THE DEVONSHIRE BALLAD. To the Tune of 1642. NOw all old Cavaliers now or ne'er stand to it; The Synod dissolved, and the Ball's at your foot, But if Faction prevail, you're destroyed branch and root Branch and Root. Jack Presbyter's Agents are busy 'tis clear, To advance dame M. over the shire, For her Kt. doth under Covert also appear, appear. Vous Avez Tom R. a Zealot of note, Who for factious Meetings the Statute doth quote, Whiles Conscience cries, Dog you lie in your throat, your Throat. Enter impudent D. I do thee no wrong, A very fit Priest to lead Knaves along, For he'll sell his Mother Church for a Song, A Song. The Knight's Steward M. Chap. comes next, At whom the Tenants are damnably vexed, Because he handles them worse than his Text, His Text. In querpo he walks the streets of the Town, Not so fit for a Priest, as a Cassock and Gown, Yet the proper garb for the son of a Clown, A Clown. Vous Aves J. H. a very good Reason, An old Rebel Knave, the critical season For the safe plotting and acting of Treason, of Treason. D. D. V. L. the Loyalists guess For the Devil's palate an excellent Mess, No Cook like the Hangman such Victuals can dress, can Dress. Sir W. M. comes next in the way, If you dislike him take Chidley I pray; There must be a Fool as well as a Knave in the Play, The Play. It's beneath me to speak of the rest of the Cattle, Who proudly do bid God's Anointed to Battle; I hope Charles the Second will give them a Rattle, A Rattle. Amen. What the Priest's Gospel call, Doth not move us at all; We Commons will have the Dominion, What of old Saint Paul wrote Of Subjection we Vote To be only one Doctor's opinion. Since James does not merit After Charles to inherit, But hates the new Saints Reformation; We'll be ruled by the Devil, And do what is Evil, That good may thence come to the Nation. We are taught by old Peter To submit, but 'tis sweeter To rule as his Successors tell us, Let Charles and State groan We'll give Laws to the Throne; At least be his Majesty's Fellows. What's great Charles unto us, If he let James undo us, We owe him no longer subjection, Than he doth afford The use of his sword, And appears for our protection. Let him lay York aside, Let Jack Presbyter ride, 'Tis the only way for to please us; Then to him we'll be true As the treacherous Jew To the innocent Sovereign Jesus. Then 'twill quickly appear, That we value Tangier, And he need not to make any Motion On that score again; For money or men All we have is at his Devotion. London: Printed for the Assigns of F. S. 1681.