Approved Medicines OF Little cost, to preserve health and also to cure those that are SICK. Provided For the soldier's knapsack, and the Country man's Closet. Written by RICHARD ELKES Gent. Student in the Art of physic, living at Bagshot in the County of Surry. Medicos & Chirurgos subinde mutare; aegris taedium non levamen est. Eccles. 38. 4. The Lord hath created Medicines out of the earth, and he that is wise will not abhor them. LONDON Printed for Robert Ibbitson and are to be sold by Tho: Vere at the Angel in the Old-bailey. 1651. TO THE High and Honourable Court of Parliament, Rich. Elkes wisheth health, peace, and tranquillity. Right Honourable, FOR as much as all men ought in their several places and callings to endeavour to do good in that commonwealth, wherein they live, your poor Subject hath seen many men, both soldiers and others lose their lives, by a careless demeanour, sometimes ignorantly, some times wilfully, sometimes for want of a physician, and chirurgeon, sometimes neglecting the means when it may be had, for the prevention thereof, I do here make bold to present unto your view some Defensives and Remedies, for all that desire Health. In the absence of a Learned physician and chirurgeon, these easy Medicines may both cure and preserve health; as the learned saith, the physician's duty consisteth, in two principal points, First, To preserve health. Secondly, To cure the sick, which I have and will endeavour to do, according to that talent that Almighty God hath bestowed upon me, and rest your obedient Servant To Command, in all submission and diligence. RICHARD ELKES. The Directions of an old soldier in Ireland about forty years since, which became a physician there. AS I traveled through the county of Clare, I heard of an excellent physician which had accomplished many rare cures, but especially the Bloody Flux. After some time spent I found the man, and conferred with him touching his Art, which he seemed willing to impart, requesting the like of me, and said about forty years before that time, he came out of England a soldier into that Country, which was in Queen Elizabeth's days; before a month was expired the bloody Flux seized upon him, and as he suppofed it came by eating of fresh meat, fresh fish, lying upon the ground being hot, and such like; he remembered some directions that was given to him before he came out of England, That when you eat, give over with an appetite, drink no more but to quench thirst, if you drink when you are hot, march after it, or stir your body, when you rest at your fires sit not upon the cold ground, but upon wood, straw, or such like; put off your wet clothes, and especially your Stockings and dry them, &c. And carry in your knapsack a piece of steel to heat red hot, and quench it in your beer, water or milk, and as you travel gather the leaves and bark of the oak, and the leaves of the black-Thorn, a bag of Salt and oatmeal, that if the Flux should take you, you might help yourself. So this old soldier remembered his directions, and observed it diligently, when he came to their fires, to dry his clothes, and sit upon wood, or such like, and he cast his piece of steel into the fire to warm his drink, and when they had fish or flesh boiled, he would cast into the boiler, a handful of Oaken leaves, or bark of the Oak, or a handful of leaves of Black-Thorn, Salt and oatmeal; and grated into his beer some of the oak bark; this being observed, cured himself, and many of his fellow soldiers. The Wars being ended, he became a physician, and gained both money and credit, by curing the Flux, and some other infirmities. Thus may any soldier observe and do for their healths in England, Ireland, and Scotland, if need require. Also the soldiers may provide in their knapsacks three sorts of Earth, that is Terra Lemnia, it is called in the apothecary's shops, Terra Sigillata, Bolarmonicke, and chalk; this Terra Lemnia cometh out of the Island of Lemnos in the Turks Dominion, the quantity of a Bullet swallowed whole or beaten topowder, and taken in Broth or other liquour fasting, it cureth the Flux, and preserveth from the Pestilence; the best Bolarmonick cometh out of Spain, and may be taken fasting in like quantity, or in some broth, the quantity of two Bullets to cure a Flux; the common chalk which we have in England may be beaten to powder and boiled in milk or broth, and taken fasting it cureth a Flux, if it be often taken the quantity of a spoonful twice in the day. Thus much of medicines with little cost. 2 To proceed to the cure of the Flux, methodically according to Art. YOu must consider what kinds of Flux the parties are grieved with, and the complexion that doth predominate; first, whether it be the Flux Diarrhea, Lienteria, or Dysenteria, if it be Dysenteria which is most dangerous, I have read of four kinds, but it requires a long discourse concerning all the sorts, but I omit that, because the cure differ but little, only this, if you find the exhulceration to be in the upper & small guts, you must minister medicines at the mouth, but if it be at the bigger or lower bowels, you must cast in glisters often, if the party be without a fever, give him milk newly milked, wherein a gad of steel hath been quenched, you may make Suppings or Broth with Quinces, knotgrass, Plantain-leaves, Willow-leaves, Cumfreyroots, and such like, you may make rice-milk, or boil white Starch in milk, eat no flesh but Partridges, Culvers, or Birds of the mountain, goats and hare's flesh may be permitted; a good diet well observed, the cure is half accomplished. If strength do permit, you may purge down the vicious humours with two drams of rhubarb, infused in half a pint of white wine, with currants and sweet fennel seeds, and drink it fasting to purge the vicious humours, after purging, take a dram of Diascordium, thus may you purge every other day; for in a week after this, make a drink with running water of two quarts, put seeds of Sorrell, Pumgranat rinds, knotgrass, Cumfery roots, Bryer roots, Plantain leaves, cinnamon, Bolarmonicke, dragon's blood, and Sugar; drink this as an ordinary drink: Likewise you may make a drink with red wine, cinnamon, Sugar, knotgrass, and Cumfery roots to drink three times a day four spoonfuls at a time. 2 To make a Glister glutinous. REc: three pints of water, quench steel in it, until one third part be wasted then boil in it Cumfery roots, knotgrass, Bryer leaves, red Rose leaves, and Plantain leaves, of each a little handful of Acatia, hypocischidis, ana. ℈ij. Bolarmonack; Sanguis Dragonis: ana. ℈j. the juice of Quinces ʒj. Goat's Tallow ℥j. if it may be had, and yolks of three eggs, commix this together and make a Glister, administer this as often as you shall see cause. 3 For an Implaister. REc. of the oils of Quinces, Roses mastic ana. ℥ j. of the meal of Fenny Greek and Barley ʒj. Sanguis Dragonis Balaustiaʒss. Bolatmonicke ℥ j. acaliaʒij. as much wax and Rosen as is sufficient, and make a plaster, spread it upon leather, and apply it to the navel over the nether Ventrick where the party complaineth most. Much more might be spoken but I leave it to the ingenious practitioner, and wish all men to be temperate, for intemperance is the cause of this and many other incurable diseases. 4 Of the Pestilence or Plague. THe Pestilence is a Fevor in the highest degree, which may be taken several ways, by living amongst sick people, by a corrupted air, by rotten and corrupt diet, which filleth the body with rotten and corrupt humours, but some bodies are stronger than others, some are more temperate in eating and drinking than others, in them rotten humours abound not, and, the infection fasteneth not so strongly upon them, but nature expelleth it, this is the reason that some people never catcheth the Pestilence, though all be in a room together, sometimes the infection happeneth, by living with the sick, and lodging in bed with them, drawing the breath that cometh from the sick party, if they approach near to them; as the office of the lungs is to draw in fresh air to comfort the heart, instead thereof it draws in a venomous breath, which may be the destruction of the heart: the cause of a corrupted air, is by standing Ponds, or Marshes in the heat of Sumer, rotten Coleworts, rotten Roots, and fruits, & many people continuing in a close room, many dead Bodies unburied: which may happen in the time of War, dead Carrion and such like, immoderate heat of the air, and moisture in Summer time, thick Mists, especially about Autumn, that in a morning it may be smelled. The cause of corrupt humours in the body, is by eating corrupt meats and drinks, as flesh long unsalted, rotten fruits, coleworts, and rotten Cabbig, and roots: and corrupt water, or wine, or beer made with evil water, breeds rotten humours in the body, which I wish all men to have respect unto, and the best means to preserve their bodies from the Pestilence that is, is not to continue in a pestilent air, make fires often, burn Rosemary, Sage, Juniper-wood and berries, frankincense, Myrrh, Pitch, and such like, what you eat let it be wholesome, gluttonizing doth corrupt the blood & produce dangerous diseases, as the Measles, the Pox which are the forerunners of the Plague, always eat with your meat sharp things, as vinegar, Vargis, oranges, Lemons; let your potherbs be Sage, Isope, balm, bugloss, and borage, drink no wine but allay it with good water, eat Terra Lemnia or fine Bolarmonack as before is showed, carry in your knapsack a Box of Diascordium, and mithridate, a handful of Rue the root of Setwall, in shops Zedoary, and Elicampane roots, take either of these it may preserve from the Infection, but above all, if you come into a house, or place that you doubt you have taken the Infection, go presently and dig a hole in the fresh earth, put in your mouth and nose, and breath into it a quarter of an hour, then remove from that place and dig another hole and do likewise, this you may do three or four times, and by God's blessing the fresh earth will draw the venom from your heart, which I have proved also, if a man be in a sound, or choked in a room, where a multitude of people are, it will as it were fetch life again. Further if you go into a room which is infected, hold a turf of fresh earth to your mouth and nostrils, it will preserve you from the contagion, as I have proved: you must avoid Bathing, Venus, and violent exercise, which openeth the Pores, than the venomous air will have no entrance into the body to destroy it: to be Costive is hurtful, for prevention thereof you may ●ive a soft Glister or Purge, with ●iludie Rufi, also it is good for young people to be let blood, but remember to use a good died after it, and keep in until the blood be settled again: and avoid all perturbations of the mind, as wrath, melancholy, and such like: Many more remedies might be showed, which for brevity I omit; only this antidote you may cause to be made at any Apothecaries to carry in your knapsack, and for the Country man to keep in his house, to use if occasion be; Rec: of Saffronʒss. of aloes Epaticke of Mirrhʒij. mastic ℈ i. Bolearmonackeʒj. Terra Lemniaʒij. harts-horn burnt ʒj ss. the bone of the Harts-heart, red coral ana. ℈ j. Walnuts in number 20. Figs 13. Bay saltʒj. of Rue a little handful, Roots of Scabius Aristolochia Rotundaʒij. Tormentil and Pimpernell, ana. ʒv. Bitanyʒj. Zedoaryʒj Seeds of Sorrell, and Seeds of purslane, ana. ʒss. and make all these into an Electuary with clarified honey, or with syrup of Gillyflowers, and marigolds, take every morning upon the point of a knife, the quantity of a Nut, it will preserve from the infection, in like manner you may take it at any time when you come among infected persons: thus far I have showed you how the Pestilence happeneth, and how to prevent it; Now I will show you briefly the symptoms and signs of it, and proceed to the cure. When the wind is often in the South and West, the air much altered, specially in Autumn, many pimples rising: the Measles and Pox in divers places increasing, are the signs of the Pestilence ensuing: the symptoms are, the extreme parts of the sick person will be cold, and the inward parts very hot; heaviness, lazy and sleepy with a great pain in the head; sometimes sadness, sometimes raving, vomiting, purging, loss of appetite, great thirst, the Pulse frequent low and deep, the tongue red, at first growing black; the Urine thick and troubled, but sometimes like the Urine of a healthy man, (therefore I wish you to observe other signs) most specially if there be any risings behind the ears, armpits, or groin, these are chiefly to be observed: And now I proceed to the cure. 5 The Cure of the Plague. IF you come to the sick party, the first or second day of falling sick, the common use hath been to open a vein in that fide that the Botch appeareth, or that side he complaineth of: for if you let blood in the contrary side, you draw venom over the heart, and destroy the body, also if the grief be above the shoulders, cut the Cefallick vein, if below the shoulders, cut Basilica, so if it be below the nether Ventrick, cut the vein in the Ham, or the ankle; but the practice of some is not to bleed, you may apply cupping-glasses: if the Pestilence should seize upon a man at dinner, or Supper, give him a vomit: If it happen other times, you may give the party of the Antedote before written, the quantity of a Nut in some Scabius water, and cover him very warm to sweat an hour, and cool him gently, it will both cure and defend him from it: or you may give this Medicine following: Rec: mithridate ℈ j. Theriaca Londinensis ℈ ii. Bolearmonack prepared ℈ jss. waters of bugloss and Scabius as much as is sufficient to make it into an Electuary, give to the sick the quantity of a dram, and lay him in a warm bed, and cover him with clothes that he may sweat four hours, then let him be cooled gently by taking off the clothes one after another; this being done, use the same the second day, and by God's blessing it may drive the venom from the heart, unto the extreme parts, which I will direct for the cure thereof hereafter: you may also take Electuarium de ovo the quantity of a dram or a scruple, according to the strength of the party, it is commended above all by some physicians; but Bolarmonick, or Terra lemnia, I have proved them the quantity of a nut given in posset-drink or in syrup of gilliflowers, and 3 grains of Saffron powder, this will drive out the venom into Botches like Carbunckles when other Medicines be wanting, so the party hath recovered, it is also good to drive out the measles and the Pox, remember in the time of sweating, you must not let the party sleep, nor in six hours after; you may give him Julips, made with waters of Scabius, Sorrel, Endive and Succory, syrup of gilliflowers, of Wood sorrel, Lemons, Violets, and such like, for his meat, you may boil a Chick, with Sorrel, the juice of Lemons, and borage-flowers, or Marigold-flowers are very good; also you may dissolve a little Saffron in his vinegar to dip his meat in it, but let the Saffron be very finely powdered, or tied in a linen cloth (as Saffron is a Cordinal, so if much be taken it hurteth) Many other cordial things may be used, wood of Aloes and Sanders grated into his beer is commended. 6 The Cure of the swelling or Plague sore in the extreme parts. IF the swelling will not break itself, you may apply that plaster called Diachylon compositum, or Galbanum spread upon Leather, and applied to the place: or an onion cut off the top, and dig out the middle, and put in London Treacle, and three or four leaves of Rue, put this to the fire and roast it, when it is well roasted, lay it warm to the Botch or swelling, if it break put in a Tent, and let it run what it will, when the corruption is out; Diachilon will heal it up again, also you may use this; Rec. great raisins half an ounce, Bay saltʒj. Figs 6 oil of Cammomell, and honey, as much as will make this into a plaster, mahearbs, ny other medicines might be set down, but these will easily be gotten; if you desire further, repair to your learned physician. 7 Of the Calenture and spotted favour. THese favours are very near unto the Pestilence, which doth often happen unto Mariners at sea, by feeding upon salt beef, Bacon, salt Fish, and evil water, pulse and worm-eaten bread, which cannot be avoided at Sea, this favour is known, by feeling the outward members cold, & those within, as the Pestilence, sleepy, and heavy, the pulse very low: This favour bringeth death in 24 hours many times if not speedily prevented: furthermore, you shall perceive the Patient as it were distracted, ready to leap into the Sea, sometimes vomit, the tongue white underneath, and black at the top, cold sweats, cramps, with many other accidents, like as in the pestilence: For the cure thereof, if the patient be able to endure Flebothomy, open a vein in the arm, if he complain most in the head, cut the vein called Cephalia, if at the chest, the Basilicke vein, remove the sick into a fresh room, make a fire in it first, than put out the fire, and refresh the room with sweet waters, or what else may be had at the Sea; if at Land cast Rushes in the room, and green Boughs; if the air be hot, misty, and moist, shut the windows, if clear and pure let in the fresh air to comfort the heart: At the first you must not let the sick sleep overmuch, that will draw the venom to the heart, until it is defended by giving cordials, such as is prescribed before in the chapter of the Pestilence, his diet must be Broth, made with cordial Flowers, and a little Saffron tied in a cloth, after the third day you may give crumbs of Bread in his Broth; for the cure, if time will permit, give him a Glister before letting blood, in this manner make your decoction with cordial flowers, after boiling dissolve into it Diascordium, syrup of Violets, Roses and such like; after Phlebothomy give him a cordial, and lay the party to sweat, as is taught in the chapter of the Plague: After sweating and Phlebothomy, the sick may drink barleywater, made with cool raisins of the Sun stoned, and a scruple of Saffron tied in a cloth and boiled in the water, Lemons boiled in milk both rind and pulp, until it is turned to Curds, and whey, drink the whey continually as you thirst, I have proved it of good effect. And when he hath recovered a little strength, and the venom expelled from the heart, let him be purged with this Potion; Rec. a quart of running water, or more, a handful of cordial Flowers, a little Cardus Benedictus, a root of Tormentil, a leg of a Poultry, these being boiled, take a pint of that liquour or thereabout, dissolve in it of Diaphenicon, ʒj. Diacatholiconʒj ss. electuary of Roses ʒij. give the sick this to purge the dregs of the fever, as you shall see cause, adding some cordial surrups after purging, made with Diascordium, Amber Beaser, syrup of Violets, and syrup of lemons, waters of bugloss, borage and Wood sorrel to drink at night, so by the blessing of God the sick may recover health again. 8. Of the scurvy. THere is the sea scurvy, and the land scurvy, both of these are a putrefaction of blood which cometh by the neglect of exercising the body, and eating rotten meats, and corrupt drink, or water, as is showed in the former Chapter; the obstructions of the Spleen do increase this evil, and the Morphew and black soult, the simptoms are these; the gums swell, the teeth lose, the legs will swell, and have spots about the ankles, some will have many tawny spots about their breast, other some have complained with a great pain in the head, with a soreness all over the head; I cured a Tanner that laboured with this evil seven years, chiefly in the spring, and at the fall of the leaf; by his own relation in his youth he was laborious, but after he had gained a competent estate he took ease, and eat much, but of gross meat; his drink was made of standing water, which as he supposed made the strongest drink, his bread was made with barm, or Yeast, but in his youth he eat leavened bread, so from this and such other of the same I have observed, that evil water, and unleavened bread do breed this and many other dangerous diseases, for drink made of such water, the venom doth purge by the barm, and is in it, of which bread is made, and he that eateth such bread (especially in Cities and towns) may have the scurvy, and fevers of all sorts, for if there be any venom in the drink it will be in the barm; therefore I wish all men to eat leavened bread if he can have it, and drink made of clear water ten days old at least. 9 For the Cure of the scurvy. THe first intention is to keep a good diet, and exercise the body moderately, his meat must be meats of the best nourishment, as Birds of the Field, Mutton, or veal, rabbits, and Chickings, broth made with Agremony, Avins, Scabius, or Bitony, and such like; all salt meats must be avoided, the first three days let him take a draught of oxymel in the morning fasting, and last at night, which is to be made in this manner; Rec. a quart of clean water, a root or two of Fennell, three or four roots of Parsley, a sprig of Rosemary, a little Fumotery if it be to be had, Fennell-seeds, and Parsley-seeds of each a Dram, three spoonfuls of the best Honey, let this boil gently, and scum it, and in the boiling put into it two spoonfuls of Vinegar, after this hath been taken three days, take of rhubarb 3ij. of Sena 3j. 40 raisins of the Sun stoned, a race of Ginger sliced, sweet Fennel-seeds, aniseeds of each 3j. let these be infused all night upon coals, the next morning take half a pint of this and dissolve in it a Dram of Diacatholicon, take this three mornings, after this let blood if need require; the body being thus prepared, make your scurvy-grass drink in this manner: Take a peck of Scurviegrasse, and a gallon of watercresses, and a gallon of Brook-limes, one handful of Egremony, one handful of Tamariske, or the buds or bark of the ash, raisins of the sun stoned a pound, of liquorish half a pound, concused Fennell roots peethed, and Parsley roots, aniseeds, and Fennell seeds a quarter of a pound, put all these into a thin bag, in five gallons of beer or Ale, put the bag into the barrel when the drink is ready to be tunned, with a stone in the bottom of the bag, let it hang within three or four inches of the bottom of the barrel, let this drink work with these ingredients in it, then stop it close, and at eight or ten days' drink of it and none other (except a little at meat) until the Party be well; most especially in the morning drink a pint, and exercise until the party is ready to sweat, and keep him warm after it; the spoon-wort is good for the land scurvy, used as before is directed, and taken forty days together. 10 Of the Flux called, the Plague in the Guts. THis Flux in England which is called by many, the Plague in the Guts, is contagious as I conceive, a venomous matter cleaving to the nether or great Guts for the most part, some seem to have no favour, other some have a fever, and complain most in the middle Ventricle; in brief, I suppose the Cure is accomplished by giving Cordials, and sweating, and by Glisters, if the Flux appear to be bloody, or like scraping of Guts; without a fever, you may proceed as I directed before in the Chapter of the Flux Dysenteria; at the first coming of this Flux, take a quart of milk, boil in it a handful of Marigold Flowers, Sage, and Rosemary, Bryer leaves, and knot grass, this being boiled take one pint of this, put into it syrup of Slowes, syrup of gillyflowers, anna ℥j. the yolk of an egg, and a dram of Diascordium, give this blood warm, the next day if strength permit give the other pint of milk in a Glister as before is directed, but after the first Glister hath done working, give a cordial thus prepared, take of the water fo borage, Scabius, and marigolds, ana. ℥j. Diascordium ℥j. Confectio Alcermis ℈j. Mithridates ℈ ss. syrup of Violets, syrup of gilliflowers, ana. j. commix all this together and drink it warm, presently after let the sick be covered warm, to sweat two hours if strength permit; in sweating, drink Posset wherein Saffron is boiled, this being used three times may cure it, for it hath recovered many of the above named Flux, keeping a good diet without flesh; thus briefly of the Pestilence, which destroyeth many, if means be not used to prevent it in time. 11. The cure of the Itch, and Lice. FOr cure thereof Methodically, is first to observe a good diet (that is to say) you must eat and drink such things that breed good blood, and to avoid all things that breeds evil and rotten humours, as you may see in the Chapters before going; then purge the body with pilule de fumo terrae, or pilule Inde haly, which you may have at any Apothecaries, the second day let blood in the basilisk vein, then make this water following; Rec. A gallon of running water, or the water that smith's use, and quench in it a gad of steel red hot until half the water be wasted, then boil in it a quarter of a pound of leaf Tobacco, of Dock roots, Willow leaves, and leaves of the Birch, of each a handful, of Brimstone tied in a cloth 3 ii. wash the sore places twice in the day and you shall be cured (except the Itch be incorrigible, which with long continuance doth bring it to pass; also if you make so much of this water as will wet your shirt twice in the week, the shirt being clean washed and dried, then dipped in this liquour, and dry it again, it will both kill the Itch, and destroy the lice that are about you) I have read a story of some soldiers that would boil Saffron, Pepper, and grains in running water, and in that liquour dip their shirts twice in the week, it will make the shirt yellow, but it destroyed Lice and Itch; others of the inferior sort would boil Staveacre and Tobacco in water and dip their shirts in it, and cure both Itch and Lice. Many more Medicines for the Itch have been used, as Brimstone pounded to Powder with Ginger, and tied in a cloth, and infused in fallet oil nine days in the Sun, anoint the sore places with this oil and be whole (but this will smell) also Mercury sublimate ℥ ss. beaten to powder, and put into a quart of Running water three or four days, then with a little cloth wet the sore places, it may cure the Itch, but it is dangerous, and must not be used unto raw places, for it may poison the blood, therefore I wish that none would use it without the advice of his chirurgeon. So I come to speak of the incorrigible Scab called by some the Naopolitan disease, which happen, and hardly found out, the first cure (as Vigo saith) of this foul disease is called Morbus Gallicus, I will speak little of the cure in this place, because divers have written largely of it, and the maledy being Chronicled it will require a long time to perfect, I will only give you some cautions to preserve from the infection; if you be infected before it be confirmed, to expel it: The infection of this evil cometh chiefly 4 ways, but seldom or never by eating and drinking, with the diseased as many think, the most dangerous way of catching this malady is by a clean body carnally acting with an unclean body; the next way of taking it is, man and man, or woman and woman lying in bed, the one clean the other unclean, the heat of their bodies do as it were participate of each others Itch, Scab, Pox or Pestilence; The third way of taking this Infection, is by approaching so near the diseased party, as to draw in its corrupt breath, as in the Pestilence; The fourth way is, Infants sucking an unclean woman. Signs how to know this disease, if it be newly taken not so easily discerned, if of long continuance, the face of some will be wan and pale, the eyes hollow, and blew some scabs about the nose, sometime ulcers, sometimes no Ulcers, a full pain in the head, great pains in the joints, especially in the night, the Shin bones continually pained, the wula and neck swollen, the Spade bone and sinews in pain, Lazy, and Lumpish, gonorrhoea swelling, in the armpits little Knobs or Ulcers, about the privy Members, and Fundament, sometimes Scabs over all the body, with many more. 12 For cure hereof newly taken, and not confirmed. FIrst of all you shall observe a good diet, that is, eat veal, Mutton, roasted Birds of the mountain, Hens, Chickings, Partridges, or pheasants, and such like: All salt meat is hurtful, all fish, but crayfish; garlic onions, Salt, Pepper, Swines-flesh, and white-meats, and Venus is forbidden; sometimes the Patient may use borage, lettuce, White beets in Rice broth, when he is wearied with meat dry roasted; The second intention is to digest the corrupt Matter with syrup of Violets, syrup of Fumotary, of each half an ounce, water of endive, and Maiden hair, a spoonful of vinegar, let this be taken over night, the next morning give him this potion, take a handful of borage Flowers, a handful of Mary-goldes: 40 raisins of the sun stoned, boil them in a quart of water, to a pint, then take a dram of Rubarh, and infuse in it all night, in that pint of liquour, dissolve of Diacatholicon and Diaphenicon, of each half an ounce, in the same liquour, and take it fasting, and fast two hours, in the interim provide some thin Broth to drink as he Purgeth, after purging give some Cordial surrups with Diascordium; the second day Purge again, the fourth day Sweat 4 hours, the sixth day Sweat 4 hours, and the eight day sweat 4 hours; in this interim provide this drink, take of Lignum vite li. j. of the bark of the said wood li.. ss. raisins of the Sun stoned, li. j. Chinaroot ℥ij. Sassafras ℥ix. Salsaperilla ℥ix. Cardus Benedictus, and maidenhair Mj. of Liquorish, and aniseeds li. ss. of each, and 16 pints of water, put all these in a pot very close stopped, and let it stand upon the coals 24 hours to infuse, then let it boil 24 hours gently; in the boiling, put in of white wine & quart, scum it, and save the scum, to apply to the scabby or soate places, strain this liquour and keep it in a vessel, close stopped, drink this drink and no other 40 days (except at meat) a little small drink may be permitted, thus havel cured many, at the first, before the evil be confirmed; also this drink will cure all diseases of the Liver, as the dropsy, &c. if rightly used: Further, if the party be Scabby, or Itchy, make this Bath following, Rec. of the Roots and Leaves of Docks, Chick-weed, Fumoterry, of each a little bundle, Lentils, and Lupins, four handfuls bruised, Elicampane Roots, Walwort, or the roots instead of Walwort, Elder, li. ij. Black helibor ℥iiij Kneeholme li. ij. Brimstone li. ij. boil all these in so much water as will bathe a man, when the third part is wasted, then let the diseased Bath and sweat in it, two or three times in a week, after Bathing, let the patient go to bed, and keep warm, and drink the aforesaid drink, this hath cured many but if the Scab be more inveterate, use this unction, Rec. of quicksilver killed with fasting spital, ℥, in a readiness, then take the oil of bays, and mastic of each an ounce, and of the liquour of the Bath aforenamed a pint, of fresh Butter, and swine's grease, ℥iij. of each; seeth all these until the liquour be wasted, then add clear Turpentine ℥j. of Storax liquidam ℥ ss. White wax ℥iiij. iiij Rock alum burnt ℥j. Litarge of gold and silver ℥ij. ii. of each, of Myrrh and frankincense, ana. ℥ij. juice of Lemons, ℥iij. commix all these together with the quicksilver quenched, and anoint the Scabs, this will cure; if you anoint and sweat until the Flux be moved, but if this evil be confirmed and ulcerated it will require a longer discourse, which you may have hereafter if time permit; thus briefly I thought good to direct the soldier, and others to prevent the danger thereof. I have read that Charles the eighth, King of France, coming to Rome, and Naples with his soldiers, they brought this Disease into France, the Spaniard instead of Silver and Gold, brought it from the Indies, but I hope better of our countrymen, and rest, &c. 13. Of the Flux of blood in wounds, and the remedies thereof. IF the Flux be little it is the easier restrained, but if it flow out abundantly, there must be speedy remedy, for blood is the treasure of life, sometimes it chanceth in the inward parts, sometimes outwardly, inwardly by violent moving, and such like may break a vein, outwardly by Swords, Guns, Pikes, and other Instruments; also it doth happen by venomous medicines applied to wounds, corrupting the veins, which cause a Flux; if the Flux happen in the inward parts, as in the Liver, Lungs, reins, and Bladder, it is of hard curation, yet it must not be neglected, for which purpose all styptic and conglutinating things must be used, as Cumfrey roots, knotgrass roots, Gum Dragagante, Terra Lemnia, bolearmoniac, Rice, Quinces, Lentils, pomegranates, and such other cooling drinks are best, and broths made with the abovenamed simples may help forward the cure, but this Medicine following I have proved; Rec. pomegranate rinds ℥j. Pulveris. Bolearmonack ℥ ss. Terra Sigillata ℥ij. knotgrass and Cumphrey roots pounded, and the juice pressed out, Gum Dragagante ℥ ss. intused in that juice, make the said Powders into Pills, like little Bullets with this infusion, and give the sick six of them in a day, three fasting in the morning, and three of them last at night, continuing this ten days, and it will make you whole. 14: The Flux in outward wounds ARe chiefly two, if it flow from the veins it is gross and red, if it come from the Arteries, it is of a purple colour, and cometh out by heaps, both these must be speedily cured, if the Orifice be large; to cure this, take of Bolearmoniack, Terra Sigillata, ana. ℥j. dragon's blood, ℥ ss. aloes, and frankincense, ana. ℥ij. hare's hair cut in pieces, of sponge of the Sea dried and burnt, tragacanth brayed, mingle all these together and bind it to the wound, and let it rest to the third day; so man's blood dried into powder will staunch the blood, the wound being filled: also, if need require you may bind the extreme parts, or open a vein in the contrary part, as if the right arm be wounded, open a vein in the left; you may cauterize the place, wet Lint in Vinegar, or a cloth wet in Vinegar and put about the cod's, hath been used with good effect; besides all these, Gerrard in his herbal speaks of an herb called clowns all-heal, that was found out by a Mower which wounded himself with his scythe dangerously, he not having any chirurgeon near, by accident gathered an herb which stenched the blood, and after made a Medicine of the same herb and healed the wound; this being known to Gerrard he called it clowns all heal, this I have proved. Also it happened that I was coming from Winchester, I met with a soldier coming from a Fight near Ailsford, which was wounded largely in the neck, so that the Flux of blood could not be stopped, I remembered an herb showed me by an old Midwife that groweth in shadowed places, I searched under an appletree and found the same herb, and gathered a handful, and rubbed it in my hands, and filled the wound therewith, it staunched immediately, after I made a Salve of the same herb, and cured the wound in 14. days, only I anointed it with oil of Hypericon the second dressing, and gave directions to him to do likewise; the same soldier came to my dwelling in 14. days perfectly whole, and gave me thanks; this I have often proved since that time, the name of the herb is, Archangel, or dead Nettle, which carrieth a purple Flower, this I made trial of when all other Medicines could not be gotten; I write this because any Country people and soldiers may find this herb when chirurgeons be not present, and other Medicines far distant, unless the soldier carry them in his knapsack, and the countryman keep them in his Closet until time of need. 15 Of Wounds. Wounds in general are according to the several Members, as wounds in the head, face, neck, shoulders, and arms, &c. but Wounds chiefly to be observed are two, that is, mortal, and Curable; also wounds curable may be made mortal by ignorant chirurgeons, therefore I wish all men to hasten to an able chirurgeon. As wounds that are mortal is in the brain, the Heart, the stomach, the small Guts and the Bladder, nevertheless I wish all chirurgeons not to neglect the means, for I have seen God's mercy wonderfully shown in giving strength to Nature when the judgement of man faileth; As touching wounds superficial or deep after the Flux of blood is stopped as before directed, and that your chirurgeon cannot be had; first consider whether there be any dislocation of bones or fractures, or whether any veins, Arteries, sinews, ligaments, tendons, or Muscels be wounded, if you find any of these you must proceed to the Cure very carefully, or else you may make that wound gangred or rotten, which at the first might be cured; this I have seen by ignorant people, applying hot Medicines to hot and choleric wounds, and cold Medicines to the cold causes, as Hemlock, Henbane, and such others, which I omit, and come to show you whether there be any Dislocation or Fracture; First, compare one member with the other, as if the shoulder be depressed it will be lower than the other, neither can the party lift it to his head; if the elbow be out of joint, the hand cannot be turned about, neither will it be like the other, for the reducing of such a member, hasten to your bonesetter, but in his absence if such a thing happen in the fingers, toes, or the elbow, two men grasping the member very fast, a third man directing them to pull in the joint, and the said third man with his right thumb upon the place, the left hand turning the member into his right place, which the Patient will soon find ease, if rightly performed. Further, if the shoulder be out, let that man put his arm over the round of a Ladder, or over the head of another man that is higher than he that is dislocated, the chirurgeon, or he that setteth the joint put both his thumbs to the place, a second minister or two holding fast the lame arm over the Ladder, or over the same man's head, so the sick may be above the ground, and the weight of his body with this help may reduce this joint into his proper place; many other ways there are, but I omit, and come to Fractures, which must be very diligently placed, if in the thigh, or above the elbow where is but one bone it may be broke short off, so the member will be shorter than the other; this must be drawn into his proper place as before is showed, if riven or shaken into splinters, they must be all placed and bound up in some frame or spleets, pasteboard, or Iron made according to the form of the member, if wounded through the flesh, there must be a place left for the dressing of the wound, and an implaister made with Bolearmonick, Terra sigilata, Gum Dragagante, dragon's blood, whites of Eggs laid upon Flax, and applied round the member grieved, put into the wound oil of Elder, and oil of Hypericon, also make Tents with Lint rolled in the same oil (but be sure make them so, that you leave none of them behind when you take them out of the wound;) above all be sure that no dust nor hairs fall in the wound, nor Lint left behind that cometh off the Tent; also there must be care had of wounds of dry bodies, and of moist bodies, as tender bodies are more moist than those that labour and travel, if you find them to be moist bodies, you may use drying powders, as Bolearmoniack, if proud flesh, or dead flesh, then use burnt alum, or Precipitat, or you may make this powder: Rec. Sarcocolle, ℥ j. Oliban. ℥ ii. Aloes Epatick ℥ iij.. mastic ℥ j. frankincense, ℥ ii. dragon's blood ℥ i ss. Balaustia ℥j make this into fine powder and it will incarn wounds, if you find the wound to be dry you may use the said oil of Hypericon, oil of lilies; if the sinews be wounded, oil of Elder is very good. To preserve a wound from Imposthumation, Rec: of mallows, Beets, Violet leaves, and Landebeef, of each a handful, boil them until they be soft, then put in oil of Roses, and white lilies, make a cataplasm or poultice, with Roses, Rye meal or Barley meal, adding some Hoglard, apply this warm until the Impostume be removed, for no wound can heal until the Impostume be cured. Likewise a Member may Cancern if not speedily removed, that Member must be taken off; to prevent this you must observe, whether the Member about the wound, do alter in colour, glissen and of a blue colour, the member doth not quite rot, but the spirits being hindered from coming to that place, it doth mortify; which cometh by applying venomous Medicines, sometimes by overtying of a member when a bone is broken; sometimes by applying things that are cold, styptic, and sharp, these and such others may cause Cancerna, now to preserve the Member wounded from cancerna; Rec. oil of Roses, Umphacin, oil of Mirtive ana: ℥ iij.. the juice of plantain and Nightshad, ana: ℥ ii. ss. let them seeth all together until the juice be wasted, then put to white Wax ℥ j. ss. Flower of Beanes, Lintiles, and Barley ana: ℥ ii. ss. of all the Sanders pulverised ana: ℥ j. ss. Bolarmenacke ℥ j. grains and mirtiles a Dram, make this into a plaster, with oil of Elder, labour it in a mortar into a plaster, besides all these, there happeneth favours, Cramps, Convulsions, and many other by applying evil Medicines to a wound which must be removed, before the cure will be ended; if there be a favour, you must give cooling Glisters and purge with Potions following, make a decoction with cordial flowers, in a ciate full of that decoction, dissolve of Diacatholicon of Diaprunis, ana: ℥ ss. syrup of Roses ℥ ss. take this fasting as a potion, if pained in the head, take Pilule chochy or Pilule aure, and such like; if the cramp assail the body, rub the member with warm clothes, or oil of hedgehog; if a Convulsion, rub the pole and the member with oil of Castoreum and Sage. These impediments being removed, I proceed with the Cure as followeth; If the wound be large or dangerous, let his diet be good Broths, and meats of easy digestion, as Birds of the hills, Mutton, veal, chickens and Rabbits; he must avoid salt meats, beef, Poulse, Cabbig, and windy meats, as fruits, nor drink no inflaming drink: The next intention is to keep the body soluble, with potions, pills, or Glisters, than you must wash the wound with this lotion, take Plantain water, bugloss, or borage water, odoriserous Wine, pomegranate flowers, Plantain leaves, the flowers of St. John's wort, boil this together and wash the wound, then make Tents and roll them in oil of Hypericon, and fill the hollow places with them, then make plasters to mundisie: Rec. of clear Turpentine ℥ ii. honey of Roses ℥ j. Smallege ℥ j. let them boil together a little time, add thereto the yolk of an egg, Saffron, a little Myrrh ℥ ii. of aloes ℥ j. make this into a stiff plaster, with oil of Roses, and flower of Barley, this will mundify and clear a wound in two days, if not very foul; after the wound is clear, you may proceed again with healing Medicines; if not mundified, you may use Unguentum Egiptiacum, or unguentum Basilicum; and for a healing-plaster, the wound being mundified take of clowns all-heal, falilly, archangel, ana: one handful, pound them, and boil it in Hoglard, then strain it, let it stand to be cold, take the top of it, pour away the bottom, and boil it with wax and Rosen, so much as is sufficient to make a plaster, this, or one of these herbs made in a Salve, will heal a green wound, or you may have this Implaister made at any Apothecaries, Rec. Salet oil ℥ iiij. white Wax ℥ j. Turpentine ℥ ss. Greek Pitch, ℥ j. frankincense, and mastic ana: ℥ i Saffron ℈ j. mingle these and boil them upon a gentle fire, and make plasters: So I end for old Ulcers, you may mundify the Soare with White wine, and Aquavitae, or with the Mundificatives before written, as Egiptiacum, or unguentum apostolorum, and finish the Cure with the above named Medicines. 16 To cure a gunshot. THe chirurgeons first intention must be to stop the Flux of blood, next to search diligently, whether the bullet do remain in the member wounded, or whether the bullet have carried any thing before it into the wound, as Paper, cloth or such like if so, the next intention is, with a Terra-bellum or other Instrument to take it out. Make this Digestive, Rec: Turpentine washed in Aquaviter ℥ iv. Vitelorum ovorum number ij. oil of Roses ℥ ss. Precipitat twice calcined ʒj. Saffron ℈ j. commix this and make a plaster, after this you may wash the wound with Plantain water, red Rose water, with oil of Roses and oil of Elder, after mundific the wound with this: Rec: Venice Turpentine washed in Aquaviter ℥ iij.. oil of eggs ℥ j. or Yolkes of eggs number ii. Honey of Roses, and syrup of Roses, ana: ℥ ii. the bran of Fetches, frankincense, mastic of each ℥ ss. cover your Tents, and make plasters, until the wound be clean, than you may proceed to end the cure with the forcnamed oil of Hypericon, and healing Salves. 17 To cure Burning with gunpowder, or burning with fire and scalding. IF it happen that any part of the body be burned with Gunpowder or fire; take the juice of onions ℥ iv. and common salt ℥ ss. beat them well together, and if the burn blistered, anoint it three or four times in a day, for three days, than you shall proceed as followeth: but if the skin be burnt, and made raw, you must cover it all over with the finest Lawn and, anoint it with the Juice of onions, and Salt, letting the Lawn lie upon the wound, until it is whole; but if deeply burned, use this following, Rec. the finest Hoglard li. iv. Linseed oil li. ij. oil of Roses li. ss. of Mallow-Leaves, Violet leaves, the Brood of Bees; Plantain leaves, Burnet, penny-wort, Tulson, Live-ever ana: Mj. infuse these 6 days upon a gentle fire, add thereto white Wax li: ss, white Nitre ℥ vi. also you may put to shoemaker's peece-greace, this being used will cure it, chipping off the lawn, as it health: if there be Blisters you must not cut them, it will be painful: you may make part of this Medicine if you need not the whole Receipt; Also if the burn or scald be not much, you may pound onions, and a little Salt, or Leeks with a little Salt, so much as will cover the sore, and let it lie 24 hours, in the interim, take a handful of House-Leek, and the inner bark of the Elder, bruise it and boil it in a quart of cream into an oil, scum off the clear oil as it ariseth, keep it and anoint the soar place twice or thrice in the day, and it will be whole, this I have often proved: You may beat into the Cream the white of an egg, if your eyes or eyelids should be burned. Rec: Rose water ℥ iij. woman's milk ℥ ii. the oil of whites of two Eggs, Sugar Candy half a quartern, mingle these and make an ointment and anoint about the eyelids, and about the eyes: or you may make this, Rec: oil of Roses ℥ vi. white Lead washed in Red Rose water ℥ ii. white Wax, oil of the Whites of four eggs, the Gum called camphor, make this into an Unguent, to take away the spots and scars, take oil of eggs, and oil of Almonds, and wash the face it cleareth the skin. Courteous Reader, Seeing many people, as well soldiers as others, have neglected the means in time of danger to preserve their health, I thought good to show you briefly some easy medicines, which may be had most of them with little cost (other Medicines may be made for you at the Apothecarys) to keep in your Closets, or knapsacks until time of need to make use of them in the absence of your physician or chirurgeon, which I wish you to hasten unto for advice. FINIS. A Table of the Weights used by physicians, A Scruple. ℈ A Dram. ʒ An Ounce. ℥ A Pound. li. A Quarter. q. A half: ss. A handful. M. Of every one. ana.