THE Present State OF ENGLAND. PART III. and PART IU. CONTAINING; I. An Account of the Riches, Strength, Magnificence, Natural Production, Manufactures of this Island, with an exact Catalogue of the Nobility, and their Seats, etc. II. The Trade and Commerce within itself, and with all Countries traded to by the English, as at this day established, and all other Matters relating to Inland and Marine Affairs. Supplying what is omitted in the two former Parts, useful for Natives and Foreiners. London, Printed for William Whitwood, near the George Inn in Little Britain, 1683. THE THIRD PART OF THE Present State OF ENGLAND. WHEREIN Is set forth the Riches, Strength, Magnificence, Natural Production, Manufactures, Wonders and Rarities, Progress of Learning, Arts and Ingenuities, etc. WITH A more perfect and Methodical Catalogue of the Nobility, with their Seats, than any hitherto extant. LONDON, Printed for William Whitwood, next the George Inn, in Little Britain. 1683. THE PREFACE. IT is commonly said among Gamesters, that the Standards by ofttimes see more than the persons themselves that play. The like may be said, as to the Writing of Books: That the Critical Reader soon discovers the Errors and Defects of the Writer. Withal, it is a common Observation, even of the Vulgar and Inferior sort of the People of France; that when any Stranger chanceth to trip or falter, either in the Pronunciation, or Idiom of their Language, they, instead of laughing at their failings, are still ready to help them out, and inform them better. In our present Affair therefore, there is no more to do, than to wish the good fortune of falling into the hands of the most courteous and best natured of Readers; and indeed, there is a kind of necessity for it: for, in treating of the Productions, Manufactures, Inventions, and other things herein contained, there is (if not more) at least, as much need of Converse, as of Books; of consulting the Living, as the Dead. Whatever then, through haste, Inadvertency, or want of convenient Assistance; either of Mistake, or Omission of what is most Curious or Remarkable (I say, most Curious or Remarkable; since a too particular, and Minute Account would swell each Head into a distinct Volume) may have escaped in this present Work; those Gentlemen who shall think it worth their while, and will give themselves the trouble, are humbly desired, against the next Impression, if the Work shall be thought worthy of it, to impart their Advice and Informations. Small Beginnings oft times grow up to considerable Improvements: and a little Cottage may be enlarged to a Commodious, if not stately Habitation. ERRATA & OMISSA. PAge 13. line II. after King, read Edward the Fourth. ibid. after to r. Alphonso. p. 19 l. 6. after from r. Bamba. l. 7. after from, r. Guinea. p. 21. l. 25. In the Blank, after in, r. Herefordshire. p. 22. l. 10. r. Vulpanser. What other Mistakes, or Omissions have escaped the Press, by reason some Sheets were wrought off before the Author's Perusal, are submitted to the Courteous and Judicious Reader's Emendation. THE Present State OF ENGLAND. PART III. THE Island of Great Britain, the largest of the European Islands, and to very few Islands of the World inferior in bigness, to none in Fertility, Power, Good Government and the Glory of its great Actions, lies between 52 and 58 degrees of Northern Latitude. England the noblest and largest part thereof, and a distinct Kingdom of itself, though at present united under one Monarch, hath undergone four several grand Revolutions. Not to mention the Samotheans, Albionists, and Brutus his Trojan dynasty, whose credit depends rather upon fabulous Tradition than real History, the ancient Inhabitants of this Island are scarce taken notice of by any Author of account but by the name of Britain's; and the first certainly known Attaque that ever was made upon them, was by the Romans, under Julius Caesar; and after that several others by the Lieutenants of several succeeding Emperors, not without a World of Bloodshed: The Natives no less stoutly resisting, than the Romans furious assaulting, till at length they gained a no less quiet than perhaps advantageous Possession among us; I mean, advantageous to this Island; so that the Losers may be said to have been the greatest Gainers, the Conquered the greatest Triumphers: For if we consider, from the several Descriptions that have been written thereof, what barbarous and absurd Customs the Ancient Britain's had among them; we may conclude that Civility and Arts were so much the earlier introduced by the coming in of the Romans; who also by their long Habitation here, and Familiar Converse with the Old Inhabitants, were of Foreigners become as it were Natives, of Enemy's Protectors, insomuch that when they were called away for the Defence of their Provinces Abroad, their Departure was no less regretted, than their Arrival was opposed. The next Attempters upon this part of the Island were the Saxons, who being at first Invited in for their Assistance against the Invading Picts and other Borderers, became at length themselves the greatest Invaders; and playing upon the Easy and Luxurious Temper of the Prince that first Encouraged their coming over, they got a Footing, which by continued fresh Supplies sent over from time to time, they made so sure, that all the Force the Britain's were able to make against them for several Ages, was not able to unfix it. For notwithstanding this great Opposition, in which several of the British Kings Signalised themselves, even to the Fame of Heroes, especially the Great King Arthur, whose Glory nothing hath so much Eclipsed, as that his Actions (great enough in their Truth) are blown up into Stories, so Romantic and and Surpassing all Credit, maugre I say all the Force could be Mustered against them: They still Increased in Number and Strength, till in the end the Britain's quite tired out, were glad to retire into the Mountainous and remote parts of the Land, (by which they kept themselves for many Ages a people entirely distinct, and their Language to this very day unmixed; the Root of ours being evidently the Saxon, so that the other must needs be the Ancient British) and leave all the rest to be shared among the new Possessors, who, there being so many Proprietors in the Conquest, dealt out the British Monarchy into seven Parcels; which sevenfold Partition it may well be wondered how it could keep up so long, considering the Confusions, and as it were Civil Wars, that arose (as how could they but arise) among so many Petty Monarches upon one Continent (that is, as to the bounds of each Kingdom) till at length one swallowing up the other, the stronger the weaker, this Seven-headed Hydra of Government came to a Period, and one bright face of Monarchy shot up again, and spread its Lustre over all this better part of Britain, which hath ever since been called the Kingdom of England, and hath so continued, with little or no Interruption, from the Reign of the Great Egbert. He it was who first reduced this Heptarchy into a Perfect Monarchy, though it was tending toward it sometime before, even to this day; and from him the Aera of our English Monarchies by Historians and Chronologers are reputed to commence: So that from the said Egbert, his present Majesty that now Happily Reigns, is reckoned the forty sixth sole Monarch of England. But scarce was this Government well settled, when the expected Tranquillity thereof was disturbed by a new Generation of Invaders, more Barbarous and Mischievous, than ever any either before or since; Committers of far greater Outrages and Cruelties: Yet so often either driven out, or totally extirpated; so often bravely Conquered in the Field by the high Valour and Conduct of several of our English Saxon Monarches (whose Fame stands great in History to this day for their Virtue and Gallantry, both in Peace and War) that it may well be wondered, how any one Country could spare such Multitudes of People, as continually poured in upon us for several Ages together; and how such numerous Forces could make such frequent Landings with so little Opposition: But than it must be considered, that we had no Summer Guards Abroad, no Squadrons of First, Second and Third Rate Frigates to Cruise about and Guard the English Coasts; what kind of Ships there were in those either for War or Trade, cannot be collected from any Account or Description we find recorded or published; but thus much may well be concluded, that the best Man of War of those times was far Inferior to the meanest Merchantman now adays. For the space of about 174 years, viz. from 833, to 1017. was this poor Kingdom harassed by the continual Invasions of these Northern Pirates; yet could they not in all this space catch hold of the Crown of England, till the said year 1017. and then they held it no longer than during the Reign of three Kings; after which it reverted again to the Saxon Line. The Fourth and last Invasion was that of the Normans, if he can properly be called an Invader, who seems to have come in with the Consent, at least if not Invitation of several of the Nobility and Prelacy; for else doubtless his claim could not have been so easily decided by the dint of one Battle, and he so readily have had the Crown put on his Head by Aldred Archbishop of York, who with several other Bishops and Noblemen, met him upon the way, and paid him their Allegiance; and from this Norman Conqueror the Monarchy of England hath been kept up in a continued, though not Lineal Succession to this day. Among the Prae-eminences which this Kingdom hath above all the other Kingdoms of Europe, the chiefest and which most redounds to its Glory, is, that it was first Enlightened with the Knowledge of True Religion; so that whatsoever place it may claim in Europe, it deserves at least to be esteemed the first Kingdom of Christendom: And admit that Joseph of Arimathea were not the first that Preached the Gospel here, though there are not wanting Testimonies, to make it out, not altogether contemptible: However, it is most certain, that the Christian Religion here, is of a much elder date, than the coming over of Austin the Monk; that is, even in the very Apostles time, by the Testimony of Gildas; and as it appears by the mention of a Noble British Lady, Claudia Rufina, in one of St. Paul's Epistles; and it was not much above 100 years after e'er it was owned by public Authority: For the first Christian King mentioned in History, is our British King Lucius, who was Contemporary with the Emperor Commodus, also the first Christian Emperor, at least the first that publicly Professed, Protected and Maintained the Christian Faith, (for before him Philippus Arabs is said to have been a a Christian, and Baptised) was Constantine Surnamed the Great, a Britain Born, the Son of Constantius Chlorus (who also was a Favourer of the Christians, and died at York) by the Daughter of King Coilus Helena (a Princess most renowned for her Christian Piety, and for being the Inventress of the Cross. And as this Nation boasts Antiquity equal with Rome itself, for the Dawning of the Gospel's Light among us, so it claims a Prerogative of Lighting the first Lamp of Reformation to the Christian World; and highly glories in this, that there is no where to be found so excellent and moderate an Establishment of Church-Government among all the Reformed Churches. The Riches of the English Nation. And first of the Arable Pasture and Fruitage. THe Riches of any Nation, I mean the Native and Inland Riches, (for by Imported Commodities, the Barrenest Nation in the World may be Rich,) consist chiefly in the Arable, the Pasturage, the Fruits, and other Plants of peculiar Use and Advantage. The Rich Veins of Earth for Metals and other sorts of Minerals, and the Plenty of Fish and Fowl; all which things are both profitable in themselves, and for the Manufactures they produce; and though common to this Nation, with the greatest part of the Earth in general, yet it will not be from the purpose to discover how far the English Nation excels in each of them, and what parts of the Nation are most peculiarly famed and commended for this or that Production. As to the Arable, it would be in vain to particularise any one part of England more than another, since so great Plenty of all sorts of Corn and Grain is produced in all parts of this Nation. Nevertheless, it is worth the observing, how some Counties are more peculiarly celebrated for this or that Grain: I have heard it affirmed, that the very best Wheat in England is from a Vale near Hessen in Middlesex, lying Southward of Harrow on the Hill; however among the four W's of Herefordshire, Wheat is one, the other three being Wool, Wood and Water. Moreover for Oats, if there be any where one sort better than another, the best Oats are said to be in Lancashire, and in greater abundance than any other County; and for Barley and Malt, Bedfordshire hath among some a particular mention. Moreover, for what is said in general of some places above others: It is sufficiently considerable which is reported of the Town of Godmanchester in Huntingtonshire, in reference to the great Name that Town hath for Tillage, and its Preeminence above all the Towns of England; besides for number of Stout and Able Husbandmen, namely that the Inhabitans of this Place used in former times to meet the Kings of England as they passed this way in their Progress, in a kind of Rural Pomp and Pageantry of show, with no fewer than 180 Ploughs; and in this manner King James at his first coming to the Crown of England was received in his Journey from Scotland, with 70 Team of Horses, fitted with all their Furniture to as many New Ploughs; the King expressing much Delight and Satisfaction at so Brave and Happy a Sight, and highly applauded the Industry and well deserved Prosperity of the people of that Place. Remarkable also is the Vale of Evesham in Worcestershire, so called of one Eoves a Swinheard to Egwin Bishop of Worcester, so Renowned for its Fertility and excellent kind of Corn it yields, that it is called the Granary of those parts. The Vale of Alisbury in Buckinghamshire, is also particularly taken notice of for its Pleasant Meadows and Rich Pastures. Nor are the Sheep-Pastures near Knetworth in Hartfordshire, which is called the Garden of England, to be forgotten. Portholm Meadow also in Huntingtonshire is reckoned among the Notabilia of that County. The like may be said in a great measure of the Pasturage: However there are some places so peculiarly remarked either for the Largeness or Richness of their Pastures, that the mention of them cannot well be omitted. The Isle of Shepey in Kent being about 21 Miles in compass, is without question so denominated from the numerous Flocks of Sheep which it feedeth. No less celebrated is Rumny-Marsh, heretofore a part of the Sea, under the Name of Romanum Mare, which by common Speech is easily corrupted into Rumnense Marshium: Of this Marsh, Twine in his Commentary, De rebus Anglicis, making a particular mention, thus concludes, Denique unde tot pingues peeudes, etc. Lastly, saith he, Whence so many Fat Cattle come to the Shambles, that not only all Kent is largely supplied from this place, but even the City of London also, in some measure fares the better. In the Marsh-Country of Norfolk commonly called Marshland; the Soil is so very Mellow and Fruitful, that in a certain large Mead called Tilneysmeth, there are said generally to feed no less than 30000 Sheep at a time. Wormleighton in Warwickshire, breeds Sheep of so large a size, that there are scarce the like to be seen elsewhere. Lemster upon the River Lugier in Herefordshire, feeds a Breed of Sheep which yields so Fine and Delicate a Wool, that our Noble Poet Draiton in his Polyolbion, compares it to the Wool of Apulia and Tarentum, which hath been always accounted the Finest Wool of Europe. The Bread also of Lemster is no less noted by reason of the Fineness of its Flower, insomuch that Lemster Bread and Weably Ale are united into a Proverb, as Leigh observes in his Description of England. Likewise the Sheep of Cotsall (i e. a place of Sheep-Cotes or Folds upon a Hill) in Glocestershire, yield so Fine a Wool, that nothing but the Spanish Wool can outvie it, and this advantage it owes to a Present that was made by King _____ to _____ King of Spain, very much to the prejudice of England, as it hath since proved. Somerton once the chief Town, as some say, of Somersetshire, and gave the denomination to the Shire, consists almost wholly, with the Country thereabout, of Graziers and Breeders of Cattle. After the Wool of Lemster and Cotsall, that of the Isle of Wight comes next in estimation. Besides those places abovementioned, there is one more, which for its largeness and Fruitfulness alike, is worthy to be mentioned, viz. The Vale of the Whitehorse, which is partly in Wiltshire, and partly in Berkshire. For Fruit, there is scarce any County in England that is not tolerably well stored in one sort or other; but above all for Cherries, and now of late for Pippins, Kent bears the Name; and particularly Tenham, which is commonly styled the Parent of Fruit Gardens: But the first Pippins brought over, that is about 100 years since, were Planted in that part of Lincolnshire called Holland; and about Kirton in the same Shire: Nor are our Cherries of much longer date, being first brought over from Flanders in the Reign of King Henry the Eight, and Planted in Kent, with that Success, that one only Orchard of but 32 Acnes, is said to have produced in one year, as much as yielded 1000 l. For all sorts of Apples and Pears, and for great quantity of excellent Cider, which furnish London and many other parts, Worcestershire, Glocestershire and Herefordshire, are the principal Counties. Vines we have very frequent among us of several sorts, producing for the most part a very Sweet and Pleasant Grape, and good quantities of Wine, I have heard say, have been formerly made. At this day there are two places principally Eminent for making of Wine, viz. Claverton in Somersetshire, a Seat of Sir William Basset's, where there are said to have been made some years, no less than 40 Hogsheads of a very pleasant and palatable Wine, and in Kent belonging to Colonel Blunt. At Hatfield-House in Hertfordshire, belonging to the Earl of Salisbury, there is a parcel ground called the Vineyard, no doubt from the Plenty and goodness of the Vines there Planted. And in Glocestershire there are several places called Vineyards, out of which in former times, they yearly paid Rent-Wines, from the Plenty of Vines no doubt here growing. Moreover it is found in Ancient Records, that several Towns of this Shire paid Rent-Wines, as Dr. Fuller in his Worthys particularly observes. Of other Productions. BEsides those Beasts and cattle which are of advantage for Food and Clothing, and which no Country of Europe, perhaps of the World, bring forth more fair and large than England: There are some Beasts of service, which being common to England with other parts of Europe, are generally commended to be of a more excellent Kind than any, especially that which is the most serviceable of all others, viz. the Horse, with all manner of respects considered, is doubtless the most noble and useful of all fourfooted Beasts; for though the Elephant, Camel, and Dromedary, with which most places of Asia, and many of Africa, abound, are more remarkable for vast bulk of body, especially the Elephant, and consequently more capable of carriage and bearing of great burdens; yet the same greatness of bulk renders them on the other side more unfit for expedition: and for the Ass and Mule, which indeed are fairer, larger, and more numerous in Spain and other Countries of Europe, than in this Kingdom, they are not certainly to be compared either for shape, service, or expedition with the forementioned Animal; nor was ever any Grandee of Spain journeying on his Mule with the Grand Pa and Spanish gravity so comely a sight, as a well accoutred Cavalier on horseback: and of all parts of England, Montgomeryshire is commended for excellent Horses: The Truth is, the Spanish Jenet, that of Barbary Race commonly, therefore called the Barbary: The Count of Oldenburgh's Breed in Germany, have the Name before all others for Swiftness, delicacy of Shape and Neatness, of Mark or Colour; but for Courage, Ability of Body, either for Travel, Draught or Carriage, sufficient Swiftness and Agility, Tractableness for the Great Saddle and Management in War; the Horses of English Breed, are reputed hardly matchable by those of any other Country: And our Dogs much less, by the Testimony of divers Eminent Authors; Ortelius in his Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, affirms, that there is no part of the Earth, where there are better and larger Dogs to be seen, especially Hounds, he might also have added Mastiffs: To the same effect Cambden writes of our Dogs in general in his Hantshire and Middlesex: Burton also in his Commentaries on Antoninus his Itinerary, prefers the British Hounds and Mastiffs before those of any other Country whatsoever. And of our Mastiffs a Spanish Geographer of good Account, Lucas de Linda, in his Descriptio Orbis, saith, That they are the Bravest, the Largest and the Fiercest of any in the World beside: Moreover, that they were in great Request Anciently among the Romans, and made use of in their public Games and Baitings, exhibited in their Amphitheatres, appears by this Verse of the Poet Claudian: Magnaque Taurorum fracturi Colla Britani. There are likewise some other sorts of Dogs of English Breed, which though not so much taken notice of by Authors, I am apt to imagine, are no less excellent and supereminent in their kind, than those above mentioned, as namely, Water-Spaniels, Greyhouds, Setting-Dogs, and such like of Sport and Game. Lastly, that sort of Dogs that serve only for Show and the slightest of Divertisement; I really believe that for Neatness of Mark and Delicacy of Shape, there are scarce to be found elsewhere the like to our Beagles and little Spaniels; and this will appear the more evident to those that shall observe this one thing: namely, that whereas it is a general Curiosity (not to say Vanity) among our English Gentry, to admire and delight in Birds, Beasts, and other things, brought over from France and other Foreign Parts, as Parrots from _____ Monkeys from _____ we find few or none of these abovementioned Creatures, but what are English, at lest none so curiously Marked and Limbed as ours. There is said to be bred about Portsmouth, a race of very little Dogs, which by their shape seem to be of the Species of Beagles. As for the Cats of England, it is observable, that the number of Fine Tabby-Cats that are finely Spotted, and as it were Marbled, hath very much increased of late years, whereby it may be probably conjectured, that some kinds of those so Curiously Clothed Cats, have been brought hither from other parts, and particularly those of Cyprus, have been accounted for their Marbled Coats, the choicest of all others; but setting aside the consideration of the Curious Mark or Colour, to show how far ours have the Preeminence in the exercise of that faculty which nature hath implanted in this sort of Creature, that is, the Catching of Mice and other such Vermin; there needs no other instance, than the History of a very Rich Lord Mayor of London, some few Ages ago, who first raised his Fortune from the Venture of an English Cat. As for the Eatable Cattle, and several Beasts of Game, some places we find there are, which claim a special Propriety to this or that particular kind. The best Oxen in England are said to be in Lancashire: In the New-Forrest in Hantshire, there is very great store of Red-Deer. A late Park near New-market in Cambridgeshire, was called Hare-Park, by reason of the multitude of Hares, Rabbetts; the best and most are said to be in Norfolk; yet I cannot think they much exceed those of Auburn-Chace (belonging to my Lord of Pembroke) in Wiltshire. The best Hogs in Hantshire. Of Birds there are few (if any) sorts wanting here, which are frequent in other parts of England, whether the most Curious of Singing Birds, the choicest Fowl both Wild and Tame for the Table, or Birds of Game and Delight: But of some it is observed, that what are bred in this Country, are peculiarly commendable above others, especially the Gallinaceous kind. Pliny observes of the Cock, that it is a Bold and Stout Bird, and crows in sign of Triumph immediately after Victory, and doubtless scarce any Country affords so Courageous and Martial a Race of Game-Cocks as England; a right Cock of the Game seldom or never ceasing on this side Death or Victory. Nor do I remember to have read or heard Report of any Country where the Sport of cockfighting, of which our Countryman Ascham hath written a Learned Treatise, is so much used as here: Thus the Dog among Beasts, and the Cock among Birds, seem proper Emblems of true English Valour: However let us not repose our chiefest glory in this Virtue alone, but strive to excel in others of a higher nature, which are proper to man alone, since Valour, we see, is a Virtue common to Man with Brute. In the Rocks of Pembrokeshire are Hawks of an extraordinary kind, but chiefly of the Species of the Falcon: In the Forest of Shirwood in Nottinghamshire, and in the Forest of Dean in Glocestershire, the Hawk called the Lanar, whose Female is the Laneret, is very frequent: Near Kinsland in _____ is often seen the Hawk called Lanius, the Butcher or Murdering Bird. Along the Seacoasts of England, from the West as far as Dover; but chiefly upon the Seacoasts of Cornwall, there frequents a sort of Chough or Jack-daw, which is thence commonly called the Cornish Chough, supposed the same with the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of Aristotle. In New-Forrest in Hantshire chiefly breeds the Vpupa or Hoop. In the Fens of Lincolnshire the Attagen or Godwitt. On Newmarket-Heath and Salisbury-Plains, the Bistarda or Bustard. In the Isle of Thanet a sort of Wild-Goose, commonly called a Birgander, in Latin Vulpancer. In several parts of Cornwall, two sorts of Birds, rarely seen elsewhere, viz. the Puffin and the Ganet. Also in Lincolnshire the Foolish Bird called the Dotterel, is so frequent, that the people of those parts have very good Sport in the Catching of it, as Cambden relates. The places of England most eminenly Famous for several sorts of Fish, are Newcastle upon Tine for Salmon; as also Bywell in Northumberland, and the River Wye in Herefordshire, also the River Lune near Cockerfand-Abbey in Lancashire. The Coast of Cornwall for Herrings; there being there so great a Trade of Herring-Fishing, that there is scarce the like again in any place of Europe; at Limmouth also in Dorcetshire there is taken great quantity of Herrings; at Yarmouth in Norfolk, the Herrings are very large and good, and are therefore called Yarmouth Capons. Shrewsbury and some other places thereabout upon the Severn, for a Fish called a Mort, which in Taste hath very much of the Salmon in it; Sussex in general for Carp: For Lobsters Chichester, the chief Town of Sussex, and Selsey (so called, qu. Isle of Seals or Sea-Calves) in the same County; the first for small ones, but very Sweet and well Tasted; the second for those esteemed, not only because of their Goodness, but also their Fullness and Largeness; for Cockles▪ the same Selsey. For Oysters Colchester, the chief Town of Essex, and several places of Kent, especially Whitstaple and Reculver, which for Oysters of savoury saltness, exceed all other parts of that County, especially Reculver. There is a sort of small Fish called a Pilchard, commonly about the bigness of a Herring (though I have heard say, that in some parts of Cornwall there have been taken Pilchards an Ell long) and not much differing in shape in several places on the Seacoasts of Cornwall. At a place called Foreditch in Kent, there are Trout of a treble remark: First, That they equal Salmon in Largeness. Secondly, That they remain nine Months in the Sea, and three in Freshwater. Thirdly, That contrary to the nature of all other Trout, they have been known but once to have been taken in that place with an Angle, so much more cunning they are than all the rest of their kind. In the River Kennet near Hungerford in Berkshire, there is great plenty of Trout, remarkably large and good; also the Town of Hungerford itself, Marlborough, and some other Places thereabout, are noted for plenty and goodness of Crayfish. The River Stowr in Dorcetshire hath a particular commendation for Tenches, as some parts of Cambridgeshire for the best Eels, and Lincolnshire for plenty of Pikes: But there is also another Stowr in Kent, which runs through Canterbury, and is said to breed the best Trout in the Southeast of England: Yet those of Cashalton in Surry are accounted excellent Trout. In Miander-Meer in Lancashire, there breeds a sort of Fish called a Chare, which they say is no where else to be found. Much more might be said, (but that it is not our business to dwell upon any particular, but to take a general Survey of several things) of the Animals which our Country excels in above others; but to speak of the Minerals and Vegetables which this Island produceth, would require each a large Volume; and though we have no Mines of Gold, yet the many Mines we have of other Metals, as Iron, Led, Tin, Copper, etc. (and it is said some discoveries have been also made of Silver, besides Mines of Alum▪ Coal and other Minerals, would, if utmost Improvement were made of our Trade and Manufacture, make a considerable compensation. The Stanneries or Tin-Mines of Cornwall and Devonshire have been famous from all Antiquity: And whereas it hath been formerly taken for granted, that the Britain's were unknown to the rest of the World before the Arrival of the Romans; there are not wanting who are of Opinion, and have confirmed their Opinion with probable Evidences, that the Ancient Inhabitants of this Island, long before the Romans Arrival, had Commerce with the Greeks and Phaenicians; and that because they would not admit of Strangers into their Country, therefore they made the Isles of Scilly the Mart for the vending of their Tin; whereupon some suppose them to be those Islands which the Ancients called the Cassiterides, which imports as much as Tin-Isles; not as having any Tin-Mines in them, but as being the Mart, as we said before, for the Vending of that Commodity. And of all parts in Cornwall, Godolphin-Hill is particularly taken notice of for its Rich and Plentiful Veins of Tin. Nor do the Mines of Cornwall abound in Tin only, but 'tis said there have been quantities of Metallick Oar that have contained a mixture of Gold and Silver; and very memorable is the tradition of a quantity of Silver Oar, digged out of a place in the Parish of Comb-Martin in Devonshire, out of which William Wimondham coined 270 weight of Silver for Elionor Duchess of Bar. A place called newland's in Cumberland, is rich in Copper Mines, and hath some store of Black-Lead; especially about Keswick. In this County also, the Stone called Lapis Calaminaris, is said to have been here first found: But much of this Lapis Calaminaris is digged out of Mendip-hills in Somersetshire. At Wenlock in Shropshire, in the Reign of King Richard the second, there was found a Rich Copper Mine. The Rich Mines of Iron in the Forest of Dean in Glocestershire, have been an occasion of making those Woods very thin, in respect of what they have been formerly. Kent hath several Iron Mines, and also Veins of Marl. Darbyshire abounds much in Minerals, and several kinds of Stones; particularly in the Peak of Derby, there are Mines that afford plenty of Lead, likewise Stibium or Antimony, also store of Millstones and Whetstones; nor less noted are the Lead-Mines on Mendip-hills in Staffordshire: As also those on the Hills of Richmondshire, where there are likewise Coppermines; near Moinglath in Denbyshire, is a plentiful Vein of Lead: So likewise in the Abbey of Fountains in Yorkshire, not far from whence in the same Shire is store of Iron: Other Mines also there are, which though not so Rich, are no less useful than those of Metal; as Alom, Coal, Freestone, Fullers-earth, Marle, with all which, take one with another, there is surely no Nation better stored; and indeed our Salt-pits are no other than a kind of Liquid-Mines. It is no less wonderful to observe what abundant Supplies of Fuel are yearly sent up from the Coal-Mines of Newcastle to this Vast City of London, and other parts of the Nation, besides what is Exported into Foreign parts; than it may seem hard to conjecture how this City could subsist before the discovery of this great Mine, which was not till the year 1305. Since we find by experience, upon any occasion of the obstructing of this Newcastle Fleet, and the raising of the Price of Coals, into what great distress and inconveniency the City is thereupon reduced; but than it must be considered that the City than was nothing near so large as now, and the Country far better stored with Wood; the want whereof for Firing, is not the only prejudice the Nation hath sustained by the vast quantity of Timber that hath been felled of late Ages; the number of Alehouses is also increased ten to one, at least within these 100 years, and proportionably, as may well be imagined, the number of Brewhouses to supply them with Drink; which Houses cannot be maintained and carry on their Trade, without a wonderful quantity of Fuel: Nor need it be wondered how other great Cities are able to subsist without the like convenience (as doubtless there is scarce any City of the World that hath the like advantage for Fuel) considering the difference of Climate, of Customs, of manner of Living, and of Diet. There are who speak of Blackheath, as a place no less sufficiently abounding with Pit-Coal to serve the City of London and parts adjacent, than Newcastle itself, but are willing to believe that the grand security of these Coal-pits, lies in the great prejudice to Navigation, which the breaking of them up would occasion, in regard this Collier's Trade between Newcastle and London is the greatest Nursery of Seamen we have; which objection would easily cease, could the Fishing Trade be once promoted, till when the Coal Mines of Blackheath must of necessity be laid aside. There is also Sea-Coal, like that of Newcastle at Wedsborough in the East-Riding in Yorkshire: Likewise up and down in many of the Inland parts of England, there is abundance of Pit-Coal of another nature, that is too say, not Caking or Clinging together (a quantity of small Particles) into one great lump or mass, like that of Newcastle; but as it is laid on in great pieces, burning sheer away into Ashes, each piece like Wood Up and down in several parts of Darbyshire and Staffordshire, there is a sort of Pit-Coal, which is commonly called Cannel-Coal, perhaps as it were Candle-Coal, because it burns clear like a Candle; this Coal is of a bright shining gloss, and withal of so tough and solid a substance, that they frequently make thereof Standishes, Saltsellers, Candlesticks and other such like Utensils, which appear as it were of a courser sort of Jet. In Staffordshire, Pensneth-Chace is particularly made mention of for plenty of Pit-Coal. In Leicestershire, Coal-Overton in the Hundred of West-Goscot, and other parts of the North of this County, where there is store of Pit-Coal of a Bituminous nature, very hard and fast: In Warwickshire, Bedworth: In Somersetshire, Mendip-hill, and several places on the shore of the River from: In Richmondshire, the tops of certain Hills. In the Isle of Anglesey there is said to be great store of an Aluminous Matter, out of which it is thought might be made very good Alum and Copperass, but nothing of this nature hath been brought to that perfection, as the Alum-works in Yorkshire, through the great Industry of Sir John Bourchier, who in the Reign of King James made away with a considerable Estate for the carrying on of this great work, in lieu whereof he obtained the grant of a Patent from the King, whereby he was Invested with the whole benefit of the said Alumwork, which was valued at a Thousand Pound a year; but however matters were carried, his Grandchild Mr. Richard Bourchier, is now reduced to utmost necessity, receiving no relief by virtue of the Patent for the loss of the Paternal Estate: But Gesborough in this Shire is most particularly noted for an Alum-Mine, which some say was first found out by Sir Thomas Chaloner Tutor to Prince Henry. As for the Stone-Quarries of England, they must indeed be confessed inferior to those of Italy, Greece, and other parts, for all Curious kinds of Marble, Alabaster and Porphyry▪ (of Marble the Parian was Anciently accounted the best:) However we have many Structures both public and private to show, which being built of our own native Freestone, want not their State and Elegance. The principal Magazine of this Commodity, is the Isle of Portland in Dorcetshire, which hath supplied many of the grand Buildings of England. Likewise the Isle of Purbeck in the same Shire, hath Veins of Marble, which though not continued, but scatteringly hear and there, as Cambden observes, yet run a great way under ground. At Edgcomb House near Plymouth in Cornwall, there is digged good quantity of a Stone, which is of great use and Ornament in Building; also on the Moors of the said County, there is found a sort of Stone, which is thence called the Moor-stone, of which there are frequently made Chimney-Pieces and Ornaments of Windows and Doors; besides another sort of the colour of Marble. In Nottinghamshire there is digged a soft Stone, at least much softer than Alabaster, with which being burnt and made into a Plaster, they generally floor their Upper-Rooms, this Plaster being well laid, as soon as it comes to be dry, proves harder than any Plaster of Paris, and is wonderful durable. In Herefordshire, hard by Snodhill-Castle, is a Quarry, from whence they say there is digged forth very good Marble. At a place called Peter's- post in Yorkshire, is a famous Quarry of Stone; also near Shirburn in the same Shire: Nor is that near Manchester in Laneashire inconsiderable; besides a Quarry of a fine Reddish-stone on the Banks of the River Irwell in the same Shire: Moreover, what we want in Alabaster, Porphyry Marble, etc. is more than compensated to us by Stones of a greater value, particularly in Cornwall, there are found in great quantities Stones of a natural Smoothness, form into Angles, and considerably large, some of the bigness of a Walnut, or thereabout, and of such a lustre, that many scruple not to call them Diamonds, and probably they might pass for such, did not the cunning Lapidary know how to distinguish the true Orient Diamond from others by its Adamantine hardness and solidity: Likewise St. Vincents Rock at Bristol affords plenty of these English Diamonds, commonly called Bristol Stones: At Shugbury in Warwickshire is a sort of precious Stone, at least by some so accounted, called Astroites, from a mark it hath upon it resembling a Star. And on the Rocks of Guarnsey, there is a hard Stone called an Emeril. Nor are we wholly destitute of Marble and Alabaster, though doubtless short for Beauty and Fineness to those of Italy and Greece; in some parts of Staffordshire there is digged a sort of Alabaster, thought to be the best in England. Fullers-Earth, Potters-Earth, Marle, Lime, Slate, Tobacco-Pipe-Clay, etc. There are large Veins in several parts, particularly Woburn in Bedfordshire abounds in Fullers-Earth; as also Rigate in Surry: In some parts of Wiltshire the store of Marl that is found there, giveth Appellation to one of the chief Towns of that Shire, viz. Marlborough, and in divers parts of Lancashire, is found a Marl, which very much enriches the Land. Near Nonsuch in Surry is a large Vein of Potters-Earth. Near Walsal in Sussex, are store of Lime-Pits: And not many Miles from Pomfret in Yorkshire, it being averred by some that no less than 2000 l. a year usually made of the Lime thereabouts. In some parts of Cornwall there is Slate of three sorts and colours, viz. The Blue, the Grey, and the Sage-colour; particularly at a place called Walling-slate in Cornwall, is digged up great store of Slate: As also at Collyweston in Northamptonshire, at Pool in Dorcetshire, and in the Isle of Wight the best Tobacco-Pipe-Clay. And to the Millstones of the Peak before mentioned, we may add those digged up at Mowcup in Cheshire. There is a sort of Earth called Talcum, used by Painters and Colourers, of which store is digged up in several parts of Sussex: And the best of Saltpetre, is said to be found in Northamptonshire. Out of the Salt-pits of England is extracted so white and fine a sort of Salt, that the most refined Sugar looks not more white and fine; it is also commonly made up into Masses, in the form of Sugar-Loaves: Most of these Wiches, the most noted, are in Cheshire, all denominated accordingly, viz. Nantwich, Middlewich and Northwich; Nantwich, besides the consideration of its Salt-pit, which is generally called the Whitewich, is next to the City of Chester itself, the most Eminent Town of all Cheshire: Middlewich hath two Pits, between which there runs a small Brook and parts them: The Pit in Northwich is called the Black-wich; I suppose because the Salt drawn hence is Blacker and Courser than any of the rest. In Worcestershire, there is also a place of principal note for these Wiches or Salt-pits, viz. Droit-Wich, or Dirt-Wich, where there are three Wells, whose water from Christmas till Midsummer is of so Brackish a nature, that all that time they boil great quantities of Salt out of it in Furnaces, which for that end are erected near the Wells; whereas all the rest of the year the water is so fresh, that no Salt can be extracted out of it. As for those Plants and Shrubs which are most peculiarly of the growth of England, it would be too particular a Subject for this so general a Work, to assign each its several place, as there are very many places where this or that Herb, Tree or Shrub, hath as it were its peculiar nativity and education: All the whole County of Buckingham is denominated from the great number of Beech-Trees there growing: The Isle of Scalny in Pembrokeshire, is almost all over grown with Wild-Time; But there are some Plants, which being of themselves not ordinary or common, or of a more than common Virtue or Efficacy, do so much the more signalise the places where they grow, especially being the only noted places of their production. The Saffron about Walden in Essex, is so eminently reputed above the Saffron of any other parts, that that Town is never mentioned but by the name of Saffron-Walden. Pomfret (in Yorkshire) so called, quasi Pontfract or Brokenbridge; besides its strong and stately Castle, is noted for the great quantity of Liquorice that grows thereabout, (as also a sort of Plant called Skirworts, whose Root is much esteemed and Eaten by the Curious for a great delicacy, by reason of its Richness and high Nourishment:) Nor is Worksop in Nottinghamshire less eminent for Liquorice. Hallifax in the West-Riding of Yorkshire, is noted for several things which we shall have occasion to make mention of elsewhere: But among other things the Nuts growing thereabout, are by way of eminency called Hallifax Nuts. At Barklow in Essex, there grows in great abundance an Herb, bearing Red-Berries, called Danewort, from a Tradition that it sprang first from the Blood of the Danes: On the Cliffs between Deal and Dover, great plenty of Sampire grows; Westward from Dengeness in Kent, Pease spring up naturally in Clusters like Grapes, and differ not much in Taste from common-field Pease. Between Sandwich and the Isle of Thanet, a kind of Hops is observed to grow naturally among the Beach and Pebbles; Garlic is no where better nor more plentiful, than at Stratton in Cornwall: Several parts of Devonshire, and Porbery most peculiarly in Somersetshire, produce wild Strawberries in abundance; no less noted is Axminster in Devonshire for Hurtleberries. At Summervil near Chapel, two Mile from Blanford in Dorcetshire, on on the hither side of the River at Sturpain, there is a most plentiful production of Madder; how long this Plant hath been in England is uncertain, but it is above 50 years since a considerable quantity of it was produced at Barn-Elms in Surry; and Sir Nicholas Crisp sowed several sorts of it, as Crop-Madder, Umber Owe, and Pipe or flat Madder at Deptford in Kent, which County affords plenty of Flax; but the best Hemp is said to grow between Bemister and Birdport in Dorcetshire. St. Foin or Holy-Hay, was first brought out of France from about Paris, and first sowed at Copt-Hall in Kent. Tamarisk was first brought over from Switzerland by Bishop Tindal in the days of Queen Mary (from whose displeasure he fled) and planted in his Garden at Fullham. On the top of Pendle-hill in Lancashire, there grows a Plant peculiar to that place called Cloudesberry, probably for that it seems as it were to come out of the Clouds. In the Fens of Cambridgeshire, there is commonly gathered an Herb called Water-Germander; in Latin Scordium, which being the chief Ingredient, consequently gives name to that great Alexipharmacon, so much known and used among us called Diascordium. About Glastenbury in Somersetshire, there is plenty of Woad; and at Cashalton in Surry of excellent Walnuts. Of the Wonders and Rarities of England. THe Wonders of England consist chiefly in Stones, Caves, Lakes, Fountains, Ditches, and several prodigious Tumuli or Hillocks cast up by Art and Labour; there was never doubtless heard of in any part of the World, so miraculous a Monument of Stones, for so it is generally supposed to be, as that on Salisbury-Plain, within six or seven Miles of Salisbury, commonly called stonehenge; it appears to have been a treble row of Stones, circularly placed one within another, and reared straight up on end, notwithstanding they are of a prodigious bigness, that is to say, 28 Foot long for the most part, and 7 Foot broad, besides others of a vast bulk (though not so big as the upright ones) which lie overthwart from one to another, and are fastened with Tenent and Mortis; but the form of this wonderful Structure is very much defaced, some of the greater Stones being either fallen, or reclining towards the ground, and many of the overthwart Stones being fallen; how such huge Stones could be brought thither, by whom, and upon what occasion, is disputed by Writers; the most that hath been said on this Subject is written by Mr. Inigo Jones Surveyor General to King James, and his late Majesty King Charles the first, and Dr. Charleton, both various, and oft times contrary in their Opinions, and possibly neither of them altogether in the right: About half a dozen Mile further on the Plain towards Hungerford, I have observed (nor do I remember it to have been taken notice of by any one else) a Stone of a great bulk, but not above a Foot and a half in height from the ground, which though of the same hardness and solidity with those above mentioned, hath the top of it driven all over full of Nails of the largest size. There is also a part of the Plain between Marleborough and Caun, which being strewed all over with Stones of a Grey colour, is therefore called the Grey Wethers; the least of these Stones being of a considerable bigness, and some very large; those of the ordinary size seeming to be of about half a dozen or half a score Pound weight, one with another; and here and there in some odd nooks, a little out of the Road, a large Stone reared up on end, like those at stonehenge, and sometimes not much inferior in bulk. In Staffordshire there is a Market-Town called Stone, from a large heap of Stones cast up there, as a Monumental mark of Infamy upon Wulpher the Mercian, who in this very place sacrificed to his Heathenish fury his two Sons, Wulfald and Rufinus, for no other cause than their embracing the Christian Faith. Near Burrowbridge, a little Town in Yorkshire, there are four Stones of a very vast bulk, and Pyramidally shaped, supposed to be erected by the Romans, in memory of some great Victory thereabouts obtained. Upon the Hills near North-Tine in Northumberland, though Boggy and full of water, there are great heaps of Stones, which some take for a Memorial of some great Battle there fought. Near Enisham in the South part of Oxfordshire, there are Stones called Roll-rich-stones, erected in manner of those at stonehenge; which certain fabulous Traditions have rendered to have been men so transformed; but more certain History delivers them the Monument of a great Battle there fought by Rollo the Dane. At Bosken in Cornwall there is another of 18 large Stones erected, and placed in a circular figure 12 Foot distant each from the other; a Trophy of some Roman or Saxon Victory. In the same County are other Monumental Stones called the Hurlers, which fabulous Tradition will have to be the Stony Metamorphosis of certain Humane Creatures, but common reason gives the same conjecture of them as of the forementioned. The like may be said of two other large Stones erected in St. Clares Parish, in one whereof there is an Inscription in strange and intelligible Characters; other Remarks there are in the same County formed by Nature only, as that Pile of Rocks one upon the other, called Wring-Cheese, near the lowest of them, having the resemblance of a Cheese hard pressed, by the accumulation of Rocks upon it; the other is a very wonderful Rock called Main-Amber, near Pensans; this Rock lies upon lesser Rocks, in such an exact equilibrium, that what the push of a Finger, can stir and cause as it were to totter, not the greatest force imaginable is able to displace. Likewise by Helford, is a vast Rock lying on the ground, the top whereof being hollow, containeth water which ebbeth and floweth like the Sea. Three Miles from Tunbridge, on the edge of Sussex, there lie scattered up and down in a dry Sandy-ground, divers Craggy-stones of a considerable magnitude; the two biggest whereof standing close together, seem by the crease which divides them in a strait line, as if they were but just sawed asunder. In the same County, near Tenderden-Steeple, is a Stone, which by the falling of the Rain, palpably gathers increase of bulk. At Exmore in Devonshire, are great Stones erected, some in a Circular, some in a Triangular form, in memory doubtless of some Roman, Saxon or Danish Victory. In Westmoreland, near the River Loder, there are Pyramidal Stones pitched for a Mile together, some 9, some 14 Foot thick. At Salcelds upon the River Eden in Cumberland, is a Monumental Trophy, consisting of 77 Stones, called by the Inhabitants Long-Meg and her Daughters; one of which Stones alone, called the Long-Meg, being 15 Foot high from the ground, all the rest but 10. On the Hill called Mindgate-Morgan in Glamorganshire, there is a Monument superscribed with a very fatal Character; for it hath been received from those that live thereabout, that whoever reads it shall die soon after, if there be not a fallacy herein, viz. That the Character is so strange and uncouth that no man is able to read it. Some places are noted for Stones of another kind, that is to say, whose Rarity consists in the unusualness of their Figure. At Alderly in Glocestershire, upon the top of certain Hills are found Oysters, Cockles and Periwinkles of solid Stone; and at Puckle-Church in the same Shire, there is a Vein of Blew-stone, consisting of several Stones, Smooth, Square, and about half a Foot thick, as it were Artificial and ready cut out fit for work; they lie about seven or eight one upon another, as it were in beds very near, contiguous to each other for about the length of a Perch. And at Lassington in Glocestershire, there is plenty of that which we call the Star-stone, being of the figure of a Mullet, or what we commonly picture for a Star, of a Grey colour, and of the circumference of a single Penny, but the thickness of half a Crown; they stick together in Columns of about three or four Inches long, and being singly put into Vinegar, they naturally move and tend towards a Unition. Near Sayworth in Wiltshire, are Stones that have a very near resemblance of Cockles. In a Town called Cainsham, in the Roadway between Bath and Bristol, and in the Highway thereabout, there are Stones frequently to be seen wreathing in a Spiral form like Snails; this Town is commonly Nicknamed Smoaky-Cainsham upon this occasion: Some years since one of the Townsmen standing at his door with Tears in his Eyes, and being asked by one of his Neighbours that observed him as he passed by, what the cause of his Grief was, answered, That there was so great a Smoke in his house that he was not able to endure to stay within doors; When in truth he had been newly beaten by his Wife: Whereupon Travellers now and then to make themselves Sport, will ask, Whether that Town be called Smoaky-Cainsham: But the wiser sort of those that ask this question, prepare at the same instant to put on to a more than ordinary speed, for fear of some Hostility from the good Women of the place. At Whitbay in Yorkshire, are Stones of a Serpentine Figure: Also in the Stone-Quarry at Kingham in Somersetshire. On Rosemary-Topping a Hill in Yorkshire, are Stones found in the shape of Sea-winkles and Cockles: At Huntly-Nab in the same County, at the roots of the Rocks, are Stones as perfectly round as any Ball, in which broken, are the shapes of Stony-Serpents, all but the head. Of the Caves of England, those of principal remark are, First, Ochy-hole near Wells in Somersetshire; it is a Cave of large extent into the earth, and in which, those that have made the farthest Incursions, are said to have discerned many Rivulets and Caverns, or hollow Recesses. Secondly, A Cave very much talked of, under an Old Castle in the Peak of Derby, commonly called the Devil's Arse in Peak; there is a strange story told by one Gervasius, of a Swinherd belonging to one William de Penerel, sometime Lord of the Place. This Swinherd having lost a Sow great with Pig, is said to have entered in earnest quest thereof into the mouth of this Cave, and passing through several obscure Nooks and windings, to have come at length into a spacious Field, where among a company of Reapers he found his Master's Sow which had newly Piged; and making his Case known to the chief person in Office there, brought back his Sow, together with her Pigs, returning the same way he came. Thirdly, In the same County another Cave, called Eldenhole in the Peak Forrest, which shoots directly down into the Earth, and as far as 60 yards of depth is to be seen into the mouth or entrance, on the top is about 30 yards in length, and 15 in breadth, but downwards it straightens into a much narrower space. Fourthly, Certain Caves called the Giant's Caves, between great Badmin and Lockington, on the border of Wiltshire. At a place called Oxenhall, not far from Darlington in the Bishopric of Durham, there are three Pits of an extraordinary depth, commonly called Hell-Kettles, supposed to be produced by an Earthquake, which happened in the year 1179. And near Tilbury in Essex, there are several Pits in a Chalky ground, which are judged to be no less than 12 Fathom deep. Also near Feversham in Kent, there are many Pits, which being somewhat narrow at the top, and widening towards the bottom, are distinguished into several Rooms or Apartments, and supported as it were with Pillars of Chalk. At a House of the Marquis of Worcester's at Emsbury, I have been told, that at the pulling down of an old Wall, the Labourers discovered a Cavity, which upon search led to a large Cave, where there was found a Monument of great Antiquity and Riches, which by the Character, and some other circumstances, appears to have been the Tomb of Queen Guinever, Wife to King Arthur: Near Kirby-Longdale in Westmoreland, are many deep places like Caves. Fifthly, At Aberbarry in Glamorganshire, there is a Cave at the bottom of a Hill, the mouth whereof is a gaping Clift or Chink, into which, when the Wind enters, there is heard a kind of harmonious noise, as it were of Cymbals: There hath been also heard from a Clift on the Seaside, near the Island Barry, a sound as it were of Smiths at work, and this by the Testimony of Lilius Giraldus. Lakes and Fountains there are very many among us, which have something strange and extraordinary in them: Near Brereton in Cheshire, which belongs to an Eminent Family of the same Name, there is a Pool, wherein the bodies of Trees swimming are said to presage the Death of some of the Family. There are two Lakes very near to each other, hard by St. Agnes-Hill in Cornwall, of which it is credibly reported, that in the one of them Fish will live and thrive, in the other not. In Lancashire near Furness-Fells, there is a standing water, accounted the greatest in England, commonly called Miander-Meer, being no less than 10 Miles in length, and all along paved with stone at the bottom: It is said moreover, that a Fish called a Ohare, breeds here only, and no where else. In Huntingtonshire there are several Lakes, (and among the rest one called Wittlesmeer-Lake) which in fairest weather grow tempestuous, and rage with violent surges like the Sea. In Staffordshire there are two remarkable Lakes; of one, Necham delivers, That by its Roaring it foretells things to come, the other is called Mahal, of which the Tradition goes, That Horses when tired, drinking of the water thereof, becomes fresh as ever: Of this Gervase of Tilbury makes particular mention. On the high Hills of Carnarvonshire, there are two Meers of a strange nature (if report be true) for one is said to produce a sort of Fish that hath but one Eye; the other to have a floatable Island, whereon no sooner any one sets foot, but it drives farther off from the shore. There is also at Bala in Merionethshire, a Pool which never fills by Land-floods, though rising never so high, but in tempestuous weather, swelleth above its Banks. At Lynsavathan in Brecknockshire, is a Mere which is said to have swallowed up a City, that once stood in the room thereof; through this Mere runs the River Levenny, keeping its own stream entire and unmixed. At Kilken in Flintshire, is a little Well which hath a constant ebbing and flowing like the Sea. At Gigglesworth in Yorkshire there are three small Springs, of two whereof there is nothing of observable, but the middlemost hath a constant course of ebbing and flowing four times an hour; the difference between its highest rise and lowest fall, being about eight Inches. Likewise in Derbyshire, in the Forest of the Peak, is such another Spring ebbing and flowing 4 times an hour, observing a constant and due revolution of its tides. On the River Ogmore in Glamorganshire, there is a Well which every full tide in Summer time is almost destitute of water, but at ebb is replenished, many times very near, but never totally to an overflowing. Another there is at Carry-Castle in Caermardenshire, which ebbs and flows. Another in Westmoreland, near the River Loder, which ebbs and flows several times a day. At Lemington in Warwickshire, a Salt Spring ariseth at a great distance from the Sea. Near Kenet in Wiltshire, the water breaking but of certain stones, is accounted a sign of Dearth. The River Can in Westmoreland hath Cataracts, which by their fall foretell either Rain or fair Wether. The rising of a Bourn near Croyden in Surry, is said to presage Mortality. Near St. Alban in Hertfordshire, there is a Brook called, which when it breaketh out, presageth Dearth, or some other Calamity. In a private man's Yard at Pitchford in Shropshire, is a Well whose waters cast up a Scum of liquid Bitumen. In the North-riding of Yorkshire, are Wells called Tingtong Wells, three Miles within the earth. The Petrifying Wells and Springs of England are very many, nor is it worth the while to mention all of them, the chief are in these particular Places; at Newenham or Menham-Reges in Warwickshire: Three which are also of a Medicinal quality, as being strained through Alum, at Lutterworth in Leicestershire. Near Knarisborough in Yorkshire, the Well-Drepa, whose Waters distil from the Rocks that hang over it. At Hodington-Hill near Oxford, upon the descent of the Hill. At Boxly Abbey near Maidston in Kent; at Egerton in the same County. Nor are those Wells and Springs to be forgotten, among the Memorabilia of Nature, whose Waters are of a Medicinal virtue; the chief of this nature, not only of England, but even of all Europe, for the virtue of the Waters, the Magnificence of the Structures about the Wells, and the vast resort to them; are those famous Bathing Wells, which give denomination to the City Bath, and which were first found out by one Bladud, who is reckoned in the Catalogue of our Ancient British Kings, and renowned in History (if it may be called History, and not rather Historical Tradition) as well for Philosopher as King. Others there are, whose Waters esteemed for their Purging quality, are generally caroused, as Ebsham or Epsone-Wells in Surry, those of Tunbridge in Kent, of Barnet in Hertfordshire, and now of late of North-hall in the same Shire. Now I cannot but fancy that there must needs be a very great advantage in this way of Physic, since those who Evacuate so merrily with so much divertisement, so many as it were together for good Companies sake, no doubt find a more effectual Operation, than those who cooped up in a Melancholy Chamber, sup up a mixture of Nauseous and uncouth Ingredients out of an Apothecary's Shop: Other places there are, not altogether of no note for their Medicinal Wells, as Luckington in Wiltshire, where there is a Well called Handcocks-Well, whose greatest Virtue consists in the Cure of sore Eyes; having also this property, that its Water is cold in Summer and hot in Winter: Eckington in Worcestershire, where there is lately discovered a Medicinal Well, accounted of great Virtue for several Distempers. Wallingborough in Northamptonshire, where upon the account of the Waters, Queen Mary lay for several weeks. Lenisham in Kent, six Miles from London, where in the year 1651. a Medicinal Water was found, which hath been since much frequented. Dulwich Wells within three Miles of London: And within the City several, but the most noted, that at the Postern-gate by Tower-hill, and that called Crowders-Well hard by Cripplegate. Aleyceston in Huntingtonshire, where there are two small Springs, one whereof being fresh, is accounted good for the Eyes; the other a little Brackish, for Scabs and Leprosy. Buxton in Derbyshire, where within the compass of 24 Foot, there arise out of a Rock from under a Square Structure of Freestone 9 Springs, whereof one only is cold, all the rest very warm: But among all these, it would be an unpardonable oversight to pass by unmentioned, that famous Well of St. Winifrid, commonly called the Holy-Well in Flintshire, formerly much frequented, partly by way of Pilgrimage, partly for the great Virtue it was reputed to have in the Cure of many Maladies, through the easy Faith, no doubt, and fond Credulity of the deluded Vulgar who are always apt to pay high Adoration and ascribe miraculous Cures to the Bodies; relics, or any Memorials of persons recommended to them for Saints; for here the Tradition goes, that the Virgin Saint Winifred being here Beheaded, a Fountain immediately sprung up, as if the Earth bewailing her Martyrdom, burst forth into a ●ood of Tears; and the Pebble-stones at the bottom of the said Fountain being observed to be of a Reddish colour, we are to suppose that they retain to this day, the tincture of the Virgin's Blood: Those Springs and Waters that are on the top of high Hills, must be allowed to have something of Rarity in them, in regard to those that are not sufficiently versed in the knowledge of natural Causes and Productions, it may seem wonderful, that the Water should rise so high above the common Surface of the Earth: Particularly on the high Hills of Carnarvonshire, are two Meers: Also a Spring on the top of MoilenlyHills in Denbyshire. Likewise among the Wonders or Rarities of England, may be reckoned those Ditches, which stand yet as Monuments of the Art and Industry of our Forefathers. First, That on Newmarket-heath, which is commonly called the Devils-Ditch. Secondly, Wansdike in Wiltshire, a work of many Miles extent, cast up in memory of a Battle between the Mercians and Westsaxons. Thirdly, Clough d'Offa, or Offa's- ditch, a work not inferior to the former mentioned, and much upon the same occasion made. Of the Populacy of the English Nation. THe Populacy of a Nation is best estimated from the number of its Towns and Cities: The Kingdom of England proportionably to its circumference is scarce inferior to any Kingdom or Country of Europe (which is also accounted the the most Populous of all the four parts of the World) except France and the Low-Countries; which last being accounted no bigger in compass than Yorkshire, is judged to contain as many Towns and Inhabited places, as ten times the Circuit thereof in most other Countries, and to some much superior, particularly Spain, late esteemed the most considerable Monarchy of Christendom, and that it continues not so to this day, we may in a great measure im●●te to the paucity of people in that kingdom; for doubtless there is nothing that conduceth more to the Strength, Grandeur, Prosperity and Riches of a Nation, than the Populousness thereof, especially where Industry is in the least encouraged, and Idleness discountenanced. Wherefore that Nation that will ever hope to flourish, aught to use all means and endeavours possible for the increasing of its People, and to avoid as much as may be all occasions of Depopulation. The principal causes of the Dispeopleing of Spain, which according to the Testimony of several Creditable Authors, hath been Anciently much better Peopled than at present; have been first the multitude of Monasteries and Religious Prisons, those Receptacles of forced Chastity, and as they are ordered Impediments of the World's Lawful Increase: Next the Violent Expulsion of the Moors out of Spain, after that by a long established settlement, and being habituated to the same Customs, Manners and Religion, they were become as it were one Body with the rest of the People. Lastly, Those vast Colonies sent out of Spain to maintain and possess the ample Conquests, or rather Ambitious and Bloody Invasions and Depopulations made by the the Spaniards there. The Cities and Market-Towns of England, are in number 607. to which the rest of the Burrough Towns, that is, such as send Burgesses to Parliament, and all the Inhabited Villages (whereof some are conderable) being added, make above 10 times the number, so that all the Parishes of England and Wales, are reckoned 9285. and doubtless within the said circumference, which is generally computed to be about 1352 Miles, might be very well comprehended five times as many Towns or Places of Habitation, if all the Forests, Chases, and unimproved vast Heaths and Commons, were taken in and improved to the best advantage. It is not to be wondered at, that next to being born under a Happy Climate, the living under a Happy Government, the greatest advantage and Strength of a People, is to be numerous, proportionably to the extent of Territory they possess. Since in the first place it is apparent enough, that in a well Inhabited City, the People must needs be so much the better able to defend themselves from any Force or Opposition. Next, if it be a place of any Trade, take any particular number of what Trade soever, and it is not to be imagined that they should be e'er a whit the poorer, but rather the richer, than if the Inhabitants had been fewer: For admit them of the same Trade or Employment, a profitable and corresponsible Trade is the more lively and vigorously carried on by many hands; and suppose them of several Occupations, the circulation of Money from the one to other, helps all in general. Though 'tis true, that in a straggling Town or City, whose parts lie disjoined and far asunder; the people however considerable in number, cannot be so assistant to each other in mutual Aid, Society or Commerce, as in a regular and well compacted City: So likewise in a Kingdom, that Prince who hath never so large an Empire, yet if thinly Peopled, or divided into several parts remotely distant, and interrupted from mutual intercourse by long Voyages of Land and Sea, cannot be looked upon as so powerful a Prince, as he that hath the like number of People in one entire and united Dominion. Certainly no Monarch of the World, much less of Christendom, (whoever he be that hath added most to his Empire by never so many new made Conquests) can pretend to so large a share or portion of the Earth, as the King of Spain, who nevertheless (as the transactions of a few late past years have made appear,) hath born but his fourth part with other Princes and States, in opposition to a Prince far inferior to him in Jurisdiction; and what should be the reason of this, but that his Dominions lie so remote from each other, and his Kingdom of Spain, which his Residence there chiefly enables, is the least Peopled of all the rest, and his Viceroys of Peru and Mexico (the possession whereof hath been main occasion of Impoverishing Spain of its people) are in effect, setting aside the Title, as great Kings as himself; nor much less are those of Naples, Sicily, Milan, and what remains of Flanders, so that he seems in reality King of Spain alone, and of the rest of his Dominions, but in Title only: And to come a little nearer the matter, if all the King's Subjects in New-England, Virginia, Maryland, etc. were planted in those unpeopled Regions of this Island (their Native Soil) which are more than large enough to receive them, there is no doubt to be made, but that they would be more capable of serving their King, than they can possibly be at such a distance, thus transplanted to the other end of the World: To be short, no Rational man will deny, but that that Prince, who from a Territory no larger than the County of Kent, is able to bring 100000 men into the field, is no less Potent than he who from a Territory 20 times as large is able to raise a not much greater number; and so much the more, by how much he levies them with less Trouble and Charge. That Sovereign Conquers best, who wins the hearts of his people by Moderation, Justice, good Government, and wholesome Laws. He best plants Colonies, who maintains a flourishing Trade to Foreign parts; he best inlarges his Territory, who husbands his People to the best advantage, and consults best for their Preservation and Increase; hereby approving himself all this while a true Christian Prince, not in Name only, but in reality no less; and upon this score, let the World judge, whether our Defensor Fidei have not a just Title to that of Christianissimus also. When as for any Potentate or Grandee of the World, Pontifical or otherwise, to grasp at Power and Empire by War, Bloodshed and Rapine, though under never so spacious a pretence, even propogating the Faith itself, and at the same time to take upon him the Name of Christian, must needs be the highest affront to Heaven, and shame to Religion imaginable. The Style of Christian Cutthroat, (for that must necessarily follow) implying a cnntradiction not to be reconciled by all the art of Sopistry and Jesuitism; since he that hath but heard of the Christian Religion, cannot be ignorant that Peace and Charity are the very root and foundation of Christianity, and that Religion under what Title soever, which is otherwise grounded, is to be abhorred by all sober men. The Creator said to the Earth at the beginning, Increase and be Replenished: The Destroyer hath been saying to the same Earth from the beginning, from Age to Age; be ruined, laid waist and Dispeopled by humane Slaughter. Now how far the parallel will hold between the greater, and Man the lesser World, as to the necessity of Purging and Bleeding; and whether it be so wholesome, as some would have us think, that the superfluous blood of the World should be let out by the Phlebotomy of War, we shall wave the inquiry at this present; only I am of opinion, that it would be better to leave the Physicking of the World to the great Physician thereof, than that man upon man should so often practise his Fatal Chirurgery. There is sufficient reason to believe that those frequent Inundations of People, those numerous swarms of Cimbrians, Teutones, Longobards, Huns, Goths and Vandals, which Scythia in former times poured out into the milder Regions of Europe, were not so much the Luxuriance and offscouring of an overpeopled Nation, (since not any one denomination of Country besides, takes up so large a part of the earth, or hath so many vast habited Vacancies) but a kind of agreement among certain numbers of men to carve themselves out better Commons than their own Country afforded; and throw off the Scythian Frost and roughness, by the Warm Sunshine of Gallia, Spain and Italy. Now to come closer to the design of our Discourse: Three things are to be considered. First, Whether this Nation have not been in former Ages more Populous than at present. Next, what the occasion of this Dispopulation hath been. Lastly, The means of restoration to pristine Populacy, or at least of Replenishment in some degree. The first consideration is answered by the second: There is no question to be made, but that the complicated Invasions of Romans, Saxons and Danes (especially the last so dreadfully Barbarous) was the Destruction of a World of People, and the Demolishment of many Towns and Cities; and after the Norman Conquest, the Bloody Civil Wars amongst us; first of the Barons, next of the two Roses: As for the Norman Invasion itself, it occasioned indeed no great matter of Devastation, since except a few inconsiderable Insurrections that happened afterwards, the business was decided by the dint of one Battle, and happily the Conqueror had not been sorry, had more of the English fallen in that quarrel; since, like a true Stepfather and Foreign Invader, more than like a Native Father of the Country, he could find in his heart to lay waste 28 Towns and Villages, to make a large habitation for wild Beasts. The last and main consideration, is how to repair this loss of People; shall we call the English of America back to their Native Soil? or shall we invite the Industrious, or the Distressed of other Nations to come over and live among us? or shall we endeavour to People the Nation better with those People, if I may so call them, we have already; that is, turn Drones into Bees, and two Legged Cattle into Men? The first I take altogether to be Impracticable and Irrational to go about; for it would be an endless thing for such multitudes of People to unfix themselves from their settled Employs and Habitations, and to be put to remove their Effects back to a Country now grown as strange and uncouth to them, as any other Foreign Nation. The second, according to my poor judgement, cannot be disadvantageous to this Kingdom, could it be well compassed and well managed, so as to give no distaste to the present Inhabitants; for it hath been a general and frequent Complaint, in my hearing, among some Tradesmen of London, that Foreigners (especially these French Dogs, as they style them) come over, settle themselves among us, and eat the Bread out of our Mouths. Nevertheless it is certain, that in many Towns of England, as Canterbury, Norwich, etc. many Families of Foreigners are well settled, exercise the Epidemic Trade of those Places peaceably and prosperously enough, and without envy or disturbance. Hospitality is a certain evidence of a good Nature and Generous Inclination; and it hath been formerly, and doubtless still is in a great measure, the particular Credit of the English Gentry, to keep Plentiful Houses, on purpose to Entertain Strangers, give Shelter to benighted Travellers, and Secure all persons in Distress: And as among particular persons, no man but an Indigent Wretch, or Ill-natured Churl, will deny Relief to a person, that through real and remediless want makes application to him. So likewise among Nations, that People that refuseth the Accommodation of their Country to their supplicant Neighbours, who unjustly Banished their own Native Land, or driven, out by Persecution and Tyranny, fly to them for Refuge, must needs be the Inhabitants of a Beggarly and Unhospitable Soil, or be themselves a sort of Inhuman and Savage-Bores. Our Kingdom, God be thanked, is sufficiently Fertile; our Natives not accounted Ill-natured, and for Room we have not only to spare, but within the whole Circuit of England enough, as we have said before, to contain a far greater power of People twice, if not thrice the number: So that an accession of peaceable Strangers can be no injury, may be a considerable benefit to us; so that in being Charitable to others, we shall be no losers ourselves; and never was there so important and seasonable an occasion offered as now, for the receiving of Foreigners among us; since never did any persecuted people so want our Entertainmen and Succour, as at this time, these our Protestant Neighbours, who in their own Native Country, and among the Professors of Christianity, are denied that Protection, which living peaceably, they could not doubt of among the severest of Turks or Ethnics; and all this for no other reason, then denying to fall down before the obtruded Idol, as the Israelites were dealt with in the days of the Tyrant Nabuchadnezzar: But by Divine Providence it falls out happily to be at a time that England is governed by the most Just and Benevolent of Princes; who out of his Concernment for the Protestant Religion, and that innate Generosity and Clemency wherewith he delights to oblige all mankind, hath by an Order of Council of the _____ of September this present year 1681. promised all those that shall come over, such ample Privileges and Immunities, as will much soften and allay their present Afflictions, and in a great measure compensate for their being forced to abandon their Native habitations. The last cannot be reasonably judged unfeasible, and is certainly the most absolutely necessary, since those many thousands of Unemployed persons, burdens of the earth, who presume they were only born to Eat and Drink, are no better than so many cyphers, being perfectly lost to their Country: Nay which is worse, they may justly be reckoned as so many Vermin and Noxious Animals; for Idleness itself cannot always subsist in its own station, but oftentimes is forced upon Action, but 'tis the worst part of Action, Mischief. As admit a Nation never so thinly Inhabited, and yet a Million of those Inhabitants prove utterly useless and unprofitable, that Nation may well be said to be too Populous by that Million: Insomuch as Cutpurse, Pickpocket, House-breaker, Highwayman, and whatever besides can be imagined mischievous, are but the several Metamorphoses of an Idle Liver; and thus Idleness tends to a more fatal kind of Depopulation: The unworking person indeed, who in some sense may be said to be no person, but dead to the service of his Country, yet is capable of being quickened and inspired with the life of Action; but the worker of Iniquity, who is commonly the result of the unworking Person, takes courses which tend to an irrevivable Destruction. The first is but that Malefactor in Posse, which the Thief and Robber is in Esse; and doubtless were the Potential Maleficence, which is Idleness, severely inquired into, and regulated by the Discipline of Law and Government, so many of the King's Subjects would not yearly at every Session and Assize, as Essential Malefactors, be made sad Examples of Justice, and cut off from the Land of the Living, to which in this World there is no return. But what hath been said all this while of the unworking Person, (whom to compel to work, that he may be kept from Starving, and restrain from Stealing, that he may be restrained from the Gallows, is no Injurious, but Charitable part of a Magistrate) it is to be understood only of those narrow Soul'd Loiterers, who being not worth a Groat in the World, choose rather to go squandring up and down Beg, Filch and be Lousy, than Honestly to get their Bread by cleanly Industry and wholesome Labour: Whereas for him that hath enough to Live on, who shall hinder him, if he please and have the Conscience, to be Idle and good for nothing at his own Charges: As for those who are great in Money, Lands, or High Offices, great also are their Privileges; for the World hath generally a very great favour and respect for such as flourish and are prosperous in it, (as well as contempt for the Poor and Unfortunate) and except they shall unfortunately happen to become Envy'd-Favourites, will be apt to have a favourable excuse for whatsoever is either omitted or committed by them. However, there is a real merit that cannot be denied them, which is, that they have wherewithal to be serviceable to their King and Country: A Rich man, merely as a Rich man, must needs be acknowledged a useful person in his Generation, especially if his Heart be answerable to his Purse, or however where something is to be had, there is a possibility of obtaining: On the other side, though it be just and rational to give Law to those who will not give Law to themselves, to compel men to their own as well as the public good, to work that they may not Starve, to do well, that they may not suffer for doing ill. It is not yet so consonant to reason, that any one should be forced to performance, though of things never so just, above Ability, or to make satisfactions out of nothing. That the Idle and Industrious alike, to satisfy the rigorous Justice of a Self-loving Creditor, should for being Idle or Unfortunate, be condemned to perpetual Idleness and Misfortune, and for no other cause, than not working Impossibilities, be constrained to lie starving and stinking to death in a loathsome Gaol, is a piece of Judiciality. I do not understand, and I verily believe, that it is no less unjust, for any one to be Cruel and Rigorous in the exacting of his Own from him that Hath not, than for him that Hath, to forbear the payment of what he Owes; who also, if not willing of himself, may and aught to be made so by force and rigour: Which may be inflicted otherwise than by Confinement, for a Prison is least a punishment to those that most deserve it. To conclude, a too rigorous procedure either to Death or Imprisonment, seems an overacting in Justice, and as it were tending much alike towards a kind of Depopulation; there being no great difference between not to be at all, and not to be at Liberty; the first totally, the second after a manner, depriving the World of those whose Lives and Liberties might happily have been usefully enough, spared for the Commonwealth. Of the Manufactures of England. MAnufacture is to the Body Politic, what Exercise is to the Body Natural, viz. Prosperity to the one, Health and Soundness to the other; Ildleness being alike pernicious to both, and causing to both alike Debauchery of Manners, Distemper and Beggary. There are few Nations in Europe, as well a mother parts of the World, wherein some particular Towns are not particularly Eminent for some or other Manufacture, as in Andalusia a Province of Spain, Corduba for the curious Dressing of Leather, which is thence called Cordovan-Leather; in Biscaia Bilboa for the making of excellent Tempered Blades, Faenza in Italy for fine Earthen Ware, Venice for that rare sort of Drinking Glasses, which are thence called Venice-Glasses; which Art of Glass-making, is by a late Discovery from thence, Improved to a very great height in England, though we cannot bring Glasses to that perfection, for want of those Materials which are only to be had in those, viz. two sorts of Plants called Gazul and Subit, out of whose Liquified Ashes the right Venice-Glasses are blown. The most general Manufacture of England, is that which of all others is certainly the most useful and profitable, and which from Ancient time hath in a measure conduced to the Wealth and flourishing Estate of the Nation; that is to say, the Woollen Manufacture, or the making of Woollen clothes or Stuffs, which being encouraged and rightly managed, is the chief prop of our Trade and Commerce, and (till the Fishery be set up, according to the Proposals of several Worthy Persons) the chief Support and Honest Maintenance of the Poor, whom could there be work enough found out universally to employ, it would be a happy means to take off that Lewd and Sordid course of Vagabond Begging, which introduces all those Thievish and unlawful practices, that bring so many daily to shameful and untimely ends. The first Broadcloth (so called, because of the Broad-Looms wherein it was wrought) made in England, is said to have been wrought by Jack of Newbury, in the Reign of King Edward the Third. The first famous Clothiers were the Webscloths and Clutterbucks in Glocestershire. For this Ingenious and profitable Art or Mystery of Lanifice or Woollen-work, there is no place in England more famed than the City of Norwich, which hath for a long time flourished by the making of Worsted-Stuffs, which being wrought here more Curiously than elsewhere, are thence called Nerwich-Stuffs; which Work hath been brought to the greater perfection, by the Industry of several Dutch and French Families, who have been here planted for several years. No Nation ever loseth, but gets by the Transplantation of Industrious Foreigners, who by Interest and Converse, soon become one with the People among whom they Inhabit. The Stuffs here vended (the chief Trade whereof, as also of Stockings, is to London) are esteemed at 100000 l. per annum, which Stuffs are under the Government of two Companies, the Worsted Company, and the Russel Company. The Stockings at 60000 l. per annum. But there is another Town in this County, which being called Worsted, seems to have been the first noted place wherein these Stuffs were substantially made, in regard they thence took their denomination. Kidderminster in Worcestershire drives a very Trade in the making of certain Stuffs, which are thence called Kidderminster-Stuffs; and in the same Shire the City of Worcester itself: And also Malmsbury for Woollen-Cloth. In Warwickshire, Coventry; In Lancashire, Manchester is much Enriched by the Industry of the Inhabitants, in making Cloth of Linen and Woollen. Taunton in Somersetshire drives so great a Trade in Mixed and White-Serges, that there are said to be sent up Weekly to London and other places, no less than 700 pieces, a sort of them, besides a sort of course Bays; in the making whereof, there are Weekly employed no less than 8500 persons. No less doth Wakefield in the West-riding of Yorkshire; Leeds also in the same County is accounted a Wealthy. Town, by reason of its Clothing. Exeter by the quantity of Serges there made, returns to London a 10000 l. a Week. Stroud in Gloucestershire, is a Town not only full of Rich Clothiers, but is also particularly Eminent for the Dying of clothes, by reason of the peculiar quality of the Water for that purpose: Teuxbury also in the same County, is very Rich in Clothing: Likewise Sudbury or Southbourg in Suffolk; Hadly in the same County. Reading in Bark-shire, which through the greatness of its Trade, is a very Wealthy Town; and Newbury in the same County. So likewise Shirburn in Dorcetshire, upon the same account: And also in Essex, Colchester, Dedham, Coxal, and other places, abound in Bays, Sesse, and other new Drapery. Appleby in Cumberland is no less Eminent for its strong Castle, and for being the place where the Assizes for the County are held, than for its great Cloth Manufacture; the like is Kendal in the same County. Among the woollen Manufacture of England, may be reckoned the weaving and knitting of Stockings, the use of which woven and knit Stockings hath not been in this Nation longer than about the beginning of K. James' Reign: It being very memorable what Dr Fuller relates of one William Rider, an Apprentice at the foot of London-Bridge, over against St Magnes-Church, who seeing in the House of an Italian Merchant a pair of knit worsted Stockings, which he brought from Mantua, and taking special observation of them, made a pair exactly like them, which he presented to William Earl of Pembroke, and they are said to be the first of that sort worn in England, and thenceforward they became more and more in use; so that for many years they have been very much, and are now altogether worn, and are a great part of the Trade in most Places where there is any thing of woollen Manufacture, especially at Norwich; yet Jersie Stockings have for a long time had a particular name. The Next Place may properly be allowed to our making of Bonelace, which is the chief of the Ornamentals worn in this Nation, though not so totally as before the Needle-works came in fashion, which though brought to great perfection, yet have obtained so much the less esteem, by how much those of Flanders, and the Points de Venice in Italy, and Larron in France, came more in fashion, as all foreign Artifices usually (especially the French) have ever the chiefest vogue among our Gallants. So general is this Manufacture in many Parts of England, that the Poor of whole Towns are almost totally employed, and in a great measure maintained thereby: Particularly, Honiton in Devonshire is a noted Town for his sort of Workmanship; as likewise Salisbury and Marlborough in Wiltshire, Ouldny in Buckinghamshire, Amersham and Chesham in the same Shire, Blandford in Dorcetshire; which last Place hath been famous also for making of Bandstrings, and now Point-●aces, it is said, are much made there. It is observed, that the only Thread made in England, till within a few years, was at Maidstone in Kent. Besides the Cottons of Manchester, the Tickin, Pins, Points and Laces of that Place, have been thought not unworthy to be mentioned by several of England's Topographers; so likewise the Gloves, Purses and leathern Points of Congleton, a Market Town of Cheshire; the Pins of Aberford in Yorkshire. The making of Ropes and Cables for Ships was heretofore not only especially eminent at Birtport in Dorsetshire above all other places, but also so highly approved for the goodness and curiosity of the Workmanship, that a Statute is said to have been made for a time, ordaining that no Ropes or Cables for the King's Ships should be made any where else; but that Act appears to have been long since out of date, for there are great Rope-yards belonging to all the Ship-docks of England, particularly at Deptford there are very famous and large ones. Smiths-work, whatever it is at present, hath been heretofore peculiarly attributed to the Artists of Salisbury in Wiltshire, Bremicham in Warwickshire, Chedder in Somersetshire, Sheffield in Yorkshire, Malton in the same Shire, and Walsal in Staffordshire; particularly Salisbury is commended for Razors; Bremicham and Sheffield for Blades of Knives; Chedder for Teasels or Instruments used in the dressing of Cloth; Malton for Instruments used in Husbandry; and Walsal for Bits and Snaffles for Horses; moreover this last Town is noted as well for Pewterers as Smiths. But by the way, the mention of Knives hath brought to mind a just occasion of admiration, that is, since the English have been observed, and not without just cause, to be a good stout eating People, there being more substantial Joints of Beef and Mutton, etc. consumed among us, than perhaps in any part of the World besides, how it should come to pass, that we should be so tardy in the Art of Knife-making; or what Invention we had in former days, to avoid those Indecencies at the Table, which the want of Knives must in all likelihood be the cause of: For it is credibly reported, that one Thomas Matthews living on Fleet-bridge, was the first that made Knives in England, which was in the 5th year of the Reign of Q. Elizabeth. The best Tobacco-pipes, for neatness of shape and form, and for a curious shining gloss, are made at Ambresbury, vulgarly called Emsbury in Wiltshire, about a mile or two from Stonehenge; they are commonly called Gantlet-Pipes (having the mark of a Gauntlet impressed on the flat bottom of the Bowl) from Mr. Hugh Gauntlet, who was the first that brought them to this perfection. There are also several edible and potable Works of Art, which may in my opinion properly enough come under the Head of English Manufactures. The Coagulation of Milk into the Consistence of Cheese, is said to have been the first Invention of the Osci, an ancient People of Italy; but whence or from whomsoever proceeding, this sort of artificial Food is the most common and universal, in all Parts of the World where the most rational and civil way of Eating is in use. Of all the Shires of England, Cheshire for this kind of Edible, may, I judge, be allowed the Bays, above all other Parts, at least of this Kingdom; and for aught I know, a true Cheshire Cheese, if rightly valued, may stand in competition with the Parmesan of Italy, the Angelot of France, and the Full-moon of Holland, only with this pre-eminence reserved to the last, that but for the bigness, it might serve as well for the Bowling-green as the Table. Suffolk in this particular challenges the next place, but doubtless in respect rather of quantity than quality; for this County furnishes with Cheeses not only several other Parts of England, but also Spain, France and Italy; a lean Traveller may possibly be thought able to endure a long Journey better than one that's plump and fat. These are the two principal Cheese-Counties of England; but in other Counties, this Pretention is fixed to particular Places, as in Somersetshire to Chedder beforementioned, the Cheeses whereof are of that repute, as to be frequently, preferred even before those of Cheshire; Opinion and Imagination are two great things. In Warwickshire, Banbury hath a Name both for Cheeses and Cakes, the justification of which Name is best left to the experienced taster of both. For Sugar'd-Cakes, Shrewsbury is without controversy allowed to bear away the Bell from all other Places. But to save the Reputation of the Cake-makers of other Parts, this Super-excellence is attributed to the nature of the Severn-water in that Place. Other Places there are that challenge their Peculiars of this nature, but the most proverbially eminent are the Whitepot of Devonshire, and Dumpling of Norfolk. Nor must the Potables of England be altogether forgotten. For Ale, Derbyshire, and particularly Derby-Town; also Hull, Northdown, and Sandbitch, and Weably aforementioned, are most especially famed; for Cider, all Gloucestershire, Worcestershire and Herefordshire; for Metheglin, Shropshire, Herefordshire, and some Parts of Wales. To the Manufacture of England, may not unfitly be added an account of those curious Arts and Inventions, which are now flourishing in this Nation, whether newly, or for some Ages last passed. And among these, the first and principal is the excellent, and by some highly applauded, and by others most condemned, Art of Printting. This noble Invention, in many respects useful, and no way so pernicious as some would have it thought, was first exercised by William Caxton Mercer, who in the Reign of K. Edw. the IV. kept his Printing-house in Westminster-Abbey, by the permission of Simon Islip Abbot of Westminster; and the first Book set forth, some say, was Tully's Offices; others say, a Book treating of the way of playing the Game at Chess. The next Invention appearing here among us, must be allowed little less ingenious than the former, but wonderfully more capable of doing mischief, I mean, the truly black Art of Gunpowder, the swarthy Invention of a swarthy Monk, and possibly by the Inspiration of the Prince of Darkness. Yet one thing is worthy to be observed, viz. that since the discovery of this gloomy Drug, whatever destruction hath been committed by wholesale, something of amends hath been made by retail: For whereas in former Times, when the Bow, Lance and Javelin were in use, History makes nothing of 40 or 50000 slain in the Field; now that the Musket, Dragoon and Pistol came in fashion (even with the Cannon to boot) it is a great matter to hear of the fall of 10 or 20000. besides, as a Member sometimes is not ill lost to save a Man, so in greater Bodies, a House may be better spared than a whole Street or Town, which deliverance nothing but Gunpowder can effect. But then against this benefit may be opposed the springing of Mines, to blow up Castles, Forts and Citadels, merely for destruction's sake. It is not to be doubted, and it appears from Histories, that the Chariot hath been known in England as well as in other Parts of the World time out of mind; but the use of those portable Houses called Coaches, which at this day being increased to a vast multitude, make such a clutter in the Streets of London, to the great disturbance of the poor Foot-Passenger, is said to have first commenced about the year 1556. till when, 'tis to be presumed, that great Persons seldom stirred out but in fair weather, whereas now all Seasons for Visits are alike; otherwise the Cavalcade of Princes and Nobles on Horseback, may doubtless afford the Beholder as comely a Spectacle as a long train of Coaches. Together with the Coach, or not long after, I guess, came in the Coaches Epitome, the Sedan, more elegantly styled a Chair, a much more easy sort of passage, as performed not by draught but carriage, and that by the more rational sort of Animal. But there is another kind of moving Domicil of much later date, called a Calesh, which seems like a Coach cut off in the middle, wherein commonly the Driver and the Driven is one and the selfsame person. Watches, and other horary Motions of that nature, it is certain, came out of Germany, and according to the best conjecture, somewhat more than a 100 years since. The principal Artists of this kind mentioned are Janus Torrianellus, and Cornelius van Drebble; but since all kind of automatous Motions by Clockwork have been wonderfully improved by those of our own Nation, particularly Mr Davie Mell, besides his excellent judgement and fancy in Musical Compositions, and his great performance on the Violin, above all others of his Time, (for within these 20 years, the very quintessence of that Instruments Music hath been extracted, as being chiefly in fashion) was so prodigious an Artist in all Mechanic Motions by Clockwork, that if any one since hath equalled him in Art, he hath at least fallen short in Fame. But of all Inventions of this kind, the Pendulum of latest date, is also of greatest curiosity and use, being generally acknowledged the Design of Mr Hook, Fellow of the Royal Society, a Person of much Esteem among the Learned and Virtuous, for his Mathematical and Mechanic Improvements, however Mr Oldenburg, late Secretary to the said Society, made some Dispute in this Matter, as asserting it of Germane Original. All sorts of Optic Glasses and Tubes, as the Telescope, the Invention of the noble Galileo, the Microscope, etc. have been of late years wonderfully improved, especially by the Directions of the forementioned Mr Hook, Mr Flamstead, and others of this most renowned Fellowship. But the first famous Artificer of these Tubes and Glasses, was Mr Reeves in Long-acre, after whom Mr Cock hath continued the Employment with prosperous success and approbation. The Barometer, Thermometer, Hydroscope, and such like Contrivances, for the discovery of the Change of Wether, have certainly been the result of those unwearied Endeavours and Inquiries, that have been made into the depth of Natural Knowledge, since the foundation of this Noble Society. And among the sagacious Enquirers into Meteorological Philosophy, Dr Goad, late Master of Merchant-Taylors-School, must be allowed a principal place. But for the Air-Pump, the rarest Invention ever found out for the proof of a Vacuum in rerum Natura, it particularly owns the Honourable Robert Boil its Inventor, who by his many Writings and Inventions, hath been a Worthy Contributor to the Advancement of Experimental Philosophy. The Art of Torning, as it appears to have been not much less ancient in the World than Sculpture itself, so doubtless it is not very Modern in this Nation. But that curious Improvement of Torning, called the Rose-work, doubtless claims here but an Age's Antiquity. The first celebrated Person for Work of this nature, was Mr Reeve, the Brother of the abovementioned Artist in Optic Glasses. And though this sort of Work hath since been very frequent among us, yet I cannot omit the mention of a Person, who from his own natural Fancy and Ingenuity, hath arrived to that perfection, as well in this as all manner of Torning else, that he is judged by knowing Persons not to be exceeded, if equalled, by any that have been bred up to the Art, Mr John Gearie, living in St Anns-Lane in Westminster. Our Sculpture in Stone appears plainly not to be of Modern Invention or Discovery in this Nation, by the delicate Workmanship in several of our Cathedrals and other Churches, and in the Schools at Oxford; and at this present time it is not any way diminished, but rather improved by the Art and Industry of several eminent Men, Mr Pierce, Mr Latham, Mr Pennel, etc. But for Carving in Wood, never was any thing in England seen more curious and exquisite, than the Workmanship of Mr Gibbons, his Majesty's Carver, and a great Contributer to the Ornaments of the Royal Palace at Windsor. Graving in Copper seems not to have been brought to any perfection in England till this present Age. The first Person very eminent among us in this Art was Mr William Faithorn, now living in Blackfriars; and since there have sprung up several other ingenuous Artists in this kind, viz. Mr Loggan, Mr White, Mr Sherwin, and others. The best for Etching, not only in England, but perhaps in any other Parts, was Mr Wenceslaus Hollar, who died here not many years since. But that rough sort of Graving, or rather pecking upon Copper, called Mezzo Tinto, hath been used but lately, being either the Design or Encouragement of his late Highness Prince Rupert. There is also a peculiar Art in the graving of written Letters from the Copies of the most exact writing-Masters. The first eminent in this way was Mr Cocker, who was also himself a writing-Master, to whom, others that have succeeded, have not been inferior; as Mr Sturt, who graved the Copies of Mr Airs; and Mr Elder, who graved an ingenious Piece, entitled, Brachyarithmia, of Mr Edw. Noon, Teacher of Writing and Accounts, at the Hand and Pen in Maiden-lane in Covent-Garden. For Graving in Steel, never was any Man so famous in England as Mr Thomas Rawlins, last Graver of the Mint both to his late and to his present Majesty; the grand Excellency of whose Art was, his graving the Effigies of any one, true and exact upon a small Letter-Seal. As for Painting, our Nation can boast nothing like the Works of the great Sir Anthony Vandike, who though born a Foreigner, died an Englishman. Nor hath he wanted several famous Successors; as Dobson, Fuller, Walker, Lillie, Greenhill, etc. The first Person famous among us for Painting in Miniature, was Mr Oliver; after whom, Francis Clein and his Brother John had been the Prodigies of the Age, had they lived. Mr Cooper's loss comes next to be lamented; the Persons living are Mr Gibson, Mr. Flattman, etc. For Crayons or dry Colours, Mr. Ashfield, lately deceased. Scene-Paintings and Machine's have not been known in England till within these 20 years; and the only eminent Men in this kind have been Mr. Streeter, and Mr. Stevenson, some years since deceased. In Music, it would be too tedious to determine, whether the Improvement or Alteration hath been greater. Certain it is, that several old English Instruments are laid aside; as the Orpharian, the Polyphone, an Instrument surely not to be despised, considering its rare Structure, and the Esteem had of it by learned and therefore most judiciously Musical Persons of this Age, viz. Sir Francis Prujean, and Dr. Rugely. The Stump, whereon about, an Age ago Andrew Mark was famous for his rare performance. The Bandore, the Ghittern, Cittern, etc. The treble Viol also is much out of doors, since the Violin came so much in request. The Base and Lyra Viol, in the making whereof, Wroth was without dispute the best Workman that ever wrought, keep pretty well in repute, especially the first, in regard it cannot well be wanted in Consort. Nor did ever any Age produce such wonderful Performers upon this Instrument as this present Age; particularly, Polwheel, Theodore Stephkins deceased, his Son Frederick, Mr. Young, Sir John Bolls of Scampton in Lincolnshire, Mr. Roger l'Estrange, Mr. Smith, Mr. Gregory, etc. The Lute is not wholly laid aside, but within these 20 or 30 years much neglected to what it was formerly, notwithstanding the great Improvement of this Instrument among us within a 100 years, by reason of the diversity of Tuning received from France, some of whose best Lute-Masters brought over not only these Harp-tunings, but themselves also, and by their active Hands and airy Fancies, obliged the Musick-lovers of our Nation with transcendent Harmony, viz. Goutier, Penel, Merceur, Mesanges, Du Faulx, etc. after whom of our own Nation came Mr. John Rogers, Goutier's Scholar, Captain Hill, Dr. No, Mr. John Hubbard, and Mr. John Wootton now living. And no less famous in their kind, that is, for Workmanship, were old Allaby, and Walter Johnson. But the fine easy Ghittar, whose performance is soon gained, at least after the brushing way, hath at this present overtopped the nobler Lute. Nor is it to be denied, but that after the pinching way, some good Work may be made of the Ghittar by such as Sir Francisco Corbetto, Mr. Janvier, Signior Pedro, Mr. Wootton aforementioned, and the like. Nevertheless the Theorbo, which is no other than an Arch-Lute, keeping to the old Tuning, is still generally made use of in Consorts. And there are yet among the judicious, who think it the most agreeable and becoming Associate to vocal Music, remembering how nobly it sounded in the Hands of Dr. Wilson, Mr. Henry Ferabosco, Mr. Edward Coleman, Mr. Alphonso Marsh lately deceased, etc. Played on alone, never did it speak such harmonious things in our English Climate, as when touched by the famous Dr. Walgrave, Physician at present to his Royal Highness, to whom Mr. Shadwell comes nearest for an excellent Hand. For Consort, our chief Theorbo-men at this day are Mr. Brockwell, and Mr. Flower. The Organ cannot well be laid aside, as being an Instrument of highest perfection, and the most proper of all others for Cathedral Service. What Antiquity it challenges in our Nation is uncertain; but as no Nation can boast of greater Masters than old Bull, Tomkins, Jeffreys, Dr. Gibbons, Dr. Child, Mr. Matthew Lock, and at present Dr. Bleau, Organist to his Majesty, Mr. Henry, Pursel, Organist to the Abbey, Mr. Michael Wise, Mr. Francis Forcer, etc. so it hath been wonderfully advanced of late years, by the addition of several melodious Stops, the greatest Artist at present, not to mention Pease, Burral, and others of late years, being Mr. Smith, living in the Soho. The Harpsicon is of late wonderfully improved by the Invention of the Pedal, which brings it so much nearer to the Organ, that it only seems to come short of it in Lungs. The greatest Master on it now living in our Region, especially since the decease of Mr. Thatcher, is Mr. Disnier, and the greatest Fabricator Mr. Howard. And here also may not unfitly be mentioned, that pretty Fancy of a Musical Automaton, being a kind of Harpsicon, which by a Clock-work-motion discharcheth a certain set number of Tunes, according as it is wound up to this or that Tune. Of this sort of Automata, there is to be seen a very neat piece of Art of Reed-work, at a House at St Mary-overs-Dock; the Artificer thereof, Mr. Thomas Hill of Westminster, being a Person of remarkable Ingenuity, as well Musical in respect of his performance, as Mechanical for making of several other Instruments. His Pitch-Pipe, for the tuning of Musical Instruments to consort; Pitch is particularly worthy note for exactness, variety and curious Work, above any thing that is to be seen elsewhere of this nature. The Harp is rather increased than diminished in repute; and though the Welsh Gut-string formerly gave place to the Irish, Wire-string, by reason of the masterly Hands of Mr. John Cob, and Mr. Lewis Williams, now the Spanish Gut-string comes up with it, through the excellent Mastery of Mr. Maurice, Mr. Evans, Mr. Bedhurst, Mr. Webster, Mr. Robert Grant, living with my Lord Montague, and for the Outlandish way of Playing, Mr. Arn. The Violin is now of all others generally of highest esteem, and is indeed a very useful Instrument in Consort, and now arrived to that perfection of performance, that it were endless to enumerate all that have been of late accounted great Violin-Masters. Wherefore let the mention of Farmer, Twiss, Ailworth, Ayrs, Claiton, Tomlins, serve for all. The best Workmen for the making of this Instrument have been accounted Comer, Raimund, Florence Barnet. Of Wind-Instruments, the Flageolet within this 20 years, and since that the Flute, have been highest in vogue and frequentest in use: The chiefest Performers on it being Mr. Banister, Mr. Sutton, Mr. Young, Mr. Car, the chiefest Artisans, Mr. Scottny in Lincolns-Inn-fields. But for all sorts of Musical Instruments in general, the Violin, the Base and Lyra Viol, the Harp, the Ghittar, the Lute, (even the Flageolet and Flute not altogether excepted) Mr. John Shaw, living near the Maypole in the Strand, is acknowledged by the most skilful in Music of all sorts, to be a Workman in a great measure superior to any that have been in this Nation. Nor have the Cremona Violins or Loxmollar Lutes been lately of such excessive prices as formerly. For Pegs for Lutes, Viols, etc. Mr. Bland is reported the only Man at present that serves all the Instrument-makers in Town. It is not very many years since the several sorts of fine Varnish have come into knowledge and use among us, which give so beautiful a gloss to Musical Instruments, Cabinets, Tables, Picture-frames, and the like; so that many of our varnished Cabinets may vie even with those of Japan and China themselves, their ways of Varnish being now not altogether unknown unto us, whereof the rarest of all is accounted that of Ceo. The first Persons eminent for Varnishing were Mr. Lilly, and Mr. Racket, since whom it is grown very common. But that noble Lacka-varnish which imitates the Gold-colour, and hath saved much cost that was formerly bestowed in the guilding of Coaches, was brought into England about 30 years since, by the learned Advancer of Learning and all Noble Arts, and my best of Friends, Mr. Evelin, of Says-Court by Deptford. The Bow-dy about 40 years since was brought into England by Kephler. Our Tapistry-work, now equal to whatever the Attalick-Court could anciently boast, was brought in hither by Sir Francis Crane, towards the latter end of K. James his Reign, by the Encouragement of that learned Prince, who gave 2000 l. toward the building of a House at Moreclack, where Mr. Francis Clein was the first Designer. Our Vasa Fictilia, or Potters-Ware, by the Art and Industry of Mr. Doit at Fullam, are brought to that height of Curiosity, that our common Vessels may easily outvie the Dutch, and the finest▪ come not much short of China itself. The making of Glasses is said to have been begun in England, anno 1557. about which time there lived at Chiddingsfold, a Person very famous for this Art, which as it grew improved, the finer sort were first made at Crotchet-friers; but the making of the Flint-Glass, which is the finest and clearest ever made here, and very near, if not altogether equal to those of Venice, was first begun by Mr. Bishop, and since carried on with good success by Mr. Ravenscroft. There is now a Company of 12 Men of the Potter's Trade, who are Directors of this sort of Workmanship, chiefly exercised at present at the Savoy-House in the Strand. But the first Glass-plates for Looking-glasses, Coach-windows, etc. in England, were made at Lambeth, now about 10 years since, by the Encouragement of his Grace the Duke of Buckingham, and the Direction of Mr. Reeves aforementioned. The first in England who cast brass Guns, viz. Cannons, Culverines', &c. is said to have been one John Oaven; after him Peter Band a Frenchman, in the first year of the Reign of K. Edw. the VI cast iron Falcons, Falconets, Minions, etc. but was exceeded by his Servant Thomas Johnson, who lived till the year 1600. In Gunsmiths-work there hath been of late years discovered a very large increase of Art and Ingenuity, as to the Locks and Barrels of Muskets, Carbines, Pistols, and the like. In which sort of Artifice there have been many excellent Workmen; whereof at this day, Mr. Shaw, and Giffard, Gunsmiths to his Majesty, and Mr. Sharp, living in Exeter-street, are esteemed the chiefest Artists of London, and by consequence, in all probability, of England. Another principal branch of Smiths-work, is the making of Locks and Keys, in which nothing, was ever seen so curious and ingenuous, as what is done at this day by Mr. Wilkins. Mathematical Instruments, as Compasses, Quadrants, Rulers, are most certainly now more tightly made than ever. Herein Mr. Foster in Hosier-lane, and Mr. Hays in moorfield's, were lately the most celebrated Workmen; now Mr. Markham in the Strand, and Mr. Win in Chancery-lane. The Projection of Globes, Spheres and Maps, is without controversy now more exactly understood than formerly, through the Ingenuity first of Mr. Moxon, now of Mr. Berry near Charing-Cross, and Mr. Mordant in Cornhill. Nor is there without all doubt in all things of this nature, a better Graver than Mr. Lamb. And here may not unfitly be mentioned the new Invention of an Iron Pen, which besides its lastingness, is equally fit for use with the best Goose-Quill whatsoever: By Mr. Smith, Writing-Master to Christ-Church-Hospital. Having spoken of Printing, it will not be unseasonable to intimate how much Letter-founding hath been advanced of late. S. Henry Savil's silver Character for the printing of his Chrysostom, was much admired at that time; but of late we have had many Books printed in very delicate Characters, both small and great, especially the fine small Greek Character, in which several Greek Poets have been printed at the Theatre at Oxford, is so curious, that nothing can be more, not excepting the fine small Prints of Amsterdam or Leyden. It would be endless to reckon up all the new alamodes of clothes, Stuffs, Silks, Ribbons, and the like. But of the many curious Pieces in Wax-work, Straw-work, Acupiction in Silks and Satins, cutting of Paper, Cloth, or fine Leather, into exquisite Figures, folding of Napkins into the shapes of Birds, Beasts, or Fishes, though Ingenuity of former Ages (as to most of these Artifices) hath perhaps not received much addition. Though in Wax there are to be seen very curious things of late Workmanship, which possibly have arrived to utmost Improvement: For Imbossment in Wax, Mr. Houseman was certainly the best Artist that hath been known in these Parts. The rich Embroidery of former Times, as will appear to those, who visiting the Houses of the old Nobility and Gentry, behold the pompous Furniture left by the Ancestry of those Families, is, as I conjecture, not easily outdone, if equalled, by any thing this Age can produce. The Art of making fine white Thread, is said to have been brought into England about the year 1670. by Mr. Joseph Allen, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, keeping a Thread-shop in Bishopgate-street, at the Golden Anchor near Bethlehem, even to the value of 3 l. the pound, and vying with the Nun's Thread of Flanders. The Glassen Beehive is mentioned by my Ingenious Friend Mr. John Worlidge of Petersfield, to have been the Contrivance of Mr. William Mew, Minister of Easlington in Gloucestershire. He also mentions a wooden Hive of an Octangle form, with a glass Window in one of the sides. This glassen Beehive, I remember, about 30 years ago, was much talked of as a great Rarity, when the late Bishop of Chester, Dr. Wilkins, had of them in his Garden at Wadham-Colledg, whereof he was then Warden; both sorts are now sufficiently common, but they are no where to be seen better ordered and more curious than at Mr. Evelin's Paradise of a Garden by Deptford. The Blow, though as ancient as Tillage itself; the Improvements are but of late years: The chief whereof mentioned by Mr. Blithe and Mr. Worlidge, are the single wheeled Blow and the double wheeled Blow, and the double Blow, which is in the nature of two Ploughs joined together. Mr. John Houghton also (worthily for his great Ingenuity and Industry) a Fellow of the Royal Society, in that most useful Design of his, called, A Collection of Letters for the Improvement of Husbandry, inserts an Invention of Thomas Llewellin, at the George in Cateaten-street, for ploughing with one Man and two Horses or Oxen, a greater quantity of Land than can be performed at the same time with double the number of Men and cattle. He also in the same Sheet gives a large description of a Malt-kill at Nottingham. Engines of grand bulk, force and performance, are doubtless near as ancient as whatever Art or Invention have produced, being of too great necessity to be unthought of by any thinking or inventing People. Cranes and Engines for the drawing up of Goods of great bulk and weight, such as we have at the Custom-house, and such like Places, are mentioned in ancient Authors. Also in War, the Arcubalistae, and the Arietes or Battering-Rams, which against the Walls of besieged Towns did more than multitudes of Men. What the Antiquity is of Corn Wind-mills, is hard to determine whether in this or any other Nation. The Papermill is certainly of no modern Invention, and it may be wondered that in all this time Paper-making hath not been brought to a greater height in this Nation, it being judged very possible, that as good Paper might be made in England, as any is brought over from France, Holland, or any other foreign Part. The Powder-Mill cannot be of very long standing, since it is scarce 200 years that Gunpowder itself hath bounced and made a smoke in the World. Moreover, of these grand performing Engines, there is a very great number even of late Invention, of which I shall endeavour to call to mind at least the most noted. For the grubbing up of Stump of Oak, there is an Engine called the Germane Devil, which Mr. Evelin in his incomparable Treatise of Forest-trees, affirms to have been made use of by a Noble Person of this Nation with that success, that by the help thereof one Man was able to do more than could otherwise have been done by 12 Oxen. He also in the same Treatise, p. 22. gives a description of another Engine for the transplanting of Trees. The silk-Stocking Frame is surely one of the most curious Contrivances of this Age. It is said to have been first used at Nottingham, and was, as I have been told, the seasonable Fancy of a poor Oxford Scholar, who to inch out the slender pittance of a small Living he had thereabouts, was glad to make use of his Wives manual Assistance; but that not sufficing neither to satisfy the importunate Stomaches of an increasing Family, he prompted by Necessity, which is the Mother of Art, as ancient Authors affirm, joined his Head to her Hands, his Ingenuity to her Industry, and thence brought forth this rare Device, to shorten the labour, and increase the profit of her Work. The Saw-Mill or Engine for sawing of Timber is of Dutch Original, and about 25 or 30 years ago first brought in use among us, for so long it is since that on the Thames over against Durham-yard was first erected. The Wire-Mill of Mr. Mumma, a Dutchman, was first set up at Sheen within these 20 years. All the Money coined in the Tower of London, almost ever since his Majesty's Restoration, hath been by an Engine or Coining-Mill, brought in by the Rotiers, who thereupon became and so continue to this present, his Majesty's chief Moneyers. The Weavers Loom-Engine hath not been in use many years in England, especially the highest Improvement thereof called the Dutch Loom, brought in about 5 or 6 years since by Mr. Crouch, a Weaver in Bishopsgate-street. A very useful Invention was that Engine called the Persian Wheel, for the watering of Meadows, which lie uncapably of being overflowed. The first of these Engines brought to any considerable perfection, was erected at the end of Wilton-Garden, by the Direction of the abovementioned Mr. Worlidge, Wood-Steward to the Earl of Pembroke, in the year 1665. who in his Systema Agriculturae, takes notice of another Engine to the same purpose, called the Horizontal Windmill. And in his Treatise of Cider, he describes the Ingenio or rare Sider-Engine, a Contrivance doubtless very profitable for those that drive a Trade in the making of this Liquor. There is also very lately found out the admirable Water-Engine, for raising of Ballast and towing of Ships. Yet as excellent as these Inventions are, and as useful to the Public, by dispatching at one instant the tedious drudgery of many Hands, yet there are not wanting high Clamours against them, as robbing poor men of their Employments, and consequently of their Livelihoods; so hard it is to find any Convenience totally exempted from Cavil and Exception. Even the Quench-fire Engine, that most excellent and salutiferous Invention of Sir Samuel Moreland, 'tis possible may be an Eyesore to such Neronian Tempers, as love to see Towns and Cities on fire. However the World is obliged to this learned Mechanic, as well for this as several other useful and ingenuous Contrivances, particularly his Arithmetical Instrument, and his Stenterophonick or Speaking Trumpet, the chief use whereof is to treat or parley with an Enemy at a distance. There is to be seen by all Lovers of Art, a rare Invention of Mr. Edgebury, called the Horizontal Corn-mill, upon a piece of Land at Deptford, belonging to my most Honoured Friend Mr. Evelin junior. It is now about 7 or 8 years, since a Printing-Press for the printing of Callcoes, was set on foot by Mr. Mellish; but he soon desisting, the Design was taken up by Mr. William Sherwin, living in Little-Britain, and ever since carried on with great vigour and success. To conclude: There remains yet to be spoken of one rare Engine, and in some sense above all that have been yet mentioned, since it brings back Old Age to Youth, and makes threescore and ten appear as fine and gay as five and twenty. I do not mean simply the Peruke, or Frame of Artificial formerly worn, for that may possibly be as ancient as the Emperor Carolus Calvus his Time, who wanting Hair of his own, is reported to have called a Council of French Barbers, to contrive an artificial Supplement of Nature's Defect: But I mean, that lofty towering Structure or Machine of Hair, so heightened and ornamented, as it hath been by Tonsorian Art and Industry, within these last 20 years, so frounced, so curled in a 1000 amorous Annulets, so plumped up, so streaming in the Air like a Ships Top-gallant, that certainly never any Cincinnatus or Capillatus whatsoever, could boast a natural Head of Hair comparable to this artificial; much more may it be judged easily to outvie the ancient Median Cidaris, the Persian Tiara, or the now Ottoman Turban; and doubtless had it been devised in Homer's Time, it would quickly have put out of countenance the best of his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. THE MAGNIFICENCE OF ENGLAND. THE Magnificence of England consists in the principal Towns and Cities, Palaces Royal, and belonging▪ to several of the Nobility, Cathedrals, and other Churches, Castles, Bridges, and erected Monuments. The 3 principal Cities of England are London, York and Bristol. Besides which, there are many other Cities and Towns of sufficient Note for pleasantness of Situation and neatness of Building: As the Cities of Canterbury, Rochester, Exeter, Salisbury, Gloucester, Worcester, Oxford, Bath, Durham, Lincoln, Winchester and Coventry. The Towns of Ipswich, St Edmundbury, Maidston, Feversham, Kingston upon Thames, Guildford, Lewis, Colchester, Buckingham, Ailsbury, Reading, Cambridge, Southampton, Marlborough, Warwick, Shirburn, Northampton, Leicester, Nottingham, Newark, Manchester, Wakefield, Boston, Stamford, Barstable, Tavistoke, Taunton, Shrewsbury, Bridgenorth, Tewksbury and Cirencester; besides several others which are to be mentioned among those Places signalised by their several Remarks and Transactions. London being at large described by Stow, Howel, and others, it will be sufficient to name the Magnificences thereof, viz. The Cathedral of St Paul's, destroyed by the late Fire, and now upon rebuilding; the stately Bridge over the Thames; the Royal Exchange, splendid before, but now rebuilt far more splendid; the New Bethlehem, or Bedlam in Moor-fields; Gresham-Colledge; Sion-Colledge; the College of Physicians, now a very graceful Edifice; with the Theatre for Anatomy-Lectures, at the upper end of Warwick-lane; the Halls belonging to the several Companies, most of them built much more to advantage than formerly; Doctors Commons; and over against it, the Office of Armoury, towards Pauls-Wharf, near which, before the Fire, stood Baynards-Castle, an ancient and noble House, sometime belonging to the Earls of Pembroke; the several Inns of Court and Chancery, many of them wonderfully improved both as to Structure and pleasant Permenades; the two Inns of Sergeants in Chancery-lane and Fleetstreet, the latter whereof is amplified into a larger extent of Ground, and number of fair Houses; the Canal by the Fleet, cut strait along from Holborn-bridge down to the Thames at Puddle-Wharf, with the new built Bridge over it; the Hospitals of Sutton, called the Charterhouse; of Christ-Church near Newgate; of St bartholomew's near Smithfield; Bridewell, once a King's Palace, now a House of Correction; the Earl of Bridgewater's House in Barbican; the Earl of Thanet's and the Bishop of London's Palace, commonly called Peterhouse in Aldersgate-street; then between Temple-bar and Westminster, a Street so full of Nobleman's Palaces, that there is scarce the like in any one City of Europe, especially some years since, before several of them were pulled down, out of whose Ruins nevertheless there have sprung up so many little Towns as it were, pleasantly situate upon the Thames-side; those pulled down are Essex-house, Exeter-house, out of part whereof there is built a neat Exchange; part of Salisbury-house, Durham-house, and York-house, belonging to the Duke of Buckingham; and now very lately Woreester-house; those standing are Somerset-house, which belongs to the Queen, and where she ofttimes hath her residence; the Savoy, once a Palace, but of late years made use of for an Hospital of lame Soldiers; Bedford-house, part of Salisbury and Suffolk-house, belonging to the Northumberland Family; near Westminster is the principal Seat-Royal of England, his Majesty's most usual Place of residence, Whitehal, built by Cardinal Woolfie, a Palace more of Convenience than State, excepting the Banqueting-house, a piece of Architecture, accounted parallel to the best in Italy; and not to omit the Magnificences of Westminster, being so near; the Cathedral and the Old Palace, which contains Westminster-hall, the largest Room in Europe, the Parliament-house, and other Courts of Judicature; from Whitehal a pleasant Park leads to St James', the Palace and usual residence of his Royal Highness the Duke of York; on the other side of the Park, a neat House of the Earl of Arlington, Lord Chamberlain of the King's Household; and near it Tarthall, belonging to the late Lord Stafford; over against St James', on the Road towards Kensington, a noble House of the Duke of Albemarl, built by the late Lord Chancellor, Earl of Clarendon; and near it Barkley-house, Newport-house, and others. Among the Buildings of later years, several noble Piazza's or Squares, some not inferior to that of Piazza Navona at Rome. The first Covent-garden Square, graced on two sides with lofty Porticoes, on the other with the Prospect of Bedford-Garden, on the fourth with the Front of a goodly Church. Next, Lincolns-Inn Square, the largest of all. 3. Bloomsbury Square, opening to a fair Prospect of Southampton-house, not far from which is an elegant new built House of the Honourable Henry Montague, late Ambassador to the Court of France. 4. Leicester Square, on the one side whereof is the Prospect of Leicester-house, adjoining to which is also Newport-house. 5. St James' Square, whose each side is a Pile of most splendid Edifices. Lastly, That in So-ho-Buildings, a very pleasant Square, having a large square Garden-plot, in the midst adorned with Fountains, Statues, etc. This is commonly called Kings-Square, for the Magnificence thereof. York, the first City of Yorkshire, and the second of England, is a large, stately, pleasant, rich, populous and well fortified City. The chief Magnificences whereof, besides several beautiful Structures both public and private, are the Cathedral, the Great Gate, the Stone-bridge over the Ouse, having one only but very huge Arch, the Prince's House, called the Manor, and a famous Library. Bristol or Bristol, qu. Brightstol or Brightstow i e. a splendid or illustrious Place; in the British, Caer Oder Nant Badon, i. e. the City Oder in the Valley of Badon; a large, cleanly, pleasant and well traded City, situate some part in Glocestershire, but most in Somersetshire, and yet in a manner distinct from both, being a County of itself incorporate. It hath large Streets, and divers fair Buildings both public and private; besides its Churches, a strong Castle, the Bishop's Palace, the Tolbooth for Merchants, a fair large Key, affording a most pleasant Prospect of Ships, coming up to the very Town, and the Gouts or Sinks that carry the Water under ground, render the Streets exceeding neat and clean. Canterbury, the chief City of Kent, and the Metropolitan See of all England, pleasant both for Situation and Buildings, and of principal esteem for its Cathedral, which is accounted among the chief of the Cathedrals of England; besides which it hath several fair Chuches. It's other public Buildings are the Houses of the Dean and prebend's, a noble Free-School, called the Kings-School, two Hospitals, the Watch-houses or Citadels upon the Wall, which is broad enough for two Coaches to go abrest upon it; it had also a noble Castle, but that hath been long since demolished. Rochester is not only preferable as a City, to all the Places in Kent next to Canterbury, for its fair Building and pleasant Situation upon the River Medway. But the chief Grandeur of this City consists in its Cathedral and stately Bridge: Of which more in its due place. Exeter is particularly taken notice of by William of Malmsbury, for the beauty of its Buildings, the richness of its Inhabitants, the flourishing state of its Trade and Commerce, and the confluence of Strangers thither, the greatness of its Trade and Riches, by a daily Commerce both with this City and other Parts of the Nation. The most eminent of its Structures, are the Wall giving entrance by six Gates, and adorned with divers Watch-Towers, a strong and stately Castle, and a vary noble and sumptuous Cathedral. Salisbury Cathedral is accounted in some respects the noblest in England, at least there are very few equal to it. The City is pleasantly watered with clear Rivulets, running through the length of each Street, and the Marketplace very large and handsome. Gloucester is pleasantly situated upon the River Severn. It hath been anciently much celebrated for its Monastery of Nuns, built by Keneburgh, Eadburgh and Eve, and is at present for its stately Minster. Worcester hath a Wall about it, one thousand six hundred and fifty paces in circuit, with a sevenfold entrance of Gates, and five Watch-Towers, for ornament and security: Nor is its Minster the least considerable among the Cathedrals of England for Structure, besides the Monuments of Antiquity therein, elsewhere mentioned. Bath, besides the Magnificence of its public Bagnoes, is sufficiently recommendable for its private Buildings; the Streets thereof, when the season of the year renders them least frequented, seem to represent a kind of solemn and majestic Solitude, as may be fancied in several of those Towns and Cities of Italy, which consist of splendid Buildings, but thinly inhabited. Durham consists of good handsome old fashioned Buildings; but for public Structures besides its Church, it chiefly boasts the Castle, built there by K. William the Conqueror, which advanceth its Head loftily upon a high Hill. Lincoln is also one of the noblest Cities of England. It hath at this day 15 Parish-Churches besides the Great Church, yet seems it but the Epitome of what it was anciently; for it is delivered to have had no less than 50 Parish-Churches, was wonderful populous and well traded, and hath been adorned with many fair and ample Buildings, as well Monasteries as others, as appears by the Ruins, in which something of Magnificence is to be observed. Winchester is a City pleasantly situated in a Valley, and walled about with a strong Wall, one thousand eight hundred and eighty paces in circuit, and entered by six Gates; on the East-side runs the River, and on the Westside stands a strong Castle. It hath seven Parish-Churches, and a good old large Minster, besides the Ruins of certain Monasteries and other public Buildings; moreover the College and School may be reckoned among the Ornaments of this Place, though not standing in the City, but about half a mile out of the Town. Coventry is a City particularly noted by Speed for statelyness of Building, and was encompassed with a strong and stately Wall, which with the Walls of several other Towns was pulled down, since his Majesty's Restoration. The Walls had 13 Gates for Entrance, and 18 Towers for Ornament; but that which was heretofore the greatest Ornament of this City, was that stately Structure of a Cross, which was among the number of those erected to the memory of Queen Elinor, and the most magnificent of all next to that of Cheapfide in London, with which it underwent the same Fate, that is, to be demolished by the zealous multitude, the most lewd reformers of Lewdness, and the most superstitious haters of Superstition. Ipswich, besides that it is the Shire-Town of Suffolk, is also generally accounted the principal Town of England, and were it dignified with the title of City, would be equal to many, inferior to few of the Cities of this Nation. It hath 12 Parish-Churches yet standing, besides 6 fallen to decay, and several fair Streets full of goodly and substantial Buildings, and a very commodious Haven. St Edmondsbury in the same County, excepting what it wants in ampleness of Circuit, comes very near in other respects, especially if we reckon the Grandeur of its once famous Monastery, of which there yet remains something of it very great and stately. But to sum up the Glory of this Place, it will be sufficient to repeat what Speed quotes from Leyland, viz. The Sun hath not seen a City (so he calls it) more finely and delicately seated upon an ascent of a Hill, having a River running on the East-side, nor was there ever a more noble Abbey, either for Revenues or incomparable Magnificence, in whose Circuit appeareth rather a City than a Monastery; so many Gates for Entrance, and some of Brass; so many Towers, and a most glorious Church, upon which attend three others, standing all in the same Churchyard, all of them passing fine, and of a curious Workmanship. Maidston is pleasantly seated upon the River Medway, and for a mere Town, is reputed the handsomest and most flourishing of all Kent. Feversham is also to be noted, not only for its Antiquities, but likewise for its pleasant and commodious Situation. Kingston upon Thames, so called, to distinguish it from the other Kingston upon Hull, stands very pleasantly, and makes a fine Prospect upon the River Thames. It hath a very fair and spacious Marketplace, and hath been in former Ages a Place of no mean Repute, (at least springs from such a one) as will appear by what we shall have occasion to speak of it elsewhere. Guildford comes here to be mentioned, only as a pleasant and well built Town; to which may be added, that for the bigness, there is scarce any other Place to compare with it for number of fair and large Inns; so that this Town and Kingston, (Southwark being annexed to London) may pass for the two chief Towns of Surry. Lewis is esteemed worthily to stand in competition with the City Chichester itself, for largeness, populousness and fair Building, at least it is far surpassing all the other Towns of Sussex. Colchester, which Speed honours with the title of City, is pleasantly situated upon the River Coln, hath a Wall of 1980 paces in compass, raised upon a high Trench, and entered by 6 Gates and 3 Posterns Westward, and being also adorned with 9 Watch-Towers, within the circuit of which Walls there are 8 Parish-Churches, besides 2 without▪ Eastward, an old strong Castle stands upon a strong Trench, and upon another Trench hard by are to be discerned the Ruins of an ancienter Castle; and though there are some other noted Towns in this Shire, as Maldon, Chelmsford, etc. yet this Colchester, however no City, may well enough be allowed to merit the Character it hath, viz. of Shire-Town of Essex. Buckingham is pleasantly seated upon the River Ouse, with which it is altogether surrounded, except on the North-side; 3 fair Stone-Bridges, giving entrance over the River, and though but a Town, hath the credit to be both the denominating and principal Town of the Shire. Ailesbury, of the same County, is a Town well enough for Building, and the handsomeness of its Marketplace; but that which makes it most perspicuous, is, that it stands in the midst of most delightful Meads and Pastures, and the whole Vale, which being one of the pleasantest and fertilest of England, is perhaps one of the pleasantest and fertilest of Europe, is thence denominated the Vale of Ailesbury. Reading, a very ancient Town, and as Leland and others observe, excelling all other Towns in Berkshire, as well for fair Streets and sightly Buildings, as the Wealth of the Townsmen. Cambridge, a Town not despicable for its own proper Buildings, were the Situation as little liable to exception, but borrowing its chief Magnificence from the lustre of those 16 Colleges and Halls, which shine like so many Gems about it, yet far more illustrious by those bright Lamps of Learning, which from this Place have shot their Lights into the World. The most eminent Structure of all the rest in Cambridge is Kings-Colledge-Chappel; but there is now a Library building in this University, which, it is thought, will be able to compare with any of the best Buildings of this Age; but notwithstanding all, it is but the chief Town of Cambridgeshire, and not a City, though there be an Episcopal See in the same County. Southampton, a Town, saith Speed, beautiful, rich and populous, and walled about with a strong Wall of square Stone, entered by 7 Gates, and adorned and fortified with 29 Towers; within the Walls there are 5 fair Parish-Churches, besides an Hospital called Gods-House; and without the Walls are to be seen the Ruins of another goodly Church called St mary's. On the West-end of the Town, a well built Castle of a circular form, mounted upon a high Hill so steep, as not to be ascended but by Stairs, gives a fair Prospect both by Land and Sea; and lastly, Two commodious Keys for Ships, give a great ornament to the Place. This Town, though Winchester predominates as a City, was doubtless, as by the Name appears, the ancient Metropolis of Hantshire, and is still accounted the Shire-Town. Marlborough, one of the most considerable Towns of Wiltshire, which as it is in general a good tolerable well built Town, so it hath one Street above the rest remarkable for its fairness and largeness, being also very much graced with a large neat Forum or Marketplace at the upper end thereof. About a dozen years ago there happened a shrewd Fire, which burned down a great part of this Street, which being rebuilt to advantage, the Street appears much more stately than before; and that which gives the greater grace to it, is the Prospect of a fine House of my Lord Seymour's, at the Towns end, which is the more remarkable, by reason of a Mount which is ascended by a Path, which winds round about upward toward the top like a Screw. Warwick is most pleasantly situated upon the ascent of a Hill, taking its rise from the side of a River, whose stream runs pointing toward a stately Castle, the Seat of the famous Guy of Warwick, which having run much to ruin, was repaired with sumptuous Buildings by Sir Fulk Grevil. There have been 6 fair Churches in this Town, viz. St Laurence, St michael's, John Baptist, and John of Jerusalem, St. mary's and St. Nicholas, all gone to ruin but the two last. This City, yet as the denominating and principal Town of Warwickshire, seems of equal repute with Coventry itself. Shirburn, a Town pleasantly seated on the side of a Hill, and very well adorned with Structures, especially public, as Church, Castle, and School-house. Northampton must needs be at this day a very stately Place, for having had the commendation, from the chief of our English Geographers, of being worthy to be ranked, for Circuit, Beauty and Building, with the most of the Cities of our Land. It was by some unfortunate Accident burnt almost totally down to the ground, and Phaenix-like is risen out of its ashes, much more glorious than before; and notwithstanding the City of of Peterborough stands within the County, claims to be the County Town of Northamptonshire. Nottingham, saith our most diligent and industrious Speed, is a Town seated most pleasant and delicate upon a high Hill; for Building stately, and for number of fair Streets surpassing many other Cities, and for a spacious and sumptuous Marketplace, and 3 fair Churches, comparing with the best. Many of the Buildings of this Town are hewed out of the Rocks, besides many strange Vaults and Caves; among which those under the Castle are of especial Note: One for the Story of Christ's Passion, engraven in the Walls, by the Hand of David, the 2d of that Name, King of Scots, whilst he was there kept Prisoner: Another wherein Mortimer was apprehended, in the minority of K. Edw. the 3d, whence it hath ever since born the Name of Mortimer's Hole. These have their several winding Stairs, Windows, Chimneys, and Room above Room, wrought all out of the solid Rock, as other Houses of the Town also have. This Town being the Principal of Nottinghamshire, hath no City to stand in competition with it. Newark, the next Town of Nottinghamshire, both for Reputation and Neatness. It is indeed a Town of a very pleasant Situation upon the River Trent. Manchester, the fairest and pleasantest, though not the principal Town of Lancashire, and above all things else peculiarly remarked for its grand Church, the College and Marketplace. Wakefield, one of the chief Towns of Yorkshire, as well for its pleasantness and goodly Buildings, as its great Market and Cloathing-Trade, and other Remarks: Of which elsewhere. Stamford, the pleasantest Place of Lincolnshire, next to the City of Lincoln itself, being adorned with 7 Churches, and an old Hospital. Boston, the best Town of Lincolnshire next to Stamford: Which is all need be said of it at present, in regard there will be occasion to speak more of it in the next Chapter of Towns and Places eminent, etc. Barstable and Tavestoke in Devonshire, are commended above most in the West of England for neatness, well compactedness, and elegance of Structure. Tavestoke is probably enough so called, from the River Taw, upon which it stands, and which at Barstable is said to be Navigable for great Vessels, both Places being well inhabited with Merchants, and rich trading People. Next to Bridgewater, of all the Places of Somersetshire, not dignified with the title of City, Taunton is accounted of principal Note, and for pleasantness superior, according to the Testimony of a learned Writer in these words: Taunton qu. Thonton, from the River Thone, is a very fine and proper Town, one of the Eyes of the Shire; the Country here most delectable on every side with green Meadows, flourishing with pleasant Gardens and Orchards, and replenished with fair Manor-houses, wonderfully contenteth the Eyes of the Beholders. Shrewsbury, as it is the principal Town of Shropshire, there being neither City nor any other Town of Note in that Shire that can stand in competition with it, so it may be reckoned among the pleasantest of all England, being almost surrounded with the Severn, between which and a stately Wall are most delightful Meadows; the chief Streets graceful of themselves are set out with several graceful Buildings besides the public, among which the most remarkable are the two Gate-houses on the Bridges, the Marketplace of Freestone, a strong Castle mounted on a Hill, a neat School-house with a Library, 4 Parish-Churches, and 3 of them very large and goodly, besides the Abbey forehead, without which bears the semblance of an old Cathedral. Besides Shrewsbury, there are many other pleasant Towns in Shropshire, among which, the chiefest in repute are Ludlow and Ludlow's chief State consists in its strong Castle, and its lofty situation upon a high Hill; and proper enough is the Encomium it hath gained of Cambden, that it is a Town more fair than ancient. Bridgnorth also is proudly advanced a great part of it upon a Rock, out of which the chief Avenues to that upper part are cut; moreover, the Castle, the Wall, and the Severn's Enclosure, give addition of State as well as Strength. Tewksbury in Glocestershire, is a Town that might well enough be insisted on for its elegancy of Building and pleasant Situation, but that other special Remarks require the mention of it elsewhere. The like may be said of Cirencester, which hath yet some Ruins left of that Beauty and Magnificence which it received from the Romans, of whom it was anciently one of the principal Residences. The Palaces Royal of England are in the first place Whitehal, built by Cardinal Woolfie, and from K. Henry the 8th to his present Majesty, the principal and Imperial Residence of all our Kings. This Palace is in general rather to be commended for its large Capacity and Convenience, than for State and outward Show; yet that part which is called the Banqueting-house, for its sumptuous Appearance and Regularity of Architecture, is judged by most of the Curious, fit to stand in competition with the chief Structures of Europe. Next, St James', a House somewhat more sightly to view, and delicately situated in the most pleasant of Parks; it hath been usually the Residence of the Princes of Wales, but is now of his Royal Highness, the same in Effect, though not in Title. Somerset-house is the usual Residence of the Queens of England, as it is now of her present Majesty. Hampton-Court in Middlesex, hath been of late the Principal of our King's Residences out of London, a brave, large, Noble House, in the midst of a most stately Park. But at present Windsor-Castle in Berkshire, is his Majesty's chosen Place of Pleasure and Retirement, being besides its most delightful Situation, as being advanced upon a high Hill, rising with a gradual ascent, which affords the sweetest Prospect imaginable, a Place of great Magnificence, and now improved to a wonderful height of State and Beauty. Other Places of Note for Royal Seats are Richmond or Sheen, Nonsuch in Surry, Greenwich and Eltham in Kent, Enfield and Hanworth in Middlesex, Holdenby in Northamptenshire. The Nobleman's Palaces we shall have occasion to give a full account of, in the Catalogue of the English Nobility. The Cathedrals of England are perhaps, take them one with another, as remarkable as those of any Country whatsoever; but the most eminent (besides St Paul's) are those of Westminster, Salisbury, Canterbury, York, Worcester, Gloucester, Chichester, Norwich, Winchester, Exeter, Wells, and Peterborough. Most of which have been already touched upon, in the several Places to which they belong; however it will not be improper to speak a little more particularly of them in this Place. St Paul's, before its last fatal destruction by Fire, had nothing to stand in competition but St Peter of Rome; what it will be when rebuilt, may be in some measure conjectured, by the Grandeur which already appears. Westminster-Abbey is a Noble Piece of Work, and is said to have been 50 years in building, and it receives a great addition of lustre, by the addition of K. Henry the 7th's Chapel, the Workmanship whereof for curiosity of Carving is hardly to be paralleled. Salisbury-Minster is famed in general for one of the stateliest of English Structures, and particularly noted for its high spired Steeple, its double cross Isles, its Windows answering to the Days, its Pillars to the Hours, and its Gates to the Months of the Year, besides a Cloister belonging to it, famous for Largeness and fine Workmanship. Canterbury-Cathedral hath been famous for its rich Window, and the Tomb of Thomas a Becket. That of York seems next of Note and Esteem, for an ample and stately Fabric. Worcester-Cathedral is by a learned Writer deservedly entitled, a passing fair Building, adorned with many Princely and Noble Monuments. Nor is Glocester-Cathedral accounted inferior, besides the Fame of its Whispering Place. Also that of Litchfield, before its demolishment, is said for elegant and proportional Building to have yielded very few. The Church of Chichester is not so large as neat, having a Spire-Steeple, which advanceth itself up to a majestic height▪ The Cloister of the Cathedral of Norwich, is accounted the fairest in England. Winchester-Cathedral is a brave old solemn Structure; so likewise is that of Lincoln; which last is also famous for its great Bell called Tom of Lincoln, the biggest in England. Exeter-Cathedral is remarkable for its brave, noble, carved Work, at the West-end thereof; so likewise are those of Wells and Peterborough. In fine, There are few or none of the Cathedrals of this Nation, of whose Grandeur there is not enough to be said to make a Volume. There are a number of Parish-Churches that deserve particular mention. In London there are many, especially since the rebuilding of the City, remarkable for Beauty and State. But the chief are St Sepulchre, and St Maries le Bow, whose Steeple is such, that certainly a nobler is scarce to be seen. The Church of Covent-Garden is much admired, for a Fabric of such Magnitude and State, unsupported with Pillars. The like may be said of Lincolns-Inn-Chappel, which is also observable for the curious vaulted Walk over which it is built. Likewise that round vaulted Roof of the Inner-Temple-Church, under which lie upon the ground several Sepulchral Statues of Knights, Templars, within a foursquare Empalement of Ironwork, is a Structure of that kind not to be paralleled by any. Nor is the new built Church of St Clements to be wholly passed by, as exceeding much, both for the outward and inward Workmanship, and particularly the fine Fretwork on the Ceiling. The Church of Bath, though Litchfield be the Bishop's principal Seat, is by some called a Cathedral, and for largeness and elegance of Building may well enough be so accounted. Of the 5 Churches of Derby, that named All-Hallows, is of chief Reputel, for its Tower-Steeple, of a stately height, and excellent Structure, and whose Foundation was laid, and part of it built, by young Men and Maids, as appears by Letters graven thereon. The Church of Shirburn in Dorsetshire, is much noted for its curious Workmanship within. The Church of Grantham chiefly eminent for the excessive height of its Steeple, which possibly gives occasion of that vulgar Report of this Steeple's standing awry, and of that fabulous Tradition of its having been, built by Hell's great Architect, who misliking something or other, gave it such a Blow with his Ruler, that it hath stood awry ever since. St Maries of Ratcliff in Bristol, for the stately ascent to it, its largeness, curious Workmanship, embowed Arch of Stone, and its lofty Steeple, hath been accounted the noblest Parish-Church of England. Another Church in the same City called the Temple, is remarkable for its Tower, which whensoever the Bell is rung, divides from the rest of the Building, with a Cleft from the bottom to the top, which gapes the breadth of three Fingers. In Lancashire, the Collegiate Church of Manchester hath a Choir, which though not very large, is remarkable for its rich adornment of Wood-work. Among the Churches of Coventry, two standing near each other, viz. Trinity-Church and St michael's, are commended for their rare Workmanship and stately height. Coln, a little old Town in Wiltshire, hath nothing but its fair Church to commend it. Also Rippon, in the West-riding of Yorkshire, whose three Steeples show their lofty Heads at considerable distance, to Travellers approaching the Place. Upon the Bridge of Wakefield, in the same Riding of Yorkshire, is a beautiful Chapel, erected by K. Edward the 4th, in memory of those of his Party who lost their Lives in the Battle there fought. The Church of Boston in Lincolnshire, beside its largeness, curious Workmanship, and its aspiring Tower-Steeple, hath this also memorable, that from the bottom to the top, the Steeple is ascended by as many Steps as there are Days in a Year. Yarmouth-Church (for it hath but one) gives no small addition of commendation to that Town, which is reckoned among the most considerable of Norfolk. Oundale in Northamptonshire, is rendered no less memorable for its fair Church, than for its Free-School and Alms-house. At the Castle of Warkworth in Northumberland, there is a Chapel wonderfully hewn out of a Rock, without Beams, Rafters, or any thing of Timber-work. Wrexam in Denbighshire, hath a Church, which for neat Building, and the loftiness of its Steeple, is concluded to surpass all the Churches of North-Wales. But of all the Churches of this Island, (and they are among the 6 chief Remarks thereof) the Chapel of Kings-Colledge in Cambridge, already mentioned, is for rareness of Architecture and Contrivance, renowned above most Structures, not only of England, but even of Europe also. The Castles of England were in ancient Times the chief-Seats of our Nobility; but since the dissolution of the Abbeys, and the demolishment of very many Castles, in the several Wars of England, divers of the said Abbeys have become the Seats of Noblemen and Gentlemen. Yet some Noblemen at this day have ancient Castles for their chief Seats: As Barkly-Castle in Glocestershire, gives Title to the Honourable Family of the Skelton-Castle is the Seat of the Barons Bruise. The chief Castles now in the several Counties, are in Cheshire, Beeston, and the Castle of Chester. In Berkshire, Windsor aforementioned. In Cumberland, the Castle of Carlisle. In Darbyshire, the Castle of the Peak. In Devonshire, the Castles of Dertmouth, and Castle-Rugemont in Exeter. In Dorcetshire, Shirburn-Castle. In the Bishopric of Durham, Bernard-Castle. In Hantshire, Hurst, Carisbrook, and Saubam Castles. In Herefordshire Herefordshire Bradwardin-Castle, of which elsewhere. In Kent, the Castles of Dover and Queenborough, that of Canterbury being demolished. In Lancashire, Hornby-Castle, and that of Lancaster, which is accounted one of the three chief Magnificences of the Town, the other two being the Church and the Bridge. In Lincolnshire, Belvoir and Castor Castles. In Monmouthshire, Chepstow and Strighal Castles. In Northamptonshire, Fotheringhay, mentioned upon another account, Baibroke, Rockingham and Maxey Castles. In Northumberland, Newcastle, Thrilwale, Tinmouth, Morpeth, Withrington, Warkworth and Alnwick Castles. In Richmondshire, the stately Castle of Bolton. In Shropshire, Bishops-Castle, Clun-Castle, Shrawarden-Castle, Knocking-Castle, Whittington-Castle, Routon-Castle, Tongue-Castle, whose Bell is very loud, as in noise, so in fame, in all those Parts. The Castles of Shrewsbury, Ludlow and Bridgnorth. In Somersetshire, Dunster-Castle, which was built in William the Conquerour's Time, by the Family of the Mohuns, which flourished from that time till the Reign of K. Richard the 2d, in very great splendour, and ever since hath continued in considerable reputation. In Staffordshire, Stourton and Dudly-Castle, with those of Tamworth, Chartly and Tutbury; to which may be added, the memory of an old Castle at Stafford, now demolished. In Suffolk, Framlingham-Castle, a Place of great State, Strength, Beauty and Convenience, and the Ruins of Burgh-Castle. In Surry, Holm, Beckworth and Sterborough Castles. In Sussex, Amberly-Castle, and that of Bodiam, belonging to the Family of the Lewknors. In Warwickshire, Studly, Macstock and Ausley Castles, and the Castle of Warwick itself. In Westmorland, Whellep-Castle and Apelby. In Wiltshire, Castlecomb, Yainsborough and Warder. In Worcestershire, Hertlebury, Holt and Elmesly Castles. In the West-riding of Yorkshire, Sheafield, Conisborough, Tickil, Sandal, Harewood, Knasborrow and Cawood Castles. In the East-Riding, the strong Castle of Wreshil. In the North-Riding, the Castles of Scarborough, Kilton, Skelton, already mentioned, Wilton, Kildale, Gilling, Skerry-hutton and Hinderskell. In Wales, the most noted Castles in Caermardenshire, Carreg. In Denbighshire, the strong and almost impregnable Castle of Denbigh. In Flintshire, Flint and Harding Castles. In Glamorganshire, Cardiff, now belonging to the Earls of Pembroke, but once the famous Residence of Sr Marmionwith his 12 Knights, little less renowned in Story than K. Arthur and his Knights of the round Table, and whose Effigies were lately to be seen in the Hall of this Castle. The Bridges of England are not the least of the 7 Remarks of this Nation. And first, They are remarkable for number, as being reckoned in all 875. In the next place, They plead precedence in the generality with all others in Europe. The Prime is London-Bridge, which is said to have been anciently built of Wood, and was then accounted a very stately Bridge; but afterwards received a far greater pitch of lustre by being built of Stone, insomuch that without controversy it is judged the noblest Structure of that kind in Europe. It stands upon 19 Arches of Stone, which support a Street of very fair Edifices, of a quarter of a Mile in length, for so much the breadth of the Thames is accounted in that place. The next for Beauty and Magnificence, is that of Rochester; and after that the Bridge of Stratford upon Avon. Among the three Beauties of the Town of Lancaster, the Bridge is one, the other two being the Church and Castle. Over the River Ouse, which encircles the Town of Buckingham, all but the North-side, are three fair Bridges of Stone. The same River Ouse runs through the midst of the Town of Bedford, and hath over it a handsome Stone-Bridge, with two Gates upon it. Over the River Dee is a stately Stone-Bridge, which leads to the City of Chester. It is supported with 8 Arches, and hath at each end two strong Gates, from whence the Walls commence, within which the City lies in an oblong Square. From the River Derwent, a small Brook runs through the Town of Derby, (which lies on the Western-bank of that River) under 9 Bridges. But the stateliest of all is that in the North-East part of the Town, upon which standeth a fair Chapel of Stone. Over the River Weer, with which the City of Durham is almost wholly encompassed, two neat Stone-Bridges, one from the South, the other from the North-Road, lead into the midst of the Town. The Bridge leading into Warwick-town, over the River Avon, is both sightly and strong. But particularly sumptuous with their Towers and Gates, are those two over Severn, at the East and West Entrances of Shrewsbury. That over the River Ouse at York, which stands on each side the River, hath one Arch, the largest and loftiest of any Bridge in England. Several others there are, and some perhaps not unworthy of memory, but these being the very chiefest, it will not be worth the while to mention any more. The grand Ornaments of any City are the public Buildings thereof; and next to the Churches, Palaces and Bridges, are the Monumental Structures, that present themselves most obviously to the view of Passengers in Streets and Highways, as Aqueducts, Arches, and the Columnal or Imagery-Works, erected as Trophies in memory of some great Action or Person; as also Places for public Games and Spectacles. For Structures of this kind, never any City of the World was so famous as old Rome, whose Circus's, Amphitheatres, Columns, Pyramids, Tryumphal Arches, Equestrian Statues, etc. next to the massy Pyramids of Egypt, were accounted the greatest Pieces of Art and Magnificence the World ever saw. Nor are the Pyramids, Columns and Aguglia's of the present Rome, altogether unmemorable. Of Monuments of this nature in England, the Crosses erected in Streets and public Places were the chief. And of those the principal were Coventry-Cross; and in this City Charing-Cross, and that of Cheapside, which last was certainly the noblest Piece of Workmanship of this nature, as well for the largeness as the curiousness of the Imagery that ever was seen. Next, The Aqueducts or Conduits have been accounted no small Street-ornaments in many Towns and Cities, but the mention of those that were in London, may serve for all the rest. The chief that were in London before the Fire of 66. were the Standart in Cheapside, a Structure that might have passed for a noble Piece of Workmanship, had it not stood so near so rich a Cross. Another at the lower end of Cheapside. Another in Cornhill. That in Fleetstreet, hard by Shoe-lane end; and another in Holborn, near Holborn-Bridge, besides several others of less Note. The only Conduit lately erected, now standing, is a pretty little Structure between Cow-lane and Snow-hill. Since the Fire, other kind of Monuments have been raised, which add not a little to the Ornament of the City in general, and give peculiar Grace to the Places where they stand. The chief whereof is the Monument erected where the Fire began, a Pyramid of stately height and curious Workmanship. Another Monument much of the same nature is designed, and the Edifice raised some yards above the ground, at the lower end of Cheapside, at or very near the Place where the Conduit formerly stood: A very rare Design, as appears by the Model which I have often seen at the House of the ingenious Designer thereof, Mr Jasper Latham, the City-Mason. At the Stock-market is an Equestrian Statue in Stone of his present Majesty. And another more excellent than that in Brass, of his late Majesty of happy Memory, in the Place where Charing-Cross stood. In Covent-Garden Square is a Columnal-Dial, which only wants somewhat of Magnitude to make it a very graceful Ornament to the Place. Our theatres at present are only two, That of his Majesty's Servants, between Bridges-street and Drury-lane; and that of his Royal Highness' Servants, in Salisbury-street, with a majestic Front towards the Thames side. Artificial public Bagnoes have not been known in England till of late: The only one yet built is aside of Newgate-street, a pretty well contrived Piece of Building, had it been more publicly exposed to view on the Street side. The Gates of Towns and Cities are not the least of Ornaments to the said Towns and Cities. Of the chief of them, except those in London, we have touched in the respective Places to which they belong. The principal Gates of London are Ludgate, Newgate, Aldersgate, Algate, Bishopsgate and Temple-bar; and the two Gates at Westminster, between Whitehal and Kings-street, most of them not inferior in Magnificence to the chief in Europe. But to close all that hath been said of public Ornaments, there remains one thing more, not to be neglected by any Admirer of Art, which is a Piece of Sculpture in Stone, representing the Resurrection, over a Gate in Shoo-lane, that gives entrance into a Caemetery or Burying-place, which belongs to St Andrews-Church. This Piece of Carving I have heard commended by the best of Artists in this way, for the noblest Piece of Workmanship in its kind that hath been seen in England. Towns and Places of England eminent for some remarkable Accident, Person, or Transaction. THE principal Things that render any Town or Place remarkable, are either the Glory and Antiquity of its Original, some notable Revolution of Government, Accidents happening there, whether prosperous or adverse, Battles fought, or other grand Action performed in or near it, and the Birth, Residence or Death of Princes, and other eminent Men. For most if not all of those Remarks, there are many Towns and Cities of England, famous and principally of all, that which is the principal of all our Towns and Cities, London, for the most part the Seat of Kings from its Original; with which as the City Westminster is so united in Place, that it seems in a manner one and the same City, so the mention and discourse of them cannot well be separated. Of the Antiquity, Splendour of Government, Flourishing Trade, and Magnificence of Structure, in all which London hath the pre-eminence, not only of all the Places of England, but perhaps of all Europe, several have discoursed at large, besides what we may haply have occasion to touch at elsewhere. It can't be imagined, but that in a City which hath been a flourishing City for so many Ages, many remarkable Accidents must have happened, and great Actions been performed, in the mention whereof however all possible brevity must be used. King Lud, who reigned here a little before Caesar's arrival, if he were not the first Founder, as some think, he was at least not only the Enlarger, but also the Denominator. For among other things he built the West-Gate, which to this day retains the Name of Ludgate; and what was before of a City, by the Name of Trinobantium, took the Name of Caer-Lud; and the present appellation of London is fancied by many to be derived from him, as it were Luds-Town. About the year 285. hear Alectus, Lieutenant to the Emperor Diocletian, was slain by Asclepiodotus, D. of Cornwall; and together with him was slain his Companion Gallus, at a Brook, which from him still retains the name of Gall-brook, or Wall brook. Here Sigebert, third King of the East-Angles, who began his Reign in the year of our Lord 596. and Ethelbert King of Kent, who began his Reign in the year of our Lord 562. built the Cathedral of St. Paul's in the very place, as 'tis said, where there had been a Temple of Diana. In the Reign of Edmund, surnamed Ironside, this City was closely besieged by the Danes, but the Siege was soon raised by that valiant Prince King Edmund. About the year 1077. the Tower of London was built by K. William the Conqueror, whose Successor K. William Rufus built new walls about it. Anno 1135. in the Reign of K. Stephen the greatest part of this City was consumed by an accidental Fire. In K. Richard the Seconds time was the great Rencounter with Jack Straw and Wat Tiler in East-Smithfield, where in an overture of treaty Wat Tiler behaving himself with extraordinary insolence, was in presence of the King stabbed by Sir William Wallworth, Lord Mayor of London, with a Dagger, in memory whereof the City of London hath to this day a Dagger for its Coat of Arms. This City hath had the honour to entertain several great Kings, Princes, and Nobles; but the grandest transaction that London can boast of, was that most stately Cavalcade which his present Majesty made through it the 29th of May An. 1660. when he returned from a long Exile to the Government of these Kingdoms: But the year 1666. was fatal to it by reason of that most dreadful fire that consumed all before it from Grace-Church Street to the Inner Temple, destroying to the number, as is generally computed, of 13000 dwelling-houses; and this preceded but the year before by the fiercest Pestilence that ever raged within the cognisance of the Weekly Bills. In this City King Stephen kept his Court at Crosby-house in Bishopsgate-street; King Edward the third in Cornhill where now the Pope-head Tavern stands; King Henry the eighth at Blackfriars, and sometimes at Bridewell, once a Regal Palace, where also the Emperor Charles the fifth was lodged when he came over into England. The Palace of St. James', which is in the Pomaeria of London, and which was first built for a spital for Maiden Lepers, hath been the Birth-place of his present Majesty K. Charles the 2d, his Highness James Duke of York, Henry late Duke of Gloucester, the Lady Elizabeth, the Lady Mary late Princess of Orange, and all the Children of his present Highness by his late Duchess; Edgar Duke of Kendal, James Duke of Cambridg, deceased; the Lady Henrietta and the Lady Lady Katherine deceased; Marry now Princess of Orange, the Lady Anne yet unmarried; as also of two Daughters (both soon hastened to a better World) by his present Duchess. Other persons of eminent note and immortal memory were born at London, viz. Thomas Becket Archbishop of Canterbury in the Reign of K. Henry the 2d, by four of whese Courtiers he was murdered in Canterbury Church, Anno 1170. after a long contest with the King; Sir Jeoffry Chaucer the most famous of ancient English Poets, who flourished in the Reigns of K. Henry the 4th, Henry the 5th, and part of K. Henry the 6th. Edmund Spencer, styled also the Prince of English Poets, who flourished in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth; John Leland, Sir Thomas More, Bishop Andrews. The Tower of London is very eminent for the Confinement, Murder, and Execution of Illustrious persons: to mention all, especially those who have been merely Prisoners, would be almost endless; but the most memorable Imprisonment was that of two Kings at one time in the Reign of King Edward the third, viz. of David King of Scots, and of John King of France; the first a Prisoner 11 years, the other four. Here the unfortunate King Henry the sixth, after Edward the fourth had got the Crown from him by Conquest, was basely murdered by King Edward's Brother Richard Duke of Gloucester, afterward King of England. Here George Duke of Clarence, another Brother, was by the practice of the said Duke of Gloucester, drowned in a Butt of Malmsey: but the most fatal Tragedy of all was the murder of King Edward the fourth's two Sons, poor harmless children, viz. Edward commonly entitled King Edward the fifth, and his Brother Richard Duke of York, and all by the order and contrivement of their Dear Uncle of Gloucester, who, as most great persons have their peculiar Sports and Recreations, was principally taken with that of kill men, especially those of nearest kin; for such he chiefly marked out for death out of mere kindness to himself, that he might the sooner obtain the possession of that Crown he had long since aspired to: and indeed he got it sooner, and kept it longer: (so easy it is for one witty man to delude a Multitude,) than a curious descanter upon the world's affairs would have allowed a person so getting it; however what he got by the death of others he lost by his own, only more handsomely, not by treachery, but fairly in the field. In Christ-church in London three great Queens had their Sepulture, viz. Margaret the Daughter of King Philip of France surnamed the Hardy, and second Wife of King Edward the second of England. Isabel the Daughter of the French King Philip the Fair, and Wife to King Edward the second of England. Joan the Daughter of the said Edward and Isabel, and married to David King of Scots. Westminster hath been the most constant residence of the Kings of England since the Conquest, till Whitehall was built by Cardinal Wolsey. It will be needless to mention all the Kings that have been crowned and buried here, in regard since the Conquest there are not very many who have not been buried, and fewer that have not been crowned in Westminster Abbey. At Isleworth, now Thistleworth, a Village pleasantly situate upon the River Thames, Richard King of the Romans, and Earl of Cornwall, had a stately Palace, which was burnt to the ground in a tumultuous sally that was made upon it by certain Malcontents of the London Mobile. In Surry are places of as eminent note as in most Counties of England. In the first place Lambeth is chiefly renowned for being the principal Palace and most usual residence of the Archbishops of Canterbury, from the time of Archbishop Baldwin who first founded it, and made it his Seat in the year 596, and from whom it hath continued so to this day, the most reverend and learned Prelate Dr. Sancroft late Dean of Paul's, being worthily advanced to this high Dignity, and having here his present residence. Here Canutus surnamed the Hardy, the third and last of our short-lived Dynasty of Danish Kings, ended his days of a surfeit, as most Writers affirm, by eating and drinking over freely at a Wedding Feast. Croyden is another Seat belonging to the Archbishops of Canterbury; and where the Reverend Dr. Gilbert Sheldon, late Archbishop, lies buried, having a most statety Monument newly elected to his memory, the Artful Contrivance and skilful Workmanship of Mr Jasper Latham, the present City Mason. At Ockly in this County Ethelwolph Son of Egbert won a great Battle over the Danes. oatland's is not more famous for being a Royal Palace, than for the Neighbourhood of Coweystakes where Julius Caesar passed the Thames into the Borders of Cassibesaunus. Putney is chiefly considerable in story as being the Birth-place of one of the most advanced Statesmen and Favourites (for he was but the Son of a Blacksmith) that our Nation hath produced, viz. Thomas Cromwell, chief Minister of State, for the time, to King Henry the eighth, and by him created Earl of Essex, who nevertheless had the ill fate, falling under his Prince's displeasure, to be beheaded on Tower-Hill. Wimbleton (where the Earl of Bristol hath a pleasant seat) still retains the memory of a notable defeat given by Cheaulin King of the Westsaxons to Ethelred King of Kent with the slaughter of two of his Dukes in the year of our Lord 560. At Richmond, to which in former ages the Kings and Queens of England retired for pleasure, as of late to Hampton-Court and Windsor, there deceased that victorious Prince King Edward the third, Anne the Daughter of the Emperor Charles the fourth, and Wife of King Richard the second, Henry of Richmond the seventh of that name King of England, and that learned and renowned Princess Queen Elizabeth of happy memory. Kingston upon Thames a very pleasant and much frequented Market Town, was probably the usual place of Coronation of the Saxon Monarches; for there was kept the Chair of Instalment: but the Kings most particularly mentioned to have been there crowned, were King Athelstan, Edwin, and Ethelred. Guildford a Town otherwise of especial note, is also famous for having been the Royal Seat of the English Saxon Kings. Merton is doubly upon record, first for the untimely death of Kenulph King of the Westsaxons, who was here slain by Kinea●d King Sigeberts' Brother; next for the Parliament there held An. 21 of K. Henry the third, which Parliament produced an Act, which to this day is called the Statute of Merton. Okeham hath its chief credit as being the native place of that famous English Philosopher William de Okeham. Likewise Ripley no less by the birth of that learned Chemist George de Ripley. In Essex, Colchester, which is the County Town, hath the honourable tradition of having been built by the ancient British King Coilus; but that which redounds chiefly to its honour, is, that it is said to have brought into the world three persons of immortal memory, viz. Lucius the first not only British, but European King that embraced the Christian Faith. Constantine the first Roman Emperor, who openly proprofessing Christianity, gave countenance and protection to the Christians of all parts, and put an end to those heavy Persecutions which they groaned under so many Ages; and if by his extraordinary bounty and munificence to the Clergy, he made an inlet to that pride and ambition among them, which hath proved mischievous to Christendom ever since, it was an error on the right hand, and however succeeding otherwise, an evidence of his pious generosity and zeal for Religion and Virtue. Helena the Wife of Constantius, born also in England, and, as it is generally supposed, in York, and Mother of the said Constantine: her fame shines bright in History for her piety in general, and particularly for the fame of her being Inventrix Crucis. The next Town of note in this County is Maldon, a very ancient Town, and the Seat Royal of the Trinobantes, of whom Cunobelinus was King about the time of our Saviour's Nativity; it was taken by the Emperor Claudius, and made a Roman Garrison, being called by the Romans Camalodunum, razed to the ground by Queen Bunduca or Boadicia, after a mighty defeat given to the Romans in revenge of some high affronts and indignities she received from them, but was afterwards rebuilt, and is of some reputation at this day, though doubtless far short of its pristine splendour. At Walden, famous for Saffron as is already mentioned, was born Sir Thomas Smith Secretary to Queen Elizabeth. Kent, as it is a large County, is ennobled with very many Towns and places of note; in the first place Canterbury is a City of that eminence, that next to London there is hardly a City in England memorable upon so many accounts: It is said to have been built 900 years before Christ: it is the principal of the Archiepiscopal Sees of England; it was given by Ethelbert King of Kent to Austin the Monk and his Companions, upon whose preaching 10000 were baptised in one day. By the said Austin the Cathedral is said to have been founded, in which eight Kings of Kent were interred. Even the misfortunes of this City have been also memorable, for it suffered very much several times by the fury of the Danes, especially in the Reign of Ethelred, when 42000 of the Inhabitants were sacrificed to their fury and revenge; it hath had the honour of the Coronations, Nuptials and Interments of several great Kings and Princes. Here King John and his Queen Isabel were Crowned, King Henry the third and King Edward the first Married: Edward the Black Prince, King Henry the fourth and his Q. Joan were Interred: and also with far more cost and magnificence that great Prelate, and even to adoration adored Saint Thomas a Becket, of whose rich and stately, Tomb mention hath been elsewhere made. Rochester said to be built by one Roff Lord thereof, is also a City, and not much inferior in repute to Canterbury. Several Counties there are which have no City, the Bishops See being but in one of half a dozen Counties, but Kent is the only one County that hath two. This City was also miserably harassed by the Danes, and suffered very much ruin by two dreadful Fires, viz. in the Reign of King Henry the first and King Henry the second; but being very much restored by the munificence of King Henry the third, it hath continued a flourishing City ever since. Maidstone, a pleasant and well-seated Town is the more memorable by the great defeat given there to the Earl of Holland, who headed the Kentish-men rising for the King, by Fairfax General of the Parliament Forces. Feversham is ennobled by the Burial of King Stephen and his Queen Maud. Dover, besides the renown of its Castle, said to be built by Julius Caesar, and the great honour of the Government thereof, hath given reception and entertainment to many great Kings and Princes. Queenborough Castle was built by King Edward the third. Wye, a Seaport Town, where the learned and famous J. Kemp Archbishop of Canterbury was born. Horsted is chiefly noted for the Monument now defaced of Horsa, one of the first Leaders of the invading Saxons, the Brother of Hengift. The like Monument was made for Catigern, another of the Brothers, at Circotes-house, which is standing to this day. Black-heath hath been the place of several grand Recounters in the Baron's Wars in King Henry the third's time, as also of Wat Tiler in King Richard the second's time, and of Michael Joseph and the Lord d' Auhenie in King Henry the seventh's time. But that which gives the greatest glory and re-renown to this place, is the memory of that grand appearance at his Majesty's Restoration, when all the Gentry and Nobility of the Nation, and all the Pomp and splendour of the City of London met to receive his Majesty and his two Brothers, and conduct them through the City to the Royal Palace of Whitehall, and even the armed part of the Nation that but lately had drawn the Sword against him, now met him with the highest acclamations of welcome. In Buckinghamshire, Buckingham the Shire Town was fortified by King Edward surnamed the Elder, against the fury of the Danes, and still shows the ruins of a strong and stately Castle built upon a hill. Stony-Stratford was a Station of the Romans, and by them called Lactorodum. Here the said King Edward the Elder▪ gave a stop to the violent incursions of the Danes upon those parts; and this is one of those places where the first of that name since the Conquest raised a stately monumental Cross in memory of Queen Eleanor. At Chilton in this Shire was born that learned Writer in the Law Sir George Crook. Amersham, so called qu. Agmondsham, is not only eminent by the name of the great Agmond, from whom it takes denomination, but by the birth of several learned Writers, especially John, surnamed from the place of his Nativity, Amersham; and John Gregory of the present Age, whose posthume works are worthily reckoned among the principal of English Writings. At Windover was born Roger, thence surnamed the Windover, Historian to King Henry the third. At Houton, Roger Goad, a man of good repute for learning. In Berkshire are several places of note. Reading boasts the Interment of King Henry the first, in a Collegiate Church of an Abbey founded by himself, together with his Queen and his Daughter Maud the Empress. He also built here a strong Castle which was razed to the ground by King Henry the second. But this Town is yet more remarked by the birth of William Laud, who of a poor Clothier's Son of Reading, was advanced to the highest Ecclesiastical Office and Dignity of the Nation, viz. the Archiepiscopal See of Canterbury: nor is it to be forgotten how manfully this Town was held out in the time of the late Civil War by Sir Jacob Aston against the whole power of the Earl of Essex, General of the Parliaments forces for a whole twelve month's time, but at length it was taken by the said Earl. And from this place, in the Reign of King Henry the second a learned Writer, viz. Hugh of Reading, took both Birth and Surname. At Inglefield the Danes received a great defeat from King Ethelwolf. Wallingford the Gallena of Ptolemy, was an ancient Station of the Romans, and the chief City of the Atrebates. From this place Richard of Wallingford took his birth, and consequently his Surname. Abington, besides that it was a place of much action in the time of the Civil Wars in his late Majesty's Reign, gave birth to Sir John Mason, Privy Counsellor to King Henry the eighth, King Edward the sixth, Q. Mary and Qu. Elizabeth; as also to Sir John Smith, Latin Secretary and Master of Requests to King James. Windsor is renowned as having been built by King Edward the third, and as the place where was first instituted that most illustrious Order of the Knights of the Garter by that most victorious Prince, and of which the greatest Kings and Princes of Europe have been fellows from the first Institution to this day; and likewise for the Interment of King Henry the sixth, King Edward the fourth, King Henry the eighth, and King Charles' the first, whose Body hath been since removed to Westminster, and interred in King Henry the seventh's Chapel. Moreover this place gave birth to a person of great fame for his learned Writings, viz. Roger hence surnamed of Windsor. Eton, nearly adjoining, and almost contiguous to Windsor, is a place, besides the fame of being built by King Henry the sixth, trebly renowned for learning, first as a Nursery for the bringing up of Youth, being one of the chiefest Free-schools in England; secondly as a place of maintenance and encouragement for the studious and well advanced in learning; thirdly as the Birth-place of several learned men, particularly Samuel Collins, William Oughtred the great Mathematician, and Matthew Stokes. At Ratcot Bridge Robert Vere Duke of Ireland was put to flight by the Duke of Gloucester, the Earls of Arundel, Warwick and Derby, with the slaughter of Sir Thomas Molineux Constable of Chester. This Radcot is by some reckoned in Oxfordshire. Sunning is sufficiently signal in history as having been an Episcopal See for the residence of eight Bishops, which See was translated to Shirbourn, and afterwards to Salisbury, where it still remains. Wantage is ennobled by the Birth of that great mirror of a Prince, for Virtue, Learning and Valour, King Alfred surnamed the Scourge of the Danes. Waltham in the East of this County was an ancient Station of the Romans; so likewise Sinodum in the North. Newbury a Town of sufficient note in this Shire, is yet more noted by the birth of Thomas Hide a learned Writer; and also by two great Fights fought in the time of the late Civil Wars between the Forces of his late Majesty and the Parliament Army under the Earl of Essex. Spene and Pesemere, two places of no other note than by the birth of two eminent Writers, the first of William Twisse, the other of William Lyford. In Hantshire, Winchester the ancient Venta Belgarum of the Romans, is said to have been built by that famous Rudhudibras, great in the Catalogue of the old British Kings. It was the Seat Royal of the West Saxons, and chief Epicopal See, and still remains the Episcopal See of a great part of that which was the West Saxon Kingdom. It was honoured with the Coronations of King Egbert and King Alfred, and the Birth of King Henry the third. Here in the Cathedral built by King Kenwolf King of the West Saxons, were interred King Egbert, King Ethelwolf, King Alfred with his Queen Elswith, the first Edmund, King Edred, and King Edwy; Queen Emma and her Husband the Danish King Canutus, as also his Son Hardy-Canutus, and after the Conquest King William Rufus and his Brother Richard. Here King Athelstan kept his Mint. At St. Peter's in the Suburbs of this City was born John Russel, created Bishop of Lincoln by King Edward the fourth, and Lord Chancellor of England by King Richard the third. This City also brought forth two persons of illustious memory for learning, viz. Lampridius surnamed of Winchester, a Benedictine Monk, who flourished An. 980. and Wolstan of Winchester, a Benedictine likewise, & accounted in those times an eminent Poet, who flourished An. 1000 Southampton, built out of the ruins of the ancient Clausentium, and after many devastations re-edified in King Richard the second's time, is a most pleasant and well fortified Town with a goodly Castle proudly advanced on a Hill. In a Maison dieu or Hospital here lies interred the body of Richard Earl of Cambridge, who was executed for Treason in the Reign of King Henry the fifth. In the Parish of St. Michael in Southampton was born Arthur Lake Bishop of Bath and Wells, who died An. 1602. as also Sir Thomas Lake Secretary of State to King James. At Basingstoke John surnamed of Basingstoke, the first English Author of a Greek Grammar, who died An. 1252. William Paulett, Baron of Basin and Marquis of Winchester, 〈…〉 to King Henry the seventh, and Lord Treasurer to King Henry the eighth, Edward the sixth, Queen Marry, and Queen Elizabeth, he died An. 1572. and lastly Richard White, who studying at Douai began to grow famous for Learning An. 1611. At Andover was born Robert Thomson, a man of Military fame, who made an Expedition to Spain An. 1553. At Warblington Henry Bishop of Salisbury in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth: He died An. 1615. At Hide, John styled the Monk of Hide, an Historian, who flourished An. 1284. Odiam hath its chief repute from the birth of William Lilly, the first Master of Paul's School. He died of the Plague, and was buried in the Porch of St. Paul's Anno 1522. Ilchester seems by its ruins to have been a very eminent City of the Romans, and the principal of these parts in ancient times. At Wickham in this Shire was born the famous William thence surnamed of Wickam, Bishop of Winchester, who died An. 5 H. 4. At Okeley William Warham, Bishop first of London, afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury in the Reign of King Henry the 7th. In the Isle of Wight, Thomas James the chief, if not only Ornament of that Island, for eminence of Learning. Other famous men this Shire hath brought forth; Beavise of Southampton, whose acts of Chivalry had perhaps stood greater in real History, had they not been so much falsified by Romantic stories. Sir John Wallop, whose valour and conduct in Sea-affairs have kept his memory alive. Richard Rich, Baron of Lees Abbey in Essex, and Lord Treasurer of England in the Reign of King Edward the sixth, and Ancestor to the present Earls of Warwick. And for Learning, R. Sherburn, Bishop first of St. David's, then of Chichester, under King Henry the seventh. John White, Bishop first of Lincoln, then of Winchester, and accounted in his time not the meanest of Poets, who died about 1560. Thomas Bilson Bishop of Winchester, who died about An. 1618. Michael Reneger. William Alton, a Dominican, who flourished An. 1330. David Whitehead, who died An. 1571. Nicholas Fuller, who died An. 1626. Charles Butler, who died An. 1640. Thomas Sternhold, Groom of the Bedchamber, first to King Henry the eighth, then to King Edward the sixth, who owes his fame in Poetry, not so much to the Elegancy of Rhimes, as to the fortune of his having been one of the first Translators of David's Psalms into English Metre; which by reason they happened to be generally sung in Churches, have been ever since preferred to several better Translations. In Bedfordshire, Bedford the County Town hath to its cost been the Sense of much action in the Civil Wars, between King Stephen and the Empress Maud; it suffered much havoc and devastation, and afterwards fell into the hands of the Barons in their Wars against King John: And lastly, was razed to the ground by King Henry the third; but being rebuilt again, hath flourished ever since in much tranquillity and splendour. In a Chapel not far from this Town the Body of the great Mercian King Offa is said to have been interred, concerning which there goes a pretty odd story, which it were pity to forget, viz. that the Chapel being overwhelmed by an Inundation of the River Ouse, upon whose banks it stood, the Leaden encloser of King Offa's body hath been often seen of those that declined the sight, but never could be seen of those that sought to see it. Dean in this Shire is eminent for the birth of Francis Dillingham, a person of good note for Learning; as likewise Laiton Buzzard for the birth of William Sclator. Sandy was an ancient Roman Station by the name of Selenae; and Dunstable, another by the name of Magintum; however some vainly have delivered that it was built by King Henry the first to repress the insults of a notable sturdy Thief called Dun, and thereupon called Dunstable. This Town is moreover signallized by the learned Author John surnamed hence of Dunstable. In Suffolk, Ipsich, qu. Gipswich, from Gipsa, is said to be the Founder thereof, besides its flourishing Estate in shipping-trade, goodly buildings, populacy of inhabitants, (though much harrass't in ancient times by the Danes) is particularly noted for the birth of that great Pageantry of Fortune Cardinal Woolsy, whose father was a Butcher of this Town. St. Edmundbury, a Town which seems to commence its Fame from the barbarous Murder of that Royal St Edmund, King of the East-angles by the Danes; For the Expiation whereof Canutus erected here that Stately Monastery which was once accounted the most Rich and Magnificent of Europe. This place is also memorable for a Parliament here held in the Reign of King Henry the sixth. Exning, the Birth-place of St Audri, sister to King Ina. Renlisham, the place where Redwald the first Christian King of the East-angles kept his Court. Lidgat, a place chiefly memorable for the Birth of John, thence Surnamed Lidgate, one of the chief of our ancient Enlish Poets. In Hertfordshire, St Alban raised out of the ruins of Old Verulamium an ancient Roman station, is extolled not only for the memory of that great British Protomartyr Albanus, and that most stately Monastery erected by the Mercian King Offa, but also for two great battles here fought, the first on the 23d of May Anno 1455, between Richard Duke of York and King Henry the 6th, in which the King was defeated with the slaughter of the Duke of Somerset, the Earl of Northumberland, and the Lord Clifford, and 5000 common Soldiers: the 2 d. on the 17 th'. of February Anno 1460. where King Henry and his Queen Margaret had the better against the Dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk, and the Earls of Arundel and Warwick. Nor is it to be omitted, that Sir John Mandevil, famous for his Travels, had here his birth. Barnet is not more famed for its rich Market and the great concourse to its Wells, than for the memory of that grand Victory gained by King Edward the fourth on an Easter-day, being the 14 th' of April, An. 1471. against the Earls of Warwick and Oxford, in which Field the great Earl of Warwick was slain. But had there been nothing else to give Fame to this Town, it must have been mentioned for the Birth of John Barnet, Bishop first of Worcester, then of Bath and Wells, lastly of Ely, and Lord Treasurer of England, in the Reign of King Edward the 3 d. Langly (commonly called Kings Langly) is of repute in History, for the Birth of Prince, Edmund thence surnamed of Langly, fifth Son to King Edward the third, and the first interment of King Richard the second, whose body was afterwards removed to Westminster. Nor much less Abbots Langly (so is another Langly termed that lies Easterly) for the birth of Nicholas Break-spear, advanced to the See of Rome, by the name of Pope Adrian the fourth, a man of true English metal, and that would not bate an Ace of his Pontifical greatness▪ for he made the Emperor Frederick hold his Stirrup the better to help him into the Saddle. Oyster near St Alban is supposed by Cambden to have been the Camp of the Roman Lieutenant Ostorius. Weathamstead qu. Wheathamstead, chiefly noted for the birth of John of Wethamstead, a profound Philosopher. Other places Hertfordshire noted for famous men. Ware, for Richard de Ware, Treasurer of England under Edward the first, and William de Ware who was Scotus his Teacher, and flourished under King Henry the third. Baldock, for Ralph Baldock, created Bishop of London by King Edward the first. Rudburn, for Thomas Rudburn Bishop of St david's, who flourished An. 1419. Helmstedbury, for Sir Edward Waterhouse, Chancellor of the Exchequer in Ireland under Queen Elizabeth. Gatesden, for John de Gatesden, who flourished An. 1420. Hamstead, for Daniel Dike. Cottered, for Edward Symonds. Gorham-berry, for Sir Nicholas Bacon. Nor may we here omit other eminent men of this Shire, viz. Sir Henry Cary, a great Soldier in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, by whom he was created Baron of Hunsden, and Lord Chamberlain. John Boucher, Baron berner's. And of learned men, Alexander Nequam, who died An. 1227. Nicholas Gorham, who flourished An. 1400. Roger Hutchinson. Thomas Cartwright, and Hugh Legat. In Norfolk, the chief City and Episcopal See Norwich, seems to have sprung out of the ancient Venta of the Romans, and is chiefly Famous for its sufferings, having been sacked and burnt by the Danes in the year 1004. And in the conquerors time reduced to utmost exigence for siding with Earl Radulph against the said King William. The Cathedral was Founded by Herbert, who translating the Bishopric ftom Thetford to Norwich, was the first Bishop of Norwich. Thetford, the ancient Sitomagus of the Romans, is a place of much remark for antiquity; It was the Royal Seat of the Kings of the East-Angles, and the unfortunate place where King Edmund the Martyr was overthrown by the Danes. The Bishopric which is now of Norwich was translated from Elmham to Thetford, in the Reign of King William the Conqueror. Lyn, a Sea Port Town, was made Liber Burgus, and honoured with the gift of a rich Cup by King John, and had their Charter enlarged by King Henry the third, for their good Service against the Outlawed Barons, and in King Henry the eighth's time other privileges were added, and the name changed from Lyn Episcopi to Lyn Regis. Yarmouth boasts the antiquity of its foundation from the time of the Danes. Elmham is considerable for having been a Bishops See for several Ages, first divided with Dunwich in Suffolk, next sole till it was translated to Thetford, thence to Norwich. In Sussex the City Chichester boasts the Foundation of Cissa, the second King of the South-Saxons, and had the Bishopric translated thither in King William the conquerors time from Selsey, which till then had been the Episcopal See. Lewis, a Town little if aught inferior to Chichester, is sufficiently of name in History, as having been one of the places appointed by King Athelstan, for the Coinage of his Money, and for the strong Castle built by Earl William de Warren. Here also was a bloody battle fought between King Henry the third and his Barons, in which the King received a cruel Overthrow. Pensey, a little Sea Town but great in Story, as the Landing place of King William the Conqueror, when by one Victorious battle he gained the Crown of England, with the slaughter of King Harold and his two Brothers, Leofwin and Goroh, and about 67000 men. Hastings being the Town near which this successful held was fought, hath gotten so much the greater name, and the very place of fight retains to this day the name of Battle-field. Buckstead, a place in some respect of as great note as any hath been named. For here in the thirty fifth year of King Henry the eight, the first Great Iron Guns that ever were cast in England were cast by Peter Bawd and Ralph Hage. In Cambridge-Shire the Town of Cambride is of too high a renown for its many Halls and Colleges, the habitations of the Muses, richly endowed for the advancement and encouragement of Learning, to be here passed by, and too well taken notice of, and described by others to be longer insisted on. Eli, the Bishop's Seat and denominating City of the Diocese, is said to have been built by one Audery, who was first wife of one Tombret Prince of these parts, and afterwards of Egbert King of Northumberland, from whom departing, She here betook herself to a devout life, and built a most stately Monastery, of which She herself became the first Abbess. This place is also recordable for the Birth of several Learned men, viz. Andrew Willet who died An. 1621. Sir Thomas Ridly Dr. of the Laws, who died An. 1629. Richard Parker who died here An. 1624. Everton in this Shire gave Birth to John Tiptoft, Son of John Lord Tiptoft, Earl of Worcester, and Lord High Constable of England. Triplow is memorable by the Birth of Elias Rubens a Writer of grand repute, who flourished An. 1266. Everden gave both Birth and Surname to John Eversden another learned Writer. Of this County were also Matthew Paris, and Sir John Cheek, Tutor to King Edward the sixth, and Richard Wethershet, who flourished in the year 1350. At Caxton was born William thence Surnamed Caxton, the first Printer in England. Wisbich brought forth Richard Hocloet a man eminent for Learning An. 1552. Linton is only noteworthy for the Birth of Richard Richardson, one of the Translatours of the Bible, who deceased An. 1621. Milton, as 'tis generally believed, gave birth to Thomas Goad, a Writer of good note. Mildred brought forth Andrew Marvel Minister of Hull, a Learned Father of a Learned and Witty Son, for so was that Andrew who died but a few years since; he was a Member in the late long Parliament for the Town of Hull, a man of very acute parts, had he not failed in his affection to the Government, as several of his Writings testify. Of this County were Michael Dalton, a Learned Writer, and also Edward Norgate. In Huntington-Shire, St Neots so called from Neotus, a Holy and Learned man, is memorable for the defeat given to the Earl of Holland by the Parliament Forces in the late Civil Wars, An. 1648. as also for being the Birth-place of two eminent men, viz. Francis White Bishop of Ely, and Hugh thence Surnamed of St Neots, who deceased Anno 1340. Godmanchester, qu. Gormoncester, from Gormon the Dane, is concluded to have been the Old Durisiponte of the Romans, and some think from the nearness of the name, the same with Gunicester, where Macutus had his Bishopric. At this Godmanchester was born, a man who made too much noise in the world to be forgotten; Stephen Marshal, one of the chief of those Zealous Trumpeters of the late times, who from the Pulpit stirred up to War and Bloodshed in the Name of the Lord. At St Ives was born Roger thence Surnamed of St Ives, who flourished An. 1420. At Cunnington the Learned Antiquary, Sir Robert Cotton. Moreover from Huntingdon the Capital place of this Shire sprung two very famous men. Gregory of Huntingdon, who died An. 1610. and Henry of Huntingdon, renowned for his History, who flourished An. 1248. Other Celebrated men of this Shire were William Whitlesey, Archdeacon of Huntingdon, who died An. 1375. Henry Saltry, who flourished 1140. William Ramsey, a famous Poet. John Young, and John White. In Wiltshire, Wilton the Denominating and once the Principal Town of the Shire, is so much the more notable a place by how much the more despicable it now appears, as a strange example of the various turns of fortune, and mutations of human affairs, having only the name left of a Market Town, else but a pitiful Village, (consisting of one only Parish Church,) which is said to have been a Town of about seventeen or eighteen Parish Churches, and having no Memorial or Monument of antiquity, which hath been the Theatre of so many grand Transactions. Here Egbert the Westsaxon and at last Sole Monarch of the English, encountered Bernulf, King of Mercia, and slew him in Battle; but in this very place he afterwards received a terrible overthrow from the Danes. At Edindon King Alfred gave the Danes a very notable defeat. Bradford is memorised for a bloody Battle fought between two great Competitors in the Saxon Heptarchy. At Woodensbury An. 590. Cheaulin King of the Westsaxons encountering the Britain's who joined with his Nephew Cealrick, was put to flight, and his Son Cuth slain. Here also Ina the West-Saxon fought with Ceolred the Mercian. Old Sarum was a place made choice of by the Romans for a strong encamped habitation, as by the ruins thereof at this day appears. Here the Britain's received a fatal overthrow from Kenrick the Saxon, besides what spoil was afterwards done by Canutus. Caln is famous for that great Assembly, which put an end to the controversy about the Marriage of Priests, by reason of a disaster which happened by the fall of the Room, to the destruction of several people of all sorts. Brokenbridge and Cosham, places doubly famous in History. First, as having been ancient Roman Seats, next, as the Courts of some of the Saxon Kings. Crekelade, memorable for the Fame of an University said to have been anciently here erected, and from hence removed to Oxford. Malmsbury, qu. Maidulphsbury, from Maidulphus, a person of renown both for Sanctity and Learning, is no less memorable for the famous Monastery there erected by the said Maidulphus, then for the birth of two great men viz. William, thence surnamed of Malmesbury, a Celebrated Historian, and Thomas Hobbes of this present Age, and but a few years since deceased, a man of much Earning and more cunning Sophistry, for the maintenance of those principles he maintained thereby. In Dorsetshire, Dorchester the chief Town, only boasts of some antiquity, as from the Roman name Durnovaria. Badbury was anciently the Court of the West-Saxon Kings. At Cern, Austin broke down the Idol of the Saxon God Hell. Shaftsbury is famed for the History of the Prophesying Eagle, most probably a man whose name was Aquila. Here was interred the Body of Edward the Son of Edgar, Murdered by his Mother-in-Law at Corfe Castle. At Winburn-Minster, built by Cuthburga, Wife in second Marriage to a King of Northumberland, the Body of King Ethelred was buried. Shirburn was an Episcopal See for a long time, in the Cathedral whereof were buried the bodies of King Ethelbald and King Ethelbert. In Somersetshire the principal place is the City of Bath, Brit. Akamancester, Lat. Aquâ solis & Badissa, very famous and much frequented for its hot Bathing-Springs, which our old British Traditions will have to be the invention of Bladud an ancient British King. Bath and Wells jointly together make one Bishopric. Wells is principally esteemed for its Cathedral, which is said to have been built by Inas King of the Westsaxons. Pen now a small Village is memorised for a great overthrow given to the Britain's by Kenwald King of the Westsaxons, and afterwards to the Danes by K. Edmund Ironside. Bridgewater is otherwise a Town of very good note, and of memory for a notable defeat given here to the Danes by Ealstan Bishop of Shirburn, An. 845. Glastonbury, Avalonia, is principally renowned for its Monastery, delivered to have been founded by Joseph of Arimathea, the first Preacher (as some Writers affirm) of the Gospel in this Island. In the Churchyard of Glastonbury in King Henry the second's Reign, was found a Corpse of a large dimension, which by several circumstances was concluded to be the Body of King Arthur. Cadbury is recordable for the defeat given by King Arthur to the English Saxons. Banesdown (Mons Badonicus) is a place renowned for several other of King Arthur's Victories, and where King Alfred overthrew the Danes, and brought Gorrum to the Sacred Font. Camalet a steep Hill, was doubtless some Fort or Encampment of the Romans, as appears by the Coins there found; moreover on the top thereof there remains to this day the Vestigia of some noble Castle, which is said to have been a Palace of King Arthur. This Town some Writers have placed in Cornwall. Ilchester appears also by the like demonstration to have been a station of the Romans, and is still of that repute, that it is the chief place of Gaol-delivery for the County. In Oxfordshire, Oxford besides the glory of its famous University, and the Magnificence of its Stately Colleges; Here more frequent Parliaments have been called than in any place of England next to Westminster, and particularly the last Parliament called by his present Majesty, and held here in March, 1681. Here Maud the Empress was besieged by King Stephen, and with great difficulty made her escape in a disguise by night, and got over the Thames on the Ice. This place his late Majesty King Charles the first made his chief Head Quarters, during the greatest part of the Civil War between him and the Parliament, till the City was taken by Sir Thomas Fairfax, General of the Rebels Forces. It is moreover famous for being the birthplace of that Martial Prince King Richard the first, surnamed Ceur de Lyon. Woodstock, besides that it hath been anciently a stately Palace belonging to the Kings of England, claims a particular place in the book of Fame upon several accounts. In the first place here it was that King Henry the second built a sumptuous Bower for his Paramour Rosamund Clifford, who for her singular beauty and in allusion to her name, was styled Rosa Mundi. Next, it was the Birth-place of Edward the Black Prince, lastly, in the Town of Woodstock was brought up and educated that most renowned of English Poets Sir Geoffry Chaucer. Islip cannot be forgotten so long as the memory of King Edward the Confessor lasts, who was here born. In Glocestershire the City of Gloucester (Glenum, Colonia Glenum) eminent for its Cathedral, of which more elsewhere, is also not obscure in History. Here Earl Robert, Brother to the Empress Maud, was kept prisoner for some time; but much more famous, (if we may not say infamous) was the keeping of this City by the Parliament-Forces under Colonel Massy against his late Majesty King Charles the First, and the great Battle here fought for the raising of the Siege. It was won from the Britain's by Cheulin, King of the Westsaxons, An. 570. Here a Monastery of Nuns was founded by Osric King of Northumberland, of which three Queens of the Mercians were successively Prioresses, viz. Kineburg, Eadburg, and Eve. Here was born Robert called the Monk of Gloucester, who flourished under Henry the second, and also Osbernus surnamed Claudianus, a Benedictine Monk. Alny Isle, a place near Gloucester, where after several bloody Battles between King Edmund Ironside and Canutus the Dane, the matter was at last decided between them by single combat, and a division of the Kingdom made. Cirencester, or Circester, a place of memorable note, as won from the Britain's by Cheulin the West-Saxon; this City is doubtless Ptolemy's Corinium, Antonines Durocornovium, & Giraldus his Vrbs Passerum, which last denomination it takes from a tradition of one Gurmund an African Tyrant who set it on fire, by tying to the tails of Sparrows certain combustible matter which he put fire to. It was won from the Britain's by Cheulen King of the Westsaxons, next possess't by the Mercians, lastly by the Danes under Gurmund, An. 879. But that which is to be said greatest of this for its antiquity and remark is that, that it was anciently one of the principal residencies of the Romans, by whom it had been raised to a high pitch of magnificence and grandeur. At Cicester was born Thomas Ruthal, Bishop of Durham. At Duresby, Edw. Fox Bishop of Hereford. At Cam near Duresby, Edward Trotman Judge of the Common Law, who was buried in the Temple Church May the 29th, An. 1643. At Todington, Richard Son to Sir William Tracy, who flourished under King Henry the second. This Richard wrote a Book entitled Preparatio ad Crucem, of much esteem in those times. At Yate, Thomas Neal Chanter to Bishop Bonner, he was eminent for Learning and flourished, An. 1576. At Westbury, John Carpenter Bishop of Worcester. At Sudely Castle Ralph Lord Sudely, Lord Treasurer and Knight of the Garter under Henry the sixth. Other Noted men of this Shire were Tideman de Winchcomb, the King's Physician, Abbot of Benle, Bishop first of Landaff, afterwards of Worcester. John Chedworth, Bishop of Lincoln. Anthony Fitz-Herbert, Judge of the Common Pleas. Thomas de la More, Knighted by King Edward the first; he wrote the Character of King Edward the second, a Manuscript now in Oxford Library. Sir Thomas Overbury, Son to Sir Nicholas. William Winter, Vice-Admiral of England under Queen Elizabeth. John Sprint, John Workman, and Richard Capel. Tewksbury-field gave a very fatal blow to the House of Lancaster, An. 1471. in which Prince Edward was slain, and Queen Margaret taken Prisoner, together with the Duke of Somerset, the Earl of Devonshire, and others who were beheaded. Here was born the famous Alan of Tewksbury, who flourished under King John. Hales, a once flourishing Abbey, but chiefly to be remembered for the birth of Alexander de Hales, surnamed Dr. Irrefregabilis, who died An. 1245. In Worcestershire, Worcester the chief City, is questionless the ancient Branconium of Antoninus and Ptolemy, though since called by the Latins Vigornea, and by the Britain's Caer Wrangon; some think it to have been built by the Romans for a bound to the Britain's. The Cathedral of St Mary in Worcester, besides the fame of its State and Beauty, is the Repository of the Bodies of King John, and Prince Arthur, Eldest Son to King Henry the seventh. But that which gives greatest renown to this City, is the memory of the happy preservation of his present Majesty, from being taken at the fatal Battle of Worcester, where the great Gallantry and Valour of His Majesty and his Party was utterly overpowr'd by the treble forces of the Usurpers. At Eversham, An. 1265. King Henry the third gained a most triumphant Victory over his Barons, with the slaughter of Simon Montford and seventeen Lords, and the taking of Humphrey Bohun Prisoner. In Herefordshire the City of Hereford, besides that it is the Principal City, an Episcopal See, and noted for its Cathedral, is also memorable for the birth of Adam de Orleton Bishop of Hereford, Roger of Hereford a Writer of Astronomy, who flourished under Henry the second, An. 1170. John Davies of good repute for Poetry. And also Charles Smith Bishop of Gloucester, in the reign of King James. Bradwardin Castle gave both birth and surname to that Thomas de Bradwardin Archbishop of Canterbury, who for his deep knowledge in Theology, and skilful management of Disputations, is styled the profound Doctor. At Ashperton was born John Grandison, Bishop of Exeter. Other memorable persons of this Shire were Robert Devereux Earl of Essex, great in deeds of Arms, and a person of great power and favour with his Prince, yet brought to an untimely end. Richard Hackluit, whose Book of Voyages is of good repute among the studious in Geography and History. William Lemster, a Franciscan and learned Doctor. John Guillam the noted Herald, whose Systeme of Heraldry is accounted the best that hath been written of this Subject. In Shropshire besides Shrewsbury the County Town, a noted Mart for Cloth and Frizes brought hither from Wales and sent to London and other parts of England; there are very remarkable ruins of some ancient places which were certainly Towns or Cities of great spendour or resort, as Wrocckester Vriconium, the ancient Vsoconia, of which Okenyate is a small remainder. Oswaldstree retains its name from Oswald the 11th King of Northumberland, who was here slain in battle by Penda King of the Mercians. In Staffordshire the County Town Stafford, anciently Bitheny, from Bertelin a holy man, is said to have been built by King Edward the Elder, and was made a Corporation by King John. Tamworth, was doubtless anciently a place of more spendour and amplitude than at present, for here the Mercian Kings for a long time kept their Court. Litchfield though not the County Town, is yet the most eminent place of the County, as being a City and Episcopal See jointly with Coventry, the chief Church and now Cathedral, was built by the Northumbrian King Oswin, upon the Conquest he gained over the Pagan Mercians; and here Wulferre and Celred were interred; it was for some time an Archbishopric by the means of King Offa, at the request of Bishop Eadulph. At Bloreheath in this County, a cruel battle was fought between the two Houses of York and Lancaster, in which there fell on the Duke of York's side Sir Hugh Venables, Sir William Trowthec, Sir Richard Mollineux, and Sir J. Egerton, etc. with 2400, and the two Sons taken prisoners of the Earl of Salisbury, General of the Yorkists. In Darbyshire besides Derby the County town there are memorable; Ripton, Ripandunum, where was interred Ethelbald, the 9th King of the Mercians, who was slain at Egiswald by his Subjects, and whence Burthred the last King was expelled by the Danes with his Queen Ethelwith. At Melburn John D. of Bourbon taken at Again Court, was kept prisoner. Little Chester, an ancient Colony of the Romans, as appears by what Coins have been digged up thereabout. In Nottinghamshire, the County Town Nottingham, hath not wanted its share in the grand rencounters that have been in this Nation; the Castle hereof was kept by the Danes against the Mercian King Burthred, and also against the English Saxon Monarches, Elthelred and Alfred. At Newark in this County, King John who was poisoned at Swinsted Abbey, is said to have drawn his last breath. At Stoke near Newark, Lambert Symnel's party was utterly defeated, and his upholders John de la Pool Earl of Lincoln, Thomas Garadine Chancellor of Ireland, Fr. Lord Lovel and others were slain with 4000 of their men, and he himself taken prisoner, June 16th, An. 1487. At Mansfield was born the first Earl of Mansfield in Germany, one of the Knights of King Arthur's Round Table. In Warwickshire, the Town of Warwick is sufficiently famed in story over and above what is related of Guy of Warwick and his great adventures, and above all things the antiquity of the foundation is remarkable, if, as the tradition goes, it were built by Gurguntus, 375 years before the Nativity of our Saviour, however the Castle looks great, and savours much of Antiquity. Coventry being jointly one Bishopric with Leichfield, is memorable, besides the beauty of the brave action of Countess Godiva (the wife of Leofrick the first Lord thereof) well known in History. One of the Gates of this City is called Gofford Gate, which is the more notable by the Shield-bone of some very large beast, some say a wild Boar, slain by Guy of Warwick, some say an Elephant, with the snout whereof a pit was turned up, which is now Swanes Mear. At Backlow-hill in this County, Pierce Gavesto● was taken and beheaded by a party of the Nobles. At Wolny, An. 1469. King Edward the fourth his Forces were discomfited by his brother George Duke of Clarence, and Richard Earl of Warwick, and the King himself taken prisoner. In Northamptonshire, the County Town Northampton hath been the Subject of many warlike bronts, An. 1106. it suffered much by the contests of the conquerors three Sons, Robert, William and Henry, An. 1263. being held by the Barons against King Henry the third; it was taken by surprise and the Walls thrown down, An. 1459. King Henry the sixth was here taken prisoner by the Earl of Warwick and March, with the slaughter of Humphrey Stafford Duke of Buckingham, John Talbot Earl of Shrewsbury, the Lords Egremont and Beaumond; but the greatest misfortune that e'er befell this Town was in this our Age, viz. An. 1675. when by an accidental Fire it was almost all burnt down to the ground, yet lay it not long buried in ruin, for it was immediately rebuilt and now appears in far greater splendour than ever. Here Earl Rivers, Father to Edward the fourth's Queen taken at Grafton, was beheaded by Robin of Risdal, together with his son John. Higham Ferrer in this County hath been honoured with the birth of a very great Prelate of this Nation, viz. Henry Chichly, Cardinal and Archbishop of Canterbury in the Reign of King Henry the sixth. This Chichly was the founder of All-Souls College in Oxford. Edgecot is signalised by a bloody battle fought near it on Danes More, July the 26th An. 1469. by Robin of Risdal and Sir John Coniers, against William Herbert Earl of Pembroke who, together with his Brother Richard, the Lord Rivers, the Queen's Brother and Richard Woodvil, were taken prisoners, carried to Banbury, and beheaded. At Fotheringhay Castle Mary Queen of Scots was kept a long time prisoner and was at last beheaded. In Leicestershire, Leicester the County Town is principally famous by the tradition of its having been built by King Leir, great in the Catalogue of ancient British Kings, qu. Leir-cester. Lutterworth in this County owes its chief credit to the famous John Wickleff, who was Parson of this place in the reign of King Henry the 4th. Bosworth, a Town of no great note but for the memory of a most signal battle fought near it on Redemore, August 22d 1485. which put an end to all Controversies between the two houses of York and Lancaster, and in which fell that most Tyrannical of English Kings Richard the third, with four thousand of his men, and some say, though we are not bound to believe it, with the loss but of ten men on the Earl of Richmond's side. Cleycester of which there are now scarce any ruins remaining, was once a famous City in the West part of this Shire, and by the Romans called Bennone. In Rutlandshire some mention, as close adjoining, though generally affirmed to be situate rather in Lincolnshire, the Town of Stamford for the reputation of an ancient University, and said to have been founded by that Ancient British King Bladud, who found out the virtue of the Bath-Waters. In Lincolnshire, Lincoln the chief Town and only City of this Shire, is not only eminent for its antiquity, and for that it was once accounted one of the chiefest and the best traded Cities of England, and made by King Edward the third, the chief Mart for Lead, Wool, and Leather: But also for a great battle fought by Randolph Earl of Chester, and Robert Earl of Gloucester against King Stephen, who was here taken prisoner, as also for the success of King Henry the third, who won it from the Barons, it is said to have had once fifty Parish Churches. Wainfleet had been doubtless a place of little note, but for the birth of William Wainfleet Bishop of Winchester, who living in the reign of King Henry the sixth, with whom he was great in favour, built here a Free-School, and founded Magdalen College in Oxford. Grimsby likewise though an ancient Market Town, hath its chiefest repute from its being the Birth-place of Dr. Whitgift Archbishop of Canterbury in the reign of King James. Bullingbrook is ennobled by the memory of the Birth of King Edward the first, and King Henry the fourth. Swinesstead Abbey, the place where King John received from the hands of Simon a Monk thereof, that baleful potion that gave him his end at Lincoln. Harstill laments the death of that mirror of that Conjugal love Queen Eleanor, the wife of King Edward the first. In the North-Riding of Yorkshire, York the chief of this Shire, and second City of England, was a Colony of the Romans, and a place of great account among them, and ever since to this day a splendid and flourishing City; several Emperors here kept their Court, and particularly Severus had a Palace here in which he breathed his last. Here also Constantius Chlorus, the Father of Constantine the Great, is said to have departed this life; nor does the death of these two Emperors more ennoble this Place, than the Birth of the Learned Alcuin, who was Tutor to the Emperor Charles the Great. Some write that it was first made an Episcopal See by the Emperor Constantius, but this is more certain, that it was made an Archbishopric in the year of our Lord 625. At Leeds in the West-Riding, Oswye King of Northumberland encountered the united Forces of Ethelbald, Son of Oswald King of Northumberland, Ethelbert King of the East-Angles, and Penda King of the Mercians, to all whom he gave a mighty defeat; slew Penda and Ethelbert, and put Ethelbald to flight. Selby, a Town of good trade and resort, but most memorable for the birth of King Henry the first; this is by some accounted in Lincolnshire. Wakefield is a Town not more considerable for its Clothing, than for the memory of a great battle fought between the Houses of York and Lancaster, besides a defeat given in the late Civil Wars to the Earl of Newcastles Forces by Sir Thomas Fairfax. Pomfret Castle was built by Hildebert de Lacie, a Norman. Hallyfax qu. Holy Hair anciently Horton, the birthplace of Joannes de Sacrobosco. Rotheram chiefly boasts in the birth of Thomas of Rotheram Archbishop of York. In the East-Riding Stanford Bridge from the battle, there fought, commonly called Battle-Bridge. Drifield is remembered by the Tomb of Alfred King of Northumberland here buried. Beverly though a Town of flourishing trade, is yet more fame-worthy, as the last retirement and place of decease of the Learned John Archbishop of York in the Reign of Oswick An. 721. who was thence surnamed John de Beverly. Newborough Abbey gives fame to itself by giving name to that Old English Historian William of Newborough. Kingston upon Hull, besides the repute of its Trade and Merchandise, is honoured with the fame of being built by King Edward the first, nor are there wanting who will add the reputation of Andrew Marvel a Burgess of this place, of whom elsewhere. Exeter in Devonshire is both of sufficient antiquity, for the Castle called Rugemont, was once the Palace of the West- Saxon Kings, and afterwards of the Earls of Cornwall, and the Walls and Cathedral were built by King Athelstan; and also memorable for several transactions; here was born that most renowned Latin Poet of England, Josephus, hence surnamed Iscanus, or Joseph of Exeter. At Plymouth, that great Honour of England for Sea affairs, Sir Francis Drake took Shipping for the Circum-navigation of the World An. 1577. Teignmouth is noted for the place of the Danes first arrival in England. Hubbleston, the Burial place of Hubba the Dane. Crediton the ancient Episcopal See of this County till it was removed to Exeter. Camelford in Cornwall is guessed by those pieces of Armour that have been digged up thereabout, to have been the place of Battle where Mordred was slain, and where King Arthur received his mortal wound. Tintagel Castle gave birth to this great Miracle of British Valour, King Arthur. At Castle Denis the Ruins of those Trenches are yet to be seen where the Danes encamped at their first Invasion of this Land. At Caradoc was born John Trevisa, a learned Writer; who died, Anno 1400. St. Germains, a place chiefly fame-worthy for having been an ancient Episcopal See. At Truroe was born John Arundel, a renowned Seaman in the Reign of King Henry the Eighth. Bodmin, the next place to which the Bishop's Chair was removed; from whence it was translated by King Edward the Confessor, to Exeter, where it hath remained ever since. This County hath brought forth several learned men, viz. Hucarius, surnamed the Levite; who flourished, Anno 1040. Simon Thurway; who flourished, Anno 1201. John, Sir-named of Cornwall; who flourished, Anno 1170. Michael Blawnpain; who flourished, Anno 1350. Godfrey, Sir-named of Cornwall. In NORTHUMBERLAND, at a place called Otterburn, a great Field was fought between the English and Scots. Alnwick is of note for the mighty Victory which the English here gained over the Scots; and for that the Earls of Northumberland in ancient times here kept their Court. Emildon brought forth that great Contradiction of his own name for Niceties of Wit and Subtleties in School-Philosophy. Duns Sir-named Scotus. In the Western parts of Northumberland are yet to be seen some parts of the Picts Wall. In WESTMORELAND, The Aballaba of Antoninus is thought to have been a place of very great note in the time of the Romans, by the antique Roman Coins that have been there found in digging, and the station of the Aurelian Maures: and it is still so considerable, that the Castle thereof is the place where the Assizes for the County are kept. Burgh, or Burgh under Stainmore, is undoubtedly the Ruins of an eminent Town, which was called Verterae; and where a Roman Commander, in the declining time of the Empire, is said to have kept his station, with a Band of Directores. Ambleside (Amboglana) not far from Winander Mere, is judged the Ruins of some famous City of Roman foundation or improvement, both by the paved ways that lead to it, and the Coins of Roman Stamp oft digged up there. In CUMBERLAND, Carlisle (Luguvallum, or Leucophibia of Ptolemy) if not illustrious in its Original, for it is delivered to have been built by that Leil, who is great in the Catalogue of British Kings; was, at least, a flourishing City under the Romans; and being demolished by the Picts, and utterly ruined by the Danes, was restored by King William Rufus (who also built there a Castle:) and by King Henry the First made a Bishop's See. The Bishopric of DURHAM gained that Title and Privilege by the great fame and renown of St. Cuthbert; for the interment of whom the Cathedral of Durham was first built by Bishop Aldwin; and afterwards pulled down, and rebuilt by Bishop Careleph. The Tomb of this adored Saint was visited with great devotion by King Egfred, Alfred, Danish Guthrun, Edward and Athelstan: This City was by King William the Conqueror raised to a County Palatine. There is a place called Gallile in the West end of the Church, where is to be seen the Tomb of Venerable Beda. Binchester (Benovium) by the Coins there digged up, seems to have been a place of great account among the Romans. So likewise, Chester in the Street (Condercum.) At Nevil's Cross near Durham, the Scots were defeated by Queen Philippe, Wife to King Edward the First, by the Conduct of the Lords Piercy, Mowbray and Nevil. In LANCASHIRE, Lancaster, the County-Town, gives Title of Family from John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, to four Henry's, Kings of England, viz. Henry the Fourth, Fifth, six, and Seventh. Manchester, Mancunium, an ancient Fort and Station of the Romans. Rible-Chester, from Rhibel, a little Brook near Clithero, a Town of Antiquity and Station of the Romans, as appears by the pieces of Coin and Statues there found. But that which renders it most of memory is, that it hath been reported the richest Town of Christendom. Near Douglas, a small Brook not far from the Town of Wiggin, King Arthur is said by Ninius to have put the Saxons to flight. At Billangho, Anno 789. Duke Wade was put to flight by Ardulph King of Northumberland. In CHESHIRE, Chester is famous in many respects; as, for its Minster, for its Entertainment of King Athelstan, who hence settihg forth in a Barge upon the River Dee, was rowed by Kennadie King of the Scots, Malcolm King of Cumberland, Macon King of Man, and several Princes of Wales. By being made so great a Principality by the Investiture of Hugh Lupus, by King William the Conqueror. The Minster of this City was built by Earl Leofric to the Honour of St. Werburga, repaired by Hugh Earl of Chester. And in this Minster was buried the Body of Henry the Fourth, Emperor of Germany. At Calvely was born Sir Hugh Calvely, a Soldier of great fame in the Reign of King Edward the Third. As likewise was Sir Robert Knowles of this Shire. Ecleston gave Birth to Thomas, thence Surnamed Ecleston. Bunbury is noted by the birth of Robert Braffy; who died, Anno 1558. Wrenbury boasts of George Patin, another learned Writer. Moreover, the World owes to this Shire several other great men; viz. Sir Thomas Aegerton, Lord Keeper, Anno 1596. Sir Humphrey Starky, Sir Henry Bradshaw, Sir Randal Crew, and Sir Humphrey Davenport; all grand Pillars of the Law. Ralph Ratcliff, a person eminent for Learning: and Captain John Smith, the first settler of the Plantation of New-England in the Reign of King James. In FLINTSHIRE, The Castle of Flint; which was founded by King Henry the Second, and finished by King Edward the First, gave Reception to King Richard the Second when he came out of Ireland. In DENBYSHIRE, Denby was walled about, and fortified with a Castle by Henry Lacie Earl of Lincoln, in the Reign of King Edward the First. In CAERNARVONSHIRE, Caernarvon is memorable, as having been raised by King E. 1. from the Ruins of that ancient City which is called by Antonine, Segontium and by Ninius, Caer-Custenith; and where, as Matthew Westminster reports, was found the Body of Constantius, the Father of Constantine the Great, Anno 1283. In MERIONETHSHIRE, the principal Town Harlech is only worth memory for its stately Castle. In CARDIGANSHIRE, Cardigan the Shire-Town was walled about, and fortified with a Castle by Gilbert de Clare, who was Lord of the whole County by the Gift of King Henry the First. In BRECKNOCKSHIRE, Hay is remembered, by its Ruins, to have been once a place of Account; for it is reported in History to have been ruined and demolished in the Rebellion of Owen Glendour. It is judged by the Coins there found to have been an ancient Seat of the Romans. Bealt (Buelth) the Buleum Silurum of Ptolemy is famed as the Seat of Aurelius Ambrose, who possessed the whole Country, and after gave it to Pascentius, Son of Vortiger. And likewise for the last Prince of the Britain's, who was here by Treachery slain. But Brecknock, being now the fairest Town of the Shire, carries the Name and Primacy. In CAERMARDENSHIRE, Caermarden, the Shire-Town, the Maridunum of Ptolemy and Muridunum of Antonine is not so noteworthy for its large Castle and strong Wall, as for being the Birth-place of that most famous old British (to give him the most favourable Title) Prophet, Merlin. In GLAMORGANSHIRE, The chief Town, and Episcopal See, Landaff, with its Castle and Cathedral, is not so famous as the Town of Caerdiff; as having been the Seat and Residence of that renowned Fitz-Hammond and his Norman Knights; who, after the Conquest of Rhesus Prince of Wales, kept here his Court in the Reign of William Rufus, and built here a strong Castle, in the Hall whereof are yet to be seen the Ensigns of the said Fitz-Hammond and his Knights. In this Castle hath been for a long time, and is still kept the Audit for the Earl of Pembroke's Estate in Wales. In MONMOUTHSHIRE, Monmouth the County-Town is yet far more considerable upon several respects: first, as being delivered by Geraldus to have been the place where great King Arthur kept his Court. Next, as an Academy of Philosophy and Arts; giving Residence to two hundred Scholars, and Birth to Amphibalus, whose Disciple, our great Protomartyr, St. Albanus was, and two other noble persons of our first Martyrs. And likewise as the Birth-place of that noble Prince King Henry the Fifth. In RADNORSHIRE, Radnor the ancient Magnos of Antonine, and the station of the Pacentian Regiment, and fortified with a Castle is yet inferior in beauty of Buildings to Prestain. In PEMBROKESHIRE, though Pembroke is the County-Town, yet St. david's is the more remarkable, as being an Episcopal See, and once an Archbishopric, translated from Isca Legionum by that great Archbishop Devi, whom we call St. David. In MONTGOMERISHIRE, Montgomery is remarkable for its pleasant situation and strong Castle, and the Title of an Earldom, first given by King James, Anno 1605. to Philip, second Son to Henry Earl of Pembroke, and still continuing in his Grandchild Philip, now Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery. In the Isle of ANGLESY, Beaumorris is not more noted for being the principal Town, than for the frequent transportation of Passengers hence to Ireland, and the fame of having been built by King Edward the First. A true and perfect LIST OF THE NOBILITY OF ENGLAND: With their principal HOUSES, and the COUNTIES which they are in. DUKES. * HIS Royal Highness James Duke of York and Albany, and Earl of Ulster. His Seats, St. James', Middlesex. Richmond, Surrey. The Dukedom of Cumberland extinct by the death of Prince Rupert. The Lord High Chancellor of England. The Lord High Treasurer of England. The Lord Precedent of the Privy Council. The Lord Privy Seal. Henry Howard, Duke of Norfolk and Earl Marshal of England; Earl of Arundel, Surrey, Norfolk and Norwich; Baron Howard Mowbray, Segrave, Brews of Gower, Fitz-Alan, Clun, Oswaldestre, Maltravers, Graystock and Castle-Rising. His Seats, Norfolk House in Arundel Buildings, Middlesex. Arundel Castle, Sussex. Albury and Waybridge, Surrey. Duke's Place in Norwich, Norfolk. Work-Sop, Nottingham. Sheffeild-Mannor, York. Graystock Castle, and Drumbugh Castle, Cumberland. Charles Seymour Duke of Somerset, Marquess of Hertford, Viscount Beauchamp, and Baron Seymour. His Seats, Marlborough House, and Allington House, Wilts. * George Villers Duke, Marquess and Earl of Buckingham, Earl of Coventry, Viscount Villers, and Baron of Whaddon. His Seats, Wallingford House, near Whitehall, Middlesex. Colledge-Hill, London. Buckingham House, and Whadon, Buckingham. Bishop's Hill in the City of York, and Helmsey Castle, York. * Christopher Monk Duke of Albemarle, Earl of Torrington, Baron Monk of Poltheridge, Beauchamp and Teyes. His Seats. Nun Appleton, and Burley on the Hlil, Rutland. Garrenton, Leicester. Albemarle House, Middlesex. New Hall, Essex. Potheridge and Wenbury, Devonshire. Cletherow Castle, Lancaster. * James Scot Duke of Monmouth and Bucclugh, Earl of Doncaster and Dalkelth, Baron of Tindal, Winchester and Ashdale. His Seat, More Park, Hertford. Soho Square, Middlesex. * Henry Cavendish Duke, Marquess and Earl of Newcastle, Earl of Ogle, Viscount Mansfeild, Baron Ogle, Beutram and Bolsover. His Seats, Welbeck Abby, and Nottingham Castle, Nottingham. Bolsover Castle, Derby. Ogle Castle, Bothal Castle, Heple Tower, Northumberland. Slingsby Castle, York. Blore Hall, Stafford. Clerkenwell House, Middlesex. Barbara Villers Duchess of Cleveland, and Baroness of Nonsuch. Her Seat, Cleveland House, near St. James', Middlesex. Lovise Querovale Duchess of Portsmouth, Countess of Farnham, and Baroness of Petersfield. * Charles Lenox Duke of Richmond and Lenox, Earl of March, and Baron of Settrington. His Seat, In Scotland. Charles Fitz-Roy Duke of Southampton, Earl of Chichester, Baron of Newbury, and Heir in Succession to the Duchy of Cleveland. His Seat, Nonsuch, Surrey. * Henry Fitz-Roy Duke of Grafton, Earl of Ewston, Viscount Ipswich, and Baron of Sudbury; the Remainder, for want of Issue Male, to George Fitz-Roy, his younger Brother. His Seat, Grafton Regis, Northampton. * Henry Somerset Duke of Beaufort, Marquess and Earl of Worcester, Lord Herbert of Chepstoll, Ragland and Gower, Lord Precedent of Wales, and the Marshes thereof. His Seats, Worcester House in the Strand, Middlesex. Badminton, and Wallaston's Grange, Gloucestershire. Troy House, Monmouth Castle, Ragland Castle, Chepstole Castle, Tintorne Abbey, and Chepstow Grange, Monmouth. Swanzy Castle, Glamorgan. Crickhowell Castle, and Tretonor Castle, Brecknock. George Fitz-Roy Duke and Earl of Northumberland, Viscount Falmouth, and Baron of Pontefract. His Seats, Holme Pierpoint, Nottingham. Highgate, Middlesex. James Butler Duke of Ormond within the Kingdom of England, Earl of Brecknock, and Baron of Lantony in South- Wales, Lord Steward of the King's House, Duke, Marquess and Earl of Ormond in Ireland, Viscount Thurles, Baron of Arklow, and Lord of the Royalties and Liberties of the County of Tiperary in Ireland. MARQUESSES. Charles' Pawlet Marquis of Winchester, Earl of Wiltshire, and Lord St John of Basin. His Seats, Winchester House in Lincolns-Inn-Fields, Middlesex. Bolton Castle, and Bolton Hall, York. Basin House, Abbtston, and Hackwood, Southampton. Edington, Wilts. Hooke Castle, Dorset. The Marquisate of Dorchester lately extinct by the death of Henry Lord Pierpoint. George Savill Marquis, Earl and Viscount Hallifax, and Baron of England. His Seats, Rufford, Nottingham. Hallifax House in St James' Square, Middlesex. The Lord High Chamberlain of England. The Lord High Constable of England. The Earl Marshal of England. The Lord High Admiral of England. The Lord Steward of the King's Household. The Lord Chamberlain of the King's Household. EARLS. * AVbery de Vere Earl of Oxford, Viscount Bulbeck, Lord Sanford and Badlesmere. His Seat. Bentlie, Essex. Charles Talbot Earl of Shrewsbury, Waterford and Wenford in Ireland, Lord Talbot Strauge of Blackere, Gifford of Brimsfield, Furnival, Verdon and Lovetoft. His Seats, Grafton, Worcester. Pepperhill, Salop. Alton Castle, Stafford. Anthony Grey Earl of Kent, Lord Grey of Ruthin, Hastings and Valence. His Seats, Wrest House, and Harrold, Bedford. Burbage, Leicester. Goodrig Castle, Penyard Castle, and Ecleswald Castle, Hereford. Kent House in St. James' Square, Middlesex. William Richard George Stanley Earl of Derby, Lord Stanley Strange of Knockingmohun, and Lord of the Isle of Man. His Seats, Knowesley, Latham Hall, Greenhalgh, Burlco Abby, Cross Hall, Pilkington Stand, and Arnshead Tower, Lancaster. Betham Hall, Westmoreland. John Manners Earl of Rutland, Lord Ross of Hamlake, Trusbut, Belvoir, and Lord Manners of Haddon. His Seats. Belvoire Castle, Lincoln and Leicester. Haddon, Derby. Theophilus Hastings Earl of Huntingdon, Lord Hastings, Hungerford, Botreaux, moe'ls, Newmarch and Molins. His Seats, Ashby de la Zouch, Leicestershire. Donington Park. * Willam Russel Earl of Bedford, and Baron of Thornhaugh. His Seats. Bedford House in the Strand, Middlesex. Bedford House in Exon, Devonshire. Woburn Abbey, Bedford. Chains, Bucks. Thorney Abbey, Cambridge. Philip Herbert, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, Lord Herbert of Cardiff, Ross of Kendal, Par, Marmion, of St. Quintin and Shurland. His Seats, Wilton, and Falston alias Fallersdown, Wilts. Cardiff Castle, and Caerphilly Castle, Glamorgan. Edward Clinton Earl of Lincoln, and Lord Clinton. His Seats, Sempringham, and Tattershall Castle, Lincoln. James Howard Earl of Suffolk, and Baron of Walden. His Seats, Chesterford, Essex. Newmarket, Cambridge. Charles Sackvill Earl of Dorset and Middlesex, and Baron of Buckhurst. His Seats, Knoll, Kent. Copthall, Essex. Buckhurst, and Stoneland, Sussex. Milcot House, Warwick. James Cecil Earl of Salisbury, Viscount Cranburn, and Baron Essendyne, Under Age. His Seats, Salisbury House in the Strand, Middlesex. Hatfield, Hertford Castle, Bygrave, Chesthunt and Quickswood, Hertford. Cranborne House, Dorset. John Cecil Earl of Exeter, and Lord Burghley. His Seats, Burghley, Worthrop, and Wakerley, Northhampton. Snap, York. John Egerton Earl of Bridgwater, Viscount Brackley, and Baron of Ellesmere, His Seats. Ashdrid, Bucks and Hertford. Bridgwater House in Barbican, Middlesex. Ellesmere, Salop. Markingfield, York. Newborough, Stafford. Philip Sidney Earl of Leicester, Viscount Lisle, and Baron of Penshurst. His Seats, Leicester House in Leicester Fields, Middlesex. Penshurst, Kent. Coyty Castle, Glamorgan. James Compton Earl of Northampton, and Baron of Compton. His Seats, Castle Ashley, Northampton. Compton, Warwick. Cambray, Middlesex. Edward Rich E. of Warwick and Holland, Baron of Leez and Kensington, under age. His Seats, Warwick House in Holborn, and Holland House in Kensington, Middlesex. William Cavendish, Earl of Devon and Baron of Hardwick. His Seats. Hardwick, and Chatsworth, Derby. Rowhampton, Surrey. Latimers, Buckingham. William Fielding, aliter de Hapsburgh Earl of Denby and Desmond in Ireland, Viscount Fielding, Baron of Newnham, Padox, and St. Lis. His Seats, Newnham-Padox, Warwick. Martinsthorp, Rutland. John Digby Earl of Bristol, and Baron of Sherborn. His Seats, Sherborn Castle, Dorset. Clevedon Court, Somerset. Gilbert Holles Earl of Clare, and Baron of Haughton. His Seats, Haughton in the County of Nottingham. Clare-House in the Town of Nottingham. Clare House in Drury Lane. Middlesex. Oliver St. John Earl of Bullingbrook, and Lord St. John of Bletsho. His Seats, Bletsho, and Melchborn, Bedford. Charles Fane Earl of Westmoreland, Baron Le Despencer and Bergherst. His Seats, Apethorp, and Sewlhay Lodge, Northampton. Robert Montague Earl of Manchester, Viscount Mandevile, and Baron of Kimbolton. His Seats, Kimbolton Castle, Huntingdon. Leez Priory, Essex. Thomas Howard Earl of Berkshire, Viscount Andover, and Baron of Charlton. His Seat, Charlton, Wilts. * John Sheffeild Earl of Mulgrave, and Baron of Butterwick. His Seats, Mulgrave Castle, York. Mulgrave House near White-Hall; Middlesex. Normanby, Lincoln. Thomas Savage Earl Rivers, Viscount Colchester, and Baron Darcy of Chich in Essex. His Seats, Clifton alias Rock Savage, and Frodsham Castle, Chester. St. Osith, Essex. River's House in Queen-street, Middlesex. Robert Bertie Lord Great Chamberlain of England, Earl of Lindsey, and Baron Willoughby of Eresby. His Seats, Grimsthorp, and Earesby, Lincoln. Chelsey, Middlesex. Havering, Essex. Henry Mordant Earl of Peterborough, and Baron of Turvey. His Seats, Turvey, Bedford. Drayton, Luswick alias Lowick, Thrapston, and Sudborow, Northampton. Thomas Grey Earl of Stamford, and Lord Grey of Grooby. His Seats, Broadgate, and Grooby, Leicester. Heneage Finch Earl of Winchelsy, and Viscount Maidston. His Seats, Estwell, Why Court, and Moat, Kent. Robert Pierrepont Earl of Kingston upon Hull, Viscount Newmarket, and Baron Pierrepont of Holm Pierrepont. His Seat. Holm Pierrepont, Nottingham. Charles Dormer Earl of Carnarvan, Viscount Ascot, and Baron of Wing. His Seats. Wing, and Ethrop, Buckingham. Philip Stanhop Earl of Chesterfield, and Baron of Shelford. His Seats, Bretby, Derby. Shelford, Nottingham. Bockton Malherb, Kent. Richard Tufton Earl of Thanet, and Baron Tufton. His Seats, Thanet House in Aldersgate-Street, Middlesex. Hoathfeild, and Sylom, Kent. Scipton Castle, York. Appleby Castle, Brough Castle, Brougham Castle, and Pendragon Castle, Westmoreland. Part of Bolbrook, Sussex. * William Wentworth Earl of Stafford, Viscount Wentworth, and Baron of New Marsh, Oversley and Raby. His Seats, Wentworth Wood-House, Friar House, Tankersly, Tinsly, and Hooton Robert, York. Stowel, Gloucester. Robert Spencer Earl of Sunderland, and Baron of Wormleighton. His Seats, Althrop, Northampton. Wormleighton, Warwick. Robert Leake Earl of Scarsdale. His Seat, Sutton, Derby. * Henry Jermin Earl of St. Alban, and Baron of Almondsbury. His Seats, St. Alban's House in St. James' Square, Middlesex. Rushbrooke Hall, Suffolk. Byflet, Surrey. Thafts, Norfolk. Edward Montague Earl of Sandwich, Viscount Hinchingbrook, and Baron of St. Neots. His Seat, Hinchingbrook, Huntingdon. Henry Hyde Earl of Clarendon, Viscount: Cornbury, and Baron of Hindon. His Seats, Cornbury, Oxford. Swallowfield, Berks. Arthur Capel Earl of Essex, Viscount Maldon, and Baron of Hindon. His Seats, Cashiobury, and Hadham Hall, Hertford. Essex House in St. James' Square, Middlesex. Robert Brudenell Earl of Cardigan, and Baron of Stanton. His Seats, Dean, Northampton. Cardigan House in Lincolns-Inn Fields, Middlesex. Stanton Brudenel, Leicester. Arthur Annesly Earl of Anglesey, and Baron of Newmarket Pagnel in England; Viscount Valencia, and Baron of Mount Norris in Ireland. His Seats, Anglesey House in Drury-Lane, Middlesex. Blechington, Oxford. Park-Hall, Essex. Farnborough Place, Southampton. Totteridge, Hertford. John Greenvill Earl of Bath, Viscount Lansdown, and Baron of Kilhampton and Bideford. His Seats, Stow, Wolston, Stanbury, Clifton, and Lanow, Cornwall. Bideford, Devon. Charles Howard Earl of Carlisle, Viscount Morpeth, and Baron d'Acres of Gilesland. His Seats, Naywort alias Noward Castle, Cumberland. Hilderskelfe Castle, and Grimthorp, York. Morpeth Castle, Northumberland. William Craven Earl of Craven, Viscount Craven of Vffington, and Baron of Hamsted Marshal. His Seats, Craven House in Drury-Lane, Middlesex. Hamsted Marshal, and Ashton Park, Berks. Combe, Warwick. Winwick, Northampton. Caversham, Oxford. Lenwich, Worcester. Stoke Castle, Salop. Robert Bruce Earl of Ailesbury and Elgin, Baron of Wharton and Kinloss. His Seats, Ailesbury House in St John's, Middlesex. Ampthil, and Clophil, Bedford. Wharlton Castle, and Jervaux Abbey, York. Richard boil Earl of Burlington and Cork in Ireland, and Baron Clifford of Lawnsborough. His Seats, Burlington House, Middlesex. Lawnsborough, Bolton, and Barden Tower, York. * Henry Bennet Earl and Baron of Arlington, Viscount Thetford, and Lord Chamberlain of the King's House. His Seats, Ewston, Suffolk. Arlington House in St. James' Park, Middlesex. Anthony Ashley Cooper Earl of Shaftsbury, Baron Ashley of Wimborn St Giles, and Cooper of Paulet. His Seats, Wimborn St. Giles, Dorset. Kockborn House, Southampton. William Herbert, Earl and Baron of Powis. His Seats, Powis Castle, and Buttington, Montgomery. Powis House in Lincolns-Inn Fields, Middlesex. Edward Henry Lee, Earl of Lichfield, Viscount Quarrendon, and Baron of Spelsbury. His Seats, Dichley, and Lees Rest, Oxford. Quarrendon, Buckingham. * Thomas Osborn Earl of Danby, Viscount Latimer, and Baron of Kiveton. His Seats, Kiveton, Thorp Hall, Wales Hall, Harthil Hall, and Wimbledon, York. Thomas Lennard Earl of Sussex, and Baron d' Acre. His Seats, Herst Monceux, Sussex. Kirk Oswald, and d'Acre Castle, Cumberland. Chevening, Kent. Lewis Duras Earl of Feversham, and Baron of Holdenby. His Seat, Holdenby, Northampton. Charles Beauclair Earl of Burford, and Baron of Heddington. His Seats, Burford House in Windsor, Berks. Bestwood, Nottingham. Charles Gerrard Earl of Macclesfield, and Lord Gerrard of Brandon. His Seats, Thornhill, York. Gawsworth, and Aldford, Chester. Halsal, Lancaster. Macclesfield House in Westminster, Middlesex. John Robert's Earl of Radnor, Viscount Bodmin, and Baron of Truro, and Lord Precedent of the Privy Council. His Seats, Lauhydroek, and Truro, Cornwall. William Paston Earl and Viscount Yarmouth, and Baron of Paston. His Seats, Oxnead Hall, and Paston Hall, Norfolk. George Berkeley Earl of Berkeley, Viscount Durseley, and Baron of Berkeley Castle. His Seats, Berkeley Castle, Gloucester. Berkeley House near St. John's, Cranford, Middlesex. Durdence, Surrey. Edward Conway Earl of Conway, Viscount Conway and Killultagh, and Baron of Ragley. His Seats, Ragley, and Luddington, Warwick. Conway House in Queen-Street, Middlesex. Eliz. Lady d'Acre Countess of Shippey. Heneage Finch Earl of Nottingham, and Baron of Daventry. His Seat. A fair House near Kensington, Middlesex. Lawrence Hide Earl of Rochester, Viscount Hide. James Bertie Earl of Abbington, and Lord Norris. His Seats, Ricot, and Chesterton, Oxford. Wytham; Berks.s Lindsey House in Westminster, Middlesex. Thomas Windsor Earl of Plymouth, and Baron of Windsor. His Seats, Hewel Grange, Warwick. Flanchford, Surrey. Edward Wriothesley noel Earl of Ganesborough, Viscount Campden, and Baron of Ridlington and Limington. His Seats, Campden House in Kingsington, Middlesex. Campden House in Campden, Gloucester. Exton, Brooke, and Northluffenham, Rutland. Coniers Darcy Earl of Holderness in the parts of Eastriding, and Lord Coniers and meynel▪ His Seats. Hornby Castle, Patrick Brompton. Hackforth, Auderly le Miers, York. VISCOUNTS. LEicester Devereux Viscount Hereford. His Seats, Christchurch in Ipswich, Sudburn Hall, Soham Lodge, Suffolk. Francis Brown Viscount Montague. His Seats, Cowdrey, Battel-Abby, Poynings, Sussex. William Fiennes Viscount and Baron Say and Seal. His Seats, Broughton, Shutford, and North-Newton, Oxford. Over-Norton, Gloucester. Thomas Bellasyse Viscount Faulconberg of Henknowle, and Lord Faulconberg. His Seats, Newbrough Abby, Coxwold Hall, Oulston Hall, Aldwark, Murton, York. Henknowle, Durham. Faulconberg House near Pall-mall, and Sutton Court, Middlesex. Charles Viscount Mordant of Avelon, and Baron of Rygate. His Seats, Mordant House in Parson's Green, Middlesex. Rygate, Surrey. Francis Viscount Newport of Bradford, and Baron of Highercall. His Seats, Highercall and Eyton, Salop. Sarah Viscountess Corbet of Linchalde. Horatio Viscount Townsend of Raynham, Baron of Lynn-Regis. His Seats, Raynham Hall, and Stifkey Hall, Norfolk. Denham Hall, Suffolk. Christopher Viscount Hatton of Gretton, Baron of Kerby. His Seat, Kerby, Northampton. BARONS. HEnry Howard Lord Mowbray, eldest Son of the Duke of Norfolk, and bearing the Title of Earl of Arundel. His Seat. Castle-Rising, Norfolk. Elizabeth Baroness Percy, sole Daughter and Heiress of Jocelin late Earl of Northumberland, first married to Henry Earl of Ogle, only Son of Henry Cavendish Duke of Newcastle, now to the Duke of Somerset. Her Seats, Northumberland House in the Strand, and Zion House, Middlesex. Petworth Place, Sussex. Alnewick Castle, Warkworth Castle, and Prudhoe Castle, Northumberland. Cockermouth Castle Cumberland. Wressel Castle, York. George Nevil Lord Abergevenny, Under Age. His Seats, Eridge, Sussex. Abergevenny Castle, Monmouth. James Touchet Lord Audley, Earl of Castlehaven in Ireland. Charles West Lord la Warr. His Seat, Whorwell, Southampton. Thomas Parker Lord Morley and Mounteagle. His Seat, Hornby Castle, Lancaster. Robert Shirley Lord Ferrer, Baron of Chartley. His Seats, Chartley Castle, Stafford. Staunton Harrold, and Ragdale, Leicester. Ettington, Warwick. Astwell, Northampton. Shirley, Derby. Charles Mildmay Lord Fitz-Walter, under age. His Seats, Moulsham Hall, Moulsham Friary, and Bishop's Hall, Essex. Henry Yeluerton Lord de Grey, under age. His Seat, Easton Mauduit, Northampton. Frances Lady Ward, Baroness Dudley. William Lord Stourton, Baron of Stourton. His Seat, Stourton Castle, Wilts. Coniers Darcy, Lord Coniers. His Seats. Aston, Aughton, Wales Manor, Hardwick, Yorkshire. Henry Sandys Baron Sandys. His Seat, Mottessont, Southampton. Thomas Lord Cromwell, Baron of Oakham in England, Earl of Arglas, and Viscount Lecale in Ireland. His Seat, Throwley, Stafford. Ralph Lord Ewer, Baron of Witton. His Seat, Easby Hall, York. Philip Lord Wharton, Baron of Wharton. His Seats, Wharton Hall, Westmoreland. Ask, Healaugh Manor, and Woburn, York. Overwinchendon House, Buckingham. Thomas Lord Willoughby of Parham. William Lord Paget, Baron of Baudesert. His Seats, Beaudesert, and Seaney Park, Stafford. Drayton, Middlesex. Francis Lord Howard of Effingham. Charles Lord North and Grey of Rolleston. His Seats, Kirtling alias Catlidge. Cambridge. Tostock Place, Suffolk. Rolleston, Stafford. Towting Graveney, Surrey. James Brugges Lord Chandos. His Seats, Wilton, Aconbury, and Dewswell, Hereford. Robert Carey, Lord Hunsdon. William Lord Petre, Baron of Writtle. His Seats, Thorndon, Writtle Park, Ingerston Hall, and Cranham Park, Essex. Digby Lord Gerard, Baron of Gerard's Bromley, under age. His Seats, Gerard's Bromley, Sandon, and Wislow Bridge, Stafford. Dutton, Chester. Woodacre Hall, Ashton Hall, and Shorton Hall, Lancaster. Henry Lord Arundel, Baron of Wardour. His Seat, Wardour Castle, Wilts. Christopher Roper, Lord Tenham. His Seat. Linksted Lodge, Kent. Catherine Lady O Brian Baroness Clifton, Daughter of the Lord Aubigny, first married to the Lord O Brian Son to the Earl of Twomond, Afterwards to Sir Joseph Williamson. Foulk Grevill Lord Brooke, Baron Brook of Beauchamp's Court. His Seats, Warwick Castle, Knowll, and Beauchamp's Court, Warwick. Breamore, Southampton. Hackney, Middlesex. Edward Lord Montague, Baron of Boughton. His Seats, Boughton, and Barnwell Castle, Northampton. Ford Lord Grey, Baron Grey of Wark. His Seats, Wark Castle, Chillingham Castle, Dunstaburgh Castle, and Horton Castle, Northumberland. Gosfield Hall, and Epping Place, Essex. Up Park, Sussex. Charterhouse Close, Middlesex. Robert Leake, Lord Deincourt, and Heir of the Earl of Scarsdale. His Seat, Sutton, Derby. John Lord Lovelace, Baron of Hurley. His Seats, Hurley, Berks. Water-Eaton, Oxfo●● John Lord Paulet, Baron of Hinton St. George, under age. His Seats, Hinton St. George, Court of Ewick, Lenn Court, and Walton, Somerset. Buckland, Dorset. William Lord Maynard, Baron of Eastaines in England, and Wicklow in Ireland. His Seat, Easton Lodge and Achdon Place, Essex. George Lord Coventry Baron of Alesborough. His Seats, Crombe Court, Alesborough, Severnstoke, and Feckenam Lodge, Worcester. Corpse Court and Cockbury, Gloucester. William Lord Howard Baron of Escrick. His Seats, Wheldrake, York. Tolesbury, Essex. Charles Lord Mohun of Okehampton. Under Age. His Seat, Boconock, Cornwall. Henry Lord Herbert Baron of Cherbury in England, and of Castle Island in Ireland. His Seats, Llymore Lodge and Llyslin, Mongomery. St. julian's, Monmouth. Chirbury, Salop. Thomas Lord Leigh Baron of Stoneley. His Seats, Stoneley and Fletchamsted, Warwick. Hamstal Ridware, Stafford. William Lord Byron Baron of Rochdale. His Seats, Newsted Abby, Buluel Park, and Linby, Nottingham. Richard Lord Vaughan Baron of Emlyn in South Wales, of Carbery, and Baron of Molingavin in Ireland. His Seats, Golden Grove and Emlyn, Carmarthen. Francis Smith Lord Carington Baron of Wotton in England, and Viscount Carrington of Barfore in Ireland. His Seats, Wotton-wawen and Aln Lodge, Warwick. Ledwell, Oxford. Ashby-folvile, Leicester. William Lord Widdrington Baron of Blankney. His Seats, Widdrington Castle, Northumberland. Blankney, Lincoln. Edward Lord Ward, Baron of Birmingham. His Seat, Dudley Castle and Hinley, Stafford. Tho. Lord Culpepper Baron Thoresway, His Seats, Leeds Castle and Greenway Court, Kent. Jacob Lord Astley Baron of Reading. His Seats, Allington Castle and Maidstone Place, Kent Charles Lucas Baron of Shenfield. John Lord Bellasyse Baron of Worleby. His Seats, Worleby, Lincoln. Whitton, Middlesex. Edward Watson Lord Rockingham. His Seats, Rockingham Castle, Warmington, and Stoke Albony, Northampton. Great Gidding, Huntingdon. Rob. Sutton Lord Lexington, Under Age. His Seats, Averham, and Kilham. Nottingham. Marmaduke Lord Langdale, Baron of Holme. His Seats, Holme in Spalding-more and Dalton, York. Charles Lord Berkley Baron of Stratton. Under Age. His Seats, Stratton House alias Berkley House in Piccadilly, and Twickenham, Middlesex. Charles Lord Cornwallis Baron of Eye. His Seats, Brome-Hall, and Carlford Hall, Suffolk. Wilton Castle, York. George Booth Lord de la mer. His Seat, Dunham Massey, Chester. Thomas Lord Crew Baron of Stean. His Seats, Scene, Northampton. Lawfield-Hall, Essex. John Lord Freschevile Baron of Staveley. His Seat, Staveley, Derby. Richard Lord Arundel Baron of Trerise. His Seat, Trerise, Cornwall. James Lord Butler Baron of More-park in England, and Earl of Ossery in Ireland. Under Age. Hugh Lord Clifford, Baron of Chudleigh, Under Age. His Seats, Chudleigh, Devon. Cannington, Somerset. Richard Lord Butler, Baron of Weston in England, and Earl of Arran in Ireland. His Seat, Leyghton, Huntingdon. Susan Lady Bellasyse, Baroness of Osgodby. Her Seat, Osgodby, Lincoln. Richard Lord Lumly, Viscount Lumly of Waterford in Ireland. George Lord Carteret. Under Age. John Bennet, Baron Ossulston. His Seat, Ossulston, Middlesex. William Lord Allington, Baron Wimondly, Constable of the Tower of London. Thomas Thin, Baron Thin of Warmister, and Viscount Weimouth. His Seat, Long Let, Wilts. Ralph Stowel, Baron Stowel of Somerton. His Seat, Somerton, Somersetsh. THE ARCH-BISHOPS AND BISHOPS. DOctor William Sancroft, Archbishop of Canterbury. His Seats, Lambeth-house, and Croyden Palace, Surrey. Dr. Stern, Archbishop of York. His Seat, Dr. Henry Compton, Bishop of London. His Seats, London-house, and Fulham-house, Middlesex. Dr. Nathaniel Crew, Bishop of Durham. His Seats, Durham Palace, and Aukland Castle, Durham. Dr. George Morley, Bishop of Winchester. His Seats, Farnham Castle, Surrey. Wolv●sey House in Winchester, Southampton. Chelsey House, Middlesex. Dr. Herbert Crofts, Bishop of Hereford. His Seat, Hereford Palace, Hereford. Dr. Seth Ward, Bishop of Salisbury. His Seat, Salisbury, Wilts. Dr. Edward Rainbow, Bishop of Carslile. His Seat, Rose Castle, Cumberland. Dr. John Dolben, Bishop of Rochester. His Seat, Bromley House, Kent. Dr. Anthony Sparrow, Bishop of Norwich. His Seats, Norwich Palace, and Ludham Hall, Norfolk. Dr. Peter Gunning, Bishop of Ely. His Seats, Ely-house in Holborn, Middlesex. Ely Palace in Ely, and Wisbich Castle in Wisbich, Cambridge. Dr. Thomas Wood, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry. His Seats, Lichfiield Close, and Eccleshall Castle, Stafford. D. Guy Carlton, Bishop of Chichester▪ His Seat, Chichester Palace, Sussex. Dr. Robert Frampton, Bishop of Gloucester. His Seat, Gloucester Palace, Gloucester. Dr. Peter Mew, Bishop of Bath and Wells. His Seats, Wells' Palace, and Banwell, Somerset. Dr. John Pierson, Bishop of Chester. His Seats, Chester Palace, Chester. Wigan, Lancaster. Dr. Humphrey Lloyd, Bishop of Bangor. His Seat, Bangor Palace, Carnarvan. Dr. William Lloyd, Bishop of Peterborough. His Seats, Peterborough Palace, and Castor, Northampton. Dr. Thomas Barlow, Bishop of Lincoln. His Seats, Bugden, Huntingdon. Lincoln Palace, Lincoln. Dr. James Fleetwood, Bishop of Worcester. His Seats, Worcester Palace in Worcester, and Hartlebury Castle, Worcester. Dr. John Fell, Bishop of Oxford. His Seat, Cuddesden, Oxon. Dr. Thomas Lampleugh, Bishop of Exon, His Seat, Exon Palace in Exeter, Devon. Dr. William Thomas, Bishop St. david's. His Seat, Abergwilly, Carmarthen. Dr. William Gulston, Bishop of Bristol. His Seat, Bristol Palace, Somerset. Dr. William Beaw, Bishop of Llandaff. His Seats, Matherne Palace, Monmouth. Llandaff Palace, Glamorgan. Dr. William Lloyd, Bishop of St. Asaph. His Seat, St. Asaph, Flint. A SUPPLEMENT TO The Foregoing Work. I. To the Arable and Pasturage of England. ANGLESEY yields such plenty of Wheat, that it is called the Mother of Wales. In Shropshire upon Clee-hill is the best Barley in the Shire. Sheep in the Vale of Buckinghamshire have a fine soft wool. East Kent for Corn: The Weald for Wood, Rumney for Meadow. Tenham for Orchard; Sheppey and Reculver for Wheat; Thanet for Barley. Hedcorn for fat and large Capons. To the other Productions. DOctor Caius the Founder of Caius College in Cambridge, in a learned Treatise of his, divides the Canes Britanici, first into the Generosi, Rustici & Degeneres; the Generosi he subdivides into the Venatici Aucupatorii & Delicati: the Venatici first into the threefold S●gax or Hound, viz. the Terrarius or Terrare, the Leverarius or Harrier, the Sanguinarius or Bloodhound, next into the Agasaeus or Gasehound, the Leporarius or Greyhound, the Levinarius s●u Lorarius, the Liviner or Liemmer, the Vertragus or Tumbler The Aucupatorii into the Hispani●lus or Spaniel, the Index or S●tter, the Aquaticus or Water-Spaniel, the Inquisitor or Finder. Of the Delicati he makes only one sort, viz. the Meliteus seu Fotor, the Spaniel Gentle or Comforter. The Rusti●i into the Pastoralis or Shepherd's Dog, the Vilaticus seu Cathenarius, Mastiff or Bandog. The D●generes into the Admonitor or Wap, the Ve●sator or Turnspit, the Sal●ator or Dancer. About Sureby in Yorkshire are great store of Goats, and on the Hills towards Lancashire Goats and Deer. In Cornwall on the Cliffs by the Seaside are Marterns, Otters, Badgers, Foxes in abundance. In the Isle of Wight are store of Goats, Rother-cattles; Horses low and small but hardy; and in most parts of Hantshire Coneys and H●res particularly abound. In the River Tiver in Cardiganshire the Beaver hath been found. In Devonshire there are three sorts of Curlicus; the first as big as a Muscovie Duck, the second as big as an ordinary Duck, the third somewhat less. The Sanderlin; a Bird about the bigness of a Snipe, of the same make, only of a lighter Grey. In Lincolnshire and Yorkshire, near the Sea, are store of Reeves, Roughs, Gulls, and a Bird called a Stint, somewhat bigger than a Lark. Puffins and Burranets hatch in the holes of the Sea-Cliffs. Woodcocks, Sparhawks, and Fieldfares take Cornwall in their way to warmer Climates. There is also in those parts a Bird called a Spray, thought to be the Halyaetus of Pliny. Lincolnshire abounds with God wits and Knots, besides Pewets and Dotterels aforementioned. And about Barton upon Humber is plenty of Mallards'. In the Calf of Man are Puffins, and also Barnacles. On the Shore of Norfolk Hawks are are sometimes taken. Turkeys, or Guiny-Cocks are said to have been first brought into England, Anno 15 H. 8. The Shoat is a Fish proper to Cornwall and Devonshire: where also, the Peal, Trout and Salmon breed in fresh Waters, but live in Salt. Sharks breed and live in the Rivers. In Norfolk, the River You're, by Norwich, is full of a Fish called a Ruff, very rarely found in other Rivers. In Worcestershire, The River Severn affords store of fresh Water Lampreys. About Kilgarran in Pembrokeshire, and in the River Dee in Cheshire, there is great store of Salmon. Also Vsk and Wye in Monmouthshire, are full of Salmon and Trout. In a great Pool, near Balu in Merionethshire, there breeds a Fish called a Guinnind, never seen in Dee. As the Pool wants Salmon, which Dee abounds in. Upon the Sea-Coast of this Shire are store of Herrings. Carp are generally concluded to have been first brought in here in King Henry the Eighth's Reign, with several other things, unknown here before. Near Bremicham in Warwickshire, are Iron-Mines; the convenience whereof▪ possibly, gave beginning to the Smith's Trade in Bremicham. The same may be said of those near Sheffield in Yorkshire. At the Head of the River Istwyd in Darbyshire, are Veins of Lead. In the Rocks, at the Lands End of Cornwall, are Veins of White-Lead, and Brass. In the West part of the Bishopric of Durham are Iron-Mines. thereabout also, are Cole-Mines; as likewise, at Mengerfield and Westerley in Gloucestershire. Nor is Pembrokeshire destitute of Pit-Coal and Marl. Some parts of Lincolnshire afford Alabaster, and Plaster of Paris. In Flintshire Millstones are frequent. And in the Isle of Anglesey, Millstones, Grindstones, and a kind of Earth, out of which Alum and Copperas are extracted. And upon the Shores of Shepey Island, Stones, from which are drawn Brimstone and Copperas. In some parts of Derbyshire there is Limestone. As also, very good in Oxfordshire, near Holton; about Hasely, and between that and Little Milton. But Barrow in Leicestershire is accounted the place of England for that sort of Stone. At Tormanton, by Sudbury, in Gloucestershire, is a Quarry of Freestone. And at Eglestone, in the Bishopric of Durham, a Marble Quarry. On Goldcliff in M●nmouthshire, there is found a Stone of a Yellowish or Golden Colour. And about Brotherton in Yorkshire, a yellow Marle, very good to fertilise the Earth. Upon Dartmore Rocks in Devonshire, there is some quantity, of the Magnes, or Loadstone. Not to insist upon the several sorts of Ochre, Fuller's Earth, Chalk and Gypsum, at Shotover, Ga●sington, Witney, and other parts of Oxfordshire; the Umber at Bladen Quarry, the Caeruleum, or Native Blue, at Blounds Court; the yellowish coloured Earth, with glittering Sparks, about Teynton; the Earth called Lam, at Teinton, fit for Earthen Floors; the Terra Lapidosa, of the colour of the Turkish Rusma, in the Quarries about Thame; the Gold gritty Clay, or Pyrites aureus at Hampton-Gay; the white Clay at Shotover, used for Tobacco-pipes, and equal to Tripela for Medals, Galgils, Antiques, and polishing of Silver; the soft Stone called Maume, near Tetsworth; the Golden-coloured Marchasite, haply the Pyrites of Kentmanus at Nettlebed and Henly. All mentioned by Doctor Plate, in his learned and most useful Description of Oxfordshire. In Cornwall, as well as on the Cliffs between Deal and Dover, great store of Sampire grows; which being pickled, makes an excellent Salad. And also of Eringus, or Sea-Holly; whose Roots Candied, are reckoned amongst the most acceptable of Sweetmeats, in regard of their, restorative virtue. And in the most boggy Grounds of this County there is store of a Plant called Ros Solis. And upon the Cliffs, and such like Maritine parts, abundance of Wild Hisop, Rosemary, Marjoram, Sage, Pelamountain. There are likewise in this County very good Chestnuts; and a kind of Berry, called Whurts, of two sorts. And, for Garlic, doubtless, this County abounds in general with this sort of Plant, for that it is much eaten by the Cornish men; whose Health and Longaevity is, by many, imputed to their frequent feeding upon this Country man's Treacle, as they call it. Dorcetshire, especially the Isle of Portland, or thereabouts, produces a rare sort of Plant, which is accounted much of the same nature, if not the same, with that which the Greeks called Isidis Plocamos. But, particularly, Birdport, in this Shire, is noted for the excellent Hemp growing thereabout. At Dengeness in Kent, Holly Trees grow thick for a Mile in length, among Beech and Pebbles. Axholm in Shropshire is noted for a sort of Shrub called Galls, growing peculiarly thereabout. About Keinsham in Somersetshire, great store of Percepier, or Parsely Break Stone. Neither is Fern so inconsiderable a Plant, but that Cambden takes notice of abundance of it growing about Reading. But in Sabernacle Forest in Wiltshire, there is a sort of Fern more remarkable than ordinary, by reason of the sweetness of its scent. Several Fruits, and Flowers, and other Plants have not been known in England, till of late Ages. First Pippins and Cherries, as hath been already intimated, and as Mr. Leonard Mascal of Plumstead King Henry the Eighth's-Gardiner observes, after that, Apricocks, about the fifteenth of the said King's Reign. And about the same time, Hops from Artois. Some say Apricocks, Malacotoons and Muscmelons came in about the twentieth of Queen Elizabeth. Others say, Melon-seeds were first sent out of Italy, to King James, and the Stem of a yellow Rose, which flowers from May till Christmas. Choice Flowers were first in use and reputation at Norwich, by means of the Dutch, who first brought them thither. The latest are Gillyflowers and Carnations, the Province and Red Rose, and that of Jericho: Also the Tulip (perhaps the Lily, of the Valley) and the White-Chappel Flower. Moreover, Artichokes and Asparagus, Oranges and Lemons, are but of late date here. As likewise, both English and Smirna Corants; perhaps the soon of them about an hundred and fifty years since. Tobacco was first brought into England by Sir Walter Raleigh, though never thought fit to be planted. About the same time came in Sugar. The first planting of Mulberries was about Anno 1609. 〈◊〉 Flax, Staffordshire, Shropshire, and the Isle of Man are particularly mentioned; and the last for Hemp. Also Tewksbury in Gloucestershire. To the Wonders of England. THE Monument of Stones at Stanton Drew, near Pensford, in Somersetshire, deserves a particular description, but much more that of Aubury in Wiltshire, about four Miles West from Marleborough. About this Village is cast a Ditch of a prodigious depth; viz. as deep as that of Winchester, which is the deepest that hath been observed: and, not without (as usually) but within this Ditch is raised a very high Bank, or Trench, not in a form absolutely Circular, but somewhat near. Within the Trench, and answerable to the form thereof, Stones are set round, excepting those Gaps which appear to have been made by the Invasion of the Villagers upon these Stones, with Sledges, for their use in Building. Within this prodigious Round of Ditch, Bank and Stones, i● the Village: and two Piles of these large Stones, viz. about eighteen, nineteen or twenty Foot high, in a manner, somewhat Circular, burr pretty compact together: but the Church stands wholly without the Round of the Ditch. Moreover, there is another thing no less remarkable than the rest, namely, a straight Walk made by two long Tracts of Stone, about five, six or seven Foot high on either hand, of about a Mile long, leading, as an Avenue, to the said Work. And, at the beginning thereof, two other Tracts, which make another Walk, leading on the Right Hand to two other Circles of Stone, one within another, The River Kinnel running just underneath. This Description, together with a Delineation of the Stones at Stanton Drew, I received from a particular friend, Mr. John Aubrey, of the Royal Society; a person of much worth and ingenuity; but, most especially curious in the search of Antiquities. And this favour is so much the greater, for that before he had designed the Description thereof himself, in a Work he intends to publish, Entitled Monumenta Britanica. There are Stones near the Barrow, at Stanton Harcourt, called The Devil's Coits. Pyramidal Stones in Yorkshire, called The Devil's Bolts. A Stone, between Neat Enston and Fulwell, somewhat flat, and tapouring upward, from a broad bottom. Snake-stones, Cockle-stones and Star-stones, at Purton Passage, over Seavern, in Gloucestershire: at Shugbury in Warwickshire: on the Rocks by Belvoir Castle in Leicestershire. Cockle-stones at Sapworth, by Sharston, in Gloucestershire, at Witney in Oxfordshire, on the Hills by Farnham in Surrey. Three deep Pits, near Darlington, in the Bishopric of Durham. Hagdale Pit, near Feversham. The great Pit in the Roadway, between Feversham and Bocton. Another near Shelwich. One between Daving-Church and Stone-Church. One in the Parish of Norton. One or two in a Field near Beaconfield. Under Holm-Castle in Surrey, is a great Arched Vault. Near Flamborough-Head in Yorkshire, are certain Waters called Vipsies, which flow out of Neighbouring Springs every other Year; and fall with a violent Stream into the Sea. On Cadier Arthur Hill in Cheshire is a Spring, deep as a Well, and four square, and having no Streams; but there are Trout found in it. To the Medicinal Wells, already mentioned, lately found out, may be added, that of Sellenge, and that of Egerton, near Lenham in Kent; both which were discovered about forty years since; and the last turns Wood into Stone. At Ashwell in Bedfordshire rise so many Sources of Springs, that they soon drive a Mill. In the midst of the River Nen, South of Peterborough, in No●●hamptonshire, is a deep Gulf, so cold, that in Summer, no Swimmer is ●●le t●●●dure it, y●● not frozen in Winter. At Lutterworth, in leicestershire, is a Spring, so cold, that it 〈◊〉 Straw and Sticks into Sto●●. A Valley in Fli●●●hire▪ at the Mouth of the River, seeming to lie lower than the Sea; is yet, never overflowed. A Spring at Chedder, near Axbridge, drives twelve Mills within a quarter of a Mile. Several Rivers run under Ground. As, Mole, in Surrey. A Branch of Medway, in Kent. The little River Hans, in Staffordshire. The little River allen, in Denbighshire. At Asply Gowetz, in Bedfordshire, is an Earth that turns Wood into Stone. To the Remarks of England may be added, the Artificially cast up Tumuli, or Barrows of Earth. An innumerable Company of them on Salisbury Plain. And that prodigious one called Silbury Hill, between Marlborough and Cawn. Like which is that called Clay Hill, near Warmister. But that lies in some doubt, whether Natural or Artificial. Likewise, divers Vestigia of Roman Camps, viz. Yarnborough Castle, on Salisbury Plain. Maiden Castle, about a Mile West of Dorchester. Badbury Castle, in Dorsetshire. Northsed, on Hounslow Heath. One near Oswaldstree, in Shropshire. Crednet Hill, in Hertfordshire. Where also Ariconium; now Kenchester. To the Manufactures and Inventions of England. Mason's, Painting and Glazing first brought into England, by Benedict, Anno 728. Antonio Bonese, an Italian, first taught the English to spin with a Distaff, 20 H. 7. Fine Spanish Needles were made in Queen Mary's Reign, by a Negro in Cheapside, who refused co communicate his Art; but it was afterwards taught by Elias Crouse, a Germane, Anno 8ᵒ Elizabethae. In the tenth year of the said Queen, Richard Dyer came from Spain, and taught his Countrymen the way of making Earthen Fire-Pots, Furnaces and Transportable Ovens for baking of Earthen Ware. He had the first sole profit by Patent, Anno 1555. Walter Rippon is said to have made the first Coach in England: for the Earl of Rutland, Anno 1564. a hollow turning Coach: for the Queen: Anno 1585. a rare Chariot. Others say, William Boonen, a Dutchman, Coachman to Queen Eliz. first brought the use of the Coach into England. And about the same time came in Long Wagons. Making of Copperas in England was first practised by Cornelius de Vos, a Merchant, An. 1587. William Saunders, a Fishmonger, was the first that brought our Celestial and Terrestrial Globes to any considerable perfection; but since, they have been much improved. William Matthews, in the 5th of Queen Elizabeth, was the first rare Artist in the making of fine Knives and Hafts, which were marked with a Half Moon; and for which he had the Queen's Letters Patents. About the same time Pins, which were formerly brought in by Strangers, to the value of 60000 l. per Annum, were first made in England; and now excel all that are made in any other part of the World. One Bourass first made the Engine for Scale-Board. One Ross is said to have been the first that made Bandores in England: and, to this, day, that called the Ross Viol. is accounted the choicest of all other Viols. The ancient way among us of keeping Accounts was by Tallies; and is, in some measure, and on some occasions, retained to this day. The most considerable instance is, in the Tallies of the Exchequer. And, not only common Accounts, but the Account of Time, and the Motions of the Sun, Moon, and other Planets, anciently in some parts of Derbyshire (and some say, Staffordshire also) were usually notched and marked out upon a piece of Wood This sort of Calender-Log, or Wooden Almanac, hath scarce been taken notice of, till of late; and now some few there are who understand the way of it. The only one I have seen of them, is in the custody of Mr. John Bagford, a Searcher into Antiquities, Arts and Ingenuities, much above what might be expected from one of his Education and Literature. An Engine for Clock-Wheels was invented about a hundred years since. An Engine for the speedy cutting down of Wheels for Watches, forty years ago, none now made after the same manner. An Engine for drawing of Pinion Wire, of Steel for Watches, about ten years ago. Mr. Tomakee, about ten years since, was famous for making Chains for Watches especially, as being the first. His Wife lives in Rose Street, near Long Acre. Other late Inventions there are, not unworthy to be mentioned. An Engine for Rasing of Glass, an Engine for Spinning of Glass, the Engine for Cutting Tobacco, the Rolling Press for Printing off from Copper Plates, Damask Linen, and the Watering of Silks. The way of separating Gold from Silver. Enamelling in Gold, Silver and Brass; Bolting Mills, Dark Lanterns, the Trumpet-makers Trade, Cane-Chairs; a choice way of Colouring, used by Bookbinders; boiling of Whalebone, making of Hornware. Periwigs, women's Masks, Busks, and Fans, and Muffs are said to have come in here about the time of the Paris-Massacre. The first pair of black Silk Stockings in England presented to Queen Elizabeth, Anno 1660. Sir Walter Raleigh reputed by some, the first Improver of our late Models of Ships. The best Saddle-Trees are said to be made at Burford in Oxfordshire, and some parts of the North of England. The best Riding-Whips at St Edmundbury in Suffolk. Besides the Fire-Engin above mentioned, there is lately brought into use a portable one, of extraordinary advantage, in regard it is capable of being directed into any particular Room or Chamber. FINIS. THE FOURTH PART OF THE Present State OF ENGLAND. RELATING To its Trade and Commerce within itself, and with all Countries Traded to by the English, as it is found at this Day Established, giving a most exact account of the Laws and Customs of Merchants relating to Bills of Exchange, Policies of Insurance, Fraights, Bottomery, Wreck, Averidge, Contributions, Customs, Coins, Weights, Measures, and all other matters relating to Inland and Marine affairs. To which is likewise added England's Guide to Industry, or Improvement of Trade, for the good of all People in General. Written by a Person of Quality. LONDON, Printed by R. Holt for William Whirwood, near the George Inn in Little Britain, 1683. TO THE READER. REader, wonder not that I present you with the third part of the present state of this famous and Flourishing Island, the which though it has been already largely discoursed on in the former parts, yet it yields such Variety, if considered aright in its several Capacities, that it is a kind of Ingratitude to pass over in Silence the materialest part of its Glory; which has of late rendered the British Empire famous throughout the known World; and caused the Barbarous Nations with admiration to bless our happy Shores, and those whose Industries have rendered the Commodities of this Islands natural Growth valuable as the Gold of Peru, Jemms of India, Spices of Arabia, or Silks and Golden Woofs of Persia. No Nation is there which the Sun's large eye beholds, that ever heard of rich Albion, but were desirous to have Correspondence with her Merchants, and as from the Store-House of the Western World, covet a supply of all things necessary for the use of man, in Lieu whereof the Pregnant Quarters of the Earth's vast Globe, sends us yearly tributes of all that can contribute to our Temporal happiness, then take it not amiss, if after long experience I have ventured to unlock this Cabinet of rarities; and expose it to the public view, which nought but Envy has the power to shut; and sure that cannot be conceived in any English breast, to stifle that whose hughest aim is at the Public good; or if those of other Nations be ashamed to see the Glory of their native Soil, so far eclipsed by ours should endeavour it, yet let them know therein they wrong themselves by repining at the light, which like a favourable Guide to a lost Traveller, would put them in the right way to imitate that which through want of better Experience and Insight, they emulate; yet if any such this. Age produce, it matters not, I referring this work to stand or fall by the Approbation of my judicious Countrymen, for whose Sole Benefit it was compiled by him Who is, Reader, yours to command J. S. A TABLE OF THE CONTENTS. OF the Original of Trade, its Increase and the Method to bring it to its present perfection, etc. Chap. 1 Of the Original of the Companies of London, and how and when Incorporated. Chap. 2. Of the English Merchants trading into most parts, the time of their Incorporating and the Improvement of Navigation. Chap. 3. Of England's Trade in general, a Survey of the Weights, Measures, Coins, Commerce of most of the Counties. Chap. 4. Of the Traffic of London. Chap. 5. Of the Coins of England, settled by the Tower Standard. Chap. 6. Of the Weights and Measures used in England, established by a Standard. Chap. 7. Of the Trade of Scotland, as to its dependencies with England. Chap. 8. A View of Ireland, and its present State and Trade. Chap. 9 A View of the Ocean, and the Islands belonging to the Isle of great Britain. Chap. 10. Of the Measures, Breadth, and Length of English Cloth. Chap. 11. A View of America, and its Trade with England. Chap. 12. A View of Virginia, of the Trade, Names, Customs, and Government of it. Chap. 13. A View of New-England, and the Trade thereof. Chap. 14. A View of Maryland, the Customs and Trade thereof. Chap. 15. A View of the Peruanan Provinces, their Trade and Customs. Chap. 16. A View of Africa, and of the Manners, Customs, Trade, Coins, and Commodities. Chap. 17. Of Tunis, the Trade, Manners, and Customs thereof. Chap. 18. A View of Algiers, of their Trade, Manners, and Customs, and Methods for selling of Slaves. Chap. 19 Of the Kingdom of Fez, and its Trade with England. Chap. 20. Of the Kingdom of Morocco, the Customs, and Trade thereof with England. Chap. 21. Of Nur●idia and Lydia, and their Trade. Chap. 22. A View of Ethiopia and the Trade thereof. Chap. 24. A View of Mosambique, and its Trade. Chap. 25. Of Egypt, and the Trade thereof. Chap. 26. Of Grand Cairo and its Trade. Chap. 27. Of the Isles appertaining to Africa, the Commodities, Trade, Weights, and Measures. Chap. 28. Of Asia, the Trade, Manners, and Customs thereof, of the Money currant, and Commodities, Weights, and Measures. Chap. 29. A View of Syria and its Trade. Chap. 30. Of Aleppo, and the Trade thereof, and the Customs of that famous City. Chap. 31. Of Damascus, and its Trade. Chap. 32. Of Tripoli, and the Trade thereof. Chap. 33. Of Palestine. Chap. 34. Of America, and its Trade. Chap. 35. Of Assyria, Mesopotamia, and Caldea. Chap. 36. Of Media, and its Trade. Chap. 37. Of Persia its Trade and Commodities. Chap. 38. Of Hispaan and its Trade. Chap. 39 Of Tartary its Trade, Coin, and Customs. Chap. 40. Of India, Intra and Extra Gangem. Chap. 41. A View of Cambaia, and its Trade. Chap. 42. A View of Goa, its Trade, Commodities and Customs, etc. Chap. 43. Of Musulipatan. Chap. 44. Of the City of Satagan, the Metropolis of Bengala. Chap. 45. Of Peru, the Trade, Coins, and Customs. Chap. 46. Of Syan and Malacca. Chap. 47. Of China, and their Trade with England. Chap. 48. Of the Islands, in the Asian Seas. Chap. 49. Of the Isles of Molucco's, &c. Chap. 50. Of Javas, and the Trade thereof. Chap. 51. Of other Islands in the Indian Seas. Chap. 52. Of Cyprus its Trade, Growth, and Coins. Chap. 53. A Discourse of Gold and Silver, its true intrinsic value, their Fineness and Alleys, etc. Chap. 54. Of Diamonds and precious Stones, and their value and goodness. Chap. 55. Of the Trade of Europe, and their dependencies on England. Chap. 56. Of Sevil in Spain and its Trade. Chap. 57 Of Malaga, the Customs, Weights, and Measures. Chap. 58. Of Alicant, and its Trade. Chap. 59 Of Madrid, its Trade and Customs. Chap. 60. Of Lisbon, its Trade, Weights, Measures, and Coins. Chap. 61. A View of France, its Trade, Custom, Weights and Measures, etc. Chap. 62. Of Roven and the Trade thereof. Chap. 63. A View of Paris, its Trade, Custom, and Commodities, etc. Chap. 64. Of Lions, and its Trade. Chap. 65. Of Marselia, and its Trade. Chap. 66. Of Naples, and its Trade. Chap. 67. Of Italy, and its Trade. Chap. 68 Of Florence, and its Trade. Chap. 69. Of Milan, and its Trade. Chap. 70. Of the Dukedoms of Mantua and Urbino, and their Trade. Chap. 71. Of Venice, and its Trade. Chap. 72. Of Parma. Chap. 73. Of Leghorn, its Trade, Customs, Weights, and Measures. Chap. 74. Of Genoa, its Trade and Commerce. Chap. 75. Of Luca, and its Trade. Chap. 76. Of Rome, and its Trade, and Customs. Chap. 77. Of Flanders and Holland, their Weights, Measures, Coins, Customs, Traffic. Chap. 78. Of Amsterdam and its Trade. Chap. 79. Of Germany, its Provinces and Trade. Chap. 80. Of Stratsburg, and its Trade. Chap. 81. Of Vicura, its Trade, Weights, and Customs, and Coyn. Chap. 82. Of Hamburg, its Trade, Commodities, Coins, etc. Chap. 83. Of Denmark, its Trade, etc. Chap. 84. Of Elsinore, and the Trade thereof. Chap. 85. Of Norway, its Customs and Tade. Chap. 86. Of Sweedland, its provinces and Trade. Chap. 87. Of Moscovia, and its chief City Moscow, its Trade and Customs, etc. Chap. 88 A View of the Kingdom of Poland its Trade, etc. Chap. 89. Of Hungary, and the adjacent Provinces, their Trade and Manufacture, etc. Chap. 90. A View of Greece, and its Trade, the Manufacture and Trade of Constantinople with England. Chap. 91. A View of the Islands in the Egean and Mediterranean Sea, etc. Chap. 92. Of Candia and other Islands. Chap. 93. Of Zant, Zeffalonia, and their Trade, Commodities, Coin, etc. Chap. 94. Of Sicilia, Malta and Sardinia, their Trade. Chap. 95. Of Greenland & other Northern Islands. Ch. 96. Of the Practice and Custom of Exchanges, and the Benefit thereof. Chap. 97. Of four Bills of Exchange, of presenting, paying and protesting, the Laws and Customs of Merchants therein asserted. Chap. 98. Of the Pair in Exchange, and form of English, Dutch, and French Bills. Chap. 99 Useful observat. on Bills of Exchange. page 300. Of Letters of Credit, and why drawn. p. 312. A Survey of Customs of Tonnage, and Poundage, of Wines of the Growth of France, Germany, Spain, Portugal. p. 314 Of Policies of Assurance, their Original, Legality, Nature, and Quality. p. 325. Of Bottomery, the Signification of it, the Commodity or Discommodity of it. p. 332. Of the Rights, and Privileges of Owners of Ships, and Rules to be observed by them, according to Laws Marine. p. 335. Instructions to be observed by Masters of Ships. p. 337. Of Fraight and Charter part according to Laws Marine. p. 340. Of Wrecks, and Instructions for Masters and Owners in case of Wrecks. p. 344. Of Averidge and Contribution, and what Goods maybe cast overboard in case of a Storm. p. 347. A View of London, with the Customs, Privileges and Exemptions thereof according to the Charters of several Kings of England. p. 351. A Survey of the remaining Ports of England, with their Members, Creeks, etc. together with the Goods Imported and Exported. p. 358. A Table of the Contents of the second Treatise, Entitled, A Discourse of Trade. CHAP I. THat a small Country, and few people by Situation, Trade and Policy, may be Equivalent in Wealth and Strength to a far greater people, and that Conveniencies for Shipping and Water-Carriage, do most eminently and fundamentally conduce thereunto. CHAP. II. That some kind of Taxes and Public Levies may rather increase then diminish the Wealth of the Kingdom. CHAP. III. That France cannot by Reason of natural and perpetual impediments, be more powerful at Sea then England and the low Countries. CHAP. IU. That the people and Territories of the King of England, are naturally as considerable for Wealth and Strength as those of France. CHAP. V. That the impediments of England's greatness, are Contingent and removable. CHAP.. VI That the Power and Wealth of England, has increased these last 40 years. CHAP. VII. That one 10 part of the whole Expenses of the King of England Subjects, is sufficient to maintain 100000 Foot, 40000 Horse, and 40000 men at Sea, and defray all other charges of the Government, both ordinary and Extraordinary, etc. CHAP. VIII. That there are spare Hands enough amongst the King of England's Subjects, to earn two Millions per Annum more than they now do, and that there are also Employments ready, proper and sufficient for the purpose. CHAP. IX. That there is Money sufficient to drive the Trade of the Nation. CHAP. X. That the King of England's Subjects, have Stock Competent and Convenient to drive the Trade of the Whole Commercial World. THE INTRODUCTION. OR THE ORIGINAL OF TRADE, PLAINLY Demonstrating its Increase. The Means and Methods used to bring it to the Perfection it is arrived to at present. And of the great Benefit reaped thereby, both in General, and Particular. CHAP. I. THat Inland & Maritime Trade & Traffic are (with God's Blessings on men's Endeavours) the chief Pillars and support of all Nations, and from whence they had their first rise and greatness is so evident that Arguments to prove it would be ineffectual; yet from the World's Original it had not its perfection, nor indeed could it till Mankind increased, and by spreading wide in the Earth, Peopled its vast Immensity; nor then, for some thousands of Years was it National, but rather in secret between man and man, few People knowing the Benefit of any other commodities then what were of the native growth of those Countries they inhabited; nor so could Riches abound, for Coin was for the most part useless, or indeed not mentioned till the days of Abraham the Patriarch; Exchange of Goods being the only Traffic▪ and consequently on that score few Traded for more than they had present occasion to use, by Reason many things were not of lasting quality, and for that they for the most part Traveled from place to place. Their chiefest Riches consisted in Cattle, but at last when they Builded Cities and Towns, and found the conveniency of a Settlement they extended their Traffic farther, and one City Traded with another, which still spread wider; yet long was it ' ere they found means to plough the Bosom of the Sea, and to hold Commerce and Traffic with remote Nations, which no sooner was brought to my Perfection, but Riches abounding, and Plenty Flowing in on every side, men then (and not till then) began to give their thoughts large scope, and not contented with the Portion of Earth allotted them, began to grow emulous & aspire to universal Sovereignty; as likewise to plant Colonies in (till then) unhabitable Islands▪ which had not Shipping been invented must have continued without inhabitants; as at this time (past doubt) for want of discovery many do in the remote Seas, especially under the Arctic Pole, whose extremity renders them unaccessible, or at least unhabitable; and of all Nations the Greeks were the first that brought Navigation to any Perfection, by which they grew opulent and extended their Colonies to th● utmost Orient, acquiring the Empire of the then known World; their Fame growing every where great, nor could the Romans bring their Warlike Expeditions to any perfection till they were Lords of the Sea, and enriched themselves by Traffic, bringing into that one City the Stores of all Nations; so that from Cottages of Shepherds, who laid her first Foundation, she soon became Magnificent, thrusting up her Lofty Spires, bedecked with Gold so high that they in a manner kissed the Clouds, and rendered her the awful Mistress of the Universe; and by Trade and Industry, more than by Arms, kept up her Reputation for six hundred Years, when ranging the World to find out Countries unconquered, at last, from Gallia, or France, under the leading of Caesar, they entered Britain; a Place then wild and rude, not knowing how to use the abundant plenty that Nature bestowed upon them, but refusing all manner of Dainties, fed upon Roots of Herbs, and Barks of Trees; not Tilling any Ground, nor sowing Corn, otherwise then scattering it on the untilled Surface of the Earth, and harrowing it over with Bushes, suffering their Cattle, Fowl, and Fish, of which they had store, to continue useless, scarcely knowing any shore but their own: Their Traffic, or Merchandise, for the most part amongst themselves, and that but mean; their chief Riches consisting (as Strabo saith) in Ivory-Boxes, Shears, Onches, Bits, Bridles, Chains of Iron, Wreaths, Glass coloured and the like, which they usually delivered to each other as currant Coin, for what their necessity required; but no sooner had the Romans Civilised them, and instructed them in such Arts as were most suitable to their Capacities, and might stand them in greatest stead, but they began to Build Houses (living before for the most in Huts, and going naked) and turned their Leather Boats into Tall Ships, Furrowing the Seas broad back, and discovering many Nations, to them, till then, unknown: So that by Traffic abroad, and Improvement at home, this Island grew famous, and spread its Name to the utmost Limit of the known Earth; so that being rightly termed the Store-House of the Western World, all the Neighbour-Nations Traded hither; so that those Ports and Havens that were for a long time useless, were now filled with Ships of all Nations: So that Silver and Gold was had in Abundance, and Coins in imitation of those the Romans Stamped with the Effigies of their Kings and Princes, which then were many, each County containing two or three, and they for the most part at variance amongst themselves, which gave the Romans an opportunity to become Conquerors at an easier rate than otherwise they could. During the four hundred Years and odd that the Romans Governed here by their Lieutenant's, and sometimes by their Emperors in Person; Rome, and after her Constantinople, the new Seat of Empire, abounded with our Stores, so that more Tribute was paid by this Island then by France and Germany, though Ten times as large; but the fame of Britain's Wealth proved her unhappyness, for the Goth breaking in upon the Roman Empire, whose spreading Top was too large to be supported by the slender Bowl, her Branches was torn off on every side, so that to support their own, the Romans were forced to recall their Legions, who took with them the Flower of the Brittish-Youth, and left her open to the Picts and wild-Irish, who spoiled and wasted all her pleasant Places with Fire and Sword, and after them the Saxons (who were called in to expel them) far worse, so that of a Flourishing Island, it became for many Years a place of Ruin and desolation, all her Nobility Slain, and the residue of her Natives forced to betake themselves to the Fastnesses of Mountains, so that Strangers having grasped the Sceptre, which then Multiplied into seven, from thence called the Heptarchy of the Saxons Trade again ceased, all the Ships either Sunk or Burnt in the Ports; but no sooner was the Bloody Tempest over, but the wounded Island again began to lift up her Head. Foreign Nations again came in with the growths of their distant Soil, and so she again became a Store-House of Wealth; but especially, when the sole Monarchy was reduced under Egbert the nineteenth King of the Westsaxons— under whom things Flourished in a peaceful manner. But soon after, as if Fate had envied her happiness, the Danes (no less Bloody than the Saxons had been) made an Invasion, tempted by the glittering Wealth of this fair Isle, and never left off till they had grasped the Sceptre, and reduced it to the obedience of Canute, under whom again she Flourished more than ever, and so continued to do (Trade increasing and Arts duly improved) till the Conquest by the Norman-Duke, who for a while put a stop to her aspiring, yet soon after gave encouragements to Industry by Grants, Charters, and large immunities; and from him, through the Reigns of several Peaceful Kings, the current of her Prosperity continued. Maritime affairs being prosecuted with such Success, that our Sailors began to Plough (till then) unknown Seas, and so Successfully that they brought home great store of Riches, opening a way to those that succeeded, to bring to perfection what at this day renders us happy in all temporal Blessings. Having thus far proceeded in general to show what Britain has been in her infancy, I shall now proceed to give the Reader an account of such matters as have more immediately conduced to the prosperous and Flourishing Estate, wherein she has for many Years passed remained, and does at present remain; which chiefly, next Heaven, we must attribute to her store of Shipping, and Expertness in Navigation, so long encouraged by her indulgent Kings, who in Peace and War have maintained the Sovereignty of the Seas with Navies almost incredible; so that no Neighbour-Nation durst disturb our Traffic. Not to insist upon King Arthure, who found out the Russian Tracts, and passed on conquering almost to the utmost Orient, attended by a Squadron of three hundred Ships; nor Edgard his Successor, who Ploughed the Bosom of the deep with four hundred Sail, asserting his Sovereignty on the Main, to the admiration of the Neighbour-Nations. Nor was Canute the Puissant Danish King, then Reigning in Britain, less formidable on his watery Empire, being proud to have annexed to his Style Lord of the Ocean. Nor Edward the Confessor, less Potent in Naval forces, as appears by the many Ships of War he set forth to give Battle to his Brother in Law Godwin Earl of Kent, who kept the Seas with a great number of Ships that spoiled and wasted the Coasts of Britain, as appears in the Reign of that King; though indeed Heaven at that time prevented the Shedding of English-Blood, by sending just as they were about to engage a thick Fog to cover the Face of the Deep, so that none could see a Ships length. By this means Seamen were brought up and fitted for Navigation, in such sort that in the Nonage of the Norman-Conquest, as is before said, Traffic abroad began to Flourish; nor was Manufacture, that Sinew of a Nation, less regarded, People being encouraged thereto, not only by the Princes themselves with large Indulgencies, but by such Wealthy Peers and others, as more sought the good of the Publick-Weal than their own Private interest, which ever redounds in the end to their profit. For though the Poor be never so industrious, yet wanting what to Trade with, their Industry will faint; but if they have employment to improve themselves, Lands, and all things else will be improved, and advanced to a higher Estimate, and the growth of England be made of value equal, if not exceeding any European Commodity whatsoever: So that this spot of an Island may, nay is, rightly termed the Store-House of the World, who can subsist of herself, but without whose Commodities few Nations can maintain their Grandeur. But to the purpose: The Kings after the Conquest intending to make this their constant Seat, and making little esteem of their Ancient Inheritance, the Duchy of Normandy did not let to increase the Grandeur of this Kingdom, by granting large Privileges and immunities to those that were Industrious, but especially to the City of London, the chief residence of Royalty, named by many Kings, their Royal Chamber: Nor was any thing thought too dear that might conduce to her Felicity, as appears by the Charter granted by King William the first, commonly called the Conqueror, which was in these words. William King, greeteth William Bishop, and Godfrey Porters and all the Burgesses within London, French, and English, and I grant you, that I will that you maintain and enjoy all your Laws, that you did in the days of King Edward (meaning the Confessor 's) and I will, that each Child be his Father's Heir; and further, I will, that no man wrong you, and so God keep you. This free concession gave scope to Trade, being much augmented by succeeding Kings, so that Tradesman growing numerous, they so prevailed upon the Benign Bounty of the Reigning Princes, that they after long Fraternities obtained at several times to be incorporate in distinct Bodies, or Companies, to Implead, or be Impleaded as one man. The account of which as it happened in divers Kings Reigns, shall in the following Chapters be set down, beginning at the first of the twelve, and so to proceed in order. CHAP. II. The Original of the Companies of the City of London, viz. the Principal twelve, of the time of their being incorporated, and by what Kings and Queens: As likewise the names of all the other Companies, as at this day they stand confirmed. 1. THe Mercers (though then Trading for the most part in Stuffs of the Native growth) were enabled to be a Company, and Permitted to Purchase twenty pounds per Annum Lands, in the seventeenth Year of King Richard the second's Reign, Anno Domini, 1393. 2. The Grocers (though at that time not brought to half the Perfection that now it is) called Pepperers, before were Incorporated, by the name, aforesaid, in the twentieth Year of King Edward the third Anno Dom. 1345. 3. The Drapers for the most part Woollen, were Incorporated in the seventeenth of King Henry the sixth, Anno 1430. having been a Fraternity from the time that King Edward the third so earnestly promoted the Woollen Manufacture by admitting the Flemins and other Nations, the free use of Manual Operation within his Dominions. That so his Subjects might learn the Craft, and not be beholden to other Nations, to work the growth of our own Country, and pay them extraordinary Rates, by the advance of Exportation and Importation; for what might be otherwise ordered to the Advantage and Glory of our own Nation by setting many thousands of Poor people on work, otherwise incapable of getting whereby to subsist. 4. The Fishmongers (a Vocation no less advantageous to this Kingdom by their encouragement of the Fishing-Trade, of which hereafter I shall speak) were (in former times) two Companies viz. Stock-Fishmongers, and Salt-Fishmongers; but in the beginning of the Reign of Henry the Eight, Anno 1509. did bear their Arms as at present they do, and in the twenty eight Year of the King, Anno 1536, were United and incorporated in one Body without distinction. 5. The Goldsmiths (an Ancient Craft, so I may rightly term it, for formerly those that sold worked likewise their own Plate) were Incorporated and confirmed in the sixteenth Year of King Richard the Second Reign. 6. The Skinners had the Favour to be incorporated in the first Year of the Reign of King Edward the third, Anno 1327. and were made a Brotherhood in the eighteenth of King Richard the Second Reign. 7. The Merchant-Taylors had their first patent of Arms granted by Sr. Thomas Holne Clarencieux King at Arms, being then called Tailors, and Linen Armourers, viz. in the twenty first of King Edward the fourth, Anno 1480. and since Incorporated by Henry the Seventh, by the name of Merchant Tailors. viz. in the seventeenth of his Reign, Anno 1501. 8. The Haberdashers, or Hurrers, formerly so called were Incorporated a Brotherhood of St. Catharine in the twenty sixth of Henry the sixth, Anno 1447. and by the name of Merchant's Haberdashers, confirmed in the seventeenth Year of Henry the seventh. 9 The Salters had their Arms, and as many suppose, were confirmed in the twentieth Year of Henry the Eighth 1530. being a Company of good Esteem. The Ironmongers had the Favour to be Incorporated in the third Year of King Edward the fourth, Anno 1462. at which time they were greatly increased, and the Mines of our Nation much improved. 11. The Vintners, formerly called Wine-Tunners were Incorporated in the Reign of King Edward the third, after he had Conquered all Normandy, and by that means engrossed most of the French Vintage; But were not confirmed till the fifteenth of Henry the sixth. 12. The Cloath-Workers had their Arms granted by Thomas Benolt, Clarenceux, in the twenty second Year of Henry the Eighth, but the time of their Incorporation uncertain. And thus in brief, have I declared the Original of the twelve Principal Companies, upon whom the greatest Stress of Trade depends, and by whose prudent Management, and Industry, Britain Flourishes, and at this day lifts up her Head above her Neighbour Nations. Those that remain, are these (whose names I shall only recite, because they tend not much to our purpose, the Dyers, Brewers, Leathersellers, Pewterers, Barbers, Chyrugeons, Armourers, White-Bakers, Wax-chandlers', Tallow-Chandlers, Cutlers, Girdlers, Butchers, Saddlers, Carpenters, Cordwainers, Painters, Curriers, Masons, Plumbers, Inholders, Founders, Embroiderers, Poulterers, Cooks, Cooper's, Bricklayers, and Tilers, Bowyers, fletcher's, Blacksmiths, Joiner's, Plasterers, Weavers, Fruterers, Scriveners, Botlemakers, and Horners, Stationers, Marblers, Wool-packers, Farriers, Paviers, Lorimors', or Lorinors, Brown-Bakers, Woodmongers, upholsterers, Turner's, Glaziors, Clarks, Watermen, Apothecaries, and Silk-Throwsters. All of these are Fraternities, and most of them Incorporated and have Charters of Privilege, and large Immunities, though in the days of our Forefathers, many of them were not known, not having brought their several Trades and Crafts to perfection, for many of which they were obliged to be beholden to Strangers; but the Natives of this Kingdom being▪ naturally Ripe-wited and of a toward Genius, soon became Arts-Masters, and outdid their Teachers; so that at this day, no Nation under Heaven can exceed them (if the Materials be alike) in all respects. But having given the Reader an account of the Respective Companies, whose industry at home, improve to a Miracle, what is brought to them from distant Lands, I shall proceed to give a Relation of the Respective Merchants, whose Traffic by Sea Inriches the Land, whilst the Land finds them with wherewithal to drive on their Commerce with all Nations, from whence any Valuable Merchandise is brought. But before I Launch altogether into the Ocean, I think it would be necessary to relate the Incorporation of the Merchant of the Staple, who once were the chiefest boast, and most profitable to this Nation: Nor indeed less profitable to others, as France, Flanders, Holland, Saxony, and many other Countries, the chief Mart being Established at Calis, a little before taken from the French, by King Edward the third, the profit of our English Wool then chiefly obliging the Flemings to side with us, against their Potent Neighbour. The Merchants of the Staple having been a long while a Fraternity were Incorporated by the aforesaid King Edward the third, and by him endowed with many large Privileges, though at this day the Woollen Manufacture, being greatly increased, every one buys his Commodity where he can find it best Cheap, so that there remaining no fixed Staple, these Merchants are not now of such Repute as formerly. CHAP. III. Of the several English Merchants Trading into most parts, of the time of their Incorporating, and improvement of Navigation. THe English Merchants Trading by Navigation (who by visiting remote Countries, and Trafficking with the Inhabitants, bring in the store of the whole World) are chiefly these, and their Incorporations mostly as followeth. 1. The Merchant's Adventurers, were Incorporated by King Edward the fourth, from which time, they Traded with good Success, until the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, who, for a further encouragement to their Industry, not only confirmed them, but enlarged their Privileges. 2. The Merchants of Russia or Muscovia, who having improved their Trade and Commerce in that Remote Kingdom, to the Enriching their Native Land, were Incorporated by King Edward the sixth, greatly encouraged by Queen Mary, and had their confirmation, with an Augmentation of their Privileges, from the ever favourer of Navigation the Bounteous Queen Elizabeth. 3. The Merchants of Elbing, were Incorporated by Queen Elizabeth, and by her greatly encouraged; she, like a prudent Queen, and Patroness of her Country, well knowing, that by Traffic, not only her Revenues would be improved, but likewise her People be Enriched, and she rendered formidable to her aspiring Neighbours, though since upon some distaste, they have left Trading in that place, and Trade at Hambourg, and other free Cities and Ports. 4. The Turky-Merchants, or Merchants of the Levant, were likewise Incorporated by the same Queen, and were confirmed with a large addition, to their Privileges by King James. 5. The Merchants of Spain, or more properly, Spanish Merchants, or such of our Nation as Traded to Spain, were Incorporated by Queen Elizabeth. 6. The East-India Merchants were Incorporated by Queen Elizabeth, Anno 1600. from which time they have continually inproved their Trade in those remote parts of the World, being now one of the Wealthiest Corporations in Europe; their first rise was by employing a Joint-stock to build Ships (of which now they have Store) and so themselves in imitation of the Portegueses, and other industrious People, Traded to the Indies, and soon found the advantage by bringing home the same Commodities which we before were beholden to Strangers for at second Hand, and dear Rates. 7. In the latter end of Queen Elizabeth's Reign and in the beginning of King James', the Eastland, Greenland, and French Merchants, were settled in companies and Traded with great Success, Building many Ships, and continually employing some thousands of Persons in the Management of their Affairs, Exporting Commodities of our growth, and bring in those of the growth of other Countries. 8. There are likewise a Company of Virginia, or West-India Merchants, whose Industry has much improved our Colonies in America, and advance the King's Revenues in his Customs twenty thousand pound per Annum; which Trade into those parts has, and daily will increase and turn to the Advantage of our Nation, and be a means of making further Discoveries in those vast Seas, in which lie hid past doubt many fair Islands, if not Continents as Rich as those which yield the Spaniard yearly so many Millions of Ducats in Gold o'er, and Bars of Silver. These and other Traders in remote parts make England Flourish, and stand the envy of her Neighbour Nations. There is likewise the Guinnie and Barbary Companies, both Rich in Shipping and Merchandise, having since their Incorporation gotten great Esteem, and much improved Navigation. And now, having given an account of the Constitution and settlement of those in general that drive on the Trade, and Commerce both by Land and Sea, before I Launch into the Ocean, to take a view of other Countries, or to describe their Trade and Traffic I shall expose to Public view the Commodities of my Native Country, with all the Islands and Dominions that surround it. viz. such ●s are subject to the British Sceptre; as also, in due place and order. As also of ●he Currant Coins, the Weights, Measures, and such other Matters relating to Commerce, as are available to the Compiling of this Treatise; and first of Eng●and and Wales. CHAP. IU. Of England, and the Trade thereof in General and Particular, with a Survey of all the Measures, Weights, Currant Coins, Inland Commerce, and what tends to Navigation. A Description of the most material Counties, and of the Trade of Wales in general. ENgland, the Head of the British Empire, is in every Place so admirable abounding with plenty, that to describe her in every part of her Trade and Beautiful Situation, would exact a large Volume. Therefore I shall only in brief expose to view what is most material as to my purpose: And first, I shall begin with Cornwell, as being the remotest of the English Counties, or Provinces; though it be in itself, in many places, to appearance a Barren and Mountainous Country, yet does it produce Rich Mines of Tinn, which brought to perfection, is of great esteem in all Countries. With it there is also digged Gold and Silver, though hardly worth refining, the Earth not having heat enough to bring it to perfection; there is found likewise a Stone Transparent, naturally form in Angles and Points like a Diamond, which was it not so common, might merit high esteem. On that Coast, Herrings and Pilchards are taken in great number, which not only sustain the Inhabitants, but being dried prove good Merchandise in Spain, France, Flanders, and Italy. The Sea Coast is adorned with many Towns, of which Falmouth is chief, being capable of receiving many Vessels; nor is St. Ives of less note, yielding great store of Fish, not reckoned less yearly than four or five thousand Hogsheads of Pilchards, and five hundred Barrels of Herrings, besides some Tuns of Congerdoust, & great store of Ray-Fish, which employs some hundreds of the Inhabitants, and enables them to provide plentifully for their Families, and reserve, as the old saying is, a Penny against a rainy day. These Commodities, viz. Pilchards, are vended by the Hogshead, four of them making a Tun, as likewise by the thousand, they allowing twelve hundred small Tale to the thousand, and a Barrel of Herrings, commonly thirty Gallons, is sold to the Merchants for eighteen Shillings, twenty Shillings, or according as the fishing Season is propitious; Congerdoust is sold by the Kintale, viz. one hundred and twelve pound to the Kintale; Ray-fish are for the most part sold fresh, and that by the Dozen, at two Shillings four Pence, two Shillings six Pence, and sometimes three Shillings per Dozen, but their Dozen are extraordinary large, they allowing sometimes sixty to the Dozen, but sometimes less, according to the Custom of the Place; their Weight is one hundred and twelve pound according to the Slander, their Yard and el equal to those of London. Their Bushel for Grain and Salt imported contains twenty eight Gallons Water Measure, and so proportionable the greater or the lesser Measures; but their Bushel used in Public Markets for Corns is but twenty Gallons, their Gallon agreeing with the Winchester Gallon. The Bakers in those parts are but few, and the most thing they stand in need of is Salt, Ten thousand Bushel being yearly spent in Curing their Fish. The manner of taking Pilchards and Herrings is with Nets, but the Ray-Fish with Hooks; the first being Fished for from the first of July till the first of January; the second, from Michalemass till Christmas; and the third and last, only in the Prime of Summer; sixty Boats, and about four hundred men being employed therein. Devonshire is no less Rich in Veins of Tin: adorned it is with many Towns and good Havens; as Exon, Dartmouth, and Plymouth, the latter famous for producing the worthy Sr. Francis Drake. The Seaports, as the former, most Subsist by Fishery. Dorsetshire abounds in Cattle, Fertile Pastures, and Linen Manufacture; it's chief Towns being Dorchester, and Waymouth. Somersetshire is famous for the many Trading Places contained in its Circuit, but especially in Bristol, the second City of England for Naval Commerce, as being stored with Merchant's Trading into most parts of the known World; it abounds in Riches, and the County no less in Corn, Cattle, Wool, Woollen, Cloth Serges, and other valuable Commodities, which they Trade withal to other adjacent Counties. Darbyshire, the Head of which is the Town of Derby abounds in plenty of Corn, Leaden Mines, and other Minerals. Wiltshire is an Inland County, but the people Frugal and industrious, their chief Commodity is Woollen-Cloth, which is dispersed all over England, and brings them a good return, maintaining at least three thousand Persons in Carding, Spining, Weaving, Shearing, Dressing, and the like; the Head of this County is Salisbury. Hampshire, famous for the great Trade of Honey therein, whose chief Cities are Southampton, and Winchester. Berkshire, is famous for Cloth-working, abounding in Cattle, Rich Pastures, Artificers, Fruits of all sorts, and all things else necessary for the Subsistance of man. Surry, is no less abounding in all plenty than the former, and of greater Trade, by Reason of its nearness to the City of London, that Mouth of the Nation, by Reason of which its Inhabitants have the better opportunity to vend the growth of that County. Sussex and Kent, abound in Fruits, Corn, Wood, Wax, Honey, Cattle, and all other necessary Commodities, which by Reason they border on the Sea, they have opportunity to dispose of at good rates. Glocestershire, is for the most part employed in the Woollen Manufacture, Gloucester being the Head City. In it are found those famous Hills of Cots-Wold on which numerous Flocks of Sheep Feed, and afford the best Wool in Europe. Oxford, is famous for her Rich Pastures, store of Cattle, and Corn, but above all for her University in her chief City of Oxford. Buckingham, Bedford, and Hertfordshires, are adorned with pleasant Buildings, rich Pastures, store of Corn, pleasant Rivers abounding with Fish, and Forests of Stately Oaks, with which the Wall of the Nation, viz. our Ships of War are made; nor is Venison in abundance wanting, nor any sort of Fowls common in England. Middlesex, and Essex, the first famous for Buildings, and so long together containing the Palaces of our King's Courts of Judicature, and above all encompassing the famous City of London. The second, for store of Cattle the many famous Ports, and the Commodity received by shipping, the Silver Thames Washing her Southern Shoar as far as the Hope, it abounding likewise in Corn, Cheese, Butter, and the like. Suffolk and Norfolk, next take place; the first famous for Butter, Cheese, Cloth, Cattle, Corn, Wool, and what not: The second for Deer, Conneys, Sheep, Daries, and store of Corn; but above all, for containing the famous City of Norwich, which for Industry ought to be accounted the chief Boast of England, it being seated upon the River You're, from whence Yarmouth takes its name, and thirty Miles from the Sea by Water, though not above sixteen by Land, has little foreign Trade, save only with Holland; the chief Trade being with the City of London, the chief Commodities being Stuffs, and Stockings, which are made for the most part in the City; it not being guessed, that less than one hundred thousand pounds-worth of Stuffs every Year are sent up to London; which Stuffs making and disposing of be under the Government of two Companies, the one called the Worstes Company, the other the Russia Company: Those Manufactures under the Government of the Worsted Company (and approved by the Wardens thereof) have a Seal affixed to each, on the one side inscribed Norwich, on the other, such letters as stand for the Wardens Names, that are at the Sealing thereof. The other Seal has on one side these words, viz. Worsted Reform, and on the other in Figures containing the quantity of Yards the Piece contains. Those called the Russia Company, the Manufacture, under whose Government to be approved, by them is Sealed on the one side with these words▪ Fidelitas Artes alit. This Suff Trade is managed by Partner-Ship between the London and Norwich Merchants, great quantities whereof have been, and are exported to furnish other Nations, especially Spain, and the West-indias'. The Stockings here vended, are reckoned to amount to near sixty thousand pounds per Annum, being most knit by Children incapable of other Labour; so that at eight Years of Age, many of them will earn four pence or six Pence a day▪ these latter are not under any Governor, but have their Materials found them by certain Citizens, as well of that City, as of London, which when made into Hose, are sent over Sea, most of them, to furnish the Neighbour Nations. The County likewise affords Sheep, Coneys, and Kine in abundance, as also, store of Corn, especially Barley; which being turned into Malt is sent up to London, as likewise into Scotland; all Corn is sold according to the Custom of the Country by the Score, which is twenty Cooms, every Coome containing four Bushels, and to every Score one Coomes is allowed overplus. Their Weights and Measures, both dry and wet, are consistent to the London Weights and Measures. In the like manner abound Cambridgshire, Northamptonshire, Huntingtonshire, Leicestershire, Rutland, Lincolnshire, notinggamshire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Staffordshire, Shropshire, Cheshire, Herefordshire, Yorkshire, the County of Richmond, Bishopric of Durham, Lancashire, Westmoreland, Cumberland, Northumberland. And the strong Town and Territories of Barwick upon Tweed, all abounding in store of things necessary and convenient for the profit and pleasure of man. In brief, England affords more Merchandise than any one Nation in Europe, as Perpetuanas Bays, Sesse, Serges, Cotton, Woollen, Cloth of all sorts, Kerseys, Buffins, Mocadoes, Grogram, Satins, Calimancates, Velvets, Plushes, Worsted, Fustains, Durances, Tukes, Coney-skins, Squiril-Skins, Fitches, Calf-Skins, Hides. Also by Mines it produceth, first by Tin twelve hundred thousand pounds yearly, Led eight hundred Foders yearly, Alum eight hundred Tuns yearly, Iron of all sorts eight hundred Furnaces daily, Sea Cole yearly 50000000. Cauldron yearly, Salt 300000. Ways yearly; as likewise all manner of Grain, as Oats, Wheat, Barley, Rye, Pease, etc. likewise Linen Cloth, Tallow, Leather, Glass, and Glasses of all sorts, Venice, Gold, and Silver, Train Oil, Salmon, Pilchards, Herrings, Conger, Gaberdine, Hops, Wood, Cheese, Butter, Salt-Peter, Gunpowder, Honey, Wax, Alabaster, Wools, Yarns, and the like, too many here to insert. Nor is Wales in most parts less furnished, it consisting of the Isle of Anglesea, the shires of Flint, Denbigh, Carnarvan, Merioneth, Montgomery, Cardigan, Pembroke, Carmarden, Glamorgan, Radnor, Brecknock, Monmouth, abounding in Cattle, Pastures, divers useful Manufactures; nor are the industry of the Inhabitants wanting to improve the product of their Country to the best advantage, being a frugal sort of People, insomuch that wherever they Plant themselves they are thrifty, and increase the smallest Stock to considerable advantage. Thus having taken a view of all England and Wales, viz. as to Traffic, and the native Commerce, London excepted: I shall now take a view of that great Metropolis, having purposely reserved her for the last, she being as Crown to the rest of the Nation, and indeed the Beauty of the Universe. CHAP. V. The Traffic of London. LOndon, the Mistress of Cities, is placed upon the Banks of the River of Thames, whose Silver Ebbs and Flows continually wash her Beautiful Walls, she being supposed to be eight Miles in Circuit especially if the Liberties be included, and before the dreadful Conflagration in sixty six, was adorned with one hundred twenty two stately Churches, and now not guessed to contain less (within the Circuit of her Liberties and all) than 5 if not 600000. Souls, she being the Centre of the Nation, and chief Receptacle of all Commodities, as well of the native growth, as from all Parts of the Earth, being the residence of the Merchants and Factors of all Trading Nations, abounding in the Riches of France, Spain, Holland, Denmark, Sweedland, Russia, Italy, Turkey, Arabia, China, Persia, Egypt, both the India's, and of all other Places where any Commerce is had, or from whence any Commodities are brought. For an instance of the greatness of her Trade and Traffic, I shall only insist upon the Levant Merchants, who yearly employ four or five thousand Sailors, besides Porters, Weighers, Bargemen, Lightermen, Carmen, Shipwrights, Cankers, and others which cannot amount to less than three thousand more, and are not adjudged to pay less than five thousand pound per Annum for Customs. The Goods they export is Cloth, Tin, etc. for which they import Silks, Cottons, Galls, Grograms, Spices, Drugs, Currants, etc. The general Traders in this City are the Companies in the _____ Chapter, who Trade for ready money by Bills of Exchange, Verbal credit; and some Trades deal one with another by Exchange of Commodities, by mutual allowance at such prices as the Commodity bears. The general way of buying valuable Merchandise, as to Inland Trade, is by keeping Factors in the Country, or by holding Correspondence with those that make it their business to improve Manufacture or keep Fairs and Marts, there to buy up Commodities of all sorts, when advantage offers. As for Merchandise imported from other Countries, the Royal Exchange is the place most proper for Bargains, where every day, Sunday and other high days excepted, between the Hours of 11. and 1. Merchants of all Nations meet and discourse of their affairs. The way of payment is, either to draw a Bill upon some Shopkeeper, Merchant of London, or other Wealthy Person: Or upon some Correspondent beyond Sea; which Bill specifies payment upon sight, or the time in which it is to be Paid (which shall be more at large demonstrated when I come to Treat about Bills of Exchange) or to take the Parties word for Months, or a Bill under his Hand for performance, for which there is no certain rule, but as those who Trade can agree. There are likewise several Persons employed that are called Change-Broakers, who are usually employed to buy up Commodities for Shopkeepers, as they see advantage, also to make returns of money, viz. for so much money received in London or any adjacent City, Town, or Village, you shall have a Bill to receive to the value of it in the Currant Coin of France, Spain, Holland, or any other Neighbouring Country, where your Occasions require it. There is likewise an Office that if any Person delay, to pay a Bill he has accepted, and Trifle with him that is to receive the money, or refuse to accept of a Legal Bill, you may protest against the Party or Bill, which is entered, and may at any time be seen, that so men may be cautious in accepting Bills drawn upon any such Persons: If a Merchant fail in the World, it is no sooner known, but notice is given upon the Change. These, and many more are the ways and Customs of Managing Trade in the City of London; but these are the Principal, and what remains shall be hereafter touched as I shall see Convenient. CHAP. VI Of the currant Coins of England as they have been settled by the Tower Standard, etc. MOney being the Life of Commerce, it will not be amiss to set down the several currant Coins of Gold and Silver, according to their true Value, and as they go currant at this day, especially Silver, but Gold not unless full Weight, by Reason old Gold is sometimes diminished by keeping carelessly. The old Gold Coins now currant are pieces of Twenty two Shillings Sterling, but currant at one pound five Shilling six pence. Pieces of eleven Shillings Sterling, currant at twelve Shillings six pence. Pieces of twenty Shillings Sterling, currant at one pound three Shillings six pence. Pieces of Ten Shillings Sterling, currant at eleven Shillings six pence. Pieces of five Shillings Sterling, currant at five Shillings nine pence. Pieces of two Shillings nine pence the 1/● part twenty two Shillings. Pieces of two Shillings six pence the 1/● part of twenty Shillings. The currant new Milled Gold. Pieces of five pound, currant at five pound seven Shillings six pence. Double Guinnies currant at two pound three Shillings, sometimes more▪ Guinnies currant at one pound one Shilling six pence. Half Guinnies currant at Ten Shillings nine pence. The Silver currant Coins are pieces of Five Shillings Sterling. Pieces of two Shillings six pence Sterling. Pieces of twelve pence called Shillings. Pieces of six pence Sterling. Pieces of thirteen pence half penny Sterling. Pieces of nine pence Sterling. Pieces of four pence half penny Sterling. Pieces of four pence Sterling. Pieces of three pence Sterling. Pieces of two pence Sterling. Pieces of one penny Sterling. Pieces of a half penny Sterling. Piece of a half penny of Copper. Pieces of one farthing of Copper. The Account thus, four Farthings make a Penny Sterling; twelve Pence make a Shilling Sterling; five Shillings make a Crown; four Crowns make twenty Shillings, or one Pound; though some there be that Reckon by Marks, Nobles, and Angels, which is only in the remote parts of the Kingdom. A Noble is six Shillings and eight pence, a Mark thirteen Shillings and four pence, an Angel is two Crowns, or Ten Shillings. CHAP. VI A view of the Weights and Measures used in England, as they are Established by Standard, and confirmed by the Laws of the Nation, and by Parliament. THe usual Weights that pass throughout England, are Troy Weight, and Averdupois-Weights; the former consisting of twelve Ounces, each Ounce to consist of twenty Penny Weight, the Penny Weight to consist or twenty four Grains; and this Weight is commonly used in Weighing of Bread, Gold, Silver; all Physical matters, as Electuaries, Powders, and the like; eight pounds of this Weight being reckoned to Weigh a Gallon, and from thence Multiplied to any greater Measure; four Gallons making a Peck, four Pecks a Bushel, and _____ Bushels a Quarter. Wet Measures are likewise derived from this Weight, both at Land and Sea, viz. twelve Troy Ounces is a Pint of Liquids', eight Pints a Gallon; which of either Wine, Beer, or Ale, is eight pounds Troy, according to the Standard of the Exchequer, and Acts of Parliament of the XI. and XII. of Henry the seventh. And by this Rule the Cooper's make their Casks for all vendible Assize, vix. a Hogshead to contain sixty three Gallons, a Tearce eighty four, a Pipe one hundred twenty six, a Tun two hundred fifty two Gallons; as likewise all Casks made for packing up Fish, as a Salmon Butt to contain eighty four Gallons, the Barrel twenty four, a Herring Barrel thirty two, an Eel Barrel forty two, a Soap Barrel thirty two Gallons, the lesser Casks to be divided accordingly. The other Weight, viz. Averdupois, wherewith is Weighed Butter, Cheese, Flesh, Wax, all manner of Grocery, and indeed most Commodities vended in England; it consists of sixteen Ounces to the pound, and is called Garbel, by Reason a Draught or Waste is allowed to every weighing: Seven pound of this Weight is accounted to weigh a Gallon of Wheat, and so Multiplied to fifty six pound the Bushel; seven pound Averdupois, is one hundred and two Ounces of Troy; from whence it is accounted that a Bushel of Wheat must weigh one hundred and twelve pound, and a quarter four hundred forty eight pounds Averdupois, and so consequently fourteen pound Averdupois is sixteen pound eleven Ounces Troy; and as one penny Sterling is the twentieth part of an Ounce Troy, so seven pound twelve Shillings Sterling is eighty four Ounces, a half and two penny Weight of Troy, and six pound eight Shillings Sterling, is eighty two pound ¾ Ounce, and one penny Weight; and from these two are the Weights of Household, Wheaten and White Bread Calculated. The Weigh of Cheese is by Averdupois, and runs thus. The Weigh of Cheese one hundred and twelve pound Averdupois, and the two hundred containing two hundred twenty four pounds, consists of thirty four Cloves, every Clove being seven pound. The Weigh of Suffolk Cheese is two hundred fifty six, and the Weigh of Essex Cheese three hundred thirty six pound Averdupois. A Sack of Wool was accounted three hundred fifty four pound Averdupois: two Weighs of Wool make a Sack, and two Sacks a Last. The last of Herrings is ten thousand, every one thousand to contain ten hundred, and every hundred sixscore, that is, before they are Barrelled. Lead is sold by the Fodder, containing nineteen hundred and ½ at one hundred and twelve per cent. Averdupois. This Weight likewise of sixteen Ounces to the pound is made three several Quintars' for Weighing several sorts of Merchandise; the first is of fivescore pound just to the hundred, and called one hundred Sutle, whereby fine Commodities as Spices, Drugs, and the like are sold, which are accounted by the pound, and to which over and above is allowed by the Seller four pound, upon one hundred and four pound taken from the overplus, derived from the Weights of Antwerp for Spices, and called by the name of Tret. The second of the Quintars' is one hundred and twelve, viz, fivescore and twelve to the hundred, by which all Gross Commodities are weighed. The third is sixscore to the hundred, by which Tinn is weighed to his Majesty's Farmers, and some other few Commodities; and is called by the name of the Stannery hundred. From this Averdupois Weight, by division the Weight called the Stone, which is twofold, the long, and the short; the long is accounted four pounds' Averdupois, and the short eight, but in this there is no certainty, for it differs according to the Customs of Counties and Markets. There is an other thing in use called a Tod, some places seven pound, others eight, and some again ten, being altogether variable. They have likewise a Clove of twenty pound, twenty eight pound, thirty two pound, and the like. There are likewise in most Markets for weighing of Flesh Stillyards used, but without the Approbation of the Buyers; they being unintelligible to many, and oftentimes false; first invented for the Weighing Hay, and Straw, for which uses indeed they are only proper. Averdupois consists of sixteen Ounces, every Ounce consisting of eight Drams, and every Dram of sixty Grains; so that by it the Raw-Silk of Persia, and Turkey, are sold, but then twenty four Ounces are allowed to the pound, or a pound and an half, etc. Thus having distinguished these Weights which are of such use in this Nation, it is not amiss that I show you what accord the one hundred and twelve pound Suttle has with other Nations, and Places of Traffic, as for the Equality of Weight though they differ in number. In Europe, it agrees with the Weights of Mersella, the Venetia Sotile, the Venetia Gross, Sicilia, Lisbon, Florence, Anvers, Lions, Sevil, Dantzick, Bruges. In Africa, and Asia, with the Weights of Aleppo, Aleppo, Tripoli, Syria, Tripoli, Barbaria, Alexandrio-Zera, Alexandria, Forfar, Forfar, Scio, Constantinople, Rhodes, Acria, Babylon, Balsola, and Ormus. And thus you see, Reader, the Industry and Improvement of the English Nation, which now I must leave, and take a View of Scotland. CHAP. VIII. A view of Scotland, and the Trade thereof in General, together with the Coins, Customs, and Increase of that Ancient Kingdom. SCotland (by Reason of its continuing a distinct Kingdom for so many hundred Years, even till the happy Union by King James, and indeed does yet in most things, unless the Prerogative Royal) is thought worthy to be Treated of separately, though indeed, the North part of Britain, and only separated from England by the Rivers Tweed, Salway, and the Cheviot-Hills. It's chief City is Edenburg, which contains the King's Palace, the Courts of Justice, & consists of one great Street, of a Mile in Length; into which all the Petty Streets and Lanes open. The next chief Cities and Towns are Glasgow, (the See of an Archbishop, and an University) St. Andrews, Sterling, Perth, Aberdeen, Dondes, St. John's Town, etc. The currant Money consists of Gold and Silver, and are as followeth. Pieces of twenty two Shillings Sterling. Pieces of eleven Shillings Sterling. Pieces of five Shillings six pence Sterling. Pieces of two Shillings nine pence Sterling. Pieces of four Shillings four pence ⅜ Sterling. Pieces of one Shilling one half penny Sterling. Pieces of nine Shillings six pence, being ⅔ of the thirteen pence half penny. One Mark. Pieces of four pence half penny Sterling. But note that thirteen pence half penny Sterling, is accounted a Scotch Mark, or thirteen Shillings four pence Scotch; sixpence three-farthings, a Scotch Noble, accounted six Shillings and eight pence; twenty pence Sterling is accounted a Mark and a half Scotch, or one pound Scotch, of twenty Shillings Sterling is eighteen Scotch Marks; so that Strangers unacquainted with their Money hearing them discourse about it think them far Richer than they are. They have other Pieces of Copper Money of small Value, as Babaes', Bodles, hard Heads, and the like; but indeed they have Principally the money of England, which is currant in that Kingdom, and of late have abounded in Silver. The chief Commodities of the Country are Cloth, Freezes, Fish, Hides, Salt, Led o'er, Tallow, Grain of all sorts, Feathers, Iron, Alum, Seacole, commonly called Scotch-Coal, and are divided into two parts, viz. The Highland, and Lowland, which are divided into Sherifdoms, and Fifes. They have an Exchange in imitation of ●urs at London, but especially used for the Exchange of moneys with England. The keeping of their accounts, divers ways; some keep them according to the Method of England, others according to the Ancient use and Custom of their own Nation, which is in Marks valuable as aforesaid. Their Weight for weighing Merchandise is but one, and with that they buy and sell throughout the Kingdom; it contains sixteen Ounces to the pound, and one hundred of those pounds make their Quintal; which in England is one hundred and eight pounds' Averdupois; and one hundred pound London Suttle Weight makes ninety two of theirs, or one hundred and twelve English one hundred and three and a half of Scotch; their Measures for Linen, Stuffs, Cloth, or Silk, is the Ell which is wanting of ours, insomuch that it differs from our Yard four per cent. that is, four Yards in a hundred els, so that seventy five Yards, or sixty els English make seventy two Scotch, but in Tale to every hundred they Reckon sixscore. In Measure for Corn, Coals, Salt, Wine, Beer, Ale, Oil, and the like, they come near at one with ours. Their Navigation is but small, for the most part Trading with England, and Ireland, yet are they a People frugal and much bend to improve the growth of their Country. And thus having taken a view of Scotland, and the Trade thereof I must pass over into Ireland the third Diamond in the British Diadem. CHAP. IX. A view of Ireland, and of the Trade, Manners, and Present State of that Kingdom. IReland, is divided into four Provinces, viz. Lempster, Munster, Connought, Ulster, and Meath, and is four hundred Miles in Length, and two hundred in Breadth, the chief Cities and Towns are Dublin, Kinnsail, London Derry, Limrick, Cork, Waterford, Armah, Dungannon, Marleburg, Phillips-Town, Kildare, and Tradah. This Kingdom abounds in Navigable Rivers, store of Fish, Cattle, and Hides; which are Transported into Spain, France, and Italy; Salmon are caught in such abundance in July, and August, that many Servants in the places of that Fishery, Covenant with their Master upon their being hired, that they will not feed upon Salmon, but only so many days in a Week. These they Salt and Barrel up, sending them into all the Neighbouring Countries, where they are received as good Merchandise; the Herring Fishery is likewise used and improved by them, as likewise Pilchards, which are taken in August, September, and October; and Transported into Spain, France, and the straits of Gibraltar: they have store likewise of Butter, Cheese, Calves-Skins, and other necessary Commodities: Their Corn for the most part is the same with ours, yet in value not the same, for a pound Sterling Irish, is worth, according to the Intrinsic value, no more than fifteen Shillings English, and the Shilling consequently but nine pence Sterling, six pence Irish but four pence half penny Sterling. The Exchange is practised in the City of Dublin, but of little use as to any Transmarine Places, unless England, and there Principally London and Bristol, commonly running at eight pence upon the pound, or at most but one Shilling, which is but five pound per cent. The Weights and Measures are (or for the most part) consistent to those of England, and in fine it is a Country exceeding fertile, abounding in all things necessary for the use of man, which would turn to great advantage, were the Inhabitants but Industrious, especially in fitting out Ships for Navigation; but they for the most part roave abroad, improving other Countries, and neglecting their own. Their chief Merchandise are in Fish, which they send into France, Spain, England, Scotland, and other parts of Europe. And thus I shall leave this Kingdom and return, or rather Sail round Britain, to take a View of the Islands of the Sea, or Ocean Islands. CHAP. X. A view of the Ocean Islands, and of their Trade, viz. such as are Subject to his Majesty of great Britain. THe Ocean Islands are scattered in the British Sea like so many Pearls to adorn the Imperial Diadem, and are first, the Orcadeses, or Isles of Orkney, thirty two in number. The chief of which is Pomonia, which abounds in Mines of Tinn and Lead: The next Hethy; and the other (there being only three of them of note) Shethland bearing Fruit-Trees of strange kinds. Especially those whose Blossoms dropping into the Warter become Flying Birds. The next are the Islands of the Hebrides, in number forty four; the chief whereof is Illa, abounding with store of Venison. And Jona, famous for the Sepulchers of the Scottish Kings; as likewise Mulla, where the Redshanks inhabit, once so fearful to England; the rest are of little note. The Islands called the Sorlings are one hundred forty five: The Principal are Armath, Agnes, Samson, and Scilly, after which name all the rest are called. The Inhabitants thereof Trade in Fishery, sow Corn, and addict themselves to Manufacture. The Isle of Man, is a square Island, being ten Miles in Length, and as many in Breadth; the growth of it is Flax, Hemp, Oats, Barley, and Wheat, having store of Cattle and other Merchandise brought in thither by Shipping; the chief Towns are Ballacury, Russin, or Chasteltown. The Isle of Anglesey, is accounted a Shire of Wales; and by some called the Mother of Wales, being twenty four Miles in Length, and seventeen Miles over; Fruitful it is, even beyond report, in Corn, Fruits, Cattle, Fowl, and Fish; improved by several Profitable Manufactures: The Inhabitants making great store of Butter and Cheese, and send out of it yearly three thousand Head of Cattle: It's chief Town is Beaumaris, very Commodious for Shipping. Jersey is a fair Island, in Compass twenty Miles, peopled with Industrious Inhabitants, yearly improving their Commodidities and vending them to good advantage. Trading with England and France especially, famous for the many fine Orchards and Gardens: the chief Towns and places of Traffic being St. Mallo, and St. Hillary; the former being nightly Guarded without the Walls. From this Island twenty Miles distant is Guernsey, Surrounded with spacious Harbours; and in every part Fertile, stored with Cattle, and lying Commodious for Shipping, Facing the Coast of France; and hath for its chief Town St. Peter. The last of the Isles Surrounding Britain, is the famous Isle of Wight, which is twenty Miles long, and twelve over, and abounds with all things wherewith England is stored, divided from Portsmouth but by an Arm of the Sea, lying most Commodious for the Reception of Shipping; and for it's chief Towns has Yarmouth, Newport, and Bradring. And thus much for the Islands of the Sea, surrounding Britain: And now I shall only take a short Survey of some things further appertaining to the Trade of Britain, and so Launch into the Ocean, and take a view of the remotest Parts of the World, especially such as are Traded to by the English. What more remains, is an account of such Commodities of English-growth and Manufacture, as are Exported, being Staple Commodities, and the common Cargo of outward bound Vessels. CHAP. XI. A further Account of the Measures of England, with a true Proportion of the Weight of English clothes. FIrst, for the Breadth, Measure and Weight of English-Cloath, that chief of Staple-Commodities, Kent, York, and Redding clothes are six quarters and a half broad, and aught to weigh eighty six pounds; the Cloth in the Peice are in length thirty, and thirty four Yards. Suffolk, Norfolk, and Essex clothes of seven quarters wide, are eighty pounds Weight, twenty nine and thirty two Yards in Length. Worcester, Coventry, and Hereford clothes of six quarters and a half, are in Weight seventy eight pound, and in Measure thirty, & thirty three Yards. Gloucester, Oxon, and Wiltshire, and Summersetshire clothes, of seven quarters wide weigh seventy six pounds, and in length twenty nine, and thirty two Yards. Suffolk Sorting clothes of six quarters and a half wide, aught to weigh sixty four pound, and to be in length twenty four and twenty six Yards. All sorts of clothes that are six quarters and a half wide, aught to weigh sixty pound, and be twenty four and twenty six Yards in length; broad and narrow Yorkshire of four quarters wide, weigh thirty pound, and in length are twenty four, and twenty five Yards. Broad-Cloath of Taunton, Dunstable, and Bridg-Water of seven quarters, weigh thirty pound the Cloth, and in Measure are twelve, and thirteen Yards. Devonshire Kerseys, and Dossens of four quarters, weigh thirteen pounds, in Measure twelve, and thirteen Yards. Chequer Kerseys, Grays, Striped and Plain of four quarters are in Weight twenty four pound, in Measure seventeen, and eighteen Yards. Ordinary Penistons or Forests of three quarters and a half, in Weight twenty eight pound, in Measure twelve and thirteen Yards. Sorting Peniston of six quarters and a half are pounds thirty five, Yards thirteen and fourteen. Washers of Lancashire and others the clothes are seventeen pounds in Weight, in Measure seventeen and eighteen Yards. This Custom of assizing clothes at a certain Weight was first imposed for the preventing defrauds in making slight sleasy, or imperfect clothes, and if any of the aforesaid clothes prove otherwise then is specified, the maker, or seller, aught to allow according to the want, either in Width, Length, or Weight, and for so refusing, may be sued for a defraud. To bring this to perfection the Weight of Wool is thus, the Sack of Wool doth contain three hundred sixty four pounds, the Tod twenty eight pound, thirteen Tods being accounted to a Sack; every Tod being four Nails, and every Nail, seven pound: The Sack of Wool is imputed to finish four Standard clothes, of twenty four Yards each in length, & six Yards & half quarter wide, of sixty pound Weight, commonly called Sorting clothes. In the Weight it is to be noted whether the clothes are thick Milled, well scoured, and throughly dried, that the same be Measured by the Yard, and that an Inch be allowed to every Yard: And thus much for Woollen Manufacture. And now I am entering on Shipboard, to view the World, and to pass the unfathomed Paths of the Deep. It will not be amiss to give a more full though brief account of the Measures whereby such things are Measured as are sent on Board for the Subsistance of those that go down into the Deep, etc. as thus, the English Measures for all Grain according to the Statues in that case made and provided are the Pint, Quart, Pottle, Gallon. A Gallon being eight Pints, four Quarts, two Potles; the Peck two Gallons, the half Bushel, two Pecks, the Bushel, two half Bushels, the Strike two Bushel, the Cornock two striketh, the Quarter, two Cornocks. The Weigh either of Corn or Salt is forty six Bushels; and the Last is eighty Bushels. Note in Salt Water Measure is allowed, viz. five Pecks to the Bushel. Liquid Measures thus, the Ale Firkin to contain eight Gallons, Kilderkin sixteen, and the Barrel thirty two. A Beer Firkin ought to contain nine Gallons, the Firkin eighteen, and the Barrel thirty six; the Kilderkin of Wine ought to be eighteen Gallons, the Barrel thirty one, the Hogshead sixty three, the Tertian eighty four, the Butt, or Pipe one hundred twenty six, the Tun two hundred fifty two. A Runlet of Oil ought to be eight Gallons and a half, a Hogshead sixty three, a Pipe one hundred twenty six, and the Tun one hundred fifty two; though as to Oil in the Measure thereof, the Custom of London differs from the Statute, allowing but seven pound to each Gallon, and by that means the Tun is reduced to one hundred thirty six, and so at this day 'tis sold; and thus far having proceeded to give those that are desirous to Trade, or Traffic, either by Land, or Sea, an insight into most of the English growth, and Manufactures; I shall now hoist up Sail and bear before the Wind, not intending to cast Anchor till my adventurous Bark arrive in the late discovered America, to take a View of the Trade and Traffic thereof, and from thence into Africa, so to Asia, and then to Europe, all along observing the Cities, Towns, Ports, Havens, Bays, either in Continent or Island; in whatsoever place the English have any Traffic of note; or any other European Navigators. CHAP. XII. A View of America, of its Provinces, and the Trade thereof. AMerica, the so long unknown Part of the World, was first discovered by Columbus, a Genoese, at the charge of Ferdinand and Isabel, King and Queen of Castille; who setting sail from Sevil, after sixty three days, discovered that vast Continent, which was seconded by Amerious Vesputius, a Florentine, at the charge of Emanuel King of Portugal, who making a perfect Discovery of that Golden place, had the Honour to have it called by his Name. The next that made any considerable discovery, was Sebastian Cabbot, a Native of Bristol, being furnished out for that purpose by our King Henry the seventh; and since him several of our English Navigators have improved his Discovery, as Sr. Francis Drake, Willowby, Candish, Burroughs, Forbisher, Davis, etc. This Immensity is for the most part possessed by the Spaniards, and divided into two parts, viz. Mexicana, and Peruana; and the former again divided into these following Provinces, viz. Mexico, Nicaragua, Quivira, Jucutan, Florida, Virginia, New-England; Nurembega, Nova Francia, Corterialis, and Estotilandia. The Commodities of Mexico (now called Nova Hispania, the Residence of the Spanish Viceroy, and Archbishop) are Gold, Silver, Sugar, Tobacco, Ginger, Tallow, Hides, and Spices; and above all, in that Province grows a Tree, called both by the Spaniards, and Natives, a Mettle Tree, the Leaves of which make Confections, Paper, Mats, Flax, Mantles, Shoes, Girdles, Cordage, and Saws, and out of the Root Issues a Juice, which being boiled is perfect Sugar; & from the Top-Branch, a Gum distils Excellent against Poisons, or Infectious Vapours. This City was taken by the Spaniards, under the Leading of Harnando Cortes, Anno 1521. Quivira, is accounted the second Province, situate on the Western part of America, first Peopled with Spanish Colonies, under the leading of Vasques Anno. 1540 It abounds chiefly in Cattle; several wh● addict themselves to the bringing them up being Masters of 30000. Head and upwards, which serve the Inhabitants with their Milk for Drink, their Flesh for Food, and their Skins for clothes. They have likewise some Gold, but of small value, and not worth refining. Nicaragua, is on the South-West of Mexico, and has for its chief City Nova-Granada. It's Commodities chiefly consisting of Balsam, Cotton, Wax, and Hony. Jucutan, discovered Anno▪ 1517, has for its chief City Champechio; this Province yields Wood for dying Rich Colours, and likewise store of Deer and Cattle, almost like Elks. Florida was discovered by Sebastian Cabot Anno 1467. which at that time it was possessed by the Spaniards, with whom the French made War till they consumed each others people, to that degree that it was abandoned by either Nation, but since repeopled by the Spaniards, who have built there several strong Forts. The Commodities are Gold o'er, some Veins of Silver, some Spices, and Woods of value. And thus much of those Provinces the Spaniards possess. Now I shall come to Treat of Virginia and New-England possessed by the English. CHAP. XIII. A View of Virginia, and of the Trade, Manners, Customs, and Government thereof, and of the Commodities of that Colony. VIrginia being discovered by Sir Walter Raleigh, Anno 1584. had its name from our Virgin Queen; it lying in height thirty five degrees North Latitude, and extends to thirty eight and a half, being planted by the English only from 37 to 34 degrees, under the Protection and Supreme Authority of his Majesty of great Britain, & having the Bay of Roanoake, and Cape Florida to the Southward, and Mary-land to the Northward. The main entrance out of Virginia into the Sea, is about 10 Leagues; the Country is full of Navigable Rivers, stored with Fish, and some of them abounding with Oysters, Crabs, and Sturgeon, many of the Rivers being 7, 8, 9, or 10 Miles over, running 140 and 150 Miles up in the Country, so that Ships Anchor with great Security, no Trade being permitted but with England. So that as soon as any Vessel arrives, the Master, or Captain, resorts to the Governor, to give him an account from whence he came, his Residence being for the most part at Jame's City lying 40 Miles up Jame's River; and round about the English Colony, the Indians Inhabit, whose Treacheries prove too often fatal to our Countrymen, as the several Massacrees they have made can testify. Their Courts of Judicature chiefly consist of 4 quarterly Courts, the Governor and his Council being Judges, to try and determine, as well in matters Criminal, as Suits between man and man, and every year once an Assembly meet in imitation of our Parliament, to settle weighty Affairs. Their Laws are the same with ours, as likewise what moneys they have are of English Coyn. The Soil is everywhere Fertile, and the Woods abound with Oaks of divers sorts, Black Walnuts, Chess-nuts, Ash, Pine, Day-Wood, Cedar, Saxafras, Mulbury, Small-nuts, Wild Grapes, and the like. The Wether is much like ours, only in the Summer continues a Month longer hotter, and are troubled with Flashes of lightning, dismal Claps of Thunder, and now and then a Hurricane. The days are about an Hour and an half shorter in Summer, and so much longer in Winter. All sorts of English Fruits and Cattle thrive there, and their chief Commodities▪ amongst themselves are Horses, Oxen, Sheep, Hogs, Turkeys, Geese, & Ducks. Corn of which they have store, and their Woods abound with Hairs, Roacoons, Possums, Squirrels, Wild-Cats, Foxes, Bears, Wolves, Elks, and in remote Parts some Lions are found. Their Corn called Indian Corn or Maiz they buy and sell by the Barrel, which Barrel contains 5 Bushels, Winchester Measure, and the Indians sell their Corn, Pease and other Commodities of the like nature amongst themselves by the Baskets, each Basket containing half a Bushel. The chief Commodities they Trade with our Merchants for, except Tobacco, of which I shall speak anon, are Hides, Otter, Beaver, Muskats, Bear, Dear-Skins, Saxafras, Black-Walnut-Tree-Planks, etc. with them and Tobacco 40 or 50 Ships are yearly Loaden; no Customs being laid upon any thing imported, or exported; but in England they pay five per cent. for all they carry over, and 2 pence per pound for every pound of Tobacco brought from thence, and so proportionably for other Goods. The Commodities carried from England thither, are Linen, and Woollen-cloth, Nailes, Iron wrought into Tools, Soap, Starch, Gunpowder, Shot, Wine, Strong-Water, Brandy, Sugar, Spice, and the like; and when any one comes over with Servants to Inhabit, as a Planter, he has 50 Acres of Land allotted him, to manure even where he will choose, unless in such Places as are before in Possession; and for that Parcel of Land, he pays 12 pence per Annum quit Rent. The manner of planting, and bringing to perfection their Tobacco, accounted by them the Staple Commodity of the Colony is thus; in January they sow the Seed, which is smaller than Mustardseed, and when it comes up, they take up the Plants, and place them upon little Hills, which is usually done in May, 4 or 5000. Hills being contained in one Acre, every Hill containing a Plant, the which when it is about 2▪ Foot high, they Crop to give more Nourishment to the Leaves, which Leaves are a Foot or two Foot long, and some a Foot broad▪ and when they are at the bigest they cut them up Stalk and all, and hang them up in Sheads to dry, which done they strip them from the Stalks, and so bind them up in Handfuls for packing in Casks, or make them up in Rolls. An Acre of good Ground is reckoned to bear 1500 Weight of Tobacco, not less than 17000. Hogsheads, being reckoned to be Shipped yearly for England, Scotland, and Ireland. Their Servants for the most part consist of Negroes, which they buy of the Merchants, that bring them thither. CHAP. XIV. A View of New-England, and the Trade thereof. NEw-England has for its chief Town or City Boston, where all their Trade Centres, especially that which accrues by Navigation; a place which contains about 1500 houses Built of Brick and Timber; in it is a State House, and Congregational Meeting-Houses; the Inhabitants for the most part being Presbyterians, and Independants; and are supplied with great Quantities of Fish from Marblehead, and other places. As for Fowl, they Trade with the Indians, as likewise for Muscat, Beaver, Otter, etc. for which they deliver them Strong-Waters, Shagged-Cloath, Beads, Looking-Glasses, and the like; and thither likewise are brought Provisions from St. Martin's, Long Island, Road Island, Shelter Island; and other places, they all being little spots, standing in the Sea, and have their Trade chiefly consisting in Provision. The chief Roads for the safe Riding of Shipping are Boston, Charlestown, Salem, and Pascataqua. A Mint they have, in which they Coin English money, as 12 pence, 6 pence, 3 pence, and smaller piece, both Silver and Tinn. The Reason of setting it up, was upon the spreading of many adulterated Pieces of Eight amongst them, brought from Peru; but notwithstanding the English Coin, Mexico, and Sevil Royals, go currant at a Crown apiece. Their Accounts are kept after the Italian Fashion, by such as understand the way, and those that do not keep them as in old England. Their Weights are Averdupois, and Troy; the former consisting of 16 Ounces the pound, and the latter of twelve; their hundred Averdupois is 112 pounds, and by that they weigh all their gross Commodities, using Troy only for Silk, Gold, and Silver. Their Measures are likewise consistent with ours. Their chief Merchandise consists in Hogs, Oxen, Fish, Flower, Pease, Kell, or Rice, Biscuits, Beaver, Muskat Skins, Otter, Pipe-Staves, Masts, and the like; and some Tobacco, for which they receive in exchange English Linen, and Woollen-cloth, Iron-Tools, Stockings, Shoes, Thread, Buttons, Ribbons, Led, Puter, Tinn, small Ordnance, Gunpowder, Shot, Strong Waters, Wines, Oils, Fruit, Salt, and the like; not taking any Customs for aught imported, except Wines, and Strong Waters, and for that not above 30 or 40 Shillings per Tun; Consolage they take none, their Factorage is from 5 to 10 per cent. for Sails and returns only, and that not fixed, but as the Trader, and the Factor can agree. Sugars they have likewise, which they sell in Casks, and have not many Ships belonging to the Plantation. Their chief Fishing consists in dry Cod, and poor Jack, which every Spring and Fall, they take by Hooks, and sell by the Quintal, or hundred Weight, each for 28. or 30 Royals, sometimes more, though sometimes they Barrel them up; their Fraight per Tun from thence to London, is 3 pound, 3 pound 10 Shillings, and sometimes 4 pound. They have likewise an Office of Assurance, now much in request, both by the Inhabitants, and such as Trade thither. And thus much for New-England. CHAP. XV. A View of Mary-Land, and of the Customs and Trade thereof. MAryland is upon the main Continent of America, being an English Colony, lying between 38 and 40 Degrees North Latitude, bounded on the North by Virginia, and on the South by New-England; the great Ocean on the East, and on the West the River Pattowmeck, and was first a Colony of English, Anno 1633. and for the better Increase of Trade, tolerate the Christian Religion of what Profession soever; and is held by a Governor, or Proprietor, in Fee of the Crown of England. It abounds with fair Rivers, stored with Fish, and Commodious for the receipt of Shipping. The usual way of Trading is Goods for Goods, and the chief of their Commodities is Tobacco; their Weights, and Measures are consonant with those of England, without any Tret or over allowance; some Beaver, Otter, and other Furs they have, which the English that Trade thither purchase, and the Inhabitants receive them for Tobacco, and Strong-Water of the Indians. Mulberry Trees are there in Abundance, and some Silk. Their Customs or Taxes are but seldom taken as to the Subjects of England. The greatest abuse that Merchants receive, is the Packing of Tobacco; which lose Packed, or either too dry or wet put up, often deceives their Expectations; therefore the only way to discover such Frauds, is by weighing it. A full Hogshead, well Packed, will hold 400 Weight, and never less than 300. For their Commodities, they receive Cloath-hanging, Stuffs, all manner of Iron-Ware, Strong-Water, Wine, and the like; and what they Trade with the Native Indians for, they deliver them Coats, commonly called Match-Coats, made of corpse Shagged-Cloath, viz. Dutch-Duffields, or English Hogbays, either Red or Blue. The new Netherlands, a place Situate in 41 Degrees North Latitude, upon Hudson's River, is Inhabited by a Colony of the Dutch, who have Encroached upon the English Trade with the Natives for Beavor, Otter, Elk-Skins, Bears-Skins, Dear-Skins, and the like; for which they deliver them Iron Instruments, and Shaged Cloth, and sometimes Guns, Powder, and Rapier-Blades, the fatal Execution of which they have twice felt by two Massacrees, Committed upon them by the Indians, to the loss of half their Colony. Their chief Town is New-Amsterdam, endowed with many Privileges, as the old the better to draw People thither. Corterialis, Nurembega, and Nova Francia, are accounted Mexican Provinces, and for the most part possessed by the French, and some few Portugals. Their Trade is small, consisting only of Skins, and Furs. Estotiland, or New-foundland, discovered 1527 by the English, in Winter is so Extreme cold, that it is not inhabited but by some few Natives, and all the advantage (which indeed is considerable) that the English Reap thereby, is their Fishing Trade; the Fish in England being known by the Name of Newland Fish, and is taken in such abundance, that with them are furnished most parts of Europe. The manner of the Fishing thus: The Ships sometimes 40 Sail depart from our Coast, about the end of February, and about the middle of April arriving there, they unrigg their Ships, and going on Shoar Build Huts; and in Shallops, with Hooks and other Tackling, take sometimes 30 or 40 great Fish in an Hour, that is one Shallop, which they slit and dry upon Rocks, and Sandy-Banks; after which they Salt them, and in such manner continue till September; when loaden with their Fish they return and dispose of them in Spain, France and other Places to good advantage, selling them either by the hundred Weight, or by Tail; and many times they sell them before they have caught 'em; that is, Bargain for the delivery of them when taken; and of late there is an Art found of making Oil commonly called New-Land Oil. CHAP. XVI. A View of the Peruanan Provinces, and of their Trade and Customs. THis South part of America, is divided from the North part, by the straits of Darien, a Neck of Land of 10 Miles over; and consists of these Pro-Provinces, viz. Castella-Aurea, Guinnia, Peru, Brasilia and Chile. Castilia Aurea, takes its Name from the abundance of Gold that is found therein, and was first discovered by the Spaniards: The chief Cities are Portabel, and Panama, at which two Places the Viceroy makes his Residence as he sees fit, and at the Latter of which the Spanish Plate-fleet for the most part is Loaded. It abounds with standing Pools and deep Waters, and the chief Commodities are Spices, Drugs, Gold Ore, and Silver. About it are several small Islands, of which the chiefest are, St. Antonio, and St. Vincent, situate against Cape Verd. Guinnia is situated under the Equinoctial Line, being fruitful in all parts, abounding with rate Fruits, and so Encompassed and branched with great Rivers, that in Winter time many of the Inhabitants dwell in Trees for fear of Inundations, often caused by the overflowing of the Rivers. Of this Country our famous Sir Walter Reighley made the first effectual Survey, and gave Name to the great River Arinoque calling it Ralinia, a River navigable for 1000 miles, and for Shallops and Wherries 2000 The chief City of this Province is Manoa, otherwise called the Golden City, of the abundance of Gold that is found therein, most of the Trade consisting of Gold-Ore. Peru is for Gold, the richest Province of America: The Mines being more plentiful than Mines of Lead and Iron in England, and the Riches thereof may be Conjectured by this: When Piscario the Spanish Captain subdued it, and took the King Prisoner, he proposed his Ransom, and delivered to the treacherous Spaniard upon solemn Promise for his Life and Liberty, as much refined Gold and Silver as amounted to ten Millions, but perfidious as he was, when he had Possession of the Treasure notwithstanding his Oath, he slew him. The chief City is St. Michael's, inhabited by the Spaniards; the Soil brings forth all manner of Fruits, as likewise store of Tobacco; but one thing is more admirable, on the Banks of the River Riolaplata grow Figtrees, one side of which bear Figs in Winter, and the other in Summer, and this River is 130. miles over, and 2000 in length; and in it are many Islands. Brasile is abounding with cattle, Corn, and has in it some rich Mines of Gold and Silver; but especially Redwood by us, called Brasile Wood, the Trees of which are so large, that a dozen Families will make themselves Huts and dwell in the Branches of one Tree. It was first discovered and peopled by the Spaniard, but now the Dutch have got strong footing in it, and derive a great Trade form thence, especially in dying-Woods. The manner of getting the Gold in these remote Parts of the World, are by Mining, or Washing and Fishing; As thus, they first search the ground, and finding it stocked with Ore, they dig into the Mountains, and still as they go underprop, or Arch, so that a Mine sometimes is a Furlong under ground; their Earth they wash through Sieves, and the Mould separated, the Gold appears. Silver run in Veins or Sprigs, and therefore is got more easily. As for the Fishing for Gold, it is thus: They turn the Course of small Rivers or Brooks, at the bottom of the Golden Mountains; or with such things as take up Ballast in the Thames, drag up the Sand, and then sift it. The Gold which is found in the Rivers is washed from the Mountains, by the fierce Rains which in those parts are frequent. As for the Islands in these and the Virginian Seas, they are many; as the Isles of Solomon, by some taken for the Land of Ophir; the Isle of Margarita, in which is found many precious Stones, though void of any other Commodity; the Island of Trenidado abounding in choice Tobacco; the Island of Baccaloes, discovered by Sebastian Cabot, whose Rivers abound in Fish, and the Land with Trees bearing Fruit; the Isle of Beriguen, of which the chief City is St. John's, inhabited by the Spaniards, the Island abounds with Gold, viz. the North part of it, and the South part is as much famed for fertility; the Island of Jamiaca, now an English Colony taken from the Spaniards, Anno. _____ abounds with all manner of Plenty, as Sheep, Oxen, Corn, Hens, Geese, Ducks, Fruit-Trees, Sugar, Tobacco and the like, and is governed by a Governor, under his Majesty of Great Britain; the Weights, Measures, moneys, Laws and Religion, are the same with ours, and has of late been much increased by the Trading of English Merchants thither for Pepper, and other valuable Commodities. Cuba, Luca and Hispaniola, abound in Ginger, Cassia, Mastic, Almonds, Cinnamon, Sugar, Brass, Gold, and Corn, which are brought thence, and dispersed all over Europe, and in the latter, the Land is so fertile that it will produce Herbs, and Roots in sixteen days after setting or sowing, fit for use. Barmudos is a fruitful Island, abounding with Orange-Trees and other Fruits. Barbados is an Island possessed by the English, containing in length 28. miles, and in breadth 18. and according to Computation consists of 126000. Acres of good Land, being naturally fortified with Rocks and Shelves: accommodated with several Bays and Harbours, for the safety of shipping, the Principal of which is called Carlisle Bay, and is Guarded by Forts and Platforms, containing a large Town called St. Michael's, being a place of great Trade, before which 500 Ships may safely Ride. The next Town of Note, is Charles Town, situate on Oysten-bay, about two Leagues from the former, the Houses are built after the English fashion, of Timber, Lime and Brick, and round this Island lie other small Islands, Maevis, Monsirat, Antego, and St. Christopher's, many of them inhabited by the English, others by the Dutch, French, and Native Indians; the Island of Barbados is divided into 11. Parishes, or petty Shires, out of which are chosen two Freemen Planters, to join with the Governor and his Council, which are 7, to discuss all important Matters, and to make such Orders, as are necessary for the well regulating the Plantation, and the better to quell any Insurrec●n that may be made by the Slaves, which are accounted at least 60000. a standing Militia of two Reigments of Horse, and five of Foot, are in readiness upon all Occasions, and all their Laws and Customs are Regulated by those of England. Their Religion, according as they profess themselves, is Protestant. Their Coins there Current are of divers Nations, as English, Spanish, French and Dutch, upon which they set a passable Value not Coining any themselves. Their Accounts are most commonly in Muscavado Sugar, according to which all other Commodities are Regulated, their Interest by reason no Law restrains it, is unreasonable, as sometimes thirty Per Cent. Their Measures for the most part Concord with those of England, only they allow but five score to the Hundred, not 112. The growth of the Island is Tobacco, Sugar, Indigo, Cotton-Wool, Log-Wood, Lignum Vitae, etc. The chief Season of exporting Sugars, and other Commodities of the Native growth, is from January to September, or October. Wines are imported in abundance, and are sold in public as in England: So that there is not less than 2400. Tuns of all sorts spent Yearly, besides Spirits, and other Liquors. From this Island they transport to Virginia and Barmudos, a Liquor made of the Sugar Canes, etc. called Rum, and for it receive Pork, Fish, Flower, Biscuit, Pipe Staves, and the like: The Apparel of the Planters, is the same with what is worn in England; as for Customs they have none, save only for Wines and other Liquors, which are Rated at a certain quantity of Muscavado Sugar, and further are obliged to pay half a pound of Powder, for every Tun upon Entery. Factorage or Factory-Provision is 10. per cent. 5. per cent. for Sail, and 5. for return, as also 3. per cent. for Store-House Room; if any one will export Corn, or any manner of Provision being the growth of the Island, they must ask the Governors Consent; 200. English Vessels and upward Trade hither Yearly; and the usual freight to London is 4. and 5. per Tun, when Ships are Plenty, 3. pound, when scarce, 6. or 7. pound per Tun: There is no public Assurance-Office, nor Exchange, unless sometimes in Sugar, for which Money is received in London. And thus much for Barbados. The main Land about 100 Leagues from this Island, is called Guinia, lying Southwardly, and containeth a Colony of English planted within the River of Serenam. Cracus lieth 4. Leagues from the Seaside, and is very fruitful, having a Port, whose entrance is Guarded with two Forts each containing 14. pieces of Cannon, and in it are several Plantations of Coquo, some belonging to the Spaniards, and some to the Indians, the latter being obliged to work for the former 3. days in the Week. And thus much for America, in particular, and indeed in general: for this new World, as it is Termed, yields little more than here I have set down; and indeed in Riches may Compare with any of the other three Parts, did the Inhabitants know how to improve the growth of the Islands and Continent accordingly; but indeed the Spaniards possessing the greatest part, use their utmost diligence to keep out other Nations, and will instruct the Natives in nothing that is Curious, lest they should leave off to Labour in the Mines; but thus much concerning America. The Customs, Situation, and Manners thereof, in the exactest Method. CHAP. XVII. A view of Africa, and of the Manners, Customs, Trade, Weights, Measures, Coins, and Commodity thereof. AFrica, one of the quarters of the World, is bounded on the North with the Mediterranean Sea, on the West with the Atlantic Ocean, on the South with the South Ocean, and on the East with the Red-Sea; and is in a manner an Island, being tied only to Asia, with a Neck of Land of 20 Leagues over, and contains these Provinces, viz. Barbary, Numidia, Lybia, Negrita, Ethiopia Interior, and Ethiopia Exterior, Egypt; and the Islands of the Sea. The Account of the Trade, and Commerce of the Principal Cities, and Towns, but especially from whence any Commodities are brought and Traded for by the English Merchants I shall lay down as followeth. CHAP. XVIII. A view of Tunis, the Trade, Manners, and Customs thereof. BArbary being divided into four Kingdoms, viz. Tunis, Argier, Fess, and Morocco, I shall take them in order, and first of Tunis. Tunis is Situate near unto the great Lake, which Extends almost to the Port of Goletta; and is founded on the ruins of Carthage, being in compass within the Walls 4 Miles, and accounting the Suburbs 7 Miles in circuit; and is very Populous, owning for Supreme Lord, the Grand-Signeour, who governs it by a Bassaw; the Inhabitants being Mahumetans; the Houses are Builded of Square Stone, and for the most part flat. A Port it has large and Commodious for Shipping. Their Money in Gold is mostly the Spanish Doller or Royal, the Venice Chiqeen, the Spanish Pistolet, which they pass from one to another at full value, unless diminished, or light Weight in Silver, they have the Spanish Royal, and the Asper. Their Accounts are for the most part kept in Dollars, and Asper's. Their Weights are the Cantar of 100 pounds, yet in Weight are found to exceed our 112, two pounds, each of their pounds being divided into 16 Ounces, and so into less, by division, viz. Each Ounce into 8 Tamins; and by this Weight, are all their Merchandise Weighed, except Silver, Gold, Pearl, etc. which are Weighed by a Chariot Weight, which is half an Ounce Troy, or Mittagals much of the same Proportion. In Weight of Cloves, and Nutmegs, they allow 5 pounds per cent. Tret or overplus, besides the Weight of the Bags. Their Measures for Silk, Cloth, and the like, are the Pike; there being 3 sorts of them, the first called the Cloth Pike, is 26 Inches and a half English; the second, the Grey, which is a 16th. part less, by which they Measure Silks, Satins, Velvets, etc. The third is the Linen Pike, and is ¼ part less than the Silk Pike. Their dry Measures are the Coffice, containing about 10 of our Bushels. The Weab 18 of which make a Coffice, and the Saw of which 12 make a Weab. Their Liquid Measures, are the Wine Meeter, and Oil Meeter, the former being near 2 English Gallons and a half, and the latter near 5. The chief Commodities are Hides, Wax, Oil, Honey, Wool, Corn, Raisins, Dates, Anniseeds, Ostrich Feathers, Sponges, Lemons, Oranges, Almonds, and Olives. For which they receive of such Merchants as Trade thither, English, and Venice, Cloth, Led, Deal-Boards, Shot, Perpetuano's, Spanish Wool, Tartar, Alum, Iron, Madder, Safaparilla, Pepper, Ginger, Safforn, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, Cocheneel, Gold Thread, Sea-horse-teeths, Cotton, Yarn, Venice-Pepper, French-Canvas, Gulmak, Damask, Sattain, and the like. Their Customs upon Goods imported, unless Led, Shot, and Iron, are 9 per cent. on the Real Value; and before any Goods can be delivered, an exact Account must be taken thereof by Officers appointed for that purpose; other charges of Goods imported, besides freight (of which no certainty) is 8 per cent. more, viz. 2 per cent. consolage. 5 per cent. provision and Broakage, and one per cent. for petty Charges; the Customs on Goods, that are exported (Honey, Wax, and Wool, liable to no Customs, excepted) is 5 per cent. The Counterban, or Goods prohibited to be exported, are Pease, Corn, Oil, Beans, Butter, Hony, Dates, etc. though often a Licence for Exporting the same, is secretly procured. And thus much for Tunis, in the Description of which I have described the Trade of all the Cities of that Kingdom, as centring in this. CHAP. XIX. A view of Argier, and of the Trade, Manners, Customs, Weights, Measures thereof, and their way of dividing Prizes, and selling Slaves in the Public Market. ARgier, that Piratical Kingdom so dangerous to Merchant's Trading in the Mediterranean, contains as her Principal Cities Argier and Tremesin, the former giving name to the Kingdom which is but small in compass. The City of Argier, the common Receptacle of Turkish and Moorish Pirates, is imagined to contain 90000 Souls, in which there are several that protest against the Thieving Trade, and hold some Commerce with Merchants of divers Nations. Their chief Commodities are Oils, Almonds, Rasins, Figs, Dates, Castile-Sope, Brass, Copper, Barbary Horses, Ostrich Feathers, Honey, Wax, and Drugs. Their Coin is the Double, accounted of equal Value with our 12 pence or 2 single Spanish Rials; 4 Doubles are accounted a Ryal and 8/8 called by them the Olian, 5 Doubles and 35 Asper's is a Pistol Spanish, 7 Doubles are accounted a Sultany, or Cheeque of Barbary Gold, and 50 Asper's make a Double. And these are the currant Monies of the Kingdom of Argier. The Weights are the Rotolos, or 100 pound, which makes 120 pound English, the 10 pound of the small making 6 in gross; some Commodities they likewise weigh by the Cantar; as Iron, Led, Yarn, Wool, which Cantar is 150 Rotolos; Figs, Dates, Soap, Butter, etc. are weighed by a Cantar of 166 Rotolos: Almonds, Cheese, Cottons, etc. they weigh by a Cantar of 110 Rotolos, Brass, Copper, Wax, and Drugs, by a Cantar of 100 Rotolos, Flax, by a Cantar of 200 Rotolos. Gold, Silver, Pearl, and precious Stones, are weighed by the Mittigal, which is 72 Grains English, and is worth 9 Doubles. The Sultany Cheeque, or Hunger Weighs 52 Grains English, being equally Valued with Angel Gold, and by the Ounce Troy, in England is worth 3 pound 11 Shillings. Their Measures of Length are two Picos, viz. the Turkish, and the Morisco Picos. The former is divided into 16 parts and every ⅛ part, is called a Robe, and is 131/1●2 part of the English Yard, and the Custom is an Inch allowance to every Yard, and by these they Measure Silks, Woollen Cloth, and Stuffs. The dry Measure is a Tarry, which being well heaped, makes 5 Gallons English, and by this they Measure Salt, Corn, and other Commodities. They make their Accounts in Doubles, Asper's, Osians, and Sultanies. Their Customs are 10 per cent. and so in all other cases, as at Tunis, when any Ship enters and cast Anchors, her Sails or Rudder is demanded to prevent the passing off without paying such Customs, and then not to Sail without leave from the Duan, which is the Bashaw, and his Assembly who Regulate all affairs, which were usually these. To the Kiffa 28 Doubles, to his Chiouse 4 Doubles, to his Almia 8 Doubles, to the Bashaw Sorman, 2 Doubles, to the Draggerman 8 Doubles, to the Sackagy 8 Doubles, and for the Consul's Duty 24 Doubles. The Piratical Trade is thus, 2 or more set out a Vessel of Prizage, or Free booty to Prey upon Merchant's Ships, the which when they have taken and brought into the Port, the Owners divide the Spoil by Lot, making the Partitions or Dividends as even as possible; as for the Captives they do the like, and if there happen to be an odd man, they either cast Lots for him, or sell him in the Market; and divide the Money, the manner of selling of them is to carry them into the Market, and place them in Stalls like Beasts, where the buyer Views and handles them; but especially their Hands, by which he is satisfied, whether they have been Enured to Labour or not, as likewise in their Mouths, to see if they have good Teeth to bite Biscuits as hard as deal Board's; and according to their Youth, Healthy Complexion and Ability of Body, they go off to the Buyer, he being ever after acknowledged for their Patron. And thus much for this Piratical Government, too well known to Merchants, and Sailors who Trade in the Mediterranean. CHAP. XX. A view of the Kingdom of Fess, and of the Trade, Customs, Weights, Measures and currant Coins thereof. THis Kingdom takes its name from the Metropolitan City, viz. the City Fess, being the Goodliest City in Barbary; adorned with 700. Mosches or Temples, of which 50 are Beautified, with Pillars, Jasper, and Alabaster, the chief of which called Carucen, and Seated in the Heart of the City contains a Mile in compass, consisting of 190 Arches, and is born up by 2500 Marble Pillars, hung all about with Silver Lamps, and hath 31 Gates, and all things else porportionable, and the City computed to contain 8600 Families. The Commodities in General are Dates, Almonds, Figs, Rasins, Honey, Olives, Wax, Gold, Hides, Furs, and a sort of Cordivant Skins, Cotton, and Wool very fine, which is dispersed into Spain, Italy, France, and England; and of late the Inhabitants have found out the Art of making Cloth. The Principal Money of this Kingdom, is the Xerif, or Gold Ducat, and accounted worth 10 Shillings Sterling; and is divided into 8 equal parts. The Weights are two, one used for weighing Gross Commodities, called the Rotolos, 64 of which are computed to Balance our 100 Averdupois, and 100 Rottolos go to the Cantar. The other is the Mittigal used in weighing Gold, Pearl, Silver, Musk, and the like; and agrees with those of Tunis, and Argier. The long Measure is the Cavado, of which 12 are Accounted to a Cane, and 181 or 182 Cavadoes to make 100 Yards English. The Customs are 10 per cent. to all Strangers, but to the Natives 2 per cent. and for what soever they hand, they must pay, whether sold or not, which makes Merchants sell their Wares on Shipboard, for the most part where Customs are Paid only for what is sold. And thus much for Fess, and the Trade thereof. CHAP. XXI. A view of the Kingdom of Morocco, the Trade, Currant Coins, Weights, Measures, and Customs thereof. THis Kingdom as the former takes its Name from the chief City and Centre of its Trade, and is very Beautiful; though Inferiors to Fess; in it is found a Burse, and Exchange, formerly much frequented by Merchants, but now for the most part taken up by Artisans. The Commodities vended there are the same with those of Fess, except Sugar, in which it more abounds. The Coins are the Xerif, and Ducat of Gold, valued as those of Fess. The Weights are 2 several Quintals, the one agreeing with the Canter of Feeze, and the other with the Quintal of Sevil, and indeed in all things according with Fess, as being now reduced under one Government. Their Religion, if so it may be Termed, is Mahumetism, and of late they have not any considerable Trade with the English Merchants; tho 'tis not doubted, but the effects of the League, between his Majesty of great Britain, and that Emperor may be a means to revive it, as likewise to enrich our Garrison of Tangier, by rendering it a Public Mart, it being the Key of Barbary. CHAP. XXII. A view of Numidia, and Lybia, and their Provinces; with the Trade, Currant Coins, Manners and Customs. NVmidia is bounded on the West with the Atlantic Ocean, on the East with Egypt, on the North with the Mountain Atlas, and on the South with Lybia. The Country on the North part abounds with plenty, but the South by Reason of the Excessive heat, is most desert, the Inhabitants build but few Houses, but in great Companies pass from one place to another, living sometimes in Woods, sometimes in Caves, according as Heat and Cold affects them. The chief Trade is among themselves, for Dates, Hides, Furs, and Fruits of all sorts; Cattle they have, but have not the Art of improving them, their Coins are few, but those they have are of Brass and Silver; their Weights and Measures for the most part Equallizing those of Fess, and Morocco; though they are little in use, few Merchant's Trading with them. Lybia is bounded on the East with Nilus, on the West with the Atlantic Ocean, on the South with Negrita, and on the North with Numidia; and is Barren for the most part by Reason the heat is Excessive; their Trade, Coin, Weights, and Measures, are not worth mentioning; by Reason their Commerce is little, no Merchants caring to deal with the Natives, they being in a manner Savages. CHAP. IX. A View of Negrita, or the Land of Negroes, with the Trade, Currant Coin, Weights, Measures, and Customs. THis Province is Inhabited with Negroes, or Blackamoors. Bounded on the West with the Atlantic Ocean, on the East with Ethiopia Superior, on the South with Manicongo, and on the North with Lybia, containing a large Tract of Land, and is fertilized by the overflowing of the River Niger, or Sanaga; and is under the Regency of 3 Kings, who have of late made 3 Kingdoms of 5, as Tombutue, Berneo, and Gouga. Each having many famous Havens, Commodious for Shipping. The City Tombutue, from whence that Kingdom has its Name, is Situate beyond the River Niger; and is Traded to by the English, French, and Dutch; and within four Miles of it is the City Gouga, which is likewise a place of great Trade, but as for Berneo, the Inhabitants thereof are for the most part Breeders of Cattle, and Hunters of Wild-Beasts. The Commodities of these Countries, are Corn, Sugar, Cattle, Rice, Fruits, Gold Sands, and Ingots; which they expose to Sail for Cloth, Calicoes, Copper, Basins, Ironwork, Guns, Shot, Glass, Beads, and the like; but Principally Salt, of which Commodity that Country is deficient; but the chief Maritime parts are Guinny, and Benin, first discovered by the Portugals, and for the abundance of Gold the Country affords called the Golden Coast; the Rumour of which spreading wide in Europe, the English soon found it out, and after them the Dutch: and now the French have some Trade there. The manner of Trading thus: The Ships coming into the Road cast Anchor, and the Merchants or Factors going on Shoar, declare what Wares they have on Board, to the Persons called Tolkens, or Brokers, which live in little Huts along the Coast, and when the Moors come down with their Gold, they are informed by them that such and such Commodities are to be had, upon which taking Boat together they come on Board, and laying by such things as they like, propose what Gold they will give for them, which if accepted the Bargain is made; and they return with their Goods on Shoar. The Customs are various. Particular Officers, being set in every Port, to take an Account of what is bought and sold; and every one that comes to buy, though he buy nothing, must pay a small Stipend for his Person; upon his returning from on Shipboard, and to prevent defraud, there is still a Son, Brother, or Kinsman of the Kings, to whom the Port belongeth, to see the Toll be duly taken; and he that buys Commodities under the value of 2 Ounces of Gold, makes his price for Customs as he can, but he that buy's above which they call a Benda, pays to the Value of an Angel in Gold for every Benda. As for Coins they have none, the Trade among themselves being for Gold-Sands, or Ingot by Weight, the fineness of which they try with Artificial Needles, in number 24; in some Places they melt their Gold, and draw it into Wire, and so cut into small pieces, the better to divide it as occasion requires, and in other places they have pieces of Iron, which goes Currant instead of Mony. Their Weights consist of Copper, the greatest of which is a Benda, containing 2 Ounces Troy, a Benda offa, or half a Benda. The Asseva which is two Pesoes and a half, the Egebba, or 2 Pesos which is half an Ounce, and so lesser tell they come to Drams, and Scruples of Troy Weight, but their pound is found the ¾ part of an Ounce heavier than ours. Their Measures for Cloth is a Jactam, accounted 12 Foot English, which they divide into two parts; as for their Woollen Cloth, they cut it into long Slips, and make Girdles of it. Formerly the Trade in those parts was very advantageous, but of late (one Nations striving to outvie each other) have given them an insight into the true value of Gold, and of such Commodities as they receive for it. The Sugar Trade which is considerable, is engrossed by the Portugals at a certain Annual rate, and no other Nation suffered to deal therein, the Sugar made there being Transported to Lisbon, is from thence dispercsd throughout Europe. And thus much for Negrita, and the Guinny Trade. CHAP. XXIV. A View of Aethiopia Superior, and Inferior. But of the last especially, and of the Trade thereof, etc. THe Superior Ethiopia, otherwise called Abasine, is a Plentiful Country Governed by Prester John, and the Inhabitants for the most part Christians; it abounds in Cattle, Fruits, and Minnerals, but being an Inland Province, yields little. Trade to Merchants. The Inferior Ethiopia is bounded on the West with the Ethiopian Ocean; on the East with the Red-Sea, and contains Provinces or divisions, Ajan, Zanbiar, Monomotapa, Caffaria, and Monicongo. Ajan is chiefly Traded to by the Portugals, and yields store of Cattle, Wax, Honey, Corn, Gold, Ivory, etc. Zanibra contains 15 Towns, from which 15 Petty Kingdoms take their Names, and was first discovered by the Portugals; abounding in Ivory, and Gold, the chief Town being Mosambique, where they have a Castle, and engross the Trade for the most part. Monomotapa is almost environed round with Water. And is stored with Gold Mines; and Elephants of which 5 or 6000 are yearly killed for their Teeth. Manicongo was discovered by the Portugal's Anno 1486. And for a long time yielded them 30000 Slaves yearly, which they carried to Brasile to dig in their Silver Mines. The Principal Port, and Centre of all their Trade, being at Mosambique. I shall not instance the Trade thereof, because that in View of that, all the Trade of the Provinces is Comprehended. CHAP. XXV. A View of Mosambique, and of the Trade thereof. MOsambique is for the most part inhabited by Portugals, and has in it a strong Castle, wherein lives the Portugal Captain, who has a grant of free Trade for himself, either in the Country, or in the Indies, which is not above 16 days Sail from thence; but when there, they must stay near 5 Months ' ere they can return, or lose their Season; by Reason of the Mouson, as they call it, or Trading-Wind Blows all one way for so long. As for his Place it is very advantageous, yet of but 3 Years Continuance, at the Expiration of which he is obliged to go into India, and serve under the Viceroy. The Commodities are chiefly Ingot, and dust Gold, or Sand Gold; which is found in abundance, there being sever●● Rich Mines adjacent, as well in the Islands, as on the Continent, where the King of Portugal keeps Factors to manage the trade, who barters, and sends Merchandise from one place to another, and so increase in the growth of each Province; nor is it less commodious for the reception of the Portugal Fleet, either in their way to or from the Indies. There is found likewise Elephants Teeth, Ebony, Ambergrease, etc. and from thence they carry Slaves to India. Their Coins of which there are but few, are the same with those of Portugal; as also are their Weights and Measures, a description of which I shall give, when I come to take a View of the Trade of the Kingdom of Portugal. CHAP. XXVI. A View of Egypt, and the Provinces thereof, as also of the Trade, Commodities, Coins, Weights, Measures and Customs. ON the East Egypt is bounded by the Red Sea, on the South with Aasia on the West with Cyrene, and on the North with the Mediterranean Sea, and Watered with the Fruitful River Nilus; which dividing itself into 7 Channels, and about the middle of June. Annually overfloweth its Banks, and continues so to do for 4 days, laying all under Water; by Reason of which the Towns are seated upon Hills; and during the Inundation, their Commerce is by Skiffs and Boats. This River is in Length 3000 Miles, and when it overflows not, it portenteth some fatal disaster to the King or Kingdom; and by this means the Land is Fertilized, for as for Rain there is none. The chief Places of Traffic are Alexandria, a famous Seaport, founded by Alexander the great, and Cairo commonly called Grand- Cairo, and in these Centre the Trade of the whole Country. Therefore omitting Places of lesser note, I shall only take a View of these two Cities, and their Commerce, with such as Trade in those parts, and first of Alexandria. Alexandria first founded by Alexander the Great, in Expedition to Conquer the World, is the chief Maritime City of Egypt, and from all parts of the Kingdom are thither brought Flax, Hemp, Honey, Wax, Rice, Balsams, Dates, Drugs, and Spices; and the Country in general produceth abundance of Palm Trees, besides hither are brought the Plenty of Arabia, India, and Persia; as Spices, Drugs, Silks, etc. so that the Customhouse is accountable yearly for great Sums of Gold. The nature of the Palm Trees that grow in that Country is this, they always grow in Cupples twisted, or twined, viz. Male and Female, the Female Palm only bears Fruit, and that not without the Male, for if the Male Palm be cut away, the Female will not bear; the Fruit is Cod with Seed, and pleasant Juice, the Pith of these Trees is excellent in taste, and very nourishing; of the Leaves, they make Fans, Mats, and Baskets; of the outward Husks of the Cod Cordage, and of the inward Brushes; the Fruit they bear is like a Fig which serves the Inhabitants for Meat green, and dried for Bread. The Weights used here are four sorts, first the Quintar of Zera, second the Quintar of Forfor, third the Quintar of Zaidin, the fourth the Quintar of Mina; the first is found to be English 112 pounds, the second 93 pounds English, the third 134 pounds English, the fourth the 167 pounds English, Averdupois Weight. The Measures are twofold, viz. the Pico Barbaresco, which is used for the Measuring of Cloth, both Linen, and Woollen, and is in Length 25 ⅞ English Inches; and the Pico Turchesco, with which is Measured Silks, fine Stuffs, Cloth of Gold, etc. and is found to be 22 ¼ English Inches; as for wet and dry Measures, they are of little use, the Customs being to sell by Weight for the most part. CHAP. XXVII. A View of Cairo, and the Trade, Weights, Measures, and Customs thereof. CAiro is a famous City, Situate in the vast Plain beneath the Mountains of Mucatun, and not above 2 Miles from the Bank of Nilus, adorned with many stately Buildings, as Palaces, Colleges, Temples, and the like; and has in it a large Burse, or Exchange of 3 Story high, the first of which consists of Warehouses, for Gross Goods; in the second, is laid up Musk, Amber, Silks, Spices, and the like; and in the third the Merchants who have Warehouses, there lodge with their Retinues; which Merchants are of 6 sorts, first the Native Egyptians; secondly the Arabians, or Moors; thirdly the Merchants of Europe Christians; fourthly the Turks; fifthly the Jews, and sixthly the Christians of Africa, as, Greeks, Armenians, etc. The Lord of this City, and Country is the grand Signeour who governs by his Bashaw or Vice-King. The Commodities Traded for by the Europian Merchants, are Flax, Rice, Balsams, Pulls, Fruits, Cottons, Sugars, Hemp, and the like; which according to the overflowing of Nilus the Soil yields in plenty, or Scarcity, so that when they have a plentiful Year; they make a Feast to Nilus, or the River God; as they Term him, and exceedingly Rejoice thereto. The yearly Revenue of this Kingdom, accrueing by Customs, and other ways amount to 3 Millions of Sheraffes, each valued at 8 Shillings Sterling, one Million of which is sent to the grand Signior, one for maintaining the forces of the Kingdom, and the other to enable the Bashaw to keep his Court. The Customs are either paid in Species or compounded for at 10 per cent. only Money entered pays but one and a half per cent. but outward all Commodities pay 11 per cent. which is accounted the Souldan's Custom. The Customs of Alexandria are farmed by the Jews at 20000 Medins per diem, which according to computation, amounts to 55000 pounds per Annum Sterling. Their Weights and Measures, are the same with those of Alexandria. The Currant Coins in Egypt, are Spanish Royals of 8 which they call Piastre, and Dollars the Meden the Asper the Soltana, Xeriffe, and Cheqeen, the value of each as before recited. Their Accounts are variously kept, some in one sort of Coin, and some in another. The chief Trade driven here by the European Christians, is by the French, and Venetians; the English having of late declined it, as having the growth of the Country or the same Commodities, at cheaper Rates in India, and Aleppo. And thus much for the Continent of Egypt. CHAP. XXVIII. A View of the Isles of the Sea, appertaining to Africa, with their Commodities, Trade, Weight, Measures, etc. THe Isles are these, viz. Madagascar, Zocotara, St. Thomas, the Canary Islands, the Islands of Assores, or Tarceras. The first abounds in Ginger, Cloves, and Silver Mines, and was discovered by the Portugal's Anno 1506. The money in use amongst the Natives are Glass Beads of Cambaia, which passes currant amongst them; their Weights and Measures are few, and those uncertain. The second lieth in the Mouth of the Red Sea, 10 Degrees Northward from the Equator, and yieldeth Cattle and Corn, but the chief thing Traded for is Aloes, which are sold by the Quintar, which Averdupois English is 93 pound. The third lies under the Equinoctial, in which is a Colony of Portugals; the chief Commodity it yieldeth is Sugar, of which so much is made, as ladeth yearly 50 Vessels of good Burden; their Weights and Measures being the same with those used at Lisbon, as indeed wherever the Portugals Plant themselves they impose their own Weights and Measures on the Inhabitants. Fourthly the Canary Islands, which are 7 in number under the Protection of the King of Spain, are very Fruitful, abounding in Sugarcanes, and those Birds we call Ca●●ry Birds; and in Canary Wine, which takes its name from the Islands, of which 4 or 500 Tuns are yearly exported, and dispersed over Europe. There is likewise Wood of Excellent use for Dyers. Hither the English trade, and for the growth of the Island Exchange Says, Serge, Bays, Linen, etc. Their Weights, Measures, and Coins, are the same with those of Sevil; of which in order I shall speak. Fifthly the Islands of Assores, or Tarceras, directly under the Meridian, were first discovered by the Flemings, and abound in Cattle, Corn, Wood, and the like; but are of little use, some for Harbouring, and revictualling of Ships in their Voyage to the East-Indies, as are many other small Islands, lying in that vast Ocean. And thus much shall suffice for Africa and the Trade thereof. CHAP. XXIX. A View of Asia, and of the Trade, Manners, and Customs thereof together with the Description of their Currant Coins, Weights, Measures, etc. ASia Earth's third Portion, is divided from Africa by the Red Sea, and Egyptian Isthmus, and from Europe by the Egean Propontis, and Euxian Sea, by Palus Meotis, Tunais, Duina, etc. and is divided into these Regions or Provinces, viz. Anatolia, Syria, Palestina, Armenia, Arabia, Media, Assyria, Mesopotamia, Chaldea, Persia, Parthia, Tartary, China, India. And the Islands of the Sea. Anatolia, or Anatolia's, is bounded on the East with Euphrates, on the West with Thracius Bosphorus, Propontis, the Hellespont, and Egean, on the North Propontis, Euxinus, and on the South bounded with the Rhodian, and Lycian Seas. In this Province Smyrna, is the chief City of Trade, therefore passing over those of less note, I shall Centre the Trade of the whole Province, in that one City. Smyrna, the City to which the Church of which St. John directed his Revelation, is Seated at the Bottom of a Gulgh, called the Gulf of Smyrna; where resides an English Consul, and the like for the French, and Venetians. The Principal Trade having been lately removed from Scio thither, by Reason of the advantageous Harbour for Shipping. This City is under the Government of the Grand Signeur, and is Inhabited by all Nations, but especially Traded to by the English, French, and Venetians. The Commodities found there, which are brought by the Arabians, Persians, and other Merchants of Asia, and sold to the Christian Traders in that Port, are Cotton Wools, Galls, Anniseeds, Wax, Cordovant, Cottons wrought Grogram, Yarn, Cute, Carpets, Grograms, Chamblets, Mohairs, Fruits, Drugs, and store of Persian Silk; which is brought on Camels, and Dromidaries by Land; for which they receive of our Merchants in Exchange Suffolk, Essex, and Gloucester clothes, Yorkshire, and Hampshire Kerseys, Led, Tinn, Pepper, Calicoes, Indigo, Cloves, Cinnamon, and the like; which Spices were formerly the growth of those Countries; but in the intestine Wars, the Trees for the most part destroyed, and now supplied by our Merchants being brought from India. The Venetians Trade with them for Pepper, Cloth, wrought Silk, Velvets, and the French bring thither, Cloth, Paper, and Bullion, the latter of which they convert to Coin, Stamped with the Effigies and Motto of the Grand Signeour for the most part, and the same with what is currant all over his Empire; which when I come to take a View of Constantinople, and the Trade thereof, I shall describe. The Weights in use, is the Quintar, which contains 100 Rotolos, or 24 Oaks, which are found to be 400 Drams. They have likewise the Lodoro, being 176 Drams, and the Pound Averdupois, has appeared to be 148 Drams, and the Quintar of 42 Oaks to be 119 pound English, though sometimes but 117. Their Measures are two, viz. one for Linen, and the other for Woollen, to which as before in the Weights, I shall refer the Reader to those of Constantinople, they being in effect the same. The Customhouse of Smyrna, is for the most part farmed of the Grand Signeour, and three per cent. only taken of the English Merchants, unless upon Extraordinary occasions; and although there has been an Edict, Published by the Grand Signeour, that no Goods paying in one Port of his Dominious, and brought into an other Port, shall pay any more duty, yet it is not observed, but the Merchants are obliged to compound with the Customers upon that occasion. But this Custom of 3 per cent. is only to the English, by virtue of their Treaty, for the French, Dutch, and Venetians pay 5 per cent. The charges of the Port for Ships, before they can be cleared, are sometimes paid in Commodities, and sometimes in Money, as they can agree; and the most part are thus. To the Cadie 5 Pico of Venetian Cloth, and Coney Skins to leave it. To the Cadies' Servant, 3 ½ Picos English Cloth, to the Cadies Caya, 3 Picos of what Cloth he shall choose, to the Cadies Scrivan, a Chicquen in Gold. To the Cadies' Page, 2 ½ Dollars, to the Mosier Bashaw, 1 ½ Picos of Cloth, to the Cadies' Janissaries, a Chicquen in Gold; all of which is commonly accounted to be worth 68 or 69 Dollars. But to conclude, the Trade of this Port, is most in request for the abundance of Cotton; which grows in the adjacent parts, after this manner about the Spring of the Year, it is sowed and comes up with a Slender Stalk like Wheat; but strong as a Cane, and bears a Bearded Head, exceeding hard, but when Ripe it opens of itself, and yields both Seed, and Cotton, the first of which they Preserve to Sow again, and the latter they sell to the English and French to the quantity yearly of 20000 Quintals. CHAP. XXX. A View of Syria, and the Trade thereof. SYria is bounded with the Mediterranean Sea on the West, on the East with Euphrates, on the South with Palestine, and on the North with Cilicia, and contains 3 Provinces, viz. Phoenicia, Caelosyria, and Syrophaenicia. In Phoenicia, are Principally found the Cities of Acria, and Sidon, where the chief Trade and Commerce is with the Venetians, and French, who Traffic with the Inhabitants for Corn, Galls, Wool, and Wax, and in the lieu thereof give them Spices, and Europian Cloth. Their Weights are the Cantar of Acria which makes 603 pound English, and the Rottolo which is 4 pound 5 ½ Ounces English, and 650 Drams. Their Measures are the Brace, with which they Measure their Cloth, and other Commodities. Their Coins, especially theirs of Sidon, and the Rials of 8/● Spanish, and Chickqeens of Gold, the Ryal going currant for 70 Asper's, and the Chickqeens at 108, but seldom continue long at a settled value; and thus much for the Province of Phoenicia. Syrophaenicia, contains the City of Baruti, formerly called Julia Felix, once a City of great Trade, but of late reduced to straighter Limits and little Trade; all they have with Europe, is from the Venetians. Their Commodities are Wax, Drugs, some Silks, and such like Commodities common to Asia. Their Weights is the Cantar, containing 100 Rotolo's, each Rotolo being accounted 502 pound English. Their Measure is the Pico, 100 containing 86 Venetian Braces. Their Trade for the most parts is with the Merchants of Arabia, Persia, and Turkey, who bring thither their Merchandise, at certain Seasons, when the Carravan sets out, not otherwise daring to venture for fear of the Rovers that Rob in great Troops. The chief Metropolis of Caelosyria, is Damascus; which is the Principal Scale of Trade in that Province. Therefore so that in describing the Trade of that, the rest will be included. CHAP. XXXI. A View of Damascus, of the Trade, Weights, Measures, and Currant Coin thereof. Damascus' is Accounted the Head of Syria, and is pleasantly Seated; abounding in all manner of plenty, as Grapes, Corn, Cattle, Cottons, Saffron, Steel, Raw Silk, Oil, Honey, Wax, Balsam, Almonds, Dates, and Rice, which are all the growth of the Country, and brought thither by the Merchants; as the chief Mart for which they receive (but mostly of the Venetians) Woollen Cloth, Tinn, Quick-Silvet, Led, Latin Wire, Plates, Brimstone, Alum, Beads, Bracelets, Looking-Glasses, Canvas, Furs, Sugar, Paper, Velvet, Taffeta, Damask, Coral, Beads, and the like; for which besides the abovementioned Wares, at sundry Seasons, they receive Ginger, Cloves, Mace, Sandals, Incense, Myrrh, Nutmegs, Indigo, galangal, Long-Pepper, Mirobulans, Armoniac, Aloes Epatica, Cardimon, Turbith, Sanguis Draconis, Sugar Candia, Wormseed, Zedoaria, Spicknard, Cinnamon, Tutia, Benjamin, Assa Faetida, Manna, and Champhir, which are sold by the Cantar of Damascus, or the Rottolo; some Musk, Ambergrease, and Pearls, are found there likewise. Their Weights are the Cantar, and Rottolo, the former making 600 Venetian pound Sotile, and 380 pound Gross, which is accounted 416 pound Averdupois. The Measure of length is the Pico, and is accounted 27 Inches, with which they Measure their Cloth, Stuffs, and Silks, and to each Measure allow the vantage of a Hands breadth; and in all Weights Tear of the Casks, Bags, or packing Mats. Their Coin is the Asper, they have likewise Currant, the Chickqeens of Gold, and some few Rials. And thus much for Damascus, so famous of old, as is mentioned in Holy Writ. CHAP. XXXI. A View of Aleppo, and the Trade thereof, with the Descriptions of the Weights; Measures, Manners, and Customs of that famous City. ALeppo formerly called Aram Sobab, is Seated on a fair and fertile Plain, and Beautified with many stately Buildings; each Street being nightly shut up with Folding Gates, and the Merchant's Caves or Warehouses, fortified with Iron Gates, the Trade of Tripoli being by the General consent of the Merchants removed hither, Merchants of all Nations making it now their Scale of Trade, though an Inland City being Seated about 100 English Miles from the Sea; so that from the port of Alexandretta, or Scanetaroon, the Merchandise coming by Shipping, are Laden on Camels, and conveyed thither; that Country being in Subjection likewise to the Grand Signeur. The Commodity brought by the Merchants of Persia, Arabia, and India, are Drugs, Gems, Spices, Silks, etc. and the growth of the Country affords Grogorams, Galls, Grogram Yarn, Cotton, etc. there is likewise found Silk of Tripoli, Bacai, Bedovin, and Damascus. And this is the chief Scale of Trade, for our English Levant Merchants; all other of his Majesty's Subjects, being prohibited to Trade thither: and by what is vended there yearly, the Reader may Judge of the profits accrueing thereby, viz. 6000 Cloth and upwards, of several sorts 600 Quintals of Tinn, and not less than 100000, Ryals of 8/8 in ready Money, besides Linen, Stuffs, Furs, and other things of English growth, for all which they have large returns. The next who Trade to Aleppo of note are the Venetians, who bring thither Wire, Latin, Plates, shaved Latin, wrought Silk, Steel, Ryals of 8 Chickqueens of Gold, Crystal, Looking-Glasses, Damask, Quicksilver, Paper, and the like; for which they receive all sorts of Cotten, both in Wool, and Yarn; as likewise Grograms, Mohaires, Drugs, Spices, Gems, Calls, Indicos, and the like; and upon the same Score, the French Trade thither, all of them having Consuls, or Vice-Counsuls Resident in Aleppo, Alexandretto, or some place adjacent to manage their affairs. The Weights of this place, are the Rottolo, Dram, and Wesno; by the latter of which little other Commodities then Persian Silk is sold. The Rottolo is 12 Ounces, the Dram, the 60 part of an Ounce; and 3600 is accounted to the Wesno, yet for Silver, Gold, and Gems, they have other Weights; as the Mitigal and Carat, the former of which is 1 ½ Drams, which is Carats 24 English, or Grains 96, etc. All sorts of Indigo is there sold by the Churl, which is accounted 27 ½ Rottolos, of 720 Drams, Churls, 2 make a Chest, 327 pounds neat Indigo being allowed to a Churl; 3 Ounces for dust, 3 Ounces for Single shirt, and 6 Ounces for double shirt, being over and above allowed to the Buyer. Silk of all sorts hath allowance, from Heads of Skeins, if corpse 100 in 130 Drams per Wesno, if fine yet 60 Drams; Musk sold by the Mittigal, out of the Cod, gives no allowance, but in the Cod ●0 per cent. Drugs of the proper growth of the Country, are sold by the Rottolo of 720 Drams; and is exempted from Custom, but as for Drugs of Foreign growth they are weighed by the Rottolo of 600 Drams, as Camphir, Aloes Socotrine, etc. and pay large Customs, even as the Buyer can agree; Silks of the growth give no allowance in Tare, as being fine and clean, Opium is allowed 10 Drams in the 100 Spices of all sorts are sold by the Rottolo 720 Drams, but if ungarble, that is unseparated the good from the bad, 32 Drams in the 100 are allowed, that is 132 for 100, but if Garbled 10 Ounces only. Galls are allowed for dust, and defect 2 per cent. Aloes Epaticum, Aloes Socotrina, Assafaetida with the Skins, as also Bedellium allow 20 in the 100 for waste. Cinnamon, Cubebs, Cassia Fistula, Oculus Indi, Galbanum, Maces, Opium, Rhubarb, Manna, etc. allow 10 per 100 Camphora, Lignum Aloes, and Nutmegs allow 5 per 100 The Measure used here is the Pico, accounted 27 English Inches. The Coins found currant, are those common throughout the Ottoman Empire, viz. the Soltany which 80 Medines 120 Asper's and 16 Shillings English. The Lion Dollar, which is 50 Medines, 80 Asper's, and 10 Shillings English, the Ducat which is 40 Medines, 60 Asper's, and 7 Shillings 6 Pence English. Rials of 8/● have passed 6 ½ per cent. better than Lion Dollars 1 ½ Ryals 8/● hath passed for a Soltany. Their Accounts are kept in Dollars, and Asper's, which go currant amongst the Christian Merchants; 80 Asper's being accounted to the Dollar, and 1250 Dollars accounted 312 pound 10 Shillings Sterling. The Customs paid by the English, be 3 per cent. though sometimes more, but as it was agreed between the Mustapha Aga, the Receiver of Customers; and the English Consul I shall set down for the better Instruction of Young Factors, and so conclude the Trade of Aleppo. The Customs thus, Kerseys rated at Medines 14 3/2 per Peice at 3 per cent. Broad Cloth at 120 Medines per Cloth at 3 per cent. Coney-skins the Bundle containing 50 Skins, at 14 Dollars. Tinn rated at 50 Rotolo's per chest, and 32 Dollars is 137 ½ Dollars. Indigo at 587 Medines per chest. Galls at 12 Dollars per Rottolo. Grograms the Bale at 33 Dollars. Fidales per Quintal at 33 Dollars. Cotton Wool, per cent. 33 Dollars. Quilt per Bail 50 Dollars. Battanoes per Bale 80 Dollars, Corduvants per Bale 80 Dollars, Turmerick per Rotolo 80 Medines, Gum Dragant per Bale 60 Dollars; all Spices, as Cloves, Mace, Nutmegs, Cinnamon, etc. pay 21 per cent. but are rated at 14 per cent. less than the same Cost; as Commodities of India, viz. Nutmegs valued at Medines 6; Cloves per Rottolo at 160, Mace per Rottolo 220, Cinnamon per Rottolo at 30 Medines; Pepper is charged but with half Custom, and consequently rated at half less than it cost; and thus much for the Trade of Aleppo. CHAP. XXXIII. A View of Tripoli, and the Trade thereof. THis City, to distinguish it from that Piratical City in Barbary bearing the same name, is called Tripoli of Syria; and was formerly the Scale of Trade, but it has been of late removed to Aleppo, as is before mentioned; so that now it has little Trade with Europe, except what the Venetians find there. The Commodities vended, are Cotton in Yarn and Wool, Drugs of several sorts, Corn and some Spices. The Weight used there, is the Rottolo, of 100 pound; which has been found to be 416 pound Averdupois; allowing 52 Drams to the Ounce. The moneys currant, are Asper's, Dollars, Lions, and Soltinies; the Common Money of Syria; and thus much for the Trade of that Region. CHAP. XXXIV. A View of Palestine, and the Provinces, Trade, Weights, Measures, Customs, and Currant Coin thereof. THe Provinces of Palestine are 4, viz. Galilea, Judaea, Idumea, and Samaria. In these Provinces, the chief Cities are Gaza, and Tyrus; which at present afford but little Trade, and what is afforded, is carried on by the Venetians; the Commodities of the former are Cottons in Wool, and Yarn; several sorts of Drugs, and Spices. The Coins currant there are those of Turkey, the Weights used are the Rottolo, and Cantar, 100 Rotolo's going to the Cantar. The latter, viz. Tyrus, formerly very famous for Navigation; as appears by the Description of that City in Holy Writ, but now wants that Trade, being Subjected by the Turks; so that what Trade remains is amongst themselves, or such Neighbours as do not make any great advantage thereof; their Weights, Measures, and Coins, are those used throughout the Turkish Dominions. CHAP. XXXV. A View of Armenia, and the Provinces thereof, together with the Trade; as likewise of Arabia, the Provinces, and Trade thereof. ARmenia is bounded on the East with Media, and the Caspian Sea, on the West with the River Euphrates, and the Euxian Sea, on the North with Tartary, and on the South with Mesopotamia; and divided into 3 Provinces, viz. Georgia, Colchis, and Turcomania; and is in Subjection to the Grand Signeour, and abounds in Cattle, Fruits, Corn, and such like; but has little Commerce with Merchants, especially by Navigation. Arabia is divided into 3 parts, viz. Arabia Desarta, Arabia Petrosa, and Arabia Faelix. The first of which is bounded on the East with the Persian Gulf, on the West with the Red Sea, on the North with Mesopotamia, and on the South with the Arabian Ocean; and is memorable for nothing more, than the Children of Israel's wandering in it 40 Years, in their Journey out of Egypt to the Land of Promise; being altogether Barren; nor is the second less sterile, so that the Inhabitants live upon Robberies, and Spoil of such Merchant's Goods as pass through upon Camels to Aleppo, and other Places. Arabia Faelix differs from the former, as being Fertile even beyond Expression, exceeding the Richest Country in Asia in its abounding with Balsams, Myrrh, Frankincense, Gold, Pearls, Spices, Manna, and Drugs of most sorts which are carried by the Merchants to Aleppo, and other Mart Cities and Towns, and from thence dispersed over the known World. The chief Towns are Medina, and Mecha, famous for being the one the Birth place, and the other the Burial place of the Impostor Mahomet; as also Aden. The Weights and Measures, are the same with those of Morocco, and Tunis; and their Coins are the Asper, the Soltany, and Chequin, etc. CHAP. XXXVI. A View of Assyria, Mesopotamia, Chaldea, etc. ASsyria is bounded on the North with Armenia, on the East with Media, on the West with Mesopotamia, and on the South with Persia; and is famous for its Metropolis, the great City Ninive; which is now ruined by War, but is a Province where at present little or no Trade is driven, and therefore I shall the more lightly pass it over. Mesopotamia is in subjection to the Ottoman Empire, and has for its chief City Carumite, the Seat of the Turkish Bashaw, but is of little note as to Trade. Chaldea is famous for comprehending the great City of Babylon, now called Bagdet, Builded first by Nimrod, and afterwards enlarged, to the circuit of 60 Miles, by Semiramis whose Walls were 200 Foot high, and 75 Foot broad; and is saluted by the River Euphrates, and at this day keeps Correspondence with Aleppo, by Caravans, and Camels; so that it retains a considerable Trade: and what is worthy of note, their advice to and from distant places, is received by the means of Pigeons, which is in this manner effected; When the Hen sits, they carry the Cock a days Journey, and then fastening a Letter about his Neck, let him go, who immediately Flieth Home, and there the Letter is received by such as watch his return, and so by degrees bring them to such perfection, that in 24 Hours, a Letter will be carried 100 or 150 Miles. The Commodities of this Place, are the same with those of Aleppo, and their Weights, the Dram, Mittagal, Rottolo, and Cantar; the Rottolo being 1 pound 10 Ounces English. Their Measure is the Pico, which is found to be 27 Inches English, and their Coins those usual throughout the Turkish Empire, and therefore 'tis needless to repeat them. CHAP. XXXVII. A View of Media, and the Provinces thereof, as also of their Trade, Weights, Measures, and the like. MEdia is bounded on the West with Armenia, on the South with Persia, on the North with the Caspian Sea, and on the East with Parthia; the chief Cities are Tauris, Sultania, and Derbent; of which the former is the Metropolis, and commonly made the Summer Seat of the Persian Sophy, and is conjectured to contain 100000. Inhabitants; the Trade thereof consists chiefly in Raw-Silk, of which there is store; which is Traded for by our English Merchants, and others, and what remains is sent to Aleppo, viz 2000 Sums yearly; the City affords likewise rich Carpets, and some Drugs, Spices, Cottons, Galls, Alum, and the like; it being now in the Subjection of the Persian Monarch. The Weights and Measures, are for the most part the same with those of Babylon, viz. the Rottolo, Cantar, and Pico; the Country round about is very Fertile in Corn, and plants, as also in the producing all manner of necessaries, for the production of Cattle. CHAP. XXXVIII. A View of Persia, The Provinces, Cities, Trade, Weights, Measures, and Commodities thereof. PErsia is bounded on the East with the River Indus, on the South with the main Ocean, on the North with the Caspian Sea, and on the West with Tigris, and the Persian Gulf; and is divided into 11 Provinces, viz. Persis, Susiana, Caramania, Gedrosia, Drangiania, Arica, Arachosia, Parapomisus, Saccha, Hyrcania, and Ormus; all large Provinces. Persis has of late changed its name to that of Far, and is bounded with the Persian Gulf, Caramania, Susiana, and Media; and abounds in rich Merchandise, especially Silk, Drugs, and some Spices. Casbin is now accounted the chief City of Persia, and lately the residency of the Sophies, and is adorned with many stately Edifices, but chiefly Beautified with the Bussars or Exchanges, which are many, and stored with Rich Commodities; as Jewels, Drugs, Spices, Silks, either in Damasks, Velvets, or Raw; where likewise the Merchants of several Nations Trading thither, meet in the same manner as at London. Their Weights, Measures, and Coins, agree with those of Hisphan; of which in order I shall Treat, and therefore refer the Reader to View them there. Balsara is Seated on the Persian Gulf, upon the mouth of Euphrates; and contains the Commodities of Arabia, Turkey, India, and Persia, by Reason of its commodious Situation, and is in Subjection to the Grand Signeour, as reduced to his Obedience by force of Arms, Anno 1550. And pays Customs to his Intendant or Vizard Bashaw 5 per cent. upon clothes, Silks, and the like; but to every 100 a Tare, or allowance of 3 pound is Customary, and their Weights is generally the Wesun accounted 16 of them to the Cantar of Aleppo. Casan is frequented by the Merchants of India, and the Commodities for the most part consist of the Manufacture of the Citizens, as Sashes, Turbans, Girdles, Velvets, Satins, Dammask, Ormustus' Carpets, etc. and thither are brought Diamonds, Pearls, Rubies, Turquoisies, Spices, etc. and a Law there is, that all Persons above the Age of 6 Years shall give up their Names to the Magistrate; and with a Satisfactory account by what means he or she get their Livings, and if they be found in a false Tale, they are either Battooned, or put to some Public slavery for a time. Caramania is a Fertile Province, as to necessary Provisions, and other ways only worthy of note, for the Cloth of Gold made there; as for Gedrosia, Drangiana, Arica, Arachosia, Parapomisis, Saccha, and Hyrcania, they are of little note as to Trade, and therefore I shall pass them over. Ormus the last Province of Persia, is exceedingly in request, abounding in Commodities of Value, and is divided by an Arm of the Sea, of 12 Miles over from the Continent, and is much frequented by Merchants, Trading in those parts. The Commodities are chiefly Carpets, Tapestry, Sashes, Grograms, Mohairs, Turkey Camlets, Arabian Drugs, Indian Gems, and Spices, it being the Principal Mart, or Magazine of all the Eastern Commodities; for in April and September, the Caravans come thither strongly Guarded from Aleppo, Syria, and other Countries, taking Ship at Balsara, and bring all manner of Rich Commodities, that are to be found in the Traffic of the Mediterranean. The most advantageous Seaports in those parts are Jasques, and Gombrove, where the English Ships Trade for this Kingdom, as likewise the Camels, and Drommidaries of the Indian, and other Merchants that Travel by Land. Their Weight is the Dram, 96 of which make a pound Averdupois. Their Measures are the Coveda, short and long; the former is accounted 27, and the latter 37 Inches, and are used in measuring the proper Manufacture of Persia. The moneys currant are the Bessee of Copper, which is 4 Cosbags, the Shahee of Silver, which is 2 ½ Bessees, 29 Cosbegs, or 4 pence Sterling; the Abashee of Silver, which is 2 Mamothis', 40 Cosbegs, or 16 pence Sterling; the Mamothis' which is 2 Shahees, 29 Cosbegs or 8 pence Sterling, The Asar of Gold which is 20 Shahees, or 6 Shillings 6 pence Sterling. The Toman of Gold which is 10 Asars', or 3 pound 6 Shillings 8 pence Sterling, as also the Larrees, which are reckoned at 10 pence Sterling. CHAP. XXXIX. A View of Hispahan, and of the Trade thereof. HIspahan formerly called Hecatompolis, from it's 100 Gates, is one of the Principal Cities of the Persian Dominions; Beautified with Red Marble-Walls, of prodigious height, stately Buildings, as Palaces, Seraglios, and the like; adorned with Ivory, Ebony, Alabaster, and Carpets of Silk and Gold. The Inhabitants do all their business on Horseback, unless such as are Slaves; and the City abounds in the stores of India, Arabia, Turkey, Russia, and China, which for the most part are brought thither upon Dromidaries; and again disposed of to such Merchants as Trade thither. The price of Carriage is thus, 100 Mands of Wares from Sciras to Hispahan cost 70 Sehids, and from Hispahan to Casan 60 Sehids, from Hispahan to Ormus, by Sciras 120 Sehids; and lastly from Hispahan to Tauris 40 Sehids. The Weights are the Dram, the Mittigal, and the Maund, or Maundshaw, 100 of the first make 66 ⅔ of the Second, and of the second 1200 maketh the third: the Measures are the Cavedo, long and short, and are as in the foregoing Chapter; as also the Coins currant here agree with those of Ormus. Silks are found here in abundance, both wrought and Raw. And thus much for Persia, and the Trade thereof. CHAP. XL. A View of Tartary, of the Trade, Weights, Measures, Currant Coins, and Customs thereof. TArtary the next division of Asia, is bounded on the West with Muscovia, on the South with the Caspian Sea and Hill Taurus, on the East with the main Ocean, and on the North with the Frozen Sea, and is divided into 5 Kingdoms or Provinces, under the Subjection of the great Cham, viz. Precopensis, Asiatica Antiqua, Zagathai, and Cathaia; but for as much as the last Province, is only abounding in known Trade, and yields the Commodities of all the rest: I shall only insist upon it, and in the Description of the Trade of Cambalu, lay down what ever is to be found in that vast Country. Cambalu is the Metropolitan of Cathai, through which Runs the River Po●●sanga and is in circuit accounted 28 Miles, adorned with stately Palaces, and other Edifices, being the Seat of the great Cham; who maintains 5000 Astrologers or Wizards, and 12 or 14000 Horse for his ordinary Guard. The Merchants that Trade thither, have their Caves or Storehouses in the Suburbs, which are in great number. The Commodities of the Country are Rice, Grain, Ruhbarb, Coral, Silk, Wool, Hemp, and the like; they have likewise Silver Mines, and some yielding Gold o'er, yet their Coin for the most part is made of the inmost Bark of a Mulberry Tree cut round, stamped with the Prince's Seal, and upon pain of Death, none dare Coin any other, or refuse to take it, though in some places they have pieces of Coral, twigs of Gold, and Salt Loaves which go at certain rates in Exchange; but the money is as aforesaid, and those Merchants are obliged to take it for their Richest Commodities, and put it away again for such as the Country affords; they have Spices, Gems, and Drugs; but not of natural growth, but are beholden to the Arabians and Indians for them; their Country by Reason of the long continuing cold, not being capable of producing them. Their Weights are those used generally throughout the Provinces, viz. the gross Cantar, and the small Cantar; the former of which is only used in weighing Gross Goods, and is accounted 268 pound English, the small Cantar is 103 pound English. All their Grain, and other such like Commodities, they vend by a Measure, called the Chistetto which makes 8 ½ Staios Venice. The Measure for Silks, Stuffs, and Cloth is the Pico, 100 of which make 126 Braces Venice. And thus much for Tartary; which is mostly Inhabited by Thiefs and Rovers; who rather live by Spoil then Trade, being morose, Savage people, fit for so cold and Barren a Country, as for the most part. Therefore leaving this Frozen Clime, I shall pass into India far more Fruitful and Commodious. CHAP. XLI. A View of India, intra, & extra Gangem, of the Provinces, Trade, Customs, and valuable Commodities thereof. INdia is bounded on the West with the River Indus, on the East with China, on the North Tartary, and on the South with the Ocean; and is divided into 2 parts, viz. India Intra Gangem, and India Extra Gangem; the first contains nine Principal Kingdoms, viz. Narsinga, Malavar, Ballasia, Cambaia, Mandao, Bengala, Aristan, Canora, and Dellia; and the second 7 Kingdoms, viz. Macin, Aracan, Chambaia, Couchin-china, Barma, Siam, and Pegu. The whole Country taking its Name from the River Indus, which runs 1000 Miles ere it meets the Sea. As for the Trade of the Indies, I shall briefly lay it down in the Description of the Principal Scales of Traffic, and first of Diu. Diu is an Island lying about 20 Leagues distant from the River Indus, and is under the protection of the King of Portugal, the Portugals indeed being the first Discoverers of those Tracts; and have a very good Haven for Shipping, whither resort the Merchants of Arabia, Turkey, Persia, Armenia, etc. bringing the Richest Commodities of the growth of those Nations, as likewise all the Banians, Gusrates, and Rumos; that Trade in Cambaia, and from thence to the Red-Sea and Mecca, bring thither their Merchandise. The Commodities this place affordeth, are Cotton of Linen of sundry sorts, which there are called Jorims, Sluyers, and Lamparads, and are in England called calico's; also there are abundance of Cocus-Oyl, Indian-Nuts, Butter, Pitch, Tar, Sugar-Candia, Iron, excellent Leather Artificially wrought with Silks of all Colours; Chests, Cupboards, Boxes, of curious work inlaid with Mother Pearl and other rare divices. As for the Weights, and Measures of this place, I refer the Reader to the Description of Goa, and the Trade thoreof; and thus much for the Town and Island of Diu. CHAP. XLII. A View of Cambaia, of the Trade, Weights, Measures, Coins, Commodities, and Customs thereof. CAmbaia giveth a Kingdom its Name, being the Metropolis of Cambaia; and is vast in circuit, adjudged to contain no less than 800000. Inhabitants; Seated upon the River Indus, being a City of the greatest Trade in those Parts, and thither resort Christians, Persians and Arabians; and there both the English and Dutch have Factories. But the Natives who are called the Gensurates, and Banians, are the Richest Merchants, and greatest Traders; as likewise of late grown so Politic, that they have an insight into-most Commodities. The Commodities this City and Country afford are calico's of all sorts, Corn, Rice, Butter, Oil, rich Carpets, fine Chests, Cupboards, Carved and Embellished with Mother Pearl, Plates of Silver, Ivory, and the like; there are found in this Country many precious Stones of great value, as Rubies, Jacinths, Chrysolites, Amber, Jaspar, Spinals, Granads, and agates, as likewise several Rich Drugs, as Opium, Camphora, Bangue, and Sandalwood; as also Sugars and Indigo in abundance. The like Commodities are likewise found in Bianny, Fetterbarre, Shersky, and Labour. In this Tract is the famous Port of Surrat, which at this day the Dutch make their chief Scale of Trade, and whither all the Commodities of these Countries are brought, especially those Subject to the Sceptre of the great Mogul. The currant Coins are Mahomodies though very Scarce, and are each accounted 12 pence Sterling, the Casanna Ruppy Esteemed worth 3 Shillings 3 pence Sterling, the Jaquire Ruppe, 5 of which make 6 Casanna Ruppies, the Saway Ruppy valued at 11 Shillings 3 pence Sterling, the hand Ruppy valued at 2 Shillings 3 pence. In which and the Casanna Ruppy, the Merchants of Gusurat keep their Accounts. They have likewise smaller pieces, which are accounted 34 to the Mahmudy, and the Sahhee, which is accounted 10 Cosbegs; though in some places they differ in value, though the difference is inconsiderable. The Weights used throughout the Mogul's Dominions are 3, one proper for Silk, and the other for all other Merchandise, viz. the pice which in Silk is accounted 5 ½ Mittigals, a Mittigal being about 13 Troy penny Weights, and the Sear small and great, which vary much, viz. the Sear of Surrat is 18 Pices Weight of Copper-money, and accounted 13 ½ Ounces Averdupois, the Sear of Agra called the Sear. Acoberg is 30 Pices and 22 Ounces Averdupois. The Sear of Agra, called the Sear Janquery 36 Pices and 26 ⅔ Ounces Averdupois; and so in several other places vary according to the Custom of the place. They have in use likewise 2 Mands, a Maund small of Surrat, being 40 small Sears of that place and 33 pound Averdupois, the other is 40 great Sears, which makes 54 ⅜ pound English, and these are Multiplied into a Candil of Surrat, and Cambaia which contains 20 Mands. The Measures at Cambaia & Surrat are two, viz. the Cavado, long & short, the last of which is used in Measuring of Silks, and is 27 Inches English, the first is used in Measuring of Woollen Cloth, and is 35 English Inches; but in Agra, Labour Dilli, and Brampore, the short Cavado is found to be 32 Inches; as for Concave Measures, none are found in the Moguls Country, their Liquids as well as Grain, and other dry Commodities being sold by Weight. And thus much for Cambaia and the Trade thereof. CHAP. XLIII. A View of Goa, the Trade, Commodities, Weights, Measures, Coins, and Customs thereof, and of the Pearl Fishery. GOa is a famous City at present, the Seat of the Portiguize Viceroy and Archbishop; and is Seated in an Island to which it gives Name, and is the chief Mart or Scale of Trade on that part of India; for hither resort Merchants who bring the Commodities of Persia, Arabia, Armenia, Cambaia, Pegu, Siam, Bengalia, Malacca, Java, Molucco, and China; a Port it has, Capacious for the Reception of Shipping, but those of great Burden are obliged to Anchor at Bards, some Miles short of Goa, by Reason of the Shallowness of the Water, where are purposely Built Sore-Houses, for the reception of such Merchandise as are brought thither, which are set to Sail in the chief Street every day, from 7 to nine in the Morning, in the nature of our Fairs in England; during which time a great concourse of Merchants and others buy up what Commodities they like best, or can agree for; and in this place all the Natives of one Craft live in distinct Streets, being enjoined under severe Penalties, not to Marry out of their own Trade, nor put their Children to any other Trade. Their Winter which consists only in terrible Rains, begins about the last of April, and continues till September. The Commodities of the growth of this Island, consist only in Palm-Trees and Cocus; but hither are brought Silk, Spices, Jewels, and all the Manufactures of India, Arabia, Persia, Armenia, etc. The Weights used here, are the Quintal and Rove, the proper Weights of Portugal, and are used in weighing most European Commodities. They have likewise a Maund of 12 pound Averdupois; another Weight they have proper to the Weighing of Pepper, which is here found in abundance and nearly corresponds with our neat hundred. Their Measure for Grain, and the like, is the Medida of which 24 make a Maund, and 20 Mands are 14 Bushels English. Their Measure of Length is consistent with those of Lisbon, to which I refer the Reader. As for their Coins, they are two sorts, good and bad, so that when Merchant's Trade, they as well include in their Bargain, what Coin they shall receive or pay, as what Goods they buy or sell. The common Money is the Pardus Xeraphin, worth 300 Res of Portugal, or 3 Testons, which are valued at 4 Shillings 6 pence Sterling, one Pardus is worth 4 good Tangas, and one good Tangas is worth 4 good Ventins or 5 Badoves, a Ventine good is worth 18 bad Basarucos or 15 good ones, 3 Basarucos good, are 2 Res of Portugal. There are currant likewise the Persina Larins of Silver worth 110 Basarucos, also the Pagode of Gold worth 10 Tangas, and is accounted 8 Shillings Sterling, the Venetiander of Gold worth two Pardus Sheraphin, the St. Thomas of Gold worth 8 Tangas, the Royal of 8/● called Pardus d' Reales worth 440 Res of Portugal; as for the Larins of Persia, they continue not at any settled price, but rise & fall, as the trade increases or decreases. All the money received in way of Trade, passes through the Hands of the Sheraffs; a kind of Officers, who for a small consideration for telling each Sum, are bound to make it good, either in Tale or goodness, etc. Having thus far proceeded, I shall now give the Reader a Relation of the Pearl-Fishery; a View of which may be both pleasant and profitable to the Reader, as thus. When the time of this Fishery draweth near, which is about the middle of March; the Boats go out, and let down their Divers to find where the Beds of Oysters lie, by Reason they continue not always in one place; which being found, the Galleys Armed, that are appointed to defend the Fishermen from Rovers, Anchor, or Cruse at a distance from the Shoar, and then the Fishermen set up a kind of a Wooden Village to contain their necessaries, and to Lodge in till the time of Fishing be over, and then put out their Boats or Barks, in each of which is 10 men at least, who mooring by their Anchors, fasten a great Stone, or Iron Weight to the end of a Rope, and then one of them Stripping, has his Ears and Nose stopped with Wool, dipped in Oil, and sometimes a Sponge dipped in Oil in his mouth, and a Basket fastened to his left Arm, or about his Neck; he gets astride upon the Stone or Weight, and with it Sinks to the Bottom, his Companions holding one end of the Rope, by which when he has filled his Basket, they draw him up, he giving them notice when to do so by pulling the Rope, and when he is come up, another is ready to go down; and so take it by turns till their Bark is full of Fish; which than they carry to Shoar and lay on heaps, every Boats heap by itself, and so continue diving, for the most part in 14 or 15 Fathom Water, till the middle of April, or sometimes till the latter end; by which time those they first took are opened by the heat of the Sun, which dries away the moisture; and then each Boats Crew and such others as they have to help them fall to searching for the Pearls, but find them not in every Shell, nor at all times of the same perfection; when the Pearls are gathered, there are certain Persons that View and sort them, dividing them into 4 distinctions, and accordingly set Prices on them, as they are in Largeness, Beauty and Goodness, which they discern by a small instrument full of holes. The divisions of Pearls are these: The first, second, third and fourth sort, viz. the round Pearl which they call the Aja, or Vnja of Portugal, the wrinkled Pearl called the Aja of Bengala, the third sort called the Aja of Canora, and the 4 or worst sort are called Aja Cambaia; and when they are thus divided, great is the striving amongst the Merchants, who shall make the best purchase; for note that none are allowed to Fish for them, but such as will pay tribute and acknowledgement for so doing, and indeed few there are that are expert therein. And thus much for the Pearl Fishing. As for the manner of their Sail and the Prices they are sold for in India, I shall speak hereafter. As for the Coast of Malabar, it abounds with Pepper which is bought up by the Portugals, six months before its Ripe, and when it comes to perfection, stored up till the Arrival of their Ships; and to this Coast are accounted these places, viz. Rome's, Onor, Barsellor, Mongalor, Cananor, Calicut, Granganor, Cochin, Coulon, and Cape de Comery. CHAP. XLIV. A View of Musulipatan, the Trade, Commodities, Weights, Customs, and Coins thereof. MVsulipatan is the chief Town upon the Coast of Chormandel, where the English have settled a Factory; as likewise at the Towns of Petipoly and Armagon in the same Tract, all depending upon the former; the Port and Situation being Commodious, both for the Reception of Shipping; and Temperate for English Bodies being Eastward; the Natives are very Industrious in Manufacture, and the Soil yields plenty in abundance, and abounds with most Commodities of India; from this Coast there is found driven a great Trade into Bengala, Pegu, Siam, and Malacca. In this place it is that the fine Cottons of divers colour sare wrought, and dispersed not only all over India, but throughout the World. The Weight used on this Coast is the Candile, which in the Weight of Gross Goods is found to be 20 Mands, each Maund being Accounted 26 pound 14 ½ Ounces English. As for Measures I find not any, they usually weighing both dry and Liquid Commodities; the Customs were once 12 per cent. but now reduced to 4. The currant Coins along this Coast is the Pagode of Gold, the Mahomudy and Fanan of Silver, the Pagode being valued at 15 Fanans, or 8 Shillings English, a Fanan is 9 Cashees, which are accounted 6 pence ¾ Sterling, they have likewise Ryals of Spain and other Coins, the Mamody is as is before recited 12 pence English. CHAP. XLV. A View of Satagan, the Metropolis of Bengala, the Trade of that Coast and the River Ganges, and the Commodities, Weights, Customs, etc. THis Coast beginneth where the beforementioned endeth, through the middle of which runneth the famous River Ganges, making a large Bay or Gulf, called the Bay of Bengala; and is under the Protection of the great Mogul, whose Coins are currant in those Parts. As for the River Ganges, the Natives and many other of far Countries, imagine it to be of that Virtue, that it can cure many distempers, and by Drinking and Bathing therein, make them capable of obtaining Paradise, which Superstitious conceit, brings many from distant Places on Pilgrimage; which Creates a great Trade in Satagan, the chief City on this Coast, which is Seated on a River some distance from Ganges, up which the Tide runneth 100 Miles, and more, so swift that Boats drive with incredible speed without Sails or Oars; at the entrance of this River, is a place called the Butter, where Merchants Build Booths of Straw and Branches of Trees, against the coming in of the Ships, and furnish them with all manner of Merchandise, by Reason the River will not admit of Ships of great Burden so high as Satagan, the which sheds when the Ships depart, they set on fire and remove their Goods to Satagan; nor are the Commodities vended her a few, for no less than forty Ships of Divers Nations, find sufficient to Load them and some to spare. The chief Commodities found on this Coast are Rice, Cloth of Cotton of divers sorts, Lacca, Sugar, Mirabolans, Long-Pepper, Oil of Zerseline, etc. and from this City the Merchant's Trade to Pegu, Musulipatan, and Summatra; and for the most part to avoid being incommoded by the heat, they meet and Trade in the Night, and what Goods are bought here by the Natives, are carried up the River in Boats, and sold in other Cities and Ports. In these parts the English- East-India Company has Factories, and greatly improve themselves thereby; the Portugals likewise in this Tract have 2 small Forts, but no considerable Trade, that Nation of late much declining in matters of Navigation. The Weights and Coins are much the same with those of Musulipatan. Having thus far proceeded, it will not be amiss to give the Reader an Account of a strange Custom used in this Tract, which is, that if any Debtor break the day of payment by him consented to, his Creditor goes to the Principal Bramen, or Archpriest, and procures of him a Rod, with which he makes a circle round his debtor, charging him in the Name of the King and the said Bramen, not to depart out of it till he has satisfied the debt, which if he does not, he must either starve there or by coming out forfeit his Life to the Laws of the Country; but this is only amongst the Natives. CHAP. XLVI. A View of Pegu, and the Trade, Customs, Weights and Coins, of the Coast thereof. PEgu is divided into two parts. In the one the King and his Nobles reside, in the other the Artificers, Merchants, and Mariners; that wherein the former reside is called the New-Town, and where the latter Inhabit the old-Town; about which is a Moat of exceeding breadth, in which are many Crocodiles kept purposely, and all the Walls Beautified with Turrets, Guilded with Gold; the Streets are fair, and set on each side with rows of Palm-Trees, to keep off the Sun from such as Pass through them; and upon the Arrival of the Ships, by the help of the Monson or Trading Wind, great is the concourse of Merchants, who come from the Coast of Cormandel and other Places, bringing Pointadoes, wrought Cotton, and other Merchandise from Maecca, whence come several great Ships laden with Damasks, Woollen Cloth, Velvets, and Cheqens. From Malacca Vessels Arrive laden with Pepper, Porcelan, Sanders, Camphora, and other Rich Commodities. There Arrives several Vessels likewise from Sumatra, with Pepper, and other Commodities, who for the most part Anchor in a Port called Cosmia, not far distant from the City; as for the Customs they are narrowly looked into by Brokers, who are employed for that purpose, and have two per cent. out of all Commodities, paying Custom for their own share, and are bound to sell the Merchant's Goods for them, and to make good what debts they contract, or false money they take upon that occasion, and in their dealings they are very Just; as likewise they are bound to find Lodgings and Warehouses for Merchants; their contracts are made in Public, yet in such a method that none but the parties concerned can tell what is done, for by putting their Hands under a Carpet, and squesing such and such Joints, they know each others meanings without speaking a word, which is registered by the Broker, if they come to a conclusion, in Leaves of Trees, used there instead of Paper. When a Merchant-Stranger comes thither, the Governor sends several Maids to him, to take his choice, which done he must agree with her Parents; and then she serves him, during his stay for both Wife and Servant, and when he departs, paying what he agreed for, she returns home, and if afterward she be married, and he comes to that place, he may have her during his stay, her Husband not in the least making a Scruple thereof, and when he departs, he may send her to her Husband. The Native Commodities in this Tract, are Gold, Rubies, Spinals, Saphires, Silver; which are digged at a Place called Caplan. There is likewise store of Benjamin, Long-Pepper, Led, Rice, Niper-Wine, and Sugar, the growth of the Country not being liable to Custom. The currant Coin of this coast is the Gausa, made of Copper and Lead, and is Coined by any that list, so they state it to a certain Weight, which if it be not, it is soon discerned by the Brokers or Tellers who reject it, and that Weight is called a Biso, and is accounted for ½ Ryal of 8/8 or 2 Shillings 6 pence Sterling. CHAP. XLVII. A View of Sian, and Malacca, and of their Trades, Commodities, Coins, etc. FIrst in the Tract or Coast of Siam, are found the Cities of Tenaserim, and Pattana, in the last of which an English Factory is Established; but Siam is the chief, and was before its being reduced by the King of Pegu, who besieged it with a Million and 400000. men, the chief City of these Parts of India, and to it as yet Merchant's Trade from Couchin-China, Macan, Cantor, Malacca, and Cambaia; as likewise from the Islands of Sumatra, Banda, and Borneo; and has divers Commodities brought from the Inland Cities of Martavan, and Tenaserim, and is Situate on the famous River Menan, which runneth athwart India, and arises from the Lake Chiama; which every March overfloweth its Banks for 100 Miles, during which time the Commerce and Correspondence is held by Boats. The principal Commodities are Cotton, Linens of all sorts, distilled Liquors, by the Natives called Nipe, it being extracted from Cocos, as likewise Benjamin, Lackwit, and precious Wood called by the Portugals Palo-Dangula, and Calamba, making Rich Perfumes, and is Weighed often against Silver and Gold, and the Wood Sapon used by Dyers; Camphora, Bezora-Stones and Gold in abundance, as likewise some Diamonds of great value, also Nutmegs, Mace, and other Spices. The Coins currant in this Tract, are the Tail, valued at 4 Ticals, or 18 Shillings Sterling; a Tical is Accounted 4 Male, or 4 Shillings 6 pence Sterling, etc. Malacca is Situate between Siam and Pegu, and is Subject to the Portugals, as Conquered by them Anno 1511. and has its Walls saluted by the River Gasa, 10 Miles broad, and abounds with the Commodities of China, Mul●oco's, Java, Sumatra, Banda, Siam, Pegu, Bengala and the Coasts of Chormandel, brought thither by Ships that carry back the Commodities of the growth of this Tract; as likewise Ships from Lisbon come yearly hither, and lad rich Merchandise. Here it is observed that the Trade-Winds continue West, and North-West from the end of August to the end of October; and in November, the Northern and North-Eastterly Winds begin to blow, which continue so to do till the beginning of April; and from May to the beginning of August, the South and South-West Wines Blow. The Weights on this Coast, are the Cattee Babar, and the Pecul; but in Malacca only the former, which is divided into 2 parts, viz. the great and the small, making the first 200. Cattees, reckoning each Cattee at 21 pound Averdupois, and the last 100 Cattees, which make 295 pound English. The Pecul is 100 Cattees of China, and is accounted 132 pound English. The Cattee as aforesaid used in this Tract is Accounted 21 pound Averdupois, but sometimes varies. By the great Babar, they commonly weigh Cloves, Nutmegs, Pepper, Saunders, Indigo, Alum, Sanguis-Draconis, Palo-Dangula, and Comphora; and by the lesser Quicksilver, Copper, vermilion, Ivory, Silk, Musk, Amber, Lignum Aloes, Tinn, Led, Verdet, and Benjamin. As for Measures they are rarely used, and indeed so uncertain, that I shall pass them over. The Coins are those for the most part common in India, as Mahomoodies, Portugal-Rees, etc. CHAP. XLVIII. A View of the Kingdom of China, the Trade and Commodities thereof. CHina is a large Kingdom, bounded on the West with India, on the North with the Wall of China, extending in Length 1000 Miles to keep out the Tartars, on the South with the Ocean, and on the East with Mare del Zur, and is a very Fertile Country; Temperate and Healthful, which renders it Populous, it has great Commerce within itself, by the advantage of the many Navigable Rivers, though their Goods are carried for the most part in Boats made of Cane. The Commodities it yieldeth are Wool, Rice, Barley, Oil, Wine, Flax, Cottons, and Raw Silk; which they work into many curious Textures; here are wrought likewise many rare Stuffs, & are found all sorts of Metals to be brought from Japan; as Gold, Silver, Copper, etc. Fruits, Wax, Sugar, Honey, Ruhbarb, China-Roots, Purslaine-Dishes, commonly called China-Dishes, Champhir, Ginger, Musk, Civit, Amber, and all manner of Spices, and Salt; which last is said in one City only, viz. Cantor to yield Custom to the Prince yearly 180000. Ducats. This Kingdom is divided into 15 Provinces, each Province containing 2 Kingdoms, in all which as Writers affirm are contained 1597 Cities, and great Walled Towns 1154. Castles, and 4200. Burroughs without Walls Garrisoned with Soldiers; besides Villages Innumerable. The chief City being Quinsay-Pequin, walled about 100 Miles, and has in the midst of it a Lake of 30. Miles compass; in which are 2 Islands, and in them Palaces and other fair Buildings, for the King and his Nobles, the said King Styling himself the Child of the Sun. And upon the Rivers which Issue from this Lake, are found 12000. Bridges, it being reckoned that the King can make 10000 Sail of Ships, and Barks of his own which he keeps on the Rivers to Transport his Armies in time of War; the Natives for the most part Trade up and down the Rivers, and are so cautious, that they will not suffer any Stranger to inspect their Affairs, so that their Weights, Measures, and manner of Traffic are not effectually known, though the Portugals, Dutch, and Neighbouring Islanders, have of late obtained the favour of some small Commerce at Canton, Meccan, and Nanquin; but upon such strict conditions, that in some places it is Death for them to abide a Night, either in the Town or Suburbs, but must at aset Hour retire to their Ships; and the better to discover it, they have Notaries to take the Names of all that enter the Gates in the Morning, the which if the Persons owning them, do not come to see them Blotted out at the time prefixed, and afterwards be found, though not in the City, it is present Death, except the Factor for the Portugals, who is permitted to live in the Suburbs. And to Maccan the Portuguese have a Ship of 1500. Tuns, that comes yearly from the Indies; bringing Oil, Drinking-Glasses, Looking-Glasses, and Velvet, for which they receive of the Chinois, the growth and Manufacture of their Country. The Weights, Measures, and Coins, that are used in the Places where Trade is permitted, are known to be these. The Weights for fine Goods are the Valls and Tay, 99 Valls making a Tay of Maccan; and a Tay or Tail is 1 Ounce and 11/16 Averdupois. Their Weights for Gold, Silver, Musk, Amber-Greece, etc. are the Tays or Tayels, by some called Tans, Mass, Condreens, Cash, Avons; which are usually marked with cyphers for distinction sake, 10. Avos is one Cash, 10. Cash one Condreen, 10. Condreens to one Mass, 10. Mass to one Tay, and 16. Tays or Tails to on Cattee, the Tay being as aforesaid. All Gross Goods are weighed by Cattees, Peculs, and Rotolos; 10. Cattees making 1. Pecul, 1. Pecul 128 Rotolos of Portugal, which Pecul is Accounted 131 pound ¼ Averdupois, though here as in other Places the Weights vary. The Coins currant for the most part are Spanish Rotolos of ●/● which they cut into several parts, and so pass them away by Estimate. The Measures in use are the Covid of Maccan, used by the Portugals in the Measure of Stuffs and Silks, and is Accounted 3. Quarters of a Yard and 2 1/● Inches and a Covid used by the Chinois, called the Covid of Chinchoses, which consists of 12 Inches, also an other Covid they have of 14 6/5 Inches. And thus much for China, and the Trade thereof. CHAP. XLIX. A View of the Islands, found in the Asian Seas, and of their Trade and growth. THe Asian Islands of note are Japan, Zeilan, Moluccos, Java's, Summatra, Borneo, Celebs, and Cyprus; all abounding in rich Commodities. Of the Trade of which in brief. Japan is Situate a small distance from the main Land of China, and is in length 600. miles, but not above 90. over in the broadest, yet obeys many Sovereigns; every King or Lord, having Power and Authority over the lives and Estates of his Subjects; the chief Towns on this Island are Osacaia, Bunguin, and Meaco; being Havens or Ports for the reception of such Vessels as come to Trade thither. The chief Commodities consisting in Silver and Rice, of the latter there is found such abundance, that the chief Sovereign has 2 Millions of Ducats yearly, accrueing by that Commodity; and in Fiando one of the Islands appertaining to Japan, the English have settled a Factory. The Weights in use are the Pecul and Cattee, the Pecul consisting of 100 Cattees, each Cattee being 21 Ounces which renders the Pecul in Cira 131 pound English, the Measures of length are the Inchin or Tattamy, which is 2 ⅛ English Yards, their concave Measures are the Cocas, which is a Pint English Winchester Measure, 3 of which is a Gant, 100 Gants are an Ickgoga, 100 Icklogags are one Ickmagog, and 1000 Ickmagogs' are one Mangoga. Their Coins are the Tale, Mass, and Condery. The Tale is 5 Shillings Sterling, the Mass which contains 10 Conderies, is 6 pence Sterling; they have 2 Barrs of Gold currant likewise amongst them, which are called Ichebo, and Coban; the former of which is Accounted worth 30 Shillings Sterling, and the latter 34 Shillings 6 pence Sterling. Zelan is a fair Island, in the Gulf of Bengala, and is so Fruitful, that the Trees have continual Blossoms, green and ripe Fruit on them; and is a Portugueze Factory, though under the obedience of the great Mogul, and in it are found Nutmegs, Clove, and Pepper Trees good store, and likewise Cinnamon, the primest sort growing in Groves, it also yieldeth many precious Stones, as Rubies, Topaz, Garnati; Spinals, and on the Coast store of Pearls are gotten by Fishing. There are likewise found some Mines of Gold and Silver, Iron, Brimstone, and Flax growing; and in the Woods is a Beast found, whose Bones are much of the nature of Ivory. Their Weights, Measures, and Coins, are either those of Portugal or India; the Natives being a People of great Subtlety, and in Body the most Active in Asia. CHAP. L: A View of the Isles of Molucco's, also the Trade, Weights, Measures, and currant Coins there in use, and of the other adjacent Islands. THese Islands commonly called the Islands of Moluccos', are 5 in number, viz. Molucco the chief, Tarnate, Tider, Gelolo, and Macian. There are likewise not far distant Benda, and 70 other Islands, all of which yield Spices, as Nutmegs, Cloves, Mace, and some Cinnamon, all growing in them; there is also in this Gulf or Sea Amboina, where the Barbarous Dutch committed Inhuman Cruelties on the English Factors, etc. and afterwards contrary to their contracted agreement, cut down and killed all the Clove Trees, in the Island of Polerone, purchased of them by the English. The common Coin in Moluccoes, Amboina, and Benda, is the Spanish Rotolo ½, what otherwise they Barter for is in Commodities. Their Weights are the Babar and Cat, the Amboinian Babar being 200. Cats, or English 625 pound, and is Accounted the great Babar, and in some Islands they have a Babar 10 times as much as the Amboinian Babar. A Cattee is near 6 pound English, and 10 Cats of Mace are Accounted a small Babar, and valued at 10 Rials of 8, yet the small Babar of Nutmegs is 100 Cats, and valued as the Mace. The Measures of Length are the Cubit, and Fathom, and Concave Measures for Grain and Pepper; the Canton which is near 3 Quarts English, and the Quoian, which is 800. Cantons. The chief Trade of these Islands, being of late Ingrossed by the Dutch; who have of late been found Superior to the Portugals, who first Discovered them, and held for many years the Principal Commerce with the Indians. CHAP. LI. A View of the Java's, and the Trade of that Tract, of the Weights, Measures, Native Commodities, Coins, etc. THe Java's are two Islands, viz. the great and the less, the greater being in circuit 3000. Miles, and the lesser 2000, and by Reason of their nearness to the Equinoctial are exceeding Fruitful, and have for their chief Cities Paluban, Pegar, Agaim, Balambua, Basnia, Samara, Limbrie, and others; but the chief Scales of Trade are at Sunda, Calapa, Bantum, Jacatra, now Battavia, and Japarra; in the last 3 of which the English have Factories. The Commodities with which these Islands abound, are Cloves, Nutmegs, Mace, Pepper, Indian Nuts, Rice, Cattle, etc. the Pepper is Accounted the best in India; and grows in such abundance, that yearly the English buy up great store, the Islands not being judged to produce less than 10 or 12000. Quintals; each Season there is found likewise Camphora, Frankincense, Benjamin, and precious Stones; amongst which some Diamonds of great value, for which Commodities the Natives receive Calicoes of divers Colours, Cotton, Cloth, Silks, Stuffs, Glasses, Knives, and the like; in Sunda the principal Mart of Java major, their Principal money is small Copper pieces, hung upon Strings called Caix's, and are told out by the 100, or 1000; 200 being Accounted a Satta, 5 Sattas being a Crusado of Portugal, or in English money, valued at about 6 Shillings. But the European Merchants keep their Accounts for the most part in Ryals of 8/● Spanish and pence, 60 pence going to the Rotolo 9/●. The Weights of Bantam, Jucatra, Japparra, and at Sunda are the Pecul, Cattee, and Babar, the Cattee contains 20 Ounces, and 100 Cattees are a Pecul, or 125 pound English, a Babar is 330. Cattees of 20. Ounces and supposed to make good Weight 412 pound Averdupois. Their Concave Measure is the Timbam chiefly in use for Rice and Pepper; and is Accounted 10. Sackfuls, or to contain 5 Peculs in Weight, so that each Sack is reckoned at 62 ½ pound Averdupois 2 Sacks making a Pecul. As for Measures of length, they are rarely used here, and those that are, are consistent with those of England, Portugal, and Holland. CHAP. LII. A View of the Trade of Summatra, and other Islands, lying in the Indian Seas. THis Island was formerly called Traprobana, and then Esteemed to be the largest in the World; being in length 700. Miles, and in breadth 200. Miles, and is divided by the Equator, one half lying beyond, and the other on this side the Equinoctial; which renders it exceeding Fertile and Healthful, so that there are found many Rich Commodities of the Native production, as Pepper, Ginger, Aloes, Raw Silk, Cassia, Gold, Silver, Brass, and Drugs of Divers sorts; there is likewise found a Brimstone mount that continually Burns, as likewise 2 Fountains yielding the one Balsamum, and the other Oil; yet not any considerable store. The chief Cities of this Island are Daren, Pacen, and Andryede; the whole being divided under many Kings, and the chief Ports are Achin, Ticko Jambe, and Priuran; in most of which the English have Factories. This Island standing not above 20 Miles from Malucca, a great part of the Native Commodities are carried thither, that Island being in the possession of the Portugese, though of late much infested by the Dutch, who have got Footing, and Built some Fortresses on the Sea Coast. In this Island of Summatra upon its first Discovery, the Islanders had a Barbarous Custom to eat man's Flesh; and hoard up their Sculls, which they passed from one to the other as currant Coin, he being counted the best man that had most Sculls by him, but of late they have in imitation of the Europeans, Coined money both Gold and Silver, as the Mass worth about 12 pence Sterling, the Tale which is 16 Masses, and the Cattee which is 8 Tales, or sometimes 7 ½ Tales is Accounted a Cattee, and these Coins are currant throughout the King of Achin's Dominions, who is the most Potent Prince in the Island. Tho at Jambe Ticko, and Priaman; the European Coins are most in use, and the Accounts are for the most part kept in Spanish ℞ 8/8 and for their better Conveniency they divide them into 60 Deniers or pence. The Weight used in this Island is the Babar, though it varies according to the Custom of the place where it is used; but in the English Factories, the Babar is found to consist of 200. Cattees, each Cattee containing 29 Ounces Averdupois, by multiplying which the Babar must contain 360 pound English Sotile Weight. The Isle of Borneo stands in this Tract, and is crossed by the Equator, being near 2200 Miles in circuit, and is Fruitful even to a wonder, abounding with Spices and other Rich Commodities, as Nutmegs, Mace, Cloves, Agrick, Sweet-Woods, Camphora, Diamonds, Gold, and the Bezoar-Stone, as likewise Cattle, and Fruits of strange tastes, and shapes in abundance, and has for its Metropolis the City Borneo; Seated in a Marsh, after the nature of Venice, from which the Island takes its Name. The Isle of Celebs' is likewise a fair and Fertile Island lying in the same Tract and divided by the Equator, as the 2 former, and abounds with the like Rich Commodities, and has for its chief Ports Durati, Mamaio, Tubon, Maccasar, etc. and is divided under many Princes or Petty Kings, and is a Factory of the English. The Weights used in most Ports are the Ganton, Zicoyan, and Mass. The former being used both for a Weight and a Measure, and is in Weight counted 5 pound Averdupois, and in Measure 2 Gallons English, the Mass Weight is 4 Gantons or 200 pound English, a Zicoyan is 20 Masses or 400 pound English; and in Measure proportioned by the Ganton. The currant Coins are the Mass, Cupan, and Tail; the Mass is 4 Cupans or 4 Shillings 10 pence Sterling or thereabouts, a Tail is 16 Masses, and Accounted worth 15 Rials of eight, and is valued at 3 pound 14 Shillings 8 pence, or 3 pound 15 Shillings Sterling, etc. And now I might proceed to describe the other Islands in the Indian Ocean, but they being so many, that it would be too tedious, as likewise to little purpose, by Reason they yield nothing but what has been already laid down; many of them uninhabited, and but few of them containing any European Factories, or Traded to; therefore I shall pass them over; they being Accounted, besides what I have named, no less than 126000. whose small spots bespangle or rather stud the vast Ocean. This East Country Trade is now carried on by the English, Dutch, and Portugueze, to the Enriching of each Nation, and of late mightily improved, and would be raised to a greater advantage, did not one Nation strive to outvie the other, by giving the Natives their own Prizes, for Commodities of the growth of those Countries; and by that means make them sensible of their value, of which if they had been at first kept in Ignorance, the Europeans might have made their one Markets in each Port where their Factories are settled, and for little or nothing brought the Wealth of India into London, Amsterdam, and Lisbon; but passing this Emulation over that cannot be now redressed, I shall describe the pleasant Isle of Cyprus, so famed for its stores and Commodious Situation, and then leave rich Asia, and return to take a view of Europe. No less abounding with all things necessary for the pleasure and profit of men. CHAP. LIII. A View of the Isle of Cyprus, the Trade, Growth, Weights, Measures, and Currant Coins thereof. Cyprus' so Famous in History, feigned by Poets of old, to be the residence of the Goddess Venus, is Situate in the Syrian Sea, and is a Part of Asia, being in length 200 Miles and in breadth 65, abounding in plenty of Cattle, Corn, Oil, Wine, Sugar, Cottons, Honey, Wool, Turpentine, Alum, Verdigrease, Grograms, Salt, and abundance of other Commodities; but especially in Cyprus Wood, and has for its chief Cities Paphos, Famogusta, Nicotia, Lescara, Salines, etc. in which the English have a Factory for the Cotton Trade, the English Consul Resident in Aleppo, being imputed Consul of Syria and Cyprus, and hath under him a Vice-Consul, that manages the Trade of this Island for the English, who bring hither in exchange the Growth of our Country, and such other Commodities as are Vendible and most coveted by the Natives. Hither it is the Levant Merchants Trade for most part of their precious Commodities. As for the Coins in use they are those of the Grand-Signior, and in the same their Accounts are kept, for a View of which I shall refer the Reader to the Description of the Trade of Constantinople. The Weight most in use is the Dram, of which 750 make a Rotolo, 100 of which make a Cantar greater by 4 in the 100 then the Cantar of Aleppo, and at Famogusta there is a Cantar in use that is greater than the common Cantar of Cyprus by 4 in the 100; and consequently larger than that of Aleppo 8 per cent. though sometimes the Weights vary, yet not much. The Measures of length are two sorts, viz. the Pico and Brace, the former is Accounted 26 ½ Inches, and by this they Measure woollen Cloth, Silk, and the like, the Brace for Linen Cloth is 1/●6 longer than the Pico. Their Concave Measure for Wine is the Cuss, 7 of which make 6 fletcher's of Venetia, or a Candy Barrel; so that a Cuss and half, and a Zant Jarre are equal in quantity; the Oil that is found here is sold by the Rotolo, each Rotolo being Accounted 1000 Drams. Corn of which there is store is sold by the Moose, 2 and a half of which weigh one Staio of Venetia; by this Measure Salt is likewise sold. They have likewise a Measure for Grain called a Cossino: And thus much for Cyprus, and indeed for all Asia; this being the last place I intent to visit in this part of the World, and from whence I intent to Sail for Europe; only by the way I shall give the Reader an insight into the goodness, and as near as possible the true Value of Silver, Gold, and precious Stones; which will not be amiss, seeing I so lately left the Coasts where those things which are so generally coveted are acquired. CHAP. LIV. A Description of Gold and Silver, their Intrinsic Value: The means to find out their Fineness and Allays, after the best and most exact Method. THe Weight used in England for Silver and Gold, is the Troy pound consisting of 12 Ounces, and each Ounce again divided into 150 Carots, and from thence into 480 Grains, each Ounce of Silver fine being according accounted worth 5 Shillings 2 pence of our money, and so more or less according to the addition or diminution of allay. The pound Troy of fine Gold is Accounted worth 36 pound, the Ounce 3 pound or if very fine something more, or again less as the Alloy is, as thus: The Ounce of fine Gold is valued at 3 pound, 33 Kes fine at 2 pound 17 Shillings 6 pence, 22 Kes fine at 2 pound 15 Shillings, 21 Kes 2 pound 12 Shillings 6 pence; the Ounce of 20 Kes fine is worth but 2 pound 10 Shillings, and so losing value 2 Shillings 6 pence per Ounce, as it wants a Carot in fineness in 24, or the Troy pound. Now to know the goodness or fineness of Gold and Silver upon the Touchstone, by way of Essay, is to procure Needles of Gold and Silver, and Copper Alloy suitable to any sort of Gold and Silver in Alloy, and to be of 4 sorts, viz. the first of fine Gold and Silver, the second of Gold and Copper, the third of Gold Silver and Copper, and the fourth of Silver and Copper only; the first for the trial of Gold, and the latter for Silver, and of these Mixtures make 24 Needles differing in fineness from each, as thus; The first must be all fine Gold without any Alloy, viz. 24 Carots, the second 23 Carots of fine Gold and one of Silver, the third 22 Carots of Gold and 2 of Silver, and so one Carot worse till there remains but one Carot of fine Gold in Mixture, with 23 Carots of Silver. And by this Rule the Gold and Copper, and Silver and Copper must be Allayed; and each Needle marked of what fineness it is. And by this means you may know the fineness of any Ingot or Piece of Gold or Silver; as thus, touch the said Ingot or Piece of Gold or Silver upon your Touchstone, and by it the Needle you think is nearest it in fineness; and if that suit not with it, try another till it suits with it, which when wet, will appear, and so by the mark of your Needle, you may be assured of the fineness of the Silver or Gold so touched, which is a better, easier, safer, and surer way then to try it by Fire. And thus much for Gold and Silver, as to their Trial of fineness. CHAP. LV. A Treatise of Precious-Stones, how to know them and their true value, viz. Diamonds, Rubies, Sapphires, etc. as also the goodness and worth of Pearls in General. THe Weight usual in India for Diamonds and Precious Stones, were brought thither by the Portugals, called the Mangear or Fanan, which differs not much from the Carot, whereof 150 Carots make an Ounce Troy; and is divided into ½ ¼ ⅛ 1/16 Parts. The Mangelue or Mangear is near or altogether 5 Grains Weight, or 2 Tars ⅔ Accounted the ⅔ of 1 Carot, so that 4 Grains and 4 Tars weigh a Fanan, the Fanan being somewhat above 2 of our Carots, for 11 ¼ Fanans are 1 Mittigal. and 6 Mittiglas and ½ make the Ounce Troy; this Fanan in many parts of India goes currant for a Coin, being Equally valued with a Spanish Ryal; and thus having laid down the proportion of the Weights, I shall first begin with the Dimonds, the chief of Precious Stones, then to know a good and true Diamond take this rule. A good and right Diamond is fast and no ways porous, so that it will resist the Fire, and after several hours continuance therein, come out bright as at first; and in choice of such a one▪ it must be neither Brown, Yellowish, Bluish, nor a Dullish-Black, but of a good Water-Christaline; not wanting any corner when Polished on a Mill, nor be too thick nor too thinn, but so as it may be set firm, and to good advantage in a Ring, or Collet without being upholden by Velvet, and such a Diamond weighing 1 Carot is worth 35 pounds Sterling or upwards. Note when you have found out the true value of a perfect Diamond or Diamonds, this Rule is to be observed. Suppose a Diamond weighing a Carot Weight be worth 40 Ducats more or less, than the 4th. part being ten Ducats is the price of a Diamond weighing half a Carot, so the Diamond weighing a Carot is worth but the 4th. part of the value of one weighing 2 Carots, viz. 40 Ducats, and that weighing 2 Carots worth 160 Ducats; and so if there be over Weight by Grains, you must divide all into Grains, and then a Diamond weighing 3 Grains is worth but the 4th. part of that weighing 6. And this is a General Rule, not only for Diamonds but all manner of precious Stones, according to Equality in goodness, as for Example a thick Table Diamond of the goodness aforesaid weighing 1 Grain is worth 1 pound 17 Shillings 6 pence, weighing 2 Grains is worth 7 pound 10 Shillings, weighing 3 Grains is worth 16 pound 17 Shillings 6 pence, weighing 1 Carot is worth 30 pound, and so proportionably to 8 Carots, yet there are some Diamonds imperfect, and not of any Extraordinary value, which are called Brut Diamonds, Naifs, Rocks, and flat-Stones, which are bought and sold at uncertain rates. The Ruby is found in Zeilam in India, and called commonly the Carbuncle, tried in the Fire to know its perfection, the which if it abide and come out Burning like a Coal and of a high Colour, it is Accounted perfect; a Stone of which perfection weighing but one Carot or ½, a Fanan is valued at 30 Fanans in Calicut, and increase in value as the Dimonds according to their Weight; there is another sort only called a Ruby, found in a River in the Kingdom of Pegu; but it will not endure the Fire, but looseth its Colour▪ when put to the Trial; there are likewise several sorts of Rubies as the Carbuncle, Ballast, Spinal, Garnat, and Rubas; but this Ruby of Pegu is accounted the next in value to the Carbuncle, and a Ruby square table-wise, perfect, and of high Colour of 16.18.20. or 24. Carots in Colour, weighing a Fanan is worth sometimes in the India's, 100 Ducats, and in England weighing 11 ½ Carots, and of 20 Carots in Colour perfect and without Blemish, is worth 350 pound Sterling or rather more. Sapphire's are found in Zeilam, Calucut, Basinger, Canoner, and Pegu, and those are accounted best that are of a pure Azure or Skye-colour, and in that hardness excelleth all other Stones the Diamond excepted, and according to their Colour are held in Estimation; as for example, Saphyr weighing one Carot is worth 2 Fanans, one weighing 2 Carots is worth 5 Fanans, one weighing 3 worth 10 Fanans, and one weighing 4 Carots worth 15 Fanans, and so Proportionably each Fanan being Accounted 2 Carots; after this manner Turquoise, Topaz, Berrils, Crysolites, Jacynths, Amathists, and other precious Stones are known and valued every one according to their goodness and Weight; as for Pearls, how they are taken, I have before set down, and now I shall as far as is necessary make a report of their true value according as they are in goodness. The Rule to value Oriental Pearls, from a Grain in Weight to what bigness any will afford, is by the Colour, Roundness, Pear-Fashion, or Oval; and that is in all parts perfect, as to Water and Gloss, without Knobs, Specks, Yellowness or other imperfections, and a Pearl of this perfection weighing a Carot is worth a Ducat in India. But before I proceed further, as to their value it will not be amiss to relate how they are sold, by those that have the disposing of them, viz. the Indians sell them by Sieves of Latin full of holes in number 12, one bigger than the other as to their holes, and according to the largeness or smallness, the price is regulated; for those of the 10, 11, and 12 Sieve are seldom capable to be hole, and therefore are called Seed-Pearls; most fit for Apothecaries, to be used by them in their Physical Preparations; but the others for the use of Ladies, and others to adorn themselves withal; and for the price of all large Pearls, they are valued as is said by Weight and fairness, as Diamonds and other precious Stones, though seldom before they be hole for fear of their breaking in the holing; as thus, a Pearl of one Grain is worth 7 pence, of 2 Grains 2 Shillings 6 pence, of 3 Grains 5 Shillings 7 pence, of 1 Carot 10 Shillings, and so in proportion to those of greater Weight, as for Seed-Pearls, the smallest of which are Accounted 4500. to the Ounce, and the largest 400 or 450 to the Ounce, and commonly divided into 6 parts, the Prizes are these: The 6th. or smallest sort 4500 are commonly sold for 2 pound 4 Shillings the Ounce, the 5th. sort are sold for 1 pound 6 Shillings the Ounce, the 4th. sort at 10 Shillings the Ounce, the third sort at 18 Shillings the Ounce, the second at 1 pound 6 Shillings, and the first at 1 pound 15 Shillings. But note that the first is termed the sixth sort, and so Consequently the sixth the first; the Rag Pearls which are sold likewise by the Ounce, according to their bigness are divided into thirds, seconds, and firsts, an Ounce of which containing 350 Pearls, is Accounted worth 1 pound 18 Shillings, an Ounce containing 250 Pearls is Accounted worth 3 pounds, an Ounce of 150 worth 4 pounds, and so according to their lesser quantity or number, in making the Ounce, all sorts of half round Pearls of pure Water, and Gloss are Accounted worth a round Pearl of half the Weight. And thus much for Gold, Silver, precious Stones, and Oriential Pearls; with which I shall return to Europe, as the common Receptacle of those rich Commodities, which were of little value to the Indians, before the European Navigators set Prizes thereon, and by that means taught the Natives how to Esteem them; for in the first Discovery of the Indies by the Portugals, they bought them for Beads of Glass, and such like Trifles, but now they are not purchased; but at Extraordinary rates. CHAP. LVI. A View of Europe of its Provinces, Trade, Manners, Customs, Growth, Weights, Measures, Currant Coin, etc. THe first that offers itself on the Continent of Europe is Spain, environed on all sides with the Seas, unless that part towards France; which is bounded by the Pyraenaean Hills, and the Fortress of Pampelona on the North-West, and Perpegana on the Southeast, and is divided into 12 Provinces, viz. Leon and Oviedo, which are one, Navarre, Corduba, Galicia, Biscay, Toledo, Murtia, Castille, Portugal, (now an entire Kingdom) Valentia, Catalonia, and Arragon; and in General abounds with Wines, Sugars, Oils, Metals, Liquorish, Rice, Cork, Silk, Wool, Oranges, Rosin, Steel, Almonds, Raisins, Lemons, Anchovies, Anniseeds, Figs, Soda, Barrilla, Honey, Wax, Shumack, Iron, Tuny-Fish, Saffron, Soap, and Carianders; so that into the Trade of 3 or 4 of the Principal Cities and Ports, I shall reduce the whole Trade of the Kingdom and its Provinces. Passing over Leon, Ovideo, and Navarre, as Provinces little adddicted to Commerce, I shall proceed to Sevil, the chief City of Trade in the Province of Corduba, and into the Trade of that City reduce the Trade of that Province, which is Accounted the most Fertile Province of all Spain. CHAP. LVII. A View of Sevil, the Trade, Weights, Measures, Customs, and Currant Coins thereof. THis City is Situate in the Province of Corduba, and accounted 6 Miles in compass, adorned with many stately Buildings, and is an Archbishop's Sea, accounted next to Toledo the richest in Spain; through it runs the River Baetis dividing it into 2 parts, over which is a Stately Bridg, which renders the City very Commodious for Trade, and from hence it is for the most part, that the Spanish Fleet sets out for the West Indies, and at their return unlaid their rich Commodities, as Silver, Tobacco, Ginger, Cottons, Sugar, Ferrinand, Bucque-Wood, and Wood of Brasil, Sarsafrax, Galbanum, and other Drugs of great value; and for the King of Spain's use, are in these parts brought up and kept 30000. Gennets; nor are bare Customs of this City Accounted to amount to less than half a Million of Gold yearly. The Merchants generally keep their Accounts in marvedies, of which 375 are Accounted to a Ducat of Exx 11 Rials, every Ryal being 37 Maru, and some Strangers residing there keep their Accounts in Rials of 34 Maru. The Coins currant are the Ducats of Gold of Sevil, and are as aforesaid valued by the Spaniards worth 375 Maru, or 5 Shillings 6 pence Sterling, as likewise the Ryal of Castille which is worth here but 34 Maruides and valued at 6 pence Sterling, a Dobra currant is of Carlin Coin 81/87 marvedies. A Dobra of Castille is valued at 375 Mar. or a Ducat in Gold, the Castilian of Merchandise is worth 485 Mar. or 7 Shillings Sterling. Their Weights are the 3 Kintars', the first consists of 112 pound, and is divided into 4 Roves of 28 pound a Rove, the second is 120 pound, composed of 4 Roves of 30 pound each, and the third being the greatest, is composed of 4 Roves of 36 pound the Rove, and accordingly contains 144 pound, and is the common Kintar of Sevil, and 100 pound Weight of this place has often made 102 pound of London. Their Measure of Length is the Vare, 100 of which have been found to make 74 els of London. The Measure by which Oil is sold is the Rove, 64 of which make a Venetian Miara and 40 or 41 of the said Roves make a Pipe, the Rove being 8 Somers, a Summer containing 4 Quartiles, a Quartile being the ●/6 part of a Stoop of Antwerp, and 2 Pipes or 81 Roves are 25 or 26 Florence Barrils, or 252 English Gallons, though in Sevil the Gage of Pipes are Accounted but 118 Gallons the Pipe. Corn is Measured by the Caffise, which is 28 Satos of Florence; from Sevil it is that the fine Spanish Wool is brought, as also Cordavant-Leather; in these parts, but especially at Almeria, great store of Raw Silks are gathered, it being the primest of all other, and is Accounted worth by the pound Morisco 18 Shillings Florence, or 1020 marvedies, which amount to 30 Rials. And thus much for Sevil and the Trade thereof. CHAP. LVIII. A View of Malaga, the Trade, Customs, Weights, Measures, and Coins thereof. MAlaga is Situate in the Province of Granado, on the Shoar of the Mediterranean Sea, being Accommodated with a commodious Haven for the reception of Shipping, being very Fruitful in every part of its Territories, abounding in Wine and Raisins known by its Name, as likewise many delicate Fruits, Corn, Cattle, and what else can make a Country desirable; they have likewise store of Sugar, Almonds, Oils, etc. for which they pay Customs outward, though they be Commodities of the natural Growth, viz. 7 per cent. Cochineel and such like Commodities pay outward 10 per cent. and all other Commodities of the Growth but 5 per cent. and those that are carried from Port to Port 2 pound per cent. The Weights of Malaga is the 100 divided into 4 Roves of 25 pound each, and to every pound 16 Ounces, and the 100 pound of Malaga, called commonly the Kintar of Malaga, is found to make 112 pound 5 Ounces English, though sometimes less according to the nature of the Commodity. Their Concave Measures are the Rove and Summer, the first making 8 of the last, so that 25 Roves go to a Pipe, which contains 100 English Gallons, by these only Wine and Oil are Measured; as for Grain it is Measured by the Hanock, which is divided into 12 Almodos', and is 12 Gallons English weighing upon the Strike 129 pound. The Measure of length is the Vare of 27 ⅞ Inches. The Coins currant are Ryals, to one of which is computed 34 Marnedies or 6 pence Sterling, and Pistolets of Gold, each being worth 23 ½ Ryals, that is, the single Pistolet, the double Pistolet which are here likewise in use being worth 27 Ryals. CHAP. LIX. A View of Alicant, and of the Trade, Measures, Weights, Coins, etc. ALicant is Situate on the Banks of the Mediterranean, in the Province of Murtia, and is by Reason of its commodious Haven of late become a great Scale of Trade in those parts, affording delicate Wines and other Commodities in much request, being of late the Scale to the City Valentia, and affords of its Native growth Liquorish, Rasins, Wines, Soda-Barrilla, Sugar, Drugs, Bass-Mats, Ropes, Soap, Aniseed, and many other Merchantable Commodities; which are Traded for by our English Merchants, and bought partly for money and partly for Commodities of the growth of our Nation. And at Alicant the Merchants keep their Accounts in Livers, Solds, and Deniers, 12 Deniers making a Sold, and 20 Solds a Liver, which is Accounted worth 5 Shillings Sterling, the Sold being Accounted 3 Pence, and the Denier a Farthing. The Weights in use are the Cargo and Rove, 10 of the latter making the former, and of these Roves there are two sorts, one computed 18 Ounces, and the other 12 to each pound, and by that means though one be reckoned 36 pound, and the other but 24, yet in Weight they are equal as to the number of Ounces; and by these are sold Pepper, Rice, Almonds, Cloves, Cinnamond, and the like; by the Cargo is weighed all Gross Commodities, it containing 280 pound English. There is sometimes used a Quintal of 96 pound Averdupois, and by it Drugs are weighed. The Measure of Length is the Vare, which wants a ⅙ part of the English Yard. The Liquid Measure for Wine is the Cantar, which is about 3 Gallons English, and the dry Measure for Corn is called the Chaffise, and is near 3 Bushel English. The Customs for the most part are rated at 11 Deniers per centum Livers, and is payable at 8 Deniers to the Duana and 3 Deniers to the Sisa, paid as well by the Buyer as Seller as often as Goods are bought, sold, or bartered; for so that the Buyer and Seller pay between them 9 per cent. And thus leaving Alicant, I return to take a View of Madrid, Accounted the Principal City of Spain. CHAP. LX. A View of Madrid, of the Trade, Coins, Weights, and Measures thereof. MAdrid is Situate in the Provinces of Castill, and of late become famous, for being the place where for the most part the Spanish Court resides; and in it the moneys that are dispersed over Spain have their Original. This City abounds with all manner of Commodities, that either Spain, India, Barbary, Arabia, Persia, Egypt or other Countries afford; as Spices, Gold, Silks, Drugs, Stuffs, Jewels, Drugs, and the like. The Native Commodities of this Province are Honey, Alum, Wine, Oil, Fruits, Salt, etc. The Measures and Weights are those common throughout Spain, but by Reason all the Coins of the Kingdom Centre here, I think it not amiss to set down their Names and true values. 1. The Ducat of Castil is worth 375 marvedies. 2. The Castiliano 485 marvedies. 3. The Florin of Castille is worth 265 marvedies or near 4 Shillings Sterling. 4. The Ducat Count or Quento of marvedies is a Million. 5. The Count or Quento of marvedies is Ducats 2666 2/3● and at Dobra is accounted worth 2739 ●●/73 Dobras, the which according to computation amounts to 733 pound 6 Shillings 8 pence Sterling. 6. The Ryal Single of Castille is worth 34 marvedies or 6 pence Sterling. 7. The Quento of Mar is worth 3258 Rials and 3 marvedies. 8. The Crown of Castille is worth 323 marvedies. 9 The Ducat of Spain is 5 Shillings 6 pence of our money, the Ryal is 6 pence and the Maruedie about the bigness of one of our Farthings. In this City when they give money upon Exchange, they commonly agree to be repaid in Ducats of Gold, or to the same value in Gold or Silver, for the most part by Weight to prevent the taking base money, with which Spain abounds, so that should they not take this course, they would often lose 4 or 5 per cent. In this Province are yearly 4 Fairs or great Marts, viz. at Medina Del Campo which lasts 50 days, at Medina de Riosecco which lasts 30 days, at Medina del Campo again which lasts 50 days, and lastly at Villa Lion which lasts 20 days. These Fairs, viz. the 3 first are Fairs of Exchange: And when they make payments they make them in Banco not saying forth, and they are to remit in Ducats de Oro, in Oro Largo and forth of Banco, and when they agree forth of Banco, and for ready money there is got 1 per cent. and when they agree for Ducats of Gold or the worth of them, it is understood that the worth if the payment be not paid in Ducats, is to be paid in marvedies at 375 to the Ducat. And thus much for Spain and the Trade thereof. And now I shall take a View of the Trade of the Kingdom of Portugal in her chief City, viz. Lisbon one of the 3 chief Scales of Europe. CHAP. LXI. A View of Lisbon, the Metropolis of Portugal, of the Trade, Growth, Weights, Measues, Coins, and Customs thereof. LIsbon is the Metropolis of the Kingdom of Portugal, commodiously Seated upon the Banks of the River Tagus, the City and Suburbs being 10 Miles in compass, and not imagined to contain less than 38000. Families, Beautified with 67 Towers placed upon the Walls and 22 Gates; all the Houses being Built Magnificent, and indeed the People given to great Industry, but especially to Navigation, as appears by the many Discoveries they have made; they being the first that Discovered the Eastern Tract even to the India's, and there by Trade and force got Footing, and showed the way to England and Holland; who have now brought it to perfection, even to the great Enriching either Nation, and of all the Commodities brought from India, and other parts of the World by the Portugals, this City is the Scale, for hither come yearly the Spices of Arabia, the Silks of Persia, the rich Commodities of China, and the Gold, Silver, precious Stones, and Spices of India; and especially Pearls, the Fishery thereof remaining for the most part in the right of the King of Portugal, which being brought to Lisbon, and afterwards dispersed throughout Europe. To this City Flows the Trade of the whole Kingdom and also that of Spain; from which Kingdom it is now separated as formerly. The Weights of this City, and consequently of the whole Kingdom are Principally the small and the great Cantars', the Latter of which is divided into 4 Roves, and each Rove contains 32 Reals which is 128 pounds, at 14 Ounces per pound, and of Florence Weight is computed 149 pound, their small Quintar for Pepper and Ginger is between 110 and 112 pound English, the Rove or Quartern being 27 ½ and sometimes 27 ●/4 pound, but the great Quintal is 15 or 16 per cent. more than our 112 pound. The Quintar commonly called the King's Quintar used in his Contractation House for weighing the Spices and Drugs of India is 114 pound English, and the great Cantar of Lisbon is mostly computed 130 pound English, etc. The Measures of length used in this City are the Coveda, which is the third part of an English Yard, and the Ware which wants but a Nale of an English Ell; by the former they Measure Woollen clothes, etc. and by the latter Linen, etc. The Concave Measures of Lisbon is the Alquire, 3 of which are found to make an English Bushel, and 5 a Spanish Hannep. They have an other Measure by which they meet their Salt called Muy, which is 60 Alquires, and 2 Muys and 15 Alquires are a Tunn Bristol Water Measure. The Custom inward is 23 per cent. that is, to the Dechima 10, to the Sisa 10, and to the Consolado 3, and outward Merchants pay only 3. The Coins are the Croisado of Gold, computed to be worth 400 Reas. The Ducat of Portugal which is ten Reals and accounted 5 Shillings Sterling or the Croisado. The Ryal which is 40 Reas and accounted 6 pence Sterling. The Golden Mirle which is worth 1000 Reas and accounted 2 5/2 Ducats, the Ducat is 2 ½ Ryals or 15 pence Sterling. The Vintin which is 20 Reas or 3 pence Sterling, the single Ryal of Spain which is 2 Vintines; there are likewise the Coins of Spain passable in this City, but seeing they are not the proper Coins of Portugal, I shall pass them over as having already mentioned them in the Description of the Trade of that Kingdom. And now leaving Portugal, I shall pass into the Kingdom of France, and in viewing the Trade of some Cities thereof, give a Summary account of the whole Kingdom's Commerce, both Inland and by Navigation. CHAP. LXII. A View of France, the Provinces, Trade, Customs, Weights, Measures, and Currant Coins, reduced into the view of the Principal Trading Cities of that Kingdom. FRance is a large and Fertile part of Europe, bounded on the North with the British Ocean, on the West with the Aquitanian Sea, on the South with the Mediterranean, and on the East with the Pirenaean Hills and River Rhine; and is divided into several Provinces, the Trade of which I shall instance in these following Cities, viz. Bordeaux, Roven, Paris, Lions, and Marselia, of these in order. Bordeaux is Situate on the Banks of Geronde, being the Principal City of the Province of Aquitain; and is placed in a very Fruitful Soil, especially for Wines: The Principal Vineyards of France being accounted in its Neighbourhood; of the Grapes therein growing, are made Whitewines and Claret in abundance; and of late all Palled Wines and such as otherwise are foul & not Merchantable, they Lmibeck off into Brandies, which for the most part is vended in England, and Holland. They have likewise several Vineyards yielding Grapes that make Sweet-Wines, commonly called high Country Wines, the which lest it should hinder the Sail of the other, they prohibit to be sold in their City till Christmas day; when the high Country Merchants bring it in, and sell it to Strangers there resident; and such is the Custom of the place, that that Vessel or Lighter that first sets her Head on Shoar, is accounted free from Impost or Custom, yet must in lieu thereof for that day give Wine on Free-cost, to such as come on Board to Drink it. To this City it is that our English Merchants Trade, and from whence they yearly bring 20000 Tuns of Whitewine, Claret Sweet, and Brandy Wines in times when no prohibition is laid, this City formerly for many Years having been English; there are found great quantities of Prunes of the Neighbouring growth, and some other Commodities, though these are the chief, and to this place moneys are remitted, for which mostly the Inhabitants Trade not as in other places of Traffic, freely bartering Goods for Goods. Their Accounts are kept for the most part in Livers, Sold's, and Denies; as indeed throughout the Kingdom. Their Weight is the pound, 100 of which are reckoned a Quintar, or 110 English, 90 ¾ pound being 100 pound English. Their Measure of length is an Auln accounted 42 English Inches, their Wines are computed by Hogsheads and Tearces, viz. Claret and White-wines, and their Brandy by Punching of no certain Gage. CHAP. LXIII. A View of Roven, and the Trade thereof. Roven is the Principal City of Normandy, being the Parliamentary Seat of that Province, and is Seated on the Banks of the River Sein; all its Territories being Fertile, and it abounding with rich Merchandise, as well of other Nations as the Growth of the Kingdom of France, and is visited by most of the Merchants of all the Northern Kingdoms Trading in the Growth of France; the place affording of natural Growth and Native Manufacture, fine and corpse Linens, Buckrams, Paper, Cards, Wine, Stuffs, Combs, etc. for which the Inhabitants or such French Merchants as send their Commodities thither to be vended, receive of the English Kerseys of Devonshire and Yorkshire, Bays of Coxal, Cottons of Wales, Pepper, gaul's, Yarn, Tinn, Led, Fish, etc. but of late they have got a Custom to Trade for Sterling, many Commodities being allowed at no other Exchange. Their Accounts are kept in Solds, Livers, and Deniers. As for Weights here is principally found the King's Beam called the Viconte, which exceeds our long hundred, viz. 112 pound 14 per cent. so that it makes English, 126 pound, though sometimes less. Their Measure of length is the Auln, accounted 46 Inches or somewhat more, by which they Measure Woollen, and Linen Cloth, and in this Measure they allow 24 for 20 called the Merchants Auln; this City affords great store of Canvas for the Sails of Ships and such like uses, which is likewise Measured by the Auln, and has allowance as aforesaid, though not unless great quantities are bought. In this City 3 Fairs are yearly held, at 2 whereof Liberty for 15 days is granted to buy and Transport all Commodities of the growth Custom-free, provided the Commodities be laden and fallen down the River, to a Place limited within 15 days after, or else to pay Custom as at other times, the first of which begins the 3d. day of February and ends the 18th, the second begins on Whit-Monday and lasteth 15 days, the third begins on the 23 day of October and continues 8 days only, and is not Custom-free as the former. As for the Concave Measures they are few, and such as are common throughout France, and of which I shall hereafter speak. Therefore in this Chapter I willingly Omit them. CHAP. LXIV. A View of Paris, the Metropolis of France, and of the Trade, Weights, Measures, Coins, Customs, exchanges, and Commodities there Vended. Parish is the Principal city of France, and is accounted 10 Miles in Circumference, being Situate on either side the River Sein; that River Gliding smoothly through it, thereby rendering it more Commodious for Traffic; though through the Sloth of the Inhabitants it is not improved to the advantage it might be, yet here are found Commodities of the growth of the whole Kingdom, as likewise of most Nations though in no abundance. The Commodities exported hence are Linens, Paper, Cards, Combs, Stuffs, Thread, Plushes, etc. for which they receive English Cloth, Stockings, Led, Tinn, Bays, old Shoes, Silks of Italy, and some Indian Commodities. The Inhabitants are for the most part Gentry, and therefore not addicted to Manufacture. The Weights of Paris are the Quintal, which is accounted 100 pound Gross, but found to make 100 pound of London Suttle 2 per cent. more or less, and is of Lion's Weight of 16 Ounces 116 pound, and Venetian Sottle 144 pound, 100 Sottle in Venice making Sottle of Paris Weight but 62 ●/2 pound of 15 Ounces to the pound, the Cargo or great Quintal of Paris is 300 pound of Troy Weight, yet makes in Florence 487 pound. The Concave Measures for Wine is the Cistern, which contains 8 Pints or a French Gallon, 96 of which are accounted a Tun. The Measures of length are two, one for Linen, and the other for Silks, and are much about the length of the vantaged and unvantaged Aulns, but seldom used in Gross, by Reason in this City Silks, Stuffs, etc. are sold by Weight, which to the buyer is advantageous by Reason he cannot be imposed on with slight Silks, and Stuffs, but that what it wants in goodness will be made out in Measure. This City is the chief Standard of Coin for the whole Kingdom; therefore in this I shall give a particular account of most French Coins currant; first the Denire, 2 of which make a Double, and twelve a Sold, and 20 Solds a Liver, by some called a Frank, and in these three, viz. Solds, Deniers, and Livers, the accounts of that Kingdom are for the most part kept. There are Pieces of 8 Solds, each Piece being the 1/● part of a Silver French Crown, 64 Sold's being accounted a French Crown, and 4 Sold's which is of 3 Livors Turnois Pieces of 21 Solds, 4 Deniers being the 1/8 part of the said Crown commonly called Testons, and the ½ and ¼ thereof, and as the Quarter Crowns were at first raised from 15 Solds to 16, and thereby the 60 Solds to 64; so in the like proportion, were the Testons raised; the Golden Coins are the Crown of 3 Livers or 60 Solds, the Crown of the Sun being 3 Livers 16 Sold or 76 Solds, and the Pistol, each Liver being accounted 12 pence Sterling; there are likewise Crowns of 6 Shillings Sterling, but these moneys, as indeed most Foreign Coins, do rise and fall according to the Plenty and Scarcity of Silver and Gold, or more properly at the pleasure of the Prince whose proper Coins they are. As for the Exchanges I shall refer them till I come to Treat in General of the nature of Exchanges. CHAP. LXV. A View of Lions, and the Trade thereof, etc. Lions was once the famousest Mart of France, and a great Scale of Trade, but by Reason of its Incommodious Situation, in wanting a Port or Navigable River for great Ships, it has given place to the Haven Towns, yet continues some Trade, especially Inland, being Seated on a Fruitful Soil, Fertilized by the Branches of the Rivers Rhoan and Soame, the chief Manufactory of Silks in the Kingdom of France being settled in it, which when wrought is sent through Europe, the Inhabitants having Commerce with Marselia, the chief Port for the residence of Shipping. Here Exchanges are practised, the Bankers or Merchants of Venetia, Florence and Naples, having Factors resident in Lions for that purpose, and hither it is that the English Merchants bring Led, Tinn, Bays, Coney-skins, etc. to Exchange for the growth of the Province; the Accounts are kept as in other parts of the Kingdom. The Coins currant being the same with those of Paris. The Fairs are 4, in which all payments either by Exchange or Merchandise are made, and all payments run from 3 Months to 3 Months, if agreed to in a Public place or Burse appointed for that purpose; the first of these Fairs begins immediately after the Octaves of Easter, the second, the first Monday after the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, the third the day after All Souls, the fourth the day after Epiphany, each continuing 15 days; all Exchange business is done, and all Bills of Exchange are made and dated in one day, and within 2 days following, they settle the rate of Exchange, and by these Fairs they limit their payments, and the time allowed in their Bills from hence to Venice, Florence, and Rome, is commonly 30 days, to Naples and Valentia 25 days; and so consequently according to the distance of the place it is payable at, though agreement be made for longer time it is often granted. The Weights most in use is the King's Beam of the Customhouse, and the 2 Town Beams, the King's Beam is found to be 100 pound the Quintal, and is greater than the largest of the Town Beams by 8 per cent. and by the Weight thereof all Customs are Proportioned. This large Town Beam for Gross Goods is accounted likewise 100 pound of 16 Ounces to the pound, the third Weight is known by the name of the pound of Mark, and is only used in weighing of Silks containing 100 pound of 15 Ounces, being the least of the three. The Measure of Lions is the Auln which is 46 English Inches, 7 of them being found to make 9 English Yards, and 100 pound of London Suttle is found to make in Lions 96 2/2 pound Silk Weight, and one Liver or pound Sterling of London is 10 Livers Turnois. And thus much shall Suffice for Lions and the Trade thereof. CHAP. LXVI. A View of Marselia, the Trade, Weights, Measures, Coins, and Customs thereof. MArselia is a fair Port, and the principal Place of Trade in Provence, whither resort many Merchants; and from which Port the Ships Sail that maintain the Trade with Turkey, Barbary, Spain, Italy, Flanders, and England, though indeed not much, the French Nation not affecting Navigation, but rather choose to improve the growth of their own Country, for which they have brought home to 'em, the Commodities and growth of all Nations. The Exchange that is wanting here, is supplied by the currant and intercourse of Lions, it being Governed thereby in matters of Trade. And hither the English bring Bays, Cloth, Led, Tinn, Herrings, Pilchards, Newland-Fish, African Hides, Wax, Calves-Skins, Salmond, etc. and in Exchange receive Oils, Wines, Verdigreese, Paper, Linen, and other Manufactures, & at this Port they have free Licence to Transport Spanish Rials of 8/8 which are found in abundance, and by that means preserve their Trade with Turkey, and other Places of Traffic in the Mediterranean, from whence they bring Silks, and some spices; but of late have not been so venturous as formerly, for fear of the Pirates, by whom they have sustained within a few Years damages to the value of 3 Millions of Crowns, which has much impaired their Traffic in those parts. The Accounts here are kept in Deniers, Solds, and Livers, and in Ryals of 8, which sometimes are Enhanced to a ¼ part more than their true value. The Weight is Originally the pound of 16 Ounces, 100 of which make the Quintal, and 3 Quintals the Cargo, the Quintal is found to make English 88 ½. The Measure of Length is the Cane, which they divide into 8 Palms, which are found to be 2 ⅛ English Yards. The concave Measure is the Mine, of which the Sack of Leghorne makes 1 ●/3. The Customs outwards are 1 ¼ per cent. and inwards 3 ¼ per cent. this is meant of Commodities of the growth of the Country, but if Pepper, Ginger, Indigo, and such like Commodities be imported; they pay the King's Customs, which are 15 per cent. And thus I shall conclude the Trade of France, and proceed to take a View of Italy and the Trade thereof. CHAP. LXVII. A View of Italy, and the Trading Cities thereof, together with their Manner of Traffic, Weights, Measures, Coins, etc. ITaly is bounded with the Alps, the Ionian, Tyrrhenean, and Adriatic Seas, and is exceeding Fertile lying in a Temperate Clime, and is divided into 10 Provinces, viz. the Kingdom of Naples, the Dukedom of Florence, the Dukedom of Milan, the Dukedom of Mantua, the Commonwealth of Venice, the Dukedom of Urbin, the Principality of Parma, the estate of Genoa, the estate of Luca, and the Papacy. Of the chief City or Town of Trade of each in order. CHAP. LXVIII. A View of the City Naples, and the Trade thereof, together with the Weights, Measures, Coins, Customs, etc. IN Describing the Trade of this City from whence the Kingdom takes its Name, I shall lay down what is found of value or Merchantable throughout the Province. The City of Naples is a fair City and accounted 7 Miles in compass, formerly called Parthenope, and is now Governed by a Viceroy to the Behoof of the King of Spain, and yieldeth divers Metals brought from adjacent Mines; likewise Saffron, Raw and wrought Silk, Oils, Aniseed, Brimstone, Argals, Corn, Cattle in abundance and other things of value; for which they receive out of England Bays, Sesse, Serges, Cloth, Led, Tinn, Herrings, Pilchards, and Newland-Fish. There is found likewise the growth of Spain, Portugal, and many East-Indian Commodities, and it was formerly a City of great Traffic. The Country generally abounds in Mulberry-Trees, and other pleasant Fruit-Trees. The Weights of this City, and consequently of the whole Kingdom, are the Rotolo and Cantar, 100 of the former making the latter, which is accounted 196 pound English Averdupois Weight, as likewise in Goeta they have a Cantar, by which all Gross Commodities are weighed which is reckoned 254 pound of Leghorn. The Measure of Length is the Cane divided into 8 Palms, nine of which Palms make the Auln of Lions, and the Cane is 18 ½ English inches. The Concave Measures of Naples are the Salmo and Staio, by which they Measure Oil, Wine, Corn, etc. The Customs are for some Commodities 2 ½, for other 4 ½ per cent. more or less, as the Viceroy gives order to these that are appointed to receive them, the King of Spain receiving yearly for Customs upon the Oils of Gallipoly, adjacent to this Kingdom one hundred thousand Ducats. CHAP. LXIX. A View of the City of Florence, the Trade thereof, Comprehending the whole Trade of the Florentine Dominion. THe City of Florence gives name to the Provence or Dukedom of Florence, and is a very fair City, Seated near the Rivers Arne and Chian, Beautified it is with many stately Edifices, and much addicted to Merchandizing; the Duke being accounted the richest and chiefest Merchant in Italy, and is now more commonly known by the Title of great Duke of Tuscany. The Commodities are very rich, the famous Port of Leghorn being Governed in Trade by this City and Pisa. For hence for the most part come the Merchandise that are there found, as Marble, Rice, Wines, Oils, Silks Raw, and wrought, Satins, Taffatas, Velvets, Grograms, Plushes, Stuffs of curious Texture, for which they receive of our Merchants, Pepper, Mace, Cloves, Indicoes, calico, Led, Tinn, Cloth, Bays, Sesse, Serges, Perpetuano's, &c, the Inhabitants for the most part being very rich by Reason of the great Banks maintained in this City, where is practised exchange from all parts. Their accounts are kept in Livers, Solds, Deniers, 12 Deniers making a Sold, and 20 Solds accounted a Liver, and some in Crowns, 7 ½ Livers making a Crown; they have currant in Trade, the Florence Ducat worth 7 Livers, each Liver accounted 9 pence Sterling. The Weight is the Quintal or 100 pound of 12 Ounces the pound, and is found to make 98 pound English. The Measure of Length is the Brace, 100 of which has been known to make 49 els English, and the Cane which is 4 Braces, but all wrought Silks are here sold by the pound. Wine is sold by the Cogno, which is 10 Barrels, 40 Metadels, 20 Flasks, and each Barrel to weigh 120 pound. Oil is sold by the Orcio, which is a Barrel, and accounted 85 pound Weight, Grain is sold by the Moggio, which is 24 Staios, each Staio accounted 5 pound, Salt is sold by a Staio of 72 pound. And thus much shall Suffice for Florence. CHAP. LXX. A View of Milan, of the Trade, Weights, Measures, Coins, Customs, and Commodities thereof. THe City of Milan being the Centre of the whole Dukedom, in all respects, I shall only insist upon it. Then this City is the fairest of Lomberdy, being seven Miles in compass, and Furnished with all Commodities of the growth of the Dukedom, nay of all Italy, being now in Subjection to the Spanish King; the chief Commodities are Oil, Wine, Rice, Corn, Raw Silk, which is wrought by the Inhabitants into curious Fabrics, Chambets, Fustians, Gold Thread, and Iron; which are dispersed over all Italy, Savoy, France, Flanders, Holland, England, etc. Their Accounts are kept in Deniers, Solds, and Livers, which are in effect Pence, Shillings, Pounds, etc. and their other currant Coins are the Ducat of Gold, which is worth about 100 Solds of that money, the Crown of Gold of the Sun, which is worth 97 Solds. The Italian Gold Crown which is worth 5 Livers. The Ducat of Gold of 5 Livers, and 18 Solds is worth 6 Livers Imperial, the Ducat Imperial is esteemed worth 4 Livers. The Ducat of Milan or Imperial of 4 Livers is accounted in exchange 101 Solds the Ducat, and sometimes in Merchandise 110, and in way of Trade the Coins of Spain, and France, are here Currant. The Weight used here is the pound, 100 of which make a Quintal, which is accounted 70 pound English. The Measures of Length are the Braces, one for Cloth, and the other for Silk, the 100 Braces of the last containing 43 els of London. The Customs for the most part the same with the other Cities of Italy. CHAP. LXXI. A View of the Dukedoms of Mantua, and Urbino, and of their Trade, Weights, Measures, etc. OF the Dukedom of Mantua, the City of that Name is the chief, and is a fair and strong Place, on 3 sides environed with a wide Lake, through which runneth a Stream or River into the famous River Poe, and is surrounded with pleasant Pastures and Fruitful Gardens, Orchards, and Vineyards; but the Trade as to Merchandise, is inconsiderable for want of a Harbour or Haven, for the reception of Shipping; only here are found several Fabrics of Silk, as Taffatas, Satins, etc. also Watered Chamblets; the Accounts are kept as in Milan, and their money much the same unless the Ducatoon which is 115 Solds of Milan. The Weights of Mantua are the Peso, which is 25 pound, and the Quintal which is 100 pound, making English 71 pound Averdupois. The City of Urbin from which the Dukedom takes its Name, is Seated under the Apennine Hills, and has 2 famous Seaports, viz. Pisauro, and Fano, where formerly our Merchants held considerable Commerce, but of late it is decayed, yet some Trade is still held there, especially by such as go Trading Voyages; who there find the growth of most Parts of Italy, for which they exchange Cloth, Tinn, Spices, and some Drugs. Their Accounts are kept in Deniers, Solds, and Livers, and the rest of the Coins those for the most part currant throughout Italy. The Weights are the pound, and the Quintal, 100 of the former making the latter, and is found to be 77 pound of London Averdupois. The Measures of length are the Braces, one for Cloth, and the other for Silk, 94 of the former making 100 of Venice, but the Venice Brace for Silk renders the Urbin Brace for Silk 102 or 103, etc. CHAP. LXXII. A View of the Commonwealth of Venice, and of the Trade, Weights, Measures, Customs, Coins etc. THe City of Venice gives Name to the Territories, and has been and yet is famous for Trade by Navigation, being so Commodiously Seated for the reception of Shipping, that nothing can be more; as thus, it is Seated at the bottom of the Adriatic Sea or Venetian Gulf, upon 72 Islands 5 Miles distant from the main Land, and is defended against the rage of the Sea by a Bank of 20 Leagues, through which are cut several passages for Boats, but no Ships are capable of passing but at Malamecco, the mouth of which is guarded with strong Castles; and at the Castles of Lio, the Sea runs through most of the Streets, so that the commerce is held by Boats and Bridges, 12000 of the first, and 4000 of the last; and as for the Inhabitants they are naturally addicted to Merchandise, and once made their City the Store-House of the Commodities of India, Persia, Arabia, Egypt, and Greece, being both Politic and Powerful at Sea, so that for those Commodities, most European Merchants Traded thither as the Principal Mart of the World, but of late the English, Dutch, and Portugals have found the way to purchase them at the first hand, and by that means much impaired the Traffic of that Commonwealth, yet still they have Factories at Aleppo, Constantinople, and Alexandria, and Trade in Silk, Spices, Drugs, etc. but the chief Commodities found here are clothes of Gold and Silver, Wine, Oil, Woollen Cloth, Paper, Anniseeds, Agal, Looking-Glasses, Drinking-Glasses, and Quicksilver, for which the English Merchants Trading thither, exchange Bays, Furs, Perpetuano's, Led, Tinn, Cloves, Nutmegs, Pepper, Ginger, Serges, Sesse, Woollen Cloth, Herring, Pilchards, Salmond, and Newland Fish, Indigo, etc. and serves for a Mart to Austria and upper Germany. The Weights of Venetia are 4, the first and greatest is called the pound Gross, and 100 pound with which they weigh Wool, Brass, Iron, Copper, Flesh, Fish, and other Gross Commodities. The second is the Golden Weight in use for weighing Gold, Silver, Precious Stones and Pearls only, and is called the Mark consisting of 8 Ounces, and each Ounce of 144 Cariots; the third is applied to the Weight only of Gold and Silver Thread; the fourth is the pound Suttle, with which are weighed Silks, Drugs, Spices, Cottons, Cotton-Yarn, viz. by the 100 Weight composed of the Suttle pound, 100 pound Gross being of this Suttle pound 158 pound, and so on Proportionablely; but in Gold and Silver Thread 100 pound Gross is Suttle, but 116 pound 8 Ounces, the Mark of Gold 8 Ounces, and from these our English Traders have derived their Weight commonly called Venice Weight, 100 pounds of Venice Suttle make of London Weight 64 pound, and Gross 106 pound. The Liquid Measures for Wine are the Amphora, the Bigonsa, the Quart, the Sachio and Lyre, viz. the Bigonsa 4 of them make the Amphora, and each Bigonsa is 4 Quarts, and 1 Quart is 4 Sachi, each Sachi being 4 Lyras, and each Lyra a pound Weight, though in Gross the lesser Measures hold not out; as for Oil it is sold both by Weight and Measure, the Weight is called the Staliero, and the Measure the Miaro, and is 40 Mire which is Gross Weight, 120 pound, one Mire by Weight is 30 pound 3 Ounces, and by Measure 25 pound. Corn is sold by the Staio, each Staio being Gross 132 pound of Venetian Weight. The Accounts are kept several ways according to the Pleasure of the Merchant, as sometimes in Ducats, and Grosses, accounting 6 Livers, and 4 Solds to a Ducat or 24 Grosses, others again in Solds and Grosses. As for their Exchanges, to their great advantage in way of Trade, they make a difference between their money paid for Merchandise, and that returnable upon Bills, the disproportion being between 20 and 21 per cent. their Customs are Extraordinary, especially upon the English Trading to Zant for Currans, which is in Subjection to that signory, both upon Goods imported and exported, the which has caused the decay of Trade, and was the main Reason of removing the Scale of Trade to Leghorn, a place no ways so Commodious nor abounding in Commodities of the Native growth. CHAP. LXXIII. A View of the Principality of Parma, and of the Trade, Weights, Measures, Customs, etc. PArma the chief City of this Principality gives it a Name, and is a pleasant City abounding with all the Commodities of Italy, as Silks, Stuffs, Oil, Wine, Copper, Rice, Corn, etc. and as for the Weight used in the City, it is the pound of 12 Ounces, 100 of which make about 60 Suttle English. The Measure of length is the Brace, concording with the Brace of Florence. The Coins are Deniers, Livers, and Solds, in which their Accounts are kept. But having thus far proceeded, I shall here take a View of the famous Port of Leghorn, and of the Trade thereof. CHAP. LXXIV. A View of Leghorn, the Trade, Custom, Weights, Measures, and Coins, etc. LEghorn the Principal Port, and Scale of Trade in the Mediterranean Sea, is Situated on a large Plain, and accommodated with a good Harbour for the reception of Shipping, so that almost the whole Scale of Trade is removed from the City of Venice thither; it is now a part of the Florentine Dominion, having some time passed been purchased by the Duke of Tuscany for 120000 Ducats of the Genoese, and from him received large Privileges and Immunities, being enlarged by a new City Builded to the old, and by Reason of the small Customs taken there; it is of a Nest of Pirates, Murderers, etc. who formerly Inhabited it, become famous throughout the World; in this Port the great Duke keeps his Galleys, and here are found all the sorts of Commodities Italy yields, the Trade of it being as aforesaid regulated by Florence and Pisa, and to this Port are brought the Commodities of England, Spain, France, Holland, India, Arabia, Persia, Egypt, and other Countries. The Accounts of Merchants in Leghorn, are kept in Livers, Solds, Deniers, 12 Deniers being a Sold, and 20 Solds a Liver, and their other moneys are the same with Florence, except Quadrins and Craches, 8 Craches being accounted worth 6 pence Sterling, and of Quadrins 60 to a Liver, though sometimes a different value is fixed upon the Money of either place, but it continues not long. The Weights are the same with Florence, viz. the pound of 12 Ounce, 100 of which make a Quintal, which is computed to make 75 pound English, and by this they weigh their Gross Commodities. An other Quintal they have of 150 pound, which makes of London Weight 113 pound, as also an other of 160 pound making with us 121 pound, by which they weigh Fish, wools, etc. The Kintar of Alum is at Leghorn 150 pound, but in England found to make but 143 ⅞ pound, the Kintar of Sugar 15●, the Kintar of Fish 160 pound, and make English Weight proportionably. The Measures are the Brace and Cane, 4 of the former making one of the latter, each Brace being 23 Inches English, 100 Braces making 60 Yards or 48 Ells. The Concave Measures for Corn and Salt, are the Stare, the Sack, and the Salmo, 3 of the first making one of the second, and 3 ⅔ of the second making one of the third, which is a London Quarter; they have a Measure likewise called a Maggio, which contains 8 Sacks. The Custom of this Port is, that any Merchant may Land his Goods without paying any Custom, so be they are sold within a Year; but if not, he must pay Custom; but if for the better disposal of Commodities, they are sent into any other part of Tuscany, they must pay Custom at Pisa. CHAP. LXXV. A View of Genoa, the Weights, Measures, Coins, and Trade thereof. THe Metropolis of the Republic of Genoa, is the City of Genoa from whence the Territories have Name, and is 8 Miles in compass, being Commodiously Situate for Commerce, and has been formerly a City of great Trade; but of late the Citizens are turned Usurers, which has put a stop to their Navigation, and the Excessive Customs upon Goods imported, deters Merchants from Trading thither to any purpose. The Merchantable Wares that are found in this City are Silks, Stuffs, Damasks, Drugs, Wine, Oil, and some Fruits, for which they receive the growth of the Countries, whose Merchants Trade thither. Their Accounts especially as to Merchandise are kept in Deniers, Solds, and Livers, 12 Deniers being a Sold, and 20 Solds a Liver, which is 16 pence Sterling. Their other Coins for the most part Concord with those of Florence. The Weights are the pound of 12 Ounces, and Quintal, 100 of the former making the latter, which is accounted the Quintal Suttle, the Gross Quintal being 150 pound, and makes Suttle Weight of London 105 pound, and by the Gross Quintal are sold Anniseeds, Honey, Rice, Brass, Led, Tinn, Soap, Wools, and other Weighty Commodities. The Measure of Length is the Cane, found to make 9 Palms or 4 Braces of Florence, which is used in the Measuring Stuffs and Silks, and for Measuring of Linen, the Cane is 10 Palms, 100 of which Palms have rendered 27 English Yards, and consequently one Cane of Genoa is 2 ⅞ Yards English. Corn is sold by the Mine, each Mine paying Custom 6 ½ Solds, and Weighs 270 pound, 2 ½ of which are found to be a Harwich Quarter. Oil is sold by the Barril, 7 ½ of which make a Neapolitan Butt. Wine is sold by the Mesorole, 5 of which make a Botta Dimena of Naples. All Goods entering the River or Port pay Consolato of the River 6 Denier per Liver, which is paid by the Buyer, if a contract be not before made with the seller for the discharge thereof. And thus much for the Republic of Naples. CHAP. LXXVI. A View of Luca, and the Trade thereof. LVca is the principal City of the Republic, and is Situate on the River Serchio, being 3 Miles in compass, and so adorned with Trees; that such as pass a far off think it to stand in a Wood The most Merchantable Commodities here found are Silks, as Damasks, Satins, Taffatas, etc. which are here made and sent to other Cities of Italy, and for them have returned the growth of most Countries. Their Accounts are kept in Solds, Deniers, and Livers of Picoly as in Florence, and their moneys for the most part the same, it having formerly been a City of considerable Trade, but now of little note. The Weights are two, the one the Balance Weight, by which all Goods are bought and sold, the other the Weight by which Merchants pay their Customs, between which there is observed 12 per cent. difference, the Balance Weight, the pound containing 12 Ounces, the 100 thereof has been found to make of Lion's Weight 72 ½ and the Customers Weight 81 ½ the Measure of length is the Brace, which is 23 English Inches, 100 Braces of this Place being found to make 50 English Ells. As for Liquid or Concave Measures, they use not any in way of Merchandise. Therefore I shall pass them over. CHAP. LXXVII. A View of the Papacy, and the Trade thereof. THe Papacy containeth several stately Cities, but none of any considerable Trade as for Merchandise therefore I shall Sum up all in Describing, the Trade of Rome, once the Mistress of the World, but now her Splendour is much abated. Rome is Situate on the Banks of Tiber, adorned with 750 Towers placed on her Walls, and is accounted to contain 466000 Families, and in it are found these Merchandise, viz. Corn, Oil, Wine, Gloves, Alum, Lutestring, Kid-Skins, and curious Fabrics of Silk, for which they receive from England Led, Tinn, Bays, Sesse, Stuffs, Pilchards, Herrings, Newland Fish, Calves-Skins, Salt, Salmon, Tallow, Wax, etc. which are for the most part Landed at Civitaveccia, and from thence carried up the River Tiber in Boats to Rome. The Coins here and through the Papacy, are the same that are currant in most parts of Italy, the Pope having so ordained, that his Incomes may be the more. The Accounts are kept in Crowns, Julios, or Paulos, Baiochos, and Quatrins, the Weight is the Quintal or 100 pound which makes 80 pound English, though sometimes they weigh by a Quintal of 160 pound, and 150 pound, according to the fineness or Grossness of the Commodity. Their Measures of Length are 2, one for Linen and the other for Woollen, the one a Brace, and the other the Cane, 30 Canes making 100 Braces. Corn is sold by the Rugio, which is 7/18 Mine of Genoa. And thus much shall suffice for Rome, and indeed for all Italy, from whence I must pass into Flanders and take a View of the Trade thereof. CHAP. LXXVIII. A View of the Trade of Flanders, and Holland, of the Weights, Measures, Coins, Customs, Commodities, and Traffic of them, reduced into the View of Antwerp and Amsterdam. Tho' Flanders and the Netherlands are divided into 17 Provinces, viz. 4 Dukedoms, as Limburg, Luxemburg, Gelderland, and Brabant, 1 Marquisat, 7 Ealrdoms, as Artois, Flanders, Hanault, Nemurs, Zutphen, Holland, and Zealand, 5 Borronies, as Westfriezland, Vtretch, Overysel, Machlin, and Groving; yet the Trade of all these may conveniently be reduced into what is found in Antwerp and Amsterdam, the one famous for having formerly been the chief Scale of Europe, and the other for the present commerce held there. Of these in order. Antwerp is Situate upon the River Scheld, that River sending forth eight Channels to Water the City by running through her Streets, and has been formerly accounted a great Scale of Trade, insomuch that all European Merchants brought their Commodities thither to vend, the acquirement of which Trade was principally by the means following, first by Reason of 2 free Marts, yearly holden for 45 days, in which no Person Trading there could be Arrested in his Goods or Person for Debt or otherwise, secondly by Reason the Portugals discovering the East India's Anno 1500. diverted the course of Trade driven by the Venetians from Alexandria, and the Red-Sea to Lisbon; and so kept a Factory at Antwerp, and exposed to Sail all Indian Commodities which drew most of the Trading Nations of Europe to Trade thither, exhausting the Trade of Bruges where the English Merchants Adventurers before resided; the third and last cause was the Wars between Charles the fifth Emperor, and the French, which obliged the Nobility, and Gentry for safety to remove their Families thither, who afterwards being taken with the pleasantness of the place would not remove, but Built them stately Houses, and made that City for the most part the Place of their residence. The cause of the decay of Trade in the City of Antwerp, was the Wars with Spain, in which Merchants were Pillaged, their Ships taken, etc. the Abridgement of Privileges, and the Trade which the English and Dutch found in the East-Indies, bringing home in their own Bottoms, what before they were obliged to the Portugals for; but as it is at this Day, a pretty Trade is driven in the City, most of the Neighbouring Countries bringing in their Growth and Manufacture. The Commodities found in Antwerp, are Wines, Silks, Arras-hanging, Spices, Drugs, Fruit, store of Corn, Woollen Cloth, some Oil, and the like; brought out of its Neighbourhood, and the Adjacent Provinces. The Accounts of Antwerp are kept in Livers, Solds, and Deniers, which they reckon Pounds, Shillings, Pence, 12 Deniers making a Sold, and 20 Solds a Liver or pound Flemish, though worth no more than 12 Shillings Sterling, or as they compute it 240 Grosses, 12 Grosses being a Sold, and according to these Values on Coin they make their Exchanges. The other currant Coins are Doits, 4 of which make a Stiver, and 10 Stivers make 1 Shilling Sterling. 2 Blanks make a Stiver, and half 6 Stivers make the Flemish Shilling, 28 Stivers make a Guilder, which is 3 Shillings 4 pence Flemish, so that 100 pound Flemish is found to make but 50 pound English, etc. The Weight is the pound of 16 Ounces, 100 of which pounds make their Quintar, and the Quintar found to be 104 pound English. So that from this allowance or over Weight, many imagine that the Tret of London had its Original. The Measure of length is the Ell, 100 of which are found to make 60 London els in the Measure of Linen Cloth. They have likewise an Ell for Measuring of Silk, which is 1 ½ in the 100 less than the Cloth Ell. Beer is sold by the Barrel, which in Brabant and Flanders, is accounted 54 Stops, each Stop being 2 Quarts English. Their Corn they sell by the Vertules 23 ½ of which are a Last of Amsterdam, and 10 ¼ Quarters London Measure. Wine is sold by the Am, the Stop and the Butt, 1 Am making 50 Stops, and one Stop 6 pound, so that the Butt is 300 Stops or 6 Aims, the Wine Stop being accounted 3 ⅓ Quarts of London Wine Measure. The Exchanges are very great, by Reason most of the Bills of Spain are drawn upon the Merchants and Traders of Antwerp, for the disbursement of money, for the maintenance of the Army, that is for the most part kept on Foot in the Provinces. CHAP. LXXIX. A View of the City of Amsterdam and of the Trade, Coins, Weights and Measures thereof. AMsterdam is a fair City, and Seated on the River Tay, which on the North side of it Flows like a large Sea, when on the South the River Amster running through 3 Lakes▪ enters its Streets and falleth into the River Tay aforesaid. And by the addition or a new City to the old, it is become Commodious and strong; and by the advantage of the River passing through all Land-carriage is saved, the Boats in the 5 Principal Streets coming up to the Doors, especially where the Merchant's Warehouses are. The Inhabitants are generally Prompt to Navigation, and have so improved themselves thereby, that most of the Citizens are Merchants, and have Vessels of their own, or venture in other Vessels, wholly relying ●pon the advantage that Accrues by Trading in foreign Countries, as wanting Land to improve their Stock at home, so that of late it has been observed they put out their Money to Interest in England and France, to more considerable interest than it will allow in their own Country; 4 or 5 per cent. being great interest there, which is so ordered that by such means, People may be the willinger to venture in way of Trade by Merchandise, which returns them for the most part 50. per cent. and all charges paid. The Commodities found in Amsterdam, as Silks, Cloth, Woollen, and Linen, Stuffs, Drugs of all sorts, Spices, Dies, Oils, Alum, Brimstone, Gold and Silver-Thread, Wines, and indeed all sorts of Commodities that are found of any use in the known World, but the chief Commodities that the Country affords, which may properly be called the Growth or Manufacture, are Cattle, Butter, Cheese, Flax, Corn, Linen Cloth, Coarse Woollen clothes, Tapestry, Pictures, and all sorts of Fish, but especially Herrings, of which they make an Extraordinary advantage, employing in the Season for that Fishery 6000 Persons. The Weight commonly used in Amsterdam is the pound of 16 Ounces, 100 of which make 107 of Antwerp, and of London 110. The Measure of length is the Ell, 134 of which make 100 Yards of London, or 100 London els make 167 1/● els of Amsterdam. Their Concave Measures are for Corn, the Last, the Barrel, the Muyden, the Sack, the Archeteling, and the Sheple; as thus, 24 Barrels make the Last, each Barrel containing 1 1/●2 Muydens, a Muyden containing 1 2/24 Sacks, each Sack being 3 Archetelings, or 3 21/29 Shepels 108 Shepels, making the Last. The Measures for Wine, Oil, Beer, and other Liquids, are for the most part the same with those of England; and therefore I shall pass them over. The Coins in which the Accounts are kept, are the same with Antwerp, viz. Livers, Solds, and Deniers, the Liver or Pound Flemish being 12 Shillings Sterling, 6 Florins make the Flemish pound at 20 Stivers per Florin, so that 120 Stivers are the Flemish pound or 12 Shillings English, 5 Stivers being 6 pence Sterling or 5 Solds Turnois, a Gross is 6 Deniers, a Carolus Gulden is 20 Stivers or 2 Shillings Sterling, or 2 Sols Turnois. And besides these all the currant Coins of Europe pass here according to their true value, as they again may be paid for Merchandise to the Merchants of the Countries, to which they are proper. And thus much for Antwerp and Amsterdam, as also for all the Provinces and Cities of the Netherlands, the Trade of which being included in what I have laid down; so that from hence I shall pass into Germany, to take a View of that large Empire, the Trade of which I reduce into a few heads, or deliver it in the Description of the Trade of the Principal Cities. CHAP. LXXX. A View of Germany, its Provinces, and the Trade thereof. HAving thus far proceeded, as I hope, to the content of the Reader, I shall Survey the Empire of Germany, which is bounded on the North with Denmark and the Danish Seas, on the East with Prusia, Poland, and Hungary, on the South with the Alps, and on the West with France and Belgium, and abounds in Silver Mines, Copper, Led, Tinn, Iron, Corn, Wine, Alum, Quicksilver, Linen, Woollen, Silks, Stuffs, Cattle, Corn, and other Commodities all of its own Growth and Manufacture. The Cities and Towns of the Empire, may by good Right be divided into 3 parts, as first the Hans-Towns, which enjoy large Privileges and Immunities, and are computed to be about 70, which for the most par are accommodated with Navigable Rivers, and abound in rich Manufactures. Secondly those called the Imperial Cities, which are imputed free Cities, by Reason of their great Privileges, above the rest in Coining money, barring any acknowledgement of Subjection unless to the Emperor, whom they only do acknowledge for their Protector, and in lieu of it pay an annual Tribute, being 60 odd in number. And thirdly those that are under the Subjection of the Electoral Princes, which are commonly called Principalities. The Rivers by which these Towns for the most part are enriched are 4, viz. the Danube which running 1500 Miles receives about 58 Navigable Rivers, and at last disimbogues itself into the Euzine or Black-Sea. The River Rhine which after passing through Germany, and Belgia for 800 Miles falls into the Germane Ocean, the River Albis which is large and Navigable for near 400 Miles, and the River Odera, which passing 300 Miles through the Country falleth into the Baltic Sea. There are likewise several other Rivers of note, that greatly contribute to the Fertilizing the Country, but these being the chief, I shall pass over the rest, unless the Description of some Cities require the mentioning of them. CHAP. LXXXI. A View of Strasburg, and the Trade thereof. STrasburg is an Imperial free City, Seated upon a fair Plain, about a furlong from the River Rhine, over which they have laid a Bridge, and a Channel cut which conveys Ships and Boats to the City, which is 8 Miles in compass, adorned with many stately Buildings; and amongst the rest a Cathedral, whose Steeple is for curious Architect accounted one of the 7 Wonders of the World, and by Reason of the Generosity of the Inhabitants towards Strangers, there is great resort thither, especially of Lutherans, Calvinists, etc. but above all it abounds in Handicrafts or Artisans who find great encouragement, and by their Labour is the common Stock improved; though since its falling into the Hands of the French King, they have not proceeded with such Alacrity as formerly, by Reason of the little assurance they have of keeping what they acquire by their Labour. The Commodities Traded for hither are Linen Cloth, Iron, Diaper, Rhenish Wine, Copper, Wax, and Hemp, for which they receive out of England Tinn, Led, and Woollen Cloth; out of Spain Fruits▪ Wines, Oils, Salt, and Wool; and out of Italy Silks, both Raw and wrought. The Weights are two, viz. the Gross and Suttle, where upon Trial it has been found, that the 100 pound Suttle of London has made Incirca 70 in 71 of the Gross of Strasburg, which Gross Weight is 16 Ounces to the pound, and the Suttle but 12 Ounces, by the latter of which all Indian Commodities are weighed, as Nutmegs, Cloves, Cinnamond, Drugs of all sorts, Indicoes and rich Dies. The Measure of length is the Ell, which is about 38 English Inches; as for Concave Measures they use but few, and those the same with other Cities of the Empire, of which anon I shall have occasion to speak. The currant Coin is the Bobemico, Gross, or Blaphace, which is 3 Crutfers, one Crutfer being 2 pence, one penny 2 Hellers, and one Heller 2 Orchines. And in these Coins all the Accounts are kept. CHAP. LXXXII. A View of Vienna, and of the Trade, Weights, Measures, Coins, etc. VIenna is one of the fairest and strongest Cities of the Empire, and for the most part the Imperial Seat, having on the North of it the River Danow; which dividing into 3 Streams causes, as it were, an Island ere it again unites; and over the Streams are 3 Stone Bridges of 15, 29 and 57 Arches, all the Streets are adorned with stately Buildings, and in the City many Merchants reside, who have their Factories in Venice, Florence, Genoa, etc. and by that means it abounds in rich Commodities of all Nations, especially Satins, Damasks, Taffatas, Velvets, Cloth of Gold and Silver, Drugs, Spices, Wool, Led, Iron, Copper, Flax, Wine, Oil, Wax, Tallow, Furs, and the like; which is dispersed into the Neighbourhood to supply the Towns and Cities of less note. The Weight is the pound, which in the Sale of some Commodities is divided into 32 Coets, and in others into 128 Quints, and by some again into 512 Fennings, of this pound 100 makes the Quintar, which in London is found to make between 122 and 123 pound. The Measures of length are 2, one for Linen, and the other for Woollen, the 100 Yards of London, are found to make 103 els of Vienna Linen Measure, and of the Woollen Measure 113 Ells. The Coins currant are the Rhenis' Guilder worth 28 ½ Silver Missens Gross, or 36 ½ Lubeck Shillings, 7 ½ of which make one of our Shillings, the Imperial-Doller which is worth 33 Lubeck Shillings, the common Guilden worth 28 Lubeck Shillings, and the French Crown worth 44 Lubeck Shillings, etc. By Reason of the Emperors residing here, there is a great Exchange, which is by Rix Dollars of 8 Shillings Flemish, and by Ducats of Gold of 12 Shillings Flemish. CHAP. LXXXIII. A View of Hamburg, of the Trade, Weights, Measures, Coins, and Commodities thereof. HAmburg is an Imperial City, Seated on a large Plain, and has on the South side the River Elve, being Accommodated with a fair Haven, cross which is cast a Chain to hinder Ships from entering without Licence; and on the North-East side, some distance from the Walls of the City runs the River Alster, and is adorned with many fair Buildings, fortified with strong Walls, Ditches, and Bulwarks. The Trade at present is very considerable, by Reason of the residence of our Merchants there, and the Factories held in other parts, it being the Key as it were of that part of Germany, whither the Inland Towns bring their Commodities to vend, as Quicksilver, Stuffs, Silks, Cloth, Wine, Wax, Cordage, Corn, and the like; most Italian Commodities are found here, and great quantities of the Growth of Spain, and here the English vend Cloth, Iron, Tinn, Led, Drugs, Spices, and the like, receiving for them the Growth and Manufactures of the Empire. The Weight is the pound; 120 of which are accounted the Quintar, which is divided into 3 parts or denominations, viz. the 12 Stone of 10 pound to the Stone, 300 pound are accounted the Skip pound, which is the second, & that which is called the third, is 20 Lispound of 15 pound to the 300, which may be said to be one Quintar of 120 pound, and another of 300 pound. The Measure of length is the Ell, by which all Woollen, Linen, and Silks are Measured, 100 of which are accounted t● make in London 48 els for Linen, and th● 100 Yards of London to be 162 or 163 of Hamburg Yards. The Concave Measure is the Scheple 90 of which make the Last of Corn in this place, though 83 are found to do the same at Amsterdam, or to produce 10 Quarters of London Measure. The Merchant's exchange for London by the pound Sterling, and from all other places upon Rix Dollars of 50 Shillings Lapisto or 54 Stivers. A Doller is here noted to be worth 3 white pence, each white Penny to be 18 Shillings, each Shilling 12 pence, and each penny two Hellers. And thus much for Hamburg and of the Empire. CHAP. LXXXIV. A View of Denmark, and of its Trade, together with the Commodities, Weights, Measures, and Coins thereof. DEnmark is bounded on the East with the Baltic Ocean, on the West with the Germane Ocean, on the North with Sweeden, and on the South with the german Empire; and contains Cimbrick Chersonese, the Islands of the Baltic, and part of Scandia, which are divided into several Provinces; the which for Brevity's sake I shall pass over, and reduce their Trade into the 2 Principal Cities. And of the Islands I shall treat in their order. And first of Copenhagen, and the Trade thereof. Copenhagen is the Metropolis of Denmark, and the Seat of the Danish Kings, for the most part, being Commodiously Seated on the Seashore, and provided of a safe and goodly Haven, for the reception of Shipping, being strongly Fortified and Beautified with a Castle and other stately Edifices, which are for the more part possessed by Merchants that Trade there, for the Growth and Manufacture of the Kingdom, which chiefly consists in Hides, Tallow, Fish, Bucks-Skins, Armour of all sorts, Furniture for Shipping, Corn, Cattle and the like; for which they receive Drugs, Spices, Tinn, Led, Gold, Silver, Silks, Woollen and Linen clothes, etc. The currant Coin is the Dollar and Shilling, one Danish Shilling making one Lubeck Shilling, and 66 Danish Shillings accounted to the Dollar, which is 5 Shillings Sterling. The Accounts in this City are kept by Merchants, in Marks of 16 Shillings Danish. The Exchanges are practised by Rix Dollars, to the value as aforesaid. The Weights and Measures of this Kingdom; I shall Sum up in the next Chapter, by Reason the difference of Weights and Measures in this City, and the rest little or nothing vary. CHAP. LXXXV. A View of Elsinore, and the Trade thereof. ELsinore is Situate upon the Strait leading to the Sound, and greatly frequented by Seamen; by Reason of the Extraordinary passage through the Strait, for which every Vessel pays to the King of Denmark a considerable Sum for permission, no Ships being otherwise capable to pass by Reason of the Castles that Guard that pass on either side, viz. Coronsburg, and Elsburg, the latter being in the Kingdom of Norway; on the East side of the Sealand near to Elsinore, the King has a Palace for his Summer Recreation, which has a Prospect over the Sea, and 'tis reported that this Tole or Duty arising upon the passing and repassing over Ships into the Sound and Baltic, amounts to more than all the Crown Revenues besides. The Commodities vended here are for the most part Fish, Cattle, Corn, Oil, Beer, Cordage, Masts, Sails, and the like, for fitting out, and revictualling Ships, for which they receive the Growth of England, Holland, Germany, and France; the moneys currant here are the same with those of Copenhagen. The Weights are as in Copenhagen, and in most parts of the Kingdom, the great and shall 100, the former being accounted 120 pound to the 100, and the latter 112 pound, being accounted 12 Stone of 10 pound to the Stone; they have likewise a Skip-pound of 32 Stone of 10 pound the Stone, or 20 Lispound of 16 Mark pound is a Skip-pound, and 20 times pounds 16 are 320 pound. The Measures of the Kingdom in General are for Length, are the els for Woollen, Linen, and Silks, 160 of which are accounted to make the 100 els English. As for Concave Measures they are little in use unless for Corn. The Trade of this Kingdom by Navigation is but small, they seldom Sailing out of their own Seas, or at most, no further than the Germane, British, and Mediterranean Seas or Oceans. Therefore I shall desist from any further Survey thereof, and pass over the Staight to take a View of the Kingdom of Norway, now Subject to the Danish Sceptre. CHAP. LXXXVI. A View of the Kingdom of Norway, and the Trade thereof. NOrway is bounded on the West and South with the Ocean, and on the East and North with Lappia, and the Dofrine Mountains, and abounds in Firr-Trees, which are brought into England in abundance and serve for Masts, Board's, and Building Houses; the other Commodities are Stockfish, Furs, Train Oil, Cordage, some Rossen and Sail-Cloaths. The Towns by Reason of the coldness of the Clime and Dampness caused by the Sea are but few, the chief being Nidrosia and Bergen, once a famous Mart, but now reduced to nothing in respect of Trade, the Trade that it had having passed through several Cities, is at last settled in Amsterdam, and what Trade does remain is from the Ships that pass this way to Moscovia. The Weight most in use is the pound, 100 of which renders 92 London Averdupois Weight, though of late they have got a Custom to Weigh in a String, which is very uncertain, rendering sometimes more, sometimes less. Their Measure of Length and Concave Measures, the latter of which is for the most part used in Measuring of Salt, are agreeable to our Yard and Bushel. The Commodities vended here are Bays, Sesse, Linen, Wine, Spices, Sugars, Gunpowder, Led, Tinn, Iron, and such like. And thus much may suffice for Norway, leaving which I shall proceed in this Northern Tract, and take a View of Sweedland, the Trade of which I shall reduce into the Principal City of that Kingdom, viz, Stockholm. CHAP. LXXXVII. A View of Sweedland, of its Provinces, and Trade reduced into the Trade of the City of Stockholm. SWeedland has on the East Muscovia, on the West the Dofrine Hills, on the North the Frozen Ocean, and on the South the Baltic, and contains 5 Provinces, viz. Gothland, Sweeden, Lappia, Bodia, and Finland, in the former of which is found Stockholm, the Metropolis of the Kingdom; and Seated in a Watery Marsh in the nature of Venice, and is much frequented with Merchants, being for the most part the Regal Seat, so that to it Flow all the Commodities of the Kingdom; which are chiefly Buck-Skins, Goats-Skins, Ox Hides, Barley, Tallow, Malt, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, Furs, Led, Copper, Silver, Iron, Wax, Honey, and the like; and for its advantageous Situation, it is much Traded to, having a Channel capable of receiving Ships of any Burden; and so well guarded with Castles of Extraordinary Strength, that no Ship can pass in nor out without lief first obtained; the Buildings are pleasant to behold for their Antiquity and fine Devices; a place being purposely erected in the Principal Street, for the conveniency of Merchants, and the laying up such Commodities, as they either have to vend or have purchased; so that in this City are found the Growths and Manufactures of almost all Nations. The currant Coin of this Kingdom is the Dollar, which is divided into 8 Marks, and each Mark into 2 Clippings, each Clipping being accounted 9 ½ Stivers Flemish, and in exchange the Dollar is only used. The Weight is the pound 116 of which is found to make the 100 pound of London; they have likewise 2 Skip-pounds, the one the proper Skip-pound of Stockholm, which is 320 pound of the before mentioned pound, the other is 340 pound and proper to Dantzick. Of which in order I shall come to Treat. The Measure of Length is the Ell, 166 of which are 100 Yards of London Measure, sometimes more sometimes less; for this is the Rule, they take a Piece of Rope, and Measure it by the bigness of a man's Head, which they call their Ell, so that according to the largeness or smallness of the Head, by which they take their Measure, the Measure is found to consist. Their Concave Measures are of little use, unless for Corn and Malt, and those are Measured by a Loop, 23 of which make a Last in Amsterdam, and in London 10 Quarters. And thus much shall Suffice for Sweeden, and the Trade thereof. CHAP. LXXXVIII. A View of Moscovia, and the Trade thereof, reduced into the Trade of Moscow, the Principal City of that large Dominion. MOscovia is bounded on the West with Lituania and Livonia, on the East with Tartary, on the North with the Frozen Ocean, and on the South with the Caspian Sea, the Ottoman Empire and Palus Maeotis, and is Branched with many large and Navigable Rivers, as Tanais, Duino, Boristhenes, Onega, and Volga, and is divided into 9 Provinces, as Novogradia, Valadomira, Plescovia, Rhesen, Servia, Parmia, Candoria, Petrosa, and Moscovia; from whence all the Country takes its Name. These Provinces abound in Corn, Cattle, Furs, Hides, Flax, Hemp, Whales, Grease, Canvas, Ropes, Cavier, Tallow, Honey, Wax, Venison, Flax, Hemp, and Fish. The Trade being begun by the English about the Year 1575. in general, though before some Vessels of Private Merchants had Traded thither, and found out the Commodities since so much sought after; and upon the increase of Trade in these parts, a Society of Merchants in London, are incorporated by the Name of Muscovia Merchants, having settled a Factory at Archangel. Moscow the Metropolis of Moscovia, is Seated on the River Mosca, which falls in to Tanais; this City is reckoned 6 Miles in compass, and is for the most part the imperial Seat, being much Beautified since it was Burnt by the Tartars, upon their invading the Moscovite Empire; and here the English Merchants find kind entertainment, unless in Troublesome times, as of late it happened upon the murder of the Czar, in which general Calamity many suffered in their Goods; but now things are again reduced to a quiet and settled condition, so that Trade again begins to Flourish, the Country affording great store of Furs, as Beaver, Otter, Sables, White, Black, Red, and Dun Fox-Skins, with many others of the like nature; which are sold by the Timber, Weight, or Tale, being highly valued of late by the Natives, who perceiving the desire Merchants have for them, learn thereby to set prices on them accordingly. The Merchant's Accounts are kept here Divers ways, as those of England in Rubles and Pence, called by the Natives Muskofkins, 200 of which make a Ruble, which is rated at 2 Rix Dollars, the Dutch by Rubles, Grevens, and Muscofkins, 20 pence being accounted to the Greven, and 10 Grevens to the Ruble which is only an Imaginary Coyn. The currant money is the Capeck worth a Stiver Flemish, and something more in value then an English penny, 10 of which make a Greven, whi●h is worth 12 pence Sterling, and the Ruble 10 Shillings Sterling, 3 Capecks is called an Altine, by which name all receipts of Bargain, and contracts are made, 33 Altines and one Capeck making the Ruble. At Archangel there is exchange practised, and the price of moneys Russ as the Plenty or Scarcity will allow, for sometimes the Rubles in exchange pass for 11 Shillings 6 pence Sterling, the Receipts being in August, to return in London about the latter end of December. The Weight most in use is the Pood, by which all fine Goods are weighed, as Silk, Beavor, Wool, and the like; but for Gross Goods they have a Weight called a Berzovet accounted 10 Poods or the Russ Ship-pound computed to be 360 pound Averdupois, so that all Goods bought by this Weight, are accounted to be 10 per cent. profit, so that many have reckoned the Goods so bought to pay the Fraight with over Weight; and all Goods bought by the Pood are reckoned 10 per cent. less. The Measure of Length is called the Archin, and is accounted 28 English Inches, so that the 100 Arching are supposed to produce Incirca 78 Yards of London Measure. Oil they sell by the Barrel, each Barrel being accounted ½ a Hogshead, and Tar by the Hogshead; as for Concave Measures I observe, they are but rarely in use by way of Trade, by Reason of the small quantities of Commodities the Empire affords, that are proper to be Measured thereby. Therefore I shall put a conclusion to the Trade of Moscovy, and proceed to a View of Poland. CHAP. LXXXIX. A View of the Kingdom of Poland, together with the Trade, Weights, Measures, and currant Coins thereof. POland is bounded on the East with Boristhenes, on the West with Vistula, on the North with the Baltic Ocean and Sinus Trinicus, and on the South with Hungary; and is divided into 10 Provinces, viz. Luconia, Lituania, Volinia, Samogita, Podolia, Russia Nigra, Prussia, Podtasia, Masovia, and Poland; these Provinces are Branched with several Navigable Rivers Vistula, Reuben, Bog, Mimel and others, and has for its Metropolis Cracovia. Into which I shall reduce the Trade of this Kingdom. Cracovia is the Metropolis of Poland, Situate on the Banks of the River Vistula, which is Navigable for near 400 Miles, being as it were encompassed with distant Mountains, and fortified with strong Walls and fair Buildings; being the Seat of the Kings of Poland, and is found to produce the Commodities of the whole Kingdom, as Tar, Rosin, Pitch, Hemp, Wax, Honey, Barley, Oats, Amber, Tallow, and Hides, which Commodities are sent up the River; and distributed to such Merchants as come to Trade for the Growth of the Kingdom. There are likewise found Furs of divers sorts, some Minerals, and the like; for which the Inhabitants receive the Commodities of divers Nations which are brought both by Land and Sea. The Coins of this City, and consequently of the Kingdom, are the Ducat of Gold called the Polander; which is accounted 70 Polish Gross. The Silver Guilden which is worth 30 Polish Groshe or 2 Shillings Sterling, a Dollar in Specie is worth 4 Polish Groshes, but in all contracts of buying and selling, the Doller is accounted 36 Groshe, a Crietszar is worth 3 Pot-chanels, 18 Deniers make one Groshe, a Groshe of Poland or Bohemia is worth 7 Whites, 16 Whites make one Ort, 4 0rts make a Dollar, and a Dollar is accounted 4 Shillings 4 pence. The Weight is the pound, 136 of which is accounted the Quintar, which is found in London to render 114 pound, and the 100 of London yieldeth 120 of Cracovia, but the common pound is reduced to a Stone of 40 pound, 10 of the said Stones being accounted the Skip-pound. The Measure of Length is the Ell, 20 of which are 10 English els, but their Linen they sell by the Shock, the Shock being 57 ½ English Ells. And to this City it will not be amiss to add Elbin, once a Scale of Merchandise, where the English Merchants had a Factory, being here known by the Name of the Merchants of Elbin, but since this City has fallen into the Hands of the King of Poland, it has lost the great Trade it had upon the Abridgement of the Liberties and Privileges it enjoyed, during its being in the possession of the Teutonick Knights, so that now it only is famous for what it has been, and not for what it at present remains, the Trade being dispersed into several Eastland Cities, or Hans Towns, but from Danzick especially are brought Soap-Ashes. The Weights are the Pound and Stone, 40 pound making the Stone, and 40 of those Stones make the Ship-pound, which is 400 pound, and 100 pound of London is found to make 120 of Elbin. Their Last of Wheat is reckoned to weigh 5200 pound. Their Measure of Length is the Ell, 163 of which make 100 London Yards. In this Tract is found Coninsberg, Rhiga, Stetin, Stralesond, and Revel, from the former of which the Amber is brought, as for the rest they little differ in Commodities and manner of Trade from Cracovia: Wherefore for Brevity's sake, I shall pass them over, and take a View of Hungary and the Trade thereof, etc. CHAP. XC. A View of Hungary, and the adjacent Provinces, and of their Trade, Weights, Measures, Coins, and Commodities of the Growth and Manufacture. THe Kingdom of Hungary is bounded on the East with Transilvania and Valachia, on the West with Austria, on the South with Sclavonia, and on the North with Poland, and is of itself exceeding Fertile, abounding in Cattle beyond credit, but by Reason of the continual Wars with the Turks, it standing as the Bulwark of Christendom, no great matter of Trade relating to Merchandise is found there; the little that it consists in, is Hides, Tallow, Wax, Honey, Copper, Tinn, Corn, Wool, Fruits, Fish, Skins, and some Silver Mines, which (since the civil Disenssions caused by the continual Bandying of the two parties under pretence of Religion, and the encouragement of those intestines Broils by the Grand-Signeour) have been thrown in many of them, and thereby render useless Buda, and many of the Principal Cities being now in the Hands of the Turks, and is so Seated upon the River Danube, that it hinders the free Commerce by Boats and great Vessels; that was formerly very advantageous to the Hungarians; so that leaving it's to recover its Trade, by Submiting to its rightful Sovereign the Emperor of Germany, and not longer trust the Flattery of the perfidious Ottomans. I shall take a View of Dacia and Sclavonia. Dacia, is bounded with the Euxine, on the East, and on the West with Hungary, on the North with the Carpathian Mountains, and on the South with Greece, and is divided into these Provinces, viz. Transylvania, Moldavia, Servia, Valachia, Russia, Bosna, and Bulgaria, all subjected to the Grand-Seigniour, and are Branched and Fertilized with these Rivers, viz. Danubius, Alata, Salvata, Cockle, and Morus, besides others of lesser note. The Commodities found in the several Provinces are Cattle, Wax, Honey, Butter, Cheese, Tallow, Wool, Silk, Cloth, Mines, of Gold and Silver, Salt-Pits, Wines; and Mountains of Brimstone, which Commodities they send to Constantinople, Aleppo, and other Marts of the Turkish Empire, and receive in exchange the Commodities of all Nations, as for Weights and Measures, they are rarely in use, they selling and buying for the most part by those of the Marts, whether they resort with their Commodities; their Coins are those currant throughout the Ottoman Empire. Of which I shall come to speak, in the View of Constantinople. Sclavonia is bounded on the South with the Adriatic Sea, on the North with Hungary, on the West with Italy part, and on the East with the River Drinus, and a Line that passes from thence to the Sea; and is chiefly divided into 2 parts, viz. Illyria and Dalmatia, the name of the former being lately by the Turks, changed into that of Windismark, the which abounds in Butter, Cheese, Cattle, Corn, Oil, Wine, Hemp, Wool, Wax, Honey, Tallow, Iron, and the like. Of Dalmatia, Rhagusa is the Principal City, so that I will not be amiss to reduce the Trade of that Province, which is not Extraordinary into its Metropolis. Rhagusa formerly called Epidaurus, is Seated on the Adriatic Shoar, and was once a Commonwealth of great Traffic, and the first in those parts that Furnished out Ships of War of considerable force, with which they awed their Neighbours, and gave Laws in those Seas, but since the English and Dutch Navigators have turned the currant of Traffic another way, and drained those parts of the Commerce that was wont to Flow in upon them like the Ocean. The Inhabitants are no ways considerable, yet the Commodities of the Province are found there, as Honey, Wax, Horses for War, Hides, Tallow, Silver, and Gold unrefined, some Amber, Coral and the like, but of small value; for which they receive of those English, that make Trading Voyages, Hampshire Carsies, and other Coarse Cloth, Led, Tinn, and such like; and that mostly for provision. The Coins in use here is the Gross, 59 of which are accounted a Sultany, or 8 Shillings Sterling. The Weight is the pound 100 of which make 80 pound English, which is the Quintal of Rhagusa. Their Measure of Length is the Brace, according with the Venetian Brace, thus, 100 Braces of Rhagusa of the Cloth Brace, are 120 in Venice of the same, and of the Silk Brace 116 of Venice make the 100 of Rhagusa. And thus leaving Hungary, Dacia, and Sclavonia, I shall pass into Greece, and take a Survey of the Trade of that once famous Empire. CHAP. XCI. A View of Greece and of the Trade thereof, Comprised in the Trade found at the famous City of Constantinople, together with the Weights, Measures, Customs, and Coins thereof. GReece famous for being once Mistress of the Universe, is bounded on the South with the Ionian Sea, on the North with the Mountain Hemus, on the East with the Hellispont, Aegean Sea, Propontis, and the Thracian Bosphorus, and is Fertilized by these considerable Rivers; viz. Cephius, Erigon, Alicmon, Sirmon, Alicus, and Nisus, and is divided into 8 Principal Provinces, viz. Peloponnesus, Achaia, Epirus, Albania, Macedonia, Thessalia, Migdonia, and Thracia, all of them replenished with Cities of note; but seeing their Trade Centres in Constantinople, thither I shall refer it. The famous City of Constantinople, once the Seat of the Roman Eastern Empire, and now of the Ottoman Emperor, for the most part is Seated upon a large Stream, that passeth from the Euxine to the Mediterranean Sea, commonly called the Black and White Seas, so that by such means Ships from either Sea have a free passage, which causes a quicker return than otherwise could be made, by Reason from one part or other the Wine rarely fails: It Fronts likewise Asia, receiving most of the Commodities by Sea and Land that are found in that large quarter of the World, and stands as it were the Bulwark of Europe, lastly founded by Constantine the great, and made the Seat of the Roman Empire as aforesaid, being taken after a long Siege by the Turks Anno 1453, who ever since have possessed it, it being Builded in a Triangle, having the 2 large Angles Bordering on the Sea, and the other stretched into the Land, and is encompassed with a Triple Wall, upon which are divers Towers, and the Walls themselves Guarded by deep Ditches, and Cannons all along the works to the Sea; the Buildings for the most part are very stately, but especially the Grand-Signeours Palace, on the point of the Angle, being surrounded with a Wall of 3 Miles in compass, and strong works furnished with great and small Artiliry. This City is the common Mart for all Commodities of the Empire, receiving & dispersing inwards and outwards the growth of each Province: And hither the Merchants of London first began to Trade Anno 1586, and in a short time found such encouragement upon Queen Elizabeth's sending an Ambassador to mediate on their behalf; that they soon obtained to be incorporated by the said Queen, and growing in Trade, were confirmed by King James, with an Augmentation of their Privileges, and then by King Charles the first, under the Title of the Merchants of England, Trading in the Levant Seas, or Levant Merchants, upon whose account a Leaguer Ambassador remains at Constantinople, to protect the Companies Factories, and take care that right be done them, who before his departure from England, is always approved of by his Majesty, but himself and retinue have their charges defrayed by the Company, which Honourable trust now remains in the right Honourable the Lord Shandois, they have likewise several Consuls to protect their Factories throughout the Empire, who keep Janissaries, Druggermen or Interpreters, Secretaries, and Ministers, with other the like necessary attendants in Salary, being permitted free exercise of Religion: And hither it is at present that the English are found the Principal Traders, though the Venetians, French, and Dutch, by sundry devices have endeavoured to insinuate themselves, into the good opinions of the Turkish Merchants; who are accounted 4 kinds, viz. the Native Greek, the Turks, the Armenians, and lastly the Jews. The chief Commodities found here are Grograms, Mohairs, Chamlets, Persian-Silk, wrought and unwrought Gold, Carpets, Anniseeds, Cumminseeds, Cottons, Galls, Pepper, Jndico, Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Mace, and Drugs, these last being the Commodities of the East-India's, are brought cheaper and better from thence, therefore not Traded for by the English at Constantinople, but rather carried by them thither, and exchanged for the Growth of the Empire, as likewise Led, Tinn, Cloth, Furs, as Martin's, Coney-skins, Sables, Titchues', and the like; at the change of every Ambassador, the Company make a present to the Grand-Signeour, which is levied by the Company themselves by way of imposition, the like are the French, and Dutch obliged to do upon some occasion, and for the support of their Factories and Ambassadors. The Accounts are kept in Dollars and Asper's, a Dollar being computed 80 Asper's, though sometimes in way of Merchandise 100 Asper's are accounted to the Dollar, and and 120 Asper's to the Sultany. The Coins currant in this City, and consequently throughout the Empire are the Sultany of Gold, agreeing with the Venice Chequin, or is as aforesaid 120 Asper's, the Germane Dollar, the Ryal of 8/8 Spanish, currant at 80 Asper's; the Lions Dollar is currant at 75 Asper's, the Germane Sesetine at 70 Asper's, and indeed any Coin if found good Gold or Silver is currant in Constantinople, and most parts of the Empire; a Policy used to procure plenty of Coin, for the maintenance of the Janissaries and others, in pay of all Nations. The Weights are the Grain, 4 of which make a Quillat, a Dram which is 16 Grains of which all greater Weights are composed by Multiplication: as a Yursdrome is 100 Drams, and found to be 1 pound Sotile of Venice, or 72 Mittigals: a Lodero is 176 Drams, or 19 ½ Ounces Averdupois: an Oak is 400▪ Drams accounted 2 pound 11 ½ Ounces: 100 Loderoes are accounted 24 Oaks; and compose the Quintar of Constantinople, which has been found to render between 118 and 120 pound English Suttle. A Batman is 6 Oaks, or 16 ⅓ pound English, by which all Silks are bought, and according to these all other Weights of the Empire are regulated. The Measures of Length are the Picoes, which are 3. The first for clothe which is accounted 26 ½ Inches. The second for Grograms, Chamlet, and such like, containing 24 Inches, so that 24 of these Picoes are found to make 16 English Yards. The third is the Linen Pico, which is the former doubled. To none of these is any advantage allowed as in England. The Concave Measure is called the Killow, by which for the most part Corn is Measured, 8 ⅔ of which are observed to make the London Quarter, Wines, Oils, and almost all Liquids are sold by the Meeter, weighing 8 Oaks, and is about ⅔ of an English Gallon, as indeed most Commodities are sold by Weight. The Customs paid by the Italians, French, and Jews, outward and inward are 5 per cent. the Turks themselves pay nothing, the English and Dutch pay 3 per cent. inward, and the like outward, which is paid in Specie, unless the Merchant does compound with the Customer for money; and further it is to be observed, that, besides these Customs, there is by agreement paid 1 ½ per cent. upon all ponderous Commodities, and 1 upon all Measurable Commodities, which is to be defrayed between the buyer and seller, but if a Turk be one, his part is remitted, and this is levied for the Maintenance of a Hospital founded by Sultan Achmet, which duties are farmed by an Emine or Farmer called the Grand-Seigenors receiver, and are most commonly paid the one half in Asper's, of 80 Asper's to the Dollar, and the other in Sultanies of Gold, or otherwise as the Merchants and Customer can agree. And thus having at large described the Trade of this great City, I shall proceed to take a View of the Islands of note, lying in the Egean, Ionian, Mediterranean, and Adriatic Seas. CHAP. XCII. A View of the Islands in the Ionian, Egean, Mediterranean, and Adriatic Seas; with a Description of the Trade, Weights, Measures, Coins, and Commodities of the Growth and Manufacture of the most considerable of them. THe Islands in these Seas are many, therefore I shall only name those of little note and insist upon the chief. First then there is found the Island of Tenedos, abounding with Wines. The Isle of Samothracia, commodious for the Harbouring Ships. Lemnos from whence comes that Antidote, called Terra Sigilata, or Terra Lemnos, then Scio or Chios, abounding in Trees, from which they distil Mastic, which Commodities the Grand Signeour claims as his right. Next the famous Island of Rhodes, which by Reason of its commodious Situation in the Ocean, is found to be a Place of great resort. In the chief City from which the Island takes name, is a considerable Mart, affording Corn, Wines, Oils, Rasins, Wax, Honey, Cotton, Cordovants, Cotton Wools, and Cotton Yarn, Dimities, Vermilions, Damask, Stuffs, Silks, and the like; being the Commodities of divers Islands in those Seas, and here some Factories are maintained; and the Accounts kept in Asper's of Turkey, and the other Coins for the most part the same. The Weight is the Rotolo, 100 of which makes the Quintar or 536 pound English. The Measure of Length is the Cane, which is found to be 84 Inches of English. The next Island that offers, is the famous Island of Candia, which cost the Turks so dear a purchase. Therefore I shall not think it amiss to describe its Commodities, Weights, and Measures. CHAP. XCIII. A View of the Isle Candia and other Islands. THe Isle of Candia is Seated in the Mouth of the Egean Sea, and is now in subjection to the Grand-Signeor, being exceeding Fruitful and affords considerable Commodities, as Muskadels, Fine-Sugars, Gums, Honey, Wax. Dates, Oranges, Lemons, Olives, Rasins, Corn, Cattle, Fish, and the like; containing several Cities of note as Candia; from whence the Island has its name, Canea, Rhettmio, Sittia, and Suda, being a Haven capable of receiving 1000 or 1500 large Vessels, and before the Venetians lost it, their Coins were currant throughout the Island, and their Weights the Quintars' Suttle and Gross. The Gross 100 of Candia rendering 110 of the like Gross Weight of Venice, or 118 English pound, and 100 pound Suttle of Candia, 114 pound of Venice Suttle, or 76 pound English. The Measures of Length are the Picoes, one for Cloth, another for Silk, and their Measure for Wine called the Mestach; but the Turks have since their conquest made some alteration in the Weights, Measures, and Coins which as yet are not come to my knowledge, I not having been there since the reduction. In the Ionian Sea are also found the Isle of Cerigo, abounding with Marble, the Strophades or Strivalia, the Cursalari Islands, and Corfue, the last of which abounds in Wax, Honey, Oil, and Wine, Stuffs, Silk-Fabricks, etc. There is likewise found St. Mairo, Ithaca, Zeffalonia, and Zant, the 3 latter of which are famous for the Currants found growing there in abundance, and from thence dispersed throughout Europe, but mostly spent in England, wherefore I shall somewhat enlarge in describing the Trade thereof. CHAP. XCIV. A View of Zant, Zeffalonia, and Ithaca, together with their Trade, Commodities, Weights, Measures, Coins, etc. THe Commodities that these Islands principally afford are Honey, Wax, Oil, Wine & Currans, being Subject to the Signeory of Venice; and hither it is that the English Trade for Currans, now being of great use; and from whence they yearly bring 3000 Tuns or upward, which at first they bought for small matters, but the Venetians seeing that Fruit so much coveted, began to inquire into the use they were put to, the which when they found, and thereupon imagined the English could not Subsist without them, the better to recover the lost Trade of Venice; that State imposed a Tax of 5 Ducats upon every 1000 Weight, which is since Augmented, notwithstanding the Custom paid in England with this Proviso; that the Currants be laden in a Vessel that comes purposely to lad that Commodity, but if She Landeth her outward Fraight in Venice or ⅔ part thereof, and then goeth to Lade at any of these Islands, the Customs than are moderated. For the Growth of these Islands; the English Merchants Exchange Cloth, Perpetuano's, Serges, Led, Tinn, Herrings, Newland-Fish, and Pilchards, though the greatest Trade is for Spanish Rials; all the other money currant amongst the Islanders, being the same with that of Venice. The Natives keeping their Accounts as in Venice, though Merchant's Strangers often keep theirs in Dollars, which are those Rials of 8/8 and Gassets' 80 to the Dollar. The Weight is the pound of 12 Ounces, 100 of which pounds make the Quintar, and agrees with Venice, thus the 100 pound Suttle of Venice make but 63 ½ pound of these Islands, and the Gross hundred of Venice renders but the common 100 pound. Currants are bought by the 1000, which 1000 Weight is reckoned to make 1070 pound English, though of late by the carelessness of the Factors, or defraud of the Islanders, it is found much less. The Measures of Length are the two Braces, the long and the short, the long is for Woollen and Linen Cloth, and the short for Silks, the former being found 27 English Inches, and the latter to be 6 in 7 per cent. lesser. Oil is sold by a Measure called the Liver, and is computed to weigh 13 pound English, 10 of which make a Candia, Barrel. Wine is sold by the Jar 3 ½ of which make the Candia Barrel. Corn they sell by the Bechelo 3 of which are accounted the Starro, and should weigh 44 pound, etc. The Customs raised upon the Commodities of these Islands yearly, are between 40 and 50000 Chequins of Gold; which are the Income of the Signory of Venice. The Islands found in the Adriatic Sea are Absertides, Cherso, Vegea, Grissa, Leliva, Cursola, Brassia, Lissia, and Zara, which yield Wine, Corn, Oil, Cattle, and the like; but enjoy at this Day little or no Trade, except Zara the chief of them. And therefore I shall pass them over, and enter the Mediterranean, to take a View of the Islands Seated therein. CHAP. XCV. Of the Islands in the Mediterranean Sea, and the Trade of the Principal of them. IN the Mediterranean Sea are found these Islands viz. Sicilia, Malta, Corsica, Sardinia, Majorica, and Minorica, of the chief of which in order. Sicilia is the chief of these Islands, computed 700 Miles in circuit; Fertilized with many Navigable Rivers, and adorned with many fair Cities, and is divided in 3 Provinces as Vallis-de-Nota, Masara, and Mona. In this Island is found the Flaming Mount Aetna, and Mount Hiblia, in which is found great store of Honey, but for Brevity's sake, I shall reduce the Trade of this Island into that of Messina the chief Port thereof, which stands opposite to Regio in Calabria, the Island being divided from Italy by a narrow Frith or Channel, commonly called the Fare of Messina, and formerly accounted dangerous for Sailors, by Reason of a Rock on the one side, and a Sand on the other, known by the names of Scylla and Charybdis. This City for some Years past, has been Garisoned by the French, which put a stop to Inland Commerce, by Reason that the other Cities were in possession of the Spaniard, but since their abandoning it, the Trade is again returned, many Merchants of note residing there, and by Reason of its Commodiousness for the reception of Shipping, it has acquired a great Trade, so that hither are brought the Commodities of the whole Island, as Wines, Oils, Wax, Honey, Saffron, Sugars, Coral, Agates, Pumice, Corn, Cattle, Hides, Skins, Caviar, Tuny Fish, and the like; so that although Palermo is the chief City and residence of the Spanish Viceroy, yet this is the chief Scale of Trade. The Merchants keep their Accounts in Ounces, Tarries, and Grains, one Ounce making 30 Tarries, and 1 Tarry 20 Grains, and by the same they account their money, viz. one Ounce or 30 Tarries is 5 Florins or Carlins, 12 Carlins making the Florin, one Tarry is accounted 12 Solds, 6 Deniers, or one Carline, the Carline being 10 Grains or 12 Livers, one Grain is 6 Picholis, and is 7 ½ Dew money of Siciliano, one Pancto is 8 Picholis, and the Ducat of Gold is worth 13 Tarries, and this money is currant throughout the Island. The Weights of Messina are two, viz. the Gross Cantar, by which they weigh all manner of Gross Commodities, the small or Suttle Cantar 10 pound less than the former, and is 100 Rotolo's of 30 Ounces, or 2 ½ pound Siciliano pounds, the former having been found to make 196 in 198 pound English, 20 Pesoes being accounted the Suttle Cantar, and 22 the Gross Cantar. The Measure of Length is the Cane, divided into 8 Palms or 81 ½ Inches London Measure. The Concave Measures are the Salmo and Tomelo, 16 of the latter making the former, which is accounted 11 ¼ Staio's of Florence, Oil is sold by the Cantar, which is 2 ¾ Barrels Florence, and hath been found to render in Weight 180 pound English. The Custom of this place and of the Island in general, is for the most part 9 and 10 per cent. upon all Solid goods, but Fish and other Edible Commodities pay 12 per cent. and all Commodities of Weight imported, whether they are sold or not sold; pay 3 per cent. at Messina, and removing from Ship to Ship, pays 3 per cent. and sometimes 3 ¼, all Merchandise conveyed out of the Island at the Port of Messina, pay 6 ⅓ per cent. unless when the fair is, and then according to a Custom granted, some Commodities pay less than other some, as for instance, Silk pays but 3 per cent. The Islands of Malta, Corsica, and Sardinia, afford store of Oranges, Lemons, Citrons, Honey, Wax, Oils, Figs, Rasins, Wines, Honey, Alum, Box-Wood, Iron, Hides, Cheese, Cattle, and the like; but are not much Traded too. And therefore I shall forbear to describe them further. Majorica and Minorica, the former 300 Miles in circuit, and the latter 250 are Seated in the Mediterranean, 9 Miles distant from each other; and abound in Corn, Oil, Wine, Fruits, Drugs, which are yearly laded for England and other Countries; but especially Oil. Their moneys are for the most part those currant in Spain. Their Weights 2, viz. the Rotolo and Cantar, 100 of the first making the last called Barbaresco, which there is 117 pound making in London 110 pound, they have likewise another Cantar of 104 pound, called the Cantar of Majorica, they likewise sell some Commodities by the Cargo, as Pepper Ginger, Cinnamond, Nutmegs, Rice, and the which Cargo is 3 Cargoes, of 104 pound. The Measure of Length is the Cane, found to make 67 in 68 London Inches. The The Oil Measure is the Quartano, 12 of which make the Odour, and 212 that of 126 Gallons which is a Tun of Oil, according to London Gage, and the Customs and other charges are reckoned to 2 pound 7 Shillings 6 Pence per Tun. In this Sea are the Islands of Javisa, affording store of Salt, as also the Isles Lipara promontory, Pantcleria, Caprea, Ischia, Progitue, Elba, Gauges or Cales, with some others of smaller note, affording Cattle, Corn, Olive, Oil, Wine, Gapars, Cavere, Oranges, Lemons, Citrons, Fish, and the like; most of them in the possession of the Spaniard. And thus leaving the Medeterranian, I shall enter the North Ocean, to take a View of the Islands not as yet mentioned in this Treatise. CHAP. XCVI. A View of Greenland, and the Whale Fishery, with an account of several Islands in the Northern Seas. GReenland or Gronland is Seated under the Frozen Zone; doubtful whither an Island or a Continent, by reason part of those Seas are not Navigable upon the account of the Mountains of Ice that Float therein, and for that none ever yet passed over Land to the extent of that dismal Country; where from the 14 of October to the 12 of February no Sun appears, but the Moon shines as in England, and for 3 Months and a half, in Summer time they have no Night, as for humane Inhabitants there are none; yet the Woods and Caves abound with Bears, Foxes, and Dear, and the Voyages the English make thither, are upon the account of the Whale Fishery, Whales in abundance being found in those deep Seas, the Ships setting out in May, and Arriving in June at Green-Harbour and Bell-Sound. They set up their Caldrons Presses and other necessaries, than put again to Sea, and when they perceive the Whales coming by the rising of the Water, they send out Skiffs with Hasping-Irons and Cables; when the men therein taking their advantage strike the Whales, who no sooner find themselves wounded but Plunge to the Bottom, those in the Boat giving them Rope, and by their Sinking know where they will rise; and give notice to the Ships who stand off for fear of being overset, when they rise with horrible Bellowing, they make towards the Shore spouting Blood and Water; the Reason of their so doing is to endeavour the rubbing out of the Irons upon the Sands, but in vain for then by force of Cables they draw them on shore, and their cut out their Pulps, of which they make the Oil, and their Fins, of which our Whalebone is made by drying and preparing; so that sometimes one Whale is found to yield 3 Tuns of Oil, and half a Tun Weight of Whalebone. Here it was that several Persons were left a whole Winter (the Ship going away during their Hunting up in the Country) and lived in a Hutt upon Bears-Flesh, Venison, Wild-Foxes, Birds, and the Greene's or press of the Whales, till next year the Ships came again, and fetched them off. For 7 Months, all the Seas are Frozen over, and the Country is covered with Mountains of Snow. In this Tract is Nova Zembla, where the Pole is elevated 76 degrees, and whither the Dutch yearly resort to Fish for Whales, and such other Fish as yield matter for Oil. It abounds in Dear, Wild-Foxes, and the like as Greenland; and in it likewise not long since several Dutchmen were forced to Winter, & suffered great Extremity by Reason of the excessive cold. There are found likewise Sr. Hugh Willoughby's Island, called Queen Elizabeth's Foreland; likewise Freezland, Iceland and others of lesser note, but by Reason of the excessive cold, few of them are Inhabited, and the chief Commodities they yield are Ling, Cod, and Fish Oils. And thus according to my promise having taken Survey of the Trade of all the known part of the Universe, as near as can be gathered from long experience and credible Authority, I shall return with Joy to Tread my Native Soil, and there take a View of what yet remains in relation to Trade and Commerce. And first I shall begin with Exchanges, that one necessary part of all Navigational and Inland Commerce. CHAP. XCVII. A View of the Practice of Exchanges in General, and the advantage accrueing thereby. THat Exchanges are a Principal part of Merchandise, it is most certain, and has been so found for 200 Years p●st, though not brought to perfection till of late Days. The places most apt for Exchanges are those where many Merchants of divers Nations reside; and have frequent meetings in relation to Trade, and Prizes of Commodities, whose returns are Subject to great Exchanges, which are ever advantageous to the place where they are Practised. Now some places there are that have Exchanges in themselves, yet are compelled to depend upon other places; having only certain times or Fairs appointed by the Custom of Exchangers, in which, or to which Bills of Exchange are either expired, renewed, or dated, one of which is Placentia; and indeed all Towns in Countries where there is more than one Exchange established, the Metropolis or Principal Exchange gives Rules, and Rates to the rest; provided the Coins be of equal value and goodness, nor indeed though many places have attributed the name of Exchanges, yet that Exchange remains not so much in Esse as in the will of the Merchants, Bankers, and Exchangers, in whose Power it is to assign the place as they think convenient; and for the most part pitch upon Principal places, where their Bills are sure to have a quick dispatch. Now there are several Cities that exchange in one and the same moneys, Coins, and Denomination; as Naples, Lechie, Barry, the two latter included in the former, Palermo, and Messina, comprehended in Sicilia; Valentia, Saragosa, and Barselona in Cattalonia; Sevil, Alcala, and Medina-del-Campo in Castilia; Frankford, Colona, Noremburg, and Augusta in Germany, with many other of less note. But exchange now from a Plain and easy Method is reduced to so many mysterious Points, that it is extraordinary difficult to understand it aright in all places, therefore I shall only lay down such Particulars as chiefly concern English Merchants; and are conducing to the Trade of the British Empire. The first thing then that is to be observed, is the true value of the Coin of the City, or Port where you make your exchange, which is not to be taken according to the value of the Coin as it is currant, but according to its Weight and fineness, and so the return may be proportionable; but if Bills are drawn to pay a Merchant residing in any place where the Coin is currant, and he disposes of it for Commodities of the Growth, or Manufacture of the Country, than it matters not how the Coin has been enhanced above its true value, by Reason it is currant, though perhaps should the Coin be carried into an other Kingdom, it might redound to the loss of the receiver a third part; and this equallizing Coins of divers Nations by Balance I called a Par, by which all Coins of Silver or Gold especially, are reduced to an equal value; as for example, Placentia exchanges with London one Crown of currant money there for 1 Shilling 6 pence ½ ob. Sterling, Lions the Crown currant for 2 Shillings 8 pence Sterling, Rome exchanges her Ducat 87 ½ pence Sterling, Genoa her Crown of Gold at 83 pence Sterling, Milan her Crown of Gold 84 pence ½ ob. Sterling, Venice her Ducat at 60 pence Sterling, Florence her Crown at 80 pence, Luca her Ducat at 67 pence Sterling, Naples her Ducat at 66 ½ pence Sterling, Lechy her Ducat at 6 pence Sterling, Bary her Ducat at 62 pence Sterling, Palermo her Ducat at 78 pence Sterling, Messina her Ducat at 72 pence Sterling, Valentia her Ducat at 72 ½ pence Sterling, Saragosa her Ducat at 73 pence Sterling, Barsalonia her Ducat at 72 pence Sterling, Sevil her Ducat at 72 pence Sterling, Lisbon her Ducat at 69 pence Sterling, Bolonia her Ducat at 67 pence Sterling, Bergamo her Ducaton at 67 pence Sterling, Frankfort, Noremburg, Augusta, and Viena (in all which Cities one and the same Coin is currant) Exchange their Florin at 50 pence Sterling; all these Cities and Towns London exchanges within broken numbers (that is by pence) at the rates aforesaid, and so Multiplies into greater Sums as occasion requires, but with Antwerp and Collen, Amsterdam, &c, in whole number, as one pound Sterling for 34 ½ Flemish Shillings, and proportionable for greater Sums. Again in London and throughout all England Exchangers and Merchants keep their Accounts in Pounds, Shillings, Pence, and cast them up as is done in other places, by Solds, Livers, and Denire, viz. 12 pence to the Shilling, and 20 Shillings to the pound, and are found to exchange with Transmarine Cities thus, viz. to allow 64 pence Sterling, for the Crown of Placentia 64 pence Sterling, for the Crown of Lions 66 pence Sterling, for the Ducat of Rome 65 pence, for the Crown of Gold of Genoa 64 2/4 pence, for the Crown of Gold of Milan 50 pence, for the Ducat in Banco of Venice 61 pence, for the Crown of Florence 53 ½ pence, for the Ducaton of Luca 50 pence, for the Ducat of Naples 50 ½ pence, for the Ducat of Lechy 51 pence, for the Ducat of Bary 57 ½, for the Ducat of Palermo 56 ½, for which Ducat of Messina one pound Sterling, for 34 ½ Shillings Flemish, with Antwerp and Collon 57 ½ pence, for the Ducat of Valentia 59 pence, for the Ducat of Saragosa 64 pence, for the Ducat of Barselona 59 ½ pence, for the Florin of Frankford 52 pence, for the Ducaton of Bergamo 53 ⅓, for the Ducaton of Bolonia 53 ½ pence, and for the Ducat of Lisbon 53 ½. And thus the currant Exchange is settled, and continues unless in times of War, when Princes to Enrich their Coffers, make an Inhaunsment upon the currant Coins in their respective Dominions, and at other times when the Banker or Exchanger takes the advantage of the Parties necessity, upon whose Accounts the exchange is to be made. The Terms of paying Bills of exchange in London with other Cities, are commonly these. To Venice at 3 Months after date, and so upon return to Antwerp at one Month after date; and so back to Genoa at 3 Months, and so back to Lions for the Fair, and so from Fair to Fair as the Custom of that City is; to Pisa at 3 Months after date, and so back to Placentia, from Fair to Fair according to the Custom of the place; to Florence at 3 Months after date, & so upon return to Roven and Paris at one Month after date, and so back; and these Bills are currant money, insomuch that many Millions are paid by Bills without telling any money, Merchants passing the Bills to one another by assignment as currant Coins, of which Bills their Presentations, Intimations, Acceptations, Protests, and Returns, I shall in the following Chapter, expose to the View of the Reader. CHAP. XCVIII. A Discourse of the Forms of Bills of Exchange, how they ought to be drawn, presented, paid or protested in default; with a caution against delays, and the danger thereof, according to the Law and Custom of Merchants. A Bill of Exchange in itself is held so excellent a speciality, and carries with it not only as it were a commanding Power to pay; but is for the most part observed and satisfied with all due regard, though drawn by a Servant upon his Master, such a high esteem being ever had for the quality thereof, that nothing in the way of Trade can be more, for upon it depends the reputation of the Drawer & Accepter: So that those who fail in the payment of accepted Bills, wound their credit by suffering Protest to be made, which soon gets Wind and spreads wide upon the Exchange, and not only so but obliges the Acceptor to pay the char●●● of the Protestant return, and cal●s into question the credit of the drawer. Of bills of exchange there are two sorts, as 〈◊〉 and Inland, viz. the former drawn upon ●. Merchant Banker, etc. Living beyond the Seas, the second upon a Merchant Banker or other Person living in the same Country, though distant from the place where the Bill is drawn; as to make a Bill payable at London, for money taken up at Bristol; each having equal force ought to have due observance alike. As to an Exchange, four, three or two Persons may make it thus, 2 at the place where the money is taken up, and 2 at the place were it is payable, first the deliverer, secondly the taket, thirdly the Person that is to take the money, and fourthly the party upon whom the Bill is drawn. 3 Persons thus, first the taker, secondly the deliverer, and thirdly the Person on whom the Bill is drawn. 2 Persons, first the Drawer, and secondly the Party on whom it is drawn, the former making his Bill payable to himself or order, which may of Exchange is very advantageous as well to Merchants as other Traders. There is another sort of Exchange called a dry exchange, which is practised thus, if a Person have occasion for 100 pound, he goes to a Banker who takes a Bill of Exchange of him to be paid at Lions, or Paris at double or treble Usance; though the Drawer has no Correspondence in either of the Cities, than the Bill growing due, the Banker receives a Protest for nonpayment, upon which the Drawer in London must pay the money with costs, which is a Trick to evade the Statute against Extortion. There is likewise a feigned Exchange which is thus, the Banker agrees to lend me money upon Bill of exchange payable at Amsterdam, yet between ourselves it is payable here, which if I pay at the time appointed, I receive my discharge according to agreement, but if I make default, than the Banker Writes to his Friend at Amsterdam, who sends him a Bill of Exchange for the like Sum owing him here, so that I who borrowed the money, am obliged to pay the cost of the exchanges and other charges. Another Exchange there is called the petty Exchanges as thus, to exchange 20 Shilling in Silver, for 21 Shillings in Brass or Copper, which is the most inconsiderable. And thus much for the several sorts of Exchangs. CHAP. XCIX. Of the Pair in Exchange, and the Forms of English, Dutch, and French Bills of Exchange. THe Pair is nothing more than an Equalizing or reducing Coins of several Kingdoms, to an equal value, let there be never so much difference in the Pieces, etc. By which means a Bill may be drawn to pay a just Sum in any place where Exchange is made, either by Tale or Weight, as from Middleburrough, Lisle, Rotterdam, and Amsterdam: For our pound Sterling is returned or exchanged 33 ½ Shillings Flemish, which make 10 Guilders at 2 Shillings Sterling; each Guilder or 10 Livers Turnois, and so in other Countries, our Pence according to reckoning and Equality are exchanged. The Form of an English Inland Bill. Laus Deo in London, this 20 of March 1682 For 200 pound Sterling. At six Days sight, pay this my first Bill of Exchange to Mr. William D. or assigns. Two hundred pounds Sterling, for the value here Received of Mr. Richard W. Make good payment and put it to Account as by advice. To Mr. George L. Merchant d. d. Pma. in Bristol. Your loving Friend Samuel G. And so the second and third Bill, the first not paid, and if he that doth underwrite the Bill, doth make himself Debtor, than he under-Writes, And put it to my Account; but if he ought to pay it then he Writeth, And put it to your Account; and sometimes they Write, And put it to the Account of such a one, meaning him. The Form of an Outlandish Bill in English thus. Laus Deo in London. This 20 of December 1682. For 200 pound at 36 Shillings 8 pence Flemish per pound. At Usance pay this my first Bill of Exchange to Mr. Peter Vandrome M. or order 200 pound Sterling at 36 Shillings 8 pence Flemish per pound Sterling, for the value here received of Mr. James G. Make good payment, and put it to Account as per advice. To Mr. Richard L. Merchant d. d. Pma. in Rotterdam. Your loving Friend Charles B. And so the second and third at double or treble Usance, if the first be not paid, or if it be, so be it that the party to whom it is directed, owe the Drawer so much money as is required. The Form of a French Bill from Paris. A paris Juillet 1682 pour 350 🜄 a 52 pence Sterling p. 🜄. A Double Usance payez, per Cast, per Miere de Change a Mons'r Autwaine D Ou a son order trees Centz Escus a Cinquante deux deniers, Sterlins pour Escu Valleur recu de Monsieur Francivis G. & Passez compt Suivant l' advys de. Mounsieur Monsieur Paul B. Merchant. 〈◊〉 Londres. Vre tres humble Serviteur. Frances R. And so the second or third as aforesaid The Form of a Dutch Bill is thus. Rotterdam adi 28 November 1682. Voor 200 pound Sterling. Open uso betaelt desen mine Ersten Wisselbrief Aen Sr. Jan E. Ost order Hondret pouden Sterlivex, Valuta Van Sr. Robert L. Stelt op mine reckoning als per advies. Ersamen Sr. William G. Coopman. tot Pma. London. Martin R. If any Bill be negotiated by Exchange or the money taken in, and so to be Assigned over to another Man, the Assignment must be Written on the back side of the Bill thus. Pay the Contents on the other side hereof to Mr. James K. or Assigns for the value received of Mr. William G. London 6 November 1682. Arthur N. and if James K. do likewise Assign the same Bill for his account, than it requires to be Written only thus. Pay the contents hereof to Mr. Thomas L. And so in effect upon all Bills. CHAP. XCX. Several useful observations to be carefully noted, in the Management of Bills of Exchange. OBserve to note in your Book the Name of the place of abode of the Person who presents the Bill, keep Copies of the Bills sent to get accepted, make the direction of Bills on the inside, and all for the Reasons following. First by knowing the place of Abode of him that presented the first Bill, he may be the better excused, if he except against the second Bill from the same Hand, before the first be satisfied. Secondly by taking Copies of Bills sent to get acceptance, you may know how Exchanges go in all places, and at the same time to know without any great trouble, on whom you are to call for your money, and what Day. Thirdly to make the direction of Bills on the inside, will give larger Scope to Write this Assignment on the back side. 4ly. Every Person who receives a Bill to get it accepted, whether for himself or another must, though some hold the contrary, present the said Bill in due time; that the Person who is to accept it, may order his affairs accordingly, and not be surprised with the presentation of a Bill, just when it becomes due. 5ly. If a Bill be protested after acceptance, it does not clear the party who was faulty in nonpayment, but renders him liable to pay the charges; and exposes him to an Action at Law, to which before he was not liable, nor is the Drawer cleared, but obliged to see the Bill satisfied. 6ly. Times of payment are according to the distance or Custom of the places, where the Bills are drawn, & were payable, as has before been briefly touched, as from London to Antwerp, Midelborrough, Rotterdam, lisle, Roven and Paris, at a Month's Usance. 7ly It is dangerous to draw a Bill payable to the bearer, by Reason if a Bill should happen to be lost, any Person might bring it for acceptance or payment, therefore the safest way is to make it payable to a particular man, or his order; for otherwise if it should be paid to the wrong party, and the Bill received, he on whom it is drawn, is not liable to pay it again unless a Fraud be proved. 81y. A Bill of Exchange is held so Authentic, that it requires no witness, nor is it requisite that any Person unless the Person that receives it be present at the Writing thereof, or that any one be present, when the party who accepts it under-writes his name, for if any Person either Drawer or Subscriber should deny his Hand, it may be easily proved by comparing his Letter or Books of Account, and if that be proved his credit is inevitably ruined. 9ly. If you receive an Outland Bill present it presently, and if it be refused protest without delay, and send it back to the Drawer with Protest, which will be for the advantage of both. Twenty four Hours is the longest time, that you are obliged to give any Merchant to consider whether he will or not, and after that, it is at your pleasure whether you will protest or give longer time, and after protest advice ought to be given to the Drawer by the first Post. 10. If a Bill be drawn on two Persons, and not to them or either of them, but jointly, yet if one do accept it and the other refuse it the Bill ought to be protested. 11. If a Bill be presented to any Person, and he by word of mouth, desires it may be left in his Hands, and does Verbally accept it, although he afterwards refuse to Subscribe it, yet such an acceptance is valid, and he may be Sued upon due Protest, though Protest must not be made till the money becomes due. 12. If a man accept a Bill for part and not for the whole, alleging he has no more in his Hands; the Person to whom the money is payable, may receive the part and give an acquittance for so much as he receives, but must enter Protest for nonpayment of the rest, and send it away as soon as the party refuses to accept for the whole. 13. The Drawer is Master of the Bill till it becomes due, and may Countermand it by sending an Express to the party, who has accepted it not to pay it without further order, which order must be made, and passed before a public Notary, and notified to the party that hath accepted the Bill, but if the money be paid it is past recovery. 14. A Bill of Exchange may be paid at Usance single, double or treble, that is length of time according to the quality of the Person; the occasion or difficulty of passage by Reason of different Seasons, but general Usance is accounted a Month from the Date of the Bill, each month though different in number of Days being accounted, the Month required on that occasion. 15. A Bill payable at Days sight, is from the Day after it is accepted, else Protest aught to be made. If an accepted Bill be lost, yet it will not Bar the payment, but may be Sued for as if the Bill were in being, nor is the party who accepted it bound to pay a second Bill, before the first be discharged, unless the second Bill be directed to the party who lost the Former in lieu thereof. 16. When a Bill is accepted, there is no revoking it, but it must be either paid or Protested; though sometimes it happens that the Acceptor and the Party to whom the Bill is payable, do conclude upon longer time than the Bill specifies, or to take it by Parcels; yet if he doubt the honesty of the Acceptor, the Presenter must nowithstanding make Protest, or the Acceptor may refuse further payment, and yet not lie liable to be Sued. 17. If a Bill be directed to a party, and he be out of Town, not leaving any Warrant of Attorney, to empower his Wife or Servants to accept it; and another Merchant to support the Drawer's credit, will accept and pay it, yet Protest must be made against the party on whom it was drawn for non-acceptance. 18. In some cases half Usance is allowed, especially in Inland Bills, which is accounted 15 Days. Note that all Bills must be Protested 3 Days after they become due, it being dangerous to exceed that time, although one of the Days happened on a Sunday, yet though the 3 Days are expired, 'tis not at all unnecessary to Protest. 19 Bills payable at a fixed Day, are not meant one, and the same Day if they come from any place where the new Style is practised, because the old and new admits of ten Days difference. As for Example, if a Bill be dated new Style payable on the 10 of March, it is not payable till the 10 of March old Style, which is the 20th. of March new Style. 20. A Wife or a Servant cannot accept a Bill of Exchange, unless the Husband or Master empower them by a Warrant of Attorney so to do, or that formerly they have accepted Bills with his good liking, and by him discharged. 21. If a party on whom a Bill is drawn, live at a distant City or place of Exchange, from him that is to receive the money, he must go himself or send the Bill down to some Friend to get it accepted, which if not accepted, Protest must be entered, if it be a place of Exchange, or by the help of a Letter of such refusal, from the Friend who endeavoured to get it accepted, Protest may be made at London, though the party live at Southampton, but if accepted and your Bill returned when it becomes due, if it be made payable at london, you must expect there your money, or enter Protest for nonpayment. 22. If a Merchant that accepted a Bill prove non-Solvent, and absent himself from the Exchange; you must before the Bill be due, cause demand to be made by a Notary for better Security, and in default thereof cause Protest to be made, and send away the Protest by the next Post to the Drawer of the Bill, who must defray the charges of such Protest, and all Protests must be made between Sun and Sun, that is, between Sun Rising and Sun Setting; other Hours being accounted unseasonable, and held amongst Merchants Illegal. 23. If a Protest be returned to the Drawer or Indorser, he must get an able man to underwrite the Protest, and oblige himself to make speedy payment with Costs and Rechange, but if the Protest be returned for want of payment, and you have had Security already upon the Protest for non-acceptance or want of better Security, then upon receipt of your Protest ●or nonpayment, you may only acquaint the Drawer or party that took up the money, and tarry out the proportion of time, at which the Bill was made payable, to be accounted from the time it fell due, before you demand your Principal money, with the Rechange and charges of the party who drew the Bill or his Security, which according to the Law of Merchants, they are bound to satisfy either jointly or severally. 24. When you have an accepted Bill protested for want of payment, keep the Bill, but send away the Protest, by which means the money is recoverable of the Drawer. 25. If a Bill be delivered to a party to be accepted, and yet by the carelessness or otherwise of the party that received it in order to accept be Lost, then must he who brought it demand a note under the Hand and Seal of the Merchant, etc. who received the Bill for the payment of the money, at the Day specified in the Bill, upon a second Bill if it come to hand, or if not upon the note itself, and if such note be refused to be given, than the party who should receive the money upon the lost Bill, must enter protest and send it away, and when the money becomes due upon the lost Bill, he must make demand of it, and for nonpayment enter Protest a second time, and send it away, or if he have a note, yet if it be not paid at the time therein limited, he must Protest as upon a Bill of Exchange. 26. If a Person send a Bill to a Friend of his to get it accepted, though drawn upon no particular Person, but a Blank left to put in the parties Name that will accept it, it is according to the Law of Merchant's sufficient. 27. If a Bill be drawn by one Merchant upon another, upon the account of a third man; he upon whom it is drawn has liberty to choose whether he will accept it upon the account of the third Person, or on his account who drew it; but then he must go before a Public Notary, and declare his intent, of which the Notary must make an Act endue Form to be sent away to the party whom it concerns; and he must also cause an Act to be made for payment thereof when it becomes due, declaring that he will pay it for the Honour of the Drawer, but upon no other account than is the Drawer accountable to him for the Sum specified in the Bill. 28. If a Bill be drawn upon a Merchant, who after acceptance for want of money, or otherwise fails to pay it when due, another Merchant for the Honour of the Drawer may pay the Bill, yet Protest must be made against him that made default, and sent away, and the safest way in that case is to have the receipt for discharge of the Bill Written under the Protest, and to keep the accepted Bill as an Evidence against him who failed in the payment thereof. 29. If a party die between the time of acceptance, and the time money becomes due upon a Bill, you must go to the place of his last abode, when the money becomes due, and demand it of the Executors, and if payment be refused, you must Protest as you would have done if the party were living. 30. If the party die to whom a Bill is payable before it become due, although the Will be not proved, nor Letters of Administration taken out, yet you must demand the money when due, offering at the same time Security to save the Payer harmless from the Executors or Administrators, and if upon such offer payment is refused, you must Protest for nonpayment. 31. If a Bill be drawn upon a Person, and upon inquiry no such Person can be found, you must have your Bill Protested in due Form. 32. If when you go to get your Bill accepted, no Person can accept it be at home, and that at 2 or 3 goings, you must enter Protest, either for non-acceptance or nonpayment; either at his dwelling House or Lodging in his absence, which according to the Law of the Merchants is sufficient, for he ought at Seasonable times to attend his own business, for there is no avoiding Protest, whether absent or present. 33. If the Figures and words at Length in a Bill of Exchange disagree, than you ought to be guided by the words at Length and not by the Figures. 34. If a Name be mended or words interlined, and the Bill be accepted, though it is a foul fault in the Drawer, yet it is not an excuse sufficient for the Acceptor to refuse payment, but if the party who accepted allege that it has been mended, or interlined since he accepted, he must prove it, the which if he do he may refuse payment, till a second Bill comes to Hand. 35. If a Bill be made payable Positively to a Person by name, than an Assignment will not be available; for it must be the very man specified to whom the Bill must be paid, lest by paying to a wrong party, you are obliged to pay it again in your own wrong. 36. If a Bill come to any party to get it accepted, and by an oversight it be not directed to any Person by name, yet in the Letter of credit, the party to whom it was intended be mentioned; then must it be presented in order to its being accepted, and if the party for want of his name on the Bill refuse to accept it, then Protest must be made for the Drawer's Omission; and he is liable to pay the charges. 37. If a Bill be accepted, and protested for nonpayment, yet if the Drawer do satisfy the contents of the Bill, he that accepted the Bill is discharged, as to the party to whom the Bill was due, but must nevertheless stand engaged to the Drawer; and if a Bill be by one Person Assigned over to another, if the first Person be satisfied, the Bill becomes useless, nor can it by Law be recovered. And thus much for Bills of Exchange, and now I shall only proceed, to give the Reader an insight into the nature of Letters of Credence, and so conclude this one great and necessary part of Merchant's affairs. CHAP. CXI. Of Letters of credit, and to what intent they are drawn. THere are divers sorts of Letters, that pass between Merchants and Merchants, or Merchants and their Factors. As Letters of Commission for buying and selling, Letters of advice, Letters of Fraight, and Letters of Credit; the latter of which are properly such as are Written to furnish moneys by Exchange, upon the credit of him that Writes them, so that by virtue of the Letter or Letters so Written, the Merchant or Banker that Writes the Letter or Letters, are bound as firmly, as if they had given Bond to satisfy by Bill of Exchange; or otherwise any Sum or Sums of money, taken upon them by those Persons specified therein. And these Letters are two sorts, the one General and the other special. The first is when I Write my open Letter to all Merchants, etc. who shall Furnish such and such Persons upon my Letter of credit, wherein I do bind myself, that what moneys shall be delivered unto such and such parties therein specified, within the time limited at such and such rates, or as the Exchange is currant; I will repay by Bills of Exchange or otherwise: and if any one should refuse to pay Bills for moneys received upon his Letters of credit, yet those Letters being produced, and proved to be his, are as binding as Hand and Seal, and stand as good in Law. The special Letter of credit, is directed to a peculiar Person, and is of force equal with the former; as for the Forms of the General Letters of credit, they are various and suitable to the occasion of the Writer, but the form of a special or particular Letter of credit may run thus. Laus Deo in Bristol 20 of February 1683. Mr. James D. Sr. My last unto you was of the 10th. of December, wherein I Wrote to you what was needful, in answer unto yours of the 4th. of the same Month; this serves chiefly to desire you to furnish and pay unto Mr. W. B. English Gentleman, to the value of 3000 Crowns, at one or more times, according as he shall have occasion, or desire the same of you; taking his Receipt or Bills of Exchange for the moneys, which you shall so furnish him with, and put it to my Account, and this my Letter of Credit shall be your sufficient Warrant for so doing. Vale. To Mr. Charles G. Merchant. at Lions. yours Timothy L. And thus I shall conclude my discourse of Exchanges; only by the way, note there is in use the old Style and new Style, the former being only practised or held in England, and other his Majesties of Great Britain's Dominions, in Hamburg, Strasbourg, and some other parts of Germany; and the latter in all other parts of Christendom. CHAP. CXII. A Survey of the Customs, commonly called Tonnage upon Wines of the Growth of France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, etc. also upon Beer, Perry, Cider, Vinegar, Rape, etc. together with the nature of such Customs or Tonnage, declaring where they are due and where not. THe Wisdom of the Nation assembled in Parliament Anno 1660, having taken into their consideration the condition of Merchants Trading into Foreign parts, that they were frequently Rob, and spoiled by Pirates and Picaroons, and Ships of War of divers Nations, under pretence of Letters of Reprisal. They the better to prevent such outrages, thought it convenient to Grant his Majesty a Subsidy of Tonnage and Poundage, payable upon all Merchandise imported or exported, unless Herrings and some other Fish therein excepted. The better to enable his Majesty to maintain at Sea several Ships of War, for the securing and convoying Merchant's Ships to and from the divers Ports and Places, whither they are bound or have any Commerce, and to over-awe and keep under such Pirates and others, as would otherwise grow numerous, and obstruct all Naval Commerce, the Principal Commodities paying Tonnage and Poundage, commonly called Customs. I shall here recite, and for the rest, refer the Reader to the Book of Rates, rated by the advice and approbation of most of the eminent Merchants of England; and since published and confirmed by Parliament. As for Tonnage every Tun of Wine of the Growth of the French King or Crow● of France, that shall come into the Port of London or the Members thereof by way of Merchandise; being the proper Goods of a natural Born Subject, pays eight pounds 10 Shillings the Tun; or being the proper Goods of an Alien or Stranger, it pays 10 pound, and so lesser or greater quantities proportionably; but into any other Port of England, the Native pays 20 Shillings less, and the Stranger the like per Tun. Muscadels, Malmasies, Cutes, Tents, Alicans, Bastards Sacks, Canaries, Mallagoes, Maderoes, and other Wines; of the Growth of Levant, Spain or Portugal, or any of the Islands or Dominions belonging to them, or any of them which shall be brought into the Port of London, as Merchandise, etc. by a Native, shall pay the Sum of 7 pound 10 Shillings the Tun, a Stranger nine pound, and into any other of his Majesty's Ports 20 Shillings less, the Pipe or Butt, by either Native or Alien, for Rhenish Wine of the Growth of Germany; also note that always the Stranger pays 30 Shillings in the Tun more than the Native is to pay, the Ancient duty of Butlerage which is 2 Shillings in the Tun; and in these Duties or Customs is included, the Duty formerly of 20 Shillings per Tun, upon all Wines of the Growth of the Levant, by Strangers known by the name of Southampton Duties, for which sort of Wines the Stranger is to pay to the use of the Town of Southampton, 10 Shillings for every Butt or Pipe, as for prize Wines they pay no Customs. Note that if any Wines be imported, and within a twelve month exported; they are not liable to pay the Additional Duty, or if it be paid it is to be returned, viz. 4 pound every Tun of French Wine, and every Tun of Wine of the Growth of Germany or Madera, 3 pound brought into the Port of London, as in Statute 12 of Car. 2, it more at large appears. And all such Wines as are Landed at any of the out-Ports, and afterwards brought into the Port of London by a certificate, shall pay so much more Custom as was paid short of the Duty in the Port of London. For every Tun of Beer to be exported in Ships, English built, must be paid 2 Shillings, and for every Tun exported in any other Ship 6 Shillings. If at any time there shall chance Goods to be exported or imported, not mentioned in the Book of Rates, agreed on by the commons, Entitled the rates of Merchandise, and that by such omission there is no set value on them, than it shall be Lawful for the Customer in being to levy twelve pence in the pound, upon such Goods according to the true value: which value is to be given by the Merchant or owner upon Oath, before the Customer, Collector, controller, Surveyer, or any two of them. If Vinegar, Perry, Rape, Cider, or Cider-Eager, be imported by a Native from Foreign Parts, he pays 6 pound 10 Shillings the Tun, but by an Alien only 6 pound, but if they shall again export any such Liquids, than 3 pound 10 Shillings the Tun shall be repaid to the Native, and 4 pound 15 Shillings to the Alien. There is likewise imposed on Wines, Vineager, Cider and Beer 10 Shillings per Tun, and on Brandy and Strong-Water 20 Shillings per Tun. For Coynage-Duty, and the money that arises by this Duty, is to be paid at the Customhouse, to the Collectors and other Officers, to be by them kept apart from other moneys; and paid quarterly into the Exchequer without Salary or Fee, and if neglect be made in the payment of this Duty, the Goods are Forfeitable; but note if that within a twelvemonth, they are Transported, than the money so paid is to be returned according to Statute the 18 of Car. 2. There is likewise an Excise or Impost upon Foreign Liquors imported, viz. upon Beer or Ale, six Shillings the Barrel, Cider or Perry the Tun 10 Shillings, Brandy or Strong-Waters perfectly made 8 pence the Gallon, and by the 15 of Car. 2, if any of these Goods be Landed before these Duties are paid, Warrant Signed, and in the absence of the Officer, they are forfeitable. And thus much for Tonnage, the next thing then that I come to Treat of is Poundage. CHAP. CXIII. A Survey of the Custom commonly called Poundage, according to the Book of Rates, and such other Customs and Privileges, as are for the profit of the Merchant. POundage is a Custom Established by Act of Parliament made in the 12 of his now Majesty, whereby the Book of Rate called the Rates of Merchandise, is approved and confirmed, that is a Subsidy granted to his Majesty of the 20 part of all Goods imported or exported, viz. 1 Shilling in the pound, according as they are Rated in the said Book, and for Goods not found Rated in the aforesaid Book, according to the value Sworn to by the Merchant, as it is mentioned in the foregoing Chapter. As likewise a Subsidy of Woollen clothes or old Drapery; agreed on by the Commons-House in Parliament, assembled and Signed by the Hand of their Speaker, an account of which take as followeth. Every Native shall pay for each short Cloth containing in Length not above 28 Yards, and in Weight not exceeding 64 pound, White or Coloured, by him to be Shipped or carried out of the Kingdom, 3 Shillings 4 pence, being after the Rate of 2 Farthings ½ Farthing the pound Weight, and after the same Rate for all other sorts of Cloth of greater Length and Weight, not allowing above 28 Yards, and 60 pound to a short Cloth, viz. for every pound Weight over and above 64. pound 2 Farthings and ½ Farthings, and for all other lesser clothes to be allowed to the short Cloth; but note if a Stranger do export any short Cloth containing 28 Yards, and in Weight not exceeding 64 pound, either White or Coloured, he shall pay 6 Shillings 8 pence, besides the old Duty of one Shilling 2 pence, and after the same Rate for all short clothes, and clothes of greater Length and Weight; for a description of the several sorts of which, I refer you to my Observations upon woollen Manufactory, in the 11 and 12 Chapters of this Treatise. Salt out of Scotland into England pays a ½ penny the Gallon, all Logwood imported pays 5 pound the Tun. The Parliament taking care that Ships of force should be employed by Merchants, have imposed on all Merchandise imported or exported, from and to the Mediterranean Sea beyond Malaga, in any Ship not having 2 Decks and 16 Guns, allowing two men to each Gun, for such default one per cent. on all Merchandise that contrary to the express words of the Act, shall be imported or exported, Ships laden or half laden with Fish only excepted. There are likewise divers Duties payable Aliens for Goods imported in Aliens Ships, commonly called Navigation Duties, by the Act of Navigation made in the 12 of Car. 2. And note that in all cases where Petty Custom inwards is payable, it is understood of the fourth part of a Subsidy, according to the Book of Rates of 5 pound per cent. and is called Parva Customa, granted to King Edward the first; the Merchant's Strangers agreeing to pay to him and his Heirs 3 pence in the pound, for every pounds worth of Goods, imported or exported. There is another Custom called the Aliens Custom, for all Fish, Oil, Blubber, Whale-Bone or Whale-Fins, not being caught in Vessels of which the English are Proprietors; they are to pay double Custom. There is likewise an Impost to be paid for several sorts of Saltfish or dried Fish, not imported in English Vessels belonging to English Proprietors, or not having been taken in such, as appears at large in the Statute of the 15 of Car. 2, entitled an Act of Trade. Likewise all sorts of Foreign Coin, or Bullion of Gold or Silver, may be exported without paying any Duty or Fee for the same, entry being first made at the Customhouse, as also Precious Stones and Pearls of all sorts. Any Person may import from any part beyond the Sea in English Ships, Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmegs, Mace, etc. into England, Wales, Guernsey, Jersey, etc. paying the Customs always, provided they before the lading thereof, give notice to the Commissioners or Farmers of the Customs, how much they intent to lad, and the name of the Vessel in which they design to import it, and procure a Licence under their Hands, or any 3 of them, if Goods are Wrecked and the Lord Seizes them, yet they ought not to pay Custom, unless in some Extraordinary cases. Upon the exporting and importing of most Commodities, Fees are claimed over and above Custom. In the Port of London, the Members and Creeks thereunto belonging, viz. to the Officers of the Petty Custom outwards of the Subsidy outwards, Petty Customs inwards Subsidies inward, great Customs, Clarks Fees, inwards and outwards the King's Waiters being 18 in number. The Register of the King's Warrants. The Usher of the Customhouse. The Saugers of French Vessels chief Searcher, and the Kings 5 under-Searchers in the Port of London, and his 2 Searchers in the Port of Graves-End, were likewise entered in a Table which was settled and allowed of by the Commons Assembled in Parliament, and signed by their Speaker; at which time the Question being put, that for all such Goods as paid not one pound Custom inwards or outwards, there should be but half Fees taken for Cocquets, Debentures, Warrants, Fransieres, Certificates, etc. and it was resolved Affirmatively. Societies or Companies that Trade in one Joint-stock, and make but one Single-Entery, though the Adventurers are many, yet the Fees do not hinder, but the Officers and Weighers may receive such Gratuities, as the Master or Merchants will allow them out of their free Will. All Goods valued in the Book of Rates at 5 pounds, and paying Subsidy but 5 Shillings, or under, shall pay no Fees. If any English Merchant shall Land Goods out of one Ship into another (although the Receipt of the Subsidies be distributed into several Offices) yet he shall pay but for a Single-Entry. The Goods appertaining to Partners, are to pass as if they appertained to one single Person. Fish taken by the English men in English Bottoms, whether inward or outward pay no Fees. Post-Entries under 5 Shillings inward pass without Fees, but if above 5 Shillings and 40 Shillings, then pay 6 pence, but exceeding 40 Shillings then full Fees. The Merchant for all Goods that are opened, and not entered above 10 Shillings Custom shall pay Fees; he shall likewise pay for weighing all Goods short entered above 20 Shillings Custom, but if duly entered, than he is to be at no charge. Note that the Merchant is to be allowed for Tare, viz. abated in the Customs; which Tear upon all Commodities to which it is allowable is settled by the Customers, and fixed in a Table not to be any ways altered, without the consent and appointment of the Commissioners-farmers', such under-Officers as they shall empower, as the General Surveyors of the Warehouse, etc. And thus much shall Suffice as to Customs and order of Fees upon the Subsidy of Poundage; until I come to speak somewhat more of the Privileges and Customs of the City of London; and now I shall proceed to give the Reader an insight into the nature of Policies of Assurance, now greatly in Request amongst Merchants. CHAP. CXIV. Of Policies of assurance, their Original, their Legality, Nature, Quality, and of the great Encouragement they give to Navigation, etc. MOst are of opinion that this way of insuring, was first invented by the Romans, and Suetonius will have it that Claudius Caesar was the first contriver thereof, and by that means so encouraged Merchants, that they ventured into the till then supposed innavigable Seas; proposing to themselves that if they escaped with their Lives, though both Ships and Goods were lost, they should not be much indammaged. All assurances are either Public or Private, the first are those that are entered in the Office or Court of Assurance, for the Conveniency of Merchants kept upon the Royal Exchange in London; where any one may have knowledge of what Cargo is insured and of the Premio. The last is in Private between man and man, and not entered in the Office, and are of equal Validity at common Law, but by the Statute of the 43 of Elizabeth, only those that are entered in the Court of Assurance can be tried and determined there, the other being left to the common Law only. These Assurances are divers of sorts, some being made for places general, others certain; those upon certain places or Ports are made upon Goods laden, which if they miscarry before they are safely Landed at the place agreed on, the Insurer must make good as far as he has insured, but upon certain notice of their safe Arrival, he may demand the Premio agreed on, and the Policy is then void, and the like upon Goods inward bound, or according as the Merchant and Insurer can agree. A General Ansurance is when a Ship goes a Trading Voyage, taking in at one Port and vending at another; so that the Insurer is liable to any damage she sustains till she returns in safety to the Port from whence She sets out, that is in her Cargo only, unless the Ship and her Appurtenances are insured, which are frequently included, though then the Premio runs higher. Goods sent by Land may likewise be insured, though that seldom happens; or if any Person fears being taken by the Turks or Moors, he may insure his Person of a certain Premio, and then if he be taken, the insurer is obliged to Ransom him: that is, pay so much money as is insured, sometimes the Assurers insert in their Policies lost or not lost, that is, when Ships have been a long time abroad, and no advice of their being in any Port, but then the Premio runs high as 30, 40, and sometimes more per cent. for if the Ship be lost at the time the Policy is Subscribed, yet so much as is insured must be made good, but than it must be contrary to the knowledge of him that insures, or otherwise it will be accounted a Fraud. If any Person assures a Rotten Vessel for more than She is worth, and then going out of the Port or Harbour, She Privately causes to be Wrecked or Sunk, if it can be proved it is a Defraud, and he who Subscribed the Policy, is not bound to make satisfaction, but it is observed of late that seldom any one Person will insure a whole Ship; but Subscribe 50 pound, 100 pound or more at a certain Premio, currant at the time of assuring; which when the adventure is Born they receive; but if a loss happens, the Premio is deducted together with the usual Abatements; so that the insured seldom receives more than 80 pound in the 100 pound, and many now adays are so adventurous, that they will ensure against Heaven and Earth; Stress of Wether, Storms, Enemies, Pirates, Rovers, and all other Casualties. If a Merchant ensures a Ship, he only names in the Policy of such a Burden, then if She be lost the Insurers are bound to make the Ship only good, and not the Wares: If the Wares be insured it matters not whether each particular is mentioned in the Policy, but in general upon the chief Commodities, and all other Commodities laden or to be laden for the insured. If a Ship be Insured and take Fire 'ere She break Ground, the Assurers in such a case are not liable to make Restitution, unless the words be in the Policy at such a Port, or from such a Port, unless She had first broken Ground, and had been forced back again by Storm. If a Ship be Insured and prove Leaky, and the Master for preservation of the Cargo, lad it into another Ship, and that Ship be lost, the Ensurer is not bound to make the Cargo good, unless in the Policy it is mentioned, until the Goods by the said Ship or any other should be safely Landed at such a place, naming it. It is held that if a Person Ensure more Goods than he has on Board, and several Persons Subscribed the Policy, yet the first Subscribers are only bound to pay the loss if they miscarry, and those that Subscribed over and above the value of the Goods, remitting their Premio 10 Shillings per cent. reducted for their Subscriptions are discharged: If a Cargo be Insured to such a Port there safely to be unladed, and her Cargo is sold on Board, the Property being altered, if the Ship afterwards miscarry, the Ensurer is not obliged to make it good, if the buyer agrees for the Fraight to be carried to any other Port. If Goods be Insured, and the Insured contrary to the knowledge of the Ensurer, Lads prohibited Goods, by which the Ship may become forfeited, than the Ensurer is not liable to make good the Cargo, unless after the lading of such Goods they are prohibited. If any Goods be damaged in the Ship by neglect of the Master or Mariners, the Ensurer is not bound to make Satisfaction. And further 'tis always expedient to prevent differences that may arise between the Ensurer and the Insured, that the Bills of lading consist of three parts, one to be sent over Sea, the other left with the Master, and the last with the Lader. This Office or Court of assurance, was erected by the Statute of the 43 of Elizabeth, Chap. 12, whereby the Judges or Commissioners appointed to determine differences arising, were the Judges of the Court of Admiralty, the Recorder of London, two Doctors of the Civil Law, two Barristers, eight discreet Merchants or any five of them, and that they or the Major part, should have Power to hear, examine, order or decree all such causes in a Summary way, without pleading or expense, and to have Power to Summon Parties to Examine upon Oath, commit to Prison upon disobedience, or the like; but this way being found tedious, because so many parties as made a Court, were not at all times to be Convened, it was taken into consideration, and in the 12 of Car. 2 Chap. 23 Enacted that 3 Commissioners should make the Court viz. a Doctor of the Civil Law, a Barrister of 5 Years standing, and a Merchant, etc. who have Power to Act in all cases, after their being Sworn before the Lord Major; and if the Witness refuse to come upon the first Summons, and tender of reasonable charges, upon the second Summons they may imprison them for such their contempt, or give costs, and commonly differences come to an Issue in a Fortnight, their proceedings being as well out of Termtime as it. The Judgements are there given upon mature deliberation, by Persons well Skilled in Marine affairs; and if the Sentence be supposed unreasonable, than the Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper, may upon an appeal determine the same; though no appeal from thence can lie before the whole money is deposited, and the full cost paid to the appelled. So that it prevents the trouble of taking up the Party by Execution, against whom the Decree has passed, and a further advantage is, they may in this Court decree against 20 Ensurers at once, which at common Law must be Sued distinctly, though the Execution cannot lie against Body and Goods, but against either as at Common Law. And lastly if a private Policy of assurance, be lost, and no Entery be found, it is like a Burnt Deed, unless strong Evidence be produced; as likewise a Copy of the same: but if it be a Public Policy, than the Entery is sufficient Testimony for this Court to take Cognizance of. CHAP. CXV. The Original of the word Bottomery, and the Signification thereof, together with the Commodity and Discommodity accrueing thereby. FOenus Nauticum or Bottomery, is by the Dutch called Bomery, Bodmery, or Boddemerii; from the Keel or Bottom of a Ship, the Part being taken for the Whole, and was called by the Ancient Britain's Bodo or Bodun, the bottom of a Ship, Signifying the bottom or the Cargo therein contained, the which as Land is mortgaged for certain Sums of Money taken up thereon, and is bound to satisfy the same at return, with such interest as is agreed on the Statute of usury, in that case being excluded by Reason of the Hazard the Lender runs; for in many cases money is taken up thus. I lend 100 pound upon a Ship, to receive 150 if the Ship arrives safe at such a Port, but if She chance to Miscarry, my money is lost, and many times Masters of Ships could not set out, if they did not in this nature take up moneys; for which themselves, their Ship or Cargo become Pledges; but some Persons have taken hold of this occasion to Bar the Statute of usury: thus they get the Party to feign he has a Ship bound for Amsterdam or any such Port, making a special obligation to pay the money again at so much per cent. at a reasonable time Granted for the return of the Ship; and if She do not in that time return the money to be paid notwithstanding, but certain it is if a Person have 500 or 1000 pound lying by him, and knows of an ingenious Merchant or Master of a Ship, who is fitting out for a Voyage, and is Slenderly stocked, and he lends him this money to buy such Commodities as will vend in the places whither he is bound, running the Risque to have nothing, if the Ship miscarry, and 30 per cent. Interest, if She return safe, it is altogether as profitable for the merchant as Master; as to take up money at Brokerage, and to Ensure his Ship or Cargo. And if the Merchant or Master makes double return of the said money he gets sufficiently, as well as the Venturer, and this cannot be accounted usury. There is yet another way both profitable and Honourable, as thus, suppose a Person puts a stock into the Hands of a Company or Society, which is termed a perpetual stock, the Principal being never to be recalled, though it may be often sold for good advantage, but he that put it in or buys it receives still his dividend, which produces sometimes twenty and sometimes more per cent. and the Hazard only is if the proportion of the stock that goes out be lost, he must abate, unless by remitting the dividend he will keep up the stock. And 100 pound in the East-India Company has been of late sold at 180 or 190 pound. CHAP. CXVI. Of the Rights and Privileges of Owners, and Proprietors of Ships, according to the Laws Marine and Common, together with divers Rules to be observed by such as are Partners in Ships, fitted out upon Fraight or otherwise. IF there be several Partners, or Owners of a Vessel, and one refuses to Furnish her out, according to his proportion, or to suffer her to go the Voyage intended by the other, he must sell his part, the which if he refuse to do or to set a price thereon, the other Partners may set her out, and refuse to let him have any part of the profit accrueing thereby; only if the Ship be lost, they must make good his part according as it shall be valued; but if it happen the Major part of such Owners refuse to set out any such Vessel, wherein they have equal propriety, they cannot be compelled, but then such Vessel is to be valued and sold, and the like where any of the partners prove deficient or unable to set her forth. The Master is to be chosen by the Owners, and so he had need, for they are liable to the Merchants for all damages, he or his Mariners shall suffer or cause to be done in any Port, Haven, or on the main Ocean; both by the Law Marine and common Law of England, and they must sue the Master for reparation. If a Ship be broken up with an intent to convert her Timber to other uses, and then the party's mind alter, and they will have her rebuilt with the same; the property by that means is altered, and the Partnership dissolved: If a man take Planks of another man's to mend his Ship, yet the property remains in the owner; but if a man take Timber designed to Build a Ship, and build a Ship, the property of the Ship shall remain in him whose Timber it was, and not in the Builder: But if the Timber was not designed for the Building a Ship, it is otherwise; if a Master of a Ship take up moneys for refitting or victualling his Ship, & there be occasion for so doing, the owners must pay it, but if there be no occasion, they are not bound so to do. If a man gets possession of a Ship, having no Title thereto by the Law Marine, he shall pay damages; such as shall be proved to be sustained by the unjust detaining of it from the right owner. If a Ship is Fraighed out, and in any Port an Embargo is laid thereon, it Bars not the Owners from the Recovery of their contract for Fraight: If any one shall be killed by a fall on Shipboard, in a fresh River, being within the Body of a County, the Ship is accounted a Deodand, and becomes Seisable, though in such cases it is not strictly observed; but if any one fall and be killed on the Ocean, it is otherwise, for there by Reason of storms or the like, it is supposed such Accidents cannot be avoided. CHAP. CXVII. Useful Instructions to be observed by all Masters of Ships, in the Management of their affairs, and the preventing the Penalties they may incur through Ignorance, etc. IF a Master of a Ship be entrusted with Goods, and they be imbeselled either in Port or upon the main Ocean, he's Responsible to the Owners or Merchant, and must make them good; nay if a Ship be Fired by carelessness, the Master lies liable to make both the Ship and Fraight good, nay tho Goods sustain any other damage, by the neglect of the Master, he is bound to make them good, for he is Exercitor Navis, and is either by the Marine and common Law, liable to answer for the neglect or Misdemeanour of his Mariners; but if a Ship be taken by an Enemy, founder, or be lost in a Storm, the Master is not liable to make satisfaction. If a Master send off his Boat to receive Goods at a Wharf, and they be imbeselled, he must make them good. If a Master jades Goods on Board any of the King's Enemies Ships, though his own be Leaky, and by that means such Goods are seized, he becomes liable to make satisfaction to the Owner, nor at his Peril ought he unknown to the Merchant or owners to Ship prohibited Goods; and if when he is homeward laden, he enter or lie by in any Creek, unless driven in by Tempest, and by that means the Cargo becomes Seisable, he shall answer it to the Owner, by Reason he ought to have entered one of his Majesty's great Ports; nor must he Sail with false Colours, carry false Cocquets or other Papers, for if by such means the Goods are involved in Trouble, lost, or the like, he lies liable to make Restitution. He must not lad the Ship above the Birth-mark, set Sail with insufficient Rigging, stay in a Port, unless upon an extraordinary occasion, if the Wind stands fair for his prosecuting his Voyage, unless it be Tempestuous Wether; or refuse in any Port to pay due Custom, by which any damage may befall the Merchant or Owners, upon pain of his making satisfaction for the same: if he sends Goods to a Wharf in close Lighters, and send his Mariners to watch them; then if they be embezzled, he is bound to make them good, but on the contrary the Wharfenger must be accomptible. If when a Master brings a Ship into any Port, and through his neglect She suffers damage, he is liable to answer for it. A Master may sell or impawn part of the lading for money, to mend on refit the Ship, if She be in any danger, but may not do it to defray any charges of his own: no Master is to import or export any Commodities from any of his Majesty's Plantations, but in English or Irish bottoms, or bottoms belonging to the Natives of those Plantations, and that in such a case, the 3 Fourth's of the Mariners be likewise English upon pain of Forfeiting the Ship and Goods. These and many Obligations are binding upon a Master, both by the Laws-Marine, and Common. The Mariners being accountable to the Master, the Master to the Owners, and the Owners to the Merchant, for all damages sustained by neglect of their respective duties or Breach of contract. CHAP. CXVII. Of Fraight and Charter part, according to the Laws, Common, and Marine, with useful observations thereon. FRaight is commonly agreed on between the owners and the Merchant, by a Writing of Charter-party, wherein are concluded the particulars of the contract; and if there be no such Writing but only earnest given, then if the Merchant recant 'tis held by some, nay and often observed that he only loses his earnest, and that if the owners recant they lose double earnest; though many learned in the Law are of opinion, that an Action for damage, if any be sustained by such revocation will lie; if a Merchant should hire a Vessel, and not have his Goods ready at the time appointed, and the Vessel lose the Season of the Passage, or a Ship hired be unfiting to Sail, so that the Merchant must either lose the passage of his Goods, or lad them on another Vessel, damage may be recovered by an Action at common Law. If a contract be made to such a Port, the Fraight full laden, and the Ship has broke Ground; although the Merchant revoke his intentions, yet the Fraight is by the Law Marine due. If in a Voyage a Ship without the neglect of the Master be disabled, he may lad the Goods on Board another Vessel, and if that Vessel be cast away, he is not liable to make satisfaction, if he can prove his own Ship was in a sinking condition, had not the Goods been taken out of her; but if this latter appear not he is liable, unless both of the Ships are cast away: If a Ship be laded in Gross, and no particular number of Tuns mentioned, yet the Merchant shall pay the Sum agreed for. If Pirates set upon a Ship and take part of the lading, yet if the other part be carried safe to the Port concluded on in the Charter part, Fraight for the whole is due. If any one Fraight prohibited Goods without the knowledge of the Master or Owners, and they be seized in any Port, or the Ship be detained, the Merchant shall pay Fraight notwithstanding. If a passenger die in the Ship, and none claim his Goods in a Year and a Day, they shall be divided between the Master, his Mates, and the clothes are to be brought to the Ship-Mast head, and after an appraisement made to be distributed amongst the Mariners, as a reward of their care for seeing the Body put into the Sea; if Fraight be contracted for Transporting of a Woman, and She by the way be delivered, there is no Fraight due for the Infant. If the owners Fraight out a Ship, and afterwards take into it Goods secretly contrary to the knowledge of the Merchant, by the Law Marine he loses his Fraight, and if in such a case any of the Merchant's Goods be cast overboard in stress of Wether, the owner must make them good, but this is only when a full Fraight is agreed for, but if the owner be not privy to such Goods bringing in, he is not liable for the defaults of others to the damage aforesaid. By Law the lading of a Ship is tacitly bound for the payment of Fraight, if a Ship put into any Port then that in which She was Freighted for, and there receives damage, the Owner or Master shall answer the same to the Merchant; for the Charter party obliges the owners to deliver them safe at the Port therein mentioned, unless Enemies or Storms prevent it, and if a Ship suffer damage by Reason of defect in Tackling, the Owners or Master are bound to make it good. If Goods are sent aboard in general it must be specified so much, or such Goods as are accustomed for such a Voyage. If a Ship be Freighted for so many Tuns, and She will not bear them, than there is no more Fraight due, than the Ship is computed to be of Burden, or for so many Tun as are sent on Board; but if a Ship be Freighted by the great, and no certain Burden mentioned, than the Sum agreed upon must be paid, or if a Ship be Freighted for 200 Tuns over or under, 5 Tuns are the allowance either over or under and no more. If Wines be Freighted, and by the way a great part of them Leak out, yet the Fraight is due, the defect being in the Cask; though some are of opinion, that unless eight Inches of Wine be left in each Cask, it is in the Election of the Fraighter, whether they will pay Fraight or throw the remainder up to the Master for his Fraight. If a Ship be taken in War, and afterwards retaken and proceed on her Voyage, the property is not altered, but when the Voyage is performed the Fraight becomes due. If any one contract with a Mariner for Fraight, who is not impowered by the owners, and loss happens, that Mariner is Subject to an Action only, and the Master or Owner free: If a Ship agree for so much per Month to be paid at her return, and She upon her return be cast away, yet the Fraight is to be paid for so many Months, as She was abroad on that occasion, as Mariners that die at Sea, etc. CHAP. CXIX. Of Wrecks what may properly be termed such according to the Laws Marine, and Common, with Instructions for owners and Masters in case of a Wreck. A Wreck is properly when a Ship is cast away, and no live thing escapes to Shoar; and then those upon whose Grounds the Goods are cast by the Sea, aught unless they are Perishable to keep them a twelvemonth, to see if any will claim them; and if any do take such Goods, and contrary to the known Laws convert them to their own use, they are upon Conviction of the same, to pay four times the value to the owner, and as much to the King; but if the Goods are Perishable, than the Sheriff, Corroner, or Bailif, in whose Jurisdiction they are found may sell them, but must be accountable for so much money, to those that can make out the Goods were theirs; and to prevent such Wrecks as much as may be, all Fishermen upon severe Penalties are forbid to Fish with Lights in the Night. But if Goods Wrecked be not owned or Sued for within a Year and a Day, they fall to the King's Exchequer by the Law of Oleron, and the Islue must be tried before the Judges of the Wrecks; always provided this Law do not extend to Pirates, Sea-Rovers, Robers, Turks, or Enemies to the Christian Faith, and if any who unjustly detains any such Wrecked Goods, shall refuse to deliver them, or satisfaction to the full value, he shall be Imprisoned, and if a Lords Bailiff be therein found to offend, the Lord is obliged to deliver his Balif's Body to the King. And as for Custom, Wrecked Goods rarely pay any, but if the Ship be cast away, or all the Goods or the Major part of them saved, in such a case they pay an easy Custom, as the Labour of saving them was more or less difficult, and in that case light Goods as Silver and Gold, according to value shall pay less than heavy and Gross Goods. All Wrecks of Whales or great Sturgeon are properly the Kings. There are other sorts of Wrecks as Flotsam, Jetsam, and Lagan or Ligan; the former is when a Ship is Sunk, and the Goods are found Floating on the Sea. The second is when a Ship is about to sink, and to endeavour to save her, the Goods are cast into the Sea; notwithstanding which the Ship Perishes, and the third is when Goods are cast over to lighten the Ship and She perishes not, but a Buoy is fixed to note the place, that so they may be possibly recovered, especially such Goods as sink downright, in these cases the King shall have Flotsam, Jetsem, and Lagan; provided the Ship perishes, or when the owners of the Goods are not known; but when the Ship Perishes not they belong to the Merchant, who upon proof will recover them. These three are commonly the Kings grant, within the high and low Water marks by prescription, as it appears by those in the West Countries, who prescribe to have Wrecks as far as they can see a Humber Barrel. If a Ship be ready to Perish, and all the men for preservation of their Lives escape in their Longboat; yet if the Ship drive afterward into any Port, it is no Wreck; and the like if a Ship be taken by Pirates, and after taking out the Men and Goods turned it a Drift. All owners claiming Wrecks, must make their Proof by their Cocquets or Marks Personal, Testimony upon Oath or the Books of Entery in the Customhouse, and if any such Wreck belongs to the King, the party must Sue out a Commission to hear and determine, and that by the Oaths of twelve men, or else he may bring his Action at Law, and make his proof by Verdict, but let him be careful that such his Action be brought within a Year and a Day, or it will not lie; all Flotsams, Jetsams, and Legans appertain by grant of Charter to the Lord high Admiral, and must be decided if found upon the high Sea, in the Court of Admiralty. Wrecked Goods though such as are prohibited, are not Forfeitable, by Reason they were not brought in but by the Wind and Tide, contrary to the will of the Owner, as by Law is supposed. If the Wreck happen by the negligence or fault of the Master, he is liable to make Satisfaction, but if otherwise the Owners and Fraighters sustain the loss. CHAP. CXX. Of Averidg and Contribution, according to the Law Marine, if Goods are cast overboard in a storm, etc. and what Goods may in such a case be Ejected, and what not. IF when a Ship is Freighted, and at Sea a storm arises, the Master if he finds the Ship in danger, may by the consent or rather by consulting his Mariners throw such heavy Goods overboard, as may tend to the Lightning or saving the Ship, and if the Mariners refuse to consent, than it is Lawful for him to command it to be done; always provided that he throw over the coarsest Goods, and those that are most Ponderous, and in that case the rest of the Goods in the Ship, shall contribute to those thrown overboard; the Sailor's clothes and Provision excepted. If they are thrown over before half the Voyage is made, than the contribution shall be according to what the Goods cost, but if when above half the Voyage then proportionable to what those that remain are sold for. But upon the arrival of the Ship at the Port intended, the Master and Part of his Crew must swear that such Goods were thrown over for the preservation of the Ship, and the rest of the Goods; and if afterwards the Merchant bring his Action against the owners or Master, they may plead the special Matter, which will remain in Bar to the Plaintiffs proceedings; but if any of the Ships Tackling be lost, no Averidge or Contribution shall be made, unless the Masts be cut by the Board, etc. or if any Goods be secretly brought into the Ship, contrary to the knowledge of the Master and Purser, be ejected, no contribution shall be made: And by the Law Marine, the Master may refuse (in case of ejection) to deliver the remainder of the Goods before the Contribution is settled, or if in a storm part of the Goods are dammaged, without any neglect of the Master or Sailors, such Goods for so much as they are dammaged, aught to come into the contribution. If two Ships meet and strike each other, and if it can be proved that either of them did it wilfully or by carelessness, than that Ship shall satisfy the damage received by the other, but if either Ships crew Swear their innocency, than the damage is to be Levied proportionable between them; if any Ejection of Goods happen by the indiscretion of the stowers in lading the Ship above the Birth mark, or the like; then the Master or Owners ought to make satisfaction. If when a Vessel is entering a Port or otherwise part of the Goods be put into a Lighter or Ship-Boat, and the Boat be cast away, there Contribution must be made; but if the Ship be cast away, and the Lighter or Boat saved, than no Contribution; for note where the Ship at any time Perishes, though a great part of the Goods be saved, yet they allow no Contribution. If a Ship be taken by Pirates or Enemies, and the Master contracts with them for the dismission of the Ship at such a Sum of money, and till the same be paid yields himself Prisoner, in that case Contribution must be levied upon the Ship, and lading for the Ransom of the said Master; and so where a Pirate by consent takes part of the Goods to spare the rest, Contribution must be made, but if he takes them by force or at his own pleasure, than no contribution is to be made, unless the Merchants yield so to do after the Ship is Rob, but if taken by an Enemy, Letter of Marque or Reprisal the contrary. If Jewels be on Board in a Box and not discovered, and they be cast overboard, Contribution shall be for no more than they appeared, viz. a Parcel. If any thing in a storm be cast into the Sea, and afterward recovered, than Contribution shall be made for no more than the damage sustained. The Master and Purser in case of a storm shall contribute towards Goods Ejected, for the preservation of the Ship and Passenger for such Wares as they have; and if they have no Wares, then for their clothes, Rings, etc. according to estimation. Contribution is to be paid for a Pilots Fee, for bringing a Ship safe into any Harbour where she is not bound. If the Master of a Ship, after he has received his Compliments, takes in Goods contrary to the knowledge of the Merchant, and part of the Merchant's Goods in case of a storm are thrown overboard, than the Master is liable to make Satisfaction. If Contribution be settled, and the Merchant will not consent to pay it, the Master may refuse delivering the Goods, and if an Action be brought, he may Barr the plaintiff by pleading the special matter, yet in a storm there are some Lading, which ought not to be ejected. As Pieces of Ordnance, Ammunition, or Provisions for the relief of a City Besieged, or in danger so to be, for there the Law implies, that the Subject aught to prefer the good of his Prince, before his own life. CHAP. CXXI. A View of the Port of London, and of the Customs, Privileges, Exemptions, and Revenues of that great City according to the Charters, Grants, etc. of several Kings of England. SEeing the Port of London is the Principal Port of this Kingdom, it will not be amiss to set down the Privileges and Customs thereof, and what Revenues by way of Exportation and Importation, accrues to the Honourable City in order to support its Grandeur. First then the Port of London, as by Exchequer settled and declared, extends from the Promontory or Point, called the North Foreland, in the Isle of Thannet. Thence Northward to the Nase Point beyond the Sunfleet upon the Coast of Essex, and so continues Westward up the River of Thames; and the several Channels, Streams, and Rivers falling into it to London-Bridge. The usual known Rights, Liberties, and Privileges, to the Ports of Sandwich and Ipswich, and their Members excepted, and in regard that Ships did formerly come up to the Port of London, and unlade in several obsure Creeks at Stairs, to defraud his Majesty of his Customs, it was therefore ordained, that a Commission should be forthwith Issued out of the Exchequer, to affix and nominate all such Wharfes, Keys, and other places as his Majesty by virtue of such Commission should appoint, in pursuance of which his Majesty has been pleased to Nominate and Constitute as Lawful Keys, Wharves, etc. these following for the Landing of Goods, Merchandise, etc. viz. Brewers-Key, Chestors-Key, Wool-Dock, Porters-Key, Bear-Key, Wiggons-Key, Youngs-Key, Ralphs-Key, Smarts-Key, Lyons-Key, Buttolf-Wharf, Hammons-Key, Cocks-Key, Fresh-Wharf, Billingings-Gate, and the Bridge-House. The former of the two latter being appointed a common open place for the Landing or bringing in of Fish, Salt, Victuals, or Fuel of all sorts, Fruit of all sorts, Grocery excepted; all Native Materials for Building, and for exporting the like, but no other Merchandise; and the latter, viz. the Bridge-House is appointed for the Landing of Corn for the City store, though under pretence of the same several Persons at this Day Landed their proper Corn; moreover there are these Keys, viz. the Customhouse Key, some Stairs on the West side whereof are declared not to be places for Lading or Shipping of Goods. Sabs-Dock has a pair of Stairs not held Lawful for the Landing or lading of Merchandise. The like has Dice-Key, Summers-Key, and Gaunts-Key; though otherwise allowable. Therefore it is to be supposed those Stairs that are accepted against were built for Conveniency, since the declaring them free places of lading, and Landing Merchandise. These Keys, Wharves and Docks, yearly produce a great Income to the City of London, by Scavage, Portage, Packing and Water-Bailage. As first Scavage being an Ancient Toll or Custom, taken by the Majors, Sheriffs, etc. for Wares showed or offered to Sail within their Precincts, consists of two parts, viz. that which is payable by the Denizen, & that which is payable by the Alien or Stranger; and that all Persons Subject to such Duties, may not be imposed on by such as take them, there are Tables mentioning each particular set up and approved of by the Lord Chancellor, Treasurer, President, Steward, and two Justices of the Common-Pleas; and by them Subscribed or some four of them at least, and are to be levied on Goods inwards and outwards. As all Goods mentioned in the Table of Scavage, and not included in the Table of Rates, shall pay after the rate of one penny in the pound, according as they are expressed or valued in his Majesty's Book of rates, and all others not expressed therein, shall pay the same rates, according to the true value. All private Bulks of eight Inches square, are by the third Article annexed to the Book of rates; reputed Timber and valued at 3 pence the Foot, 50 Foot being accounted the Load, valued at 12 Shillings 6 pence, and the duty for one Load is one half penny and half a Farthing. Package is another duty, which is likewise ●itted and ●ted in a Table called 〈…〉 of Pa● Duties, and all the 〈◊〉 ●ies the● mentioned pay one 〈…〉 ●ording as they are 〈…〉 Majesty's Book of ●●tes, 〈◊〉 ●ers not mentioned therein shall 〈◊〉 the rate of one penny in the pound according to their true value. For every Entry in the Packers Book, and for Writing Bills of each Entry outwards they pay 12 pence. All Strangers are to pay the Labouring Porters for making up their Goods according to Custom. Stranger's must also pay the Waterside Porters belonging to the Package-Office, such Fees for Shipping and Lading as for several Years past they have done. The Packers and Waterside-Porters, have Tables expressing the Duties payable; and such Goods as are not mentioned therein must pay according to their true value, so much in the Pound as aforesaid for Package and Porterage-duties over and above. Another Ancient duty there is called Water-Bailage, which for many Years past the City of London have claimed and received for all Goods and Merchandise imported from any part in the Realm, or out of the Realm, into the Port of London: and so the like duties with a little alteration, for all Goods exported out of the Port of London, unless the Goods or Merchandise of Freemen, who are exempted from paying this Duty, though many Freemen for Reason best known to themselves notwithstanding do voluntarily pay it; but of late there has been considerable Debates, whether the same be due or not, though no Clause in the Act of Tonnage or Poundage, does any ways Bar those duties. All Lighters, Wherries, Fisher-Boats, etc. occupying the River of Thames, within the Limits of the City's Jurisdiction, confirmed by their Charter, pay Sums of Acknowledgement or Duty for the same, which amounts annually to a considerable value. All Markets within the Precincts of the City, pay the Duty of Toll to the behoof of the City. The Citizens of London, viz. those that are Resident are exempted from the Custom or Impost called Prizage, which is, that out of ten Tuns of Wine the King is to have one, paying for it 20 Shillings, but Citizens must not own any Wines so imported under Colour, to secure Strangers from paying Prisage. If a Freeman live in another City, and send Wines to unlade at the Port of London; he shall not be capable of this Privilege, but must be resident as aforesaid, for by a private Act in the 24 of Hen. 6 complaint was made, that the Lord Major would make Strangers Citizens; whereupon it was there declared, that this Benefit to be discharged from payment of Prisage, extended not to such Citizens as were made so by Gift, but such as were Legally Citizens, according to the true, intent and meaning thereof, by Service or Adoption, and resident in the said City; and 'tis further observed that if any Merchant not a Citizen break Bulk, though he deliver but part of his Cargo, yet the Duty is to be levied upon all, as if all had been unladen. And this Privilege likewise enjoy the Inhabitants resident in the Cinque-Ports. Butherage, as I have before said, is 2 Shillings per Tun, upon Wines imported by Strangers; but the English are exempted from that Duty. And thus much for the Privileges, Customs, &c, of the City of London, in relation to Trade. CHAP. CXXII. A Survey of the remaining Ports of England, their Members, Creeks, etc. with a relation of their Legalities touching Exportation and Importation, together with what Commodities may be Exported, when sold at the Port where they shall be laded at certain rates. THe other Legal Ports of England, their Members and Creeks are these, Ipswick, has Members, Malden and Colchester, Creeks, Leigh-Burnham, West-Mersy, East-Mersy, Brickly, Wivenhoe, Maintree, and Harwich. The Port of Yarmouth has Members, Woodbridge, Alborough, Sowold, Blacking, and Creeks, Orford, Dunwick, Walderswick, and Lestoffe. The port of Lynn, has Member Wells only, Creeks, Burnham, Hitcham, Croskeys, and Wisbich. The Port of Boston, has Creeks, Spolding, Tosdick, Wainefleet, Numby-Chaple, Thethethorp and Salt-Fleet. The Port of Hull has Members, Grimsby, Bridlington, and Scar●●●●●gh, and one Creek ●●ly, viz. Sainthorp. The Port of Newcastle has Members, Whitby, Stockton, Har●lepool, Sunderland, and yields Creeks, Middleborough, Seatondelaval, and Blith-Nook. The Port of Barwick has Creeks, Aylemouth, Warnewater, Holy-Island, and the East-Marches containing the Coast of Northumberland, bordering upon Scotland. The Port of Carlisle, has for Member, Whitehaven; for Creeks, the West-Marches containing the Coast of Cumberland, bordering on Scotland, Workington, Raving-Glass, and Milinthorp. The Port of Chester, has Members, Lancaster, Boulton, Liverpool, Aberconway, Bewmaris, and Carnarvan; Creeks, Pit of Towdrey, Graung, Wyrewater, Preston, Riblewater, Sankey-Bridge, Fradsham; the South shore of the River Mersy, to the Red-Stone, Hilbree, Dawpool, Neston, Burtonhead, Baghill, Mosten, Holy-Head, Amlogh, Pulhelly, and Barmouth. The Port of Milford has Members, Aberdony, Cardigan, and Pembroke; Creeks, Aberustha, Newport, Fiscard, Haverford, West-Tenby, Carmarthen, Lanelthy, and North-Burys. The Port of Cardif has for Member, Swansey; Creeks, South-Berrys, Nealth or Briton-Terry, Newton, Alberthaw, Penarth, Newport, and Chepstow. The Port of Gloucester has for Creeks the River Severn, from the Bridge North to Kings-Road. The Port of Bristol has Creeks, Pill, and Vphill. The Port of Bridg-Water, has for Member, Minhead. The Port of Plymouth has for Members Padstow, St. Jues, Pensance, Helford, Falmouth, Fowey and Lowe; Creeks, Penrin, St. Maures, Fruro, Salt-ash, and Cowsland. The Port of Exeter has Members, Ilfracomb, Barustable and Dartmouth; Creeks, Clovelly, Appledore, Biddiford, Tincomb, Star-Cross, Bear and Seaton, Topsham, Pouldram, Sydmouth, Lympson, Exmouth, Aylemouth, Saltcomb, Brixham, Torbay, and Totnes. The Port of Pool has Members, Lyme and Weymouth; Creeks, Bridgport, Charmouth, Portland and Lulworth. The Port of Southampton has Members, Corves and Portsmouth; Creeks, Swaridge, Wareham, Christ-Church, Hinington, Yarmouth, Newport, and Emsworth. The Port of Chichester has Members, Arundel, Shorham, Lewis, Pemsey, Hawing, Rye and Hyth; Creeks, Pagham-Point, Selsey, Brighthemston, New-Haven, Seaford, Winchelsea, lid and Rumny. The Port of Sandwich has Members Dover, Feversham, Milton and Rochester; Creeks, Deal, Rumsgate, Margate, Whitestable and Quinb●rough. These Ports or Public places are those to which the Officers of the Customs are appropriated, which contain and include the Guidances, and Privileges of all the Members and Creeks to them appertaining; being the places appointed for the Lading, and unlading Merchandise. The Members are such places as formerly enjoyed Custom-Houses, and have yet Offices or their Deputies attending; they being accounted Lawful places of Lading or unlading all Commodities unless such as are prohibited. The Creeks are places where Officers do or formerly have given their Attendance by way of Prevention, not out of Duty or Right, and are not accounted lawful places to Land or Lade any Goods without Licence or sufference from the Port or Members, under which any such Creek or Creeks is placed; all which as they be at present accounted at the Customhouse, are as aforesaid being respectively in the Body of the Counties, and consequently out of the Jurisdiction of the Admiralty; in case any thing more than ordinary is done, or sustained in any of them. And now I shall only inform the Reader, that Commodities of English Growth and Manufacture, may be exported when sold in England at certain rates, according to the Statute made in the 12 of Car. 2. and so put an end to this Work. Gunpowder when it exceedeth not the price of five pound per Barrel, may be exported; Wheat, Rye, Pease, Beans, Barley, Malt, Oats, Pork, Beef, Bacon, Butter, Cheese, and Candles; when they do not exceed the Prizes following at the Ports where they are Laded at the time of their Lading, viz. Wheat the quarter forty Shillings, Rye, Beans and Pease the quarter twenty four Shillings, Barley and Malt the quarter twenty Shillings, Oats the quarter sixteen Shillings, Beef the Barrel fifty pound, Pork the Barrel six pound ten Shillings, Bacon the pound six Pence, Butter the Barrel four pound ten Shillings, Cheese the pound thirty Shillings, Candles the dozen pounds five Shillings, paying the respective rates according as they are set down in the Book of rates; always provided that his Majesty may when he sees occasion, prohibit the Exportation of Gunpowder and other Ammunition. And thus Reader, have I with much Labour Sailing through many Tempestuous Seas, once again cast Anchor in safe Harbour; hoping this Work may be advantageous unto many, and useful unto all who are any ways concerned in Trade or Commerce, whether by Navigation or otherwise, the which if it does, I have obtained the end of my Design. FINIS. ENGLAND'S GUIDE TO INDUSTRY: OR, Improvement of Trade, for the good of all People in general. LONDON, Printed by R. Holt for T. Passenger at the three Bibles on London-Bridge, and B. Took at the Ship in St. Pauls-Church-Yard. 1683. THE PREFACE. FOrasmuch as men who are in a decaying condition, or who have but an ill opinion of their own concernments, instead of being (as some think) the more industrious to resist the evil they apprehended, do contrariwise become the more Languid and ineffectual to all in all their endeavoures; neither caring to attempt or prosecute even the probable means of their relief: I as a member of the Commonwealth, next to the knowing the precise truth in what Condition the common interest stands, would all in doubtful cases thinkthe best and consequently not despair without strong and manifest Reasons, carefully examining what ever tends to lessen my hopes of the Public Wellfair. I have therefore thought fit to examine the following persuasions, which I find too currant in the World, and too much to have affected the minds of some to the prejudice of all, viz. That the Rents of Lands are Generally fallen, that therefore and for many other Reasons, the whole Kingdom grows poorer and poorer; that formerly it abounded with Gold; but now there is a great Scarcity both of Gold and Silver. That there is no Trade nor employment for the people, and yet that the Land is underpeopled, that Taxes have been many and great. That Ireland and the Plantations in America, and other additions to the Crown are a Burden to England, that Scotland is of no advantage; that Trade in General doth lamentably decay, that the Hollanders are at our Heels in the Race of Naval power, the French grow too fat upon both, and appear so Rich and Potent, that it is but their Clemency, that they do not devour their Neighbours; and finally that the Church and State of England, are in the same danger with the Trade of England, with many other dismal Suggestions, which I do rather Stifle then repeat. 'Tis true the Expense of Foreign Commodities, have of late been too great: Much of our Plate had it remained money, would have better served Trade, too many matters have been regulated by Laws, with nature's long Custom and general consent, ought only to have Governed the Slaughter and Destruction of men by the late Civil Wars, and Plague have been great the Fire of London and disaster at Chattham have begotten opinions in the Vulgar of the World to our prejudice, the Nonconformists increase, the people of Ireland think long of their settlement. The English there apprehend themselves to be Aliens, and are forced to seek a Trade with Foreigners, which they might maintain with their own Relations in England, but notwithstanding all this (the like whereof was always in all places) the Buildings in London grow great and Glorious, the American Plantations employ 400 Sail of Ships; Auctions in the East-India Company are above double the principal money: Those who can give good Security, may have money under the Statute interest, materials for Building (oven Oaken Timber) are little the dearer, some cheaper, for the rebuilding of London; the Exchange seems as full of Merchants as formerly; no more Beggars in the Streets, nor executed for thiefs as heretofore: the number of Coaches, and Splendour of Equipage, exceeding former times; the public Theatres very magnificent; the King has a greater Navy and stronger Guards then before our Calamities: the Clergy rich, the Cathedr●ls in repair, much Land have been improved, and the price of Food Reasonable; and in Brief no man needs to want that will take moderate pains; that some are poorer than others ever was and will be, and that many are Querulous, and Envious is an Evil as old as the World. These general Observations, and that men Eat, and Drink, and Laugh as they use to do, have encouraged me to try if I could comfort others, being satisfied myself that the Interest and Affairs in England are in no deplorable condition; the Method I take to do this is not yet very usual, for instead of using only Comparative and Superlative words and Intellectual Arguments, I have taken the course (as a Specimen of the Political Arithmetic I have long aimed at) to express myself in Number, Weight, and Measure. A Discourse of Trade. Being a Comparison between England and other parts of Europe, wherein the Encouragement of Industry is promoted in these Islands of Great Britain and Ireland. CHAP. I. That a small Country and few People by Situation, Trade, and Policy, may be equivalent in Wealth, and Strength to a far greater People and Territories; and particularly that conveniencies for Shipping and Water-Carriage do most eminently and fundamentally conduce thereto. THe first principal Conclusion by reason of its Length I consider in three parts, whereof the first that a small Country and few People may be equivalent in Wealth and Strength to a far greater People and Territories. This part of the first principal Conclusion needs little proof, forasmuch as one Acre of Land may bear as much Corn and feed as many Cattle as twenty by the difference of the Soil, some Parcels of Ground are naturally so defensible as that 100 men being possessed thereof, can resist the Invasion of 500 Bad Land may be improved and made good, Bog may by draining be made Meadow; Heath Land may (as in Flanders) be made to bear Flax, and Clovergrass, so as to advance in value from 1. to 100 the same Land being built upon may centriple the Rent, which it yieldeth as pasture; one man is nimbler and stronger and more patient of Labour than another; one man by Art may do as much work as many, viz. one man with a Mill can grind as much Corn as 20. can pound in a Mortar, one Printer can make as many Copies as an hundred can write by hand; one horse can carry as much upon Wheels as five men upon their backs, and in a Boat, or upon Ice as 20; so that I say again the first point of this general position needs little or no proof. But the second and more material part of this Conclusion is, that this difference in Land and People arises principally from their Situation Trade and Policy. To clear this I shall compare Holland and Zealand with the Kingdom of France. Holland and Zealand do not contain above 1. Million of English Acres, whereas the Kingdom of France contains above 80. Now the original and primitive difference holds proportion as Lands to Land; for it is hard to say that when these places were 1st. planted, whether an Acre of Land in Holland was better than the like quantity in France and Zealand: Now is there any reason to suppose, but that therefore upon the first Plantation the number of Planters was in proportion to the quantity of Land; wherefore if the People are not in proportion as the Land the same must be attributed to the Situation of the Land, and to the Trade and Policy of the People. The next thing to be shown is that Holland and Zealand at this day is not only 80th. as rich and strong as France, but that it hath advanced to the 3d. or thereabouts, which I think will appear upon the balance of the following Particulars, viz. As for the Wealth of France, a certain Map of that Kingdom set forth An. 1647. represents it to be 15 Millions, whereof six did belong to the Church, the Author thereof (as I suppose) meaning the Rents of the Land only And the Author of a most judicious Discourse of Husbandry (supposed to be Sir Richard Weston) doth from reason and experience show that Lands in the Netherlands, by bearing Flax, Turnips, Clovergrass, Madder, etc. will easily yield 10 pound per Acre, so as the Territories of Holland and Zealand should by this account, yield at least 10 Millions per Annum; yet I do not believe the same to be so much, nor France so little as aforesaid, but rather that one bears to the other as about 7 or 8 to one. The People of Amsterdam are one 3d part of those in Paris or London, which two Cities differ not in People a 20th part from each other as hath appeared by the Bills of Burials and Christen from each, but the value of the Buildings in Amsterdam may well be half that of Paris by reason of the Foundations, Grafts and Bridges, which in Amsterdam are more numerous and chargeable than Paris: Moreover the Habitations of the poorest People in Holland and Zealand are twice or thrice as good as those of France but the People of the one to the People of the other being but as 13 to 1. the value of the Housing must be as about 5 to 1. The Shipping of Europe being about 2 Millions of tuns I suppose the English have about 5000000, the Dutch 900 thousand, the French 100 thousand, the Hamburgers and the Subjects of Denmark, Sweden, and the Town of Dantzick 250 thousand, and Spain, Portugal, Italy, etc. 250 thousand; so as the Shipping in our case of France to that of Holland and Zealand is about 1 to 9: which reckoned great and small one with another at 8 pound per Tun makes the worth to be 800 thousand pounds to 7 Millions, & 2000000 pounds the Hollanders Capital in the East-India Company is worth about 3 Millions where the French has little or nothing. The value of the Goods exported out of France into all parts are supposed quadruple to what is sent to England alone, & consequently in all about 5 Millions; but what is exported out of Holland into England is worth 3 Millions; and what is exported thence into all the World besides is sextuple to that Summ. The Moneys yearly raised by the French King, as the same appears by the Book entitled the State of France, dedicated to the King printed An. Dom. 1669. and set forth several times by Authority, is 82 Millions of French Livers, which is about ½ Millions of pounds Sterling, of which Sum the Author says that one 5th part was abated for Nonvaluers or Insolvencies. So as (I suppose) not above 5 Millions were effectually raised, but whereas some say the King of France raised 11 Millions as the ⅕ of the Effects of France, I humbly affirm, that the Land and Sea forces, all the Buildings and Interleguments which we have heard by common Fame to have been set forth and made in any of these last 7 years needed not to have cost 6 Millions Sterling; wherefore I suppose he hath not raised more, especially since there were ⅕ insolvencies when the Tax was at that pitch. But Holland and Zealand paying 67 of 100 paid by all the United Provinces, and the City of Amsterdam paying 27 of the said 67, it follows that if Amsterdam hath paid 4000 pound Flemish per diem, or about 146000 per Annum, or about 80 thousand pound Sterling, that all Holland and Zealand have paid above 2 Millions per Annum; now the Reasons why they pay so much, I think are these (viz) 1. the Author of the State of the Netherlands saith so. 2dly. Excise of Victuals at Amsterdam seems above half the Original value of the same (viz) ground Corn pays 20 Stivers the Bushel, or 63 Gilders the Last, Beer 113 Stivers the Barrel, housing ⅙ of Rent, fruit ⅛ of what it cost; other Commodities 1/7 ⅛ 1/9 1/12 Salt ad libitum, all weighed Goods pay besides the premises a vast sum: now if the expense of the People of Amsterdam at a Medium, and without Excise, were 8 pound per Annum, whereas in England 'tis 7 pound, then if all the several Imposts above named raise it 5 pound more, there being 160 thousand Souls in Amsterdam, the Sum of 800 thousand pound Sterling per Annum will thereby be raised. 3dly. Though the Expense of each Head should be 13 pound per Annum, 'tis well known that there be few in Amsterdam who do not earn much more than the said Expense. 4thly. If Holland and Zealand pay per Annum 2,000,000 pounds, than all the Provinces together must pay about 3 Millions, less than which Sum per Annum perhaps is not sufficient to have maintained the Naval War with England, 72 thousand land Forces besides all other the ordinary charges of their Government, whereof the Church is there a part. To conclude, it seems from the Premises, that all France doth not raise above thrice as much from the public Charge, as Holland and Zealand alone do. 5thly. Interest of Money in France 7 pounds per Centum, but in Holland scarce half so much. 6thly. The Country of Holland and Zealand, consisting as it were of Islands guarded with the Sea, Shipping and Marshes, is defensible at ¼ the charge of a plain open Country is, and where the Seat of War may be both Winter and Summer, whereas in others nothing can be done but in the Summer only. 7thly. But above all the particulars hitherto considered that of Superlucration ought chiefly to be taken in, for if a Prince have never so many Subjects and his Country never so good, yet if either through sloth or extravagant Expenses or oppression and injustice, what ever is gained, shall be spent as fast as gotten, the State must be accounted poor. Wherefore let it be considered how much, or how many times rather Holland and Zealand are now above what they were 100 years ago; which we must also do of France; now if France hath scarce doubled its Wealth and Power, and that the other have decupled theirs; I shall give the preference to the latter, even although the 9 increased by the one should not exceed the one half gained by the other; because one hath a Store for 9 years, and the other but for 1. To conclude upon the whole, that though France being Peopled to Holland and Zealand as 13 to 1, and in quantity of good Land as 80 to 1, yet is not 13 times Richer and Stronger, much less 80 times, nor much above thrice, which was to be proved. Having thus dispatched the two first Branches of the first principal Conclusion, it follows to show that this difference of improvement in Wealth and Strength, arises in particular from conveniencies for Shipping and Water-carriage. Many writing on this Subject do so magnify the Hollanders as if they were more, and all other Nations less than men, (as to the matter of Trade and Policy) making them Angels, and others Fools, Brutes and Sots as to those particulars, whereas I take the foundation of their Achievements to lie originally in the Situation of the Country, whereby they do things inimitable to others, and have advantages whereof others are incapable. First, The Soil of Holland and Zealand is low Land, rich and fertile, whereby it is able to feed many men, and so as that men may live near each other for their mutual Assistance in Trade, I say that 1000 Acres that can feed 1000 Souls is better than 10000 of no more effect, for the following reasons to it (viz.) first suppose some great Fabric were in building by 1000 men, shall not much more time be spared if that they lived all upon 1000 Acres, then if they were forced to live upon 10 times as large a Scope of Land? 2dly. The charge of their care of their Souls, and the Ministry would be far greater in the one case then the other, as also of Mutual defence in case of invasion, and even of Thiefs and Robbers; moreover the charge of the Administration of Justice would be much easier where Witnesses and Parties may be easily Summoned, Attendance less expensive when men's Actions would be better known, when wrong and Justice would not be covered as in thin-peopled places they are. Lastly those who live in solitary places must be their own Soldiers, Divines, Physicians and Lawyers, and must have their Houses stored with necessary provisions (like a Ship going upon a long Voyage) to the great waist and needless expense of such provisions: the value of this first conveniency to the Dutch I reckon to be about 100 thousand pounds per Annum. 2dly. Holland is a level Country, so as, if in any part thereof a Windmill may be set up, and by its being moist and vaporous, there is always Wind stirring over it, by which advantage the labour of many thousand hands is saved, forasmuch as a Mill made by one man in half a year will do as much labour as 4 men for 5 years together; this advantage is greater or less where employment and ease of Labour is so, but in Holland it is eminently great, and the worth of this Conveniency between near 100 and 150 thousand pound. 3dly. there is much more to be gained by Manufacture than Husbandry, and by Merchandise than Manufacture, but Holland and Zealand, being seated at the Mouths of 3 long great Rivers, and passing through rich Countries do keep all the Inhabitants upon the sides of those Rivers but as Husbandmen, whilst themselves are the Manufactors of their Commodities, and do dispense them into all Parts of the World, making returns for the same at what price almost they please themselves; and in short, they keep the Trade of those Countries through which the same Rivers pass, the value of this 3d convenience is 200 thousand pound. 4thly. In Holland and Zealand there is scarce any place of work or business one Mile distance from a Navigable Water, and the charge of Water-carriage is generally but the 15th or 20th part of Land-carriages, wherefore if there be as much Trade there as in France, than the Hollanders can out-sell the French 14/15 of all the Expense of all travelling postage and carriage whatsoever, which even in England I take to be 300 thousand pound per Annum, where the very postage of Letters costs the People perhaps 50 thousand pound per Annum, though farmed at much less, and all other Labours of Horses and Porters at least six times as much; the value of this conveniency I estimate to be above 300 thousand pounds per Annum. 5thly. The defensibleness of the Country by reason of its Situation in the Sea upon Islands, and in the Marshes, impassable ground, dicked and trenched, especially considering how the place is aimed at for its Wealth, I say the charge for defending this Country is easier than if it were a plain Champion at least 200 thousand pound per Annum. 6thly. Holland is so considerable for keeping Ships in Harbour with small Expense of men and ground-tackle that it saves them per Annum 200 thousand pounds of what must be spent in France. Now if all these natural Advantages do amount to above one Million per Annum of profit, and that the Trade of all Europe, nay of the whole World, with which our Europeans do trade, is not above 45 Millions per Annum; and if 1/50 of the value be 1/7 of the profit, it is plain that the Hollanders may command and govern the whole Trade. 7thly. Those who have their Situation thus towards the Sea, abound with Fish at home, and having also the command of Shipping, have by consequence the Fishing Trade, whereof that of Herring alone brings more yearly profit to the Hollanders than the Trade of the West-Indies to Spain, or of the East to themselves, being as some say viis and modis of above 3 Millions per Annum profit. 8thly. It is not to be doubted but those who have the Trade of Fishing and Shipping will secure themselves of the Trade of Timber, for Ships, Boats, Masts, and Casks, of Hemp for Cordage, Sails and Nets, of Salt, of Iron, as also of Pitch, Tar, Rosin, Brimstone, Oil and Tallow, as necessary Appurtenances to Shipping and Fishing. 9thly. Those who predominate in Fishing and Shipping have more occasion than others to frequent all parts of the World, and to observe what is wanting or redundant every where, and what each People can do, and what they desire, and consequently to be the Factors and Carriers for the whole World of Trade, upon which ground they bring all Native Commodities to be Manufactured at home, and carried back to the Country where they grow, all which we see, for do they not work the Sugars of the West-Indies, the Timber and Iron of Baltic, the Hemp of Russia, the Lead, Tin, and Wool of England, the Quicksilver and Silk of Italy, the Yarn and dying Stuffs of Turkey? etc. to be short in all the ancient States and Empires those who had the Shipping had the Wealth; and if 2 per Centum in the price of Commodities, be perhaps 20 per Centum in the Gain, it is manifest that they who can in 45 Millions under-sell others by one Million (upon Account of Mutual Interest and instrinsick Advantages only) may easily have the Trade of the World, without such Angelical Wits and Judgements as some attribute to the Hollander. Having thus done with their Situation I come now to their Trade. It is commonly seen that each Country flourisheth in the Manufacture of its own Native Commodity, viz. England for Woollen-Manufactures, France for Paper, Swihltand for Iron-ware, Portugal for Confectures, Italy for Silks. Upon which principle it follows, that Holland and Zealand must flourish most in the Trade of Shipping, and so become Carriers and Factors to the whole World of Trade; now the Advantages of Shipping Trade are as followeth, viz. 1st. Husbandmen, Seamen, Soldiers and Merchants are the very Pillars of the Commonwealth, all the other great professions do arise out of the infirmities and miscarriages of those: Now the Seaman is 3 of these 4; for every Seaman of industry and ingenuity is not only a Navigator, but a Merchant, & also a Soldier, not because he has often occasion to fight, and handle Arms, but because he is Mamilarized with hardship and hazards extending to Life and Limb; for Training and Duelling is a small part of a Soldier, in respect of his last mentioned Qualifications, the one being quickly and presently learned, the other not without many years most painful Experience, wherefore to have the occasion of abounding in Seamen is a vast conveniency. 2dly. the Husbandmen of England earn but about 4 s. per Week, but the Seaman has as good as 12 s. in Wages, Victuals, Drink, and (as it were) Housing with other Accommodations, so a Seaman is ineffect 3 Husbandmen, wherefore there is little Ploughing or Sowing of Corn in Holland or Zealand, or breeding of young Cattle, but their Land is improved by building Houses, Ships, Engines, Dickes, Wharves, Gardens of pleasure, extraordinary Flowers and Fruits, Dairy and feeding of cattle, for Rape, Flax, Madder, etc. the Foundations of several Advantageous Manufactures. 3dly. Whereas the employments of other men is confined to their own Country, that of a Seaman is free to the whole World; so as where Trade may (as they call it) be dead, here or there, now and then, it is certain that somewhere or other in the World, as Trade is always quick enough etc. and Provision is always plentiful, the Benefit whereof they who command the Shipping enjoy, and they only. 4thly. The great and ultimate effects of Trade is not wealth at large, but particularly abundance of Silver, Gold, and Jewels which are not perishable, but are wealth at all times and all places; whereas abundance of Wine, Corn, Fowl, Flesh, etc. are riches but hic et nunc: So as the raising of such Commodities, and the following of such Trade is not profitable before others, which do store the Countries with Silver, Jewels, etc. but the labour of Seamen and Freight of Ships, of the Nature of an exported Commodity, the overplus whereof above what is imported brings home Money, etc. 5thly. Those who have the command of the Sea-Trade may work at easier Freight, with more profit than others at greater, for as Cloth must be cheaper made, when one Cards, another Spins, another Weaves, another Draws, another Dresses, another Presses, and Packs; then when all the Operations above mentioned were clunsily performed by the same hand; so those who command the Trade of Shipping, can build long slight Ships, for carrying Masts, Fir, Timber, Board's, Bolkes, etc. and that one is for Lead, Iron, Stones, etc. one sort of Vessels to Trade at Ports, where they need never lie aground, others where they must jump upon the Sand, twice every 12 hours, one sort of Vessel, and way of Manning in time of Peace, and for cheap gross Goods, another for War, and precious Commodities, one sort of Vessel for the Turbulent Sea, another for Inland Waters and Rivers, one sort of Vessels and Rigging where haste is requisite, for the Maidenhead of a Market, another where ⅕ or 4/1 part of the time makes no matter, one sort of Masting and Rigging for long Voyages, another for Coasting, one sort of Vessels for Fishing, another for Trade, one sort for War, for this or the contrary, another for Burden only, some for Oars, some for Poles, some for Sails, and some for draught by men or Horses, some for the Northern Navigations amongst Ice, and some for the South against Storms, etc. And this I take to be the chief of several Reasons why the Hollanders can go at less Freight than their Neighbours (viz.) because they can afford a particular sort of Vessels, for each particular Trade. I have shown how the Situation has given them Shipping, and how shipping in effects has given them all other Trade, and how Foreign Traffic must give them as much Manufactures as they can manage themselves, and as for the overplus make the rest of the World but as Workmen to their Ships; it now remains to show the effects of their policy superstructed upon these natural advantages, not as some think the excess of their understandings. I have omitted to mention that the Hollanders were 100 years since a poor and oppressed People, living in a Country naturally cold moist and unpleasant, and were withal persecuted for their Etrodoxy in Religion. From whence it necessarily follows that this People must labour hard, and set all hands to work, and Rich and Poor, young and old must study the Art of Number, Weight and Measure, must far hard, provide for Impotents, and for Orphans, out of hope to make profit by their Labours, must punish the Lazy by Labours. I say all these particulars, said to be the subtle Excogitations of the Hollanders seem to me but with what could not almost have been otherwise. Liberty of Conscience, Registry of Conveyances, small Customs, Banks, Lombard's, and Law-Merchant, rise all from the same Spring, and tend to the same Sea. As for Loans of Interest, 'tis also a necessary effect of all the premises, and not the fruit of their contrivance. Wherefore we shall only show in particular, the Efficacy of each, and first, of Liberty of Conscience; but before I enter upon these, I shall mention a practice almost forgotten, whether it refers to Trade or Policy is not material, which is, the Hollanders undermasting and sailing of such of their Shipping as carry cheap and gross Goods, and whose Sail doth not depend much upon Season. It is to be noted that of 2 equal and like Vessels if one spreads 1600 yards of like Canvas, and the other 2500, their Speed is but as 4 to 5, so as one soon brings home the same Timber in 4 days, as the other will in 5, now if we consider that although those Ships be but 4 or 5 days under Sail, that they are perhaps 30 upon the Voyage, so as the one is but 1/30 parts longer upon the whole Voyage than the other, though ⅕ longer under Sail; now if Masts, Yards, Rigging, Cables, and Anchors, do depend upon the quantity and extent of the Sails, and consequently hands also, it follows that the one Vessel goes at 3/1 less charge losing but 1/80 of the time and of what depends thereupon. I come to the first Policy of the Dutch, viz, Liberty of Conscience, which I can conceive they grant upon these grounds, (but keeping up always a force to maintain the Common Peace) 1st. They themselves broke with Spain to avoid the Imposition of the Clergy. 2dly. Dissenters of this kind are for the most part thinking, sober and patient men, and such as believe, that Labour & Industry is their duty towards God, (how Erroneous soever their Principles be.) 3dly. These People believing the Justice of God, and seeing most licentious persons to enjoy most of the World and its best things, will never venture to be of the same Religion and Profession with voluptuaries, and men of extreme Wealth and Power, who they think have their Portion in this World. 4thly. They cannot but know, that no man can believe what himself pleases, and to force men to say they believe when they do not, is vain, absurd, and without Honour to God. 5thly. The Hollanders knowing themselves not to be an Infallible Church, and that others had the same Scriptures for guide as themselves, and withal the same Interest to save their Souls, did not think fit to make this matter their business, no more but to make Bonds of the Seamen they employ, not to cast away their own Ships and lives. 6thly. The Hollanders observe that in France and Spain, especially the Latter, the Church men are about 100 to one, to what they use or need, the principal care of whom is to preserve Uniformity, and this they take to be a superfluous charge. 7thly. They observe where most endeavours have been used to keep Uniformity their Exterodoxy hath most abounded. 8thly. They believe that if ⅕ of the People were Exterodox, and that if the whole quarter should by Miracle be removed, that within a small time 4/1 of the Remainder would again become Exterodox some way or other, it being Natural for men to differ in Opinions in Matters above sense and reason, and for those who have less Wealth to think thry have the more Wit and Understanding, especially in the things of God which they think chiefly to belong to the Poor. 9thly. They think the case of the Primitive Christians, as it is represented in the Acts of the Apostles, looks like that of the present Dissenters, (I mean externally) moreover it is to be observed that Trade does not (as some think) best flourish under popular Government, but rather that Trade is more vigorously carried on in every State and Government by the exterodox party of the same, and such as profess Opinions differ from what are publicly established (that is to say) in India where the Mahometan Religion is Authorized. There the Banians are the most considerable Merchants, in the Turkish Empire, the Jews and Christians, at Venice, Naples, Legorn, Genica, and Lisbon Jews, and now Papists Merchant's Strangers. But to be short, in the part of Europe where the Roman Catholic Religion now has, or lately has had Establishment, there 3 qrs. of the whole Trade is in the hands of such as have separated from the Church, viz. The Inhabitants of England, Scotland, and Ireland, as also these of the United Provinces, with Denmark, Sweden and Norway, together with the Subjects of the Norman Protestant Princes, and the Hans-Towns do at this day possess a quarter of the Trade of the World, and even France itself the Huguenots are proportionably far the greatest Trades, nor is it to be denied but that in Ireland, where the said Roman Religion is not Authorized, but the professors thereof have a great part of the Trade, from whence it follows that Trade is not fixed to any Species of Religion as such, but rather as before hath been the said, to the heterodox party of the whole; the truth whereof appears also in all the particular Towns of greatest Trade in England; nor do I find reason to believe that the Roman Catholic Seamen in the whole World are sufficient to man effectually a Fleet equal to what the King of England now has, but the now Papist-Seamen can do above thrice as much. Wherefore he whom this latter party does effectionately own to be their Head, cannot probably be wronged in his Sea-concernments by the Author; from whence it follows, that for the Advancement of Trade (if that be a Sufficient Reason) indulgence must be granted in matters of Opinion, those Licentious Actings as even in Holland be restrained by force. The 2d. Policy or help to Trade used by the Hollanders, is Securing the Titles to Lands and Houses, for although Lands & Houses may be called Terra firma et res immobiles, yet the Title unto them is no more certain than it pleaseth the Laws, and Authority to make them, wherefore the hollanders do by Registries and other ways of assurance make the Title as immovable as the Lands, for there can be no encouragement to Industry where there is no Assurance of what shall be gotten by it, and where by Fraud and Corruption one man may take away with ease and by a trick what another has gotten by extreme labour and pains. There has been much Discourse about introducing of Registories into England, the Lawyers for the most part do object against it, alleging the Titles of Lands in England are sufficiently secure already; wherefore omitting the considerations, of small and oblique Reasons, pro et contra, it were good that enquiry were made from the Officers of several Courts to what Sum or Value purchasers damnified for these last 10 Yeahs, by such fraudulent conveyance as Registries would have prevented, the 10th part whereof at a Medium is the annual loss which the People sustain for want of them, and then Computation is to be made, of the annual charge of Registering such extraordinary conveyances, would secure the Titles of Lands more by comparing these two Sums, the Question so much agitated, may be determined. Their third Policy is their Bank, the use whereof is to increase money or rather to make a small Sum equivalent to Trade in a greater, for the effecting whereof these things are to be considered: First how much Money will drive the Trade of the Nation, 2dly, how much current Money there is actually in the Nation. 3dly. how much will serve to make all payments of under 5 Pound, or any other convenient Sum throughout the year. 4thly. for what Sum the Keepers of the Bank are unquestionable security. If all these 4 particulars be well known, than it may be also known how much of ready Money above mentioned, may safely and properly be lodged in the Bank, and to how much ready current Money the said deposited Money is equivalent; (as for example) suppose 100 thousand pounds will drive the Trade of the Nation, and suppose there be but 60 thousand pounds of ready Money in the same; suppose also the 20 thousand pound will drive one, and answer all payments made of under 150 pound, in this case 40 of the 60 being put into the Brank will be equivalent unto 80, which 80, and 20, kept out of the Bank, do make up 100, viz. enough to drive the Trade, as was purposed. Where note that the Bank-keepers must be responsible for double the Sum entrusted with them, and must have power to levy upon the General weight they happen to lose, unto particular Men; upon which grounds the Bankers may freely make use of the received 40 pound, whereby the said Sum and with the like Sum in credit, makes 80 pound, and with the 20 reserved 100 I might here add many more particulars, but being the same has already been noted by others, I conclude only with adding one observation which I think to be of consequence; That the Hollanders do rid their hands of 2 Trades, which are of great turmoil and danger, and yet of least profit. The 1st whereof is that of a common and private Soldier, for such they can hire from England, Scotland, and Germany to venture their Lives for 6 pence a day, whilst themselves safely and quietly follow such Trades whereby the meanest of them gain 6 times as much, and withal by this entertaining of Strangers for Soldiers their Country becomes more and more peopled, forasmuch as the Children of such Strangers are Hollanders, and take to Trades, whilst new Strangers are admitted in finitum; besides, these Soldiers at convenient intervals, do at least as much work as is equivalent to what they spend; and consequently by this way of employing of Strangers for Soldiers, they people the Country, and save their own Persons from Danger and Misery, without any real Expense; effecting by this Method, what others have in vain attemped by Laws for naturalising of Strangers; as if men could be charmed to transport themselves, from their own native, into a foreign Country, merely by words, and for the bare leave of being called by a new Name. In Ireland, Laws for Naturalisation have had little Effect, to bring in Aliens; and 'tis no wonder if Englishmen will not go thither, without they may have the pay of Soldiers, or some other Advantage amounting to Maintenance. Having intimated the way by which the Hollanders do increase their People, I shall here digress to set down the way of computing the value of every Head one with another, and that the instance of People in England; (viz.) Suppose the People of England be six Millions in number, that their Expense at 7 pound per head be forty two Millions, suppose also that the Rents of Lands be eight Millions, and the profit of all the personal Estate be six Millions more, it must needs follow, that the Labour of the People have supplied the remaining thirty six Millions; the which multiplied by twenty, (the mass of Mankind being worth twenty years' Purchase as well as Land) makes five hundred and twenty Millions, as the value of the whole People; which number divided by six Millions, makes above eight Pound Sterling to be the value of each Head, Man, Woman, and Child, and of a dull Persons twice as much: From whence we may learn to compute, the Loss we have sustained by the Plague, by the slaughter of Men in War, and by sending them abroad unto the Service of foreign Princes. The other Trade the Hollanders have rid their Hand of, is the old patriarchal Trade of being Cowkeepers, and in a great measure of which concerns ploughing and sowing of Corn, have put that Employment upon the Danes and Polanders, from whence they have their young Cattle and Corn. Here we may take notice that as Trades and curious Arts increase, so the Trade of Husbandry will decrease, unless the Wages of Husbandmen must rise, and consequently the Rents of Lands must fall. For proof whereof I dare affirm that if 〈…〉 landmen of England, who now 〈…〉 Pence a day, or thereabouts, could become Tradesmen, and earn sixteen Pence a day, which is no great Wages, two Shillings, and two Shillings and six Pence being usually given; that then it would be the Advantage of England, to throw up their Husbandry, and make no use of their Lands, but for Grass, Horses, Milch-Cows, Gardens and Orchards, etc. Which if it be so, and that Trade and Manufacture have increased in England, (viz.) If a quarter part of the People apply themselves to these Faculties more than they did heretofore, and if the price of Corn be no greater now than when Husbandmen were more numerous, and Tradesmen fewer: It follows from the single Reason (though others may be added) that if the Rents of Lands must fall: as for Example, suppose the price of Wheat be fifty or sixty Pence the Bushel; now if the Rent of the Land whereon it grew be the third Sheaf, then of the sixty Pence, twenty Pence is for the Land, and forty Pence for the Husbandman; but if the Husbandman's Wages should rise ⅛ part, or from eight to nine Pence per diem; then the Husbandman's Share in the Bushel of Wheat, raised from forty to forty five Pence, and consequently the Rent of the Land must fall from twenty to fifteen Pence; for we suppose the price of the Wheat still remains; especially since we can't raise it, for if we did attempt it Corn would be brought unto us as unto Holland, from Foreign parts, where the State of Husbandry was not changed. And thus I have done with the first Principal Conclusion, That a small Territory and even a few people may by Situation Trade and Policy be made Equivalent to a far greater, and that conveniences for Shipping and Water-Carriage do most Eminently and Fundamentally conduce thereunto. CHAP. II. That some kind of Taxes and Public Levies, may rather increase then diminish the Wealth of the Kingdom. IF the money or other Effects levied from the people by way of Tax were destroyed and annihilated; then it is clear, that such levies would diminish the Commonwealth: or if the same were exported out of the Kingdom without any return at all, than the case would be also the same; but if what is levied as aforesaid be only Transferred from one Hand to another, than we are only to consider whether the said money or Commodities are taken from an improving Hand, and given to an ill Husband, or vice versa; as for Example, suppose money by way of Tax be taken from one, who spendeth in Superfluous Eating and Drinking, and delivered to another, who employs the same in improving of Lands, in Fishing, in working of Mines, and Manufacture, etc. it is manifest, that such Tax is an advantage to the State whereof the said different Persons are members; nay, if money be taken from him who spendeth the same as aforesaid upon Eating and Drinking, or any other Perishing Commodities, and Transferred to one who bestowed it on clothes, I say that even in this case the Commonwealth has some little advantage, because clothes do not perish altogether so soon as Drinks; but if spent in Furniture of Houses, the advantage is yet little more; if in Building of Houses; yet more; if in improving of Lands, working of Mines and Fishing, yet more; but most of all in bringing Gold and Silver into the Country, because those things are not only perishable but are esteemable for Wealth at all times, and every where; whereas other Commodities, which are Perishable or whose value depends upon the Fashion, or which are Contingently scarce and plentiful, are Wealth pro hic & nunc, as has been elsewhere said; in the next Place if the People of any Country, who have not already a full employment, should be enjoined or Taxed to work upon such Commodities as are imported from abroad, I say, such a Tax does also improve the Commonwealth; moreover if Persons who live by Begging, Cheating, Stealing, Gaming, Borrowing without intention of Restoring, who by these ways do get from the Credulous and careless more than is Sufficient for the Subsistance of such Persons, I say, that though the State should have no present employment for such Persons, and consequently should be forced to clear the whole charge of their livelihood, yet it were more for the Public Profit to give all such Persons a regular and Competent allowance by a Public Tax, then to suffer them to spend extravagantly at the only charge of careless and credulous and good natured People, and to expose the Commonwealth to the loss of so many other men, whose lives are taken away for the crimes which ill Discipline does occasion; on the contrary, if the Stocks of Laborious and ingenious men, who are not only Beautifying the Country where they live by Elegant Diet, Apparel, Furniture, Housing, Pleasant Gardens and Orchards and Public Edifices etc. but also are increasing the Gold, and Silver, and Jewels thereof, by Trade and Arms; I say, if the Stock of these men should be Diminished by a Tax, and Transferred to such as do nothing at all but to Eat, Drink, Sing, Play, Dance, nay to such as Study the Metaphysics, or other needless Speculations, or else employ themselves in any other way which produceth no material thing, or things of real use and value, in the common Wealth; in this case the Wealth of the Public will be diminished otherwise then as such exercises are Recreations and Refreshments of the minds; and which being moderately used, do qualify and dispose men to what in itself is more considerable. Wherefore upon the whole matter, to know whether a Tax will do good or harm, the State of the People and of their Employments must be well known, that is to say, what part of the People are unfit for Labour by their impotency and infancy, and also what part are exempt from the same by reason of their Wealths, Function or Dignities, by reason of their charge and employments, otherwise Governing Directing and Preferring those who are appointed to Labour and Arts. In the next place Computations must be made, what part of those who are fit for Labour and Arts, as aforesaid, are able to perform the Work of the Nation in its present State and Measure. 3. It is to be considered, whether the remainder can make all, or any part of these Commodities which are imported from abroad, which of them and how much in particular; the remainder of such Sort of People, if any be, may safely and without possible prejudice to the Commonwealth be employed in Arts and Exercises of Pleasure and Ornament; the greatest whereof is the improvement of Natural Knowledge. Having in general illustrated this Point, which I think needs no other Proof but illustration, I come next to intimate that no part of Europe has paid so much by way of Tax as Holland and Zealand for these last Forty years; and yet no Country has in the same time increased— comparably to them; and it is manifest they have followed the general rates abovementioned; for they Tax Meats and Drinks most heavily of all, to restrain the excessive expense of those things which twenty four hours does as to the use of man, wholly annihilate; and they are more Favourable to Commodities to the greater duration: nor do they tax according to what men gain, but in extraordinary cases, but always according to what men spend, and most of all to what they spend needlessly and without Prospect of return; upon which Grounds their Customs upon Goods imported and exported are generally low; as if they intended by them only to keep an Account, of what Foreign Trade, and to retaliate upon their Neighbour's States, the prejudices done them by their Prohibition and Imposition. It is farther to be observed that since th● year 1636, the Taxes and Public Levies made in England Scotland and Ireland have been Prodigiously greater than at any time heretofore, and yet the said Kingdoms have increased in their Wealth and Strength for these last Forty years, as shall hereafter be shown; it is said that the French King doth at present levy the Fifth part of his people's Wealth, and yet great Obstructions is made of the present Riches and Strength of that Kingdom; although great care must be had in distinguishing between the Wealth of the people and that of an absolute Monarch, who taketh from the people where, when, and in what Proportion he pleaseth, the Subjects of two Monarches may be equally Rich, and yet one Monarch may be double as Rich as the other; viz. If one take the Tenth part of the People's Substance to his own dispose, and the other Twentyeth; nay, the Monarch of a poor people may appear more splendid and glorious then that of a Richer; which perhaps may be somewhat the case of France, as hereafter shall be examined. As an Instance and Application of what has been said I conceive that in Ireland wherein is above one hundred thousand people, near three hundred thousand Smokes or Hearths, it were more tolerable for the people, and more profitable for the King, that each head paid two Shillngs-worth of Flax, then that each Smoke should pay two Shillings in Silver, and yet for these following Reasons. 1. Ireland being under-Peopled, and Cattle and Land very cheap, store of Fish and Fowl, the Ground yielding every where excellent Roots (and particularly that bread like Root-Potatoes) and withal they being able to perform their Husbandry with such Harness and Tackling as each man can make, living in such Houses as (almost) every man can Build; and every Housewife being a Spinner and Dyer of Wool, and Yarn, they can live and Subject after their present Fashions, without the use of Gold and Silver money, and can supply themselves, with necessaries above named, without Labouring two Hours per diem. Now it has been found by reason of insolvencies arising, rather from the uselessness, then want of Money amongst these poor People, that from 300000 Hearths, which should have yielded 30 thousand pounds, not much above 15000 thousand pounds of money could be levied; whereas it is easily imagined that 4 or 5 People dwelling in that Cottage which has but one Smoke could easily have Planted a ground-plot of 40 Foot Square with Flax, or the 50th. part of an Acre; for so much ground will bear eighth or Ten Shillings-worth of that Commodity, and the rent of so much ground in few places amounts to a Penny; nor is there any skill requisite to this Practice, wherewith the Country is not already Familiar. Now as for a Merchant for the said Flax, there is imported into Holland itself, over and above what the Country produces, as much Flax as is there sold for between eighth Score and 200000 pound. And into England and Ireland is imported as much Linen Cloth made of Flax and there Spent as is worth above half a Million of money, as hereafter shall be shown. Wherefore having shown that Silver money is useless to the poor People of Ireland, that half the Hearth-money could scarce be raised by Reason thereof, that the People are ⅕ part employed, that the People and Land of Ireland are competently qualifyed for Flax, that one Pennyworth of Land will produce Ten Shillings-worth of the same, and that there is Market enough and enough for above 100000 pounds-worth; I conceive my Proposition sufficiently proved, at least to set forward and promote a practice, especially since if all the Flax so produced should yield nothing, yet there is nothing lost, the same time having been worse spent before upon the same Ground: the like Tax of two Shillings per head, may be raised with the like advantage from the People of England which would amount to Six hundred thousand pounds.— per Annum to be paid in Flax manufactured into all sorts of Linens, Threads, Tapes and Laces which we now receive from France, Flanders, Holland and Germany, the value whereof does far exceed the sum last mentioned, as has appeared by the examination of Particulars. It is observed by Clothiers and others who employ great numbers of poor people, that when Corn is extremely plentiful the Labour of the Poor is Proportionably dear, and Scarce to be had at all; (So licentious are they who Labour only to Eat, or rather to Drink:) wherefore when so many Acres of Corn as do usually produce sufficient store for the Nation, shall produce perhaps double to what is exported, or necessary; it seems not unreasonable, that this common Blessing of God should be employed to the common good of the People, represented by their Sovereign; much less that the same should be abused by the vile and brutish part of Mankind, to the prejudice of the Commonwealth; and consequently that such Surplusage of Corn should be sent to Public Storehouses, from thence to be disposed of to the best advantage of the Public. Now if the Corn spent in England at five Shillings per Bushel Wheat, and two Shillings six Pence Barley be worth 10,000,000. It follows that in Years in great Plenty when the said Grains are ⅓ part cheaper, that a vast advantage might accrue to the Commonwealth, which now is spent in once feeding the People in quantity, or quality, and so▪ in disposing them to their usual Labour. The like may be said of Sugar, Tobacco, and Pepper, which Customs has now made necessary to all sorts of People, and with overplanting them has made unreasonably cheap; I say, it is not absurd that the Public should be advantaged by this Extraordinary Plenty. That an Excise should be laid upon Corn also is not unreasonable not only for this but for other Reasons. The way of the present Militia or train-Bands in a Gentle Tax upon the Country, because it is only a few Days Labour in the Year, of a few in respect of the whole, using their own Goods, that is, their own Arms. Now if there be 300,0000. of Males in England there be above 200,000. of them who are between the Age of sixteen and thirty unmarried Persons, and who live by their Labour and Service; for of so many the present Militia consists, and if 150,000. of these were Armed and trained as Foot, and 50000 as Horse, the said Force at Land together with 30,000. men at Sea, would by Gods ordinary Blessing, defend the Nation being an Island against any force in view; but the charge of Arming, disciplining and rendevouzing all their men twice or thrice a Year would be a very Gentle Tax levied by the People themselves and paid to themselves. Moreover if out of the said number ⅓ part were selected of such as are more than ordinary fit for War, and exercised and rendevouzed fourteen or fifteen times per Annum, the charge thereof being but a fortnight's pay in the Year, would be also a very Gentle Tax. Lastly if out of this last mentioned number ¼ again should be selected, making 16,000. Foot, and 6000 Horse to be Exercised and rendevouzed forty Days in the Year, I say that the charge of all these three Militia's, allowing the latter six Weaks pay per Annum, would not cost per Annum above 120,000. pounds which I take to be so easy a burden for so great a Benefit. Forasmuch as the present Navy of England requires 36,000. men to man it, and for that the English Trade of Shipping requires about 48,000. men to manage it, it follows that there ought to be about 48,000. competently qualifyed for these Services; for want whereof, we see it is a long while before a Royal Navy can be made, which till it be, is of no Effectual use but lies at charge. And we see likewise upon their occasions that Merchants are put to great straits, and inconveniencies, and do pay excise-rates for the carrying on their Trade. Now if 24,000. able Bodied Tradesmen whereby 6000 per Annum brought up and fitted for Sea-service, and for their encouragement allowed twenty Shillings per Annum for every Year they had been at Sea, even when they stay at home, not exceeding six pound for those who have served six years or upwards; it follows that about 72000. pound at the medium of three pound per man would so satiate the whole number; and so forasmuch as half the Seamen which manage the Merchant's Trade are supposed to be always in Harbour, and are about 40000 together with the said half, the Auxiliaries last mentioned, would upon Emergencies man out the whole Royal Navy, leaving to the Merchant 12000 of the able Auxiliaries to perform their business in Harbour, till others come home from the Sea; I say that more than this Sum 72000 pounds per Annum is Fruitlessly spent & over-paid by the Merchants whensoever a great Fleet is to be fitted out. Now these whom I call Auxiliary Seamen are such as have another Trade besides wherewith to maintain themselves when they are not employed at Sea; and the charge of maintaining themselves the 72000 pounds per Annum I take to be little or nothing for the Reason's abovementioned, and consequently an easy Tax to the people because levied by and paid to themselves. As we propounded, that Ireland, should be Taxed with Flax, and England by Linen and other Manufactures of the same; so I conceive that Scotland might be Taxed as much to be paid in Herrings, as Ireland in Flax. Now these three Taxes of Flax, Linen and Herrings, and the maintenance of the Triple Militia, and of the Auxiliary Seamen abovementioned, do all five of them together amount to 1,000,000. pounds of money, the raising whereof is not a Million spent but gained to the Commonwealth, unless it can be made appear that by Reason of all or any of them the Exportations of woollen Manufactures, Led and Tin, are lessened, or of such Commodities as our own East and West India Trade do produce; for as much as I conceive that the Exportation of these last mentioned Commodities is the Touchstone, whereby the Wealth of England is Tried, and the Pulse whereby the Health of the Kingdom may be discerned. CAP. III. That France cannot by Reason of natural and perpetual Impediments be more Powerful at Sea then England, or the low Countries. Pour at Sea consists chiefly in men able to fight at Sea; and that in such Shipping as is most proper for the Seas. Wherein they serve; and those are in these Northern Sea-Ships from between 300 to 1300 Tuns, and of these such as Draw much Water, and have a deep latih in the Sea, in order to keep a good Wind and not to fall too Leward, a matter of vast advantage in Sea-Service; wherefore it is to be Examined, first, Whether the French King has Ports in the Northern Seas, where he has most occasion, for his Fleets of War in any Consists above, to receive the Vessels abovementioned in all Wether, both in Winter and Summer Seats; for if the French King could bring to Sea an equal number of Fight men with the English or Hollanders in small Float Leward Vessels, he would certainly be of the weaker side; for a Vessel of 1000 Tuns man'd with 500 Fight men with five Vessels of 200 Tuns each man'd with 100 men apiece, shall in common Reason have the better offensively and defensively; for as much as the great Ship can carry such Ordnance as can reach the small ones at a far greater distance, than these can reach, or at lest hurt the other, and can batrer and sink at a distance, when a small one can scarce pierce. Moreover it is more difficult for men out of a small vessel to enter a tall Ship, then for men from an higher place to leap down into a lower; nor is small Shot so effectual upon a tall Ship, as vice versa. And as for Vessels drawing much Water, and consequently keeping a good Wind, they can took or tear Leward Vessels at pleasure, and secure themselves from being boarded by them. Moreover the Windward Ship has a fairer mark at a Leward Ship, than vice versa, and can place her shot upon such parts of the Leward Vessel as upon the next tack will be under Water. Now the French King having no Ports able to receive large Windward Vessels between Dunkirk and Vshant, what other Ships he can bring into those Seas will not be considerable; as for the wide Ocean which his Harbours of Breast and Brovage do look into, it affordeth him no advantage upon an Enemy, there being so great a Latitude of engaging, or not, even when the Parties are in sight of each other● wherefore although the French King were immensly rich, and could build what Ships he pleased both for number and quality, yet if he have not Ports to receive and shelter that sort and size of Shipping which is fit for his purpose, his Riches will in this case be Fruitless and a mere expense, without any return or profit. Some will say that other Nations can't build so good Ships as the English, I do indeed hope they can't; but because it seems too possible that they may sooner or later, by Practice and Experience, I shall not make use of that Argument, having only bound myself to show that the Impediments of France (as to this purpose) are natural and perpetual, Ships and Guns do not fight of themselves, but men who act and manage them; wherefore it is more material to show that the French King, neither has, nor can have men sufficient to man a Fleet of equal Strength, to that of the King of England. The King of England's Navy consists of about 70,000. Tuns of Shipping, which requires 36,000. men to man; these men being supposed to be divided into eight parts, 1/● part must be Persons of great Experience and Reputation in Sea-Service; another ⅛ part must be such as have used the Sea seven Years, and upwards; half of them or ¼ part must be such as have used the Sea above a twelve Month, viz. 2, 3, 4, 5, or six Years, allowing but one quarter of the whole compliment, to be such as never were at Sea at all, or at most but one Voyage, or upon one Expedition; so that at a medium, I reckon the whole Fleet must be men of three or four Years growth one with another. Fournier, a late judicious Writer making it his business to persuade the World how considerable the Kings of France was, or might be at Sea, in ninety two or ninety three Pages of his Hierography, saith, that there was one place in Brittany which had Furnished the King with 1400 Seamen, and that perhaps the whole Sea coast of France might have furnished him with fifteen times as many. Now supposing the whole Allegation were true, yet the same number amounts but to 21,000, all which if the whole Trade of Shipping in France were quite and clean abandoned, would not by above a third man in a Fleet, be equivalent to that of the King of England, and if the Trade were but barely kept alive there would not be one third part men enough to man the said Fleet. But if the Shipping Trade of France be not above a quarter as great as that of England, and that one third part of the same, namely the Fishing Trade to the Banks of newfound Land is not peculiar nor Fixed to the French; then I say, that if the King of England who has Power to press men cannot under two or three months' time man his Fleet, than the French King with less than a quarter of the same help can never do it at all; for in France, as shall be elsewhere shown, there are not a 15000 Tun of Trading Vessels, and consequently not above 15,000. Seamen reckoning a man to every tenth Tun, and it has been showed that the French King can't at present man such a Fleet as is above described. We come next to show that he never can bring under natural and perpetual impediments viz. First if there be but 15,000. Seaman in all France to manage its Trade, it is not to be supposed that the said trade should be distinguished, nor that it should spare above five of the said 15,000. towards managing of the Fleet, which requires 35,000. men; now the deficient 30000 must be supplied out of these four ways; either by taking in Land-men, of which sort there must not be above 10,000, since the Seamen will never be contented without being the Major part, nor do they Heartily wish well to Land-men at all, or rejoice even at those Successes of which the said Land-men can claim any share, thinking it hard that themselves, who are bred to Miserable and Painful and dangerous employments and yet profitable to the Commonwealth, should at a time when Booty and purchase may be gotten, be Dogged or hindered with any Conjunction, which Land-men are forced to admit these to any equal share with themselves. Secondly the Seamen which are supposed 20,000 must be had, that is, shired from other Nations, which can't be without Tempting 'em with so much wages as exceeds that given by Merchants; and withal Counterpoise the damage of being hanged by their own Prince, and allowed no quarter if taken, the trouble of carrying themselves away when restraints are upon 'em, and also the infamy of having been Apostates to their Country and Cause. I say their wages must be more than double to what their own Prince gives them; and their Aurum must be very great, that they shall not at long run be abused by those who employ them (as hating the Traitor though loving the Treason) I say moreover that those who will be thus tempted away must be of the basest & lewdest sort of Seamen, & such as have not enough of Honour and Conscience to qualify them for any Gallant performance. 3. Another way to exonerate Seamen is, to put great numbers of Land-men upon Ships of War in order to bring always Seamen; but this course can't be effectual, not only for the abovementioned Antipathy between Land-men and Seamen, but also because 'tis seen that men at Sea do not apply themselves to Labour and Practice without more necessity than happens in over man'd Shipping. For where there are fifty men in a Vessel that Ten can sufficiently Navigate, the Supernumerary forty will improve little; but where there shall be often but one or two Supernumeraries, than necessity will often call upon every one to set his hand to the work, which must be well done at the Peril of their lives; moreover Seamen shifting Vessels every six or twelve months, do sometimes Sail in small Barges, sometimes in midlingships, and sometimes in greater Vessels of defence, sometimes in Lighters, sometimes in Hoys, sometimes in Ketches, sometimes in three wasted Ships, sometimes they go to the northward, sometimes to the Southward, sometimes they Coast, sometimes they Cross the Ocean; by all which Varieties of Service they do in time complete themselves is every part and Circumstance of this faculty: Whereas those who go out for a Summer in a man of War, have not the Variety of Practice, nor a direct necessity of doing any thing at all; besides it is three or four Years at a medium that a Seaman must be made, neither can there be less than three Seamen to make the fourth of a Landman, consequently the fifteen thousand Seamen can increase but five thousand Seamen in three or four Years, and unless their Trade should increase with their Seamen in Proportion, the King must be forced to be at the charge of this improvement, out of the quick Stock which is intolerable, so as the question which now remains is whether the Shipping Trade of France is like to increase, upon which account it is to be considered, that France is stored with all kind of necessaries within itself, as Corn, Cattle, Wine, Salt, Linnen-Cloth, Rape, Silk, Fruit, etc. As they need little Shipping to import more Commodities of Weight and Bulk, neither is there any thing of Bulk exported out of France but Wines and Salt, the Weight whereof is under 1000,000. Tun per Annum, yielding not employment to above twenty five thousand Tun of Shipping, and these are for the most part Dutch and English, who are not only already in possession of the said Trade, but also are better fitted to maintain it then the French are, or perhaps ever can be, and that for the following Reasons, viz. Because the French can't Victual so cheap as the English or Dutch, nor Sail with so few Hands. Secondly the French for want of good Coasts and Harbours, can't keep their Ships in Port under the charge that the English or Hollanders can. Thirdly by Reason of the paucity and distance of their Harbours one from another their Seamen and Tradesmen relating to Shipping can't correspond with, or Assist, one another so easily, cheaply, advantageously, as in other places; wherefore if their Shipping-Trade is not like to increase within themselves, and much less to increase by their beating out the English and Hollanders from being the Carriers of the World, it follows then, their Seamen will not be increased by their increase of their Trade, wherefore and for that they are not like to be increased by any of their several ways above specified, and for that their parts are not fit to retain Ships of Burden and quality fit for their purpose, and that by Reason of less fitness of their Ports then those of their Neighbours: I conceive that which was propounded has been competently proved. The aforenamed Fournier has Laboured to prove the contrary to all this in the ninety Second and ninety eight Page of his Hydrography, unto which I refer the Reader, not thinking his Arguments of any Weight at all in the present case, nor indeed does he make his comparison with English or Hollanders but with the Spaniards, who, nor the Grand Senior (the latter of whom has greater advantages to be Powerful at Sea then the French King) could never attain to any illustrious greatness in Naval Power, having after attempted but never succeeded in the same, nor is it easy to believe that the King of England should for so many Years have continued in his Title to the Sovereignty of the narrow Seas, against his Neighbours ambitious enough to have gotten it from him, had not their impediments been natural and perpetual, and such as we say do obstruct the most Christian King. CHAP. IU. That the People and Territories of the King of England are naturally as considerable for Wealth and Strength as those of France. THe Author of the State of England among the many useful truths and observations he has, sets down the proportion between the Territories of England and France to be, as thirty to eighty two; the which if it be true, than England, Scotland, and Ireland, with the Islands unto them belonging, will altogether be near as big as France; though I ought to take all advantages for proving the Paradox in hand, I had rather grant that England, Scotland, and Ireland, with the Islands before mentioned, together with planted parts of new Found-Land, new England, new netherlands, Virginia, Mary-Land, Caulin, Jamaica, Barmudas, Barbadoes, and all the rest of the Carib Islands, do not contain more Territory than France, and what planted Land the French King has also in America a. And if any man will be Heterodox in behalf of the French Interest, I could be contented against my Judgement to allow the French King's Territories to be a seventh, sixth, or fifth part greater than those of the King of England, believing that both Princes have more Land than they do employ to its utmost use. And here I beg leave among the several matters, I intent for serious, to interpose a jocular, and perhaps a Ridiculous digression, and which I indeed desire men to look upon rather as a Dream, than a rational Proposition: Which is if that all the moveables and People of Ireland, and the Highlands of Scotland, were transported into the Kingdom of Great Britain, that then the King and his Subjects, would thereby become more Rich and Strong; both offensively and defensively, then now they are. It's true, I have heard many wise men say, when they were bewailing the vast Losses of the English, in preventing and suppressing Rebellions in Ireland; and considering how little profit has returned either to the King or Subjects of England for these five hundred Years doing and suffering in that Country; I say, I have heard Wise men in such their Melancholies, wish that the People of Ireland being saved, that that Island were sunk under Water. Now it troubles me that the Distempers of my Mind in this point, carry me to Dream, that the Benefits of these Wishes may Practically be obtained without sinking that vast Mountainous Island under Water; which I take to be somewhat difficult, for although Dutch Engineers may drain its Bogs, yet I know no Artists that could sink its Mountains. If ingenious and Learned men, amongst whom I reckon Sr. Thomas Moor, and Des Cartes, have disputed that we who think ourselves awake, are, or may be really in a Dream: And if the greatest absurdity of Dreams, is but a Preposterous and Tumultuary Contexture of Realities, I will crave the umbrage of these great Men to say something too, of this wild Conception, with Submission to the better Judgements of all those that can prove themselves awake: If there were but one man Living in England, than the benefit of the whole Territories could be but the third Livelihood of that one Man: But if another man were added, the Rent or Benefit of the same would be double, if three triple; and so forewards until so many were Planted in it, as the whole Territory could afford Food unto; for if a man would know what any piece of Land is worth, the true natural question must be; how many Men will it feed, and how many Men are there to be fed. But to speak more Practically, Land of the same quantity and quality in England, is generally worth three or four times as much as in Ireland? And but one quarter, and a third of what it is in Holland; because England is four times so well Peopled as Ireland, and be a quarter so well as Holland: And moreover, where the Rent of Land is advanced, by reason of the multitude of People, there the number of years purchase for which the Inheritance may be sold is also advanced, though perhaps not in the very same Proportion; for twenty Shillings per Annum in Ireland, may be worth but eight pound, and in England where Tithes are very sure about twenty pound, in Holland about thirty pound, I suppose that in Ireland, and the Highlands of Scotland, there may be above 1800,000 People, or about ⅕ part of what is in all the three Kingdoms. Wherefore the first question will be, whether England, Wales, or the Lowland of Scotland, can't afford Food, that is to say, Corn, Flesh, Fish, and Fowl, to a ⅕ more People then are at present planted upon it; with the same Labour that the said ⅕ part does now take where they are, for if so, than what is propounded is naturally possible. Secondly it is to be inquired into, what the moveables which upon such removable, must be left behind are worth; for if they are worth less than the advancement of the price of Land in England will amount unto, than the Proposal is to be considered. 3. If the relict Land and the immovables left behind upon them may be sold for money, or if no other Nation shall dare to meddle with them without paying well for them, and if the Nation who shall be admitted shall be less able to prejudice and annoy the Transplanters into England then before; then I conceive the whole proposal will be a pleasant Dream indeed. As to the first part, whether England and the Lowlands of Scotland will mantain one fifth more than they now do, that is to say, nine Millions of Souls in all, I say, first that the said Territories of England, etc. contain about thirty six Millions of Acres, that is four Acres for every Head, Man, Woman and Child, but the united Provinces do not allow ½ Acre, and England itself, rescinding Wales, has but three Acres to ever Head according to the present State of Tillage and Husbandry. Now if so considered that England having but three Acres to a Head, do so abound in Victuals as that it makes Laws against the importation of Cattle, Flesh and Fish from abroad, and that the Dreining of the Fens, improving of Forests, enclosing of Commons, Sowing of cinque-Foyl and Clovergrass be grumbled against by Landlords, are the way to depress the price of Victuals, than it plainly follows, that till then three Acres improved, as it may be, will serve the turn, and consequently that four will Suffice abundantly. I could here set down the very number of Acres that would bear Bread and Drink, Corn, together with Flesh, Butter, and Cheese, sufficient to Victual nine Millions of Persons, as they are Victualled in Ships and regular Families; but I shall only say in general that 12,000,00. will do it, with supposing that Roots, Fruits, Fish, and Fowl, and the ordinary profit of Lead, Tin, Iron-Mines, and Woods would piece up any defect that may be found. As to the second I say that the Land and Housing of Ireland, and Highlands of Scotland, at the present Merchant-Rates, are not worth ten Millions of money, nor would the actual charge of making the Transplantation amount to two Millions more; so than the question will be whether the benefit expected from this Transplantation will exceed two Millions. To which I say that the advantage will probably be six times the last mentioned Sum, or about seventy two Millions. For if the rent of England and Wales and the low Land of Scotland be above nine Millions per Annum; and if this fifth part of the people be Superadded unto the present inhabitants of these Countries; then the rent will amount to 10,800,000. and the number of Years purchase will rise from seventeen ½ to ⅕ more which is twenty one, so that the Land which is worth but nine Millions at seventeen ½ Years purchase making an hundred fifty seven Millions and a half will then be worth 10,800,000. at one and twenty Years purchase, viz. 226,800,000. that is, 69,300,000. more than was before; and if any Prince willing to enlarge his Territories will give three Millions for the said relinquished Land and Housing, which were estimated to be worth ten Millions, than the whole profit will be above 72,000,000. or six times the value as the same was above computed; but if any man should object that will be dangerous unto England to be put into the Lands of any other Nations, I answer in short that that Nation who ever shall purchase it being divided by means of the said purchase, shall not be more able to enjoy England then now in its united condition. Now if any man shall desire a more clear explanation how and by what means the Rents of Lands shall rise by this closer cohabitation of people above described, I answer that the advantage will arise in Transplanting about eighteen thousand people from the Poor and Miserable Trade of Husbandry, to more Beneficial Handicraft; for which the Superaddition is to be made, a very little addition of Husbandry to the same Lands will produce a fifth part more Food; consequently the additional Hands earning but forty Shillings per Annum more, (as they may very well to eight pound per Annum at some other Trade; the superlucration will be above 3,600,000. pound, which at twenty Years purchase is seventy two Millions. Moreover as the Inhabitants of Cities and Towns spend more Commodities and make greater consumption than those who live in wild thin Peopled Countries; so when England shall be thicker Peopled in manner before described, the very same people shall then spend more than when they lived more sordidly, inurbantly and further asunder, and more out of the sight, observation and Emulation of each other; every man desiring to put on better Apparel when he appears in company, then when he has no occasion to be seen. I further add to the charge of the government, Civil, Military, and Ecclesiastical, would be more cheap, safe and effectual, in this condition of close habitation then otherwise, as not only Reason, but the example of the united Provinces do demonstrate. But let this whole digression pass from a mere Dream, I suppose will serve to prove that in case the King of England's Territories should be a little less than those of the French King, that forasmuch as neither of them are over Peopled, that the difference is not material to the question in Hand; wherefore supposing the French Kings advantages to be little or nothing in point of Territory, we come next to examine and compare the number of Subjects which each of those Monarches do govern. The Book called the State of France makes the Kingdom consist of twenty seven Parishes; and another Book written by a Substantial Author, who profoundly inquires into the State of the Church and Churchmen of France, sets down as an extraordinary case, that a Parish in France should have six hundred Souls, where I suppose the said Author who has so well examined the matter, is not of opinion that every Parish one with another has above five hundred, by which reckoning the whole people of France are about thirteen Millions 500,000: Now the people of England, Scotland and Ireland with the Islands adjoining, by computation from the number of Parishes (which commonly have more people in Protestant Churches then in Popish Countries) as also from the Hearth-money, Post-money and Excise, do amount to above nine Millions; there are in new- England about fifty thousand men mustered in Arms, about eighty thousand able to bear Arms, and consequently about five hundred thousand in all; but this last I leave to every man's conjecture, and I see no Reason why in all the rest of the Plantations there should not be five hundred thousand more, and consequently I suppose the King of England hath above ten Millions of Subjests, ubivis terrarum orbis. Although it be very material to know the number of Subjects, belonging to each Prince; yet when the question is concerning their Wealth and Strength, it is also material to examine how many of 'em do get more than they spend, and how many less: in order whereunto, it is to be considered, that in the King of England's dominions there are twenty thousand Churchmen, but in France, as the aforementioned Author of theirs does aver who sets down the particular number of each Religious order, there are about 270000. viz. 250000. more than we think are necessary; that is to say, two hundred and fifty thousand with-drawn out of the World; now the said number of adult and able-Bodyed Persons are equivalent to about double the same number of the Promiscuous Mass of Mankind; and the same Author affirms that the said Religious Persons do spend one with another above eighteen pence per diem which is Triple to what a Labouring man requires: Wherefore the said two hundred & fifty thousand Churchmen, living as they do make the French King 13,500. thousand to be really no better than twelve Millions or thereabouts. In the next place it is to be considered that the inhabitants of the inner parts of France remote from the Sea can't be probably Superlucrators. Now if there be two Millions in the King of England's Dominions more than in the French Kings who earn more than they spend, or if ten men in England earn more than twelve in France, than the Subjects of England are as effective as to the gaining of Wealth and Riches as those of France, and if Ten men can defend themselves as well in Islands as twelve men upon the Continent, than the said Ten being not concerned to increase their Territory by the invasion of others are as effectual as the twelve in point of Strength also; wherefore that there are more Superlucrators in the English then in the French Dominions, we say as followeth. There be in England Scotland and Ireland about sixty Millions Seamen, in France about a quarter so many; but one Seaman earns as much as three common Husbandmen; wherefore this difference of Seamen added to the account of the King of England's Subjects, the equivalent of 90,500,000. Husbandmen. There are in England, Scotland and Ireland six thousand Tuns of Shipping, worth about 4500,000. 4 ½. and the actual charge of maintaining the Shipping aforesaid by new building and reparation is about ⅓ of the said Sum, which is the wages of 150. Husbandmen, but it is not the wages of above ⅓ so many Artisans as are employed upon Shipping of all sorts, viz. Shipwrights, Calkers, Joiner's, Carvers, Painters, Blockmakers, Rope-makers, Mastmakers, Smiths of several sorts, Flagmakers, Compassmakers, Brewers, Bakers, and all sorts of Victuallers, all sorts of Tradesmen relating to Guns and Gunners-Stores; wherefore there being four times more of these Artisans in England then in France, they further add to the account of the King of England's Subjects the equivalent 80 m. Husbandmen more. The Sea line of England Scotland and Ireland and the adjacent Islands is about 3,800. Miles, according to which length and the whole content of Acres the said Land would be an oblong or Parallelogram Figure of 3,800. long, and twenty five Miles broad, and consequently every part of England, Scotland and Ireland, is one with another but about twelve Miles from the Sea; whereas France containing but about one thousand Miles of Sea line is like the computation above sixty five Miles from the Seaside, and considering the paucity of Ports in comparison to what are in the King of England's Dominions as good as seventy Miles distance from a Port; upon which grounds it is clear that England can be supplied with all Gross and Bulky Commodities of Foreign growth and manufacture at far cheaper rates than France can be; viz. above four Shillings per Annum Rend cheaper the Land carriage; for the difference (between England and France) of the distance from a Port being so much or near thereabouts, now to what advantage this convenience amounts upon the importation and exportation of Bulky Commodities, can't be less the Labour of one thousand of People, meaning by Bulky Commodities all sort of Timber Blank and Staves for Cask, and all Iron, Led, Stones, Brick, and Tiles for building; all Corn, Sart and Drink, all Flesh and Fish, and indeed all other Commodities, wherein the gain and loss of four Shillings per cent. is considerable. Where note the like Wines are sold in the inward parts of France for four or five pounds a Tun which near the Ports yield seven pound. Moreover upon this principal the decay of Timber in England is no very formidable thing; as the rebuilding of London, and of the Ships wasted by the Dutch-War, do clearly manifest: nor can there be any want of Corn or other necessary provision in England, unless the Wether has been universally unseasonable for growth of the same, which seldom or never happens; for the same cause which makes dearth in one place, does after cause plenty in another, wet-weather being propitious to Highlands, which drowneth the low. It is observed that the poor of France have generally less wages then in England, and yet their Victuals are generally dearer there, which being so, there may be more Superlucration in England then in France. Lastly I offer it to the consideration of all those who have traveled through England and France, whether the Plebeian of England, for they constitute the Bulks of any Nation; do not spend one sixth more than the Plebeian of France; and if so it is necessary they must first get it, and consequently that Ten Millions of the King of England's Subjects are equivalent to twelve of the French Kings, and upon the whole matter to the thirteen ½ Millions, at which the French Nation was estimated. It will be here objected that the Splendour and Magnificences of the French King appearing greater than those of the Kings of England, that the Wealth of France must be proportionably greater than that of England, but that does not follow forasmuch as the apparent greatness of the King does depend upon the quarter parts of the people's Wealth which he levieth from them; for supposing the People are equally Rich; if one of the Sovereign's levy fifth part, and the other fifteenth, the one seems actually thrice as Rich as the other, whereas potentially they are both equal. Having now dicoursed of the Territory, People, Superlucration and defensibleness of both Dominions, and in some measure of the Trade, so far as we had occasion to mention Ships, Shipping and nearness to Ports, we come next to enlarge a little further upon the Trade of each, some have estimated that there are not above three hundred Millions of people in the whole World, whether that be so or no is not very material to be known; but I have fairer Ground to conjecture, and would be glad to have it more certainly, that there are not above eighty thousand with whom the English and Dutch have commerce, no Europeans I know of Trading directly or indirectly where they do not so as the whole commercial World or World of Trade consists of eighty thousand of Souls as aforesaid. And I further estimate that the value of all the Commodities, yearly exchanged among them, does not exceed forty five thousand; now the Wealth of every Nation consisting chiefly in the share which they have in foreign Trade with the whole commercial World; rather then in the Domestic Trade of ordinary Meat, Drink, Cloth, etc. And which brings in little Gold, Silver, Pearls and other universal Wealth; we are to consider the Subjects of the King of England (Head for Head) have not a greater share hereof then those of France. To which purpose it has been considered that the manufactures of Wool, yearly exported out of England into sevesal parts of the World, viz. all sorts of Cloth, Serg, Stuff, Cotton Bayes, Freeze, or also Stockens, Caps, Rugs, etc. exported out of England, Scotland and Ireland; do amount unto five hundred thousand pound per Annum. The value of Lead, Tin and Coals, to five hundred thousand pound. The value of all clothes, Householdstuff etc. carried into America two hundred thousand pound per Annum. Silver and Gold taken from the Spaniards sixty thousand pound. The value of Sugar, Indigo, Tobacco, Cottham, and Catao from the Southward part of America six hundred thousand pound. The value of Wool, Butter, Hides, Beef, Herrings, Pilchers, Salmon, exported out of Ireland, eight hundred thousand pound. The value of Coals, Salt, Linen, Yarn Herrings, Pilchers, Salmon, brought out of Scotland and Ireland five hundred thousand pound. The value of Salt-Peter, Pepper, Callicots, Diamonds, Drugs, and Silks, brought out of the East-Indies, above what was spent in England, eight hundred thousand pound. The value of Slaves brought out of Africa to serve in the American Plantation twenty thousand; which with the freight of the English Shipping Trading into foreign parts being above fifteen hundred thousand makes in all Ten Millions and a hundred and eighty thousand. Which computation is sufficiently justified by the Customs of three Kingdoms, whose intrinsic value are thought to be near about one Million per Annum: viz. Six hundred thousand Payable to the King, one hundred thousand for the charge of collecting, etc. two hundred thousand Smackled by the Merchants, and one hundred thousand gained by the Farmers, according to the common opinion and men saying; and this agrees also with that proportion or part of the Trade of the whole World, which I have estimated the Subjects of the King of England to be possessed of, viz. for about Ten of forty five Millions; but the value of the French commodities brought into England (notwithstanding Mr. Fortree's estimates) are not above twelve hundred thousand per Annum, and the value of all the export into all the World besides not above three or four times as much, which computation also agrees well enough with the account we have of the Customs of France; so as France not exporting above half the value of what England does, and for the commodities of France except Wines, Brandy, Paper, and the first Patterns and Fashions for clothes and furniture, of which France is the mint, are imitable by the English, and having withal more people than England it follows that the people of England etc. have Head for Head, near thrice as much foreign Trade as the people of France, and above two parts of nine of the Trade of the whole commercial World, and 2/7 of all the Shipping; notwithstanding all which is not to be denied that the King, and some great men of France, appear more Rich and splendid than those or the like quality in England; all which arises, rather from the nature of their Government, then from the intrinsic and natural cause of Wealth and Power. CHAP. V. That the Impediments of England's Greatness are contingent and removable. THe first impediment of England's Greatness is, the Territories thereunto belonging are too far asunder and divided by the Sea into so many several Islands and Countries; and I may say into so many Kingdoms and different Governments, viz. There be three distinct Legislative Powers in England, Scotland and Ireland, the which of instead of uniting together do often cross one and others Interest, putting Bars and Impediments upon one and others Trades; not only as they were foreigners to each other, but sometimes as Enemies. The Islands of Jersey and Guernsey and the Isle of Man are under jurisdictions different from those either of England, Scotland and Ireland. The Government of New-England (both civil and Ecclesiastical) do so differ from that of his Majesties other Dominions, that it is hard to say what may be the Consequence of it. And the Government of the other Plantations do also differ very much from any of the West, although there be naturally substantial Reasons for the Situation, Trade and Condition of the People, why there should be such differences; from all which it comes to pass the small divided remote Governments being seldom able to defend themselves, the Burden of the Protecting them all, must lie upon the chiefest Kingdom of England; and all the small Kingdoms and Dominions, instead of being additions, are really diminutions. The Wealth of a King is threefold, one is the Wealth of Subjects, the second is the quota parts of his Subjects Wealth given him for the Public Defence, Honour and Ornaments of the people, and to manage such undertake for the common good as no one, or a few private men, are sufficient for. The third sort are the quota of the last mentioned quota parts which the King may dispose of as his own Personal inclination and discretion shall direct; now it is most manifest that the aforementioned distance and differences of Kingdoms, and jurisdictions, are great impediments to all the said several sorts of Wealth, as may be seen in the following particulars. 1. In case of War with foreign Nations, England commonly beareth the whole Burden and charge, whereby many in England are utterly undone. 2. England sometimes prohibiting the Commodities of Ireland and Scotland (as of late it did the Cattle, Flesh, and Fish, of Ireland,) did not only make Food, and consequently Labour, dearer in England, but also has forced the People of Ireland to fetch these commodities from France, Holland and other places which before was sold them from England, to the great Prejudice of both Nations. 3. It occasions an unnecessary trouble and charge in collecting of Customs upon Commodities passing between the several Nations. 4. It is a damage to our Barbadoss and other American Trades, that the Goods, which might pass thence immediately to several parts of the World, and be sold at moderate Rates, must first come into England, and there pay Duties, and afterwards (if at all) passing to those Countries whither they might have gone immediately. 5. The Islands of Jersey and Guernsey are protected at the charge of England, nevertheless the Labour and Industry of that People (which is very great) redound most to the profit of the French. 6. In New-England there are vast numbers of able Bodied Englishmen employed chiefly in Husbandry, and in the meanest part of it (which is) breeding of Cattle, whereas Ireland would have contained all those Persons, at the worst would have afforded them Lands in better Terms than they have them in America, if not some other better Trade withal, then now they can have. 7. The Inhabitants of the other Plantations, although they do indeed Plant commodities which will not grow so well in England, it grasping at more Land than it will suffice to produce the said exotics in a sufficient quantity to serve the whole World, they do therein but distract and confound the effects of their own Endeavours. 8. There is no doubt that the same people far and wide dispersed must spend more upon their Government and Protection then the same living compactly, and when they have no occasion to depend upon the Wind, Wether, and all the Accidents of the Sea. A second impediment to the greatness of England, is the different understanding of several material points, viz. The King's Prerogative, Privileges of Parliament, the obscure differences between Law and Equity, as also between Civil and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, doubts whether the Kingdom of England has Power over the Kingdom of Ireland, besides the wonderful Paradox, that the Englishmen lawfully sent to suppress Rebels in Ireland should (after having effected the same) be (as it were) disfranchised, and lose that interest in the Legislative Power which they had in England, and pay Customs as forraingers for all they spend in Ireland, whither they were sent for the Honour and Benefit of England. The third impediment is that Ireland being a conquered Country, and containing not the Tenth part of as many Irish Mastiffs as there are English in both Kingdoms, that natural and firm Union is not made between the two Peoples by Transplantation and proportionable Mixture, so as there may be a Tenth part of Irish in Ireland, and the same Proportion in England, whereby the necessity of maintaining an Army in England at the expense of the quarter of all the Rents of that Kingdom may be taken away. The fourth impediment is that the Taxes in England are not levied upon the expenses, but the whole Estate, not upon Lands, Stock and Labour, but chiefly upon Land alone, and that not by any equal and indifferent Standard, but the casual Predominacy of Parties and Factions; and moreover that these Taxes are not levied with the least trouble and charge, but let out to Farmers, who also let them from one to another without explicit knowledge of what they do, but so are to conclude the poor people pay twice as much as the King receives. Now the fifth impediment is the inequality of Shires, Dioceses, Parishes, Church-livings, and other Precincts, as also of the Representations of the people in Parliament, all which do hinder the operations of Authority, in the same manner as a Wheel irregularly made, and excentrically hung neither moves so easily, nor performs its work so timely, as if the same were duly framed and poised. 6. Whether it be an impediment that the Power of making War and raising money be not in the same hand much may be said; but that I leave to those who may more properly meddle with Fundamental Laws. None of these impediments are natural but did arise as the irregularities of Buildings do by being built part at one time and part at another, and by the changing of the State of things from what they were at the respective times, when the Practice we complained of were first admitted, and perhaps are but the warpings from the rectitude of the first institution. As these Impediments are contingent so they are also removable, for may not the Land of Superfluous Territories be sold, and the people with their moveables be brought away? may not the English in the American Plantations who Plant Tobacco, Sugar, etc. compute what Land will serve their turns, and then contract their Habitations to that proportion, for quantity and quality? As for the people of New England I can but wish they were Transplanted into old- England or Ireland, according to Proposals of their own, made within this twenty Years, although they were allowed more liberty of Conscience than they allow one another. May not the three Kingdoms be united into one, and equally represented in Parliament? might not the several Species of the King's Subjects be equally mixed in their habitations? might not Parishes and other Precincts be better equalised? might not jurisdictions and Pretences of Powers be determined and ascertained? might not Taxes be equally aplotted and directly applied, to their ultimate use? might not dissenters in Religion be indulged, they paying a competent force to keep the Publick-Peace? I humbly venture to say all these things may be done; if it be thought fit by the Sovereign Power, because the like has often and Successfully been done already at Several Places, and Times. CHAP. VI That the Power and Wealth of England has increased these last forty Years. IT is not much to be doubted but that the Territories under the King's Dominions have increased, for as much as New-England, Virginia, Barbados, and Jamaica, Tangier, and Bombay, have since that time been either added to his Majesty's Territories, or improved from a desert condition to abound with the People, Building, Shipping, and the Production of many useful commodities. And as for the Land of England, Scotland and Ireland as it is not less in quantity than it was forty Years since, so it is manifest, that by Reason of draining of Fens, Watering of dry Grounds, improving of Forests, and Commons, making of Heaths and barren Grounds to bear Cinquefole, and Clovergrass, meliorating and multiplying several sorts of Fruits and Garden-stuff, making some Rivers Navigable, etc. I say it is manifest, that the Land in its present condition is able to bear more provision and commodities than it was forty Years ago. 2. Although the People of England, Scotland, and Ireland, which have Extraordinarily Perished by the Plague and Sword within this last forty Years, do amount to about three hundred thousand, above what have died in the ordinary way, yet the ordinary increase by Generation of Ten Millions, which doubles in two hundred Years, as has been shown by the observations upon the Bills of Mortality, may in forty Years (which is a fifth part of the said Time) have increased near a fifth part of the whole number or two Millions. Where note by the way, that the accession of Negroes to the American Plantations, being all men of great Labour and little Expense, is not considerable. Besides it is hoped that New-England, where few or no Women are Barren, and must have many Children, and where people live long and Healthfully, has produced an increase of as many people as were destroyed in the late tumults in Ireland. As for Housing these Streets of London itself speaks it, I conceive it double in value in that City to what it was forty Years since; and for Housing in the Country, they have increased at Bristol, Newcastle, Yarmouth, Norwich, Exeter, Portsmouth, Cowes, Dublin, Kingsale, Londondary, Coolervin in Ireland, far beyond the Proportion of what I can learn has been dilapidated in other places; for in Ireland where the ruin was greatest, (the Housing taken altogether) is now more valuable than forty Years ago; nor is this to be doubted, since Housing is now more splendid then in those days, and the number of Dwellers is increased by near a fifth part, as in the last Paragraph is set forth. As for Shipping, his Majesty's Navy is now triple, or quadruple to what it was forty Years since, and before the Sovereign was Built; the Shipping-Trading to Newcastle, which are now about eighty thousand Tuns could not then be above a quarter of that quantity; first because the City of London is doubled; secondly because the use of Coal is also at least doubled, because they were heretofore seldom used in Chambers as now they are; nor were there so many Bricks Burned with them as of late, nor did the Country on both sides the Thames make use of them as now; besides, there are employed in the Guinny and American Trades above forty thousand Tun of Shipping, which Trade in those days was inconsiderable, the quantity of Wines imported was not near so much as now, and to be short, the Customs upon imported and exported commodities did not then yield a third part of the present Value; which shows, that not only Shipping, but Trade itself has increased somewhat near that Proportion. As to money the interest thereof, was within these fifty Years at Ten pound per cent. forty Years ago at eight pound, and now at six pound, no thanks to any Laws which have been made to that purpose; for as much as those who can give good security may now have it less, but the natural fall of interest, is the effect of the increase of money. Moreover if Rent Lands and Houses have increased, and if Trade has increased also, it is certain that money, which payeth those Rents and driveth on Trade, must have increased also. Lastly I leave it to the consideration of all observers, whether the number and Splendour of Coaches, Equipage, and Household Furniture have not increased since that time. To say nothing of the postage of Letters, which have increased from one to twenty, which argues the increase of Business and Negotiation; I must add that his Majesty's Revenues is near triple, and therefore the means to pay and Bear the same has increased also. CHAP. VII. That one tenth Part of the whole expense of the King of England's Subjects is sufficient to maintain one hundred thousand Foot, forty thousand Horse, and forty thousand men at Sea, and defray all other Charges of the Government; both ordinary, and extraordinary, if the same were regularly Taxed and raised. TO clear this point we are to find out what is the middle Expense of each Head in the King's Dominions between the highest and the lowest; to which I say it is not probably less than the Expense of a Labourer, who earns about eight pence a day, for the wages of such men is four Shillings a Week without Victuals, or two Shillings with it; wherefore the value of his Victuals is two Shillings per Week, or five pound four Shillings per Annum. Now the value of clothes can't be less than wages given to the Poorest Maid-Servant in the Country, which is thirty Shillings per Annum, nor can the charge of all other necessaries be less than six Shillings per Annum more, wherefore the whole charge is seven pound. It is not likely that this Discourse will fall into the Hands of any that lives at seven pound per Annum; and therefore such will wonder at this Supposition; but if they consider how much the number of the Poor and their Children is greater, then that of the Rich, although the personal Expense of some Rich men should be above twenty times more than that of a Labourer; yet the expense of a Labourer above mentioned, may well enough stand for the Standard of the expense of the whole Mass of Mankind. Now if the expense of each man one with another be seven pound per Annum, and if the number of the King's Subjects be Ten thousand; then the tenth part of the whole Expense will be seven thousand; but about five thousand, or a very little more will amount to a years pay for one hundred thousand Foot; forty thousand Horse, and forty thousand men at Sea, Winter and Summer, which can rarely be necessary, and other ordinary charge of the Government in the time of deep and secure peace was not 600000 per Annum. Where a People thrive there the Income is greater than the Expense; and consequently the tenth part of the Expense is not the tenth part of the Income. Now for men to pay a tenth part of their expense in a time of greatest exigency (for such it must be when so great forces is requisite) can be no hardship, much less a deplorable conditon, for to bear the tenth part, a man must needs spend a twentyeth part less, and Labour a twentieth part more for half an hour per diem extraordinary; both which in common Experience are very Tolerable, here being very few in England, who do not eat by a twentieth part more than does them good: and what Misery were it, instead of wearing clothes of twenty Shillings per Yard to be contented with that of nineteen Shillings, few men having skill enough to discern the difference? Memorandum that all this while, I suppose all of these Ten thousand of people are obedient to their Sovereign, and within the reach of his Power, for as things are otherwise, so the Calculation must be varied. CHAP. VIII. That there are spare Hands enough amongst the King of England's Subjects to earn two Millions per Annum more than they now do, and that there are also Employments ready, proper and sufficient, for the purpose. TO prove this point, we must inquire how much all the People could earn if they were disposed or necessitated to Labour, and had work whereupon to employ themselves, and compare the Sum with that of the Total Expense abovementioned; deducting the Rents and profit of their Land and Stock, which properly speaking saveth so much Labour. Now the proceed of the said Land and Stock in these Countries is about three parts of seven of the whole Expense; so as where the expense is seventy thousand, the Rent of the Land and profit of all Personal Estate, interest of money etc. must be about thirty thousand, and consequently the value of the Labour forty thousand; that is, four pound per Head; but it is to be noted, that about a quarter of the Mass of Mankind are Children Males and Females under seven Years old, from whom little Labour is to be expected; it is also to be noted that about another tenth part of the whole people are such as by Reason of their great Estates, Tithes, Dignities, Offices, and professions are exempt from that kind of Labour; we now speak of their business being or aught to be to Govern, Regulate, and direct the Labours and Actions of others, so that of Ten Millions there be about six thousand & a half, or two thirds which if need requires might actually Labour, and of these some might earn three Shillings a Week, some five Shillings and some seven Shillings, that is, all of them might earn five Shillings a Weak at a medium one with another, or at least Ten pound per Annum, allowing for Sickness and other Accidents whereby the whole might earn fifty six thousand pound per Annum, that is, twenty five more than the Expense. The Author of the State of England says that the Children of Norwich between six and sixteen Years old do earn twelve thousand pound per Annum more than they spend. Now for as much as the people of Norwich are a three hundredth part of all the people in England (as appears by the Account of Hearth-money) and about the five hundredth part of all the King's Subjects throughout the World, it follows that all his Majesty's Subjects between six and sixteen Years old might earn five thousand per Annum more than they spend. Again forasmuch as the number of People above sixteen Years old are double the number of those between six and sixteen, and that of each men can earn double to each of the Children, it is plain that if the men and Children every where did do as they do in Norwich they might earn twenty five thousand pound per Annum more than they spend; which estimate grounded upon matter of Fact and Experience, agrees with the former. Although as has been proved the people of England do thrive, and that 'tis possible they might Superlucrate twenty five thousand pound per Annum, yet 'tis manifest they do not nor twenty three which is less by two thousand herein meant; for if they did Superlucrate twenty five thousand, then in about five or six Years time the whole Stock and Personal Estate of the Nation would be double, which I wish were true, but find no manner of Reason to believe; wherefore if they can Superlucrate twenty five, but not actually Superlucrate twenty three, nor twenty, nor ten, nor perhaps five, I have then proved what was propounded, viz. that there are spare hands among the King's Subjects to earn two Millions more than they now do. But to speak a little more particularly concerning this matter, it is to be noted, that since the fire of London, there was earned in four Years by Tradesmen (relating to building only) the Sum of four Millions, or one Million per Annum without lessening any other sort of Work Labour or Manufacture, which was usually done in other four Years before the said occasion; but if the Tradesmen relating to Building only, and such of them as wrought in and about London could do one Million-worth of Work extraordinary, I think that from thence and from what has been said before, that all the rest of the spare Hands might very well double the same, which is as much as was propounded. Now if there were spare Hands to Superlucrate Millions of Millions, they signify nothing unless there were Employment for them, & may as well follow their Pleasures and Speculation as Labour to no purpose; therefore the more material point is to prove that there is two Millionsw-orth of Work to be done, which at the present the King's Subjects do neglect. For the proof of this there needs little more to be done than to compute how much money is paid by the King of England's Subjects to Forreingers for freight of Shipping. 2. The Hollanders gain by their Fishing-Trade Practised upon our Seas. 3. What the value of all the commodities imported into and sent into England, which might by diligence be produed and Manufactured, here to make short of this matter upon perusal of the most authentic accounts relating to these several particulars I affirm that the same amounteth to above five Millions whereof I propounded but two Millions. For a further proof whereof Mr. Samuel Fortry in his ingenious discourse of Trade exhibited the particulars, wherein it appears that the Goods imported out of France only amount yearly to 2600,000. pounds, and I affirm that the Wines, Paper, Cork, Rosin, and Capers, and a few other Commodities which England can't produce, do not amount to one fifth part of the said Sum; from whence it follows that (if Mr. Fortry has not erred) the two Millions here mentioned may arise from France alone, and consequently five or six Millions from all the three Heads last above specified. CHAP. IX. That there is money sufficient to drive the Trade of the Nation. SInce his Majesty's happy Restauration it was thought fit to call i●, and now Coin the money which was made it the times of Usurpation. Now it was observed by the general consent of Cashiers that the said money (being by frequent revolutions well mixed with the Gold) was about a seventh part thereof, and that the said money being called in was about 800,000. pound, and consequently the whole 5600,000. pound or five Millions and a half, whereby 'tis probable (that some allowance being given for hoarded money) the whole Cash of England was then about six Millions, which I conceive is sufficient to drive the Trade of England, not but that the rest of his Majesty's Dominions have the like means to do the same respective fully. If there be six Millions of Souls in England, and that each spendeth seven pound per Annum, than the whole expense is forty two Millions or about 800,000. pounds per Week; and consequently if every man did pay his expense Weekly and that the money could circulate within the compass of a Week, then less than one Million could answer the ends proposed. But forasmuch as the Rents of the Lands in England which are paid half yearly are eight Millions per Annum, there must be four Millions to pay them; and forasmuch as the Rent of Housing of England paid quarterly are worth about four Millions per Annum, there needs but one Million to pay the said Rent; wherefore six Millions being enough to make good the three sorts of Circulation above mentioned, I conceive what was proposed is proved, at least till something better be held forth to the contrary. CHAP. X. That the King of England's Subjects have Stock competent and convenient to drive the Trade of the whole commercial World. NOw for the further Encouragement of Trade, as we have shown, that there is Money enough in England to manage the affairs thereof, so we shall now offer to consideration whether there be not competent and convenient Stock to drive the Trade of the whole commercial World. To which purpose it is to be remembered, that all the Commodities yearly exported out of every part of the last mentioned World, may be bought for forty five Millions, and that the Shipping employed in the same World are not worth above fifteen Millions, and consequently that sixty Millions at most will drive the whole Trade abovementioned without any trust at all; but forasmuch as the Grovers of Commodities do commonly trust them to such Merchants or Factors as are worth but such a part of the full value of their Commodities as may possibly be lost upon the sail of them which is rather to be expected; it follows then less than a Stock of sixty Millions, nay then half of the said Sum is sufficient to drive the Trade above mentioned; it being well known that any Tradesmen of good Reputation worth five hundred pound will be trusted with above one thousand pounds-worth of Commodities, where less than thirty Millions will suffice for the said purpose, of which Sum the Coin, Shipping and Stock already in Trade do at least make one half. And it has been shown how by the Policy of a Bank any Sum of money may be made equivalent in Trade unto near the double of the same. By all which it seems that even at present much is not wanting to perform what is propounded; but suppose twenty thousand or more were wanting, it is not improbable that since the generality of Gentlemen and some Noblemen do put their Younger Sons to Merchandise, that they will see it reasonable as they increase in the number of Merchants so to increase the Magnitude of Trade, and consequently to increase Stock; which may effectually be done by in-banking twenty Mil. worth of Land not being above a sixth or seventh part of the whole Territories of England, that is to say, by making a Bond of such value, to the security for all Commodities bought and sold, upon the account of that Universal Trade above mentioned. And thus it having appeared, that England having in it as much Land, like Holland and Zealand, as the said two Provinces do themselves contain, with abundance of other Land, not inconvenient for Trade, and that there are spare Hands enough to earn many Millions of money, more than they now do; and that there are also Employments to earn several Millions (even from the Consumption of England itself) it follows from▪ thence, and what has been said in the last Paragraph about enlarging of the Stock both of Monies and Lands, that it is not impossible, may ●very visible matter for the keeping of England's Subjects, to gain the Universal Trade of the whole Commercial World. Nor is it unseasonable to imitate this matter, forasmuch as the younger Brothers of good Families of England, can't otherwise be provided for▪ so as to live according to their Birth and Breeding; for if the Lands of England are worth eight Millions per Annum, then there be at a Medium about ten Millions. Families of about eight hundred pounds per Annum, in each of which one with another, we may suppose there is a younger Brother, who in less than two or three hundred pounds per Annum, will not maintain suitable to his Relations. Now I say that if neither the Offices at Court, nor Commands in our ordinary Army and Navy, nor Church-preferments, nor the usual gain by the profession of Law and Physic; nor the employments under Noblemen, and Prelates will all of them put together furnish Livelihood of above three hundred pounds per Annum, to three thousand of the said one thousand younger Brothers, wherefore it remains that Trade alone must supply the rest; but if the said seven thousand Gentlemen be applied to Trade, without increasing of Trade, or if the hopes to increase Trade without increasing of Stock (which for aught appears is only to be done by in-Banking a due proportion of Lands and Money) we must necessarily be disappointed: where note that selling of Lands to Foreigners, for Gold and Silver, would enlarge the Stock of the Kingdom. Whereas doing the same between one and other does effect nothing, for he that turns all his Land into Money, disposes himself for Trade, and he that parts with his money for Land does the contrary, but to sell Land to Foreigners increaseth both money and people, and consequently Trade; wherefore it is to be thought, that when the Laws denying Strangers to purchase, and not permitting them to Trade without paying Extraordinary Duties, were made, that then the Public State of things, and Interest of the Nation were far different from what they now are. Having handled these ten Principal Conclusions, I might go on with others ad infinitum; but what has been said already, I look upon as sufficient to show what I mean by Political Arithmetic, and to evince the uses of knowledge of the true State of the People's Lands, Stock, Trade, etc. Secondly that the King's Subjects are not in so bad a Condition, as discontented men would make them; Thirdly to Demonstrate the greatest effects of Unity, Industry, and Obedience, in order to the common Safety, and each man's particular Happiness, other than which I have now. FINIS.