royal English blazon or coat of arms A PROCLAMATION By his Majesty's Commissioners for executing his gracious Declaration for the Settlement of IRELAND. WHEREAS the Kings most excellent Majesty by his Commission under the great Seal of this Kingdom of Ireland, bearing date the nineteenth day of March, in the thirteenth year of his Reign, hath nominated and appointed Us Commissioners for the putting in execution his Majesty's gracious Declaration of the thirtyeth of November last, for the Settlement of this Kingdom of Ireland, and satisfaction of the several Interests of Adventurers and Soldiers, and other his Subjects there, according to the tenor of certain Instructions to the said Commission annexed; And whereas by the said Instructions, We are amongst other things required to cast up the whole Debt, and demand of the Adventurers, as well those that are satisfied, as those that are in part, or in whole deficient, and also all the forfeited Lands assigned for the said Adventurers satisfaction, in order to the more particular apportioning and dividing the said Lands amongst the said Adventurers, and satisfying their deficiencies, and assertaining their respective proportions. We therefore in order to the more speedy and effectual execution of the said Commissions and Instructions, have thought fit to Publish and Declare, and do hereby Publish and Declare, That all and every Adventurer and Adventurers for Lands in Ireland, his or their Assignee or Assigns, as well those who have received satisfaction either in Lands or Houses for their said Adventurers, or those who are in part or in whole deficient, do by themselves, or their Agent or Agents sufficiently authorized, within forty days after publication hereof, deliver unto Us in writing under their Hands and Seals a paricular of the sums of money for which he or they do demand satisfaction by way of Adventure out of any forfeited Lands or Houses in this Kingdom: and therein do also insert the Names of such persons, in whose right they claim the said Adventure, and also the place where the same by Lots formerly drawn amongst the said Adventurers is fallen to be satisfied. And further, that such of the said Adventurers who have received satisfaction either in Lands or Houses for the sums of money so by them adventured, or any part thereof, do therein also insert a particular of the Houses and Lands by them possessed, together with the content and number of Acres both profitable and unprofitable in each Town-Land, Village, Balliboe, or Quarter of Land, as the same were admeasured to them or for their use, and if such Adventure be for Houses in any City, such Adventurers are to deliver in, not only the particular Houses and Tenements by them possessed, but also the values of them resectively as set out to them, or any other for their use. And we do further hereby Publish and Declare, That his Majesty by his said Idstructions to Us hath signified his pleasure, That if any Adventurer, or the Assignee, or Assigns to such Adventurer, shall neglect to return unto us such certificate, or shall willingly make and deliver a false Certificate of the sums he was to be satisfied according to the Acts for satisfaction of Adventurers, or of the Town-Lands, Villages, Quarters, or other denomination of Land assigned or given out for satisfaction of such debt or demand, or of the Contents or number of Acres according as the same were set out unto him or them, such Adventurer or his Assignee, shall forfeit for three years the Rents and Profits that such Houses, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments shall yield that he shall so omit to certify, or that he shall not rightly certify. And we do hereby further require all such of the said Adventurers as have taken Surveys of their Lands, that they do forthwith bring unto Us the said Surveys or Duplicates thereof, together with the Field-Books, if in their possession, to the end, the said Surveys may be compared with such other Surveys, as by Order of the late pretended powers have been taken of such Lands: And hereof all persons concerned are to take notice. Dated at the Kings-Inn in Dublin this 27 day of March 1661. in the thirteenth year of his Majesty's Reign. God save the King. Montgomery. R. Coote. Santry. Hen. Tichborne. Jo. Bysse, Art. Forbess. Ja. Ware. Ol. St. George. John Cole. Au. Mervyn. Ja. Cuff. Hen. Warren. DUBLIN, Printed by William Bladen, by special Order: And now reprinted at London, An. Dom. 1661.