THE HISTORY OF THE Birth, Life, Sufferings, and Death OF Our Blessed SAVIOUR Jesus Christ. ALSO His Resurrection, Ascension, Intercession at the Right Hand of His FATHER in Glory, and of his Coming again to JUDGEMENT. SHOWING His Great Love to Undone Sinners, the Dreadful State of the Wicked, and Blessedness of the Righteous. By HENRY BRETT. Licenced 27 May 1679. LONDON: Printed by T. J. for H. E. 1679. An HYMN to the Lord JESUS CHRIST, the Saviour of the World, humbly dedicated by the Author. 1. GReat Prince of Peace, who from thy Father's Throne Wert pleased to descend, to save thine own, Whom thou before all Ages hadst fore-known. 2. And when the fullness of that time was come, Didst not abhor the Blessed Virgins Womb; To save fallen Man from his Eternal Doom. 3. Thou didst accept a mean Estate, that we Might be enriched by thy Poverty: And by thy Miseries might happy be. 4. To suffer Death, Lord thou didst condescend, Thou took'st the pain and shame, and to this end Thou conquered'st Death, that it might be our Friend. 5. Death, which of old of Terrors was the King, Now vanquished by thee hath lost its Sting; And can no other than glad Tidings bring. 6. Tidings of Joy, our Summons to the Dust, In a most firm Assurance that we must Rise when thou com'st to glorify the Just. 7. The Trumpet's sound shall then all Mortals raise, Who on thy Splendour shall with wonder gaze: And with loud Clamours echo forth thy Praise. 8. Then wilt thou sit on Clouds enthroned on high, Shining with Glory, clothed with Majesty. Whilst Earth and Hell in scorching Flames shall lie. 9 Hardhearted sinners then for mercy shall Entreat and beg in vain, and loudly call For lofty Mountains on their Heads to fall. 10. Whilst on the other hand thy Chosen Sheep An Everlasting Jubilee shall keep. And Endless Joys in thy blessed Kingdom reap. 11. There, fixed in a never-changing State, Their pure and heavenly Joys shall ne'er abate: And Time shall then for ever want a date. 12. Thither, dear Lord, vouchsafe, us all to bring; That 'mongst the Choir of Angels we may sing Eternal Praise to thee our God and King. H. E. The History of the Birth, Life, Sufferings, and Death of our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ. I. THe God above abound in love from all Eternity, Eph. 2.4. Rom. 8.29. Unto all those whom he hath chose to save from misery. II. His love was dear, Eph. 14. it doth appear he chose them in his Son; That they might be by him made free who were by sin undone. John 8.38. III. True Lord, we were all made by thee, Gen. 1.26, 27. Eccl. 7.29. and formed thy Image in: We did possess true Holiness, perfect without all sin. iv But thou didst see, what we would be from all Eternity; That we would turn, Eccl. 7.29. Hose. 13.9. and from thee run into all misery. V Thou didst therefore, Pr. 8.22, 23. 1 Pet. 1.20. Rev. 13.8. Eph. 2.23. long time before that we our being had, Set thy Son apart, that he might smart for us who were most bad. VI This love was in thy heart, even when from all Eternity Thou didst design some to be thine, Rev. 17.8. Acts 13.48. To save eternally. VII. Thou gavest them, Joh. 17.69. Eph. 1.4 Joh. 17.12. Joh. 6.39. even unto him, in whom thou didst them choose; That he might have, them for to save, and none of them might lose. VIII. When Offerings, Heb. 10.1, 4. and all such things, could never take away The sins of those, whom thou hadst chose; when from thee gone astray. 1 Pet. 2.25. IX. Thou didst prepare, for Christ most dear, a Body to come in; Heb. 10.5. Rom. 8. That he might be, like unto we, who were all under sin. X. Though he was not, Heb. 7.26. 1 Cor. 5.21. no not one jot, defiled with sin within; But did appear, our guilt to bear, Isa. 53.5, 6. who were all full of sin. XI. O wonderment, to 'stonishment, what mystery is this? Our Lord and Saviour, who was the Father, Rom. 9.5. even of eternal bliss. XII. That he should be, yea, even that he, Col. 1.15, 16. Gal. 4.4. who was the Woman's Maker; That he should e'er be made of her, and yet was her Creator. XIII. He that abode, the mighty God, Isa. 9.6. became a little Child; Yea, he was born, and was the scorn, Heb. of those who were defiled. XIV. His Birth was low, therefore we know, but few did him esteem; Luke 2.7. Mat. 2.11. But yet there were, that did appear, and worship did to him. XV. This Child did grow, Luke 2.40. John 7.5. Mat. 6.3. John 8.59. but few did know He was the Son of God; He underwent great punishment, even by the wicked's rod. XVI. He was anointed, Prov. 8.23. Isa. 61.1. Heb. 3.2. 1 Tim. 2.5. and appointed, of God his heavenly Father; That he might be, ' teen God and we, Eternal Mediator. XVII. Thus he abode, Heb. 13.8. Acts 10.38. Luke 19.10. Luke 24.32. and unto God his Office did perform; He went about, sought sinners out, That he their hearts might warm. XVIII. And his kindness, and tenderness unto poor men was great; He dispossessed the poor distressed, Mat. 8.16. and Devils did defeat. XIX. When he such found, Luke 13.16. Mark 1.25, 26. Mat. 9.33. as were thus bound, and fettered with Chains; The Chains did break, the Dumb did speak, he freed Men from all Pains. XX. He was so kind unto the blind, he did restore their sight; John 9.6, 7. The Lame that lay along his way, he put them in good plight. Mat. 11.5. XXI. The Blind, the Sick, and Lunatic, he healed each of them Of all Disease, he gave all ease, Mark 7.35, 37. John 11.44. whoever came to him. XXII. The Deaf did hear, as did appear, for he their hearing gave; Some that were dead, he quickened, and raised out o'th' grave. XXIII. All this and more, for to the poor, he did the Gospel preach; Mat. 11.5. Mat. 4.23. About he went, as he was sent, the way to Heaven to teach. XXIV. And then his Name and mighty Fame began to spread abroad, Mat. 4.24. Mat. 9.31, 33. Joh. And many men were taken then with this our dearest Lord. XXV. Many there were, that thought it clear, he was the Son of God; John 12.42, 43. But durst not this of him confess, they feared the wickeds rod. XXVI. But some the while did him revile, and spoke most dreadful evil; And thought it well, thus to rebel, and say he had a Devil. XXVII. What sad abuse, from the profuse, did this Lord meet withal; How few were there, John 6.66, 68 that did appear to speak one word at all. XXVIII. On his behalf; no not one half, of all that did him hear: That were so stout to stand it out, his innocence to clear. XXIX. But he did not, retort one jot, nor Men revile again; 1 Pet. 2.22, 23, 24. But patiently, he passed it by, went on his work amain. XXX. 'Twas his delight, Psalm. 40.8. Luke 6.12, 13. John 4.34. both day and night, to do his Father's will; And what was this, but Men to bliss, and save them out of Hell. XXXI. This Son of God, did do much good, but was rewarded evil, John Men him abused, falsely accused, and acted like the Devil. XXXII. But none of those, John 7.45, 46. that were his foes, could over him have power; By men's commands, to lay their hands, Mat. 26.55. till his accomplished hour. XXXIII. Then one of twelve, he proved a Wolve, Mat. 8.14, 15. Act. 1.25. did not his place abide; He went and told, and Jesus sold, and to his foes was guide. XXXIV. Yea, one of them, that were with him, went and did him betray; Mat. 26.48. He did them show, and told them how, on him their hands to lay. XXXV. Then came the hour, yea, and the power. the pangs of Death and Hell; Luke 2.55. Mat. 26.37. Oh! who does know, so as to show, who can his sorrows tell? XXXVI. The sins of those, whom God had chose, Isa. 53.6. 2 Cor. 5.21. who were chosen in him; Were laid upon this only Son, He bore the sins of them. XXXVII. And it was they, that made him pray, they were of such a weight; Mat. 26.39. Heb. 5.7. They made him cry, and send on high, he was in such a strait. XXXVIII. What drops of blood, this Son of God, did sweat upon the ground; Luk. 22.44. John 8.34, 36. And all that he, might set such free, who were by sin fast bound. XXXIX. Then came again, Judas amain, with all his cursed crew, Mat. 26.47. Who went most strong, and he among, that he his Lord might show. XL. The way was fine, he gave a sign: what was the sign but this, He hail did say, Mat. 26.48. and did betray him, with a wicked kiss. XLI. This Companies authority, they had from Hypocrites; Mat. 26.47. John 18.3. Thought they were strong, Judas among, and on they came with lights. XLII. But 'lass, poor men, if Christ had then unto his Father prayed, How soon he might, Mat. 26.53. even that same night, Angels have had for aid. XLIII. But this was done, on God the Son, the Scriptures to fulfil; Mat. 26.56. That none of those, that God had chose, Mat. 26.56. might suffer Death or Hell. XLIV. Behold how all, whom Christ did call, Disciples for to be, Away did make, and him forsake, Mat. 26.56. when they began to see. XLV. Their Lord was took; they him forsook when their Shepherd was smitten The Sheep did flee away from he, Zach. 13.7. for fear they should be bitten. XLVI. When these were fled, away they led the Lord unto the Prison; Mat. 26.56, 57 Isa. 53.8. And many theyare, that did appear, against him now weare risen. XLVII. O what a rout, was there about this dear and precious Lord; Luke 23.1, 2, 11, 65. They did abuse, and him accuse of things which he abhorred. XLVIII. This wicked rout, they were so stout, more liker beasts than men. These barking dogs, Psal. 22.12, 16. did cast their bogs even at the Lord of Heaven. XLIX. The Bulls did gore, Psal. 22.12, 13. Mat. 26.67. and Lions roar, as is said in the Psalm; Yea these were those most dreadful foes, that smote him with the Palm. L. These men were they, as Scripture say, that did spit on his face; That did him strip, and also whip; these men were they so base. LI. Observe this thing; Luk. 23.1, 7. they led this King before poor earthly men, Who, before had been, even until then, at enmity; but when LII. This they did see, they did agree against this blessed Lord: That so they might thus vend their spite, Luk. 23.8. and to the Jews afford LIII. What help they could; so much as would dispatch him out o'th' way. The Jews pretend they had good end, and therefore they did say, LIV. We have a Law, and by this Law, this Man he ought to die, Joh. 19.7. But they were false, Witnesses false; Mat. 26.60. and did most falsely lie: LV. For Pilate then, the worst of men, did then most clearly see, They vehemently, out of envy, Mat. 27.18. did this, that Christ might die. LVI. Therefore he would, if Water could, his guilt have washed away. But Blood was spilt, Mat. 24.24. therefore the guilt it still on him did stay. LVII. His sin and slain, do still remain; they stand upon Record: 'Tis charged on him, Mar. 15.15. amongst all them that crucified their Lord. LVIII. But now let us, consider thus, What did become of him, Who had Christ sold, the Money told, he that was Guide to them LIX. Who did all this sad wickedness? this Wretch did now repent, And brought again the price with pain, Mat. 27.3. but was not penitent. LX. He then into despair did go, where he began to sink; And then how he should freed be, too late began to think. LXI. From his sad pain, which came amain, he than his Life dispatched; Mat. 27.5. Act. 1.18. But headlong fell, he into Hell, his Soul the Devil catched. LXII. Let Hypocrites, false hearted Wights, seriously on this think, And warning take, by this that make Judas his Name to stink. LXIII. Now turn to those, his other foes, who did him set at nought; And take a view as Scriptures show, Luk. 23.11. of them who had Christ bought. LXIV. The Soldiers then, those wretched men, this precious Lord did take Into the Hall, Mat. 27.27, 28, 29. common for all, at him their sport to make. LXV. They stripped him, and put on him a Scarlet Robe, and when They'd made a Crown ('twas made of thorn.) and on him they put it then. LXVI. And mockingly and scoffingly, they then did bow the knee; O wicked thing, they mocked this King, Who yet their Judge must be. LXVII. Yea, him they smote, but he did not at all resist again, But patiently he passed it by, Isa. 53.7. And underwent his pain. LXVIII. And then they led him to be bled, unto a place most vile; A place of Scull, Mat. 27.33. some think 'twas full of dead men's bones the while. LXIX. They stripped him, and hanged him, there up upon the Cross; They parted then his Garments, Mat. 27.35. when this Lord did suffer loss. LXX. behold what shame, yea, and what blame they then did cast on him; ●was numbered then, with wicked men, Mat. 27.38. they numbered him with them. LXXI. They pierced his Hands at men's commands, yea, and his Feet did they Nail to the Tree, Psal. 22.16. some it did see, that so they might him slay. LXXII. These men they mocked, and also scoffed at him, they did deride; Some were so mad, Mat. 27.39. John 19.34. their Heads they waged, one pierced his precious side. LXXIII. This being done, let's now look on, into the inward side; For to espy the Mystery let us not here abide. LXXIV. Let us not lay too much on they who crucified him thus; But let's enlarge this dreadful charge, and bring it home to us. LXXV. Our sins were they, our sins we say, that on this Lord did lie; Yea, they were they, that did him slay, that did him crucify. LXXVI. Our sins we say; yea they were they, which were the Crown of Thorns; Isa. 53.5, 6. Th' were they, Isa. 53.5, 6. that bruised and him abused, and caused most dreadful groans. LXXVII. They pierced his Side, the Wound was wide, so as the Blood did run, For us his foes; for we were those, who were by sin undone. LXXVIII. Sinners 'gainst thee, O Lord were we, most filthy in thy sight, And must have lain, even under pain, in dreadful hellish plight. LXXIX. For Lord 'tis clear, by sin we were, in wretched helpless case; Psal. 89.19. 2 Cor. 5.21. We had no aid, but help was laid, on Christ to give us ease. LXXX. We must have sank, had not he drank, that sour bitter Cup; That bitter Gall, we that did fall, Mat. 26.42. should have no more got up. LXXXI. But thou, Oh Lord, didst Grace afford; thou didst thy favour lend, To take away our gulilt that lay, thus didst thou condescend. LXXXII. To lay't upon thy only Son, 2 Cor. 5.21. thy only Son most dear, That we might be from sin made free, and he our guilt might bear. LXXXIII. That he might die to satisfy, the justice of our God, That so poor we, might freed be, from sins eternal rod. LXXXIV. We were unlike, and had dislike, Lord of thy Majesty; Within our hearts and inward parts, Rom. 8.7. was dreadful enmity. LXXXV. So that we would not, no, nor could have turned unto thee; But Christ did lay, his Life to stay this enmity that we, LXXXVI. Who were unjust; but Christ most just did feel the smarting rod, Which made him cry, 1 Pet. 3.18. yea, and did die to bring us unto God. LXXXVII. O blessed sight, which shine most bright, To see a broken Saviour; Who paid his blood, even unto God, to bring us into favour. LXXXVIII. We that by sin, which dwells within, most dreadfully did stink; And must have lain, in Hell with pain, Psal. 38.3. we were upon its brink. LXXXIX. But Christ that Box, that Spikenard Box, did break, and its perfume Did send on high, above the Sky, Mar. 14.3. our stink for to consume. XC. This Odour then, it filled Heaven with such a fragrant smell, As never did ascend to God, Eph. 5.2. that pleased him so well. XCI. And Earth below, some it doth know, it was perfumed so well, That scent did draw from Satan's Law, 'twas such attractive smell. XCII. And they that know, will tell us now, it is the best perfume That ever we did smell or see, its virtue ne'er consume. XCIII. No, though 'tis long, since that among poor men this Box did break; It's sweet remains, and many gain, yea, still it Saints doth make. XCIV. And some of all, both great and small, of sinners that were chief; It hath perfumed, 1 Tim. 1.15. Luk. 23.43. their lusts consumed; of which one was the chief. XCV. And all that dwell on earth, and smell the sweetness of this savour, It makes alive, their souls, and thrive; it brings them into favour. XCVI. O taste and see, Christ on the tree, oh soul, and do not starve; Though all be spent, Christ he was sent, and he his flesh did carve. XCVII. Which to the dead is meat indeed, John 6.50. to 59 his blood is also drink, To those that eat his flesh for meat, and of his blood do drink. XCVIII. This bread is good, 'tis that of God which down from heaven did come: And all that eat the same for meat; in heaven shall have a room. XCIX. And shall not die eternally, but live with Christ for aye; Dwelling in him, and he in them, and never die away. C. Oh take a view, as Scripture show of Jesus on the Cross, How he did bleed; we might be freed from everlasting loss. CI. The Case was this, the Lord of Bliss for sinners was oppressed! Which made him cry amazingly, Mat. 27.50. and yielded up the Ghost. CII. O Mystery, that Christ should die, he was the Lord of life, But subject was, through death did pass, for his dear Spouse, his Wife. CIII. What's all this done, O hearts of Stone, that we cannot relent, Oh senseless blocks, look to the rocks, which at this thing were rend. Mat. 27.51. CIV. Christ's blood did gush, the heavens did blush. yea and the earth did quake; The Sun withdrew his light from view, Mar. 15.33. what work this thing did make. CV. 'Twas not for they; but us, we say that this our Lord did die: Oh let's relent now, Heb. 5.7. and repent, of that which made him cry. CVI All this was done, on God the Son, the Scriptures to fulfil; But nothing more, John 19.36. than what before was written as God's will. CVII. And two great men, appeared then, their loves to Christ to show; Who then was dead: 'Twas love indeed, of which let's take a view. CVIII. The one, behold, he was so bold, his courage was so brave, He went unto Pilate, that so Christ's Body he might crave. CIX. He Linen bought, John 19.39. the other brought in weight an hundred pound Of sweet Perfume; it to perfume, and it in Linen wound. CX. A Tomb was hewn, they laid him down, to show that he was dead; To show that sin was buried in Mar. 15.46. that grave in very deed. CXI. Death to consume, our Graves perfume, and sweeten them for us; Thus Christ our aid, in Grave was laid, and him they buried thus. CXII. And now behold, the Jews most bold, while in the Grave he lay, Yea come and look, what pains they took, even on the Sabbath-day. CXIII. When this was done, they sealed the Stone, Mat. 27.62. to end. and set a Watch thereby; This Sacrifice he might not rise, but in Sepulchre lie. CXIV. But when he had lain under the pain of Death th'appointed hour; The Angels then, came down from heaven, the Watchmen had no power. CXV. The Earth did quake, those men did shake, when Angels did appear; Those men they did become as dead, th' were overcome with fear. CXVI. The Angels then, that came from Heaven, did roll away the stone; He that was dead, was quickened, for then his work was done. CXVII. Yea up he risen, in spite of foes and came forth out the grave; He loosed its pain, Acts 2.24. and rose again, that he might victory have. CXVIII. He Victory hath now over Death, and over Sin and Hell. For some of those, who were his foes, who here on Earth do dwell. CXIX. And it is clear, he did appear to be the Son of God; And that with power, Rom. 1.4. in that same hour, he not in grave abode. CXX. And many they, the Saints that lay in Graves until that hour; Their body's rose, in spite of foes; Mat. 27.52, 53. and that by Christ his power. CXXI. ●hen Death its strength, yea, and its sting, was broke and took away, ●ully for those, whom God hath chose, 1 Cor. 15.55, 56, 57 though here in graves they lay. CXXII. ●ll they shall rise, and then shall prise their Resurrection from Their Graves; for then, Phil. 3.21. they are for heaven in likeness of Christ's form. CXXIII. ●hat Jesus Christ, our great High Priest, did rise, is very clear; ●or this behold, Mat. 18.6. the Angels told the Women that were there. CXXIV. ●t came to pass, that of Cephas, then of the Twelve was seen: Yea he alive of Hundreds five 1 Cor. 15.5, 6. at once then was he seen. CXXV. ●hen James and all, both great and small, 1 Cor. 15.57. John 21.27, 28. th' Apostles did him see, Yea Thomas knew, when Christ did show his wounds, that it was h. CXXVI. In forty days he showed his ways, To his he gave commands, How for to steer, Act. 1.3, 4. his Kingdom here, then lifting up his Hands, CXXVII. He them did bliss, and promised this, that to them he would send Luke 24.49, 50. The Comforter; to his Father he straightway did ascend. CXXVIII. Then Christ alive, did lead captive his Enemies and Foes; He victory have, Eph. 4.8. and gifts he gave, to them whom he had chose, CXXIX. He now possess Glory and Bliss, the Father's right Hand by; Heb. 10.12. chap. 6.20. His gone before to open the door, for those whom he did die. CXXX. He now prepare, John 14.3. Chap. 17.24. 1 Thes. 4,17. 1 Cor. 13.12. for his most dear, in Heaven, a glorious place, Where they shall be from sin set free, and see his glorious Face. CXXXI. He that was dead, is quickened, and lives for evermore; The Keys he hath of Hell and Death, Rev. 1.18. he ever lives therefore. CXXXII. To plead for those, whom he hath chose, the virtue of his Blood, Doth for them plead and intercede, Heb. 7.25. there with the mighty God. CXXXIII. Christ able is to save all his; They're ever in his Hands: He ever live, and answers give, Joh. 10.28. to Justice its demands. CXXXIV. He doth appear for his most dear, Heb. 10.12, 13. Acts 3.20, 21. Luke 21.27. their cause for to maintain, Against all those who are their foes; in Heaven he doth remain. CXXXV. He there reside, and shall abide till the appointed hour, And then again he comes amain, with glory and with power. CXXXVI. With Angels strong, and Saints among, his Spouse he'll then embrace, Mat. 25.31. And will complete that marriage great, which is begun through Grace. Rev. 19.7, 8. CXXXVII. O happy they, Rev. 19.9. 1 Thes. 4.16. that keep his way, and ready shall be found; They shall have Life and be his Wife, when that the Trumpet sound. CXXXVIII. They shall rejoice, the Bridegroom's voice will make their hearts to cheer; They shall be glad, yea, and be clad, with Garments cost him dear. CXXXIX. Then all mourning, in that morning of that great Wedding-day. Shall cease with them that are with him and ever flee away. CXL. For Christ will then in spite of Men, from Shame to Glory rise, His for to sing to him their King, Rev. 19.1, 5, 5, 6. his everlasting praise. CXLI. But woe to those, who him oppose, would not that he should reign, Who are so stout to stand it out, Luke 19.27. till he appear again. CXLII. They will be sought, yea, and be brought before this dreadful Lord; And there be slain, that to their pain, according to his Word. CXLIII. The Ignorant, Disobedient, who do his Grace refuse, 2 Thes. 1.8. When offeted and tendered, who sinful lust doth choose. CXLIV. Then woe to them who hated him, and persecuted those Whom he doth love, who are his dove, 2 Thes. 1.6. his Church whom he hath choose, CXLV. Yea, woe to such, who sinned much, in scoffing at his Word; 2 Pet. 3.3, 4. Those wicked men, will find it then, 'Twas true of this our Lord. CXLVI. To Hypocrites, false hearted Wights, yea, woe to such as they, Who began to say, that he doth stay, Mat. 24.48, to end. his coming he'll delay. CXLVII. Yea, woe to all both great and small, who naked shall be found; Who then must stand, at his left Hand, Yea, and must there be bound. CXLVIII. And sent apace, unto their place, whence they shall not return; But under Chains, and endless Pains, there must they lie and burn. CXLIX. More I might say, of Judgement day, but this is done before, One book it spoke so much, I broke off this discourse therefore. CL. If you would look upon that Book, 'tis called, The day of doom. It's worth is such, it spoke so much, for me it leaves no room. A short Application. CLI. 1. NOw unto all, both great and small, who here on Earth do dwell, That come to see these lines, I thee do pray consider well. CLII 2. These things are such, they very much concern both thee and me; They us might teach, at least will reach, our cause what e'er it be. CLIII. 3. If the darkness yea and weakness of my heart, head, and pen, Do not now shade, and make to fade Truth's glory herein, when CLIU 4. You come to see poor sinful me, how darkly I have shown, These precious things; which sweetness brings to those to whom they're known CLV. 5. Then this I say, these things they may reach thee and me and all; First, if thou beest one of the best, a Saint, brought out of thrall. CLVI. 6. Oh matchless Grace, which flows apace from God through Christ to thee; Oh comfort take, in Christ, who make of Sinners, Saints to be. CLVII. 7. Oh Soul rejoice; thou art the choice of God in Christ above: Oh blessed thing, that blessed King have wrapped thee up in love. CLVIII. 8. Thy state is good, oh Child of God, it never shall be evil; The beaten, hated, persecuted, though tempted of the Devil. CLIX 9 Isa. 63.9. Judg. 10.16. Zech. 2.8. Christ felt a part of all the smart that here thou meetest withal; It shall not last, thou shalt at last be freed from it all. CLX. 10. Though thou beest now, so dark as thou canst not discern the light; Isa. 50.10. The light will shine, for Christ is thine; this thou shalt see, most bright. CLXI. 11. When once the Sun shall rise upon thy Soul, and there do shine; Then shalt thou see Christ died for thee; that he and all is thine. CLXII. 12. For Christ, most dear, till he appear, now hope and wait for him: Do not time waste, Isa. 28.16. nor make not haste; but wait it out with them. CLXIII. 13. Who do believe, whom Christ reprieve, from enemies and foes; Who all shall be, by him made free from miseries and woes. CLXIV. 14. Now if Christ dwell in thee 'tis well; oh soul 'tis not amiss To search and try, Eph. 3.17. to satisfy thyself, O soul, in this. CLXV. 15. If thou beest he who would be free from all mistakes herein, Then search thy heart and inward part, if Christ do dwell therein. CLXVI. 16. Dost hate thy sin, that dwell therein, because 'tis against God? Dost thou therefore labour the more therein not to abode? Rom. 7.15. Psal. 51.4. CLXVII. 17. The God above his Word dost love, because 'tis very pure? Is't thy delight, both day and night, Psal. 119.140. Rom. 7.22. of this art very sure? CLXVIII. 18. Dost feel and find in heart and mind the clearer thou dost see Thy Evidence? 2 Cor. 6.17, 18.7.1. Dost labour hence the holier to be? CLXIX. 19 That Christ should rule within thy soul, this is thy liberty; 2 Cor. 3.17. Rom. 7.23. That Sin should be yet within thee, is this Captivity? CLXX. 20. Art one of those, who is sin's foes? Dost hate it worse than Hell? Then sure 'tis that hope there is, that Christ in thee do dwell CLXXI 21. And now let us, consider thus, What cause thou hast to prise What God, his Son, for thee hath done, in causing thee to rise CLXXII. 22. Up out of thrall; where thou didst fall by Sin and Satan too: But now art raised, the Lord be praised, who saveth thee from wo. CLXXIII. 23. Oh praises give, and praises live; oh lead an holy life, Like unto those, 2 Tim. 2.11, 12, 14. whom Christ have chose to be his Spouse, his Wife. CLXXIV. 24. 'Tis all that he, acccepts from thee, that holy thou shouldst live: That thou shouldst show his praises now; 1 Pet. 2.9. and to him glory give. CLXXV. 25. Great reason 'tis, thou shouldst be his in heart and life and all: For he did die, thou mightst not lie in Sin, in Hell, and thrall. CLXXVI. 26. Now unto those, who yet are foes, who still remain in sin; I speak to thee, exhorted be, awake, awake, come in. CLXXVII. 27. Accept of Grace, which flows apace to some o'the worst of men, From God above, through Christ in love, Isa. 55.7. whatever thou hast been. CLXXVIII. 28. Come now believe; for Christ reprieve such souls from Death and Hell. And life he'll give, and they shall live; ye, with him they shall dwell. CLXXIX. 29. Oh come by faith, the Scripture saith, that they shall not be blamed; Eph. 1.4. Rom. 10.11. That they shall not, no not one jot, at last be made ashamed. CLXXX. 30. Oh that I knew, what more to show, or further for to say, That might persuade, thou mightst be made. no longer to delay. CLXXXI. 31. Christ he doth stand, and hold his hand of Grace out unto thee; John 7.37. Ezek 33.11. He calls and cry, Why will ye die? oh soul turn unto me. CLXXXII. 32. Christ, willing is, thou shouldst be his; he'll take away thy guilt; He'll free thee from the wrath to come, John 5.40. 1 Thes. 1.10. if come to him thou wilt. CLXXXIII. 33. Oh come I say, Oh come away, believe in God his Son; Believe with heart and take a part, of all that Christ have done. CLXXXIV. 34. Believe, and then thou shalt have Hea'n there thou shalt have a room: 1 Thes. 3.13. When Christ most dear, again appear, then with him thou shalt come. CLXXXV. 35. Thy bones revive, if not survive, and live until that day, But if thou dost, 1 Thes. 4.16, 17. then up thou go'st, and meet with him I say. CLXXXVI. 36. Then shalt thou be, ever with he, when Heaven and all is thine. There shalt thou dwell, 1 Thes. 4.17. all will be well, with Angel's shalt thou shine. CLXXXVII. 37. For Christ will say; even in that day, Oh come and take thy Crown; Come and possess thy Happiness, Mat. 25.34. the Kingdom is thy own. CLXXXVIII. 38. But if thy sin, which dwell within, thou beest resolved to have, And wilt delight both day and night, in sin, till at thy grave. CLXXXIX. 39 Oh what excuse, for thy abuse, of Grace wilt have to make? Oh wilt thou die eternally, and warning never take. CXC. 40. Consider well, the damned in Hell, and what they sufter there; They weep, they wail, their hearts do fail, Mat. 22.13. as Scriptures make appear. CXCI 41. Their Teeth they gnash, in thoughts of trash, for which their Souls were lost; That Sin did choose, and Christ refuse, they find it to their cost. CXCII. 42. They are helpless, who can express, one thousand part o'th' woe, That they do find in heart and mind, Isa. 66.24. who into Hell do go. CXCIII. 43. What Tongues of Men, or Angel's Pen, can show the state of those, Who live and die in sin, Rev. 14.10, 11. and lie in misery and woes. CXCIV. 44. Now this I say, the only way, for to escape that place, Is to awake, and warning take, Isa. 27.4, 5.45.22, 24. and come to Christ for Grace. CXCU. 45. Acts 4.12. Awake, I say, do not delay, it is the great concern, Thou hast to mind, Mat. 11.29. Grace for to sinned; oh come to Christ and learn. CXCVI 46. He is the way, where Sinners may pass through from Earth to Heaven; Oh leave thy Sin, Joh. 14.6. oh Soul come in, happy shalt thou be then. CXCVII. 47. His Grace is free, to such as thee, whatever thou hast been; Rom. 3.23, 24. If thou dost now, Repentance show, and dost by Faith come in. Acts 3.19. CXCVIII 48. Come in this hour to Christ for power, that so thou may'st repent. And hate thy sin that dwells within, Heb. 4.7. and may'st be penitent. CXCIX. 49. Oh haste and cry, Acts 5.31. 2 Cor. 5.17. thou may'st be new and with him ever live. CC. 50. Pray God above, extend his love, to thee and me and all, That come to see these lines; that we, may hearken to his call. FINIS.