AN answer To Those Printed Papers published in March last, 1640. by the late Patentees of Salt, in their pretended defence, and against free trade. Composed by John DAVIES Citizen and Fishmonger of London, a wellwisher to the commonwealth in general. Sal sapit omnia. Ne scis quid valeat. Printed in the year, 1641. To the Honourable House of COMMONS now assembled in PARLIAMENT. THe ensuing Treatise, concerning the opposing of the project and Patents for Salt, tending to the good of his Majesty, and of the Subjects in general, (wherein all faithful endeavours on the author's part are performed) is most humbly presented, praying, that if any error is therein committed, (whereof he is not conscious) may by this Honourable Assembly be pardoned. An Answer to those Papers (Falsely entitled, A true Remonstrance of the state of the Salt business, &c.) lately published in print in March, 1640. by the Projectors of the first and second Patents for Salt, in their own pretended defence, and against the free trade of all Merchants, Navigators, and Traders for Fish and Salt of the City of London, and all other Ports, and of all Salt makers and Salt refiners, and of all other his majesty's Subjects within the extent of their several Patents between Berwick and Weymouth, as followeth. IN this Answer it will not be necessary to be limited within the strict time where the Projectors began▪ which was in Anno. 1627. thereby to serve their own occasions, but is intended to declare the truth of the most usual and constant prices of Salt at the City of London, as it hath been sold for 40. years' last past, as in the sequel shall appear. That in Anno 1600 even till the latter part of the year, 1627. the most usual price either of white or bay Salt, was near about 50. s. or 3. l. a Wey, and often sold under that price, as can be sufficiently proved. That in the said year 1627. the wars began between the King's Majesty of Great Britain, and the French King, and the King of Spain; in which time, till the peace was concluded betwixt those Kings, the commodity of Salt was very dear and scarce, especially French Salt, which was at 6. s. or 7. s. a bushel at the City of London, which came to pass in regard the Salt-workes in France were destroyed. First, at the I'll of Ree by the Duke of Buckingham's design. Secondly, by the French King himself in the wars when he took in Rochel. And thirdly, by intemperate rain which fell that time in France. So that the kingdom of France itself, which was wont to supply many other parts, as England, Ireland, Holland, the Eastland, and Germany, was thereby necessitated with want of that commodity for its own occasion. And therefore not to be admired, that the French King made an Edict in Anno 1630. that no Salt should be exported out of his kingdom, (Until his store should be supplied again.) Which scarcity in France for that present, forced all men to send into Spain for Salt, and thereupon a great number of Ships from all parts arriving there at one time, gave the King of Spain occasion to make use of the present necessity, and laid a great Impost on the Salt that should be transported from thence. The very same cause also moved the King's Majesty of Great Britain, and the Lords of the council, to order in that time of scarcity of Salt, by means of a Petition exhibited to the Lords by the Lord Maior of the City of London, and divers other Ports in Anno 1630. that no Salt should be transported into any foreign parts, which was effectually granted them by the Lords. But when in one or two years after, and that in France there were erected Salt-workes, and Salt was made plentifully again, as in the year 1632. then by the Edicts of the said Kings, the great imposition of Salt in Spain and France ceased, and Salt became cheap again, and Trade free as in former years, as about 3. l. or 3. li. 10. s. per Wey, for English or French, and 4. l. per Wey for Spanish Salt at most, which continued till December, 1634. So that the cause of the dearth of Salt in France, Anno 1628. till Anno 1632. happened through war and intemperate Weather, as before is specified, and not by the pleasure of Princes, by laying of a great Impost upon it, as they the Patentees falsely pretended; but the Projectors were desirous to make that an occasion of bringing their covetous desires to effect, and about that time they began to devise to bring an Impost on the English native Salt, which was and is dearer to the makers of it than any other salt spent in this kingdom. For French and Spanish Salt being made only by the heat of the sun, stands not the makers of it in above 10. s. or 20. s. or 30. s. a London Wey at the most, according to the dryness, or the wetness of the Summer, whereas the English Shields Salt at 1. d. per Gallon, (which is the cheap price the Patentees boast of stands the makers of it in 53. s. 4. s. the like Wey at least, being also the weakest Salt of all other by one third part, and therefore cannot bear any Impost, without destroying the English manufactures, as these Projectors have all this time practised, to the destruction thereof, although they pretended the contrary. It is to be observed, that a Wey of Salt at the City of London, containeth 40. Bushels, and every bushel 10. Gallons, which is the right measure according to the Statute; from which, in most other Ports it much differeth. That in December, 1634. the first Projectors, consisting of twenty two in number, (whereof five were Knights, the other seventeen had the titles of Esquires and Gentlemen) having determined and practised formerly to do mischief in this Land wherein they were borne and bred, and being all or most of them unexperienced in the matter they took in hand, devised and obtained this Monopoly of Salt, misgoverning his Majesty, and the Lords of the council, that it would be a great benefit to this kingdom of England, and that of Scotland, to erect works for the making a sufficient quantity of Salt, &c. and at a certain moderate price, (as they so termed it) not exceeding 3. l. a Shields Wey, which is after the rate of 5. l. 12. s. for a weigh delivered at London, which is an intolerable exaction upon a native manufacture, made and spent in this kingdom, as by their Patent more fully doth appear; (although the Salt pans in those places were erected long before, and not by these Patentees.) Which Patent being obtained by them, they practised to oppress the Subject from January 1635. until August 1638. all which time the first Patentees having made a Monopoly, in taking all the old works and pans at the Shields into their hands, forced white Salt at the City of London to the price of 4. l. 15. s. per Wey, and for the most part to 5. l. per Wey, and so in all other Ports according to that rate. And Bay Salt, by reason of their great Impost of 48. s. 6. d. per Wey, which was raised by a privy seal, procured by Edward Nuttall, and others his associates, (but nothing brought to account for his Majesty, as yet appears) was not all that time sold at London under 5. l. 10. s. per Wey, at least, but commonly at 5. l. 13. s. 4. d. per Wey, or 6. l. whereas the Western parts, which were free of their Patent, as Southampton, Exeter, Plymouth, Bristol, &c. had it in that time at or about 3. l. the like Wey, and sometimes under that price, which was most unjust and unequal, that the Eastern parts should suffer so much thereby, not only in the price, but also in hindrance of Navigation, and loss of Trade. That about July, 1638. the first Patentees having difference with Master Murford of Yarmouth, who had a Patent granted before theirs at Shields, prevailed against them, and some of them of the first Patent being wearied with the design, voluntarily laid down their Patent. That after the first Patentees gave over their Patent, the saltmakers at Shields in August, 1638. reassumed their pans, and sold Salt there cheap again, and thereby both Scottish and Shields Salt was sold at London for 3. l. per Wey, or near thereabout, until January following, that Thomas Horth and his associates obtained a grant of their Patent, which they presently after put in execution, yet Horth and his associates of the second Patent had no time to raise the price of white Salt at Shields to that height as they desired; for the Scots presently after the first Pacification in August, 1639. brought it down at London to 2. l. 17. s. per Wey, whereas Horth and his Associates in June and July 1639. would sell none at London under 4. l. 10. s. per Wey. That whereas the first and second Projectors of both Patents, to clear themselves of the great wrong done by them to his Majesty and his Subjects, do in their printed Papers lay the blame on the traders in Salt of the City of London, seeking thereby to gloss over their oppressing the Subjects even in the face of this Honourable Parliament, still pretending as formerly, that what they did was for his majesty's profit, benefit of Navigation, support of home manufacture, and general good of the subject, and many such like things, all which pretences are mere falsehoods and suggestions. For first his majesty's revenue is no way increased, as doth appear by their payments into his majesty's Exchequer, being in all but 700. l. whereas they have received Impost, and remain debtors to his Majesty many thousands, as by further examination and proof of their accounts will appear. Secondly, Navigation hath been much hindered thereby, as by a former Petition of the Trinity house to his Majesty and the Lords of the privy council appeareth, as also it hath been sufficiently proved before the Committee for the Salt business, by the Master and Wardens of the Trinity Company, who are most sensible of the destruction and advancement of the Shipping and Navigation of this kingdom. Thirdly, they have so cherished the home manufacture, by laying a heavy Impost upon it, that those that had 240. Pans of their own, and were thriving people at the Shields, before their Patents were of force, and were the makers there of Salt, are by the means of these Patentees become so poor, that the greater part of them are not able to buy coals to set their pans on work. And those the Patentees who bought 34. Pans of the old traders, did cease working for the most part of the years 1639. and 1640. by reason they could not attain to their intended price of 56. s. 8. d. per Wey at the Shields. So that whereas there was formerly made at the Shields before their Patents began about 16000 Wey per annum, they made in the time of the first Patent, which continued about three years and a half, not above 10000 Wey per annum. And in the time of the latter Patent but 8000. Wey per annum, even before the coming in of the Scottish Army into those parts: by all which appears how much they have destroyed the native manufacture, and have no ways advanced or increased it, as they pretended. Fourthly, for their pretences of the general good of the Subject, in place whereof they have so oppressed the Subject in general, that not only the traders in Salt of the City of London, have justly complained of their grievances to the Honourable Court of Parliament, but also Salt-refiners of Essex and Suffolk, also many Merchants in the West parts as far as Weymouth, as also from Yarmouth, and many other port's North as far as Newcastle, that came up to London only to inform the Court of Parliament of the great burden they have been forced to lie under, even to many of their undoings: And many more would come up, had they not been so impoverished by them the Patentees, that they are not able to bear their charges in coming so far to complain of their grievances. In general, they have been the oppressors of Fishermen, and all the subjects of these North East parts of England, to the value of many thousand pounds in estimation, above fourscore thousand pounds since the time of their entering into these Patents, which can be made plainly to appear by one years' importation for foreign and Scottish Salt, collected out of the customhouse books, and Meters books of London, and for native Salt out of their own books. Viz. In the year 1637. (which was in the time of their first Patent) of Bay and Spanish Salt there was imported but 1364. Wey, which at 48. s. 6 d. per Wey, is impost 3307. l. 14. s. whereas in the year 1634. when the trade was free there was 4620. Wey of foreign Salt imported, by which may be observed the decay of foreign Trade during the time of their Impost. That the Impost of foreign Salt was received and taken of all the Subjects between Berwick and Southampton, by virtue of Privy seal dated in May 1636. procured by Edward Nuttall, and others his associates, but nothing brought to account by them, nor paid to his majesty's use for the two years and 6. months, (as can yet appear.) That of Scottish and native white Salt Shields measure, there were expended for land use about 16000 ways, which at 10. s. per Wey Impost, and 10. s. per Wey increase of price, which came to pass by the Patentees contracting with the Scotch for dear selling, and can appear to be damage to the subjects at least in one year, in the price of the white Salt 16000 l. That for Fishers use of Scottish and native Salt, an estimate of 3000. Shields Wey, and upwards, at 3. s. 4. d. per Wey Impost, and 6. s. 8. d. increase of price, is at least 1500. l. Whereby it appears that the subjects suffered in one year by the first Salt Patents, 20807. l. 15. s. That the Patentees for Salt continued their first and second Patents above 5. years. By all which it is manifest how profitable these Patents have been to the Patentees, how little benefit hath accrued to his Majesty thereby, how great a burden to the Subjects in general, and to the old Salt makers, and the Merchants for foreign Salt, and all Fishermen, who use great quantities thereof, and to all traders in the same in their particulars. But if any trader in Salt hath either joined with those Patentees in any indirect way, thereby to uphold them, or the extreme price of Salt, they are not hereby intended to be excused, but to be left to the consideration of the Honourable House of Parliament. And whereas Horth and his Associates seek to justify their Patent, comparing it with that which Master Murford intended (which would also have been alike illegal with theirs, by laying an Impost on native Salt (as they have practised.) For answer thereunto is said, that the unlawfulness of Murfords Patent intended, cannot make that of Horths to be lawful which was practised by him. For as well that of Horths, as also the first Patent, have been sufficiently discussed by the Committee appointed by the Honourable House of Commons now assembled in Parliament, for the hearing of that business, and is by them most justly condemned to be illegal, a Monopoly, and prejudicial to the commonwealth. For so it is, that a Monopoly is a kind of commerce in buying and selling usurped by a few, and sometimes by one person, and forestalled by them or him from all others, to the gain of the Monopolist, and to the detriment of other men. That the latter Patentees further proceed in their justification, declaring the low rates the subjects have been served at since the time of the settlement of their Patent, which is (as they say) at 1. d. ob. per Gallon at the most, which in truth is a most intolerable exaction on the subject. For 1. d. ob. per gallon is no less than 50. s. a sheild's Wey, which is but five eight parts of a London Wey, and so the fraught being added, which is 10. s. a Shields Wey, without Impost, it will stand the Adventurer in no less than 4. l. 16. s. a Wey London measure; whereas it may be afforded, delivered at London, for 3. l. 12. s. per Wey, which is after the rate of 35. s. per Wey to the Salt makers at Shields for their Wey, at which said price of 35. s. per Wey, the old Salt makers say, they can afford it, but not under. And for the rare of 1. d. per Gallon, which is the cheap price they so much boast on, it being but 33. s. 4. d. a Wey Shields measure, at which price, if they sold any so cheap, it was much against their wills, for they desired and always sought to settle it at 56. s. 8. d. per Wey Shields measure for land use, and 46. s. 8. d. for the fishing Sea expense, which are the prices laid down in the latter Patent: yet it is true, that they sold some at lower rates: but they were forced thereto by means of the great plenty that was brought in by the Scots, who sold it at London, Yarmouth, and some other Ports at 3. l. a Wey, in Anno 1639. and some under that price, as aforesaid, whereupon the Patentees gave over making Salt at Shields in their 34 pans, in regard they could not attain to their intended price of 56. s. 8. d. a Shields Wey, yet some of the old Salt makers still wrought, (though to their great loss, and some of their undoings) selling it not for above 30. s. per Wey, yet notwithstanding they the Patentees took of them the old Saltmakers, without any moderation or compassion, the full impost of 10. s. for every Shields weigh, for Land use, and 3. s. 4. d. per Wey, for the fishery expense. For they had forced the old Saltmakers and Salt refiners to enter into bond, for the payment thereof unto them, which if they refused to do, they violently forced them of the Shields, of great Yarmouth, and Salt Refiners of Essex and Suffolk thereunto by imprisoning of some, committing of others into Pursuivants hands, and causing others to come up and answer at the council Table, to their great expense both of money and time, which extremity Horth used in that time he was governor more than any other either of the first or second Patentees. That in the Months of September, October and November last, Salt became dearer than it was in eight or nine years before, which came to pass partly by reason of the great impost continued by the Patentees of the last Patent, both on the native and foreign Salt, and partly by reason of the imbarring of the Scottish trade, and the coming in of the Scottish Army, at that time into Newcastle and Shields, so that white Salt was sold in October last at the port of London at 6. l. 10. s. per Wey, and Bay Salt in November last, was sold at the port of London for 8. l. per Wey, in regard Master Strickson, Master Nuttall, and Master Duke, three of the last Patentees continued the taking impost even until this present Parliament, which three were also chief of the Projectors of the first Patent. That the 23. of November last, the Honourable Assembly of Parliament upon a Petition of the traders in Salt of London, enjoined the Patentees to bring in their Patents & cease taking impost, and thereupon the price both of White and Bay Salt did fall at the port of London to 3. l. a Wey, and some for less: but the winds proving contrary in the latter part of December, January and February last, for above ten weeks together: And also small store of Salt having been laid up in London, or made at Shields by reason of the troubles in those parts with the Scottish Army, the store of white Salt for want of supply was soon spent here at London: and had it not been that the Parliament before that time had taken off the Impost of foreign Bay and Spanish Salt, whereby there was good quantities of foreign Salt brought in, this City of London had been so necessitated for Salt, as the like hath not been known. Yet from the King's Store house, and the East India Company, and other such like places, there was some small quantities of white Salt found, which supplied the present want thereof, and was sold in those dearest times at or near Billingsgate by some of the Traders in Salt for 6. s. 8. d. per bushel at most, but Bay Salt all that time was sold for 22. d. or 2. s. a bushel, and not above all that time, which was in the month of February, but before that month was expired, and ever since it hath been sold for 2. s. per bushel, and five pecks to the bushel, at or near Billingsgate. And whereas the Patentees allege that white Salt was sold for 2. s. a peck, at that instant day, when they published their printed papers, it is manifestly to be proved that ten or twelve days before they published them, white Salt was cried in London streets at 5. d. a peck, and so ever since, which proves their printed papers to be scandalous and false, in laying forth so many imputations upon the Traders in Salt, as though they were the cause of dear selling, which was only their continued impositions, and the occasion of the time as afore is showed. That before the Patentees had obtained their Patent for Salt, there was imported yearly to London great quantities of Spanish, Straits, and French Salt, by Merchants, Navigators and Traders. And that many hundred ways thereof were from thence yearly transported for Flanders, Holland, Denmark, and the East country, whereby ships had their employments both inwards and outwards, his majesty's customs improved, and many poor people, as Porters and Labourers had their maintenance thereby; which trade of Importation is in a manner wholly decayed since the time these several Patents were obtained. Objections and Observations. THat their Patents are found by the Committee appointed by the Parliament for hearing the Salt businesses to be illegal, and a Monopoly, by reason they brought an impost on the native Manufacture, and many other oppressions to the Subject. That the prosecution hath been most violent by imprisonments, and forcing many out of their Trades, and also Salt Refiners and Saltmakers, at Shields and great Yarmouth from their works; and the first Patentees forced divers at Shields to let them their pans at a Rent, which after two years and six months' use, they returned into their hands much decayed, and not satisfied for Rent. That they would have forced his majesty's Subjects to the only use of white Salt, which is not so sufficient for fishing voyages and many other uses, as the foreign. That they forced the price both of white & Bay Salt, in the time of their Patents, to one third part more than otherwise it would have been sold for. That there was a far greater quantity of Salt made in England before their Patents began, then in the time of the continuance of their Patents. That Horth at a hearing at council Table the 19 of December, 1638. to maintain his unjust cause in taking his Patent, and upon some speech, which was moved about the insufficiency of white Salt for preserving of Fish, and an ancient Trader there saying, that the very scales fell off through the weakness of the white Salt; he the said Horth did most falsely reply and affirm, that Codde and Ling Fish had no scales, which he did to convince them of error who came to oppose him: and he with others (whose names are well known) did then and there before his Majesty and the Lords of the council so far maintain it, that they were believed, and that the others that spoke the truth, were rejected, whereby the King and Lords were abused by the said Horth and others, by denying that to the creature which it had received in the creation either for defence or ornament. That it is and hath been proved both before his Majesty and the Lords, and also before the Committee by the Trinity house Masters, that if foreign Salt be prohibited, or some heavy impost be laid upon it, Navigation will be much hindered and decayed. That Horth alone above the rest of his partners obtained a Commission out of the Exchequer, and did thereby put men to their corporal oaths, to confess what Salt of their own or of others, they knew to be imported, and told the Commissioners he was at council about that particular, and his council advised him, it must be so, and to be sure, would be with the Commissioners himself, and urge it. That the settled moderate rate (as the Patentees pleased to call it) of 56. s. 8. d. per Wey Shields measure, will stand the Adventurer delivered at London in 5. l. 6. s. 8. d. per wey, which is now since their Patent ceased sold at this City of London for 3. l. 10. s. per weigh, and long before their Patents began, it was sold cheaper, (that time of three or four years of hostility with France and Spain, when there could be little foreign Salt imported, only excepted.) And Bay Salt at present is sold at 3. l. per wey. That beyond the power of the Patents, Horth constrained the Salt refiners of divers Counties to pay a double Impost. That if the commodity of Salt be free for all men to import, or make it, there cannot be that engrossing, forestalling, or regrating made▪ which may be done by a few monopolising Patentees, who having the command of it all, may confer the commodity upon some few particular Traders, for some sinister respects, to the destruction of others in their Trades, (as the late times of their Patents have made manifest.) And for those 27. years afore specified, the commodity of Salt being then free of Impost, the price was always reasonable, and would be so now, and so continue, without the help of any Projector. That a free trade which is now so much desired of the subject, and a settled price, desired of the Patentee, cannot consist, for a constant price forced upon a native manufacture is a principal part of a Monopoly. That foreign Salt being absolutely necessary for special uses, the inhibition thereof cannot be admitted, but to the great prejudice of the subject. That these Projectors, which pretend so much of supporting the home manufacture of Salt, have in a manner destroyed it, by laying so heavy an Impost upon it, as 16. s. for every London Wey. And if it be not supported by taking off the foresaid Impost, it is like utterly to decay, and then indeed (the Salt Wiches only excepted) this kingdom must wholly depend upon foreign parts, for all the Salt shall be therein expended. (The premises considered) the humble request to the Honourable House of Commons now assembled in PARLIAMENT, is, That they would be pleased, that the Projectors and late Patentees for Salt may be brought to an account upon the premises, that so it may appear what profits have accrued to his Majesty, and what disadvantage to the Subject, and what persons have been molested and vexed by reason of them, that so reparations and redress may be made to the parties so vexed and grieved, as in the judgement of the Honourable Assembly shall be thought expedient. FINIS.