A LETTER FROM THE Duke of Brandenburg, To several Ministers of STATE; SHOWING His firm RESOLUTION to Defend the Protestant Religion. Gentlemen, I Shall be aware both how and with whom I Engage, for through the Conduct of all the Affairs of the Confederates, since the Rise of the War in the year 1672. Their several Projects have been no sooner form but betrayed; for, the Jesuits being the Ascendant, both laid a Monarchical Design and a total Subversion of the Protestant Religion, all over Europe, influencing most Princes Councils, by a powerful Operation of Money, both from Rome and France, which is plentifully bestowed, and was gratefully received and though the Jesuits seemâ–ª to carry on several Interests, being the guidance of many Princes, yet craftily centre their Designs in the most Potent. And I too sensibly know, that when I commanded the Imperial Forces, my Destruction was levelled at, by the Jesuitical Cabal, by those I Assisted, which caused me timely to withdraw. Now therefore amidst these Disadvantages, can I promise any better Success? I have many Motives to induce my belief, that the same Design is Vigorously carrying on, though in a seeming Peace; nothing therefore can be of Efficacy to Protect us, till we new model our Affairs, and by a strict sincere Reunion, and fixed Resolution to go through the Work, and to make an utter Dismission of all the Jesuits, who lie lurking in our Bosoms only to confound us. But, I fear some are so infatuated by them, as not to pursue my Advise, till Desolation and Misery overtake them: And for my part I will strictly observe it myself, and for ever defy their pestilent Notions, and stand upon my Guard, and assume the glory, though I be forsaken by all, and choose rather to die with the Sword in my Hand, in Defence of my Country and Protestant Religion, than survive under the Tyranny of France and Malignancy of Rome; for I am sure in what place soever it dilates itself, a Deluge of Misery will be brought along with it, both by Oppression and Idolatry. FINIS London, Printed for T. Davis. 1680.