An ACCOUNT of the Value of the Estates in the Several Counties subscribed towards the FUND for a NATIONAL LAND-BANK, from Thursday the 11th of June, to Saturday the 13th of July, 1695. THE Books of Subscriptions for a Fund for a National Land-Bank being laid open the 11th of June at Night, and the Proposals mentioning, That an Account shall be published every Month, of the yearly Value of the Estates subscribed: It is thought fit to print and publish the same the first and third Mondays in every Month, until one hundred thousand Pounds per annum, or two Millions in value, shall be subscribed, of which there are Subscriptions to the Value of about five hundred and seventy thousand Pounds in the several Counties following, viz. l. per annum. Bedford 575 Berks 118 Buckingham 500 Cambridge 220 Cheshire 300 Cornwall 350 Cumberland Derby Devon 430 Dorset Durham 1150 Essex 3568 Gloucester 683 Hantshire 300 Hereford 891 Hertford 90 Huntingdon 1005 Kent 800 Lancashire Leicester 300 Lincoln 1380 London & Middlesex 5158 Monmouth 686 Norfolk 1962 Northampton 1200 Nottingham Northumberland 1180 Oxon 250 Rutland Salop 400 Somerset 300 Stafford 1410 Suffolk 200 Sussex 70 Surry 690 Warwick Westmoreland 22 Wiltshire Worcester 210 Yorkshire 1788 Anglesey Brecon 1000 Cardigan Carmarthen Carnarven Denbigh 176 Flint 24 Glamorgan Merioneth Mountgomery Pembroke 20 Radnor 29466 ☞ Note, That any Gentleman, though never so remote, may, pursuant to the Proposals, authorise another to subscribe his Estate; JOHN BRISCOE. The Subscription-Books continue to lie open at Thomas Gooding, Sergeant at Law, his Chambers in Grays-Inn: At Philip Neve Esq; his Chambers, the second Staircase of the Paper-Buildings in the Inner-Temple: At Laurence Braddon Esq his Chambers, Number 4. the second Staircase in the New Square at Lincolns-Inn: At the House of Robert West Esq the Corner of Buckingham-Court near Scotland-yard: At Mr. John Smith's in Exchange-Alley: At Mr. Humphrey Hackshaw's in Lothbury near the Royal-Exchange; and at Mr. Nicholas Hayward's Public Notary in Threadneedle-street behind the Royal-Exchange, London. London, Printed by John Derby in S. Bartholomew-Close; where is sold Mr. Briscoe's Book, entitled, A Discourse on the late Funds, with Proposals for the Improvement of the Freehold-Estates, and Encouragement of Trade. Price 18 d.