C R DIEV ET MON DROIT HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE royal blazon or coat of arms By the King. A PROCLAMATION For suspending the prosecution upon that part of the late Act of Parliament for Enlarging and Repairing of Common Highways, as concerneth the breadth of the Tire of Wheels. CHARLES R. WHereas by the Act of this present Parliament, for Enlarging and Repairing of Common Highways, It is amongst other things Enacted, That no Wagon, Wain, Cart, or Carriage shall be employed for the uses therein mentioned, the Wheels whereof are less than four Inches in the Tire, upon the penalties by the said Act in that behalf provided; whereupon complaints and representations have been made to His Majesty, and His Privy Council, from the Lord Mayor of the City of London, and from divers parts of the Country, That many inconveniencies are like to ensue, if that part of the said Act shall be urged to be observed, or put in execution, concerning breadth of Wheels, by reason in many places the Ruts cannot receive such Wheels, nor Carriages pass, especially in the winter season now approaching, and in narrow passages, and in respect also of the difficulty and charge (if not impossibility) of providing materials for new Wheels, and Wagons and Carts answerable to them at once universally over the Nation, by which means Commerce and Intercourse will be much obstructed, the City of London, and other places deprived of necessary supplies of Provisions, and the Country disabled to vend and utter their Goods and Manufactures; His Majesty hath therefore thought fit, by and with the Advice of His Privy Council, to Order and Declare, and doth hereby straight Charge and Command, That all prosecutions upon that Clause of the said Act, concerning the breadth of the Tire of Wheels, shall be suspended and forborn until the Parliament re-assemble, and take further Order, And that in the mean time, no Distresses shall be taken, or other proceedings had for that Offence, and that the Horses and Goods therefore already seized, taken or distrained, shall be forthwith discharged and restored, without charge to the Owners. Provided that this Proclamation shall not be taken, nor is intended to suspend the prosecution on any other parts of the said Act, other then concerning the breadth of the Tire of Wheels only, neither shall continue longer, then until the Parliament upon consideration thereof shall take further Order. Given at Our Court at Whitehal the 14th day of October, 1662. in the Fourteenth year of Our Reign. God save the King. LONDON, Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the KING'S most Excellent MAJESTY, 1662.