A BRIEF DISCOVERY OF THE Kingdom of ANTICHRIST. And the downfall of it hasteth greatly. WITH A Difference betwixt the Ordinances of Christ and of Antichrist. 1 THES. 1.3, 4, 5. The Man of sin, who is exalted above all that is called God, and sits in the Temple of God, as God showing himself to be God, deceiving the Simple Ones. WISDOM now cryeth out in the Streets, calling out of Babylon, Sodom, and Egypt, where our Lord hath been Crucified; and spiritual wickedness ie now committed in high places; therefore return and hearken to the vioce of Jesus Christ, and turn at his reproof. 2 THES. 1.4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, etc. 〈◊〉 the Lord is coming in power and great glory, and Antichrist shall be consumed by the breath of his mouth, and the brightness of his coming. This was written by One the World calleth A QUAKER, in March 1653. A Discovery of Antichrists Kingdom, and the downfall of it hasteth greatly. NOw the Kingdom of Jesus Christ is setting up in the spirits of his people; Dan. 12. And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great Prince which standeth up for the Children of my people, saith the Lord, and there shall be a time of trouble, such as there never was, since there was a nation, even to that same time, and at that time there shall be deliverance, every one shall be delivered, that shall be found written in the book of life, in the day of the day of the Lords power, Zeph. l. 12.13. Dan. 12 1. And it shall come to ●asse at that time, that I will search Jerusalem with Candles, and punish the men that are settled upon their Lees, that say in their heart the Lord will not do good, neither will he do evil: Therefore their goods shall become a booty, and their houses a desolation, there shall also build houses but not inhabit them; and they shall plant vincyrds, but not drink the wine thereof. The great day of the Lord is near, it hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the Lord: there the great man shall cry bitterly. Zeph. 1.14. Now the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the Prophet stands up; let him that readeth understand. Mat 24. Now the man of sin is revealed, and revealing, even the Son of perdition, who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, and sitteth in the Temple of God, as God, showing himself to be God, spoken of by the Apostle, in 2. Thes. 2.2, 3. and the vials are to be poured out upon the man of sin, Thes 2.3. ●●v. 16.17. 〈◊〉 19 spoken of in the Revelation. The Priest's are the greatest persecutors of the truth of God; now where it is made manifest in the spirits of the people of God, the Lord hath sent to declare and testify against their deceits and deceivableness, whereby they do deceive the people, and they are raging mad● because they are discovered; ●●v. 16.10, ●●. and they persecute, imprison, and petition, and do all that beastly corrupt wills can invent, to keep the Is●ael●es of God in bondage, that they might still be Lords and Rulers over God's heritage, ●●v. 12.15, ●●, 17. but though Gog and Magog join in battle against the Lamb, yet he shall prevail and get the victory, and the beast and false Prophet shall be cast into the lake tha● burneth, ●●v 1●. 11, ●●●3, etc. Rev. 19 20. and they that worship the ●east and his Image, and receive his mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of the Almighty, poured forth into the cup of his indignation, and shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy Angels, and in the presence of the Lamb, and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever; and they shall have no rest day nor night that worship the B●ast, Rev. 14.9, 10, 11. Come out of the beastly worship's God is a Spirit, Th. 4.23, ●●. and he will be worshipped in spirit, and the glorious Lord will be unto his a place of broad River and streams of l●ve, 〈◊〉. 33.21. ●●. 54 13. ●●eb. 8 ●●. ●●. and peace, and joy, and rejoicing for ever and ever, and all the children of the Lord are taught of the Lord, he is Teacher alone by his spirit, and causeth people to profit by his Ministry. Therefore cease wholly from all your Priests, 〈◊〉. 2.22. John 2. they are Decivers, and lead you from the teachings of the spirit, to observe dreams, and fancies of their own brame, and are the upholders of pride, 〈◊〉. 23.30, ●●▪ 32.33. covetousness, and oppression, and never were yet taught themselves; they are in he state and condition that the false Prophets were in, all teaching for hire, and are Lords and Rulers over the people, and ran but the Lord did never send them, as those did, that the Lord sent his true Prophets to cry out against, as in Jer. 23. and Jer. 5 30, 31. and Isaiah 56.10, 11. Ezek 34. Mitha 3.11. Hosea 6.9. As a troop of Robbers wait for a man, so the Priests they murder in the way by consent. Now the Scripture is fulsilling, Hos. 6.9. the Beast makes warre with the Saints; those beastly Priests make themselves manifest, that they are of the generation of Cain, and are of their Father the Devil, persecuting and imprisoning the servants of the Lord, as the Jewish High-Priests did. Persecution is begun here in Yorkshire, by the Priests of Baal, they cannot defend their Ministry any ways, but by an outward Law, when any are moved by the Lord to speak against their deceits, they run away, as the Priest of Finningley did, and he Priest of Arkworth and others did, and will not stand to their flocks, but leave them, but the Scriptures is fulfilling, Joh. 10.12 13. the hireling fleeth because he is an hireling. See if this be not contrary to that of the true Shepherd, that layeth down his life for the Sheep, John 10.11. and 15, 16, 17. verses. They take the words of the good Shepherd to speak of, but deny to live his life; and they walk contrary to the Scripture. See if this be not error; the true Ministers of the Gospel were to take the care of the flock willingly, not by constraint, but of a ready mind, and not for filthy lucre; neither were they to be Lords or Rulers over God's heritage, but they were to be examples to the Flock, as in 2 Pet. 5.1, 2, 3. But these are constrained by great Parsonages, Tit. 1.7, 8 1 Tim. 3 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. and fat Benefices, and are Lords and Rulers over God's Heritage, being puffed up in scorn and derision, pride, and ambition, and swell in iniquity, persecuting, and imprisoning the servants of the Lord, and act contrary to the Scripture, showing the spirit of error, 1 Joh. 5. 〈◊〉 As the Priest of Tharnisworth, when one of his Hear 〈◊〉 that had been from him a while, and went to hear him 〈◊〉 gain, that he might have spoken to that which had n●● been according to truth; after that he had done, b●● so soon as he came into the Idols Temple he ga●● over his speaking, and sooke to him, and had befo●● been at his house to bid him come again to he●r him and when he went, the Priest begun to examine hi● he being asked a question, made an answer, and f●● that was he imprisoned by him, and hath lain ●he●e 〈◊〉 most a year, and doth still continue, for speaking 〈◊〉 tru●h as it was made manifest to him by the Lord; b●ing asked the question two or three times before 〈◊〉 answered: see if this be not contrary to that Scriptu●● in 1 Cor. 4. and see if this be not error; when 〈◊〉 whole Church were together all might speak one 〈◊〉 one, that all might be edified; and if any thing was revealed to him that sat by, the first was to hold 〈◊〉 peace, ● Cor 14. ●3, & 30, ●1, 32, 33. 1 Cor. 14.23.30, 31, 32. but this Priest a●● contrary to the Scripture, and shows the spirit of ●●rour. With the Priest of Tickhill, when one was moved 〈◊〉 speak in the Steeplehouse, after that he had end●● his Sermon, he would not stand to vindicate himself by Scripture, but got him s●t into the stocks. See 〈◊〉 this be not Antichrist; where ever. did Christ or 〈◊〉 true Ministers any such thing? and when he was 〈◊〉 in the stocks, many people, scoffing Ishmaels' w●● about him, and the rude multitude; and one w●● moved to go upon the Cross to speak to the people and one of those called Churchwardens, ● Act. 4.1, ●●, 3. 〈◊〉. 5, 6, 7. &. 〈◊〉. 17, 18, 〈◊〉. 20, 21. threw hi●● down some 13. steps high, and then the rude people threw dirt in his face: see if these do not act the ve●● same things that the Jews did to Paul, when they hal●● him out of the Synagogue, and when they struck P●● ●●d Silas, and set them in the stocks, Acts 5. 2●▪ 28. to th●● 34. Act. 5.40 41, 42. Act. 6. 10 11, 12, 13 Act. 7.52 53, 54, 55 56, 57 Act. 7 58 59 Acts 14. ●● 2. & 4, 5. ver. 19 Act 16. 1● 20, 21, 22 23. Gal. 4.29 and threatened ●●ter and John that they should speak no more the ●ame of Jesus, and stoned some, and imprisoned o●●ers: and now the same things are acted by those that profess themselves to be the people of God, as the Jews ●●id, but they are found to be in the same state and con●●tion that they were, as their fruits do make manifest. This Priest afterwards would not rest till be had imprisoned the party that spoke to him, and filled a paper ●●f lies, in a Petition that was rejected. See what fruits ●●ese are; and the people at Leeds, with the Priests imprisoned others, and at Wakefield both stoned, so that ●tones flew like bullers in a battle, and slet their dogs, ●nd none looked to still the rage, not so much as a Town's Clerk. See what fruits these are, whether of ●●e flesh or spirit, and it will not be denied, but that ●hey are of the flesh; then what reformation is there ●rought by the Ministers of the world? for they that ●re in the fl●sh cannot please God: and so the Scriptures a●e daily fulfilled; they that are after the flesh, they persecute them that are after the spirit. The 2. Priests of Wakefield themselves came by at one time, and when they were spoken to, they would not stand to prove themselves. See if these be the Ministers of Christ, or of Antichrist; a good Shepherd lays down his life for his Sheep. There was one Priest Robbison stood up in the Market at Wakefield to have maintained himself to have been a Minister of Christ, but one taking him by the arm, and he, the said Priest, being proved a liar in the open Market, ran away, and the people set up a shouting: Is this the Ministry of Christ, or of Antichrist? hold them not up for shame. The Priest of Fetherston, when one was moved by the Lord to go speak to him, Acts 13. ●● 14.15. v●● 50.51. he caused that before ever he spoke word he should be put in the stocks; and the Priest when he had done, ●ohn 10.1 8, 9, 12, 13. one would then have prov●● him a Thief and a Robber, but he got away. These Priests, with many more in Yorkshire, whi●● is too large to express in writing, the passages of the●● with the Priests in Lancashire, Westmoreland, Notingha●-shire, Lincolnshire, and Derbyshire, where the Lo●● hath raised up any to speak against their deceits; 〈◊〉 would fill up volumes, but all ends in persecution, 〈◊〉 the Jewish High-Priests did, when Jesus Christ ca●● in the flesh; so do these now, when Jesus Christ co●● to be made manifest in the spiri●s of his people, to testify against their deceits, wherein they have been deceived by them, that others may not be led to destructi●● by them; For the leaders of the people cause them to en● Isaiah 3.12. Isaiah 9.16. And if the blind lead 〈◊〉 blind, they shall both fall into the ditch, Math●● 15.14. All people, take warning betime, and hold them 〈◊〉 up, but come out of th●ir dark Ministry, which is S●●dome and Egypt, where the Lord is crucified; they a●● committing spiritual wickedness in high places, bo●● Priests and People; Hos. 4 9 Rev. 18.4, ●, 6, 7, 8. like Priests, like People, Hos. 4. ● Thus saith the Lord, Come out of B●b●●●● my people 〈◊〉 ye be partakers of her plagues: come out of the Ido●● Temple, and out of the Idols Worship; come out of Bab●lon with n in your hearts, and touch no unclean thing, a●● the Lord will receive you, ● Cor. 6. ● 6, 17, 18. 2 Cor. 6.16, 17, 18. The High-Priests were ever the greatest enemies 〈◊〉 Jesus Christ, and they are yet alive to persecute him 〈◊〉 where he is made manifest in the spirits of his peopl●● Christ is the same yesterday, Heb 13.8. Mat. 2.5. to day, and for ever, Heb▪ 1● 8. The Chief Priests a●e the same that they were, 〈◊〉 they did then, they show the same deed: now; see th●● Chief Priests first begun to join persecution wi●● Herod against Christ, when he was borne. See Math. ●● 5. to the 16. see Mat. 16.21. The Chief Priest's we●● sore displeased at him, Mat. 21.15, 16. The Chief Priests and Elders came to question his authority, ver. 23. Mat. 20.18, 19 The Chief Priests condemned him, and delivered him to the Gentiles, to mock him, Mat. 2 18, 19▪ Mat. 2 14, 15▪ ver. 47 and scourge him: The Chief Priests covenanted with Judas to betray Christ, Mat. 26.14, 15. A great multitude came with Judas from the Chief Priests, with swords and staves to take Jesus, ver. 47. and Jesus was led to the Highpriest, where the Scribes and Elders were assembled, ver. 57 The Chief Priests and Elders, ver. 57 and all the Council sought false witness against Jesus to put him to death, ver. 59 to the ver. 59 at last came two false witnesses, than the Chief Priests adjured him to speak, and when he spoke the truth, the Chief Priest rend his , and said he spoke blasphemy, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65. truth is blasphemy to the deceit; when Jesus was condemned to die by the Chief Priests, Rulers, and Elders of the people, they spit in his Face, and smote him on the Cheek, and buffeted him, ver. 66, 67. Mat. 2 66, 67. And thus the Serpent spewed out his venom then against the truth; and the Jews, Chief Priests, and Elders are alive yet, to persecute Christ in his Members. This is the same generation of Cain that persecutes, a seed of evil doers: see if these do not deny the Scriptures, and show the spirit of error, and cannot make good their call, but ran and the Lord never sent them, and have nothing but what they have studied out of Books, and Studies; and the Hireling fleeth because he is an Hireling, that the Scriptures might be fulfilled, John 10.13. John Cart, the Priest of Hanseworth, when one was moved by the Lord to speak to him, he caused him to be taken prisoner; and so they all act in the same state and condition that the Jewish High-Priests did, and are enemies both to Jesus Christ and His; for inasmuch as they do it to one of his, they do it to him, and make their refuge to the Pope's Law, that wa● made to uphold the Popish Clergy by, when they di● uphold the Mass made by Queen Mary; see the Statute in the first of Mary, 2. Ass. 3. Ch: and again see i● it be not repealed by Elizabeth, in the first year of he● reign, 2. Ch. last clause. See Coke. pla. fol. 352. Si● Nich. Hides Chief Justice then in England cited, tha● it was wholly repealed by that of Elizabeth, in the first year of her reign, 2. chap. last clause: see Dalton, 103.104. pag. See if these be the Ministers of Christ, or of Antichrist, that make their refuge to the Pope's Law to imprison by; neither Jesus Christ nor his true Ministers did ever so. Let truth come to light, and deceits and deceivers put to shame; 〈◊〉. 33.22. God is judge, Lawgiver, and King. The said Priest, John Cart, he dealt deceitfully, just as Pilate did with Christ, who said he would wash his hands in Innocency, for, said he, I will forgive him, but Officers, saith he, look you to your office. Pilat and Herod both join together to persecute Christ in his Saints; many friends went up to have spoken with this Priest afterwards, but he would neither come at them, nor suffer them to come at him, those which had been the chief hearers: see if the deceits be not afraid to come to light, for truth seeks no corners; therefore love that which is good, and hate that which is evil, every one, and prove your own work: so shall you have joy in yourselves and not in others, ●al. 6.4. Gal. 6.4. prove all things, and hold fast that which is good, but cease from all your Priests, deceivers, blind guides, Hirelings, ●●r. 23.1, 2 Seducers, and Antichrists, they shall never profit you at all; they ran but the Lord never sent them, hold them not up, the Lord is against them, jer. 23.30, 31, 32. The Priest of Doncaster, he imprisoned one for ask him a question, and when he was before the Major and Justices to be examined, the Priest fled into the further corner of the house, as one James Nayler spoke to him, and the Priest did confess there openly, that he had not attained to that which the party imprisoned by him had done, and desired the prisoner to pray for him; yet nothing will serve but imprisonment. See if this be not Antichrist, hold them not up, down with them all, they are all fall'n backward, and gone out of the way of obedience, and self-denial; but they must be called to account before the righteous Judge, the Lord of Heaven and Earth, that they may have their trial: thus saith the Lord, Woe to the wicked, it shall be ill with them, and they shall be rewarded according to their do, Isa. 3.10. The wicked shall be turned into Hell, and all those that forget God, and have their portion in the lake that burneth. The Lord is sending forth his Angels to gather out of his Kingdom all things that offend; then shall the righteous shine forth in brightness, in the Kingdom of their Father. The vials are pouring forth, Rev. 18 7, 8, 9 and the beast gins to roar, the Lord is Judge himself, and he will plague the Beast, and burn the Whore, and torment the wicked for evermore. Both Gog and Magog is gathering to battle, as the number of the sand of the Sea, going on the breadth of the earth, to compass the Camp of the Saints about, and the beloved City, and fire will fall down from God out of Heaven and devour them, Revelations 20.8, 9, etc. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first Resurrection, on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be Priests of God, and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. Rev. 20.6. This was written by a Thresher, that goeth about with his threshing Instrument, labouring where he finds work. Arise Zion and thresh with a new threshing Instrument, ●sa. 41.14, ●5. ●lie. 4.13. having Teeth. Thus saith the Lord, Harken unto me y● stouthearted that are fare from righteousness. I bring near my righteousness, it shall not be for off, and my salvation it shall not tarry, and I wi●● place salvation in Zion for Israel my glory▪ Isaiah 46.12, 13. FINIS. The Difference between the Ordinance of Christ and of Antichrist. TAke heed of despising the Ordinance of Jesus Christ, who hath left it upon record, and also wri●eth it in the new Law of Righteousness, in the heart's ●f his people, saying, Heb. 8.10 11. Jer. 31.31 32, 33, 34 Joh. 14.1 Col. 3.4, Joh. 8.44 Colos. 3.2, 3. Rom. 8. ● Phil. 3.1 19 Luke 12 29, 30, 3 1 Cor. 1 19 1 Cor. 1 17, 18. If ye love me keep my Commandments: I. love God with all your hearts, 2. forsake your ●●sts and vile affections in affecting earthly things, that ●s the Devil's Ordinance, saith Jesus Christ, set not your ●ffections on things which are on the earth, but set your affe●tions on things in the heavens; that is the Ordinance of Christ: for sake your carthly mintlednesse, for that is ●he Devil's Ordinance; to be carnally minded is death, ●nd the carnal mind is enmity to the Cross of Christ; Christ saith, Seek first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all things else shall be added; and ●ove thy Neighbour as thyself, and do unto all men as ye would be done by, and feed the hungry, and the naked, and let the oppressed go free, and deny thyself of thy own wisdom, and selfe-righteousness and conceitedness, and heady high-mindedness, and thy self-love, and the honour of the would; and forsake all vain delights, and vain pleasures, and take up a daily Cross to thy own will and follow me, and learn of me, for I am meek, and lowly in heart; and so shall you find rest to your souls, following through the straight way of obedience and self-denial. These things with many other, thou shalt find commanded to be done by the new Law of Righteousness in thy heart; leave them not undone, Christ doth require it of thee, it is his Ordinance. The Priests of the world are carnal and earthly minded, coveting after great Benefices, swallowing up th● earth like Bell, and the Dragon, never have enough, belly, gods, that do consume and devour the Creation upon their lusts, ●●il. 3. ●●, 19 pride, pleasures, & heady high-mindedness, living in lust and excess; oppressors they are, oppressing the poor people, and persecuting the servants of the Lord; ●●il. 3.20. the true Ministers had their conversation in Heaven, as in Phil. 3.20. and they did exhort others to follow their example, and to mark those that did not follow them in life and conversation, Phil. 3.17. but these walk contrary to them, ●●se 27. and have lost their example; herein they walk contrary to the Scripture and shows the spirit of error. The Priests of the world do persecute and imprison, as the Jewish High-Priests did imprison the Apostles, which were the true Ministers of Christ, who were blameless in their lives and conversations, and did walk blamlesly, giving no offen●● in any thing, that their ministry might not be blamed; but in all things did approve themselves as the Ministers of Christ, in much patience, afflictions, in necessities, in imprisonments, in tumults, in watch, in fastings, etc. 2 Cor. 6.3, 4, 5. But these are contrary that do imprison others, Cor. 6.3 5. and consume the creatures of God upon thei● lusts, living in pride and excess, and by their cold, dark, barren Ministry, stadve the souls and body's o● others, and walk contrary to the Scriptures, as in thi● of 2 Cor. 6.3, 4, 5. etc. and that of Tit. 1.7, 8. and 1 Tim. 3.1, 2, 3. etc. and that of 2 Pet. 5.1, 2, 3. The Ministers of Christ are to take care of the flock willingly, Tim. 3.2, 3, 4. Pet. 5.2, 3. of a ready mind, not by constraint, nor for filthy luere, not to be Lords over God's heritage; but the Priests of th●● world are constrained by fat Benefices and great Parsonages; and if they can but have 10, or 20 l. mo●e● year in another place, it will constrain them to lea●● them where they are to go to that: see if they do no● act contrary to these Scriptures, and are guided by the spirit of error, 1 John 4.5, 6. 1 john 4.5, 6. The Ministers of Jesus Christ were to be gentle towards all men, even to those that did oppose themselves, and were not to be Lords and Rulers over God's beritage, but these are, and just act all those things that are forbidden: 2 Pet. 5, that which they should not be that they are, that which they should be that they are not, and have lost their examples in all things: see if this be not Antichrist; who deny the Scripture but the Priests of the world? and who cry out of error more than they? but now they are found out, they cry as the Thief doth, that says, turn Thief, turn Thief, that he he may not be looked at, but sets the people to look out at some others, and not at him: and see if the Priests do not so; look well to them, they can deceive none now, but blinde-men, and fools, that gaze abroad, for wise men's eyes are in their heads, in Christ that doth enlighten them, and so shows them their deceits; they that walk contrary to the Scriptures are to be noted, that they may be put to shame, 2 Thes. 5, 6. 1 Tim, 9.10. Isa. 9.1 2 Thes. 2. Now Priests be ashamed of the evil of your do, that take the Scriptures to talk of, and make a trade of them for money, which is your Diana, and walk contrary to them: but it is fulfilled, the leaders of the people cause them to err, Isa. 9.16. Blush for shame, and give over deceiving of the people. The Priests in the first Covenant were to live of the sacrifices that were offered up, which a people brought in freely, Rev. 1.6, 7. 1 Cor. 10, 11, 13. 1 Cor. 14, 15. Gal. 1.12. and had no other ways: they were to wait upon that Ministry, and they sacrificing and waiting at the Altar, taking of the things sacrificed and offered up, was a type or figure, that they that preach the Gospel should live on the Gospel, and be set apart wholly for that work. Now the Gospel is spiritual, and not carnal, and: the carnal man knows it not, because he doth not understand the things of God, who is a spirit, and the Gospel is spiritual and none can preach that everlasting Gospel but Jesus Christ who lives in our bodies, ●l. 1.15, Cor. 3. ●. 6. Cor. 6. ●. that are made the temples of the Holy Ghost, and he preacheth to the spirits that are in prison, and he doth it freely, it is his delight to do his Father's will, killing all our lusts, that were sacrificed too when we lived in the lust of the flesh, and he crucifieth them, and works us out of ourselves into the divine nature, Cor. 6.17, 18. or. 13.5 l. 1.17. b. 7.24. and his life is in doing us good, being his Father's will, offering up our requests to the Father in us, and for us, that he by his own blood, the spirit of life in us, killing, slaying, and crucifying the corrupt nature in us, and working out that which is evil, being made manifest in us to destroy the works of the Devil, ●h. 2.4, ●●, 7 ●●oh. 3.7, taking our minds and affections into that which is eternal and invisible, working us into that which is pure and spiritual, that we may praise and glorify his great and glorious name, being made partakers of his divine nature f●e●ly for his name's sake, ●●●h. 2.13, ●●. and not for any deserts in us, and being brought out of darkness into his marvellous light by the guidance of the eternal spirit in us, ●●●h. 3.17, etc. ●●m. 8.10 leading us out of bondage into liberty, sending the spirit of his Son into our hearts crying Abba Father, which none can do but those that are born again, ●●m. 14.16, 17, 18 v. or. 12. having their Father's name given them at the entrance into the new Covenant, which is inwardly, to the Jews inwardly, the seed of Abraham after the spirit, being baptised by the free spirit into that spiritual body: all that are born again are redeemed from their vain conversation to serve the Lord in newness of spirit in walking humbly before him, ●et. 1.23. ●oh. 3.1, 〈◊〉, 45. ●. 9 h. 5.11. being borne again of water and the spirit of the family of Abraham the Father of the faithful; we are set apart to testify against all unfaithfulness, for faith worketh by love, and causeth love to run forth to others, to all creatures, even to enemies; and so the Gospel comes to be preached to every creature in living in love with one another, even Jesus Christ, which is the Son of his love, 2 Cor. 4 10, 11. Eph. 2.1, Ezek. 37.13, 14. Ezek. 37.23, 24, 2 etc. having his treasure in earthly vessels: God manifesting him. celse in our flesh, and dwelling in us, taking away our ●ony hearts which was the cause of oppression, which ●aused the creation in us to groan under the burden of oppression by reason of that cursed nature which did ●ear rule over the pure seed in us, which now the Lord ●f his infinite mercy hath delivered us from by the powerful operation of his spirit in us, changing our vile ●ffections that were set altogether on earth and earthly delights and vanities, and so ran after covetousness, 1 Joh. 4. ● 1 joh. 3.2 Ezek. 36 25.26, 2 28. and ●o satisfy the earthly lusts did oppress and burden o●hers; but the Lord by the power of the eternal spirit in ●s, the divine operation hath wrought out our corrupt nature's, & engrafted us into the divine nature, being the workmanship of God, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, John 17 6, 7, 8, 9●. 10. joh. 14.2 joh. 15. ● 10, 11, 1 13, 14. which is the fruits and effects of the spirit of God ●hat wrought faith in our hearts, giving us new hearts, do●ng good to all, even to enemies; for faith worketh by love, which love is jesus Christ the Son of God, who preacheth ●he Gospel of ●is Father's love in us that we may be what we do profess, not loving in word and in tongue, ●s the world doth, that lives in dissimulation, but in ●●eed and in truth; for he that saith he loves God and ●ates his Brother, is a Liar, and the truth is not in him; 1 john 20. Eph. 5.1 Isa. 58.1 but truth dwelling in us, which is jesus Christ the ●ower of God that hath reform and changed our nature's and dispositions, and hath put in our hearts to execute, to do his will, which is to tessify against all deceits and oppressions, Isa. 28.1, Isa. 30.1 that are covered under a cloak of profession, and no true love but lust, both to pride and covetousness, anger and envy, lying and swearing, drunkenness, oppression, Mic. 2.1 2, 3, and grinding the faces of the ●oore, living in lust and excess; ye live in pleasures ●nd wantonness upon earth, ye the proud Priests, jam. 5.5. and covetous professors, and heady highminded ones that far sumptuously, ●el 3.11. ●al. 24.1. ● Cor. 10. feeding upon your dainty dish●● Dives like, and grinding the poor to powder in taxa●●ons and oppressions; you that have got a great deal 〈◊〉 the earth into your hands, which is the Lords, and 〈◊〉 provides largely for every creature, but that proud D●vill that rules in your proud flesh, doth oppress and gri●● the poor to pieces: ●●a. 3.15. ●●icah 3. ● 2, 3. Thus saith the Lord, What me●● ye to beat my people in pieces, and grind the faces of the poo●● Dives fares sumptuously, and poor Lazarus is in wa●● the rich drink wine in bowls, and the poor starve in 〈◊〉 streets: never like was seen in this generation, 〈◊〉 Lord is so displeased at it. Profess no more love 〈◊〉 Christ, ● john 3.7. ●at. 5.42 3, 44. ●●a. 58.6, 7 ye p●oud and lustful ones; if ye did but kn●● him ye would keep his Commandments, as to do to 〈◊〉 men as ye would be done by, and to love your enemi●● and seek out the poor & needy, and feed them, and clo●● them, that the oppressed might go free; you consu●● mo●e upon your lusts, pride, and covetousness, t●● would satisfy all that are in wants; pride, and co●●tousnesse, and the honour of the world, they swallow 〈◊〉 all, as Bell and the Dragon did, and are never satisfy 〈◊〉 thirsting altogether after the earth, and love of 〈◊〉 world, and the enjoyment of the world for the hon●● of your names, as Nebu●hadnezar did, and talk 〈◊〉 God, and Christ. Profess less, and practice m●● you are wise to do evil, Priests and People, but to 〈◊〉 good have no understanding; cease to do evil, a●● learn to do well: did you but know Christ you wo●● not suffer him to want in his Members, ●sa. 1.17. Mat. 25. ●1, 42, 43, ●4, 45. you would 〈◊〉 imprison him to satisfy your lusts; and you that p●●fessse to be his Ministers would not so much run abou● get all the rude people, boys and girls, that k●● not their right hands f●om their left, to put their ha●● to your Petitions, as the Priest of Sheffield and others 〈◊〉 cry as ●he Iewes did, Crucify him, Crucify him, wh●● he is made manifest in spirit, and cries for Barabba●● ●e at liberty, that your lusts may be fed; ye lustful ones, Isa. 51.2 22, 23. Isa. 52. Christ is risen, and is arising in the hearts of his people ●o testify against all deceits and deceivers: repent, and ●ive over deceiving the people, now whilst you have ●ime, lest his judgements come upon you and destroy ●ou with a sore destruction: jam. 5.1 3, 4, 5, 6 the Lord is now looking ●or fruits▪ and here is nothing brought forth by the highest profession but wild grapes, as pride, and oppression, and grinding the faces of the poor; be not deceived, Gal. 6. ● ja. 4.2, ● God is not mocked, for such as ye sow such ye shall reap; they that sow to the flesh, shall of the flesh reap corruption; and see whether there be any other fruits brought forth by the Ministry of the world, but fruits of the flesh, yea or no; Is not pride a fruit of the flesh? Yes, it is one of the seven abominations that the Lord loatheth, Prov. 6.16, 17, 18. and doth it not swell in England, Isa. 3.5 Mal. 3 jam. ● both in Priests, their Wives, and Lawyers? all swell in pride which is an abomination to the Lord, and cry out of those that are brought to deny themselves of it, and walk in humbleness of heart, and lowliness of mind, and proud men say those deny the Ordinance of Christ; but let me ask thee one question, jam. ● Mat. ● Whether is pride an Ordinance of God, or an Ordinance of the Devil? It pride be of the Devil, than thou that livest in pride and haughtiness, thou obeyest the Devil's command, and disobeyest the command of jesus Christ, who saith, learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart; Pro. ● Isa. 2 ● Jer. ● v. 14 ● Isa. ●● pride goeth before destruction; woe to it, woe to it. The Land mourneth by reason of pride, both in Gentry and Clergy; the Lord will cut down the fruitless Tree that cumbers the ground: some swe●l in pride, and others go in nakedness and wants; then thou proud professing Pharisee, how dost thou obey God and walk in his commands, when thou swellest with pride, and lettest others starve for want? when as jesus Christ saith, Ma●● 45. love thy Neighbour as thyself: and again, he that saith he loves God and keepeth not his Commandments is a ly●● and the truth is not in him; joh. 2.4, 6. and he that saith he is in Chri●● ought to walk as he wilked. Now read the Scripture 〈◊〉 and see if jesus Christ was proud, but on the contra●● forbids it, ●●t. 17. ● 20. 〈◊〉 25.41 ●● 33, &c and threatens woes to it: howl thou prou● and lofty one, thou art a fruitless tree, and cumbers th● ground, thou must be cut down and cast into the fire o● the indignation of the Lord, and the Ordinance tha● thou talkest so much of will not save thee; it is not he●● th●t saith Lord, ●●t. 7.21. Lord, that shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, ●●h. 3.17 but he that doth the will of God 〈◊〉 Now his will is, that thou shouldst do to all men as thou wouldst be done by; 〈◊〉. 5.20. if ●hou wouldst have the Lord to do good to thee, than thou must do good to others, for he that hath this world's good, and seethe his Brother stand in need, 〈◊〉. 2●. ● 7. ● 21.19 and shut ●eth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? Talk no more of thy Ordinances, except thou walkest in them, walk in the ways of jesus Christ who went about doing good, thou savest well, but thou dost contrary, thou dissembling Hypocrite, the Lord knows thy hypocrisy and dissimulation; all thy profession is as the cursed figtree that bringeth forth no fruit, but leaves: here are fair words, but foul actions, nothing but fruits of the flesh, and they that are in the flesh cannot please God, Rom. 8 8. See then what fruits grow on the great tree ●n England, the flourishing tree of profession, is it not now read for the fire? doth it bring forth any thing but cumbers the ground? is not pride the top branch of it? and covetousness bears a great sway: there is much of that fruit groweth out of it; 〈◊〉. 15. and see if this be the Ordinance of Christ or of Antichrist▪ thou blind Pharisee, 〈◊〉, 29 ●3 thy eyes are stopped with dirt, daubed with pride, and the D vill he is King, and rules in thy heart, and thou criest out of denying the Ordinance: thou that livest in pride and covetousness, where art thou got? ●●to the Kingdom of Antichrist, but woe is coming, Eph. 5.3, 4, 5, 6. Luc. 12. 1● Luc. 16. 1● 14, 15. Hab. 2. ● Psal. 9.8. Psa. 10. 3● Psal. 7. 1● 12. Isa. 56.1 16. ●●vertousnesse is the root of all evil, and there is great ●●re of this fruit groweth on this tree of oppression, ●●at stands in the heart of the earth; thou covetous professor, thou proud Priest, and Prelate, the Magistrate bears not the sword in vain, the Lord is the righteous judge, and all things are naked and bare before 〈◊〉, he is of purer eyes then to behold iniquity, and he ●●ll not let the wicked go unpunished; thou criest out 〈◊〉 denying the Ordinance, but thou art ordained for ●●struction, except thou return to the Lord with speed, 〈◊〉 he is coming to plead with all flesh, by his sword, ●●d by fire, and great shall be the slain of them, Isa. 6.6. ●●, 16. and thus saith the Lord, Mal. 4.1. Behold the day cometh 〈◊〉 shall burn as an Oven, and all that are proud, and all 〈◊〉 do wickedly shall be as stubble, and the day that com●●h shall burn and consume them up, and shall leave them ●●ber root not branch, Mal. 4.1. and then they that disobey 〈◊〉 Ordinances of the world, Mal. 4.2, 3, etc. Mal. 3.15 16. Mal. 2.1, 2 3, 4. Luc. 17.2 2 Cor. 4, 6 1 Cor. 4.5 Mal. 3.17 and the Traditions of ●●n of corrupt hearts, and walk in the fear of the ●●rd, in departing from iniquity, and do profess little, ●●d possess much of the love of God, it will cause them 〈◊〉 walk in obedience before him, who is of purer eyes; ●●d he will set up the Kingdom of his Son in their ●●r●s, the ministration of the spirit; it is set up in ●●e already, and lets them see all the deceits of Baals ●●ests and their upholders; but the Lord will cut off 〈◊〉 of the land the remnant of Baal, and the names of 〈◊〉 Chemarims, the Black-coats, with the Priests, and 〈◊〉 shall wear no more a rough garment to deceive, Zeph. 1.6 7, 8. Zeph. 〈◊〉 Zech. 13.4. ●nd the Lord will cut off all those that are turned out the way of self-denial, and are guided by their beast●●●orrupt wills, which lead them into pride, covetously, Isa. 3.13, 14, 15. Isa. 2.22. and oppression, and grinding the faces of the poor, 〈◊〉 deny to walk in the Ordinance of Christ, as to feed the hungry, ●at. 25.34 ●5, 36, 37. Mat. 5.48. Mat, 5.20. ●sa. 33.10, 11, 12, 13, ●4, 15. ●sa. 34. ●●, etc. cloth the naked, and let the oppressed 〈◊〉 free; if ye love them that love you, what reward b●● you? do not Publicans so? But except your righteous●● exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees, 〈◊〉 shall in no wise enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. N●● profession must be tried, so as by fire, and those 〈◊〉 feed on the for bidden fruit, as pride and covetousness oppression, and grinding the faces of the poor, ly●● and swearing, and envying, backbiting, and masici●●ness, scoffing, and scorning, pleasures, and wanton●● revenge, and persecution, which are fruits of the De●● and ordained for destruction; Gal. 5.7, 8 Col. 3.12, 13, 14.15, 16. Gal. 6.15. Gal. 5.24. be not deceived, su●● ye sow, such shall ye reap: and know ye not that the unrighteous shall inherit the Kingdom of Heaven? 1 Cor. 6.9 〈◊〉 11. and see if there be any other fruit brought fort●● the Ministry of the world but fruits of the flesh, w●● proceeds from the spirit of error, as in Gal. 5.19 〈◊〉 21. and they that do such things shall not inheri●● Kingdom of Heaven. Now all your forms of 〈◊〉 ships have not yet wrought a Reformation in you, 〈◊〉 the Priests and Professors in England, that makes 〈◊〉 deny the Ordinances of Christ, as to walk in the sp●● and to bring forth the fruits thereof, Gal. 5.22, 23. 〈◊〉 for those that are brought to walk and act in righte●●ness, Rev. 6.9, 10, 11. and to bring forth the fruits of the spirit, as 〈◊〉 peace, meekness, gentleness, goodness, temperance, ●●ence, Rev. 17.13, etc. etc. them you hate, devour in your hearts, and ●●tion, if not to take away their life, yet you would 〈◊〉 away their liberty, but it is hard to kick against 〈◊〉 pricks; the Scriptures must be fulfilled, and the●● fulfilling daily; The Beast makes war with the Sa●● and he that departeth from iniquity makes himself prey for the wild beasts, as a Troup of Robbers wait 〈◊〉 man, Rev. 9.19, 20, 21. Hos. 6.9. so the company of Priest's murder in the way b● sent, Hos. 6.9. like Priest, like people, all live i● nature. Run on, and fill up the measure of ini●● 〈◊〉 with what measure ye meat the same shall be measure to all again; Luk. 11. ● & 47, 4● 49, 50. jer. 23 jude 11 Mal. 4. ● Isa. 66 ● 16. Isa. 30. ● 3, 4, 5, ● 8, 9, 10 ● v. 12, 13, ● Isa. 5● Zeph. ● 9, 10. joh. 1● Rev. 21 The Lord will plead the cause of all 〈◊〉 himself, woe to the Priests and the enemies of the ●ord who act in unrighteousness: the Lord is coming to plead with all flesh by his sword, and by fire, 〈◊〉 cut off the wicked out of the Land; all your covers of profession will not hid you from the presence of the ●ord, the righteous Judge of Heaven and Earth. Alas, ●●ore Priests, your downfall is at hand, and the least ●●int out of form shall scourge the greatest formalist, the ●ord is teacher himself alone, the Lord will return to ●●s people a pure language, and they shall all serve him ●ith one consent, and there shall be but one Shepherd ●nd one sheep-fold, the Lord one, and his Name one, ●nd he will dwell in these earthen Tabernacles of ours, ●nd sit as Refiner: then shall the righteous shine forth 〈◊〉 brightness in the Kingdom of their Father. Rejoice ye Saints and righteous ones, the Lord is ●udge, Lawgiver and King, and he will save you out of ●he paw of the Lion and the paw of the Bear, and set you ●ree from slavish fear: woe to the wicked, it shall be ill with them: though the Beast make war with the Saints, yet be of good cheer, the Saints shall overcome, Rev. 1● 12, 13, ●● 15, 16. the man that sits upon the white Horse with his sharp sword shall prevail and get the victory, and deliver out of the paw of the Lion: Prophet, proud Priest, Formalist, self-conceited Pharisee, covetous Professor, Hypocrite, Rev. ●● 18, 19 ●● 21. Mal. ● Zech ● and Dissembler, shall all fall together, the Beast, and the 24. Elders, Antichrist, and all his upholders must be cut off, and fall down before the power of God, in his poor despised people, the wicked shall be as a shell under the sols of their feet. The Kingdoms of the world must be the Kingdoms of the Lord, and of his Christ, Rev. ●● 15. and the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, and every man shall sit under his own Vine, and under his own Figtree, ●●a. 66.12, ●. and none shall make him afraid; then shall 〈◊〉 be Judges as at the first, and Counsellors as at the beginner and Zion shall be redeemed with judgement, and he●●●●verts with righteousness, and the destruction of the 〈◊〉 aggressors, and of the sinners shall be together, and they 〈◊〉 forsake the Lord shall be consumed, Isa. 1.26, 27, 28. 〈◊〉 Seek peace, seek righteousness, if so be that ye m●● hid in the day of the Lords wrath. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteousness his thoughts, ●●a. 55.7, 8 and turn to the Lord, and he will have 〈◊〉 upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pa●● for your sins and your iniquities have separated be●● you and your God. Undo the heavy burdens and let the oppresse● free, the Lord doth require it. Written by one that is called a QUAKER, 〈◊〉 To warn those that knows not their Maker, who o●●● divine nature are not made yet Partaker; that 〈◊〉 do not dissemble, for God is a consuming fire, 〈◊〉 he is the heart-Searcher and Tryer, and will not 〈◊〉 mocked, and you must all give account, and tre●● and quake before him at Sinai the mount; before 〈◊〉 come at Zion to sing, Praises and Hallelujahs to Is●● Keeper and their King. FINIS.