DIEV ET MON DROIT HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE royal blazon or coat of arms At the Court at Whitehall, The One and thirtieth of January, 1678/9. Present, The Kings Most Excellent Majesty His Highness' Prince Rupert Lord Chancellor Lord Treasurer Lord Privy Seal Duke of Monmouth Duke of Lauderdale Lord Chamberlain Earl of Salisbury Earl of Bridgwater Earl of Peterborow Earl of Sunderland Earl of Clarendon Earl of Essex Earl of bath Earl of Craven Earl of Ailesbury Earl of Carbery Lord Viscount Newport Lord Bishop of London Lord Bishop of Durham Lord Maynard Mr. Vice-Chamberlain Mr. Secretary Coventry Mr. Secretary Williamson Master of the Ordnance. WHereas His Majesty hath received Complaint in Council, That several justices of the Peace of several Counties, Cities and Liberties within this Kingdom, notwithstanding the many Proclamations which His Majesty hath been pleased lately to Publish, for the better Security of His Majesty's Person and Government, and of the True Protestant Religion, Do refuse, or neglect to put the same in Execution, (at which their neglect and refusal, at a Time wherein 'tis most apparent, That not only His Majesty's Royal Person and Government, but the True Protestant Religion within this Kingdom, have been, and still are in great danger) His Majesty cannot but signify His just Displeasure: And therefore hath this day been pleased in Council to Order, That all His Majesty's justices of the Peace do with all Care and Diligence pursue His Majesties Commands signified in such His late Proclamations. And His Majesty doth hereby further direct the Lord Chancellor of England, upon due Complaint made of the neglect or refusal of any of His Majesty's justices of the Peace, in the Execution of the Premises, forthwith to put them, and every of them out of Commission for the Peace, as Persons disaffected to His Majesty's Government, and the True Protestant Religion; And to put in their Places Persons who may be likely to Act with more Vigour and good Affection. ROBERT SOUTHWELL. LONDON, Printed by John Bill, Christopher Barker, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1678/9.