Antichristianism REPROVED, And the Doctrine of Christ and his Apostles justified against SWEARING. IN Answer to John Tombe's six Propositions for the lawfulness of Swearing: All which Propositions are both against Christ and his Apostles Doctrine, as is here proved according to the Scriptures: For the satisfaction of all tender Consciences. By Richard Hubberthorn. Because of Oaths, the Land mourns, Hos. 4. And, (as said the Prophet) everyone that sweareth, shall be cut off, Zach. 5.3. LONDON Printed, and are to be sold at the sign of the Black-Spread-Eagle, at the West-end of Paul's. 1660. The Epistle. John Tombs, IS it not a shame for thee, who art ealled a Baptist, thus to manifest thy sel●, and divide thyself from thy own people? Hast thou not taught people to swear, first one way, and then an●ther? Did ever any of the Apostles so in the Primitive times? But on the contrary, that people should not swear at all. And why dost thou bring the Scripture that was spoken to the Jews, and apply it to the Christians? And why dost thou bring the Scripture where the Angel swore, but brings not the Scripture which saith, All Angels must worship the Son who saith, Swear not at all? So is not this like Anti-christ, and Anti-Apostle, that preaches up that which Christ and the Apostles denied, as in Matth. 5. and James 5. And whereas thou sayst in thy Epistle, that thy writing is short and indigested, in that thou hast said truly; for how can they that fear God digest it, seeing it is so contrary unto Christ and the Apo●tles Doctrine? And so both thou and it are become an ill savour to God and them that love him; but thou shalt be rewarded according to thy work But God hath made thee manifest, who hath so long been hiding thyself under so many false coverings, but now art discov●red, that thou should no more deceive the Nation. R. H. An Answer to John Tombs his Six Propositions, in which he asserts Swearing to be lawful. But on the contrary, from the Scripture it is proved, that the Believers and Christians are not to Swear at all, Therefore to them that are in Christ Jesus no Oath is lawful. WE read in the Scriptures of truth, Mat. 5.19. That whosoever breaketh the least Commandmen and teacheth men so he shall be least, (or not at all) in the Kingdom of God.) But we do find some men especially John Tombs breaking the commands of Christ, and teaching men so, therefore he is guilty of that judgement: but to the first proposition which is this. That some swearing is Lawful. His proofs are these. That which is not de toto genere, in its whole kind evil, may be lawful, but swearing is not de toto genere, or in its whole kind evil, therefore some swearing may be lawful. Answ. This argument is thus disproved To break any of Christ's commands or to deny the Apostles Doctrine is de toto genere, in its whole kind, but to swear at all by any Oath is to break the command of Christ, and to deny the Apostles Doctrine, as Mat. 5.35, 35, 36, 37. and, Jam. ●. 12 Therefore to swear at all is not lawful, but evil, according to Christ and the Apostles Doctrine and in the state of condemnation, Jam. 5. Again John Tombs concluding that his major is manifest of itself, goes. To prove this minor thus. That is not wholly evil about the use of which some Directions are given by God; but God giveth directions about the use of swearing, as Ier. 4.2. And thou shalt swear the Lord liveth in truth and judgement and in righteousness, ergo Answ. By the same argument, may it as well be proved that the Christians and believers in Christ; may be circumcised, offer innocence, burnt offerings and sacrifices, because for the use of it God gave some directions, and therefore it is lawful, but as circumcision, innocence, burnt offerings and sacrifices of the Law is ended in Christ, so is the Oaths which was among the Jews in him ended also to the believers, and by him forbidden: for as it was said in old time thou shalt swear, and shalt perform thy oath to the Lord; but Christ in the 5 of Mat. making mention of the Jews oath which God gave once directions for, yet saith he swear not at all; here Christ puts an end not only to frivolous and vain oaths, but to the true oaths which the Jews was once commanded of God to swear, for these oaths are they which Christ's words hath relation to, for he came to end the Jews worships and oaths, who is the oath of God, Christ the truth and righteousness of God saith swear not at all, which ends the Jews which was to swear in truth and righteousness. 2. Argument. That which is approved by God is lawful, but some swearing is approved by God, Psal. 63.11. every one that sweareth by God shall glory, ergo, Answ. That Scripture Psal. 63.11. saith thus, but the King shall rejoice in God, every one that sweareth by him shall glory but the mouth of them that speak lies shall be stopped. This was spoken of David the Anointed of God who was in that covenant of the Law, wherein he might swear in truth and righteousness, that oath as the Lord liveth, and as my soul liveth; but there was some in that time, which if they used that Oath, the Lord liveth, surely, they swear falsely, Ier. 5.2. But what is that to the Christians under the new covenant who are under Christ's command, who saith swear not at all, neither by that oath which David and the Jews swore by, nor any other oath, but if upon any occasion they were required to testify their obedience whether they would be subject to such, or such things; their answer was to be yea or nay, and to keep there words, which is more than the hypocrites and hirelings Priests in these times hath done by there oaths, for this we have had good experience of, that such as do now plead to swear for a thing, hath sworn against the same thing & do now preach against that which they have preached for, so that they will preach, pray, or swear any thing for their belly, and for filthy Lucre; and the oath which David was to swear in truth and righteousness who called Christ Lord, he that was David's Lord & glory saith swear not at all, who hath all power & glory. Again whereas John Tombs instanceth Abraham, Isaac David, Solomon, Elijah, Mica, Elisha, the women of Shunem, and Itai, Vria, and Samuel &c. their swearing and entering into covenant to be examples for swearing. Ans. All these were under the first covenant, and was in that which Christ called the old time, Mat. 5. and proves nothing that Christians in the new covenant should swear, for although Abraham swore, and Solomon swore, yet Christ which was before Abraham and greater than Solomon, saith swear not at all, and al. though David swore yet he was David's Lord which said swear not at all, and though the Angels swore by him that liveth for ever, yet Christ unto whom all the Angels shall bow & worship, saith swear not at all, so that all these arguments and Scriptures doth not prove that it is lawful for the believers and Christians to swear at all, but it is Tombs ignorance in his applying Scripture in disobeying Christ's command. Again to prove swearing lawful, John Tombs saith that Paul put an oath on the Thessolonians, 1. Thes. 5.27. which words are these, I charge you by the Lord that this Epistle be read unto all the holy brethren: Now saith Tombs the Greek word translated I charge you by the Lord, is I put the Lord's oath on you, or swear you that this Epistle be read to all the holy brethren, alike charge are 1. Tim. 6.13. 2. Tim.. 4.1. &c. Answ. This is the long and thick mist of darkness which hath been long kept over the understandings of people, that when the plain Scripture will not prove their ends and intents, than they tell people it is otherwise in the Greek, or Hebrew, did not the translator of the Bible understand Greek as well as John Tombs? or are we not to believe the Scripture as it speaks till again it be translated by him? but least be should be wise in his own eyes, as it is in the Greek is here set down, that all that can read and understand it may judge whether Paul did put an oath upon them, or did swear them to read that Epistle to the brethren. As 1 Thes. 5.27 {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} That is, I oblige or charge you in the presence of God &c. Not I put the Lord's oath upon you, or swear you as John Tombs saith, for if they did read the Epistle among the brethren, than his obligation or charge to them was fulfilled; but seeing John Tombs saith he swore them, he might have declared in what manner they were sworn, seeing Paul was at Athens when he wrote to Thessolonicae. Again he saith the like charge is in 1. Ti●. 6.13. which adding to the Greek he would make an oath, the words are these {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} that is I in oyn or command thee before God, not a putting an oath upon them, or causing them to swear as John Tombs saith. Again he saith there is the like charge (or oath) put upon them in 2. Tim 4.1. which in the Greek is thus {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman}. that is, I charge thee in the presence of God, &c. Not that he took him sworn, or put an oath upon him, or take him sworn that he should preach the word, but did charge him to be instant in season and out of season in his ministry. Again John Tombs saith in the times of the Gospel Paul used this oath, 2. Cor. 1.8. But as God is true &c. Answ. Now those that minds this Scripture may see that Paul doth only justify Christ's words in keeping to yea and nay, saying that with him it was not yea and nay, for saith he verse 18. but as God is true, our word towards you was not yea and nay, and verse 19 for the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was preached among you by us, even by me and Silvanus, and Timotheus, was not yea and nay, for all the promises of God in him are yea and in him, Amen. So that this Scripture is so far from bringing people to oaths and swearing that he labours to bring them all to yea and nay in all things, and so to Christ the substance in whom all the promises of God are yea; so that the Apostle might well use these words that as God was true etc See also were they true to their yea and nay the end of all oaths; other Scripture, Tombs brings to prove the Apostles did swear, as Rom. 1.9. and 9.1. Gal. 1.20. Phil. 1.8. Answ. As to the fi●st, Rom. 19 where the Apostle saith, for God is my witness whom I serve with my spirit in the Gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers; is this a proof for men to swear and take oaths either for men or against men, hath not the man hear lost the understanding of a man? thus to compare and call this the Apostles oath when he takes God to witness that he prays for the Saints continually, and his saying in Rom 9 ●. I speak the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the holy Ghost, that I have great heaviness, and continual sorrow in my heart &c. and Gal. 1.20. where the Apostle saith, now the things that I write unto you, behold before God I lie not, is this an oath to testify the truth of his writings against lies; indeed this we desire that John Tombs and the rest of the Priests in this Nation would write nothing, but what God would witness unto the truth of, and that they would speak truth before God and not lie, than they would not thus abuse the Apostles words, and plead for swearing from them, when as the Apostles intend no such thing in their words here asserted; and where as it is again said that the Apostle took an oath, Phil. 1.8. where he saith for God is my record how greatly I long after you in the bowels of Jesus Christ. Now let all honest and sober hearted men consider whether the truth of God and the Apostles that speak it forth be not abused, that from a novice that is lifted up in pride, and that would do or say any thing for his hire should bring those Scripture to plead for swearing and that lawfulness of oaths, in all which the Apostle took God to witness his love to the Saints and labour in the work of his ministry, signifying to all that understand how that he spoke the truth and did not lie, and kept to his yea and nay according to Christ's doctrine (and did not swear at all). Now further to prove swearing lawful John Tombs brings This fifth argument. That which hath a necessary use for the benefit of human society is not unlawful, but some swearing hath a necessary use for the benefit of human society, ergo, Answ. This argument is thus disproved, and both the major and minor, to be false. For to break any command of Christ is of no necessary use for human society, but to swear any oath is to break his command, ergo, For Godliness is profitable unto all men, in all their societies, but he that swears goes from Godliness into ungodliness and transgrssion, which transgression is of no use nor service amongst Christians, so that John Tombs might as well have thus stated his Argument, that to break Christ's command is of benefit to human society, therefore to break Christ's command is lawful &c. and might thus have proved it, that except we break Christ's command, we cannot preach for hire nor sue men at the Law for tithes; nor live in pride, ease, and vanity, nor keep our places of profits, and benefits, which is necessary for our society (of Priests,) ergo, But we whose eyes God hath opened, do see that all his book tends to the persuading of people to swear, when Christ hath said swear not at all, and that which he now would swear for again would swear against for the same advantage and profits which he hath in his eye, yea or he would persuade all men not to swear and bring Scripture to prove it upon the same account, so that what he doth in this kind is because of advantage: for two years since he did not preach this doctrine nor write those arguments. Now it being proved that the followers of Christ, and believers in him are not to swear at all, than all those promissory oaths upon which John Tombs hath grounded his other propositions is not to be taken: But again to prove an oath of supremacy to King Caesar, he brings the example and rule of Christ, and argues thus, if the Lord Christ in the days of his flesh did accowledge Caesar as supreme Governor in his dominions, and did subject himself to his jurisdiction in answering before the Roman Deputy and was obedient to his parants real or supposed, than all Christians even the highest Ecclesiastical Prelate should be subject to the King as supreme Governor in his Dominions; and for proof of this brings Mat. 22.21. when the Pharises showed Jesus the Tribute money, Christ bid them give unto Caesar that which was Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's, so than it was the tribute money that was due to Caesar: but doth this prone that Christ did swear, or was any example of swearing to Caesar, or account Caesar the head of the Church and Ruler in Ecclesiastical things, so that this Scripture proves the contrary then for that which thou brings it, for those Pharisees that brought the money to Christ, said they knew that he respected no man's person, but taught the way of God in Truth; so than if Christ be our example and rule in this, then to the supreme King or Kings we must not respect their persons but give them their due, which is that tribute which hath their own superscription upon it, and we must teach the way of God in Truth, and give unto God the things which are God's, which is all honour, glory, and rule in spiritual matters, and give to Christ alone the pre-eminence, which is head of his body which is his Church, and we must not swear at all, neither for nor against any man, for Christ did not swear neither for nor against Cesar, and we must live peaceably with all men, not envy nor fight for nor against any man, and this is quite contrary to what Jo. Tombs would persuade people, or to what he understands from the Scripture, which would make people believe that Christ was an example of the oath of supremacy to Cesar, so that people may well be blind and ignorant who hath such Teachers. But we also shall follow the example of Christ, as 1 Tim. 6.13. who did witness a good confession before Pontius Pilate, and this is a good confession before any King or Ruler now, to say that we have obeyed the Truth from our heart, and have not broken the Commands of Christ by swearing, for, nor against any; neither have we transgressed the example of Christ in respecting any man's person, neither do we in our hearts envy any man, King, Ruler, nor people, but hath love even to our enemies, and can do good to them that hate us, and can pray for them that persecute us, and do desire and daily labour that all men might come to the knowledge of the Truth, that they might be saved, And this good Confession we can witness before the King, or any in Authority, and say that God is our witness, and our Conscience also bears us witness in the sight of God, as the Apostle did, and we can say also that we speak the Truth before God, and lie not, for our eyes is not blinded with gifts and rewards, neither have we taken Oaths, Covenants, nor Protestations for Parties, Powers, or Religions, but since we knew the way of Christ we have walked in it, and kept to his Commandment and Oath, which is yea and nay in all things, and so have not entered into condemnation with those that are given to change, but the unchangeable Priest, the unchangeable Covenant, and unchangeable Law hath been our Rule, and of this we need not be ashamed, but in God's power and authority can we hold up our heads, when others do bow down their backs always (crouching under every power and change of Government) as David's enemies did, Psal. 69.23. for that is their place and condition, as the Apostle doth witness, Rom. 11.10. Again Jo. Tombs saith, that Paul a Saint was subject to the judgement of Caesar and appealed to him, than he acknowledged him supreme, &c. ergo Ans. Paul was a prisoner for the word of God and testimony of Jesus, and appealed to Caesar for justice, because he was unjustly accused, and had not done any thing worthy of bonds or of death, therefore according to their Law he ought to be set free, but Paul did not call Caesar the supreme head of the Church, and chief Ruler in Ecclesiastical things, for if Caesar had been the supreme head of the Church of which Paul was a member, he would but have needed little appealing unto for setting of him at liberty; but in such Arguments as Tombs hath used, is manifest the ignorance of foolish men, wherein their folly appears to all men, as the Scripture saith, 2 Tim. 3.9. And whereas thou sayest that there is holy and harmless Christians, and many upright souls whose Consciences are very tender, and many godly persons that have excepted against that Oath, and the lawfulness of taking of it, as fearing it may take away the liberty of their Consciences, which is dearer to them then their lives. Ans. These that are so are in a better condition than thyself, and to such thy ministry if received would beget them from their holy and harmless state, into transgression of Christ's command, and from the tenderness of Conscience into hardness of heart; and now to answer their objections, thou tells them that it was imposed for excluding of the Pope's jurisdiction, &c. if so, why dost thou preach it up to be imposed upon the holy, harmless, godly Christians, who are redeemed from the Pope's power and jurisdiction, and is come into the doctrine of Christ, and into the life of Christ, which is out of all such Oaths. Thou art a miserable Comforter to tender Consciences, but thy end is seen, and therefore thou cannot deceive many, but for those that thou hast before mentioned, who are holy, harmless, upright, and godly, which are tender of an Oath; they ought to be thy Teachers who thyself art far from righteousness or tenderness of Conscience, therefore for thee it is a shame to be an imposer of Oaths upon tender Consciences, who professeth thyself a Minister of Christ, who did forbid all swearing, and his Minister did preach against it, and said above all things swear not at all, lest they fall into condemnation, but it is manifest that thy Ministry is to bring people into condemnation, and not into the obedience to Christ's command, therefore they that fear God will turn away from such, 2 Tim. 3.5. Now saith Jo. Tombs, the grand objection against swearing is our saviour's words, Mat. 5.34, 35, 36, 37. and Jam. 5.12. which words saith he doth seem expressly and fully to forbid any swearing at all, excluding some sorts of Oaths by name, and the rest by general terms, that our Communication should be yea, yea, nay, nay, and what is more cometh of evil, or of the evil One; yet saith he, we must of necessity find out a limitation of the speeches as we do, and the limitation is this, that is, frequent, vain, light, profane, unnecessary, customary, passionate swearing or in secular matters of no importance, which in these Scriptures are forbidden. Ans. Indeed it doth plainly appear, that thou must of necessity either disprove Christ's words, or else deny thy own, seeing they are contrary the one to the other; so therefore thou sayest that it was those Oaths above mentioned that was forbidden by Christ and the Apostles, And I shall show it plainly that thou hast no necessity to limit Christ's words to vain and profane swearing, (out only that thou would have thy words true and his false) for Christ's words in Mat. 5. doth not intend such Oaths, for he speaks of the true Oaths which was used amongst the Jews, and such Oaths as Christ told them they were to perform; for it was not said in old time, that they should perform vain, light, profane, unnecess●ry, customary, and passionate Oaths, but such as they were to perform betwixt the Lord and them, and the solemn vows and Covenants which they made in old time, to their Kings, and one unto another, the Christians now by the command of Christ was not to swear these Oaths, neither any Oath true nor false, so that Christ is not to be limited to intend vain Oaths, when as for instance Christ mentions the Jews swearing, who was in the Commandment, who did deny all vain, customary, false, and passionate swearing, so that Jo. Tombs limitation is taken away, and Christ's meaning must be as large as his words, which is not to swear at all by any Oath, but to keep to yea and nay in all promises, professions, and engagements upon all occasions, and so to keep out of the condemnation, whereby all people's Consciences may be kept clean to the Lord in all things, and they brought to the exercise of a good Conscience, for the Lord is now teaching his people himself, and bringing them to obey the doctrine of his Son, in which they may find peace for their souls, and not to be in bondage unto such Teachers as are given to change with every Government, who preach as the false Prophets did for handfuls of barley, and pieces of bread, and such are they who preach the lawfulness of swearing (or sinning) against Christ's command, but the Lord hath made them manifest, and is redeeming his elect and chosen from amongst such who have made a prey upon people, and fed upon their sins, but not upon the life which the Saints was in. A true Testimony of the Jews swearing under the Law, mentioned in 113. Scriptures, with a distinction also of the Apostate Christians swearing, without either Law or Gospel for example in their oaths. And also the Christians state under the gospel ministration and new Covenant, how they are by Christ commanded not to swear at all, plainly made manifest from the Scripture. THe Jews swear, the Apostate Christians swear, but the true Christians who are redeemed out of the apostasy, that sees Christ Jesus, that was before the Jews and Apostates cannot swear at all, in whom we see that the doctrine of the Jews was to swear, the doctrine of the Apostates is to swear, the doctrine of Christ and his Apostles was not to swear at all, the Jews swore by the living God, but the Apostates by the book, which is not comparable to the Jews swearing. Here is a list of the Scriptures which was spoken to them of the old time, and the Law and first Covenant, who swore and was to swear, and perform their oaths to the Lord, which Christ ends, who saith swear not at all, but in all your Communications let your yea be yea, and your nay nay, for whatsoever is more cometh of evil, and this said be, to whom all power in heaven and earth was given, who put down swearing in the Law, first Covenant, and old time, which were true Oaths, not frivolous; for the frivolous was judged by them of the Law, first Covenant, and old time, for that Oath which Christ puts down was that which was sworn to the Lord, and was to be performed in the state of the Law, first Covenant, and the old time, since man was drove from God into the earth, which Law, first Covenant, (Christ ends) and Oath, and redeems man out of the earth, and makes all things new, who saith swear not at all; now as followeth are the Scriptures which was spoken to the Jews, and them of the old time that swore. Abimelech and his Captain, and Abraham swore, Gen. 21.23, 24, 31. Christ which was before Abraham was, said swear not at all, that is the Covenant that ends Abraham's and Abimelech's Covenant, and saith they must keep to yea and nay in their communications. And the Lord swore unto Abraham, Gen. 24.7. that unto his seed he would give the land; and that Oath was performed, and Christ being come, who was before Abraham, who saith swear not at all. And Abraham's servant swore to Abraham, Gen. And Esau swore to Jacob and sold his birthright, Gen. 25.33. and Joseph swore by the life of Pharaoh, Gen. 42.15. but Christ reigns over the house of Joseph and Jacob, which saith swear not at all, and the house of Esau must be as stubble. And chap. 26.3. the Lord said he would perform his oath to Abraham, which he swore, that his seed should be as the stars of heaven; this was before Christ was come in the flesh, who was b●fore Abraham, who saith, swear not at all. And Isaac and Abimelech's Captain swore, and an oath was betwixt them, and this was in the old time, and in Isaac was the seed called, Christ Jesus, who said, swear not at all, Gen 26.30.31. chap. 31.53. Jacob swore by the fear of his father Isaac, in whom as I said before, the seed should be called, who reigns over the house of Jacob, who said swear not at all, but in all your communications let your yea be yea, and your nay nay, this was in the new time, the other was in the old. And Joseph swore unto Jacob in Egypt in the old time, but Christ as I said before, reigns over the house of Joseph and Jacob, saith swear not at all, for by the oath he was to be carried our of Egypt, and so by Christ the oath of God, that ends the oaths, are all to be carried out of spiritual Egypt, Gen. 47.31. chap. 50.5, 6. and Exod. 13.5. where the Lord swore to the Fathers concerning the Jews, who had the covenant and promise, which Christ the Covenant performs the oath of God, and his promise and covenant, who saith swear not at all. And Exod. 6.8 God swore he would give the land to the children of Israel, which he had sworn to Abraham, but Christ who was before Abraham, said they should not swear, that redeems out of the earth, and treads upon the earthly Canaan. And the Lord said to Moses, go to the land which I swore to Abraham, Isaac▪ and Jacob, so the oath of the Lord brought them to this land the outward land of Canaan, but Christ who was before Abraham, that reigns over the house of Joseph and Jacob, that ends the oaths brings to God, and the land of the Living, where is the everl●sting rest above Canaan, Exod. 33 1. The Lord swore in the wilderness that he would bring the people into the land, and the Lord said they should see the land which he swore to their fathers, but they that provoked him should not see it, and they should not come into the land which he swore, save Caleb, &c. who had provoked the Lord, and these did not abide in the oath which brought into the land; as the Christians do not abide in Christ that brings into the land of the Living, that saith swear not at all; as they did not abide in the oath which would have brought them into the land of Canaan, Num 14.16, 23, 30. I set the land before you saith the Lord, which I swore to Abraham your Father, and Isaac, and Jacob, and to their seed after them, Deut. 1.8. ch. 8.1. ye shall possess the land if ye do all things I command you, which I swore to your Fathers, and ye shall prolong your days in the land which I swore to your Fathers, and the days of your children which the Lord swore to your fathers should be multiplied, ch. 11.9.21. And the Lord swore that Moses should not go over Jordan, the Lord forg●t not his covenant to the Fathers which he swore to them, ch. 4. 2·1.31s. And the Lord brought thee into the land which he svaare to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, ch. 6.10.13, 18. thou shalt possess the land which the Lord swore to the Fathers, ye shall keep covenant and mercy, which the Lord swore to your Fathers to give thee the land, ch. 7.12, 13. ch. 8 18. so you may see here how the oath of the Lord being kept, which brought to the land; and the oath being not kept, but the Lord was provoked and turned against them, and he swore they should not enter into the land; so Christ who ends the oath, who abides in him, he brings them into rest, but who doth not abide in him, the light turns against them, and he condemns them; and so they come not into rest, chap. 9.5. And the Lord perform his word which he swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, ch. 2.8.11. and the Lord will make thee fruitful in the land which he swore to give thee, as he kept the Law he kept the oath, and so they bare fruit as they do which abide in Christ, who ends the oath. Chap. 30.20. as they loved and obeyed his voice, he was their life, and the length of their days, that they might dwell in the land which he swore to their Fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, so in obedience to the Law the oath was performed, but he that ends the law ends the oath, who was before days was, who is the life Christ, chap. 26.3. They shall tell the Priest that they are come to the land which the Lord gave them, Jos. 1.6. be strong and of good courage, ye shall inherit the land which the Lord swore, Deut. 30.20.23. when the Lord had brought them into the land which he swore, they were to keep covenant, this was spoken to the Jews, else the oath turned against them, which oath and covenant Christ ends, Jos. 5.6. And the Prince of the congregation swore, ch. 9.15, 20. but Christ the Prince of peace ends these Princes among the Jews, their authority and oaths, ch. 14.9. And Moses swore, chap. 21.43, 44. and the Lord gave the people rest, as he swore to their Fathers, now this was spoken to the Jews, and Moses the servant which swore, Christ the Son who is greater than the servant Moses, that ends the Law, and redeems out of the earth saith swear not at all, who is God's covenant everlasting. Judg. 2.1. the Lord said he had brought them into the land which he swore, and he would not break covenant with them, and this was spoken to the Jews that had the outward covenant, and the land, and the oath spoken to them (and not the Christians) which Christ ends. 1 Sam. 19.6. and Saul swore who was a King, and Jonathan swore to David in the time of his sufferings, but Christ the King of Kings saith swear not at all, there is the top and corner stone laid, that destroys the Devil the author of sufferings, in whom is peace, chap. 20.3.17. David swore, chap. 24.21 22. David swore unto Saul, ch. 28.10. Saul swore to the witch, but Christ Jesus that David called Lord saith swear not at all; though David and Saul were Kings, yet Christ who hath all power in heaven and earth, who is king of kings, whose dominion is larger th●n Saul's or David's, who saith swear not at all. 2 Sam. 3.35. and David swore he would not eat till the Sun went down, Bathsheba said to David, O king, did not thou swear to thy handmaid that Solomon should reign, and she said thou swaredst by the Lord thy God that Solomon should reign, 1 King. 17.29, 30. and David swore as his soul lived, and God who had redeemed it out of all adversity, that Solomon should reign, and Adoniah would have had Solomon swear that he would not slay him, ver. 51. and David swore he would not slay Shim●i if he went not out of Jerusalem, and Shimei swore to the king and broke his oath, 1 King. 28.42. and Solomon said to him, did I make thee to swear, and Joab said to David he swore by the Lord, 2 Sam. 19.1, 2, 3. and Solomon said 1 Kin. 8.31. 2 Chron. 6.22. when a man trespasses against his neighbour, and they lay upon him an oath, to cause him to swear, and the swearer shall come before the Altar in this house, and Solomon said it was alike to him that sweareth and him that feareth an oath, Eccl. 9.2. and the young man that came out of Egypt bid David swear by the Lord that he would not kill him, nor deliver him into the hands of his Master, 1 Sam. 30. 15· now here was swearing, and this was among the Jews, and though these are proofs for their swearing, yet Christ a greater than Solomon, who was greater than David and Solomon, who were kings, saith swear not at all, he which hath all power in heaven given to him. And here they were to swear before the Altar in the house of God, as said king Solomon, but this is nothing to the Christians that they should swear, but Christ that ends the oath ends the Altar, and the Temple, and said it should be thrown down; so Solomon was made by an oath, for David swore to his Mother that Solomon should reign, so according to the oath he was, so Christ who ends the oaths, that is a greater than Solomon, that redeems from the earth, makes kings to reign upon the earth which are not to swear, and saith swear not at all. And you may see Gedaliah swore 2 Kin. 25.24. Jer. 40.9. and said, be ye Servants to the Caldees, and Samson made the children of Judah swear that they would not kill him, Judg. 1.5.12. and the spies swore to Rahab that they would not open the matter, and if she uttered the matter they were quit of the oath, Jos. 2.12 20. and Zedekiah rebelled against Nebuchadnezar, which had caused him to swear by God, 2 Chron. 36.13. And the children of Israel swore together to serve the Lord, and rejoiced at the oath they had sworn with their hearts, 2 Chr. 15.14, 15. now as these Scriptures is to prove that these swore, but all who came to the joy which remains in Christ Jesus, they come to him which ends the swearing, and ends the oaths, and then they joy in the oath, Christ Jesus who is of the tribe of Judah, who ends the swearing, who is a greater than Samson, and none of these Scriptures prove that the true Christians swore after Christ forbade them. Moses said to the Lord remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, to whom thou swore by thyself, I will multiply thy seed, and give you this land; here you may see this was to the Jews who had the land, which when Christ came among them, him they was to hear, who ended the oaths, and said they should not swear, they persecuted him, Exod. 32. 13· thou shalt serve the Lord and cleave to him and swear by his name, Deut. 10.11. and thou shalt swear the Lord liveth in righteousness, and truth, and in judgement, Jer. 4 2. and he that sweareth in the earth shall swear by the true God, Isa. 65.16. now here is the oath that was to be performed to the Lord, and Christ the righteousness of God and truth ends the oath, that was to be sworn in righteousness, and saith swear not at all, to whom every knee must bow. And the Lord said he had sworn by himself, his word was gone out in righteousness, every knee should bow, and every tongue should swear to him, this was the true oath and the house of Jacob swore by the name of the Lord, but not in truth and righteousness, these was the vain oaths which the Prophet forbade, and was forbidden by the Jews, Isa. 45.23. chap. 48.1. and the true oath was that which was sworn by the Lord, and then the Jews bowed to him, but God saith this is my beloved Son, hear him, who saith swear not at all, and they that be true Christians do the thing that he commands, John 5. And Israel swore not in truth and righteousness, though they said the Lord lived, yet they swore falsely, amongst them that seek not the truth, nor execute true judgement, Jer. 5, 2. the Lord saith I swear by myself, that this house shall be wasted, if they would not hear the words of God, Jer. 22.5. and the Lord swore unto the Fathers that he would give them the land that flowed with milk and honey; now mind, this oath brought them into the land that had the types, and figures, and shadows, which when Christ comes he ends this oath, and types, and figures, and shadows. King David said, Psal. 63.11. the king shall rejoice in God, and all that swear by him shall rejoice in him, this was a true oath; and David swore to the Lord, and vowed to the mighty God, Ps. 132.2. and David said unto the Lord, where are thy former mercies which thou swore unto thy servant in truth, Psal. 89.49. he honoureth him that sweareth to his own hurt and changeth not, shall not be removed, Psal. 15 4. now this is to prove swearing to them that were under the Law, and to the Jews, and that King David swore, and the Prophets swore, which Christ the end of the Prophets, and David saith swear not at all, him that David calls Lord, and this is my beloved Son whose voice is to be heard saith God. Whosoever voweth a vow to the Lord, or sweareth an oath to bind himself by a bond, he shall not break it, here they were to perform their oaths to the Lord, Num. 30.2. Deut. 26.15. when the children of Israel walked in the law of God, they should possess the land which he swore unto them, so they possessed the oath as a true Christian possesses Christ, who forbids that oath, and walks in the light, and so he possesseth the word which is the honey, and the milk, as the Jews possessed the land that flowed with milk and honey, that kept the Lord's oath and his law, but they departed from it; but the new Covenant being witnessed and the law written in the heart and mind that possess it, they shall not depart from the Lord. Ezra caused the chief Priests and all Israel to swear, and that they would do according to the law, now these were the Jews in the law which Christ ends, Ez 10.5. Isa. 3.7. in the time of confusion the man shall swear he will not be a healer, this was in the time when they had transgressed the oath of God and his Law, ch. 19.18. Egypt shall speak the land of Canaan, and shall swear by the Lord, and they were not to swear falsely, Lev. 6.3.5. and the Jews was not to swear to pronounce with their lips to do evil, and if he did it ignorantly he was to confess it. cha. 5.4. and they should not swear by the Name of the Lord faslly, chap. 19.20. and swearing faslly was forbidden by the Prophet to the Jews, Jer. 7.9. And Jeremiah cried out, the Land was full of adultery and Oaths, Chap. 2, 3.10 These was not the oaths that Christ said they should perform to the Lord. And by swearing and killing and lying, blood toucheth blood, Hos. 4.2. these were the rebukable oaths, and while they were in ●hat state, playing the harlot, they were not to swear the Lord lives, when they were in the rebellious state, than they were rebukable and could not swear the true oath, but went to the false oaths, and Hosea told the Jews they swore faslly, so the Prophet judged the false oaths, but Christ ended the true, Hos. 10.4. And Malaci told the Jews the Lord would rise a witness against the false swearers, Mal. 3.5. did not Christ cry woe unto the Jews and Pharisees that said it was nothing to swear by the Temple, and told them they that swore by the Temple and the Gold of the Temple offended, these were the Jews that he told of swearing by the Altar, and the offering, and swore by all things that was on the Altar, and he that swore by the Temple, swore by him that dwelled in the Temple, and he that swore by Heaven, swore by the Throne of God and him that sat thereon; Christ spoke these things to the Jews he cried woe against, who was not believers, Mat. 23.16. to the 22, this was spoken to the Jews and Pharisees (that knew not Christ) that that was in the swearing, against which he cried woe, who saw not the substance of the Altar and Temple, that they swore by, and the things thereon, who saith swear not at all, Mat. 5. Peter cursed and swore. Mat. 26.74. Mat. 14. 71.72· but after he repented, the Jews oath was to swear by the Lord, and the Christians was to keep to yea and nay in their communications, & not to swear at all, Mat. 5. Jam. 5. and the Jews was not to swear by the Books of Moses, nor the Prophets, as the Apostate Christians who swore by the contents of the Books, but their oath was to swear by the Lord, and the Jews was not to swear by the Gods of the Heathen, for Amos told them that swore by the sin of Samaria, should fall and never rise again, Amos 8.14. And the Lord swore to the children of Israel that they should not make mention of the names of their Gods nor swore by them, for the Heathen swore by their Gods, but the Jews were to swear by the Living God, and perform their oaths to the Lord, Jos, 23.7. which Christ ends. And the Jews when they were under transgression, they swore by the Gold and by the Altar, and by the Temple, and the Christians that are apostatised from the Apostles have sworn by the Epistles and the Evangelists, for which they have no example from Christ nor Scriptures, which said they might not swear by Heaven, for it was God's Throne, for he that swore by the Throne, swore by him that sat thereon, nor they should not swear by the Earth, nor the head; And James that followed the Doctrine of Christ, one of his Disciples said, swear not at all. And Zachary saith in his prophecy, every one that sweareth shall be cut off Zac. 5.3. the Lord would cut off the swearer, that swears by the Lord and swears by Malcham, Zeph. 1.5. So the King swore secretly to Jeremiah, as the Lord liveth Jer. 38.16. and the Jews was to learn the ways of the Lord, and swore by the Name of the Lord that liveth, as they had taught the people to swear by Baal, so there was the false oath judged by the Prophet, Jer. 12, 16. but Christ who ends the Prophets, and the Jews outward, ends the oath, and saith swear not at all. And the Lord swore in his wrath to the Jews that they should not enter into his rest, Psal, 95.11. the Apostle saith, Heb. 3.10, 11 they entered not because of unbelief, therefore he swore in his wrath, for they erred in their hearts from the oath which would have brought them in that turned against them. And he saith verily men swear by the greater, chap 6.13.16. how God swore by himself because he could not swear by a greater, and how men swore by the greater, and their oath was to end the strife in the Law, but this is made by an oath, Christ Jesus, the Lord hath sworn, and will not repent, thou art a Priest for ever after the order of Melchisedeck; the Apostle doth not bring that to the Hebrews that they should swear, but as a similitude, the substance of which is Christ, and that men swore by a greater than themselves, and because God could not find a greater, be swore by himself, and the oath in the Law ended the strife among men, and made the peace, but Christ Jesus that ends the Law, ends the oath, and destroys the devil the Author of strife, and reconciles man to God in peace, he through death destroying him who had the power of death the Devil, Heb. 2.14. chap. 7.2.1. and Zhecharias when he Prophesied, saw the oath which God swore to Abraham, Luke 1.71. and none of these places in the new Testament, doth prove that the Christians did swear, for they had the oath of God performed, that enjoyed Christ Jesus, and who enjoyeth the oath of God performed, the end of the Prophets, he saith unto them they must not swear at all. Now if you say the Angel swore in the Revelations, and in Daniel by him that lived for ever and ever, this was a true oath, Dan. 12.7, Rev. 10.6. who swore concerning the mystery of God being finished, which God swore to the Prophets his Servants, which comes to enjoy the mystery of God Christ Jesus, they have the end of the Prophets and servants the mystery, to him the Angels must bow; I bring forth my only begotten Son into the World, let all the Angels worship him, who saith, swear not at all. And Christ said unto the Jews and to his Disciples, how men had sworn in the old time, and was to perform their oath to the Lord, and that was the true oath, and Christ saith I say unto you now, swear not at all, and let them see that men should not forswear themselves, but perform their oaths to the Lord, and so he distinguished between the true and the false, and then bid them they should not swear at all (mark) not at all, neither by Heaven nor by Earth, nor by their head, nor by Jerusalem, for he gives them the reason, but tells them what they must say, and what they must do, that takes away all swearing, let your communication be yea yea, nay nay, whatsoever is more than these comes of evil, Mat. 5.33, 34, 35, 36, 37. And this is the Doctrine of Christ that faith, swear not at all, who was the oath of God performed. And James one of the Disciples and Apostles of Christ Jesus, that abode in his Doctrine, said, above all things my brethren, swear not at all, neither by Heaven, nor by Earth, nor by any other oath; and than the Apostle taught people what they should do, and said, let your yea be yea and your nay nay, lest you fall into condemnation; And so Christ and the Apostle did not say they were to swear by the Lord and told them these were frivolous oaths, they denied, but told them they was not to swear at all, not by any oath, for if they did, they fell into condemnation. So the Doctrine of Christ and the Apostles who ended oaths, denied swearing, and all oaths, said they were to keep to yea and nay, and their yea was to be yea, and nay nay, which kept them out of condemnation, and who lives in this are redeemed out of the apostasy since the Apostles days, to Christ and the Apostles Doctrine, that knows the oath performed, and Law, and first Covenant, and Moses, and a greater than Solomon, before Abraham was, though these swore, yet he saith, swear not at all, and this is my beloved Son, hear him, and there is the top stone laid, and Christ reigns, Mat. 5. All these Scriptures, which are in all, 113. are brought to oppose Christ's Doctrine by the Apostates, which prove nothing that the Christians should swear. The oath of God his Law being kept, his promise was performed, which brought the Jews into the outward Land of Canaan, which had the types and figures and shadows which Christ ends, the oath, Law and first Covenant, and types and figures and shadows, and redeems out of the Earthly Canaan, and from the Earth to God, and so brings into the Land of the Living. THE END.