A Congratulatory ODE TO Admiral RUSSEL, And the other Sea-Commanders, For their late Glorious VICTORY. S printer's or publisher's device In the SAVOY: Printed by Edward Jones, in the Year 1692. A Congratulatory ODE to Admiral Russel, etc. I. Welcome, Ye Worthies of the British Isle, Welcome from War's tumultuous Noise; To Peace and Plenty's quiet Joys, Joys bought for Us by your successful Toil! Loudly abroad the dreadful Tempests roar; But You, Our Bulwark and Defence, Arrest the baleful Influence, And scarce their faintest Echoes reach the Shore: Safely the distant Dangers We survey, Secured with Wooden Walls, and Guarded by the Sea. II. Not so the French; who viewed with watery Eyes Their Naval Strength at once o'erthrown; A Loss too Great and Public grown, For any Pageant Triumph to disguise: The Conquering Fleet does all her Canvas Wings display; And like the Royal Bird of Jove, Does with resistless Fury move, And seizes in its Nest the trembling Prey: From the near Shore affrighted Normans see The Flames of burning Squadrons upwards rise, A Bonfire fit to solemnize So Great a Victory. In vain at Land, by dull delays they strive Ingloriously to keep their dying Hopes alive; In vain they eat the English Arms, Nor answer Our Great Monarch's loud Alarms; Whilst unsecured by all the Arts of Fear, His Presence awes them there, his Influence strikes them here. III. How bright and dazzling was the Glorious Scene! How rich the Trophies of the conquered Main! Room for the Valiant RUSSEL armed with Thunder; See! how he breaks the Line in sunder! In vain the furious Elements conspire, Rocks, Winds, and Waves, and Hostile Fire; Undauntedly through All he rushes on; Their Orders broke, the routed Squadron flies; Down goes the Royal Sun, Down to the bottom, down, And Sets in Flames, but never more to Rise. France mourns her Navy; and this vast Defeat Shows Lovis only in his Losses Great. iv Strongly this Great Example works on All; Through every Ship, each Loyal Heart, And Warlike Hand distinctly acts its Part; So well they Copy out their great Original! Some Live to Triumph on, some Conquer as they Fall: A Troop of Glorious Shades; while every Name Shall Flourish still, and Live in Fame, Mentioned by every Tongue, where Honour is the Theme: Yet let no mournful Sighs arise, Let no salt Tears for Them be shed; Whilst to the Living Brave we Sacrifice Our Sorrow for the Valiant Dead. V Go on, True Sons of Honour, still advance The English Glory, by depressing France: Go on to prove, how much a Royal Trust Works upon Spirits that are Brave and Just: This Our Great Mistress knew, whose piercing Eyes, Unprejudiced by Lying Calumnies, Can look through every faithful Breast; And saw the Loyal Zeal they afterwards expressed: Continue still to prop that awful Throne, Which joins the Subjects Interest with its Own: Whilst France by sad Experience learns from You, What WILLIAM's Thunder, placed in a Good Hand, can do. FINIS.