A Farewell to his Royal Highness JAMES Duke of YORK. On His Voyage to SCTOTLAND, October 20. 1680. GO, Best in all that's good. We cannot bear The Radiant Lustre of thy Virtues here: Owls hate the Sun, Dark Deeds abhor the Light, Ills appear worse still by their Opposite. Obey thy Heavenly in thy Earthly KING, Confound thine Enemies by Suffering; O'ercome by GOOD, Let Furious Factions see, Thine's PEACE, when Their Religion's Cruelty. Go Prince, Courageous Prince, Our Champion, May Great Britain's Guardian Angel lead thy way; May the cold Hemisphere Thou go'st to Grace, Receive new Warmth and Vigour from Thy Face: May all that's Happy thy Companion be, Till Heaven bring Thee to Us, Us to Thee. Go PRINCE, Great Britain's Genius with his Train, Guard Thee to SCOTLAND, Bring Thee Safe again; That (like Great CONSTANTINE) Thy Glorious Days, May Crown thy Sufferings with Immortal Bays. And as His Zeal, the misled World did bring, To Love and Honour their Celestial KING; So may Thy Zeal move this Misguided Nation, To follow Thee in Loyal Reputation, In being Just, and Faithful to Their KING; And all with one Accord aloud shall Sing, Long Live Great CHARLES our Nation's Joy, And all Men sing Vive Le ROY.