A COLLECTION Of Curious PICTURES, VIZ. Paintings and Limnings, By the Best MASTERS. Will be sold by AUCTION on Thursday the 15th, and Friday and Saturday, the 16th and 17th of this instant January, 1691. at the Barbadoss Coffe-House in Exchange. Alley, over against the Royal-Exchange, in Cornhill. The Sale beginning precisely at Four of the Clock every Afternoon. By Edward Millington. Catalogues of which are distributed by Mr. Gillyflower in Westminster-Hall: Mr. Nott in the Pall Mall: Mr. Bently in Russel-street, Covent-Garden: Mr. Wilkinon in Fleetstreet: Mr. Hargrave, at the King's Head, over against Furnivals-Inn in Holborn: Mr; Miller, at the Acorn, in St. Paul's Church yard: And Mr. Crouch over against the Royal-Exchange, in Cornhill, Booksellers Conditions of SALE. I. THat he who bids most is the Buyer, and if any Difference arise which the Company cannot Decide, than the Paintings, etc. shall be Exposed to Sale again. II. That the Money for the Paintings etc. so bought is to be paid at the place of Sale within three Days after the Sale is ended, but for the Conveniency of such as desire them sooner, constant Attendance for delivery will be given every Day at the said Place. III. That all Gentlemen, Ladies, etc. after the buying any Painting, will be pleased to give in their Names and Lodgings, at the Sale; otherwise to pay the third part of the Price, or the whole Money presently for them, where upon payment of the remainder within the time limited, the Paintings, Limnings, etc. shall be delivered to them or their Order. iv That no Person is to bid less than a time, for any Lott exposed to Sale. V That the Paintings, etc. may be viewed by any Persons that please to repair to the place of Sale; Where Catalogues are given to those that require them. PAINTINGS, etc. 1 OLiver Crommel 2 a piece of Swans after Hondius 3 a Dog by the same hand 4 A Buck and Do 5 Two Lions after Rubens 6 a Dog after Van Dick 7 a fine Italian Landscape 8 a Haunch of Venison 9 a Buck hunting 10 a Bear baiting 11 Oliver Cromwell by a great master 12— His Son Richard by the same 13 General Lambart rarely done 14 a Counsellorand his Lady 15 a Head finely painted supposed to be by Rubens 16 a Lady asleep well done 17 a Doctor of the civil Law rarely done 18 a Landscape on copper finely painted 19 an Head by a good hand 20 a piece of Fowls finely painted 21 King William and Queen Mary by a good hand 22 A Snow piece with small figures 23 an old man saying grace, by a Dutch master 24 a woman milking of a Cow 25 A little Snow-piece 26 King William and Q. Marry, finely painted, on cop. 27 a fine Landscape of Streeters 28 a fine Landscape of Van Diest 29 a Ladies head by a good hand 30 King William and Queen Mary, in oval frames 31 a large Sea-piece by Ʋander Velden, 6 foot long 32 King William and Q. Mary in fine carved Frames 33 Pomona and Jupiter by an Italian master, neatly done 34 a Ruin by Griffiere 35 a Sea-piece of old Ʋander Velden 36 a Landscape by a Dutch master 37 a Roman Ruin 38 a Landscape with a prospect of the Alps 39 a Fish piece well done 40 The Virgin Mary on copper very finely painted 41 a Droll piece curiously done by Teniers 42 a delicate Fruit-piece of Guilman 43 a Landscape by an Italian master 44 a curious Flower-piece neatly painted 45 a Droll of Haemskirk 46 a Man a Smoking by Mr. Castro 47 a Landscape finely painted 48 another by the same 49 a Droll neatly painted 50 a Drinking-piece finely done 51 a small Dutch Landscape 52 a small Sea-piece by Ʋander Velden 53 a Winter-piece by a good hand 54 a Sea-piece well done 55 Boys blowing a bubble 56 a Landscape on board 57 a Comical Head of Will Summer 58 Prudence of De Ryck 59 a winter-piece by a fine Master 60 a Flowerpot, by Jasper Verbrughen 61 a small head on copper 62— another ditto 63 a Landscape by a good master 46 a piece of Peaches finely done 65 a fine Landscape of Mompert 66— another ditto 67 a Dutch Landscape with beast, very fine 68 a small Fruit neatly painted 69 a Night piece finely painted 70 a Landscape with a Ruin, by a Dutch master 71 Count Teckely, very finely painted 72 Diana and Actaeon on board, by a great m. 73 The Battle between Tamburlaine & Bajazet 74 an old man and woman playing on Music by an It. master 75 a very fine Landsk. and water-fall by a good master 76 Joseph and the Virgin Mary, as big as the Life 77 King William and Queen Mary, finely done 78 King Charles the First very fine 79 a Woman a smoking finely done by Mr. Castro 80 a Man a smoking by the same hand 81 an old man with a Glass of Wine 82 St. Jerom rarely done by Castro 83 a Ballad-Snger by the fame 84 Mary Magdalen by a great master 85 a Droll finely painted by a Dutch master 86 a Fellow making Supernaculum 87 God Neptune with Neriales 88 an amorous piece finely done 89 a Sea piece 90 an Head curiously painted 91 a Madonna finely painted on board 92 a Dutch Landscape with a Ruin, finely done 93 a Drinking piece, finely done by Haemskirk 94 a piece of still-life neatly done 95 a Man beating his Wife, by a Dutch master 96 a curious piece of the Battle at the Boyne 97 an piece of Fish by Robinson 98 a country House on Fire 99 a Landscape well painted 100 an old man's Head, by Cenco Brand 101 a Boy after Rubens by a Dutch Master 102 a Drunken Fellow after Roustratten 103 a fine Turkey worked Carpet and Book 104 a Landscape with a Waterfall finely done 105 K. Ahasuerus and Queen Hester, very fine 106 a Man and Horse curiously done 107 a Barber neatly done 108 a Fruit-piece well done 119 a Droll by Brower 110 Joseph and his Mistress 111 a Winter-piece finely painted 112 St. Peter finely done by old Haemskirk 113 a Cupid after Housman 114 Democritus and Heraclitus, by Haemskirk 115 a Sea-storm finely painted by Sailmaker 116 an old man's Head, by Haemskirk 117 a Drunken Silenus well painted 118 a Confession-piece, by Haemskirk 119 Carrickfergus in Ireland, with the King's Ships, finely painted by Sailmaker 120 a Gentleman holding a Glass to his naked Mistress 121 a Dutchman courting his Mistress 122 a Sea-storm by Sailmaker 123 a Head finely painted by Haemskirk 124 a Sea-storm by Sailmaker 125 a Head done by a great master 126 another Head finely done by the same 127 a ceiling piece by Jordaens 128 a Naked boy, by Rembrant 129 a small Flower-piece, by Deheem 130 a Story of Ovid, by Cornelits' Van Harlem 131 a Head by Van Dyke 132 a fine piece of Justice well done 133 a Landscape by a good hand 134 Diana and her Nymphs finely done 135 a Friar saying Mass 136 Joseph and the Virgin Mary, and our Saviour 137 a piece of Flowers by a good hand 138 a Landscape by a Dutch master 139 a Landscape with Figures 140 a Friar and a Lady by a good master 141 General Monk well painted 142 King Charles the Second, after Lily 143 The King of Poland, by a good master 144 a piece of Monkeys and Cats 145 another ditto 146 Oliver Cromwell by a good hand 147 Dun Scotus on a three quarter 148 a Landscape with Building by Duuronnet 149 The Duke of Monmouth, curiously painted 149 a Landscape with a Windmill 150 Hagar and the Angel by Cline 151 Damatus and Musidorus by Cline 152 a rock with figures well painted 153 a Fruit piece with a silver Tankard 154 a Landscape with figures well painted 155 a curious Festoon of Flowers, in a black frame 156 a very fine Flower-piece 157 a Laughing man, with his Lobster 158 a House of Entertainment by an Italian master 159 King William and Queen Mary in oval frames 160 Abraham offering Isaac by a good master 161 King William and Queen Mary 162 King Charles the First 163 King Charles the Second 164 General Monk 165 a Death's head by a good hand 166 a Blackamoors head 167 The Duke of Buckingham, a whole length, well paint. 168 a half Length, by a great Master 169 a half Length of a Lady, by an Italian 170 Sir Philip Sidney rarely done 171 The Kzar of Muscovy curiously done 172 a Child's head crying 173 a Counsellors head, finely painted 174 The famous Spencer finely done 175 a Dutch Landscape with a man Fishing, curiously done 176 a Droll neatly painted by a Dutch master 177 a Moon-light-piece well done, by a Dutch master 178 a small Fruit piece of Guilman 179 a Seaport incomparably painted 180 a Chirurgeon in his Shop, neatly done 181 a Droll by Haemskirk curiously painted 182 a Head by Daniel Ervander 183 Fortune by Conzal 184 a Hare hunting by Hondius 185 a Fruit-piece by Daporet of Rome 186 a Polander incomparably painted 187 Venus and Cupid by a great master 188 a delicate piece of a Cock and Hen 189 a Landscape delicately painted on board 190 An Italian Landscape by Forkeret 191 Actaeon and Diana in a Bath, by an Italian 192 The Golden Shower of Danae, by Lanfrank 193 a Landscape by Fonkeret 194 an Agnae caarying her Father on her Shoulders 195 a Magdalen by an Italian mastea 196 Judith by Dominican 197 Apollo and Daphne by Carol Marato 198 a Landscape by a Dutch master 199 Our Lords Supper on board by Lanfrank 200 Venus and Adonis curiously painted by Verryck 201 a Landscape by Griffiere 202 Boors quarrelling, by old Haemskirk 203 a Ruin curiously painted on board, after Griffiere 204 Armida and Renaldo delicately painted 205 a piece of Beasts, by Van Berghem 206 St. Catherine by a good master 207 a Lands kip on board 208 The Lady Lyle executed at Winchester for entertaining Nelther? 209 King David by a great Master 210 Susanna by an Italian 211 a Dancing figure finely painted by Streeter 212 a delicate Fruit-piece incomparably painted 213 a very curious Landscape delicately painted 214 a Drinking-piece by Haemskirk 215 a Kitchen-piece by the same 216 a Landscape with beasts, finely painted 217 a piece of beggar boys incomparably done 218 The strangling of the Grand Vizier, finely painted 219 an incomparable fine Landscape 220 a battle finely done by Meulner 221 a Sea-fight, by Vandervelde 222 a Land-fight by Ʋander Mulen 223 a Landscape by a good master 224 Venus and Cupid, by an Italian 225 Adam and Eve, by Jordan 226 a History out of Ovid, thought to be by Poussin 227 a magdalen's head well done 228 St. Margaret by Poussin 229 Our Saviour and the Virgin Mary, by a good master 230 Attalanta by Guido 231 a Landscape finely done with Venus' asleep 232 a Dog, and Swan by Hondius 233 a Crucifix curiously painted 234 a winter-piece finely done 235 a Fire-piece 236 a Sketch of St. Laurence on the Grid-Iron 237 The Virgin Mary on copper, very finely painted 238 a delicate Landscape with Ruins 239— another ditto 240 a piece of Fish well painted 241 a good Fellow 242 a neat piece of still Life 243 a Water fall by Antonio Stoniance on Board 244 a fine Landscape painted in Italy 245 a satire whipping a Nymph well painted 246 Prince Rupert thought to be of Lylly 247 a fruit-piece delicately done by Guilman 248 Boors carousing by Brower 249 an Incomp. pc. of Heathen Gods by Long Jean 250 a pc. of Venus, Cupid, and Satyrs, by an Ital. 250 an Ecce homo by Carache 251 a Virgin rarely well painted 252 a piece of Fish by Robinson 253 a Landscape by Van Diest 254 K. Charles II. and Princess of Orange after Van Dick 255 a Magdalen finely done 256 Pandora by Deryck 257 The Duchess of Monmouth 258 a piece of Fruit well done 259 a Magdalen 260 a piece of Dogs and Ducks, after Griffiere 261 a Landscape of 5 foot and yard well done 262 Part of the Garden of Versails by a great M. 263 a Hare painted by the Life. 264 a Vanity by a great master 265 an Italian Landscape by Pagero 266 King Charles the Second by Vario 267 a Ladies picture well done 268 an Italian Landscape by Pagero 269 a large piece of a Peacock and Hen rarely painted by Barlow 270 a fine piece of Jupiter and the golden shower 271 a Dutch Kitchen incomparably painted 272 a Lady in her Chamber, finely done 273 a large Seaport finely done 274 a Turky-work Carpet, etc. in an ebony frame 275 King William after Kneller 276 a delicate story piece 277 Seven Heads finely painted 278 Two Heads after Van Dyk 279 a Cupid on the World well painted 280 a piece of Satyrs 281 Two Philosophers done by a good Master 282 a Fasting piece by Sailmaker 283 Venus shifting herself 284 Cupid Painting 285 King William well painted 286 Queen Mary by the same kand 287 a laughing Head finely painted 288 a naked Venus and a satire, finely painted 289 Saul going for Damascus rarely painted 290 Saul and David finely painted after Van Harp 291 a delicate piece of Boors dancing 292 an incomparable Landscape by a great master 293 Icarus and Dedalus 294 Apollo by a good master 295 King William and Queen Mary, in oval frames 296 a Sibyl's Head 297 Moses finely painted by De Ryck 298 a Piper by the same hand 299 an Head by the same hand 300 St Sebastian by a great Master 301 a Cupid finely painted 302 a Usurer well painted 303 a man making Supernaculum 304 a Man a smoking 305 a delicate Landscape 5 foot long 306 a Woman's Head 307 a Boys Head 308 a Woman's Head 309 a large Sea-piece well done 310 a large piece of Hunting 311 an original piece of Fish, by Robinson 312 a Sea-piece by Vande Velden, 313 a piece of Flowers 314 a small piece of Fish 315 a piece of Still-life, well done 316 a Landscape well done 317 a Spaniard playing on a Dulcimer to his Lady 318 a Sketch of two Colours, well done 319 a piece of Fowling 320 a small piece of Flowers 321 a Friar, by Haemskirk 322 a small piece of Confession 323 Two Smiling Heads 324 King William finely painted 325 Queen Mary by the same hand 326 a Landscape with Building by Duuronet 327 another ditto 328 a King and Queen on copper, finely painted 329 The Amphitheatre at Rome, by Streeter 330 a Sea-storm on board, by Percellis 331 a satire whipping a Nymph finely painted 332 a fine Head by Griffiere 333 The Duchess of Cleuneland, supposed by Vandyck 334 a Head by De Ryck 335 King William and Q. Mary in fine carved frames 336 a Ladies Head supposed by Neller Waldeen 337 a Sea-piece by a Dutch master 338 Cupid by Lemence 339 Queen Mary in a rich carved frame 340 Triumph of Cupid, finely painted 341 a Sea-storm by Percellis on board 342 a fruit-piece by Van Zoon 343 a piece of Card-players finely painted 344 a piece of Fish, by an Italian hand 345 a sea-piece finely done by Ʋander Velden 346 a Dutch Landscape with shepherds finely painted 347 another by the same 348 a small piece of our Saviour and Angels finely paint. 349 Ionas coming out of the Whale's belly, on board 350 a Droll by a Dutch master 351 Narcissus deltcately painted 352 a Crucifix finely painted on Copper 353 a very fine Landscape with a water-fall 354 Melancholy finely painted by De Ryck 355 a piece of Flowers rarely painted by Van Brugen 356 a large piece of Hare, Rost beef and Fruit 357 The Tomb of Phaeton, by De Ryck 358 a Landscape curiously painted by Sir P. Lily 359 General Monk finely painted on board 360 a Flower-piece by Montingo 361 I another by the same hand 362 an amorous piece well painted 363 a Fruit piece neatly painted 364 a Friar and his Mistress 365 a Galatea finely painted by De Ryck 366 a Fruit-piece after the Life 367 a Landscape curiously painted by a Dutch master 368 an hunting of Fowls with Dogs, by Hondius 369 a smutty piece, by Haemskirk 370 a sea piece on Copper, by Bryant 371 a Mary Magdalen, an Italian piece 372 Venus blinding Cupid, on Copper, by Van Heyden 373 a Landscape by a Dutch master 373 * a large Bull-baiting 374 an incomparable piece of Fruit, by Guilman 375 a very fine Landscape with figures, by Haemskirk 376 a woman making Bonelace, by the same 377 a piece of Still-life, with books, in an Ebony frame 378 a Nobleman's Head, supposed of Van Dick 379 a woman by the same 380 a Turkish Horse and a Man finely painted 381 a Parrot finely painted 382 a Shepherdess finely painted 383 David and Abigal, by Vincento Corbent 384 a fine Landscape by Franc. Contelmo 385 a Landscape with figures, by Wyck 386 a Flower-piece neatly painted 387 Charles II. curiously painted by J. L. 388 The history of Heller, by Lement 389 a piece of Apollo and Midas, by Casteel 390 The Cathedral Church in Antwerp by De Neefe 391 a piece of Horses, with Gentlemen drinking, by Berg 392 a Siege of a Fort in Flanders, by Muelner 393 The Triumph of Venus, incomp. painted, and full of Figures, by Mich. Angelo &c 394 a piece of Diana and Venus, well painted by G. Th. 395 Venus & Adonis' ditto 396 a fine piece of beggars, by a great master 397 a fine sea-piece, with the view of Rhodes, by Ʋander Velden 398 a large Turkey-work Carpet and Guitare, etc. 21 JA 50 398 * Prince Rupert finely painted 399 a Woman, thought to be of Holbien 400 Flowers in a China Bason, by a D. m. 401 a Water-Nymph by P. Van Bloma 402 a neat battle 403 a Winter 404 a true Teper 405 lafoy storm 406 a Droll on Copper 407 Two Roman senators 408 a Fire-piece 409 Cupid after Housman 410 Jane Shore 411 a Landscape with a Thunder clap 412 a Fruit-piece by an Italian master 413 a large sea piece, by Ʋander Velden 414 a Flower-piece, by Montingo 415 a curious Head, by an Italian master 416 a battle, by a great master 417 King William & Qu. Mary, by Lemence 418 a Droll-piece, by Castro 419 a Landscape finely done 420 another by Mompert 421 our saviour and the Virgin Mary, by an Italian 422 a Droll-piece, by Brower FINIS.