A TESTIMONY To the True LIGHT That Lightens every Man that comes into the World. The People that did sit in Darkness have seen a great and glorious Light; and unto those that were under the Region and Shadow of Death, is the Light of Life arisen, and the Blessed Day sprung from on high, and shineth in their Tabernacles; And that which they have seen, heard, felt, and tasted of, the same they have and do bear Testimony unto, though few there be that have received their Testimony. For who hath believed our Report, and unto whom is the Arm of the Lord Revealed. But come ye, O House of Israel, and let us walk in the Light of the Lord. W. B. Printed in the Year, 1668. A Testimony to the True Light that lightens every Man that comes into the World. THe Light revealed within is the (narrow) Way to Life Eternal; and the Door into the Fold of Everlasting Rest: the Light is the Entrance into the fresh and green Pasture wherein the Lord feedeth his Flock, and causeth them to lie down in peace and quietness, out of the reach of the Beasts of prey: the Light leads and draweth those that obey it, out of Darkness, and from under the region and shadow of Death into the Land of the Living, there to dwell under the region and shadow of Light and Life: the Light breaks the Bonds of Sin in pieces, and snappeth the Cords of Iniquity asunder, and sets the soul free from the bondage of Corruption, to serve the Lord in the Life of Righteousness: the Light draweth and leadeth those that believe in it, and obey it, out of the alienation and separation from God, into the Everlasting Covenant of Life and Love, where the Soul is in unity with the Lord: the Light searcheth the Heart, and operateth in the secrets of the Minds of those that obeyed it, and like unto Leaven worketh the Heart and Mind into its own nature, frame and quality: the Light is pure, holy, and undefiled, and hath no unity with the least impure thought, word, or work, but judgeth and condemns it: the Light is meek, contrite, lowly, and humble, and condemns that honour that is corrupt, and is from below, and standeth in the respect of persons; and it seeketh the honour of God only: the Light baptiseth Self into death, slays the Boaster, puts Flesh to silence, that God may speak in his Temple, who is not to be denied the mouth to speak by: the Light is the heavenly treasure in the earthen vessel, that brings honour and glory unto God: the Light hath no fellowship with Darkness; he that saith he is in the Light, and hath unity with the Light, and yet loveth and walketh in Darkness, lieth, and the Light hath not room, place, or entertainment in his heart: the Light teacheth those that love it, to love Enemies; its fruit is love, no envy, no malice, no hatred, no bitterness, no enmity, no prejudice, no discord, no backbiting, no reviling, no evil-whispering proceedeth from the Light; the Light condemns it all, and that ground from whence it springs: the Light hath no unity with any unfruitful works of Darkness, but reproves them: the Light teacheth to render good for evil, and to forgive Enemies, and to pray for Persecutors, and to have love and good will to all people, and to seek and desire the Eternal good and welfare of all Souls; he that hates and envies his Enemies abideth not in the Light; Envy is of the Evil-one; he that saith he walketh in the Light, and hates his Brother, lieth, and errs from the Truth: The Light teacheth to love God with thy whole heart, and thy Neighbour, or Brother, as thyself; He that saith he loves God, and hates his Brother, is a Liar; he that loveth him that begetteth, doth also love those that are begotten of him; Love thinketh no ill to Enemies, much less to brothers: The Light leadeth his Children into love, peace and unity with God, and one with another in the Life of Righteousness; oh, the unity, the unity of Brethren in Light, Love and Life, of God, is exceeding precious and comely, it's compared like to precious oil, poured on the head, that runs down on the beard, even Aaron's beard, that went down to the skirts of his Garment, and like the dew of Hermon, and like the dew that descended upon the Mountain of Zion, where the blessing is, and where the Lord maketh unto his people a Feast of Fat things: The Light teacheth, and maketh to be of one heart, of one mind, of one soul, and (in all those that walk in it) begetteth one consent to serve and worship the only wise God, in the one Spirit, and one Truth: The ●ight giveth a good Understanding, a clear Discerning, a sound Judgement: The Light leadeth not into strife and contention, nor into rents, divisions, and parties, nor into a particularity, and self-seperation from the body, nor into self-conceitedness, nor into high airy notions, nor into a climbing up in imaginations after high discoveries; (and so slight the day of small things, and neglect thy obedience to the present gift, through an expectation of something greater to come yet unrevealed; and such like, Lucifer, mounts high in their conceits and imaginations, but will fall to the side of the pit;) but the Light condemns all this, and judges that spirit that leadeth thereinto; which spirit soweth discord among Brethren, which is abomination; and that spirit leadeth some to speak evil of dignities, and to despise dominion, and to rebel against the order and government of the Lamb: The Light judgeth that spirit that setteth up, and keepeth up (out of the comely descent order of Truth) that thing that tends to strife, and breaking unity among Brethren: The Light teacheth those that love it, to seek and endeavour for love, peace, and unity among Brethren, with all self-denial: The Light teacheth to take away the occasion of stumbling in thy Brother's way: The Light teacheth to be very wary and careful of giving Enemy's advantage to strengthen themselves against Truth, and the Wicked occasion to reproach it, and those that live in it: The Light teaches to live and walk in a holy godly life, and blameless conversation, as becometh the Gospel of Truth, and as becometh Saints of the Most High: The Light, in those that love it, crucifieth the Flesh with the lusts and affectious thereof, and teacheth those that love it, how to possess their vessels in sanctification, and honour: The Light crucifieth the heart unto the world, and worldly things, and redeemeth the mind from the Earth and earthly things; and teacheth to use the World as if thou use it not▪ The Light draweth the mind out of the many things (where all offend) into the one thing needful, which giveth not, nor receiveth an offence, but judges the offences, and that ground from whence they come: The Light is supernatural, and is to overrule the naturals, and to keep them within the bounds of the government of Truth, and to limit the affectionate part from leading and drawing the heart and mind into things below, into created objects, and into bondage to the cares of this life, and troubles and cumbrances of this World, which doth not profit but hinder to God-ward: The Light is the girdle of the loins of the mind, of those that love it, to gird up their hearts and minds unto God, that in him their peace may be perfect: The Light is a stop to those thoughts which are reprovable by it: The Light is a bridle to the tongue, and they that know it so to be, dare not say (in a self-will) our tongues is our own, and we will speak: The Light ruleth over the souls and bodies of those that believe in, love, follow, and obey it, and teacheth and enableth such to yield their members servants of righteousness unto God, even as they have (when they were servants to sin) yielded their members servants to unrighteousness, and of iniquity unto iniquity: The Light is the Author of the true and living Faith, which giveth victory over the World, and is a shield unto the Soul, to fend off the fiery darts of the Devil, and worketh by love to the purifying the heart: The Light is the Author of the true hope, which is an anchor unto the soul, sure and steadfast, and is held in a pure conscience, void of offence towards God and man: The Light is the Author of true patience, long sufferance, for bearance, forgiveness, and contentedness; it teacheth to be patiented in all trials, tribulations, troubles, straits and difficulties, and teacheth in all conditions to be contented, and not to murmur against the Lord, whatsoever he permitteth to come to pass: The Light teacheth his children to love one another servently, with a clean heart; oh, how good is God, to Israel, to them that are of a clean heart: The Light teacheth to endeavour to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace: The Light teacheth the Younger to yield and submit themselves to the Elder, in the Lord, and to hearken unto Counsel, Instruction, and Reproof; he teacheth all his children to be subject one to another; he them with humility, adorneth them with meekness, and beautifies them with lowliness of spirit: The Light teacheth the Strongest to condescend to the Weakest, and to serve the meanest in love, to bear with the infirmities of the feeble, to help, and hold up the halting, and to draw forward the backward with the cords of Love, and to cast a garment over thy Brother's nakedness: The Light, in those that love it, puts out the eye that watcheth for evil, and condemneth that part that boasteth itself, and rejoiceth at another's fall, and strengthens itself with prejudice against another through his failing, which thing is as most abominable filth in the pure Eye of the Light: The Light doth not countenance evil in any, but judges and discovers it, though hid under a profession of Truth: The Light is like unto the Touchstone that tries Silver from Tin, it tryeth and discovereth the good from the bad; it tryeth motions, thoughts, words, works, and spirits: The Light is a Stone which God hath laid in Zion, elect and precious, which they that believe, shall not be ashamed, and unto those that believe he is very precious; but unto them that believe not, he is as a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, at whom the seeming wise Master-Builders have, and do stumble; and he whom the wise Professors of this Age, and great Rabbis, and Learned Orators set at nought, the same is become the Head and Chief Cornerstone in God's House; by the virtue of which Stone they that believeth in him are quickened and made living stones, meet to be joined unto him (the Light) in whom the Building being fitly framed together, groweth up unto an holy Temple in the Lord: The Light was in the beginning before the Darkness was, and is now made manifest to extinguish the Darkness, and to fill the dark corners of the Earth with the bright beams of his glory; he is the First, and the Last; he was before Time, and will remain when that which in time is passed away: The Light is the Beginning and the End, the Foundation and Top-stone, the Root and Offspring of David, and the Bright Morningstar, whose blessed Day Abraham saw, and was glad; he dwelled among the seven golden Candlesticks, and was with the Church in the Wilderness, in the days of old: He is the Light of the holy City, New-Jerusalem, which John (in the Lordsday) saw coming down from God, prepared as a Bride adorned for her Husband: The Light giveth the Churches to know, that it is he that searcheth the Heart, and tryeth the Reins, from whom no Hypocrite in Zion can be hid; who saith, I come quickly, and my Reward is with me, to give unto every one according as his work shall be: But who shall abide the Day of his Coming, (in which the Heavens pass away with a great noise, and the Elements melt with fervent heat) and who shall stand when he appeareth, who is like Refiners Fire, and like Fuller's Soap, purifying his Sanctuary, and cleansing his Temple in which he delights to dwell? He is the Word that was in the beginning, by whom all things were made that was made; and in him there is Life, and his Life is the Light of men; and he is the true Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the World; he is the Express Image of his Father's Glory, and is called the Son of God, in whom dwelleth all fullness of Joy, Happiness, and Eternal Felicity; who is God over all, and above all, blessed, blessed for ever and evermore, Amen. W. B. OH, happy and blessed are the people, who though they once were Darkness, yet now are Light in the Lord; Oh, walk ye, oh, walk ye as Children of Light, bearing the pure Image of the Father of Lights, in whom is no Darkness at all; nor variableness or shadow of turning; but is the same yesterday, so to day, and for evermore. FRiends that are Sufferers upon Truth's account in Edmondsbury Goal, are in a measure of health (through the Love, Goodness and ●ercy of the Lord, blessed and magnified be his Name) this 7th day of the 10th Month 67; and their dear love in the precious Truth dearly reaches forth unto all faithful Friends every where, and you are often in their remembrance, desiring the Lord may prosper you, and bless you with all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus our Lord, and keep you with us, and the whole Israel of God, by his Almighty Power through Faith in his Name. unto his Heavenly Kingdom, and enable us all to finish the work the Lord hath given us (by his Power) to do; that we may glorify him on Earth, that he may glorify us with himself, with that glory he had before the World began; even so be it; and Amen saith my Soul. THE END.