EUROPE A SLAVE, UNLESS England Break Her CHAINS: Discovering the Grand Designs of the French-Popish Party in ENGLAND for several Years past. LONDON, Printed for W. D. and are to be sold in London and Westminster. 1681. EUROPE a Slave Unless ENGLAND Break her CHAINS. WHat His most Christian Majesty has lately enterprised upon Valenciennes, Cambray, and St. Omers, the best Fortified places of the Spanish Netherlands, and the only remaining Bulwarks of those Poor Provinces toward France, together with the Progress of his Arms upon the Frontiers of Germany, the Confines of Spain, in Sicily and in America, gives all the rest of Europe occasion to be solidly apprehensive of its danger: which if it were, perhaps it might have been more advantageous for this great Monarch not to have done so much. In truth, by the rapid Conquests which this Victorious Prince has obtained in so short a time, of three such important Places, he has apparently demonstrated to all Europe the extent of his great and vast designs; and the weakness and low Condition of Spain as palpably discovers, that there is all the reason in the World to believe, that if England would but awake out of that Lethargy wherein it hath lain for so many years, and put her helping hand to the work, she might be a great means to prevent the misfortunes and Calamities to which all those Estates and Countries that border upon France are now exposed. I was the more apt to flatter myself with a hope of this nature, for that although I am not altogether ignorant, how much the French Court has won upon the Court of England, yet I was of Opinion that the English, being so invincibly jealous for the preservation of their liberty, finding that his most Christian 〈◊〉 had made such an important Conquest, while the Parliament was sitting, would by the Mediation of that Noble Assembly, have made their humble addresses and earnest representations to their Monarch, and not have left till they had besought him to consent what his own honour and the safety of his people required. But by fatal Experience we see, that as to that which all Europe calls a Parliament, if the same Anticipations and Connivances continue there with that fatality which we have hitherto observed, that to our great sorrow, we shall be constrained to believe what the Emissaries of France publicly themselves declare, that two thirds of that Assembly are Caballed and managed by the Golden Lewis' of France; in such a manner, that from the same part from whence all Europe hope to behold the Sun of their restauration rise, if there be not a sudden change, which all good men expect for all this from the English Generosity, there they see a formidable power advance itself, in Combination with France, for, the utter destruction of Christendom. I know there are some that pretend to great insight, who being either endued or surprised with the Opinions and Maxims which the French Emissaries every where insinuate, are of opinion, that for the Imperialists there might be something done so considerable in the Course of this Gampaigne, which if it should happen prosperously to succeed, it would follow then that some folid remedy might be applied to cure the mischiefs and apprehensions of all the rest of Europe. This is that which is discoursed in all the Courts and Countries of the North. But not to distaste these men of Contemplation, I must beg leave to be of a contrary judgement, and to hold that all their hopes are ill grounded; and that for several reasons. We must confess, there is no improbability but that the Impeperial Army might force a way into France, which would certainly prove a notable home thrust: but then on the other side we must consider, that the Army which is designed for such an Expedition must endure all the hardships of a Twenty Leagues March through Countries burnt and wasted, so that such an Army would be very much incommoded for want of all sorts of necessary Provisions both for Horse and man. Now in regard the Imperialists, being once passed beyond Mayence, Coblents and Treves, have no Magazines, all the Country beyond the Line of Treves to the very Confines of France, except some part of Luxemburgh, being under the absolute Power of the Enemy; this being so, how is it for us to imagine, that the Imperialists should do any things considerable, being to March either through a Country burnt and wasted, or through that part of Luxemburgh, which is at present a mere Desert, more especially considering that the Germane Armies are those of all Europe that carry along with them the most numerous luggage and pesterment of women, and unprofitable mouths. Secondly, though it were true that the Imperialists surmounting all these difficulties, should break in as far as Lorian, the Territory of Metz, or the County of Burgundy, which is all that is to be expected in one Campaigne, what is it that this Imperial Army can do considerable, in a Country of which all the strong holds are in the possession of the Enemy, and all the rest of the Country burnt and laid waist? Now as all these exploits of the Imperalists can tend to no other end, but either to give Battle, or to lay Siege to some considerable Town, it is easy to foresee that if they aim at the first, and that the French are intended to decline it, as they are masters of all the Country behind, and of each side, who shall be able to force them to fight? Or if it comes to that pass that they are forced to hazard a Battle, it is most certain that the one or the other will be Victor. Should then the Imperialists get the better, let us examine what they will be in a condition to do, should they obtain a complete Victory. I believe it will be granted me that the chief Benefit of such a victory will be only the Siege of some good Town, by that means to secure some post for the Conveniency of the Army against the next Campaigne. For to venture far into an Enemy's Country without this precaution, I do not believe that the Imperialists either will or aught to do it. For should they hazard such an attempt, they would be constrained to leave several strong Garrisons behind 'em, which being well stuffed with French Cavalry, would never suffer the Germane Convoys to pass quietly, and perhaps cut off the greatest part of them. But on the other side, suppose the French will avoid fight, keeping themselves in an-actual posture of defence, or though they should be constrained to give battle, and lose the day, yet the scattered Troops of that, beaten Army, being speedily reinforced by the adjoining Garrisons, would be still strong enough, though but in volant parties, to prevent the Imperialists from doing anything considerable. Here you are to observe that what I have said already is only in reference to the first Case of the March of the Imperialists in an Enemy's Country, and the gaining a Victory. But as it would be an extraordinary piece of Flattery to determine, that the Imperialists should be infallibly Victors; I believe, that before we leave this first point, it will not be amiss to examine what would probably happen, in case the Armies should join, and the French should get the day. Nor do I think it will require a long discourse, to make the reader apprehend the bad consequences of such a loss to the Imperialists. It being notorious that in regard of the strong places which the French possess in Lorain, Burgundy and Alsatia, after the loss of a Battle, Germany would labour under two inevitable mischiefs. First to see that Army beaten, and consequently utterly ruined and cut off in the pursuit. The second to see the French pass the Rhine at Brisgow, and there cutting out such troublesome work for Germany, which yet she never beheld nor had ever suffered in those parts. Again if by an attempt no less prosperous than the former, the Emperor and the Empire should make a second trial, and be so unfortunate as to lose a second Battle, a thing not unlikely, whether this Campaign or the next, considering how the Correspondencies of the French are maintained in the Court of Bavaria, and other Courts of the Empire, we must look upon all that part of Germany which borders upon the Rhine for two or three days journey together totally lost without hopes of recovery, and the rather for that a great part of those Countries is all consumed and wasted, and can never be able to afford Conveniencies for winter Quarters, nor to supply the Imperial Armies in their Marches. And this is very near as much as I can think observable in case of the March of an Imperial Army in the Enemy's Country, and in case of giving Battle, which is the first point. Now let us come to that of laying a Siege. As to what has passed at the sieges of Philipsburgh, and Maestricht, with different Enemies, two things are observable. The first, that the French understand very well how to fortify their strong holds according to all the Rules of Art. And also for the second, they understand as well how to defend their Fortifications, & dispute it Inch by Inch with their Enemies, with an admirable conduct, and undaunted Courage. From which reflections it may be naturally concluded, that in case the Imperialists, being entered into an Enemy's Country, go about to lay any formal Siege; as without question it must be before some considerable Town, 'tis ten to one but that the season of the Campaigne will be over before they can bring their design to pass. From whence I conclude that this March of the Imperial Army, whatever way they take, can never produce any greater benefit, than the taking of some place in Lorraine, the Territory of Metz, Luxemburgh, or the County of Burgundy, and by the gain of that place to disorder those Garrisons which the French hold in Alsatia, which however is not sufficient to save the Provinces of the Spanish Netherlands, which is the precise Platform, by which his most Christian Majesty might without difficulty mount to the Universal Monarchy, if those Provinces were lost; there being no Power at present in a probable condition to hinder him. Now if it be true what I have already affirmed, and what I shall afterwards maintain, that by the Conquest of the united Provinces of the Spanish Netherlands, his most Christian Majesty may jump into the Universal Monarchy, that all Europe may evidently know the danger of the present Conjuncture if there be no remedy from England, and other places interested, and that with all the speed imaginable, there are these five things to be attentively considered. The first is, that his most Christian Majesty being master of all the Posts, Passages and strong Places of the County of Burgundy, it behoves us to consider, that though this Prince should do nothing more during this whole Campaigne but only dispute the Ground with the Imperialists, it is not to be avoided, but that the Campaigne must break up, and the Imperial Army retire without doing any thing considerable for the preservation of the Provinces of the Spanish Netherlands: For not to flatter ourselves, would we have had the Imperialists have attempted any thing great for the Safety of those Provinces, necessity required that while the Imperialists directed their March undauntedly into the Bowels of France, with an Army of fifty thousand men, the Confederate forces, then in the Spanish Netherlands should have broken into Picardy, or the Territory of Boulogne, by such a powerful diversion to have favoured the grand and Capital Enterprise of the Imperial Army. But by the fatal loss of Valenciennes, Cambray and St. Omers, France is so well entrenched on that side against all the Attempts of the Confederate Arms in those parts, that it is absolutely out of their power by reason of those Conquests to penetrate on that side into the Kingdom of France. Now we may easily perceive, that France having nothing to fear from Flanders, will content itself only to leave a small Army in those Quarters adjoining to the Provinces of the Spanish Netherlands, which by the assistance of those strong Garrisons under its Dominion in the same Provinces, will be a force sufficiently competent to amuse all the power of the Dutch and Spaniards on that side during the season of this Campaigne, and to prevent their doing any thing considerable. In the second place, This being the condition of Flanders, and France being out of all apprehension of danger in reference to its Conquests in the Provinces of the Spanish Netherlands, and the Provinces of Picardy, Boulogne and Art/ ois which are guarded and secured by the Conquests of Valenciennes, Cambray, and St. Omers, it plainly appears that France is at her full liberty, to make head with the main body of its forces in opposition to the erterprises of the Imperial Armies. Seeing then that France finds herself in this safe condition, I must leave it to all men of sense and judgement, as a solid prognostication of all that can be expected from the attempts of the Imperial Arms for the preservation of the Provinces of the Spanish Netherlands. For suppose that the Imperialists should advance to the Frontiers of France, with an Army of fifty thousand men, which is almost all that they can do, France will meet them with an equal force, or perhaps with a greater number, with this difference, that whereas the Imperialists, to obtain the advantage of getting to the Frontiers of France, shall be forced to undergo a thousand difficulties and hardships, in crossing a wasted and desolate Country, the French have nothing to do but by easy Marches in their own Country to meet them, Masters of all the Territories behind and on each side, furnished and provided with all things necessary, and where they had all the advantages imaginable to attack them as they should see occasion. Thirdly, that we may not seem to rely in vain upon the endeavours of the Confederate Forces in the said Provinces, we must consider, that by reason of the lopping off so many considerable Members from the body of those Provinces in the Wars of 1667. and since the beginning of this present War, it is absolutely impossible to be able to do any thing considerable against France without a force much greater than that of France. Fourthly, The Spaniards themselves since the beginning of this War, through the misfortune of the Minority of their Prince, being unable to establish Magazines of Victuals, Ammunition and Provender for the Horse, for the subsistence of their own and the Armies of their Allies, and being under the same necessities and disabilities, through the same misfortune during this Campaigne, it is impossible for this only defect, that any considerable Armies should subsist in the said Provinces for so long a time as is requisite, or that the March of the Army should be ordered as the suddenness of emergent occasions requires, to oppose the progress of the Enemy, or to gain any considerable advantage upon him. And this may serve for a real proof of this Truth, that we need no more but observe what has passed within these three years in the beginning, progress and end of all the Campaignes in the said Provinces, including the beginning of this. Fifthly, although it be true that by the advancement of his most Serene Highness' Don john of Austria to the Dignity of Captain General, and First Minister of the Spanish Monarchy, we may certainly expect a great change in the Government of the Monarchy of Spain, however 'tis very true that if we consider the most wonderful disorders which have crept into the Ministry of that Monarchy during two successive Reigns, the little time that this Heroic Prince has enjoyed his Dignity, and the necessity that constrains him in the first place to provide for the affairs of Sicily and the Frontiers of Spain, make it out to be impossible for him to furnish sufficient succours for the preservation of these Provinces. Now all that has been already said, being solidly true, which may be reduced to three heads, First, That the Imperialists during this Campaign can do nothing considerable for the safety of the United Spanish Netherlands. Secondly, That there is no solid Reliance to be had upon the Erterprises of those Forces which have defended those Provinces for these 3 years. And, Thirdly, That Don john is not in a capacity to relieve or remedy these misfortunes; we must of necessity conclude that his Most Christian Majesty, at the end of this Campaigne, or before the beginning of the next, while the Imperialists and Hollanders are in their Winter Quarters, will be in a condition to Randesvouze a new body of an Army out of his Carrisons in the Frontier Provinces, and with this new Army to come and sweep all before him, and make an end of his work, by taking all principal places that remain unconquered in the Provinces of the Spanish Netherlands; by means whereof the rest will easily submit to the Conquerors Yoke; Neither the Loyalty nor the Courage of the poor Inhabitants being able to protect them from this misfortune. And then his Most Christian Majesty will have no more to do but to push forward by Sea and Land his Monarchical Designs, to bring under his Yoke the two thirds of Europe. But because some Critic may perhaps imagine that my Conclusion in the preceding Paragraph is not solidly enough maintained to be established and made a positive maxim, after that manner as I have done it, I think it but necessary before I go any farther, that no person may flatter himself to the contrary, to show palpably and plainly the possibilities for his Most Christian Majesty to execute Victoriously, by the time by me supposed, what I have advanced for truth. To which purpose I desire the Reader to consider these four things by way of addition. First, That it is naturally impossible but that the Dutch Army by death, sickness, or desertion must be diminished above a third part. Secondly, That in case his most Christian Majesty should undertake any such conquest at the time aforementioned, it is impossible to determine, but by conjecture, which may prove deceitful, upon which place he will first begin to make his attacques; so that, supposing that the Hollanders do lend their Forces to the Spaniards, there will be a necessity that those Forces should be divided into all those places which the Spaniards possess in the United Provinces; from whence it consequently follows, that it will be impossible that by means of this division and allotment of those Forces, they should be capable to defend all the Grand places which the Spaniards yet possess, which being once attacked and taken, all the rest excepting only Luxemburgh, will be constrained to surrender. Thirdly, it being granted that the Hollanders do lend their Forces to the Spaniards, and that they are divided and separated into several Garrisons as I have already declared, we may certainly conclude, that if his most Christian Majesty has a design to sit down before the said places, neither the Hollanders, nor the Spaniards having a body of an army in the Field, as being all distributed into Garrisons, for the security of particular places, He is at his full liberty to attack which, and as many as he pleases at a time without control, and coming to be master of the Forts, he is master of the Forces likewise: and so the question will be, whether it were not better for them to quit their Towns without so much as a Summons, than to lose their men. For if we do but make a serious Reflection upon the violent and rapid manner of the French Attacques, it being the humour of the present King not to care how many thousand men's lives he sacrifices to his impetuous desires of Conquest, it is naturally impossible but that they should take all the places which they attack, as being out of all expectance of relief. So that all the Places which remain to the Spaniards in the Low Countries shall be swept away, before the Imperialists can be in a condition to move; I only except Luxemburgh for this year, which upon the next Invasion is to run the same fortune with Burgundy, and it may be the next Campaign, as being without Garrisons or Forces for its defence; there being nothing more certain than that the Soldiers in the Conquered Garrisons will be prisoners of War to the Victor. We may add for a fourth, not to flatter ourselves that the violence of Seasons, or the maxim of keeping in Winter Quarters gives any stop to the French heat, that it behoves us to consider what time his Most Christian Majesty made his first Irruption into the County of Burgundy, and what his Armies have done since the beginning of this War, all in the Winter time, or at the end of Campaignes', when the Enemy's Army was never so little retired, or before they could be upon their marchat the end of Winter. Or if we had forgot all this, the second invasion of Burgundy, the conquests of Montbellian, Cambray, Valenciennes and St. Omers may refresh our memories. Which in my opinion may suffice to make us sensible that if England do not step in before the end of this Campaigne, his most Christian Majesty will be certainly in a condition, at the time which I have mentioned, to make a final conquest of all the Spanish Netherlands. Now his Most Christian Majesty being in such a condition, from what you may believe that he will never neglect such a favourable conjuncture, we are also to take notice, that the said Monarch out of a supreme and capital Interest, cannot dispense with the Execution of his intended erterprises at the time by me already expressed. For the Imperialists at the end of the Campaigne, taking up their Winter Quarters in Lorraine and Luxemburgh, his Most Christian Majesty has but one Expedient of Diversion to constrain the Imperial Army of course to quit at the beginning of the next Campaigne, all the said Countries, and to retreat on the other side of the Rhine, which his most Christian Majesty will easily compel them to do, if the Spanish Provinces or their Principal strong Holds fall at the said time into his hands. For this Conquest being made, his Most Christian Majesty shall not only be in a Condition to keep up an Army of fifty thousand men, upon the Confines of Lorain, the Territory of Metz, and the County of Burgundy, to oppose the Imperialists, but also with an Army of the same force to seize almost without any opposition upon the Counties of juliers and Cleves, and so to get footing beyond the Rhine on that side Westphalia, to encourage the Princes of his Cabal in those parts, and probably to force the Imperialists, wherever they are at that time, by reason of the Alarms of which they are so apprehensive from the Coast of Bavaria, which only expects an opportunity for invading Tirol, to keep close together in a body on the other side of the Rhine, on purpose to watch the motion of their Enemies. Now all that has been said above being brought to pass in this manner, to the end we may believe that his Most Christian Majesty will be in a condition to subdue the third part of Europe, we are to take notice once for all, that this same Prince with only the Forces of his own Kingdom, has been able not only to defend himself from the consederated Forces of his Enemies, but that to this very time, all that considerable strength has not been able to get one single Farm of the ancient Patrimony of his Kingdom, while this same Prince actually takes without any opposition, from the Principal Chiefs of the Confederacy, Fortresses, Cities, Towns and whole Provinces; and as if it were not sufficient to advance the Progress of his Victories by Land, in the Provinces of the Spanish Netherlands, upon the Frontiers of Germany, upon the Confines of Catalogne, and in Sicily, to the end you may not be ignorant how formidable his power is everywhere, he gives an occasion to all Europe with amazement to behold, how this same Monarch, within these two years under the pretence of the Sicilian War has not obtained only the absolute Dominion of the Mediterranean Sea, upon all the Coasts of Spain, Italy, and his own Dominions, but that he has had the courage, and a force equal to his courage, out of the supper abundance of his Naval Power, to send the Count d'Estrees, with a Royal Fleet to the Indies, which to the shame of the English and Hollanders, makes those Conquests, of which the consequences will not fail to trouble those two Nations hereafter, and to be most cruelly tormented and incommoded in their most Essential and Capital Interests both of Estate and Commerce. And as if it were not enough in so many different Country's to make all the Progresses abovementioned, we are seriously to consider that this same Monarch by his vast Banks of ready money is able not only nobly to support his Armies in all those parts by Sea and Land in so many different and distant Countries; but also in his Cabinet by the same means of his vast treasures, and the dexterity and vigilancy of his Ministers, to direct and uphold in a most wonderful manner, the power of the Swede, against all the Opposition that has attacked him, and in the heart of the Empire to control and manage those Princes, who under the counterfeit and false Title of Neutrality, by the assistance of the ready money of France, keep considerable Armies on Foot, which upon the least misfortune that should befall the Empire, would be ready to take hold of the opportunity to the disadvantage of the Empire. By the same interest of his readymoney he not only governs the secret Counsels of Poland, but so order his affairs that the public Diets of that Kingdom applaud the suffrages of the same Court in those very points, which according to the Rules of Judicious Policy, will certainly ruin by the Consequences all the chief Privileges of that Republic. By the same means he governs the Politic Diets of the Cantons of Switzerland, in such a manner, that though that Nation, by the Conquest of Franche Comte, do perceive a curb to be put in their mouths, which may be a means to bring them into slavery, nevertheless they still furnish him, through an insufferable blindness, with the best of their men, on purpose to assist him to overrun the rest of Europe, as if after all the rest come to be subdued and vanquished, this Republic alone would be able to resist the power of France, when her victorious Monarch shall advance four several ways to attack it with all his Forces. But these are not the bounds that limit the Influence of the French Money; it spreads itself yet more wonderfully. Italy is replenished with persons of great wisdom and foresight; and without all contradiction that Nation of all Europe is naturally the most capable to dive into all the consequences that may happen upon the progress of his Most Christian Majesties designs; nevertheless by an Enchantment till now unheard of, the Potentates and Republics of that part of Europe, remain unanimously buried in an unconceivable Lethargy, and this at a time, when they see by the successes of his Most Christian Majesty in Sicily, the flames of a War ready to be kindled in their own Country, and that too in such a part, as has always proved fatal to it, and that from the same part, as also from Pignerol & Monaco they find the French Arms assured of three infallible Ports that give them free entrance by three different ways without any Possibility for any Power of Christendom, if the Empire and Spain be once brought to submit, to prevent their misfortune. But if the Mercenary humour of the Swisses, and the softness of the Italians, may seem to furnish those Nations with any excuse, whether good or bad, to shake off the blame from themselves for not having hitherto done any part of their Duty, what can England say for itself, a Nation formerly of all Europe most fierce and jealous of their Liberty? In regard that at the same time, while his Most Christian Majesty carries Valenciennes, Cambray and St. Omers in the very view of that Nation, she so warlike and so jealous heretofore of the Successes of the French, stands pausing and flegmatickly making it a Question, whether it may be convenient for her to Arm, and with her ancient courage to cause a Restoration of those places into the hands of their ancient Masters: or whether she shall apply herself to the unprofitable ways of mediation, where the Frauds and delays of the French are to be every day encountered. This it is that causes us to say, that the Seine now triumphs over the maritime Grandeur of England, and that France by virtue of one of her chief Master pieces, and some certain golden Sacrifices, has found a means to lull asleep the English Samson, that having cut off the locks of his hair, she may be able to make herself master of his Honour and his Puissance. Neither is it here that the politic managements of the Counsels of France make a stop: For the ministry of France has not only acquired almost an universal control in all the Courts of Christendom, from which those of Vienna and Madrid have not been exempted; but it is also certain, that by his pensions of several Millions, neither the deceased Grand Visier, nor the Cham of the Precopite Tartars, even to the last Peace with Poland, did act otherwise than according to the directions and desires of the Most Christian King; of which the last wars and the Peace with Poland have furnished us with a lamentable but authentic Proof, and is to us a farther Argument that he who succeeds in that charge, concurs in the same Politics with his Predecessor; and that his Most Christian Majesty is not unmindful of his Addresses to him. And it is observable, that no sooner has the Muscovite threatened the Swede with a War upon Livonia side, but the Great Turk has menaced the Muscovite with an Invasion of his Territories with all his Forces. If then his Most Christian Majesty by the sole and only Forces of his own Kingdom, at a time when he is constrained to keep in pay above a hundred thousand men, without any Hyperbole, as well in Garrison as in the Field, in the parts adjoining to the Spanish Provinces, and his neighbouring Conquests, yet for all this makes such irresistible Progresses as well by his Arms as with his money, I leave it to all rational persons to judge, what he will be able to do, after he has finished the Conquest of the Spanish Netherlands, for that he will be then not only discharged of the most considerable part of his care and Expense, but that he will be also master of a Country, that by means of its ordinary Subsidies will be able to furnish with money to pay an Army of fifty thousand men, with all the charges thereto belonging. And that in the same Countries he shall be supplied with men, Soldiers and Officers as good as any in Europe. That the Empire, Spain, Holland, Switzerland, Italy, and England more especially have reason to tremble at the thoughts that such a thing should come to pass, if they do not rather arm their whole puissance, and undauntedly both in general and particular make it their business to prevent the same. For certainly it is their common Interest, since that if such a Conquest should be effected by the French, the infallible loss of all their Liberties would follow next. And for the more home urging of this matter, that we may give you to understand the fatal Posture of the affairs of Europe at this time, & how advantageous they are to facilitate the designed Conquests of his Most Christian Majesty if once he obtain the entire possession of the Spanish Netherlands, we are seriously to consider, that as for Germany, after such a success of the French Force, his Most Christian Majesty will be in a condition, not only to support his Alliances, as he does in Svedeland and Poland, so in other parts of the Empire, but also to enable those Alliances to advance their heads without any danger. For by that correspondence which this Monarch keeps with the Ottoman Court, being able to prevent for some years the Turk or the Precopite Tartar from making any irruption into Poland, I leave the world to judge how impossible a thing it will be for his Highness the Elector of Brandenburg to defend Pomerania and Prussia, while his Most Christian Majesty occasions the attack of his Provinces, should his Most Christian Majesty, as we have already said, attack his Territories of Cleves and Mark, with an Army of forty or fifty thousand men, without any hindrance at all to the same Monarch to maintain and carrion his Conquests in Lorain, Burgundy, and Luxemburgh, either with as numerous or a bigger Army in those parts. Which happening to be true, it will be an infallible Consequence, upon the Conquest of the Spanish- Netherlands, that the Emperor and the Empire will in all probability be constrained to bid adieu for ever to whatever depends upon the Patrimony of the Emperor from the Rhine to the Frontiers of France, in the same manner as the same Empire has been already forced to do to the three Bishoprics of Toul, Metz and Verdun. For the Dutchies of Cleves and juliers being subdued all of a sudden, we may easily foresee that two things will infallibly come to pass. First, that the Imperial Army, or at least so much as relates to the Elector of Bavaria and his friends in the Empire, will be forced to keep on the other side of the Rhine, perhaps in a posture of single defence, while the Princes of Westphalia, either compelled by the necessity of the time, or in pursuance of their own obligations, shall join with France, as being thereto already well inclined and disposed. The second is, that Holland being humbled and brought down by the calamities and losses sustained in the present war, or the Conquest already made, shall be forced to agree to some dishonourable peace; and that with so much the more reason, in regard that by the loss of the Spanish Netherlands, and the Duchy of Cleves, it will be out of all hope of being succoured from any part, unless it be from England, from whence we know that that Republic can promise to themselves but little favour, so long as the French shall have the chiefest Influence in that Court. Now the Empire being reduced to this Extremity, it is most certain that nothing can follow but the total Ruin of the same Empire, if by any peace at the discretion of the Ministry of France, the Hollanders are forced to satisfy the designs of the Ambitious Monarch of that Nation. The Empire and Holland being thus humbled and brought down, we must conclude that France will be at liberty to choose for the subject of its Triumphs Spain, Italy or England, at its own pleasure. As for Spain, two things being viewed and considered; the first, its natural depopulations; the second the want of fortified places in the heart and Bowels of the Kingdom, it is most certain that there is nothing but its scarcity of Provisions and victuals in the very centre of it, that can save it from an Universal Invasion from France. But let the scarcity of Victuals be what it will, that can be no obstruction, but that his Most Christian Majesty, notwithstanding those natural defects, entering by the passages of Fontaraby, with an Armyonly of thirty or forty thousand men, and by the passages of Catalogne with the same number, by the means of these two Armies, would in two Campagnes be able to make himself master of Navarr, Arragon, Catalogne, and the Kingdom of Valencia, and after that having well fortisfed his Frontiers, may be in a condition to constrain the King of Spain to become his Tributary for the Kingdom of Castille, and after that to grant him what part he shall desire of his Territories in Italy, and the West Indies, which is an affair not altogether unworthy the serious reflection of England. As to Italy there are four things to be considered. First the importance of those Posts which his Most Christian Majesty has already got possession of, in three different parts of the Country, by means whereof he has a free entry into Italy, which way soever he pleases. The second is the natural division of Italy into several little states, which are for the most part very inconsiderable, & will be ready to join with the French Monarch, if they are not already his creatures. Thirdly that Italy, formerly the most generous Nation in the world, by the fatal vicissititude of things is now become the most soft and effeminate. The fourth is, that his Most Christian Majesty is master of the Italian Sea. Whosoever then considers all these things, will be easily convinced, that if Lewis the 14th. assail Italy with all his forces, that nation will not be in a condition to make any more resistance against him, than it did against Charles the Eighth, and that if Lewis gets a footing once within it, it will not be so easy to drive him out, as it was Charles the Eighth. For both the Genius's, Politics and forces you have to deal withal are far different, as also the Conjunctures of former opportunities from those at present. Moreover we are to consider that upon an irruption of his Most Christian Majesties forces into the most delightful part of Christendom, Italy can have nothing to rely upon but the strength of her own native forces; for any succour she can expect, I see none in a case to afford it her but the Turk, Germany and Spain being supposed to be brought so low as not to be in a condition for any such effort. Nor do I think that the Swisses dare undertake any such enterprise, or if they should, that their strength would prove any thing considerable. From all which reasons I determinately conclude, that if France attaque Italy, which 'tis very probable he will do after he has attaqu'd and subdued the Empire and Spain, Italy will be entirely lost, and the Court of Rome itself will be glad to draw herself out of the broils, by conferring the same honours, & granting the same privileges to Lewis the 14th. as she did formerly to Charlemaigne, and several of his successors, that being one of the principal Articles which she must make use of to satisfy the vast ambition and soaring designs of this Monarch These great things being thus brought to pass, there will nothing remain to his Most Christian Majesty, but to subdue all his neighbours, and to bring the Swissers and the English under his Yoke. For the first I have said it and will say it again, I cannot tell how the Cantons and Confederate Swisses can be in a condition to defend themselves, against all the efforts and assaults of his Most Christian Majesty, they who have not one fortified place in all their Territories, and who are also often divided in respect of their Religion; and when they shall be assailed on all sides, from Italy, France, Burgundy and Germany. Against which attempts should they prove successful, they would be more worthy of honour, than their Ancestors ever were, for all their victories formerly obtained, against the ancient Dukes of Austria and Burgundy. As for Engl. I know that Nation is warlike even to the height of valour, I know that Nation abounds with persons of great gravity, judgement and capacity to penetrate into the deepest mysteries of State Politics. I know moreover that the natural Situation of Engl. being a kind of fortification and bulwark, that it seems invincible against all the attempts and designs of her enemies, and that joining all these circumstances to what she is able further to do, considering the natural antipathy which every true English man naturally preserves in his breast against the French Nation, we may from thence conclude, that his most Christian Majesty will find it a very difficult task to bring that famous Island under his subjection; and that though he should make a conquest of it, yet it will be a labour as difficult to keep it. But on the other side it would be to make a wrong judgement of the Politics of the French Ministry, to imagine, that if they undertake either the destruction or the Conquest of England, they would make use of their wone forces, without some plausible pretence, to deprive so great a King, their Ally, of his Dominions. France is too cunning and diligent in her Politic Managements, not to make use of more refined methods of craft and Intrigue. And it is a certain and real argument, that the French Politics are already at work for the ruin and destruction of England, if by a Heroic and universal arming of the whole Nation, the English do not put themselves into a posture both by Sea and Land to stop the progress of his Most Christian Majesty, and the unwary proceedings of those among them, who join and close with the French Monarch to the utter ruin of their Native Country. I say there is a necessity, to take notice of this piece of Truth, and to dive into the Bottom of two things, the natural designs of the Court of England; and secondly, the condition wherein his Most Christian Majesty will be, after a completed Conquest of the Spanish Netherlands, by means of such formal Succours as he shall send into England, to bring about the designs of the prevailing party to triumph at length over the unwary cunning of the one, and the weakness of the rest. As for the real designs of the interested Courtriers at this conjuncture, we may conclude them to be such undoubtedly, and the same with those that engaged the English, at the beginning of the present Wars, to confederate with his Most Christian Majesty, against the Republic of the United Provinces, and by consequence against all the Allies of that Republic. And a most notorious proof of this assertion is this, that without doubt England itself did not so well ponder and weight those truths which I am now going to advance, on purpose to let Christendom apparently understand the inevitable danger into which all Christendom must of necessity fall, by being forced to submit to the yoke of France, through the Conquest of the Spanish Netherlands. Now England being sensible of this Truth, and seeing withal that by the continuance of these Successes, his most Christian Majesty will be in a condition to keep up an Army of above 150000 fight men, for which he will have no employment, if he do not send them against England; and yet lying still, and not using any endeavours to hinder the Progress of these Successes; we must of necessity conclude, that England acts according to the same principles which engaged her to confederate at the beginning of the war with France; and that her mediation abroad does only tend to do the French some more important kindness, to bring to pass the designs of that Court, than she could do by the assistance of her Arms and a public Declaration of War, which might be a means to discover, and put a stop to the conduct of self-interest. And it is an irrefragable proof, that the Self-interested, and the French Party in England are firm in the said Design, for that when the Muscovite threatened the Swede with an Invasion of Livonia, at the same time that, by the Management of France, the Great Turk also threatened the Muscovite with an Irruption into his Dominions, in case he invaded the Swede; the French Party in England, at the same time threatened the Grand Czar that if he meddled with the Swede, they would send a considerable Fleet of men of War into the Baltic Sea: which proves not only what I have already declared, as to England, but also that France, the Turk, and the French Party in England, observing the same measures, without being any longer able to conceal them, have formed such a League, which, together with the Branches of it, that extend themselves into many Parts of Europe, make it evident, what apprehensions Christendom ought to have of the Erterprises of his most Christian Majesty, to which his Confederates are made instrumental, either through Unwariness or Self-interest. Now it being thus evident that England acts as a Copartner with France, some may be nice to examine the general and particular aim of such Proceedings. I shall say nothing of the public treaty between England and France, at the beginning of this War, only that therein we may find two things. First, That if the French and Popish Party in England do resolve to persist in the observation of the said Treaty, that then, upon the loss of the Spanish Netherlands, to the ancient Owners, England will be put to a hard choice, either to forgo her ancient Rights and Privileges to the Will of that same Self-interested Popish Party, or else, with all their Might, to withstand the united Force of the French King, and the French and Popish Party, in England, that shall attempt to constrain them to such a Compliance. The second is this, That in regard it is impossible that the English should willingly submit to such a Subjection, so it will be impossible for them to hinder the French from landing, so long as the aforesaid Power prevails; who, before they quit their hold, nay, before they land, will be sure to have some strong Fort or Post assigned them for their Security, as is usual in such cases. Which, if it fall out in this manner, who is so blind as not to see, that England being reduced to these Terms, it follows, that France, by the Triumphs of politic management, and by the ●●imitable Subtlety of its Ministers, will not only be in certain Condition, by fomenting the Troubles, to bring about the total Ruin of England, in regard that the Fortune of the prevailing Party, and consequently of the Kingdom, will be at his disposal; but also by the means of such a favourable Conjuncture, after he has looked on, while the English cut one another's Throats, to come in and master both Parties in the same manner as Hengest and Horsus, Generals of the Anglo-Saxons, being called in by Vortiger to assist him against the Romans, Picts, and Scots, overcame, not only all the Enemies of Vortiger, but he himself and all his Forces. Or, as more lately, the Turk o'ercome the King of Fez in Africa, who had called him in to his Assistance against Don Sebastin King of Portugal. It may be thought perhaps, that I have spoken too freely; but so it was, that the Son of Croesus, King of Lydia, being born dumb, seeing a Soldier with his Weapon advanced, ready to kill his Father, spoke then, that never spoke before: Who then cannot but speak, that sees his Native Country ready to be set together by the Ears, by a prevailing French and Popish Party? For to declare who I am, I am an English man, born and bred up in the Roman Catholic Faith; but by the Grace and Favour of God, reclaimed from those Erroneous Opinions and Doctrines, both as to Faith and Politics, with which my Studies at Liege had infatuated me. Now, as to the opportunity of being an English Man, and a Roman Catholic, gave me that Advantage to be admitted into several private Conferences held at Paris and London among those of my own Nation and Religion; and for that I had thereby the means to penetrate to the Bottom, and to discover the Malignity of the present Designs: It is the particular Knowledge of the present Misfortunes, which, together with my Conscience and my Honour, have caused me to put Pen to Paper, as one that would be accounted faithful to my Country, and a true Christian, to advertise my dear Country, that these Misfortunes which I have presupposed, are so much the more likely to come to pass, considering that the French Ministry, having prudently foreseen, that it is impossible for his most Christian Majesty to pretend to the Conquest of the Spanish Low Countries, unless he be secure of England, have made it the chiefest Masterpiece of their Craft and Cunning to separate the Interest of the English Ministry from that of the Kingdom, and make them two distinct things: For the one having made the other believe, that if they would but sacrifice the Spanish Netherlands to his most Christian Majesty, that then he would gratify the other with the Conquest of the Spanish Indies, the Wealth of which places, would put the French-English Party into such a Condition, as never to want, or fear a Parliament. This is the Knot which ties France and England together; but because the French Party in the Court of England as wisely foresaw, that it was impossible to form a party in England against the Privileges and Interest of the Kingdom: For that very reason it was, that they pretended to set on Foot the pretence of Religion; and because it was well known, that there was a great Number of Roman Catholics in England, and those too, generally very zealous for their Religion, though as generally very ignorant; therefore it was, that his Highness the D. of York embraced the Roman Catholic Religion, and afterwards, to declare himself openly for the same Party; which he never did do, till he had a full prospect, after the Successes of the last Compaign, of the weakness of the Confederacy in opposition to France, and that the Forces of the latter were sufficient to beat all the rest put together, unless England struck in to their Assistance. Upon this ground it was, that after the Arrival of the Duchess of Orleans at Dover, so many Courriers were seen to post between Paris and London; neither the Peace between England and Holland, nor any thing else that happened since or before this War, being able to stop the Career of these Proceedings. Upon this Confidence it was, that many French Priests came into England in such Numbers, that besides that every Corner of London was full of them; it is most certain, that there is not a City or considerable Town in England, Scotland, or Ireland, where these Indiscreet Zealots have not got Footing. From hence it was, that the Court of Rome, which was not ignorant of these Proceedings, so much rejoiced at the beginning of this War which France and England, made at the same time against the Commonwealth of the united Provinces; though that Court has had cause sufficient to understand the Nature of the French Zeal, by what has happened through the Power of the French Armies, to one of the Ecclesiastical Electors of the Empire, as in the most part of the Churches of his Capital City. Upon this ground it was, that the last Parliament was prorogued for eighteen Months, which ended not till the overture of this present Sessions, and all to gain time to gain the Members to their Party, wherein we had like to have felt the fatal Consequences of their Success. Now I say, That this Misfortune is so much the more likely, by how much it appears to be certain, that the King of France is in a Condition, before a year come about, to make a Conquest of the greatest part of the Places and Provinces of the Spanish Netherlands, and thereby be enabled to subdue all the rest of his Enemies; and then by means of Sorceries in England, to maintain continual Divisions in that Kingdom, and by virtue of those Divisions, to waft over a considerable part of his Forces for the support of his Party, and so at length, to make himself Master of them, and the whole Nation. In which Attempt, it will be the more easy for France to succeed, in regard, that England may be certainly assured, that there are, within the very Centre of her Dominions, no less than fifty thousand Papists, whose Consciences are governed by French Monks and Priests, and consequently, ready to take Arms upon first Opportunity, in pursuance of their Designs, and to join with twelve thousand Papists more, that now serve in the Armies of France, which would certainly stick close to the French upon their landing in England. Now I say this, That this 'tis which England may conclude to be certain, with so much the more Credit and Reason to be believed, because the Memoirs, Rolls, and Instructions, have not been concealed from me; and all these things maintained and carried on by the Management of the Ministry and Counsels of France: whereby my dear Country may see what is preparing against her, both within and without, for her total Destruction, for which, there is no other Remedy, but by a general Resolution, to lay aside all disputes of Religion, which the indiscreet Zealots of all Sects unwarily set afoot, and to bestir themselves for the effecting of five things. The first, to join in a league of Confederacy with the House of Austria, and the Hollanders, and not to separate until there shall be a Peace made to the full Satisfaction of all in general, and every one in particular. Secondly, in case the Parliament that is now in Being, do not act more cordially than they have done, for the Honour and Interest of the Nation by their humble Representations and Addresses, to beseech his Majesty to call another. Thirdly, to implore the Expulsion of all the French Emissaries, of what quality soever, out of all the three Kingdoms, without Exception. Fourthly, to recall, by an authentic Decree, under pain of Felony, all the English and Scotch who are now in the French Service; for as for the natural Irish, it will not be amiss, to let them stay behind, and waste themselves in the Wars: for though they be Roman Catholics, yet are they as fanatical in the Faith of that Church, as the weak Sectaries of the Protestant Religion, are in reference to their Tenants, and consequently, dangerous Thorns in a Kingdom. Fifthly, To set forth a Navy as powerful as the Nation is able to provide, of which, the principal Officers must be such as are no way leven'd with the self-interest of the French Popish Faction; and to furnish this Navy with such a number of men, as may be able to make an Invasion into such a part of France, as shall be thought most convenient, worthy the ancient Honour of the Nation; to which purpose, the Heads of the Parties in France may be consulted, and never to part with such places as shall be taken by the English Arms, till his most Christian Majesty shall be constrained to submit to Equity and Justice, and to make such a firm and solid Peace as may establish the Repose of Christendom, and restore a Calm to Europe, and which may secure the English Nation from all her present Fears and Alarms. 'Tis by a Conduct of this Nature, that the Kingdom of England may be able, generally to prevent the Tempest with which the insatiable Ambition of his most Christian Majesty is preparing to overwhelm it, and which seems to be absolutely inevitable, unless vigorously remedied by such means as these. By a Conduct of this nature, the whole Body of the Roman Catholics in England, returning to their Allegiance, and coming to open their Eyes, might at length be brought to see, that it is impossible for a Prince, who has been the occasion of the slaughter of so many millions of Christians within these few years, for the only Satisfaction of his Ambition; who, led by the same ambitious principles, has made slight of all the Solemn Oaths which lie took in the Island of Faisans, before him whom he adores for God, before his Altars, that it is impossible, I say, for them to think that such a Prince would trouble his Conscience what Religion were professed in England: only that it would serve him for a plausible pretence, after he had overturned all the rest of Europe, to make an Inundation upon the Cities and Habitations of my dear Countrymen, to burn and massacre, to ravish our Wives and Daughters, and sack and ruin the whole nation, as he has already done, and still does, in Lorraine, Burgundy, Alsatia, and the Spanish Netherlands, though Peopled by Roman Catholics. And indeed these Preventions seem therefore the more necessary, by how much the more true it is what I say. For, that my Brethren may understand me, the Dispute is not here about Religion: that's but the mantle which covers the Design of the Popishly affected Party and their Leaders, to keep off the sitting of Parliaments. For if his most Christian Majesty keep his word with that Party, the Spanish Indies, with all their Wealth and Riches, will belong to them, by means whereof, there will be no necessity for the calling a Parliament; but it shall be in the power of that Party, to keep up an Army of Foreigners in England so long as they please, and thereby to make themselves the absolute Masters of the Laws and Liberties of the Subject. On the other side, if his most Christian Majesty break his Word with the Popish-English Faction, and conquer the Spanish Indies for himself, which is most probable, (it being no part of Richilen's Politics) which Lewis the 14th treads in step by step, to take much heed to the observation of Treaties, (as Spain too cruelly experiments at this time) I leave the World to judge what will become of England, which lies not above seven Leagues from the Coast of France, when the Monarch of that Nation having joined to the rest of his Conquests the Spanish Indies, who will then, by means of his vast Wealth and Riches which he draws out of this Island, to famish this Kingdom, and consequently, when he pleases, to make himself Master of it, there being rhen no Power in Europe able to prevent it. By this Reflection it may be seen, that if Spain falls, all Europe falls, not excepting England; and it is yet in the only power of England to prevent this; there is a necessity to have recourse to this Remedy, as we should run to quench a Fire that had seized upon Whitehall; that is to say, there is not a moment to be lost, if England intends not to perish in the General Desolation. Religion, Charity, and the General Interest of the Kingdom, demand this Diligence, that my dear Country would unanimously agree to give that powerful Assistance to that ancient Ally, and by saving herself heroical, to acquire the Honour of having preserved the whole Body of Christendom from that universal Shipwreck, with which the French Fury threatens it. I know that by means of that cold Poison which the Emissaries of France insinuate, and sow about in all parts, and which is more especially naturalised and intruded into England, as being most proper to calm the tempestuous Jealousies of that Nation; there are some that aver with some Probability, that should England be quiet and not assist the Confederates with her Arms, yet that there may be plausible Expedients found out to make an honourable Peace between all the Puis●ances now at Wars. But my dear Country must know, that this was only a Proposal hatched in the Cabinet of the French Ministry, to amuse and blind England, and with her all Europe: and that I may in three words make out this Truth, besides what I have said already, I beseech the Reader to observe, that suppose this very day, by the Mediation of England, there should be a Peace signed, which I believe very vulikely to be done, for several Reasons too long to be here inserted: We must needs say, that in the natural Condition of Affairs at present, this Peace cannot be concluded, but to the great Advantage of France, as also, for the Interest of her Allies; which being true, two things will infallibly happen upon a Conclusion made in that manner: the first, that the Empire, Spain, and Holland, will retire to their several Homes, weary and harassed by the Inconveniences of the War; the second, that his most Christian Majesty, beside the real Honour and Advantages which he shall get by this War, shall be furnished with an Army of a hundred thousand men, as brisk Soldiers as any in Europe; which for several Reasons of State and War that speak of themselves, he will never disband. Now if the prevailing disaffected Party in England persist in their Designs of bringing all things under an Arbitrary Power, I ask any true Englishman, whether it be the Interest of England by a Peace of the Nature above recited, that France should be in a Condition, by the loan of an Army of fifty thousand men, which he can easily spare to his Party in England, by an Invasion of that Force, to procure the Ruin of our Country in one year. Moreover, it behoves us to observe, that in case such a Peace should be made, it would be of no other Service to France, than to enable him, in less than three years, by the Recruits of his Treasuries ●nd Finances, securing his Intrigues 〈◊〉 England, in the North, and among ●he Princes of the Empire, while ●he Rhine being without any guard, ●nd it may be the Great Turk enured Hungary, to pour himself with a Hundred Thousand Men in●o the Spanish Netherlands, and the Empire, which is no more than to recoil, that he may return with a ●reater Force, and to take time to consult his Measures, how to war with less Danger, and more Success; which is no more for the Distressed, than to run out of the Frying-pan into the Fire. the Lion is out of his Den, the Hunters are at his Heels; and there is no more to be done, than to spread the English Toils to the Sea Coast-ward, and there to post the Huntsmen. We owe this Charitable Assistance to our Most Ancient Fellow-Citizens, and the natural Subjects of England. A fai● Opportunity offers itself gloriously to reunite to the Crown of our Monarch, those Flowers that ought to be inseparable from it. Those unfortunate People, oppressed by the Power of the French Tyranny ● stretch forth their Arms to us; le● us not abandon them any longer to the Fury of that despotic Power, as being the only means to restore both our own, and the Peace of the Empire, so necessary to put it into a Condition, to be able to resist the Violence of the Common Enemy of the Christian Faith. I say, this is the only means, to the end, that my dear Country, abused and intoxicated with French Poison, may not be so blinded, as to run blindly into the Snares of those Propositions for Peace, which without the Remedy already proposed, can prove no other than an infallible Expedient to enslave all Europe. I beg the Reader's Pardon if, transported with that Zeal, with which my Heart is inflamed for the Interest of my Dear Country, I have enlarged myself upon this point of the Condition and Interest of England: I could not either in Honour or Conscience, refrain from making a Discovery of a mysterious Combination, that goes about to tarnish the Honour of England, should this Misfortune proceed any farther. I declare that my Animosity extends itself no farther, than against those Evil Counsellors, who being corrupted with the Gold of France, have betrayed that Fidelity which they owed both to their Country and their Prince. Moreover, I am an English man, that is to say, born with my Native Liberty, to declare my Opinion upon so nice a point, as the Preservation of Law and Liberty, aught to be of every true born English Man: For that in Truth, we have as much Right to maintain that Birthright of ours, as our Kings have to maintain the Rights and Privileges of their Thrones and Sceptres. But, while I am enlarging upon this Point, some Person, either out of Ignorance or Corruption, may perhaps take upon him to gloss upon this formidable Power, which I have attributed to France, to the end that my dear Country, and all other Princes and People, whose Interest it is to abate the Power of France, may be the better instructed to make a solid and right Judgement of it, both in general and particular, of the formidable Force of France, I desire the Reader to make a true and sincere Parallel between the Reigns of Charles the Fifth, and Francis the First, and the Reigns of Lewis the Fourteenth, and Charles the Second of Spain; for by that only Examen, you will find that I have spoken but very sparingly and modestly of the vast Power of France, which I shall endeavour to make appear by a succinct Examination of this Parallel. Charles the Fifth, under the Titles of Emperor, King of Spain, King of Naples, Sicily, and Sardigna, Duk of Milan, and chief of the Houses of Burgundy and Austria, united in his own Person, the immensity of a vast Puissance, which, after some Victory obtained against his Enemies, gave him the advantage, to dispose of an absolute Power, all the Forces of Germany, the Seventeen Provinces of the Low-countrieses, Italy and Spain, who by his Orders alone marched undauntedly under his Banners, to execute the Commands of this Monarch, as, at present, those of France obey the Orders of Lewis the Fourteenth. Charles the Fifth was undoubtly the greatest Captain, and the greatest Soldier that Christendom had produced for several Ages. Charles the Fifth had under him the most Famous Persons, both for Military and Civil Affairs, which either the Empire, or the Monarchy of Spain ever had. Germany, Italy, the Provinces of the Low Countries, and Spain, were full of great Armies, vigorous and well-disciplined, and the Ocean and Mediterranean Seas saw nothing more noble nor magnificent than the Fleets of that Monarch. Moreover, this Prince was one that weighed, digested, and resolved the most difficult and important Affairs, that were handled either in his Military or Civil Councils, and like a second Caesar, confronting in Person all sorts of Perils and Dangers, encouraged by his presence in all sorts of places, the Valour of his Captains and Soldiers, in all his most important Expeditions. Notwithstanding, this great Emperor, with all the Territories, Forces, and Advantages that he had, finding himself necessitated to declare a War against Francis the First of France, who, in all, had not above thirty millions of Annual Income; and although he had withdrawn from the Service of France the Duke of Bourbon, who carried the same sway in that Country, which the Prince of Conde may be said to do now, had nevertheless, such an Opinion of the Force of France, that he would not engage himself in that War, till he had first made a League with Henry the 8th, the Pope, and other the most considerable Princes of Europe. And yet, notwithstanding all his Precaution and Wariness, Experience tells us, that Francis the First was in a Condition, not only to defend himself against all the Violence of that League, but that also, had it not been for that same accident, and which was but an accident, of his being taken Prisoner at the Battle of Pavia, Francis the First had found the Emperor work enough, and given him his hands full, seeing, that after he was set at liberty, he was so powerful as to constrain the Emperor to grant him several mitigations in reference to the Treaty of Peace which he had signed during his Imprisonment, and that he left his Kingdom in that condition which it has invincibly maintained and preserved, notwithstanding all its Civil Wars, against the Puissance both of the Spanish Monarchy and the Empire. Now to make a just and exact parallel between those, and the Conjunctures of these Times, we must observe, that Francis the First, as we have already declared, had not above thirty Millions of Annual Income, and that Lewis the 14th, who now Reigns, at this hour that I write, has infallibly above an hundred and fifty Millions within the only circuit of his Kingdom. That Francis the First durst not undertake any thing of high Concern, but by the Consent of his Estates General and his Parliaments, and that Lewis the Fourteenth reigns despotically, with an absolute Power over all his Subjects. That Francis the First had a Charles the Fifth to grapple with, comprehends all the rest, and that Lewis the Fourteenth has only a Charles the Second, and a Ferdinand to deal with: the one but sixteen years of Age, the other, a Prince, without doubt, endued with all the Heroic Virtues hereditary to those of his most Illustrious House, but of a Disposition placid and pacific, and who has no other end in opposing the Erterprises of Lewis the Fourteenth, by Force of Arms, but out of an absolute necessity to prevent the total Ruin of the Empire and his whole Family. Charles the Fifth, as he was only King of Spain, and the Territories annexed thereto, kept always on Foot, upon the Frontiers of Spain, in Italy, and the Low-Countries, great Armies of six and twenty thousand men a piece: Whereas Charles the Second, having suffered great Losses of his Dominions in every Quarter, has not now at this time above thirty thousand effective in all, although Lewis the Fourteenth attacques him in all his Dominions with Forces more considerable than ever Charles the Fifth made use of against France. Charles the Fifth had always ready in his Ports, and upon the Coasts of the Low-Countries, a Navy of fifty men of War, which, having a Correspondence with his Spanish Fleet on the main Ocean, gave Laws to France so absolutely on that side, that we do not find in any History, that ever France durst make Head by Sea against that great and famous Emperor And at this time I do not know that Spain is able to set to Sea six men of War on that side; where France is now so strong, that some Months since, out of the abundance of their number, they had both the Courage and the Force to send a Fleet to the West-Indies, which made there considerable Conquests. Charles the Fifth, by reason of his Naval Strength in the Mediterranean Sea, and through the convenience of his Ports upon the Coast of Spain, Italy, and Africa, kept, as it were blocked up, in the Ports of Thoulon and Marseilles, all the Naval Force of France: Whereas, the Naval Force of France being so vastly augmented in those Parts, has so strangely spread itself, that, being absolutely Masters of those Seas, within these two years, the Spaniards dare no longer appear, but with the Convoys of some one of their Allies. Charles the Second has been no way able to prevent his total Ruin, but by Leagues and Confederacies: Lewis the fourteenth sustains himself merely by the force of his Arms. Charles the Second wants both Men and Money, and Lewis the Fourteenth abounds in both. Charles the Fifth was sole Master of the seventeen Provinces, and Lewis the fourteenth has invaded the chief places of the ten that belonged to the Spaniards after the Separation of the ten that formed the Commonwealth of Holland, all which he has taken from Charles the second, together with the County of Burgundy entirely. In a word, I cannot speak it too often, the Spanish Monarchy is tumbling, & with that, all the rest of Europe, if Europe, but more chiefly England, do not counterpoise the formidable Force of France, to prevent her being invaded, and forced to submit to the same Yoke, which he has imposed upon his own Subjects. This is that which I have to say upon this Parallel, from which, by the natural Deductions and Consequences that may be drawn, it plainly appears, that I may come to my Conclusion, that by the Loss of Valencienns, Cambray, and St. Omers, in three week's time, his most Christian Majesty is in a fair way, if there be no stop put to his Successes, to triumph over the rest of Europe. From this Argument it is that I conclude, that all the Princes and People of Europe who love their own Preservation, their Honour and their Liberty, aught to take the Loss of those three places for a signal and universal Alarm given to all Europe, to run to their Arms, and marshal themselves with all diligence under the Banners of Justice and Equity; to the end, that the Princes who command this generous party, may be enabled, for the universal good of Christendom, to vanquish those cruel Legions that so victoriously march under the Ensigns of Injustice and Cruelty, and puffed up with their Conquests, so insolently advance to the general Destruction of all Europe. It is this Alarm that gives warning to Italy to put herself into a posture by virtue of a unanimous League between all her Potentates and Republics, as also by the Efforts of her Arms, as well by Sea as Land, to drive back all the Forces of France, not only from the Coasts and Island of Sicily, but to expel them, if possible, out of all Italy; and this at a time while the Roman Eagles hold the chief Director of the French Arms in play. Whereas, if Italy neglect so fair an opportunity to prevent the Yoke that threatens them, if the Empire once fall, she can never be able to repair so great a Loss, and then she can expect nothing but the Misfortunes which are inseparable from Conquests, and of which the Desolations of Alsatia are a dreadful Prospect to lay in tablature before their Eyes. 'Tis this Alarm that ought to excite the Swisses with all their Allies and Confederates, to lay hold upon this present and only Conjuncture, and by an authentic and general Decree of all the whole Nation, to recall all their Forces, out of the Service of the French, and with the same Forces, and others of their Confederates and Allies joined with them, though it were at their own Expense, which Spain would doubtless nver allow, to go and wrest from the French the Garrisons of Burgundy, and clear that County of such bad Neighbours, as being the only Bulwark of their Liberty in the hands of their Majors, if they do not intend to lose the only Opportunity of delivering themselves from that Slavery to which the Pride and Prosperity of France designs them. 'Tis this Alarm that puts England in mind of the near Fall of her Honour, and the approaching Loss of her Liberty, if by a noble Attempt worthy of the Valour of the Nation she do not include herself in the present League of Confederacy; and by Acts worthy the English Generosity, she do not endeavour to assume to herself the Glory of having saved all Europe in saving herself. This Alarm tells the Conquering Princes of one part of the Territories of Swedeland, in the Verge of the Empire, that those Territories are sufficiently considerable to reward their Heroic Endeavours, for the Preservation of themselves, though Spain should be utterly unable to gratify them one Farthing, though he can never without doubt be brought so low, if the Spanish Netherlands be but preserved. This Alarm it is that resounds to all the Princes of the Empire, both in general and in particular, as well those who have hitherto won so much Honour out of Zeal to their Duty, as those who have suffered themselves hitherto to be abused, either by the Artifices of France, or the Corruption of their own Servants, that he who directly attacques the Head, directly attacques the Members, and that he who preserves no Respect for the Head, has none for those Princes, that as Members depend upon the Head. The Fortune of the Duchess of Lorraine and Bar, with the Fortress of Pignerol, may give them sensibly to understand, that neither the respect of Blood, Alliances or Treaties, are of that Restraint; but that the Maxims of the French Politics, will sacrifice them all to their Ambition. The demolishing of the Fortress of Orange, being a sufficient Argument, that there is nothing but the bare honorary Title of Duke and Peer, that is to be tolerated in France. This same Alarm may also reach the ears of his Holiness, and let him know, that if the Emissaries of France do flatter him, that the Designs of that Monarch, are only to extend the Bounds of the Roman Catholic Faith; they are only Cheats and Deceivers: For it is apparent, that the Ambition of France aspires at nothing more than to pull down Imperial Crowns and Princes, purely Roman Catholic. The last peace of Poland, with the Protections which France gives to the Protestants in Hungary, together with the Breaches of the same Ministry with Spain, sufficiently testify, do but make a Sport at Worship of the Roman Catholic Faith: It being certain to them, that penetrate into Affairs, that under the name of the jansenists Party in France, there is with much Circumspection preserved and cherished a sort of Venom more dangerous to the Pontifical Chair, than whatever Luther or Calvin instituted in Germany: For they were declared, and open Enemies; these keep themselves concealed, and close under the Title of Zealous Catholics, notwithstanding that their Hearts, as they sufficiently demonstrate by their Actions, burn with the same Fury, and it may be with the same Religion of those ancient Northern People that so often took and sacked the ancient Rome. The same Alarm Poland seriously ought to take; for that if she unwarily undertake to favour the Designs of his most Christian Majesty, the Enemy of his Imperial Majesty and the Empire, it behoves her to take heed, that she do not engage herself to favour the Destruction of the only Bulwark of her Safety, against all the formidable Attacks of the Turk; which it behoves Poland to take the more seriously into her Consideration, in regard that it is the Interest of the Empire to take care of the Preservation and Subsistance of Poland. It is this Alarm that lastly advertises all France, with a continued and mournful sound, I speak of the Kingdom in her three Estates, that if fourscore and ten thousand Gentlemen which are in France do not under the Favour of this present Conjuncture draw their Swords, and join with the honest Commonalty, to shake off the Yoke which now oppresses their Necks, the name of Nobility and free people, will be certainly extinguished over all that vast and populous Kingdom; in regard, that nothing but the frequent Meeting of the three Estates General of that Kingdom, which is able to re-establish the Privileges of those Estates, totally lost: which re-Establishment being never to be brought to pass, but by a universal taking up of Arms throughout the whole Kingdom, it may be certainly said, that such a Resolution being taken at this Conjuncture, by joining with those Princes, who are now engaged in the same War against the Court of France, and that also vigorously maintained till such a Re-Establishment were made according to their desire, firm and lasting; there would be no Power upon the Earth which could ward off the Blow, but that his most Christian Majesty would be forced to veil Bonnet, and submit to reason and Equity, as well in respect of his Subjects, as in respect of his Neighbours, which is so much the more necessary; by how much it ought to be laid down for a fundamental Maxim, that if by re-establishment of the Liberties of France, which is not to be done but by the sitting of the general Estates of the Kingdom. The Monarch of that Nation cannot be constrained to content himself with the ancient Revenues of that Crown; it is absolutely impossible, that any one of his Neighbours can promise to themselves either Peace or Security, which being so considerable and certain as I lay it down, I leave it to Judgement, how much it concerns all the oppressed Nobility of France, not to lay down Arms, till that despotic and Arbitrary Power by some means or other, be absolutely banished the Kingdom. But if the People of this great and vast Kingdom, will be so generous, as to attempt the shaking off a Yoke so heavy and oppressive; the same Alarm admonishes his Imperial Majesty, and his Catholic Majesty, together with their Allies, that these Worthy and Generous Undertakers ought to be succoured and protected after another manner than those of Bourdeaux, the Britain's and Lavedanois were in their late Insurrections; a fatal Experience, giving Light to this most Renowned House of Austria, and its Allies, that if those Insurrections had been fostered and succoured, according to the powerful Solicitations of their Deputies abroad, his most Christian Majesty had not been in a condition to have made those notable Conquests which he has done these last Compaigns in the Spanish Netherlands, nor to furnish the Swede and others with such considerable Sums of Money, from whence those Consequences are to be drawn that speak loud enough of themselves to justify the solidity of my Assertion in this particular. But if the Renowned House of Austria, with all their Allies and Confederates, who are now in Arms against France, have any Interest so Supreme and importunate as I suppose they have, not to lay down Arms, till this Despotic Power be banished out of France: How much does it concern England to suppress that formidable Power so threatening to them? I am satisfied, that only the Insinuations and Profuseness of the Court of France for these many years, have began a Self-interested and Popishly affected Party in that Nation, which laid the Foundations of all the Catastrophees that have appeared upon the English Theatre, and which no doubt, the same Parties are endeavouring with the same Vigour to renew, if not prevented by a generous Confederacy of the English Nation against the Common Enemy, there being no other way to stop the Current of his most Christian Majesties Profusions abroad, by that means, according to the natural Description which he exposes to the World of his Absolute Power over his Subjects, to inflame the Minds of other Princes with the same Ambition. And there are two Points so essential to the Interest of England, besides those that I have already related, that though the Renowued House of Austria, with their Allies, were utterly unable either to foment or to protect an Enterprise of this Importance, England alone however aught to undertake such an Heroic Work, the Success whereof is so linked to its Interest, that, if I had not resolved here to conclude, I could make it out by many more undeniable Reasons, that England cannot support itself but by the re-establishment of the French Liberty. Upon this Pole moves the whole Being of the Laws and Liberties of England, as well as the Universal Calm and Tranquillity of Europe, and the Repose of Christendom. And because, perhaps, I may be thought by some to have spoken too much in the display of so much Truth, I shall say no more, leaving to every one his full Liberty to think and act according as his parts, his Honour, and his Conscience shall suggest; and so I conclude. FINIS.