A TRUE DISCOVERY OF THE Irish Popish PLOT Made by Maurice Fitz-Gerald of Killcowan in the County of Lymrick, Jan. the 20 th'. 1680. By way of Quest. Q. What do you know of Colonel Lacie? A. I know noting but he is an Honest Gentlemans. Q. Were there not great and frequent Meetings of Papists and Popish-Priests, and Friars in his House? A. Yis, and Protestants too, he will turn no man out, but is good, for Meat and Drink to every Gentlemans wid in and wid out. Q. Did not you know him, together with Sir John Fitz-Gerald to have consulted and endeavoured the bringing in of the French Power into Ireland? A. Be my Shoul they did never told me so. Q. The reason why you discover it not, is because you have not yet your Pardon which shall be granted you, if you make a full discovery. A. By my Shoul I don't care for your Pardons, I did Steal no Cows, nor Horses, no Sheep's, nor Rob upon the Great way, nor Little way, nor break Prison, as Hetherington did to come over to be your King's Evidence, so I don't care for your Pardons. Q. But in your Narrative there is a great Discovery, I suppose you will confirm the Truth of that. A. Po, po, de Parliaments did Vote an Irish Plot too upon my Narrative, and they did Vote it upon a Lie, for I never saw my Narraty till I came here; but peoples makes Narratyes and Plots in London; and put it upon me Fait. Q. Did you not know the Earl of Orrery? A. Yis, I did know Old Roger and Young Roger too. Q. Did you not hear of a Letter from him to Sir John Fitz-Gerald? A. Yes, and see it too. Q. What were the Contents of it? A. It was to put the Plot upon the King and the Dukes. Q. Do you know Hetherington? A. Yis, but I did not know him here, he vas so Brave and Fine, and a Fite Perwig, and Shilver Buttons, and Gold Laces upon his Coats. Q. What did he say to you? A. He will say, I am sorry to see you in such Bad Cloads; And I said, my Cloads will be very good for me, and better than his when he vas in Ireland; He say den, he vill give me Fine Cloads and Moneys. Q. For what? A. For no good Feat, only for Lying and Swearing. Q. What did Mr. St. Leger say to you? A. He said, I vill not vaunt while I vill be in Town. Q. Why was he so kind to you? A. For noting but because I was the King's Evidence to make a Plot. Q. Are those your Holiday clothes? A. Yis, and my Unholy-day too. Q. Have you not better for Sundays? A. I have but one Cloads always, I wear better Cloads in my own Country den your King's Evidence did. Q. Who sent you hither as a King's Evidence? A. Why tree Justices da Peace in the County of Lamnagh sent word to Lord Lieutenant and Council, that I know I Plot, they take me out of my Beds from my Vife and children's, and sent me to Dublin: Dear de D. of Ormond ask me did I own dat Examination, so I look upon it, and say, I did not own it, den I say I vill not declare till I come to de King Your Majesty; now peoples vill be giving me things that I should say, as they did make Narraty for me. Q. It seems you will or can discover nothing, you are proffered your Pardon if you would. A. By my Shoul, if you vill be giving Your Pardons and Your Moneys, you will have a thousand King's Evidence; don't you tink when Cow-stealers, Horse-stealers and Murderers are to be Hanged, but to Shave demselves from de Gallows, they will come to London and be Your King's Evidence; Fait Your Majesty did a thousand pounds' wort of good, you brought a great many Rogue to be Your King's Evidence. Q. They did a wise piece of work that sent you hither as a King's Evidence. A. I have a Vife and children's at home, and I would beg that I may be sent back to my Vife and my children's: I desire none of Your Pardons nor Your Moneys, but as much as Vill bring me home, and that vill be very little: And I have but one thing more to beg of Your Majesty, that is to send dese gentlemen's to their own Country; where they are known, where Your King's Evidence are known; den by my Shoul you will see who is the Rogue. Q. You shall go to Your Wife and Children, and they are Fools or Knaves that sent you; These Gentlemen also shall be tried in their own Country, and now declare your knowledge. A. Fait I am ashamed to tell all, there is so much Rogury in the world, and by my Shoul Sir Henry Ingoldsby know it, and Mr. St. Leaguer, and Mr. Odell, and me Shelf. Q. Do you know Mortagh Downey? A. Yes very well, he is my own Tenant Fait. Q. How came he acquainted with Sir John Fitz-Gerald and Colonel Lacie? A. Mortagh Downey did she him often, but was never in deir Companies in his Life; for be my Father's Shoul Mortagh Downey is better for a King's Evidence for deir Company. Q. Prithee what do you think of all Plots? A. Be my Shoul dear is many Plots, and many Rogue, and the Devil take dem all but my Shelf. Amen. Maurice Fitz-Gerald. London, Printed by N. Thompson for the Author, 1681.