VARIOUS INJURIES & ABUSES IN Chemical and Galenical PHYSIC: Committed both by Physicians & Apothecaries, DETECTED. For the benefit of such, who being Conscientious and Studious in Physic, aim chiefly at the welfare of the Sick. And of those Patients, whether Rich or Poor, who are willing to preserve their lives & healths. By Robert Godfrey, Med. Londinensis. Antimonium quamdiu vomitum aut sedes movet, & Mercurius revivificari potest; venena sunt, nec boni viri Remedia. Licenced, Decemb. 1. 1673. Roger L'estrange. LONDON, Printed by John Derby, for Richard Jones, at the Golden Lion in Little Britain, 1674. TO THE READER. READER, I Shall not go about to persuade thee, that this my Discourse saw the Press through the importunity of Friends, and that it was only Pen▪ d for my own private Use; seeing I at first designed it for public view; and to detect Abuses in Physic; seeing that instead of being persuaded to it, I was rather dissuaded from it, lest I by writing too tartly might offend some. To do which, after serious perpension, I was easily inclined, knowing it to be a weighty Matter to appear in Public, especially with a Physical Discourse. Besides, I ofttimes reflected on my years, and was thereby mightily disheartened, for all the many Advantages I had in a faithful Tutor, knowing that such a Discourse rather became some Gray-headed Physician, than one so young as myself. And for that cause I assure thee I would willingly have declined it, could I have had peace in so doing. For though I knew I had wrote nothing dissentaneous with Truth, yet I suspected I might incur the anger of some selfish Physicians, as also of some incurious Apothecaries, whose own Consciences would tell them I wrote the Truth, and that they were such I spoke of, Selfish Physicians, I say, and Careless Apothecaries: For I believe there is not any Learned Truehearted and Conscientious Physician, whether Chemical or Galenical, nor any Industrious Ingenious Apothecary can in the least be offended at this Discourse. But if any are, I care not, seeing a Public Good aught to be preferred before their Private Gain, and that I have content in what I have done; Seeing also whilst I detect Injuries in Physic, I mention not the Persons offending; and that — Licuit semperque licebit Parcere Personis, dicere de vitiis. It hath been lawful, and will always be, To speak of Vice, but let the Name go free. Are any therefore displeased? 'Tis a sign I have touched them to the quick: But such should rather be displeased with themselves for being no wiser before, than to do th●…gs worthy of sharp reproof; and to be so foolish now as to show, by applying things to themselves, ●●●t they are the Persons deciphered, or at leastwise such. However, touched or not touched, I regard it not; and may well be allowed to find fault▪ seeing my most dear Father (I being young) was killed, Secundum Artem, through the deceit of the Physician and Apothecary, by taking a Preventive Purge: And seeing that I myself also in my younger years, had my Vitals so much weakened by their poisonous and debilitating Methods, that I believe, as long as I live, I shall fair the worse for it: But if they will not allow me to find fault, I am resolved to do it whether they will or no, whilst men's Lives and Healths are so little set by, and that Money is the only thing sought after, whilst 'tis little minded what Medicines are given for Relief to the Sick, so Money can be gotten by giving them; and so that if they die, we can but lay the blame on the Disease, and pretend we walked according to Art and Method: And whilst Sincerity and Charity are no Ingredients in Physic, and to act the good Samaritans part is out of fashion. As to the study of Physic, I will assure you 'twas not my juvenile Design, nor did I enter on it till about seven years since, in the twentieth year of my Age. When coming to be intimately acquainted with a truehearted Chemical Physician, and having been from my Youth a great lover of Art and Science, I, for diversion-sake, whilst I Tabled in the Doctor's House, and had his Physical Library at command, addicted my mind to the study of it: Hoping thereby only to acquire so much knowledge in Medicine, as to keep me from being killed, as my Father had been by a Poisonous Dose: and to preserve my own health for the future, which had been formerly much impaired by bad Remedies. Thus I proceeded, and before many years were passed, my Fancy and Genius was wholly inclined to it, nor was there any Art or Science under the Sun which I so much fancied as Medicine; though sometimes when my Physical Studies had brought a wearisomeness, I now and then, for some years together, studied Astrology; but finding it a conjectural Art, and a thing that broke my peace, I wholly declined it. Then with the greater eagerness I fell on the study of Chemistry, nor regard I my Moneys; so that I, who always hated botchery, might have real Art: But spent hundreds of pounds Sterling to that end; which once attained, I hoped in my mind I might be profitable in my Generation, and benefit the miserable Sick. But when after several years were passed thus in study, I seriously considered the danger of working with such Physical Tools, or such Medicines as Books (the which are for the most part a Mass of Transcriptions, and things taken upon trust from one another) could afford me; forasmuch as many of those Recipe-Medicines, not only through their Earthy, and sometimes Poisonous Qualities, do more harm than good; but also through the confusedness of their Composition. I say, when I seriously considered this, I was afraid to attempt, being very loath to turn Experimenter; and as the Phrase has it, Ludere cum corio humano. I was also more frighted from it, by the untimely death of my Father, and by observing the Errors of Physicians. I then thought upon Helmont, and believed he wrote not so sharply for nothing, as also that Medicine (as he said) was abused. Which made me, having been hurt by Physic, know the better how to pity the Sick, and avoid all means of hurting them. But at length the Almighty favouring, and my good Friend dearly loving me: He conferred his whole Knowledge in Pharmacy on me, and the result of above twenty years diligent search in Chemistry: Nor was I wholly ungrateful. So that then being not the veriest Butcher in Medicine, and having the liberty daily to discourse with the Doctor, and the advantage to raise various Objections, and have them answered: I by diligent observance, by Operating, and by studying for several years, not sluggishly, having gained the knowledge of some Injuries in Physic; Reader, for thy benefit (my Tutor being deceased) I have thought it fit to make them public. If thou shalt ask whether or no I am or ever was a Member of the University, (for that is a thing carries a great face with it) I shall tell thee, Yes: But moreover assure thee, I was more happy than to spend years there about Genus and Species, and such unprofitable Notions and Arts, that could not at last teach me how to cure a cut Finger radically, much less a violent Disease. Yet truly I exceedingly honour them, as they are Schools of Learning, and could wish they did not mind Words more than Things. And prithee, Reader, don't ever the more under value this Discourse, because thou findest it neither dedicated to some Great Man, nor yet set off with flattering Verses in commendation of me and my Work. The last I disesteem, because though some ingenious Physical Tracts at a chance comes forth with some, and deserve them, yet almost every Mass of Collections, or Bundle of Insignificancies, have them to persuade the Reader to buy it. I am therefore resolved to have mine come simple and naked, that if thou likest it so, thou mayest buy it; if otherwise, let it alone. Nor did I not Dedicate it through want of those to whom I might have tendered it, or those who would willingly have accepted on't: But that which made me not do it, was an unwillingness to sooth and flatter any Man, and to follow the custom of ascribing all Virtues to One scarce acquainted with them. For I am somewhat of an humour differing from the generality, in that whilst they ascribe all Virtues to a Rich Man, I am prone to ascribe all Riches to a Virtuous Man: And to account him that is Wealthy and Virtuous, (for some such there are) to be rich in a twofold measure. However to the most Virtuous of them, without Your most humble Servant Sir in the close of it, I should have tendered an unacceptable Gift: And therefore did not Dedicate, whilst I savouring more of a Rustic than a Courtier, could never yet frame my mouth to such artificial Speeches. Besides, if I had dedicated it to the most Noble and Wealthy, be could not have preserved it from the censures of the meanest Peasant, much less from those of the Ingenious; whilst every one has the privilege to speak his mind in his Chimney-Corner, and to censure and dispraise what he please. So that with or without a Dedication, I shall be counted and called a Fool, if I have writ like one, or have written what is prejudicial to Mankind. But if I have writ what's not disagreeing with Verity, nor detrimental to Humane Society, and the Nation, I shall be commended by the Impartial and Honest; which thing is as much as I expect; Knowing that it is impossible to please all men; And that what the Father of Lights does not bless and defend, will be but as Chaff, and will fade in spite of the greatest of Patrons. Also that he which builds on aught but the chief Cornerstone, will come to confusion at last. Therefore, Reader, without a Compliment, or calling thee Courteous or Kind▪ I desire thee thoroughly to view what I have written, and if thou art benefited by it, give thanks to the Almighty, and thou wilt please thy Friend, Robert Godfrey. VARIOUS INJURIES AND ABUSES, IN BOTH Chemical & Galenical Physic, detected. TO hear the groans of the Sick unsuccessfully lying under cure from ill-applyed and oftentimes worse-prepared Remedies, might, & undoubtedly would, considering the daily growth of Diseases, have excited the Studious in Physic; to a more curious pursuit, after such Virtuous Medicines, whose Piercing and Innocent Liveliness might extinguish the Venomous Characters of Diseases: and without any Additional Weakning of Nature by poisonous Medicines and Phlebotomy: have radically not cloakatively cured the Sick had not too great belief in the Doctrines of Galen, an unwillingness in many to be Wise beyond the Ancients, with too much adhering to Sloth▪ like the Tares in the Parable, spoiled their good intents. But this happening in the time of Ignorance is scarce worthy of note, if with it we compare the Stubbornness and incuriousness of some in this Generation, who oppose the break forth of fresh advantages in Medicine, whilst the poverty of the Galenick method is discovered; Some using and pleading for Venomous Purges, Vomits, etc. Taking a dirty bosom to sweep a dirty house; and others using and defending Blood-letting, notwithstanding manifest, frequent, and Safe cures are daily done without it, yea more safely and certainly than with it. The first of which, were not Diseases themselves, especially if they be of somewhat long continuance, in a manner poisonous and Fermentive, and therefore to be withstood by Alexipharmick not Poisonous Remidies, would be somewhat pardonable▪ and so would the second, were not the Blood the nourisher, and enlivener of the whole Body; and by consequence of the Stomach the prime preparer of nourishments. For doubtless, as Anatomists confess, the Various Arteries and Veins which it has, are bestowed on it, to nourish it, and that it may reap some of the fruit of its own Labour, after the subservient Digestions have fully maturated it. Which thing considered: how hurtful is Phlebotomy that takes away the Blood which gives vigour to the Stomach? And if the Blood is grown bad through a weakness in the Ventricle, and Scorbutic impurity introduced; think you ever to remove it through renewed Weakning, and taking away from the Stomach part of that Blood which envigorates, enlivens, and nourisheth it? Which you do when ever you breathe a vein, seeing whilst it runs out or soon after, through the Blood's circulation, all parts are co-sharers in the loss. Therefore is Phlebotomy the direct way to make the Blood worse instead of taking away the Scorbutic impurity of it; because the Stomach being debilitated through a loss of that Crimson-juice will be more disabled for the future: whereby through weakness a worse Chyle being made, a worse nourishment will be sent through the Venae Lact●ae to the Blood, and the whole Fabric of the body more impaired. Therefore for a Physician, under pretence of relieving Nature, to rob her of her prime Treasury and Force, instead of fortifying her with Medicines; is as equally ridiculous, as if one pretending to defend a Country already invaded, should take away from them a great part of their Ammunition, and Weapons. To declare which more amply I will venture to Tautologize, and tell you 'tis unfit to take away the Blood, unless better can be put in its place. Which can no ways be rationally expected, because from a loss of that lively juice, a weakness (as I said before) is conferred on the Stomach's, and other digestions, all parts being nourished therewith. But we ought rather to consider the cause of its impurity: to wit, whether it had its Original from the Air being so, or from any preceding Digestions of the body caused by an Ill▪ di●t, overmuch Study, Grief, or Anxious thoughtfulness etc. If from the first, to wit, impure air, whereby a foreign Ferment is bestowed on the blood and Stomach too: what good can be expected from opening a Vein, so long as the spurious Ferment in both Stomach and Blood is unremoved? seeing that good and bad will be lest behind as well as emitted, and that the Vitals being weakened by it will be less able to subdue the spuriousness in the remainder. Besides, the Digestions being debilitated, will be hindered from thoroughly concocting what shall be taken for nourishment, and thereby damnify the whole mass of blood, and produce a greater weakness, if the party be not vigorous, and active. But if he is strong and Lusty he may outwear it as many robust stout people do; who are accustomed to be bleeded once a year; and by that means make it so customary, that their bodies expect it, in the absence of a good Medicine. Though such are not much to be he●ded, because the loss of four ounces to one that is sick, is more injurious than thrice four to once that is strong and healthy. But if the blood's impurity is from an error in the first shops of digestion, caused by those enormities mentioned, what good does Phlebotomy so long as the cause is not removed, and the Digestions send immature aids through debility? For if it be granted that we make several ounces of blood daily, & dismiss as much through the Pores of the Skin; likewise that the blood is subject to mutation, by adhering to what succours are sent from the Stomach, as truly it is; and that through deficiency▪ and debility impurity enters the blood; is it not agreeable and consentaneous to Reason, that after a thorough and perfect strengthening it, and removing the occasional cause, the same Crimson-juice should grow healthy again, whilst all digestions are gradually cleansed? Yes ' 'tis. But this can no ways be better, and safelier done than by Spirituous, Valiant, and Innocent Healers, seconded by a regular Diet. By such Healers I say as are assistant to Nature, and may help her to expel the Diseasie leaven, and insinuate into the private recesses of Life; such as may subvert all Foreign, Hostile ferments without craving the assistance of the Lancet. For notwithstanding the Taunts and Negations of careless Men, such Medicines are to be found; but I can assure them not by sleeping, nor only reading of Books; which may be the cause some mere Notionists say thus of themselves, and discover their own Sloth by their Scoffs. For all the boastings and Vain talks of these Chemists (say they) we can find no Remedies that can Dissipate a Fever certainly, and cure Scorbutic affects, without having recourse to Phlebotomy; much less in a Pleurisy to deliver a Person from the Jaws of Death that is almost suffocated with blood. For surely had there been any such Medicines, we should have known them who have tumbled over so many Volumes. But they should consider, that although to be well-read is a thing needful, and so requisite that he which is not deserves not the Name of a Physician; yet that he, who on the contrary is so incumbent on his Books, as to neglect that most Material part of Pharmacy, the making & improving of Medicines by Pyrotechny, may doubtless pass for a good Scholar unless he be egregiously Dull, but will scarce work Wonders in Physic. Because good, virtuous and lively Medicines must cure the Sick, for all words: and such are not obtained without practice in making. For if Hypocrates and Galen were well-studied and good Linguists: yet 'tis to be understood, that they spent not their whole time about the Nominative case and the Verb, or in Readins only, and subscribing to the errors of their Predecessors: but the greatest part in Materia Medica, and in procuring such noble Remedies as might credit a Physician, and cure the Diseases of their Age. For if the first of them had not, he scarcely ever had obtained such excellent Medicines as he did, wherewith to outdo all the Physicians of his time: had scarcely ever been solicited, and promised great Honours and Rewards, to attend on King Artaxerxes' Court, and stop a depopulating Plague in Persi● that had baffled the King's Physicians, and all other; and for his famous cures to have been by his Nation counted one descended of the Gods. Five hundred years after him was Galen: who for composition of Medicines and making them with his own hands, as also for curing or at leastwise palliating those Diseases which were Grassant in his days, was famous. But seeing that as Generations succeeded maladies were entailed on the world as well as lands, and do still grow worse and worse, through the intrusion of several Diseases, whose footsteps were unknown to the Ancients: it must needs be necessary, to exalt the Virtues of Medicines as much, as Diseases are exalted in Malignity, by making them innocent, piercing, and lively; and by withdrawing all nauseous, and hurtful qualities from them, whilst Agents are duly applied to Patients. And for a Physician to affirm, or think, that no man is a Possessor of such lively innocent Remedies, as may safely, and certainly cure Diseases without Phlebotomy; because through either his Neglect, want of a Physical genius, or a faithful Tutor, to communicate the result of twenty or thirty years' experience in Pyrotechny, he never was owner of such: or because he hath unsuccessfully tried, some weak if not mischievous Chemical Remedies, such as Apothecaries frequently buy of incurious and mercenary Operators, to wit, Spurious Mercurial, and ill-made Antimonial ones, that will purge and vomit unreasonably, or have the Mercury unslain: That are rather disturbers than aiders of Nature, and that were at their first entrance banished the Laboratories, and Repositories of the Ingenious; who will harbour no Medicine that may not be safely taken by the healthy. I say, for such a one to undervalue, and desame those innocent, and virtuous Chemical remedies he never knew, nor experienced, and to affirm or think no Man a Possessor of such, because he himself is not, is a thing both ridiculous, and idle. For he should call to mind the old Adage vix gemma in trivio; that things excellent are not found in common Roads: And that the Poet tells us and that not untruly, Gods sells Arts to sweats; therefore not to readings only, though to be well-studied becomes a Physician. This with many other such like absurdities I should scarcely have Detected, had I not preferred peace of mind, and the welfare of my Neighbour before my ease and leisure. Neither should I have thus attempted a public discovery of some Injuries in Physic, caused through the Ignorance and conceitedness of some, and the carelessness and dishonesty of others. For when I observed some through a Vulgar abuse to make a prey of the People, and under the notion of preventing future Diseases, like Lice fatten themselves with men's blood, or at leastwise grow rich by their miseries, and by the poisoning the good juices of the Body: and saw others, whilst Diseases themselves are in a manner poisonous, give poisons and venoms to the Sick to cure Diseases, take Beelzebub to cast Beelzebub out▪ and thereby hurt, and leave them worse than they found them, and exasperate the Disease if not kill them: beheld others also, whilst Nature is loaded and clogged, give Medicines more cloging by far, and destructive to the Stomaches ferment. I say, when I beheld these things it made me to wonder not a little. Especially when I saw such Poyson-mongers were commonly they that depretiated Chemistry and its innocent remedies (like the Fox) because they could not come at them. For Chemical Remedies, say they to the People, are like fiery mettlesome Horses, that will, if you mount them, either carry you quickly to your Journeys end, or otherwise break your Neck, (i. e.) either quickly kill or quickly cure you. This I remember was once in my hearing objected against Chemistry by a favourer of Gal●n: And if by Chemical Remedies he meant such perverse Mercurial and Antimonial preparations as are made by Mercenary Operators, and retailed by Apothecaries; as also Oil of Vitriol, with other such like corrosive Medicines, which I am confident no Intelligent and Learned Chemical Physician, that regards the Life of of his Patient, will make use of. If by Chemical Remedies he did mean such as those, I wholly agree to his assertion; and am so far from disproving what he or any other shall say against such that I give them my helping Hand. Against Mercurial, and Antimonial Remedies. FOr to unmask Mercury and Antimony, and to show the Danger of such Medicines as are vulgarly made of them, was no small cause of my penning this Discourse: that I might admonish, and precaution those who are Lovers of Chemistry, and wish well to the Miserable Sick; not to endanger their credits, and the Health of their Neighbour by administering such mischievous things; nor yet vainly spend their time, own healths, and moneys, in fruitlessly handling those Subjects. For he that will tame them especially Mercury, had need to have as many eyes as Poets bestow upon Argus, and a well nigh Immortal Menstruum: had need have so much understanding in the more abstruse Philosophy, and in the gradual operations of Nature, as not to give credit to every Fabler, or else he will Labour in vain. As too many have done; some of whom I more than a little admired at, whilst they went, without reason or understanding, to build Castles in the Air: and promise themselves great things from a science they knew not, and an Art whose Theories they were ignorant of. And so like blind men groping in the Dark, whilst through want of Study they want for no ignorance, hope to get something by hook or by crook, though it is but burned fingers for their pains. Nor is there any thing much commoner amongst our Junior Chemists, after Reading two or three Authors that write Mysteriously, than after meeting with these words; Mercury, Antimony, Gold or Sol, Luna or Silver, Venus, Sulphur etc. To fall dismally foul on those Subjects, but chiefly the first four, till they have well nigh made all their Gold Volatile. And whilst they inconsiderately put confidence in any author they meet with, as also in the literal sound of Enigmatical Writings; in seeking for the Lapis, invent ill-contrived things that must pass for strangely-good Medicines. Not considering in the interim that those very Authors say, where they have spoken plainly they have said nothing; and that where they have Written Darkly, there is the Truth; And that Helmont confesseth their Writings were but for excitements; also that Chemical Authors wrote not to be promiscuously understood by all, but that they might not be understood: lest (saith ●e) in speaking plain we should cast Pearls before the unworthy. But 'tis no matter for that, they mind not what such idle men as Helmont say, for they are in the Right they think: and therefore without following Nature, or in the least understanding her Laws, judging whatever they read must be so meant as they humbly conceive, presently go to work. Though there is no more reason to expect what they desire from their operations, than to hope a fire will be made of flint-stones and water, or a Horse generated from a Dog and a Tree. Nor do they count themselves a little beholding to the Stars, if they meet with some Lapis-teaching Books: but hugging themselves up in their Fancies conceit they all shall be— Yea, what will they not be? seeing commonly upon twice or thrice tumbling a Bookover, & thoroughly believing such a thing is in Nature; having met with some passage that pleaseth not a little, though they understand neither head nor feet of the Discourse, they forthwith fall to work, and soon spend ten or twenty pounds in vain, and are at last as wise as at first. Therefore having scratched their heads well for vexation, the Book must have the other slight reading, and perhaps we may have another Book to expound it; but their finger's itching to be lapising, after a week or two spent in slightly tumbling the Book, to work they go afresh: & if they meddle not with the old Subjects, yet doubtless they have ingredients every whit as Foppish; which being likewise worked upon, after a perdition of their costs, they sit soppishly down and lament, And some of these Juniors are so disingeniously witty, that because such Authors talk of their Mercury sublimed, Precipated Mercury, and Mercury of Mercury, with other such like things: therefore forsooth to work they go on common Quicksilver, with Sulphur, Sal, and other adjuncts, adding also Gold that it may partake of the Solar Tincture; because (say they) if it have not the Tincture of Sol, how can it give it? (Nobly Philosophised!) seeing nil dat quod non habet, nothing gives that which it has not. And thus when through tedious and repeated operatings, they at last find not what they seek, to wit, their much coveted Elixir or Lapis: yet being unwilling to think they should work so long in vain, they begin to imagine That their— may we call it a Medicine? must needs be a succedaneum, or next in virtue to it; in regard 'tis made of Mercury and Gold, or perhaps of Mercury with some other adjuncts. And are somewhat confirmed if they find it at a chance to do some good: For if at other times it does mischief, the Mercury being unslain, that they ascribe not to the Medicine, but to a mistaken or too great a dose. Others also Reading such Books, and there most fortunatly meeting with the word Antimony: acoordingly fall foul on't, and are resolved to get wonderful things from't whether Antimony can afford them or no. But when they also have spent much upon inconsiderate projects, and can't come at the coveted Elixir or Lapis: yet being also unwilling that their Works, and expenses, should produce nothing; such Hot●hpo●chly mixtures must pass currant for Medicines: And though they Purge, and Vomit so notoriously that they are enough to Kill a horse; yet must they have splendid Titles, to Gull the World with words. And undoubtedly after this manner, whilst many were seeking for the Lapis, were most if not all those pernicious Mercurial, and Antimonial Remedies invented that currently pass in the Shops, and are taught by the Writers of the Beginnings of Chemistry. For there is scarce any name given by Hermetick writers to their science; but the same, by some or other, has been given to some ill-contrived Medicine, which is founded on Mercury or Antimony. This I thought meet to hint for the good of such, who are so extremely Lapified, that merely upon the account of getting the Lapis Philosophorum (though they oftener get the stone in the Kidneys) attempt the study of Chemistry: thereby losing much Silver in catching of Gold, & in unfortunately plundering the Golden fleece. Whereas if they did but consider the sayings of those very Authors, That it requires the whole-man; which how can he that is encumbered with Physic allow? also that many that sought if ever they got it, obtained it not under nigh thirty years' study and Labour: And that several Nobles, and Knights in pursuit thereof spent great part of their Estates before they obtained i●; and some such never did get it, but spent vast sums of money in vain. I say if they did but consider this, it might put some stop to their procedure, and teach them so much wit as to keep their moneys, and not venture it upon they know not what; as also to be better satisfied and informed about what they would have, before they set to operate. Besides, many are dubious whether or no, there is such a thing as the Lapis in Nature. Arbour vitae P. 793. And truly for my own part, were it not that noble Helmont confesseth, that he had some of the Gold-making powder given him by a Friend of one Evenings acquaintance: and that he was Constrained to believe there was such a thing, because he had made projection Cogor credere lapidem aurificum, & argentificum esse: quia distinctis vicibus manu mea unius grani pulveris, super aliquot mille grana argenti viviferventis, projectionem feci, adstante multorum corona, etc. therewith several times, and confirms the same in divers places of his writings. Were it not for this; the lovers of the Hermetick Science must pardon me if I should desire my own liberty in thinking. However I can assure you, I am so little an admirer of their prescribed processes, because some of them seemingly contradict other some; that I should count myself worthy of blame, if I should spend five pounds on five the most plausible receipts in their whole works: being better admonished by the Dog's mishap in the Fable, that catching at the shadow lost the Substance. But to return to our Physical affairs. Let those who read helmont's works, diligently observe, and they shall soon find, he speaks but sparingly, and Enigmatically of his Medicine the Alkahest; which (as he saith) was the Menstruum whereby he reduced things into their first being: and without which he denies, that his Horizontal Gold, Fire of Venus, and other his most potent Remedies may be made. Also they shall find, that without it he denies the destruction of Vulgar Mercury: and saith, that Paracelsus in speaking about his Arcana, doth commonly hide the Operation of his Alkahest? Of which though I am not a Possessor, yet have I seen so much as to confirm me that Helmont wrote not like a Novice, and that such a thing is in Nature. However in the absence thereof 'tis admirable that our Mercury-mongers and pretended Helm●n●ians, will offer to meddle with that Proteus, who derides their endeavours: and make such a talking about rendering Gold volatile, and potable as also about extracting its Tincture, when Helmont plainly declare▪ that he profited more by the Decoction of a Simple than by its Potest: Med. potable juice▪ For (saith he) after P. 480. that I knew how to unloose bodies by things agreeing with their radical Principles I than first began with a pleasant weariness to laugh at my foolish credulities, which caused me in times past to dissolve Gold: yet I profited less by its potable juice, than by the Decoction of a simple. But after that I could dissolve Gold, and make it look like Butter, Rosin, and Vitriol, I no where found the Virtues attributed to Gold, because it was reluctant to our Ferments. I perceived therefore that Gold without its own proper corrosive is dead; Dead I say, unless it be radidically pierced by its own Corrosive. Elsewhere he saith 'tis impossible to alter Gold radically without the aid of one only Liquor: which I dare warrant you is not Aqua Regis, or any such pitiful Corrosive. Besides, if the Almighty, who is the God of the Poor as well as Rich, hath made all Nations of the Earth curable as saith the Holy Scriptures, it need not be doubted but in the absence of Gold Salutiferous Medicines may be found. Yet seeing all the harm Gold in a Medicine can do, in regard 'tis not corrosive, is the increasing an Apothecaries, or Doctor's bill, and making the Patient's purse lighter; I shall let it here alone, & speak of Mercury Against which I can't say enough, so long a 'tis not killed, and its malignity wholly destroyed. Which I believe all the Vizards of Salts, and other adjuncts will be in no wise able to do; it being a Body more strong, than to suffer Death through such. Of which I can speak partly from experience; having not only operated on it with my own hands, to make it confess its virtues; But morover seen two others variously attempt, to fix, open and subdue it, whilst it apparently derided their endeavours, and made us conclude with Helmot, Nec mori potest per machinamenta sublunaria hujus seculi, to wit, that it can't die through the sublunary engines of this World. He confesseth indeed it may be radically pierced and divided by the Alkahest; but he deems not that a sublunary Engine, seeing 'tis an immortal Menstruum; & in resolving all bodies into their first being, burns up their hurtsul qualities, and sets their Virtues at Liberty. For (saith he) the Common People burn with fire, we with Water. But doth not Helmont, in his Ignotus Hydrops, highly commend Mercurius Diaphoreticus, and say, that it being once obtained is sufficient for many 100 sick people, as also for him that is a Physician, and his Son? Yes he does: but adds moreover, That that thing may succeed according to thy desire, P. 521. the Mercury ought to die, without any association of external salts, or fellowship of Foreign Spirits. Yet 'tis meet that it so die, that in the Chariot a living being may remain, which may be able in the middle life of the Mercury, to carry it to its appointed places. A little before he also declares, that in the Dropsy, Paracelsus commends his Praecipiolum, or Mercury drawn dead out of its mine: where the word his, plainly shows it was not the common praecipitate; neither is that dead. And he more fully manifests that his was not the common, by quoting Paracelsus saying; that he reverenceth and admires the endowments of simples as they arose from God, but not as they are a kin to Mineral Mercury. Which Praecipiolum, saith Helmont, is difficult to be obtained; doubtless more difficult than the Vulgar Precipitate. I could heartily wish they would for the future be admonished, and not refuse to learn at a cheaper rate than an utter loss of their expenees: Seconded with a ruin of their healths by its volatile fumes, if not a destruction of their Neighbour by the Medicine. Such rash, and heedless, procedures in handling Mercury and Antimony, whilst they sought they knew not what, and despised the footsteps of Nature; being doubtless one cause that Chemistry in former Ages was so exceedingly undervalved. And the Medicines (if we may call them so) produced by its Professors, so very much exclaimed against, and shunned. And what ever some opine, and imagine concerning Mercury's being the basis of the Alkahest: were I willing to declare my sentiments concerning it; I could easily prove, and back my assertions with Authority of good Authors that that neither it, nor Antimony is the Parent of the Alkahest, nor any ways contributing to its structure: and that they who think they are are no better than hoodwinked; will doubtless by operating on them prove dangerous knowers; and be Adeptists at Latter Lammas. This the Learned, and Ingenious may find with facility, if they studiously peruse, and thoroughly compare, and digests the sayings of its Wise-Possessors: especially if they bring all things to a Rational Taste, and to a Possibility in Nature. But as for the more Ignorant and Unlearned sort of Chemists, 'tis in vain to admonish them; for they dearly love to buy Wit, or at leastwise they commonly do so: as being those that dote on Mercury and Antimony, and expect wonders from them. For assoon as they get them into their clutches, having huddled over some wonderful Author; they think they shall be for ever made, and can talk of little else but Arcana: such as Aurum Horizontale, the Lapis Philosophorum, or Glaubers Aurum potabile, which many times they so long pursue till they have well-nigh spent all their Aurum Portabile, and obtain the Vast secret of making Card-matches. And though Helmont (whose Disciples they would fain be counted) doth tell them, that Mercury so long as it may be revived, and Antimony so long as it purge or vomit, are Poisons, and not the Remedies of a good man: yet will they sometimes drive a subtle Trade with such Mercurial and Antimonial Medicines, that either Purge, or Vomit, and have the Mercury nor s●ain; till by the Death of several and loss of their own credits, they are somewhat startled. But they do not intend to leave them so. For Noble Mercury and dear Antimony is their All-in all; take them away and you half undo them. Well, let them keep them for all me; for I had rather the● should run hazards with their Patients, tha● I. And now to speak concerning Antimony, and Medicines made of it. Which cannot possibly be enough dispraised, so long as they either Purge or Vomit▪ because by such many are hu●● and some do loose their lives. And notwithstanding the Galenists blame the Chemists or using hazardous remed●●s, and pretend, whilst they themselves use Poisons, to go safely to work; Yet who are more subject to give venomous Antimonial Medicines than they are? No●e I am persuaded. For with such, which are bought of Mercenary Chemists, the Apothecary's Shops are well (or rather badly being they are Poisons) furnished. And amongst many other perverse things called Medicines, there is Crocus Metallorum, a remedy fitter for a Horse than for a Man, though enough to infect & hurt the Stomaches of either▪ and of which there is such a Dose sometimes prescribed, that 'tis enough to make a well-man Sick, and almost Vomit his Heart out as the People phrase it. But 'tis no matter for that, the Doctor he must have his F●e; which he well deserves were the Medicine good. And if the Patient happens to be killed by means of it, 'tis but the Doctors laying the fault upon the malignity of the Disease, (though had one in health taken it 'twould almost, if not altogether have killed him) and telling you the Patient's time was come; also that he prescribed secundum Artem; and then all will do well, and 'twill be fundamentally done. So the Earth must hide his fault. But I believe, if any amongst you should be so inhuman, as with a weapon to wound one to Death; and plead afterwards, that you could not help it, for his time was come▪ 'twould be counted but a shallow excuse. For that God had permitted such a thing to come to pass is Apparent: ye● doubtless was not his time so come, but that if the Weapon, (as it should have been) had been kept out of his Bowels, he might have lived many years longer. In like manner after taking a Poisonous Remedy, that destroys the life of his Patient; though the Doctor to excuse himself tell you his time was come: yet grant me leave to tell you, had innocent Remedies been given, he might doubtless have lived some years longer. But if the Doctor prove so happy as not to kill, yet if the Disease is stubborn, and deeply impre●t through the vigour of the Stomach, or some other noble Bowel, ●ailing, the Disease not being Acute but Chronic, 'tis much if it is not exasperated by such Poisons, (I may not well call them Medicines) and if the Patient is not made worse by much. Whereas were it not much better for the Physicians Credit, and the Patients good, to give such Medicines as are harmless, yet cleansing and Virtuous? Yes it must needs. Only such are gained by Sweats, as well as Readins; both which together agree well. But to speak in a word; I verily believe there are several Physicians, who would not take some such Vomits, as they order for their Patients for twenty pounds sterling: however I speak seriously, if they would, I would not for thirty; and therefore should think myself exceedingly Wicked, if I should give such a Vomit to another. These are commonly given under pretence of cleansing the Stomach, but it oftener defiles it, and lays the foundation of future weakness. I speak experimentally: for I heretofore, in my youthful days▪ took several of them, according as I was ordered, to my small comfort but great hurt: away with such poisonous Medicines; away with them. And not go to prescribe Crocus Metallorum for a Vomit, as one did not long since; and the Apothecary in a jest showing the Bill said 'twas a great deal too much: and he might have added as fit to Kill as Cure. But being asked why he would send it, answered What was it to him, he must do as the Doctor ordered. The event of which I have not heard of, by reason the Patient lived far off in the Country. But a Lady in the West of England, a few years since took a Vomit that was prescribed for her: and the poison being great she never left vomiting till she died: as her Daughter told, complaining against poisons to my friend a Chemical Physician. Helmont also in one place gives an account, of three Persons which were destroyed by Vomits: one of whom was his Wife's Brother, and the other two were young N●ble Ladies, and Sisters: but to be brief, both of them died at once, for which they may thank, (I should say blame) their Physician. But all three, after Death, being dissected, Blackish and stinking Liquor (see the excellency of Poisons) floated on the Pylorus or lower mouth of the Stomach, which was contracted through indignation against the admitted Venom. But are only Antimonial Vomits hurtful? No: For all other whose virulency is such, as with indifferency to work upon the Healthy and Sick, are poisonous. The cause of Vomiting after admitting such Venom's (I must not wrong them by calling them Medicines) being no other than a close shutting up of the Pylorus. For though the Palate, and tongue, being cheated by the vehicle which 'tis put in, unadvisedly admit it unto the Stomach: yet the lower mouth of the Stomach through its great sensibility, perceiving an Enemy to the Life to have entered, presently shuts up the passage into the Guts by contracting itself like a Purse: Wise Nature by this designing the preservation of other cohereing parts. Which being done, she with her whole might endeavours to cast forth the Venomous Dose, and at a chance if the Disease was from a surfeit, and of no long continuance, dislodgeth the cause of faex, but not without hazarding the Life: as also of leaving some Venomous Character, or Thornynest behind it. But if at any time whilst vomiting is intermitted, the Pylorus having pretty well freed itself, gives passage to any of the Poisonous Medicine: then the neighbouring Blood, and Latex, is summoned out of the Mesenterick veins, and other cohereing parts; to help Nature to cast forth the Venomous guest, and thereby cause stools. But if on the contrary (as it sometimes happens) the Lower mouth of the Stomach, does not open, Death unavoidably follows. Let this admonish People to take a special care of their Stomaches, and not endanger their Lives and Healths by poisonous or clogging Medicines: but let them be assured 'tis a blockish, and Heathenish trick, to cast out one Poison by another, or Diseases which act like Poisons, and are virulent and leavenous. My thus handling Mercury and Antimony, reminds me of an eminently-unlearned pretender to Chemistry; one that used not to write much above thirteen words of false English in twelve lines; & one that for all he understands Latin scarce more than a Horse, yet has the confidente to tell us he read over the writings of those accounted the best Authors. However I will clear him ●rom a lie; for I verily believe that those Authors he read were counted the best, by Himself, his Wife, and same other such Sublime Learned Head●. For you may, without being counted a Cunning Man, guess that his Authors were no l●s● than N●ch: Culpepers works, or some such wonder-working Books of Physic: seeing hr utterly defied all pitiful Latins Authors, and such as write intelligible phrases. Only he now and then amongst the honest Women, would thunder forth such an All-astonishing word or two, that were enough to amaze'em: frightning'em with no less Bully-boes than Lapis Philosophorums; for either such Aurum Potabile, or Aurum Horozontale he much desired. And having abused himself into a belief he should do wonders, and obtained some small skill in Chemistry, he resolved to get one of them by hook or by crook. To which end therefore, and the better to inform himself, he would sometimes visit a Grave Ingenious Chemical Physician, that for several years together had kept his Body in good plight, though otherwise he was naturally of an infirm constitution. This our Piece of Vnlearnedness you must understand, by being the Doctor's constant Patient, had sometimes admittance into his Laboratory, and was thereby doubtless the more excited The event of Chemical Physicians showing their Laborarities to their Patients, or other busy desi●ers. to the study of Chemistry. For he having seen various Furnaces and Glasses, imagined according to likelihood that he could do very strange things: yea what could he not do? For I have heard as if he could break Glasses as well as most; and that he was an able Man at it too. But as I said before, he sometimes visiting this Grave Man, amongst many other things, would oft exceedingly please himself in talking Tara-tan-tara about the Philosopher's stone and Horizontal Gold, and gazing in our faces would magnify Mercury and Antimony, and tell us there was a noble thing in'em; to which the Grave Doctor would say, so; what then; or nod a little; and that was as much as he could get. Thus at last when he had told out a Tale of two or three hours long, home he would go as Wise as he came. But in the mean time you must needs, think that to have our ears weekly boxed about with the Philosophers-stone, Horizontal Gold and Noble Mercury, was a very irksome thing, as indeed it was: yet I assure you, the Repetition of his Mineralline conceits did abundantly recompense that injury, by often producing a smile or two at least. But to proceed; many such visits being past, to work he went on Gold and Mercury; amalgamized the first with the last; conjoined them with Antimony after a previous preparation; and firmly resolved, after he had made it into a Cinnabar that it should be Horizontal Gold: and enumerating praises in no wise due to it, strived to recompense the fewness of its virtues by a Swelling and Glorious Title. This we having the sight of easily perceived that 'twas a Mock medicine, first from its Taste, secondly from its flying the Fire, thirdly from the sparkling of the quicksilver dispersed, but not fixed in the composition: so we, or to say more truly, my Tutor in my hearing, told him 'twas not the true Horizontal. However he esteemed on't not a little, but would tell the People 'twas a rare Medicine for there was Gold in it, and would thereby make them think that it was strangely good indeed: inasmuch as 'tis the custom of those who are ignorant in Physic, to judge a Medicines Virtues according to the costliness of its ingredients, or Mysteriousness of its composition, not considering in the mean time that a price happens not in Nature; that a Disease will not be baffled with a naked name; and that God who is the Patron of the Poor, has chosen in Nature, as well as in Divinity, the Mean things of this World to confound the Mighty. This Medicine which wanted not for Price, he therefore liberally made use of; and managed his business so untowardly, that few Practisers had worse success than he had, till he had lost his practice wholly in a manner. However I would not have you think but that some received good, for many Mercurial, and Antimonial Medicines don't hurt always: Nay, I verily believe believ that some, and those not a few, received great benefit by it. But yet some others were very much injured. For when such Mercurial Medicines do meet with a stomach whose Ferment goes to work and resolves them, and by consequence sets the Mercury at liberty, then is't that the Villain, Mercury plays knavish Tricks, and makes the Patient wish him out of his body: and if I myself were Sick, and should send for a Physician, if he give me a Mercurial Medicine that six others before me had done well after, whilst their Stomaches did not resolve it; yet my Stomach through the propriety of its Ferment, setting the Mercury at liberty (which none of theirs could) it might be a means to Kill, or mischief me. Therefore I say with Helmont, that Mercury so long as it may be revived, is a Poison, and not the Medicine of a good Man. I remember, A young Man falling Sick was persuaded by some Visitants to accept of our piece of unlearnedness for his Physician, and accordingly took as I was informed a Dose of a certain powder, which, by its descriptions, I deemed was either the counterfeit Horizontal, or some such hazardous Mineralline production. But in short, the young Man's head sw●l'd so exceedingly that (as one related to us that saw him and was a next neighbour to him) his eyes were ghastly, and his swelled very much (Oh Noble Mercury and Antimony) also his Tongue black, and so swelled as not to be easily contained within its limits; and thus being in very great Misery he breathed his last. Another cure though less mischievous than the former was on a Gentleman of his acquaintance, and of the same Neighbourhood; one that for many years together had been a Patient to my Sober Tutor. By whom having now for several years been kept sound, through taking when need required such innocent, and lively remedies as were meet: was at length overperswaded (thinking perhaps any one might be a Chemist, and that all Medicines called Chemical were safe) to accept of our piece of Unlearnedness for his Physician; and when his Body required converse with Medicines, to take some of him, which he did. But after a few months following his ill-contrived mixtures, was reduced to that weakness, that his Legs seemed unable to support his Body. Thus being tormented with a daily declining of his strength and an almost incessant gnawing in his Stomach, (Oh Noble Mercury and Antimony! He sends his Wife to his former Chemical Physician, with requests to send something to give him ease, forasmuch as he supposed, and so did his Wife, that the Medicines taken from the other; had exceedingly weakened him, and were the cause of that Gnawing. His desires were answered, as to obtaining ease, and getting strength; but not a real Cure: Mercury and Antimony scorning to be baffled after that pitiful rate, whilst the very texture of his Stomach and other vital bowels was vitiated. Insomuch that about six months after, whilst as yet he was infirm, his occasions calling him to London, he relapsed; and there being helped forward in his Heavenly journey, by a Mineralline dose which another half-witted Ignorant, and unlearned Chemist gave him, he fairly breathed his last. But letting our Piece of Unleardness pass I will give you another relation. A Learned Physician my very familiar acquaintance, who from his Infancy was educated in Physic, and chiefly in Pyrotechny; accidentally about the one and twentieth year of his Age, met with an Author that magnifies some Mercurial preparations, and impertinently styles on an All-curer, This the studious young Physician reading, was no little animated to follow the Authors prescribed process, and prepare this Medicine: but before hand acquaints his experienced Father with his design, and accordingly was dissuaded from attempting. Nor was it without cause; for his Father had been deceived in his Junior searches by that Protean Subject, and such Collecting Authors, who not seldom write untried Processes and Recipes taken upon Trust, that are too often Decipes. But he notwithstanding believing the Author, Proceeded, Operated Variously according to order, and that at no mean Charge; and at last having finished it, took a few grains of it first himself: which made him so unmercifully Sick, and paid him off so cruelly; that he would gladly, have been freed from his perverse Guest, if he could. But in brief his Life being in Danger, (Oh Noble Mercury!) he applies himself to some Valiant, and innocent Remedies, which they had in their Repository, that quickly dispatched it out of his Stomach, and other the more Vital Bowels: and sending it to his Throat, it raised a small sore so painful, that for nigh half a years time, it disquieted him day and night; but in the end by strengthening Remedies he was cured. Whereas, for aught I know, had they wanted good Medicines, he might have been Killed by Noble Mercury. And since, for this and divers other good Reasons, he is so much an Enemy to Mercurial Medicines; and so irreconcilably angry with them: that I persuade myself he will not deal with them on any account; nor give such to the Sick were he hired. Neither is he only averse to Mercury; For Antimony so long as it Purges or vomits he hates even as much: And that not without cause. For his ingenious and grave Father, who in his junior studies hoped well concerning Antimomy, was several times very much hurt by it: Whilst he honestly (because he would not damage the Health of his Patients, and because he had good Medicines to cure himself) would venture to take such Remedies first himself, to the loss and hazard of his health. And to what end was it? That he might not give a hazardous Medicine to the Sick, but might cast away such as he found were disturbers of Nature. But this his tenderness towards his Patients, and Love to the sick, once almost cost him his Life; for trying an Antimonial Medicine, as he had oftentimes done several, he Purged and Vomited, so cruelly, that had he not had good Medicines to put a stop to its Venom, it might have cost him his Life however it hurt his stomach. Here was candour and honesty indeed! Oh that we had many more such as he; or if not such; yet such as would be admonished, to take heed of Poisons, and defend the Lives of their Patients: As this truehearted Physician used to do: For when he by taking a Medicine found it malignant, his next work was to cast it away; that he might not hurt his Patients, nor discredit himself by giving such. Though by this means amongst some people he lost the Repute of a Skilful knowing Man; ●s if there were any skill in filling a Cupboards head with insignificant Glasses, and Galley-pots; or as if there were any Art, or Knowingness, in giving Poisonous Medicines to the sick. But he minded not, as I tell you, the Poisoning Trade; having run through that before: and was more willing to be counted unskilful by the Ignorant and Foolish, than to be both Fool, and Knave, in walking against his Conscience; and in giving such Medicines as were hurtful. But to reassume our Discourse about Mercury, and to show our great adorers of it helmont's judgement; I shall desire them to take notice, he saith. Therefore although the Mercurial part of Metals, as also in the very Body of Mercury, Pa. 408. may resemble Vitrol, Oil, Salt, or Water, by reason of things put to it; yet are they nothing but the deceive of the Eyes, as being that which always returns, from those masked forms, to Mercury again: because it is always therein, according to all its properties, and Nature. Also a little after denying the dividableness of Mercury▪ he saith. For Nature cannot destroy the seed which cannot die, nor be separated from its own matter; neither through the sublunary Engines of this World can it die. Thus doth he not only deny the Separation of Mercury; but hints, that mixing it with other ingredients, is no ways able to alter it, nor its properties. The which had he been silent experience would have manifested from miserable events, as well as others have declared it in their Works. But he elsewhere tells you that the Mercury ought to die, without the association of Foreign Salts, or spirits: Upon this word Forreign lies the stress: for he teacheth that his Alkahest turns Mercury into Horizontal Gold, but that it, to wit, his Alkahest is a thing so much unworthy of the name Forreign, that he calls it a thing Consentaneous or agreeing with the Radical Principles of Bodies, for saith he Postquam scivi corpora denodare, per consentanea suis principiis radicalibus, tum primum caepi cum salutari ●●dio irridere etc. And now to let our Piece of Vnlearnedness see his mistake about Horizontal Gold, I will borrow a few lines more from Helmont. He saith. For as Gold is reckoned to be bred in the Horizon of the D● Lith. P. 69. Hemisphere, so Mercury when 'tis made Diaphoretical, Sweet as Honey, ☞ and as fixed as Gold; is Gold in its Horizon; and in Med icine is so much more Noble than Gold, by how much an Oriental, Pearl, exceeds a Scotish one. He also, in the foregoing Discourse, telling us of some, who with requests & threatenings, would have obtained from him the secrets of Horizontal gold & Fire of Venus saith, First of all I have answered that the secret of Paracelsus his Liquor Alkahest doth hinder, to wit, the teacher and dispenser, of which the Almighty hath decreed to remain even to the end of the world, for reasons in part known to adeptists. But those who go to transform Mercury into the likeness of Salt, Water, or Oil; therein following the Writers of young beginnings of Chemistry, do err: as saith Helmont, who adds by way of Confutation, amongst other things: I● I had not (saith he) seen Quicksilver to delude every endeavour of Artificers, so as that it wholly flies away, as yet entire, or doth wholly remain in the Fire; and after either manner keeps its unchangeable Identity, and undissolvable homogeneity of sameliness: I should say that that Art was not true, which is true, without a lie, and most exceeding true. You may remember I declared in the foregoing discourse, how mightily our Piece of Unlearnedness would talk of the lapis Philosophorum, & on that account was well pleased with Noble Mercury: But I forget to tell you how he was seconded in his attempts, by the assistance of another, who was neither well-studied, nor very Learned; but a great Admirer of ●he Lapis. This his assistant (who was counted a very honest Man) unhappily had a Receipt conferred on him by a Woman which had found it, (as she said) in an Old-Doublet left at her house; yet you must know, that he had it on strict engagements of privacy; for if I thought you would not blab it abroad, I could tell you it was no less than how to make the Philosopher's stone. This Receipt being presented to our Piece of Unlearnedness, and he having seen it was pleased exceedingly with the thoughts of being a Philosopher, and thereupon regarded not his money: nay he spared not to say that were he worth thousands he would venture it, not doubting but that the end would pay him with Usury. Whereupon to work he went; and after long, tedious, and charegable Operating to no purpose, he pulls down his Laboratory, and builds another much larger; but all proved in vain and to no purpose: For the Old-Doublet was defective, and made him ineffectually cast away more money on't than would have bought many new New-Ones. Only whilst he was a stone-hunting, he obtained the secret (as he thought and boasted) of making Gold Volatile. For, (saith he) I having Amalgamiz'd many pounds worth of Gold with Mercury, and incorporated it with other things, put it into heat; But the Glass breaking, away they flew, Gold and all. Which in my opinion was neither a profitable Project, nor more an argument of Volatility in the Gold, than 'tis of Life in a Dead Child, forceably carried by an Active Man to the Top of a House. For the Gold being almost Atomical, at least wise eaten into very small Particles, was by the adjuncts carried away. But what if the Old-Doublet had produced a Philosopher's stone? What could you have said then? You must needs have not only called it Miracle: But have consequently concluded, and reasonably expected that a New-Doublet should produce two. Several such pretty stories I could afford you were I willing to spend Ink and time in vain. In vain I say, seeing this one instance about Lapising is enough. For my desire is (and to that end I inserted it) that such unwary ignorant men may take heed: and not trust every Fabler and receipt they meet with; nor every conceit of their own sublime Heads. Lest whilst they hunt after Gold they ruin and undo themselves, and by following a crew of secrettellers prove themselves such, of whom Augurellus speaks. Ut videas quandoque bonum sua praedia civ●m Vend●nt●●, patriasque domos, mercesque repostas; Fornaces inter versari: ac follibus auram Captare, in tenuem, nefas, convertere fumum, Rem dubias dum quaerit opes insanus, avitam. Difficilem interea conjux, maestissima vitam Protrahit, illachrimant nati, sit sordidus ipse E lauto, ludusque patens, & fa●ula vulgi. As thou mayest see a Citizen that's rich, Sometimes to sell his farms; and houses which His Fathers were, and hoarded wares to sell, To catch the Bellows breath, and likewise dwell with Furnaces, and (wicked ' 'tis!) presume, His Grandsires' wealth to turn to slender-fume, Whilst for uncertain gain he madly ho's His Wife most sad and Melancholy goes, His Sons lament, and being dirty, he The vulgars' sport and Fable comes to be. Besides they themselves whilst to the ruin of their Estates & healths; they run blindfolded on in their Operations, never consider what those Authors, from whose writings they take the confidence of seeking it, do say. Therefore that I may a little admonish such forward & over credulous Persons to take heed for the future, and let them see such Receipts are worth nothing; I will quote two or three of the most noted amongst them, and begin with Count Trevisan first. Quicunque cupit artem veram addisc●re, versetur cum sapientibus, (i. e.) istorum Libros legate & non impostorum, licet obscuris verbis eam doceant nullibi eni● claris & apertis verbis, descriptos ejusmodi Libros reperies. Whosoever (saith he) desireth to learn true Art, let him be conversant with the Wise, that is, let him read their Books (and not those of Impostors) though they teach it in obscure words. For thou shalt nowhere find such Books written in words plain and clear. Which saying of Count Trevisan much contradicts the Actions of Receipt mongers, or such who would find it stitched up in an Old-Doublet; for if we shall no where find it written in plain and intelligible phrases, never expect that the secret of secrets (for those who write of it call it so) will be committed to half a sheet of Paper. And if it is impossible, as Dionysius Zacharias saith it is, to find all things written in order, which are necessary to the Art; and that one Book expounds another, because what is wanting in one is supplied in another: doubtless all Recipes and suchlike half witted-stories must needs be exploded as error: his words are, Unus liber alio declaratur, siquidem quod fortasse in uno deest suppletur in alio; impossibile namque est (sic disponente divino consilio) reperiri omnia ex ordine Scripta quae ad hanc artem sunt necessaria. Thus he. Nor says the Author of Correctio Fatuorum much less in his Prologue, whilst he speaks of the benefit of Study. Imprimis (inquit) est, necessarium perstudium, hujus suavis operis scientiam acquirere. Qui autem studuere abhorruerint, & tamen laborare voluerint; impossibile est iis secreta Philosophorum, ad perfectum finem praeparare. De his sapientes dicunt, quod two transeunt ad practicam, sicut asinus ad coenam, nescientes ad quid rostrum porrigant. Ideo omnes hujus artis apicem diligentes, studiis conentur insistere, & ex libris haurire veritatem, & non ex mendosis (alias nidosis) neque fabulis fictis, quia haec ars non inveniatur nisi per continuum studium, & Philosophorum dictorum cognitionem. It is (saith he) a thing chiefly necessary, to obtain by study the knowledge of this pleasant work. But they who abhor study, and yet are willing to go to Labour; to such, it is a thing impossible, to bring the secrets of Philosophy to perfection. Concerning these, the wise say, that they go to practise like an Ass to supper, not knowing to what they reach forth their snouts▪ therefore all the lovers of this Art's perfection, endeavour to persist in their studies, and to gather Truth from Books, and not from lying, though otherwise plausible Fables, nor yet from feigned ones. Because this Art is not found unless through continual study, and through the knowledge of the sayings of Philosophers. Many more Authors I could quote you to this very purpose, did I not judge these three had said enough to satisfy those that are intelligent. Therefore I shall next with as much brevity as I may speak a little concerning the Writings of Johannes Rudolphus Glauberus, as being those that have injured and abused many. Concerning Glauber. When I view Glaubers works and examine the forepart of them, I must needs conclude he wrote not a few things that were very good and useful; though methods tedious enough in Praeparation are delivered: But when I view the latter part, to wit, the Appendix to the fifth part of Phylosophick furnaces, his Annotations to his Appendix, his way of making Aurum Potabile, and his separation of Gold out of Flints, Sand, Day, etc. By the assistance of the spirit of Salt,, it makes me even admire at the Man: and judge if he was not mad nor out of his Wits, when he wrote those impertinent discourses, yet conclude he was resolved to abuse the World with a parcel of Figments and fictions, and out of a desire to impose on the too-credulous, pretend to teach lucriferous secrets. I could wish with all my heart, I might be acquainted with; or at least wise hear (which I never yet could) of some persons that had been profited by his gain-bringing Arts; or that ever made his Aurum Potabile, and found its virtues answering his Charactet; or that ever produced Gold from Flints, Sand, Day etc. in such wealthy quantities that they could get a tolerable subsistence at it; that so I might, without wronging my own judgement, count him neither Knave, Fool, nor Madman. For on the other hand I have in his discommendation met with an Anonymous Latin Treatise published in Holland in the year 1660. that Sudum philososph. pro Secret. Chym perspic. has fully painted out his deceit. Concerning which had the Author been silent and not blamed him for defrauding several Persons of their moneys, under pretence of selling wonderful secrets; his own writings would have so amply manifested it to the intelligent, if thoroughly conned, that no other proof had been wanting. For if it was not to defraud the too-credulous, and persuade them into the belief of an imposture, what meant he by exposing Gainful Arts to sale, whilst himself was poor, and use whining Religious Phrases, and make use of the name of the thrice-holy God, to back and cloak his deceit: Truly I could heartily wish, that the name of the Almighty and the Lord Jesus Christ were not thus made a cloak for roguery, But it ever was, and ever will be in this world we may believe, that where true Men are associated in fellowship; a crew of whining smooth-tongued Hypocrites will enter, that under the notion of Religion they may with more ease and a fairer gloss impose on the simple and unwary. But to return to Glauber again: I say unless it were to deceive his Reader, what made him publish gainful Arts whilst he manifesteth himself a wanter of such: for in his Preface after his Appendix, he tells us: He had lived in these places, meaning Holland, many years with disprofit, and therefore was resolved whether the peace of Germany succeeded or not, to betake himself to such places, where he might have opportunity to handle Coals and Mines— Of which what need was there, seeing he himself could teach such gainful Arts as the separation of Gold out of Flints, Sand, or Clay. If these Arts were really such, how came he to live idle with disprofit? What were neither Flints, Sand, nor Clay in Holland, nor the Provinces adjoining, that he might in some sort profit himself? For Charity begins at home: what were none of them there? Surely then 'tis such a Country as is not in the World beside. Besides, is it not strange, that he himself could n●ver meet with one of those whole rocks (nor half ones) and mountains of Gold, and great mountains filled with Golden Sand and Clay, of which he speaks in the first part of his Mineral Work, Pag. 412, and concerning which he says how poor soever, Gold may be extracted out of it, by the spirit of Salt, with Gain: and tells us 'tis such a secret by which no man can be an impediment to another? 'Tis very strange he could never: and may we not suppose him in his generation to have been Tantalus redivivus? another Tantalus that in the midst of Golden Arts was poor? Who can suppose him to be otherwise? Doubtless these very pretty Crotchets, no little pleased him, when he considered how they would be admired and stared at. But I wonder with what confidence he could send them to the Press. I remember the before-quoted Anonymus Author says: how that he used to agree with the Printer for to have some hundreds of the Copies for his Book; and how he used to bind them curiously, and put his name encompassed with a Laurel, and the marks of the seven Planets to set them off, and present one to this plenipotentiary, another to another Great Man, and thus get same and greater rewards for them, and excite them to buy his strangely gainful secrets: which was I must confess a subtle trick, but I cannot say an honest one. Nor did he this alone, but the same Author affirms, he cheated several of abundance of money; pretending to teach wonderful secrets, and then put a trick on them at last. To one plenipotentiary (he saith) Glauber sold a Tract entitled Explicatio Miraculi mundi, as it was in its manuscript for a hundred Ducats, and afterwards published it in Print: that Glauber for some highly praised secret, had bargained with the same Great Man, and had received six hundred Imperials before hand: and though a time was set wherein he was to prove the certainty and truth of the secret; secret; yet that, and a longer, time being past the expected certainty of it no where appeared. Another Person (he also saith) complained to him how he was defrauded by Glauber, and lost but four hundred Imperials. After this, the Anonymus saith, he came into England, and at London found that the writings of Glauber, which were translated into the English Idiom, did excite many detractions and filthy speeches against him (to wit) because the prescribed processes of the Author were most vain; and that frequently many men, had vainly tried the greatest part of them, to their very great loss. He saith also that in Germany, Holland, and other places, complaints concerning him were then frequent. One saith, Alas for me! who have spent so much money on Glauber, & have not indeed received on Pins worth of profit, or gainful retribution from his Arts. Saith a second, I was seduced after this manner; in that I saw a little honest good from Glaubers works: But all things in great quantity being bought for the Process in labouring, and all things being effected according as I was commanded; I received nothing again from thence but an utter loss of my expenses. A third saith, behold what incredible naughtiness is in Glauber; his own Conscience tells him, he cannot perform the Concentration he so exceedingly boasted of. For notwithstanding, as he desired, wonderful Cauldrons, with all other requisits for Concentration of Corn, and Wine, were prepared for him, and that at other men's costs: yet in lieu of these large expenses he produced nothing of worth, insomuch that the most poor and indigent, were unwilling to drink the Beer which he made; And yet desists not for all to invite even the whole World, to such his Fallacious Arts. Thus writes our Nameless Author; who I am persuaded was a Man singularly honest, and wrote no ways out of design, but for the real benefit of his neighbour: however his Principles are consentaneous with the Chemical, whilst Glaubers seem uncouth and foreign. And whether or no he did write, what he did did causelessly, ask those who have attempted Glaubers Mineral Work, and if you can meet with one that came not off a loser at last, you'll prove by farmore fortunate than I have. On the other hand I knew one, a quick-witted, and confident unlearned Junior Chemist, that was a mighty adorer of Glauber, and gave no little credit to his writings: who on a time (doubtless he had read Glauber well) boasted he could get twenty pounds a week by working on Minerals, which made us not smile a little: But after his roving conjectures were put into practice, he easily found his mistake; in that instead of getting twenty pounds a week, he, I believe did not convert much less than a hundred pounds yearly into Fume. And 'tis a wonder my Honest Tutor had not been caught amongst the rest; however I believe he went not altogether Scot-free: and had doubtless confounded a great deal more, had not this Anonymous Latin Treatise which I have before cited, been sent him as a Present out of Holland, by a learned acquaintance of his, not long after he had met with Glaubers works. Who can sufficiently admire at the Folly of Glauber, and his ridiculous and foppish impertinencies? surely I think none. Nor can any man skilled in Chemical Science count him aught but such a Fantastical Scribbler as the Author of a book some years since Printed in London of five or six shillings price: the Title of which promised to teach the Knowledge of all things past present and to come. When the Book to give its due, it was at the best, but a bundle of Blockish Impertinences. It seems to me our forecited Anonymus did not too-too-egregiously err, when by an Anagram he called him Vah longus Verbo sed nil supra! For about his non sensical Aurum Potabile, separating Gold from Flints, and other such like guilded stories, he hath made such a clutter in Print; that many who meet with his Books, and believing all that they read is true, count themselves more than ordinarily happy, and that hundreds a year are at their footsteps▪ If they are not I heartily wish they were, and that so many had not been deceived by his writings as have been; for than I had not had the trouble of mentioning him here, to give warning to others for the Future. To make Aurum Potabile he saith Recipe (which you may make Decipe by changing the first Letter) Of living Gold one part and three parts of Quick-Mercury, not of the vulgar but the Philosophical, every where to be found without Charges, and Labour; thou mayest also add of Living Silver equal weight with the Gold: put them mixed in a Philosophical vessel to dissolve, and in the space of a quarter of an hour, those mixed Metals will be radically dissolved by the Mercury, and will give a purple colour. At the Abortiveness and irrationality of which Recipe who is able enough to admire? First he bids us take living Gold, but tells us not wh●re 'tis to be found: for common Gold is Dead. Next Quick Mercury not the Vulgar, but the Philosophic every where to be found, without Charges, and Labour: yet gives us no account, whree this every where is, nor tokens whereby we may know it. He calls it also the Mercury of the Philosophers, yet confesseth in another place he knew it not; for speaking about the Philosopher's stone, (which by some of them is called their Mercury) he saith in the fourth part of his Philosophic furnaces, that he needed not to add any thing; of himself who was altogether ignorant of the thing and if he was altogether ignorant of the thing, he knew not their Mercury; and therefore blockishly bids others take what he knew not. But must not Glaubers be a strange kind of Mercury, that being found without cost or labour, is nevertheless so powerful and corrosive, that in the space of an quarter of an hour shall dissolve the Living Gold and Silver too. Verily I am persuaded, and that not groundlessly, he at last for the sake of money, and to get profit by Printing, cared not (whilst he was idle) what fables he publish●, so he might but make a noise in the World: for as saith the oft fore named Anonymus. In praef. pa●. 2. After that Glauber too much confided in the preganncy of his own Wit, and was wonted to expose in public for certain truth what ever came into his head, he inserted in his Books very many Vanities, Trifles, and Toys; against which not a few have hitherto Dashed, but may as yet dash. Now if Glauber had professed himself an Enigmatical writer, as many others have, and had told us he was not to be understood according to the Letter, he had had some cloak for his Folly: But he on the contrary so much disowns such a thing, that he professeth himself a plain writer of Receipts. Only like a Cunning Sophister, in the first part of his Mineral work, he saith to his Reader. Impute the fault if the errest not to me, but to thine own ignorance, if thou knowest not to extract the Gold; For I have written clearly, though thou shouldest not know any thing that were omitted: for it is certain, and no fiction, that in many places there are found Golden Flints, and Golden Clay, and Sand, ofttimes abounding with Gold; and if they do not abound with it yet may they be extracted with profit. And thus he G●lls the unwary and leads▪ them along, that having once ●●Spdn●●d they may●…er hazard more moneys, the● count him ●…f Lies. I cannot but exceedingly wonder, that any persons should be so stupidly idle, and vain, to publishes unexperimented Processes: seeing that though they may for some time, deceive the ignorant with their guilded impertinencies, and fruitless Receipts; yet such must needs in the end be manifested false, and even render them odious to Posterity. What may it be that they expect, as the result of such Actions? Is it fame, and an honourable name, for the future? Surely no; for they steer a wrong course, seeing no honout can proceed from a publishing untruths, or an imprinting of that which is false: in regard 'tis the custom of the veriest, Deceivers, much more of those Men who are True, to speak against Vice and Falsity. What is it an unbounded desire after money the root of all evil, and mischief amongst men? If so I cannot but pity their Follies, and stand amazed to think any should, for a little momentany Wealth, hazard their Souls Eternally; and venture the lose of a Crown Immortal for terrestrial Dross. Whilst forgetting that Golden Law do as you would be done by, they make self the centre of their actions, and build lofty Fabrics on the Ruins of the unwary. Nay that is not all; for though Glaubers lucriferous Arts, have plunged a pretty many lovers of Chemistry 〈…〉 poverty, or at leastwise mad●●heir porkets ●●ghter by far; yet many other Receit-Mongers amongst the Galenick, and Astral Tribe, do as much (if not far more) hurt; whilst they fill the Press with Collections of Collections, and pretend they do it for the good of the Country. But that pretence only serves to mask their ambition, and to make the Book go off the better; for the business is they would be in Print, but they want abilities to accommadat the Press. Therefore because their small portions in really Medicinal knowledge as also in literature, incapacitates them to produce such a Physical Discourse, as as might prove truly advantageous in Medicine, they forthwith turn Plagiaries, and hunting up and down, steal a few Receipts from this Book, burying the Author's name (who perhaps himself took them but on trust) and making some small and inconsiderable alteration, or none at all, add more Receipts to them, taken out of another; as also more from a third, fourth, and fifth Book, with some small and senseless additions (perchance) to make them more Mysterious, or else diminutions, to alter them, lest any should cry Stop-thief: and having digested them into a New-Method, this piece of Patchery must pass for a New-Book, when 'tis several Scraps of Old-ones stufttogether And thus Booksellers Shops, as also our Libraries, abound with Books upon Books, but with few that are really Authors: How Injurious which thing is in Medicine let any sober Physician judge, whilst Diseases are more malevolent than to be played with. Now the honest Country Gentleman, or his Charitable Wife, hearing of such a wonder-working Book, that is come forth in English, (for it wants not a Splendid Title,) presently has two or three shillings to spare for it, that they may knock down Diseases by Lapfuls. The better to perform which the Author (I mistake I should say the Collector or Plagiarist) tells them that this Remedy is good for this Disease, that Medicine for another, though he never tried them; and only have read so also a third for a third disease, & so on to the end of the Chapter. Insomuch that now not a Disease must offer to be so bold, as to peep where this Book is, lest he pay the Punishment of his Sauciness. For does he appear? away runs the well- intending Gentlewoman presently to her Receipt-Book, and there meets with a Medicine that has twenty or thirty Ingredients, or we will suppose but ten or fifteen in it: yet it being made is at last so untoward and clogging, that it rater hurts than benefits the Sick; whilst the mutinous ingredients are at a scuffle amongst themselves, who shall fall foul on the Disease, and predominate. One, two, or perhaps three of the Ingredients in the Composition, who were formerly the Basis of the Medicine before 'twas confounded, they are willing to do it, and would, but that some other Cross-grained ones wont let them, but are rather fit to oppose than lend them their helping hand. And thus whilst some Ingredients in the Medicine would, but are clogged and hindered by others, and others can't being improper, and only put in through want of no unskilfulness in Nature; the Disease takes the greater Liberty of Tyrannising. Whereas if the honest Country Gentlewomen or Ladies for the relief of their Poor Neighbours, would but make use of some such simple Medicines as a Carduus posset etc. or a Medicine made of two, or three Ingredients, (for commonly the simpler a Medicine is, the better 'tis) which the long experience of Mothers, Grandmothers'. and Great-grand-mothers', have told them is good, and profitable: the Sick might be sooner relieved, than by such Recipe confused Medicines, as are commonly huddled into Books, and Printed through desire of Fame. There being scarcely one Receipt of ten that is good for any thing, but that is subject one time with another to damage more than help Nature: and those that are good in such books are commonly some few Balsams, Unguents, Emplasters or Salves. But now to speak of a Fever, and its seat. Concerning a Fever, its seat, and and the Nature of Remedies most proper for its Cure. ANd first, I judge it will not be amiss as Perliminary to Treat a little of the vices of Ferments, and the contrary. They being of Genuine, proper and true, the producers of quietude, and health in the Body, and é contra if spurious, malign, estranged, and foreign, the Authors of all disorders and Fevers. Thus a Thorn or Splinter in the hand, makes such disturbance through its forreigness to the part, and its spurious fermentive odour, that it excites a preternatural heat; and sometimes make the whole hand, and arm, sensible of its power: thereby so altering and corrupting the Saline Blood which flows thither, as summoned by the enraged Spirit of the part (which by Helmont is called the Archaeus) to expel the encroaching Enemy, as to make it put off vitality. So that thus in the mean time the Blood is busy to expel, but not able, and for that cause angry, and hot; in approaching the Thorn (which through the excitemenes of heat sends forth a spurious odour) 'tis changed from its saline and Balsamic nature, and becomes as injurious as the Thorn. Insomuch that at last instead of a Hostile Thorn only, a Thorn and Thorniness are present to the more violent exalperating the Archaeus. And indeed Optima Corrupta pessima, the Blood the most lively juice of the Body being thus once deviated, and infected, is no less mischievous than the Thorn. For it having through adheering to the thornyleaven put on corruption, lost its salineness, and its vitality, is thenceforth forbidden to circulate in with the Blood, and enjoy the benefit of Life. However a ferment being begun, it glanceth forth its vicious rays; and whilst the Archaeus is enraged at what doth afflict him, and neglects the defence of his Territories, the neighbouring good Blood is gradualy perverted (for a little Leaven leavens a whole Lump) and the Life of the part is endangered. Thus you may see the cause of a Fever, and that though it takes its denomination from Heat, yet that heat is but the effect, and therefore not so much to be minded; seeing the thorn, or thing causing is cold, and Deadly. But if whilst the thorn in the hand is unremoved, or if removed whilst the begun Thorny Ferment or leaven is in being, they should, to abate the accidental Feverish-heat, let the Blood out, or apply coolers outwardly or inwardly; opposing the preternatural heat with contraries, could you possibly, forbear smiling, and not think them half- witted, or at least wise well furnished with Ignorance? surely I think not: yet this way might, and should, doubtless have served, had not Chyrurgical experience proved it Vain; and not only have served, but we should perhaps have been able to bring, some old musty rotten Axiom, to have proved it Authentic: if not backed with sufficient Authority. For a great many of the Ancients, who were wont, as at this day 'tis too common, to strike at the effect not the cause; loving sloth, and ease, and being loath to swim against the stream of a received opinion, lest they should be accounted Heretics in Physic: deemed it better, more safe, and profitable, to Transcribe Collect from, and comment on their Ancients, than in the least to oppose their dark notions. Insomuch that till within the space of an hundred years, there was rarely any, who sung not the same Cuckoos note. But Diseases growing more obstinate daily; and baffling the common method of healing, whilst the Pox and Scurvy prevailed. God whose Mercies are beyond his judgements, mercifully sent us Men, tender of the health of their Neighbour, and that sought not wealth so much as Wisdom; who have so effectually laid open the errors of Galen, (who was but a man at best, and therefore Subject to err) and manifested the defects of the Ancients; who were likewise Men, that unless we will wilfully shut our eyes as (the greater is the Misery) too many do, we may plainly enough see their barrenness. I remember a Learned Gentleman of my acquaintance, no Physician but a general student, and by that means intimate with some Court-Physicians, seriously told me; that on a time he lately Discoursing with an eminent Doctor; a lover of Chemical Principles, and ask him why he let his Patients be bleeded, seeing he knew better things; had what follows for an answer. Sr. (saith the Dr.) I am forced to do it, otherwise I should have little to do, for the people will be bleeded and look strangely on him that want admit on't, and they must be humoured. I must needs confess the Doctor's dealing is politic: but how in the interim it fares with his Conscience, I know not: but surely I think, mine would fly in my face, should I do any thing which I knew might prove injurious to the Sick, though the Patient being ignorant persuaded me. Much good may his gain by bleeding do him. But to reassume our discourse about Foreign Ferments, and to prove them the cause of heat in a Fever, leaving our Thorn, let us consider a Mote in the eye, not unlike a Thorn to the part: of which I will Treat, after I have desired you to take notice, that all Ferments are injured by strange ones, and that all parts and Liquors of the Body abhor the intrusion of a foreigner. Thus a Mote in the Eye stirreth up a Feverish heat in the part, whilst Nature being hurt sends moisture plentifully to wipe it away: But labouring in vain, grows enraged, and angry, and gives leisure to the Mote (heat being present) to lay the foundation of a spurious▪ Acrimonious Ferment that corrupts ' the Latex flowing thither, and endeavours a total extirpation of the life of the part. Insomuch that unless a Medicine contradictory to Acidity, and the Spurious Ferment subvenes; a a continual weakness if not loss of the sight is threatened; whilst the Latex, or Liquor which flows Saline from the Eyes when well, is corrupted by the acid acrimonious Ferment. Thus a certain Merchant from some Hay-dust or such like Motes that fell into his Eyes, contracted a violent soreness; he took various remedies, as ordered but they still grew worse and worse: at last, when he had for nigh too months used many Medicines to cure them, and all attempts proved unsuccesful, because they struck▪ not at the cause; a judicious Chemical Doctor my acquaintance, whose many years converse with Pyrotechny had made him well skilled in Physiology, and the Doctrine of Ferments, hearing the Merchant complain to his Physician, that told him he must have Blisters Blisters raised in his Neck, to draw the humour backwards; after the pretty ill-contrived old way strike at the effect but neglect the cause) I say the Chemical Doctor hearing him complain and seeing him like to lose his eyes sight; out of compassion offered him his help contrary to his custom, (for I believe he hateth that shabbed trick of ask people to buy health) and told him he would give him something to cure him; should not cost above half a Crown: the Merchant replied, he cared not what it cost provided he could be cured: and thereupon coming next day to the Doctor's house, he gave him a Liquor that kills Spurious acid Ferments, and is very friendly to the eye; which being dropped into his eyes, three or four times a day, they were well in the space of (as I think) three days. By which you may still see the force of Ferments, and what Medicines are likeliest to prevail. And as a Fever in the hand is caused by a Thorn, a foreigner and an enemy to the part; as also the like in the Eye by a Mote, both the begetters (heat being present) of Spurious Ferments: so if it happens that any thing is admitted into the Stomach (which I have in following Discourse endeavoured to prove the Prime seat of life; & there through its weakness, or neglect of the Vitals called away from their duty, by some sudden fear, surprisal, or otherwise (for there may be twenty ways to cause it) what ever is received in for nourishment, deviates, & puts on a Hostile dress, and through debility is detained in that Noble Bowel longer than it should: know the thing so detained is an Enemy, and Metaphorical Thorn to the Stomach the prime seat of Life, and consequently the Parent of Feverishness in the whole body byeconsent. The which thing happens not to the Eye, or Hand, in regard they are less noble and nourished; and are not those on whose welfare the life of the Whole Body depends: therefore no more to be compared to the stomach in point of Excellence than Servants are to their Masters. wherefore seeing the blood, which is innocent, is commonly charged with the guilt of harbouring the cause of a Fever, and is therefore let out and Nature impoverished, I will proceed to prove, that 'tis mightily wronged, and lay the blame on the Stomach as its due. To tell you that with Stomachical Medicines, and those that resist Spurious Ferments, I have known of many hundreds that were cured of Fevers, without the least assistance of Phlebotomy or endangering the Life of the Patient; and such Fevers that the single and associated endeavours of several Galenists before the Doctor that at last cured them with such, was called; will be, I suppose, much to weak an argument to prove it; inasmuch as some may on on the other hand object, that those Medicines I call stomachical, might be aswell adapted to the Blood, and might destroy the Spurious Ferment in it. I therefore shall endeavour more amply to prove by arguments aswell as examples. And first I will begin with a Hectic Fever; which though numbered by many, and that not ineptly, in the Catalogue of Consumptions, I shall here Summon in to prove the stomach the seat of a Fever. To tell you its definition, and to spend time and paper, to tell you the opinion of the Ancients about it, would be a thing besides the matter: it being not my intent to spin out a tedious Discourse, whilst the Disease is too notoriously known. That the foundation of that febrile heat, which accompanies a Hectic, is in the stomach, and that its weakness is the causer thereof, is so apparent to any one that has but half an Eye, that to deny it would be vain: whilst in the beginning of the Disease, & when 'tis in its Bud, a Feverishness is wont to possess the palms of the hand, and sometimes the whole Body, in less than an hour after eating any thing liberally: and this when as yet the food is in the stomach, and no chyle sent from thence to the Venae Lacteae: much less to the blood in the Veins; that it might there prove the cause of that Heat. Nor doth the Aestuating and Feverishness cease, till the stomach hath overcome the oppression of the food, and in some sort fitted it for the Duodenum: yet at last having digested and cleared itself of it, the Aestuating spontaneously ceaseth, till the stomach is overloaded a fresh. Here we see that a Fever is caused, and cured again, whilst the Blood in the Veins is unconcerned. That this is true my own experience hath told me, besides what I saw from others. For being some years since a little too Bookish, I in studying for the health of others, lost my own. Yet not so, but that I could pretty well walk about; for 'twas only my Spirits were flagged, and the digestion of my stomach weakened. This I felt for a mouth together, and could by no means be drawn to give over, till by apparent signs I fully perceived myself in a Hectic Fever. For usually at noon, after eating a moderate dinner, or at evening a supper, the palms of my hands would burn, my head ache, & I was sometimes more than ordinarily Feverish: that this Feverishness was from my Stomach, and that the Blood was not concerned, any otherwise than as 'twas hot for the sake of the vital Spirit, I will thus prove. I usually about an hour (sometimes less) after Dinner or Supper, whilst as yet the meat was in my stomach, was wont to have the palms of my hands hot, and sometimes other parts too, with no little pain in my head. Being therefore a Tabler with my Cordial Tutor, I knew how to come at Medicines; and would usually, when I found the Fever and Headache violent, drink about four spounful of two Medicines which were stomachical and abstersive, and as usually remove them both in half an hours time by enabling my stomach to master the food, whilst it destroyed all inclinations to Spuriousness. Whereas should the food have laid long, have declined, and proved Thorny, and the stomach not able to dismiss it; the thing to be expected had been a continual Fever from Nature's endeavouring to expel it. Nor is the heat in a Hectic, otherwise differing from that in a continual Fever, than that the one is occasioned by food received into a stomach that is unable to digest it, through an ill-habit and general weakness: and that the other is caused from food received into a healthy strong stomach; which either through its being too too much or from some other accidental error, Nature being unable to dispose of it, lies there and degenerates, and Thorn-like produceth a Fever. But a Fever which assaults Persons strong, & lusty, is commonly by far the more vehement and raging; therefore wanteth the most excellent remedies. For their stomaches being vigorous, a small matter hurts them not; and their strength being confirmed bear`s them out: so that if they are caught, commonly the offence is to some purpose, and they sometimes dearly pay the punishment of their offence. For what is more common, than to have robust, and jovial people; if after surfeiting and surcharging their Stomaches, they fall into a continual Fever: for want of potent abstersive remedies to destroy the foreign ferment and enable the stomach to do its duty, to take their last farewell of this World, when Phlebotomy and the Doctor's coolers have done their best. And all because they mistaking the matter fall soul on the innocent Blood, and never level at the cause in the Stomach. Whereas they that are weakly, tender, and feeblish, not daring to be so bold with their stomaches; if they exceed their little Doses, and their healths are prejudiced by it; yet it not being so over much to excess, they make shift to wade from under it, with some slender disturbance, and pretty easily recover again: But what is the seat of a Continual Fever, always in the Stomach and no where else? If you mean those Fevers which are bred by themselves alone, and done't borrow their being from strange passions: I say yes▪ for experience tells me so. To the truth of which Helmont testifies, after he had said, I will Tract. d● Feb. Cap. 9 show both the seat and manner of a Fever, in such manner as experience, and a long diligent search of things, hath made manifest unto me. Thus he delivers himself, First of all therefore a Diary, and that which is called an Ephemerial Fever from the duration of one day, si●s in the hollow of the Stomach, and is for the most part from vitiated food; therefore also after vomiting or the finishing of digestion it ceaseth of its own accord. Likewise a consumptional or Hectic Fever, is a certain quotidian or daily Diary, returding soon after the taking of food, from a part of it being corrupted. And in ch. 10. he saith, that they are so much the worse Fevers, which shall not sit in the hollowness of the Stomach, but in its convex parts; because none but an extraordinary Arcanum can reach unto those places. And therefore all Camp and all Endemical Fevers are more stubborn than others and for the most part without Thirst; wherein the heat is scarce perceivable, and a continual perplexity alone brings the sick unto their Coffin: for suchlike Fevers defile only from without, and affect the last nourishment of the stomach. Because indeed so long as we live, our whole Body according to Hippocrtes is transpirable, and exspirable. For I have elsewhere demonstrated the Lungs, and Diaphragma, are on every side passable with pores in live-Bodies. Through which while endemics pass, and smite the convex part of the Stomach, they ofttimes infect the last nourishment— Elsewhere in the same Chap. he saith, that those Fevers that are nearest to the Orifice of the stomach, are by so much the more molesting, and formidable in their perplexities. To confirm the truth of which Doctrine concerning a Fevers seat in the Stomach, a loathing, just after the beginning of a Fever, an abhorring of flesh's, fishes, and those things which readily corrupt, do offer themselves; as likewise thirst, and want of Appetite do prove it. Pain in the forepart of the head, Do tages, a great Drowsiness sometimes and watching other some, pain about the mouth of the Stomach, and sometimes in that part of the back on which the stomach resteth, do also show it. Burntish and stinking belchings, a prostrated Digestion, and Vomitings plainly attest it; as also roughness, foulness, Dryness, and Blackness of the tongue and mouth. But to prove more fully that the stomach is the harbinger of the Thorn, and the Blood only hot by consent, and for the sake of the Vitals; as also to manifest that Helmont was no wa●es mistaken when he said, that the nigher the seat of Fevers are to the Orifice of the stomach, they are by so much the more troublesome and formidable in their perplexities, take these following examples. In the year 1660. being the fifteenth year of my Age, about Midsummer occasions requiring my taking Coach for London, I returned from thence into the Country again about a month after; and the last night upon the road, my Jovial companions requiring it, by consent after supper we went to be merry or rather to speak more properly be Mad. We having drunk pretty high though not to drunkenness, I that always before was accustomed to moderate drinking, was illish next morning; and about noon had a pain in my Stomach. But at night when I came home was assaulted with a violent fever, whilst my Head and stomach grievously ached & a violent pain possessed my Back, doubtless caused by the stomaches leaning on the backbone. In this plght I was when next morning they sent to a Physician, who sent me a purging dose: I took it the next day, and had six or seven stools, but my pains were more and more increased, insomuch that I did little but roar. At night after taking some Kitchen-Physick, I went to bed being ill, and next morning when I awaked I found my sel●-well; and accordingly arose and came down. They wondered to see me whilst with Joy I told them I was well, and had not the least pain or Fever: But a few hours after they viewing my hands, and face, found the Small Pox coming out thick and three fold, as being I believe made worse by the purge. Hereupon, my bed being warmed, I was sent back again to it, & with Difficulty escaped with my life: but for five years after this with, what with the weakennings of this fit, twice bleeding an Issue, often vomiting, and oftener purging; I was every year as duly as autumn came, laid up with a continual Fever, or an intermitting one. Though ever since through the benefit of such healters whose properties I have described, I was not sick, to say sick, two days. By this my sickness was manifested the seat of a Fever, and that helmont's assertion is true. For if the seat of a Fever is the Blood at which the Galenists shoot their arrows; how came it to pass I was not pained through all parts, seeing the Blood doth circulate through all? and that only my stomach as chief and my Head and Back by consent should be punished by the Feverish cause? also how came it to pass that after it was out of my stomach, and that the pain from thence and from my Head and Back was removed▪ that the Fever ceased, and all illness was banished, whilst yet the impurity was in my Blood? For if a Fever should have its Throne in the Blood, to wit a foreigner or Enemy being in it: It should then at that time when I thought and felt myself perfectly well have Aestuated most, and been Feverish; seeing at that time the morbous Fox was present in my Blood, and was going to be driven to without. Where will they find lurking-holes now? and how will they prove Phlebotomy needful? They will tell you, or at leastwise they may, that they love to walk safely in the footsteps of the Ancients; though were those Ancients now living in our Northern Climates, doubtless our modern, and more stubborn diseases would baffle both them, and their frigid methods: and that (though some of them wrote like Ignoramus's, and were scarcely in the least acquainted with Dame Nature) they had rather persist in their (Heathenish) methods, whilst Diseases in the interim get footing, than now being old, and wanting Medicines to cure, leave destructive Plebotomy off. They would do well in the mean time to tell us, if the Ancients were such excellent Naturalists; why the Romans who were a people not void of sense, by the persuasions of Ca●o the Censor, banished the Method of Physic from their City: he alleging how easily a man might live without it, having lived fourscore and five years himself without a Physician; but doubtless not without Physic, for all things that are good, and by experience found innocent and healthy, may without a solecism be termed Physic: but whatever is destructive, disgustful or a weakner of the Faculties, is improperly called so. But that which I believe was banished from Rome as hurtful, and exasperated their spirits against the Art, was their poisonous dosis, and those methods that rather weaken than strengthen a man. I could wish they, to wit poisonous Remedies had never returned, and had never been counted more, as Physic; for than my Father for aught I know might have been alive to this day. However I will not leave the matter thus, but will prove by one example more, that the occasional thorn, and cause of a Fever has its seat, and residence in the Stomach: and that therefore to let the Blood out whilst 'tis only hot by accident, is a needless thing, if not hurtful. A Gentleman my acquaintance falling sick after the eating of something that disagreed with him, fell into a Fever, an eminent Galenist was sent for, and for a fortnight laboured in vain to abate the Fever; notwithstanding his Bleedings and his Coolers. Hereupon the Gentleman being given over as incurable, though as many are, he was afraid of a Chemist, yet sent for my honest Tutor, knowing at last he could but die, as the Alderman his Father, and also his Mother, had done about six weeks before of a Fever and were buried together in one day; after they had each of them been bleeded once or twice at least. The Chemical Doctor hereupon visited him, and finding him very weak, and in a Fever, with a very great pain in his stomach went home and sent him two Medicines, on an enemy to Acidity, and Acrimonious spurious Ferments, and the other Cordialine to revive his drooping spirits. He took the first as ordered several times, and about six hours after when the Doctor visited him again he found him a small matter better, but the Fever not removed, and the pain in his Stomach remaining: because the Medicine taken inwards was not strong enough alone to conquer the Diseasie Leaven in his stomach, which as a thorn, or rather thorniness, there Implanted, was the cause and parent of the Fever. Hereupon he took another Remedy that kills acidity and that was somewhat akin to the first, and applies it outwardly to the Pit of his Stomach: and then gave him Medicines as before plentifully to drink. These by their insinuating and subtle liveliness so narrowly on both sides, beset the foreign spurious Guest, that next morning there remained no footsteps on`t (see here the power of Ferments) so that the Doctor visiting him found him pretty well, only weakened with his fortnight's sickness: for which cause cordials & such Medicines still were successively given him; and Sack, and good strong Beer with a Tost in moderate quantities were not omitted. By following of these he in less than four day's space left his bed, and walked about the chamber: a fame of which flying abroad, a certain pretender to huge skill in Medicine and to as great in feeling the Pulse, (concerning whom also elsewhere) came boldly to give him a visit. Whereupon seeing him so well, to the end the Chemical Doctor might not have the whole honour, feeling his Pulse, tells him he was in a continual Fever, and that 'twould hazard his Life if he were not bleeded. This exceedingly disturbed the young Gentleman, (for Death is the King of Terrors) and caused him forthwith to send for the honest Doctor in haste to hear what he would say to it. The Gentleman having told what the Apothecary had said concerning bleeding him; The Chemical Doctor asked him how he found himself: he replied very well, and that the pain was removed from his Stomach. Upon this the Doctor heartened him up, and admonished him not to let in fears, for he doubted not of his doing well; adding, that if a Fever had been present his Body would have been out of order, and cheerfully bade him farewell. The Gentleman got strength apace, and yet kept his blood, and saw the Cunning Pulse-feeler mistaken: for within seven or eight days after he walked abroad, and remains well now 'tis several years since. But by this means he is become such a Chemical Convert, that he cares for none but Chemical Remedies: nor cares he for them unless they are stomachical, and agree with the Life of that part. Abundance of instances as remarkable as these I could bring, did I think it needful here: but omitting them, I shall desire you to consider how little benefit Phlebotomy affords, whilst the Blood is not concerned in the matter. For though the Blood seems to look of various colours when 'tis let out, as being inflamed for the sake of the Vitals at the Disease that intrudes: yet does that not argue in the least a necessity of letting it out, seeing a Fever is and may be safely cured without it▪ to say that there is putrefaction in the Blood, and that for that cause it should be emitted won`t do neither; seeing if it be deviated or putrefied, good and bad together will be retained, aswell as let out. Besides, that the Blood is not putrefied plainly appears, from its return to vitality when the Fever is overcome, though not an ounce of it was transmitted: also from its losing that discolouredness which appeared in the Fever when the cause in the stomach is removed and the preternatural aestuating cease. Whereas were the Blood really putrefied it could not be, seeing a returning from Real corruption to Life and Health is denied. Besides if the Blood should putrefy in the Veins, the Veins themselves would putrify as in Gangrenes, etc. But what are the Signs of the Blood being putrefied? Is it not from Divers colours appearing in the porringer, after 'tis let out? As Black, Yellow, Duskish, White, and somewhat Greenish colour? is it not from a slimy, gross, watery thin matter? and lastly is it not from a consistence not thready or fibrous, scarce cleaving together? And if these be the tokens of Blood being putrified, let us hear what the Learned Chemical Physician Van Helmont faith concerning it, from whom I made bold to borrow these queries. In answer to them, saith he, I declare under the penalty of a convicted lie, if any one De feb. Cap. 2. will make trial, that I have examined the Bloods of two hundred wanton Country healthy people in one only day, and many of them were exceedingly unlike like in their aspect, colour, matter, and consistence. Many Aspectu valde dissimilares colore, materia, & consistentia. of which I destiled and found them a like profitable in healing. For our countrypeople are wont at every Whitsuntide, to let out their Blood, to to the end they may drink the more largely: and though many of them seemed to be putrefied, others Cankery or Black-Chollery; yet nevertheless the Countrymen from whence those bloods issued were very healthful: Therefore they confirmed me, the tokens of corruption not gain saying it, that they had their bloods not aliened in the least, or estranged from the Nature of a Balsam. Wherefore I have laughed at the Table of judgements from the beholding of Blood emitted; and have really concluded, that by Physicians the venal Blood is commanded to bekept, on this account that at leastwise they might number one visit to the sick. For if corruption of the Blood hath any where a place, and if under that name it betokeneth the letting forth of itself, surely that must be in the Plague. But in the Plague the cutting of a Vein is destructive. Therefore Putrefaction is no where in the Blood of the Veins, nor a fear lest the putrefaction of that Blood should prevail; and by consequence the scope of letting out the Blood is in this respect erroneous. Thus said Helmont. Nor is his Doctrine coatradictory to experience; for let others talk of the Blood being faulty in a Fever and of its being the cause of the aestuating, and corrupted, if they will call it so. Yet I testify, I have known of many hundreds cured safely and happily of a Fever, by remedies that were innocent Stomachical and lively, and the destroyers of foreign ferments, without the least assistance of Blood-letting. Nor were months required to cure a Fever with such, whilst commonly five day's space did it: sometimes four, sometimes three sometimes two. And sometimes if the Patient was pretty strong, and not much weakened in his Vitals, one day's time would do it, without attending the leisure of a Crisis. But if the party had been one that had long languished under other Physicians, and was thereby much impaired and debilitated: though it required many times three weeks, if not longer, to regain his lost strength, yet four or five day's time at most carried off the Fever. One thing there is which I have observed very injurious in Physic, that is masked under the vizard of Art. To wit, that a Physician being called whether in a Fever or otherwise, doth, notwithstanding his pretences to Method, and withstanding the Disease, see it violently get footing, whilst he gapes for a judicial Crisis. And for all he tells them, Principiis obsta, sero Medicina paratur, Cum mala per longas convaluere moras. Withstand at first, for healers late I say Prepared are, when evils through delay Have waxed strong— And is permitted, by being sent for in time, obstare principiis; yet by clogging drossy Medicines and debilitating methods, le's the Disease grow worse; And when through the ineffectualness of his Remedies he sees the sick party dangerously Ill, he tells the bystanders that the Disease is pertinacious, stubborn, and difficult to be cured; and that he hath done the utmost Art and method will allow him, and therefore now he will wait for a Crisis. But if in the interim, or a little after▪ Nature being not wholly defeated does (like a Fire almost extinguished with water and dirt) through the benefit of a few sparks of life left in its Embers, revive and get strength by the assistance of a little Kitchen Physic, when the clogging Medicines are laid aside, and nonplussed; how is the Doctor applauded for his mighty Cure, and Nature not in the least commended: notwithstanding ●hee (opposing the Disease & Medicine too), did the Cure by her proper strength. This I have often beheld▪ & wondered to see that the people could suffer themselves to be so signally deluded. For if a Person is slightly affected & illish & the Doctor, being sent for, giveth him medicines so ineffectual as to exasperate the disease, or let it grow stronger; thereby confining his Patient to the Dungeon of a sick bed▪ and yet after all this if Nature by her own strength does the work▪ and restores the sick again; or if by other remedies aiding she does it; Know this for certain the first Method & Medicines were destructive, and no ways assistant to Nature. For shall Remedies not be able to deliver one out of the hands of a slight Disease, and yet be able to effect it when 'tis twice worse? I say no: For you may as well imagine that person able to carry five hundred weight on his back, who upon trial could not carry three. But indeed that their Remedies do not do it is plain, and 'tis as manifest that Phlebotomy is useless: for commonly when they have brought the Sick to that pass that 'tis dubious whether they will live or die, and only attend upon a Crisis, than they apply themselves to Cordials, and to Kitchen▪ Physic, and their Patients are sometimes recovered by them. Whereas if Medicines are truly Stomachical, the destroyers of foreign Ferments, Friendly to the life, Resisters of poison, and innocent, they do not use to permit the growth of diseases: But laying the Axe to the Root, cut them down (if they are acute) in the space of four or five days: And the first day give the Patient such a Testimony of their Vigour, and of their Power and abilities in healing; that instead of growing sicker, they arefar more cheerful, and have thereby encouragement to take them. But if such Medicines have been exhibited▪ as I have several times known, and the Patient hath vomited them up; and hath after taking them often still done the same, so that no such Medicine could be admitted to work upon the Disease: It was an apparent sign of the Patients not recovery, and that the morbous Faex reigned in his Stomach. And if such innocent Medicines as I have before spoken of (with others as occasion) have been taken in some Diseases of long continuance, and that therefore required the longer time for extirpating them, and their Semina, And have not in six day's time, or less, given some testimony of their Vigour and Virtues; but have nevertheless suffered either the Disease to stand at a stay, or get strength: I say the Remedies being thus nonplussed, if the Disease did more narrowly beset the life in the Stomach etc. It was a real sign of the Patients not recovery, and that the best shop Remedies would be baffled. Therefore I say, and say it again, that that Physician who lets a Patient for several days decline, whilst he makes use of Remedies in a Fever, or other such like Acute distempers; and yet at last the Party recover: deserves not in the least to have the honour of the Cure, whilst Nature by her goodness effected it. For had she not done it, for all his Crisis the Patient had died at last. And let it not suffice to say this learned man, or that learned man useth Phlebotomy in a Fever, and therefore we may do so: for if they do so, know 'tis through a penury of good Remedies, for where noble Remedies are, there's no need of it. And know also that Helmont who out of compassion to his neighbour wrote expressly against it, was as Learned as the Learndest o● them all: and that not a few Learned and Graduated Doctors in this Nation have appeared in Public against it. I remember one of our ingenious Moderns, in a treatise of his lately published, candidly confesseth that he, through a penury of good Remedies in some high Fevers, made use of the Lancet. I must needs highly commend his candour, whilst he does his best to find better; and could wish more Physicians had so much good will towards their Neighbour as to be as diligent as he. ●or Purging and Phlebotomy, the two main Pillars of the common Method, where found by learned Helmont so fruitless and destructive in Fevers: that with a serious Character he affirms he should be guilty before God, if he did not persuade we must wholly abstain from them. What must we do then? Go to labour as other honest Physicians have done, and take heed of Mercury and Antimony, by which means you may get Medicines that will credit a Physician, and certainly cure a Fever. Such Medicines, I say, if you are as fortunate as some others have been, that will not stand shall I? shall I? but will fall to work on the Disease presently; and if Nature be not too weak, will enable her to cast it out the doors, either by Vomit, Sweat, Stool, or Urine, according as she best can dispose on't. But what, is a Fever by no means safely to be Cured by Phlebotomy and borrowing the assistance of the Lancet? do not we see that a person in a Fever that is exceeding hot, has that aestuating abated by bleeding, and it afterwards the heat increaseth, and the Fever is renewed, cooling again is produced by sanguimission? is not this obvious and manifest? I answer 'tis obvious that after blood-letting the Patient is cooled, but you do not consider how; for 'tis no otherwise then as the Vitals are weakened, and so a desisting for a time from the Combat between Nature and the Occasional cause in the Stomach is admitted of. For when she has rallied, and gained a reinforcement, and is enabled to give another onset, the Fever renews, and is as ill as before, and if you think meet requires a cooling. But I don't mean by a loss of more blood; for if you go that way to work, your cooling will but add weakness to weakness, and take away strength from the shoulders of Nature. And yet after a second or third opening of a Vein, and a loss of that Crimson Treasure, if the Cause, the Cause, the Cause I say, in the Stomach remain and Nature is not wholly prostrated, the Fever will again renew in spite of the Lancet's assistance. For Manente causa, non tollitur effectus. A Thorn in the hand remaining, a heat and Fever in that part doth not cease. And the occasional matter (like a Thorn) remaining in the Stomach, heat in the whole body will not cease, so long as the Life can make resistance. But when you have let out too much of the Bload, so that not enough remains to make good the Combat, the Patient is fairly cooled, and to the small honour of Phlebotomy, dies: whilst the numbers of the Fatherless are increased. Whereas had a Medicine that is able to preserve itself from Mouldiness in the Glass or Galley-pot, and not only so but also lively, innocent, friendly to the Stomach, and a resister of Spurious ferments, been administered; with some other Cordialine Medicine, according to the necessities of the sick▪ to revive and keep up his spirits: Nature might not only have been enabled to expel the Occasional cause, by ways most meet and easy; but likewise the Thornyness, or bad Character imprinted on the stomach, and its dependants, might be obliterated; as also the faculties and functions strengthened. So that a person cured after this method and way might be as lusty in few days as before. When as those that are cured after repeated Phlebotomy and such like exhausters of the strength, if they at length recover through the benefit of Nature or otherwise: How slowly do they get strength? how thin and weak (like small beer it's own self) are they for a long time? and how subject on the least error or cold to suffer a relapse. The last of which De Feb. Cap. 1. & alibi the learned Dr. Willis confesseth, saying, They who let their blood often out are the more prone to Fevers. Neither, as some suppose, is Putrefaction in the Heart or Stomach the producer of heat of itself; and so consequently the cause of heat in the whole body: For if so that Putrefaction which of itself is so Hot, as to extend its heat to the Extremes and Surface of the Body (i. e.) to the hands and feet; must of necessity scorch or burn thot bowel wherein it resides. But that the real producer of that aestuating and Feverishness, is not an inflamed mass of putryfying, I shall prove by a Thorn thrust into the hand; which is so for from being hot, that 'tis actually and potentially could: and yet through its being an Enemy to the life of the part, inrageth it, and exiteth a Fever: Which cannot better be extinguished than by a strengthening of the injured life, and enabling it by good remedies to expel the Thorn and Thornyness. By doing which, the Preternatural heat will of its own accord cease, without the aid of Coolers, or taking away the Blood. Therefore is the Heat in a Fever a thing by accident, a latter product, not the being or occasional cause; and consequently not so much to be regarded, as for that cause, and for fear of inflaming the sick, by adding a kind of Fire to Fire, as they phrase it: to deny, when the Patient desires it, a Glass or two of comfortable Liquor (to wit) Good Beer, Ale▪ or Sack in moderate quantities. It having been by long experience proved that through the assistance of such in Fevers, much good may be done: Seing many have recovered by their sole aid, when the Apothecary's Drugs have proved aidless without them. But if with them, good, innocent, yet lively Remedies are given to corroborate and strengthen the functions, by destroying all Spurious Ferments: The Disease must needs with more ease be expelled, and cast forth by a twofold assistance. But to let you see the excellency of Lively Liquors in a Fever, I have inserted these following relations. A Gentleman my acquaintance, being in a Fever, was forbidden, though he desired it often, the use of strong-beer by the Doctor, saying 'twas as much as his life was worth. The Fever continuing, and whilst he languished, not being able to obtain any of his wife and attendants, who were frighted with the menaces of the Doctor; the Gentleman was resolved to try the event, not doubting but he should do well, and therefore watching his opportunity, in their absence privately steals to the place where the Strong-beer lay, and drawing two large Tankards full drank them off, and carried a third to his bedside; the which he also drank off, and laid himself down, and began within few hours to mend upon it. The Doctor not long after coming to see him, he asked, and earnestly requested he might have some Strong-beer: The Doctor answered not by any means, adding 'twill inflame you; Well (replies he again) come what will on't, I have taken three Tankards full, and so he tells him how, to which the Doctor knew not what to say, seeing him so much mended. And there upon contrary to his adored Small-beer Method the sick-man quickly recovered, who otherwise had undoubtedly laid Languishing a long while, if not perished at last, by following Heartless Slops and Spiritless Small-beer. Also a man and his wife, both my Quondam acquaintance, and neighbours, being in a Fever, and prohibited by their Doctor to drink Strong-beer, Ale, or Sack; where thereupon through about two months' sickness so very weak, that their recovery was despaired of by many. But whilst they were thus languishing, and the Doctor not coming as he used to do, necessity required them to send their son to him: who found the Doctor indisposed and feverish. But the prettiness of the Knack was that Master Doctor who denied strong-beer to his two Patients, wanting a refreshing dram or two whilst the youth was there, was almost angry with his servant for not quickly bringing up a Cup of the Best-beer to quench his thirst. The youth observing this at his coming home tells it to his Parents, and thereby renewed their desire to drink a cup of Good Beer, etc. But being unwilling to do it without a Doctor's advice, resolved to consult another, and accordingly send for him. Who being a Chemical Physician spontaneously advised them to follow lively corroborating liquors▪ and drink now and then a Glass of Wine or Ale, with a Toast to warm it. These conditions of peace were mighty pleasing, and proved no less efficacious and profitable: seeing that with the aids of such, and a Dose or two of Physic (I doubt mean purging) they both shortly recovered. Many such remarkable instances I could give you, which were in complaining-wise told me by the very Parties themselves, that in sickness were thus forbidden strong liquors, and that on no less penalty than Death itself. One of them (a Gentlewoman) told me, that had she not, when some years since she was in a Fever, drunk Sack liberally, contrary to the Doctor's strict command, she had been in the black Box (meaning the Coffin) e'er now: For, as she seriously told me, by the help of it and other Kitchen Physic, whilst she took none of those Decoctions the Doctor ordered, she safely recovered in the space of ten or twelve days, the Doctor thinking she followed his orders. But on the seventh o● eighth day the Fever being vanished, the Doctor told her she might drink Sack or Strong-beer: Whereupon she replied she had done it all this while, and that if she had not she had been in the Black Box. The Doctor hearing which, told her if she was wiser than he (as truly I think she was in this) he would come nigh her no more, and in a chafe went away and proved as good as his word: But she recovered, and I saw her well lately. Such like passages as these almost every Nursekeeper can tell you; some of whom are so ingenious and witty, that when the Doctor hath told his tale, and hath anathematised strong liquors they will nevertheless use them, and that successfully: Concerning which I could give you one remarkable instance, but it being too long I must omit it. I wonder in the mean time however that the people should be so unwise as thus to be led by the nose, and frightened with the threatenings of the Doctor. Fo● if the Doctor whilst he is sick may follow the dictates of his own stomach in such indifferent things, I know not why the Patient may not. For it is well known, and by some taken great notice of, if a Doctor himself be sick of a Fever; not a spoonful of Small-beer shall enter his stomach if he find it rather crave Strong. Though he command his Patient to drink Small: I will not say to keep them long under cure, but shall leave others to consider the reason of it. 'Tis true, and can't be denied, that Strong Spirituous Liquors, Sack, or Ale, do a little heat the body for the present: Yet if they be moderately taken (to wit a Glass at a time) the strength which the Vitals receive therefrom, doth in a fivefold measure recompense that Injury, by enabling them the better to withstand the disease. Others there are who having desired cold water, and laid for want thereof in a more violent Fever, have begun exceedingly to mend and grow better, when their earnest requests were fulfilled: Only care must be taken to give a little at a time, lest instead of refreshing with water they do harm. These Examples I have brought to Confirm the use, and necessariness, of Strong wholesome Liquors in a Fever, be it never so high, if the Patient desire it, and it be given in moderate quantities. It being the office of a Physician in these indifferent things to follow the guidance of wise Nature, (who saith Helmont is wiser than all the wits of the Schools) and always to aim at a confirmation of the faculties, not exhausting the strength and Vitals. For, as many times only through a failing in them, diseases are caused, and a hurtful guest introduced to the damage and detriment of the functions; which otherwise, had they been vigorous, had not been admitted: Therefore a Physician aim aught to be the strengthening of them by Medicines well agreeing, and such that may prove true helpers and corroborators of the Vitals. For that being once well performed, Nature who before was weak, and admitted the Diseasy Faex, will again expel it by ways most requisite and advantageous. For, as saith Hypocrates, Natura est Morborum Medicatrix, Nature is the Physicianness of diseases: and therefore ought by no means to be impoverished. Thus far concerning a Fever. I intending to discourse of a Pleurisy next, and of the safety of curing it without Blood-letting, by the assistance of virtuous Remedies: as also of the needlesness of opening a Vein, provided Remedies that will cure are at hand. Though in their absence, to prevent a greater mischief, the use of the Lancet may prove advantageous: we being admonished by the vulgar proverb To choose the least of Evils. Concerning a Pleurisy, and the curing of it without Blood-letting. And first it will not be amiss to take notice, that as Salt is the Savourer and preserver of all things, so is it next to the life, the preserver of integrity in the Humane Fabric: and that no otherwise than from a pricking and stimulating Sharpness entered into the Blood and laid aside in the Pleura, has a Pleurisy its rise. For as the Blood, the most livelyliquor in the body, is Saline, and consequently an enemy to Acidity and Acidity to it, if through an error in any of the preceding Digestions, to wit the Stomach, Duodenum, etc. or through a contagion in the inbreathed Air, a hostile Sharpness is admitted into the Blood, and (it proving like a Thorn to the part it fixeth in) doth take-up its residence in the Membrane which clothes the Ribs called the Pleura, whilst the circulating Blood, would dismiss it: Then doth the life in the part muster up the neighbouring Blood in endeavouring to cast forth this foreigner, which whilst it runneth thither to assist the life of that part, and by the stimulating Sharpness, the life being incensed, that membrane is torn from the Ribs: the new-made cavity is filled by the Blood running thither. Whereas had there not been that hostil Acidity (Thorn-like) in the Blood and Pleura, that Crimson juice would, of its own accord have been quiet, and contained itself in its limits. But it being the property of the Blood to flow where pain is, according to that ●● the Ancients: Vbi dolor et calor èo ●ffluit cru●r. Where Pain and Heat is, to that place Blood flows; what profit may Revulsion bring, seeing that when part is let out, the remaining Blood will in short time be equallized in the veins; and that if Nature is not too much debilitated by her loss, she will give the other onset so long as the Enemy is conversant in her Territories? I say, what can be expected from Phlebotomy, unless an enervation and weakening of Nature (though some respite from Death be granted) and a laying the foundation of some Chronic disease, so long as the acidity is not removed from the Blood and Pleura by suitable Medicines, or by Nature? For by a loss of Blood, a desisting is only caused from the combat between the Metaphorical Thorn and Nature, no otherwise then as she has scarce strength left to defend herself. But what in the mean time will become of the acidity, if any is in the Blood, as well as Pleura? how shall that be taken away? for good and bad will be left behind as well as emitted after the Lancet has done its best? what must that be left to be overcome by the strength and vigour of Nature, who after the Blood is let out, and she weakened, hath enough, and sometimes too much to do, to preserve herself and dispose of the begun Apostem? Yes, that's the way: For striking at the cause, and omitting Phlebotomy, is somewhat a strange Doctrine yet, though not half so Heretical as formerly, since Experience has proved it Safe and Useful. But for all the poor relief of Phlebotomy does diminish the Blood, and consequently hinders the Growth and increase of the Pleurisy, through forbidding the Bloods flowing too fast by the Vein Azugos etc. Yet it withdraws none, or very little that is out-hunted, nor hinders it in the least from Apostemizing: Which thing ought chiefly to be look after by the Physician, though that whole burden is commonly left on Nature's shoulders; who failing through want of good Remedies and proper assistants, the Patient dies at last. Nor is this all; for if she struggling out-wears both the loss of Blood and the Acidity, whereby some recover after long lying by it, whilst others lose their lives through want of Medicines: yet by reason of so great weakening of the Vitals by the Lancet the functions and ferments of the body being impaired; 'tis not many of those that prove not Scorbutical or consumptive, if they do not next year relapse into the same. 'Tis a miserable thing that so many should yearly perish of this Disease, whilst the Venal▪ Blood is emitted, by lavishing the strength through taking away its magazine, and neglecting the cause in the Blood and Plenta: seeing that the bountiful Father of Lights has afforded Medicines for its Safe and Perfect cure without exhausting the Vitals in the least. As Van Helmont testifies who cured Pleurisies safely Helmontius, in ple●rae furent●s Tract: nec non Libr● ejus de▪ Feb: cap. 4. & alibi, Sparsim ●ulgaria remedia ad▪ s●nandam absqu●e venaesectione pleuritidem, tradit. without Blood-letting: nor▪ have a few of our Moderns frequently done the same. As I also can testify who am owner of such, and that have known of many safely cured of Pleurisies without the loss of one ounce of Blood. But as long as sloth dictates, and Paganish Ego sane nemini pleuritico Sanguinem mitto (inquit Helmontius) estque enratio ejusmodi tuta, certa, commoda, & solida. Nemo illorum perit: ubi interim sub Phlebotomo, plures longa tandem tabe pereunt, & quotannis recidivam experiuntur▪ de Feb. cap. 4. Doctrines are doted on by Christians; as long as Physicians shall refuse to be wise beyond their Ancestors, who were Men, & Humanum est errare; So long must we expect an impoverishing of Nature, under pretence of aiding and assisting her: besides could a Pleurisy be cured safely by breathing a Vein, which it cannot; yet curing it by the sole aid of stout and innocent Remedies, must needs be the excellenter way: seeing that Nature by not diminishing her strength, which is the Blood, may be much sooner enabled after her enemy is Vanquished to recover the loss she sustained. Whereas if the Blood be let out, though, the Patient escape choking, and is perhaps delivered from the jaws of death, yet is he so shattered and shaken in his Vitals by the loss of that Vital juice that if he recover 'tis very long First. But if the Patient Die than the blame is imposed on the too vehementness of the Disease, when the Doctor is often more in fault; in that he let out the Blood which is the strength of Nature, and neglected that sharpish cause, which from an error in digestion was let slip into the Blood, and furiously assaulted the Pleura. For though sharpness is grateful in the Stomach if it exceeds not its Ferment, yet out of it 'tis as a Thorn to the part it fixeth in, 'tis the causer of gripes, the Parent of a Consumption, and of all other Diseases almost. To which Hypocrates testifieth, and saith Non calidum, frigidum, humidum, siccumve, sed quod acre, amarum, acidum, & austerum morbi sunt. But, omitting narratives concerning such who have miscarried in this Disease under the Lancet, it being a thing too too frequent; I shall only relate what was accidentally told me by the Brother of a Person not many years since Pleuritical: it being extorted from him by hearing another declare, how his Grandfather perished by Phlebotomy, and his Father being four times Bleeded Died Consumptive through that loss in the space of two months. He said. His Sister falling sick, a Physician was sent for, who when he came found her Pleuritically affected; therefore order fourteen ounces of Blood to be taken away presently, and the next day at his coming again six or seven ounces more: by which means she (whose age was but ten years) was so extremely debilitated and consequently her life endangered, that for the space of a month she was not able to go, and recovered not her strength as formerly in many months after. But now at length she hath outgrown it. Whereas had the Physician given her an excellent Medicine or two inwardly to strengthen the Stomach, kill spurious ferments and slay the stimulating thorn in the Pleura and Blood; also had applied another to her side for the same purpose; he might without a loss of Blood, and exhausting her strength, have taken away the occasional cause and with ease have strengthened Nature, so as to have disposed of the out-hunted Blood to her greatest advantage and profit: either by admitting it again into the Veins, which thing is very common if a good Medicine is present; or by dismissing it by the mouth or fundament. So that a Person thus cured without Phlebotomy may be well and vigorous in a week or little more. Or if through the far absence of good and able Medicines he had for the present drawn out six or eight ounces of Blood, & had afterwards exhibited remedies to slay Acidity in the remainder, and the Foreign guest in the Pleura: he might with more ease and less hurt to the Patient, have head her without running a hazard. Only observe that though this way brings greaer ease yet scarce so much benefit to the Doctor: forasmuch as a month's time keeping people in hand produceth more Angels than a Week. However 'twas well the young Woman recovered at last, when her Father's pocket had paid well for it. But had one forty or fifty years old been dealt with after this Bloody rate the loss would not have been so easily made up; But in all likelihood 'twould have made the party weakly, if it had not cost her her life. Or which is ofttimes the event of a great loss of Blood, have laid the foundation of some bad Disease. Witness Helmont, Pleuritis quae per Phlebotomiam est restituta saepe post annum recurrit, saepiusque tabem post se relinquit. The Pleurisy which is cured by Blood-letting, oftentimes after a year returns, and oftener leaves a Consumption behind it. And which Helmont here takes not notice of, so great a loss of Blood lays oft the Foundation of the scurvy: as is daily too too obvious. Nor do I write feigned Notions or imaginary Conjectures; having, whilst I was for many years conversant, and a tabler in the House with an ingenious aged Chemical Physician, known of a great many cured after this manner, to wit, without Blood-letting; nor to the best of my remembrance did ever any one miscarry under his hand. Yea so acute was he at it, that several have recovered by following his mehod without the least assistance of Phlebotomy, that have been given up for Death by eminent Galenists. So that observing such cures frequently done by him; and on the contrary often Miscarriages by others: I set upon the study of Physic out of a desire to inform myself, that I might prevent being purged out of my life, as my Father was. And after a twelve months pursuing my studies, and observing curative passages, I began out of an affection to the Chemical Science to prove a general student in Physic, being daily improved in my intellectuals by hearing my experienced Intimate Discourse, & his patients declare the effects of his Medicines. Nor was I less admonished by hearing them amongst the rest to intersperse complaints; some against Mercurial, and Purgative, or Vomitive Antimonial Medicines; others against other horrible Vomits; declaring how such a Person took one, and was thereby so weakened that she never left vomiting till she died. Another declares how her Husband was Bleeded by an Apothecary's order, and had twentyounces taken away, whereby he through weakness fainted and died. Another relates how a Doctor (I might call him a Horse-Doctor) had given a Dose of Pills to her Neighbour, that killed him before the had done working. These with many more suchlike narratives minded me of my Father's Death, and the harm I myself had sustained by twice bleeding, often Purging, and Vomiting, and an Issue: So that for many years, I, at every Autumn, had a tedious fit of sickness; and was often indisposed at other times. Thus it continued till about the twentieth year of my age, when I happily came acquainted with this Chemical Doctor: who by ordering me to take his abstersive wholesome Medicines kept me so healthy, that now for seven years together I have not been sick (to say sick) two days. Only through too closely pursuing my studies, I once made myself somewhat Hectical, but with good wholesome Medicines, and laying my Books aside a little, I in about a month was cured again. Yet believe that what with the hurts of the Smallpox when I was a Youth, seconded with the damage received from Purges, Bleedings, Vomits, etc. I have been so weakened; that I shall scarce ever regain my former Complexion, and cheerful countenance, whilst I notwithstanding (through God's mercy) am pretty healthy. But to return. Thus having spent about four years in my studies I began to fancy the practice of Physic. But when I considered on the other hand, the dangerousness of working with unexperienced tools, and such remedies as Books alone will afford me; without a faithful Tutor to open my understanding in the Analysing of Bodies, the reasons of applying Agents to Patients, and the compounding and applying of Remedies. I say when I considered this I was somewhat disheartened, through an unwillingness to turn Experimenter, and as Physicians too often do Ludere cum corio Humano. Because I saw much of the mischief frequently done by Physic was effected through too great confidence in Vulgar Prescripts and Authors, whilst Diseases were not the same. But Providence favouring, and my most Cordial friend entirely loving me, I obtained (he being aged) the knowledge of all his Method and Medicines, with what was the result of twenty I might say, (for he himself had an Aged and Learned Tutor in Chemistry) almost forty years' experience in Chemistry: nor was I wholly ungrateful. Being therefore for several years since no Butcher in Medicine, I thenceforward applied myself to a more narrow search: and from frequent Readins, Operatings, and daily converse, having made some discovery of Abuses, and Injuries in Physic, I thought meet at length for a General good to publish them. That the Physician may be admonished to defend himself and his Patient; and the Patient likewise forewarned to take heed of such, who being confident and careless mind nothing but their Ease and Profit; and by administering hurtful Remedies under the notion of Physic, through mere ignorance and carelessness Kill not a few: as likewise of such who under pretence of Healing, are continually busied about Exhausting the strength and Vitals. To give you a rehearsal of those cures in Pleuritical affects which this Chemical Physician did without Phlebotomy, will be too tedious; such narratives requiring more time and Paper than can I now spare. However as a Taste and for example sake, I will mention one which I cured after his manner, in that interim whilst this Tract was penning. A person who heard well concerning me and the safety of my Method, sends for me to cure his Wife that was ill, and had through the violence of her distemper lately sounded, and sainted away. I went, and by that time I came to her she was pretty well revived, insomuch that she could answer to my Queries: Only she had an almost intolerable pain in her left side, and her Stomach was disordered. I therefore judged 'twas a Pleurisy; and asked her what she lately had been eating of, that disagreed with her Stomach. She replied that last night she had too freely eaten of a thing she loved, but it did not agree with her: This confirmed 'twas a Pleurisy and that her Stomach not well digesting the last night's Supper had sent a Pleuritical sharpness into the Blood. Wherefore as I had learned from expert Helmont, and my no little experienced Tutor, I gave her a Medicine to fortify her Stomach, and make sure work there by slaying foreign Ferments, and hinder a further procedure that way: not doubting in the least (as I had often known) to expel the Acidity in the Pleura, and put the Blood in good order again without borrowing the least aid of the Lancet. To do which I appointed a Medicine that is an Enemy to sharpness to be applied to the place where the pain was; having long since learned, ubi Dolour, ibi Morbus, that where the pain is there is the Disease; and so I took my leave of them. These so operated and beset the Spurious ferment on both sides that they proved a little too hot for it, and banished it: so that when about six hours after I visited her again, my Patient (being persuaded to it by a Female acquaintance of hers) was gone into the City. I exceedingly admired at her rashness, nor less at the suddenness of the Cure: so that desiring they would take care at her coming home, if she relapsed, to give her liberally of the first Medicine without fear, I took my leave for that night: and coming the next morning I found her very well; but she told me she was at coming home illish, that the pain returned after her walk, and that the first Medicine removed it again: Thus to Cure a Pleurisy in a Day is somewhat unwonted, but I had an advantage in taking it in its Bud: Nor will I undertake to do the like again in so short a time. However in four or five days, I have known a Pleurisy commonly cured, by the sole aid of suchlike Remedies, without bleeding: and will venture one more than an equal lay, by God's blessing, to do it at any time, if I have the Patient in due season. Next it will not be amiss to discourse of the Stomaches Priority, and the excellency of Stomachical Remedies. Only take notice that I by such don't mean Syrups or such like Sugary Medicines; which how pleasing soever they are to the healthy, are clogging and hurtful to a weak Stomach. But I by Stomachical Remedies mean such, that though not very sweet, are pleasing and friendly to Nature, and no ways disgustful to the Stomach. The Stomach's preeminence asserted, and the necessariness of suiting Remedies to it. NOr must we here forget to assert the Priority of the Stomach, and consequently the needfulness of adapting Medicines that are to be taken into it, to an agreeableness with it: in regard 'tis the most Vital bowel and prime Seat of the Soul; as also doth nourish all other regions of the Body, and correspond with them through an intercourse of Veins, Arteries, and Nerves. That the Soul hath its prime residence in the Stomach the Acute Philosopher Van Helmont hath affirmed: Nor do I believe he spoke by conjecture, but what he experimentally knew; having not only (as he confesseth) through a denial of self, been admitted to that happiness to see his own nothingness, but likewise (I believe) to be truly Regenerated, Regenerated I say; which ought above all things to be sought after, seeing our Blessed Saviour has said, there is no entering into the Kingdom of God without it. Nor hath he affirmed it only, but proved it by arguments: against which when the learned Anatomist Bartholinus, hath raised some objections▪ yet a little after confesseth. Dici tamen lato modo potest vitae Anatom. reform. P. 51. principium, quia ibi sedes appetitus, & prima alimentorum apprehensio; cujus vitium in sequentibus coctionibus, nusquam mutatur in melius. That it may in a large sense be called the principle or beginning of Life, because there is the seat of Appetite, and the first reception of nourishment, and that its error is never mended in the following Digestions. But to prove it, and at present to omit the bringing a loss of Appetite on sudden frights or ill news, with other like arguments to prove that the seat of the Soul is in the Stomach; I shall refer you to those who have undegone a New-Birth or Regeneration, and in whom Christ's Spirit inhabiteth: Who can tell you experimentally by pointing to the Pit of their Stomaches; or a finger's breadth lower, That the Spirit of Christ (which is not an imaginary thing but real substance, obtained through Tribulation by the goodness of God) appearing to refresh and consolate the distressed and thirsty Soul, glanceth forth its amiable, and thrice welcome beams in the Stomach: and that as oft a● he withdraws himself▪ (to wit the Spirit of God or Christ who are one) a load, and heavy burden, is there felt; until the most gracious and merciful Father of Lights extends forth his bowels of compassion, and removing that Load and Burden, causeth his most Holy Spirit, that gentle Dove, (in his own time) to appear and abound like over-flowiag streams, to the unutterable consolation of the Soul. Unto which alludes that most true saying of our Saviour, he that believes in me (that is confides and can deny Self in all appearances) out of his Belly shall flow rivers of Living waters, metaphorically intimating an abounding of the Holy Spirit to refresh such Souls as believe. He happy is who from Experiment, Knows where his Soul is fed; and is content. To leave his darling Sins that he may come, To be Regenerated, and brought home To know himself: and with an humble mind, Wait on our God, till he his Spirit find O'er flowing like a stream, and bringing rest, Unto his Soul, of Treasures 'tis the best. Yea such a Treasure that no one shall gain, Who wicked lives, and who his Soul doth slain, With what corrupts: whilst living such are Dead, And cannot eat of Israel's daily Bread. Besides 'tis certain as the Sophi say, Nose teipsum is the leading-way To Wisdoms gate: whatever Fools do cant, Who opened-Eyes, and understanding want. Neither doth the ignobleness of it office, in that it concocts for, and is as a Servant to the whole Body, at all gainsay or hinder it: or because it is always full of Crude Meats, as Bartholine objects; those being no more arguments of ignobleness in the Stomach than it was in the Highpriest of the Jews for the good of the People to have played the Butcher in sacrificing. Nor doth the seeming meanness of its office at all hinder, that the Soul chiefly and the most Holy Spirit of God that refresheth it may not in the Regenerated reside there: seeing that his ways are not as Man's ways, nor his thoughts as Man's. And that oftentimes that which is mostly in esteem with Men, is disrespected by the almighty: & è contra. Forasmuch therefore as the Stomach is the prime seat of the Soul and by consequence of the Life; or if but as Bartholine saith in a large sense the Principle, beginning; or original of Life: yet because its error is never mended or corrected in any of the subsequent Digestions, it must needs be undeniably requisite, to levelly our intentions in cure, so as not to hurt it, but rather to please and cherish it. Especially in regard (as I said before) it corresponds with other noble Parts, and Regions of the Body. to wit, the Brain, Spleen, Oesophagus, mouth, Liver Lungs, Heart, Mid-riff; and in a word there is scarce any eminent part of the Body which converseth not with it through the mediation of Veins, Arteries, Nerves, and Membranes. Whereby it (like a careful Patron) is made sensible of any injury those corresponding parts sustain, and not seldom shows it by Vomiting. Nor is it only sensible of what injury other parts undergo, but it likewise makes them feel, and grow sensible of its own. And even likeas when a good and careful Father is sick, on whom alone depends the life and welfare of his Family, his dependants and those who are nourished by him are disconsolate or distressed: so do the less Noble Ferments, and depending functions of the Body, pine away and languish, when the Stomach the prime digester and preparer of nourishments is indisposed and doth languish. And on the contaary are prone and Subject to cheerfulness, if the Ventricle or Stomach beams forth healthy and pleasing rays; yea though they are otherwise indisposed, and debilitated. Which may be easily proved from the cure of the Iliaca Passio, or gripping of the guts, Splenic affects, Cephalalgia or Headache inveterate and stubborn Fevers &c, by Medicines truly Stomachical. But now I shall proceed to answer an objection that will perhaps be offered to prove the seat of the Soul not in the Stomach but in the heart. But doth not the Psalmist David say, Create within me, O Lord, a New-heart etc. And thou hast made my heart to rejoice & c? by the word Heart the Psalmist meaning? his Soul, putting the containing for the contained? I answer, that though Holy David was undoubtedly a true Divine; and did sufficiently experience the Almighty's merciful benignity, and frequently enjoy the overflowings of the Spirit in his Soul; yet might he nevertheless be so wholly unskilful in Anatomy, as not to distinguish whether that Refreshment he felt was in his Stomach or Heart: seeing that Galen who was after him above a thousand years is upbraided by several with a dissertion of Apes through a penury of humane Bodies. But granting on the other hand that Holy David and all the Prophets were well skilled in Anatomy as they might, the contrary not being provable: yet doubtless was it a great error in the First Ages of the World, to impose the Word HEART which is a Word of a very large signification on that one small part of the Body commonly called so; when it sometimes signifies the affections of the Soul or Mind, and sometimes the whole Soul itself; which doubtless is not confined to any one part of the Body but inhabits in the Heart, Stomach, Head, Liver, Blood etc. Though I am persuaded chiefly about the upper Orifice of the Stomach. And therefore if by reason of its being an accustomed Phrase amongst the Jews, the Prophet David utters those sayings; and our Blessed Saviour in speaking to the People useth the Word Heart frequently for the Soul, yet 'tis to be understood that Christ did speak to the People in their own phrases, to the end they might understaud him; which otherwise they could not: and that the end of speech is to impress our meaning to the hearers. Likewise we ought to consider that had either the Liver, Spleen, or Lungs through an accustomed Error, been used Rhetorically to signify the Mind or Soul; Christ in speaking, and the Prophet in writing, must have used their manner of phrasing, and delivered themselves in words suiting the capacities of the People, if they would have been understood by them: and therefore cannot this deny the Souls not residence primely in the Stomach. For if we grant the Life of the Body to be the Soul, as 'tis; and that where the Soul chiefly resides must needs be the most sensible and necessary Bowel, We shall easily prove it to be in the Stomach: from its so great necessariness that no Animal lives without it, and from its so great sensibility that it will not endure the pressure of a hand on its upper Orifice without grief; nor a wound without sudden death. Whereas Mullerus relates a story of a man wounded in his heart that survived fifteen days, of which 'tis said he hung up a Table at Grovingen. And all the Anatomies or histories I ever could meet with never yet gave an account of any man, that after a wound in the Stomach, especially if towards the upper Orifice which lies just under the Pit of the Stomach, lived one day. But to prove the mistake of the Ancients about the Heart, le's hear what Bartholine himself says that objected against Helmont. He speaking about the Orifices of the Stomach thus delivers himself. Sinistrum vulgo superius dicitur, alias os ventriculi simpliciter, aliis Stomachus ob amplitudinem: Veteribus▪ cor, quia Anatom. reform. P. 50. ejus affectus animi deliquia, alique sympt●mata Cardiacis similia gignunt, tum ob exquisitissimu● sensum, tum quia cor condolet per consensum & vicinitatis, & nervorum ab eadem ramo Prodeuntium. In English thus: the left Orifice▪ is called the upper, otherwise singly the Mouth of the Stomach: by some 'tis called the Stomach because of its largeness. By the Ancients 'twas called the Heart, because the Diseases thereof causeth faintings Fits or soundings and other symotoms like▪ to those of the Heart; likewise because of its most exquisite sense, and because the heart doth Sympathise therewith through consent, both of Neighbourhood and of Nerves proceeding from one & the same branch. Here Bartholine tells you the mistake of the Ancients in calling the Stomach the Heart: and says 'twas because of its most exquisite sense, and because the Diseases of the Stomach caused fainting fits, and soundings like to those of the heart: and truly he might have said without injuring the Truth, that it not only causeth symptoms like to those of the Heart; But even that 'tis the Harbinger and Parent of those Diseases, for which the Guiltless Heart is often blamed. However if those Generations after which the Holy Prophet David lived, did mistake 'tis no wonder; seeing then Anatomy was little in request, and so they minded not the situation of parts. Also seeing that we who are in an Age of greater understanding can't lay aside that word yet, but use it commonly, for so much is it the mode still to call the Stomach the Heart, that people frequently say their Hearts were at their Mouths, when on a sudden fright or surprisal their Stomach's have been moved. I remember that on a time I Discoursing with an Ingenious Woman, and speaking of the Stomaches Prae-●…, in that the Prime seat of Life as also of the Soul was in it: she presently replied the chief place of Life, and therefore of the Soul, was in the Heart; forasmuch as she found upon sudden frights or grief, that trouble and a load lay at her heart. Whereupon I asked her where her heart laid, and in what part of her body; And she forthwith pointed to the Pit of her Stomach, and told me there; which still confirmed my argument of the Souls being chiefly in the Stomach reminding me of the saying of experienced Helment. But the vulgar (saith he) are of my opinion, who for the vital beginning or seat of the Soul do show with their hand the Orific of the Stomach, as oft as shey are pressed with straits; to wit, aswel with the anxieties of the Body & Life, as with the afflictions of the mind. However Reader be pleased to take notice, that this Discourse is not penned to the end, I may bring up new Modes of speaking in Divinity: or to persuade the Teachers of the people to tell their Auditors, that they must Love God with all their Stomaches, instead of hearts; for 'twould be vain, needless and ridiculous, seeing that the holy Scriptures use the word heart commonly for the Soul, and the people understand it signifies so. Nay if amongst the Ancients the Liver had been used to sighifie the Soul, and those Holy-Men who gave forth the Scriptures had uttered it customarily, whilst they spoke to the capacities of the People that heard them; it had been no ways convenient to alter it. But the drift of this Discourse is to prove the nobility of the Stomach; that Physicians may take a little more care on't, than they are w●nted; and not by their poisonous Medicines destroy the health of the Body, in ruining the Vigour and health of that Bowel. But to reassume our Discourse concerning the Stomach: We find that 'tis so useful and necessary a Bowel that no Animal lives without it, or can live in its absence: and that Nature has been so solicitous and careful in the formation of it, and has taken such care to preserve it; that those Animals that want teeth to grind their food with, have two Stomaches. As for instance Birds etc. who have besides their real Stomach which lieth more inward another kind of Stomach called Ingluvies the Crop, which receives the meat, that it being lightly digested may be fitter for the Stomach succeeding; or as occasion may be cast forth for the young ones. This first Stomach, (or the Crop) one of our moderns tells us may be wounded and sown up again, which our loss of the Life: but not the second or true Stomach, which is most Viral. Also Beasts that chew the Cud have that prerogative to enjoy more Stomaches than one. And chewing the Cud being a meliorating, and making the food more fit for nourishment, does tacitly hint to us that Chewing of Food well (as really 'tis) is very advantageous to Health: seeing we read also that those Beasts that chewed the Cud were in the Old Law counted Clean. And though I believe it was never found on record that any man after his Stomach was pierced or plucked out spoke one only word: yet the Lord Verulam speaks of a man that uttered three or four words of a prayer when his heart was out and in the Executioners hand, which argues that after his Heart was out his Soul was in his Body, else he could not have spoken. To omit what Galen says of Beasts that lowed at the Altar after their hearts were taken out, and what Pliny (which another to wit julius Obsequens confirms) says of those Beasts which when Caesar sacrificed were found without Hearts: but doubtless not without Stomaches. To let pass what Schenkins says of those that had no Hearts, & Tilesius his declaring how 'twas wholly consumed. And lastly Paraeus his relation of one wounded in his heart that ran two hundred paces: with several others too tedious to quote, though I never yet could Read or Hear of any that wanted a Stomach, or that having been wounded therein have not presently died. But Helmont tells of a certain strong and stud●ous Man, that did strike another sitting at a Table with his fist, about the Orifice of his Stomach; who presently sunk down with a foaming mouth, & being lifted up by the company, was forthwith deprived of Pulse, and before Grace was said his body was as Cold as Ice. Another relation he has of a Carter, who being with a Dagger thrust thorough about the Mouth of his Stomach presently died with a foaming Mouth, and was also deprived of all Pulse, and Heat: which proves that the prime seat of the Soul was there by so quick a departure of Heat and Pulse with the Life. When as those that die from some other defect, or a wound elsewhere, are scarce cold in many hours; which the same Author proves by notable instances. One of which is concerning a Woman, on whose Head an Image fell down from a high place, so as that the top of the Skull depressed her brain, for almost two fingers breadth: and though she was rcekoned to be Dead, yet had a slender pulse in both Arms six hours after. Some there are who would have the Soul equally dispersed throughout the whole Body, and that all parts enjoy it alike: not granting it to be in one Part more than in another. But such in the mean time forget a thing daily obvious, to wit, that a Man loseth his legs or Arms, and yet the Soul remains entire and has all its faculties. Nevertheless I will not deny, but that it may reside in more parts than one, being unwilling to testify what the Scripture, in this thing, and my own experience will not warrant: however I am sufficiently confirmed that the chief seat thereof is in the Stomach, for reasons before mentioned; though likewise persuaded it in some sort inhabits in the Head, Spleen, Heart, Blood, etc. Others would endeavour to prove the Prime or chief seat of the Soul to be the Brain: but in the first place experience denies it, from trouble and grief suddenly possessing the Stomach, and bringing a loss of Appetite with it; which doth not in the least affect the Brain, unless the Life grows outrageous, and then it affects it, by mediation of Arteries and Nerves. Secondly, the appearance of Christ's Spirit withstands it, in regard solace is felt in the Stomach not in the Brain. Thirdly, the Holy Scriptures gainsay it, which declares, out of the Belly not out of the Brain or Head of Believers in Christ, shall flow Rivers of Living Water. Thus far with Arguments, to excite the ingenious and studious in Physic to strive after Remedies suitable to the Stomach, such being most excellent and safe: yea with such I have seen almost incurable Diseases healed, At leastwise such, that had not only increased, and grown worse, under the aids of Phlebotomy, and the Drossy Medicines of the shops, with their clogging Electuaries and Syrups: but also such as had vanquished with loud laughter the single and associated endeavours of Physicians. For alas as pitiful a fellow as a Disease seems to be, he scorns to be frightened at a Bombast word, or Fustian Term: or in the least scared at an Aphorisms of Hippocrates' though I never so cunningly quoted, and though it may carry a great gloss in the tail on't. Nor is he more astonished at a rehearsal of one of Galen's, Celsus▪ Sennertus, Riverius, or Helmont● sayings: whilst he domineering through deficiency in Medicine, causeth the lamenting Patient to cry out (if he is able) Give me a Medicine or else I die— A Medicine I say, for Non Verbis, sed herbis, Diseases are not cured with words. Nor with Medicines without endangering the Life, unless they are homogenial and lively: Forasmuch as Malignant ones not seldom do mischief, and exasperate the Disease: thereby assuredly telling us, if such at any time profit the sick; the praise is due to Nature not to the Medicine. Because being provoked, had she not been strong enough for both the Disease and the Remedy, Death had inavoidably followed. But with Remedies truly Stomachical, Vital, and the destroyers of Spurious foreign ferments; I have seen and known of Various Tough, slurdy, and Venomous Diseases cured, when they had nonplussed Methodical Prescriptions. A few of the cures I will candidly relate, and such, whose occurrences may not be unworthy your remark. A young Gentlewoman my acquaintance falling into a violent Vomiting of Blood, at several times brought up about two quarts. Hereupon one, and afterwards a second Physician was sent for, who forthwith ordered a Vein to be Breathed: but in the interim praescribed, and ordered various cooling things; neglecting the Sharpish-cause which entered the Blood, through a more than accustomed converse with White-Wines, and had there being corrosive, and Turgent, fretted a Vein and given vent to itself. So that the occasional Acidity not being heeded all arrows were shot at the Vi●als. And although Phlebotomy was often repeated and Spiritless Medicines oftener given, all was in vain: For whilst the Acidity in the Blood was in being, she frequently, even almost every day, vomited up Blood; yea sometimes twice or thrice a day, and that not by ounces but by greater Quantities. Insomuch that in less than fourteen days, notwithstanding the united endeavours of the two Galenical Doctors, she was almost Dead through daily languishing, and the loss of about two Gallons of Blood; was grown so weak as unable to lift up a spoon to her mouth; or which is worse to sit up right in her bed against a Pillow, unless they held up both her and it. She being in this condition, A Chemical Physician my acquaintance was sent for, who when he came and saw in what a weak state she was, told the Bystanders he doubted of her recovery: and that her other Physicians had done ill, to let out so much of her Blood, and neglect the Occasional cause, and preternatural sharpness in it▪ However seeing that they sent for him, and the other Physicians were Nonplussed; if they would give him that liberty he would do his utmost endeavour, and use the best of his skill to recover her. 'Twas yielded to; and Medicines being sent, he gave her a Dose or two of one of them, that is heating, but not inflaming, Stomachical, and an enemy to sharpness the Parent of this mischief, and turgency in her Blood: aiming thereby at fortifying her Vitals and the Stomach their prime seat; shooting his arrows directly at the cause, the which being removed he easily foresaw the Blood would soon be placid; and that it would not he very difficult to close the New-made Orifice, and confine the vital juice to its channels. By taking this Medicine often she began to revive, so that other Medicines were admitted likewise; yet did not the Blood presently stop: nor did he mind that much but aimed at dulcifying the remainder; knowing that must be the way to quiet it, and judging the loss of two or three ounces of Blood in a week not material, seeing she got strength. Thus with his Remedies he gradually subverted the sharpish ferment, and in about ten day's time made her cheerful and much stronger; though then through so great a loss of her▪ blood she could not go alone: but in less than six weeks he st●pt her Bleeding quite, and made her without help able to walk about the Chamber. Nor did he retard the Cure by denying her generous liquors: but being a professed enemy to the Small-Beer Method gave her orders to drink strong smooth-ale liberally, after the Cold was taken off with a Toast. Whilst she thus gained strength daily, and through Cold-weather was confined to her Chamber, one of her former Physicians came to visit her again. Who perceiving a very great amendment, and no fear of her Death; that he might preserve his own, and the Credit of his Brother Galenist, and that he might say she recovered soon after the taking something of him, when the Chemical Doctor, (under God) had snatched her from the very Jaws of Death: persuaded her that for all she was pretty well, and that the Chemical Medicines had revived her, there was something in her Body that if nor carried off would certainly hurt her for the future; and moreover with many submissives tells her, if she pleased, he would order a gentle Purge. As if forsooth the Chemical Doctor who was a Learned and well-studied Physician, and the Son of a Physician, knew not Extractum Rudii, Pilulae Ruffi o● some such dispensatory purge, but must be beholden to him for one for his Patient. But of this the Young Chemical Physician must not know at any hand; lest he should be offended, as he had cause. For doubtless if it had done her no harm, it had been enough to turn him off, upon sight of a full Glose-stooll and imagining all diseasiness in it: and to have given▪ the Fame and Name of curing her to the Galenist. For so they used sometimes to serve his ingenious and truehearted Father before him, and with some musty Electuary, or Syrup, muddy Cordial, some trivial Decoction or a Purge, carry away the Credit, when he had done the cure: and by railing against Chemistry; though those Remedies which were Chemical cured the Patient▪ sometimes get such an Antipathy in him against them for fear of mischief four or five years after, that Chemical Medicines and the Doctor▪ must be sh●● out. But Providence had not designed that he should than▪ complain with the Poet. Ego hos versiculos feci, tulit alter honore●●▪ I cured her, another has the Name. However notwithstanding I as an acquaintance visiting her several times in her sickness, had taken up the Galley-pots and Glasses, with their mouldy Medicines left on the Cup-boards head by the two other Physicians; and had asked her how she could reasonably expect a cure and preservation, from Medicines so Spiritless, a● unable to preserve themselves, and had told her 'twas unreasonable to expect it: yet so much was she over-persuaded, and taken with the guilded, and pretty name Purge, that she took a purging Dose & had six or eight stools thereupon. That all Diseasiness was banished, and that the Close-stool had imprisoned it, was doubtless confidently believed; but the Scene was suddenly altered: for before eight next morning the Chemical Doctor was sent for in haste to the lately purged Gentlewoman, forasmuch as nothing but Death was expected. The Doctor saw it, and was very sorrowful, therefore giving her a little of a Medicine to revive her languishing feeble Spirits he returns home, and I being present, tells his Father (who was both his and my Tutor in Chemical Pharmacy etc. He believed Mris.— would not recover, because he saw his Medicines nonplussed: And experience had told him if those Medicines he had given her could not prevail, nought else he, or any Galenist in Town, could give would. This I had known various times verified, and therefore likewise believed the same; however we agreed upon't that Medicines should be given her, because as l●ng as there was Life their was hopes: lest the relapse might be from some Peccant matter more narrowly besieging the Life in the Ventricle. Which was too true, for though we knew not of it then, 'twas a Really Peccant Purge. In brief she again followed the same Medicines and took them successively as ordered, which blotted out the venom of the Laxative and in about a week recruited her strength. With which she being confirmed that the Doctor's Method and Medicines were safe, innocent, and virtuous; pleasantly relates the whole story of the Purge: and thereby unfolded that Riddle which is so exceedingly puzzled us, to wit, how she came so violently to Relapse, in the presence of such virtuous healers. However she recovered, and has continued well several years, without Relapsing, to the nodiscredit of Chemistry. Another Gentlewoman having contracted a Disease through catching Cold and want of Digesture, had her Vitals so narrowly be set, and violently assaulted that her recovery was even despaired of, whilst the Consultations and mutual endeavours of two Learned, and expert Galenists, were in vain. She being in this weak condition sent for the Chemical Doctor, and was very well pleased with his rational Theory, the description of her Disease, its cause and manner of cure. But words would not heal her; therefore he sent two Medicines, Stomachical and Abstersive, which she took: and for the first two or three days very much mended. But the Digestions whilst weak having heaped up abundance of Phlegm, Nature after she was reinforced attempted the expulsion of it, to ease herself of that load: and not being strong enough fell under the burden to the well-nigh choking the Patient. Hereupon the Doctor was sent for in haste, who gave her lively Medicines plentifully, which brought abundance of tough viscous Phlegm, and in a short time he left her much better. After this she took the same Remedies, and was by that means so vigorous and stout, that Nature resolved to have the other brush with her Enemy, and clear herself of the clogging Phlegm: In which combat the Sick party being in danger of suffocation, the Doctor was sent for again, and plying her as before he brought it all up, to the no little hastening the cure. Which being done, he did his endeavour to cleanse and strengthen the Ferments and Functions of the Body, with Medicines which were lively and innocent; and in nine or ten day's space fully recovered her, to the credit of Chemical Physic. Also an ingenious Gentleman my good friend having for many months laboured under a Galloping Consumption and made use of divers Physicians in vain; at length recollecting his memory remembered how I had formerly commended this Chemical Doctor. And thereupon (though afraid of those dreadful things called Chemical Remedies, because he had heard how some had done mischief with Remedies so called) was induced, health being a thing desirable, to see what the Doctor could do. A desire of health doubtless it was inclined him to it, for he was in no wise a friend to Chemistry; and would never have craved the assistance of its Medicines, could those of the Shops have cured him. But necessity had no Law: he had also heard from others a good Character of the Doctor's Medicines, and his Method commended for its innocency. At leastwise the worst that could come was but Death he thought, towards which he was hastening apace: whilst the most Authentic Bills, and costly Prescripts, were exposed to a mock by the Disease. For his flesh was so wasted that he was little else but Skin & Bones: his Stomach was so weak, and made worse by Spiritless drossy Doses, that he almost continually spitted, and daily grew worse and declined. Whilst he was in this languishing state, he consulted this Chemical Doctor: who to cure him gave him innocent Remedies, yet lively, Stomachical, cleansing, and pro●est enemies to foreign ferments, with such good success, that about two months following them restored him. About a year after the same Gentleman through drinking wines and eating a thing he could not digest, surfeited and contracted a Quinzy. After some days the Doctor visiting him, and finding him scarce able to speak and in a Fever withal, gave him Medicines to fortify his Stomach, and break the neck of the Fever: and applied likewise two other Medicines to his throat outwardly that were enemies to Acid Thorninesses. These so abated the fury of the Quinzy and vanquished the Fever and its cause; that in the morning when a friend of his came to make his Will, as supposing him not for this World, he was well, and said he could swallow a leaden-bullet, to the great astonishment of the Person. For a certain pretender to vast skill in Pharmacy, and to no less in feeling the Pulse, having been at the Sick Gentleman's house overnight, had caused that party to come down to make his will: for he was pleased to tell the Mistress of the Family, that if her Husband was not Bleeded in both Arms (for take notice he had felt his Pulse) he would be a Deadman before ten of the clock next morning. The tender Gentlewoman having dismissed him, comes up big with trouble for fear of losing her Loving Husband; and being asked what she ailed? relates the Cunning Pulse-feelers opinion, and that in the presence of the Doctor. Who knowing what his Medicines had oftentimes done, and could do, smiled and animated his Patient; and to prove that Whiningman a notorious liar, and no less an ignoramus did sit up all night with his Patient; and by applying Medicines oft both outwardly, and inwardly, made him sound (God blessing his endeavoars) by eight a clock next morning, without opening a Vein in the least, or without the least inclination to relapse. Another Man aged fifty years and upwards being sick, was almost suffocated with Phlegm: and whilst he had for several days taken various prescribed Remedies grew worse and worse notwithstanding, and was yielded up as incurable: So that his Galenical Physician was dismissed, and my Friend a young Chemical Physician sent for▪ He came, and finding the Disease stubborn, gave him a Medicine in a fourfold quantity almost; but 'twas such a one as could no wise hurt nor inflame him, if he had given him four times more; by which ye may judge 'twas neither Purge, nor Vomit. This somewhat relieved the Man▪ and began to work upon the Disease to some purpose; which done the Doctor departed elsewhere. And in his absence in came an Illiterate Man a pretender to Physic, and counted a knowing ginger: yea with the Vulgar he goes under the name of a Conjurer, in that he undertakes to predict Life and Death to the people from Astrology, and takes Toll for the Discovery of Lost Petticoats. This unlearned man's opinion was asked: and thereupon after he had observed the Planets well, profoundly like a Fool, (and no Physician) in the sick man's presence condemns him to die without Mercy. Thus ♃ ♀ ☉ ☽ ☿ Ω. with all their smiling Trines, pleasant Sextiles, and kind Conjunctions▪ could do nothing it seems▪ and stood in this Scheme for Ciphers. This news was bad to the Sick-man▪ and as much believed by the Women as an Oracle. But when the Chemical Doctor came, who was not ignorant of Astrology, they telling him what the Conjurer had said, and he knowing that the Conceit of Death might do as much harm as the Disease, bad his Patient not fear, for the Conjurer was an Ass. And proved him little better before he had done: for with wholesome and lively Remedies in the space of a week he fully restored him, and he was well not long since when I saw him. These instances with the Arguments preceding them, will I hope be sufficient to let Physicians see that the Stomach is no contemptible bowel, and that Medicines innocent, and adapted to it, must needs be good healers. But if they will be wilfully blind and still persist with their poisonous untoward Remedies, and such that many times make a Disease instead of curing one; and very commonly exasperate Maladies instead of pacifying them, I cannot but pity their Patients: & deem them unfortunate who fall into the hands of such Physicians, that ●eading of a few Books can content themselves with a parcel of ill-contrived Recipes so they have but the name of Art to back their Artless procedures and that whilst their Remedies are baffled are fit to say and do with that Physician of whom the ingenious and noble Robert Boyl Esquire speaks. There was (saith he) a witty Doctor, who being asked by an acquaintance▪ of mine of the same profession, why he would not give such a Patient more generous remedies, seeing he grew so much worse under the use of common languid ones, to which he had been confined, alleging that at last he must needs die with them in his Mouth; he briskly answered, Let him die if he will so he die secundum Artem. But may Secundum Artem serve in the presence of the Almighty, when their own Consciences shall fly in their faces, and tell them, that they knew better Remedies were to be had, only their Sloth and Carelessness hindered them from them? May that excuse when those who through their deceit, and pretending to Cure have been miserably and untimely Butchered, shall appear as accusers? 'Tis to be doubted hardly. Therefore ye Physicians act wisely, for the good of your own Souls, and the health of your Neighbour; and consider if the Priest and Levite who took not compassion freely on the stranger that fell amongst Thiefs, were fore it counted unneighbourly and by consequence worthy of Blame: How much more worthy of it will such of you appear, who having the life of the distressed Sick committed to your charge, and a promised reward at your Elbows, are nevertheless so much unneighbourly, and inhuman, as to take the reward without regard had to his welfare. Surely if you d●l but know the Comfort and Peace which attend Virtuous actions, and that quietude which follows welldone deeds and safe-walking in medicine, you would many of you not do what you do: But the greater is the Patient's misery, 'tis not minded what Medicines, or Method may best cure, But which Method is most Easy, which least Heretical and which most in Vogue. This was not the way that those, who desired Wisdom, and Peace of Conscience before all fading enjoyments and Mundane Treasures, walked in. Nor was it the Path of Helmont, who confesseth that out of Charity he forsook the Common Roads of Medicine, as supposing it to be a cruel thing to heap up Moneys by the miseries of others. It may be objected (as I heard it was by a Dunce of a Physician) against him that he was a Papist. 'Tis true: he confesseth it in his works. which (if you will make it a fault) is to be born with, considering 'twas the Religion of his Country. But the same pretty Objector forgot in the mean time that Galen was a Heathen, for all he lived in the days wherein Christianity was professed; and amongst Christians (to wit) at Rome, almost two hundred years after preaching of the Gospel. Truly I wish that those Doctors we call Protestants, and Professors, would but show more of Christianity in their lives than he did, and then I should say more against him, than now I may think. However I am one of those who doubt whether or no the most holy God minds a Name or a Form so much as the Heart of a Person; seeing he says by his Prophet My Son give me ●●y Heart. Thy Heart: not whining Formalities, for a Contrite-heart God never despiseth. And if indifferent things every one were allowed to walk as he is persuaded, seeing 'tis Antichristian to domineer over, and prescribe Laws to men's Consciences, and that God giveth what number of Talents he pleaseth to every man or woman, (provided they take up no Weapon against the Regal and governing Power of the Land,) it would do very well. For the Scripture tells us They shall come from the East, from the West, from the North, and from the South, and shall sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and jacob, in the Kingdom of Heaven. Also I perceive (saith the Apostle) that God is no respecter of Persons, but in every Nation he that Feareth God and worketh Righteousness is accepted with him. And 'tis to be doubted that the greatest part of the World, whilst they contend one for this, another for that, and a third part for a third Form & opinion; in the end through their disobedience to God's Spirit placed in their hearts, & through their neglect of Justice and Mercy, whilst they pay Tithe-Mint and Rue, and perform the less weighty matters of the Law, (Strain at Gnats and swallow Camels) will be cast headlong to infernal punishment. We may also suppose that it will not be said in the last Day, come hither, ye Episcopalians, that is as such an associated people, or ye Papists, or ye Presbiterians, or ye Independents, or ye Anabaptists, or ye Quakers, (which are all but Nicknames) and en●oy the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the World: But rather; Come hither ye that served me with an upright Heart in Self-denial: That did to others as ye would be done by: That obeyed my Law of Light in your Hearts, and washed your garments clean from defilements: That abhorred Deceit in all its appearances, and faithfully to the best of your understandings withstood it: That Fed, and Clothed me in my despised little ones: That imbrued not your hands in the Blood of the Innocent, but rather for my sake endeavoured their preservation: I say to such as these it will rather be said, Come ye blessed of my Father, and inherit a Kingdom etc. On the contrary we may believe, that the most just God, who is no respecter of persons, will cast all of all Religions, that shall work wickedness, and do things unbecoming a Christian, to wit, shed innocent Blood, as the Papists did the Noble and truehearted Protestants Blood; or which is less, shall so far forget their neighbour as to make Self the Centre of all their actions; such I say we may believe, the Almighty, who will not behold Iniquity, will cast into Eternal flames where the Worm never dies. And if so why may we not charitably think well concerning Van Helmont who was an honest man, and merciful to the Poor and Distressed; one that Studied Physic chiefly, that he might profit Mankind & relieve the miserable Sick, one that believed in Christ, and was an experienced (not literal) Divine: In some of which he manifested himself a true Physician, and in all of them a Christian indeed. To speak of what he was as to a Linguist is in vain, whilst his Works written in a florid Latin-style do it loudly: But concerning his Education and Progress in Physic he speaks as follows. Van Helmont's Education etc. with some other passages not unworthy remark. IN the year 1580. my Father (saith he) dying, I being the youngest and of least esteem of my brethren, and sisters, was brought up in studies: But in the year Stud: Auth: Pag: 16. 1594. which was the seventeenth year of my Age, I finished the Course of Philosophy: therefore seeing that I had only a Mother, I seemed to be the sole disposer of my right and will. But when I saw none admitted to Examination but in a Gown, and masked with a hood as if the Garment promised learning; I began to know that Professors for some time past, did expose young-m●n that were to take their Degrees in Arts to a mock: And I admired at a certain kind of Dotage in Professors, and so in the whole World; as also at the simplicity of youngman's Credulity. And that I at least wise might in my own judgement know, how much I was a Philosopher: I took myself to task, and examined whether or no I had gotten Truth or Knowledge. I found for certain that I was Puffed up with the Letter and as it were (the forbidden fruitbeing● eaten) plainly naked; save that I had learn Artificially to wrangle: Then first I came to know within myself that I knew nothing, and that I knew that which was of no value. For the sphere in Natural Philosophy did seem to promise some knowledge, to which I therefore joined the Astrolabe, and the use of the Circle, and Theories of the Planets. I studied Logic and Algebra also for delights sake, as oft as a reading other things had brought Wearisomeness: to which I joined Euclids Elements, and made this Doctrine sociable to my Genius, because it contained Truth: But by accident the Art of knowing the Circle of Cornelius Gemma, as it were an other Metaphysic, came to my hand. He afterwards speaking of other his Studies, and how Astronomy was of little Account with him, because it promised little of certainty or truth but very many vain things, goes on thus: Therefore (saith he) my Course being thoroughly finished seeing I knew nothing that was Sound and nothing True, I refused the Title of Mr. of Arts; being unwilling that Professors should play the fool with me, and declare me Master of seven Arts who was not yet a Scholar. Therefore I seeking Truth and Knowledge, but not their appearances, withdrew myself from the University. A wealthy Cannonship was offered me, if so be I would make myself free to Divinity; but S. Bernard frightened me from it, because I should eat the sins of the People. But I begged of the Lord Jesus, that he would Vouchsafe to call me thither, where I might most please him. Next he goes on and declares many occurrences, which I for brevity sake omit; but amongst the rest tells how he was pleased with L. Annaeus Seneca's works, as also Epictetus'; and that after he thought he had found the juice of Truth in Moral Philosophy, and had prayed to the Prince of Life divers times that he would give him strength whereby he might contemplate of the naked Truth and Love it; as also had believed that in Stoicism he did profit in Christian perfection; God mercifully discovered to him in a Dream that he was but as a Bubble, and that in Christ Jesus we live and move and have our being; that no man can call even on the name of Jesus to salvation, without the special Grace of God; and that we must continually pray, and lead us not into Temptation etc. He tells us also how he rolled over Mathiolus and Diascorides, and found the Art of Herbarisme to have nothing increased since the days of the latter, to wit, as to the knowledge of the Properties, Virtues, and Uses of Plants and Herbs: And being in a doubt to what Profession he should resign himself, he viewed the Law, and saw it to be uncertain, because 'twas men's Traditions; at least wise (he says) to govern himself he found was a thing hard enough, but the judgement concerning goodmen and the life of others to be obscure, and subject to a thousand vexacious difficulties. But at last he fell in love with the Knowledge of Nature, and gives this account of his procedure. I therefore (saith he) read the Institutions of Fuchius, and Fernelius, in which I knew as by an Epitome I had looked into the whole science of healing; and smiled to myself: Is it so that the Science of healing is thus delivered without a Theorem and without a Teacher, Who hath drawn the gift of healing from the Adeptist? is the whole History of Natural properties thus shut up in Elementary Qualities? I therefore read Galen's works twice, Once Hypocrates (whose Aphorisms I almost learned by heart) and all Avicen: I seriously and attentively read thorough as well the Greeks and Arabians as Moderns happily six hundred; and noted in Common places▪ whatever in them seemed singular to me, and worthy the Quill. At length reading again my collected householdstuff, I knew my want, and it grieved me of my pains and years bestowed: To wit when I observed all Books singing the same song with the Institutions, did promise nothing of soundness; And that there was nothing which might promise the Knowledge of Truth, or the Truth of Knowledge. Elsewhere he saith. I have always even from a Child sought after the Truth above every delightful thing, because in all places I found In Prae●at: Tum: Pest: every man a Liar: And so from the impiety of the World, all false, ignorant, devised, deceitful things, and things full of imposture have been Invented. And when I had opportunely searched into all states, Religions, and Conditions by their individuals; I saw indeed the certain and immutable Truth in Numbers and Measures. Finally in created things I found the Essences and Properties of things were True, and Good: But Truth itself however I enquired amongst men I no where found. I greatly griev●d that Truth had hid itself from my capacity, being ignorant that that was my own Vice, but not the fault of things. At length when I had considered that God himself was the naked Truth, I took the New-Testament in my hand: In which although I every where noted Singular Truth, yet I found it interpretable to the Will of the Flesh: Yea at this day, I have observed some diligently studious to excuse excuses in Sins, especially in those of great men: and so I perceived Evangelical Truth to be professed but not Consented to as it ought. For there is none who having two Coats puts off one, that out of mer● love he may clothe the Poor therewith as if Christ were present: none turns the other Cheek to the striker: And so through the endeavour of some at this day Evangelical Truth is grown out of use amongst Christians. In which consideration whilst once I had tarried out almost all night, after the studies, and very many anxieties, of some Years: I resolved with myself, that I would every were assault the Plague Gratis, the which had invaded our Countrymen, and from which all fled. And although I had on every side from books, contracted into a compendium the choicest Remedies described by others, and had them ready: Yet I having tried them found them all to be Feeble, vain, and to no purpose. For the forsaken Sick and Poor, did often cast their Vomitings and belchings upon me; and breathed out their Soul between my arms, to my grief: But God preserved this ignorant and unprofitable servant. After this discoursing how naked he sound the Art of healing he thus goes on. I therefore grieved that I had learnt that Art; and being angry with myself grieved that I who was Noble, had Tum: Pest: P: 10: (against my Mother's will, and my kindred on my Father's side being ignorant of it) as the first in our family dedicated myself to Medicine. I long time bewailed the sin of Disobedience, and it repented me of the years and pains bestowed in a Chosen Profession. With a sorrowful heart also I humbly besought the Lord, that he would vouchsafe to lead me unto a calling, not whither I was carried of my own accord, but wherein I might chiefly please him: and I made a Vow I would follow and obey him, to the utmost of my power, whithersoever he should call me. Then first as having fed on the forbidden fruit, I acknowledged my own nakedness, because I found neither Truth nor Knowledge in my Putatitious Doctrine: supposing it especially to be a cruel thing, to heap up moneys by others miseries. After this, amongst other things too tedious to be mentioned, he tells how he entitled his Inheritance on his Sister; and being a youngman, unprofitable in all things, he recommended himself to God▪ with an intent of going far from home; Of forsaking Medicine; and of never returning into his own Country; And so went on hoping the Lord would clementiously direct him, & says that by how much the more he detested Medicine, and cast it far from him as an Imposture or Juggling Deceit; by so much the greater occasion of healing invaded him. For meeting with a Novice who had known at least the Manual Instruments of Pyrotechny; forthwith so soon as he beheld the Penetrale or inward part of some Bodies by the Fire▪ he perceived the separation of many: And in few years after, though absent, was in great esteem with the sick, by reason of his Medicines; as also with Ernestus Bavarus the Elector of Collen, who sent for him to help him. And a little after, after giving an account of some passages▪ which I shall omit, he thus proceeds. Finally (saith he) God cut off the means of Preferment from me, aswell in the Church as amongst Civil Potentates; and so also ample fortunes seemed to be promised me by Rodolph the Emperor, but I had incurred the danger of my Soul. In exchange whereof he gave me a Godly and Noble Wife, with whom I withdrew myself to Vilvord: and for seven years' space dedicated myself to the Art of the Fire, and succoured the Calamities of the Poor. I have found, and indeed I have certainly found (saith he) that none shall be forsaken of God, who with a pious affection, and firm faith performs the office of a Physician. For although I am the sillyest of all men, yet I have apparently found that God is Charity itself towards the Miserable; and that therefore from his own effluxing goodness of Charity, he always took care of me: For the inheritances of my▪ Wife were increased, and ample Patrimonies of my Family befell me: And though I was pressed down with suits of Law by the malice of men, Yet I became a Conqueror by some revisals so as that the Mercies of God openly appeared to me an unworthy Person. Moreover he pressed down those that excelled in might, who under the Cloak of Piety persecuted me unto disgrace, and hidden Death. And the Darts were reflected on those that cast them, so that it now more shameth than repenteth them of their manifest Crimes. Thus the noble Helmont. And truly methinks he wrote like a Christian, and one that was a Physician indeed. Nor did he only write, but did so, in Curing the Poor freely, and in conscientiously exercising the office of a Physician towards the Rich, as also in detecting the Errors of Galen, and such his Drowsy followers who aim more at curing their Patient's pockets of a Plethora than their bodies of a Consumption. Indeed I the more willingly collected these things concerning his Education, and progress in Physic, that Galenick Physicians may see, or, if they will be wilfully blind, that other intelligent persons may see, against whom they have been Bawling so and Railing; because he struck at their Master Galen's frigid Notions and sour Humours, that have no existence unless in the Brains of the vulgar. But I must confess they were a little concerned, whilst he strikes at their Silver Shrines, to cry out with Demetrius; Great is Diana of the Ephesians: thinking that if this fellow prevailed, he would clearly spoil the Trade of Stirring Dung and Urine, and diminish their Gain. As to diminishing it I have nothing to say, only as to making Gain the chief aim that Helmont wrote against; as also against their neglect of the Poor, and did well in so doing: For Physic doubtless had its rise in Charity, though since (as all things are) 'tis corrupted. He tells you in the words of the Wiseman, That a Physician shall receive a Gift of a King, not of a Poor-man: thereby implying that we are not to neglect the Poor though they are not able to bring Angels nor Crowns in their hands for scribbling a few words to an Apothecary; nay though they are not able sometimes to bring half so much in their hands to pay for a Medicine: For the Almighty who is the God of the Poor, has sometimes a Lazarus in his Sores. Nor is it unfit in the mean that those whole can should pay, and reward a Physician well for his Labour and Studies, as a Physician ought to be: which Helmont in the words of the wiseman signifies. Besides some Physicians, who are owners of but indifferent Estates, would be ruined in doing otherwise, and thereby by disinabling themselves to relieve, injure the distressed Poor. But then be sure let Equity and a good Conscience be made use of, and when they are under your hands do not, as 'tis to be doubted too many do, play such unhandsome Parts with them, as to protract cures out of love to Angels; Golden ones I mean: Nor out of Deceit, whilst your own Consciences tell you the only preventive Physic is sober, moderate, and orderly living, without R●oting and Drunkenness, go to persuade people to take your Preventive Purges when they are already in good plight, though many of you yourselves will not touch one of them in the case; knowing a Cup of Sack or Ale drunk moderately is better. Neither deal unreasonably, as too many frequently have done in cure of Sick persons of mean Estate, running them to such needless and great expenses as to make them Beggars for ever after; or at least thereby so to impoverish them that several years s●ar●e make good the Loss, if the very Conceit of being so extremely Poor make them not as Sick as the Disease itself made them. The Truth of it is too too apparent, and yet many times, at least when the Disease is curable, they go uncured through deficiency in Medicine. Nor do some Physician's mind that; for so long as there is Money, the Sick shall have their Company, with Your Humble Servant Madam to boot, And although their own Consciences tell them, that their Lifeless Medicines will not Profit; yet they will tell you, Their life for yours you will recover, wish they had a lease of your life or something to that effect: and speak twice more confidently than one that has better remedies, and makes a Conscience of what he does and says. Thus a rich Physician, but as ignorant as his Neighbours, was wont to serve his Patients, (as several persons concerned and that too well knew it, told me;) and as long as they gave him his Fee, to tell them that the Sick Party was like to Recover. And for all he apparently saw they were worse daily, and that his Remedies were at best but Insignificancies, also that there was no hopes of recovery by his Cooling Method: Yet would he not tell them so, lest I believe another Physician should be sent for, to effect the Cure to his dishonour. And which was remarkable, many times when the Physician has thus promised life the Party has died in an hour or two after, and was sometimes struggling with Death when the Doctor praedicted Life. One Gentleman told me himself, that this Doctor visiting his Wife every day would give him comforting words, though he and the Nurse apparently plainly saw that she declined, and the Doctor might too doubtless have seen it had he not been made blind by Pl●tus; And that the last day the Doctor visited his Wife (who was then dying,) he gave him great hopes of her recovery, but was scarce gone a Bow-shot from the house before she was Dead. On the other hand, when the same Physician has been called to others that have not ●ed him as he expected, then would he denounce Death to them: perhaps on purpose to get clear of such Moneyless Patients. On a time a Poor Washer-woman (as 'twas told to my Intimate by herself) being very ill, and having as I remember but three Half-Crowns in the World, was over-persuaded to employ this Doctor, she did; but did ill in it: for she should have sent to some Physician who prepared his own Medicines, and then her advice would have cost her nothing. Or she might have gone or sent to some Apothecary that was judicious and sober, and he would have done her doubtless less harm than that Doctor did. For if she was not right-down sick the loss of her Money (poor-creature) for Fees was enough to have made her so. But to the matter. The Doctor visited her once, and had one half-crown, which was more than she could clear by a weeks washing; The second day he came again without sending for, for the Doctor's custom was, being once sent for, to follow his Game close, and then he had the second half Crown; And the third day when he called in without sending for, the poor-womans' last half Crown being hard to be parted with she did not give him it: Whereupon being angry he asked her at his departure, whether she thought he could run up & down for nothing? she might have told him she did not send for him; And truly in my Opinion, if Physicians are so unwise as to run up and down to Mean-peoples' houses without sending for, the People should be so wise as to thank them for it, but give them no Money for coming. Now whether or no the woman was sentenced to die by the Doctor I cannot tell, but I remember I heard she recovered by better Medicines. But what an unchristian trick was this to rob the Spittle-house! and how contrary to what the good Samaritan did! Surely if such Physicians should have no more mercy shown them from the Father of Lights than they show to their fellow-creatures, they would soon descend the Infernal Lake. However I persuade myself there are not a few Learned Physicians that are tenderhearted, industrious, Conscientious, and Merciful; and many more that would do better did they know better: But such should be diligent, and inquisitive, (for as the Poet tells us, God sells Arts to sweats) and not content themselves with barely tumbling over a few volumes, and such that, were the very Authors themselves living, they would not know what to say to the stubborn Diseases of this Age. But though there are many such honest Physicians, yet there are many more 'tis to be feared otherwise; which thing is very lamentable. For though Botchery and Deceit in any Art is unpleasing, yet in Physic 'tis most dangerous, and prejudicial: whilst men by them sometimes lose their lives, and oftentimes the●r healths. Therefore for an example to such as are not as they ought to be, I will by and by declare what I saw, and was an Eye-witness to, after that I have detected one abuse more, that too frequently is put on the Gentry: To do which take this following example. A Wealthy Knight and Baronet not many years since fell sick: At first he was but slightly affected, but under well-nigh half a dozen Physicians which did their endeavour off and on, instead of being better he declined; and at last itterminated in a Paralytic Gout, or the Gout & Palsy together because the disease lying much in the Genus Nervosum contemned their feeble succours, or was rather strengthened by them. But before it came to this pass, and (though he was weak) had as yet the use of his Legs and Arms, he was visited by his Brother an Esquire that entreated him to make use of his Chemical Doctor: adding that he cured him safely, and sound, when the ablest Galenists thereabouts could do no good, and had since cured his Wife of a Paralytic Lethargy, when two or three Physicians had after three days endeavour left her insensible, and sleeping as they found her. At length the Esquire prevailed so much that his Doctor was sent for, and retained, not doubting but to recover him with lively and good Remedies: Therefore he sent such. But before he (to wit the sick-man) had taken one spoonful of any of them, the Galenists with their Agents (of which they have too many) subtly Worked him out, under the Notion of wishing the sick-man well: Buzzing into his head, that the Chemical Doctor gave hot Medicines that were Dangerous. And why dangerous? Because the Medicines being vital and penetrative (which are properties in a medicine, that must su●● in with, and assist the Life) if the Sick-man should have taken them he might doubtless have recovered; and is not ●at dangerous? Now when they take their Cooing Medicines, which carry Death's property, ● Death is cold enough, there is little danger ● fear (unless Nature be stubborn, and vigorous) ●●t that they'll die according to Art. But to go on. One of the first Doctors, ●hough before he could do no good, after he had worked out the Chemical Doctor, that he might ●ot be readmitted & to keep the Sick-man in play, told him he had found out something ●hat would doubtless Cure him safely in a Month or Six weeks. The words Cure him safely were mighty pleasing: and so they went on. But after this he daily declined, whilst they fed him up with Fancies, and told him 'Twas all for the better. But in short, he that before had the use of his Limbs in the space of six weeks could neither move Legs nor Arms, and was three times worse than before: So that the Promised Cure no where appeared. When the Sick Knight and Baronet complained of this, the Apothecary would tell him that they aimed at preserving his Life within, and were loath to set upon the Disease in his Limbs, lest they should drive it in upon his life, and so kill him, as if there had been no other way to cure him but by driving the Disease upon his Life. Reader canst forbear smiling at, or rather pitying a Sick-man under such unfaithful helpers? However this quieted him for the present. But daily growing worse and worse, he still complained how that now he was in great pain in this joint, and part of his Body. The Doctor told him ' 'twas all for the better. At another time telling him he was much disturbed in another part, and in almost half his body: The Doctor would still reply ' 'tis all for the Better. And thus he grew better and better, till he was almost Dead. Whereupon when this languishing Person, after many month's trial of this Doctor, was nothing mended: but was worse by many Degrees at last, than he was when he took him in hand the second time, notwithstanding 'twas all for the better: Yet he employs another Galenick Physician and in about six weeks after fairly dies Secundum Artem. But whether or no that was all for the better, I'll leave you to determine. Thus are the Gentry liable to be imposed upon for their money, as well as the Poor slighted for want on't. Neither have Nobles themselves because they are Rich been freed from Casualties, Nor will they ever be free, as long as Poisons must pass for Medicines, and so long as Nature must be weakened instead of helped, and so long as Words are more studied than Things. Witness the sudden and untimely death of Marquis Charles Spinelli some years since General of the Genoans by white Hellebore ●hich was given him by a Company of Phy●cians: As also the Death of that Emperor (to ●mit narratives nigher home) on whose Tomb History tells us was Engraven, He perished through a Rout of Physicians. Nor may I pass by the death of a very Lusty ●nd stout young Gentleman, and an eldest ●rother, through extract of Black Hellebore, given him by an eminent and Learned Doctor ●o Purge away an Ague. For he after he had ●een walking abroad in the City wherein he pved, came home, and took it at eight at night, and was dead about three hours after: Purging and Vomiting most cruelly having preceded Death. The which, when I heard it from ●he mouth of the Brother of that Party that was ●ill'd, and the manner how, made me no little admire; and more admire that such can have the face to cry out against Chemistry as a ha●rdous Art, and exclaim against its Medicines ●s Venomous: When their very Dispensatory in point of Purging sounds forth little else but Poisons; and that they scarce ever effect any ●otable Cure but they do it by Chemical Remedies, and such, that were they faithfully prepared, and not Adulterated through desire of ●ain, would do much more than they do. 'Tis pity that Physic, an Art so useful, should be thus corrupted; and that Self should thrust Charity out of doors. I believe if any Shopkeeper with whom a Physician deals should defraud him of a Pound or two, and act dishonestly, he would take it ill, and call him Knave not causelessly: But how much greater are such, who with lying deceits, not only many times get people's money for nothing, or at best for a parcel of they know not what themselves: but also under pretence of curing, Kill them with Poisons Secundum Artem, when their lives can never be regained: And rather than another shall come to cure when they can't, anoint them with the Oil of Fool, and feed them with fancies till they are dead, knowing then they are passed telling tales. ☞ Therefore I say (Pray Reader take notice on't,) that that Physician who takes a Patient in hand, though it be in a Chronic disease, and does not in less than fourteen day's time show an apparent sign of Recovery: and by the fifth or sixth day does not give some refreshment to the Patient, and put a stop to the procedure of the disease, I say, if he does not do this, Let him pretend what he will, his Method and Remediesare feeble, and will in no wise profit. For if the life do not merely fail, which failing no Medicine can cure, Nature will in a few days in some sort revive, in the presence, and through the aid of lively innocent remedies, and such as suit with the life. But if Medicines shall let a Patient languish and grow worse for a week or two, and yet the Patient after that recover by other Medicines: Know assuredly those first Medicines were unfit, or spiritless and dead, if not fitter to kill a Well-man, than cure a Sick one. And if a Physician being called in an Acute distemper, to wit a Fever or a Pleurisy: and can't give ease, and great comfort, in less than four and twenty hours, and put a stop to the advance of the Disease: Also can't in the space of seven days, cure either of them without opening of a Vein; provided Medicines be well followed, and the candle of life does not fail: Tell him that I who have known hundreds upon hundreds cured so, affirm his Medicines are not the best in England. And now to perform my promise madeafew Pages back, having brought you Helmont that noble Physician for an example of Charity, and Christianity; I will give you one precedent more, that you may have two to imitate, and may be excited to well-doing by Example. This person was my * I have for the present concealed his name, lest it should be thought I wrote this to promote his Son's Interest who not unfortunatesy succeeds in his practice. Tutor, who now being deceased, I may lawfully commend, and tell you he was a practical Divine: And one that though he did not use to whine as some do, and take the Lord's name vainly in his mouthto make an outside religious show, (for he aswell as myself abominated Hypocrites) yet carried the fear and love of God always in his heart. And of all the Physicians I ever yet met with, I never found one whose humour was more like to Van helmont's than his. For in the first place above twenty years since when he had a good Galenick Practice, finding as he told me that 'twas a long way to Cure diseases, but a short and easy way to get Money, he gave to a learned chemical physician, to wit, one Sommerskil, Medicinae Doctor, that had formerly been Secretary to Prince Henry the eldest Son of King James, and was a man very Aged and judicious in Physic, and a Practiser many years. I say, to him he gave above a hundred pounds to teach him his Skill in Chemistry. Which he did, because he loved him well, and shortly after died; through grief some say because he could not obtain the Lapis to get which he vainly attempted. But that not concerning our Physical affairs, I shall pretermit. And tell you that he by this means having many years' experience, studiously went to work himself, till at last he obtained remedies after some years endeavour of a Large extent in Point of Curation. Then he left off prescribing; and being at that time the only Physician there that cleaved to the Chemical Method, had all the Doctors and Apothecaries against him; so that he was forced to make good his Ground by Real Art, and oppose their Reproaches with Cures. Which he manfully did till he died, and left in his place his eldest Son of the same Name, a Person Ingenious and Learned. Nor did this honest Physician appear like to Helmont, only in leaving the Galenick for the Chymick-Method; but also in Charity. And had he had but Helmont's Alkahest, and his hundreds a year, he would, I am persuaded, have given his Medicines away Helmont▪ like. For though he lived by his Practice, as other Physicians did and do, yet was he so charitable to the Poor, and tender of the Health of the Distressed, that I verily believe he cured more People yearly for nothing, than some Physicians in that City did for a hundred pounds. For 'twas but going and telling him they were Sick and Poor, and it was the way not only to have Advice, but Medicines too for nothing. Nay, which is more than ordinary, he would not only Relieve some that were Poor with Medicines and his Advice freely, but with Money in private likewise, as I by diligent observance and watching him found; for he did not use to blow a Trumpet when he did it; nor would he speak on't, unless I took an occasion to discourse with him about it: And then he would like a good Man (as he was, if a Man may be called good) reply, The Rich have many Friends, but the Poor have few: And would add, That perhaps whilst the poor Person languished, and could not work for his Family, his Wife and Children almost starved at home: And therefore to let the sick Man languish because he had no Money, would be a thing very hardhearted. He would also use to make their Case his, and say, He would be glad of relief if he were sick, though he had no Money to pay for it. Sometimes others who were pretty well to Pass, having spent four or five Pounds on other Doctors in vain; when their Money was almost all gone, would come to him; and if when they came they could but plead, 'twas low with them, and they wanted Money, etc. he would commonly Cure them for a Crown or an Angel charge; to wit, by giving some of his Medicines away, whilst he sold othersome. And when Persons who lived well by their daily Labour, but not very Rich have come to him at any time about a Fever, or any other such like Acute Distemper, his Advice they had for nothing, and commonly a Cure for a Crown or less, and that quickly and safely too. But the Rich rewarded him as they ought, and all the Reason in the World for it: For if they do not, who shall reward him that is a Physician, for all his Pains, Studies, and Expenses? But he would not, I am confident, have given to either them or the Poor, a Malignant Remedy, or such a one he durst not take himself, if he might have been hired to do it. Which was, in my Opinion, an excellent property in him▪ and a thing that gave great encouragement to many of his Patients, to cleave to him whenever there was a necessity for Medicines. And some of his Patients when they have come, and have desired of him some Venomous Dose, perhaps a Vomit, etc. have had a positive denial, and that was all; for he would rather at any time venture the loss of his Patient's love, than hazard their Lives and his Credit. But if they (being self-willed) have got what they desired elsewhere, and have sound paid the punishment of their Folly; then would they come to him many times to make up the Breach, and take leisure to repent of their Indiscretion. It was also his custom (though he oftentimes hurt himself by it) after inventing or making a New Remedy, if none of his Family would venture on't, to take it first himself before any of his Patients should touch it. For, saith the honest Man, I that have Medicines by me, better know how to cure myself, if Malignity be in it, than another that hath no Medicine to help himself. Besides, he considered if he should try a New-made Remedy on a Richman, and he be hurt by it, it would discredit himself and Chemistry. And to try it on a Poor-Man, as too many do, he considered if it should hurt him, though not kill him, yet it spoiling his Health, might ruin him, and undo his Wife and Children (if he had any) that depended on his daily Labour; and therefore to do that would be cruel. Thus did this truehearted Physician too often hazard his own, to recover the Health of his Neighbour; endangering it, not only by operating in the Fire, to produce good Remedies, various times undergoing the fumes of Mercury and Antimony, till he was as weary of them as I am: But after he had, by Directions from other Authors, some true ones, some false ones, made many preparations too tedious to be named, and had wrought upon most Subjects that werein the least counted Medicinal; He, by taking many of them into his Body, mightily impaired his Stomach. And afterwards because he would not hurt others, (to wit, his Patients) he threw all such as he found Disturbers of Nature, and Hazardous, away; and only kept to such Remedies, as he was well assured were Wholesome, Innocent, and Virtuous. Here is a Precedent for such Physicians that mind nothing beside Self, whilst the good of their Neighbour is least thought of; not regarding what they give to the People, so they may but live in Ease and Pleasure; no● caring what Method they follow, (whether Chemical, or Galemical) so they can but get money. As if to deal honestly and candidly with the oppressed, or to act with the good Samaritan, were out of fashion. They may believe it will not be asked in the great Reckoning day how many hundreds a year they had when they Died: but rather how many hundreds of the distressed Sick they have faithfully Relieved. I will not say for nothing, seeing, The Labourer is worthy of reward, but even for money and a stipend being tendered. They may consider that this life will have an end: And that although those many Souls, that by their Carelessness and sloth, are so civil, That they never come back to complain: Yet that the Ears of the Almighty being pierced by the cries of the Widow and Fatherless, they must once give an account of their Stewardship, and with what Conscience, they have exercised Physic. In which juncture I persuade myself, if God's witness in their Consciences stand on their side, they'll find it more than a little prevalent. Another property my honest Tutor had, which I highly commend in him, or any other ingenious Physician; to wit, he cared not, nay, abhorred to turn Mountebank; and as too many do, make a noise in Print about their Pills, Elixirs, and Spirits. For such let them pretend what they will, and tell you of the Name of the Lord God to boot▪ yet the business in the bottom is Money. And though many of them would persuade you into a belief that their hazardous Purging Pills, etc. are All-curing, and can make a Disease itself on sight of it Diseasie: Yet they rarely Cure any Disease radically with them, unless it be the Consumption in their own Pockets. Nor must you hear how many have been Killed and Mischieved by them, for that would not be to their Advantage. I remember on a time, That one who found great benefit by a certain Medicine which my Tutor made, that would Cure several Acute Distempers safely; prevailing with his young Son many years since, got a few Bills printed of the Virtue and Use of it, with intent to sell the same only to his private Acquaintance and Friends, and to take away the trouble of writing Directions. But when this ingenious Physician saw it, he contemning that peddling trick of Mountebanking, was exceedingly ashamed on't, and gave strict orders to the contrary▪ for the future. For if a Physician is qualified as he ought, a possessor of Excellent Medicines, and one that prefers Wisdom before Wealth, he will doubtless never so highly undervalue his Profession, if he live on Bread and Water. The Cure of those most inveterate Distempers, the French Pox and Scurvy, is a small matter with some of these Billmen, when, poor-hearts, they would cure it if they could. Infallible Cures othersome thunder forth, though they have little skill in Medicinal Affairs. Pish, this is nothing with us; London and most Cities in England can show you Pills good for All Diseases; and which is more, some good for more than All being those (it requires a long Faith to believe it) that outdo all Pills hitherto extant: So that (Monstrum horrendum!) those very Pills their own selves that Cure all Diseases, are in no wise to be compared to them. Most of these notwithstanding are Complete, Neat, Delicate, Fine; sometimes Curing, often hurting, and now and then Killing-Catharticks, or Emeto-Catharticks; that is to say, Purging-Pills, or Pills that Purge and Vomit notoriously, and not seldom fatten Burying-places prettily. But I command and charge you not to read any thing of that in their Books and Bills, on the penalty of being counted one that read what they never publish in them. But here's the worst on't, The more to deceive the People, and to put the better face on the Matter, we must have a pretence to Chemistry, (for that takes) if we have not some ill-shaped Picture of a Chymical-Furnace, to make it daintily fine; and must tell them Chemistry had a finger in the Pill's-formation, for that will make it go off. When alas, Poor-Things, they understand nothing less than the real Art of the Fire; which teacheth us, if truly understood, to shun all violent Purges and Vomits, and to avoid all hazardous Remedies. I do not write this to have these persecuted or put by, unless the Poor may have better Assistants; But to have People take notice, That, as good Wine needs no Bush, no more do good Medicines a printed Bill; as also to desire such Physicians who are intelligent, to be Sincere, Truehearted, and Merciful, and to eat some Grains of Self-denial. For 'tis the hardheartedness and haughtiness of some such, that gives encouragement to these, whilst those who want an Angel or a Crown to Fee a Doctor, must go to them many times or no where, though they receive not that benefit they might. Whereas would intelligent Physicians keep a few Medicines by them to sell to the meaner sort of People without, whilst the richest give Fees, they would soon work them out of Credit. Or, if instead of an Angel or a Crown, they would take a Shilling, or Nothing, and write them a Bill to some Conscientious Apothecary, prescribing a few cheap, yet Virtuous Ingredients, it would be a means to suppress the Bill-Trade. Which otherwise they will never do, and in reality 'tis pity they should; for a small Aid, and somewhat uncertain, is better to the Poor than none. Concerning Medicines both Chemical and Galenical. THat the Common Method of Medicine, called Galenical, is too languid and feeble to tug with those violent and stubborn Diseases which are grassant and assail us in our days, Experience hath so apparently evinced, that there is scarce one in four of our late Physical-Writers but confess it: And therefore exhort Physicians to apply themselves to search after more vigorous Remedies, which by their Virtues may vanquish Diseases. Thus far they do well and nobly, but in my Opinion they are sluggishly obeyed, especially by such who have either grown gray-headed in Ignorance, and will know nothing in a manner beyond a Purge, a Vomit, a Syrup, or the Lancet; or by such, who not much regarding the Good of the Sick, mind mostly their Ease and Profit. Nor is it wholly without cause that they are no better obeyed, seeing some few of those who Preach forth this Excellent Doctrine, and plead for a Renovation of Medicine, are so far short of what they would have others do, that they themselves defend Blood-letting, and are not startled at hazardous Remedies. For shame let us cast Poisons out of Physic, and all such Medicines as are disturbers of Nature; unless with Helmont we are able so to correct them, that we may not expose the Diseased to danger, nor to the Mercy of Merciless-Doses. Nor let us forget Mercury and Antimony, unless we are able to tame them; especially the first, who derides all endeavours unless you bring him an Alkahest. For notwithstanding as otherwise prepared, with an addition of other Ingredients, it sometimes, as being Alcaleous, effects a Cure. Yet considering it may expose, as it sometimes hath done, a Person to damage and danger, if not perniciously destroy him; I verily persuade myself, 'twould be for the honour of Physic and their safety, never to admit it into our Stomaches. Next I think it would no ways dishonour Chemistry, could we find all our Pretenders to Helmontianism, steer their Course safely in Physic; (as some I know do) and not by their perverse Mineraline Remedies gainsay Noble Van in Works, whilst in Words they seem to defend him. Perverse I say, for such as Purge and Vomit I can assure you deserve no better Name, and no little defame Chemistry. Which as it is an Art most useful, so is it a Word of no ill signification; being derived, as some say, from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, others from Alchymus a King. But 'tis the real knowledge of the Art and its Principles, not the Name, which is the thing that makes a Physician Excellent: Seeing it separates Crudities, and corrects Medicines by the Fire, through a proper Application of Agent to Patient. Nor is there any greater difference between Well-prepared Chemical Remedies, and vulgar Shop-ones called Galenical, than that the last are Crude and Raw, at leastwise not cleansed from their Terrene and Drossy Shackles, and therefore unfit for a weak Stomach: And that the first, to wit, the Chemical Remedies, through the assistance of the Fire and Art, are rendered Spirituous, Virtuous, and Innocent, being divested of all cloging Qualities. For if the Fire be so needful a thing to prepare Food when we are well, much more when we are sick; forasmuch as the Stomach is then usually so impaired, as that the least thing offends it, if it be not lively and suitable. Besides the Stomach not being strong, is incapacitated to make a separation of Parts, and suck out the Virtues, which are but small, in a crude, and therefore unfit mass of Terrestrieties or drossy Medicines. Whereas a studious and industrious Chemical Physician, professing himself Nature's Servant, separates the drossy parts from the more pure that should nourish; and by only exhibiting the latter, saves Nature the trouble of expelling the Dross, and of casting forth what otherwise would hurt Her. So that She being delighted and enlivened by the approach of such pure Remedies, begins to revive and get strength, and finally routs Her Household Enemy, to wit, the diseasie faex. Which thing doubtless many Galenical Physicians observing often, whilst they railed against Chemistry and its Medicines; after a trial of such as they could get from their own or others hands, found them not undeserving Protection; and do since embrace them with such loving hearts, though they subtly rail against Chemical Physicians, as such that give hot dangerous Medicines; That being put to a nonplus by the stubborn Disease, and their Syrups, Purges, and Electuaries being baffled, they'll apply themselves to such, and sometimes so fortunately, that the almost-dead Patient recovers. For which their care I must needs highly commend them, and should more commend them if they made such Chemical Medicines themselves: But I cannot say they are too honest and candid in railing against an Art, which their own Consciences tell them is most useful, and to which they are so much beholden. For if Chemical Medicines are good in an Apothecary's Hand, who ignores their Doses or Composition; or if they are excellent, being prescribed by a Physician that never made a Chemical Medicine, or at leastwise that Medicine he gives order for; Why may not such Medicines, being more faithfully made, be much better in a Chemical Physician's Hands? I am sure there is no reason to the contrary, but much reason for it; and it seems most agreeable to sense, That he should best cure with Chemical Remedies, that spared neither cost nor labour to make them Excellent and Innocent, and knows well what Ingredients they are made of. But what do Galenical Physicians who prescribe to Apothecaries, make use of Chemical Medicines, and yet nevertheless rail at Chemistry and its Professors? Yes, they do, notwithstanding their railing, which is but to blind the World; and which is worse, those Chemical Remedies they make use of, are (besides badly made) oftentimes Sophisticated and Adulterated. How! Sophisticated and Adulterated? 'Tis so, and all from this cursed thing Self, and a desire of Gain. For in the first place the Doctor cannot, because he must mind his Fees, and keep delicate white hands to feel the Pulse of his Patient. And in the next place the Apothecary loves Money, and won't, because he can buy them of Mercenary Chemists much cheaper than he can make them. But this cheapness sometimes costs the Patient dear, to wit, his Health, if not his Life, in regard the Remedies are Adulteraeted and Abused, that they may be afforded so: Though to cloak their own deceit, if the Medicine does harm, they, like Politicians, will say, His time was come. But why do the Mercenary Chemists thus abuse their Remedies? That they may get a tolerable Subsistence and live. For the Apothecary, who (like other Tradesmen) buys where he can buy cheapest, offering low rates, so low, that the Medicine cannot be faithfully made for the Money; doth thereby tempt the Mercenary Chemist to Adulterate and Sophisticate, or else make the Medicine by halfs: How destructive this is to many a poor Soul, I shall leave others to determine. Thus instead of Spirit of Salt, Phlegm of Salt is sold; and not only so, but 'tis sometimes Sophisticated, and Oil of Sulphur (with other Remedies too tedious to be named) adulterated, etc. I omit with what, because I will not make Fools Knaves. Nor are many of our Modern Writers silent concerning this; for even Van Helmont seriously professeth, That he was loath to speak plainly of any Medicine of Note, Because almost all Chemical Remedies in the Shops being full of deceit, and adulterated, through desire of Gain, gave him cause to think all would be served so: And truly I am of his Opinion. But the ingenious and noble Robert * Physiolog. Essays. Boyl Esquire, having found it too true, says, That he so often met with Chemical Preparations unsincere, that he dare scarce trust any in the Administration of Physic, which either his own Furnaces did not afford him, or was given him by some faithful skilful person he had a good opinion of. The other day (says he) having occasion to use some Spirit of Salt, whereof I was not then provided, I sent for some to a Chemist, who making it himself, was the likelier to afford that which was well made: But though I gave him his own rate for it, at the first rectification in a Retort, a single pound afforded us no less than six ounces of Phlegm; and afterwards being further rectified in a high Body and gentle Heat, the remaining Spirit parted with a scarce credible quantity of the like nauseons' Liquor. And after all these sequistrations of Phlegm, 'twas not pure enough to perform what we expected from it. Of which complaining to an excellent Chemist of my acquaintance, he sent for Spirit of Salt to a very eminent Distiller of it, who gets much by his Profession, and passeth for a very honest Man: But this Spirit (besides its weakness) discovered itself to be Sophisticated, with either Spirit of Nitre or Aqua Fortis; Which betrayed itself by its peculiar and odious smell. Whereas Spirit of Salt skilfully and sincerely drawn, is commonly of a greenish Colour, bordering upon yellow, and hath usually a peculiar and not unpleasing smell. I shall bring here no more Instances, though I could produce many to the same effect, seeing it would be but actum agere. Only be pleased to take notice how well a Patient is likely to be recovered by such ill-made Medicines: And what's the cause the Galenists often prevail little more in a manner with their mercenary Chemical Remedies, than they do with their own cloging drossy Galenical ones, as also what is one cause they cry out against Chemical Medicines. ☞ But why then do Galenists rail at, and give reproachful Titles to Chemical Physicians and their Art? There are many Causes, one of which I desired you to take notice of lately, but the most usual one is, because they outdo them in Cures, through faithful preparing their own Medicines. And thereupon lest the People, especially the Gentry, should be inclined to make use of them, they Buzz into their Heads, That Chemical Remedies either Kill or Cure quickly. Who, not perceiving the Doctor's Design, believe it, till they are brought almost to Death's door; and then when they perceive themselves as 'twere incurable, knowing they can but die, a Chemical Physician perhaps shall be employed; and if they be not too far spent, (which sometimes they are before the Galenist will leave them) by wholesome, lively, innocent Remedies they recover. And by this means, notwithstanding their Reproaches, is Chemistry in repute with many. I remember about four years since, a worthy Gentlewoman falling into a Paralytic Lethargy, several (I think three) Galenick Physicians were sent for. They tried various Ways and Means, and Medicine upon Medicine, but all was in vain; and after three days endeavour could not awaken her, or cause her to move, but were forced to leave her as they found her, whilst the Disease seemed to laugh their lifeless and feeble Remedies to scorn. Thus when she was yielded incurable, my ingenious Tutor was sent for; who sending his Son, because himself could not conveniently go, recovered her by innocent yet valiant Remedies, insomuch that she could move and open her eyes in few hours space, and afterwards, to the wonderment of many, he made her well and sound. One or two of the Doctors hearing this, and seeing her within few days so much mended after their ineffectual attempts: To save their Credits, and salve their Bungling, buzzed into the heads of the Women, that he, to wit, the Chemical Doctor, corresponded with the Devil, or some bad Spirit; adding, he useth Astrology, (which the Vulgar call the Black Art, though it borrows its name from Light Bodies) but they mistook. However this was not a little believed, by not only the credulous Women, but some Men; insomuch that enquiery was made concerning it, and that with diligence, whereby they were better satisfied▪ and plainly saw the Heathenish Christianism, and deceit of the Doctors; and we by this means came to hear on't. But what a piece of Villainy was this, to reward so good, so charitable, and so ingenious a Physician, with so base and ignominious a reproach, for all his Labour and Expenses to find out better Medicines than they had! Nor was this all, for they used and tried many ways to depretiate, and bring his Medicines into contempt; only because he could do more than they could, and oftentimes cured where they were nonplussed. But this reproach was so blockish, That surely had I not then been a Tabler with him in the House, and heard it there, I should not easily have believed that any Physician had been so stupid, or so unphilosophically bred, as to ascribe the cure of Diseases to the Devil. I must confess 'tis something like the trick of the Pharisees, who abused the Prince of Physicians, our Lord and Master Christ, for casting out Devils, and curing Diseases, which they could not; saying, he did it through Beelzebub the Prince of Devils: Wherefore if the Master was defamed, well may his Servants. However let not such Reproaches deter you, ye noble and truehearted Chemical Physicians, from pursuing after more refined Medicines; being assured, (as Helmont says) That none shall ever be forsaken of God, who with a pious Affection, and firm Faith, performs the Office of a Physician. Nor be ye startled at their crying out against the Heat of Chemical Medicines, seeing through a defect in the Natural Heat of the Body, Diseases are commonly bred, especially Fevers. For if Heat, which is the Exciter, though not the Efficient of Digestion, did not fail, as well as the Ferment itself, and thereby disinable the Stomach; so many Fevers, and other Distempers as are, would scarce be: But when the Natural and Vital Heat fails, a preternatural one either is caused in the whole Body soon after, through the Archaeus being angry, or the whole does gradually decline. Besides we ought to consider that Death is cold, and that Diseases are the Harbinger of Death, therefore to be withstood by Vital Remedies, if we intent not to labour in vain: But how a Remedy that is Vital can be Cold, Dead, and Spiritless, I shall leave them to prove, seeing Life and Heat in Man are so much akin, that where the first is, there's the last; and that where the last is wholly absent, the first is not present. But here by Vital Remedies, I do not mean such as will inflame, to wit, Vinous Ones: though such, if mild, when the diseasie cause is removed, are good for nourishment. But I by Vital Medicines do mean, such as are friendly to the Life, and the Stomach, the Prime Seat thereof; such as are benign, and in their heat not exceeding the Vital Heat of the Body. Such Heaters, I say, as shall certainly by their lively and abstersive Properties, assist and reinforce Nature, to the expelling what hurts, and thereby undoubtedly cool. Provided Death, and an extinction of the Candle of L●fe is not at hand: Yet then (which is worthy of note) such shall keep the Tongue smooth, as also the Mouth unfured; shall give Ease when vulgar Remedies can't; And commonly preserve the Senses entire to the last; as much as then can be expected. For, Contra vim mortis, non est Medicamen in hortis. Yet am I not so much wedded to the Chemical Science, as to exclude all things from Physic which have not been Spagyrically handled: or to go to persuade the World that in the absence of Pyrotechny, no Remedies may be produced for some particular Maladies, whilst experience tells me the contrary. For doubtless the Art of Healing amongst the Ancients was first founded on a Proper application of Simples, which they found good against many remote, and less dangerous Diseases, whilst daily experience dictated. Nor can I be persuaded otherwise than that they had Remedies; with which many violent Affects, and such that beset the Vitals in their chief Inns, were not unfortunately removed: could we be so happy as to know them in their naked simplicity, unmasked and singled from their hotch-potchly Adjuncts. Which we have reason to believe Posterity added, more from a desire of hiding the Art of Healing, to make the People believe 'tis most mysterious, and to beget admiration in them; than in the least to advance it, or that they might safelier Cure Diseases: Seeing the multiplying of Ingredients in a Medicine is so common at this day, that scarce a wholesome one which is simple and innocent can be invented by any Sober Physician, Motherly Gentlewoman or expert Nurse (which two last have been doubtless the finders out of a great many Remedies); but if it come into the hands of some half-witted, and Ambitious Doctors; presently their aims are to Monopolise the same, and render it far more intricate. To which end therefore, one he adds to the already virtuous Simplo (or Medicine made of two or three ingredients) this thing, another he adds a second, as they think analogous; a third perhaps two or three more ingredients: And thus they add more and more till the Virtues of the Simple are Confounded, whilst the Medicine is Compounded. Besides, think they, (who are in the interim ignorant that Nature rejoiceth in Simplicity) if we mix a multitude of Ingredients together, 'tis much if one done't cure but an other will; And that if a Medicine hath thirty or forty several Ingredients in it, 'twill not be difficult to persuade the weak-sighted People that 'twill Cure half as many Diseases; at leastwise knock down one as dead as a H●rring: For thirty to one is odds at the football; and that (Reader) thou knowest as well as I. But truly herein they mistake, for we are not to go to football, but to heal. Besides, let us suppose that that Simple, or perhaps two or three, which were originally the true Medicine, had any considerable Virtues: Yet they may well believe, and according to the Rules of Nature too, that the other adjuncts though they make the Medicine mysterious, do weaken and E●lipse its Virtues; and render it disgustful and oppressive to the Stomach, when otherwise it might alleviate Nature. Hence is it that the Sick frequently complain against vulgar Remedies that are given for relief: Saith one, I no sooner see a Galley-pot or Pill-box but it presently inclines me to loathing and vomiting. Others there are who having been sound paid ●ff, will by no means hear of a Physician till they are right-down Sick, and almost at Death's door; Yea will rather venture their lives under the hand of a Nurse, with some Home spun simple Decoction, than in the least adhere to such confused Prescripts: So that till he is much spent, and he find his strength daily to fail, no Physician or Physic (as they unproperly call poisonous Purges, Vomits, or Spiritless ho●ch-potches) must p●ss over the threshold of the door. And when he is consulted, the Patient is apt to ●ry out, and that not causelessly, Good Doctor give me nothing to Clog, Vomit, or Disturb me. And why is it? Perhaps Experience told him that last time he fell under the Doctor's hands; he had well-nigh as much trouble, and felt as much oppression from the Medicine he took▪ as from the Disease itself: Whilst poor Nature under two Egyptian Task masters, was even forced to make Brick without Straw, and had a double trouble, instead of ease, to cast forth the Disease and Medicine. Thus many times by clogging lifeless Medicines▪ as also by poisonous and churlish Purges and Vomits, Nature is not only even jaded, and haged, but likewise for the future admonished. And I myself was in my youthful years, so grieviously perplexed with such, and harmed in my Vitals; that several purgative Ingredients can't approach my Tongue or palate, without well-nigh causing me to Vomit: For Nature, who formerly paid punishment for admitting them, will hardly be cheated again. And though some there are, and those not a few, who (with me) know that the most simple Remedies are most virtuous and benign, provided the ingredients be not poisonous; And thereupon will not in the least, for any sinister ends, walk contrary to their understandings: Yet others there are, who making Gain Godliness▪ and their Bellies their God, mind not so much their Patients good, as the esteem of the World, which (as it always did) loves things of least worth, if they are splendid; And therefore oftentimes, out of policy, give them a tedious Receipt to frighten them into a belief of the All-skilfulness. For perhaps such Doctors imagine, that if they shall prescribe a few things, the Patient or Bystanders will count them not knowing, and highly undervalue their Art: And think that if they shall order Common Things, and such as may be had at home, that the Women will get away their Skill: And that if they shall prescribe one Medicine twice, to one and the same Patient, without addition, 'twill manifest their Knowingness to be small they suppose, or else discover their Art to the Apothecaries. To keep all of them therefore in ignorance, and make them adore them the more, Foreign and costly Ingredients, with cruel and perversely hard names shall be ordered, and that in no small number: notwithstanding that by this means the Medicine is made cruelly and perversely clogging, and the Patient's Vitals are injured whilst they seek to be admired. Some others there are, who being ignorant of Nature, and not well knowing the rise and cause of Diseases; when they meet in consultation, because the Disease shall not escape their clutches, sometimes mix twenty or thirty (if not more) Ingredients together: Perhaps hoping that if one done't frighten him, a second may scare him, a third may box his Ears, a fourth may cut his Nose, a fifth break his Pate, or a sixth knock him down dead a● a door Nail. But if none of these shall do the work, yet at leastwise hope that so great a number of Simples will so closely beset the Disease on all ●ides, that he shall never escape their fingers, when many times there is more harm than good done by them. I remember a certain Author relates, how that on a time several Physicians being in consultation, after viewing their Patient, resolved to join their forces together, and invent a Medicine to cure him. Whereupon one of them orders several things, another as many more, and a third must have his Ingreedients in too; so they went round, and round again, being resolved that some of the Ingredients should do the Work. But one who was more ingenious and intelligent than the rest, observing the nonsensicalness of the Compound, and the multitude of Simples, mixed without Reason; tells them, They should put in one thing more, to wit, a Haycock, and then 'twould be a Medicine fit for a Horse. Methinks he touched the Mark, and spoke like one of understanding, for doubtless before 'twas as fit to Kill as Cure, but the Haycock might have made it good for something. But can we seriously suppose that such a Medicine, so diversely and irrationally mixed, and wherein are so many differing Ingredients, can ever prove a Pacifier of Nature? Or, may we not rather suppose, if any of them are Alcal●ous, and others Acid, that Nature will be disturbed by their cross-grained litigiousness and quarrelling? I am fit to think nothing less. Well, but imagine that the Ingredients are as quiet as Lambs, and don't one fall foul on another; also that there are in such a Mass-ofaltogether, four or five Ingredients, which are Homogeneal and Innocent, and would, if given by themselves, do good: Yet they being exceedingly shackled and overwhelmed, if not wholly destroyed by the other Additions, are thereby made so feeble and weak, that if the Medicine, by its cloggingness, proves not an Enemy to Nature, it seldom gives ease to the Patient. Give Ease did I say! Alas how can it possibly? 'Twould be a thing most unreasonable to expect it: Seeing the Necessary and Virtuous Ingredients, are so hoodwinked by the Adjuncts, that they are unable to peep out of the mixture. Which doubtless gave one of our Moderns occasion, with a serious Character, to say, There were very few Medicines in the whole Dispensatory, which contained not as much hurt as good in them. But as for some of the more virtuous Simples, in their Integrity and Nakedness, they are in no wise to be denied our Repositories, nor excluded from the Classis of Medicine; nor some few such Specific Remedies, as are composed of two or t●ree Ingredients, and which Experience hath proved innocent and good; though it manifestly appears (daily experience dictating) that Chemistry produceth Remedies more Universal, and of a far more swift, certain, and safe Operation, in Malevolent and Dangerous Diseases; to wit, if the Ingredients are primarily Innocent, or made so by the assistance of Art: In that it separateth the parts terrene, deadly, and malign, from those that are most benign, lively, and virtuous. Whereby the last with greater ease are admitted into the Privy-Chambers of Life, and enable it to expel the Disease. To call which injurious, I suppose there is no man so blind, seeing even when the strength is entire and confirmed, so small a quantity of what Food is received into the Body, is assimulated and turned into nourishment. Seeing that after the m●st nourishing and vital parts are sucked out by the Venae-lacteae, the Drossy and Earthy (which are far greater commonly than the nourishing) are rejected, and cast forth by the Guts: Seeing also a separation is needful in Health, much more requisite in Sickness. But then Nature being debilitated, and unable to do it, 'tis the Office of the Physician to do it for Her, else he merits not the name of her Helper: That the Stomach and other Digestions which do fail and decline, may be aided with innocent Healers, and not be loaded and jaded with spiritless Medicines, insignificant, earthy, and raw. Opiates blamed. TO omit Opium likewise, whilst it too often hurts and sometimes gives People their bane, is a thing I deem most inconvenient. For I aim not in reflecting on Damages in Medicine, to do my Work sluggishly by halfs; nor partially to condemn some Physical Ingredients for their malignity, and let others as Venomous got Scot-free. Would it not make one admire to see how many are murdered, yea plainly murdered, by the stupifying venom of Opium, and no warning taken thereat? But as if it were nothing to sport with men's Lives, those who have been the unfortunate Actors of such lamentable Tragedies, having prescribed such, and thereby killed their Patients secundum Artem, have nevertheless adventured ('tis cruel Ignorance!) to give the same again with no unlike deplorable event. Yea, with many, not only confidently ignorant ones, but also the more Learned and Acute-witted, what is more commonly ordered for procuring gentle Rest, when the violence of the Disease hinders sleeping, than the mischievous, and not half-guilded Laudanum of the Shops? When the gentle Rest which it produceth, is not seldom a sleeping to Death, and that it so exceedingly stupifies many that take it, and so immeasurably preys upon their Vitals: That if after long sleeping they being forceably awakened, do mutter out a few words to their Friends, they serve for no more than a last farewell, or to hint that Death is approaching. But some it ●o severely entangles in its Narcotick-Chains, and so benumbs and freezes their Vitals, that their pretended gentle Rest, to the shame of Medicine, is a horrid irrecoverable Sleep. And what then can any harm be in that? Seeing the Dead are generally very courteous, and are usually so little addicted to revenge, that they never come back to complain, or in the least to tell stories against the Doctor? It is to be wished they could, that then if Physicians Consciences smite them not, nor excite them to studiousness in Physic; yet being admonished for the future, they may learn to make use of more innocent Remedies and not hazard the life of the Sick: May be thereby taught so much honesty for the future, as not to exclaim against men studious and learned, and because they recede from perverse Remedies and Methods, brand them with the name of Empirics, whilst themselves who know not what Remedies they give, are much more worthy thereof. But suppose that an Opiative Medicine is given that has not so bad and malevolent tricks, but is by far better corrected than the Laudanum, for all its specious and spicy additions; which with Sp. Vini, are no more able to tame the Opium, than a Mouse is to tame a Lion, though the Medicine is made mysterious by it. I say, suppose one better corrected than the Laudanum is given, yet the event is not always as it should be. For Matthews' Pill, which in many Apothecaries shops in the Country is called Magisterium Anodynum, and in which the Opium is six times better corrected than in the Laudanum, is not only at a chance so great an enemy to the life as to destroy it: But also frequently a great causer of Thirst, Costiveness, and headache the morning following, and sometimes watchfulness a night or two after. You may perhaps say this is through the Pills ill composure, the Corrector not being good, or through the Opiums ill commixture with it; caused from Lazyness and carelessness in him that made it: But not from any Vice in the Pill, as a Pill. In behalf of its innocency I can say little: only I can assure you that notwithstanding I can make it as well as another, yet I use it not, because it is hazardous. For, whatever others think, 'tis not an ordinary thing to sport with men's lives, nor is it in my Opinion lawful to give that Medicine to another which I would not willingly take. Besides the miscarriage of a Father, Mother, or Son, upon taking an untoward Remedy, may do so much injury in a family as to give them cause of blaming, if not of cursing the Physician and Apothecary too. And the kill of a Man, though it be secundum Artem, with a Medicine known to be dangerous, is a crime not easily expiated. Others perhaps may think well on't, and being adventurous, not dread it in the least: And so they may for all me; though I wish them success and prosperity in their affairs, even as much as their hearts can desire. And as to Laziness, and Incuriousness in the Preparer of it, on which you would lay the blame, when the Pill does harm and destroys the life of the Patient: I confess they are detrimental in Physic, and do make the Pill much more hazardous. Notwithstanding which, some of those Physicians who pretend to make their own Medicines, as well as Apothecaries, especially such as live in the Country, are and have been accustomed to buy such like Remedies of Mercenary Chemists and Operators. Of the ill-making and compounding of which they being ignorant, and hoping they are truly and well-prepared, do sometimes, and that not seldom give them to the sick with events not answering their desires. For such incurious Operators, if they make not their Remedies of perished Drugs, yet they bestow not the pains required to make them well, or at leastwise Adulterate and Sophisticate them at last that they may get a tolerable subsistence: And why is it? Because 'tis the humour of most Apothecaries, especially of those who are ignorant of Chemistry, without any regard had to due and honest preparation, to buy where most may be had for money; and (which is a wonderful cheapness) to purchase some remedies so cheap, that the same money, without being paid for Labour, will but defray charges of ingredients, Glasses, Fire, and house-Rent, if the medicine were duly and honestly made. Which humour of theirs in seeking after cheap, (not good) remedies is doubtless detrimental to the Sick, and one cause why they sometimes go uncured: whilst to please them their Operators scarce regard what they do, being loath to be deprived of their Custom. I perhaps by this discourse may anger some of the Apothecaries whose Consciences on sight hereof will fly in their Faces; As also some Physicians who pretending to make their own Medicines; do buy their Chemical preparations of others. But if I do, truly they must pardon me: For where the lives of men are concerned 'tis bad soothing; My desire is that they would be candid & not seek more after wealth & ease than the good of the sick. I that lost a Father and had my own Vitals clipped in their prime, through ill-contrived and pernicious medicines, may well be allowed to speak. At leastwise whether they will allow me or not, I will take the liberty to do it. Yet would I not have you think that all Apothecaries are thus incurious. No: No: for I am persuaded that there are not a few in London, and some few here and there in the Country that are persons very ingenious, and candid, and such as make their own Chemical preparations. Only I could wish that those candid ones were the quarter part of the Apothecaries in the Nation: For then though it would be bad enough, it would be better by far than 'tis now. But to return to Magisterium Ancdynum otherwise called Mathews his Pill, and to let you see 'tis not the safest of Medicines, but sometimes destructive, take this example. A certain person a man of good credit falling violently ill of a Fever had Mathews his Pill given him by a Physician that made it, or at leastwise pretends to make his own Medicines: But whether 'twas to make him sleep or cure him of his Fever I know not; however the sick taking it, it so perniciously freezed and stupefied his Vitals that although after some hours were passed, being awaked he could open his eyes a little; Yet returning to sleep, all their Art could not awake him, so he sound slept till he died. Several more instances I could give you of such who with Opiates slept to Death: But I know not certainly whether they took the Laudanum, or Magisterium Anodynum: Only an Esquire and his Wife in the Country not many years since taking Magisterium Anodynum as the Physician ordered, and they persuading him to do so too, to prove the safety of his Medicine: the Physician died that night after taking it, and his Patients died in few days after him, their disease having been much exasperated. An other person not being currently well, was thereby deprived of sleep, whereupon she consulting a Physician, and a Learned one too, he prescribed her an Opiative medicine to cause sleep, as also a Cordial with it. She took it and sleeping sound all night was awaked by her husband in the morning; when ask for a little drink, she suddenly fell asleep, and slept so long till she died; whilst they did their utmost endeavour to awake her. A certain widow being somewhat ill fell under a course of Physic, (her Doctor being he that ordered a sleeping dose for the last) And first of all she was Purged and Vomited, which being done her Stomach was so hurt she could not sleep at night. Hereupon a Dormitive medicine was given her, which she taking overnight, next morning (whereas she used to be up at seven a Clock) she not being Stirring at nine, one of her chief servants enquired for his Mistress, and asked why she was not come down: says the maid presently, the Doctor gave my Mistress something to make her sleep, which said: The man fearing lest as some others had done she should sleep to death, took the boldness to go up and call her. When he came and found her fast a sleep and in a cold sweat he awaked her; and she desiring it, reached her something to drink: But the Cup was no sooner taken away, than she was a sleep again, and gave the man a second trouble of awaking her: However that would not do, for to sleeping she returned, whereupon he called up more company; and they not prevailing they sent for the Doctor to see if he could do any good: But he with all his Art Force and Violence, could not make her open her eyes, for the Poisonous Opium prevailed. At length when fair means would not do, the Doctor ordered red-hot coals to be laid to her back; and when he had sound burnt her, she not awaking slept to Death Secundum Artem, and left several Fatherless and Motherless Children. I think I need mention no more, for these will suffice seeing such pranks are too often acted every where. But I wonder what such Doctors think of themselves, whilst they thus through carelessness fatten Burying places, and increase the numbers of the Fatherless and Motherless? Do they think God is just, and will ever call them to an account? Doubtless though the Outward Law can't reach them whilst they murder by authority, and send people Methodically to Orcus: God will one day let them know what a good Conscience means, and that there were and are Medicines not Poisonous to be found, if they had been diligent. However we Physicians have one great benefit above many other Professions, and 'tis that which keeps the Poisoning trade on: For if some others commit errors they remain in sight to posterity, but the Earth forthwith covers Our faults; By which means they being forgotten, we may without interruption next year Kill another Secundum Arte●. But does not Opium many times profit the sick in provoking rest, and causing them to sleep which otherwise they would not after watchful nights & days? I cannot say it really profiteth, as 'tis commonly corrected, but that it brings sleep and sometimes Death is apparent: nor does it seldom appear that the sleep which it causeth is not nourishing, as almost every intelligent woman that has been conversant with sick people, or has taken it herself can tell you. For it procures not sleep in that it takes away the cause of Watchfulness from the Midriffs and Stomach, but only through Stupifying the Vitals: For after the taking of an Opiative Medicine to wit Laudanum if the occasional cause of Not-sleeping remains; the night or two following the Party who took it is commonly more restless than before. And if Mathews' Pill does at any time effect a cure I can hardly ascribe it to the Opium or Hellebore but to the Correcting Sapo: For that being Alcaleous and an enemy to Acidity by its abstersive property (whilst so much of the Opium in it does more harm than good) sometimes effects a cure and removes the Occasional Cause; which being taken away sleep comes naturally, and of its own accord; therefore we should chiefly aim at that. What I speak is not conjectural, but can assure you I am fully confirmed that if half the Opium in the Pill and half the Hellebore were left out, and a larger quantity of the Liquorish put in, 'twould be a far more innocent, less disturbing, and far more virtuous Medicine: for whereas according to Mathews his way the Opium was one to four, yet now being but one to eight it can't have that stupifying force, nor so exceedingly display its Narcotick Venom. But be sure whatever you do let the Sapo be well, truly, and duly made, and then mix the Opium thoroughly with it, beating them two together for a good while in a Mortar till they are fully incorporated: which being done, at last put in the other ingredients after you have mingled them likewise; and by this means 'twill be made the more safe. Though after all if you would be ruled by me you should be very cautious in using it. Preventive Physic a cheat, and a trick to get Money by. Amongst other Injuries and Abuses I can't pass by that mischievous one of giving purges to the healthy at spring and fall under pretence of keeping a future integrity. Having not only under that speciousness been reduced to weakness myself, but had likewise the unhappiness whilst a youth to lose my Most dear Father. Who being about the fourtieth year of his age, and pretty healthy, in the spring-time some occasions calling him into that City wherein we lived, accidentally (as I think 'twas) meets with a Galenist, and one Med: Doct: This Doctor having for several years been his Physician used not much Rhetoric to persuade him; but taking his fee, Prescribes, and sending the Bill away to the Apothecary gives order for a Preventive Purge to be taken next morning. My Father complied with his order and took it, but Nature not being able to expel and conquer the Venom, it notwithstanding all their endeavour, derided all their succours, and so debilitated Nature, that things passed through his body unaltered as it were, unless by the Poison of the Purge: and the fourth day after taking it, it giving him thirty or forty stools (if not more) Killed him about six the next morning. Thus my Father through Ignorance and Deceit was murdered under the notion of Prevention, and of anticipating future Diseases: whilst the Doctor and Apothecary strived each to find excuses and discharge themselves of the Blame. But had the Purge been safe as it was not; they would do well to give a reason why such a Dose must be given, to Oppose a Disease not in being, and is but supposed to come: Seeing they are wholly ignorant whether o● no 'twill, (if it do come take up its Inn next in the Head, Heart, Stomach, Guts, Spleen, Liver or Joints etc. Seeing that also they know not which of the four Humours (pardon the Phrase for I speak to the Humourists) will next abound, and therefore must needs be ignorant which of them to Select and Purge forth: Seeing also that the taking of Physic can bring no man to a more happystate of body than health, & therefore he that enjoys it wants none of their Preventives. Yet will I not say that Physic (as the people call it) at Spring and Fall is unworthy of that appellation; it being most true that it is efficacious, and hath a Divers Operation at Once: yea and so effectual a one too that I will not not be so audacious as to rob it wholly of its name, seeing it in some sort deserves it. For if it takes away superfluous humours from the Patient's body as they tell you; I am sure it adds necessary ones to some of the Doctor's Purses: and whilst it cures that of a Plethora, cures this of a Consumption; which must inevitably follow were there not a supply and a proper Preventive at hand. But 'tis no matter think some, and their Actions declare it: If we meet not with a Disease we will make one; for 'tis a sad thing to be without work: Oh misery of miseries! What a horrible thing is this, that Medicine mercifully created by the Father of Lights for the relief of distressed mankind, should thus be perverted & abused? Honest Helmont that thou wrotest not so satirically in vain, nor yet without sufficient cause, we may with facility see. It may perhaps be objected that some Persons if they take not a Purge at Spring and Fall, are subject sometimes to Sickness in the Summer or Winter succeeding. This word Sometimes is well put in; for doubtless 'tis not always; Neither are they always well in the succeeding Winter or Summer who take them; Which I with many others can testify from woeful Experience. But many times on the other hand they who done't take them, are more healthy & less subject to lapse: Whilst they only crave the assistance of a Cup of Wormwood-beer, or some such innocent haustus in the spring-time. But granting what they say, to wit, that it is needful for some, and so requisite at the forenamed Seasons; that the omission thereof has made them infirm, and not seldom less healthy by far: Yet they ought to consider that Custom is the cause thereof, and that as Customary doth the body require it, no otherwise than it doth the use of Tobacco when many Years converse therewith had made it familiar. And if too frequent smoking hath made Tobacco so necessary that some persons can better be without their food than without it, must that forthwith prove it convenient for all persons to take it? Experience tells us the contrary whilst not a few are hurt by the use of it, and wish they never had known it. And therefore I shall say no more to such, whose converse with Preventive Purges has made that custom useful, and too sudden a declining it dangerous, than to advise them to take heed of whom they Make use, and be sure that the Solutive be safe. Lest after they have consulted too confident and careless Physicians, they dearly pay the punishment of their folly. I say, let them be sure that the Purge, if they must have one, be safe, and such that shall not hurt them, nor in the least impair the Faculties and Ferments of the Body. They who give other, deserve sharp reproof, and whether learned or unlearned, want no ignorance in Physic. Yet would I not have you think there are no Preventives, or means to preserve Health for the future, for I can assure you to the contrary; only they are neither Purgatives nor Vomitives. For in my opinion, the best Preventives, are sober and moderate Eating and Drinking; keeping a good order for Sleeping, Exercises, etc. and avoiding too much Sedentariness; shunning all Drunkenness and Debauchery, and taking care upon s●dden or great Heats not to catch cold: As also not to be too studious or thoughtful, (both which, or either of them weakens the Body more than Labour) but sometimes to slacken the Cords of Intense Study. 'Tis an excellent way also to prevent Diseases, and more profitable than the best Preventive Purge or Vomit in England, Never to Eat or Drink any thing that disagrees with you, or is disgustful and loathsome to your Stomach: Not forgetting at any time when your Spirits are flagged and fail, to refresh and enliven them with a moderate cup of Ale, Sack, or other generous Liquor that agrees with your Stomach and Purse. In doing these, I dare assure thee, Reader, thou wilt do well, through God's blessing, and mayst laugh at all their Preventives. But now to give you a second Narrative. Some years after the untimely death of my Father, it being thought meet in Autumn, for all I was pretty well, to purge my Body; that is to say, to take a Poisonous dirty Besom to sweep a clean House, and diminish my Venal Blood, a Purge was ordered, and I took it, but was thereby purged into an Ague, that continued a good while after; whereas had I been let alone, I might undoubtedly have been healthy that Winter. Not much disagreeing with the History of my Father's Death, is an account which Helmont gives concerning a noted Brabanter. Of late, saith he, a judicious Man of the Privy-Council of Brabant, that he might preserve his Health, had taken an usual Pill of washed Aloes, (to wit, gilded) and whilst he found not the effect thereof, declares it to a Physician passing by: Who blames the sluggishness of the Aloes, and so turns Picron or bitter, into Pigrum slow. I will prescribe, saith he, corrected Pills of greater virtue; the which being taken, after a whole weeks vainly endeavouring to restrain the Purges unbridled effect, he miserably perished, thus that he might free himself from a future Disease, he perished by the deceit of the Physician, and left eleven Children. From whence (saith Helmont) 'tis chief manifest, that it is free for a loosening Medicine to tyrannize on him that is in good health, as well as on a sick Person: to wit, it is lawful, under the name of a Physician, and deceit of a purging Medicine, to pray upon the Life of Princes without punishment, because the Earth covers the cruel ignorance of Physicians. Also a Merchant's Daughter of my Acquaintance told me seriously, That having some defect in her Speech, to wit, a Lisping, and thereby pronouncing some words not very plainly, though otherwise she was in very good health; was partly promised a removal of that Defect by a Physician. Who accordingly prescribes a Medicine or two for her whilst an Angel mediated. They being sent from the Apothecaries, the young Gentlewoman according to order took them, and was at four days end sick in good earnest, (this is worse than what Tinkers do, to make a Hole in a whole Vessel) and therefore had the Doctor's aid to repair the breach he had made in her Health. which he, by strengthening Remedies, did in four or five days more. But the defect in pronunciation, her Lisping remains still, after that the Doctor had got some Angels for making her Sick: Whereas had he sent for a Chirurgeon to cut off a piece of her Tongue, he had had some seeming pretence; yet that had been▪ as equally blockish and dangerous. Seeing the cause of Lisping is the Tongues being too large for the Mouth, thereby hindering a clear pronunciation, whilst it cannot move readily, and is subject to close with the Teeth when it should not. Surely the Physician (if I may call him one) was either sufficiently ill-read in Anatomy, or else little honest, either of which agree badly with Physic; for if he had not been one of them, he would never have prescribed Medicines to cure what cannot be cured. The over-bigness of the Tongue being caused at Nature's pleasure, no otherwise than a large Hand, Arm, Leg, Foot, Nose, Mouth, or Head; and therefore 'tis every way as rational to expect to lessen any of them by taking of Medicines inward, as to hope to make the Tongue less; to attempt which nevertheless would be Sottish. Also why may we not expect, after the same rate of Curing, that a Person having six Fingers on a Hand, should have one of them taken away by a Medicinal Potion, seeing that also is from an Error in Formation. But of this enough, which though not proper in this place, I thought meet to hint; That if such Physicians will not learn to be wise and honest, yet that the People may learn to shun them. I shall only add one Instance more to show the perniciousness of Preventive Doses, and then draw towards a conclusion. A certain Tradesman, some years since, being desirous to take some Preventive Physic, consults a Physician; who thereupon prescribes him a Purge (to wit) in Pills, which were accordingly sent home to his house: But he, by reason he had urgent Affairs, neglected the taking of them for two days. The Doctor coming by, and seeing him in his Shop, demanded whether or no he had taken them, the man replied No, but said, he would, and by the Doctor's permission did so: But the Poison being strong, too strong for Nature, he was dead in two hours' space. These Examples I bring, for an admonishment and caution to such who may at any time be tempted to take Preventive Physic, when they are already healthy, and Nature in a good plight, through the Stomach and other Digestions performing their Office. It not being seldom that such a Prevention doth weaken the strength and Vitals, as well as the Purse; at leastwise it doth them no good, all things being considered. And some Physicians there are who are worthy of blame, in that notwithstanding their own Consciences, as well as the Scripture, tell them, The whole have no need of the Physician, and therefore want no Physic: Yet will, in hopes of an Angel, be persuading the Healthy to take their Preventive Doses, when some of them themselves would not take them were they hired to do it, but a cup of good▪ Ale or Sack shall supply its place. Also 'tis worthy of note, that if at any time a Person is Sick, and by the Physicians order a Medicine brought; if the sick Party request him ●o prove the innocency of it, by taking the like quantity he order; it is five to one if to avoid taking it, he answers not, That the whole have no need of the Physician, or something to the same effect, and so evade it. Which thing considered, 'tis admirable the World is so stupid to be thus bul●'d out of their Moneys, Healths, and sometimes their Lives, under a pretence of Prevention. It being a thing as altogether needless to converse with Medicines when we are well, as 'tis needful to use them when we are sick; lest, be the Medicines never so good, by too familiarly taking and making them daily Food, as it were, they prove not Medicinal when occasion requires. Yea, so much harm hath this preventive Purging, and other abuses formerly done, as to make it a Proverb, Qui Medicè vivit, miserè vivit, (i. e.) He that lives Physically, lives miserably: And to make Physic the byword of the Vulgar. It may be Objected, That many take such Purges at Spring and Autumn, and are not at all hurt thereby; and 'tis doubtless true. Yet let me tell them, that not hurting such, and not impairing their Strengths, is not sufficient to counterbalance those injuries many others receive, if not by being killed, yet by debilitating and weakening their Vitals. Besides, I am sure if they are not weakened, yet all things considered it profits not; notwithstanding much corrupt Liquor is cast forth; which some call bad Humours, and truly so they are when in the Glose-stool, for 'tis Venal Blood slain by the venom of the Laxative, and rendered unfit for nourishment. Though before the Purge was admitted into the Body, 'twas well enough. That it is slain Venal Blood, the putrid smell of a dead Carcase possessing those Humours (as Helmont ●inteth) doth amply prove: As also if the Purge was violent, the scarce appearance of those Veins which the day before were full, and the weakness of the Vitals, whose strength is the Blood. What miseries (alas) thus attend us Mortals! As if it were not enough to do to wrestle with Diseases, that do daily get strength, and grow more malign and stubborn: But we must be preyed upon by venomous Remedies, and unfaithful Helpers! As if it were requisite to preserve Health, and a future integrity, by diminishing the strength, and poisoning the good Juices of the Body! Surely let him believe it that can, for I cannot; having been taught better, though at a dear rate, by the loss of my Father's Life, and by weakening my Vitals heretofore by such mischievous tricks. FINIS.