royal blazon or coat of arms C R HONI SOIT x MAL Y pennies BY THE KING ❧ A Proclamation for the redress of certain Grievances complained of by the Inhabitants of the County of OXFORD. WHEREAS Complaint hath been made to His Majestic on the behalf of the Inhabitants of this County of Oxford, that although they have agreed to a great weekly Contribution by way of Loane towards the Provision of His majesty's Horse, yet in many parts of this County, they suffer in these particulars following, wherein they humbly pray to be releived. First, That the soldiers do put their Horses into the standing-corn, and do eat and spoil it, which will be an utter undoing to the owners, if it be not remedied. Secondly, They turn their Horses into their meadows, and mowing-grass, whereby they shall have no Hay to keep their cattle the next winter, refusing other grass fit for them. Thirdly, Whereas there is 3s 6d by the week allowed for a soldier's diet, in many places a soldier, a Woman, and a Child, or a Boy, be all billeted and dieted at the same rate, as for one man. Fourthly, Many of them refuse to give Tickets, when they have been billeted a month, or six weeks in a place, and some who do give Tickets, will not make them so perfect, as that the Master of the family can have allowance thereof, when it is brought to the sheriff or other collector. Fifthly, Where soldiers are quartered in a Parish, and sometimes one or a few houses receive them, as the quartermaster appoints it, they who receive them can have no contribution from them of the same Parish or Liberty, who receive either none, or a fewer number, whereas the charge being borne by all of ability indifferently, it would be the easier, and the more equal. His Majestic taking these things into His Princely consideration, doth give His approbation of the reasonableness of them all. And being willing to case His good Subjects in all things which He can, and the necessity of the times will permit Doth now declare His royal Pleasure and Command that these things above written, and complained of, be from henceforth reformed. & doth require the Commanders and Officers of His Army, as much as in them lieth, to see the same observed, and that whosoever shall offend therein must expert to receive punishment strictly, according to the quality of his offence, and that both the Inhabitants of the County, and the soldiers may take the better notice hereof and observe it, His majesty doth command that this be forthwith Printed and Published in every Church and parochial chapel within this County. Given at His majesty's Court in OXFORD, this third day of June, in the nineteenth year of His majesty's reign. God Save the KING. Printed at Oxford by LEONARD LICHFIELD, Printer to the University. 1643.