PRIVATE DEVOTION AND A BRIEF EXPLICATION OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. Matth. VI 6. Thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet; and when thou hast shut the door, pray to thy Father, which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly. OXON. Printed at the THEATER for Henry Clement's Bookseller in Oxford. A. D. MDCLXXXIX. Imprimatur. GILB. IRONSIDE Vicecancellarius. THE CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. DAILY PRAYER, in the Morning. II. At Noon. III. At Evening. IU. Pious Resolutions. V. Select Lessons of Holy Scripture. VI Occasional Lessons. VII. Going to or from the Church. VIII. Occasional Reflections. IX. The Larger Office at Rising, whe● my affairs will permit. X. The Larger Office at Reposing. XI. Private Devotion at the HOLY COMMUNION. XII. At Receiving the Bread. XIII. At Receiving the Cup. XIV. At home after the Communion. PREPARATION for DEATH and ETERNITY: XV. Forgiveness and Charity. XVI. Repentance. XVII. Sickness and Pain. XVIII. Hope in God and Resignation to his pleasure. XIX. Profession of the Catholic Faith. XX. Desire of Absolution and of my Change. XXI. Psalm cxxxix. XXII. The TEN COMMANDMENTS Expounded. DAILY PRAYER. CHAP. I. The Morning Office. I. At Rising. BLessed be God my Creator and Preserver. Amen. O Almighty Lord and everlasting God, vouchsafe I beseech thee to direct sanctify and govern both our hearts and bodies, in the ways of thy laws and in the works of thy commandments; that through thy most mighty protection, by which Heaven and Earth consist, both here and ever we may be preserved in body and soul, through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. See Chap. ix. II. Before Dinner. OUr Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name, adored be thy Majesty, which is great, wonderful, holy, almighty and eternal. Thy Kingdom come, where dwelleth righteousness and peace. Thy will and holy commandment be done; as in heaven by the blessed angels and souls of righteous men, continually, zealously and unanimously: so on earth by me and all mine, by this church, by the church Universal, and by all that breath. For of thee we live and move, and have our time and the hope of everlasting happiness. Again and for ever adored by thy name. Give us this day our daily bread and necessaries, in diligence, honesty, moderation and content. And blessed be the most bountiful Creator for all his blessings spiritual and temporal, conferred on me and all mankind. Give comfort and relief, and in part by our hands, to the sick, the poor, the fatherless, the stranger and the afflicted. Forgive us, miserable and ungrateful sinners, all our trespasses, in thought and word and deed, against thy Divine Majesty, for the infinite merits and by the efficacious intercession of jesus Christ our Lord and only Saviour: as we now entirely forgive those that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation and trouble, as we deserve. But of thy great goodness deliver us from all evil and hurt both of soul and body; from our enemies seen and unseen: from the wiles and suggestions of the Devil, the corruptions of the World, and all other occasions of sin: from thy wrath, and the terror of death, and everlasting damnation, for the sake of the only beloved Son, who hath taught us this Prayer. For thine is the Kingdom; thou rulest what thou hast made: thine the power, infinitely surpassing all that we can ask or think or sear: thine the mercy, of which we are the unworthy instance and example: and thine the glory, the praise, the worship and the obedience, world without end. Amen. III. I Believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in Jesus Christ his only and eternal▪ Son our Lord. Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, Born of the Virgin Mary, Suffered under Pontius Pilate ●or the sins of the world, was crucified dead and buried; He descended into hell, and triumphed over the powers of darkness. The third day he rose again from the dead, He ascended into heaven, and as I most surely believe, now sitte●h at the right hand and eminent glory of God the Father Almighty, interceding for his faithful people. From thence he shall come at the end of the world, to judge the quick and the dead according to their works. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and giver of life and wisdom, and virtue and all that good is. The holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, where is the word of God, the Sacraments, and all other means of salvation. The Communion of Saints in the service of God and expectation of consummate bliss. The forgiveness of sins by the alone merits of jesus Christ▪ The resurrection of the body, by his rising: And the life everlasting, through his purchase. Amen. Grant, O Lord, that I may behave myself this day suitable to this Revelation and holy Confession; for which I humbly bless thy Name. Amen. IV. I Will say every morning and evening the Collect for the Week, and also for each day of the week one of the Collects following. Sunday. Collect for Easterday, or S. after Easter. And, Glory be to God on high, etc. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. Monday. 1 S. in Advent. or 2. S. after Epiphany, or 4. S. after Epiphany. Tuesday. 2 S. in Advent. or 7 S. after Trinity. or 4 S. after Easter. Wednesday. Ash-wednesday, or 12 Sun. after Trinity. or 4 S. after Trinity. Thursday. Ascensionday, or 14. Sunday after Trinity, or 6. Sunday after Trinity. Friday. Goodfriday, or 18 S. after Trinity. or 24. S. after Trinity. Saturday. Easter Eve. or 12. S. after Trinity. or 3 S. after Trinity. V. LOrd God Almighty, to thy grace and mercy, to thy protection, disposal and governance, I now most humbly and entirely commit my soul and body, which thou hast created, redeemed, preserved, and in measure sanctified: my goods and estate, which thou hast given and continued (and increased) to me: All my thoughts and desires, my words and works, my designs and affairs, particularly, etc. which I undertake in thy fear and for thy glory. My dear Family and Kindred, as &c. blessing thee for their health, mutual love and piety; and humbly beseeching thy Divine Majesty to preserve them in this grace. My friends and acquaintance, my Superiors and benefactors, as etc. Lord ever direct and prosper them. The King and Queen and the whole Realm; blessing thy holy name for the health and peace and plenty we enjoy, and beseeching thee to continue these thy mercies and to forgive us all our offences. This Holy Church, of which by thy grace I am a member: Blessed be God our helper and defender. The Church Universal: Enlarge and unite thy people, O triumphant Saviour. All that are distressed in mind, body, or estate, especially such as suffer for righteousness sake throughout the whole world. Thy eye is ever upon them, Almighty and most merciful Father: Grant them patience and deliverance. Finally I commend to thy goodness thy whole Creation. Thy mercy is over all thy works: thy mercy, O Lord, endureth for ever. VI UTmost obedience, fear, love, hope, and affiance; continual praise and thanksgiving▪ glory and Adoration be to the one GOD Almighty, the Creator, the Redeemer, and the Sanctifier, as it was in the beginning, is now, (accept O Lord my affection and devotion) and ever shall be world without end. Amen. As long as I live, I will serve thee with all my soul and with all my might. As long as I live, I will magnify thee in this manner, and lift up my hands with my heart in thy name. And let heaven and earth give thanks unto thy Holy Majesty for ever and ever, Amen. Hallelujah. VII. THis day I will do, as I would be done to. This day I will do some good, God helping me. This day I will set the Lord before my face, that I may not sin against him. The Lord bless my going out and my coming in and all my employments, from this time forth for evermore, through Jesus Christ. Amen. CHAP. II. AT Noon Every day I will say the Lords Prayer, and Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be world without end. Amen. DAILY PRAYER. CHAP. III. The Evening Office. I. Before Supper. I Will say the Lords Prayer, and the Collects for the Week and for the day, as before Dinner. II. ALmighty God, who seest we have no power of our s●lves to help ourselves; keep us both outwardly in our bodies, and inwardly in our souls: that we may be defended from all adversities which may happen to the body, and from all evil thoughts which may assault and hurt the soul, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. III. THen looking up to heaven, I will think and Meditate with all seriousness and serenity of mind, with fear and reverence, with firm belief, good affection and admiration upon the chief articles of the Christian Faith: Most especially upon the Eternal, everlasting, invisible, omnipresent, almighty, omniscient, incomprehensible, immutable, most perfect, most excellent, most high, most happy, most holy, most just, and infinitely merciful and gracious GOD and Father, Lord and King, Creator, Preserver and Governor of Men and Angels, and of all things in Heaven and Earth. I fear thee, I bless thee, I thank thee▪ I adore thee with all submission of soul and body, I put my whole trust in thee, I love thee, I will obey thee, Author of all good, and endless fountain of life and wisdom and power and peace and felicity. I will likewise meditate with all thankfulness upon our most gracious Lord and all sufficient Saviour jesus Christ, the eternal Son of the Father▪ who hath lov●d us, and taken our nature, and washed us from our sins in his own blood: the perfect rule and pattern of holiness, and the perpetual and ever prevailing Advocate at God's right hand for all the penitent and believing. I will also meditate upon the pure and glorious Majesty: the quickening, piercing, enlightening and burning power: the prophecies and miracles: the long-suffering, warning and instruction: the sanctification, prevention, assistance and consolation, and the manifold gifts and virtues of the Holy Ghost. Pardon, I most humbly beseech thee, O God of love and mercy, my too frequent neglects of thy grace and presence. Glory be now to the Eternal Trinity, which innumerable spotless Angels and souls of righteous men, and all the powers of heaven incessantly do serve, and praise, and worship with fear and trembling. To these I join my humble voice, and my willing but polluted heart, saying, Amen. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts, heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Glory be to thee, O Lord most high. Moreover, from daily experience and example I will Reflect on the brevity, vanity, various temptations, sinfulness and sorrows of this mortal life; upon which the eternal dependeth. I will also Contemplate with faith, fear and solicitude the general Resurrection, and final Judgement of all mankind, according to our works▪ words and designs, at Christ's most glorious, most dreadful, most righteous and all-searching Tribunal. Lord jesus have mercy upon us all, and prepare us for thy coming. Finally, I will Ponder and congratulate the present satisfaction an● internal peace, and the future everlasting joy and happiness; O unexpressible and everlasting happiness both in soul and body, for all the faithful and obedient, through the inestimable merits of Christ Jesus. Amen, Hosanna in the highest. IV. Furthermore, I will constantly use Self-examination. Oh my soul, what have I done this day? what have I omitted? How have I offended against God or man, in thought, word, or deed? O Lord Almighty, God most holy, thou Judge eternal▪ have mercy upon me a vile sinner, and for thy infinite goodness forgive me the transgressions of this day, in particular, etc. together with the rest of the sins of my life, especially the more heinous and presumptuous, as etc. I am heartily sorry for these my misdoings. The remembrance, the stain, the guilt, the burden of them is grievous unto me. For Christ's sake pity and pardon me, and establish my heart by thy grace: that I may hereafter more earnestly and faithfully pursue those necessary and solemn vows of a cautious, sober, honest and godly life, which I have often made unto thee, especially at thy holy Sacraments. Amen. V. I now render most humble and hearty thanks unto th●e, Almighty and most gracious God▪ f●r all thy Blessings vouchsafed me this day, especially, etc. Thanks be to the Divine grace, that I have passed this day without scandal and without trouble. Blessed be God, my strength and hope, that I have done any thing this day, which I ought to do. Here I am, O Father; do with me as seems best in thine own eyes. O let my service be acceptable to thee, while I live: and my soul ready for thee, when I die. Amen, Lord God Almighty, who hast created me and redeemed me. Hallelujah. VI Going to bed I will say, THe Lord bless and keep me and mine all this night. Oh keep our souls. Amen. For Christ's sake. Here endeth the Shorter Office for every day. See the Larger at Rising and Reposing▪ Chap. ix. and x. PIOUS RESOLUTIONS. CHAP. IU. I. I Will frequently say, The Lord sees me in all my ways. Or, if I have time, I will repeat Psal. 139. II. I Will love and fear and serve the Lord my God, by his grace and help, with all my heart and affection, with all my soul and intention, with all my mind, contrivance and understanding, and with all my might, faculties and industry. And I will love my neighbour as myself. For saith the Gracious Saviour, on these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets. Matt. c. 22. Luke c. 10. Deut. c vi. 5. and x. 12▪ 20. etc. 11.3. III. I will often recite Tit. c. 11.11, 12. The Saving grace of God hath appeared unto all men, teaching us, that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly and righteously and godly in this present world: looking for the blessed hope, and glorious Appearing of our Saviour JESUS Christ who gave himself for us, to redeem us from all iniquity. Or Prov. c 19.16. He that keepeth the commandment, keepeth his soul. Or, The fear of the Lord, the practice of piety, is the beginning, is the perfection of wisdom, and the praise of it endureth for ever. Psal. 111.10. Prov. c 1.7. etc. 9.10. Or, Cor. c. vi. 9.10. Be not deceived: nor fornicators, nor effeminate, nor idolaters, nor thiefs, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God. IV. I will not tell a lie. I will not cozen or deceive any one in any matter. I will never act against my conscience: but carefully observe Psal. 36.38▪ Keeper innocency, and take to the thing that is right; and that shall bring a man peace at the last. V. I will obey my Superiors. VI I will not be idle. VII. I will be moderate and tender in the use of lawful things: the Lord is at hand. VIII. I have made a covenant with my eyes and ears, not to attend to vanity: but by labour and temperance I will subdue my body. O mercy of heaven, that our breasts are the ark of the Divine Law, and our bodies the temple of the Holy Ghost: if any defile the temple of God, them God will destroy. 1 Cor. c. 6.5, 9 Preserve therefore, O Holy Father, my body and soul in chastity. Thy grace is sufficient for me. I will be sure to check and resist the beginning and occasions of vice, as dangerous company, excess in eating and drinking, sloth and idleness, melancholy, self-conceit, a covetous eye, and the like. IX. I will often pray: O Lord set a watch before my mouth, the awe of thy presence and future vindication: and keep the door of my lips, that I offend not in my tongue. Psal, 141.3. Psal. 34.12, 13. james c. 1.26. Prov. 39.1, 2. Eccles. c. 22.27. X. The sun shall not go down in my wrath. I will first be reconciled to my offended brother or sister, and then come and offer my gift and sacrifice of praise and supplication. For, saith the Lord, in whose name I pray and confide if you forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your heavenly Father forgive you your trespasses. Mat. c. 6.15. and 5.24. XI. I will often recite the Beatitudes, Mat. c. 5. ver. 1, to the 12. And often say, God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. 1 Pet▪ c. 5.3. XII. I will love and cherish the Creatures of God. I will render no man evil for evil, or railing for railing, but in stead thereof prayers and charity and blessing. I will live peaceably and courteously with all men: for Christ's sake who against all demerit hath loved me. XIII. Forasmuch as JESUS the King will say unto them on his right hand at the last day, Come ye blessed of my Father, take the inheritance of the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: For I was naked and ye clothed me, I was sick and ye visited me, I was hungry and ye gave me meat, I was in prison and ye came to me, I was a stranger and ye took me in: for verily I say unto you, inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me, Matt. c. 25.34. I will therefore relieve the poor, visit and pity and help th● sick and afflicted: teach the ignorant, direct and love the stranger: easily pardon offenders, hurt no body, and do all the good I can▪ through Jesus Christ my Saviour and Judge. Amen. XIV. Whether I eat or drink, or whatsoever else I do, I sincerely desire and will carefully endeavour to do all to the glory of God and my own salvation, through Jesus Christ my Saviour and Support. Amen. 1. Cor. c. 10.31. XV. I put my trust in the living God only. I am very well content, I am very thankful for my present estate. Phil. c. 4.11, 12. Hebr. c. 13.5. Moreover with an humble and serene mind I wait for my Dissolution, in hope of everlasting life, through Jesus Christ my Redeemer. Amen. God be merciful to me a sinner. Luke c. 16, 17. SELECT LESSONS. CHAP. V. I. I Will read often in secret or in the family, for the preservation of piety and temperance and honesty through God's help, the Church-Catechism, and also these Chapters of Holy Scripture. Our Saviour's Sermon on the mount, Matt. c. 5. and c. 6. and c. 7. Another Sermon Luk. c. 12. and c. 13. Jesus Christ God and man S. joh. Gosp. c. 1. Christ's comforting his Church. S. john's Gosp. c. 15. and c. 16. and c. 17. II. The Duties of a Christian man. Rom. c. 12. and c. 13. Gal. c. 5, and c. 6. Phil. c. 4. Col. c. 3, and c. 4. Ephes. c. 4.1 Thess. c. 4. and c. 5. S. Peter's 1 Epistle. S. james Epistle. Deut. c. 6. job. c. 31. Ecclesiastes. c. 12. Psal. 15. and 34, and 41, and 119, and 1. and Proverbs throughout. III. The Duties of Governors and Governed, as Kings and Subjects, Priests and People, Fathers and Children, Masters and Servants, Rom. c. 13.1 P●t. c. 2. and c. 3. Col. c. 3. Ephes. c. 5. and c. 6.1 Tim. c. 6. Tit. c. 11. and c. 3. IV. I will delight to read our Lords Parables, as of the Publican and Pharisee, Luke c. 18. Prodigal Son, Luke c. 15. Lost Sheep, Luke c. 15. Ten Talents, Luke c. 19 Widow and unjust Judge, Luke c. 18. Wise Virgins, Matt. c. 25. Two Debtors, Luke c. 7. Kind Samaritan, Luke c. 10. Rich man and Lazarus, Luke c. 16. Sower, Luke c. 8. V. I will also frequently review the Forty Great and Merciful Miracles of our Lord, as so many excellent Subjects of his inexhaustible Praise, and so many Pillars of our Hope and Devotion. 1. Water made Wine, joh. 2.1, 10. 2. Lunatic dispossessed, Mark 1▪ 21, 28. 3. Peter's mother in law cured of a Fever, Luke 4.38.40. 4. Stupendous Draught of Fishes at the lake of Tiberias, Luke 5.1, 11. 5. Leper cleansed, Matt. 8.2, 4. 6. Paralytic let down by the roof and healed, Luk. 5.17, 26. 7. The withered hand restored, Luk. 6.6, 10. 8. Good Centurion's servant cured, Luk. 7.2, 10. 9 Widow's son of Naim revived out of the bier, Luk. 28.11, 17. 10. Deaf and dumb and blind demoniac recovered, Matth. 12.22, 23. 11. Storm ceaseth at Christ's word, Mark 4.35, 40. 12. Legion of devils sent out of a man into the swine, Mark 5.1, 21. 13. Bloody flux cured by the touch of the Lords garment, Mark 5. ●22, 34. 14. Jairus his daughter restored to life, Mark 5.35, 43. 15. Two blind men restored by Christ's touch, and a dumb devil cast out, Matt. 9.26, 32. 16. Ruler's son healed at a distance, john 4.46, 53. 17. Impotent at Bethesda healed with a word, joh. 5.1, 15. 18. Five thousand fed with five loaves and two fishes, Mark 6.30, 34. 19 Jesus walketh on the sea, Matt. 14.22, 23. 20. Syrophenicians daughter dispossessed, Matt. 15.21, 28. 21. Deaf and dumb man of Decapolis cured by a touch, Mark 7.31, 37. 22. Blind man of Bethsaida recovered by our Lord's hand, Mark 8.22.26. 23. Christ's Transfiguration, Mat. 17.1, 8. 24. Raving Lunatic recovered. Mar. 7.13, 28. 25. Caesar's Tribute miraculously procured from the mouth of a Fish, Matth. 17.23, 26. 26. Sight given to one born Blind, joh. 4.1, 38. 27. Believing Woman cured of eighteen years' Infirmity, Luke 13.10, 17. 28. Dropsy cured on the Sabbath-day, Luke 14.1, 6. 29. Ten Lepers cured, Luke 17.11, 19 30. Two blind men of Jericho restored by Christ's singer. Matt. 20.21, 34. 31. Lazarus raised from the dead, joh. 11.1, 44. 32. Fruitless figtree cursed and withered, Mark. 11.12.23. 33. Our Lord's Passion, joh. c. 18. and c. 19 Luke c. 22. and Matt. c. 26. and c. 27. 34. Our Lord's Resurrection, Mark c. 16. Luke c. 14. 35. His Appearing to Mary, john 20.11, 18. 36. His Appearing to the two disciples going to Emaus, Luke 24.13, 33. 37. His Manifestation to the Apostles, except Thomas, Luke 24▪ 34, 42. 38. His Rising and Humanity proved to Thomas, john 20.24, 29. 39 His Eating with his disciples at the lake of Tiberias after a miraculous draught of fishes, john 21.1, 14. 40. Our Lord's Ascension into Heaven, Luke 24.49, 50. Acts 1.1, 12. VI I will also add the Miracles following. 1. Descent of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost, Acts c. 2. 2. Cripple at the Temple cured by S. Peter and S. John, Acts c. 3. 3. Conversion of five thousand by one Sermon, and a second Descent of the Holy Ghost, Acts c. 4. 4. Ananias and Sapphira are struck dead for Lying, and the very shadow of S. Peter healeth, Acts c. 5. 5. Wonders, Confession, and Martyrdom of S. Stephen, Acts c. 6. and c. 7. 6. Philip miraculously carried away from the converted Ethiopian, Acts c. 8.26, 40. 7. S. Paul's Conversion, Acts c: 9▪ and c. 22. 8. S. Peter's Deliverance from prison, Acts c. 12. 9 S. Peter cures Aeneas of a Palsy, and restores Tabytha to life, Acts c. 9.32, 43. 10. Cripple of Lystra cured by S. Paul, Acts 14.8, 18. 11. Witch of Thyatira dispossessed by S. Paul, and the prison miraculously opened, Acts 16.16, 40. 12. Touch of S. Paul's body cures diseases, and expels devils, Acts c. 19.1, 20. 13. Dead Eutychus recovered by S. Paul, Acts c. 20.6, 12. 14. S. Paul's strange cures at Melita, Acts c. 28.1, 10. VII. Moreover I will research and ponder these miracles of the Old Testament. 1. Creating, drowning and restoring of the world, Gen. c. 1. and c. 6. and c. 7. and c. 8. 2. Furnace and lamp passing through Abraham's sacrifice, Gen. 15. 3. Sodom's destruction, Gen. c. 18. and c. 19 4. Isaac's birth, and his rescue from the altar on Moriah, Gen. 18.1, 15. and 21.1, 8. and 22. 5. Plagues of Egypt, and the renowned Exodus, Exod. c. 7. c. 8. c. 9 c. 10. c. 12.31, 51. c. 13.17, 22. c. 14. and c. 15. and Psal. 78. 6. Quails, manna, water struck ●rom the dry rock, and Amalek defeated by Moses his elevated hands. Exod. c. 16. and c. 17. Terrible wonders of Sinai, Exod. c. 19 c. 24. c. 33. and c. 34. 8. Cloud of fire on the Tabernacle, Exod. c. 40.34, 38. 9 Fire from heaven upon Aaron's first sacrifice, Leu. c. 9.22, 24. As before on Abel's Gen. c. 4.4. and after on solomon's, 2 Chron. c. 7. and upon Elias, 2 King. c. 18. 10. Swallowing up of Korah, Num. c. 16. Psal. 106. 11. Brasen-serpent against the venom of the fiery, Num. c. 21.4, 9 12. Balaams' ass and prophecies, Num. c. 22. c. 23. and c. 24. 13. Ten commandments written upon two tables of stone, Deut. 10.1, 5. 14. Dividing of Jordan before the ark and priests of the Lord, josh. c. 3. and c. 4. 15. Archangel encouraging Joshua, josh. c. 5.13, 15. 16. Downfall of Jericho, by the priest's procession and trumpets. josh. c. 6. 17. Sun and moon stand still, josh. c. 10.8, 14. 18. gideon's cakes and fleece and victory with three hundred men only, judg. c. 6.11, 40. and c. 7. 19 Wonders of Manoahs' Angel, judg. c. 13. 20. Samsons foxes and jawbone: his removing the gates and pulling down the temple of Gaza, judg. c. 15. and c. 16. 21. Philistines plagued and Dagon destroyed before the Ark of God, 1 Sam. c. 5. and Uzza struck dead for touching the Ark, when it shook, 2 Sam. c. 6.6, 11. 22. David's killing Goliath the giant. 1 Sam. c. 17. 23. Elijah is nourished by ravens and by the unwasting meal and oil of the widow of Zarepta, whose dead son he restores to life, 1 Kings c. 17. 24. Elijah by prayer obtaineth rain and also fire from heaven. 2 Kin. c. 1. 24. Rapture of Elijah, wonderful like the recess of Enoch and the Expiration of Moses. 2 Kings c. 2. Gen. c. 5.24. Deut. c. 34. 26. Elisha divides Jordan with the mantle of his master Elijah, heals the corrupt waters, and destroys the mocking children. 27. Elisha refreshes the armies of three kings with water from heaven, 2 Kings c. 3. 28. Elisha multiplies the widow's oil to pay her debts: and by prayer both obtains and revives the child of the old and good Shunamite: and cures the poisoned pottage, and also feeds a multitude with 20 loaves. 2 Kings c. 4. 29. Elisha cures naaman's leprosy by the waters of Jordan, and smites his greedy servant Gehazi with the same disease, 2 Kings. c. 5. 30. Elisha makes iron swim, discloses the cabinet counsel of the king of Syria, and blinds his army. 2 Kings c. 6. 31. King Azariah smitten in the ●orehead with leprosy for invading the priest's office, 2 Chron. c. 26.16, 23. 32. Incredible plenty by Elishas' prophecy upon a sore famine, and Hazaels' treason and cruelty foretold. 2 Kings c. 7. and c. 8. And Josiahs' three victories over the Syrians predicted, 2 Kings c. 13.14, 19 33. Proud Sennacheribs great army destroyed in a night according to Isaias prophecy 2▪ King's c. 19.35.37. Hist. Herodoti. 34. Hezekiah is cured by Isaias prophecy and a lump of sigs, the sun also then going back ten degrees. 2 Kings c. 20.1, 11. Isaiah c. 38▪ 35 Shadrach, Mesech, and Abednego saved in the fiery furnace, and Daniel in the lion's den. Dan. c. 3. and c. 6. and profane Belshazzar scared with a prodigious hand writing. Dan. c. 5. 36. Jonahs' deliverance from the fishes belly, and his gourd, jonah c. 2. and c. 4. OCCASIONAL LESSONS CHAP. VI I. SIckness. Psalms Isaiah 38. jonah 2. And the Visitation of the sick, and the Burial of the dead, and CHAP. XIV, etc. of this book. II. Recovery. Psalms III. Afflictions. Psalms 25.34.4. and La●ent. of Jeremiah. IV. Deliverance. Psalms V. Repentance. The seven penitential Psalms, viz. And also Psalms 3.63.88. and 103. The Litany. The Commination. The Service for Ash-wednesday and the holy week before Easter. The last Prayer in the Visitation of the sick; And CHAP. XV. of this book. VI Petitions for pardon and peace of Conscience. Psalms VII. Petitions for grace with vows of holy living. Psalms 25.26.50. VIII. Faith and entire hope in God. Psalms Habak. v. 17.18.19 Heb. 11. and 12. IX. Happiness of the pious, and misery of the ungodly. Psalms 1▪ 73. X. Praises of God for his creation and providence. Psalms XI. Praises of God for his salvation and wonderful works. Psalms 105.106. Acts 7. Deut. 32. Exod. 15. XII. Church. Psalms 46.47.48. XIII. King. Psalms XIV. Public peace, plenty and health. Psal. 144. XV. Wars and tumults. Psalms XVI. Victory. Psalms 144.124. Exod. 15. GOING TO OR FROM THE CHURCH. CHAP. VII. I. Going into Church. Sunday. LOrd, I love the habitation of thy house, and the place where thine honour dwelleth, Psal. 26.8. One day in thy courts is better than a thousand, Psal. 84.10. Lord most merciful, hear me in the house of prayer. Monday. I now enter the Church, as I would heaven itself; with all reverence of the Majesty Eternal, which fills heaven and earth: with utmost affection and intention to my bounden duty and most honourable service: with faith and hope in the Almighty and most Gracious Creator and Preserver of all things: with full purpose of holy living: and also with great joy for the fellowship of all blessed men and of all blessed Angels in my devotion. Tuesday. How amiable are thy dwellings, O Lord God of hosts? my soul hath a desire and a longing to enter into thy courts, Psal. 84.1, 2. My heart and my flesh rejoiceth in thee, O merciful God. Amen. Lord, let me by faith behold thee in thy sanctuary; and there see thy power and glory, and there find thy favour and remission. Amen. Wednesday. Send out thy light and thy truth, that they may lead me unto the altar of God, even unto the God of my joy and gladness, Psal. 84.4 Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will be always praising thee. Amen. Psal. 84.4. In the multitude of his mercies we will go into his tabernacle, and fall low on our knees before his footstool. For the Lord our God is holy, Psal. 99.9. Thursday. I will take heed to my feet, and to the motions of my heart, now I go into the house of God: and not dare to carry wrath, or lust, or dishonesty, or intemperance in thither. We wait for thy loving kindness, O God, in the midst of thy temple. O Let us magnify the Lord our God together. Glory and worship are before him: power and honour are in his sanctuary. Ascribe unto the Lord the honour due unto his name, and worship him in the beauty of holiness. Yea let the whole world stand in awe of him. Amen. Friday. I will wash my hands in innocency, and so will I go to thine altar, that I may show the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works. [For ever blessed be God, who hath made me a Priest in his Church, and perpetually engaged me to his house, and to his sacraments, and to the study and example of piety] Saturday. I was glad, when they said unto me: We will go into the house of the Lord, to give thanks to the name of our God. O pray for the peace of the Church: they shall prosper that love thee. Amen. Psal. 122.1, 4, 6. Open me the gates of righteousness that I may go in unto them, and praise the Lord. This is the gate of the Lord; the righteous shall enter into it. Psal. 118.10, 20. II. Going out of the Church. Sunday. BLessed be God for his Grace. Monday. Be it unto us all, most gracious Saviour, according to our faith. Tuesday. We have thought of thy loving kindness in the midst of thy temple. This God is our God for ever and ever: and he will be our guide unto death. Amen for Jesus his sake. Wednesday. Look down, O God of mercies, upon me and these my brethren, who have kneeled unto thee. Accept our zeal and devotion, and ever prosper us from thy holy place, Christ being our Mediator. Amen. Thursday. Thy word is the truth, O Blessed Jesus: Ask, and ye shall receive; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Hallelujah. Friday. O when shall I come again and appear before the presence of the living God? either in thy temple amongst thy faithful people, or else (O blessed hour) at thy holy seat in heaven? Saturday. O Lord God Almighty, who knowest the hearts of all the children of men, whom the heaven of heavens cannot contain, have respect unto the sincere and humble and united supplications of thy servants, when they pray unto thee in the church: and when thou hearest forgive, and maintain our right and peace: and teach us the good way, wherein we should walk; that we may fear thee all the days of our life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 1 Kings c. 8. OCCASIONAL REFLECTIONS· CHAP. VIII. I. Reading. O Wisdom and Love Eternal, instruct and bless me. Amen. II. Doubts and Cases of Conscience. If I forgo my Profit and my Pleasure; if I take up thy Cross as well as thy Name, O holy Jesus, I shall easily resolve my Scruples of Conscience. III. Distraction and dulness at Prayer. The Lord is here, the Lord is here: yea I have invoked him. I dare not tempt the Almighty. Will God regard my Prayer, when I regard it not myself? IU. Vain Objects. Turn away mine eyes, O Lord, that they behold not Vanity: and convert my heart to thy Commandments, for Christ his sake. Amen. V. Temptation to sin. How can I do this wickedness, and sin against my God? VI Great danger. For Jesus his sake save thy servant, O Lord, who putteth his trust in thee. Amen. VII. Losses. The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away: blessed be the Name of the Lord now and for ever. Amen. VIII. Suffering for Righteousness sake. The light Afflictions of this life, work for us an Eternal Weight of Glory; while we look not on the things that are Seen and Temporal, but after the Invisible and Eternal. IX. Dressing. I desire, I delight to put on, as the Elect of God and Baptised into Christ, the Armour of Light, Love, Righteousness, Meekness, Mercy, and the rest of the Virtues of the Lord Jesus. X. Washing. Wash me throughly, O Lord, from mine Iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin, as once thou didst at my Baptism▪ I am ready for the meanest offices of Charity and Humanity; since the Lord of Glory washed his Disciples Feet. I will lift up pure and innocent hands to God most Holy, that dwelleth in the heavens. Amen. XI. Candletinding. Bring us all, O God, to the Light Everlasting, for Christ his sake. Amen. XII. Vndressing. I have put off the old man with all his evil deeds; I am ready also to be unclothed of this mortal flesh, when and where and how thou pleasest, O Almighty Creator, O most Faithful Preserver of men. XIII. Medicine. Blessed Jesus, who during thy three years Preaching, didst very often heal both the Bodies and Souls of thy Lowly and Believing Supplicants, Bless this Medicine to the Relief of t●y devoted Servant. Amen. XIV. Age. Cast me not away in the time of Old Age: O Lord forsake me not, when my strength faileth me. The hoary head is a crown of glory, especially if it be found in the way of Righteousness. XV. journeying. O God, the God of Abraham, the Fear of Isaac, and the Mighty One of Jacob, the Defense and direction of the Israelites in the wilderness, and the light of ●he wise gentiles in their travail towards the infant Jesus, O Gracious Creator and Preserver of men, Guide me, Guard me, and succeed and bless me in this journey, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. XVI. Passing by a Church. O let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord, Amen for Christ's sake. XVII. Mortality. With faith and humility I will wait till my change cometh. Behold man is a thing of nought. Blessed be our merciful Father for this space of repentance and renovation. XVIII. Executions. O crucified Saviour have pity on thy relenting servants: and remember them in thy Kingdom. Amen. Bloodthirsty and deceitful men live not out half their days. XIX. Conflagration. O deliver us all from the unquenchable fire and the neverdying worm, most merciful Lord. Amen. XX. Inundation. The Lord sitteth above the water-flood, the Lord remaineth a King for ever: the Lord ruleth the raging of the sea, and the madness of the people: the Lord drowned the old world for their impiety and debauch: and hath reserved this for fire. Just and righteous are thy judgements. XXI. Earthquake. I seek a city that hath foundations, a Kingdom that cannot be moved. Preserve us evermore from the crime and punishment of Corah: deliver us, Good Lord, from sudden death. XXII. Thunder and tempest. The voice of the Lord is a glorious voice, and the rest of Psal. 29. XXIII. Rain. God hath not left himself without witness, both to Jews and Gentiles, giving us rains and fruitful seasons and filling our hearts with gladness. XXIV. Sunshine. This one lamp illustrates and beautifies, moves and quickens the whole world. How great then is the power, how bright the glory of the Creator! XXV. Starlight. Such is the footstool of the great King. XXVI. Clockstriking. So much nearer eternity. The next minute, and all my remaining time I entirely dedicate to thy glory, O Lord most merciful. That past hour and so many years of my evil life will never return again, but must all be accounted for at Chris●s tribunal. XXVII. hospital or prison. I was in prison, ●aith our gracious Saviour, and ye visited me: naked, and ye clothed me. Come therefore, ye blessed of my Father, receive the Kingdom prepared for you. XXVIII. Deformity. Nothing is so monstrous and deformed to the Divine eye as a proud and impenitent sinner. XXIX. Fair sight. Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive the good things, which God hath prepared for them that love and serve him. XXX. Rare piece of art. Lord, how excellent is the reason thou hast given us! What cannot wit and diligence effect, be the matter secular or sacred? XXXI. Singing birds, hunting dogs, variety of nests, etc. Blessed be God for the docility and sagacity of the beasts that perish: which condemn dull and sensual men. XXXII. Passing by the Blind, deaf, lame, foolish, or ragged. Blessed be thy name, O Father Eternal, for the sight, the hearing, the limbs, the reason, and the goods thou hast given and preserved to me: make them all I earnestly beseech thee, the instruments of thy glory and of my salvation, through Jesus Christ Amen. I heartily pity these my brethren. XXXIII. In the midst of my business and study I will often use such brief, laud's and Prayers as these: God is all: Blessed be God. Lord help me. Lord have mercy upon me. Halleluiah. Eternity hastens. I trust in the living God. Blessed be God my Saviour. I adore thee Father eternal. The Lord is my strength and my worship. I am a vile sinner. All is weak and vain on this side heaven. Deliver me, O Lord, from the Tempter. I am a Christian. [I am a Priest, oh Favour, oh Duty!] God is here. THE LARGER OFFICE AT RISING, When my Affairs will permit. CHAP. IX. I. Sunday. BLessed be the Almighty, most Holy, most Gracious and Glorious Trinity now and for evermore. Thou, O Lord, art my Defender: thou art my Worship, and the Lifter up of my head. I laid me down and slept, and rose up again: for the Lord sustained me. Psal. 3.3, 5. O Lord our Governor, how excellent is thy Name in all the world? Psal. 8. Thou openest the eyes of the Creation every Morning. Hallelujah. Defend thy servant this day, and lead me, O God, in the Way Everlasting: for unto thee do I lift up my soul. Psal. 143.8, 9 O Father Eternal, who causedst the Light to shine out of Darkness on the first day of the world, shine also into this heart with the Glorious Light of Divine Knowledge, by Jesus Christ. Amen. 2 Cor. 4.6. Or, I will stand up, and bless the Lord our God for ever and ever. And blessed be thy Glorious Name, which is exalted above all Blessing and Praise. Thou, even thou art Lord alone: Thou hast made Heaven, the heaven of heavens with all their hosts, the Earth, and all things that are therein, the Sea and all that is therein: the Angels and all the invisible world. And thou preservest them all; and the host of heaven worshippeth thee. Nehem. 9.5, 6. And at thy Footstool thy poor and unworthy servant falleth down, and Adoreth thee with humble Awe and Devotion, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The Day is thine, the Night is thine: Eternity is thine, and I am thine, O holy Father. Thou hast lightened mine eyes, that I should not sleep in death: wherefore with this new body, soul and spirit, I thank thee, I worship thee. O grant me the Light everlasting. For in thy presence there is Light, and at thy right hand is Joy, at thy right hand is my dear Saviour and Advocate for evermore. The Lord is risen, the Lord is risen indeed. Luke 24.34. Raise me likewise, most gracious Father, this day to a new and heavenly Life. I seek, I affect the things that are above, that are Eternal. Rom. 6.5. I op●n my breast this morning to the Gifts and Graces of the Holy Ghost, who once miraculously inflamed the heads and hearts of the blessed Apostles Acts c. 2. and also abides a certain and powerful Helper and Comforter and Patron to all the Meek and Faithful unto the world's end. Or, Blessed Jesus, very God of very God, by whom all things were made, thou didst take upon thee this Nature, which I and my consorts in humanity have so grievously abused, and didst endure the shame and torment of a Crucifixion without Jerusalem between two thiefs, for the Remission of the Sins of the world, and the Saving this poor soul; I believe, I adore this unconceivable Condescension, this strange and God like Charity. And I now most humbly acknowledge and confess, that all my Duty, Zeal and Service, in respect of this thy Love and Passion, is very vileness and ingratitude. Wherefore renouncing the works of Satan and the vanities of the world, I will for ever obey thee, worship thee, thank thee. O help me by thy Grace, Blessed Redeemer, and hold up my goings in the paths, that my footsteps slip not. Amen. II. Monday. MOst holy and most merciful Father, to whom all things in heaven and earth do bow and obey, with utmost Reverence I adore thy divine Majesty, thy eternal and infinite Perfection: and rendering my humble and early Thanks to thee, for restoring to me this morning my Senses and Reason and Vigour, I again submit and dedicate both my Soul and Body with all their Powers and Actions to thy holy Will and Pleasure; desiring and fully purposing to serve thee faithfully this day, and all the days of my life, by the Grace of thy holy Spirit, and through the Merit and Intercession of Jesus Christ thy beloved Son and my most blessed Saviour. Amen. Teach me thy way, O God, and I will walk in thy Truth. Unite my heart unto thee, that I may fear thy Name. Psal. 86.11. Or. By thy great Goodness, O Lord, I here present myself unto thee, as a living, reasonable, and bounden Sacrifice and perpetual Devote. Rom. 12.1. Vouchsafe, O Lord, to keep me and mine this day without Sin and without Peril, Amen for Christ his sake. I look for the Lord, my soul doth wait for him. I lift up my heart to the Lord. It is meet and right and our bounden duty, it is our greatest honour and glory, that we, that I above all living, should at all times, and in all places, give thanks unto thee, and praise and bless and Adore thee, heavenly Father, Lord God Almighty, my Creator, Saviour and Defender. Wherefore with thousands, and thousands of thousands of glorious and innocent Angels, Archangels, Thrones and Dominions, with Prophets, Apostles, Martyrs, Confessors, Benefactors, and all blessed Souls, and with all the Faithful upon earth, of every Kindred, People and Language, I fall down and Worship, and laud and magnify thy holy Name, evermore praising thee, and saying; Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts, heaven and earth are full of the Majesty of thy Glory. Glory be to thee, O Lord most high. Amen. Regard, O Eternal, the devotion and accent of thy humble Creature, made lower and courser than the Angels, of a tainted life, inhabiting the dust, and now trembling by reason of his offences and guilt. By thy Word, O Lord, were the heavens made, and all the host of them by the breath of thy mouth. Thou layest the beams of thy chambers in the waters, and makest the clouds thy chariots, and walkest upon the wings of the wind. Praise him all ye heavens, and ye waters which are within the heavens: hail and snow, clouds and storm, thunder and lightning, fulfilling his word. Psal. 33. and 104. and 19 III. Tuesday. O Lord, thou art my God: early will I seek thee. O let me hear thy loving kindness betimes in the morning: for in thee is my trust. Lift now up, O Lord, the light of thy countenance upon thy servant, and be my support all the day long, for the sake of the dearest Jesus. Amen. There is no true peace but in thy favour through well doing; wherefore my awakened soul fleeth first unto thee, O Lord: O Lord, receive me. I humbly and constantly beg of thee, Almighty and most benign Father, a sound mind and body, a devout heart, an honest, humble, meek and charitable Disposition, an innocent and peaceable Life, a good Name, an inoffensive Old Age, a serene and Christian D●ath, and a blessed Immortality, resigning my Life wholly to thy holy Will and Pleasure, through Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour. Amen. With faithful and blessed men of all ages, with the never-ceasing Seraphims and with the Voices of the heavenly multitude, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, I close in now with all ardour and cheerfulness, saying: Halleluiah, Glory and Honour, Salvation and Power unto the Lord our God. Let us rejoice and be glad, and with open and elevated hands and hearts give honour unto him. For the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth in Righteousness and Mercy world without end. Amen. Rev. c. 19 Or, Let us watch and be sober, as children of the light and of the day, always looking to Jesus the Author of our Faith, the Rule of our Life, and the Pledge of our Glory. Amen. O Lord be gracious to me and all mine. We have waited for thee. For thou art our Arm every morning, and our Salvation in the time of Trouble. Isaiah 33.2. Gracious God, I am not worthy of the least of all thy Mercies and the Truth thou hast shown unto thy servant. Gen. 31.10. Let them praise the Lord, that go down to the sea in ships, and trade in mighty waters. Yea, let all the earth fear the Lord, and stand in awe of him all ye that dwell in the world; who gathered the waters together on an heap, and laid up the deep as in a treasure house: who made the dry land to appear out of confusion, and commanded it to bring forth herbs and trees for the use of man and beast. Hallelujah. IV. Wednesday. O Thou that hearest Prayer, to thee shall all flesh come. Psal. 65.3. In the morning thou shalt hear my voice: in the morning I will stand before thee, and will look up and wait for thy favour. The glorious Majesty of the Lord be upon me and all mine. Prosper thou the works of our hands: O direct and prosper thou our handy work. Psal. 90.17. The Lord is a light and defence. The Lord will give grace and worship, and no good thing will he withhold from them that lead a godly life. O Lord God of hosts, blessed is the man that putteth his trust in thee. Psal. 84.12, 13. Lord pardon all my sins, confirm me in piety: bless me in my lawful calling: keep my soul and body from all evil, and fit me for Eternity, for the immense merits of Jesus Christ my Saviour and Advocate. Amen. O Lord our Governor, when I consider the Sun and Moon and Stars, those vast and glorious Lights which thou hast created, and that thou canst create ten thousand worlds more, what is Man, that mite upon this Globe, that thou art mindful of him, and visitest him every morning. Thou, O Jesus, art the true and eternal Light, the Sun of Righteousness, that lighteth every man that cometh into the world, Oh quicken and irradiate my heart. Amen. Or, How dear are thy Counsels, thy Mercies to me, O God? how great is the sum of them? They are more in number then the sand: they are new every minute. When I awake I am always with thee, thanking and praising and adoring thy Majesty, who continually keepest the world from returning to nothing, from whence thou first mad'st it. Unto thee lift I up mine eyes, O thou that dwellest in the heavens, with the affection and reverence of a child, with the fear and solicitude of a servant. Psal. 123.1, 2. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Omnipotent, which was and is and is to come, glory and honour and worship be to thee, world without end, Amen. Rev. 4.8. Keep thy servant by thy grace, O Lord, that Hypocrisy, Pride, Envy, Anger, Gluttony, Covetousness, or Sloth, or any other grievous sin may never have the dominion over me, and become habitual and customary to me: and ever keep me, O Lord most holy, from Fornication, Drunkenness, Theft and Dishonesty, Idolatry, Manslaughter, Cursing, Swearing and Lying, Extortion and Oppression, and all other scandalous and heinous actions and practices. But engraft in my heart the contrary fruits of thy holy Spirit, Piety, Humility and Mildness, Faithfulness and Honesty, Modesty, Temperance and Chastity, Content and Quietness, Compassion, Charity and Liberality, Prudence, Care and Diligence: and let this be my habit, my custom and my life, for Jesus Christ his sake. Amen. V. Thursday. THe Lord is my strength and my praise. There is none holy as the Lord; neither is there any rock like our God. The Lord killeth and maketh alive: he bringeth down to the bed and to the grave, and bringeth up. He keepeth the feet of his saints, and exalteth the horn of his anointed. Hallelujah. My heart rejoiceth in his salvation 1 Sam c. 2. Thou art my hope in the land of the living: thou art the hope of all the ends of the earth, and of them that dwell in broad sea: yea, thou, O God, art my hope and joy to all eternity. Amen. Psal. 141.4. The Providence of the Father almighty guide me, the Wisdom of his eternal Son enlighten me, and the Power of his holy Spirit quicken me. Amen. What now shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits, ●or my Birth, my Education, my Baptism, Catechism and Confirmation? What for the blessed Eucharist, for the Sermons and the Prayers of this Church? What for Sundry Deliverances and special Blessings through so many years of living? Yea, what shall I render unto thee holy JESUS, for thy expiatory Blood, for thy grand Example? for the Mission of the Holy Ghost with various and unexpressible Grace? and for the reserve of everlasting Blessedness, O Lord, what shall I render unto thee? Take, O take again, most merciful Lord, these Gifts, together this Soul and Body and their abilities, which I now kneeling humbly and faithfully offer to thy everadored Divinity. O despise not, but take again the works of thy own hands, and receive all into the bosom of perpetual happiness. Amen. Hallelujah. Or, Is not this to be my last day, and then Eternity? O prepare me for thyself holy JESUS. I know not the day nor the hour of thy Judgement. Matth. 24.30. Or receive to thee in peace, or visit this dearly purchased soul, this piece of Immortality drenched in thy Blood. Yea come quickly Lord Jesus. Amen. I will magnify thee, O God my King, and praise thy name for ever and ever. Every day will I give thanks to thee, and bless thy name for ever and ever. Great is the Lord, and marvellous worthy to be praised. There is no end of his Greatness, no end of his Mercy. Hallelujah. Psal. 145.1, 23. etc. Grant me, I humbly beseech thee, Almighty and most merciful Father, a quiet Mind and a ●ound Body, a good Report, and a liberal Conversation, in all Piety, Prudence, Charity, Honesty and Chastity, and at last (if I may not be a Mart●r for thy Truth) grant me a mild Death and happy Immortality, for Christ Jesus his sake, the Source of all Blessings, as well visible and secular, as invisible, inconceivable, and everlasting. Amen. Christ is ascended up on high, hath led captivity captive, and given gifts unto men, that God might dwell amongst us. Set up thyself, O JESUS, above all the heavens, and thy Glory above the earth. I now worship thee with all humility and affection, as thy Apostles did, when thou departedst from mount Olivet to the Joy of supercelestial Glory. The fowls of the air are thine, O bountiful Creator, and the fishes of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the sea, and thou feedest them, and multipliest them. Wherefore I will seek the kingdom of God before food and raiment. For our heavenly Father knoweth that we have need of these things. Matth. 6.25. VI Friday. I Awaked and looked up, and my sleep was sweet unto me. Blessed be the Lord our God the God of our fathers, who satisifieth the weary soul, and replenisheth every sorrowful heart: who converteth the shadow of death into the morning, and daily renews the face of the earth: and maketh the evening and the morning alternately to praise him, jer. 31.25, 26. Psal. 104.30. and 65.9. Who holdeth our soul in life, and suffereth not our feet to slip: who ruleth with his power for ever. Hallelujah. On this day, O crucified Saviour, have mercy on me and all mankind. Amen. I will walk this day, God being my helper, soberly, chastely decently, humbly, and in diligence and content, as a child of light and of God. Sufficient to the day is the evil and trouble of it. I fully trust in the perpetual Grace of my heavenly Father through his Eternal Son. Amen. Or, I have remembered thy name, O Lord, in the night, and have kept thy law. Psal. 119.55. Our help standeth in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth. Psal. 124.8. O Lord God of hosts, blessed is the man who putteth his trust in thee: yea blessed is the man to whom thou imputest no sin. Psal. 84.13. All the world doth worship thee, sing of thee, and praise thy name; which is great, wonderful, gracious and holy. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord, O my soul. O Father Eternal, Almighty God, Lord and Possessor of infinite perfection, Majesty and mercy, Maker and Upholder of all things visible and invisible! O blessed Jesus, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, who hast loved us and died on the cross for us! O most holy Spirit, founder and fountain of light and knowledge of virtue and grace, of li●e peace, and bliss everlasting! with utmost humility intention of mind and affection I adore and glorify thee. All power and riches and wisdom and salvation and glory and honour and blessing be to the eternal Trinity now and for ever. Amen. Hosanna in the highest, Hosanna. I bless thee, O Lord, Almighty, that thou hast made the world out of nothing, and created me and all mankind after thy own image, and hast set us over the works of thy hands, and given thy holy angels charge of us to keep us in all thy ways: and that after the early loss of paradise etc. many and late transgressions and presumtions, thou yet openest the door of repentance and life to us all, allowing us all means of emendation and conversion, the admirable treasure of the divine Scriptures, the wonderful benefits of the holy Sacraments, innumerable patterns of good living and dying, and together with all the comforts of this visible world rejoice and honour with his hope of everlasting felicity, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. VII. Saturday. THe heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament showeth his handy work. One day telleth another, and one night certifyeth another of the great power and bounty of the Creator, blessed for ever. There is neither speech nor language, but their voices are heard amongst them. Their sound is gone out to all lands, and their words to the world's end. Psal. 19 The Lord giveth food to all flesh, and feedeth the young ravens that call upon him. The Lord clotheth the grass of the field, and bringeth forth herbs for the use of man and beast. The Lord helpeth them to right that suffer wrong, and looseth men out of prison. The Lord giveth sight to the blind and to the seeing. The Lord helpeth them that are fallen, and raiseth the dead. He cureth the broken hearted, and giveth medicine to heal the sick. The Lord ca●eth for the righteous and humble, but scorneth and debaseth the proud. The Lord is nigh unto all that call upon him, that call upon him faithfully. My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord, and let all the world, above and below, give thanks, unto his holy name for ever and ever. Amen. Tread firmly O disciple of Christ, in the footsteps of thy meek and holy master: for these lead still upwards, unto supercelestial and endless glory. Interpose, O blessed Jesus, thy passions, cross and death, between the Divine Justice and this poor soul, both now and in the hour of death and in the day of judgement, Grant O Lord, to the living mercy and grace; to the faithful departed a joyful resurrection. To thy Catholic Church peace and concord, truth and righteousness: and to me and all sinner's repentance and pardon and life everlasting. Amen. Or, By thy bloody Sweat, thy Thorny Crown and Scourges, thy pierced Hands and Feet, the fountain of Blood and water opened in thy precious side, by thy dying groans and acclamations, thy prayers and benedictions; be merciful unto me a vile sinner, spare me and bless me, O my crucified Love. Amen. THE LARGER OFFICE GOING TO BED. CHAP. X. I. Sunday. I Will lay me down in peace, and take my rest: for it is thou Lord only that makest me dwell in safety. Psal. 4.9. Whom have I in heaven but thee, O Lord? and what is there on earth, that I desire in comparison of thee? Thou art about my path and my bed, and spiest out all my ways. Psal. 139.2. Have mercy upon me and all mine this night, O blessed Jesus, who didst die and revive for us; that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with thee Hallelujah. 1 Thess. 5.10. Or, From morning to night I will bless the Lord. Now to him who is able to keep me and all his servants from falling, and to present us at length pardoned and faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding great joy; to the only wiseGod, our Saviour and Defender, be glory and majesty, dominion, power, and praise, both now and for ever. Amen. My trust is in the tender mercy of God for ever and ever. Psalm 52.9. Let me and all mine, yea let me and all thine, O holy Father, now sleep in peace, and wake in Christ, begin the next return of reason with heavenly Meditation. Amen. Or, To God's gracious Protection I most humbly commit myself, my family and friends, and all the faithful and all the afflicted. The Lord bless us and keep us. The Lord make his face to shine upon us, and be gracious unto us. The Lord lift up his countenance upon us, and give us peace both now and evermore. Amen, by the merits and intercession of Jesus our only Saviour and Advocate. BENEDICTIO. II. Monday. IN the Name of God I will lay me down to rest. The almighty Lord be now and evermore my Defence against all perils both of Sleep and Death. Amen for Jesus his sake. Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive Glory, Honour and Power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy Wills sake they were created and are preserved. Blessed be thy name world without end. Amen. Or, Great Ruler of the day and night, Upon our darkness cast thy Light: With safe and kind Repose allay The Care and Trouble of the day; That when thou shalt unclose my eyes, Healthful and pure I may arise, Fit for the morning Sacrifice. Or, O praise the Lord, ye Angels of his that excel in strength, that are always waking and always active O praise the Lord, all ye his Hosts, ye Spirits and Souls of the Righteous, ye servants of his that do his pleasure; O speak good of the Lord, all ye works of his in all places of his dominion. Praise thou the Lord, O my soul, and in praising turn thee to thy rest. The glorious Majesty of the Lord endureth for ever: the Lord shall rejoice in his works. Amen. Psal. 103. III. Tuesday. THis night, and the days and nights of my appointed time, defend, O Lord, protect, spare, deliver and bless thy servant, who putteth his trust in thee, through Jesus Christ. Amen. I will remember thee upon my bed; and think upon thee, when I am waking. Because thou hast been my helper, therefore under the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice: my soul hangeth upon thee, and thy right hand upholdeth me. Thy loving Kindness is better than life, better than all the glories and pleasures of the whole world. Let me now rest, O benign Saviour, where thy beloved Disciple did: that my sleep may be sweet; that my dreaming may be of thee, of thy Redemption and of thy glorious mansions. Or, my flesh shall rest in hope, that thou, Lord, wilt raise me both from the Bed and from the Grave, and wilt show me the paths of Life, both temporal and eternal, for the sake of thy wellbeloved Son, whom thou suffered'st to die for the world, but not to see corruption. Amen. Just and righteous are thy ways, O Lord: who will not fear and serve thee? Let us rejoice and be exceeding glad and secure: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Rev. 19.5.6. Every where and at all times will I think upon my mortal and sinful life, and upon thy continual and great Mercys. In thee, O Lord, have I put my trust, that I be not confounded, though altogether unworthy of thy eye and regard. In thee only I confide. Amen with great ardour and expectation: O God, leave not my soul destitute. IV. Wednesday. THe Lord is my shepherd: therefore can I lack nothing. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, and sleep is that valley, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff comfort me. Psal. 23. The Lord hath granted his loving kindness in the day time, and in the night season will I sing of him, and make my prayer to the God of my life. Psal. 42.10. My soul rejoiceth in the Lord, and I have put my trust in his holy name. Psal. 33.21. Blessed be thou, Lord God of our fathers, for ever and ever. Thine, O Lord, is the Greatness and the Power and the Glory and the Victory and the Majesty. For all that is in heaven and earth is thine: and thou rulest over all for ever. Amen. 1 Chron. 29.10, 11, 13. V. Thursday. EVerlasting Praise and Thanks to thee, most gracious God and Father, for my Life and Reason, Integrity of Body and Soundness of Memory: for my pious and generous Parents: my Education in good Learning and Manners: for my Regeneration by Baptism, and my frequent access to the holy Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ my Saviour: [for my place and order in the Holy and Apostolic Church:] for my competent Estate, Content, Liberty and Quiet: for my power and greater will for Alms-doing: [for my Profession in this place, my good Name and various Friendship; and for whatever I have well done or said throughout my whole life:] for my Relations, and Benefactors: for the divine Forbearance, Clemency and Beneficence, unto to this age of my life: for sundry remarkable Deliverances of me and my friends from Diseases, Troubles and Dangers: for innumerable Blessings known and unknown, remembered or forgotten, spiritual and temporal: most chiefly for the means of Grace of all sorts, and for the hope of immarcessible Glory through Jesus Christ our Lord. O all ye blessed, all ye righteous, O all the world, behold here the monument of Almighty Mercy. Is not this a brand plucked out of the burning? Zach. 2.4. Or, O holy Father, the thoughts of thy infinite Grace and Mercy, thy continual and almighty Providence, how dear are they unto me? Thy Redemption, O blessed Jesus, shall now lie next my heart: and in the meditation of thine inestimable Passion, and of thy numberless and everlasting Benefits, will I go to sleep or to die, as it shall seem best to thee, my most gracious Lord and Saviour. This night, most Holy, Pure and Eternal Spirit, guard I humbly beseech thee, and possess my soul, whilst the meaner nature lies languid, useless and insensible. Amen. VI Friday. THe Lord is my stony rock and my defence; my Saviour, my God, and my might, in whom I will trust: my buckler, the horn also of my Salvation and my refuge. Psal. 18.1. With my soul have I desired thee in the night season, and early in the morning have I sought thee. When I awake by thy empire and pity, let my soul be still with thee, O Lord my God. Or, And now Lord what is my hope? my hope is even in thee. My help standeth in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth. Psal. 132.2. From evil Designs and unlawful Desir●s, from impure and vain Thoughts, from the Illusions and Suggestions of the devil, from inordinate Passions and Disturbances of Body and Mind, good Lord deliver me this night. Amen. VII. Saturday. IT is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto the name of the Lord most highest. To tell of thy loving kindness in the morning, and of thy faithfulness every night. Psal. 92.1, 2. Grant thy servant, O Lord, a Christian end of this day and this week and this [declining] mortal life. Amen for Christ Jesus his sake. Bless me also, holy Father, as thou didst this day at the finishing of thy Creation, and sanctify and separate me to thy Service for ever. Amen. He that keepeth Israel, he that keepeth thee, O Christian, doth neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord himself is thy keeper. The Lord is thy defence on thy right hand. The Lord preserveth thee from all evil: yea it is even he that keepeth thy soul. Amen, God most holy, most mighty. Or, Lord Jesus Christ, the cheerful Ray and Glory of the Father immortal, heavenly, holy and happy; being come to close of this day and the confines of darkness, we laud and magnify the Father, the Son, and the holy Spirit of God, thou indeed art worthy to be praised with holy voices, O son of God, giver of life. Therefore the whole world glorisieth thee, and worshippeth thee. Amen. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. I will not give sleep to my e●es, nor slumber to my eyelids, till I be at peace with all men: till I have sought thy peace, most gracious Father, which the world cannot give, and have confessed unto thy Majesty the Faults and Omissions of this day, together with the more heinous Sins of my life. Whatever I have devised, said, or done unworthy my Place, my Age, my Christianity, [and my Priesthood] good Lord, forgive me for the Bowels of Jesus Christ. Amen. And let the grief and trouble of such Confessions henceforth deter me from the like Presumptions, Transgressions, and Neglects, and from their several Causes and Occasions. Amen. Amen. I will frequently read two or three Verses of the Holy Bible before I go to bed. Here endeth the Larger Office at Rising and going to Bed. WHen I go not to Church, I will say secretly or in the family Te Deum, or Nunc dimittis, and also the Collects for Peace and Grace, and the Collects for all Conditions, and the general Thanksgiving. Our most gracious Father hear both the Church and me: Oh hear them supplicating for me and all well employed and afflicted people. Amen for the alone merits of Christ our Lord. PRIVATE DEVOTION At the HOLY COMMUNION. CHAP. XI. I. At the Offering. MOst bountiful Father, I return Mites for Talents received. I offer to thee still of thy own. Accept I pray thee, most gracious Lord, together with this small token of my Duty and Gratitude, my Soul and Body and Action; all which I here humbly dedicated unto thee at thy Altar: And also forgive me all my Debts and Trespasses against thy divine Majesty, for the one Oblation and transcendent Worthiness of thy beloved Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. II. Before the general Confession. HAving already in my retirement read over the Communion-service, and also Matth. c. 28. and 1 Cor. 11.17, etc. and thereupon leisurely and carefully examined and recollected as in the presence of the Living God, what I have done, what I have amended or not amended, (O wretched and inconstant creature) since the last Communion and solemn Promise of a correct Life: And having also satisfied to my power for all Injuries and Offences done by me against any man: and likewise with hearty Sorrow, Aversation and Repentance, implored at home God's Pardon for those sins and the rest of my whole life; I now fasting (Dan. c. 9.3.) do again beseech the same indulgence with Humility, Intention of Mind, and enlarged Hopes, here in the midst of his devout People, before his Priest, near his holy Altar, and under the regard of glorious angels, saying: Holy Father, I am prostrate at thy dreadful Tribunal. I humble myself both soul and body before thee; and bow down my grieved head at thy Footstool, as once my Meek and Dying Saviour did. My God, my God, forsake me not. Look, O heavenly Father, on the Scars and Merits of Jesus. O hear his Mediation, receive his Intercession: and be merciful unto me a sinner, a vile and ungrateful sinner. What I have neglected, what I have ignorantly or wilfully committed against thy Majesty most Holy, most Mighty, and Long-suffering, from my Birth and Baptism unto this moment, by sundry sorts of vain Thoughts and irregular Imaginations, by inordinate Desires and Affections, by injurious and corrupt Discourses, and by innumerable evil Actions, Follies and Provocations, for Christ's, sake forgive me. Such is my Condition, so many and great my sins and relapses, that unless thy mercy were infinite, I could have no hope, no comfort. I have transgressed beyond all humane pardon, beyond seventy seven times. For the Bowels of the Saviour that were opened on the Cross for me, for thine own immense Goodness which embraceth Heaven and Earth, Holy Father, have mercy upon me and pardon me. Consider my Sorrow and Contrition. Accept, most merciful God, my Tears, my Subjection, my Repentance, my Vows and resolved Amendment. And then speak Peace to my Conscience, through Jesus Christ my only Hope and Redeemer. Amen. Call to remembrance, O Lord, thy tender mercies, and thy loving kindnesses, which have been ever of old. Oh remember not the sins and offences of thy servants. Spare us all good Lord; spare thy people, whom thou hast redeemed with the Blood of thy dear Son. Amen. Psal. 25.5, 6. See CHAP. XVI of this Book. III. At the Absolution. O Lord God almighty, most gracious and merciful Father, will all Humility, Faith and Thankfulness, I receive and embrace this Absolution, as pronounced upon my Repentance from the Throne of thy Eternal Glory. Amen. Hallelujah. Amen, Amen. Here than I have laid down my burden and fear, the stain and disquiet of my life; by name, my Anger, Lust, Pride, Envy, Covetousness, and the rest of my grievous sins, never, never, to take them up again. Blessed be God for this salvation. Most holy Father, assist and forward the Vows and Resolutions of the meanest of all that serve thee. Let a man examine himself, and so let him eat, saith S. Paul I thought on my ways, and turned my feet unto thy testimonies: I made haste, and prolonged not the time to keep thy commandments, saith king David. I look for the Lord: in his word is my trust: in the Lord's word will I comfort me. Psal. 56.10. My soul longeth for thy salvation. Psal. 119.81▪ I here humbly wait for the Grace and Benefits of my dying Saviour's Institution and Legacy, for the Precious Treasure of Heaven. Visit me O Lord, with the favour that thou bearest unto thy people▪ that I may see the felicity of thy chosen, and give Thanks with thine Inheritance. The Lord pardon me, and every one that prepareth his heart to seek God, the Lord God of his fathers, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, though he be not cleansed according to the Purification of the Sanctuary; though he fall short of the frame and disposition due to this holy and tremendous Mystery. 2 Chron. c. 30.18.19. I come to a known Altar. This Sacrament hath often corrected, restored and comforted me. Thy Benediction, holy Father, is always ready, thy hands ever open to the sincere and humble Client: and I now pray for thy wont Goodness, through Jesus Christ, the sum and substance of this Office. IV. At Lift up your Hearts. YEa I lift up my Eyes and my Heart unto thee, O Eternal, my Mediation, my Desire, my Hope, my Faith, my Affection, my Invention and Design, all my Soul and Strength are now with thee, most high and most gracious Father. I have passed this Altar unto the sublime and pure seat of thy Majesty: which all orders of holy Angels and blessed men ever fear and adore. Let me, O let me there behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world. Show me Jesus and it sufficeth. Behold, O my Faith, reach and embrace what the Prime Martyr saw at the right hand and eminence of Eternal Blessedness, the Prince of Peace, the mighty Saviour, the triumphant Jesus, lifting up his glorious and gracious Arms to bless and to defend me, the vilest and unworthiest of all living. Blessed and most loving Saviour, by thine inestimable blood wash me throughly from my wickedness and cleanse me from my sin: by the ardour of thy soul towards mankind in the dark hour of thy Passion commiserate me, and rid me of all my evil habits, customs, and practices, I most humbly beseech thee. Now Lord remember me in thy kingdom, as thou didst the penitent companion of thy cross and dolours: And say to my soul, This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise; thou shalt by faith see my glory, to which from the obedience of the Cross and the humble grave the Almighty Father hath exalted me, hath exalted thy nature. My heart is ready, O Lord, my heart is ready for this sacrifice of Praise and Gratitude. Like as the hart desireth the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God, my hope, my refuge, my rest, my life and my happiness. O Saviour of the world, who by thy Cross and precious blood hast redeemed us, save us now and help us, we humbly beseech thee: that we may all receive these holy and dreadful mysteries without condemnation and ruin, and to our gr●at consolation and benefit: for the mortifying all our inordinate passions, repressing all sinful temptations and occasions, conquering the devil, increasing our hope and faith, correcting and beautifying our conversation, for the abolishing our guilt, and for the attaining eternal life. Am●n. Dear Jesus, I address to thy holy Altar with great desire. I come as near thee, O blessed Redeemer, as mortality will let me. I come with a penitent, earnest and open heart, to praise thee, to adore thee, and to kiss by faith thy wounded feet, as once thy astonished disciples did, Matt. 28.9. I behold by faith the prints of the nails; by faith I touch the wound in thy side, whence flowed water and blood, my sanctification and my pardon, O fill me with thy influence and virtues, Luk. 8.46.1 Cor. 11.29. now I apprehend, discern and embrace thy precious body, thy all saving passion. My ●ord and my God, Confirm thy word unto thy servants; Blessed are they that see not and have believed. Merciful Saviour, at this most noble and pious mystery remove and banish from my mind all worldly cares, all vain imaginations, means thoughts, errors, and misconceits; Unite, I most humbly beseech thee, the sundry powers and faculties thou hast given me, and point and direct them all unto the instant office. Govern now, O Lord, and bless my apprehension: Exalt my Faith: enlarge my affections and devotion, and then Consign to my soul thy Remission, Favour and Approbation, and make me welcome at thy feast, For thy flesh is meat indeed, and thy blood is drink indeed, the sufficient and only expiation of all humane guilt, O holy Jesus. An offering of a free heart, will I give thee and praise thy name, O Lord. Psal. 54.6, The Son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost, and to make superabundant amends for the faults of the first transgressor. Luk. 19.10. Rom. 5.12, etc. V At the Consecration. HOly things for holy men. S. Basil. O Lord Jesus Christ, who sittest at the right hand of the Father, and art here invisibly with us, sanctify these thy gifts of Bread and Wine and us thy humble servants; and make us from this institution partakers of pardon and peace and good hope of Eternal life, and all other benefits of thy Incarnation, Passion, Death, Resurrection, Ascension, Intercession, second Advent and Judgement: which we now ponder and contemplate with reverence and faith and joy and thanksgiving, by the grace and succour of the holy Ghost, our Patron and Comforter. Amen. Behold the servant of the Lord, be it unto me according to thy word, in which thou hast caused me to hope. Holy Jesus say but the word, and I shall be clean, M●tt. 8.8. say bu● the word, and I shall be meet and ready for thy most Divine gift, for thyself. By the grace of Jesus Christ we all hope to be saved, to be eternally happy. Hallelujah. Acts. 15.11. Heavenly Father, Almighty God, who alone workest wonders, Lord most Holy, into a clean, charitable, devout, humble, and grateful heart let me now receive through faith the pure and blessed Body of my most gracious Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for the remission of all my sins and the attaining everlasting life. Amen, Amen, Amen. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts, heaven and earth and this place are full of thy Glory. Glory be to thee, O Lord most high. Have mercy upon me, O Lord, thou son of David. I know it is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it unto dogs. Yet, Lord, the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their master's tabl●. Ma●th. 15.22, 26, 27. AT RECEIVING THE BREAD. CHAP. XII. I. LOrd I am not worthy thou shouldest come under my roof. Matth. 8.8. I fear, I tremble by reason of my sinfulness, and of the unsupportable Brightness of thy Majesty, O Saviour and Judge Eternal. Lord have mercy upon me a most miserable sinner. Amen. Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lord. Hosanna to the son of David. Good will towards men, peace on earth. Hosanna in the highest. Matth. 21.9. Stand open now, O my soul, stand open ye everlasting doors, and let the King of glory enter in. Let the Lord mighty to save, Jesus the king of glory enter in. II. Feed on him by faith etc. Amen. I feed on him, I remember his Sufferings and bloody Sweat, I meditate on his Cross and dying Exclamations. I believe, I most humbly and heartily embrace this invaluable and most miraculous Redemption; this great mystery of Godliness: God manifested in the flesh, justified in the spirit by divers wonderful works and holy sermons: seen and worshipped by the angels: believed on throughout the world, and received up into Eternal glory. 1 Tim. 3.16. Thou art, O Christ the everlasting Son of God: thou art indeed the Saviour of the world; thou art the king of Glory, joh 1.49. c. 4.42. c. 10.11, 27. Acts 8.37. Surely thou hast born our griefs and carried our sorrows thou wast wounded for our transgressions, and bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was laid upon thee, and by thy stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53.4. This man receiveth sinners, Luke 15.2. Zaccheus, Mary Magdalene, the crucified thief, the persecuting Saul, these and millions of millions more upon their sorrow, faith and repentance. And let me receive now at this holy Altar, Almighty Saviour, that most blessed sentence: [Son or Daughter,] thy sins, which are many, are forgiven thee; and thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace. Luk. 7.47, 48, 50. c. 5.20. Go to my brethren (behold the early compassion of the revived Jesus!) and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God. joh. 20.16. I know that my Redeemer liveth, and I shall see him at the latter day (behold, here is the pledge of his coming again:) I shall see him for myself, and I trust to kiss his glorious feet. I know that immaculate high priest is entered with the atonement into the holiest. III. Lo here is grace, here infinite goodness and mercy. This is the beauty of holiness, and the glorious presence of the Redeemer: this is the gate of heaven. O happy day, the glory of my life. Now I am well, now I live: now I rejoice with thee, O triumphant Jesus, O bliss everlasting! my content, my devotion, my affection, my soul is fixed on thee: there let it ever rest. Amen. The Lord is my strength and my song, and is become my salvation. This is the Lords doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes. This is my God and I will glorify him: the God of my Father and I will exalt him. Exod. c. 15.2. O let the serious thoughts of thy passion, intercession, kingdom and reward enter all my actions, and regulate my whole life: which upon such observance will surely become pious prudent and cheerful. Amen dearest Jesus. IV. Most gracious God, we humbly beseech thee, that we together with all thy saints, who have pleased thee from the beginning of the world, may be partakers of those everlasting Blessings which thou hast prepared for all that love thee and continue faithful unto death, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Lord now send prosperity. Bless thy people and extol them for ever. Bless now the king, the Royal Family, and all in civil office. Inspire and bless the Bishops, Priests and Deacons, who administer thy holy mysteries and by thy sole command and authority do absolve and bless and feed thy chosen people. Now sanctify, reward and prosper my kindred and friends, my superiors and benefactors, as, etc. whom at his happy Eucharist and golden hour I commemorate with eulogy, joy and gratitude. If there be any consolation in Christ, any peace in the Divine favour, any happiness and glory in heaven by the throne of Eternity; if any goodness in the Ocean of grace and beneficence, Requite them O God a thousand fold for all their kindness and bounty and affection towards me. Amen, for the infinite deserts of thy beloved Son our Lord. All thanks to thee, O Jesus, king of heaven and earth, for defending and blessing this Apostolic Church, where we now communicate, the most unworthy of all her children. What shall I render unto the Lord for all the benefits he hath done unto me, especially for snatching me from the fire of hell, and making me an heir of everlasting happiness in his presence. I will receive the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord and offer unto him the sacrifice of thanksgiving through Jesus Christ. Amen. Psal. 116.11, 12, 15. AT RECEIVING THE CUP· CHAP. XIII. I. AMen. Jesus Master, have mercy on us. Luke 17.13. Let this Blood purge my Conscience from dead works, to serve thee, the Almighty and most gracious Father: to honour thee, the Everliving Saviour: and for ever to obey and fear thee, most holy and quickening Spirit. Amen. Lord I will serve thee better, I will obey thee. Secure my weakness, pity my infirmity, Dear Lord. Lord thou knowest all things, thou knowest that I love thee. john 21.17. What honour hath Almighty God done me, that I should be the vessel of this divine mystery, and bear within my breast the Lord Jesus. I adore, I give thanks. II. Thou art made whole, go and sin no more: no more by anger, lust, excess, fraud, slandering, etc. joh. 8.11. Our God is a consuming fire to the perverse and impenitent. Our God is a merciful Father to the humble and relenting Orator. As is his Majesty, so is his mercy. Ecclus. 2.18. Both infinite and incomprehensible; both to be acknowledged, admired and adored. O Majesty everlasting I fear thee, I worship thee, I trust in thee, through Jesus Christ. Amen. Let me not, O let me not again pollute this body and soul with my habitual and grievous sins, as &c. after I have received thy body and blood, O Lord, who hast created me and redeemed me. Grant me thy grace, O God, that I may fulfil the places and offices thou callest me to in this life. Amen. III. Lord bless these and the rest of my brethren, and let us live eternally together, ever praising and Adoring thee. For by this great and attractive sacrament, we all become one bread, one blood, one soul and consent: have all one faith, one hope, one heaven, one Lord, the blessed Lord Jesus, the knot and centre of this most immense and pious fraternity, and eminently one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in us all, to whom be glory and obedience everlasting. Amen in heaven, Amen on earth. From thy one precious body, O wonderful Saviour, thou feedest and revivest five thousand and five thousand thousand millions of thy disciples and followers: Aeternae tanta est opulentia mensae. Prudent. Say O Lord, and thy word is omnipotent, This day salvation is come unto this house. Luk. 19.9. IV. The bread of God is he that came down from heaven, and giveth light to the world. Lord evermore give us of this bread. joh. 6.33, 34. Thus, thus will we show forth thy death, O Jesus, till thou comest again: and blessed are those servants, whom at the end of the world the Lord shall find so doing: yea verily blessed is he that eateth meat in the kingdom of God. Luk. 12. 43. c. 14.15. He that solemnly and faithfully and seriously contemplates my Passion and Philanthropy, and amends his life for that consideration: He that eateth my Flesh and drinketh my Blood, hath eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. Amen Holy Jesus, who art the Resurrection and the life. joh. 6.54, 56. Master, it is good for us to be here. Mark. 9.2. Do not our hearts burn within us, while the Lord opens to us the scriptures, opens to us his precious side. Full is the satisfaction, inexpressible the joy of those that love thee, O Jesus. Angels and men consent, heaven and earth join together to praise thee, serve and worship thee: and with these my poor soul, the meanest of all thy creation; Good Lord accept us. I will give thanks unto thee among thy people, and sing praises unto thee among the faithful. My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: For thy ●ercy is greater than the heavens, and thy truth reaches above the clouds. Set up thyself, O Lord, above the heavens, and thy glory above all the earth. Thou hast wrought redemption in the midst of the earth, O Jesus, and vanquished all the enemies of guilty mankind, and art seated at the right hand of Father, the Lord and worship of angels. Hosanna in the highest. The right hand of the Lord hath the preeminence, the right hand of the Lord bringeth mighty things to pass. The word was made flesh, the beloved Son of God died for us. Let them now that fear the Lord confess, that his mercy endureth for ever▪ V. I ●ill read joh. c. 18. and c. 17. the security and consolation of the Church, and also Rom. c. 8. and the hymn, Come holy Ghost our souls inspire, etc. In the ordering of Priests. Almighty God, who hast given thy only Son to be unto us both a sacrifice for sin, and also an example of Godly life; Give us grace that we may always most thankfully receive that his inestimable benefit, and also daily endeavour ourselves to follow the blessed steps of his most holy life, through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Most holy spirit, the efficacy and life of this mystery, bless me with these thy gifts and fruits, meekness, modesty, sobriety, prudence, diligence, honesty, fidelity, constancy, chari●y, kindness, and devotion, from the time of this holy Sacrament. For I have now dedicated and given up entirely my soul, senses, and affections, my will, wit and reason to the glory and service of Jesus Christ, who died for me. I must, I will obey him in all things. Lord forgive, Lord help me. My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit rejoiceth in God my Saviour. O how plentiful is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee, and that thou hast prepared for them that put their trust in thee. Psal. 21.21. I am altogether confounded and swallowed up with the immense grace of God: I am throughly possessed, glorious Lord, with thy love and boundless favour to me. I long, I here endeavour, yet cannot tell how to express my thankfulness and obedience. My thoughts and contrivance, and my words and lauds, my action and zeal cannot do it to any fitness or content. Lord still excite, and still direct my gratitude. I would be as thankful to thee, as humble, as obedient, as any creature in heaven or earth. Father Almighty make me so. Amen. Now Lord Jesus, who wast expanded on the cross for me, command me what thou wilt. Use me in the hazards and difficulties of thy Church, thy purchase and thy glory. Bid me walk upon the sea, I will obey thee, and thy right hand shall hold me up. And I will not deny thee in the Court or in the Garden. I am ready to lay down my estate, my liberty, and also my life (would to God it were a clean and entire sacrifice) for Christ's religion, and to be obedient unto the death. Assist and strengthen my mind, O blessed Saviour, by thy grace, thy intercession, thy example. Amen. All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth, (faith the ascending Jesus.) Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: And lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the world. Amen. Matth. 28.18. The doctrine attested, when needful by sundry miraculous works, the discipline, the sacraments, the preservation, the piety, the zeal, and the patience of thy Catholic Church hath indeed sufficiently demonstrated thy gracious presence, O Saviour. And he lift up his hands and blessed them: and while he blessed them, he was parted from them, and carried up into heaven. And they worshipped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. And were continually in the temple, praising and blessing God. Amen. Luke 24.50. AT HOME AFTER THE COMMUNION. CHAP. XIV. I. IT is finished. Blessed Sacrament, the Bread of Heaven, and the Cup of Salvation, the Feast of God, the Taste of Eternal Bliss, and the Strength, Comfort and Life of my Soul. This hath united me to all the Faithful on Earth, and to all the Blessed in Heaven. This hath joined me in Affection and Gratitude, in Interest and Inheritance unto thee, most blessed Jesus, the head and defence, the ruler and Saviour of the Church, the first fruits and security of the resurrection and glory and immortality of this nature. Now Lord whether I live o● die, I trust I am thine. I verily believe to see the goodness of the Lord in the region of the blessed, through infinite mercy and indulgence. Psal. 27.13. O keep me ever, Dear Jesus, in this good condition, by constant and cheerful obedience and observance of all Christian duties, by an awful reverence of the Divine name and presence: by imitating the best examples living or dead, &. and most especially by following thy meek and immaculate life, thy pure and heavenly doctrine and admonitions: by caution and frequent meditation: by daily examination and prayers: and by all other means of a pious and innocent life. O Lord, I thank thee, I bless thee, I glorify thee; because by this sacrament thou hast confirmed me in the Catholic faith: in reverence, duty and love to thy Eternal Majesty; in charity towards all mankind, friends or enemies: in meekness, pity, humility, patience, contentedness, industry, sobriety, chastity, honesty and integrity: And hast thereby given me new and lively hopes of endless felicity both in soul and body, against all the malice and attempts of men or devils, and against the terrors of death and my sinful life past. So great is thy mercy to me for the merits of Jesus Christ, thy eternal Son, my everlasting Saviour and advocate, my Lord and king. II. O Stupendous Grace and Piety of the Eternal, that I should be (I fear, I tremble ●o say it) the work of God's hands, the image of his wisdom and power, the price of Christ's blood, the temple of the holy Ghost, a part of the Catholic and perpetual Church, and an heir of immortal glory. What now ought my life to be, if this be my portion and my privilege? Holy Father, let the intercession of Jesus, that poured out his tears and sweat and precious blood for us, be nigh unto thee day and night, that thou mayest have mercy upon us, and bless us, and prevent our falling from so great salvation. Amen. Dearest Saviour, I desire still to r●●lect and meditate on thy humble life, thy bir●h, circumcision, presentation in the Temple, domestic Obedience, Baptism, Fasting, Temptations, Hunger, Thirst, Uncertain abode, Travails, Watching, Prayers, Sermons, Miracles, Dangers, Abuses, Tortures, Bloodshedding, and review the ●hole map of thy condescensions, griefs and compassions, from the Manger to the Cross: until I become myself averse, separated, and cruci●yed and dead to the world. Amen. III. PRaise the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Who forgiveth all thy sins, and healeth all thine infirmities: who saveth thy soul from destruction and crowneth thee with mercy and loving kindness. The merciful and gracious Lord hath so done his marvellous works of Creation, Providence and Redemption, that they ought to be had in perpetual remembrance. Thou art my God, and I will thank thee: thou art my God, and I will praise thee. All the works of the Lord are verity and judgement. He hath sent redemption unto his people, he hath commanded his covenant for ever. Holy and Reverend is his name. Thus long have I lived upon thy bounty; thus and thus etc. hast thou nourished, protected, delivered and advanced me, and now, O Father, thou confirmest to me the expectation of everlasting life in thy heavenly kingdom. Wherefore I give thanks unto thee with my whole heart. Glory, Worship, Obedience and Praise to God the Father Almighty and most beneficent, that sitteth on the Eternal throne; and to the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sins of the world, and to the most holy Spirit, the Lord of life and peace, for ever and ever. O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious. I have tasted that he is gracious; and his mercy endureth for ever. Hallelujah. Salvation is of the Lord: again Hallelujah. Blessed be God for his unspeakable gift. Lord hasten the glory of the General Resurrection. Amen: So come Lord Jesus. Into thy hands, thy pierced hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit. PREPARATION FOR DEATH AND ETERNITY· CHAP. XV. Forgivenesss and Charity. I. HAving lately perused CHAP. VI of this Book, and also received the Holy Communion in this Apostolic Church, I am the more ready and willing to set myself in order to depart this world, for the vision of Christ; humbly commiting the time and manner of my Dissolution to the Providence of God, which hath hitherto defended and sustained me. II. Wherefore I freely and fully forgive all that have in any sort wronged and injured me, as I desire that God, most just and omniscient, should now for Christ's sake forgive me. Amen. And I humbly beseech God to forgive them those wrongs and all other their sins. Amen. I farther desire that it may be certified to them, namely to etc. that I do remit and release to them all satisfaction and amends in word or deed; only entreating their prayers for me, that my humiliation and repentance may be accepted in heaven. Yea I wish I could show more indulgence and forgiveness towards men, who need and implore so much of God, for my innumerable and most ungrateful offences against his Eternal Majesty. III. I likewise humbly and heartily beg pardon and forgiveness of all those whom I have wronged in any manner, particularly of etc. and do earnestly desire that this my request be signified to them. Furthermore, forasmuch as slander and fraud, and the like scandalous sins, are not remitted before God without all possible restitution; I am most willing and ready to my utmost power to restore and repay whatever I have cozened and defrauded, without delay and without deceit. I am also ready to make reparation of fame and credit, together with an ingenuous and humble acknowledgement, to all that I have slandered and calumniated, namely to etc. And accordingly I forthwith take order that Restitution and Satisfaction be made to them all to the utmost of my ability: and that their Release and Acquittance for all injuries done to them be obtained, or else most justly and verily presumed, before I adventure to crave the benefit of Absolution. If I am ashamed of such a Confession and Restitution, I am not ashamed nor afraid to be the everlasting contempt and scorn of the most holy Creator, and of all that is blessed: I am not ashamed nor affrighted to be the companion of devils and all villainous men that ever lived, in darkness, horror and torment. Let no father, patron or master think of bettering the worldly condition of his successors by his own dreadful condemnation, for finally concealing and retaining his illgotten estate or frauds. IV. Moreover with a charitable heart, according to the b●st of my understanding and enquiry, imploring the assistance of God's Holy Spirit, I ●ave made my Last will and Testament, disposing the goods and estate God hath given me for his greatest glory: Namely, amongst my Relations, and likewise in a due acknowledgement of sundry precious benefits received by me in this Apostolic Church, of which ● hope to continue a part to my life's end, and also for the poor: Blessing Almighty God for enabling me to give them some relief, and so to lend unto himself his own temporal blessings, to obtain far better riches in heaven. Amen. I rest upon thy merits and upon thy word, O Triumphant Saviour: Forgive, and ye shall be forgiven. Give, and it shall be given into your bosom, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over. Luk. c. 6.37. and c. 11.9. Amen. Finally, I have given my Relations and Friends the best advise and counsel I could, for the good of their neverdying souls, and for their well-living in this world. V. Having thus rid myself of all the cares and troubles and concerns of mortality, having now perfectly done with this world, with a clear and humble heart I address myself to thy Grace, Almighty and most merciful God and Father, beseeching thee to instruct, exercise and prepare me for the succeeding glorious and immortal life, to which by the Christian Profession thou hast advanced my hope and awful expectation. Hallelujah through the glorified Jesus, Hallelujah to all Eternity. Amen. But I foresee the passage to this Beatitude to be very dark and Dismal, full of Thorns and Tears; full of Confessions, Remorse and Contrition for the many faults of a short life, and also full of disease, and pains and anguish, reaching unto dissolution, insensibility, stench and rottenness. By all thy agonies and experience, help me, O holy Jesus, through this terror. Amen. REPENTANCE· CHAP. XVI. See CHAP. VI §. 5. and CHAP XI. §. 2. I. Confession. I Have sinned, O Lord, I have dealt wickedly, I have led an unequal, untoward and polluted life. I have sinned before thee, when ashamed of humane view; before thee my Father, my Judge, my Benefactor, my Worship and my God. O absurd and stupid wretch! In thought, word and deed, with all the powers and abilities thou hast given me, with affection and design have I sinned against thee, most Mighty and most Holy! Ungratefully and basely, grievously and presumtuously, particularly, etc. have I sinned: and Lord, how often? secretly and openly: in the chamber, as, etc. an● in public, as, etc. treading upon thy earth, and covered with thy heavens: yea ● have sinned in the House of God, and in the midst of my Prayers and Invocations, as etc. Is this then the Image of God, is this a Christian, an heir of eternal Life? [●his a Priest and Dispenser of the pure Word and Sacraments of the Lord Jesus.] Ah this is nothing but clay and dirt, uncleanness and misery. II. Contrition. THe soul that is troubled and the spirit that is vexed cryeth unto thee, O Lord. I Relent, I grieve, I am heartily sorry for this demerit and irritation of thy Divine justice. I am ashamed, I abhor myself. I am perfectly we●ry of this corrupt life. What shall I do, whither shall I turn? I am ashamed to look up to heaven, that beholds my vileness, to heaven which I have abused and despised. I will bow myself to the earth and the grave, that waits to hide and devour such a wretch. I will s●ite upon my breast, with the conscious publican, upon my breast the box and origine of all this mischief. And do thou strike this rock, O holy Jesus, that the waters may freely flow: that my tears may mingle with thy blood; my humble and sincere repentance reach thy propitiation and remission. Dissolve thou sinful clod, tremble thou earth, earth, earth, at the presence of the Lord, at the presence and vindication of the God of Jacob, who turned the ●lint stone into a springing well. I wish for the tears of David pierced with the matter of Uriah, the mourning of Jeremiah, and the dejection of Manasseh. I recollect and confess in particular unto thee my more grievous sins (the rest are without number) in the bitterness of my soul. Thus and thus have I done etc. I give glory to thee as Achan, I confess and am confounded at the enormity and presumption and villainous circumstances of my offences, as etc. I hide not my unrighteousness, as Adam in the garden, who led the way of sinning and of repentance. I hide not, I cannot hide, but with tears and dread remorse acknowledge to thy most pure and omniscient Majesty my faults, my follies, yea rather my wilfulness, my hardness, my vices, my criminal and deplorable life. And lo here I judge and reprove and condemn myself at the bottom of thy throne: and yet I am not enough abased. He cannot fall too low, whose merit is hell. My deformation and destruction is only from myself, from my perverse and incorrigible self: my relief and salvation is from thee only. Father, thou knowest my sins, and thou knowest my anguish. It is not easy to transgress thy commands, and reflect upon the transgressions. My flesh trembleth for f●ar of thee: and I am afraid of thy judgements, O Lord. I dread that great day, when the thrones shall be set, the books opened, and my shameful life recited, and all my works of darkness exposed in perfect light. I tremble, lest the blessed Jesus, who shed his blood for my redemption, and hath so earnestly urged and offered me pardon and peace and eternal life, should then condemn me: and the mighty angels and holy men of all ages and nations, newly clothed with immortal and illustrious bodies, hiss me from the righteous Tribunal, and the mouth of hell receive my body and soul into exquisite torments without light or pity. My present horror and confusion is great: but what is this to everlasting burnings? III. Supplication. GReat and gracious God, Father and fountain of mercies, have mercy upon me an● spare me. Out of the depths do I cry unto thee. I have depressed by stained and miserable soul to the brink of hell. Out of the depths do I cry unto thee, Father spare me, Father pity me. I am oppressed, I am in great misery: my soul is exceeding sorrowful as unto death: Eli, Eli, hear me and pardon me. Enter not into judgement with me, who am dust and ashes, sin and weakness: Let not the storm overwhelm me, nor the depth of sorrow swallow me up, nor the sense of thy anger destroy me. Psal. 69.15. Father, I am no more worthy to be called thy son, or to be reckoned in thy creation. But according to the infinity of thy mercies, O Lord, do away my iniquity, and blot out my transgressions. Psal. 51.1, 2. My heart faileth me: O Lord make hasts to help me. Psal. 40.30. By thy cries and pains, O Jesus, deliver me from the guilt and burden of my sins, from the terrors of my wakened conscience, and from the unconceivable torments of hell. By thy wounded head, thy bored hands, they lanced side, thy pierced feet, thy tortured body and afflicted soul; by all the disgraces and passions of Gethsemane, Gabbatha and Golgotha save me and deliver me, O Christ, at this hour, and at the hour of death, and in the day of judgement. Amen. Father and Saviour and Comforter, let this bitter cup pass from me I humbly beseech thee. Look upon me, O precious Saviour, Lamb of God, in my sorrow and distress, as once thou didst on Peter that denied thee and wept bitterly: Compassionate me as thou didst the sinful Magdale●e, and as thou didst the penitent thief, who confessed and believed in the anguish and paroxysm of the Cross. I deserved all their griefs and ten thousand pains and punishment more. Intercede now for me, Holy Jesus, with thy dying petition, Father forgive them; for they know not what they do. O Lord of glory, I look unto thee, I earnestly look unto thee whom I have pierced: whom not so much Herod and Pontius Pilate and the Roman soldiers, as sinful and wretched I have dishonoured, pierced and crucified. Lord forgive, Lord save me, or I perish for ever. The Christ of God hide me in thy wounds. By the blood of thy testament revive and release me. I hope in thy merciful intercession. For thy Fatherly tenderness, and the numberless blessings already received from thy bountiful hand, and through the passion and mediation of thy beloved Son, and by the unutterable groans and suggestions of thy holy Spirit, pardon and deliver me, Lord God Almighty. Amen. IV. Resolution. I will never adventure more to try and weary the grace and patience of Almighty God, the righteous judge and avenger. I now break off my sins by repentance and resolved amendment. I see what brought me to this shameful and perilous defection: it was this occasion, that invitation, that excess, that eye; this rashness, that supinity. Wherefore I now solemnly Renounce, cast off, and abominate the wicked and wounding practices of my life, as &c; together with all their inducement, and principles. From this very hour, and blessed be God who hath granted me this hour, by prayer, temperance, charity, industry, fear and caution in all my actions and enterprices, I fully purpose, and now begin, God hel●ing me of his infinite goodness and pity, to alter and Reform my life, according to the gospel and example of Jesus Christ my Lord: and also by kindness, charity and almsdoing, I will manifest to the world the sincerity and vigour of my Repentance and renovation. V. Petition for grace. HOly Father, incline, direct and fortify my heart to pursue this pious and necessary Resolution; that iniquity be not my ruin. Ezek. 18.30. Thy grace is sufficient for me. Lord soften, bruise▪ change and reform my soul according to thy own will according to thy own image, and after the likeness and innocence of Adam, when thou first breathest into him life and reason; yea according to the same t●mper and purity, I most humbly beseech thee, wherein by thy grace I once ascended from the laver of Regeneration. Tit. 3.5. Amen for Jesus Christ his sake. Pardon and destroy not: Am●nd and destroy not, Most merciful Creator, the work of thy own hands, by me presumptuously and shamefully profaned: Destroy not, O blessed Saviour, the purchase of thy precious blood, the decaying part of thy mystical body. Destroy not, O Holy Spirit, the subject of thy regeneration and various bounty. Destroy not, O everblessed and everadored Trinity, the humblest and meanest of all that believe and worship thy Majesty. Oh break not this bruised re●d. Let the wicked forsake his ways, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon, for Jesus' sake. Isa. 55.7. Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, (alas, I feel my transgressions heavy and numberless as the sands of the sea) and I will give you rest, saith the compassionate Saviour. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest for your souls. Matth. 26.28.29. This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief, I the vilest. 1. Tim. 1.15. Such gracious sentences of the Holy Scriptures are my last hold, are my plank. O Lord, make haste to help me. Sickness and Pain. CHAP. XVII. I Will bear thy indignation, O Lord, till mercy prevaileth against judgement, because I have sinned against thee. Micah. 7.9. Why should I, yet living I complain for the punishment of my sin, for any thing short of unquenchable fire? Thou knowest whereof we are made. Remember O Lord that I am but dust, a fading flower, and a transient blast: remember for his sake, who out of infinite condescension and pity bore our nature and our infirmities. Amen. Psal. 103.14, 15, 16. All my desire is before thee, O Lord, and my groaning is not hid from thee. Turn unto me, O Lord, and deliver my soul for thy mercy's sake. Enlighten and cleanse and heal and revive thy servant, that my ways may please thee: that I may see the goodness of thy chosen, and rejoice with thine inheritance. Amen. Though the outward man perish, (alas I perceive, I feel it perishing) yet, good Lord, renew the inwar●●an day by day: Secure the part immortal, that which understands thee, loves thee, praises thee, and now aspires to thy beatific presence, for Christ's sake. See CHAP. VI §. 1. of this Book. Hope in God, and Resignation to his Pleasure. CHAP. XVIII. See CHAP. VI §. 8. of this Book. O Wretched creature that I am, who shall deliver me from this body of death? Rom. c. 7.24. The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1. Cor. 15.55, 56, 57 I will run with patience the race that is set before me, for the crown of indefectible glory which it leads to; looking unto a great cloud of witnesses of godly fortitude and constancy, yea rather looking unto the meek Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, our hope and our resolution. Hebr. 12.1, 2. Thee only do I fear, O heavenly Father, and in thee only do I trust. Thy mercy is as ready as thy power: and thy power maketh and maintaineth all things. I will ever hope in thy mercy, through Jesus Christ: for I know no end thereof. Amen. Whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. Hebr. 12.6. It is good for me that I have been afflicted. I know, O Lord, that thy judgements are right: and that thou of very faithfulness hast caused me to be troubled. Before I was afflicted I went astray: but now thy law is my delight and my attention. O let my heart be sound in thy statutes, that I be no more ashamed. Psal. 119.67, 71, 75, 80. Behold here I am, let him do to me, as seemeth good unto him. 2 Sam. 15.26. O my Father, not as I will, but as thou wilt, for his sake; who for the life of the world once prayed thus unto thee, with great affection, tears and innocence. Amen. Matth. 26.39. My cup is not so bitter: I am not yet come to the cross. O Lord God of hosts, blessed is the man that confideth in thee. Psal. 84.13. The Profession of the Catholic Faith. CHAP. XIX. I. AS I have often, God giving me the grace and opportunity, professed and recited the sum of a Christian man's belief, contained in the Apostles Creed and in the Nicene Creed in the Liturgy of the Church: so now at my wished departure from this world, I renew the same Confession and recognition, desiring that heaven and earth might now hear me, as I hope they will at the happy day of the Resurrection, cheerfully, thankfully and sincerely declaring: II. I Believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, I acknowledge, fear and adore one God, spiritual, invisible, eternal, most holy, Almighty and omnipotent, distinguished into three glorious persons, the Father and the Son and the holy Ghost. I will always own, and to utmost peril assert, the infinite power and justice and mercy of God the Father, who made the world out of nothing, and every moment upholds and governs it by his gracious providence, and in this Systeme hath made, sustained, and blessed me by wonderful favour. And I believe in jesus Christ his only begotten Son our Lord: who was conceived by the holy Ghost, O inestimable mercy and most astonishing mystery, born without sin of the Virgin Mary: suffered under Pontius Pilate, a plenary sacrifice and expiation for the sins of the world: was crucified with exquisite torment and anguish: dead and buried, to teach us profound humility and self denial and martyrdom, and to take away the sting and terror of death. He descended into hell. The third day he rose again from the dead, to justify all the faithful; and to invite them to a new and noble and heavenly life. He ascended into heaven: where I long to see thee, and to kiss thy feet, most bl●ssed Saviour. Wash my soul first in thy blood: cleanse it from thy pierced side, that it may be fitted and prepared for that most holy and sublime mansion. And sittteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty, a most merciful and benign mediator. From whence he shall come with astonishing glory and pomp to juage me and all the quick and dead. O judge impartial and Almighty, I fear thee, I prepare for thy advent, I prejudge and condemn myself for the corruptions of my life, I fly to thy cross, I hide me in thy wounds. My faith embraceth thy salvation. Lord pardon me and receive me into thy favour. I believe in the holy Ghost, the efficacious and invisible guide and patron of all humble souls, and the author of wisdom, compunction, holiness and constancy. I believe and own the holy Catholic Church the choice and inheritance, and the care and love of God, called from all nations of the world into one faith and one hope: wherein I have a part by infinite grace. I believe the Communion of saints, I hasten to the Church triumphant. I believe the remission of sins, by thy merits, O holy Jesus, the sure hope and comfort of the living and of the dying. I believe the resurrection of the body, of this diseased, earthy, painful, decaying body. I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that at the last day after death and corruption this very flesh, shall stand up spiritual, illustrious and immoral by the power and the example of Christ's rising, and be rapt up to meet him, in the clouds. job. c. 19 and 1 Thes. 4▪ 7. Blessed, ever-blessed be the glorious and glorifying JESUS. Finally I believe the life everlasting, even for me, who am unworthy of another secular and encumbered life, worthy of perpetual misery and fiery indignation altogether unworthy of the vision of God and unchangeable felicity. But thy grace is like thyself, O Lord, infinite and incomprehensible. I receive it with all lowliness and confusion. I humble myself to the dust for this unvaluable mercy. Father, fit me for thy promise and bounty. Amen, Amen. III. I Heartily bless God, that I was so early baptised into this faith. I glorify him, that by his own support in frequenting the offices of the church, I have so long lived in a firm profession of this saving doctrine. And now, God preserving me from the snare of the devil, I resolve and I rejoice to die in the same belief. Moreover I humbly beseech the Church the pillar and ensign of truth, and all my friends, to pray for me, that my faith fail not, especially at the hour and agony of d●ath▪ and also to implore God's forgiveness, as for the rest of my sins, so especially if through the violence of my dis●ase or pain, I shall then speak unadvisedly and against the intention of a sober and Christian mind; for the sake of the wounded and crucified Saviour. Amen. O my friends, live better than I have done. No service, no care, no vigour and zeal can any ways answer the bounty of Almighty God; who nourisheth us upon his earth, enlightens us from his heavens, and concludes our mortality with everlasting life, satisfaction and glory. O love the Lord by whom you breathe: love the Lord that sent Jesus Christ into the world to save sinners. IU. I Lay hold on this occasion to declare freely before God's minister and my friends, the more remarkable passages of my life, from my birth to this hour: that they may glorify God for his many benefits and extraordinary indulgence to me a most unprofitable and ungrateful servant: and may also beware themselves of the errors and offences, which have disgraced and polluted my conversation: and likewise, if I have done any thing worthy and laudable, that it may sink down into their hearts, and be followed by them and all the church, to the greater honour of Christ, whose purchase and pity we are. Amen. V. ALmighty and most merciful Author and Father I bless thee, I glorify the, with all holy angels and happy souls, for thy six days Creation, for the light shining out of Chaos and darkness, and the Chaos made out of nothing: for the heavens and waters, the earth and plants, the sun and moon, the fish and fowl: for the beasts of the earth; but especially for Adam, the origine of humanity, the archive of reason and piety, the admirable and admiring possessor of the recent and impolluted world. I praise thee for thy holy Sabbath, the image and notice of solemn devotion on earth, and also of everlasting rest in heaven to all the workers of righteousness. I bless thee for conserving the world for so many thousand years in the same estate and order: for delivering and defending thy faithful people in all ages with or without natural means: and for overruling the counsels and attempts of potentates unto thy own greater glory▪ I praise thee, I adore thee for recovering lapsed Adam and his tainted posterity, by the early promise and opportune advent of the alsufficient Saviour Jesus Christ. I bless thee for the Holy Bible the richest treasure upon earth. I thank thee for setting me down in the world in this age of great knowledge, both humane and divine. I praise thee for all the wisdom and invention, prudence and virtue, magnificence, good works and piety of all that ever lived in the world. I praise thee for the noble and numberless host of guardian angels, wise and powerful prophets, and apostles and evangelists, valiant martyrs and confessors, pious kings and priests and benefactors, and for the humble and holy men of all times, our limitation and comfort and glory. O let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his Amen for Christ's sake. Desire of Absolution, and of my Change. CHAP. XIX. I. VOuchsafe me, O Lord, the power and occasion of doing some good, after all the evil I have committed and the scandals I have given, before I go hence and be no more seen: But chiefly grant me a good end of this vain and troublesome life, and at length a glorious resurrection, through Jesus Christ Amen. We know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, and I perceive my frame now loosening and falling, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands eternal in the heavens. And this we groan earnestly, desiring to be clothed upon with our house, which is from heaven. We groan, being burdened with disease and sin and sorrow and vanity and flesh, to be clothed upon with a immarcescible vest of purity and glory; that mortality may be swallowed up of endless life, and we be no longer absent from the Lord. Amen. Cor. c. 5.1, 4. I am now ready to be offered, the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight (O words of gold, O happy exite of Christian zeal and fidelity,) I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord the righteous judge shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but to all them also that love his appearing. 2 Tim. c. 4.7. II. COme now, O holy Priest, servant of the most high God, direct and amend my confessions, dissolve my doubts, especially &c. Pray for me, pray earnestly for me particularly concerning &c. the more, grievous lapses and blots of my life. Help forward, Divine man, my repentance; compassionate and concur with my tears▪ Then preach to me the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ, and open the vail of infinite mercy to my tender and trembling soul. I have Forgiven all the world. I have made Restitution to my utmost power of all injuries and scandals done by me: and am very sorry, that I cannot make greater amends, quadruple amends for all wrongs. I have renounced and abominated all my evil practices with contrition and shame. I have thrown myself entirely upon the mercy of God in Jesus Christ. I have recited the Creed with sincerity, resolution, and thankfulness. I verily believe, that God who gave me this mortal life together with numberless blessings, is now as ready to grant me everlasting happiness, through the alone merits of Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour. Come therefore, O holy Priest, my esteem and reverence: Come, happy guide of my flitting soul; use I humbly beseech thee the authority and office, which our blessed Lord hath given thee: And pronounce over this lowly▪ cleansed and renewed creature, by God● command, and in his name, and through his power alone, the sentence that I ardently long for, the words worthy o● all acceptation, worthy the ministry of an angel. The Lord hear, the Lord bless, the Lord Absolve, the Lord Ratify. THE PRIEST. OV● Lord jesus Christ, who hath l●st power to his Church to absolve all sinners, who truly repent and believe in him, of his great m●rcy forgive thee thine offences: And by his authority committed to me, I absolve thee f●om all thy sins, In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Amen in heaven. Amen. Amen. Hosanna in the highest. I take this Remission with utmost humility. I believe it ratifyed by thee, most gracious Father, the only Author and source of pardon and peace. I give thanks unto thee, most affectionate thanks unto thy Eternal Majesty for this inestimable mercy, and I long to expire in thanksgiving. Henceforth to me to live is Christ, to die is gain. Phil. 1.21. III. I Humbly thank thee, holy Priest, for this great, reverend and charitable Office. God prosper thee, and the whole Clergy, and all his faithful people upon earth; who are of the same body and interest with the blessed in heaven. Amen. IV. BLessed, blessed indeed is he, whose unrighteousness is forgiven, and whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputeth no sin, and in whose spirit there is no guile. Psal. 32.1, 2. Lord, now le●test thou thy servant depart in peace according to thy word. I desire no more of earth, of sinful earth. I lo●g for thee only, O God▪ My soul pants after thee; my departing soul is a thirst for the living God. O gather it, I most humbly beseech thee by the love and deserts of Jesus, clean and spotless into rest and glory everlasting. Amen. Come Lord Jesus, come quickly▪ Jesus receive my spirit. I am now going to an estate perfectly new, new heavens, new time, new life and new glories. The change is unconceivably great, amazing and unalterable. Nothing is like it here below, but Divine contemplations and the ardours of the Eucharist. Look, O look Gracious God, upon the face of thy perishing child, and make the separation of this soul and body as calm and easy, as their union was and as it shall be. I pass, I pass into Eternity: O for the sake of Jesus who went through the same shades, while the earth sinks down towards its earth, most merciful Father, Sanctify, Save and Receive this soul that trusteth in thee, and fleeth to thee. It is finished. HALLELVIAH. PSALM CXXXIX. CHAP. XXI. O Lord thou searchest me throughout, Mark'st every secret and recess, My sitting down and rising up, And all my thoughts, before I guess. Th' Eternal eye doth follow me Through every step, at every stay: And while I speak, before they're formed Thy Spirit takes the words away. Thy presence (and I dread the thought) Encloseth me on every part: Is intimate and piercing, far Beyond conceit of humane heart. How can I shun thee, Ray Divine, Or whither shall I from thee slay? Heaven is thy throne, if I go there: And hell I fear, as hell doth thee. If to the Western main I post, The bound of nations and of day; There shall the gleam of Providence Surprise and bless me in its way. The night shall shroud me, and within The shadow of the earth I'll lie: But shadows, clouds, & this whole glob● Are glass and brightness to thy eye. Thou saw'st me in the stove of life; Thou saw'st me, for thou laidst me there: A piece of strange and various art, Worthy thy finger and thy care, Framed and embroidered in a cell Secret as night and deepest mines: A draught too fine for microscope, Complete in all its parts and lines. How numerous is thy grace, O God, From that small embryo to this man, More than the sands, more than my faults Or what no artist reckon can. Search me, O Lord, and sound my heart, Examine every valve and string: Amend the Motion, and to bliss Direct it with a lasting spring. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS EXPOUNDED Literally, in the direct and common sense both of Jews and Christians: As also Spiritually, and in great part from our SAVIOUR'S Sermon on the mount. Matt. c. 5. c. 6. and c. 7. CHAP. XXII. EXOD. CHAP. XX. I. GOd spoke these words and said, I am the Lord thy God: Thou shalt have no other gods but me. I believe, I trust in, I adore with deepest reverence of body and mind, I worship according to what is revealed in the Holy Scriptures, and I fear and obey above all things One God Eternal, maker and governor of the world, and infinitely more excellent than all his creatures. Spiritually. I desire to behave myself in all places as one that really believes, and daily confesses, and sincerely worships and fears one Almighty, all-knowing, Spiritual, most excellent, most righteous and most merciful God, author and ruler and judge of all. II. Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven image, nor the likeness of any ●hing that is in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, or in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down to them nor worship them. For I th● Lord thy God a● a jealous God, and ●isit the sins of th● fathers upon th● children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, and show mercy unto thousands in them that love me and keep my commandments. I will not show any sign or token of religious reverence, trust and devotion to any idol or figure, molten or graven or painted, of the false Gods of the heathens. I will not consult them, or pray to them, or thank and praise them, as my protectors and benefactors: nor will I build temples or altars to them, nor offer sacrifice and oblations to them. Nor will I make any idols for others to worship, nor any ways confer to and meddle with the sacrifices and superstitions of Idolaters: nor will I consult wizzards, or use any enchantment. Moreover I will not honour any creature, angel or man or other, as as Gods, or as representations and and signs and memorial of the on● true God, with the solemn worship, supplication, praises, thanksgiving, faith and reliance, self dedication and obedience, which I in duty render to the most blessed, incorporeal and invisible Creator of all things: but will avoid all occasions of such superstition and profaneness. Spiritually. I put my trust and final hope and confidence in God only: not in riches, or strength, or honour, or wisdom, nor in any creature in heaven or on earth. To God I fly by humble prayers in all my concerns and distresses: and upon his gracious providence I wholly rest for the direction and success of all lawful means. I also beseech his Eternal wisdom to enlighten my understanding with most reverend and convenient conceptions of his infinitely perfect and glorious Majesty. III. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, for the Lord wil● not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. I will not dare to invoke and allege the great and reverend name of God to an untruth, or to any light and trivial matter▪ Nor will I dare to blaspheme and speak evil of Gods most holy and dreadful Majesty, his eternity, perfection, providence and government. Nor will I swear, when lawfully called and urged to it, but by the name of the living and omniscient God, in certain knowledge and righteousness. Spiritually. I will always speak and discourse with great leisure, care and awe, concerning the power and the justice and the mercy of God. I will never mock or jest or play with the word of God, or with any verse or phrase of it; nor with any holy and solemn thing or person: But take all heed that my talk within doors and without be innocent and profitable. I will also frequently repeat my Sacramental vows, and bend my words and actions thereunto, the Lord helping me. IV. Remember that thou keep holy the sabbath day. Six days shalt thou labour and do all that thou hast to do: but the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God. In it thou shalt do no manner of work, thou nor thy son and thy daughter, thy manservant and thy maidservant, thy cattle and the stranger that is within thy gates. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth the sea and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the seventh day and hallowed it. I will observe the rules of my religion. Spiritually. I will take care that I and all belonging to me do sanctify the Lords day; abstaining from worldly business except for charity, and frequenting the public prayers and sermons and sacraments, and visiting the sick, and relieving the poor; and at home reading and meditating on the holy Scriptures. I will also spend part of other holy days in prayers and praises of God, in public and in private. Finally in my family I will daily use domestic prayers. V. Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long in the land, which the Lord thy God giveth thee. I will obey, I will reverence outwardly by all signs of honour, and inwardly by fear and awe of mind, all my superiors spiritual and temporal, my parents, master and mistress, priest and ruler, according to their several degrees and authorities▪ in all things not plainly repugnant to God's word: and when ever they command any thing contrary thereunto; if I may not according to law, righteousness and honour appeal to a superior power on earth, I will patiently submit to their censures and penalties. I will also readily pay my tithes and taxes. I will reverence the aged, the wise, the noble, and those that are in office. Lastly I will commend and assist, feed and maintain my parents, as they need. Spiritually. I will not seek undutifully or idly to withdraw my s●lf from the command and power of my governor's: but make good my promises, oaths and obligations to them in all things. VI Thou shalt do no murder. I will not kill, nor by any means hasten the death of myself or any other man: but rather forwarn and prevent any imminent hurt and hazard. Nor will I revenge or retaliate or bear in mind any injury, unkindness, calumny or reproach. Nor will I go to war, but upon an evidently righteous cause and commission, and in the apparent danger of the public. Spiritually. I will be grievous and troublesome to none. I will not be angry without very just cause, nor then will I let the sun go down in my wrath. I will hate no body in the world: but love all God's creatures; and I will readily forgive, pity, pray for and help both friends and enemies in their distress. I will also use all prudence▪ temperance and lawful means to preserve my body in health as the engine of God's glory, till he call for it. VII. Thou shalt not commit adultery. I will not commit adultery or fornication, or be assisting thereunto▪ nor will I use any unchaste behaviour. nor will I marry any of my kindred forbidden Leu. c. 18. Nor will I seek to be divorced, but for great and necessary causes, as adultery etc. I will abstain from the foments of lust and cruelty, as gluttony, strong drinks, bloud-eating etc. Spiritually. I will endeavour by temperance or fasting, by diligence in my calling, by prayer, by reading the pure word of God, by discreet and pious company, and by modest apparel, and profitable discourse, to avert all unclean thoughts and desires, and not suffer my eye to offend. VIII. Thou shalt not steal. I will not steal any thing or person, nor conceal any theft. I will not deceive, cheat and overreach in my dealing any person, young or old, simple or wise: nor will I ●alsify my word or my trust: nor waste or deny any goods, lands, writings or pledge of another's, which I have in my power. Nor will I encroach upon, or crush and oppress any body, as by overworking the labourer, defrauding or diminishing his wages, or by undue usury and immoderate lucre for any loan, service, bargain or game. Nor will I by violence or out of revenge seize any person or goods. Nor will I give mischievous counsel to any. Spiritually. I will hurt no body▪ but do as I would be done to, yea do what good I can in the world. IX. Thou shalt not hear false witness against thy neighbour. I will not bear false witness before a magistrate God's ordinance. Nor will I invent or spread abroad any slander and false report against any man. Nor for profit, or out of fear, friendship or obedience, nor upon any account whatsoever will I tell a lie: nor will I disclose the secrets of my friend, but for righteousness sake. Spiritually. I will live honestly, peaceably and courteously with all men, without guile and hypocrisy, without censoriousness, without malice and pride, and all their symptoms. X. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his servant, nor his maid, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is his. I will not endeavour by indirect means and contrivances, as threats▪ quarrels, fraud, bribery, flattery and enticements, to procure any part of the estate, goods or family of my neighbour. For though unjust desires and thoughts are open and obnoxious to the Divine vengeance: yet only things done, or words spoken are punishable by men: and such are the breaches of these Ten Commandments in their Literal and General sense. Spiritually. Without envy and with very good content, I thank God for my present estate; imploring his blessing on my diligence to continue or advance it, that I may be more charitable, useful, beloved and reputable, while I live. Lord have mercy upon us, and write all these thy laws in our hearts we beseech thee. Amen. Hebr. c. 8.10. FINIS.