Monday May 7. 1660. THE Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament having received several Informations, that there have been divers Tumults, Riots, Outrages, and Misdemeanours lately committed in sundry parts of this Realm, by unquiet and discontented Spirits to the disturbance of the public Peace, and fomenting of new Troubles, Do hereby Order and Declare, That all Sheriffs, justices of the Peace, Majors, Constables, and other Ministers of public justice, that were in Office the 25 day of April 1660. shall be continued in their respective Offices, and shall exercise the same in the King's majesty's Name and style, And shall use their best endeavours to suppress and prevent all Riots, Tumults, unlawful Assemblies, and misdemeanours whatsoever, against the Laws and Peace of this Realm: And all treasonable and seditious Words, Reports, and rumours against His majesty's Royal Person and Authority, and proceed against all Offenders therein according to Law and justice. And all Military Officers and soldiers, and all others, are to be aiding and assisting to them therein. Monday May 7, 1660. ORdered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That this Declaration be forthwith Printed and Published. WILL: JESSOP Clerk of the Commons House of Parliament. London, Printed by Edward Husbands and Thomas Newcomb, Printers to the Commons House of Parliament.