ARTICLES TO BE Enquired of in the DIOCESE of NORWICH In the First Visitation, OF THE Right Reverend Father in GOD; Edward LORD BISHOP of NORWICH. LONDON, Printed by T. R. for G. T. 1662. The Tenor of the Oath, to be tendered to the Churchwardens and Sidemen. YOU shall, upon due consideration of these Articles given you in Charge, diligently Inquire, and true Presentment make of such defaults and offences against the same, as are Enquirable by the Laws Ecclesiastical of this Land: So help you God. ARTICLES OF Visitation and Enquiry within the Diocese OF NORWICH. Concerning Churches or Chapels, with the Ornaments and Furniture belonging to them. I. IS ●o●r Parish Church or Chapel with the Chancel thereof, the Steeple, or Tower, the 〈◊〉, 〈◊〉, Pavements, 〈…〉 dows, Seats, and all 〈◊〉 〈…〉 in good and sufficient Repair, as becometh the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 cafed to God's Public Worship. II. IS there a Font of Stone standing in the ancient usual place for the Administration of Baptism? III. IS there a comely Table conveniently placed for the Administration of the Lords Supper with a Carpet of Silk, or other decent stuff to cover it in time of divine Service, and a fa●●●●nnen Cloth to spread on it at the time of Administration? What Cup, Chalice, Pa●●en, or Flagons, have you belonging to that service? IU. HAVE you a convenient Seat for the Minister to read divine service in? and a comely Pulpit with a fair Cushion or Pulpit-Cloth see●ly kept for the Preaching of Gods. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 you 〈◊〉 Bible of the largest Volume, and of the last Translation, with the Book of Common Prayer 〈◊〉 estab●●hed, the B 〈…〉 s of Ho 〈…〉 lies allowed by Authority, and the Book of Canon's o● Constitutions Ecclestastical? And have you the works of Bishop Jewel, in defence of the Church of England, and a printed Table of the Deg●●●●, wherein by Law men are prohibited to marry? V. HAVE 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 b●●k of 〈◊〉, wherein to set down the names and surnames of all that are Baptised, Married, and Buried within your Parish? Is there a Book wherein to keep the Churchwardens Accounts? and another book, wherein to enter the name of any stranger t●●t preache●● in your Parish, and of th● Bishop that gave 〈◊〉 a Li●●●se to pr●●ch? VI HAVE you a large Surplice for the use of the Minister in his public Administrations? VII. HAVE you a Box wherein to keep the Alms for the poor? and have you a strong Chest with locks and keys, wherein may be safely kept the plate, vessels, books, carpets, vestments belonging to the Church? and have you a Bier with a Hearse-cloth for the decent burial of the dead? C●●cer●●ng the Churchyard, H●use●, ●leb●, and Tithes belonging to th● Church. I. IS ●om: church-ward sufficiently fe●●ed and maintained with Walls, Rails, or Pales as hath been accustomed, and so as it may be kept from all Annoyance? Hath any person encroached upon the same? Have any Trees there growing been cut down, by whom, and for what use? II. 〈◊〉 〈…〉 belonging to your Minister kept in good and sufficient repair? Have any encroached upon the Gardens, Orchards, ●or ●●●ses belonging to the same? or cut up any trees growing thereon? Are there any other Houses belonging to the Church; and are they likewise kept in good repair? III. ARE there any ●lede-la●●● belonging to y●●r Parsonage or Uicar●●ge, and have you a 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 ●e●r●er kept of the sa●●? and a C●●y thereof delivered 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 Register? And hav●●ou a ●●te of such Pensions, Rate-Tythes, and portions of Tithes as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 thereunto? Are any of these taken away, or withheld from your Minister? or hath the ●ust value of your Parsonage or Uicaridge by any undue means been diminished? IV. IS there any Hospital, Almshouse or 〈◊〉 School (being not of the King's foundation) in your Parish? and are they and their G●dowments preserved and employed to their right use? Concerning Ministers. I. HATH your Minister been freely presented, and legally instituted, and 〈◊〉 into his 〈◊〉 Did he within two months after his In●●●tion rea● upon so●● Sunday or Holiday publicly in the Church in the time of divine Service, the thirty nine Articles of Religion, and declare his Assent thereunto? II. IS your Minister constantly Resident upon his Bene●●ce? or hath he any other Benefice or Dignity, and is he qualified to hold the same? How many weeks in a year hath he been Absent without urgent necessity? III. HATH your Minister a Curate to assist hi●? and is he a Man of able parts, and of a pious and discreet conversation, and allowed by the Bishop to serve in your Church? V. IS your Minister a person of a Godly, sober, and peaceable conversation? Doth he so frame his own Life, and the Lives of such as are of his Family, that he and they may be Examples to the Flock of Christ? Or on the contrary, is he a frequenter of Taverns and Alehouses, a common Gamester, a profane or obscene person, a Swearer, Curser, Blasphemer, Railer, Scoffer, Quarrel, Fomenter of Suits, and contention, among Neighbours, an ordinary Companion of Drunkards and Riotous persons in such their wicked Courses: a Resorter unto suspected and infamous Houses? Is his carriage and course of Life in any kind scandalous, and such as becometh not a Minister of jesus Christ? Doth he exercise himself in any such secular Employments, or sordid Labour, as is unbefitting the Duty and Dignity of his Office? Is he grave and comely in his Hair and Apparel? and doth he in all his behaviour, so carry himself, as that he may adorn the Gospel, whereof he is a Minister? V. DOTH he with all diligence attend upon his Ministry, and discharge all the duties belonging thereunto? Doth he read the public Prayers, Psalms and Lessons out of the Old and New Testament, and other parts of divine service, and celebrate every divine Office, in such form, manner, and habit as is prescribed? VI DOTH he rightly and duly administer the holy Sacraments, of Baptism and the Supper of the Lord? Doth he take care that Godfathers and Godmothers present Infants unto Baptism, and undertake for them? and doth he being thereunto desired baptise Infants at home in case of weakness or danger. Doth he frequently, or at the least thrice every year whereof Easter to be one, administer the Lords Supper? and doth he give warning thereof the Lords day before at Morning-prayer, and exhort the people duly to prepare for the same? Is he careful not to admit thereunto any strangers, or any that live in any atrocious or grievous Crime, or in open Malice and Hatred, to the offence and scandal of the Church; and doth he, having upon ●ust Reason's not admitted them, give within a fortnight notice thereof unto the Bishop? or doth he admit any before they have been first Catechised & instructed in the Principles of Religion, ●●d are able to give an account of the same, and before they have been Confirmed, and are ready and desirous to be Confirmed? VII. DOTH he give notice of Holydays, and of the Ember-weeks, that the people may ve minded to pray for such as are to be solemnly called to the work of the Ministry? Doth he give notice of the yearly Perambulation in Rogation w●●k for preserving the Bounds of the Parish, and for desiring God's blessing upon the fruits of the Earth? Doth he observe the 5th. of November, the 30th. of January, and the 29th. of May? VIII. IS he a Licenced Preacher? Doth he, if not hindered by some necessary Impediment, constantly Preach in your Church every Lord's day, or being hildred, doth he take care that it be done by another? & doth he diligently instruct children & servants, 〈◊〉 Ignorant persons of the Parish in the principles of Religion, contained in the Creed, ten Commandments Lords prayer, and doctrine of the Sacraments, according to the Church-catechism, that so they may be brought to understand and take upon Themselves their Baptismal Covenant, and be Confirmed and admitted Communicants? Doth he in his Sermons preach only sound and wholesome doctrine, tending to Peace, Holiness, and Edification; consonant to the Holy 〈…〉 ord of God, and the doctrine contained in the Articles of the Church of England? And doth he four times in the year teach the doctrine of the King's Supremacy, and put the people in mind to be subject to Principalities and Powers, and to obey Magistrates; or doth he at any time preach any false, Heretical, seditious, dangerous doctrine, tending to public disturbance, and to alienate the Hearts of the people from their Loyalty and obedience? IX. DOTH he endeavour to reclaim Popish Recusants, or any other Persons of corrupt judgements, from such their Errors to the acknowledgement of the Truth? X. HATH he celebrated Matrimony between any persons (without faculty granted by such as have Authority to grant it) except the Banes of Matrimony have been first published three several Sundays or Holidays in the time of divine Service, in the Parish Churches or Chapels where the said parties dwell? or doth he Mary Persons, ●hough Licenced, at any unseasonable times, and not between the hours of eight and twelve in the forenoon? Or, doth he Mary them in any private place, and not in the Church or Chappel? Or doth he, after the banes are thrice asked, Marry any under the age of one and twenty years before the Parents or Governors of the said Parties have either personally, or by sufficient testimony, signified their consent to the said marriage? XI. DOTH he, when any Persons are dangerously sick, having notice thereof, resort unto them to pray with them, to instruct, to comfort, to exhort them to faith, repentance, brotherly love, and works of charity? XII. DOTH herefuse, having had convenient warning given him, to bury any Corpse that is brought to the Church or Church-yard, the dead Person being such as is not denied Christian burial? XIII. DOTH he and the Churchwardens cause the names of all that have been baptised, married, and buried, to be entered into the Register, Book, and a transcript from thence yearly sent into the Bishop's Office? If not, you are to send in such transcripts for the several years past as have not been hitherto sent in. XIV. HAVE you a weekly Lecture in your Parish? is it preached by the Parson or vicar himself, or by a combination of neighbour-Ministers? or by one single Lecturer? if so, is he in holy Orders, of good learning, of a godly and peaceable life? is he Licenced to preach your Lecture, and doth he therein behave himself as by the Laws and Constitutions of this Church is required? Concerning Parishioners. I. ARE there any in your Parish that come not to the Public Assemblies and services of the Church, or that make profession of any other than the true Reformed Religion which is professed and established in the Church of England, or do any ways reproach the same Religion, or seduce others from it? II. HAVE you any in your Parish that oppugn or gainsay his Majesty's Supremacy over all persons, and in all causes Ecclesiastical and Civil, within any of hi● Dominions? III. DO any in your Parish profane the Lords day by working in their ordinary callings, by loitering, tippling, or any other unlawful practices? and do they observe all the holy days appointed by the Church, according to the orders of the Church prescribed in that behalf? Or, do any Vintners, Innkeepers, or any other Uictuallers or sellers of B●●r or Ale; suffer any persons to tipple & game in their houses upon those days in the time of divine service? IV. DO all in your Parish resorting unto your Church or Chappel, upon every Lord's day, & holy day appointed for divine service, in their carriage and gesture there behave themselves with such reverence, order, decency & attention, during the time of common Prayer, preaching, and other service of God there used, as the nature of such holy duties, and the order of the Church doth require; none neglecting or disturbing the public service by sleeping, talking, walking, laughing, removing, going out, or any other profane, rude and offensive behaviours? or do any interrupt the Minister in any of his Administrations? V. ARE there any in your Parish that keep their Infant-childrens unbaptised or are there any persons of riper years in your Parish unbaptised? VI DO all Governors of Families instruct their children and servants in the Catechism, and send them to the Minister to give an account thereof openly in the Church upon the Lords days and holy days, as is appointed? VII. DO all Communicants thrice at the least every year, whereof Easter to be one, in that meek and reverend manner which is required, partake of the Lords Supper: and do such signify their names, and purpose to communicate unto the Minister, at least the day before the celebration of the said holy Sacrament? VIII. DO any persons that are open and notorious evil doers, who live in malice and hatred, with whom for such their wickedness the Congregation is justly offended, presume to come to the Lords Table, not having first declared their repentance that the Congregation may thereby be satisfied? IX. DO all Communicants pay their Easter deuce to your Minister, and do they pay all other Rates assessed upon them for relief of the poor, repairs of the Church, and providing all things required of them to provide in order to divine Offices? X. ARE there any in your Parish that have married within the forbidden degrees of affinity or consanguinity (Have any been clancularly married in private houses? Do any lawfully married and not separated by due course of Law, yet live asunder, and not cohabit together? Do married women after they have been safely delivered, come in due time to the Church to offer thanksgiving unto God for so great a mercy, and pay their accustomed duties? XI. ARE such as die in your Parish decently buried according to the order of this Church? XII. ARE there any Wills or Testaments of persons-dead in your Parish that be not yet proved, or are any goods administered without a due grant from the Ordinary? Have any left Legacies to pious uses in your Parish, and how are those Legacies bestowed? XIII. ARE there in your Parish any that are common swearers, or blasphemers of Gods holy Name, drunkards, adulterers, fornicators, concealers or harbourers of fornicators and adulterers, incestuous persons, railers, unclean and filthy talkers, sowers of sedition, faction, and discord amongst their Neighbours? and who are they? XIV. IS there any person in your Parish, who having the gift of any Ecclestastical Benefice, hath made gain thereof by presenting a Clerk or Minister to it by any bargain or symoniacal compact? or is suspected thereof? Concerning Parish Clerks and Sextons. I. HAVE you a Parish Clerk chosen by your Minister, Aged twenty years at the least, of honest conversation, and sufficient for the executing of his place by skill in reading, writing, and singing? II. DOTH he diligently attend the Minister in all divine services at the Church, and are the ancient wages belonging unto him duly paid without fraud or diminution? Doth he or the Sexton (if you have any) keep your Church or Chappel clean, and free from all annoyance, in due time ring or Toll the Bells before the beginning of divine Service; open and lock the Church-doors, and carefully preserve all the things belonging unto the Church, that are committed unto his custody? Concerning Schoolmasters. I. Have you any Public or Private School in your Parish, is your Schoolmaster of sober, honest, and religious conversation? And is he allowed by the Bishop or his Chancellor? doth he instruct his Scholars in the Church-catechism, and take care to train them up, not only in Learning, but in Religion, and in the Fear of God, framing their manners unto Modesty and Virtue? Doth he upon holy and Festival days cause his Scholars orderly to repair to your Church or Chappel, and there to behave themselves attentively and reverently, during the whole time of service and Sermon? and doth he inquire after their proficiency in the things which they have there learned, by examining them at convenient times what they have remembered of such Sermons? Concerning Physicians, Surgeons and Midwives. I. DO any practice Physic or Chirurgery in your Parish without due Licence; Or doth any woman take upon her to exercise the Office of a Midwife there, without approbation and Licence from the Ordinary? Concerning Churchwardens. I. ARE the Churchwardens of your Parish, chosen every year in Easter week by the joint consent of the Minister and Parishioners, or one by the Minister, and the other by the Parishioners? And are Sidemen likewise chosen by the Minister and Parishioners; II. HAVE the last Churchwardens within a month after the end of their year given before the Minister and Parishioners a just account of the moneys they have received, and what they have expended for reparations and other uses of the Church? And have they truly delivered up to the Parishioners whatsoever money or other things are of right belonging to the Church or Parish? YOU the Churchwardens and sidemen are to take diligent care to see the Parishioners duly resort on the Lords days and holy days to their Church, and there continue the whole time of Public Worship in due attendance thereupon; You are not to suffer any to Walk, or Talk, or play, or stand Idle, or any way to behave themselves unseemly in the Church, Church-porch, or Churchyard, during the time of the public Worship to the disturbance and offence of the Congregation: if any so do, you are to present them; as also all such as at any time Strike, Quarrel or Brawl in the Church or Church-yard. Concerning Ecclesiastical Officers. HAVE any Ecclesiastical judge or Officer any Advocate, Register, Procter, Clerk, Apari●or, or Summoner, any way offended in their Offices, Ministeries, or Services, contrary to the Laws and Canons Ecclesiastical in that behalf provided. FINIS.