whilst I create thee Duke of Salamancha. Alon. Thus low I take the bounty from your hands. (kneels. Leon. Rise Sir, my Brother now has made us equal. Card. And shall this joyful day, that has restored you To all the Glories of your Birth and merits, That has restored all Spain the greatest Treasure That ever happy Monarchy possessed, Leave only me unhappy? when, Sir, my crime Was only too much Faith:— thus low I fall, And from that store of mercy Heaven has given you, Implore you would dispense a little here. Phil. Rise, (though with much ado) I will forgive you. Leon. Come, my dear Brother, to that glorious business Our Birth and Fortunes call us, let us haste, For here methinks we are in danger still. Phil. So after Storms, the joyful Mariner Beholds the distant wished-for shore afar, And longs to hring the rich-fraight Vessel in, Fearing to trust the faithless Seas again. The End of the Play.