THE Fall of Man DECLARED. AND The way declared in plainness and according unto Truth, how fallen Man and Woman may be restored into that pure innocent state and being that Adam was in before the fall. AND A Warning from the Lord God of life and power in bowels of dear and tender love unto all, the Rulers, Priests and People, that they hasten to Repentance, who are spending their time without the fear of the Lord, and nourishing their hearts as in a day of slaughter. For the triumphing of the wicked is but short, and the hope of the hypocrite but for a moment, and though his excellency mount up to the heavens, and his head reach the clouds, yet shall he perish like his own dung, and he shall vanish away like a night vision, and they which saw him shall see him no more. LONDON, Printed for Thomas Simmons at the sign of the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1661. The Fall of Man Declared. GOD who made the World and all things therein, who form the mountains, and created the Winds, who is a God at hand, and not a God afar off, who is near unto all that call upon him in Truth and Righteousness. Oh all people, Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, and call upon him while he is near, you he created Male and Female after his own Image, and to do his will, and to delight alone in him, and to worship, serve and obey him, who gave man whom he created after his own image, power and authority, and set him over and above all the creatures, which he by the word of his power created for the use and service of man; I say the Lord God gave man, so long as man continued in obedience unto him, power and authority over all the fowls of the air and the fishes of the sea, and the beasts of the field; And the Lord God he planted a garden in Eden, and he took man whom he had form and put him into the Garden to dress it and to keep it, and commanded him saying, Of every tree in the Garden thou mayst freely eat, but of the tree of the knowledge of good & evil thou shalt not eat of it, for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die: And the Lord God he said It is not good that the man should be alone, I will make him a meet help for him, and the Lord God made of the rib which he took from man, a woman, and brought her unto man, and said; Adam, this is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh, and she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man. Now the Serpent being more subtle than any beast of the field which God had made, saith he, Yea hath God said of every tree in the Garden you may not eat of, The Woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the Garden, but of the tree that is in the midst of the Garden, God hath said ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it lest ye die. Now the serpent being more subtle than any beast of the field, although God had said in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die: said the serpent unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die, for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, than your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods knowing good and evil, and when the woman saw that it was good for food, and pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof and did eat, and gave unto her husband with her and he did eat, and immediately their eyes were opened, and they saw that they were naked, and they gathered fig-leaves, and sewed them together to make themselves aprons, for to make a covering to hid them from the presence of the Lord, (mark that) all ye people who are yet in the fall, in the transgression, driven out from the presence of the Lord into the earth, that when man & woman had disobeyed & transgressed the command of the Lord God, in eating of the the forbidden fruit, that was of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which God commanded, man whom he had created after his own image, saying, Of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou mayest not eat, for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die: I say that when man and woman had disobeyed the Command of the Lord in eating of the forbidden fruit, immediately their eyes were opened, and they saw that they were naked, and they sewed figg-leaves together for to hid themselves from the presence of the Lord, And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the Garden in the cool of the day, they seeing their nakedness they hide themselves amongst the trees of the Garden from the presence of the Lord, (mark that) all ye who are in the fall, in the transgression, and spending your days without the fear of the Lord, and your precious time which the Lord God spares you, for to see if you will return unto him, in sports, pleasures, rioting and wickedness; turn in your minds into the light of the Son of God, with which you are enlightened, which checks and reproves you for sin and evil, and makes manifest the evil of your do, and the thoughts and intents of your hearts unto you, when there is no man present with you, or can accuse of them, yet is the Lord God present with you by his light, which is his true and faithful witness, which he hath placed in you which never consented unto sin and evil, but is a witness for God against sin and evil; I say, then is the Lord present to reprove you, and to condemn you for the evil of your do; I say turn in your minds into the Light of the Son of God, with which you are enlightened, and come and let us reason together a little; Is there not in you after the height of your wickedness is over, and you come into a little calmness in the cool of the day, a still low voice following of you, and crying in you, man or Woman; Where art thou? what is this which thou hast done? Then by the light of Christ in thee, with which thou art enlightened, comes to see thou hast disobeyed the Command of the Lord God; And that thou hast acted contrary unto his pure mind, and will, and unto his true and faithful witness in thee, which is the light of the Son of God, with which thou art enlightened; So I say, by that thou comes to see that thou art naked, and then terror and fear takes hold upon thee; and then thou strives to get a covering to hid thyself from the presence of the Lord; then in that state and condition, as thou art striving to get some Fig-leaved Garment, or some words, as the enemy of thy souls peace, that old serpent, who was a liar from the beginning, shall put into thee, or raise up in thee to speak; but this I tell ye all from the Lord God, who are yet in the fall, and in the transgression, driven out from the presence of the Lord, and without God in the World, that all the cover that you have made, or ever shall make, are too narrow, and they cannot hid you, neither can you be hid under them from the presence of the Lord God; for from the Lord God you cannot hid, nor from him you cannot fly, but unto him you must give an account, for the deeds and works done in the body, whether they be good, or whether they be evil; And the woe of the Lord is unto all ye who are making false feigned cover, to hid you from the Lord, and from the eyes of men; for woe saith the Lord, unto the rebellious Children, who take counsel and not of me, and that cover with a covering, but not with my Spirit; And woe unto them that hid their sins, for they shall not prosper; And this I tell you again from the Lord, that your cover are too narrow, and they cannot hid you, neither are you hid under them from the Lord, nor from the pure single Eye, which the Lord God hath opened in hundreds of his dear Babes and Lambs, who are counted by you the offscouring of all things, and people not fit to live upon the Earth, and as sheep for the slaughter; and are reproachfully, and scornfully by you called Quakers. So now all people as you tender the good of your own souls, and have any desire to know the Lord God who created ye, this is the counsel of the Lord God unto ye; Oh! Turn in, turn in your minds into the Light of the Son of God, with which you are enlightened, and wait ye in patience in it; and harken diligently unto the Voice of the Lord, unto the Voice of the true Prophet Christ Jesus, the Son of God, the light of the World, Who is the light that enlighteneth every man that cometh into the World, who must be heard in all things; For said the servant of the Lord, A Prophet will the Lord your God raise up unto you, of your brethren like unto me, him shall ye hear in all things, whatsoever he shall say unto you, And it shall come to pass, that every soul which will not hear that Prophet, shall be destroyed from amongst the People. So all people who are yet in the fall, in the transgression, driven out from the presence of the Lord into the Earth, and without God in the World; I say as you tender the good, and welfare, and happiness of your immortal souls cease from man, whose breath is in his nostrils, who keeps you ever learning, but never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth; and give not way unto that spirit which hath led and acted you into sin, and into transgression, into lightness, and ayrinesse; but turn in your minds into the light of the Son of God, and keep in your minds, and wait ye in patience in it, and hearken ye diligently unto the voice the true Prophet Christ Jesus, the Light of the World, who is the true Light, that enlighteneth every man that cometh into the World; I say, harken ye diligently unto the voice of the true Prophet, which is a still low voice which follows the Creature, and when the Creature turns either unto the right hand or unto the left, it saith this is the way walk in it; (Mark that) all ye who are yet in the fall and in the transgression, that is the voice of the true Prophet which cries in you for purity and holiness, and after the height of your wickedness is over, and you come into a little calmness, then in the cool of the day it cries in you Man or Woman, where art thou? what is this that thou hast acted and done, than you with the Light of the Son of God comes to see your nakedness, and then you strive to make cover to hid yourselves from the presence of the Lord, and in this state and condition, as I said before, the woe of the Lord is unto you, For woe saith the Lord unto the rebellious Children who take counsel and not of me, and that cover with a covering but not with my Spirit. And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said, where art thou, says Adam unto God again, I heard thy voice and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid myself; so when Man whom God created after his own Image, had disobeyed the command of the Lord who created him, in eating of the forbidden fruit, that is of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which God said in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die, and immediately after Adam and Eve his wife had eaten of the forbidden fruit, the Lord he opened their eyes, and then they saw their nakedness, and they gathered fig-leaves and sewed them together to make them cover, and they strove to hid themselves amongst the trees of the garden from the presence of the Lord; and said the Lord unto Adam, who shown thee thy nakedness? Hast thou eaten of the forbidden fruit, which I commanded thee that thou shouldst not eat of; Then answered Adam unto the Lord, the woman that thou gavest to be with me did give unto me and I did eat; Then said the Lord unto the Woman, What is this that thou hast done? Then answered the Woman and said, The Serpent did beguile me and I did eat; Then said the Lord God unto the Serpent, for this that thou hast done thou art cursed above all Cattle, and above every Beast of the field, upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shall be thy meat all the days of thy life; And said the Lord God, I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed, and it shall bruise thy head, that is the seed of the woman, and thou shalt bruise her heel. And so now all people who are yet in the fall, and in the transgression, in the earth driven out from the presence of the Lord, unredeemed, and without God in the world; This I writ unto you all in dear love, and in bowels of tender love, and as you prise the good of your own souls consider, and lay it to heart, how you have spent your time without the fear of the Lord God, who created you to do his will, and to serve and obey him; so now I say unto you all, come to a true and a serious consideration for what end and purpose God created you, whether to do his will, and to serve and obey him, or to do your own wicked corrupt wills, and to serve and obey your own hearts lusts, unto the witness of God in all your Consciences do I speak, which I know from the Lord God will answer, and confess, that God created you to do his will, and to serve and obey him; Then this is the counsel of the Lord God unto you, and my exhortation unto you all, in his pure dread and fear, and in bowels of tender love unto your souls, Oh dread and fear ye God, and let the time passed be too much which you have spent without the fear of the Lord God, and cease to do evil, and learn to do well, and go on no longer in rebellion and disobedience unto the Lord God, lest you provoke his wrath against you, to destroy you; Therefore I say kiss the Son lest he be angry and ye perish in the way, for when his wrath is kindled but a little, blessed and happy are all they who put their trust in him. Now as touching the state and condition that man was in before the fall, and before he disobeyed, so long as he continued in obedience unto the command of the Lord, and in that pure, innocent, holy, and harmless being wherein God created him, he did enjoy the presence of the Lord God, and had Union, and Communion, and Fellowship with the Lord, and then he had power and authority over the Creatures which God created for the use and service of man, but through disobedience and transgression unto the holy and righteous command of the Lord God, who created him, he the Creature man lost the image in which he was created, and lost also his Union, and Communion, and Fellowship with the Lord, which he had with the Lord before he disobeyed his command, so through disobedience he was driven into the earth from the presence of the Lord, and then the Lord placed Cherubims and a flaming sword at the garden of Eden, which turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life, so through man's disobedience he lost the image, and was driven out from the presence of the Lord into the earth, and lost his Power, Authority, and Dominion which he had with the Lord before he disobeyed, he lost that Power, and that Authority, and that Dominion which he had over the Creatures which God created for the use and service of man; So now since the fall of Man, his fall being so great, the Creatures have had Power and Dominion over the Creature Man, and Man hath been in bondage unto the Creatures, through disobedience unto God the Creator, (Mark that all ye unbelievers, who will not believe in Christ Jesus the Light) who are yet in the fall, in the transgression, and in the Earth driven out from the presence of the Lord, and without God in the world, who are in bondage and in slavery unto the Creatures, and they have Power, and Dominion over you, some of you running into the abuse of one Creature, and some of you running into the abuse of another, your hearts being fixed and settled in the Earth, and in some Creature-enjoyment, your treasure being in the Earth and Earthly things, there is your hearts also; So now as you are in the fall, in the transgression driven out from the presence of the Lord into the Earth, and you standing in this state and condition, the Creatures which Man had power over at the beginning, so long as he stood in the counsel of God, they Rule and have Power and Dominion over you, you being run into the abuse of the Creatures, so hereby you are in slavery and in bondage unto them. No way out of the Fall but by following the Light. NOw all people who are yet in the fall, and in the transgression driven out from the presence of the Lord into the Earth, and without God in the World, as the Lord God giveth me utterance, I shall declare the way in plainness, and according unto the Truth, how fallen Men and Women may be restored into that pure innocent state, and being that Adam was in before the fall. Oh all people, dread, dread, dread, and fear, and tremble before the living God of Heaven and Earth, at whose voice the wind and the Sea obeyeth, who by the breath of his Nostrils, and the brightness of his coming, he will slay the wicked; Oh return, return, return unto the Lord God, and repent while ye have time, and turn in your minds into the light of the Son of God, in your own Consciences, with which he hath enlightened you, who is the true Light that enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world, who came not into the world to save man in sin, but from sin, and in him is no sin, and whosoever abideth in him sinneth not, neither can he sin because his seed remaineth in him; therefore I say unto ye all, unto the light of Christ take heed, and keep in your minds, and wait ye in patience in it, in that which checks and reproves you for sin and evil, and makes manifest the evil of your do unto you, when no man sees you, or can accuse you of it, yet is the Lord God present with his Light, which is his true and faithful witness which he hath placed in man, which never consented unto sin or evil, but stands a witness for God in man against sin and evil, I say the Lord God is present with his Light to condemn you for sin and evil. Therefore I say submit ye unto the Lord God, and unto the Light of his Son, which is manifested in you, and humble yourselves, and lie down under the hand of his mighty power, that he may pour out his judgements, and vials of wrath, and plagues, and woes upon the head of the wicked in you, which rules and reigns in you as King, and hath led and doth still lead and act you into sin and into transgression, that so the Lord God may show mercy unto your souls, for the Lord he shows not mercy unto that which hath led and acted the Creature into transgression, but it is his own seed in man which lieth yet in you oppressed and burdened as a Cart pressed with sheaves, by reason of sin and wickedness, which is yet remaining alive in you, and uncrucified, and unsubdued, by the power of God; Therefore this is the counsel of the Lord God unto you all, turn in, turn in your minds into the light of the Son of God, and wait ye in patience in it, that you may feel the power of the Lord God to crucify and to subdue, and to expel and to work out all that in you which entered into man through disobedience and transgression, that so the seed of God, the seed immortal, which is yet oppressed in you, may be eased and delivered, that so it may grow and increase unto the praise and glory of the Lord, who is God blessed for evermore, Amen. Therefore I say in love unto all your souls, submit ye unto the Lord God, and lie down under the hand of his mighty power, that so he may pour out his judgements, and his vials of wrath upon that which hath led and acted you into transgression, that so he may show mercy unto your souls, for the Lord he shows not mercy, as I said before, unto that which leads the Creature into transgression, but he shows mercy unto his own seed in man, which never consented to sin or evil, and he that reputes and forsakes his sins, and turns unto the Lord with a purpose of heart, then will the Lord God show mercy unto his soul. And this is the counsel of the Lord God unto you, in dear and in tender love unto your souls, turn in, turn in your minds into the light of the Son of God in your own particulars, with which you are enlightened, which is the true Light that enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world; Therefore I say, unto the Light of Christ take heed and wait ye in patience in the Cross, in that which is a Cross unto your carnal minds and wills, which are running abroad into the Earth, and Earthly things, for in the Cross and through the Cross is the power of the Lord God felt and witnessed, although the preaching of the Cross was unto the Greeks foolishness, and unto the Jews a stumbling block, yet this I can give in my Testimony for the Lord God, that unto us which are saved it is the power of God unto Salvation, unto ever, one that believeth; Therefore I say turn in your minds into the Light of Christ in your own particulars, which is made manifest in you, and wait ye in patience in the Cross, that you feel and see the power of the Lord to slay the enmity and to take away the cause, and to break down the partition-wall, and to rend the vail; Now I say, who am a lover of all souls, wait in patience in the Cross, that you may feel and see the power of the Lord God to take away and to remove the cause, to take away that and to remove that, and to work out, and to expel out all that in you which hath caused a separation betwixt God and you, that is to feel and to see the power of the Lord God to work out, and to expel sin and iniquity; for saith the Lord, your sins have separated you from me, and your iniquities hath withheld good things from you; so wait ye in the Cross, that you may all seek, and see the power of the Lord God to break down the partition-wall, to break down that in you which is yet standing as a wall in you, which is the man of sin, which separates you from the Lord God, who created you; And so all wait in patience in the Light, and keep in your minds stayed in it, I say wait in patience in the Light, that you may feel and see the power of the Lord God to rend the vail, and to take it off the heart, for through man's disobedience unto the Lord God who created him, there came a vail over the heart by reason of sin and transgression, which vailed the Creature from the Lord; So now I say in love unto all your souls, wait ye in patience in the Cross, that you may feel and see the pure power of the Lord God, to take away, and to remove, and to expel, and to work out all that which is yet remaining alive in you, which entered into man through disobedience and transgression, by the reason of which man lost the image in which he was created, and lost also his Union, and Communion, and Fellowship which he had with the Lord God before he disobeyed; so through disobedience man was driven into the Earth from the presence of the Lord. So all people who are yet in the fall in the transgression, and without God in the world, this is the counsel of the Lord God unto you all, turn in, turn in your minds into the light of the Son of God which is made manifest in you, and receive it in the love of it, for the light is in all, and the light is one in all, but all have not received it in the love of it, and so by the light they are condemned; Therefore I say as you tender the good of your own souls, receive the light in the love of it, and prise it above all things, and yield obedience to be led and guided by it; For this I testify unto you from the Lord God, that as you receive the light in the love of it, and give up to be led and guided by it, it will lead you out of sin, and out of evil, unto the Father from whence it came, who is light, and in him is no darkness at all, for every good and perfect gift comes from above, from God the Father of lights, in whom is no variableness nor shadow of turning, and it will lead you as you yield obedience to be led, and guided by it, out of all false ways, worships, customs, and traditions that are in the world, and out of the Church that is in the world into the true Church which is in God, which is built up of living, pure, precious, and elect stones, of which Christ is the Head, and there to worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth, for such the Father seeks to worship him, and the time is already come, that the true worshippers do worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth; And this I testify unto you from the Lord, and I know what I say, having experienced the thing in my own particular, that as you give up freely to be led and guided by the light of the Son of God, with which he hath enlightened you withal, that in it you will feel and see the power of the Lord God to save you out of sin, and out of evil, and in it is power, strength, and sufficiency to destroy sin, which is the Devils work in you, and death, and he that hath the power of death, that is the Devil; for, for this end and purpose was the Son of God manifested for to destroy the works of the Devil; (Mark that all ye unbelievers who will not believe in Christ Jesus the light, nor to have him to rule over you, who live in sin and in wickedness, and pleading for it term of life, and saying you cannot be free from sin on this side the grave; here you do make yourselves manifest to be of that number in whom Antichrist, that is the man of sin, hath his seat in you, there he sits as if he were God, and he rules and reigns in you as King, and his Servants you are, and his works you do, and his Kingdom you strive to uphold, and plead for it term of life, that is sin and wickedness; for so long as sin and wickedness rules and reigns in you, so long is Antichrists Kingdom standing in you, and so you crying up and pleading for sin term of life, and saying that the Creature cannot be free from sin while he is here on this side the grave, here you make void and of none effect the coming of Christ Jesus the Son of God; for as it is recorded in the Scriptures of Truth, and also seen in the record of eternal life, that for this purpose the Son of God was manifested for to destroy the works of the Devil; Now if the Creature must live in sin and wickedness all the days of his life, as you conclude and say he must, then is the Devils work not destroyed in him, which is sin and evil, and so as I said before you make void and of none effect the coming of Christ, which was to destroy the works of the Devil. No place for Repentance after Death. Here is a Querie unto all the hireling Priests of the Nation, who preach up this doctrine; that people must live in sin all the days of their life, and cannot be cleansed while they are on this side the grave, and yet when they die they shall be saved and enter into God's Kingdom. WHere or when, or which is the place that men and women must be cleansed from sin, if not in this life, of this side the grave, seeing that no unclean thing shall enter into the Kingdom of God; and as the Tree falls so it lies; and as Death leaves, Judgement finds; and said Christ Jesus the Light, except you believe that I am he, ye shall die in your sins; and said he, I go my way, ye shall seek me, and shall not find me, and whether I go, there ye cannot come. Now I do believe that most people will confess, that Christ ascended up into Heaven, and he saith as it is recorded in the Scriptures, except ye believe that I am he, ye shall die in your sins, and whether I go, there you cannot come. This is one of the damnable Doctrines, that the hireling Priests of this Nation teacheth, and it is no less than the Doctrine of Devils; for they conclude that the Devil is of more power and strength to keep men and women in sin, than the Lord God is to redeem them out of sin; But this I testify from the Lord God against the hireling Priests of the Nation, and against all opposers and gain sayers whatsoever, that Christ Jesus the light of the World, who is the true light, that enlighteneth every man that cometh into the World, who is the Power of God, and the Wisdom of God, whose Name is called the Word of God; I say and testify from the Lord, that he is of more power, strength, and sufficiency, to redeem fallen man and woman out of sin, and out of evil, if they yield obedience to be led and guided by him, than the Devil, who is the prince of the power of the Air, who rules in the hearts of the Children of disobedience, hath to keep them in sin and evil; Therefore I say, turn in your minds, into the light of the Son of God, with which you are enlightened, which light is perfect; and as you receive the light in the love of it, which is perfect, and become one with it, you will come to feel the Power of the Lord God, to work out imperfection, which is of the Devil; So now I say, when the Creature comes to witness the Devils work destroyed in him, which is sin and evil, which caused a separation betwixt God and the Creature; I say when he comes to witness that destroyed in him, which must he destroyed by the Power of the Lord God, Christ Jesus the light, who is the Power of God, and the Wisdom of God, than he will come to have access unto God again; for it is the light which reconciles and unites unto God, and so by the light the Creature comes to have access unto God again; and as he keeps in the light continually, having his mind stayed therein, he will come to have union and communion, and fellowship with the Lord, as Adam had before he disobeyed, and he will come to feel the living presence of the Lord God to nourish his soul, and to refresh his soul, and to strengthen his soul, which hath been Lean, Dry, and Barren, and Weak, and Feeble for want of Bread, and so as he hath through disobedience unto the Lord, born the image of the Earthly, I say, by yielding obedience unto the light of Christ made manifest in him, waiting there to feel the power of the Lord God, to put off the old man with his deeds, that is the old degenerated Nature, he will come to bear the image of the Heavenly; and as he gives up freely unto the Lord, to be led and guided by him, he will come to have power and dominion over the Creatures, which God created for the use and service of man, as man had the power over them at the beginning; for as by the disobedience of one, many were made sinners; so by the obedience of one, many shall be made righteous; and as in Adam all die, so in Christ all are made alive. So all people who are yet in the Fall, in the Transgression without God in the World, and are yet dead in sins and trespasses, this is the Counsel of the Lord God unto you, Turn in, turn in your minds, which are yet abroad in the Earth, into the light of the Son of God, as you prise the good of your own souls, and wait ye in patience in it, that you may feel the power of the Lord God to raise you up from Death to Life, and to quicken you, and ●o make you alive, that so you may live for evermore, unto the Praise and Glory of his most Holy Name; And this is the desire of my soul, that you may all come to have Union, and Fellowship with the Lord God, as man had before he disobeyed; And that you may enjoy his pure living refreshing presence, to nourish your souls, and to refresh your souls, and may come to eat of the food Immortal, of the bread Immortal, to nourish your souls, and to refresh your souls, and to strengthen your souls, which are Immortal; For there is nothing that can satisfy the soul which is immortal, but the bread immortal; For saith Christ Jesus the righteous, who is the Lamb of God, which takes away the sins of the World, your Fathers eat Manna in the Wilderness, and they are dead, but I will give you to eat of the hidden Manna of the heart, and he that eateth thereof shall never die, for saith he, He that eateth of the Bread that I shall give him, he shall never hunger, and he that drinketh of the Water that I shall give him, he shall never thirst, for it shall be in him a Well of living Water springng up unto everlasting life; And saith Christ Jesus the Light, I am the living Bread which cometh down form above; and I tell ye from the Lord, except ye eat the Flesh, and drink the Blood of the Son of Man, ye have no life in you, for his body is Meat indeed, and his blood is Drink indeed; so he that can receive it let him receive it, for they are the words of Truth unto you, and shall stand for ever. So all people, this is my counsel and advice unto you once more, in the dread and fear of the Lord God, and it is in dear and tender love unto all your souls; Oh! turn in, turn in your minds, into the light of the Son of God which is made manifest in you, which light gives life unto the soul; for he that hath the Son hath life, but he that hath not the Son, not life. And so I have in plainness, and according to truth, and not contrary, but according also unto the Scriptures of truth, which are as a cloud of witnesses for me and for the truth which I have written, declared the way how fallen men and women may be restored into that pure, innocent state and being which Adam was in before the fall, and the cause of his fall, was through disobedience unto the Lord God. So the God of Heaven raise up his own witness in you, and open your understandings, & open that Eye in you which the God of this World hath blinded, that so you may see the things which belongs unto your souls peace, which is the desire of my soul, the Lord God knoweth my heart, and that you may partake of that living virtue which nourisheth our souls, and to have fellowship with us; for truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Christ Jesus the light, who is the Author and Finisher of our Faith, and he is the Anchor and Bishop of our souls, who is God blessed for evermore, Amen. A Warning from the Lord God of life and power, in bowels of dear and tender love unto all the Rulers, Priests, and People, that they hasten to Repentance, who are spending their time without the fear of the Lord, and nourishing their hearts, as in a day of slaughter. REpent, repent, repent, and return unto the Lord God of Heaven and Earth, whose voice is terrible unto the Nations, and all Nations are in his sight but as the drop of a bucket, and as the small dust of the Earth; Oh dread and fear ye the living God, who rules in the Kingdoms of men, who hath the hearts of all men in his hand, and he can turn them whensoever he pleaseth; Oh all ye tall Cedars, and stout Oaks, thus saith the Lord God, that except ye speedily repent and return unto the Lord, the Lord God will top you, and he will lay you low, and the Lord God will make you bend and bow before him, and he will slain the pride and the glory of all flesh, and will make all to know that all flesh is as grass, and the glory of man as the flower of the field, for the grass withereth, and the flower fadeth away, but the word of the Lord endureth for ever; By which word except you speedily repent and return unto the Lord, the Lord God will cut you off, and then woe and misery will be your portion for ever; Therefore I say unto you all, who am a lover of all Souls, as you tender the good, welfare and happiness of your immortal souls, Return, return unto the Lord, and unto his light in your consciences which checks and reproves you for sin and evil, and makes manifest the evil of your do unto you, when there is no outward eye sees you or can accuse you of them, yet the all-seeing eye of the Lord God sees you and beholds you, and he is present with his light, which is his true and faithful witness in you, to condemn you for the evil of your do, which light in you never consented to sin or evil, but stands a witness for God in you against sin and evil; Therefore I say unto the light of Christ take heed, as you prise the good of your own souls, and put not the day of the Lord afar off any longer, for to day saith the Lord, if you will hear my voice harden not your hearts; Oh ye Stifnecked, and Rebellious, and Uncircumcised, in hearts and ears, ye do always resist the holy Ghost, as your fathers did so do ye; Oh prise the light, prise the day of the Lords Visitation of you, for now he is visiting of you with his pure everlasting love, and he waits to be gracious unto you, and for your return; Oh return return ye unto the Lord God and hearken to his reproof, and go on no longer in rebellion, nor stif-neckednesse against the Lord, for if you do you will provoke the Lord against you to destroy you, which is not the desire of the Lord, if you will return unto him, for saith the Lord, I desire not the death of one sinner, but rather that all should turn and live; for saith he, Oh house of Israel, why wilt thou die, why wilt thou die? turn unto me and thy Soul shall live; Oh people why will ye die, why will ye die; Oh return, return unto the Lord; and your souls shall live, for he hath long waited, and is yet waiting for your return, for said the Lord, Oh Jerusalem Jerusalem, how oft would I have gathered thee as a hen gathereth her chickings under her wings, but ye would not; And all the day long saith the Lord have I stretched out mine hand unto a disobedient and a gainsaying people, who would have none of my Council, neither regarded they my reproof, but choose the things wherein I delighted not; Therefore people as you tender the good of your own Souls, return unto the Lord God while he waits for your return, and while his hand is stretched forth unto you; For this I testify unto you from the Lord God, that the day of your visitation is near passed over your heads, and the time is very near approaching that the spirit of the Lord God will leave striving with you, for my spirit saith the Lord shall not always strive with man; Then woe and misery will be your portion for ever, and a day of blackness, a day of darkness, and a day of gloominess, you shall assuredly come to witness where you shall weep and howl for sorrow and vexation of spirit, and then there shall be none to pity you, and this shall assuredly come upon you, except you speedily repent and return unto the Lord, for what I speak, I speak infallibly, and it shall stand for ever. Therefore all ye Rulers, Priests and people, I warn you from the Lord God of life and power that you hasten to repentance and amendment of life, knowing assuredly from the Lord, that there is a woeful day approaching and is near at hand upon all the heads of the wicked and the ungodly, and the Lord will make many open examples unto others except they speedily repent and return unto him, for the month of the Lord hath spoken it; Therefore I say as you price the good of your own souls, provoke the Lord no longer against you, but while ye have time prise it, for the time present is all people's time to make their peace with the Lord, for the time passed cannot be recalled again, and the time to come is in the hands of the Lord, and he can stop the breath in your nostrils, and take it out of your bodies, and then time will be no more to you; Oh! prise the light, prise the day of the Lords visitation of you, for as I said before, so I say again, from the Lord, that the day of your visitation is near passed over your heads, and when it is passed over your heads, than you may seek the Lord, and shall not find him, and call upon him, and he will not hear you. (Why?) because saith the Lord, when I called ye would not answer, and when I spoke ye would not hear, then will the Lord mock at your calamity, and laugh when your fear cometh; Therefore I say, seek ye the Lord while he may be found, and call upon him while he is near you for he is a God athand, and not a God a far off, and he is near unto all that call upon him in truth and in righteousness. Oh! Earth, Earth, Earth; Oh! People, People, People, dread and fear the living God, and tremble and bow before him, whose day is at hand, that will burn as an Oven, Yea, and all the proud, and all that do wickedness shall be as stubble; and except you speedily repent and return unto him, he will burn you up, and he will leave you neither root nor branch, and then the Rocks and the Mountains, nor all your outward strength shall not be able to save you from the wrath of the Lamb, nor from the indignation of the Just One, who is risen, and arising as a Mighty man of War to take the Kingdom, and the greatness of the Kingdoms; Yea, he is risen and arising to plead with all flesh by Fire and by Sword, and the slain of the Lord shall be many, for the Sword of the Lord is drawn and furbished, and he is preparing of it for the slaughter, and except you speedily return unto the Lord, he will kindle a fire in your bowels which shall never be quenched, until it hath consumed you; Therefore all ye tall Cedars, Sturdy and stout ones, if you go on in rebellion, and stif-neckednesse against the Lord, and continue your persecuting, and imprisoning of the servants of the most high God, which are by you reproachfully called Quakers; thus saith the Lord God, I will dash you to pieces as a potter's Vessel, and will make you bend and bow before me saith the Lord, and will exalt the horn of mine Anointed. Therefore all ye Rulers, Priests and People, whose trust is in the Arm of flesh, and whose strength consisteth in the Host of men, and in Horses, and Chariots, and in Tumults, Noises, and Voices, and although you have made a Covenant with Death, and an agreement with Hell, yet your Covenant with Death and agreement with Hell, shall be broken by the Power of the Lord God, and although at the present you have power to cast the servants of the most High God, some into one Prison, and some into another, and some into Dungeons and Holes, and under many locks and bolts, and make havoc and spoil of their goods, yet thus saith the Lord God, that he will not leave us, nor forsake us, for our enemies to destroy us; but he will with his own outstretched Arm bring deliverance for us, as we wait in patience on him; which deliverance shall be beyond the expectation of man, whose breath is in his Nostrils; And it shall be an astonishment unto all the Heathen round about, and the Lord God will give us the necks of our Enemies to tread upon, and they shall be as ashes under the soles of our feet; And this I can truly and boldly say, through the love of God towards me, whose love I hope will never be forgotten by me, although at the present I am in outward bonds, yet nevertheless in the pure Eternal truth of God I do reign and trump, and do Trample upon all the heads and necks of the wicked, and this I do declare in boldness from the Lord God, who hath said and doth still say unto me, fear not what man can do unto thee, for I will never leave thee nor forsake thee; That the Lord God will make you all bend and bow unto his pure everlasting truth, which he hath by his own power gathered us into, who are scornfully and reproachfully by you called Quakers. (Mark) I do not say that you shall bend and bow unto us as Creatures, but unto his pure everlasting Truth, and unto his pure Divine power by which we are upheld, and by which we reign over all the heads of the wicked. Yea verily, the Lord God will make you bow unto his Son Christ Jesus the light of the World, who is the true light, that enlighteneth every man that cometh into the World, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, who is risen to rule the Nations with a Rod of Iron, and he will make all bend and bow before him; for there is no other Name by-which any man can be saved, but by the Name of Jesus, at which every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess unto him, and although Gog and Magog, Beast and false Prophet, and all the powers of darkness join hand in hand, and gather to gather, and make a head against the Lamb and his Followers, yet the Lamb shall gain the Victory; For there is no Weapon form against you shall prosper, saith the Lord. And know this assuredly, that the work which the Lord God hath begun in the Earth, he will accomplish it, and you can no more stop or hinder the work of the Lord which he hath begun, than you can stop or hinder the Sun from rising, or the Wind from blowing, or the Rain from descending, no more can you stop or hinder the Work of the Lord; Therefore in vain, do you strive against the Lord and his Anointed, for if I do work saith the Lord, who can hinder? Therefore all ye fruitless Trees, which cumbers the ground, ye are good for nought but for the fire, who have long made a profession of a God, and a Christ in words, but in life and in power you do deny him; For now is the Lord come to seek for Fruit, and behold what is to be found amongst you but corruption and wickedness, for the best of you is as a Briar, and the uprightest of you sharper than a Thorn hedge, so you are found to be fruitless Trees which cumbers the Ground, ye are good for nothing but for the fire, and now is the Axe laid to the Root of the Tree, and every Tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, shall be hewed down and cast into the fire; Therefore cease professing of a God and a Christ in words, and make no more profession of a God and a Christ in words than you can witness of them in life and in power; for profession without possession, is no more before the Lord, than the Chaff is before the Wind, neither is it any more in the fight of the Lord, than the cutting off a Dogsneck, or offering Swine's blood. Therefore all ye Rulers, Priests and People, who profess and call yourselves Christians, truly it would rejoice my soul if I could see the fruits of Christianity brought forth by you; Now consider and lay it to heart, and let the witness of God in you all answer, unto which I speak, and unto which I am commended, and unto which I do appeal, is not Swearing, Drunkenness, Lying, Covetousness, Cozening, and Cheating, Defrauding, and double-dealing alive and remaining in you, and is not Malice, Strife, Wrath, Envy, Hatred, and Persecution alive and remaining in you, unto the Witness of God in all your Consciences do I speak, which I know from the Lord God will answer for me, and against yourselves, and that you are guilty of these evils which are here mentioned; then say I that the old man with his deeds is yet alive in you un-put off, that is, the old degenerated nature, and so you do make yourselves manifest to be of them which say they are Jews and are not, but are of the Synagogue of Satan, for he that is in Christ is a new Creature; (Mark that) I say he that is in Christ is a new Creature, old things are done away, and all things become new, so the old man with his deeds being yet alive in you, you have got the name (Christian) but not the nature, so as the Body without the Spirit is dead, so the Name without the Nature is dead also; for to say Christians, is as much as to say Christ-like, but you are seen in the Eternal light of God not to bear his Image, but the Image of another, the Image of the Earthly, the Image of Antichrist, that is the man of sin, and his works you do, and his Servants you are, and his Kingdom you strive to uphold; So now there hath been for many years a great talk of Reformation, the Nation of England to be a Reformed Nation, and the People of England to be a Reformed People; Why now consider, and turn in your minds into the light of the Son of God which is made manifest in you, and commune with your own hearts, and be still, and enter into your Closets, and let the door be shut, enter into your own hearts, and take heed unto the light of the Son of God in you, and come and let us reason together a little there; what is that you are reform from, or what is that you are reform unto, doth not sin and iniquity run down as a flood in England's streets, and ungodliness as a stream, and peoples. mouths filled with bitterness and cursing, and are not they that depart iniquity made a prey to those who live in iniquity, and they whom the Lord God hath redeemed out of the World, and stand in his dread and fear, they are the Song of the Drunkard, and a byword unto a wicked and perverse generation of scorners, who say, who is the Lord that we should fear him, and to the Almighty depart from us, for we desire not the knowledge of thy ways, and say you we will not have this man to reign over us; that is, you will not have Christ Jesus the light to rule over you, you will not have the light of Christ in you to reign; for say you, if we should own the light of Christ in us, and that to rule in us, than we must lay down our Crowns, says you tall Cedars and great Ones of the Earth, and our Honour and Glory we must lose, and says all you Priests and People, if we should receive the light and that rule in us, than we must deny all our gain of ungodliness, and all our Pleasures, Sports, and Pastimes we must deny; But thus saith the Lord, that except you speedily repent and return unto me saith the Lord, I will arise and wound the hairy scalp of the wicked, and your ears shall tingle, and fear and terror shall take hold and surprise the Hypocrite, and your hearts shall wax faint, and your strength shall be taken away, and ye shall have your portion in the lake which burns for ever, and there ye shall be tormented from the presence of the Lord. Oh poor hearts my soul pities you, the Lord God knoweth my heart, and oft times is my heart taken up with a great lamentation, and a great pity runs forth from me towards you, when I consider what a sad state and condition you are in, as to your Eternal being, and also what a sad and a woeful day is coming upon you, for many of you shall be made open examples unto others, except you speedily repent and return unto the Lord; Therefore as you tender the good of your own souls, turn at the reproof of the Lord, and cease from your outward Teachers, who keeps you ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth, who speaks a divination of their own brain, and not from the mouth of the Lord, for they run and I never sent them, therefore they shall not profit the people at all saith the Lord, but if they had stood in my counsel, than they should have turned people from the evil of their ways; therefore I say turn in your minds into the light of the Son of God, and hearken diligently unto the voice of the true Prophet Christ Jesus the Light of the World, who is the true Light that enlighteneth every man that cometh into the World, and he that will not hear this Prophet shall be destroyed from amongst the people; Therefore I say as you tender the good of your own souls, cease from your outward Teachers, from your greedy hirelings, from your deceitful Merchants, who steal the true Prophet's words, Christ's words, and the Apostles words, and makes a Trade of them, and sells them to poor ignorant people for money; Oh People, uphold their gain of Unrighteousness no longer, for you have sold yourselves for nought, and ye shall be redeemed without money, for they make Merchandise of souls for dishonest gain, who are in the way of Cain, and run greedily after the error of Balaam, who loved the wages of Unrighteousness, and they stand in the gainsaying of Corah, and receive the wages of Unrighteousness, who teach the things they ought not for filthy lucre's sake, whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, whose God is their belly, whose glory is their shame, whose end is destruction, who mind earthly things, but such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ but their own bellies, their throat is an open Sepulchre, and with their Tongues they utter deceit, the poison of Asps is under their lips, and their feet are swift to shed blood, and they run on in their own way, but the way of peace they know not; Therefore all People, consider and lay to heart what they have profited you, and let the witness of God in you all answer, and spend your money no longer for that which is not bread, nor your labour for that which satisfies not; Now this is the call of the Lord God unto you all, come forth from amongst them, and touch not the unclean, and I will receive you saith the Lord; Therefore I say come forth of Babylon, and be not partakers with her in her sins, lest ye also partake with her in her Plagues; And this is also the call of the Lord unto you all, Ho, every one that thirsteth come buy and eat, yea, come buy wine and milk freely, without money and without price, come to the water of life freely, for there is a Fountain set open for Judah and for Jerusalem, for sin and for uncleanness; Therefore I say People, spend your money no longer for that which is not bread, nor your labour for that which satisfies not, for you have sold yourselves for nought, and ye shall be Redeemed without Money; Therefore all People, as you tender the good of your own souls, drink of the Whore's Cup no longer, which Babylon's Merchants holds forth unto you, as a golden Cup, but within is full of deadly poison; but turn in your minds into the light of Christ in your own consciences, and this I testify unto you from the Lord, as you yield obedience to be led and Guided by it, it will lead you out of sin and out of evil, and out of all false ways, Worships, Customs, and Traditions that are in the World, and out of the false Church that is in the World, into the true Church that is in God, which is built up of Living, Pure, Precious, Elect stones, of which Church Christ is the Head; and it will lead you unto the Father from whence it came, there to worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for such the Father seeks to worship him, and the time is already come, that the true Worshippers do worship the Father in spirit and in truth. But the Beast and false Prophet, shall be taken alive and cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, which burns for ever, where they shall be tormented in flames from the presence of the Lord God, who will reward every one according unto their deeds, and works done in the Body, whether they be good, or whether they be evil. Of the Lord God of life and power was I moved to write unto you, and it is in Bowels of dear and tender love unto all your souls, and whether you will hear or forbear, I shall be clear of your bloods, and shall be a good savour unto them that are saved, and unto them that perish; I remain a lover of your immortal souls; but as the Lord requireth of me, in obedience unto him, I must hear my Testimony against all sin and wickedness, in whomsoever I see it, whether in Rulers, Priests, or People. As I was waiting on the Lord, and my mind being exercised in the light of the Son of God, in the Dungeon at Warwick, on the 9th. and 10th. Day of the Month called May, 1661. Most of this that is herein written, did the Lord God put it fresh into my heart, and it did remain in me till the 20th. day of the same Month, and then the Lord added more unto it, and in obedience unto him, I gave it forth. From a Prisoner and a Servant of the Lord, and a lover of all souls, who suffered 16. weeks in outward Bonds, in the Dungeon at Warwick, (which is 20. Stairs down) because in obedience unto the Lord, and unto his Law which he hath written in my heart, I could not promise to forsake the assembling of myself with Gods chosen and elect ones, called Quakers, who is reproachfully, and scornfully called Quaker, but am known to the World by name. Tho. Kent. THE END.