THE Hackney Coachmens CASE, Humbly offered to the Consideration of the Right Honourable the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses in Parliament Assembled. BY an Act of Parliament made in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth of Charles the Second, only Four hundred Coaches were Licenced, by which Regulation they were able to live, maintain their Families, and pay each of them Five Pounds per Annum, towards Paving, Repairing, and Enlarging the Streets, but that Expired long since. Since which time there hath been so great an increase of Hackney Coaches, gentlemen's Coaches, and Coaches that drive short Stages, and Chairs, about this Town, that 'tis impossible for them to live, much less to pay Five Pounds out of their small Gain, Wear and Tear considered; great numbers of which Hackney Coaches must in a short time be undone, and rendered incapable to pay the Five Pound intended to be laid on them, unless reduced to some Regulation, which is humbly offered as followeth. I. That no Person or Persons, Drive, or Let for Hire, any Coach or Coach Horses (except Stage-Coaches, directly from one Stage to the other) within the City of London or Westminster, or Parishes within the Weekly Bills of Mortality, without a Licence, on pain of forfeiting Five Pounds for each Offence, being thereof Convict, the one half to the King, the other to the Informer. II. That the Number of Hackney Coaches to be Licenced, may not exceed Five hundred; the Four hundred Ancient Licenced Hackney Coaches by Authority of the said Act to be preferred, each Licence to be taken out every Year, but the Power of Licensing to be for Ten or Twenty Years; and all the Clauses in the said Act, relating to Licensing and Regulating Coaches revived. III. That every of the said Five hundred Coaches so Licenced, do pay yearly, to such Person appointed to receive the same, Six Pounds, to be disposed of as shall be thought convenient. Obs. There is not now above Seven hundred Hackney Coaches, which at Five Pounds each, for One Year, amounts but to Three thousand five hundred Pounds. If Five hundred be Licenced at Six Pounds each Coach, for Ten Years, is Thirty thousand Pounds; for Twenty, Sixty thousand Pounds, the Town sufficiently served, and the Streets much less spoiled or torn up; and a present good Fund to raise Money.