An APPENDIX, TO A DISCOURSE OF INDICTIONS: And to a Newly Published Discourse OF THE JUBILEE OF THE Kingdom of Christ. Approaching at the next following Vernal Equinox; in our Vulgar Account, 1701. Proposed to the most Learned in Scripture, History, Chronology; or, Arithmetic and Accountancy, for deep Consideration. THE Prophetic Line of Time, from the Death of Solomon, to the glorious Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ; which I have, for several Years last passed, established upon the greatest Reasons of Scripture Prophecy, and its Chronology; with the fairest Agreement of Universal History, and Chronology; is now confirmed to me, by the Indictional Frame, or Fifteen of Years, of which it is composed; that doth demonstrate it to be one and the same entire Line, th● given at several Times, in several Cantons or Parts; and that it was so constituted by the Divine Spirit, that we might know it to be one Line: And that by the Laws of Indiction, we may know where the Distributions Begin and End. That even as by the Historical and Prophetical Assignations of them, we have one view of them; so by Indictions we may have even Arithmetical Demonstration of their Bounds. The Line itself, I present in the very Letter of Scripture, in plain open view. Years Ezekiel's Visional bearing the Iniquity (Ezek. 4. 4. 5) of the House of Israel on his left side; a Day for a Year. 390 Ezekiel's Turning on his Rightside, immediately after the 390 Days accomplished; and bearing the Iniquity of the House of Judah, forty Days, (v. 6. 8.) without turning from one side to another, to confuse one time with another; and Bands Laid on him to that purpose by God. 40 The long Line beginning with the Persian Monarchy; given therefore visionally by the River Ulai, in the Palace of Shushan, in the Province of Elam: All Persian; of 2300 Eus-morns, according to the Prophetic Standard, a Day for a Year: During the time of the Sanctuary Trodden under Foot, until the cleansing, or Justification of it. 2300 The distribution of this long Line of 2300 Eusanius Morn's, into its several Parts. 1. The Time supposed of the Word's going forth to Restore Judah, and Jerusalem, (after the Seventy years of the Babylonish Captivity; and in all appearance, ending with the Forty Years of bearing Judah's Sin;) and beginning just before the Seventy Weeks, which commence from the time of the Word's going forth; which took up a valuable Space, Dan. 9 25. For it was by the Commandment, and according to the Decree of Cyrus, Darius, Artaxerxes; and whose Decrees are written by Ezra, Ezr. 6. 14. This space is by great Scripture and Chronologic Reasons, and now by Indictions, shall be demonstrated to be. 75 The Time of the seventy Weeks, Forty nine of which join with the time of the Word's going forth to restore; and make an 124 Years with the Building the Wall by Artaxerxes His Letter on that Account, Nehem. 2. etc. of which Nehemiah gives the History. Sixty two of the Weeks run to the public Appearance of the Messiah, Dan. 9 During his more retired Life, till his appearance as a Prince and Leader, at the one Week of his Public Ministry, v. 25. Confirming the Covenant, and sealing it by his Death, v. 27. in the half or middle of the Week; then for the other half Week, committing it to his Apostles, with the Spirit poured out, Revel. 6. 1. Represented by Christ's opening the First Seal; going out Conquering, and to Conquer; According to the Prophet's Standard. 490 From the End of the Weeks to the Beginning of the little Horns, (Dan. 7. 25.) Time, Times, and half Time, made out by great Scriptural and Historical Arguments, and Indictionally demonstrated The Time of the Seals Opened. The 400 The Time of the Time, Times and half Time, of the little Horns, (c. 12.7.) wearing, scattering the Saints of the most High, and of the Church in the Wilderness; Rev. 11. 3. c. 12. 6, 14. the Witnesses Prophecy, in Sackcloth, with which concur the Gentiles, (Rev. 11. 1. c. 13. 5.) and the Beasts 42 Moons. 1260 The Additional time of Thirty, or two Indictions, added to the Times, and half of 1260, making 1290, under the Character of Time, From the taking away the dally Sacrifice. 30 The Addition of Forty Five, or Three Indictions to 1290, making 1335, reaches to the Blessed state of the Kingdom of the Resurrection, when Daniel shall stand in his Lot of the New Jerusalem; which cannot be without the Resurrection. 45 Now, as it is most certain by Account, that these Sums laid together make 2730 Indict. So it is most certain, even to Arithmetic Demonstration; they arise by Indictions, or Fifteen. 182 That the Divine Spirit hath put an Honour upon the Number Fifteen, in choosing it for the Day of the so solemn Feast of Tabernacles; which he made a great Type of his Kingdom, as appears by the most awful reading the Law on an indicted Time in it, in the Year of Release, Deut. 31. 10. Adorning it with Paradisiac Appearance in the most goodly Boughs; and by the Prophetic Representation of the state of the Kingdom of Christ, under the keeping that Feast, Zech. 14. 16. and the Misery of those who are shut for ever out of that Kingdom, in their not keeping it, and the peculiar mention of it in the Vision of Ezekiel's glorious Temple, Ezek. 45. 25. But that he hath chosen it in this Line of Time, is the Business now in hand, and to be made out beyond Contradiction; for the whole Twenty seven hundred thirty is all composed of Fifteen: Some peculiar Parts of it are given in such Numbers, as Fall into Fifteen of themselves; as 390, 1260, 1290, 1335; each of which deserve great Consideration: The Three hundred Ninety, as the First Part of the Line of Time, hath this peculiar Remark; That as it is the First Part, so it gives Measure and Frame to the whole: For as it is perfectly composed of Indictions; So it is most observable; Three Hundred Ninety multiplied by the Number Seven, of which Scripture makes so great Use in all Things, and in all Prophecy; both on Accounts of Mercy, of Grace; and of punishment for Iniquity, Levit. 26. I say the First Three Hundred Ninety multiplied by Seven, makes up the whole Prophetical Line of Twenty seven Hundred Thirty; and so casts all into Indictions, or Fifteen, as any one moderately skilled in Accountancy, will easily find. In the Thirteen hundred thirty five, the End, and shutting up of the whole Line, in the Fullness of all Times; There is, as I may humbly express, a Care and Diligence, and even an Industry of the Divine Spirit, to compose it into Indictions, or Fifteen. For in the twelve hundred and sixty, as the whole is all Indiction, so each Division is according to indicted Time: Time, or one Time 36● Years: Two Times, or one Time doubled, 720 Years. One time halved or 180 Y. each is perfect Indictional, and so the Hebrew first gave it its Style סועד: And that the Prophetic Spirit might awaken us to know, All is intentional; when he makes an Addition to 1260. It is by two Indictions, or Fifteen, in, 1290. When he makes an Addition to 1290, it is by Three Fifteen, 1335. Whoever considers these Things, can no more think This could be by Chance, Then that Things argued from their Train, Series, and connexion in Creation, and Providence, to be the Products of an infinite Mind, could be by Chance. Can any one come after the Divine Spirit, and find that in his Writings, that he had not laid there? Or, could He lay them there and not know he laid them there himself; and could He be supposed to lay them there but as a Depositum, a Prophetical Treasure, prepared for great Ends and Purpoposes: As 1. That we might know beyond the power of Objection, That this whole Line, beginning at the Death of Solomon, when Israel and Judah became two Houses, or Kingdoms, is one solid, real, and not imaginary one continued, and Progredient, and not divided, tho' distinguished Line to the Blessed State: It therefore gins in the Indictional 390, and so ends in 1335; so even curiously contrived into Indictions, and the middle part comprised between both, into the whole Indictional Frame, tho' in various Numbers, as is presently to be shown. The supreme Wisdom of the great Arithmetician, or Wonderful Numberer, as he is called, Dan. 8. 13. (see Margin there) is seen in his Arithmetic Frame. We cannot attain to its Persection; for there is Wonder and Secrecy in it: But there is what we may apprehend, by considering, how, and when that style of Time, Indictions, or Fifteen of Years, came into Use; Lustres, or Account of Time by five of Years, had been long before; but then these Five triplicated, or three joined together, and called Indictions, according to the very Hebrew Word, before noted, came into known and public use at a peculiar Time, when Providence knew Prophecy would have need of it: And as Indictions are constituted of the Number Five, which is the Number giving spring to all Parts of these Numbers, and indeed of all the most Cardinal Numbers; the whole Composure is most wonderful of Five, so joined by Three. The Time then of Indictions coming into known and public Use, is that time agreed by all History; when the Roman Empire from Pagan, became Christian; under Constantine, memorialized, The Great, the First Christian Emperor: Since which time, it hath continued in use at Rome, and in what is called the Empire, to this day: Now from its first entrance, it had a time of settlement, and of growing into a generally used Character of Time: The Roman Papacy was preparing for its Supremacy; and the Barbarous Nations, that were to be the Kingdoms of the Ten Kings, its Horns; and who should give their Kingdom and Power to it, were pressing into the Empire, as into an Outer-Court of Christian Profession, without the Power, being so much declined; and so began the 〈◊〉 two Moons of the Gentiles; and the Witnesses beginning their 1260 Days of Prophecy, clothed with Sackcloth, both for the Ruin of the Empire, as a Public Calamity; and for the Visible Beginnings of the Apostasy. And just about the Time when Providence had prepared the so now universally known Language of Indictions, or Fifteen of Years; by which Time, Times, and Half Indicted Time, might (had Prophecy been understood) have been certainly known to have Entered, viz. Some time between the Gentiles Pressing in upon the Empire, and their having settled into Kingdoms, and the Papacy with them. Thus the whole Line is settled upon its Frame of Indictions, as in its general view; but that we may more particularly and distinguishingly understand it, and how to discern Times by these Indictions, as under particular Distinctions of Time, is what I would now present: For, as if there had been a Line of Indictions, and yet no Distinctions in so long a Line, we could have made by Indictions alone, no Judgement of Time; So if there had not been Indictions, we could not have so exactly, and assuringly Judged of the Bounds of Time according to those Distinctions, in some Parts of the Line. That we may therefore the better Judge hereof, we must observe: This Indictional Line, though so wholly made up of Indictions, or Fifteen, as hath been shown, yet the Parts of it are variously given. Some Parts in Indictions. 390 1335 Some Parts in Numbers, but not in Indictions. 40 490 Some neither in Number; nor in Indictions, viz. The Time between Cyrus his Decree, and the Weeks beginning: The Time after the Weeks to the beginning of the 1335 Days, And yet both fall in with the whole Line into Indictions. And we may humbly conceive of the Reasons of all This. 1. It was necessary, the First Time of bearing Israel's Sin, or the First Three hundred Ninety Years in the Line, should be given in perfect Indiction, because it was to introduce the whole indictional Line; and to give, as it were, the Soul of Indiction to it. 2. It was as necessary the 1335 should be indictional, not only as shutting up, and consummating the indictional Line, but more principally, because that was the Course of Time, God was pleased to give the Criterion, or Knowledge of by Indictions; and Providence had prepared according to Prophecy. 3. The giving these two Parts of Time in Number, viz. The Forty Days of bearing Judah's Sin, was necessary, that the Time of the Babylonish Captivity ending, as a notable Pillar of Time, might be plainly known. But most necessary, the Weeks to Messiah should be so precisely given: That that lofty Pyramid of Time, called the Fullness of Time, might be prepared for, before 'twas erected; and then stand firm to the End of Time, and fullness of Times, viz. All Times, Gal. 4. 4. Ephes. 1. 10. or the Kingdom of Christ. But they are not given in Indictions; even as the Time before the Weeks, and after them, not so much, as in Number, because Prophecy was Pleased so far, to Veil itself; That it might, by close Search and Enquiry, be understood, and opened to those only, who, through Desire separating themselves, are stirred up by God, to intermeddle with that Wisdom: And withal, this Fluency of the Line of Time, from the End of the First 390, to the Beginning of the 1335, through the several successive Indictions, and the several distinctive Divisions of the Line by its Titles of Event upon it; as the words going forth, the Weeks, the Time of the Seals, is yet by them kept united, and conjoined with itself, while the same Indiction takes hold of one Part, and of the other in each Distinction; and will show, how according to the Laws of Indiction, those Years that are not numbered, are to be determined in their Numbers: And even in the very Parts of the Line, that are most under the guard of Indiction, yet those most lofty Columns of Event, distinguishing Time, may fall in the middle of an Indiction, or of a Fifteen; that though they divide Time, do not divide the Indiction from itself; each of which will now be seen. The most stately Pillars of Event, distinguishing Time in the Line, I look upon to be, 1. The Time of the Last Week of the 70, viz. The lofty Boundary of Time which the Christian Era of Account hath kept known and sure; and Extolled by the Style of the Fullness of Time, in Scripture; the Public Apostolate of the Highpriest, and Apostle of our Profession here on Earth; his Death, Resurrection, Ascension, and giving his Spirit in the Ministry of the Apostles, during the opening the First Seal within the last Week; going out on his White Horse, of Gospel-state; Conquering, and to Conquer. Rev. 6.1. 2. The Roman Empire becoming Christian, under Constantine, a very magnificent Pillar of time before mentioned, for the sake of Indictions, brought into public Knowledge and Use soon after. 3. The middle part of the Time, between the first Insults of the Barbarous Nations upon the Empire; and the very subjugating of it. For at that time, about the middle Point, viz. Four hundred Thirty Seven of Vulgar Account, than the Gentile 42 Moons entered; and the 1260 Days of the Witnesses Sackcloth begin; and therefore Great. 4. The Western Roman Empire, and the Imperial Exaltation of Rome, ceasing; and the Papacy entering with its 42 Moons, with which the Gentiles 42 Moons Colesce, and together make a Parallel Line, with the 1260 Days. This is a great and Cardinal Event of Time. 5. The Mahometan Imposture, and Tyranny, and Hegira beginning with the Saracenick Five Months of Torment, and five Months of Hurting Men, and five Months of Intervals, Revel. 9 v. 5, 10. Fairly allowable in its Intermissions, or declining State; and so given, as it were, Indictionally, with which admirably agrees the Duration of their Tyranny; as made out by the Reverend and Learned Annotator on the Revelations, to be 435. And then the Hour, Day, Month, Year of the Ootoman Empire, perfectly Mahometan also, endures a Judgement on the Anti Christian Papal state, while it lasts. 6. The Papal Supremacy made an Image to the Roman Imperial Power, by the other Beast, the Roman Hierarchy when it came to its Number: Its Command of Image-worship, and Interdiction of those who would not Worship: It's Anathematising upon Emperors on that account, Ratified by that Second Council of Nice: It's deposing Emperors, and taking upon itself a Right of disposing Crowns, and Kingdoms; all which bear a great Relation to the Indictional Time, in its two times at 1157, and unto 1517, tho' not proper here to insist upon. 7. The very stately Pillar of the Reformation, the most to be Celebrated Partition of the Beasts, or Papacy's First rising Time; and his two Times of Strength, and full Potentacy; and his half Time of Declination; from 1517; Are each and all exactly Indictional, and the Last by a Recent Agreement of History found at 1517. That which we now expect, is that greatest Glory of Indictional Time; the finishing of Wonders, or of the Mystery by the Angel of the Seventh Trumpet, at the End of the three Years and half, from the 1260, ending at 1697; and those three Years and a half to End at the next following Vernal Equinox of the Year, in Vulgar Account 1700, or 1701. That which remains now; is, to show how by the Rules and Laws of Indictions, in a whole Line constituted of Indictions, or Fifteen of Years; We may find, what Number, or propoportion of Years is to be determined to those two Parts of the Line, viz. First. From the Forty Years of Bearing the Sin of Judah, to the beginning of the 70 Weeks, or of the 490 Years (which was the time of the Words going forth.) Secondly. What proportion of Time, or Number of Years we may fix upon from those Seventy Weeks ending, or the Last Week, (That so lofty Pyramid of Time) to that so grand Indictional Time of the 13●35 Years, by which we may exactly know, at what time, and in what Year of Vulgar Account it began. The First of these I affirm to be 75. The Second 400. The whole we have to work upon are 1005 Years, perfectly Indictional. viz. 40 75 490 400 To this great purpose I would lay down these self-evident Rules and Laws of Indiction, which I thus apply, 1. That seeing the Line consists of Twenty seven-hundred and thirty Years; and 182 Indictions, there can be no Number added; not so much as an Unit, or taken away; even in those Parts of the Line not given in Number, much less in those given in Number; for as Room cannot be spared for more, so there can be no Vacuum or Emptiness in such a Line strictly given. 2. Whatever is given in Indiction by the Divine Spirit, must rest in Indiction, and not be stirred out of it, because the Spirit of Prophecy hath canonised it; so the 390, and the 1335 cannot help any portion of this Line not given in Indiction. Rule 3. When the whole Frame is perfectly Indictional, and yet there are several Portions not in themselves Framed into Indictions; those Parts must Borrow and Lend, out of, and to another, That they may be all Indictional; for though each Portion, as it is given in such a Number, and so considered, cannot be changed; yet when the whole Line is considered, as such a whole Entire Line composed of several Parts, and all Indictional. One Indiction or Fifteen succeeds another, without regard to each particular Number, but respects the whole as Indictional. Thus the Forty of bearing Israel's Sin, is not given by even Fifteen; but wants Five; Though then as a Portion of time so given, it cannot be more than Forty; yet as in the Indictional Frame it goes to the next Portion; the Time of the Words going forth, and borrows Five of that: That Portion accounted (as I affirm it should be) at 75, having lent Five, wants them for itself, as Indictional; it therefore goes on to the 490 of the Weeks, and borrows five of them: The Four hundred ninety of the weeks in the Indictional Frame than becomes but 485, by lending Five to the former Portion; but that Number having Five still supernumerary to Indiction, it offers those Five to the 400 following the Weeks, which receive them, so all becomes Indictional to perfection: And this hath nothing strange, but what is found in all Numbers, in a progrediency. Four Five may be accounted as each a distinct Number; and as together making Twenty: Considered as Five, each stay in themselves; Considered as making up Twenty, they flow in single Units one after another into Twenty; so in this Indictional Line, Numbers may be considered as limited to themselves, or flowing on Indictionally into such a number of Indictions. Thus Forty, and Four hundred ninety are Numbers limited to themselves, as such Numbers; but in an Indictional Frame, they freely take, and give according to the Law of Indictions, and the whole Line is as beautifully conjoined, as if each Part had been given in Indiction, even as the 1005 in the whole. But the great Doubt still remains, what Proof from Indictions may be given? That the time of the Words going forth, before the Weeks, was 75; for if that be proved, than it undeniably follows; the Time after the Weeks must be 400, and no more; and so what Proof can be given, the time after the Weeks was 400; for the Time, if that be proved, before the Weeks must be 75. the whole Line requiring there be neither more nor less; and the Thousand five of these Portions of Time are even as Indiction requires the same: And this further is absolutely necessary to be known, to fix the Time, viz. when the Twelve hundred sixty of the Witnesses Sackcloth began, and where we now are in Time: To fix this, I therefore consider these further Rules of Indiction. That there be no more taken or given from one Joint of the Line to the other, then just makes up the Indiction; now in the Rule of Proportion I have given, there is no more, then just Five making the First Forty five, which it wanted to make up three Indictions; the seventy five I settle upon before the Weeks, receive back the five, they lent, viz. Five from the 490 of the Weeks, making them just Five Indictions. The 490 of the Weeks having Ten supernumerary to Thirty two Indictions, and having lent five to the Time before the Weeks, lends also five to the Time after the Weeks, making them 405, and Twenty seven Indictions; Thus there is as little taken, as the very nature of Indictions will bear. Whatever is added to, or taken from any Partition of Time, must be added to, or taken from the Beginning and End of each Portion; For so this Law of Indictions requires, as the Forty have added to their End, taken from the Beginning of the Four hundred ninety of the Weeks: The Four hundred after the Weeks have Five taken from the End of the Weeks, set before their their Beginning; for thus only Indictions and Portions of Time will bear, and not to be Intruded upon in their intimate Parts. 3. That which exceedingly gives Beauty to this Frame is, That all is by three Lustres or Five, gathered up into one Indiction: Although therefore there might be other Numbers then 75, and 400; and other transposes from one to the other: Yet it is even Arithmetical Evidence, there could be no other Fixation so Curious, Beautiful, Symmetrall, and agreeable to an Indictional Line, as this. And it is not to be passed by; That these 75, as Five Indictions, are Symmetrally agreeable to the Seventy Five, or the Five Indictions, that Run beyond the 1260, to 133●, at the End of the 2300; So the same Number Gins and Ends that long Line. 4. There is yet one Assurance more from the Indictional Frame, that fills up the measure, shaken together, pressed down, and running over: And it is that the Forty two Moons of the Beast enter at that so Recorded Time of the Roman Western Empire ceasing in Vulgar Account, 476, and according to the Golden Number of Adequation of Lunar Time to Solar; brought in so long ago by Meton. Lunar Time bears the proportion of 1222 Years to 1260. There must therefore have run out from 475, Those 1222 Years at 97 ending; and they being to be joined to the Thirty Eight Years of the 1260 before them, and to the Moons of the Gentiles; All making up the Time, Times and half Time, or whole, 1260 Days: There is Room for no more than 400 Years, the time of the Seals opened from that so often mentioned lofty Pyramid of Time; the last of the Seventy Weeks ending 37 Years from the Christian Era or Incarnation; so general known and accounted by: And if there be Room for no more than 400; there must be 75, and no more between the 40 of bearing the Iniquity of the House of Judah, and the 490 of the Weeks according to the Prophetical Line given. And thus God hath been pleased to give such an Assurance to this stating of the Line of Time, as is deferred to the Julian Period, found by Scaliger; and so Approved of for its certainty: The adjustment of Solar, Lunar Time, and Indiction, one to another. Now seeing all this leads so demonstratively to Ninety seven elapsed, and that Scripture cannot be broken or dissolved; As hath been made out, It must needs be, That there must be a Reserve of Time, in the secret Counsels of Prophecy, of the Three Years and half so remarkably given, Revel. 11. And that have their Place in the First three Years and half of the 30, beyond 1260, viz. in the 1290, which 3 Y. and half shall Expire at the next Spring's Equation of Day and N. I humbly therefore present this so Full Representation, that I could not, nor durst Conceal: That when God had upon the several Arguments from Prophetic Images joined with Scripture and general Chronology, and History, been pleased to Found me on this very Scripture Line of Time, as appears by the Treatise Entitled, the Scripture Calendar of Prophetic Time, Published 1684. About an Indiction passed at 1699. He should be pleased to show me then such a Frame from Indictions or Fifteen of Years (of which it is so undeniable, his Word makes so great Account) even Arithmetically demonstrative; That it is even to my Admiration and Astoment. And I desire it should be wholly to the Glory and Praise of his Grace, and for the exciting Faith, Hope, Prayer. And I most freely submit it to the severest Examination, that is Scripturally Rational; I am most assured, Except very Letter of Scripture only, Nothing depending on Argument can be more Firmly, proved. And I find such an inward Assurance That if God should call me to it, I hope I should, through the Blood of the Lamb, and the word of his Testimony Overcome, even to the not loving of my Life to the Death on Account of it: Nor could I rejoice to survive it, if a Failure could possibly be supposed; but most humbly beg, with submission to the Divine Will; that he would grant me so much more of Life, as to see Ezekiels Ha-Galgal, that great Revolution of his Kingdom, That it might be cried in my hearing; Oh wheel, c. 10. 13. And because what I have now Written is the very highest, I can hope should be revealed in this great Point: I have added this Publication as an Appendix to a Treatise, Entitled; Indiction, or accounting by Fifteen, the Great Style of Prophetic Time; Published 99 and to another, Entitled; The Good Hope through Grace, The Jubilee of the Kingdom of Christ shall come on the Popish Jubilee. Published this 1700. And have nothing now to do, but with the Spirit, and the Bride, restlessly Day and Night to say, Come in the great Preparations to thy Kingdom at the next Springtime of thy Resurrection; viz. the Cessation of Antichristian Persecution, the Down-fall of Antichrist, the rising of the Witnesses, etc. Making it the Beginning of the sacred Year Anew; and then in thy Kingdom itself. And oh that all Saints would Join in the Harmony. Even so, come Lord Jesus, come quickly. The END. ERRATA. P. 9 l. 7. for twenty two Moons, put Forty two Moons. The Postscript in supply of a Preface to the Reader. AS it is truly said, Knowledge and Learning have no Enemy, but Ignorance; so Re search into the more retired Parts of Knowledge hath no Enemy but Prejudice, and a loathness either through the wait of Leisure, or vigour of Thoughts; or too great a ●ove of Easiness, and a walking on in a beaten or plain ●r●ck, and a Choice to sta● in Principle, and the Beginnings of the Doctrine of Christ: And when Men have chosen this, they seek a Justification from some Appearances 〈◊〉 Scripture and Reason: But ●till An● can make it appear, There are some Prophecies and Numeralls of them, which we are forbidden to inquire (or as I know they affect to express themselves) to pry into: T●●y can never persuade Any, to whom God hath given Minds, that have Understanding, to surcease their Diligence therein. And as to the present Indictional Frame presented, they have but one ●f these two things to do. 1. To deny that these Numbers are found in the Scriptures of Truth; Or, that there is a mistake in the casting them up: Neither of which I am sure, can be attempted by any in their, Understanding: And as it is supremely to be acknowledged to the Divine Being, that the very Excellency of that Being proves itself; So This very Line I have h●re offerred, proves itself in its kind: And therefore, That Ninety seven is passed off without so great Effecs, as were expected: We must either acquiese in God's Reserving the Three Days and half, viz. Three Years and half, as a Time of Delay to make his Infraction, and Breach on the Line, given us, known to us, because of our unsuitable Frame to so great a Glory, as his Kingdom's Opening; or we may suppose, there may be a Mistake in our Vulgar Computation from the Christian Era of the Incarnation: But the Reformation so monumentally entering according to it: 1517, at the just Half-Time according to Indiction, so exactly, forbids that Thought: Or, Lastly, We must suppose, there were Disposes of Providence in this l●st Ninety seven, wherein the Seeds of great Changes are laid up; though they do not appear yet visible to our Sense, or Observation: The Fi●st ●s the Best; I therefore beg this One Favour of the Candid, Christian Reader: Close Application, and Consideration under Divine Illumination. LONDON: Printed for W. and J. Martial, in Newgate and Grace-Church-street, 1700.