TO THE HONOURABLE, THE Knights, Citizens and Burgesses, in Parliament Assembled. IT is now almost seven years since I endeavoured to set right his Majesty's Revenue of Excise, both as to the Management of, and Accounting for it; but hitherto have met with many obstructions, which almost discouraged me from ever meddling any further in it: But having observed in his Majesty's most Gracious Speech to both Houses of Parliament, at the opening of this Session, that his Majesty takes notice that the Funds already established are deficient some Millions, I am induced to offer to this Honourable House to discover some hundred thousands of Pounds paid by the Subject for Excise of Beer and Ale, which are diverted from their proper Channel, into private Pockets; And if I shall be required thereunto, and Encouraged by this Honourable House, I will show by whom, and upon what Pretence these Sums are so diverted, and are still like to be, if proper means be not applied; which I think my Duty at such an Exigency of Affairs humbly to propose to this Honourable House, having been Employed in the Excise, not only as a Sub-Commissioner, but also spent many years study as well as Considerable Sums of Money in the improvement of that Revenue. The Consideration of this is humbly submitted to this Honourable House, by John Farthing, late of Long Ditton in the County of Surrey, now of Chelsey in the County of Middlesex. Subscribed, John Farthing.