For the KING And both Houses of PARLIAMENT. For you (who have known Sufferings) now (in this the day of your prosperity) in the Fear and Wisdom of God, to read over and consider these Sufferings of the People of God in scorn called Quakers, which they have suffered in the days of the Commonwealth, and of Oliver and Richard Cromwell, and which they now suffer in your day for Conscience sake, and bearing Testimony to the truth, as it is in jesus. For which there have suffered Imprisonments, Stockings, Whip, loss of goods and other abuses, which is hereafter more at large expressed; Together with the causes wherefore they have Suffered, and still do suffer. 3179. Persons. And there lies yet in Prison that were committed in the Names of the Common Wealth, and of Oliver and Richard Cromwell that we know of. 79. Also there hath died in Prison in the Common Wealth, and oliver's and Richard's days. 32. Persons. And there is Imprisoned in the King's Name since his Arrival, one whereof died in Prison. 177. Persons. So there is at present in Prison in all we know of. 256. Person● And besides the meetings are daily broken up by men with Clubs and Arms (whic●… peaceably meets, according to the people in the Primitive Times, and are thrown into Waters, and trod upon, till the very blood gushed out of them, by rude people, the number of which meetings that have been broken up, can hardly be uttered. And this we would have of you, to set them at liberty that lies in Prison, in the Name of the Common Wealth, and of the two Protectors, and in the King's Name, for speaking the Truth and for good Conscience sake, who cannot lift up a hand against you nor no man; and that our meetings may not be broken up by rude people with their Clubs, and Swords, and Staves, who peaceably meet together in the Fear of God to Worship him. And one of the greatest things that we have suffered for is, because we could not Swear to the Protectors and all the changeable Governments, and now are we imprisoned because we cannot take the Oath of Allegiance. And now if our yea be not yea, and nay nay to You and all men upon the earth, let us suffer as much for breaking of that as for breaking an Oath, for we have suffered these many years both in Lives and Estates under these changeable Governments, because we cannot swear, but obey Christ's Doctrine, who Commands, we should not swear at all, Mat. 5. James 5. And this we Seal with our Lives and Estates, with our yea and nay, according to the Doctrine of Christ. Harken to these things, and so consider them in the Wisdom of God, that with it such Actions may be stopped, thou and you that have the Government that may do it. We desire that all that are in prison for conscience sake may be set at Liberty, and for the time to come, they may not be imprisoned for Conscience and the Truth's sake, and if you question the innocency of their Sufferings, let them and their Accusers be brought up before You. LONDON. Printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Sign of the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1660. To the READERS. FRiends, you that are the Heads and Rulers, and Makers of Laws, and Magistrates in all these Dominions, We desire you with consideration to Read these things over, and if there be any Mercy in You to consider these things, and how long we Suffer, and was always Sufferers under the Powers before You, we have been a Suffering People, and how we have been struck with Armed and Weaponed men, several and divers Weapons, and Stoned and yet have never struck again, nornever threw stone again; now such Fighters and Strikers may not boast of a great Conquest, Neither is it becoming to a man nor to them that profess the Name of Jesus that hath thus turned against us, neither is it commendable nor of a good Report nor Savour, for them that be right Men would judge such things; And again, besides our Houses broken to pieces, our Goods spoiled, and we haled before Courts and Magistrates, our Windows and Houses broken up, our Friends banished from Place to place, and thrust out of Towns and Places, and not suffered to come to their Wives, and likewise Women thrust away from their Families, as you may Read in this following Declaration, which is sad, and a grief that ever any such things should be found amongst any that profess the Name of Jesus; Therefore these things are given to You, that all things may be restored in Righteousness, Truth, and Equity, and that Violence, Cruelty, and Oppression and Injustice, and Injurious persons, and the Jaws of the wicked and the Violence of men may be stopped, that Truth and Righteousness may run down your Streets, and that set up, that you may be a praise to them that doth well and wishes your welfare and the peace of all men, that the Rod may not be laid upon the Righteous, and the Sword turned backward, but to the evil doers you may be a terror, and that you may distinguish between them that the Law is made for, and that it is not made for; and that the People of God may not be persecuted that Worship God. Here is a Declaration of the great and cruel Sufferings and Martyredom that the Elect People of God (before the World began) in scorn called Quakers, have suffered and at present do suffer by the Professors (of the World) of the form of Godliness but denies the Power thereof, who from them have turned away, which to the KING and the PARLIAMENT who are the present Rulers and Governors of these Dominions are to be Read, that they consider & may remove Oppression and Persecution, & do Justice to the Innocent, that revengeth not themselves, neither lifteth up a hand against any one, who commits their cause to the Lord to plead, lest the Lord sweep you away, as he hath done them that went before you, that heard not the cry of the Oppressed, who have been as the sheep for the slaughter, all the day long killed and buffeted, who have given their Backs, Cheeks, and Hair, to every one that would smite them and pluck it off, who have been in the deep Sufferings all a long, and had no helper in the Earth, but their lives from it hath been taken, Snares, Bonds, and Prisons in all Places attends them, yet they have learned the lesson in all these Sufferings and Conditions, to pray to the Lord to forgive their Enemies; And who have kept their Integrity, and Fervency, and Sincerity, and abideth in the Doctrine of Christ, that Commands them so to do. A DECLARATION of some of the SUFFERINGS OF THE People of God CALLED QUAKERS. FRIENDS, WE lay these sufferings before you who have known sufferings, and been exercised therewith, for you in this the day of your prosperity, in the Fear of the Lord and his Wisdom, to read over and consider the sufferings of the People of God, who have suffered all along in the days of the Commonwealth, and of the two Protectors, and now suffers in the King's Name, for Christ and his Truth's sake, and for obeying his commands. And we have suffered all along under these changeable powers before you, our meetings have been broken up, our houses plucked down, our windows broken, and pulled out of our Meetings, and cruelly abused, knocked down, and stones and dirt thrown at us, and have suffered cruel mockings, and shameful reproaches, and many whipped, stocked, and laid in Irons, and Dungeons, and nasty Straw, and prisoned till death, and some put to death in these Dominions, and the only thing hath been for the speaking of the truth, and warning people of the day that is come upon them (yea, many in sackcloth and ashes) who would not hear nor regard, whose day of visitation is over. And there hath suffered for Conscience sake and the Truth's sake (the causes being hereafter expressed) the number of 3179. 1. For meeting together in the Fear of the Lord, as the Saints did in the primitive times, and exhorting one another, and building up one another, and praying together in their several houses, as the Apostles did from house to house, have been beat, imprisoned, and not suffered to pray together as Daniel did, but plucked us up by the hair of the head when we have been at prayers; and some have been stocked and whipped, and others their Horses taken from them, and some fined and imprisoned, some until death, and some knocked down and left for dead, others dragged on the ground by the hair of their heads and cruelly beaten and trod upon, their rend, and blood shed, not sparing women with Child, nor old age, the number of 827 persons. And they broke up our Meeings in the Common Wealths and Olivers time, under pretence, that we plotted to bring in Charles Stuart; and now he is come in, they are broken up by some of your Magistrates, under pretence that we are against the King, but we are in that which cannot lift up a hand, nor plot against him nor no man, by which we see all things, and have unity with God, and meets together to worship him in the Spirit and Truth, and thus are we deprived of it, by many who have been against us, as much formerly as now, who if they were tried, they are neither Friends to themselves, nor to God, nor the King, who will not let us have so much liberty as Ballet singers and such as use plays, nor let us meet to pray together, and build up one another in the Holy Faith, which was the command of the Apostle to the Saints in the Primitive times, for which practice have we suffered all along, as sheep for the slaughter, and as such as have no helpers in the earth, whose lives from it are taken: And our sufferings has been also great in Scotland, Ireland, Virginia, and New England, the number of Sufferers and multitude of which sufferings and meetings which have been broken, are to large, hardly to be mentioned or numbered. 2. And for not going to the public worship, many have been fined and imprisoned, and their goods taken from them; Now where do you ever read that ever the Jews or Gentiles ever fined the Christians for not coming to the Temple at Jerusalem, or the Synagogue, or Diana's Temple? Nay, is it not worse than the Turks paying their Sessments and Taxes? May they not have their liberty there to meet together to Pray and Worship God? ye men of understanding consider this. 3. And for warning people to repent (in the Markets and other places) of their sin and wickedness, have been whipped, stocked, and put in Fetters and Irons, and some imprisoned, the number of 516 persons. 4. And for not swearing, as Christ commands they should not swear, for obeying his Doctrine, and keeping to yea and nay in their Communications, according to his command, have been Stocked, Whipped, Fined and Imprisoned, and suffered the loss of their goods 2●8 Persons. And we have suffered under pretence of being Papists and Popishly affected, and our Friends have suffered for going beyond the Seas to declare against the Papists, George Ba●ly imprisoned till death in France, one John Love imprisoned till death in the Inquisition in Rome, and John Parrot lies there yet in Prison to finish his Testimony for the Truth and against Idolatry, and yet the Oath of Abjuration hath been tendered unto us to make a prey on us, knowing that our Principle was, that we could not swear no manner of Oath, for which cause we have suffered in our Lives and Estates; and now the Oath of Supremacy and Allegiance is tendered to us against the Pope, to make a prey upon us that knows our Principle is against the Papists, that knows our Principle that we cannot swear at all no Oath, but keeps to yea and nay in our Communications, according to Christ's Doctrine, who declares against all Popery and the supremacy of it; Now if our yea be not yea, and nay nay so found to you and all men upon the earth, then let us suffer for breaking of that, as much as for breaking an Oath; and besides very illegally is that Oath put to us, as you may see in the examining of the manner of their putting it to us. 5. For not paying towards the repair of Steeple-houses, and for not paying Clerks wages, have had their goods spoiled, strained, and taken away above triple the demand, 256, which is worse than ever we read of the Jews or Gentiles, that ever they made the Christians do, to repair Diana's Temple, or the Jews Synagogue or Temple, that they fined them, and took their goods for not doing so. 6. For visiting Friends in Prison, and carrying them necessaries that lay in nasty Straw and Dungeons, Fetters and Irons, locked up, beat and bruised their bodies like jellies, have been imprisoned and beat, and some whipped and stocked, others fined and their goods taken away, and some sent away with passes, as wanderers and vagabonds, though Persons of Estates, and some have had their goods taken and been imprisoned besides for entertaining of their friends, which is worse than the heathen did to the Apostle, who suffered his acquaintance to come to him and visit him, and he taught in his own hired house in Rome, where the Seat of the Emperor was; and worse than ever we read the Heathen and the Jews did to the Christians in the Primitive times; and therefore what can be paralleled with this Generation, for it is for Truth and not for evil doing for which we suffer, and for bearing witness to the Truth; Therefore ye men of Reason and of Understanding, consider th●se things that there may be a restraint of violence and not of virtue, but that virtue may be cherished. Few minds the sufferings of the Saints and the afflictions of Joseph, but the Apostle said, Them that will live godly in Christ Jesus, must suffer persecution, them that have been our greatest Persecutors, have been the greatest in the form of Godliness, but denied the power. 7. And for not paying Tithes for Conscience sake, that bears Testimony to the everlasting Priesthood, that ends the first, that takes Tithes, who redeems out of the earth, have suffered long and tedious Imprisonment, besides the loss and spoil of their goods while at the same time their bodies have been kept in prison in those holes and nasty Dungeons, 918. and some have suffered as aforesaid for small sums, as four pence, twelve pence, eighteen pence, and two shillings, and for about 706. pounds 8. shillings and 11 pence demand for Tithes, the Priests and others have taken 3000 pound 3 shillings and eight pence, and some of them have not been contented with triple damages, but some of them have taken ten times more than their pretended due hath been, which we never read that so many did suffer in the Apostles and primitive times for not paying tithes to the Jewish priesthood (which Christ ended and tithes,) or to the Gentiles, as we have done in our age within this nine or ten years, nor in all these heads or particulars above mentioned, though many of the Martyrs we believe have suffered for not swearing, and not paying Tithes since the Apostles days, by them who are called Christians, as you may read in the book of the Martyrs, that suffered and bore their Testimony to the life of Jesus, which used the word Thou to a single person, 〈…〉, as we 〈◊〉 for Conscience sake, and cannot give men the honour below, and though we would have all men clothed with that honour which is from above, and we have all men in esteem, and would have them be saved and come to the knowledge of the Truth. Imprisoned in the King's name, Because for Conscience sake they cannot swear, as Christ commands they should not swear, but keep to yea and nay in their Communications, 74 persons. Hartford-shire. Richard Martin. Edward Fag. Thomas Sellet. Committed to prison the ninth of the fifth month, 1660. the cause was, they were summoned at a Sessions to appear as Jurors which they did, and were willing to serve their Country, but because they could not swear, the Court fined them five pound each of them, and to lie in prison until they paid it, one James Cooper being the chief Judge of the Court. Oxford-shire. Thomas Goodaire. Benjamin Staples. Committed to Prison the fifteenth day of the seventh month 1660. by Sir william Walter (so called) and Sir Thomas Pennaston because for conscience they could not swear; and the Oath of Allegiance being tendered to them the second time, for refusing again to swear, (the said William Walter being Judge) with the rest of the Bench passed this sentence against them following: You are out of the King's protection, and all your Lands, Goods and Chattels are forfeited, and to be seized upon for the use of the King, and you are to remain in prison during the King's pleasure. Cheshire. Alexander Parker imprisoned in Chester common Goal, because for Conscience sake he could not take the Oath of Allegiance, &c Twenty of these following were committed to the common Goal in Chester (because for Conscience sake they could not take the Oath of Allegiance) the eighteenth of the eighth month, 1660. by Grosvenor and Peter Dutton called Justices. William Thomlisson. Richard Thomlisson. Randle Coxton. Randle Hare. Thomas Taylor. John Madocks. john Badly. William Hill. John Parker. Roger Smith. Owen Painter. John Newton. Richard Thomlisson. Henry Morcy. Ed. Acton White. William Lake. John Maddock. Thomas Probbin. Robert Prichard. Roger Andrews. john ap Vrian. Roger ap Vrian. William Matthews. Glamorgan-shire. Twenty of these following were taken out of a peaceable meeting, and had before the Governor of Cardiff, and the rest of them called Justices, who proffered them the Oath of Allegiance, and because for Conscience sake they could not swear, they are committed to prison in Cardiff, with the other two, and there remains. Edward Edward's. john Richard. Toby Hody. Rowland Thomas. Matthew jenkin. james Thomas. Thomas john. William David. Perc. Robert. Jenkin Evan. James Lewis. John Mayo. Walter William. Morgan Harvy. John David. Thomas Roberts. Evan Philip. William Harvy. William Moor. Thomas Williams. Francis Gauler. Richard adam's. Wilt-shire. Thomas Troud of Dinton being summoned to serve in a Jury at the last Assizes at Sarum, he did appear, intending to do the said service, as truly and justly as the Lord should enable him, but refusing to take the Oath, was fined ten pounds, and committed to prison in Fisherton Anger, and there remains. Cumberland. John Bewly committed to the Goal in Carlisle the nineteenth day of the seventh month, 1660. by John Eylonly, and John Deuton called Justices, because for Conscience sake he could not swear. James Adamson committed to the aforesaid Goal, by him called Sir Francis Sawkeld the seventh day of the eighth month, 1660. because for Conscience sake he could not swear. William Laithwait committed to the aforesaid Prison, by the said Francis Sawkeld the same day, the cause was, there being a great contention about James Adamsons words, which he had spoke to the Justice (between the Justice and the people, the said William standing by said, take heed of adding to his words, at which the Justice's Clerk swore, so William said to the Justice, if justice were rightly executed, it would take hold on swearers, than said the Justice laughingly, well, i'll take ten groats of him another time, than the swearing Clerk spoke to the Justice to proffer William the Oath of Supremacy, etc. And because he said he could not break the Command of Christ, who saith Swear not at all, he was committed to Prison as aforesaid, and there remains. Northampton. Daniel Wills, George Robinson, William Acton, All committed to Northampton Goal in the Seventh Month, 1660. Because for Conscience sake they could not take the Oath of Allegiance, etc. Lancashire. john Lawson, William Gibson, James Smith, Imprisoned in Lancaster-Castle, because for Conscience sake they could not take the Oath of Allegiance. Surrey. Thomas Patchen, and Henry Gill, Imprisoned for not swearing, by Daniel Harvey, Adam Brown, and Nicholas Carew. Berkshire. Henry Hedges, John Giles, Humphrey Knowles, Leonard Cole, Andrew Pearson, All in Prison in Reading Goal, because for Conscience sake they could not take the Oath of Allegiance and Supremacy. Cornwall. John Kirton, Edward Angier, Imprisoned in Lanceston, because for Conscience sake they could not swear. Pembrookshire. Thomas Barret, David Gibbon, James Picton, Imprisoned by one called Sir William M●rton, and one Simon Degg, because they could not take the Oath of Allegiance and Supremacy. Thomas Symins, Hugh Symins, Committed to Prison by James Lloyd, and James Bowen, called Justices, upon the complaint of one Jenkin Lewis Clerk, that they had neglected the Parish Church for one whole year, the Oath of Allegiance and Supremacy was tendered to them, and because for Conscience sake they could not swear, they were sent to Prison. William Bateman, Morgan Eynon, Henry Reely, Committed to Prison, because they could not take the Oath of Allegiance, etc. Norfolk. Robert Alling of Buxton, the 24th of the Sixth Month, 1660. Committed to Prison, because he could not swear, nor put off his Hat, by one Francis Cory. Middlesex. Edward B●lling, Steven Hart, Richard Hill●, Imprisoned, because for Conscience sake they could not take the Oath of Allegiance, &. These following are Imprisoned for not paying Tithes, who bears Testimony to the everlasting Priesthood that ends the first that takes Tithes, who Redeems out of the Earth. Hartfordshire. Matthew Harold, Samuel Rud, both Committed to Prison on the Twelfth day of the Eighth Month 1660. by Nathanael Stratton, Under-Bailiff to William Cross, by the Order of Ralph Sadler Impropriator in the same Parish, one of them for the tithe of 7 Acres of Corn, the other for the tithe of 3 Rudes of Barley. Thomas Wood, john Barfoot, Committed to Prison the 31 day of the 5th Month called July, in the year aforesaid, by Order from William Clerk, who Rent the tithes of Roger Elbrow, Priest of Widford; and the said Clerk caused to be taken from the said Thomas Wood goods worth 20. for the Tithes of 12 Acres and a half of Corn, most of it Barley and Pease; and from john Barfoot was taken Three Pounds-worth of goods, and their Bodies still kept in Prison. William Staly, of Much Munden, committed to prison at the suit of Ralph Sadler Impropriator, the 21 day of the 8 th' Month, 1660. for the tithe of Two Acres of Barley. Edward Brocket, of Hitchon, Imprisoned the 18th day of the fifth Month, 1660 for Tithe, by a Warrant from William Russell, called Earl of Bedford. John Roberts of Hitchen, Imprisoned the 25th of the same Month for Tithe by the same Order. Somersetshire. Richard adam's of Lymington, Imprisoned the Tenth day of the Sixth Month, 1660. by Warrant from, William Lacie Sheriff, at the suit of Robert Brayn Priest of Lymington, for not paying him Tithes, where he lay in Prison till death. William Parsons of Lymington Imprisoned the 30th of the 6th Month, 1660 at the suit of the said Robert Brayn Priest. Thomas Morford, john Evans, of I●gsbatch in the Parish of jugscomb, were Imprisoned the 22 day of the 6th Month 1660. for tithes, at the suit of James Masters Priest. Julian Evans of the same, Aged near 100 years, was brought Prisoner the same day to Ilchester at the suit of the same Priest Masters. The said Julian, Thomas Morford, and john Evans, all three Imprisoned for the tithe of one Living. Jerome Langdon of Queen Camel, Aged about 67 years, was Imprisoned the 27th day of the 6th Month 1660. at the suit of Robert Newman Impropriator, for one Acre, being about one Load, the tithe whereof at utmost might be worth about 4s. William Martin of Queen Camel, Imprisoned the 27th of the 6th Month 1660. at the suit of the said Robert Newman, for the tithe Hay of about Four Acres of Meadow, worth about 4s. Marry Thatcher of Queen-Camel Widow, Aged about 64 years, having 4 Children, was Imprisoned the 27th day of the 6th Month 1660. at the suit of the said Newman, for the tithe of about one Acre and three yards of ground, not worth above 6s. john Goodson of Merston Magna, was Imprisoned the 17th day of the 7th Month, 1660. at the suit of Henry Andrews, Farmer to the said Robert Newman, of the tithes of Camel, for Pitching three parts of a Load of Beans to the Plough on the behalf of his friend john Langdon (a Prisoner for tithes) and for no other cause as he knows, Thomas Pitman, and Robert Baker Bailiffs, with others, broke open the door upon him with much violence, and refused to take Bond of Appearance, though offered by six sufficient men, until the Bailiffs had spent 10 s. 4 d. at an Alehouse in little more than one night; then pretended they would take Bail, if he would pay the score, the which he refusing to do, was carried Prisoner to Ilchester. Thomas Hurd of Somerton, Imprisoned the 7th day of the 7th Month, 1660. for tithes, at the suit of William Prynn Impropriator. john Sage of Chewton, Imprisoned the 20th day of the 7th Month 1660. at the suit of Richard Kinsmel Impropriator. john Cole and Richard Hill of Furrington, Imprisoned the 20th day of the 7th Month, 1660. at the suit of the said Richard Kinsmel Impropriator. William Hagget of Weston-Bamfield, Arrested the 5th day of the 7th Month 1660. at the suit of Henry Andrews, only for labouring in the time of Harvest to help in the Corn of john Langdon a Prisoner as aforesaid. Yorkshire. Henry Thompson of Weston Imprisoned in York Castle, the 11th of the 8th Month called October, 1660. for tithes, by William Vavasor of Burley Impropriator. Isaac Self of Market-Lavington, Imprisoned in Fisherton-Anger for tithes, by one john Mearweather an Impropriator. William Bartl●t of the same, Imprisoned in the same Goal for tithes, by the same Impropriator, and have both remained there Eleven weeks this 20th day of the 8th Month, 1660. Robert H●dden of great Cheverel, in the same Goal, because he could not pay tithes to Priest Gough of the same place, and hath been a Prisoner Twelve weeks the 20th of the 6th Month, 1660. Cumberland. Richard Robinson, William Rawling Francis Holeton, Imprisoned in Carlifle for tithes, at the suit of William Granger Priest, the Second day of the 8th Month, 1660. by George Denton called Justice. john Potter, Imprisoned in the same Goal, the Second day of the 6th Month, called August, 1660. at the suit of john Hodgson, Rowland Hodgson and Alexander Hodgson, Impropriators for tithes. Warwickshire. Edward Corbit, john Corbit and Thomas Walker, In Prison for tithes in Warwick Goal, where they have remained Ten weeks this 19th day of the 8th Month, 1660. Glamorganshire. Matthew Gibbon Prisoner in Cardiff for tithes. Humphrey Kirk, Richard Watford Imprisoned because they could not pay tithes. Glocestershire 3d. 6th Month. 1660. Thomas Hill, William Wooly Imprisoned in Gloucester Castle, because for Conscience sake they could not pay tithes, at the suit of one john Criffin, Priest. Francis Pinnel, Imprisoned in the aforesaid Goal, the 18th of the 8th Month, 1660. because he could not pay tithes to Henry Heane Priest of Vlveston. Henry Lloyd and john Cox, Imprisoned upon a Capias, the 9th of the 3d Month 1660. at the suit of Edward Bowland Priest, for tithes. Norfolk. William Tilney, of Bellow, Imprisoned at the suit of john Phillip's Priest for tithes, the 21 of the 7th Month 1660. and remaineth a Prisoner. Benjamin Lynes, Committed to Prison the 24th day of the 8th Month, at the suit of Nicholas Barwick for tithes. Surrey. Arthur Standbridge, Committed to Prison for tithes, at the suit of Henry Hollowel Priest. Richard Newman Imprisoned for tithes, at the suit of Charles Blackwel Priest. Thomas Avery Imprisoned, because he could not pay tithes to Leonard Litchford Priest. Robert Tribe Imprisoned because he could not pay tithes to George Vauhan. George Brick stock committed to prison for Tithes. Richard Web, John adam's, Richard Beard Imprisoned at the Suit of Edward Goring and John Apstle. Nottinghamshire. William Claytor Imprisoned, because for Conscience sake he could not pay Tithes. Cornwall. Richard Tregenna Imprisoned at Bodmin for Tithes, at the Suit of James Forbes Priest. John Ellis prisoner at Pensame for Tithes. Westmoreland. Richard Berket, Richard Seddal, Imprisoned in the eighth Month, for not swearing in a Sheriff's return. Norfolk. John Hilton in present sufferings because he could not swear, being summoned to serve in a Jury at a Copy hold Court, and therefore John Lovel Lord of the said Court, and now Justice of Peace, commanded his Bailiff to seize all the estate of the said John Hinton, which is done accordingly, to the value of about a hundred pound, and farther threatens to throw the said John Hinton his Wife and Children out of the possession which he bought and paid for, and that for no other cause, but because he could not swear, though he expressed his willingness to serve if he might have been accepted without an Oath. Sussex. Abraham Chrichenden, Nicholas Beard, Imprisoned for Tithes, this ninth Month, 1660. Bucks. John Lucas and two more in Alisberry Goal for Tithes. Southampton. Twenty one taken out of a peaceable Meeting, and because they could not promise not to meet any more, were kept several day's prisoners, not suffering their food to be brought to them, eleven of which were afterwards released, but ten still remains prisoners. Wilts. Giles Shurmur, John Garner, And two more committed to prison for Tithes. Huntingtonshire. Francis I ambested of Elton imprisoned, the eighth day of the ninth Month, 1600. for Ththes by John Cooper Priest of Elton aforesaid. William Griffin imprisoned for Tithes by the said John Cooper, the thirty one day of the sixth Month, 1660. John Apthorp of Abotsly, imprisoned the same day for Tithes, by John Luke impropriator. Yorkshire. William Overon, John Barbar, Miles Frankland, All imprisoned for Tithes at the Suit of Robert Hitch Priest. Matthew Watson imprisoned at the Suit of Robert Ludson Priest. William Norrison imprisoned, by one called Sir William Cholmly, for having a Meeting at his house. Dorsetshire. Hercules Toby and John Butler, imprisoned by Edmund Butler, the second day of the sixth Month, 1660. for not paying him Tithe. Robert Ring, of Glazen Broadford a man of about fourscore years of age, cast into prison for the Tithe of one Acre of Corn, by Elias Harvy an Impropriat or, the seventeenth day of the eighth Month, 1660. Elizabeth Masters Widow cast into Prison for Tithe, by Elias Harvy, the scventeenth of the eighth Month, 1660. whose husband hath already suffered imprisonment until death, because he could not for Conscience sake pay him Tithe to satisfy his covetous desire. John Gillet cast into prison by John Hodder Priest, the ninteenth of the eighth Month, 1660. for not paying Tithe, to satisfy the greedy desire of that covetous hireling that never hath enough. These following are fined and imprisoned for not putting off their Hats, and not giving men the honour below, and some for meeting together in the fear of the Lord in their several houses, as the Saints did in the primitive times, and for not paying Clerks wages. UPon the sixteenth day of the 7th Month, 1660. there being a meeting of the Lords people (who in scorn are called Quakers) in the Town of Sherborn, consisting of about thirty persons, inhabitants of the same Town, and the Parishes adjacent (who being met together to wait upon the Lord and worship him, having no other end nor purpose in their thus assembling together) There came into their meeting one Bestel a Schoolmaster of the same Town, with a Constable and others, who did wickedly blaspheme God's Truth, and commanded them of the meeting to go with them to the Justices; whereupon one asked if they had an Order either from Judge or Justices, they answered, That for Order they had none, but the Constable was a Warrant of himself; but they said nay, and refused to go with them. Then Bestel commanded the Constable to do his Office, whereupon they pulled and haled them out of the house where they were peacably met, and the said Bestel commanded the Constable to set one man to each of them, and so to hale and drive them along to the Justice, and after they had haled and beaten them along some part of the way, they left them; Then one demanded their Order for their thus laying violent hands on them; So one put his hand on his sword, and said. That was their Order (many of them having swords and staves) Then Bestel with the Constable commanded the Tithing-man to have them back again, while they themselves went to the Justices to fetch a Warrant; So they were brought to the Bailiffs house of the Town, where they were kept all night with watchmen to guard them, and the next day were had before Winston Churchel (called a Justice and others, who demanded of them, Whether they did not know of an Order against their meeting together in a riotous manner (thus they demanded of them, though they were peaceably met together to wait upon the Lord as the Lords people use to do) and with some other words asked them, if they would give sureties? which thing they could not do, being peaceable men, and having not broken any just or known Law, but only were met together to wait on the Lord in his fear (having the word of a King, That none should be wronged for Religion, as long as they live peaceably) So the Constable was commanded to take them away, & a Mitimus was made, by which nine of them were sent to the County Prison at Dorchester, and five more passed their words to appear at the Sessions, which was about two weeks after, where they did all appear, who being brought before the Court (of which John Davis sat as Judge, and with him sat Winstone Churchel, Giles Strangeways, George Fulford and Thomas Baynard, etc. called Justices) their accusation was read, wherein was many false and wicked things charged against them, which by them were never done nor spoken; Then they were called over, and the Schoolmaster likewise (who was the causer of their imprisonment, but he being not present (nor any other) to prove what was charged against them, the aforesaid john Davis Judge of the Court questioned Winstone Churchel who committed them, for not binding over the said Schoolmaster to prosecute against them. Then George Fulford one of them that should have done Justice, and have freed the innocent, when none appeared to accuse them of any evil, or the breach of any known Law) stood up and said, There need no other evidence against them, than their standing with their hats on in the face of the Court, which he said did represent his Majesty's person; so silence was commanded in the Court, and that all should be uncovered upon pain of Imprisonment, but they keeping on their Hats, were asked the reason why they did so? who answered, It was not in contempt of the Court, but for Conscience sake that they kept them on; Yet notwithstanding, for no other cause but for wearing their Hats, were these fourteen persons, whose names & fines are undermentioned, all fined by the Court, and returned to prison to Dorchester until they pay it, although Winstone Churchel (when they were first brought before him) said, he did not regard the putting off of Hats, for said he, his Majesty looks not for it, yet the same Winstone Churchel with the others aforesaid, fined them and sent them to prison again, where they remain to this day, for no other cause but for keeping on their hats, and called it a contempt of the Court, which they said did represent his Majesty's person. john Pitman fined, 10. pounds. Thomas Long the elder, 10. p. Thomas Long the younger, 20. s. john Hopkins, 20. shillings. Benjamin Hopkins, 20. shillings. Joseph Hopkins, 40. shillings. William Scot, 5. pounds. John Scot fined, 40. shillings. Francis Tailor, 40. shillings. George Ryal, 40. shillings. Edmond Bound, 40. shillings. Thomas Miller, 40. shillings. Richard Philips, 40. shillings. Charles Noak, 40. shillings. Bishopric. Lancelot Wardel, Richard Wilson, Imprisoned for not putting off their Hats, and for not respecting men's persons. Middlesex, London. Thomas Coveny, John Pennyman, Humphrey Wo●rich, Committed to prison by Ribcard Brown now Mayor, for not putting off their Hats to him. Sollomon Eccles committed to prison for going as a sign. Essex. George Fox junior being at a Meeting in the worship of God, was taken out of the Meeting, by Order from the Mayor of Harwich, and in the Kings Name committed to Prison, and since was brought to Lambeth house, and from thence is Ordered to the custody of the Sergeant at Arms. Robert Gressingham of Harwich sent for from his house, and is also committed, and remains prisoner in the custody of the Sergeant at Arms, without any thing proved against him, or without examination, contrary to all Law and Justice. Nottinghamshire. Robert Carnil imprisoned in Nottingham Goal, the eighteenth day of the eighth Month called October, 1660. being bound for William smith's appearance in Easter Term, so called, at which time, and at the day limited he did appear in person. Worcestershire. Daniel Baker imprisoned in Worcester, for declaring against wickedness and vanity in the streets. Hartfordshire. Robert Heart committed to Prison the sixth day of the eight Month, for saying (being bid go to Church and hear the Word of God) he could not hear it of a drunkard, for he can prove by many witnesses, the Priest hath been drunk many times. Yorkshire. Oliver Ketterridge of Hornsey Burton in holderness, imprisoned in Home Castle, at the Suit of Francis Smith Clerk, for his wages, 〈…〉, being five pence and four sheaves of Corn. Committed to Prison in the Names of the Keepers of the Liberty of England, so called, and of Oliver and Richard Cromwell, and yet remain Prisoners. Essex. THomas E●tom, John Eve of Much Easton imprisoned in Colchester Castle, in the ninth month, 1659. for Tithes, at the suit of Thomas Leader priest. john Emson, William Crowe imprisoned in Colchester Castle at the suit of Thomas Vale impropriator, the nineteenth day of the eleventh month, 1659. by a writ of Attachment for not taking a copy of a Bill put into the Exchequer against the said john Emson and William Crow by the said Thomas Vale concerning Tithers, and remain prisoners. William Juniveer of Broxted sent prisoner thither at the suit of John Pool Impropriator for Tithes, about the beginning of the ninth month, and since was put into the same warrant with Thomas Eltom and John Eve above named, at the suit of Thomas Leader priest of Much Easton, and now remains prisoner. Thomas Chapman, William Freeting both imprisoned in Colchester Castle about the seventh day of the third month, 1660. at the suit of Robert Wicks priest of Burnham, by a writ of Attachment for trespasses against the Keepers of the Liberties of England, so called. Thomas Bradee of Ashleden Imprisoned, in Colchester Castle the seventh day of the third month, 1660. by a writ of Attachment for not appearing in the Exchequer to answer to priest John Anger about Tithes. Robert Leve● of Stebbing sent prisoner to Colchester Castle at the suit of John Sorrel impropriator, the fifteenth day of the fixth month, 1660. john adam's of Hadstock sent prisoner thither about the twenty sixth day of the seventh month, 1600. by a writ of Attachment from the Keepers of the Liberty of England (so called) and by a writ of common process both at the suit of Thomas Wallis priest of Hadstock about Tithes, and he is now a prisoner. Thomas Mumford and Anthony Page imprisoned in Colchester for Tithes, at the suit of john Cooper of Saling impropriator, and Anthony Maxey impropriator, the said Thomas hath been a prisoner near three years. Widow Balls and William Balls both of Horsely imprisoned in Colchester, sent prisoners to Colchester at the suit of john Writ priest for Tithes, although the said William Ball occupied no land. Abraham Cousin, John Dankes, William Drake, Sent Prisoners to Colchester for doing something on the first day of the week, by Thomas Beek Mayor, and John Shaw Recorder, and kept in Prison six weeks, and then let go upon their promise to appear when called for. Somerset shire. John Langdon, Thomas Loscomb, Henry Gerrish, Ann Brock, John Roman, Robert Carpenter, Robert Hillburn, John Combe, Tristram Gundry, George Taylor, John Allen. The most of these are close Prisoners for Tithes being sued in the Name of the Keepers of the Liberty of England so called. Oxfordshire. Edward Butcher of Milcom Imprisoned the third day of the twelfth Month, 1659., by Richard White Priest of Wickington for not payment of Tithes. Timothy Poulton of Charbery Imprisoned the ninetenth day of the eleventh Month, 1659. at the suit of Thomas Cobb Impropriator for not payment of Tithes. Thomas Tailor of Norley sent to Prison in Trinity Term so called, 1659. at the suit of Thomas Twity Priest of the aforesaid Town for not payment of Tithes Thomas French, of Chippen-Norton, Imprisoned the seventh day of the second Month, 1658. at the suit of William Thomas (Renter of the Tithes of the aforesaid Parish) because he could not pay him Tithes. Alexander Harris of Chalbery Imprisoned the fifth day of the eleventh Month 1657. at the suit of William Brown Priest, for not payment of Tithes. Yorkshire, the fourteenth day of the eight Month, 1660. Richard Towse of Garton Imprisoned in York Castle, the eleventh of the ninth Month 1659. by Christopher Sarret of the same Town Impropriator for Tithes. Yorkshire. Alice Maw widow, John Halliday of Towthorp in the Woulds, Imprisoned in York Castle for tithes the nineteench of the ninth Month, 1659. By Thomas Jackson impropiator. William Pert and Richard Smith of Crake Imprisoned in York Castle for Tithes, the fourth day of the first Month 1659. By John Humes Priest of the same Town, and yet remains Prisoners. Richard Arnel, Richard Parker, and Thomas Clerk of Snaith Parish Imprisoned in Pontefract Goal for Tithes, the nineteenth of the first Month 1659. by John Ludley Priest of Snaith. Cumberland. Anthony Patinson of the Abba imprisoned the eighteenth day of October, 1659. by Thomas Craster, and Cuthbert Studholm, called Justices, for following his calling being a Weaver, in a Corporation Town, as they call it, although he had served four years to the trade, and nine years in the Army. Nottingham shire. William Smith, Imprisoned for not paying tithes by William Packlington of North Collingham. Edward Laford, Imprisoned for tithes by Richard Godsane, and Richard Lamb, of Collingham. Robert Morefen Imprisoned at the suit of Thomas Huit called Knight, for tithes, and after the said Robert had suffered a years imprisonment, the said Huit died, and though no man prosecuted the said Robert, yet he is kept in bonds by the Sheriff. Edward Langford Imprisoned for tithes at the suit of Richard Godsane, and Richard Lamb, aforesaid, and he hath suffered eleven Months this eighteenth day of the eight Month 1660. Thomas Elsam imprisoned for tithes by William Pocklington aforesaid and hath suffered above five Months. Roger Storrs imprisoned for tithes by Richard Standfield, and hath suffered fifteen weeks. Lincoln shire. Robert Whitman, now a Prisoner in Lincoln for Tithes at the suit of John Coal who hires the tithes of the priest, he hath been prisoner ever since the twenty one of the ninth Month 1659. Vincent Frotheringham imprisoned the twenty third day of the first Month, 1659. for tithes in the aforesaid Goal at the suit of Lawrance Sandon Priest. Lincoln. Edward Willey, now a prisoner for tithes at the suit of Henry Wames, and James Green, hath been prisoner ever since the fourteen of the second Month, 1660. Richard Frothingham, now a prisoner for tithes at the suit of Laurence Sandon a Priest, he hath been a prisoner ever since the twenty one of the second Month, 1660. This Richard is Father to the above named Vincet Forthingham, and the Priest imprisons the Father, because he cannot satisfy for the Sons tithes, though the old man hath no interest in any Tythable goods where this priest can claim any property. Northamptonshire. A poor widow woman who hath two children committed to Northampton Goal near a year since, there remains still for Tithes of about five shillings value, at the Suit of one Robert Wild's Priest. William Vincent committed to the aforesaid Goal about ten Moveths since, where he yet remains, because he could not swear to his answer to one Priest Andrews Bill. Lancashire. Richard Myers, Alexander Rigby, imprisoned in Lancaster Castle for not paying Tithes. Suffolk. Richard White, Imprisoned in that County, at the Suit of Priest Usher, because for Conscience sake he could not pay him Tithes. Thomas Burchham Prisoner in Bliborough Goal for Tithes. Barbary Jarmine Imprisoned in Ipswitch Goal, for speaking to a Priest. John Easeling in Ipswitch Goal for Tithes. Glocestershire, the 11th. of the 9th Month, 1659. Thomas Hapcot Imprisoned at the Suit of Richard Bislon Priest of Breedon in Worcestershire, for Tithes. Ann Web Widow, imprisoned the twenty fourth of the ninth Month, 1659. upon a Capias at the Suit of Anthony Hungerford Impropriator for Tithes. In the County of the City of Gloucester. Thomas White imprisoned the eighth of the eighth Month, 1659. upon a Capias at the suit of Thomas Bishop Impropriator for Tithes. Norfolk. John Goddard, Henry Goddard, Abraham Howes, imprisoned in Norwich Castle for Tithes, at the Suit of Thomas Theodoreth, the twenty seventh day of the second Month, 1660. notwithstanding the said Thomas Theodoreth had not long before taken away several loads of Corn from two of the aforesaid parties; and of A. Howes he took for the Tithes accounted to be five pound odd money, worth eleven pound, and keeps them in prison besides. Matthew King of Northwalsham in Norfolk, imprisoned the nineteenth day of the second Month, 1660. at the Suit of Thomas Simmons Priest in Suffeild for Tithes, and yet remains Prisoner. Bedfordshire. John Apthorp, Dorothy Neal, John Samn, Elizabeth Brace, Imprisoned in Bedford Goal, because for Conscience sake they could not pay Tithes. Dorsetshire. Roger Coward cast into prison by Benjamin Maber Priest, the twenty fourth day of the ninth Month, 1659. for not paying him Tithe. Here followeth a short Relation of some few of the cruel and inhuman usages, (which have reached unto blood) which many of the People of the Lord have met with and under-gone at their meeting together in the fear of the Lord, as the saints did in the primitive times in their several houses, which cruelty if it be not restrained, will bring upon this present power and Authority the guilt of the innocent blood of many righteous souls. Westminster. IOhn Scafe, ●dward Bylling, Thomas Matthews, and about three or four score Persons more, being at the house of Stephen Heart in new Palace yard at Westminster, where on the seventh day of the twelfth month called February, 1659. they were peacably met together in the fear of the Lord, Some of the rude Soldiers and others the Inhabitants of Westminster came in great rage and violently pulled many of them out of their meeting room, and did sorely beat and bruise many, and draged some on the ground by the hair of their heads, others had their clothes rend and scarves taken away, and some were knocked down; And one Woman with child was so abused and hurt, that she said she was undone. And after this and other mischief by them and some of the Inhabitants of Westminster was done, they rifled the house and broke the glasse-windows, and threatened more mischief for the future, and some were heard to say they had taken an Oath to that purpose. And at another meeting afterwards, some of the rude Soldiers and others came again and did much abuse Friends and beat them, and pulled the said Stephen Heart out of his house and knocked him down, and beat him so that his senses were astonished. Middlesex. John Wooldrige and others being on the first day of the week peacably met together to wait on the Lord in his own hired house at Brainford, there came into the house two men who said they were Constables, and without any warrant or Legal Authority, they violently pulled him out of his house (in which action they wrincht his wrist and had him before James Hawley (called Justice) who without the breach of any Law of God or man, forthwith commanded a Warrant to be made, and sent him to prison. Surry. As the people of God were peacably met together to wait on the Lord at Mitcham in Surry, on the third day of the fifth month, 1659. the rude people of the Town came to the place where they were met, and threw hatfulls and a pail full of dirty water on them, and threw dirt on the face of him that was speaking. And as they were going to the meeting many Friends were beaten and abused, and some thrown down and trampled on, and dragged on the ground by the hair of the head and kicked, and some had their clothes torn, and called them Rogues, and threatened to kill them; And one Friend was thrust into a pond, and knocked down in it, and there kept a pretty space, and when they had so done, they drove the Friends like Beasts out of the Town with staves, and huncht them, and punched them, and hurt them, and no Officer neither Magistrate nor other would stir to preserve them, or keep the peace, which the rude people broke, though some of them were told of this cruel usage, and feared that some of them might be killed. At another meeting on the 7th day of the same month, the rude people came again, and threw much dirt and Cowdung upon them, and some was upon the face and into the mouth of him that was speaking and declaring the Truth, and when they saw this would not disturb them, so as to cause them to break up their meeting, they fired a Gun or Pistol three times upon them. At another meeting on the tenth day of the same Month, the rude people came again to the house where they were peaceably met in the Fear of the Lord, and with a Scoop-shovel cast in scoop-fulls of dirt and dirty water upon them, which did so wet and daub them with them, that they were almost covered therewith, insomuch that they appeared as though they had been dragged through a dirty Channel; And when the rude people had so done, than they cried out see how like Witches they look, with other filthy and brutish words not fit to be mentioned, all which the people of God bore with patience, without making any resistance. And when this was done, than they threw in clods of dirt upon them, and drew them forth of the meeting, and tore some of their , and threw down others, and stoned others, and broke the windows of the house, and the fence of the Friends ground where they met, and drove them through the Town. And some of the Friends after all this in going to a Justice's house, were sorely beaten, and some had their blood shed, and were in danger of their lives, and those rude people cried out, let the Justice kiss their breech. Hartford-shire. At a peaceable Meeting of the people of God at Sawbridgworth, the rude people of the Town (amongst whom were some of the Servants of him who is called Justice Hewet) came to the door and threw in water, rotten eggs, man's dung and stones, of which the said Justice Hewet being informed, and desired to preserve the people of God from violence and the rude multitude in peace, he the said Justice Hewet, instead of performing the duty of a Magistrate, and preserving the people in peace, so encouraged the rude ones, that the hands of the wicked were strengthened and encouraged in their mischief, and he refused to do Justice according to his place. Northamptonshire. The people of God being peaceably met together, to wait on the Lord in a Close, near the house of William Lovel, and upon his own ground, there came one Captain Pinkard, and many of his Troopers on Horseback, and entered upon the ground, and in a brutish and in humane manner, road amongst the Friends, and many of them received much hurt with their Horses and otherwise, and they broke up the Meeting, and took away the said William Lovel and others, and sen● them to prison, where divers of them were kept two Months, and the said William Lovel kept prisoner nine Months, and he was more cruelly used, then can be briefly expressed, for no other cause, but for having a meeting at his house. . There being a peaceable Meeting of the people of God, at a place called Grin, at the house of the Widow Meeks, the said Widow for suffering a Meeting there was turned out of her house, and the house its self pulled down. Yorkshire. There being a peaceable meeting of the people of God, at the house of Friend Blacklin in Yorkshire, where were met about thirty persons, the rude people came into the Meeting and violently pulled them out one by one, and knocked many of them down, and wounded many of them. Nottinghamshire. A peaceable Meeting of the people of God, was by wicked and ungodly men, broken up at Newark, and the Friends received much hurt, and much of their blood was shed, by the rude multitude, and about four score of them were haled out of the meeting one by one, and were cruelly beaten and abused. Sommerset-shire. There being a peaceable meeting of about two hunded of the People of God at Martock upon the second day of the second Month 1657. five men who called themselves Ministers, and who are called Mr. Hallet, Mr. Stephenson, Mr. Duke, Mr. colens, and Mr. Thomas Lie, come to the place where the meeting was, and brought with them a great company of rude people with long staves, Pikes, and such like Weapons, and fell on the Friends, (who were met in the fear of the Lord) and beat them and pulled them and tore their Garments, and made loud outcries; and the rude people's hands were so strengthened by the company and countenance of the Priests, and their rage and madness such against the people of God, that had not the Lord wonderfully appeared in his people's deliverance, some might have lost their lives. At a meeting of the people of God on the first day of the fifth Month 1659. at Threshford, the rude People came with Kettles, Panns, and blowing horns, and with Pipes, Lowbels, and a Drum, to make a noise and a cause a disturbance, and the noise they made was great, so that friends could not hear the truth declared; amongst which rude company there was one who is called a Minister, and he to manifest him himself ruder than the rest, beat the drum himself, to make a greater noise than was made before, who with the rude multitude, fling stones, and dirt, and water at friends, and some of them affirmed that they were hired to do so, and that they that hired them stood by and encouraged them, giving them Bear and Ale for their service. Now let the understanding Reader judge, who were chief Instruments in chis wickedness, etc. And whether such serve our Lord Jesus Christ or their own lusts, and whether the end of such is not destruction. Northumberland. As divers of the People of God were met together in his fear at a place called Elledsdon, there came a company of rude men and women (amongst whom was the Priest's wife of the Town of Elledsdon, who came from the steeplehouse) and in great violence haled forth of the meeting about twenty friends and forced them out of the Town, and over a little River; But after some season the rage of the rude people abated, and so by permission of the chief Actors, the people of the Lord met together again, than the Priest himself came from his steeple house, and having a stone in his hand of two or three pound weight, he desperately threw it at one of the friends, and his wife also threw stones at friends, and they did so encourage the rude multitude, that they made a fresh assault upon them, and with great fury dragged and haled friends out of the meeting again, and threw them down and dragged them on the ground, and the Priest encouraged the rude people to stone the Friends, and said it was warrantable by the Scriptures, and he would bear them out in it, and that if ever they came again he would set his mastiff dog at them. Wrexham in Wales, the eight day of the eleventh Month, 1659. The people of the Lord being met together to wait upon the Lord, many rude Soldiers that belonged to the Irish Brigade came to the meeting place with staves and crabtree cudgels, and thrust and pushed one another upon Friends, and one standing up and bidding them be civil and quiet, they cried out pull him down, and out with him, and so fell upon him, and the rest of Friends, and forced them out of the meeting place, striking them with their staves, and some friends getting up into some upper rooms the Soldiers followed them up, & broke open the door and came to them, and there beat them & abused them very much, and at that time they drove some Friends into the water, and one they pushed down in the water, and bruised him so that the Blood ran down, another man's head was broken, and his blood shed in the street. Middlesex. the sixth day of the third Month, 1660. Some of the People of God being met together, etc. in the house of one John Elson, in St. John's street, (so called) there came a great company of rude people who violently threw stones at the said John Elson, (and other Friends) and broke his windows very much, and endeavoured to break down his door, and after the meeting was ended, the rude multitude fell upon one man, and plucked off much of his hair, and shed much of his blood, and rend the clothes of others, and threw dirt in the said John Elsons face and eyes, and spit upon him. Wilt-shire. the 13. of the 3d. month called May, 1660. Many Friends being assembled together in the fear of God in Cummerwell in the Parish of Bradforth, there came several Troopers of Captain Edward hungerford's Troop, who forced into the meeting, and pulled out one Robert Storr, and had him to the City of Sarrum before the Commissioners, who upon examination of him said, they found that he had been at an unlawful meeting, and so committed him to prison. Gloucester-shire, the 8. day of the 3d. month, 1660. Friends being peacably met together (in Mase-moor) to wait upon the Lord, there came one John Coney of that place with a sword in his hand, and violently thrust open the door, and came into the room, and said be gone, and struck one Nicholas Wasfield several blows with his sword in his scabbard, after which he drew his sword, and thrust violently at the said Nicholas Wasfield, and gave him many sore blows on the shoulders with his naked sword, and being asked by whose order he did this, he said by the Mayor's order. At another meeting of Friends at Cirencister in the County aforesaid, on the 15. day of the 3d. Month, 1660. and on the 16. day at Nailsworth, there came (a wicked man that is a great Professor, with some others with him, with their swords drawn and their pistols cocked, and lighted matches in their hands) into the meeting, and laid hands on one Friend, and had him before the Mayor of Gloucester, who said to the Marshal he should take him away, and set a strong guard of Musketeers to look to him, and this they did upon suspicion that he was a Jesuit. Wilt-shire. the 16. day of the 3d. Month, 1660. Friends being met together in the fear of the Lord at Calne, there came into the meeting several rude Soldiers with two Sergeants, who are under the command of Colonel Edward Bainton, and of his own company, commanded by Captain Lieutenant John Lavington, and commanded Friends to departed their meeting, who desired to see their order, for breaking up their meeting, they being peacably met together, but the Soldiers answered their swords was their authority, and so with violence did hale Friends out of their meeting, using threatening words, and came in amongst Friends with drawn swords and muskets cocked, although Friends made no resistance. Cumberland. At a meeting of Friends at Carlisle, the Soldiers came to the meeting, and with violence haled and thrust out Friends out of their own house, and carried some to their guard, and one Friend they plucked out by the head when he was at prayer, and plucked him down. Lanca-shire, the 13. day of the 3d. Month, 1660. John Thomas a servant of Sr. George Middleton (so called) set upon three women with impudent scoffs, said he would kiss one of them, and did abuse them and wrong them, and plucked their coats lose. And the same man did abuse Friends, and he would have cut Friends with an Axe, but that he was restrained by some of his fellows, and the same Knight's man set upon six friends as they were going to a Meeting to wait upon the Lord, who beat them and abused them, and bruised their faces, and shed much of the blood of two of them. Che-shire, 17. day of the 3d. Month, 1660. Friends being at a Meeting at Northwich, there came one John Cumberbatch of Nantwich, with many others of the new raised Militia, and haled out three of our friends, and carried them before the Commissioners, and keeps one a Prisoners, and shown much abuse to friends. Yorkshire, 12. day of the 3d. Month, 1660. Friends going to a Meeting at or near Bellerbe, the Militia Soldiers beat them and broke their Meeting, and violently abused them, and struck them with their naked Swords, and would not suffer them to meet, and this they did in the Name of the Higher Powers. Cambridge, 8. of the 3d. Month called May, 1660. At a Meeting of Friends in Wesbidge, Thomas Lecock had his head broke that the blood ran down, and was knocked down, also another man was field down with stones, also a maid was shot in the neck with a Pistol which did receive much harm, and one William Allen was plucked out of the Meeting, and when they had got him out, they cried fall on, and few there was of our Friends that passed away without receiving much hurt, and it was judged by friends, that a load of stones and dirt were thrown into the Meeting room at Friends. At a Meeting of Friends in Cambridge on the twentieth day of the 3d. Month, 1660. there came a great company of Scholars and other rude people to the meeting, and did exceedingly abuse Friends, by dragging them out of the Meeting, and kicking them, and throwing them against the ground both old and young, men and women, and tore one Friends heir off his head, and abused others so, that it is a shame to relate. Gloucester-shire, 25 of the 3d. Month, 1660. Two Friends being in a house reading in the Bible, there came in some Soldiers and fetched them before the Captain, who asked them several questions to ensnare them about the King, and would have forced them to drink the King's health, and when he saw they would not be subject to his will, he began to rage, and enquired for the stocks, and then he called for a halter, and put it about one of the Friends neck, and so they put it over an iron hook, and strained it as if they would have (immediately) taken away his life, and then he committed them into the hands of the Constable, and about two hours after they were brought before him again, and he asked them about the King again, and being not answered according to his will, he was much enraged against them, and struck them several times on their bare heads, with his Pistol, and then after much threatening he let them go. And the same Captain Abbington came that day to Nailsworth where Friends Meeting was, and got Bear, and would have had one Friend to drink the King's health, but he refused and said if the King were there himself, he did believe that the King would not require it of him, than one of the Soldiers presented a Pistol towards him and threatened to shoot, and struck fire, and the same Soldiers beat and abused other friends at that time, and one of the Soldiers fell upon one Friend, and drew his sword, and threatened to run him through, and afterwards put a rope about his neck, as if that they would have hanged him. At another meeting of Friends on the first day of the 4th. month, 1660. the same Soldiers with a drum beating, came violently into the meeting place with their swords drawn, and Guns and other weapons, and one of the Soldiers with a naked sword in his hand pulled down the friend that was a declaring, and forced him out of the room, and took away him and most of the men that were there as Prisoners, and the Mayor of Gloucester committed two of them to prison, where they yet remain. On the third day of the fourth Month Friends being peacably met together, to wait upon the Lord at Chillingham, there Game a Soldier under Captain How, and said he had Orders to Break up the meeting, and hailed one out, and because he could not break up the meeting himself, he said he would fetch more Soldiers, who when they came said they had Orders to break up such meetings; then the Friends asked them to show their Orders, but one replied his sword was his Order, and asked whether they would have it, adn so fell upon them and haled them forth violently out of the meeting, and one of the Soldiers drew his sword at a Friend, and said he would run him thorough. Cambridge upon the eight of the second Month called April, 1660. The Scholars with other rude People came into our meeting place (where we were met to worship God) did fall violently upon us, beating us until they drew the blood of many, pulling us out by the hair of the head, having no regard to old or young, men nor women with child, but tearing their , casting them into the nasty and loathsome Channels in the streets, and those things they continued to us as a practice in our meetings; upon the thirteenth of the third Month called May, in the like manner they came into our meeting and violently broke the Locks and bolts with great hammers, shamefully abusing many, and no Magistrate appearing to suppress these things, but Alderman Blakely, whom they also abused in the like manner throwing him in the Channel. Again upon the twenty seventh of the same Month the Scholars joined themselves together in a great number, falling upon us with sticks, and struck Friends on the heads, faces and hands to the hurting of many; a Justice of peace being in the room charged them in the Kings Name several times to be quiet and to keep the peace, but they not regarding that Authority, proceeded in violence, and got a Smith's great hammer, and broke open four doors, and broke a wooden window, and took pieces of the boards and beat us with them, and drew us out into the streets, and there knocked several of us down, shedding the blood of twenty four persons, that the blood lay upon the stones in the street, in the sight of the People; and thus having broke down all the seats, windows and stairs, that the people could not get up into their lodging chambers, and having pulled us out into the streets, some they held until others put dirt into their mouths; at the same time also they stabbed two women in the street, as it is judged, with penknives, the one being an Alderman's Wife in the Town, the other a widow woman. And in the like manner every first day of the week do they continue abusing of us more or less, And the Mayor of the Town who should discourage and punish these evil doers, doth countenance and encourage them in it, setting his Officers to stop us from our meeting, saying, we shall have no more meetings, and hath given order unto his Officers to hinder us the next first day. These are but a hint of things to represent the whole. Witnesses hereof Henery Forster William Allen John Smith John Webb Samuel Nottingham Matthew Blakely Edward Salmon John Moon Eusebius Read Thomas Golden John Peace Thomas Read Thomas Hawkes George Nash Philip Williamson Clement Crabb John Harte Reuben Stevens Jeremiah Rose Richard Steaton Edward Wright Samuel Cater Robert Letchworth Gregory Tingy James Blakely Alderman John Cranwell John Parnell Bark-shire the twenty seventh of the third Month called May, 1660. Friends being peacably met together at Kingstone-lye in that County, there came to the meeting place many rude people, four of whom went into the meeting with swords drawn to break up the meeting, and one friend desiring to know their Order for so doing, their answer was their swords was their order, and so they violently abused Friends as followeth. Richard Greenway was dragged by the hair of the head out of the meeting and thrown into a standing pool of stinking water and mud; Richard Ballers was wounded with a sword. John Clerk was pricked with a sword, Edward Ballard was pricked with a sword. Robert Crook had his head broke and was thrust into a pond, and Edward Walter had his head broke. Barth. Mayling and Thomas Coeburn were both thrown into a pond and beat, Robert Samson was beaten. Adam Laurence thrust into a pond and beat, Andrew Pearson thrown into a pond headlong, these were all dragged to the pond by the hair of the head, and many others were abused. Yorkshire the thirteenth of the third Month called May, 1660. Friends being met together (at Bellerby in the County aforesaid) in the worship and service of God, there came to the door divers armed men crying, where be these rogues, we have order to break up your meeting, some of them saying we will cut you as small as bread; whereupon a Friend went to the door to know the real cause of these so coming, and whether they had any order to hinder our peaceable meeting, so speaking in meekness to them, telling them our meeting was in the fear of the Lord without a thought of harm to any Creature, and desiring to see their order for so doing, one of them drew his sword, and said that was his order, and with it struck him that spoke to him, upon which all the rest fell upon friends beating and cutting them, and pulling them out of the meeting, shedding the blood of many, and bruising many in a most uncivil and cruel manner, striking down many to the ground, with that violence that their senses were taken away, some lying upon the ground for dead, in which act of cruelty they cried they were for the King, and pleaded his Authority for it, and so do abuse his Name and Authority, Laws and subjects; in which cruelty about forty men of honest and good repute was cut with swords in their heads and bodies, and bruised and maimed, upon which several are lame, and some of them so wounded that it may be their death, the particular wounds in head, body, and arms we shall forbear to mention particularly, but the cruelty of it was such that there was no regard unto any man of account, office or otherwise, which thing being considered in its cruelty might break the heart of him that pities the people, or would preserve the Nation in peace; besides several women about ten or twelve were every one of them sore abused with swords and staves, and some of them drawn through the water, which is not only suffering unto them, but is a great reproach and dishonour unto the supreme authority and government in this Nation, which if it continue will produce very bad effects. Some of the Names of those that did appear with swords and staves in this cruel persecution are as followeth, Christopher Haw Christopher Dixon Christopher Collison William Imson Leonard Wright Mar. Jaques Francis Burg Christopher Burrell Henry Wright John Foster Robert Wray Christopher Dawson Henry Faucet Christopher Kerby John Wright Matthew Ellerton Westminster. On the eight day of this Month called June, we being meet in the new Palace-yard in the fear of the Lord, according to our accustomed manner, we were again abused by the Lackeys and rude people, and pursued as far as Whithall, and many friends had their blood drawn in a cruel manner, and after the meeting was ended the profane People entered into the meeting house, and abused the people that dwelled there, in so much that we were forced to entreat some Officers of the Army (whom we knew) to clear the house, who with some difficulty did it, our oppressions are great and hard to be uttered and Numbered; Therefore O King in the fear of the Lord, lay them to heart and let them be removed, that the Land may no longer mourn for the testimony of Jesus, and exercise of a good conscience. At Steventon in Bark-shire The seventh day of the eight Month 1660. many of the people of God coming together to worship God at Steventon in Bark shire, the Constable with many more being armed with halberds, prongs, pikes-staves and other weapons, came to the house and pulled Friends out in a horrible brutish manner, tore their from their backs, and threw about six of them into the water, and took one man and trod upon him so long till the blood came from his mouth, and till some of the wicked brutish people cried out take heed you do not stifle him, and some near 60. years of age were so served, and then they drove us along in the dirt dashing up the dirt upon us, and Friends demanding what warrant they had for their so doing, they said they had Order, but shown not any, and though we told them we had the word of the King for our quiet meetings, and General Monks Order, but they regarded it not. Norfolk At a meeting in Fowlsham the Constable charged several of the Town to aid him in the King's Name, and hailed Friends out of the meeting, beating some of them himself, and others throwing them down in the mire rending their , and carried away above one half of one man's cloak; and when he had got the rude Multitude together he left Friends in their hands, who beat them and threw stones and mire upon them. John Hilton. Yorkshire the seventh day of the ninth Month, 1660. Upon the twenty fourth day of the eight month in the year one thousand six hundred and sixty, Christopher Taylor and Richard Scostrop, with many other Friends of the truth being met together in peace without harm to any, to wait upon the Lord, being in a piece of Ground belonging unto William Cave in the Town of Bramhup, Priest Crossland called Minister of that Town, and Edward Wadington who called himself high Constable, came in amongst us in much hatred & enmity, having gathered a Multitude of the rude people and base sort of together, and when the said Richard Scostrop and Christopher Tailor being moved of the Lord, did instruct Friends and people in the way of the Lord, the said Priest Crossland and Edward Wadington, was the first that laid violent hands on them and hailed them away, charging the rude people who were found in swearing, lying, and cursing to assist them, to which they were ready, like their Priest, showing forth the fruits of his teaching, hailing and pushing them as if they had been thiefs, that Christopher Tailor was moved to say they were like to murder him, and Richard Scostrop was bloody with their tearing of him, not suffering them to speak any words of exhortation to the people. But Priest Crossland said they had an order from the King not to suffer us to meet or speak together, but we supposing it was not so, the King's word being that none should trouble or molest us for our Religion or opinion, while we lived peacably in the Nation, we demanded to see his warrant, which he denied; and the rude people pulled Richard Scostrop as they were commanded by their Priest, up from his knees, being calling upon the Name of the Lord in prayer with Friends; now let all who have any soberness or understanding consider if this Priest who is called a Minister of Christ, abides in his Doctrine, or if he be come to the Law and the Prophets, who saith, do unto all men as you would they should do unto you, or did he so unto us; and he and the rest dragged us out of their Town, and after they had like Wolves amongst sheep, teared us out of their Town, would not suffer us to stay in the common street, or rest, but haled us on a long lane, and shoved us toward a common, far from the Town, and would not by any word was spoken, keep themselves in peace towards us who offered harm to none. Now in this manner and many several ways are we by Magistrates, priests and rude people who are encouraged and by their leaders caused to err, persecuted in pretence of warrant from the King, and power given from him, and as it was in oliver's time done by them unto us, so is it now, and our sufferings in many places greater, and the hand of the evil doers more strengthened against us, who since we were a people, have not persecuted any, or sought revenge against our persecutors in the least manner, but with patience have suffered what hath been done unto us, knowing that all who will live godly in Christ Jesus must suffer persecution, and be hated of all men for his Names sake, and do rejoice that we are counted worthy. These Friends of the truth whose Names are under written, who do give their Testimony of the truth and of Things herein mentioned, who were present at the time of this persecution, Nicolas Rawson, John Jackson, Michael Renold, Anthony West, William Overhead, John Barber, with many more Friends. Darlington the eighteenth of the ninth Month, 1660. This day week our meeting was broken, and some had before one called a Justice, who theatened if we met again, to send us to prison. South-hampton. Friends being met together in the fear of the Lord in Portsmouth, videlicet, On the twenty one day of the eight Month last passed they met together in silence at a Friend's house, where as they were waiting upon the Lord there came a guard of Soldiers and beset the house, and some they hailed out of the meeting, and dragged the man out of the house down the street to the main guard, and then brought him up to his house again, and shut him with the rest in the house until the second day about the seventh hour at night, and then turned them forth and withdrew their guard; then upon the next first day being the twenty eight day of the eight Month, as Friends were met together, there was likewise a guard of Soldiers beset the house and kept about twenty and one persons close prisoners in the Friend's house (which was all that were then gathered together) and there kept them, not suffering any provision to come to them but 〈…〉 they kept them all there until about the sixth day of the week following, and then came and haled forth such as was not of the Town and set them at liberty, but the rest being about ten Friends they keep still prisoners in the house; then the last first day those that were not Imprisoned met together in another place at a Friend's house, and them they haled forth of their meeting and committed the men to a prison in the Town called Felltons' hole, where they still remain, and all this is (as they say) because Friends will not promise them not to meet any more in Town as the baptists hath done; This is a short relation of their cruelty in that place towards Friends. Monmouth-shire. David Jones Imprisoned in that County for not coming to the steeplehouse, who if he would pay 1. s. per week for 12. Month's past, all which time he hath not been there, which comes to 2. pounds 12. s. he might be released. Fleet London. John Pollard and Joseph Pollard imprisoned first in Colchester Castle 13. Months and 2. weeks, then returned from Colchester to the upper Bench prison, and there kept prisoner five Months and a week, and is since committed to the Fleet Prison, at the suit of Mathias Armiger, Farmer of Tithes, who with Benjamin Maddock (for less than 2. years' Tithes valued to be worth about 35. pound) have taken 57 Cows and Bullocks, with one Bull, in all worth about 12. score pounds from the said John and Joseph Pollard, and returned nothing again, and is kept a Prisoner besides. Yorkshire. Samuel Thornton, being in a Meeting at Leeds, with many more of the Lords people, though he be a free man of the same Town, was taken violently out of the Meeting by Martin Isles and John Dawson Alderman, and hailed to Prison, and there detained 5. days, with several others which was also haled forth of the same Meeting, which were Inhabitants within the said Borough, and the said Samuel Thornton, by the said Alderman was ordered to be whipped and sent from Constable to Constable, which was done accordingly, though the place of his natural birth was but three miles from thence, and he well known in the said Town. Also, Samuel Thornton was taken forth of a peaceable Meeting of the people of God at Holbetk, by order of the Priest there, and haled to Leeds before the said Alderman with two more, who caused a Mittemus to be made and sent him to the Correction-house at Wakefield for a Vagrant, where he was detained three Months, and he had been an Apprentice in the same Town, and after was called to the Sessions and there fined 10. pounds and sent to Prison again, though he had broken no known Law, nor for any other thing, but for being in a peaceable Meeting amongst God's People. Dudley Templar of Wethersfield in Essex, sent William Allen to Prison, for no other cause but for coming to the Town of Wethersfield to a Meeting there, and since from time to time his Clerk with many of the Town, in a violent manner have pulled us out of our Meetings, and not suffered us to be at quiet, but sometime set guards of men in several places to keep us from meeting, and sometime fined several for coming to our meeting, and from John Child, by a warrant from him or by his Order, they pretending a warrant, they took a horse, Saddle and Pillion and what belonged to him, and kept him three weeks but one day, and then sent him home, without saddle, bridle, pillion and the rest which they keep to this day, notwithstanding have been oft demanded of them; And they beat many friends much for coming to the Town, and suffered rude boys and others without reproof to abuse sober people, to the shame of Justice and the possession of their Town, and this hath been done in the presence and hearing of him the said Dudley Templer and not reproved; And he himself hath scoffed at Friends, and evil entreated many, and set the rude people on to hale us out of the Town, when if any thing could have been charged against us, he being a Justice and a Commander of a Troop of Horse, might have brought any of us to trial, and not in such a manner, contrary to Law and Justice, have abused us, and broken the peace of this Nation, and so rendered himself uncapable to to Rule, and is to be ruled by Justice himself. And of this his proceed hundreds can testify who have been eye-witnesses, and sufferers by him, and his Clerk, and others of the Town of Wetherfield. Essex. At a Meeting in Thaxted in Essex, the People of God being met peaceably together to wait upon the Lord, a great company of rude people of the Town gathered otgether about the house, swearing and cursing what they would do to the Quakers as they called them, and the place of their meeting being near the high way, they cast in dirt and stones, to the great annoyances of the peaceable people that were then waiting upon the Lord, and they were much abused by stones and abundance of dirt cast upon them, which the rude people took out of the open street; and there came a drunkard swearing and raging, like unto a mad man, and he and the rude people broke into the house, and laid violent hands upon many of the peaceable people, and endeavoured to pull him down that was speaking to the people in the fear of God. And for some hours in this manner they abused sober people in their own house that were met together to wait upon the Lord and to worship him in spirit; and when some went to some of the Magistrates in the Town to acquaint them with this abuse, desiring them to keep the peace, they made light of the matter, and would not appease the rude Multitude nor preserve the sober people in their just right and liberties, for it was said that one of the Magistrates should speak to the drunken fellow aforesaid to come up into our meeting, and bade him make sport; and so great was the abuse that the sober People was forced to remove their meeting to another place, whither the rude people also followed them, and did cast dirt and stones at them. Some more of the cruel sufferings of the people of God called Quakers related, which hath been acted in the Town of Cambridge by the rude Scholars, Soldiers and Towns people. Cambridge. UPon the thirteenth day of the third Month following, (called May) the Scholars and rude Multitude came and broke open several doors and burst the locks and bolts with a great hammer, and when we passed out from our meeting we were most shamefully abused by the Scholars and rude Multitude, several hundreds standing in the streets, some beating of us, and some rejoicing to see us beaten. Upon the twentieth day of the same Month, the Scholars and Soldiers and the rude Multitude came in with one of the chief Constables which said, that the Mayor had a letter from Ja. Tompson of Trumpington, called a Justice, which did inform the Mayor that several of us had arms, whereupon we desired that we might be searched, they searching some few of us & finding none, the rude Multitude fell violently upon us and drew some of us out by the hair, and pulled and haled all the rest out, and kicked William Allen who was moved to declare the truth to the people in the Power of the Lord, being so grossly abused, that he was very unable to go abroad for several days. After that we was parted from the meetinghouse, they came with hammers and what pieces of wood they could get, and fell to work on their Sabbath day, and they did break and batter the house within and without, that it is judged by their own Generation that twenty pounds will scarce make it as i● was. Sutton. Henry Foster was pulled out of the meeting house, and had before the Mayor and Aldermen where he was searched for Arms, but found none, and discharged to come any more to his own hired house upon a first day. Upon the second of the fifth Month, 1660. Friends being peaceably met together, several of the Scholars and others with them came with a Smith's great hammer and other things, and broke up the house, although two doors was open into the same, and with the boards and shivers of the house armed themselves, with which they knocked down many in the house and in the street, shedding the blood that day of near thirty, and bruising the flesh of near an hundred in a very lamentable manner, some of whom were dangerously wounded. Also the eight of the fifth Month the Scholars assaulted the meeting again, and tore friends out in an exceeding uncivil manner; And on the 15th. day they broke up Friends meeting again and near pulled down the house, and with the ruins of the same wounded several Friends. And besides, the Scholars and others that join with them, do daily tear friends as they pass in the Streets, and nip and abuse their flesh, and pull them by the hair, and stone, buffet and knock Friends down when they have pulled them out of the ●eeting and tread them in the channels, that had not the Lord wonderfully preserved them, many Friends had been slain ere now. The Names of part of twenty four that had their blood shed by the Scholars and others in Cambridge, besides many that had their rend and knocked down into the Channels and kicked and trod upon, and one was kept in the mud till he was almost smothered, and others pinched and pulled by the nose, and some stabbed. John Smith John Webb Ann Norris William Allen John Ware Thomazin Blackly Margaret Mathews Robert Letchworth William Page George Nath John Tournel Chatris Edward Matthew Blackly John Harvy Edward Salmon Philip Williamson William Wells Thomas Grace Philip Viping James Viping Cheshire Friends being met together in the fear of the Lord at one Laurence Fletcher his house, there came some Soldiers and broke up the meeting, and they fell on the Friends and haled them forth, and some they threw forth, and down, tearing others by the hair of the head till they had all forth, and this they did without showing any order, but being asked for their order, they said they had left it at the Town. Glamorgan-shire In the eight Month called October, 1660. Friends being peaceably met together, several Soldiers with their Muskets, swords & lighted matches, in a brutish manner took all the men Friends out of their Meeting, being twenty, and had them to the Castle and set them in the Dungeon till the next day, and then the oath of Allegiance was proffered to them, & because they could not break Christ's command (who saith swear not at all,) they were ordered to be kept prisoners where they yet remain, this tenth Month, 1660. From Cirencester in . We whose names are here under written, on the eighteenth day of the ninth Month w●re met peaceably together in the fear of the Lord, there came in amongst us the two high Constables so called, with other Offices and men of our Town that were gathered together, charging us in the King's Name to go along with them, answer was made that we were met peacably together in the fear of the Lord, and if they had any thing to lay to our charge we were there ready to make answer; but that would not satisfy them, and one of them said he had a warrant from the Lord Harbert to take us, we requiring the warrent to be showed, but could not see it, they gave order first to hale our women and children forth, and then said they would send for pistols, and when they had discharged three or four amongst us, we would be willing to go forth; but we were not willing to break our meeting, so they began to hail and tear and push us forth adoors and ran against us as we passed along the streets; we acquainted them that the King had promised no such thing; so they brought us to prison and thrust us in, and gave the Jailor orders to keep us there until the Commissioners came to Town, and at present there we remain prisoners for the truth's sake. Thomas Onion Robert Newcome Walter How ling John Roberts Philip Grace Richard Townsend Thomas Barnfield John Silvester Thomas Elridge William Hinton Richard Bartlot John Ovendell Henry Stacy Richard Bowly Thomas Knight John Clark Thomas Bowly John Cripes Jacob Howl Roger Sparks William England Durham Darlington the third of the tenth Month, 1660. Where we the people of God called Quakers had a meeting peaceably, and waiting upon the Lord in the aforesaid Town, the Captain sent some Soldiers, and violently broke up our meeting and carried away forty or more of us to the Castle of Durham, and as we were passing along we met the Captain and the Justice who threatened us much in high expressions, and five of us they single out, and said we should go to prison if we did not give bond for our good behaviour, and four of them is sent to Durham Castle, for no other cause but for meeting together to worship God in spirit, according to Christ's Doctrine, which now is come to be fulfilled and witnessed. Portsmouth the second of the tenth Month, 1660 As the people of the Lord were met together to worship God in the spirit peaceably in the said Town, Captain Sprag sent several files of armed men with firelocks, and violently haled out of our meeting eighteen men and women, and punched them & dragged them along, & shut the Gates, & men and wives were turned from their habitations, and children and families and callings, and are not permitted to come in again, though some came in again, yet were turned out of the Town again from their Families and employments, & some desiring to have their Instruments to labour withal was not permitted; besides were kept in a house where Friends met, by a guard nineteen days, denied to see their wife's, Families, Children, and gave commandment no victuals should be brought to them; and a Officer said if they turned us out of the Town, and set Soldiers to plunder our houses they served us well enough, though we never acted any thing against this Government. Ireland. FOr speaking the truth to people in Steeple-houses, Markets and other places (have suffered in the Nation of Ireland) and for other causes herein expressed, have been fined, whipped, Stocked, Imprisoned and suffered loss of their goods, 94 persons For meeting together in the fear of the Lord in their own houses according to the practice of the Apostles and the true Churches in the Scriptures mentioned, have been Imprisoned, etc. nineteen persons. For speaking the truth to the people in Steeple-houses and Markets, and other places have been Whipped and Imprisoned, and some stocked and shamefully beaten and abused, thirty four persons. For not swearing, as Christ commands they should not swear, two persons had goods taken from them worth eight pounds ten shillings, and one had taken from him seventy barrels of Salt. For not paying Tithes for conscience sake, that bears Testimony to the everlasting Priesthood, that ends the first that takes tithes, eight persons for two pounds sixteen shillings four pence demanded for Tithes, have had taken from them goods worth thirty four pounds ten shillings. Stopped (as they were passing the streets and high ways about their occasions) and Imprisoned twelve Persons. For receiving Friends, and for visiting Friends in Prison, one was Imprisoned, and another fined five pounds. Sufferers for other causes for the truth's sake eleven Persons. An Account of the sufferings of Friends in Scotland, where there hath suffered for the causes hereafter expressed, in all ninety one Persons. SCOTLAND. For denying the Priest practices, have been Excommunicated forty five Persons. For meeting together in the fear of the Lord, have been stoned and beaten eleven persons. For speaking the truth to people in Steeple-houses and Markets, and ask Priests questions, have been Imprisoned, and some stocked and whipped, and some banished, in all fifteen Persons. There was likewise Imprisoned and otherwise abused, and some banished, and no cause why shown, in all eighteen persons. A Declaration of some Part of the Sufferings of the People of God in scorn called Quakers, from the Professors in New-England, only for the exercise of their Consciences to the Lord, and obeying and confessing to the Truth, as in his light he had discovered it to them. TWo honest and innocent women stripped stark naked, and searched after such an inhuman manner, as modesty will not permit particularly to mention. Twelve strangers in that Country, but freeborn of this Nation, received twenty three whip, the most of them being with a whip of three cords, with knots at the ends, and laid on with as much strength as they could be by the arm of their executioner, the stripes amounting to three hundred and seventy. Eighteen Inhabitants of the Country, being freeborn English, received twenty three whip, the stripes amounting to two hundred and fifty. Sixty four Imprisonments of the Lords people for their obedience unto his will, amounting to five hundred and nineteen weeks, much of it being very cold weather, and the Inhabitants kept in Prison in harvest time, which was very much to their loss, besides many more Imprisoned, of which time we cannot give a just account. Two beaten with pitched roops, the blows amounting to an hundred thirty nine, by which one of them was brought near unto death, much of his body being beat like unto a Jelly, and one of their own Doctors, a member of their Church, who saw him, said it would be a miracle, if ever he recovered, he expecting the flesh should rot off the Bones, who afterwards was banished upon pain of death, there are many witnesses of this there. Also an Innocent man an Inhabitant of Boston, they banished from his Wife and Children, and put to seek a habitation in the Winter, and in case he returned again, he was to be kept Prisoner during his life, and for returning again, he was put in Prison, and hath been now a Prisoner above a year. Twenty five Banishments upon the penalties (of being whipped, or having their Ears cut, or branded in the hand) if they returned. Fines laid upon the Inhabitants for meeting together and edifying one another, as the Saints ever did, and for refusing to swear, it being contrary to Christ's Command, amounting to about a Thousand pounds, besides what they have done since, that we have not heard of, many families in which there are many children are almost ruined by these unmerciful proceed. Five kept 1●. days in all without food, and 58. days shut up close by the Jailor, and had none that he knew of, and from some of them he stopped up the windows, hindering them from convenient air. One laid neck and heels in Irons for sixteen hours. One very deeply burnt in the right hand with the letter H. after he had been whipped with above 30. stripes. One chained the most part of twenty days to a log of Wood in an open Prison in the Winter time. Five appeals to England denied at Boston. Three had their right Ears cut by the Hangman in the Prison, the door being barred and not a Friend suffered to be present, while it was doing, though some much desired it. One of the Inhabitants of Salem, who since is banished upon pain of death, had one half of his House and Land ceized on while he was in Prison, a month before he knew of it. At a general Court in Boston they made an Order, that those who had not wherewithal to answer the fines that were laid upon them (for their Consciences) should be sold for Bondmen and Bondwomen to Barbados, Virginia, or any of the English Plantations. Eighteen of the People of God, were at several times banished upon pain of death, six of them were their own Inhabitants, two of which being very aged people, and well known among their Neighbours to be of honest conversations, being banished from their Houses and Families, and put upon travelling and other hardships, soon ended their days, whose death we can do no less than charge upon the Rulers of Boston, they being the occasion of it. Also three of the Servants of the Lord they put to death, one of them they caused to be Executed in 24. hours after they had taken her. And when we heard from thence last, there was four more in prison, who according to their Law, were to be banished upon pain of death, and twenty four of the Inhabitants of Salem were presented, and more fines called for. These things (O friends) from time to time have we patiently suffered, and not for the transgression of any Just or Righteous Law, either pertaining to the Worship of God, or the civil Government of England, but simply and barely for our consciences to God, of which we can more at large give you (or whom you may order) a full account (if you will let us have admission to you, who are banished upon pain of death, and have had our ears cut, who are in England attending upon you) both of the causes of our sufferings, and the manner of their disorderly and illegal proceeding against us, Who begun with Immodesty, went on in Inhumanity and Cruelty, and were not satisfied until they had the blood of three of the Martyrs of Jesus; Revenge for all which we do not seek, but lay them before you, considering you have been well acquainted with sufferings, and so may the better consider them that suffer, and may for the future restrain the violence of these Rulers of New- England, you having power in your hands, they being but the children of the family of which you are chief Rulers, who have in divers of their proceed forfeited their Patent, as upon a strict enquiry in many particulars will appear. And this (O King and you of his Counsel) we are assured of, that in time to come it will not repent you, if by a close rebuke you stop the bloody proceed of these bloody persecutors, for in so doing, you will engage the hearts of many honest People unto you, both there and here, and for such works of mercy, the blessing is obtained, and showing it is the way to prosper. We are witnesses of these things. Who besides long Imprisonments, and many cruel whip, had our Ears cut, John Rous, John Copland. Who besides many long Imprisonments, divers cruel whip, with the seizing on our Goods, are banished upon pain of Death, and wait here in England, and desire that we may have an Order to return in peace to our Families. Samuel Shattock, Josiah Southick, Nicholas Phelps. A Declaration of the Sufferings of the Inhabitants of the Providence of Mariland in Virginia, as followeth. WIlliam Faller and Thomas Homwood, had taken from them because they could not be conformable to the unrighteous Orders of Court made by the Officers of Cicilia Baltamore in Mariland, to the value in goods, eight pounds five shillings and eight pence. Taken from Richard Keen for not training, the sum of six pounds fifteen shillings by the Shrieff, and his Servants have received much abuse; The Sheriff drew his Cutlash, and with the point made a thrust at his Beast, and struck him over the shoulders, and said you Rogue I could find in my heart to split your brains; The Sheriff's name is William Curtsy, there be several Witnesses to testify the Truth of this thing. Again, this Captain of the Soldiers, whose name is John Odbor, with Justice Askam with a rude crew, drank out certain Casks of Wine bought of Justice Askham, for which Wine they came to Richard Keen, and to other men's houses to take away their Goods, to make payment for that which they had idly spent: Justice Askham so called, coming to Richard Keens house, was taxed by the wife of Richard Keen for being drunk at one of their Randivous; He replied he was not drunk, for said he a man is never drunk if he can go out of the Cart's way when it is coming towards him. William Muffet, fine● for not training to the value of six pounds fifteen shillings, & one John Bog an Officer of Captain Thomas Brook gave order to the Sheriff, that if he could not take his goods, to take his Chest, if not his Chest his Shirts. John Knap, had taken from him for not training, goods to the value of seven pounds ten shillings with a Chest, and fined to the value of three pounds ten shillings for not swearing, he being an ancient man about sixty years of age, and hath laboured hard in the strength of his days and years, to get those goods together. William Berry, was fined to the value of three pounds fifteen shillings for entertaining Thomas Thurston into his house one night. Michael Brooks, fined seven pounds ten shillings because he could not swear, and four pounds ten shillings because he could not train under the command of John Odbor Captain, who declared in the presence of many that they were not fit to be Soldiers that could not swear, be drunk and whore it. E●…d Keen, fined for not training, to the value of four pounds ten shillings, under the said Odbor Captain. Edward Hinkesman, fined to the value of four pounds ten shillings, for not training under the said J. Odbor. Henry Osborn, fined to the value of three pounds fifteen shillings, because he entertained Thomas Thurston one night, and to the value of four pounds ten shillings for not Training under John Odbor captain. John Day fined to the value of three pounds fifteen shillings for entertaining Thomas Thurston, and to the value of four pounds ten shillings for not Training. Woodman Stocley fined to the value of three pounds fifteen shillings for not taking the oath of a Constable. Richard Preston was fined to the value of three pounds fifteen shillings for entertaining Thomas Thurston one night into his house. Taken from John Baldwin to the value of five pounds five shillings for not Training. Taken from Thomas Cole to the value of forty eight pounds because he could not swear. Thomas Mears was fined to the value of eight pounds five shillings because he could not swear; Likewise John Norwood Sheriff took away in goods from the said Meres to the value of five pounds because his Son could not Train. Taken from Robert Clerkeson to the value of five pounds because he could not swear, and for not Training, to the value of forty shillings. Taken from Henry Woolchurch because he could not Train to the value of five pounds five shillings. Taken from Edmond Burton because he could not swear, to the value of eight pounds, he being a poor man. Taken from Susan Eliot to the value of sixteen shillings for her man missing once Training. Taken from John Larking to the value of fifteen pounds, because he could not swear. Taken from Robert Harwood to the value of eleven pounds, because he could not swear. Taken from John Homwood to the value of seven pounds ten shillings, because he could not Train. Taken from Thomas Underwood because he could not swear, to the value of seven pounds ten shillings, he being a very poor lame man, and not the use of his Limbs to labour, and hath a Wife and four small Children. James Pascal a poor man, having a wife and two small children, and his wife big with another, John Norwood Sheriff took from him for the value of three pence three farthings, to the value of three shillings three halfpences, in meat that was provided for his wife and children, and said that the Court had lent it him for the imprisoning of Tho. Thurston. Jonathan Neale had taken from him because he could not train, to the value of forty five shillings. Hugh Drue, fined to the value of four pounds ten shillings, he being a very poor man and in debt, sold his Cow to satisfy part of his debts; Baltomores' Officers having knowledge of it, seized upon that he sold his Cow for, which was to the value of five pounds five shillings, because he could not train. William Davis, for not training fined to the value of four pounds ten shillings, and had taken from him in Goods to the value of five pounds eleven shillings, he being a very poor man. William Cole had taken from him one Servant valued to be worth sixteen pounds which was his Apprentice bound for seven years, valued to be worth by them five pounds five shillings, taken from him because he could not Train. John Norwood Sheriff, came and demanded of Samuel Chew, to the value of eighteen pence, for the Imprisonment of Tho. Thurston, he denying to pay it, took from him to the value of three shillings. Taken from Richard Ensal upon the same Demand for Imprisonment of Thomas Thurston, for four pence halfpenny, taken from him to the value of twenty pence halfpenny. Thomas Turner was in Court, having business there, and Coming with his Hat on before the Court, where was present Edward Lloyd, and Samuel Withers, they caused his Hat to be taken from him, and never returned it again. Again, the said Tho. Turner was before the Court where was present Samuel Withers, and Thomas Todd, and Thomas B●sson, and because he could not bow to them they caused his hat to be taken away, and never returned it again. Ralph Hawkings because he could not swear had taken from him to the value of ten pounds five shillings, he being but a poor man, and it is likely, it is more than one third of his Estate. Robert Dun had taken from him because he could not Train, to the value of eight pounds five shillings. Francis Barnes had taken from him, because he could not Train, to the value of six pounds five shillings. John Ellis for not Training, had taken from him to the value of six pounds five shillings. Henry Carline had taken from him because he could not put off his Hat in Court, to the value of three pounds fifteen shillings. Taken from William Eliott, because he could not Train, to the value of four pounds seventeen shillings six pence. Edward Coppedg, because he could not Train, had to the value of five pounds seven shillings six pence taken from him, and suffered punishment by whipping on the bare Back, a very poor man, having a Wife and two small children. More taken from Henry Carline for not Training, one Cow, one Calf, one yearling Heifer, prized by them but at the value of five pounds thirteen shillings six pence. John Woollcott had taken from him by John Norwood Sheriff, because he could not Train, to the value of five pounds five shillings. William Read because he could not Train, had taken from him one Servant, valued at four pounds ten shillings by them, which had about a year to serve, he being a very poor man, and his servant was accounted to be worth seven pound ten shillings. Ishmael Rite, and William Stockden, and Guy White, for not Training, the Sheriff William Curtsy by order from Captain John Obdor hath violently taken from them to the value of seven pounds, and the Sheriff threatened to turn us out of our house and Plantation, John Askham Justice of Peace being by at that time; And further they arrested Ishmael Rite to the Court, and would have him to take the oath of a Constable, he refused to take the oath, but told them he would perform the office faithfully so far as his conscience was clear, but that would not satisfy them, they threatened to fine him to the value of seven pounds ten shillings, the Sheriff took away for sees to the value of forty five shillings. John Holladay for not Training had taken from him the value in goods five pounds six shillings and three pence. Again for not assisting the Sheriff John Norwood, to take Thomas Thurston, was whipped severely. These are not all the sufferings by much which this poor people have undergone and not for evil doing, but for keeping Faith and a good Conscience, which many hath put away and made shipwreck of, else all these inhuman, barbarous, cruel works of darkness could never have been brought forth, which hath shamed their Government and their Profession. Friend and friends, we having the word of a King, and again renewed by a Declaration, that we should not suffer upon the account of Religion, and being given forth by you that have suffered for your Religion, and beyond the Sea, had more toleration then in your own Nation: (which we have had the same likewise) and now in the King's Name do we suffer, and specially by such as have been against You that be in authority, which is to get favour with you; And our Meetings are broken up with much violence, and haled out, and abused, and bruised, and thrown into waters, and many imprisoned and bruised to the dangering of their lives. And these things are done in your Names, and you may be unacquainted with them: Therefore they are laid before you, and given to you to consider. For if the liberty of your Consciences (when you were banished) had been restrained, and you had been forced to deny your Religion, it would have grieved you. Therefore consider them now that be in your state, who had rather die then offend God; And whether you do own those things that are done in the King's Name, yea or nay? If not, that there may be a restraint to their violence to stop the unmerciful men with their Clubs, and Staves, who are making havoc of the Innocent, that they may not make the King a cloak to do wickedly; For your understandings have been exercised in these things who have known sufferings, by which you may the better feel and know the condition of others. And now you may consider the Law and the Prophets to do as you would be done by, and to show mercy; For we are imprisoned because we cannot take an Oath, the Oath of Allegiance and Supremacy, as before is expressed, the Servants of Christ, who commands them not to swear, but keep to yea and nay in all their Communications; And yet we are Imprisoned and Mangled, and miscalled as Traitors, and threatened that our estates must be taken away, and confiscated to the King, because for conscience sake towards Christ, and in obedience to his Commands we do not swear. And many now knowing Friends principles that they cannot swear, do avenge themselves upon them by tendering them the Oath, that would be much against the King if they had an opportunity. Now these things being done in the King's Name, we that suffers desires to know whether You own that these things should be done in his Name? For we gave forth an answer to the Oath of Allegiance and Supremacy which we presented to You and the King, of which we desire to have an answer from You; And whether You will own those things; For we do not charge them upon the King, because he gave forth the word of a King and a Declaration to the contrary; and as knowing who they are that are Actors of these things in the Nation, against Honest, Godly, Innocent, Harmless Servants of the Lord that loves Peace, and Righteousness, and are for the establishment of that in Truth. For we are threatened (and they say) that we shall have no protection, because we will not swear, and looked upon as Traitors that any man may kill us, if we will not swear, and have no protection from the Law, and from us our Goods is to be taken, and our families spoiled. Therefore let Justice be done, and Judgement be divided a right, for that preserves both Government, and Magistrates, and a People in peace; And yet the Taxes and Sessment of us required, and yet cannot have the benefit of the Law, which you do understand paying that, People may have their liberty in Turkey. Therefore these things are laid before the King and You, that You may understand (not as charged upon him) what things are done in his Name; That with Truth, Justice, Righteousness, and Wisdom you may rule; And know the Law was not made for the Righteous, but for sinners and transgressors, and that He and Ye all may distinguish between such; For we were (in the days of O●iver) fined and imprisoned and slandered as Jesuits and the like, because we could not disobey Christ's Doctrine to swear, and take an Oath, our Principle is known through all these Dominions, and many other Nations, not to swear any Oaths at all, whatsoever is an Oath being forbidden by Christ Jesus, and upon no other account; and we have given forth a paper to that purpose unto the King; Now all other people doth not deny swearing upon this account (as we do) for Christ's Command and Religion sake, therefore other people's condition is not ours, Who will swear, and doth not scruple taking an Oath upon this account (but for other ends) Therefore there must be distinction made betwixt us and them. Now if you should say, To let us have our liberty (which was but to let Christ's Commands be obeyed) this would let up others that say they cannot swear. But than you must mind upon what account it is, for we have given our account unto the King, and to the whole Dominion, and to the whole Christendom, both in Word and Writing and Print; So we desire you to give us an answer, Or to give forth something to stop the proceeding of the forcing Oaths on us, and that we shall not be imprisoned upon this account, nor our goods spoiled to the ruin of our Families; for it is known that we could never swear in the days of Oliver, nor Richard, nor the Parliament, nor in the time of the Committee of Safety, (so called) nor our friends beyond the Seas in other Nations; Yet we have suffered more in this Nation then in any other Nation concerning that thing, not swearing; and if our yea be not yea, and nay nay, then let us be punished for that (if ●ou 〈◊〉 doubt or question) as much as ●ou would●… do for not swearing; And if ye doubt or question our faithfulness that lie in Prisons, and Irons, and Dungeons, because we cannot take an Oath, let us be sent for up before You to satisfy You further, for that Oaths is put the more in the enmity to us, because they know we cannot swear, whereby the unjust thinks to revenge themselves upon us, which there is no people in the Nation doth refuse the Oath for Conscience sake but us; For they know that friends will stand to their principles, and therefore they know they can make spoil; And now it lies upon You to remedy these things, and to break the jaws of the wicked (as Job did) that rends the Innocent to pieces. And our Friends and People beyond Sea, in Holland that cannot swear for Conscience sake to obey the commands of Christ, the Magistrates puts no oath to them, neither doth cause them to suffer, or lay any penalty upon them for not swearing, who keep to yea and nay in all their communications, according to Christ's Doctrine and the Apostle, Mat. 5. chap. and James 5. Acts the 17. Paul disputed daily in the Market and in the Synogues, and this was their practice, and you may see the impatience of them ofttimes in the Synagogues and Markets, and many times their patience of their hearing of him, which he calls Noble, and in the Church which the Apostles had planted, they might all speak one by one, if any thing was revealed to him that sat by, the first was to hold his peace, and this was the order in the Church of God, 2. Cor. 1●. And now in the Churches so called that are established since the Apostles days, if one that sits by, something be reveled to him from the Lord to speak it forth, it is called disturbance, and he is haled out and persecuted; and if he bid people Repent in the Markets and streets, that swears and curses, and lies and are drunkards, they fall upon him with fists and staves and hales him before Magistrates, and casts him into Prison, as a peace-breaker, whereby truth hath not had so much liberty as Balad-singers, and singing ballads and jest Books in streets; and if one ask a question in the Synagogue; being not satisfied what another delivers or speaks or disputes upon, by them that be in the Synagogue they are haled out and cast into prison in steed of giving them satisfaction or convincing the gainsayers, if they were such that did question, which shows a degeneration amongst the Christians from the Apostles practice and command and life. And armed and disguised men have come into our meetings with naked swords falling upon Innocent harmless naked people in our meetings, and men carried out in the night and in winter season and time of the snow, and there bound, and laid on hills. And many cast into nasty holes and deep dungeons, not suffered straw, though the place was so bad that they stood almost over shoes in water, and trampled in mud and excrements and not suffered to have a little fire to take away the smells; and cruel Jailers have thrown chamber pots full of excrements on our heads; and thus we have suffered by the professors of Christ's words, who have no such example in the Scripture for these their practices, which shows they are those that have the form of Godliness but denies the Power, and from such the Apostle bids turn away▪ And further sixty of our Friends have been sued up (to appear at London) by Priests and others this last term. And you cannot say our meetings are tumultuous, for they are such people as the Priests and Teachers of the world do teach, and be under their nature, that comes with clubs, staves, stones, dirt, shoutings, making a noise, scoffs, mocks, reproaches, slanders, which is a dishonour to the Teachers, and not a grace to the Governors and Ruler, and they are they that makes tumults against whom we never lifted up a hand, but with meekness have patiently suffered, except it hath been to let you know that such dishonours the very profession and Name of Christ and Government▪ and are a grief to the Righteous, and causes the way of Truth to be evil spoken of; and all that we desire is that they that profess themselves to be Teachers, teach their people the way of holiness, and they that are Magistrates do bring them into the practice of civility, and that them that fear the Lord may live peaceably, that is our prayers, and that you may grace your Government, and your Teachers may do that, that their fruits may be so seen, that others may glorify God, and that they might be followers of them as they are followers of Christ. Kent. Edward Noakes of Word in East Kent farming Land at the rate of eighty pounds the year (for one years' Tithes claimed, which was but twenty pounds, had taken from him goods to the value of one hundred pounds, and was kept two years and a half in prison called the King's Bench, besides. Shropshire. We being peaceably met together in Shrowsbury this tenth Month, 1660. There came some Soldiers and broke up the meeting and had us to prison, because we could not for conscience sake take the Oath of Allegiance, being twenty one persons. Richard Moor John Shield Oliver Atherton Thomas Jackson Richard Ward Edward Jefferis John Jefferis William Trotle Tho. jenks Abraham Poyner james Farmer Constantine Overton john pain john Millington Owen Roberts Thomas Studly Ralph Sharply Samuel Averal Humphrey Overton Francis Windsor Henry Rawson POSTSCRIPT. A further Account being sent up of more that are Imprisoned since the other in this Book were printed, which being added to the former, there is at present in prison of our Friends, sufferers for conscience sake, three hundred and seventeen persons. THE END