THE REVELATION INTERPRETED: By the La. Elinor. 2 Thessaly. 2. 3. Let no man deceive you, by any means for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, &c. Printed in the year, 1646. THE REVELATION INTERPRETED: By the LADY Elinor. Chap. XIII. PAssing by Caesar's adored Image: with the Time amounting to about 1700. years past, since their uprising, as hereby appears giving the seven Heads and ten Horns: until its setting, that Monarchies period, RATHER proceeding with these, to show the Truth, who the Founder of great Brjttains' unhappy faction, as the Holy Ghost here gives to understand so plainly, That none needs to ask, whose description This, of this Sea-monster no other than the admirals-office: where the waters having the priority, Thus shows: Verse, I. And i stood upon the Sand of the SEA, and saw a Beast rise up out of the Sea, having seven heads, and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the Names of BLASPHEMY: The Dragon giving him his power and great authority: namely, George Viliers, created Duke of Buckingham. Where follows the Names given to Ships, one called the Leopard, another the bear, and the lion, and the like, as not unknown. vers. And so of his deadly wound given at Porchmouth, that addored minion, for two seven years who was so followed of every one, and admired: Of whose Large gifts Thus farther: Verse. III. And i saw one of his heads (as it were) wounded to death, and all the world admired the BEAST: And his deadly Wound was healed. And there was given him a Mouth speaking great Things, and blasphemy: And power was given him to continue 42. months; and he opened his mouth in Blasphemy, &c. Where shows here, besides the healing of that foul Soare the king's-evil, Porchmouths' blow, by a butcher's knife given, how Cured. also what an insatiable Mouth by him opened; daily fed with such Gifes, Offices, and Titles of honour not a few; wanting NO kindred to be supplied. This aspiering man Buckingham, from the Beast deriving his Name, so much bound to the Dragon his Patron, rather than to Saint George. This supporter of the Spanish FACTION, coloured or cloaked under arminism: That beyond expectation ter ten years, his father's vnlukye Favourite who contained his too, from 1625. March, until 1628. August, two and forty months, or three years and half before his Pay received, not behind with it Then Being as not unknown forewarned OF that very month, Caesar, as he foretold of the Jdes of March. Where serving for both Meridians shows. The french K: for his Blasphemous Tongue also how Rewarded, who gives the ten HORNS crowned. That in the year, 1610. Likewise was slain, whose Faction revived again or continued too. As by the Power of the keys, Conjured up such SPIRITS or Factions set a foot, begeting in KINGDOMS such desperate wars and doings; where The one NOT more suddenly in that Manner taken away, Then the Other remaining in Prison so long: waiting His appointed Time, as extant upon RECORD, sometime made known to him: But no more of that NOW. But of his Sorceries and Witchcrafts as revealed here, or miracles. where farthermore, for the Treasurers-Office thus, usurped by the clergy, (verse 11.) And i beheld another beast coming out of the Earth, with two Horns like a Lamb, spoke like the Dragon, and exerciseth all the Power of the first Beast, &c. And so no farther, of This canonised expert DOCTOR or Saint, inspired by the Red Dragon, (with such a gift in healing,) by whom this deadly Wound healed, worse than when Buckingham was living. The Number of whose Name, even (Viscount Wjlers) as count the Number of the british-beast, Namely 666. These numeral Letters HJS: VIC lwvi, viscount wilers: Together with the weight of Solomon's gold Yearly 666. Talents, (Chron. 9 Chap.) Included in those Characters. Of a truth directly pointed at great Britain's Revenue and customs rather; amounting to about six Hundred Thousand pounds per annum: Put on this Account, &c. And so much for this piece finished in such haste: The last day's story. Dedicated to HIM that hath understanding and ears, to weigh it too: The vanity setting forth, and instability of WORLDLY Things, or perferment in this Admirable BEAST: his rising, and falling, Whose power To the wonder of all Continuing from the year, 1625. March (first of this present reign:) until August, 1628. As afore-shewed, even the Duke's due 42. months: And concerning the TREASVRERS-Office engrossed by the CLERGY, our HIGH-Priest, horned like the Lamb, (to wit) The two Arch-bishop-pricks, voiced like the old Red Dragon. That wonder in Heaven whose place found no more there: stiling Themselves like the archangel, no less. And thus passing on: from That SEA-Wonder, to this wonder coming out of the Earth; feigning (as it were) Himself to be Elias: When balls Priests slain, and to say the Truth in this comes not short; He the occasion of their ruin, the Bishops their Downfall: And for such, Fire descending from Heaven, witness the Wrath of GOD; as fire and sword, who can gainsay it, but he the Author thereof doubtless, And the day of judgement too: hastend it, not far off. SO farther, as here Noted or Signified for the Time of Easter Thus, or the RESVRRECTION-Feast: when such a Bloody reign began, Namely; wherein that abomination (the cause of these Judgements) Idolatry again set up, directly in these expressed: And all whose Names are Not written in the book of Life, of the lamb slain from the beginning of the world; shall worship or obey HIM: As again, this for another witness of the aforesaid Feast; peter's cutting Off that man's ears, again healed. Even pointed at, as cried here. if ANY MAN HAVE AN ear, Let him hear: Verse, He that Leads into Captivity, shall go into Captivity; and he that killeth, shall be killed. (as much to say) As some want their ears, So others their understanding more, That discern Not These. Where shows, unto such Cruelty, and blood-thirstiness, how this man added blasphemies-madness: As these giving to understand, saying; That he hath Power to give LIFE, BREATH, and SPEECH, &c. verse. (as it were) Because the Keys of the Bottumlesse pit His, where gold so current: Therefore in Him all Live and Move, &c. fearful to be Named or Spoken. And these are The JMAGES those Angels adored also: And as for the Beast that had the deadly wound with the Sword and did Live, (or was healed) besides the Faction continued, points withal at the great Plague, When the angel's Sword so suddenly sheathed, 1625. with worse Plagues accompanied; The advancers of idolatry and tyranny: As here farther more alludes to great Babylon's Proclamations of The golden image; He that would not fall down before it, to be killed: (as much to say) ALTARS served, and bowed unto, &c. And at last, what Measure they meted to Others, served with the same Themselves: Sometime that were so observed, Feared and Flattered; This Sea-god: And god of the winds like, Dragon-like by Sea and Land roaring, setting kingdoms together by the ears: Breathing and Thundering out LYING and blasphemy, as They please, without control: And so he, who hath understanding; needs NO farther to wonder or be informed, what These revealed LAST Monsters are: The signs infallible of the Last day at hand: where besides Caesar's golden Image, adored; gold made their god: (verse) alluding to the That: used too for the king's-evil so dangerous to be LOST or wanting. And as here, idolatry and covetousness both expressed: So deified Caesar, his translating of the year, points thereat: Those 365 days of the year: Like Enoch days also 365, he translated, or That was NOT: whose Successor Eternity, like Methuselah, as Augustus outreigned all the rest, and That succeeded Him untimely Cut off. And again, as Eternity preceding Time, so K: James his 60 years' reign, before his now aged 46; bearing Times mark or Seal 1646. Time to be Longer: HIS power put down too: And so NO farther of the dragon's old quarrel to Saint George, in advancing One of That Name, or Seating in the Saddle such a graceless ONE: breaking his own Neck: And ruin of the kingdom. This New adored Saint, (as no doubt canonised) Saint George the second, saluted with sevenfold Blasphemous superscriptions daily such, and the Like made upon His NAME (His grace): Whereas thrice SIX 666. The restless Number thereof. Here unto the wlgare not referred or directed: But he which understands Misteryes of State to Him: Proverbs XVI. How much better it is to get wisdom Then gold: And to get understanding rather to chosen then Silver. And thus wild as the Dragon: he with Satan's mark in the head, of the old Serpents cut, (Geneses. 3.) By some mermaid, as this BlaspheMER: spewed up doubtless; so from Them his enchanting notes had, of Menacing such, reaching from Earth to Heaven. FINIS. FJNJS.