Die Jovis 27. Julii, 1643. IT is this day Ordered by the Lords in Parliament, that Master Hill hath hereby thanks given him from their Lordships, for the great pains taken by him in his Sermon he made in Saint Margaret's Church Westminster before the Lords and Commons on Friday the 21. of this instant July, at the public Humiliation; And he is hereby desired to cause his said Sermon to be forthwith Printed and Published. John Browne Cleric. Parliamen. Die Veneris 21. Julii, 1643. IT is this day Ordered by the House of Commons, that Mr. Salloway do give thanks to Mr. Hill, who at the desire of the House this day Preached before the Commons at St. Margaret's, Westminster, it being an extraordinary day of public humiliation, and that he be desired to Print his Sermon. And it is Ordered that no man shall Print his Sermon, but whom the said Mr. Hill shall Authorize under his hand-writing. H. Elsing Cler. Parl. D. Com. I appoint John Bellamy and Ralph Smith to Print my Sermon. THO. HILL. THE MILITANT church, triumphant OVER THE DRAGON AND HIS ANGELS. Presented in a SERMON, Preached to both Houses of Parliament assembled on Friday the 21. of July, 1643. BEING An extraordinary day of public Humiliation appointed by them, throughout London and Westminster, that every one might bitterly bewail his own sins, and cry mightily unto God for Christ his sake, to remove his wrath, and heal the Land. By THO. HILL, B. D. sometimes Fellow of Emman. Coll. in Cambridge, and now Pastor at Tychmersh in the County of Northampton. Published by Order of both Houses of Parliament. In their affliction they will seek me early. Hos. 5.15. I said not unto the seed of Jacob, seek ye me in vain. Isa. 45.19. I said I would scatter them into corners, I would make the remembrance of them to cease from among men, were it not that I feared the wrath of the enemy. Deut. 32.26, 27. LONDON, Printed for John Bellamy and Ralph Smith, and are to be sold at their shop, at the three golden Lions in Cornhill near the royal Exchange. 1643. TO THE RIGHT honourable THE house OF LORDS, AND THE honourable house OF COMMONS Assembled in PARLIAMENT. I Never delighted in Pulpit Apologies, else I might have prefaced with an excuse from the extreme shortness of the warning to perform this solemn service. Your Christian attention in hearing, and candid acceptance of my mean endeavours, hath now likewise prevented my Apologizing Epistle. Let rather my pen second my tongue in provoking you and myself to bless the Lord, who invites poor sinners to seek to him in the day of trouble. Psal. 50.15. Now (will blasphemers say) they are glad to run to their prayers, we are indeed; desiring humbly to rejoice that we have such precious promises, sealed with the blood of such a Mediator, in whose Name we may boldly seek our heavenly father's face, even when he hath a rod, a sword in his hand. We would shame ourselves for our many sins, and justify God who is glorious in holiness, in all the judgements that lie upon us. If this be to be vile, we will with David (when God's hand calls for it) be more vile than thus. 2 Sam. 6.22. Let stupid Atheists take that portion, Isa. 26.11. Lord when thy hand is lifted up, they will not see, but they shall see and be ashamed for their envy toward thy people. If God style himself a God hearing prayers, Psal. 65.2. good reason we should run unto him as a people making prayers. Let us now therefore approve ourselves Christians indeed, not multiply groundless jealousies, which are almost as troublesome in the State as unsound opinions in the Church, not quarrel discontentedly with the defects of second causes, but meekly improve the hand whereby the first cause disposes all events. Nothing comes to pass in time, but what was decreed from Eternity. Luke 12.6, 7. If a few sparrows cannot fall to the ground, then surely Armies, Cities, Countries, cannot be lost without his providence. If he condescend to number his children's hairs, then certainly much more their heads. He who hath a bottle for their tears, a book of remembrance for their words and thoughts upon his Name, will not forget his own promises unto them: Mal. 3.16.18. but when discriminating times come, then shall ye return and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God, and him that serveth him not. There are now many veins opened in England, it is in the body politic, as in the natural, much bad blood cannot be let out, Isa. 23.9. but we shall lose some good. The Lord of hosts hath purposed to stain the pride of all our glory. Much honourable blood hath been shed amongst us since these sad troubles began. When the judgement comes by Famine or Pestilence, ordinarily most great persons escape, the vulgar sort of people fall by such arrows. God hath now sent a sword, which hath done execution upon divers of our Nobles, and many of our Gentry. The good Lord help you▪ and all whom it most concerns, to hear what this rod, this sword saith, and who hath appointed it. Micah 6.9. We all acknowledge it was drawn for the sins of this Nation; and will it be sheathed again without repentance? It was a strange prophecy of Robert Grosthead, that great Bishop of Lincoln in H. 3. time, who prying much into the abominations and spirit of Popery, said a little before his death, The Church shall not be delivered from the servitude of Egypt, but by violence and force, Nec liberabitur Ecclesia ab Egyptiaca servitute nisi in ore gladii cruentandi, Matth. Paris. See fox Martyrolog. and with the bloody sword. We have found this too true as well as other Churches. Is there not a generation amongst us, who, rather than they will have Christ reign over them, rather than Doctrine, Worship, Government, and Discipline, should be reduced to the simplicity that is in Christ, will hazard King and kingdoms, involving one after another in bloody troubles. Me thinks we may hear groaning England speaking the language of the woman of Tekoah, 2 Sam. 14.4. Help O King, and upon her ground; her two sons strove together in the field, and there was none to part them, but the one smote the other and slew him, v. 6. It will be your High Honour (O Noble Worthies) to be so faithful to your Saviour, and to your sovereign, as to put hereunto your helping Heads and Hearts, Counsels and Prayers. When God suffered his Church to be brought very low, to be a flock of slaughter, Zach. 11.7. yet than he took unto him two staves, the one he called Beauty, and the other he called Bands, and he fed the flock. Be pleased to improve your utmost now as good followers of the lamb. Call for the help of the Reverend Assembly, who will study to advise you according to the Testimony of Jesus. Church-Reformation may prove a compendious way to compose State-commotions; Hereby poor distracted England may yet find two supporting Staves, Beauty and Bands, a beautiful union established in Church and State. The Lord delight to employ you to these happy purposes; so shall our mourning be turned into Hallelujahs. Your Honours to serve You faithfully, for the honour of the lamb. THOMAS HILL. Errata. PAge 18. line 11. for pulls read puts, pag. 23. l. 5. and all maintain r. and all to maintain, pag. 23. l. 19 for Papists read pupils. THE MILITANT church, TRIUMPHANT OVER THE DRAGON AND HIS ANGELS. REV. 12.11. And they over-came him by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. THEY who study the Providence of God, about his people, will find all his dispensations towards them full of wisdom and Love. If being provoked by their sins, he let loose oppressors amongst them, withal he provides Saviours for them; even when they feel a smarting rod, they may see it in the hand of an indulgent Father; so sweetly is he pleased to intermingle refreshings with troubles, and to put some Sugar into their bitterest potions. Thus kindly dealt he with his Ancient People, stirring up Ezekiel and Daniel, whom he sent captives with them, to be their comforters in that dark captivity: and thus tenderly dealt he with the Christian Churches, when John and they were under persecution, revealing such rich secrets unto them by him, as might strongly support them, and all suffering Saints, under the most bloody troubles that should succeed. This is the very tenor of this prophetical History, and historical prophecy, the Revelation of Christ to John: The revelation 〈◊〉 Christ ●o J●●n the Churches cordial in the last age. intending doubtless by him to send unto the conflicting Churches, such a standing and sovereign cordial as might cheer them, when they were at the lowest, with hope of triumphing over their most potent adversaries. And is it not pity, any Christians should have this cordial withheld from them, for whom it was by God himself provided? If Christ say, Rev. 1.3. Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy; why should any under pretence of difficulty, fondly imitate and exceed the superstition of the Jews, who permitted none to read the beginning of Genesis, Hieron. p●●oem. in Ezek. Canticles, the beginning and end of Ezekiel, before thirty years of age; but, ours, the book of the Revelation publicly scarce at all? Admit it be true, that in this book, Quot verba, tot sacramenta, as many mysteries as words; this may awaken study, and quicken prayer, but not take off our inquiry into these secrets intended for us. But though prophecies may be aenigmata, riddles to others before they be fulfilled; we have the advantage of many events and accomplishments to be our Interpreters. Yea, we have reason to hope, most of the bitter passages concerning the Churches of Christ, are already fulfilled; that there is much Sugar at the bottom reserved for these last ages, which may animate us to seek (with all humble sobriety) a revelation of the Revelation. And that which may embolden us to look for more glorious victories hereafter, we find in this 12▪ Chapter of the Revelation, even the infant Primitive Church becoming triumphant, when opposed by the fiercest of those heathenish Emperors. In the six first Verses, God's dealings with the old Israelites, and with the Primitive Christians seem to run parallel. They for a time were in the Egyptian bondage under Pharaoh, who sought to devour them. At last, God's mighty hand brought them out into the wilderness, where though unsettled for a while, yet he preserved and fed them graciously, and at the last brought them into Canaan. Thus did the Lord dispense himself towards his Church, who is represented v. 1. as a Woman clothed with the sun. Chr●sts spouse is made glorious by his beams, who is the sun of righteousness. Mal. 4 2. This Woman is travailing with Christ mystical, under sharp throws and pangs of persecutions, for three hundred years together, v. 2. and all this while the red Dragon, like a bloody Pharaoh, stood ●efore the Woman which was ready to be delivered, ●or to devour her child as scone as it was bo●ne, v. 3. & 4. Yet she brought forth a Man child, v. 5. a Masculine birth, vigorous Christians; who in Constantine's time were caught up to God, and to his Throne, were advanced to bear much sway. Yet when the Church was set at liberty from the oppression of the Heathen, she fled into the wilderness, v. 6. where she had a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there one thousand two hundred and threescore days, prophetical days, (i. e.) so many years. It pleaseth God to keep us in the dark for the punctual beginning of these days, God feed● his Church in the wilderness, & will punctually accord●ng to his promise, lead ●hem ●●●th 〈◊〉 Canaa●. as he did his people about the beginning of the Babylonish captivity. It was easily known it should continue but 70. years, yet there being three steps of it, one in the days of Jehoiakim, a second in the days of Jechonias, a third under Zedekiah, it was very hard, without special direction, where to fasten that beginning, which should terminate the 70. years. We may be confident the Christian Church shall be in the wilderness but one thousand two hundred and threescore years: and had we so much divine wisdom, as to know exactly where to begin to reckon them, we might speak more than conjecturally of the time of the church's deliverance. In the five following verses you have a more full amplification of this story from several passages and circumstances. First, The Wars betwixt Michael and the Dragon; Christ and the devil; and their Angels on both sides, v. 7. Secondly, The issue; The Dragon and his Angels prevailed not; but was cast out, and his Angels with him, v. 8, 9 The devil was cast down from that open rule, he had under Heathen Emperors. Thirdly, The church's acknowledgement of her success, v. 10. Fourthly, The means by which the devil and his party were conquered, v. 11. 1. principal, by the blood of the lamb. 2. organical, which is twofold. First, By the word of their Testimony; Herein they were sincerely active. Secondly, They loved not their lives unto death; Herein 〈◊〉 were resolutely passive. Here you have first, not only Christ himself overcoming, but also his Angels▪ as he engages his people in the conflict, so he allows them to share in the honour of the victory, They overcame. Yet secondly, so as Christ is chiefly acknowledged: The Crown is first set upon the captain's head, their overcoming was by the blood of the lamb. Thirdly, Something his soldiers contribute: though the devil's Angels may carry on their designs by lies, equivocations, reservations for a time; yet in conclusion, are conquered by the word of their Testimony, and that especially when it is held forth, by a zealous self-denial; And they loved not their lives unto death. These four Generals, as they lie in the words, will afford us four natural Observations, flowing from them. In the war betwixt Michael and the Dragon, and their object 1 Angels, though the true Church be Militant for a time, yet it proves victorious and triumphant. In the field of the Church behold two potent Armies, under two Generals, Michael and the Dragon▪ Michael, Quis sicut Deus? Christ Jesus that great and powerful captain of the host of God, Head of the Angels and his Church: The Dragon, who hath many black names, suitable unto his nature, v. 9 A great Dragon, for his terrible fierceness; an old Serpent, grown experimentally subtle; the devil, being an accuser of the Brethren before God day and night; Satan, an implacable adversary to the Saints, a Seducer; it is his trade to be misleading souls. Both Generals have their party. Christ hath his Angels, ministering Spirits, and Christian Princes, Magistrates, confessors, with troops of Saints. The devil hath his Angels; unrighteous Magistrates, exasperated by heretics and corrupt Teachers, and strengthened by other wicked instruments. Betwixt these 〈◊〉 parties there will be irreco●ciliable wars; {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman}. for albeit the personal sufferings of Christ are ended, yet the warfare of his body, of his Subjects will continue. Col 1.24. God hath appointed them thereunto, 1 Thess. 3.3. And upon these terms, Christ proposeth glorious rewards in the closure of all the Epistles written to the seven Churches: {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman}, to him that is overcoming will I give, not to him who hath fully overcome; implying the Churches must be militant: but however though their conflict be troublesome, yet their victory will be glorious and certain, Rev. 3.21. To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with me in my Throne, even as I also overcame, and am sat down with my Father in his Throne. The Romish Babel, the masterpiece of carnal policy, built and underpropped with all possible care; and is indeed the greatest mountain raised against Michael, and his kingdom; yet how tri●mphantly did the angel speak concerning its ruin long ago, See F●●paeSpeculu●, p 30 31, 32, 33. &c. Rev. 18.2. He cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fall'n, is fall'n? the ingemination and present tense, infer an undoubted certainty of its falling. reason 1 The cause of the true Church is a prevailing cause, and therefore doubtless the Church will be triumphant. The church's cause is a prevailing cause. What is the church's cause, but the advancement of the kingdom of Christ, which was the great design of the three glorious Persons in Trinity from eternity, wherein they will not suffer themselves to be disappointed! Upon this divine Project, the Attributes of God, the Offices of Christ, the Influences of the holy Spirit, lay out themselves. All other things stand or fall with subserviency hereunto. In reference to this the Lord appointed Watchmen, that might give him no rest, till Jerusalem was made a praise in the earth Isa. 62.6, 7. This is clearly revealed twice in the book of Daniel; first to Nabuchadnezzar, in a glorious image of four metals, Dan. 2. signifying the four great Monarchies succeeding one another; who also saw a stone cut out without hands, v. 34. which smote the image, and became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth, v. 35. This Regnum lapidis became Regnum montis, which alone shall never be destroyed, v. 44. And to Daniel himself in a vision of four diverse beasts, importing likewise the succession of four kingdoms, all swallowed up in the everlasting dominion of Christ, Dan. 7.13, 14. The name of the Almighty Jehovah, is so much interested reason 2 in the cause of the true Church, The Church hath an Almighty friend engaged for it. that he will carry it on in a triumphing way. Having given himself to his Church in Covenant, Jer. 31.33. I will be their God, and they shall be my People; what God is, and what God can do, stands engaged for their good. fear not, Isa 54.4, 5. for thy Maker is thy Husband, the Lord of hosts is his Name. He is pleased to make himself his church's debtor, by his promise, Isa. 60. ●5. Whereas thou hast been forsaken and hated, I will make thee an eternal excellency, the joy of many generations. Possibly the wisest Parliament, and most potent Army may be reduced unto a nonplus, and cannot visibly carry on the cause and kingdom of Christ, yet the work will not miscarry; The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this, Isa. 9.7. The true church's Adversaries are the worst of Angels and men; and so the more obnoxious to destruction. The church's adversaries not invincible. The reason 3 worse men, the better adversaries to fight against, Job 27.7 Let my enemy be as the wicked, and he that riseth up against me, as the unrighteous. The more by their wickedness they fight against God, the more they provoke him to fight against them; and admit the Church hath a great party against her, if they be the sinning side, they are the sinking side, 1 Sam. 12.25. The Church was the more victorious against Babylon, because Babylon was so sinful against God, Rev. 14.8. Babylon is fall'n, is fall'n, that great City, because she made all Nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. 1 use o● Instruction. Shall the Militant Church be Triumphant over the Dragon and his Angels? Then Christ's soldiers have no reason to repent, who have given up their Names unto him, and taken press money from him: His side will be the prevailing side; and who doth not adore the rising sun? ●is people may suffer, but when the Lord hath performed his work upon Mount Zion, and on Jerusalem, I will punish the fruit of the stout heart of the King of Assyria, and the glory of his high looks, Isa. 10.12. When God hath wrought for his people the good which he intended, he is wont to cast the rod into the fire. He knows how to make his people more than conquerors, even when they are conquered by their enemies, {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman}, supe●vi●●i●egtegie 〈◊〉. Piscat. Rom. 8.37. The Lord hath a sovereignty as well in the lusts and passions of his adversaries, as in the graces of his people, Psal. 76.10. Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee, the remainder thereof shalt thou restrain. Qu●d 〈…〉 in 〈…〉 Deus in 〈◊〉 Aug. This apparent in the success of Scottish troubles. By his providence the enemy's plots do prove the church's advantages. The most glorious deliverance and reformation have been the happy event of most wretched designs. As there was a blessed transaction in Heaven between the Father and the son for the salvation of the Elect, Joh. 6.39. so is it expressly concluded betwixt them for the confusion of the Churches enemies, Psal. 110 1. The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. Christ is not alone in these wars: the Father is with him, engaging himself against the enemies of his son: and will make the highest of them much lower than the meanest of his faithful soldiers. Beware then of deserting Christ and his Church by dull use 2 neutrality or wilful apostasy: Of Caution: you cannot be guilty of either against him, without betraying yourselves. He accounts neuters his enemies, Matth. 12.30. Judg. 5.23. He that is not with me is against me: they are cursed bitterly who come not out to help the Lord against the mighty. Our policy cannot protect us, if we desert the cause of God and his people▪ our sins will find us out, as Moses told the Reubenites and the Gadites upon the like occasion, Numb. 32.20, 21, 22, 23. And as for Apostates from him and his cause, they are no less odious unto him▪ witness Heb. 10.38, 39 If any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. It is our dear saviour's employment in Heaven, as to appear in the presence of God for his friends, Heb. 9.24. so to sit down at the right-hand of God, from henceforth expecting till his enemies ●e made his footstool, Heb. 10.12, 13. He hath now no sacrifice to offer: he is there above suffering, being entered into the fellowship and fruition of the glory of his Godhead, to exercise his power and authority for the good of his Church, and overthrow of his enemies. He sees their day is coming, Ezek. 5.13. Psal. 37.13. when he shall have contentment and comfort in his enemy's ruin, triumphantly trampling upon them who shall everlastingly inherit the shame of their own sins, and lie under the pressure of his just displeasure. Be encouraged in these shedding and discriminating use 3 times, to take part with the true Church, Of exhortation and to adhere firmly to Jesus Christ and his Angels. look about you, as in Joshuah 5.13. may you not see Jesus Christ coming down from Heaven, with his sword drawn in his hand? Go to him with Joshua's question, Art thou for us, or for our adversaries? Will not his answer be; Nay, but as a captain of the host of the Lord am I now come? Then you must be sure to be of the Lord's host, or else he is not for you, but for your adversaries. The fight of faith a good fight. Take therefore Paul's seasonable counsel, 1 Tim. 6.12. fight the good fight of faith. Such have the best cause; It is God's. Such fight the Lord's battles, 1 Sam. 25.28. The best captain, Jesus Christ the captain of their salvation, Heb. 2.10. The best fellow-soldiers, Stephen, Paul, and the rest of that holy band; with certainty of victory, 2 Tim. 4.8. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord the righteous Judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but to them also that love his appearing. This is more than the greatest Champions of the world can promise themselves. Quest. But may not Christ's soldiers be foiled? Yes: so were the Israelites, when they fought against Benjamin, Judg. 20. yet was the cause holy and good. But what with their over-confidence in the goodness of their cause, and greatness of their numbers, and want of humiliation before God, they were twice discomfited. Again, consider the Cause may prevail, when the persons miscarry; and grow great out of the ruins of such as suffered for it. Suppose that discouraging question, Whether the witnesses be already slain, Comfort, if the witnesses are not yet slain. cannot so comfortably be answered, by a peremptory affirmative: Yet, however; better be one of the witnesses, though dying; then one of the killers of them, though triumphing. There will be a speedy resurrection of them and the cause, Revel. 11.11. But remember to allow the Lord his Prerogative, to carry on his church's cause in his own method, and in his own time. See Deut. 32.35, 36. His enemy's feet shall slide in due time though his people's power be gone. By the blood of the Lamb. observation 2 The Militant church's victories over the devil and his Angels, are obtained by the blood of the lamb Jesus Christ. This is clearly held forth in that mother fundamental promise which was most graciously intimated to fallen Adam, even before the sentence passed upon him, Gen. 3.15. The woman's seed shall break the serpent's head. Of this Daniel had comfortable experience when Michael helped him, Dan. 10.13.21. which is further confirmed, Rev. 17.14. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them, for he is Lord of Lords, and King of Kings. Reasons why victories are attributed to the blood of the lamb. First, by the blood of the Lamb divine justice is satisfied, God appeased, Rom. 3.25. and the Church reconciled to him, 2 Cor. 5.19. Her sins being done away which betray her to her enemies, she becomes victorious, sharing reason 1 in the triumph of Christ over the devil and his Angels, Rev. 1.5. Gol. 2.12, 13. Secondly, by the blood of the Lamb we obtain that reason 2 grace, which enables us prevailingly to resist the Devil and his Angels. For no pieces of the spiritual armour will be armour of proof, unless they be dipped in the blood of Christ, Rev. 7.14. And how was Paul enabled to do all things, but by the might of Christ that strengthened him? Phil. 4.13. Whose blood hath an eternal efficacy, Rev. 13.8. The church's victories are therefore ascribed to the reason 3 blood of the Lamb, because the economical kingdom which Christ hath over his Church is a Priestly kingdom, which he possesses as the fruit of his bloody sufferings. For though he were prepared and made capable of his Kingly glory by the hypostatical union, yet the holy Scriptures invest him with it, Psal. 110.7. as the reward of his sufferings and humiliation. He humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross; Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a Name which is above every name, That, {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman}, in the Name of Jesus, (not, at the Name Jesus) every knee should bow. And his Church likewise being a royal Priesthood, 1 Pet. 2.9. conquers through the blood of her King. use 1 If the Churches victories are obtained by the blood of the Lamb; Of humiliation Then, why should not we debase ourselves this day before God, for all our vain confiding in creatures, or magnifying them upon any good successes? Hereby we proudly encroach upon the honour of Christ, to whose blood we owe all our Victories. It is fit we should humble ourselves, when God hath humbled us, Eccles. 7.14. In the day of adversity consider. We must bless God for good Instruments, but may not admire them to the disparagement of the principal cause. Habb. 1.16. Though ignorant wretches did sacrifice unto their own net, and burn Incense to their drag; this is most unworthy of Christians, who should live by faith in Christ, Gal. 2.20. not only pray in faith, but work, fight by faith, expecting all from Christ, and resolving all into Christ. Christ should be all in all in our victories. Improve the hand of God, (which occasioned this extraordinary Assembly) for the Prophet Haggai his purpose, To consider your ways; or, (as in the Heb.) Set your heart upon your ways, Hag. 1.5.7. Too many like Hannibal, who though victorious, knew not how uti victoriâ, and so lose themselves in their victories, not acknowledging the blood of the Lamb therein. The Lord make us more wise for time to come. We may use means, but must not rest upon them; we ought to bless God for second causes, but must not idolise them. 2. Sam. 12.27.28. It was a modest strain in Joab, which might make us blush, he sent to David, that he would gather the people together, encamp against the City and take it; lest I take the City (said he) and it be called by my name. Let such as are instrumental for the public have all due acknowledgement, but it may cost us yet much dearer, if we baptize any with the name of Conqueror, but only Jesus, Isa. 9.6. The government is upon his shoulder, his Name shall be called wonderful. Him we may admire to eternity. Oh then take heed of abusing the precious blood of this use 2 lamb by your sins, Of caution. lest he prove to you a devouring Lion. This lamb hath wrath when he is provoked, and who shall be able to stand in the day of his wrath? Rev. 6.17. Especially beware of sinning directly against the blood of Christ. Backsliding professors abuse the blood of Christ. See dau. Dick. Comment. on this place. That's a dreadful thunderbolt against many professors, when they count the blood of the Covenant, wherewith they were sanctified, an unholy thing, Heb. 10.29. Though they have not internal sanctification, by renovation of nature, and inhabitation of the Spirit of grace; yet they have an external sanctification, by consecration and dedication to God's Service, by calling and covenant, common to every member of a visible Church, and this by the blood of Christ: but when by their backesliding they shall disavow Christ and his gospel, they do interpretativè, in effect say his blood hath no value in it, is no better than the blood of a common malefactor, and so make themselves obnoxious to the sorest punishments. But there is another sin against the blood of Christ, unworthy Communicants abuse the blood of Christ. very dangerous, and more epidemical, by profaning his holy Sacrament, the memorial of his blood, 1 Cor. 11.27, 28. The Lord knows how deeply guilty many here present are, having their hearts and hands imbrued in the blood of their Saviour. Rivers of tears of blood, are too little to bewail this one provocation. There is now a most bloody sword drawn in England; does not the Lord bring it upon us, as to avenge the quarrel of the Covenant? Lev. 26.25. So the blood of the Covenant, Heb. 10.25. Doubtless as God will make inquisition for the blood of his Saints, so for the blood of his son, Psal. 9.12. and if now he should search England, as once Jerusalem with candles, Zeph. 1. 12. would not many of our Nobility and Gentry, Magistrates and Ministers, as well as common people, be found guilty of the blood of Christ? Chrysostom was very sensible of this evil: whereupon he professed, I will rather give my life than the blood of Christ to any unworthy one; Chrysostom in Mat. Hom. 64. and I will rather suffer my own blood to be shed, than give that most holy blood to any but him that is worthy. Ambrose expressed the same zeal against this sin in Theodosius. Wilt thou (faith he to the Emperor) reach these hands dropping with the blood of Innocents, Theod. l. 5. c. 17. to receive the most sacred body of the Lord? wilt thou put that precious blood of his to thy mouth, which in a rage spilled so much Christian blood? depart rather and heap not one sin to another. But alas! how great is our Ministers misery? The Ministers sad straits, about the Lord's Supper. we lie under a kind of necessity of suffering this evil among our people. Our straits are most uncomfortable. First, The laws and constitutions of England, require the body of England to come to this Sacrament after sixteen years of age; That they may prove themselves no Papists, they must communicate. Secondly, The Scripture denounceth judgement against them if they eat and drink unworthily, 1 Cor. 11.29. Thirdly, Yet pastors and Churches want that power of the keys, whereby they might do their duty therein. All you who love and follow the lamb, help England by your Prayers, that all old leaven may be purged out, 1 Cor. 5.7. Ye Members of the Assembly contribute your counsel with Jehojada, 2 Chron. 23.19. that such Porters (such Church Discipline) may be set at the Gates, that the unclean enter not in. And improve your power, ye Parliament Worthies, for setting up such spiritual rails in our Churches, such a due order, that Scripture dogs be not suffered, to the hazarding of their own souls, and the dishonour of their Saviour, to rush upon these holy things. 3 Use of Exhortation. The third Use is, of Exhortation, in two Branches. branch 1 First, If all the Churches victories be obtained by the blood of the lamb, then as you desire to prevail, make peace with Christ. How can we in England expect he should fight for us, if we fight against him▪ It is wise counsel, Psal. 2.11. for Kings, for Judges, for all, kiss the son lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little: not with a treacherous kiss as Judas, but with a kiss of loving loyalty of humble subjection, of peaceable reconciliation. That Question is frequent among us, which J●ram proposed to Jehu, 2 Kings 9.22. Is it peace? may not we return the same answer, What peace so long as whoredoms remain, and many other abominations? Jehojada took a right method to peace and quietness, 2 King. The Scripture Method of England's peace. And Jehojada made a Covenant between the Lord and the King, and the people, that they should be the Lord's people: between the King also and the people. And all the people of the Land went into the house of Baal, and broke it down, his Altars and his Images broke they in pieces thoroughly, and slew Mattan the Priest of Baal, before the Altars; And the Priest appointed Officers over the House of the Lord. This very place was not long since the valley of Berachah, 2 Chron. 20.26. here solemn praises for the discovery of most destructive plots. It may now be called a Bochim, as Judg. 2.5. (oh that there were more tears among us!) we should all appear before God this day as mourners in sense of his displeasure. If we would have it a day of atonement; as Levit. 23.28. a peacemaking day both between King and People, and between Christ and England, let it be a thorow-reforming day, as v. 18. They broke all Baal's altars and images in pieces thoroughly. Let every one say, What have I to do any more with my Idols? Let it be a day of serious protestation against our sins, and renouncing all those weapons, whereby we have fought against Jesus Christ, then may all the people hope to rejoice in quietness, v. 20. branch 2 Then if you desire to be victorious▪ appeal from second causes unto Jesus Christ, and the merit of his blood. In all our straits, let us speak Jehoshaphats language, 2 Chron. 20.12. We know not what to do, but our eyes are upon thee. Interest of Princes, p. 55. It is the observation of a Politician, England is a mighty animal, which can never die except it kill itself. Among our other crying sins we are now involving ourselves in the guilt of self-murder. Here is an unnatural sword most unhappily drawn amongst us, Is not this England's condition as Isa. 9.19, 20, 21. Through the wrath of the Lord of hosts is the Land darkened, and the people shall be as the fuel of the fire, no man shall spare his brother. He shall snatch on the right hand and be hungry, and he shall eat on the left hand and not be satisfied, they shall eat every man the flesh of his own arm. Manasseh Ephraim, and Ephraim Manasseh, and both against Judah. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still. Fighting or treating can not yet end the controversy, we have importuned the sword to be quiet, as Jer. 47.6. O thou sword of the Lord, how long will it be ere thou be quiet? put up thyself into thy scabbard▪ rest, and be still: and as yet England hath received the same answer with Ashkelon, v.. 7. How can it be quiet, seeing the Lord hath given it a charge against Ashkelon, and against the Sea shore? There hath he appointed it. The Lord hath given it Commission to ride circuit in several Counties of England; and who knows how long? Our best Remedy. what now remains? we read Mark. 5.25. of a certain Woman which had an issue of blood twelve years, and v. 26. had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse: could never be healed, till she touched Christ. We are this day in a solemn manner drawing nigh unto Christ. O that our bloody issue might drive us to improve the blood of the lamb! Could we fiducially put ourselves, our Church and State, our Religion and Liberty, into the hands of our Saviour, who knows but we might have as comfortable an answer, as this woman had, v. 34. Thy faith hath made thee whole, go in peace and be whole of thy plague. The good Lord vouchsafe an Amen. They overcame by the word of their Testimony. Christ's soldiers carry on the church's victories, against the observation 3 devil and his Angels, by the word of their Testimony, by the Gospel of Christ. If you desire to know what is This word of their Testimony, it will appear v. 17. Christ's soldiers are described to be such as kept the commandments of God, and have the Testimony of Jesus; and Rev. 1.9. John was banished for the Word of God, and for the Testimony of Jesus Christ, Evangelium non utique scriptum aut pictum in Tabulis. Parae. which doubtless was the gospel; And this, not as written in your Bibles only, and comprised in your books. But having this gospel of Christ rooted in your hearts by Faith, holding fast the profession thereof without wavering, Heb. 10.23. Resist the devil, 1. In Heart. being steadfast in the Faith, 1 Pet. 5.9. whereas Heb. 4.2. The Word Preached did not profit them, not being mixed with Faith in them that heard it. The gospel will not join with corrupt opinions, but with Faith: it will be received not as a conjecture or possible truth, but for a Divine or infallible truth, than it profiteth and strengtheneth. Bearing witness to the gospel of Christ, who is the Amen, the faithful and true witness, Rev. 3.14. 2. In Mouth. Openly with your mouths, Rom. 10.10. by Preaching, if Ministers; So Paul, Rom. 1.16. He was not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; and by confession, which concerns all Christians when called to it for the glory of God, and edification of the Brethren, 1 Pet. 3.15. Be ready to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you. Be ready {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman}, be ready to make an Apology for thy Religion. 3. In doing. Justifying the gospel in life and conversation. All wisdoms children should be so ingenuous and mannerly as to justify wisdom, Mat. 11.19. This will be a prevailing Testimony when you walk worthy of the gospel of Christ. Express the gospel-graces in an active gospel-conversation. 4. In suffering. Commending the Gospel by your patient and cheerful suffering for it. It is a great confirmation of the truth, and pulls honour upon it, when Christians will rather suffer for the gospel, than the gospel should suffer by them. Our losses in this case will be the gospel's advantage, Phil. 1.12, 13, 14. All things which happened unto Paul, were for the furtherance of the gospel; by his bonds others waxed confident. Such a good soldier was Timothy, who, 1 Tim. 6.12. witnessed a good confession before many Witnesses; having learned this prevailing method from his captain Jesus Christ, who, v. 13. before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession. It clearly appears how the Churches victories are carried on by the Testimony of the gospel. reason 1 The strength of the gospel's adversaries lies not in the goodness of their cause; but in the ignorance of people's minds and mere mistakes thence arising: 1 Tim. 4.1, 2. What is paganism, Mahometanism, Popery; but a rhapsody and heap of gross mistakes raised in the dark? The devil uses the same method ordinarily to carry on his designs that he took in the council of Ariminum. The Arians having procured the exile of the most worthy and learned Bishops, Ruffin. Eccl. hist l. 10. and perceiving the company that was left, though they were very unlearned, yet would not be persuaded directly to disannul any thing which had been concluded before in the council of Nice, did abuse their ignorance in proposing the matter: for they demanded of them whether they would worship {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} or Christ? these not understanding the Greek word, rejected it with execration, being as they thought opposed unto Christ. Thus have the prelatical party surprised many ignorant Congregations with their innovations, and easily misled them while they kept them in the dark. But when the sun of righteousness arises, when God sends abroad John Baptists as burning and shining lights, John 5.35. they by the beams of truth will discover the most subtle errors, and by the spiritual weapons of their warfare cast down the strong holds of the devil and his Angels. 2 Cor. 10.4, 5. Where the Testimony of the Gospel of Christ is held reason 2 forth, there is so much of God as convinces and conquers, 1 Cor. 14.15. His own power is there displayed, Rom. 1.16. the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation. There is the mighty presence of Christ, whose arrows are sharp in the hearts of his enemies, whereby the people fall under him, Psal. 45.5. There the Spirit of God breathes so powerfully, that by the Word alone, which is the sword of the Spirit, Ephes. 6.17. the Apostles, though but a few mean men, were much more victorious than the greatest Alexander or potent Caesar's, conquering by the word of their Testimony so many opposite kingdoms, subduing so many thousand spirits and consciences, and that in so short a time, without shedding one drop of blood. Indeed when we are to deal with Papists and sons of violence, which illegally invade our persons, Religion, Liberty, and endeavour to take away our birthright from us, the very Law of nature teacheth us to defend ourselves against such injustice; But for the overcoming of Popery, we need not other weapons to consume it, but the spirit of Christ's mouth, 2 Thes. 2.8. It is the word of their Testimony, by which Christ's soldiers prevail against the devil and his Angels. use 1 If Christ's soldiers carry on the church's victories by the Testimony of the Gospel; Information. Then whose champions are they, who in stead of bearing witness unto, employ their power and policy to suppress the Testimony of Jesus? Doubtless none but the dragon's regiment will fight against Christ and his Gospel. Elymas the Sorcerer is wont to withstand Saul and Barnabas, Acts 13.8. seeking to turn away the Deputy from the faith. Men of corrupt minds, of no judgement concerning the faith, resist the Truth as Jannes and Jambres did Moses; 2 Tim. 3.8. But Paul will keep back nothing that is profitable for their souls, teaching them publicly, and from house to house, Acts 20.20. And also charge Timothy that he preach the Word, be instant in season and out of season, 2 Tim. 4.2. do the work of an Evangelist, fulfil thy ministry. Oh how unlike to Paul and Timothy, are many of the Prelatical Tribe, whom yet they pretend to succeed! What successors of Paul and Timothy, by preaching against preachings, and using their power to undermine the Testimony of the Gospel! No rather they unhappily tread in Jesuitical steps complying with Contzen's rules, whether occasionally or intentionally they best know, See Adam Contzen's politic. l. 2 c. 18. Who might not easily reduce the Puritans in England into order if he could extort from them the approbation of the Bishops, saith the Jesuit? Compare this with our late Convocation Oath, for the establishing Episcopacy. for the overthrowing of the power of the Gospel; His very engines have they used to pillage our Churches of afternoon Sermons, of weekly Lectures, and to turn praying into bidding of prayer, &c. and according to his subtle counsel, were extorting such an approbation of the Prelacy amongst us as would soon have plundered England of many of her faithful Ministers, or at least their consciences of their sweet peace, if not of their liberties. And are too like those soule-murdering Jews, 1 Thes. 2.16. enemies to Christ and to the salvation of others, forbidding the Apostles to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved. No wonder they lie under so much contempt. God makes good his own word by Malachi, chap. 2.9. Therefore have I also made you contemptible and base before all the people, according as ye have not kept my ways, but have been patriall in my Law. They who smother the Testimony of Christ, taking away the key of knowledge, do the most dishonourable work, & must expect answerable wages here and hereafter, use 2 Mat. 23.13. Luke 11.52. For self-judging. Do the soldiers of Christ carry on the church's victories by holding forth the Word of their Testimony? Then if we prevail not against the Devil and his Angels in these Gospel conflicts, we may blame our selves and our own remissness, as not being valiant for the truth, which was their defect, Jer. 9.3. We are too ready to translate the fault to others, (an old prank our first Parents taught us as soon as they had fallen.) Parliament complains of the army; Army of the Parliament, City against both, and country will spare none of them. Thus most unhappily (by the secret policy of Malignants) jealousies are fomented, and multiplied to the prejudice of all; our hearts and hands thereby weakened in the church's cause. It were more like Christians upon a day of mourning, to be bewailing our own coldness and want of appearing as active soldiers, under so good a captain. God forbid it should be verified of us, what the Lord said, Jer. 8.6. I hearkened and heard, but they spoke not aright: no man repented him of his wickedness, saying, What have I done? Oh that you would call yourselves to a particular account (it is opus diei, a work suitable to the day) saying, How much evil have I done to inflame these wars; and how little good have I done to extinguish them? Might not some Nehemiah contend with many of our Nobles, Neh. 13.17. and say, What evil thing is this that you do, and profane the Sabbath day? But is this all? though too much? Might not some Peter contend with many of our Gentry, who walk in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revelings, banquetings, 1 Pet. 4.3, 4. and abominable idolatries, thinking it strange that others run not with them to the same excess of riot? And might not some Jeremiah complain, A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the Land, the Prophets prophesy falsely, and the Priests bear rule by their means, Jer 5.30, 31. and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof? Many bless God heartily for that Religious Ordinance of Parliament set forth some months since, to stir up England to repentance for national and personal sins. Did you more exemplarily commend it to us by your own practice it would have a more commanding influence upon us. In Febr. 1642. What though we talk against Atheists, if we still wallow in profaneness, cry out against Papists, and still continue lukewarm Protestants, inveigh against Malignants, and yet remain full of Malignant Antipathy against Scripture Reformation; This is not to hold forth the Testimony of the Gospel as becomes a good soldier of Christ. The Lord lead us all into our own hearts, and teach so to judge ourselves that we be not judged. 3 Use of Exhortation for Parliament Worthies. do the soldiers of Christ carry on the church's victories by the Testimony of the Gospel? As ever you desire they should prevail in so good a cause, it concerns you who are the grand Counsellors, betrusted with so much superintendency for the liberty as well of our Religion, as of our persons and estates, that you improve it faithfully for the advancing and propagating the Gospel of Christ, so will you be fitted to give a more comfortable account of your great Stewardship, when your Master calls for it, Luke 16.2. Here 4. hints. for Parliament men in reference to the gospel's advancement. Be pleased (worthy senators) to accept these few hints for this purpose. Patronize, protect, reward, prefer faithful witnesses of Christ. If a Prophet come with a word of reproof, though sharp, if seasonable; do not therefore count him your enemy, as Ahad did Elijah, 1 King. 21.20. because he dealt plainly with him: nor send him away as Amaziah did the Prophet, when he came to discover his sins, Art thou made of the King's counsel? forbear, 2 Chron. 25.16. Check, restrain, disable, Diotrephes, Demetrius, and that fraternity, who undermine not only Parliament Ordinances, but even the Ordinances of Jesus Christ, making no small stir in England about the way of Reformation; and all maintain their own Diana, as Act. 19.23, 24. &c. Have a vigilant eye upon such intemperate Preachers and Writers as pervert truth and disturb peace. Papists would take away the Cup, and leave us but half a Sacrament; Antinomians would abolish the moral Law, and leave us but half a Bible. If such be suffered, our Religion will grow lame and licentious. Forget not, I beseech you, forget not the purging and pruning of the Universities, the Nurseries of piety and learning. If Satan have a seat there; if there be such that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balak to cast a stumbling block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to Idols, and to commit fornication, what Papists such Tutors are like to send abroad, we have found by too much unhappy experience. And they loved not their lives unto death. Christ's soldiers first pleaded the church's cause by the word of their Testimony, and by such Gospel weapons they promoted the victory: Then, this Testimony of Jesus representing unto their own spirits, as well as unto others, the infinite excellency of the lamb, raised their hearts to such a pitch of love to Him and to his cause, that they loved not their lives unto the death, and so grew more completely victorious over the Dragon and his Angels. {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} They overcame, as by the strength of their Testimony, so by the constancy of their resolution to hazard their lives for Christ and his Gospel. observation 4 In the church's conflicts they prove victorious soldiers, who love not their lives so dearly, as they love Christ and his cause. Two things being cleared we may the better improve this observation in the application of it to ourselves. The degrees of this love to Christ and his cause, by which they overcame. The influence such love hath into the church's victories. 1 The degrees of love to Christ. 1 Loving Christ so as to hate their best beloved sins. First, Victorious soldiers in the church's conflicts, must love Christ better than their best beloved sins, Psal. 97.10. ye that love the Lord, hate evil. Love is a prime radical affection: when the heart cleaves to any good by love, it hates that evil which is most contrary to it. How will they submit their lives unto a violent death, who have not so much love unto Christ, as to make them willing to die a carnal death, to die to sin for him? will they lose their lives, who cannot leave a lust for Christ? 2 Loving Christ better than their most beloved worldly comforts. Secondly, victorious soldiers for Christ, must love him better than their most beloved worldly comforts; when he made that promise to us, Mar. 10.29, 30. There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake and the Gospels, but he shall receive an hundred fold now in this time, &c. He thereby intimated what he expects from us, even, Gerson. amare Deum usque ad contemptum mundi. We may use the world as a servant, but not grow into league with it as a friend, Jam. 4.4. Know you not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? and that is a searching place, 1 John 2.15. Love not the world, nor the things in the world: if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 1 Cor. 9.25. 2 Tim. 2.4. These two are inconsistent, and therefore, certainly he will never be a good soldier of Christ in whom love to any worldly excellency is predominant. 3 Loving Christ so as to deny our dearest selves for him. They must deny their dearest self. It is hard to protest against our bosom sin, though grossly evil in itself; it is harder to renounce our alluring worldly comforts, which in themselves are lawful; hardest to deny our selves, which nature and Religion (in a due order) teaches us to love: Yet Christ makes this a distinguishing character of his Disciples, and doubtless is a proper badge of his soldiers, Luke 14.26. If any man come to me, Compare Luk· 14.26. with Mat. 19.37. and hate not his father and mother, wife and children, and brethren and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my Disciple; Comparatively, love them all, less than Christ, as appears, Matth. 10.37. When friends or self come in competition with Christ, or stand in opposition to him, in this case saith Jerome, we must Patrem calcare, &c. Here solum pietatis genus crudelem esse. We must exercise an holy cruelty to our friends and self. And indeed Christ hath no more true Disciples or faithful soldiers in this Assembly, than such only as love not their own lives in comparison of their Saviour. Such is the nature and working of love, 2 The influence it hath. that it sways much with the soul, like sails to the Ship, it carries one forward even against the stream and tide. It was love that brought Christ from Heaven to the cross, and will draw any, where it prevails, from a Palace to a Stake, for Christ and his cause. Love to Christ and his cause is ingenious and full of consideration how to carry on its designs for his advantage, 1 Love is a contriving affection. 1 Cor. 13.5. Love thinketh no evil; rather it studies and plots how to communicate itself in all good offices. The Spouses love cost her many serious thoughts how she might enjoy and serve her Beloved. Hence some persons are much more useful to Church and State than others, because their love to Christ puts them upon the best improvement of their parts, honours, interests and influence for his service. 2 Love is a bountiful affection. Love to Christ and his cause, will be at any cost and charges to gratify him, it runs over to Christ himself, and towards all Saints, Phil. 6.5. It was love in Paul that made him willing to spend his strength, his spirits, his blood for the Corinthians, 2 Cor. 12.15. I will very gladly spend, and be spent for your souls: and for his Philippians, Phil. 2.17. be off●red as a sacrifice for the service of their faith. Christ's love to his poor servants thinks nothing in Heaven or Earth too much or too good for them: true love to him will be reciprocal, giving up to him, Bern. sua, suos, se, thinking all best bestowed on him. Nothing makes a Christian so unweariedly operative as Love. 3 Love is an industrious affection. In 1 Thes. 1.3. Paul blesses God for their work of faith, labour of love, patience of hope. True love to Christ is laborious for him: so expressly, Heb. 6.10. For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love which ye have showed towards his Name, in that ye have ministered to the Saints and do minister. One cord of this love will draw more than a yoke of Oxen, and carry you with a pleasing violence from service to service. 4 Love is a tolerating affection. Amongst many other sweet discoveries Paul makes of love in that short chapter, 1 Cor. 13. there are divers expressions to show you how patient love is, enduring any thing for the person it loves, v. 4.7. When the heart is full of love to Christ, it makes us willing to forsake, to undertake, to undergo any thing for Christ and his cause. This no question made Ignatius so cheerfully to invite and meet killing sufferings, having such burning love to Christ that was crucified for him. {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} Ignat Ep. ad Rom. Be pleased to give me leave this day in behalf of the use 1 lamb, to put in a Caveat against carnal self-love, which so much blunts and weakens the love of Christ's soldiers in the gospel's Conflicts. Caution. If you love your souls better than the lamb, you will never be victorious for him. They overcame which loved not their own lives unto the death. All men naturally love themselves, carnal-self-love, a dangerous weed growing in every man's garden. and consequently may have some kind of self-seeking love to Christ, as being the chiefest good, and so congruous to their necessities. But Christians must go further; we should love Christ for himself, as the primum diligibile, for his own infinite excellencies, and then love ourselves and all other things with reference unto him. Paul was a true Prophet, 2 Tim. 3.1. carnal self-love, the head of all the factious. In the last days perilous times shall come; {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman}, thorny times, full of difficulty: because then such a confluence of wickedness. Eighteen several factions he names, and the head of all those factions is self-love. Men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud▪ &c. Whilst Adam was in innocency, the Image of God inclined him to act according unto God, seeking him and his glory in the first place. Since the fall, the Image of God being lost, self is perkt up; we seek ourselves in the first, and God only in the second place. Few seek God for himself, out of love to him: most seek God only in reference to themselves: this is carnal self-love, and so indeed by seeking lose themselves, Matth. 16.25. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it, and whosoever will lose his life for my sake, shall find it. Much time hath been spent in the Great Senate how to find out and punish Delinquents. carnal-self-love the greatest incendiary. Allow me the liberty in the Name, not only of Church and State, but also in the Name of Christ, to impeach One Incendiary, who hath been too long winked at. It is a bosom Incendiary, a domestic adversary which dwells within us, I mean, carnal self-love, the loving our own ends and interests better than the public good, and better than Christ himself. 3 Articles against carnal self-love. It is easy to prove these three Articles at least against carnal self-love. carnal self-love is the greatest underminer of Parliament proceedings. Whence so many neuters, whence so many back-friends to the public, but because so many sick of baruchs' disease, Jer. 45.5. seeking great things for themselves? carnal self-love is the most treacherous betrayer of our Military undertakings, making too many Judas-like, to sell Christ and his cause for some few pieces of silver, Mat. 26.15. carnal self-love is the strongest obstruction of Scripture Reformation in the Church; so, many seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ's, Phil. 2.21. and therefore will rather hazard the ruin of all, then suffer their own Diana's to go down. By this craft we have our wealth, Acts 19.25. then Diana must be cried up, what ere become of the Gospel of Christ. Amongst all other Jonah's that endanger the Ship of Church and State, throw out carnal self-love, let it no longer sleep within you, lest the storm continue and grow more tempestuous. Amongst all other achan's that bring a curse upon our undertakings, let justice, justice be executed upon your own carnal self-love. pass on sequestration to regulate that in yourselves which is so great an en●my to Christ and his cause. use 2 As you desi●e to approve yourselves victorious soldiers in the Chu●ches conflicts (which would put a most glorious lustre upon your nobleness, Exhortation. and add many pearls to your crowns) get hearts more inflamed with love to Christ and his cause. Much encouragement to love your Saviour and his cause better than your own lives. How lovely is your Saviour in himself, in the beauty of his Person, in the glory of his graces! Cant. 5.10. the chiefest among ten thousand. He hath been admirably loving unto you, in discovering plots against you, and in wonder-working providences for you. Should not the love of Christ constrain you as it did Paul, 2 Cor. 5.14. to be active and passive for him? O press the Lord with his gracious promise, Deut. 30.6. that he would circumcise your heart, that you may love him with all your heart and with all your soul. This he expects from you, Luke 10.27. that you should love him with all your strength, give him the utmost improvement of the whole and best-selves. We look at you as stars in this our Heaven. God forbid our stars should fall, that any of them should prove Comets: let your light, motion, and influence animate others. Do not say your task is so difficult, your sufferings are so sharp that you are discouraged. Get more love to Christ, that will allay the difficulty, and facilitate the work; you may with comfort commit the keeping of your souls to God in wel●doing, who knows how to sweeten the bitterest troubles by his own refreshing presence. 1 Pet. 4.19. If God call you forth as Champions, possibly, yea probably you may have the same support which that heroical woman found, of whom story relates, That being condemned for Christ, not long before she was to suffer, fell into travail, and having sore labour, cried out grievously; whereupon being asked how she would endure martyrdom, that was so ready to sink under these pains, she answered to this purpose. I suffer now as a daughter of Eve, I shall suffer then as a child of God; my Father will help me. Never say, because the event is uncertain, therefore it is not best to appear for Christ and his cause. do thy duty, what becomes a good soldier, trust the Lord of hosts with the success. It is true we live in trying discovering times. A wise course the Emperor took to try the Courtiers. Who knows but the providence of God may be now making the same discovery in England, and with the same success, that the wisdom of Constantius Chlorus the Roman Emperor made in his Court. He having a mind to try the sincerity of his Courtiers, made this proposal to them. All they who would sacrifice to Daemons (the superstition of those times) should continue at Court, and all that refused should be cashiered. Hereupon some soon professed their readiness to sacrifice, others publicly denied it. Such as complied, the wise Emperor chides sharply, ut proditores Dei, and banishes them as unworthy to remain at the Emperor's Court, who would betray God himself. He commends them who were conscientious, and would not sacrifice; pronouncing, tales solos dignos esse quos Imperator inter amicos muneraret. Such only were worthy to be accounted the Emperor's friends who were true to God and his cause. What though for the present you should be disparaged as factious, rebels, and traitors, &c. The Lord knows who are most loyal to their sovereign, and most faithful to their Saviour. Be not dismayed, the time may come when Christ's true hearted soldiers in England, may be vindicated, justified, and honoured as much as now they are disgraced. Our Brethren of Scotland were cursed in too many Churches as Rebels, yet afterwards by concurrence of King and Parliament, upon the day of Thanksgiving acknowledged as good subjects. Remember Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, Dan. 3. being condemned, were cast into the Furnace, v. ●1. their malignant adversaries consumed, v. 22. yet they preserved in the midst of the fire, v. 24. their God justified, v. 29. and afterwards they promoted by the King, v. 30. And consider I beseech you, that you may encourage yourselves and one another in the cause of the Lamb, the Court Parasites having obtained the King's decree against Daniel, whereby he was cast into the lion's Den; The Lord most admirably turned the stream, v. 24. the King commanded, and they brought these men which had accused Daniel, and they cast them into the Den of Lions, them, their children, and their wives, and the Lions had mastery of them, and broke all their bones in pieces, or ever they came at the bottom of the Den. Yet zealous Daniel who loved the cause of God better than his own life, was delivered with honour to his God, to his Religion, together with his own advantage, v. 26. 27, 28. Such as have set their love upon God, may in the encouragement of a most precious promise, consult and pray, do and suffer, Psal. 92.14, 15, 16. Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him; I will set him on high, because he hath known my Name, he shall call upon me and I will answer him, I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honour him; with long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation. The Lord grant you the experimental taste hereof in all your exigents. Amen. FINIS.