A Curious Collection OF PAINTINGS, Being most Originals: By the best Masters, both Ancient & Modern, Viz. Paul Brill. Looton. Borginon. Houndis. Fluchshees. Melinos. Hemskirk. Gysbrewe. C. Johnson. Wyck. Vandervene. Brugell. Vandist. Vandervelding. Porselus. Gilman. Blomart. Rene: Vanderscopen. Adama. Will be Sold by AUCTION, at the Spanish-Coffee-House, at the Corner of Bromley-Street in Holbourn, on Friday the 27th of this Instant November, 1691. The Sale gins at Four of the Clock in the Afternoon, and will continue on Saturday, Monday, etc. till all are sold off. The CONDITIONS of SALE. I. That he or she that bids most, is the Buyer: and if any difference arise, which the Company cannot Decide, than the said Lot so Bought, shall he Exposed to Sale again. II. That the Money for the Goods so Bought, is to be paid at the place of Sale within Three Days after the Sale is ended: But for the Conveniency of them that desire them sooner, constant attendance will be given every day at the said place. III. That all Gentlemen, Ladies, etc. after the Buying any Lot, will be pleased to give Earnest for them, (if desired) whereupon Payment of the Remainder within the Time limited: The said Goods shall be delivered to them or their Order, they paying Porterage, if they desire to have their Goods carried home. iv That no Person is to Bid less than Six Pence a time for any Lot Exposed to Sale. Catalogues may be had Gratis at the Place of SALE, and at the Coffeehouses in London and Westminster. CATALOGVE. 1 A Piece of still Life, by a good Master. 2 A print on a deal Board. 3 King William, in small. 4 A Woman playing on the Music. 5 A Curious Bible Story. 6 Another, ditto 7 An hunting of the Leopard, fit for a Chimney 8 King Charles the first, after Vandyke 9 The late Queen by the same Hand 10 An hand by the Life. 11 Oliver Cromwell 12 A fine Bible story of Moses in the Rushes 13 A Sea Triumph, by a good Master 14 A Sea piece, ditto 15 A Frost piece, very fine 16 An Oval Landscape, by D' Young 17 A Sea piece, by Ottovel 18 An Oval Fruit piece, by Fisher 19 A fine piece of Still Life 20 A Woman and Dog, on Copper 21 King Charles the II. by Wonters 22 Abraham offering his Son Isaac 23 King William and his Queen, after Kneller 24 The Duchess of Portsmouth, ditto 25 A , by Mason 26 An head, supposed by Holbin 27 A Madonna, very fine 28 A Landscape, after Brill 29 King James, and Queen Mary 30 A Landscape very fine 31 A Madonna, by an Italian 32 A Sea-Fight, an Original, by Sailmaker 33 A Bull-baiting, by Houndis 34 A fine Winter piece, an Original 35 A piece of Fruit, after Boudan 36 A piece of Cattle, by Moy 37 A Landscape, well done 38 A Curious Winter piece 39 A Landscape, an Original, by Vandist 40 A piece of Fruit, in a fine Frame, by D' Young 41 Joseph and his Mistress, by De Rick 42 A Feston of Flowers, by a Dutch Master 43 A large Buck-hunting, fit for a Chimney 44 A Sea-Triumph, very fine 45 A three Quarter Landscape, an Original, by Vandi●● 46 A piece of still Life, an Original, by Spanger 47 A piece of Drollery 48 A piece of Flowers, an Original by H. F. 49 A Landscape, after the Italian manner 50 A piece of Fruit, finely painted 51 King William and Queen Mary, by a Dutch Master 52 A fine piece of Harvist, by D' Young 53 A Conversation, by a Dutch Master 54 A Night piece, an Original, by Flushers 55 Saint Sebastine, an Original, by an Italian 56 A Story in Ovid, by a good hand 57 Queen Dowager, well done, 58 A Fruit piece, after Poudane 59 A Sea piece, well done 60 A fruit piece, by a good Master 61 A Fools-Head 62 A Shepherd and Shepherdess, by Blomart 63 Our Saviour, and the Woman of Samaria, ditto 64 A Landscape. an Original, by P. Brill 65 A Winter piece, an Original, by Vanderstraten in a fine Frame 66 A Landscape well done 67 A fine Landscape with Figures, an Original 68 A Flower piece, by a Disciple of Boudane 69 A Fruit piece, by Fisher 70 A fine Landscape, by D' Young 71 A fine Sea port, an Original, by Sailmaker 72 Europia, an Original 73 A fine Landscape, an Original 74 A piece of Vanity in a fine frame 75 King William, well done 76 A Sea Haven, very fine 78 A Shepherdess by a stood Master 79 A Landscape, by an Italian 80 A Landscape, very fine, an Original 81 A Landscape with Birds, an Original by Devernet 82 A Curious Italian Tomb 83 A Flower piece, very fine, an Original 84 Philip King of France, a fine Head 85 A Flower piece, an Original, by Smith 86 A fine large Battle piece, by Stoup 87 King William in a Oval Frame 88 Queen Mary, ditto 89 A Frost piece, very fine 90 A Naked Venus, after Ticken 91 A Garden piece, in fine frame 92 A Winter piece, after Brill 93 A Sea port, by a good Master 94 A Head, an Original, by Hemskirk 95 A fine Fruit piece, by Burginon 96 A Flower p●●●e, by Deboise 97 A Sea Coast, by Davis 98 Lot and his two Daughters, a fine old piece 99 Our Saviour taken from the Cross 100 A Sybells' Head 101 A fine Bible story 102 Another, ditto 103 A small Landscape 104 A fine piece, well done 105 An Oval Fruit piece 106 A Landscape, by a Dutch Master 107 A fine pleasant Landscape, with a Garden 108 A Landscape in a black Frame, by an Italian 109 A Fire piece, in a fiine Frame 110 Parrismus and Thesbe, by Burginon 111 A Hare, by the Life 112 King William, by a Disciple of Kneller 113 Queen Mary, ditto 114 A fine Frost piece, an Original, by Vanderscopen 115 A Fine hunting piece 116 A Landscape, after P. Brill 117 A Surgeon healing a wound, after Brown 118 King James the II. 119 A Winter piece, very fine 120 A Flower piece, by Depoise 121 King James, after Kneller 122 A Fruit piece, by Burginon 123 My Lord Cravans Head, very fine 124 A Swan hunting, by Houndis 125 A Woman's head, by the Life 126 Queen Mary, by a good Master 127 A Winter piece, an Original, by Vanderstraten 128 A Landscape, in fine Cutthron frame 129 A Landscape, an Original, by Devernet 130 A Ruin of my Lord Danbey's house, Curiously done 131 An Italian Tomb, finely done 132 Our Saviour in the Garden, very finely Painted 133 King Charles the I. his Queen, after Vandyke 134 A fine Flower piece, an Original, in Gold Frame, 135 A Sea piece, well done 136 A Fools-Head 137 An Original piece, by Looton 138 A Man and Woman Singing, by Hemskirk 139 A fine Landscape, an Original, supposed of Possene 140 A Pheasant; by the Life, on a Deal-Board 141 Mary Magdalenu an Original, by Burginon 142 Some Boys Dancing, by Rene 143 A Sea piece, an Original, by Fluchshers 144 A piece of Still Life, an Original, by a great Master