Great News from SCOTLAND, and London-Derry in Ireland BEING, A full and True Relation of a Great and Signal Victory, which the Protestants there have most happily obtained over the French and Irish-Papists; and of the Landing of Major General Kirk, and his Army, June 25th. 1689. Licenced and Entered according to Order. THe Romish Cause seems now (God be praised,) to be in a Tottering and Declining Condition. For one of the greatest Brows has been given against it, is the Surrender of the Castle of Edinburgh, that Fortress, some times reputed Impregnable; which however has been so little able to resist our Sovereign's Victorious Arm, or rather his Conquering. Righteous Cause. That on the 13th Instant, the Duke of Gourdon came to Capitulation, and Surrendered it, it being now Garrisoned with 200 Soldiers, put into it by Sir John. Lanier, under the Command of Major General Mackay, etc. And what is most remarkable, The Protestant Army were formidable 〈◊〉, that the best Term he could obtain was to Surrender upon Discretion, giving himself up wholly to the King's pleasure; Himself and his whole party being ●●isoners of War. As it has pleased God to appear so Propitious, it is not doubted but the Delivers up of that Important Fortress, will break the whole Measures and Designs of Dundee, and consequently upon his Discomsit restore the whole Peace of that Kingdom. The Popish Designs likewise in Ireland are much Defeated; for notwithstanding the feeble hopes of the late King James, which daily and hourly are more and more disheartened, his whole Endeavours have been generally unsuccessful, and his Projections discovered and defeated. An Instance of which, a Vessel June the 17th was Seized coming from Ireland, in which 〈◊〉 found Fifty Commissions from the late King for several Gentlemen in Lancashire. in order to a Rebellion, the Detection whereof will be instrumental to the Deseat of his Projects and Designs against this Kingdom. The Affairs of London-Derry take more particularly as follows. The Besieged having rejected all Offers made them by the late King, and provoked the Besiegers in divers Sallies; as also being uncertain when Relief would arrive from England, resolved to put themselves into the best Posture they could; and to that purpose unanimously declared their Resolutions to Live and Die with their new Governor, Mr. George Walker, and Mr. Henry Baker, and to submit with an entire Obedience to their Conduct and Commands for defence of the City. In the first place they examined the Public Treasury, where they expected to have found the Five hundred Pounds sent them from London by Captain Beverly, in the first Ship that brought them Arms and Ammunition, and a far greater Sum, but the Birds were flown. Then they took a View of the Ammunition and Stores, and found near 500 Barrels of Powder untouched, Ball and Match sufficient, as also Bullets for their great Guns, of which they have 24 mounted upon the Bastions of the Walls, upon the Tower of the Church two, and eight within the City; that is to say, one at each Gate, and one at each Corner of the Market-House in the middle of the City, and fronting each Gate. In the third place, They made Inspection into the Stores of Provisions, and found a vast quantity of Wheat, Meal, Oatmeal, Beef, Bacon, Salt, Salmon, and Butter, Cheese, Malt, Beer, Brandy, etc. which was all Inventoryed, and put into public Storehouses, with Guards set over them. Also all Merchants, and Tradesmen, to prevent imbezling their Wares, and Merchandizes, took Inventories of their several Goods, and carried them into public Storehouses, which are guarded day and night. Moreover, upon a Muster of all that bore Arms, they were found to be about 12000, which are all formed into Regiments and Companies, every Regiment under a Col. Lieutenant Col. Major, and Captain, etc. amounting to 17 in all. All the Women and Children that brought no Subsistance along with them into the City, nor could give any account of themselves; as also many that are unfit to bear Arms, were put out of the Town just before the Siege began, which was one reason that they have so many now in Arms, in regard that many who brought no Subsistance into the Town, rather than beturned out of the Gates, gladly took up Arms to earn their Sustenance. But of two thousand Horse, which after the Protestants were broken at Clawde Ford, marched into London Derry; there are not now a hundred left for want of Forage, which constrained them to turn the Horses out of the Gates, the greatest part of which fell into the Enemy's hands, only some few are still left that graze under the protection of the City Canon, which the Irish however now and then pick up, as often as they dare adventure, and for which as often they pay very dearly, being either shot dead, wounded, or taken Prisoners. The great Gates of the City are barricadoed withinside with huge pieces of Timber; the Keys are kept at the Main-Guard, and eight Captains, two to a Gate are upon the Watch every Night. When there is occasion, the Keys are not to be delivered, as was usual to a Sergeant, but into the hands of the Captains that guard the particular Post. Two Regiments are upon Duty every Night, and upon the least Alarm they are all to repair to the Walls, without expecting any other Orders. There are in the Town five Ministers who have the Commands of so many Companies, and have every one of them given signal Proofs of their Valour; particularly one Mr. Christopher Jenney. The private Soldiers are all in good Heart; the Allowance to each Man for a Week, being a Salmon and a half, two pound of Beef, and four quarts of Oatmeal. Good strong Beer is also ordered to be sold at a Penny a Quart, though not to the Soldiers after Eight at night, to avoid Disorders. Blinds are also set up by the Command of the Governors to secure the Men upon the Walls from the Enemy's Battery. There is in Derry one C. Darus' of Plattin, in the County of Meath, who is kept a Prisoner, as having been taken at Chapel in Scotland, and was one that Commanded in the Recruits sent by Tyrconnel to the late King into England. General Hamilton has wrote several Letters to the Governors to have this Captain set at Liberty, but they do not think sit to part with him; nevertheless they use him civilly. The Irish also very much lament the loss of Major Robert Naugle, (the Son of Tory Naugle, that was shot at Longford-Bridge) who together with two Troopers was drowned, while they endeavoured to get over the Pass at Clawdeeford. 'Tis also believed that Col. Dominic Sheldon is dead of the Wounds he received in one of the Sallies made by the Besieged, from the hands of one Mr. Arthur Ivory a brisk young Gentleman, who sought the Colonel hand to hand, till at length two of the Irish coming into the Colonel's Rescue, shot the Gentleman, dead. The late King has made Col. Charles Moor Governor of Colraign, where he keepr with a Garrison consisting of 1000 Men. The Marquis of Antrim is made Governor of Charrick Fergus, which has the same number of Soldiers to de●end it. And Gourdon Oneale is also made Governor of Charlemont, though not having with him above 200 Soldiers. Chester, The last Week arrived here a Vessel from Ireland with Passengers, who credibly report, that the late King have received Advice from the Camp before Derry, that they were not a number strong enough to storm the City, nor to withstand the Enemy, should they have Succours from England; and besides that they wanted Ammunition and great Guns, gave Orders for a considerable Recruit to march Northward, but that when they came within two days March of Derry, the Regiment Commanded by young Sir Maurice Austace in the County of Kildare, and some other Regiments fell into a great Mutiny, swearing by their Shouls they would not go to the King's Slaughter-House to be killed, as the French Generals, Sir Patrick Dowdel, Major Taaf, and the rest had been, and that they wolud rather turn to the Protestants, and serve King William, than be Slaves to the French. Upon which hundreds of them ran away, and betook themselves to the Bogs and Mountains. On Saturday May the 18th arrived from Dublin at Dawpool, betwixt Chester and Liverpool, one Can, Master of a Vessel belonging to those parts, on Board of whom were wany Passengers, who had all of them Passes, for which they paid at the S. cretaries' Office in Dublin, 3 l. 10 s. for every individual-Person, though most were Women and Children. They left Dublin the 25th, and bring Advice, That on the 14th an Order came from the late King, to grant no more Passes. They also say further, That the Duke of Tyrconnel was at Chapel Izard, but dangerously ill of the black Jaundice, and of a shot in his Shoulder, and wound in his Hand, that the Physicians had given him over as past recovery. That Mr. Fitz: James is dead, and many of the Soldiers die d●ily (they fear of the Plague) in the Camp. for that having no Salt, they are forced to hang what Flesh they kill on the Trees to dry, which had bred many Distempers amongst them. On Monday the 13th, another Re-enforcement Marched from Dublin towards the Camp ●●fore Derry, with two Cannon, a very large Morter-piece, and some large Bombs; the Morter-piece was drawn by 16 good Horses; but as they were drawing i● up Cork Hill, the Chains broke, and the Piece rolled back again to the bottom, which made one of the Officers, Major Barker swore a bloody Oath, he believed they were bewitched, and to curse a Protestant Gentle man that stood near, with the Appellation of Heretic Witch, etc. Some of these Passengers say, That the late King has lately lost many Men before Derry, and that they saw at Dublin four Velvet Coffins, wherein were the Bodies of four great Persons that were Slain before that Town, and which were privately Interred at Midnight. On Thursday the 16th Major General Kirk with three brave Regiments Embarked at Liverpool for London-Derry, having on Board him many Engineers and Gunners, with great store of Ammunition, Arms, Mortars, Bombs, and a great quantity of Wheat, Barrels of Beef, etc. On Friday they set Sail, but the Wind did not prove so fair as was hoped; but they are still at Sea, or else at Derry this, for that they resolved to Sail down the River in spite of all that could be done by the Fort of Kilmore, which they doubted not to beat about the ●ars of the Irish, if they durst stay within it to make any resistance. After these Persons had l●st Dublin, Advice was brought to the late King that 6000 Foot of the Garrison of London-Derry, and about 100 Horse in two Troops, had made a Salley at Midnight upon his Camp, Killed, Wounded, and taken some thousands, and thereby had raised the Siege, and made themselves Masters again of Kilmore, of which we expect the Confirmation every hour. The last Letters from Scotland of the 17th instant, do say, that there Advices from Ireland give account that London Derry and Inniskilling hold out bravely; that the latter within these few days had made a great and vigorous Sally, in which they killed a great number of the Enemies, and made a safe Retreat into the City. By a Vessel come into Bristol on Monday the 20th. instant, in four days from the Isle of Man, the Master whereof says, he there left divers of the Protestants newly arrived from Ireland, who do affirm, that the Irish Army, having received a Reinforcement, made a General Assault upon London-Derry last Sabbath-day was fortnight, with great fury; that the Besieged made a most gallant Defence, and with that Success, that they beat them above a Mile beyond their Camp, and killed some thousands, of which are many Persons of Quality, particularly Major General Ramsey, and Cap. Cussack, (the Duke of Berwick not yet heard of) they had in their Camp 13 Coaches, which they filled, and drew off with the dead Bodies of Persons of Quality and Officers. And so obstinate and bloody was the Fight, and their Loss so great, that they were forced to raise the Siege, and are retreated above 40 miles to a place called Lambeg Lissnegarney. They have since in the County of Down, and other places, most barbarously murdered many English, and give out, they daily expect Recruits, and will be Masters of London-Derry, or hazard the whole Army. The Ship Master likewise says, those he saw at the Isle of Man of the Protestants from Ireland, escaped with their Lives only, having used them barbarously. Another Person who came Wednesday last from Dublin, confirms the Fight to have been very bloody, as there related; and that the Protestants have regained Kilmore. So that it's believed the three Regiments of Maj. Gen. Kirk, Sir W. Hanmore, and Col. Stewart, with the rest of their Squadron, are all got safe into London Derry without any Opposition, and have had a joyful meeting with those brave Souls who have stood in the Gap to save a Nation. A Vessel is also come into the West from the Town of Lymerick, the Master● says, That the Irish are extremely unwilling to meet the Protestants in Battle, especially the English Army, of whom they are so afraid, that in Lymerick itself there are but 4 or 5 Companies of raw, undisciplined Men, not half Armed, who take all Opportunities to run away they can. And it's thought one Man of war with 2 or 300 Men, might soon be Masters of the place. And that the like might be done at Galloway, and bring off that gallant Gentleman, Sir Thomas Southwell, and about 140 more of his followers, now under Condemnation there, for no other Crime, than their own Defence, and being Protestants, which is now Crime enough to balance all the Services and Loyalty Flesh and Blood can be capable of; an eminent instance of which is not many days Old. Col. Russell of Ireland, who was Governor of Galloway, and commanded the best Regiment of Horse in that Kingdom, since the late King's arrival in that Kingdom, was turned out of his Government first, and soon after from his Command at Colonel; and in the height of his dissatisfaction, humbly waited on the late King, and laid before him his constant Services to his Father, his Brother, and himself; and what an Affliction it was to him to have now his Loyalty questioned, etc. The late King told him, He must needs confess and own all he had said was true— But it was also as true, that he was now under Circumstances that would not permit him to trust any Man of his Profession, viz. A Protestant of the Church of England. London, Printed for William Thomas, in Fleetstreet. 1689.