A few QUERIES FOR Thomas Moor the Elder, Thomas Moor the Younger, John Horn, or for any of them, or any other to answer. 1. DOth not Christ remain in the Heavens until the restitution of all things? And whether any man shall be restored into the state Adam was in before he fell, while upon the Earth? Answer. 2. And if he remain in the Heavens till all things be restored, by what doth he restore? Is it by his Light, Power and Spirit within people, seeing that man and woman their inward man must be renewed, and fin is in man that defaceth man and woman? 3. And is not the same that did descend, did ascend, that rose, that death and bonds could not hold? 4. What is it that Christ doth restore? Is it some thing within man from Christ? 5. And is Christ ascended above all Principalities, Thrones and Dominions? And doth he reign now until he hath made his Enemies his Footstool? 6. By what doth he judge, fubdue, put down, condemn and rule? Is it not by his Power within, and Word within, and Light within, seeing darkness is within? 7: Dost thou own the body of Christ that suffered at Jerusalem, to be risen? And did that flesh see any corruption? Or was his blood corruptible? 8. Doth that body remain in the Heavens till all things be restored? Is not Christ the flesh the Saints must eat, and the blood the Saints must drink, that is to say, the blood of Christ? 9 And did not some sit in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus, in the Apostles days, and were of his flesh and bones? 10. And whether doth Christ bring his Church above all Principalities and Powers, into the Heavens, to be of his body, and he to be their Head? 11. The body that came to do the will of God, was not that Christ's body? Is he risen, or no? Was he offered up, or no? 12. Did Christ's body end the outward offerings in the Law, and before the Law? and was not part of the Tithe a Heave-offering? And canst thou either pay of receive Tithes, and own Christ come in the flesh, and he offered up? 13. Did he end the Priesthood that took Tithes? Did he end the Law by which the priesthood w●● made that took Tithes? Did he end the Commandment that gave Tithes? 14. Wast thou made a Minister by Christ? Hast thou received a gift from him that ascended on high, for the Work of the Ministry? Or is the Work of thy Ministry from Books? 15. Hast thou heard God's voice, and Christ's voice immediately from Heaven, yea or nay? 16. Hast thou the same Spirit that Christ and his Apostles had, yea or nay? 17 Dost thou bring people out of the state of Adam and Eve, out of the fall, up to the state they were in before they fell, and so to the measure of the stature of Christ that never fell? 18. Shall any man be perfect here upon the Earth, and made free from the body of sin and death, & come to the state that Adam & Eve was in before they fell, yea or nay? If not, which of these three states dost thou keep them in, that is to say, the state of Adam and Eve in the fall, with his sons and daughters, or in the state of Adam and Eve before they fell, or in the state of Christ that never fell! 19 Whether thou keepest the people in the perfect state, or in an imperfect state? Answer. 20. Art thou a Papist? And dost thou own a Purgatory to be cleansed in after death? Or where must men be cleansed if not upon the Earth? Is there any repentance in the Grave? Doth the tree lie corrupt as it falls corrupt, yea or nay? 21. Was all the types, figures and shadows given to man after he fell? And is Christ the end of all? Or is there any shadow in him? 22. Doth man leave all the shadows, that cometh to live in him, to wit, Christ? 23. Is Bread, Water, Wine, Christ? Or are they to put people in remembrance of Christ, or a show of his death till he come? 24. And was people to take this till Christ came within them, or to take it to the end of the world? If so, how were they to die with Christ, and come into death with him, of whose death they took the Bread and Wine in remembrance? 25. Whether or not to die with Christ, and be in death with him, is not a nearer thing then to take Bread and Wine to put them in remembrance of his death? 26. Must people be buried with Christ while they are upon the Earth, after they are dead with Christ? Answer. 27. Must people arise with Christ while they are upon the earth? and if they be risen with Christ, or do rise with Christ, then are they not to seek those things that be above? 28. Are not figures, shadows, types, bread, water, wine, are not these things below? And if so, what are these things we are to seek, that come down from above? 29. Whether the Scriptures be the Word of God, or the Words of God? Or what the word Scripture signifies? 30. Art not thou one of them that keep people always under teaching, that they may be always paying thee? if not, how many hast thou brought to that state that they need no man to teach them? as in 1 John 2.11. 31. Wast not thou one of them that sprinkled children for money, and so called it Baptism, and bade them repent afterward? 32. Do the Scriptures say, Baptise and teach, or Repent and be baptised? Or doth it say, Teach and baptise, or Baptise and teach? 33. Whether or no the honour that the Pharisees sought was not a civil honour, as people seek now, that stood in some outward things? and what was the honour that came down from above? And what is the honour that God will lay in the dust? 34. And what is the honour that Peter speaks of, which was to all men? whether was it putting off the hat? whether Daniel and the three children put off their hats to Nebuchadnezar? 35. Whether Thou to a single person is not the pure language, according to Bible, Accidence, or Grammar, yea or nay? 36. Is the Church of Christ such a people as are redeemed from the Earth, without spot, wrinkle, blemish, or any such thing? 37. Are they that plead for spots, wrinkles, blemishes, and the body of death for the term of life, Ministers of Satan, or Ministers of Christ. 38. Art not thou one of those fools that the Apostle had to deal with in 1 Cor. 15. that was questioning with him with what manner of bodies the dead should rise, not understanding the corn of wheat? 39 What are those shadows that fly away when the day appears? Or whether the day be attainable while men are on the earth, yea or nay? 40. Whether John was a true Witness that came to bear witness of the true Light that came to enlighten every man that cometh into the world, and to as many as receive him, he gives power to become the sons of God? 41. Whether any come to Christ, or be the sons of God, but such as come to the light that John came to bear witness of, John 1.? If John was a true Witness, are not you all false Witnesses that have, and do bear witness against Christ that enlighteneth every one that cometh into the World, who say the Light is not sufficient? 42. What is that that gives the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus? Is it in man, or without man? 43. Is the Grace of God sufficient to teach and bring salvation? And if so, what will become of the Hireling with his club and bag? 44. Whether all men be not enlightened that through the Light they may believe, and so become the children of Light? 45. And whether all be not enlightened before they be children of Light and believe? who not believing in the Light, is not the Light their condemnation? Joh. 3. 46. Whether or no hath every man the Spirit of God? or whether that Spirit be not the Spirit of God, that reproves the World of righteousness and judgement, etc. and leads the Saints into all truth? And whether that be sufficient, yea or nay? And if this be sufficient, what are those Leaders that cause people to err? Whether were not they such as are Hirelings, that preach for wages, and divine for money, and bear rule by their means, and seek for the Fleece, and their gain from their quarters, and handfuls of Barley, and pieces of bread, and such as are called of men Masters, and stood praying in the Synagogues, which Christ cried woe against? Matth. 23. Jer. 5. Ezek. 34. Micha 3. Jer. 23. Ezek. 12.13, 14. 2 Pet. 2. Isaiah 5.6. 47. Did God make thee an Overseer of the Flock or men? If God did, whether is it better to obey God, or man? Can thy mouth be opened by God, and stopped by men? 48. Art not thou the Hireling that is fled because thou wert an Hireling, and leaves the flock when the Wolf comes, and so cares not for the flock, and manifests that the Flock is not thine own? If God did make thee an Overseer, than thou art disobedient to him, and lettest thy flock go whither they will. 49. Whether thy Religion and Profession be not a Religion for Summer, and while the Sun shines, whose flight is in the Winter, and flies from it in a storm and tempest? 50. And what is that Religion that is not worth suffering for? Is it not below the Monks that will suffer for a Relic or an Image, and not in love, but in envy, which all suffering is nothing that is not in love? 51. Is not this the day that God is making the wise men and Diviners mad? Is not the Sun set and gone down upon you Prophets and Diviners? the darkness is come upon you that may be felt: What now, have you no vision from God, that you are all silent, and your mouths stopped? What, are all your Seers ashamed? and what are ye Diviners confounded? What, are your lips all covered, that you have no answer from God? Read Mich. 3. And see what a day you had of eating the flesh of God's people, and flaying off their skins, and crying peace when people put into your mouths: And now is not the day of the Lord come upon you, that hath been told you before? 52. Whether is that Light that John came to bear witness of, John 1. a made Light, a created Light, or a natural conscience? 53. Have you not been treacherous to God, ye that call yourselves Ministers, and treacherous to all your promises, to yourselves and others? or was not all your Ministry for your mouths and bellies? And have you not betrayed both mouth and belly? IT is not much above a hundred years since all were Papists in England & Germany; & so when there was descent from the Pope in England, and the King turned from him, & then set up the Common-Prayer Book, than the Jesuits turned Common. Prayermen, and so Common-Prayer men continued a good while; and so then when Common-prayer-men went down, and the Presbyterians went up, than the Priests turned Presbyterians; and when the Baptists and Independents went up, than many of the Priests turned Baptists and Independents, and than Presbyterians, Baptists and Independents josled one against another about the Church-Faith and Directory; in the mean time crept up Common-Prayer-men from under them, and got over them, and throws down both Church-Faith and Directory, and then a great many of Baptists, Independents and Presbyterians turned Common-Prayer-men again; and all this while they kept out black Coats; for the Pope hath several Tribes, white Friars, grey Friars; black Coats are Jesuits; so when the Jesuits turned from the Pope to the Common-Prayer-men, and them that set it up, they kept the black coat to distinguish their Order and Tribe; and so when they turned from thr Common-Prayer to the Presbyterians, they kept black coat; and so when they turned Baptists and Independents, they kept black coat: And though I Jesuit turned from the Mass to the Common-Prayer, and so a Presbyterian, a Baptist, an Independent, I was but subject to the Higher Power; and so if they set up Popery again, I am ready, I kept my black Coat, and my Tithes, that distinguish my Order all this while; for you know there are white Friars and grey Friars; black Coats are Jesuits, and that is my Order that I had from my Father the Pope. G. F. THE END.