C. R. ❧ By the KING. ❧ A Proclamation prohibiting from henceforth all intercourse of Trade between Our City of London, and other parts of Our kingdom, until other direction given by us. WHEREAS out of Our tender Care to Our City of London, and in hope to reduce them to their due obedience to Us, We by Our Proclamation, bearing date at Our Court at Oxford the eight day of December now last past, did Declare Our royal Pleasure to be, That there should be no stop or interruption to any of Our loving Subjects, as they should travel to Our City of London with any clothes, Wares, or merchandise, but that they should freely and peaceably pass without any let, trouble or molestation whatsoever; Which Grace and Favour unto them, have in these many months wrought this contrary effect, That above all other parts of this Our Kingdom A prevalent faction of that City (which overrules the whole) hath so far joined with, and in that horrid Rebellion, that it hath denounced war against the whole Kingdom, by violent opposing all the possible ways to Peace; and so that City formerly famous for their Loyalty, and Love to their Sovereigns, is now become the head of that traitorous faction, and the receptacle of all such as are disaffected to Our Government, and the laws of the kingdom: and not only willingly consents and submits to all burdens and impositions laid upon them, for the support and maintenance of the Rebellious Armies raised against Us, but maliciously prosecutes and pursues all such who are but suspected to wish well to Our Service. And when We pitying the desperate and deplorable condition of Our People, were graciously pleased to desire a Treaty for an Accommodation, and propounded that whilst that Treaty should continue, there might be a cessation of arms, and a free Commerce for all Our loving Subjects in all parts of Our kingdom, that so the benefits of Trade and Commerce being enjoyed, Our good People might be the more in love with Peace, yet this motion thus proceeding from Us was nevertheless by special incitation from the City of London (which by the Grace of Our said Proclamation enjoyed the said advantage of the whole kingdom) scornfully neglected by the enemies of Peace, and all intercourse interdicted to Our City of Oxford, the present place of Residence for Our Court and Army, and that restraint is continued upon all those who are thought to be serviceable, or but well affected to Us: We therefore being thereunto enforced out of this necessity, and finding that the Trade and Commerce of the kingdom, which ought to be maintained for the public benefit of all Our good People, is by this means inverted only for the advantage of those Places, and Persons which cherish this Rebellion, the Goods and Merchandise of such who are thought well affected to Us being seized when they are brought, to London, have thought it fit and reasonable to revoke and recall that Our former Act of Grace and Favour. And by this Our Proclamation, We do publish and Declare to all Our Subjects, That whosoever of them, either in their persons shall from henceforth travel unto Our City of London, without licence from ourself, or one of Our principal Secretaries of State, the generals, or Lieutenant generals of Our Armies, or the governors of any of our towns, Castles, or Forts, or with their Goods, Catle, victual or merchandise of any sort whatsoever, sshall from henceforth travel unto, or for Our said City of London or Suburbs thereof, without Our express Licence for the same under Our sign manual, shall adventure the same at their own perils, We being resolved by all possible means to seize the same; And that all those who from any parts of this Our kingdom shall furnish or serve Our said City of London or Suburbs thereof, either by Sea or Land, with any victuals, or other Provisions, or with any merchandise to maintain them or their Trade, as long as they shall obstinately stand out in Rebellion against Us, We shall esteem as persons disaffected to Us, and to Our Government, and as aiders & Assisters to the rebels, and shall accordingly deal with them, and proceed againsst them: And that this restraint shall continue upon them until such times as the inhabitants of the said City, finding their errors, shall return to their obedience unto us, straightly commanding all the Officers of Our Armies, and all other Our Officers, Ministers, and loving Subjects in all places through which any Person, Goods, Cattle, victual, or Merchandise shall pass or be conveyed towards the said City of London, to apprehend the persons, and seize and detain the Goods, until upon speedy notice to us they shall receive Our further directions: We hereby assuring them they shall receive part of such Goods so seized in satisfaction and for their reward. But for the continuing of the general Trade and Commerce of the kingdom, and the Manufactures thereof (which We desire to uphold and advance) We leave all Our Subjects to trade freely in, and unto all other parts, and in and unto all other Ports, or Havens of this Our kingdom, not being in actual Rebellion against Us, and from those Ports to Trade with their Merchandise freely into any other Parts wheresoever beyond the Seas, being in amity with Us, without any restraint whatsoever. Given under Our sign Manuallat Our Court at Oxford this seventeenth day of July, in the nineteenth year of Our reign. 〈…〉 God save the KING. Oxford, Printed by Leonard Lychsield, 1643.