A Congratulatory Letter of Thanks from the Corporation of North ALLERTON in the County of YORK to their Two Representatives in Parliament upon the Advice of the late Prorogation; Published for an Example to the Kingdom in General. TO Sir GILBERT GERARD. AND Sir HENRY CALVERLY. North Allerton, January 14. 1680. THe Unexpected and sudden News of this days Post preventing us from sending those due acknowledgements which the greatness of your Services, for the public good have merited from us: We have no better way (now left us) to express our Gratitude and the high Resentments of your Actions, before and in your last Sessions of Parliament, then to Manifest our approbation thereof, by an assurance that if a Dissolution of this present Parliament happen, Since you have Evidenced so sufficiently your Affections to his Majesty's Royal Person, and Endeavours for the preserving the Protestant Religion, our Laws and Liberties: We are now resolved, if you are pleased, to comply with Us, to continue You as our Representatives; and we do therefore beg your acceptance thereof, and farther that you will Continue your station during this Porogation, faithfully assuring you that none of us desire to give, or occasion you the Expense or Trouble of a Journey in order to your Election, (If such happen) being so sensible of the too great Expense you have been at already in the careful discharging the trust and confidence Reposed in you by Gentlemen, Sirs, Your obliged, faithful Friends and Servants, Thomas Lascels, Richard Lumbly with Sixty more