AN EXCLAMATION AGAINST THE Whore of Babylon THE Mother of Harlots. Setting forth the True and False Church, with their Heads, Members, Parts, and Properties, as any indifferent Reader, Protestant or Papist, may judge which is the one which is the other; who are Christ's who be Antichrists, who be True Christians who be Antichristians; as the Difference and also the Opposition, now here following, fully declareth. LONDON, Printed for R. G. 1679. An Exclamanion against the Whore of Babylon the Mother of Harlots. Christ. Antichrist. THe King of Saints: chap. 15.3. The King of Locusts, chap. 9.11. The faithful and true witness, chap. 3.14. and 1.5. and 19.11. The false Prophet deceiving, chap. 19.20. A Lamb, chap. 14.1. chap. 5.14. A Beast like a Lamb, having two borns, but speaking as a Dragon, chap. 13.11. The Angel coming down from Heaven; cap. 10.1. and the bright morningstar, chap. 22.16. The Angel of the bottomless pit, chap. 9.11. the beast ascending from thence, chap. 11.7. out of the earth, chap. 13.9. and the Star fallen from Heaven. chap. 9.2. The Redeemer, chap. 5.9. The Destroyer, chap. 9.11. Upon his Head a Crown of Gold, chap. 14.14. Upon his Head the Name of Blasphemy, chap. 13.1. He hath the Key of David, chap. 3.7. This, the Key of the bottomless Pit, chap. 9.1. He sitteth in his Father's Throne, chap. 3.21. This in the Dragon's seat and throne, cap. 13.2. He wareth in defence of his Saints, chap. 12. and 17. This maketh war against the Saints, chap. 11.7. and 13.7. and 19.19. He winneth people to him only, by the preaching of the Word, chap. 10.11. and subdueth ●hem by the Sword, which cometh out of his mouth, chap. 19.15, 21. This by false Miracles, by force and f●ar of death, if they will not sub●t themselves to his will; chap. 13.13 14, 15, 16. Christ permite●h men to live, and to buy, and sell, though they do not yield to him. This counterfeit Lamb will let no man buy nor sell, except him that h●th the mark, the name of the beast or his number, chap. 13.17. Christ fitteth his Servants to preach, and commandeth them to do so, chap. 10.11. This Beast ●lloweth of no Preacher of God's Word, but riseth up and murdereth them, chap. 11.7. Christ the Lamb hath his Wife, chap. 19.7. This Beast and false Prophet his Whore, chap. 17. Christ was, is, and shall be, chap. 1.8 and 11.17. and reigneth for ever, chap. 11.15. This Beast w●s, is not, and yet is, and shall have power 42 mouths, and go into destruction, chap. 13 5. and 17.8, 11. The true Church of Christ. The false Church of Antichrist. This is the holy beloved City, New Jerusalem, chap. 20.9. and 21.2. This that great City, chap. 14.8. and 17.18. the City of the Nations, cha● 16.19. great Babylon, cap. 18.2. This the Tabernacle of God his Habitation, chap. 21.3. This the habitation of Devils, the hold of every foul spirit, and the cage of every unclean and hateful bird, chap. 18.2. This the Lamb's Wife, chap. 19.7. and 21.9. This Antichrists Whore, chap. 17. This the Temple, cap. 11. This the Out-court, chap. 11.2. This the Woman clothed with the Sun, and the Moon under her feet, and upon her head a Crown of 12 Stars: chap. 12.1. This the Woman arrayed in purple and scarlet colour and decked with gold and precious stones and pearl; under her the scarlet coloured beast, and upon her forehead, a name written Mystery, Babylon, etc. chap. 17, 3, 4, 5. This trodden under foot, chap. 11.2. escapeth into the wilderness, and there is hidden for a space and nourished 1260 days, chap. 12.6.14. This treadeth upon the Church, chap 11. sitteth as a Queen glorifying herself, and living deliciously, chap. 18.7. This is hated of the Dragon, chap. 12. and 20.9. persecuted by the beast and false prophet, chap. 11.7. and 13.7. and 19.19. and against whom the Kings of the earth rise up, chap. 17.14. and 19.19. This favoured to the utmost by the Dragon ch. 13.2. born up by the beast, chap. 17.3, 7. assisted by the Kings of the earth, chap. 17.14. and 19.19. who have committed fornication, chap 17.2. and lived deliciously with her, cap. 18.9 This hath in the hand of the Angel, the little book for to teach the people, chap. 10. This hath in her hand a gold●n cup, full of abominations, and filthiness of her fornication, chap. 17.4. This is led by Christ to the living fountains of waters, chap. 7.17. even the waters of life to drink thereof, chap. 21.6. and 22.17. This woman is drunk with the blood of the Saints and the blood of the Martyrs of Jesus, chap. 17.6. This hath the Lamb to instruct all hers, chap. 5. This hath the false prophet working miracles to deceive all hers, chap. 19.20. This hath only God himself and Christ in the midst, ruling her, chap. 1.1 and 22.3. This hath Antichrist, the King of the Locusts, whose harlot she is, to rule over her, chap. 9 This hath the approbation of God, and the Kings of the earth shall bring their glory and honour to her, cap. 21.24. This hath damnation from God, chap 17.1. and the Kings at length shall hate this whore, as she deserves, and burn her with fire, chap. 17.16. The Servants of Christ. The Servants of Antichrist. These are Angels and Stars, cap. 1. and 2. and 3. These are Locusts, frogs, and unclean spirits of devils, chap. 9 and 16. These are Prophets, and do preach the Gospel, chap. 11. and 14.6. These preach not, or preach men's precepts, and do torment men, chap. 9 and work deceitful miracles, to deceive them that dwell on the earth, chap. 13.13, 14. and 19.20. These come out of the Temple, and are sent by Christ. chap. 14. and 10, 11. to whom he giveth power, chap. 11.3. These come out of the smoke of the bottomless pit, chap. 9 and are sent by the Dragon, beast, and false prophet, cap. 16. from whom they receive power, chap. 9.3. These go forth with the everlasting Gospel, exhorting men to fear God, and to worship him, chap. 14.6. These go forth, without the Gospel, to hurt, chap. 9.3, 10. and to incite the Kings of the earth unto mischief, against Christ his people, cap. 16. These preach against Babylon, and proclaim her fall, and do threaten vengeance against such as do subject themselves thereto, chap. 14.8, 9, 10, 11. These, out of the mouth of the Dragon, Beast, and false Prophet, do use all their deceitful working of miracles, to procure helps, for the upholding the same, chap. 16.10, 13, 14. These have been killed only for preaching God's Word, and for the testimony of Jesus, chap. 14.6. and chap. 11.7. and 20.4. These are put to death for the blood they shed, chap. 16.6. and for their damnable treacheries and treasons. Christians. Antichristians. These are they that dwell in Heaven, chap. 13.6. These are the inhabitants of the earth, chap. 13.8. and 11.10. These do worship God, chap. 4. and 5. and 11.16. and 22.3. These worship the Dragon and Beast, chap. Devils and Idols of Gold and Silver, and Brass, and tone, and of Wood, chap. 9.20. These are without guil● in their mouths, chap. 14.5. These be guileful equivocators, and makers of lies, chap 22. as their practice proclaims to the world. These are not defilled with Women, but are Virgins, chap. 14.4. These are guilty of fornication spiritual; chap. 17.2. and corporal, chap. 9.21. These do follow the Commandments of God, and do keep the faith of Jesus, chap. 14.12. These do what the Beast and false Prophet will have them to do, by whose false miracles they are deceived, chap. 13. and 19.20. These reverence the voice of Christ's Ministers, and openly show it, cap. 4.9, 10. and 5.14. These hold them to be a torment to them, and rejoice and are merry, if the beast kill them, chap. 11.10. These rejoice, that Christ taketh to him his power and reigneth, chap. 1.16, 17. These like Heathen, Nations, and Gentiles, chap. 11.2. are angry therear, chap. 11.18. These are written in the Lamb's Book of Life, cap. 21.27. The names of these are not written in the Lamb's Book of Life, chap. 13.8. and 17.8. These get the victory over the beast, and he cannot make them to take his mark, or worship his image; but do get out from the number of his name, chap. 15.2. All these both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, he causeth to receive his mark in their right hand, or foreheads; chap. 13.16. These have the Lord and his works in admiration, chap. 4.11. and 5.12, 13. and 15.3, 4. These have the beast and his power in admiration, cap. 13, 3.4. These are content to be martyred, and to be slain for the Word of God, rather than they will worship the beasts image, etc. cap. 20.4. These do shed the blood of the Saints and Prophets, chap. 16.6. for testifying the truth, chap. 11.7. and for notworshiping the Beast, and his Image, chap. 13.15. These follow the Lamb, chap. 14. These wonder after the Beast, chap. 13.3. These have his father's name written in their foreheads, chap. 14.1. and 7.3, 4. and 22. These have the mark of the Beast in their Hand or Foreheads, chap. 13. These have been by the beast and his instruments, afflicted and brought down, cap. 11.7. and 13.7. but now are prevailing, and shall be glorious, chap. 7. 9-14. and 11.11, 12, 16.18. and 14. 6-20. and 15.2. and 16. These now are plagued, chap. 16.2. and rewarded for their cruelty, ver. 6. their kingdom groweth dark, ver. 10. and shall come to destruction, chap. 18. These will rejoice, and so ought to do, at the ruin of Babylon, chap. 18.20. and 19. 1.2-7. These do rage and blaspheme at Babylon's d●cay, chap. 16.10, 11. and shall at length bewail and lament her final distrust on, chap. 18.9.16. These with the names in their Foreheads, chap. 14. are sealed of God for assurance of their safety, chap. 7.11 These with the mark and name of the Beast, chap. 13. are cursed of God, and unless they turn, are sure to be damned, chap. 14. 9-11. Here behold now and see, all these particulars set forth to the open view of every man's eye; let us, which have happily escaped, and those that are yet among them, which in honest simplicity of heart mistake things, learn hereby to discern between Christ and Antichrist, the true Spouse, and the filthy Whore; the faithful servants of Christ and the devilish instruments of Antichrist; between true Christians in name and deed, and Christians only in name, but Antichristians in deed; so shall we still-stand in the way of life, and they (poor souls) escape the snares of death; even so Lord Jesus, Amen. FINIS.