Die Mercurii, 1 Septembr. 1647. A DECLARATION OF THE LORDS and COMMONS Assembled in PARLIAMENT, Concerning Soldiers that resort to Westminster for Arrears. THe Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, taking into their serious consideration the great inconvenience and danger which daily doth or may accrue by the resort of divers persons to the doors of both Houses, under pretence of Arrears to them due, the greatest part of them being persons evil-affected to the Parliament and Kingdom, and their coming thither being for the most part (though under other pretences) to disturb them in their proceedings; And likewise remembering the effectual course by them taken by their late Instructions bearing date 28 May last, for the determining of all accounts, so that there can be no colour of any such resort as aforesaid, except it be of such who are unwilling the truth of their accounts should appear; Do hereby Order and Declare, That henceforth no person or persons shall presume to resort thither under any such pretence; both Houses having formerly Ordered, That the Committee for the accounts of the whole Kingdom, or other Committees authorized for that purpose, shall present Rolls of such accounts so determined to both Houses, and not otherwise, where those persons concerned herein shall receive such further assurance and satisfaction as both Houses shall find to be just: And in case after the publication hereof, any person shall presume contrary to this Declaration, The Guards attending on either or both Houses, are hereby required to seize upon them, and keep them in safe custody; And if upon Examination by the Committee of Complaints, it be found that there is any Arrear due to any such persons, every such sum of Money shall be and is forfeit for his or their Contempt, and such further punishment upon others, as both Houses shall appoint. H: Elsing, Cler. Parl. D. Com. London, Printed for Edward Husband, Printer to the honourable House of Commons, Octob. 23. 1647.